Queue (344)
About the rewrite:
- As April 21, due to Kinobot's rewrite, old requests have been removed. Please make them again if they are not here.
- User, request, and badge entries will be added eventually.
- Old user stats weren't removed; they will appear on a legacy page as the rewrite goes.
- User !req Licorice Pizza [2:06:06 --plus 300]
- User !req cutscene://1877:435 !game [0:31 --zoom-factor 1.4][0:43][0:56][1:06 --zoom-factor 1.0] --aspect-quotient 1.1 --zoom-factor 1.2 --no-collage
- User !freq The Flash (2023) [1:42:36 --plus 600 --image-url https://files.catbox.moe/kx76jh.png --image-size 1.4 --image-position 4,5]
- User !palette La La Land [35:44 --x-crop-offset -30] --aspect-quotient 2
- User Blade Runner 2049 2017 [Dying for the right cause is the most human thing we can do.] --page rebuild
- User The Boys S01E08 [About fucking time.] | Death Proof 2007 [It's about fucking time!] | Scavengers Reign S01E07 [It's about fucking time!] | Bad Boys 1995 [It's about fucking time.] | Snowfall S02E07 [About fucking time.] | The Sopranos S02E11 [Great, about fucking time.] --dimensions 2x3 --page rebuild
- User Batman Begins [194-195 --merge --plus 6000 --x-crop-offset 40 --wrap-width 59 --font-size 23] --aspect-quotient 1.8 --page rebuild
- User The Fall Guy 2024 [2225-2227] --page rebuild
- User The Fall Guy 2024 [2130] [2131 --plus 4000] --page rebuild
- User The Fall Guy 2024 [1:00:33] [1:01:35] --brightness 60 --page rebuild
- User Money Plane 2020 [100-101] --page rebuild
- User Breaking Bad S04E13 [82 --remove-second --minus 1000] --page rebuild
- User Breaking Bad S01E01 [383-384] [385 --plus 2000] --page rebuild
- User Better Call Saul S01E09 [714] [715-716 --merge] --page rebuild
- User Falling Down [1356 --remove-second] [1357-1358] --page rebuild
- User The Queen's Gambit S01E01 [22:16] --brightness 50 --page rebuild
- User The Queen's Gambit S01E05 [It's too bad Morphy and Capablanca hadn't been alive at the same time.] --page rebuild
- User The Boys S04E01 [771,777 --merge --plus 1500] [778] [53:01] [53:33] --page rebuild
- User The Boys S04E01 [647-649 --merge --plus 2000] [650 --plus 2000] [651-652 --merge --plus 1000] [654-655 --merge --plus 1500] --page rebuild
- User The Boys S04E01 [389 --plus 3000] --page rebuild
- User The Sopranos S03E12 [628] [629 --plus 280] [630] [631] --dimensions 2x2 --page rebuild
- User 10 Things I Hate About You [924-925] --page rebuild
- User X-Men 97 S01E02 [346-347 --merge --minus 10000 --wrap-width 44] | X-Men First Class [1310 --plus 200 --x-crop-offset -30] | X-Men 97 S01E02 [348] | X-Men First Class [1311 --x-crop-offset 80] --dimensions 2x2 --aspect-quotient 1 --font-size 28 --page rebuild
- User Peaky Blinders S01E02 [It's Thomas Shelby against the whole bloody world, right?] --page rebuild
- User Peaky Blinders S01E03 [How do I look?] [Like an angel. --minus 1000] --page rebuild
- User Peaky Blinders S01E03 [603-605] --page rebuild
- User The Boys S04E05 [820-821] [48:20] --page rebuild
- User The Boys S04E05 [733-735 --merge] [736-738] --page rebuild
- User Rockstar [2:00:26] --page rebuild
- User Silver Linings Playbook [1687 --remove-second --minus 500] [1687 --remove-first] [1688-1690 --merge] [1691-1692 --merge --plus 1000] [1698] [1699 --plus 1000] --page rebuild
- User 22 Jump Street 2014 [52] | Come and See (1985) [1:48:29] --page rebuild
- User Jack and Jill 2011 [1795-1796 --merge] [1797-1798] [1799] | My Life As A Teenage Robot S01E15 [12:00] [12:05] [12:23] [255 --minus 3000 --empty] --page rebuild
- User The Last of Us S01E06 [289-291 --merge][292][294] | Fallout S01E06 [285][287][288] --page rebuild
- User https://youtu.be/IqUN4YdQgVQ !yt [0:04] --page rebuild
- User https://youtu.be/e5SvPLT0x70 !yt [0:59 --plus 800] | Royal Space Force - The Wings of Honneamise [1150-1151 --merge --plus 1900][1152-1153 --merge --plus 1500] --page rebuild
- User Courage the Cowardly Dog S01E06 [14:37] [14:38] [14:45 --plus 600] [14:56] [15:03] [15:05]
- User TRON: Legacy 2010 [766] [767] [768] [769]
- User TRON: Legacy 2010 [866-867 --merge] [868] [869] [871]
- User Adventure Time S01E05 [151-153 --merge --plus 400] [154] [156] [158 --plus 500] [159-160 --plus 500]
- User Regular Show S01E09 [61] [62] [63] [64] [65]
- User Regular Show S01E09 [61] [62] [63] [64] [65] | The Boondocks S01E03 [316 --plus 1100] [321 --plus 500] [322 --plus 700] [323 --plus 500] [325] [327 --plus 500]
- User Regular Show S01E12 [127 --minus 900] [128 --minus 500]
- User The Hunger Games 2012 [0] [524] | Regular Show S01E12 [127 --minus 900 --empty] [128 --minus 500]
- User Home Alone 1990 [707] | Fantastic Four 2015 [1300]
- User The Boondocks S01E10 [164] [165] [166-167 --merge --plus 900]
- User Sym-Bionic Titan S01E01 [5] [6] [8] [9] [10] [11]
- User Teen Titans S02E06 [10 --plus 7000] [11 --plus 7000] [12 --plus 7000]
- User The Amazing World of Gumball S01E18 [377 --plus 600] [378] [379] [19:15]
- User Sym-Bionic Titan S01E02 [49 --plus 300]
- User Secret Level S01E04 [11:29 --plus 800] | cutscene://272:781 !game [0:01] --page rebuild
- User Secret Level S01E04 [16:02 --plus 200] --page rebuild
- User Arrow S01E01 [115 --plus 500] [116-117 --merge] [118] [119]
- User Fargo S03E01 [221] [222] [223]
- User Fargo S03E01 [229] [230] [231]
- User Sym-Bionic Titan S01E02 [101 --plus 500] [102 --plus 500] [103 --plus 500]
- User Sym-Bionic Titan S01E02 [11:46] [248-249 --merge] [12:00] [250]
- User Sym-Bionic Titan S01E02 [21:26] [394] [395]
- User The Amazing World of Gumball S01E23 [19 --plus 500] [20 --plus 500] [21 --plus 500] [22 --plus 500] [23 --plus 500] [24 --plus 500]
- User The Amazing World of Gumball S01E23 [122-123 --merge] [124-125 --merge --plus 900] [126-127 --merge] [128 --plus 700] [129-130 --merge --plus 500 --font-size 20]
- User The Boondocks S02E02 [280-281 --merge] [283 --plus 400] [13:57] [13:58]
- User Home Alone 2: Lost in New York 1992 [1040 --remove-first] [0] | The Boondocks S02E02 [282 --plus 400] [283 --plus 400 --empty]
- User Home Alone 2: Lost in New York 1992 [450] [451] [452] [453]
- User The Batman 2022 [412] [413]
- User The Batman 2022 [1868] [1869] [1870] [1871]
- User Sym-Bionic Titan S01E03 [49] [50] [51-52 --merge]
- User Home Alone 1990 [335 --plus 600] | Home Alone 2: Lost in New York 1992 [211]
- User Sym-Bionic Titan S01E03 [104] [105-106 --merge --font-size 20] [107] [108] [110]
- User Sym-Bionic Titan S01E03 [302] [303] [304-305 --merge --plus 400] [309] [310]
- User Sym-Bionic Titan S01E03 [373] [374-375 --plus 800] [382 --plus 700] [383-386]
- User Shotgun Wedding 2022 [1301 --plus 1300] [1302] [1303]
- User Shotgun Wedding 2022 [1561] [1562] [1563 --plus 1700]
- User Shotgun Wedding 2022 [1:27:35] --palette --palette-height 8
- User The Boondocks S01E08 [197-198 --merge] [199 --plus 500] [200 --plus 500] [201]
- User The Dark Knight 2008 [91] [92]
- User The Boondocks S01E08 [324] [330] [332 --plus 800]
- User The Boondocks S01E08 [409-413 --plus 500]
- User Sym-Bionic Titan S01E04 [56-57 --plus 300]
- User Sym-Bionic Titan S01E04 [104 --font-size 20] [105-107 --plus 500] [108-109 --merge --plus 400]
- User Sym-Bionic Titan S01E04 [136 --plus 800] [138-140 --plus 300]
- User The Amazing World of Gumball S01E10 [371 --plus 1000] [19:52] [19:53 --plus 600]
- User Shotgun Wedding 2022 [1:27:35 --flip right --mirror]
- User Shotgun Wedding 2022 [0:13:14 --flip left --mirror]
- User The Boondocks S02E05 [139] [140]
- User The Boondocks S02E05 [272-274 --plus 700]
- User The Boondocks S02E05 [369-371]
- User Doctor Who 1x2 [233-235]
- User Shotgun Wedding 2022 [1:08:21 --plus 900] | Home Alone 2: Lost in New York 1992 [37:30] [37:34]
- User The Boondocks S02E03 [221] [225] [226 --plus 1500]
- User The Boondocks S01E08 [324] [330] [332 --plus 800]
- User WandaVision S01E01 [19-21]
- User The Boondocks S02E04 [134-135 --merge] [136] [137-138 --plus 1000] [139 --plus 500]
- User Gravity Falls S01E13 [222] [223 --plus 800] [224] [225 --plus 700]
- User Gravity Falls S01E13 [238-239 --merge --plus 600] [13:25] [13:31] [241]
- User Home Alone 2: Lost in New York 1992 [577] [578] | The Hunger Games 2012 [49:24 --plus 500] [49:25 --plus 200]
- User The Looney Tunes Show S01E19 [10:50] [173]
- User Gravity Falls S01E05 [100] [05:58] [106 --plus 800]
- User Guardians of the Galaxy 2014 [1294-1296 --merge --plus 400] | Gravity Falls S01E05 [106 --plus 800]
- User The Hunger Games: Catching Fire 2013 [1:21:47 --plus 400] [1:21:50] [1:21:53]
- User WandaVision S01E01 [281] [284-285 --merge] [286-287 --merge] [288]
- User WandaVision S01E01 [420-423]
- User Squid Game S02E04 [Thanos the Great will protect you. Don't worry.] | Avengers: Infinty War 2018 [1353]
- User The Boondocks S02E13 [256-258 --plus 1000]
- User The Boondocks S02E13 [342-343 --plus 1500]
- User WandaVision S01E02 [105-106]
- User Avengers: Infinity War 2018 [1331-1333]
- User WandaVision S01E02 [64-67]
- User WandaVision S01E02 [283-285]
- User Sonic Boom S01E14 [8] [00:45] [9 --plus 600]
- User Sonic Boom S01E22 [43 --plus 300] [02:53]
- User WandaVision S01E02 [349-352 --plus 500]
- User WandaVision S01E02 [308 --plus 500] [310 --plus 500] [311 --plus 500]
- User WandaVision S01E02 [423-425]
- User WandaVision S01E02 [29:03]
- User The Boondocks S02E12 [256-259 --plus 500]
- User Sonic Boom S01E10 [5 --plus 1600] [00:46 --plus 500] [6 --plus 900]
- User WandaVision S01E02 [29:02] [29:05] [29:10]
- User Sonic Boom S01E22 [2]
- User Sonic Boom S01E06 [26-28]
- User Sonic Boom S01E42 [172 --plus 500]
- User SpongeBob SquarePants S03E12 [199] [204-205]
- User SpongeBob SquarePants S03E12 [273]
- User SpongeBob SquarePants S03E12 [273 --color -90]
- User SpongeBob SquarePants S03E12 [273 --color -100 --tint red]
- User SpongeBob SquarePants S03E12 [290-292 --plus 600]
- User Jack&Jill 2011 [1793] [1794] | Sonic Boom S01E36 [39 --total-split ! --plus 500]
- User SpongeBob SquarePants S03E12 [133 --plus 500] [134] [05:42]
- User Frozen 2013 [287] [288] | SpongeBob SquarePants S03E12 [51 --plus 500] [55 --plus 500]
- User Jack&Jill 2011 [0] [0] [1794] | SpongeBob SquarePants S03E12 [51 --plus 500 --empty] [52-53 --merge --plus 1700 --empty] [55 --plus 500]
- User SpongeBob SquarePants S03E12 [111-114 --plus 500]
- User Jack&Jill 2011 [1793-1794 --merge] [0] [0] | Shotgun Wedding 2022 [1301 --plus 1000] [1302 --empty] [1303 --empty]
- User Squid Game S02E03 [355] [0] | The Hunger Games: Catching Fire 2013 [1:22:16] [1:22:17 --empty]
- User Squid Game S02E04 [590] [591] | Avengers: Infinity War 2018 [1674] [1675]
- User The Boondocks S02E15 [265 --plus 1000] [266 --plus 1200] [268 --plus 1800]
- User The Boondocks S02E15 [270-272 --plus 900]
- User The Boondocks S02E15 [275 --plus 900] [276 --plus 900] [277 --plus 900] [278 --plus 900] [279-280 --merge --plus 2700]
- User The Boondocks S02E15 [10:17 --flip right --mirror]
- User SpongeBob SquarePants S03E12 [134] [0] | The Hunger Games: Catching Fire 2013 [1:21:45] [1:21:47 --plus 400 --empty]
- User The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring 2001 [117-118]
- User The Boondocks S02E15 [10:39 --mirror]
- User The Boondocks S02E15 [10:39 --flip right --mirror]
- User The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring 2001 [195-196 --plus 1900]
- User The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring 2001 [Nine companions.] [You shall be the Fellowship of the Ring.]
- User The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring 2001 [You shall be the Fellowship of the Ring.] | Fantastic Four 2015 [1300]
- User The Boondocks S02E02 [245-246 --plus 700]
- User Fantastic Four 2015 [0] [1300] | The Boondocks S02E02 [325 --plus 1300 --empty] [326 --plus 700]
- User The Boondocks S02E15 [278-280 --plus 1400]
- User Shotgun Wedding 2022 [23:29]
- User Shotgun Wedding 2022 [536 --plus 200] [28:16] [537 --plus 1800]
- User Shotgun Wedding 2022 [1:28:02]
- User Shotgun Wedding 2022 [28:16] | Come and See 1985 [1:48:31]
- User Gravity Falls S01E04 [09:34] [174 --plus 400] [175 --plus 500]
- User Shotgun Wedding 2022 [28:19] | Come and See 1985 [1:48:31]
- User The Boondocks S02E15 [1 --plus 300] [2]
- User The Boondocks S02E15 [00:07 --mirror]
- User https://genius.com/Artemas-i-like-the-way-you-kiss-me-lyrics !lyrics [2] | Shotgun Wedding 2022 [1:16:01]
- User The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring 2001 [620] [621 --total-split !] [622]
- User SpongeBob SquarePants S02E16 [532-533 --plus 700] [23:08] [537 --plus 1200]
- User The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers 2002 [308 --plus 800] [313 --plus 800] [314 --plus 800]
- User The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers 2002 [352-354]
- User The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers 2002 [405-408]
- User The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers 2002 [417-418 --plus 500] [420]
- User The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers 2002 [717-718 --plus 600] [720-721 --plus 600]
- User Jack&Jill 2011 [0] [1793] [0] | The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers 2002 [352 --empty] [353] [354 --empty]
- User Family Guy S03E22 [272--plus 1000] [273 --plus 600] [274 --plus 600]
- User Family Guy S03E22 [13:25 --flip right --mirror]
- User Family Guy S03E13 [46-48 --plus 1000]
- User The Fifth Element 1997 [So was Lenny Kravitz!] | Shotgun Wedding 2022 [0:10:34 --plus 500] | The Hunger Games 2012 [0:52:13]
- User Family Guy S03E13 [270-272 --plus 400] [12:27]
- User Eyes Wide Shut 1999 [0] [1380] [0] | SpongeBob SquarePants S02E16 [532-533 --plus 700 --empty] [23:08] [537 --plus 1200 --empty]
- User Family Guy S03E13 [107-108 --plus 2200] [109 --plus 500]
- User The Boondocks S02E15 [37-38 --plus 500]
- User The Boondocks S02E15 [73-75 --plus 400]
- User The Boondocks S02E15 [48-49 --merge --plus 500] [50] [51 --minus 300]
- User https://youtu.be/8LhCd1W2V0Q !yt [12 --mirror]
- User https://youtu.be/8LhCd1W2V0Q !yt [12 --plus 100][1:07][13][1:09]
- User The Boondocks S02E15 [61 --plus 1000] [68-69 --plus 500] [70-71 --merge --plus 500]
- User https://genius.com/Artemas-i-like-the-way-you-kiss-me-lyrics !lyrics [2] | Shotgun Wedding 2022 [1:16:01]
- User Jack and Jill 2011 [0] [1792] [1793] [1794] | Star Wars: The Force Awakens 2015 [165 --empty] [166] [169-170 --merge] [172]
- User The Boondocks S02E15 [79-81 --merge --plus 500] [82-83 --merge --plus 500] [85 --plus 500] [86 --plus 500]
- User Jack and Jill [0][1795 --remove-first][1793][1794]| Star Wars: The Force Awakens 2015 [165 --empty] [166] [169-170 --merge] [172]
- User Gravity Falls S01E01 [107][108 --plus 2600][109]
- User The Boondocks S02E15 [76-77 --plus 1000]
- User Gravity Falls S01E01 [126-127 --plus 800] [07:54] [129 --minus 400]
- User Gravity Falls S01E01 [0] [230] | The Boondocks S02E15 [76 --plus 1000 --empty] [77 --plus 700]
- User The Boondocks S02E15 [235-236 --plus 500] [09:20 --plus 600]
- User The Boondocks S02E15 [252-254 --plus 500][255 --total-split!] [260-264 --plus 800
- User The Boondocks S02E15 [313-314 --plus 500]
- User The Hunger Games: Catching Fire 2013 [1245 --plus 1100]
- User Come and See 1985 [1:48:31] | !req The Hunger Games: Catching Fire 2013 [1:22:18 --plus 476]
- User The Hunger Games: Catching Fire 2013 [955-957 --plus 400]
- User The Hunger Games: Catching Fire 2013 [1:00:52]
- User The Hunger Games: Catching Fire 2013 [1:00:58] [1:01:01]
- User The Hunger Games: Catching Fire 2013 [1:01:00 --plus 200]
- User The Boondocks S02E15 [283-287 --plus 500] [11:04]
- User The Boondocks S02E15 [11:04 --mirror]
- User Doctor Who S09E04 [27-28 --plus 500]
- User Doctor Who S09E04 [38-40 --plus 400]
- User BEEF S01E02 [302-316]
- User Doctor Who S09E05 [648 --minus 2000] [39:12] [39:15] [650-651] [652 --minus 5000] [653] [654]
- User The Boondocks S02E15 [288-292 --plus 1500]
- User BEEF S01E10 [222-225]
- User The Boondocks S02E15 [11:10 --plus 500 --color -100 --tint red]
- User X-Men: First Class 2011 [533]
- User X-Men: First Class 2011 [533] [0] | Sonic the Hedgehog 3 2024 [926][1:00:44 --plus 500 --empty]
- User Queer [270-271 --merge] [272-273 --merge] [274-275 --merge] [276-277 --merge] [278]
- User Avengers: Infinity War 2018 [1214-1215 --merge][1216-1217 --merge][1218-1219][1220 --plus 2000]
- User Batman Begins 2005 [435-440]
- User X-Men: First Class 2011 [557-558]
- User X-Men: First Class 2011 [536-538]
- User X-Men: First Class 2011 [536-538 --plus 500]
- User https://youtu.be/eW2qlKa6oHw !yt [1:41] [1:42 --plus 400]
- User WandaVision S01E03 [80]
- User X-Men: First Class 2011 [46:47] [542 --plus 500]
- User X-Men: First Class 2011 [46:47] | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gXO5x_h0Z8o !yt [3:25]
- User Sakamoto Days S01E02 [202-203 --merge][204][205-206 --merge --plus 1000][207-208 --merge --plus 2500][209][210-212 --merge] --font-size 23
- User https://genius.com/Dua-lipa-houdini-lyrics !lyrics [2] [8] | The Hunger Games 2012 [52:30 --plus 200] [52:31]
- User The Hunger Games 2012 [438] [593 --plus 1300]
- User Thor: Ragnarok 2017 [Behold...] [my stuff!] | Doctor Who S04E02 [5:15]
- User Doctor Who S09E11 [16-17 --merge] [18-19 --merge] [20-22]
- User Doctor Who S09E01 [408-410 --plus 500] [26:48]
- User Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice 2016 [808] [809] [810] | Oppenheimer 2023 [2689] [2696] [2694]
- User SpongeBob SquarePants S02E04 [454 --plus 500]
- User The Hunger Games [1:43:00]
- User The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug 2013 [553-555 --plus 3900]
- User The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug 2013 [532-536 --plus 500][0:47:04]
- User The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug 2013 [567-568 --plus 500][569-570 --plus 5000]
- User The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug 2013 [553-554 --plus 5000][564]
- User Babygirl [710] [729 --plus 7000] [730 --plus 5000] [733 --plus 3000] [734-735 --merge --plus 5000] [736]
- User Renfield 2023 [0] [Are you fucking serious?] | The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug 2013 [553-554 --plus 5000 --empty][564]
- User SpongeBob SquarePants S03E15 [233-235 --plus 1000]
- User SpongeBob SquarePants S03E15 [240-241 --plus 2900]
- User SpongeBob SquarePants S03E15 [67-68 --merge --plus 2600][12:02 --plus 500][243 --plus 1300]
- User Shaft 1971 [102] [102] [141-142] | Venom: The Last Dance 2024 [1122 --empty] [1124] [1122-1123] --brightness 100
- User Avengers: Endgame 2019 [Watch Full HD Movies & TV Shows] [Watch Full HD Movies & TV Shows] [Watch Full HD Movies & TV Shows] | !req Sonic the Hedgehog 3 2024 [You look like me!Why do you look like me?] [Hey, you know what?I'll ask the questions,new hedgehog! --empty] [Who are you?Why do you look like me? --plus 1000]
- User Nosferatu 2024 [1196] [1196] [1196] | SpongeBob SquarePants S03E15 [67-68 --merge --plus 2600 --empty][12:02 --plus 500 --empty][243 --plus 1300]
- User Avengers: Endgame 2019 [Watch Full HD Movies & TV Shows] [Watch Full HD Movies & TV Shows] [Watch Full HD Movies & TV Shows] | SpongeBob SquarePants S03E15 [67-68 --merge --plus 2600 --empty][12:02 --plus 500 --empty][243 --plus 1300]
- User https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GeyAUzQ5pqU !yt [1] [1] [2] --static-title The FitnessGram Pacer Test | Sonic the Hedgehog 3 2024 [Hey, you know what?I'll ask the questions,new hedgehog! --empty] [Who are you?Why do you look like me? --plus 1000] [You look like me!Why do you look like me?]
- User The Town 2010 [400-401] [404-407]
- User Nosferatu 2024 [1196] [1196] [1196] | Better Call Saul S06E09 [I love you --empty] [but so what? --empty] [but so what? --plus 300]
- User South Park S02E08 [0] [363] | !req The Hunger Games: Catching Fire 2013 [1:22:22 --plus 200 --empty] [1245 --plus 500]
- User The Hunger Games: Catching Fire 2013 [1:22:21 --mirror]
- User This is the end [1] [616 --font helvetica-italic] [1922 --zoom-factor 1.8 --custom-crop 0,0,100,70 --font helvetica-italic] | Hannibal S01E06 [492 --plus 3000 --empty] [33:22 --plus 500] [33:22 --plus 500] --brightness 20 --contrast 20
- User Hot Fuzz [100] [101 --empty] [102 --empty] | Star Wars [1111 --empty] [1108] [1108 --plus 200]
- User Sonic the Hedgehog 3 2024 [0:01] [0:01] [Damn you, autocorrect!] | Doctor Who S08E01 [- Where are we?- Glasgow, I think. --empty] [Ah, you'll fit right in. Scottish.]
- User Regular Show S03E32 [221-222 --merge][223-228]
- User Regular Show S03E32 [221][222-223 --merge] | !req The Hunger Games 2012 [512 --plus 300] [0:51:29 --plus 200]
- User Regular Show S03E32 [07:46]
- User Sonic the Hedgehog 3 2024 [1:43:51]
- User Sonic the Hedgehog: The Movie 1996 [You might know everything I'mgoing to do,] [but I know everything you'regoing to do too!] [It's a strange feeling!] | Sonic the Hedgehog 3 2024 [Pro tip:] [If you're gonna take a shot] [at the fastest creaturein the universe...]
- User Regular Show S03E32 [246-247 --merge][248-251]
- User Regular Show S03E32 [254-257]
- User Regular Show S01E06 [103-109][110-111 --merge] [112]
- User Regular Show S01E06 [168 --plus 500][169-170 --merge --plus 500][171 --plus 500] [06:40 --plus 200]
- User Regular Show S01E06 [06:30]
- User Regular Show S01E06 [06:31]
- User Regular Show S01E06 [0] [170] | Sonic the Hedgehog 3 2024 [1:43:51 --empty] [What? Who are you?]
- User https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CeWLjf2c8Tk !yt [So shut up, bitch!] [And, to say the least, The Rock is something you're not undisputed champion.] [So shut up, bitch!] --static-title WWE | My Little Pony: The Movie 2017 [774 --empty] [777] [Well, maybe I would have been better offwithout friends like you! --plus 1000]
- User Sonic the Hedgehog 3 2024 [1119] [1117] [1113] | My Little Pony: The Movie 2017 [774] [777] [Well, maybe I would have been better offwithout friends like you! --plus 1000]
- User Sonic the Hedgehog 2020 [0] [1209 --remove-second] [1212] [1213] | Sonic the Hedgehog 3 2024 [289-290 --merge --plus 4000 --empty] [0:21:24] [0:21:19] [0:21:28]
- User https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mmdc9RIhmOI !yt [8-11] | Sonic the Hedgehog 3 2024 [1069] [1:09:55 --plus 500] [1:09:56] [1:09:59 --plus 600]
- User Fantastic Four 2015 [1300][1301] [1302] | Sonic the Hedgehog 3 [1263 --empty][1264 --plus 350] [1265 --plus 1050]
- User Nosferatu 2024 [1196 --color -70 --contrast 30] [1196 --color -70 --contrast -30 --brightness 30] [1197] | Challengers [1:43:17] [1:55:17] [2:06:48 --empty] --font timesnewroman --y-offset 3
- User Nosferatu 2024 [1] [1196] [1] [1] | Oppenheimer 2023 [1371 --empty] [1372] [1375-1376 --merge --empty --plus 500] [1381 --empty]
- User https://genius.com/The-beatles-i-am-the-walrus-lyrics !lyrics [1] [I am the walrus] [Goo goo g'joob] | Breaking Bad S04E06 [85 --total-split I am the danger --merge --empty] [87] [87 --plus 100]
- User Fantastic Four 2015 [1301] [1300] [1301] | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AzMo-FgRp64&pp=ygUTZmFudGFzdGljIDQgdHJhaWxlcg%3D%3D !yt [1:26] [1:26 --plus 700] [1:32 --empty] --static-title Fantastic Four
- User https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sbgYaeerXhg !yt [0:29 --plus 200] [0:39] [0:45] [0:55] [1:07 --plus 200] [1:16] --aspect-quotient 1.25 --dimensions 2x3
- User South Park S06E15 [20:52] [21:13 --plus 500] [21:33 --plus 500]
- User Fantastic Four 2005 [1] [1] [698] | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AzMo-FgRp64 !yt [6 --empty] [0:21 --empty] [0:29 --plus 100] --static-title Fantastic Four
- User South Park S06E15 [0] [0] [543] [540] | Regular Show S01E09 [63 --empty] [64 --empty] [65] [03:46]
- User iCarly S01E19 [319-323 --plus 500]
- User iCarly S01E19 [319 --plus 500] [323 --plus 500] [579-580 --plus 700]
- User Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade 1989 [397] [398] [398] | Sonic the Hedgehog 3 2024 [0:38:24 --plus 4900 --raw] [0:38:24 --plus 4400 --raw] [1227 --font-size 0 --empty --plus 5000 --raw]
- User iCarly S01E19 [524 --plus 500][525-526 --merge --plus 500][527 --plus 500][528-529 --merge --plus 500][530 --plus 500]
- User Megalopolis 2024 [874] [1752] [874] | Spider-Man 2002 [463 --empty] [44:05] [44:25 --empty]
- User iCarly S01E19 [573-576 --plus 700]
- User iCarly S01E19 [529-530 --plus 500] [584 --plus 500]
- User iCarly S02E10 [786-787 --merge --plus 3900] [21:56]
- User iCarly S02E10 [0] [787] [0] | SpongeBob SquarePants S03E12 [133 --empty --plus 600] [134] [05:42 --empty]
- User Sonic Prime S02E08 [30] [31] [0] | SpongeBob SquarePants S03E12 [133] [134] [05:42 --empty]
- User Futurama S04E04 [1] [1] [247] | 2001: A Space Odyssey [1:27:07 --empty] [1:27:11 --empty] [1:27:04]
- User Like Stars on Earth 2007 [256] [261-264]
- User Fantastic Four 2015 [1298] [1299] [1300] | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AzMo-FgRp64 !yt [0:21 --empty] [0:24] [0:36 --plus 100] --static-title Fantastic Four
- User Marvel's Daredevil S02E05 [1] [1] [498] [1] | Sonic the Hedgehog 3 [133 --empty --plus 1000] [134 --empty] [136] [10:32 --empty]
- User It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia S06E03 [180 --remove-second] [181] [182] | Breaking Bad S05E01 [464] [465] [466]
- User It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia S07E01 [436][218 --remove-first][0][451][451] | Rocky 1976 [1061][01:10:30][01:11:53][01:11:58 --empty]
- User Smiling Friends S02E01 [I want McDonald's.] | iCarly S02E10 [786-787 --merge --plus 3900]
- User FRED: The Movie 2010 [230-238]
- User !req Better Call Saul S06E11 [Besides, it'll be months beforethey even realize they've been taken.] [This guy will already be dead,so get back in your truck,] [go back to the house and finish the job.] [No, man. I can't do that.] [I can't.] [All right. I get it.] [You get over it, okay? Please, believe me.] [Before you know it,you forget all about it.]
- User Doctor Who S09E06 [385] [385] [315] | Wolfwalkers 2020 [1235] [1:35:58 --empty] [1:36:01]
- User It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia S07E05 [105] [106] [107] | The Irishman 2019 [96] [100] [104]
- User Better Man 2024 [1] [1] [1407] | Wolfwalkers 2020 [349 --empty] [350 --empty] [351]
- User Better Man 2024 [1405 --no-merge] [1406 --no-merge] [1407] | Sonic the Hedgehog 3 [1217] [1227] [1225]
- User Better Man 2024 [1405,1407 --merge] [1] | The Super Mario Bros Movie [556 --plus 850] [557 --plus 385 --empty --font-size 0]
- User Nosferatu 2024 [923-926 --merge --font-size 20]
- User Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice [1237] [1242] | Sonic the Hedgehog 3 [478 --plus 100] [36:04 --plus 500]
- User Better Man 2024 [1] [1407] [1] | Sonic the Hedgehog 3 [477 --empty] [478 --plus 100] [36:04 --plus 500 --empty]
- User The Bernie Mac Show S01E11 [1] [365] [371] | Sonic the Hedgehog 3 [477 --empty] [478 --plus 100] [36:04 --plus 500]
- User Family Guy S18E17 [0][214 --remove-first][143][0] | Marathon Man [425 --empty --minus 500 --remove-second][425 --remove-second --plus 1000][426][58:30--empty]
- User It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia S05E07 [184 --font-color yellow] [185,186 --merge --font-color yellow] [187 --font-color yellow] | Bluey S01E38 [01:34--minus 1500] [01:35] [30]
- User Sonic the Hedgehog 3 [1203 --font-color #0096FF] [1203 --font-color #add8e6] [1] | Bluey S01E38 [18] [19] [20 --minus 1000 --empty --font-color #0096FF]
- User better man 2024 [481] [482 --plus 500]
- User The Fifth Element [So it was Lenny Kravitz.] | One Piece Red 2022 [57]
- User The Fifth Element [0] [0] [So it was Lenny Kravitz.] | One Piece Red 2022 [55 --empty] [56 --empty] [57]
- User iCarly S02E10 [485][486 --plus 500][487 --plus 1900]
- User Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice 2016 [1063 --plus 500] [1064-1065] [1066 --plus 1000] --brightness 50
- User iCarly S02E10 [513 --plus 500][515 --plus 800]
- User Napoleon 2023 [497] | Sonic the Hedgehog 3 2024 [1117]
- User Sonic the Hedgehog 3 2024 [1] [22] | Napoleon 2023 [497 --plus 1000--empty] [498]
- User Napoleon 2023 [497] [1] | Sonic the Hedgehog 2 2022 [272] [85 --empty]
- User iCarly S02E10 [516-517 --merge --plus 500] [518 --plus 500] [519-520 --merge --plus 500] [521 --plus 500]
- User Fantastic Four 2005 [Where are your ears?][39:55][39:56] --aspect-quotient 1.5
- User Megalopolis [1] [1] [1752] [1] | Watchmen 2009 [1999 --plus 8000 --empty] [2000 --empty] [1999 --plus 100] [2004 --empty --font-size 0]
- User Nosferatu 2024 [1] [1] [1196] [1] | Watchmen 2009 [1999 --plus 8000 --empty] [2000-2001 --merge --empty] [1999 --plus 100] [2004 --empty --font-size 0]
- User Sonic the Hedgehog 3 2024 [1252-1253 --merge] [1254] | Better Man 2024 [3:06] [1:58:52]
- User The Super Mario Bros Movie [559] | Sonic the Hedgehog 2020 [357 --plus 2200] | The Super Mario Bros Movie [555 --font-size 0]
- User Blade: Trinity 2004 [801][911] | Heisei Rider vs. Showa Rider: Kamen Rider Wars feat. Super Sentai 2014 [1:24:02 --plus 500][1:24:01 --plus 500]
- User Megalopolis 2024[1752] [1] [2] [432] | Sonic the Hedgehog 3 [478 --plus 100] [36:04 --plus 500 --empty] [37:02 --plus 1000 --empty] [1227]
- User Beau is Afraid 2023 [1] [1902] [1952] | Sonic the Hedgehog 3 [477 --empty] [478 --plus 100] [36:04 --plus 500]
- User Sonic the Hedgehog 3 [458] [1] [460] | Midsommar [02:28:05] [2:45:07 --empty] [2:45:34]
- User Sonic the Hedgehog 3 [457] [458] [1] [460] | Wolfwalkers 2020 [394] [395] [357 --empty] [450]
- User Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem 2023 [76 --remove-second] [77 --remove-first]
- User Megalopolis 2024 [432] | iCarly S02E10 [780 --plus 200]
- User Megalopolis (2024) [1752] [1841] | Wolfwalkers 2020 [1221] [1:30:55]
- User The X Files 1998 [431-433] | The X-Files S01E05 [4:00]
- User Taxi Driver 1976 [359] [362-364 --merge] [365-367 --merge] [368 --minus 1000] [369-370 --merge] --font-size 20
- User Lord of War 2005 [1153-1155]
- User shrek the third [694-695 --plus 1000]
- User The Batman 2022 [1] [1] [1] [100,83 --merge] | Twilight [707 --empty --plus 700] [708 --plus 5000 --empty] [711 --plus 3000 --empty] [710]
- User Shameless S06E07 [1056-1057 --merge] [1058-1059 --merge]
- User !req The Little Mermaid (1989) [470-474]
- User Emilia Perez 2024 [0 --font-size 0][462][0 --font-size 0] | Titanic 1997 [0:35:57] [1111] [1:28:32]
- User Last Action Hero 1993 [19 --split ? --no-merge --plus 1500] --aspect-quotient 1.7
- User Last Action Hero 1993 [239-241]
- User Last Action Hero 1993 [32:23 --plus 700]
- User Jackass Number Two 2006 [183-187]
- User Jackass Number Two 2006 [899-900] [901 --plus 2250]
- User Jackass Number Two 2006 [1122-1124]
- User BASEketball 1998 [1219 --plus 1200 --custom-crop 0,0,90,100] [1220-1221 --merge --plus 2500 --custom-crop 0,0,80,100] [1222] [1223 --plus 300] [1224 --plus 600] [1225-1226 --merge] [1227 --plus 300]
- User Megalapolis (2024) [1] [1752 --font-color #90EE90] [2] [3] | SpongeBob SquarePants S03E10 [137 --plus 2000 --empty --font-color #FF5733] [7:34] [7:37 --empty] [7:35 --plus 150 --empty]
- User Nosferatu 2024 [1] [1196 --font-color #90EE90] [2] [3] | SpongeBob SquarePants S03E10 [137 --plus 2000 --empty --font-color #FF5733] [7:34] [7:37 --empty] [7:35 --plus 150 --empty]
- User The Social Network 2010 [1696] [1697 --empty] | The Simpsons S05E02 [118 --empty] [119 --plus 700]
- User Eyes Wide Shut 1999 [01:50:38] [01:51:19] | The Simpsons S03E15 [00:11:52]
- User The Simpsons S12E02 [25] | https://youtu.be/2simMOufkV8?si=Zrf32AYYwSbZUbib !yt [3:40]
- User Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir S02E23 [What kind of daddy are youif you can't even get me what I want?]