Rifat Mahmud

Request Used
!parallel Batman Begins 2005 [00:00:33 --plus 300] | The Dark Knight 2008 [00:00:49 --plus 700] | The Dark Knight Rises 2012 [00:01:04 --plus 500] -ultraraw] 1
!swap Pulp Fiction 1994 [164 --remove-second] | Reservoir Dogs 1992 [00:02:08] --y-offset 20 1
!req Ex Machina 2015 [860] [862] --dimensions 1x2 --y-offset 20 1
!parallel se7en 1995 [1:18:19 --plus 500] | Mandy 2018 [1:53:41] 1
!parallel Drive 2011 [1:28:51 --minus 500] | La La Land 2016 [1:13:17 --plus 350] | Blade Runner 2049 2017 [2:17:34] -ultraraw] --contrast 50 --brightness 60 --apply-to 2 --aspect-quotient 2 1
!swap The Room 2003 [675] [676 --remove-second] [677][678 --remove-second][678 --remove-first][680] | The Social Network 2010 [2087 --remove-second] [2089] [2101 --remove-second] [2104] [2102] [2106] --dimensions 2x3 --y-offset 20 --font-size 35 --stroke-width 5 --aspect-quotient 1.8 1
!req Mandy 2018 [1:55:31 --plus 420] [1:56:10 --plus 420] [00:20:52 --plus 420] [1:54:56 --plus 420] --dimensions 2x2 --brightness 65 --apply-to 1-2 --aspect-quotient 1.8 1
!parallel American Psycho 2000 [773] | Taxi Driver 1976 [796] | American Psycho 2000 [830] | Taxi Driver 1976 [717] --y-offset 20 --font-size 35 --stroke-width 5 --dimensions 2x2 1
!parallel Kavinsky - Nightcall !cover [0:0 --custom-crop 0,0,100, 50] | Kavinsky - Nightcall !cover [0:0 --custom-crop 0,50 , 100, 100] | Drive 2011 [00:04:11 --plus 160] -ultraraw] --aspect-quotient 1.8 1
!req John Malkovich 1999 [1:09:57 --plus 600] -ultraraw] 1
!parallel The Shining 1980 [758-760 --wild-merge] | The Seventh Seal 1957 [551] --y-offset 20 --font-size 35 --stroke-width 5 1
!swap The Dark Knight Rises 2012 [23] [24] [26] [27] [28] [29] | Breaking Bad S05E14 [06:40] [88] [00:07:20] [89] [102] [00:08:49] --y-offset 20 --font-size 35 --stroke-width 5 --dimensions 2x3 1
!parallel Inherent Vice 2014 [00:53:49] | Inherent Vice 2014 [00:53:26] 1
!swap Inherent Vice 2014 [1889] [1:09:36 --empty] | se7en 1995 [1:59:09 --plus 700] [1:59:18 --plus 500 --empty] --y-offset 20 --font-size 35 --stroke-width 5 --dimensions 1x2 1
!parallel Batman Begins 2005 [1358] | The Dark Knight 2008 [590 --remove-second] | The Dark Knight Rises 2012 [188-189 --wild-merge] [184] --y-offset 20 --font-size 35 --stroke-width 5 --dimensions 2x2 --aspect-quotient 1.8 1
!req The Matrix Reloaded 2003 [11:38 --plus 200] 1
!req The Matrix Reloaded 2003 [10:48 --plus 860] 1
!parallel Breaking Bad S05E14 [11:00] | The Hangover 2009 [1372] --y-offset 20 --font-size 35 --stroke-width 5 --dimensions 1x2 1
!req The Dark Knight 2008 [1826-1828 --no-merge] --y-offset 20 --font-size 35 --stroke-width 5 --dimensions 1x3 --aspect-quotient 2 1
!swap Deadpool 2016 [563] | Mandy 2018 [1:48:56 --plus 500] --brightness 70 --y-offset 20 --font-color #E01616 --font-size 45 --stroke-width 5 --font bangers 1
!parallel White Chicks 2004 [483] | Elevator to the Gallows 1958 [593] --y-offset 20 --font-size 35 --stroke-width 5 --dimensions 1x2 1
!req The Nice Guys 2016 [00:06:20 --plus 300] [00:06:21] [00:06:24 --plus 130] --dimensions 1x3 --ultraraw --aspect-quotient 2.2 1
!req Spider-Man 3 2006 [1112-1115] [1116-1117 --wild-merge] [1118] --y-offset 20 --font-size 35 --stroke-width 5 --dimensions 2x3 --aspect-quotient 1.8 1
!req Joker 2019 [1:05:20 --plus 780] ::EDITED:: --palette 1
!swap Mandy 2018 [491] [487] [489] [488] | Spider-Man 2002 [1127] [1129] [1130] [1138] --y-offset 20 --font-size 35 --stroke-width 5 --dimensions 2x2 --aspect-quotient 1.6 1
!req The Dark Knight Rises 2012 [00:01:33 --image-url redacted-url --image-size 1.5] 1
!swap The Dark Knight 2008 [1828] | The Dark Knight Rises 2012 [1757] --y-offset 20 --font-size 35 --stroke-width 5 --font helvetica-italic 1
!req The Big Short 2015 [590 --plus 500][592] [591 --plus 1000] [593 --plus 1000] --y-offset 20 --font-size 35 --stroke-width 5 --dimensions 2x2 --aspect-quotient 1.8 1
!parallel Mirror 1975 [6:00 --image-url redacted-url --image-size 1.5] | Mirror 1975 [6:00] 1
!req Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 2017 [1493-1494 --wild-merge] [1495] [1496] --y-offset 20 --font-size 30 --stroke-width 5 --dimensions 1x3 1
!swap Life of Brian 1979 [559] [560] | Spider-Man 2002 [212] [213 --remove-second] --y-offset 20 --font-size 35 --stroke-width 5 1
!swap BoJack Horseman S01E10 [167] | Zack Snyder's Justice League 2021 [1911] --y-offset 20 --font-color #E01616 --font-size 70 --stroke-width 5 --font bangers 1
!req Batman Begins 2005 [197-199 --wild-merge] --y-offset 20 --stroke-width 5 --font-size 25 --aspect-quotient 1.6 1
!swap Tropic Thunder 2008 [1107] [1108] | Avengers: Endgame 2019 [1093 --plus 500] [1094] --y-offset 20 --font-size 35 --stroke-width 5 1
!req Avengers: Endgame 2019 [2:26:21] --aspect-quotient 1.8 1
!req The Nice Guys 2016 [963] --y-offset 20 --font-size 30 --stroke-width 5 1
!req Taxi Driver 1976 [431] --y-offset 20 --font-size 25 --stroke-width 5 1
!parallel Drive 2011 [1:08:48] | Drive 2011 [1:10:08] | Joker 2019 [1:30:31] | Drive 2011 [1:12:34 --plus 400] --dimensions 2x2 --brightness 50 --aspect-quotient 1.9 1
!req Avengers: Endgame 2019 [1:26:01] --brightness 50 --contrast 30 --sharpness 100 1
!req The Dark Knight Rises 2012 [1626] [1630 --plus 2500] --y-offset 20 --font-size 25 --stroke-width 5 --dimensions 1x2 1
!swap The Wild Bunch 1969 [464] | Nightcrawler 2014 [57:11] --y-offset 20 --font-size 35 --stroke-width 5 --aspect-quotient 1.8 1
!parallel Batman Begins !cover [0:0] | The Dark Knight !cover [0:0] | The Dark Knight Rises !cover [0:0] --dimensions 1x3 --aspect-quotient 2 1
!parallel Shaun of the dead [00:04:40] | Hot Fuzz [00:50:24] | The World's End [00:26:30 --plus 300] --dimensions 1x3 --aspect-quotient 2 1
!req The Dark Knight [00:24:06 --plus 500 --image-url redacted-url --image-position 24,0 --image-size 3] 1
!swap F for Fake 1975 [848] | Courage the Cowardly Dog S01E18 [21:36 --plus 500] --y-offset 20 --font-size 25 --stroke-width 5 1
!req Justice League Flashpoint Paradox 2013 [1:16:32 --plus 500] [1:16:47] [1:16:51 --plus 500] [1:16:56] --dimensions 2x2 1
!parallel Avengers Endgame 2019 [00:14:59] | Spider-Man 2002 [0018:04 --plus 300] | Spider-Man 2002 [0:01:01 --image-url redacted-url --image-size 1.5] | Spider-Man 2002 [00:18:06] --dimensions 2x2 --aspect-quotient 1.8 1
!req Mandy [1:55:24][1:48:56 --plus 500][1:15:03 --plus 420 --custom-crop 0,0,50,80 --x-crop-offset 100][1:15:03 --plus 420 --custom-crop 50,0,100,80 --x-crop-offset 100][1:54:56 --plus 420][1:55:31 --plus 420] --dimensions 2x3 --brightness 60 --aspect-quotient 1.8 1
!parallel The Kissing Booth 3 [00:02:00 --plus 800] | Arrested Development S01E12 [332] --y-offset 20 --font-size 35 --stroke-width 5 1
!parallel Annihilation 2018 [1:24:38] | The Lighthouse 2019 [00:02:24] | Annihilation 2018 [1:34:11] | The Lighthouse 2019 [1:43:36] | Annihilation 2018 [1:34:31] | The Lighthouse 2019 [1:44:09] --dimensions 2x3 --brightness 30 --aspect-quotient 1.6 1
!palette Annihilation 2018 [1:43:04] --brightness 50 1
!parallel The Lighthouse 2019 [00:00:41] | Annihilation 2018 [1:22:23] | La La Land 2016 [00:46:35 --plus 350] --dimensions 1x3 1
!req Annihilation 2018 [1:39:42] 1
!req Annihilation 2018 [1:33:19] 1
!parallel Mandy: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack !cover [0:0] | Color Out of Space: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack !cover [0:0] --dimensions 2x1 1
!parallel Bamboozled 2000 [1289] | Elevator to the Gallows 1958 [593] --y-offset 20 --font-size 35 --stroke-width 5 1
!swap The Suicide Squad 2021 [1198] [0 --empty] | Watchmen 2009 [00:44:32 --plus 300] [44:41 --empty] --y-offset 20 --font-size 28 --stroke-width 5 1
!swap Community S01E03 [217] | Zack Snyder's Justice League 2021 [3:08:37] --y-offset 20 --font-size 60 --font bangers 1
!req Zack Snyder's Justice League [3:33:19 --image-url redacted-url --image-size 0.25 --image-position 10,32] 1
!req X-Men: First Class 2011 [1375-1376 --wild-merge --plus 2000] [1377] [1379 --plus 2500] [1380 --plus 2000] --dimensions 2x2 --y-offset 20 --font-size 35 --stroke-width 5 --aspect-quotient 1.6 1
!parallel Iron Man [1293] | Avengers: Endgame [2142-2144 --wild-merge] --dimensions 1x2 --y-offset 20 --font-size 35 --stroke-width 5 --aspect-quotient 1.8 1
!parallel X-Men: First Class 2011 [1359] | Logan 2017 [00:11:51 --plus 800] --dimensions 1x2 --y-offset 20 --font-size 35 --stroke-width 5 --aspect-quotient 1.6 1
!req X-Men: First Class 2011 [1350] --y-offset 20 --font-size 35 --stroke-width 5 1
!req The Green Knight [1:01:42 --plus 210] [1:37:22] [2:02:07] --dimensions 1x3 --brightness 30 --apply-to 3 1
!req X-Men: First Class 2011 [950-952] [1:21:37] --y-offset 20 --font-size 35 --stroke-width 5 --dimensions 2x2 --aspect-quotient 1.8 1
!req X-Men: First Class 2011 [1182-1183 --wild-merge] [1:41:04] [1:41:13 --plus 500] [1:41:26] --dimensions 2x2 --y-offset 20 --font-size 35 --stroke-width 5 --aspect-quotient 2 1
!parallel Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones [508-510 --wild-merge --merge-chars 180] | Spider-Man 3 [28:55] --y-offset 20 --font-size 35 --stroke-width 5 1
!parallel Spider-Man 2002 [17:36] | Black Swan [1:25:23] | Spider-Man 2002 [17:36] | Black Swan [1:25:23] | Spider-Man 2002 [17:36] | Black Swan [1:25:23] | Spider-Man 2002 [17:36 --plus 350] | Spider-Man 2002 [17:33 --custom-crop 50, 00, 90, 100] --dimensions 2x4 --border 1,1 1
!req Come and See 1985 [2:04:34 --image-url redacted-url --image-size 1.25 --image-position 25,0] 1
!req Mandy [1:55:24][00:57:30 --plus 420][1:15:03 --plus 420 --custom-crop 0,0,50,80 --x-crop-offset 100][1:15:03 --plus 420 --custom-crop 50,0,100,80 --x-crop-offset 100][1:54:56 --plus 420][1:55:31 --plus 420] --dimensions 2x3 --brightness 60 --aspect-quotient 1.8 1
!req Spider-Man 3 [231 --image-url redacted-url --image-size 2 --image-position 0,0] --y-offset 20 --font-size 25 --stroke-width 5 1
!req Batman Begins 2005 [1045] --y-offset 20 --font-size 25 --stroke-width 5 1
!parallel South Park S05E11 [260] | Bojack Horseman S01E07 [324 --remove-second] --y-offset 20 --font-size 30 --stroke-width 5 1
!req Blade Runner 2049 [00:22:07 --plus 500] --brightness 70 1
!req American Psycho [19:52 --plus 143] [19:47 --image-url redacted-url --image-size 1.8 --image-position 0,0] 1
!req The Incredibles [1:17:56 --plus 500] 1
!req A Beautiful Mind [98-99] --dimensions 1x2 --y-offset 20 --font-size 30 --stroke-width 5 1
!req Taxi Driver [00:10:36 --plus 500] 1
!swap Cemetery of Splendor 2015 [459] [460] | Scott Pilgrim Vs the World 2010 [1366] [1369 --plus 500] --y-offset 20 --font-size 35 --stroke-width 5 1
!req Scott Pilgrim Vs the World 2010 [00:0051 --plus 500 --image-url redacted-url --image-size 0.8 --image-position 67,39] 1
!req Blade Runner 2049 [2:16:56] [2:17:06] --dimensions 1x2 --brightness 30 1
!parallel Blade Runner [1:10:36] | Blade Runner 2049 [919-920 --wild-merge --merge-chars 180] --dimensions 1x2 --y-offset 20 --font-size 30 --stroke-width 5 1
!swap Once Upon a Time in America 1984 [942] [0 --empty] [0 --empty] | Spider-Man 2 2004 [269 --plus 800] [00:21:06 --plus 500 --empty] [00:21:56 --empty] --dimensions 1x3 --y-offset 20 --font-size 30 --stroke-width 5 1
!req Spider-Man 3 [266 --remove-second --plus 1000] [266 --remove-first --plus 3000] [267] --dimensions 1x3 --y-offset 20 --font-size 35 --stroke-width 5 --font-color yellow 1
!req Nightcrawler 2014 [23:17 --image-url redacted-url --image-position 1,2 --image-size 1.8] --brightness 30 1
!req Inside Out [155 --plus 500] --y-offset 20 --font-size 30 --stroke-width 5 1
!req Drive 2011 [34:33] --brightness 50 1
!req Drive 2011 [45:43 --image-url redacted-url --image-position 7,18 --image-size 1.4] --brightness 70 --contrast -20 1
!req The Social Network [1038-1039 --wild-merge --merge-chars 300 --plus 500] --y-offset 20 --font-size 30 --stroke-width 5 1
!req The Social Network [895-900] --dimensions 2x3 --y-offset 20 --font-size 30 --stroke-width 3 --aspect-quotient 1.6 1
!parallel The Social Network [127 --remove-second] [127 --remove-first] | The Social Network [128-129 --wild-merge --merge-chars 300] --dimensions 1x3 --y-offset 20 --font-size 30 --stroke-width 3 1
!parallel Iron Man [1220] | Rosemary's Baby [1418] --dimensions 1x2 --y-offset 20 --font-size 35 --stroke-width 5 1
!req Once Upon a Time... in Hollywood (2019) [1:55:39 --image-url redacted-url --image-size 2.0 --image-position 20,62] 1
!parallel Iron Man [394] | Iron Man [395-399 --wild-merge --merge-chars 300] | Iron Man [400] --dimensions 1x3 --y-offset 25 --font-size 28 --stroke-width 5 1
!req Spider-Man 2 [355] [356] [00:29:52] --dimensions 1x3 --y-offset 20 --font-size 32 --stroke-width 4 1
!swap Blade Runner 2049 [92] [93] [95] | 2001 A Space Odyssey [540][541] [537] --dimensions 1x3 --y-offset 20 --font-size 32 --stroke-width 4 1
!req The World's End [936] --y-offset 20 --font-size 33 --stroke-width 4 1
!req The Social Network [2279 --minus 1000] [1:53:32 --plus 2000] [2280] --dimensions 1x3 --y-offset 20 --font-size 33 --stroke-width 4 1
!req The Social Network [1086-1087] --dimensions 1x2 --y-offset 20 --font-size 33 --stroke-width 4 1
!req Blade Runner 2049 [1:48:27 --plus 850] 1
!swap The Perks of Being a Wallflower [740-741 --image-url redacted-url --image-size 1.5 --image-position 0,0 --wild-merge --merge-chars 200] | Taxi Driver [1:07:13 --plus 500] --y-offset 20 1
!parallel The Dark Knight 2008 [1:37:36 --plus 800] | The Dark Knight 2008 [1753-1755 --wild-merge --merge-chars 200] | X-Men: First Class 2011 [00:05:49] | X-Men: First Class 2011 [1272 --plus 3000] | No Country For Old Men 2007 [24:47 --plus 500] | No Country For Old Men 2007 [132 --plus 900 --remove-second] --dimensions 2x3 --y-offset 20 --font-size 36 --stroke-width 5 --brightness 50 --apply-to 1-2 --aspect-quotient 1.8 1
!req Avengers: Endgame [1457] [1463] --dimensions 1x2 --y-offset 20 --font-size 33 --stroke-width 4 1
!req The Social Network [2028] [1:39:49] [2029 --plus 1000] --dimensions 1x3 --y-offset 20 --font-size 33 --stroke-width 3 1
!req Nightcrawler 2014 [23:17 --image-url redacted-url --image-position 1,2 --image-size 1.8] --brightness 30 1
!swap Viridiana [737] | Dune 2021 [1:33:35] --brightness 30 1
!req Dune 2021 [92-94] --dimensions 1x3 --y-offset 20 --font-size 32 --stroke-width 4 1
!parallel Drake - Hotline Bling !song [1:21 --plus 100 --custom-crop 0,0,80,95] | Dune 2021 [32:05] | Drake - Hotline Bling !song [1:18 --plus 500 --custom-crop 20,5,100,100] | Drive [49:25] --dimensions 2x2 --aspect-quotient 1.6 1
!req There Will Be Blood [721 --remove-second] --y-offset 20 --font-size 31 --stroke-width 4 1
!parallel Apocalypse Now [2:17:24 --plus 500] | Dune 2021 [1:55:16] --brightness 30 1
!palette Interstellar [2:15:19] 1
!req Interstellar [1659-1660] [1664] [1662 --plus 2500] [1665] [2:17:48] --dimensions 2x3 --y-offset 20 --font-size 35 --stroke-width 5 1
!palette Guardians of the Galaxy [1:06:54] --brightness 30 --aspect-quotient 1.7 1
!swap Dune 2021 [211] [212] | Se7en [1462 --remove-second] [1499] --dimensions 1x2 --y-offset 20 --font-size 35 --stroke-width 5 1
!req Blue Velvet [1:20:02] 1
!req The Dark Knight Rises [824 --remove-first --plus 500] [825 --plus 100] --y-offset 20 --font-size 33 --stroke-width 5 1
!req Casino Royale [1:20:58] 1
!req Spider-Man [910 --plus 700] [268 --plus 500] --y-offset 20 --font-size 35 --stroke-width 5 1
!req Dune 2021 [I should've married you --plus 3000] --y-offset 15 --font-size 26 --stroke-width 5 --brightness 30 1
!req The Dark Knight Rises [33][34 --plus 1000] --y-offset 20 --font-size 35 --stroke-width 5 1
!req The Amazing Spider-Man [2:07:53] --brightness 30 1
!parallel Skyfall [96-98 --wild-merge --merge-chars 300 --minus 2500] | Skyfall [99-100 --wild-merge --merge-chars 300 --minus 2900] | Skyfall [101] --dimensions 1x3 --y-offset 20 --font-size 26 --stroke-width 3 1
!req The French Dispatch [1:05:15] [1:05:49] [1:05:49 --plus 500] [1:05:13] --dimensions 2x2 --brightness 30 1
!req Skyfall [637-640] --dimensions 2x2 --font-size 35 --stroke-width 5 --aspect-quotient 1.6 --y-offset 20 1
!req The Amazing Spider-Man 2 [1749 --plus 500] [1750 --plus 1000] ::FLAGS-RESET:: 1
!req Skyfall [272-273] --y-offset 20 --font-size 28 --stroke-width 2 --font-color yellow 1
!parallel Skyfall [356-359 --wild-merge --merge-chars 500] | Skyfall [360 --plus 500] | Skyfall [361] | Skyfall [362-363 --wild-merge --merge-chars 500] --y-offset 20 --font-size 26 --stroke-width 2 --dimensions 2x2 --aspect-quotient 1.4 --border 1,1 --border-color black 1
!req Casino Royale [962] [963 --plus 3000] [964 --plus 2000] [965] --dimensions 2x2 --y-offset 20 --font-size 32 --stroke-width 3 --aspect-quotient 1.4 1
!parallel Skyfall [222-223 --wild-merge --merge-chars 500 --minus 3000] | Skyfall [224] --y-offset 20 --font-size 25 --stroke-width 2 --dimensions 1x2 1
!palette The Amazing Spider-Man 2 [46:05] --brightness 30 1
!parallel The Matrix Resurrections [280-281 --wild-merge --merge-chars 500] | The Matrix Resurrections [282] | The Matrix Resurrections [283 --plus 700] | The Matrix Resurrections [284-286] --dimensions 2x3 --y-offset 20 --font-size 30 --stroke-width 3 --aspect-quotient 1.6 --font-color yellow 1
!parallel Don't Look Up [1110-1112] | Don't Look Up [1113-1114 --wild-merge --merge-chars 500] --dimensions 2x2 --y-offset 20 --font-size 30 --stroke-width 3 --font-color yellow --aspect-quotient 1.6 1
!req The Matrix Resurrections [1231 --plus 1000] [1232 --plus 700] [1233] [1234 --plus 2000] --dimensions 2x2 --y-offset 20 --font-size 33 --stroke-width 3 --aspect-quotient 1.4 1
!parallel Moon 2009 [44:46 --plus 300] | 2001: A Space Odyssey [1:12:12] | Moon 2009 [22:58] | 2001: A Space Odyssey [1:10:00] --dimensions 2x2 --aspect-quotient 1.6 1
!req The Matrix Reloaded [1:30:19 --plus 900] 1
!parallel The Matrix Reloaded [1:49:45] | The Matrix Resurrections [42:52] --aspect-quotient 1.4 1
!parallel Annihilation 2018 [1:24:38] | The Lighthouse 2019 [00:02:24] | Annihilation 2018 [1:34:11] | The Lighthouse 2019 [1:43:36] | Annihilation 2018 [1:34:31] | The Lighthouse 2019 [1:44:09] --dimensions 2x3 --brightness 30 --aspect-quotient 1.6 1
!req Annihilation 2018 [1:33:19] 1
!parallel Breaking Bad S05E14 [11:00] | The Hangover 2009 [1372] --y-offset 20 --font-size 35 --stroke-width 5 --dimensions 1x2 1
!req Drive My Car 2021 [2:43:12] [2:43:21] [2:43:26] --dimensions 1x3 --aspect-quotient 2 1
!req Drive My Car 2021 [1:48:28] [1:48:31] [1:48:35] --dimensions 1x3 --aspect-quotient 2 1
!req Casino Royale [2:08:36] [2:08:40] [2:08:37] 1
!req Casino Royale [395 --plus 800] [396-397] --y-offset 20 --font-size 23 1
!req Last Night in Soho [1110] --y-offset 20 --font-size 30 --stroke-width 3 1
!parallel Ex Machina [661] | Ex Machina [662 --plus 1000] | Ex Machina [663-664 --wild-merge --merge-chars 300] --dimensions 1x3 --y-offset 20 --font-size 26 --stroke-width 3 1
!req Superbad [14-15] --y-offset 20 --font-size 30 --stroke-width 3 1
!parallel The Dark Knight Rises [1375-1377 --wild-merge --merge-chars 500 --plus 3000] | The Dark Knight Rises [1378] | The Dark Knight Rises [1379-1381 --wild-merge --merge-chars 500] --dimensions 1x3 --y-offset 20 --font-size 23 --stroke-width 3 --brightness 30 1
!req The Dark Knight Rises [881-882] --y-offset 20 --font-size 27 --stroke-width 3 1
!req The Dark Knight Rises [840] --y-offset 20 --font-size 28 --stroke-width 3 1
!palette Dune 2021 [00:01:18] 1
!req Dune 2021 [1:12:16] [I thought we'd have more time.] --dimensions 1x2 --font-size 28 --stroke-width 3 --y-offset 20 1
!swap A Summer's Tale 1996 [256] | Megamind [1:04:33 --plus 350] --y-offset 360 --font-size 55 --font bangers --stroke-width 5 1
!parallel The Dark Knight Rises [1733-1735 --wild-merge --merge-chars 500] | The Dark Knight Rises [1736-1738 --wild-merge --merge-chars 500] | The Dark Knight Rises [1739] | The Dark Knight Rises [1740-1741 --wild-merge --merge-chars 500] | The Dark Knight Rises [1742-1743 --wild-merge --merge-chars 500] | The Dark Knight Rises [1744-1745 --wild-merge --merge-chars 500] --dimensions 2x3 --y-offset 20 --font-size 33 --stroke-width 5 --font-color yellow --aspect-quotient 2.2 1
!req X-Men First Class [46:23 --plus 300] [541] [46:35] [46:46] [46:43] [542 --plus 500] --dimensions 2x3 --y-offset 20 --font-size 35 --stroke-width 5 --aspect-quotient 1.6 --border 1,1 --border-color white 1
!req The Dark Knight Rises [12 --remove-second --x-crop-offset -80] --y-offset 20 --font-size 33 --stroke-width 5 --aspect-quotient 1.2 1
!parallel Inherent Vice 2014 [00:53:49] | Inherent Vice 2014 [00:53:26] 1
!req Spider-Man No Way Home [2:02:48 --plus 500] 1
!req Licorice Pizza [850 --remove-first] [851 --plus 1000] [852 --plus 500] --dimensions 1x3 --y-offset 20 --font-size 30 --stroke-width 3 1
!req Licorice Pizza [2:04:16 --plus 600] [2:04:20 --plus 900] [2:04:24 --plus 500] [2:04:23 --plus 200] --dimensions 2x2 --brightness 30 --aspect-quotient 2 --border 1,1 --border-color blue 1
!req Spider-Man No Way Home [1:46:55] --brightness 30 1
!req mr robot s02e03 [537] --y-offset 20 --font-size 32 --stroke-width 4 1
!parallel Spider-Man No Way Home [264] | Spider-Man 3 [842] --y-offset 20 --font-size 27 --stroke-width 2 --font-color yellow 1
!req Licorice Pizza [2:06:06 --plus 200] 1
!req Licorice Pizza [2:08:40] --aspect-quotient 1.4 1
!swap The Dark Knight Rises [5 --x-crop-offset -85] | Lady Bird [42:41 --x-crop-offset -85] --aspect-quotient 1 --y-offset 20 --font-size 28 --stroke-width 3 --font-color yellow 1
!parallel No Time to Die [2:33:54] | No Time to Die [1660] | No Time to Die [1661-1662 --wild-merge --merge-chars 500] --dimensions 1x3 --y-offset 20 --font-size 32 --stroke-width 3 1
!parallel No Time to Die [13:07] | No Time to Die [13:11] | Casino Royale [2:08:36 --custom-crop 0,20,50,100 --x-crop-offset 100][2:08:36 --custom-crop 50,20,100,100 --x-crop-offset 100] | No Time to Die [I miss you.][13:30] --dimensions 2x3 --aspect-quotient 1.4 --y-offset 20 --font-size 35 --stroke-width 3 1
!parallel Casino Royale [00:03:31] | No Time to Die [2:20:54 --plus 300] --dimensions 1x2 --aspect-quotient 1.6 --brightness 50 --apply-to 2 1
!req No Time to Die [08:00] | [1:36:50] | [1:41:04] | [08:52 --plus 100] --dimensions 2x2 --border 1,1 --border-color black --aspect-quotient 1.8 --brightness 10 1
!parallel No Time to Die [1677-1678 --wild-merge --merge-chars 100] | No Time to Die [1679-1680 --wild-merge --merge-chars 100] | No Time to Die [2:37:01] --dimensions 1x3 --font-size 28 --stroke-width 3 --y-offset 20 1
!req The Dark Knight Rises [2:10:25 --x-crop-offset -90] --aspect-quotient 1.6 --color -100 --brightness 20 --sharpness 10 1
!req Dune 2021 [33:19 --x-crop-offset -90] --aspect-quotient 1.1 1
!parallel Batman [1:07:47] | Batman Begins [1:35:59] | Zack Snyder's Justice League [3:14:28] | The Batman [1:22:08 --plus 200] --dimensions 2x2 --brightness 50 --apply-to 1 --aspect-quotient 2 --border 2,2 --border-color black 1
!req The Batman [1:36:27 --custom-crop 40, 0, 70, 100] 1
!parallel Batman 1989 [2:02:22] | The Dark Knight 2008 [55:33] | Zack Snyder's Justice League [3:38:55] | The Batman [1:36:27] --dimensions 2x2 --brightness 60 --apply-to 3 --border 1,1 --border-color black --aspect-quotient 1.4 1
!req No Time to Die [1037] [1038 --remove-second] [1038 --remove-first] [1039] --y-offset 20 --font-size 34 --stroke-width 3 --font helvetica-italic --border 1,1 --border-color black --dimensions 2x2 --aspect-quotient 1.6 1
!parallel Zack Snyder's Justice League [3:38:53] | The Dark Knight [00:06:59 --custom-crop 0,0,67,100] | Batman [2:00:51 --plus 900] | The Batman [07:33 --plus 400] --dimensions 2x2 --brightness 50 --apply-to 2-4 --aspect-quotient 1.6 --border 1,1 --border-color black 1
!req the dark knight [35:46 --plus 500 --custom-crop 13, 0, 55, 100] --color 100 --brightness 50 --contrast 30 1
!req Batman Begins [1:05:44 --plus 100 --custom-crop 35,0,90,100] --brightness 20 1
!parallel The Hero 1966 [208-209] | The Hero 1966 [210-211 --wild-merge --merge-chars 200] | The Hero 1966 [212] --y-offset 20 --font-size 33 --stroke-width 4 --font helvetica-italic --aspect-quotient 1.6 --dimensions 2x2 --border 1,1 --border-color black 1
!req The Hero 1966 [503-504] [40:13 --plus 500] [40:16 --plus 300] --dimensions 2x2 --aspect-quotient 1.6 --y-offset 20 --font-size 33 --stroke-width 4 --border 1,1 --border-color black 1
!req Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, Part 1 [17:45 --plus 800] 1
!req Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, Part 1 [187 --plus 2000] [188 --plus 500] --y-offset 20 --font-size 28 --stroke-width 3 1
!req Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, Part 1 [684] [685 --plus 1000] --y-offset 20 --font-size 30 --stroke-width 3 --font-color yellow 1
!req Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, Part 1 [654] [655] [1:10:16] --y-offset 20 --font-size 28 --stroke-width 3 --font-color yellow 1
!parallel Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, Part 1 [173] | The Dark Knight Rises [587] | Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, Part 1 [21:11 --plus 630] | The Dark Knight Rises [46:41 --plus 507] | Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, Part 1 [18:40] | The Dark Knight Rises [46:40 --plus 507] --y-offset 20 --font-size 28 --stroke-width 3 --font-color yellow --border 1,1 --border-color black --dimensions 2x3 1
!req Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, Part 2 [648-649] --y-offset 20 --font-size 27 --stroke-width 3 --font-color yellow 1
!req Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, Part 2 [1:01:05] 1
!parallel Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, Part 2 [180-181] | Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, Part 2 [182 --remove-second] | Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, Part 2 [182-183 --remove-first --wild-merge --merge-chars 500] --y-offset 20 --font-size 33 --stroke-width 3 --font-color yellow --border 1,1 --border-color black --dimensions 2x2 --aspect-quotient 1.4 1
!parallel Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, Part 2 [180-181] | Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, Part 2 [182 --remove-second] | Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, Part 2 [182-183 --remove-first --wild-merge --merge-chars 500 --plus 1000] --y-offset 20 --font-size 30 --stroke-width 3 --font-color yellow --border 1,1 --border-color black --dimensions 1x4 1
!req Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, Part 1 [317-318] --y-offset 20 --font-size 27 --stroke-width 3 --font-color yellow --dimensions 1x2 1
!parallel Man of Steel [675-676 --wild-merge --merge-chars 500] | Man of Steel [678-679] --dimensions 1x3 --y-offset 20 --stroke-width 3 --font-size 30 1
!parallel Man of Steel [49:06] | Zack Snyder's Justice League [3:07:52] 1
!req Man of Steel [107-108] [11:00] --y-offset 20 --font-size 30 --stroke-width 3 --dimensions 1x3 1
!req Man of Steel [2:11:06] [2:11:25] 1
!parallel Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, Part 2 [180-181] | Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, Part 2 [182 --remove-second] | Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, Part 2 [182-183 --remove-first --wild-merge --merge-chars 500] --y-offset 20 --font-size 28 --stroke-width 3 --font-color yellow --border 1,1 --border-color black 1
!req John Malkovich 1999 [1:09:57 --plus 600] 1
!parallel Drive 2011 [1:08:48] | Drive 2011 [1:10:08] | Joker 2019 [1:30:31] | Drive 2011 [1:12:34 --plus 400] --dimensions 2x2 --brightness 50 --aspect-quotient 1.9 1
!req Mandy 2018 [1:55:31 --plus 420] [1:56:10 --plus 420] [00:20:52 --plus 420] [1:54:56 --plus 420] --dimensions 2x2 --brightness 65 --apply-to 1-2 --aspect-quotient 1.8 1
!swap call me by your name 2017 [233] [233] | Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker 2019 [1456 --empty] [1457] --y-offset 20 --font-size 28 1
!swap pirates of the Carribbean: the cursw of the black pearl [1202] | amélie [12:26] --y-offset 20 --font-size 26 --stroke-width 3 --font-color yellow 1
!swap pirates of the Carribbean: the cursw of the black pearl [1202] | amélie [12:26] --y-offset 20 --font-size 26 --stroke-width 3 --font-color yellow --aspect-quotient 1.6 1
!swap pirates of the Carribbean: the cursw of the black pearl [1202] | amélie [12:26] ::FLAGS-RESET:: 1
!palette I'm thinking of ending things [1:25:58] --brightness 20 1
!req X-Men Apocalypse [331 --plus 500] [332 --plus 2000] [333] --y-offset --font-size 28 --stroke-width 3 --aspect-quotient 1.8 1
!parallel X-Men Apocalypse [841 --minus 2000] | X-Men Apocalypse [842-843 --wild-merge --merge-chars 500 --plus 3000] | X-Men Apocalypse [844] [845] --y-offset 20 --font-size 34 --stroke-width 3 --dimensions 2x2 --aspect-quotient 1.6 1
!parallel X-Men Apocalypse [841 --minus 2000] | X-Men Apocalypse [842-843 --wild-merge --merge-chars 500 --plus 3000] | X-Men Apocalypse [844] [845] --y-offset 20 --font-size 30 --stroke-width 3 --dimensions 1x4 --aspect-quotient 1.6 1
!parallel X-Men First Class [1329] | X-Men Days of Future Past [1301-1302 --wild-merge --merge-chars 200 --plus 3000] | X-Men Days of Future Past [1303 --plus 2000] | X-Men Days of Future Past [1:51:04] --y-offset 20 --font-size 25 --stroke-width 3 --dimensions 1x4 1
!parallel X-Men Days of Future Past [1185-1187 --wild-merge --merge-chars 500] | X-Men Days of Future Past [1189-1190] | X-Men Days of Future Past [1191-1192 --wild-merge --merge-chars 500] --y-offset 20 --font-size 35 --stroke-width 4 --font-color yellow --dimensions 2x2 --aspect-quotient 1.6 1
!req The worst person in the world [852 --plus 500] [853] --y-offset 20 --font-size 28 --stroke-width 3 1
!req Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa [235] [236 --remove-second] [236 --remove-first] --y-offset 20 --font-size 32 --stroke-width 3 1
!req The Lego Movie 2014 [1073-1074] --y-offset 20 --font-size 28 --stroke-width 3 1
!req Everything Everywhere All at Once [1:47:51] [1:47:55] [1:47:59] [1:48:01] [1:48:04] [1:48:06] 1
!req everything everywhere all at once [1:59:16] 1
!req everything everywhere all at once [1:48:56] [1:49:00] 1
!req Batman Forever [04:08 --plus 100] 1
!palette Batman Forever [1:37:22] 1
!req Batman Forever [200] --y-offset 20 --font-size 26 --stroke-width 3 1
!parallel Batman Forever [45-46 --wild-merge --merge-chars 500] | Batman Forever [47] --y-offset 20 --font-size 28 --stroke-width 3 1
!parallel Everything Everywhere All at Once [1:35:55 --custom-crop 40,0,100,80] | In the Mood For Love [30:49] --aspect-quotient 1.6 --brightness 30 1
!req Madagascar [309] --y-offset 20 --font-size 26 --stroke-width 3 1
!swap The Dark Knight Rises [33] [34] | Batman and Robin [1:16:07 --plus 500] [1:16:10] --y-offset 20 --font-size 27 --stroke-width 3 1
!parallel Batman and Robin [931] | Batman and Robin [932-934 --wild-merge --merge-chars 500] | Batman and Robin [935-936 --wild-merge --merge-chars 500] | Batman and Robin [937-939 --wild-merge --merge-chars 500] | Batman and Robin [940-941] --y-offset 20 --font-size 24 --stroke-width 3 --no-collage 1
!req Trainspotting [785-786] [787 --plus 3000] --dimensions 1x3 --y-offset 20 --font-size 28 --stroke-width 3 --font helvetica-italic 1
!parallel Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice [2:35:32 --plus 500] | Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, Part 1 [17:45 --plus 800] ::EDITED:: --border 3,3 --border-color #ffffff 1
!parallel Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice [1051] | Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice [1052-1053 --wild-merge --merge-chars 500] | Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice [1054] | Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice [1055 --plus 3000] | Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice [1056-1057] --no-collage --y-offset 20 --stroke-width 3 --font-size 27 --brightness 20 1
!swap Taxi Driver [717] [719] | Morbius [1:07:32] [1:07:26 --plus 300] --y-offset 20 --font-size 29 --stroke-width 3 1
!palette Mandy [1:08:16 --plus 420] 1
!req The Avengers [55:47 --plus 300 --custom-crop 60,0,100,100] 1
!parallel Avengers Endgame [2331] | The Avengers [790 --plus 1200] --y-offset 20 --font-size 28 --stroke-width 3 --border 1,1 --border-color black 1
!req Dunkirk [1:38:36] --aspect-quotient 1 1
!parallel X-Men: Days of Future Past [1058-1059 --wild-merge --merge-chars 500 --plus 1000] | Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness [921-922 --wild-merge --merge-chars 500 --minus 2000] --y-offset 20 --font-size 26 --stroke-width 3 --border 1,1 --border-color black --aspect-quotient 1.6 1
!req doctor strange in the multiverse of madness [1:12:08 --custom-crop 62, 20, 75, 100] 1
!req 3 Idiots [46:20 --plus 300] [46:27 --plus 200] [46:28] --dimensions 1x3 1
!req 3 Idiots [54:07] [54:09] [54:10 --plus 200] [700 --remove-second] [700 --remove-first --plus 1000] [701] --dimensions 2x3 --y-offset 20 --font-size 37 --stroke-width 3 --aspect-quotient 1.5 --border 1,1 --border-color black --text-background black 1
!req 3 Idiots [1069-1070] --y-offset 20 --font-size 27 --stroke-width 3.8 --aspect-quotient 1.8 ::EDITED:: --font-size 25 --y-offset 50 1
!req 3 Idiots [1573] --y-offset 20 --font-size 25 --stroke-width 3.8 ::EDITED:: --y-offset 50 --stroke-width 3 --font-size 24 1
!parallel X-Men: Days of Future Past [1058-1059 --wild-merge --merge-chars 500 --plus 1000] | Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness [922-923 --wild-merge --merge-chars 500 --minus 2000] --y-offset 20 --font-size 26 --stroke-width 3 --border 1,1 --border-color black --aspect-quotient 1.6 1
!parallel X-Men Days of Future Past [1274-1275 --wild-merge --merge-chars 500] | X-Men Days of Future Past [1276-1277 --wild-merge --merge-chars 500] | X-Men Days of Future Past [1278] | X-Men Days of Future Past [1279-1282 --wild-merge --merge-chars 500 --plus 3000] --y-offset 20 --font-size 27 --stroke-width 3.8 --no-collage 1
!req The Shining [2:20:37] [2:21:10] 1
!req Star Wars: The Last Jedi [1:11:38 --custom-crop 30, 0, 60, 100] 1
!req Mission: Impossible - Fallout [1283-1284 --wild-merge --merge-chars 500 --plus 1000] [1:49:08] [1285 --plus 3000] [1286] [1287] [1:49:17] --y-offset 20 --font-size 36 --stroke-width 4 --font-color yellow --aspect-quotient 1.4 --dimensions 2x3 --border 1,1 --border-color white 1
!req Mission: Impossible - Fallout [1283-1284 --wild-merge --merge-chars 500 --plus 1000] [1:49:08] [1285 --plus 3000] [1286] [1287] [1:49:17] --y-offset 20 --font-size 36 --stroke-width 4 --aspect-quotient 1.4 --dimensions 2x3 --border 0,1 --border-color black --text-background black 1
!req Breaking Bad S05E06 [39:30 --plus 300 --image-url redacted-url --image-size 1.1 --image-position 0,0] 1
!req Mandy [5:55 --plus 420] [7:54 --plus 420] [21:21 --plus 420] [42:54 --plus 420] [1:15:03 --plus 420] [1:50:08 --plus 420] --dimensions 2x3 --aspect-quotient 2 1
!parallel Batman [1:07:47] | Batman Begins [1:35:56] | Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice [1:18:23 --plus 800] | The Batman [1:22:07 --plus 200] --dimensions 2x2 --brightness 50 --apply-to 1 --aspect-quotient 2 --border 2,2 --border-color black 1
!parallel Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol [2:05:21] | Mission: Impossible - Fallout [1538 --remove-first --plus 2000] | Mission Impossible - Ghost Protocol [2:05:36] | Mission: Impossible - Fallout [1539] | Mission: Impossible Ghost Protocol [2:05:31] | Mission: Impossible Fallout [1540] | Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol [2:05:46 --plus 500] | Mission: Impossible - Fallout [2:17:28] --y-offset 20 --font-size 32 --stroke-width 3.5 --dimensions 2x4 --border 1,1 --border-color black --aspect-quotient 2 1
!parallel Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol [2:05:21] | Mission: Impossible - Fallout [1538 --remove-first --plus 2000] | Mission Impossible - Ghost Protocol [2:05:36] | Mission: Impossible - Fallout [1539] | Mission: Impossible Ghost Protocol [2:05:31] | Mission: Impossible Fallout [1540] | Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol [2:05:46 --plus 500] | Mission: Impossible - Fallout [2:17:28] --y-offset 20 --font-size 40 --stroke-width 3.5 --dimensions 2x4 --border 1,1 --border-color black --aspect-quotient 2 1
!req The Hangover Part II [596] [599] [600 --plus 1000] [601] --dimensions 1x4 --y-offset 20 --font-size 30 --stroke-width 4 1
!req The Hangover Part II [733 --plus 2000] [734 --remove-second] [735] [736 --plus 2000] --dimensions 1x4 --y-offset 20 --font-size 27 --stroke-width 4 1
!req The Hangover Part II [788] [789 --remove-second --plus 3000] [789 --remove-first] [790 --plus 1500] [791 --plus 1000] [792] --dimensions 2x3 --y-offset 20 --font-size 38 --stroke-width 4 --aspect-quotient 1.3 --border 1,1 --border-color black 1
!req The Boys: S01E07 [740-741] --y-offset 20 --font-size 27 --stroke-width 3.5 1
!req Casino Royale [790-792] [1:44:05] --y-offset 20 --font-size 28 --stroke-width 3.8 --font helvetica-italic 1
!req Mandy [1:55:31 --plus 420] [1:55:24 --plus 420] --aspect-quotient 2 --brightness 25 1
!req Man of Steel [2:05:33 --plus 450] 1
!req Mandy [1:55:31 --plus 420] [1:55:24 --plus 420] --aspect-quotient 2 1
!req Mandy [1:55:31 --plus 420] [1:55:24 --plus 420] --aspect-quotient 2 1
!req The Hangover Part II [733 --plus 2000] [734 --remove-second] [735] [736 --plus 2000] --dimensions 1x4 --y-offset 20 --font-size 27 --stroke-width 4 1
!parallel The Dark Knight [1340-1341] | The Dark Knight [1342-1343 --wild-merge --merge-chars 500 --plus 2500] ::EDITED:: ::FLAGS-RESET:: 1
!req Lars and the Real Girl [18:10] 1
!parallel The Dark Knight Rises [911] | The Dark Knight Rises [912 --plus 500] | The Dark Knight Rises [913] | The Dark Knight Rises [914-915 --wild-merge --merge-chars 500 --plus 1000] --y-offset 20 --font-size 30 --stroke-width 3.8 1
!swap The Matrix Reloaded [1007 --remove-first] | The World's End [1196 --plus 1200] --y-offset 20 --font-size 35 --stroke-width 5 --aspect-quotient 1.6 1
!parallel Ad Astra [654-656 --wild-merge --merge-chars 1000] | Ad Astra [659] | Ad Astra [662-663 --wild-merge --merge-chars 1000] | Ad Astra [664-666 --wild-merge --merge-chars 1000] | Ad Astra [667-669 --wild-merge --merge-chars 1000] | Ad Astra [670-671 --wild-merge --merge-chars 1000] | Ad Astra [672-674 --wild-merge --merge-chars 1000] --y-offset 20 --font-size 26 --stroke-width 3.8 --no-collage --font-color yellow --font helvetica-italic 1
!parallel Ad Astra [1075 --minus 3000] | Ad Astra [1076 --minus 3000] | Ad Astra [1078-1079 --wild-merge --merge-chars 500 --minus 1500] --y-offset 20 --stroke-width 3.8 --font nfsans 1
!req Ad Astra [1228] --y-offset 20 --stroke-width 3.8 1
!req Ad Astra [22:16] [53:03] [1:06:32] [1:44:28] [1:13:07] [00:01:54] --dimensions 2x3 --border 1,1 --border-color black --aspect-quotient 1.6 1
!parallel Ad Astra [793-794 --wild-merge --merge-chars 500] | Ad Astra [795-797 --wild-merge --merge-chars 500] | Ad Astra [798] | Ad Astra [799-800 --wild-merge --merge-chars 500] | Ad Astra [801-802 --wild-merge --merge-chars 500] | Ad Astra [803-804 --wild-merge --merge-chars 500] | Ad Astra [805-806 --wild-merge --merge-chars 500] --y-offset 20 --stroke-width 3.8 --font helvetica-italic --font-size 26 1
!parallel Blade Runner 2049 [1:40:48] | Ad Astra [1:10:50] 1
!parallel The Sandman S01E04 [420-421 --wild-merge --merge-chars 500] | The Sandman S01E04 [425-428 --wild-merge --merge-chars 500] | The Sandman S01E04 [429-430 --wild-merge --merge-chars 500] | The Sandman S01E04 [431] --y-offset 20 --font-size 24 --stroke-width 3.8 1
!req Marvel's Daredevil S03E01 [40:09] --brightness 30 --contrast 30 1
!parallel The Sandman S01E03 [357] | The Sandman S01E03 [359-360 --wild-merge --merge-chars 500] --y-offset 20 --font-size 26 --stroke-width 3.8 1
!req Iron Man 2 [1018 --no-merge][1019] [1:15:52] --y-offset 40 --font-size 26 --stroke-width 3.8 --dimensions 1x3 1
!parallel The Sandman S01E07 [02:48] | The Sandman S01E01 [43:23] | The Sandman S01E03 [41:35] | The Sandman S01E04 [32:18 --plus 800] | The Sandman S01E07 [10:53] | The Sandman S01E02 [32:14] | The Sandman S01E05 [46:22] | The Sandman S01E04 [38:08] --dimensions 2x4 --aspect-quotient 1.6 --border 1,1 --border-color black 1
!swap Shrek 2 [935] | She-Hulk: Attorney at Law S01E01 [18:48] --aspect-quotient 1.6 --y-offset 20 --font-size 30 --stroke-width 4 --font helvetica-italic 1
!parallel The Sandman S01E01 [08:25] | The Sandman S01E04 [37:55] | The Sandman S01E02 [1:10] --brightness 20 --apply-to 1 1
!req The Sandman S01E01 [42:58 --custom-crop 0, 0, 50, 100] 1
!parallel The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent [1056-1057] | Mandy [1:56:16] --font-size 28 --y-offset 40 --font-color yellow --stroke-width 3.8 1
!parallel The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent [1108-1109 --wild-merge --merge-chars 1000 --plus 1700] | The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent [1110 --plus 1100] | The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent [1111 --plus 1000] | The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent [1112-1113 --wild-merge --merge-chars 1000 --plus 2100] ::EDITED:: ::FLAGS-RESET:: 1
!req The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent [413] --y-offset 20 --font-size 27 --stroke-width 3.8 1
!parallel The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent [684-685 --wild-merge --merge-chars 1000 --plus 1000] | The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent [686] | The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent [687-688 --wild-merge --merge-chars 1000 --plus 1000] --y-offset 20 --font-size 26 --stroke-width 3.8 --dimensions 1x3 ::EDITED:: --aspect-quotient 1.5 --y-offset 50 1
!parallel The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent [93-94 --wild-merge --merge-chars 1000] | The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent [96-97 --wild-merge --merge-chars 1000 --plus 500] | The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent [98-99--wild-merge --merge-chars 1000 --plus 500] --y-offset 20 --font-size 26 --stroke-width 3.8 --dimensions 1x3 1
!parallel The Boys S03E08 [293-294 --wild-merge --merge-chars 1000 --minus 3000] | The Boys S03E08 [295-296] | The Boys S03E08 [297 --plus 2500] --y-offset 20 --font-size 28 --stroke-width 3.8 --dimensions 1x4 ::EDITED:: --aspect-quotient 1.7 --no-collage ::EDITED:: --y-offset 60 --font-size 25 ::EDITED:: --aspect-quotient 1.7 --no-collage --y-offset 60 --font-size 24 1
!swap 22 Jump Street [1609] [1] | Breaking Bad S05E07 [511] [43:26 --empty] --y-offset 20 --font-size 26 --stroke-width 3.8 --font-color yellow 1
!parallel Iron Man 2 [966] | Iron Man 2 [967-968 --wild-merge --merge-chars 1000] | Iron Man 2 [969] | Iron Man 2 [970-971 --wild-merge --merge-chars 1000] | Iron Man 2 [973-974 --wild-merge --merge-chars 1000] | Iron Man 2 [975-977] --no-collage --font-size 26 --stroke-width 3.8 --y-offset 20 --font-color yellow ::EDITED:: DREY 1
!req Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol [550 --plus 1000] [55:10] [55:12] --y-offset 20 --font-size 28 --stroke-width 3.8 --font-color yellow 1
!swap Morbius [1018] [1019] [1021] | Spider-Man 3 [976 --plus 1000] [978 --plus 800] [979] --y-offset 20 --font-size 27 --stroke-width 3.8 1
!req The Amazing Spider-Man 2 [2:04:15] [2:04:27] [2:04:42] 1
!palette The Amazing Spider-Man 2 [1:54:23] 1
!parallel Spider-Man 2 [1:39:04] | The Amazing Spider-Man 2 [1:55:16] | Spider-Man: Homecoming [1:18:24] 1
!req Batman Begins [202 --plus 3000] [203] --y-offset 20 --font-size 26 --stroke-width 3.8 --font-color yellow --font helvetica-italic 1
!req 3 Idiots [07:17 --custom-crop 0, 0, 80, 100] 1
!req Batman: The Animated Series S01E10 [21:37] [21:47] [21:54] --border 1,1 --border-color black 1
!req Batman: The Animated Series S01E01 [00:59] 1
!req Batman Begins [202 --plus 3000 --x-crop-offset 100] [203 --x-crop-offset 100] --y-offset 20 --font-size 26 --stroke-width 3.8 --font-color yellow --font helvetica-italic --aspect-quotient 1.6 1
!swap Blade Runner [548] [549] [1] | Titanic [2:51:00] [2:51:03] [2:56:54 --empty] --y-offset 20 --font-size 28 --stroke-width 4 1
!req The Sandman S01E03 [26:07] [26:45] --brightness 30 --aspect-quotient 1.6 1
!parallel Everything Everywhere All at Once [1:35:55 --custom-crop 50, 0, 100, 50] | The Sandman S01E03 [40:36] | Punch-Drunk Love [1:07:17] --brightness 50 --apply-to 1-2 --border 1,1 --border-color black 1
!parallel Everything Everywhere All at Once [1:35:55 --custom-crop 40, 0, 90, 60] | The Sandman S01E03 [40:36] | Punch-Drunk Love [1:07:17] --brightness 50 --apply-to 1-2 --border 1,1 --border-color black 1
!req The Sandman S01E03 [34:19] [34:26] [34:34] 1
!req Thor: Love and Thunder [42:21 --custom-crop 20, 0, 60, 90] 1
!req Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice [1386-1387] [2:32:23] --y-offset 20 --font-size 28 --stroke-width 3.8 ::EDITED:: --brightness 30 --color -10 1
!parallel Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice [1234-1235 --wild-merge --merge-chars 500 --plus 500] | Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice [1238] | Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice [1243 --plus 500] --y-offset 40 --font-size 28 --stroke-width 3.8 ::EDITED:: --y-offset 50 --font-size 30 --stroke-width 4.5 1
!req Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice [2:05:12 --plus 500 --custom-crop 30, 0, 87, 90] 1
!req Stranger Things S04E03 [101 --remove-first] [102] --y-offset 40 --font-size 28 --stroke-width 3.8 1
!palette Stranger Things S04E06 [1:06:21] --aspect-quotient 1.2 1
!req Superman Returns [1:13:04] --aspect-quotient 1.6 --brightness 30 --contrast -20 1
!req The Sandman S01E01 [42:58 --custom-crop 0, 0, 50, 100] 1
!req The Sandman S01E01 [42:58 --custom-crop 0, 0, 50, 100] 1
!parallel Ad Astra [654-656 --wild-merge --merge-chars 1000] | Ad Astra [659] | Ad Astra [662-663 --wild-merge --merge-chars 1000] | Ad Astra [664-666 --wild-merge --merge-chars 1000] | Ad Astra [667-669 --wild-merge --merge-chars 1000] | Ad Astra [670-671 --wild-merge --merge-chars 1000] | Ad Astra [672-674 --wild-merge --merge-chars 1000] --y-offset 20 --font-size 26 --stroke-width 3.8 --no-collage --font-color yellow --font helvetica-italic 1
!req The Sandman S01E01 [42:58 --custom-crop 0, 0, 50, 100] 1
!req The Sandman S01E01 [42:58 --custom-crop 0, 0, 50, 100] 1
!req The Sandman S01E01 [42:58 --custom-crop 0, 0, 50, 100] 1
!req The Sandman S01E01 [42:58 --custom-crop 0, 0, 50, 100] 1
!req The Sandman S01E01 [42:58 --custom-crop 0, 0, 50, 100] 1
!req The Sandman S01E01 [42:58 --custom-crop 0, 0, 50, 100] 1
!req The Sandman S01E01 [42:58 --custom-crop 0, 0, 50, 100] 1
!req The Sandman S01E01 [42:58 --custom-crop 0, 0, 50, 100] 1
!parallel Everything Everywhere All at Once [1:35:55 --custom-crop 40, 0, 90, 60] | The Sandman S01E03 [40:36] | Punch-Drunk Love [1:07:17] --brightness 50 --apply-to 1-2 --border 1,1 --border-color black 1
!parallel Spider-Man 2 [1:39:04] | The Amazing Spider-Man 2 [1:55:16] | Spider-Man: Homecoming [1:18:24] 1
!parallel Superman Returns [58:53] | Superman and Lois S01E01 [00:01:28 --plus 800] --brightness 30 --apply-to 1 --aspect-quotient 1.6 1
!parallel Superman and Lois S01E01 [22 --minus 400] [23] | Superman and Lois S01E01 [24 --wild-merge --plus 800] --y-offset 20 --font-size 28 --stroke-width 3.8 1
!parallel Superman [1:11:18 --plus 800] | Superman Returns [35:24 --plus 500] | Zack Snyder's Justice League [3:40:06 --plus 600] | Superman and Lois S01E11 [09:27 --plus 500] 1
!parallel Superman [1:11:18 --plus 800] | Superman Returns [35:24 --plus 500] | Zack Snyder's Justice League [3:40:06 --plus 600] | Superman and Lois S01E11 [09:27 --plus 500] --dimensions 2x2 --border 1,1 --border-color #172be3 --brightness 20 --apply-to 3 1
!req Boogie Nights [1:11:42 --custom-crop 0, 0, 50, 100] 1
!req Boogie Nights [1082-1084] --y-offset 20 --font-size 28 --stroke-width 3.8 1
!req Stranger Things S04E09 [1:26:42] --aspect-quotient 1.4 1
!req Superman and Lois S02E15 [25:14] --aspect-quotient 1.4 1
!req Boogie Nights [1197-1198] --y-offset 20 --stroke-width 3.8 --font-size 27 ::EDITED:: --aspect-quotient 1.9 --y-offset 30 --font-size 25 ::EDITED:: --aspect-quotient 1.9 --y-offset 55 --font-size 24 1
!parallel Superman [1:27:01 --custom-crop 50, 0, 90, 90] | Superman Returns [1:09:32 --custom-crop 40, 0, 80, 100] | Man of Steel [1:10:34 --custom-crop 0, 0, 70, 100] | Superman and Lois S02E01 [09:26 --plus 300] --dimensions 2x2 --aspect-quotient 1.2 --brightness 30 --border 1,1 --border-color black 1
!req Superman Returns [439 --plus 1000] [440-441] [52:27] --y-offset 20 --font-size 28 --stroke-width 3.8 ::EDITED:: --brightness 20 --contrast -5 ::EDITED:: --brightness 20 --color 10 1
!parallel Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice [787-788 --wild-merge --merge-chars 500 --minus 500] | Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice [1:19:29] | Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice [1:19:38] | Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice [789] --y-offset 20 --font-size 28 --stroke-width 3.8 --brightness 20 ::EDITED:: --brightness 60 ::EDITED:: --brightness 80 --contrast -40 1
!req Superman Returns [620-621] [622 --plus 500] --y-offset 20 --font-size 28 --stroke-width 3.8 --font helvetica-italic 1
!palette Superman and Lois S02E03 [06:06] 1
!parallel Superman and Lois S01E11 [262-263 --wild-merge --merge-chars 500] | Superman and Lois S01E11 [264-265 --wild-merge --merge-chars 500] | Superman and Lois S01E11 [266] | Superman and Lois S01E11 [267-268 --wild-merge --merge-chars 500] --y-offset 20 --font-size 28 --stroke-width 3.8 1
!req Superman Returns [1:16:19] [624-626] --y-offset 20 --font-size 30 --stroke-width 3.8 --dimensions 1x4 1
!parallel Superman Returns [627-628 --wild-merge --merge-chars 200 --plus 500] | Superman Returns [971-973 --wild-merge --merge-chars 200 --plus 500] | Superman Returns [629] | Superman Returns [974] | Superman Returns [630] | Superman Returns [975] --dimensions 2x3 --aspect-quotient 1.5 --y-offset 20 --font-size 35 --stroke-width 3.8 --brightness 20 --apply-to 4-6 1
!parallel Superman [39:22 --custom-crop 10,0,40,90] | Superman Returns [21:01 --custom-crop 5,0,55,100] | Zack Snyder's Justice League [3:38:06 --custom-crop 2,0,52,100] | Superman and Lois S02E12 [00:03:16 --custom-crop 38,0,88,100] --dimensions 2x2 --aspect-quotient 1 --brightness 30 --contrast -10 --apply-to 3-4 1
!parallel Superman [39:22 --custom-crop 10,0,40,90] | Superman Returns [21:01 --custom-crop 5,0,55,100] | Zack Snyder's Justice League [3:38:06 --custom-crop 2,0,52,100] | Superman and Lois S02E12 [00:03:16 --custom-crop 38,0,88,100] --dimensions 2x2 --aspect-quotient 1 --brightness 30 --contrast -10 --apply-to 3-4 1
!req Superman Returns [1:16:19] [624-626] --y-offset 20 --font-size 30 --stroke-width 3.8 --dimensions 1x4 1
!req Boogie Nights [1:11:42 --custom-crop 0, 0, 50, 100] 1
!swap 22 Jump Street [1609] [1] | Breaking Bad S05E07 [511] [43:26 --empty] --y-offset 20 --font-size 26 --stroke-width 3.8 --font-color yellow 1
!parallel Batman Begins [1354-1356 --wild-merge --merge-chars 500] | Batman Begins [1357-1359] --y-offset 20 --font-size 30 --stroke-width 3.8 --dimensions 1x4 --font helvetica-italic 1
!req She-Hulk: Attorney at Law S01E09 [26:32 --custom-crop 10, 0, 90, 100] ::EDITED:: --palette 1
!parallel Superman and Lois S01E11 [262-263 --wild-merge --merge-chars 500] | Superman and Lois S01E11 [264-265 --wild-merge --merge-chars 500] | Superman and Lois S01E11 [266] | Superman and Lois S01E11 [267-268 --wild-merge --merge-chars 500] --y-offset 20 --font-size 28 --stroke-width 3.8 dimensions 2x2 --aspect-quotient 1.4 1
!parallel Avengers: Age of Ultron [985-987 --wild-merge --merge-chars 500 --plus 2500] | She-Hulk: Attorney at Law S01E09 [497 --plus 3000] --y-offset 20 --stroke-width 3.8 --font-size 30 --aspect-quotient 1.6 1
!parallel Superman and Lois S01E11 [262-263 --wild-merge --merge-chars 500] | Superman and Lois S01E11 [264-265 --wild-merge --merge-chars 500] | Superman and Lois S01E11 [266] | Superman and Lois S01E11 [267-268 --wild-merge --merge-chars 500] --y-offset 40 --font-size 30 --stroke-width 4 --aspect-quotient 1.2 --font-color yellow 1
!parallel The Dark Knight Rises [700 --plus 2000][701] [702 --remove-second --plus 1000] | The Dark Knight Rises [702-703 --remove-first --wild-merge --merge-chars 500 --plus 1000] --y-offset 20 --font-size 28 --stroke-width 3.8 --dimensions 1x4 ::EDITED:: --y-offset 40 1
!req Superman and Lois S01E01 [02:47] [02:49] [02:50] [02:52] --dimensions 1x4 1
!parallel Superman and Lois S01E01 [507-508 --wild-merge --merge-chars 100] | Superman and Lois S01E01 [509-511 --wild-merge --merge-chars 100] | Superman and Lois S01E01 [512-513 --wild-merge --merge-chars 100] | Superman and Lois S01E01 [514] --y-offset 20 --font-size 28 --stroke-width 3.8 --dimensions 1x4 1
!parallel Superman and Lois S01E11 [262-263 --wild-merge --merge-chars 500] | Superman and Lois S01E11 [264-265 --wild-merge --merge-chars 500] | Superman and Lois S01E11 [266] | Superman and Lois S01E11 [267-268 --wild-merge --merge-chars 500] --y-offset 40 --font-size 30 --stroke-width 4 --aspect-quotient 1.2 --font-color yellow 1
!parallel Superman [1:11:18 --plus 800] | Superman Returns [35:24 --plus 500] | Zack Snyder's Justice League [3:40:06 --plus 600] | Superman and Lois S01E11 [09:27 --plus 500] --dimensions 2x2 --border 1,1 --border-color #172be3 --brightness 20 --apply-to 3 1
!parallel Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice [787-788 --wild-merge --merge-chars 500 --minus 500] | Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice [1:19:29] | Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice [1:19:38] | Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice [789] --y-offset 20 --font-size 28 --stroke-width 3.8 --brightness 20 1
!parallel Superman [39:22 --custom-crop 10,0,40,90] | Superman Returns [21:01 --custom-crop 5,0,55,100] | Zack Snyder's Justice League [3:38:06 --custom-crop 2,0,52,100] | Superman and Lois S02E12 [00:03:16 --custom-crop 38,0,88,100] --dimensions 2x2 --aspect-quotient 1 --brightness 30 --contrast -10 --apply-to 3-4 1
!req Superman and Lois S02E12 [52 --plus 800] [53 --plus 1000] [54 --plus 1000] [55] --y-offset 20 --stroke-width 3.8 --font-size 28 1
!swap 22 Jump Street [1609] [1] | Breaking Bad S05E07 [511] [43:26 --empty] --y-offset 20 --font-size 26 --stroke-width 3.8 --font-color yellow 1
!req The Sandman S01E01 [42:58 --custom-crop 0, 0, 50, 100] 1
!req Superman and Lois S02E15 [543 --plus 500] [544-545] [546 --plus 500] --y-offset 20 --font-size 27 --stroke-width 3.8 1
!parallel Superman [937-938 --wild-merge --merge-chars 500] | Man of Steel [626-627 --wild-merge --merge-chars 500 --plus 3000] | Superman and Lois S01E11 [235 --remove-first] --dimensions 1x3 --y-offset 20 --font-size 27 --stroke-width 3.8 1
!parallel The Dark Knight [883-884 --wild-merge --merge-chars 500 --minus 500] | The Dark Knight [885 --plus 1000] [886-887] --y-offset 20 --font-size 28 --stroke-width 3.8 ::EDITED:: --y-offset 40 1
!req Nope [1:55:09] --aspect-quotient 1.6 1
!req Nope [1:59:28] --aspect-quotient 1.6 1
!req The Sandman S01E01 [42:58 --custom-crop 0, 0, 50, 100] 1
!req The Dark Knight Rises [184] --aspect-quotient 1.4 --font-size 26 --y-offset 40 1
!req Avengers: Age of Ultron [315 --custom-crop 10, 0, 60, 100] --font-size 28 --y-offset 40 1
!req The Tragedy of Macbeth 2021 [08:38] --brightness 20 --contrast 20 1
!parallel The Seventh Seal [03:44] | The Tragedy of Macbeth [07:30] --aspect-quotient 2 1
!req The Tragedy of Macbeth [18:05] --brightness 20 1
!parallel Superman [124 --custom-crop 0,0,60,100] | Superman Returns [965 --custom-crop 30,0,100,100] | Superman [125 --custom-crop 0,0,80,100] | Superman Returns [966-967 --wild-merge --merge-chars 1000 --custom-crop 30,0,100,100] | Superman [126 --plus 7000] | Superman Returns [968-969 --wild-merge --merge-chars 1000 --minus 3000] --y-offset 40 --font-size 33 --dimensions 2x3 --font helvetica-italic --border 1,1 --border-color black --aspect-quotient 1.4 --font-color yellow --stroke-width 1.5 1
!parallel The Dark Knight [1212-1215 --wild-merge --merge-chars 500 --plus 2000] | The Dark Knight [1216-1217 --wild-merge --merge-chars 500] | The Dark Knight [1218-1219 --wild-merge --merge-chars 500] | The Dark Knight [1220-1221 --wild-merge --merge-chars 500 --plus 4000] | The Dark Knight [1223-1224 --wild-merge --merge-chars 500] | The Dark Knight [1225 --plus 10000] --y-offset 40 --font helvetica-italic --aspect-quotient 1.6 --font-color yellow ::EDITED:: --y-offset 40 --font helvetica-italic --aspect-quotient 1.6 --font-color yellow --stroke-width 1.6 1
!parallel Superman and Lois S01E10 [461-462 --wild-merge --merge-chars 500 --plus 500] | Superman and Lois S01E10 [463-464 --wild-merge --merge-chars 500] | Superman and Lois S01E10 [465-466 --wild-merge --merge-chars 500 --plus 1000] | Superman and Lois S01E10 [467] --y-offset 20 --font-size 28 --stroke-width 1.8 ::EDITED:: --font-size 31 1
!parallel Superman and Lois S01E10 [505-506 --wild-merge --merge-chars 500] | Superman and Lois S01E10 [507 --plus 1500] --y-offset 20 --font-size 28 --stroke-width 1.8 ::EDITED:: --font-size 27 --font nfsans --y-offset 70 1
!req Mandy [1:55:31 --plus 420] [1:55:24 --plus 420] --aspect-quotient 2 1
!req Mandy [1:03:46] [1:03:52 --plus 420] --aspect-quotient 2 --brightness 30 --apply-to 1 1
!parallel No Country for Old Men [857 --remove-second] | No Country for Old Men [857 --remove-first --plus 7000] | No Country for Old Men [858 --plus 500] | No Country for Old Men [861] | No Country for Old Men [864 --plus 5000] | No Country for Old Men [868-869 --wild-merge --merge-chars 500] | No Country for Old Men [879-881 --wild-merge --merge-chars 500] | No Country for Old Men [882] No Country for Old Men [883] ::FLAGS-RESET:: ::EDITED:: --aspect-quotient 1.7 1
!parallel Bullet Train [1528-1529 --wild-merge --merge-chars 500] | Bullet Train [1530] | Bullet Train [1531] --y-offset 20 --font-size 25 --stroke-width 1.8 1
!req Scary Movie [179-181] [182 --remove-second] --dimensions 1x4 --y-offset 20 --font-size 26 --stroke-width 1.8 1
!req Black Adam [1:57:05 --custom-crop 10, 0, 60, 100] --brightness 30 1
!parallel The Dark Knight Rises [1047] | The Dark Knight Rises [1048-1049 --wild-merge --merge-chars 100] --y-offset 20 --font-size 26 --stroke-width 1.8 --aspect-quotient 1.6 ::EDITED:: --y-offset 45 1
!req Black Adam [1:25:38 --custom-crop 10, 0, 40, 100] ::EDITED:: --brightness 20 --contrast 10 1
!parallel Superman [34:45] | Superman [250-252 --wild-merge --merge-chars 500] --y-offset 20 --font-size 26 --stroke-width 1.8 --aspect-quotient 1.8 1
!parallel X-Men: First Class 2011 [950] | X-Men: First Class [1:21:37] | X-Men: First Class [951-952 --wild-merge --merge-chars 500]--y-offset 40 --font-size 27 --stroke-width 1.8 1
!req The Sandman S01E01 [42:58 --custom-crop 0, 0, 50, 100] 1
!req Spider-Man 3 [1086-1087 --wild-merge --plus 1000] ::EDITED:: --reset ::FLAGS-RESET:: 1
!parallel Superman and Lois S01E11 [313 --wild-merge] | Superman and Lois S01E11 [314] | Superman and Lois S01E11 [315-316 --wild-merge --merge-chars 200] ::FLAGS-RESET:: 1
!parallel Superman and Lois S01E11 [350-351 --wild-merge --merge-chars 200] | Superman and Lois S01E11 [352-353 --wild-merge --merge-chars 200] | Superman and Lois S01E11 [354] --y-offset 40 --font-size 25 --stroke-width 1.8 1
!req Superman and Lois S01E11 [23:14] --aspect-quotient 1.2 1
!parallel Superman and Lois S02E08 [578] | Superman and Lois S02E08 [579-580 --wild-merge --merge-chars 100] --y-offset 20 --font-size 25 --stroke-width 1.8 1
!swap Xavier: Renegade Angel S01E05 [359] | Taxi Driver [1:07:29] --font whisper --font-size 60 --y-offset 300 --aspect-quotient 1.4 --stroke-width 1.8 1
!req Batman Returns [1005 --plus 3000] [1006-1007] [1008 --minus 1000] --y-offset 20 --font-size 25 --stroke-width 1.8 --aspect-quotient 2 1
!req Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, Part 2 [1:08:32] [1:08:36] [1:08:42] [1:08:44] 1
!parallel Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara [1779-1780 --wild-merge --merge-chars 100] | Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara [1781-1784] | Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara [1785-1786 --wild-merge --merge-chars 100] | Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara [1787-1788 --wild-merge --merge-chars 100] | Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara [1789-1792] --stroke-width 1.8 --font helvetica-italic 1
!parallel Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara [1779-1780 --wild-merge --merge-chars 100] | Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara [1781-1784] | Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara [1785-1786 --wild-merge --merge-chars 100] | Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara [1787-1788 --wild-merge --merge-chars 100] | Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara [1789-1792] --stroke-width 1.5 --font segoe-bold-italic --aspect-quotient 1.8 1
!req Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice [1263-1264] ::FLAGS-RESET:: 1
!req No Time to Die [1050 --plus 2000] [1051-1054] 1
!parallel Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara [1238] | Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara [1239-1241 --wild-merge --merge-chars 100 --plus 8000] | Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara [1242-1244 --wild-merge --merge-chars 100 --plus 5000] ::EDITED:: --aspect-quotient 1.7 1
!parallel Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara [1767-1769 --plus 1000 --wild-merge --merge-chars 100] | Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara [1770] | Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara [1771 --plus 1000] | Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara [1775] | Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara [1776 --plus 500] | Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara [1777 --plus 1000] | Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara [1778 --plus 1500] --aspect-quotient 1.8 --no-collage 1
!swap Saving Private Ryan [0] [1457] [12] | Spider-Man [58:08 --empty] [590] [589] --y-offset 40 --font-size 25 --stroke-width 1.5 1
!parallel Spider-Man [649 --remove-second] | Spider-Man [649-650 --remove-first --wild-merge --merge-chars 500 --plus 4500] --stroke-width 1.4 1
!parallel Spider-Man [166] | Spider-Man [167-168 --wild-merge --merge-chars 500] | Spider-Man [169-170] ::EDITED:: --no-collage 1
!req Spider-Man [171 --plus 600][172-173] ::EDITED:: --text-shadow-stroke 1 --font-size 30 1
!parallel Dr. No [65] | Dr. No [66-67 --wild-merge --merge-chars 100] --stroke-width 1.6 ::EDITED:: --stroke-width 2 1
!req Aftersun [359-360 --wild-merge --merge-chars 100 --minus 9999] 1
!req Aftersun [359-360 --wild-merge --merge-chars 100 --minus 9999] --aspect-quotient 1.4 1
!req The Last of Us S01E01 [13:51 --plus 500] 1
!req The Last of Us S01E01 [43:01 --plus 500] --aspect-quotient 1.4 1
!parallel The Last of Us S01E01 [229 --plus 500] | The Last of Us S01E01 [232 --plus 1000] | The Last of Us S01E01 [233-234 --wild-merge --merge-chars 100 --plus 2000] | The Last of Us S01E01 [235 --plus 1000] | The Last of Us S01E01 [236-237] 1
!req The Last of Us S01E01 [13:51] 1
!req Aftersun [22:10] [22:19] 1
!req The Dark Knight [1745-1746] ::EDITED:: --brightness -40 1
!req The Last of Us S01E02 [08:00] [08:08] [08:20] 1
!req The Last of Us S01E02 [271-273] 1
!req The Last of Us S01E02 [40:08] 1
!parallel Superman and Lois S01E01 [647-648 --wild-merge --merge-chars 100] | Superman and Lois S01E01 [649-650] 1
!swap Saving Private Ryan [0] [1457] [12] | Spider-Man [58:08 --empty] [590] [589] --y-offset 40 --font-size 25 --stroke-width 1.5 1
!swap Saving Private Ryan [0] [1457] [12] | Spider-Man [58:08 --empty] [590] [589 --plus 500] --y-offset 40 --font-size 25 --stroke-width 1.5 ::EDITED:: Booba 1
!req Shaolin Soccer [1:41:50] [1:41:57] [1:42:04 --plus 800] [1:42:09] [1:42:15] 1
!parallel Aftersun [655-656 --wild-merge --merge-chars 100] | Aftersun [657] | Aftersun [658-659 --wild-merge --merge-chars 100] | Aftersun [660-661] | Aftersun [662-663 --wild-merge --merge-chars 100] 1
!req The Last of Us S01E03 [443-445] 1
!req The Last of Us S01E03 [00:01:58] 1
!parallel The Last of Us S01E03 [451-452 --wild-merge --merge-chars 100 --plus 500] | The Last of Us S01E03 [1:00:02] | The Last of Us S01E03 [453] 1
!req Tron Legacy [51:40 --custom-crop 15, 0, 100, 100] 1
!parallel The Last of Us S01E03 [217-218 --wild-merge --merge-chars 100] | The Last of Us S01E03 [219] | The Last of Us S01E03 [220 --plus 10000] 1
!parallel Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara [1779-1780 --wild-merge --merge-chars 100] | Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara [1781-1784] | Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara [1785-1786 --wild-merge --merge-chars 100] | Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara [1787-1788 --wild-merge --merge-chars 100] | Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara [1789-1792] --stroke-width 1.5 --font segoe-bold-italic --aspect-quotient 1.8 1
!parallel Enemy [1:01:04] | Arrival [1:28:50] | Dune 2021 [2:11:14] --brightness 100 --contrast -30 --apply-to 3 1
!req Black Panther Wakanda Forever [1806-1807] [2:33:40] 1
!palette The Grand Budapest Hotel [47:04] 1
!req Tron Legacy [1:54:31] 1
!req Tron Legacy [41:54] [41:56] [41:56 --plus 500] [41:57] 1
!palette Tron Legacy [46:51] 1
!req Tron Legacy [597] --aspect-quotient 1.4 --font helvetica-italic --stroke-width 1.5 1
!parallel Tron Legacy [1-2] | Tron Legacy [3-4 --wild-merge --merge-chars 100] | Tron Legacy [5-7 --wild-merge --merge-chars 100] | Tron Legacy [8-9 --wild-merge --merge-chars 100] | Tron Legacy [10 --plus 7000] --aspect-quotient 1.6 1
!req iron man 2 [590 --plus 1000] --aspect-quotient 1.6 1
!req The Last of Us S01E04 [150-151] [15:26] 1
!parallel Logan [1:05:48 --custom-crop 0,0,80,100] | The Last of Us S01E04 [15:10] --brightness 20 --apply-to 2 1
!req The Last of Us S01E05 [45:39 --plus 500 --custom-crop 20, 0, 65, 100] 1
!parallel Iron Man [394] | Iron Man [395-398 --wild-merge --merge-chars 300] | Iron Man [399] | Iron Man [400] --stroke-width 1.5 1
!parallel Westworld S01E10 [324-325 --wild-merge --merge-chars 100] | Westworld S01E10 [328] | Westworld S01E10 [329-330 --wild-merge --merge-chars 100] | Westworld S01E10 [331] | Westworld S01E10 [332 --plus 8000] --font helvetica-italic 1
!parallel Westworld S01E10 [324-325 --wild-merge --merge-chars 100] | Westworld S01E10 [328-330 --wild-merge --merge-chars 100] | Westworld S01E10 [331] | Westworld S01E10 [332 --plus 8000] --font helvetica-italic 1
!req Westworld S01E10 [360-361 --plus 2000] [362] 1
!req Westworld S01E10 [36:00] [36:02] [36:03] [36:11] 1
!req Westworld S01E10 [375-376] [403] [404 --plus 4000] 1
!parallel Westworld S01E10 [388 --plus 1000] | Westworld S01E10 [389-390 --plus 4000 --wild-merge --merge-chars 100] | Westworld S01E10 [391 --plus 2000] ::EDITED:: ::FLAGS-RESET:: 1
!req Westworld S01E10 [409] [410] [411 --plus 2000] 1
!req Westworld S01E02 [48] [49 --plus 500] 1
!parallel Westworld S01E05 [652-653 --plus 2000 --wild-merge --merge-chars 100] | Westworld S01E05 [654] 1
!parallel Westworld S01E03 [224 --plus 500] | Westworld S01E03 [225-227] | Westworld S01E03 [228-230 --wild-merge --merge-chars 100] | Westworld S01E03 [231-232 --wild-merge --merge-chars 100] 1
!req The Last of Us S01E07 [12:52 --plus 800] [27:09 --plus 500] [31:37] 1
!req The Last of Us S01E07 [464 --minus 2000] [465] [466 --remove-second] [466 --remove-first] --dimensions 1x4 1
!parallel The Last of Us S01E07 [496 --plus 500] | The Last of Us S01E07 [497-498 ] | The Last of Us S01E07 [499-500 --plus 3000 --wild-merge --merge-chars 500] 1
!parallel The Last of Us S01E06 [482-483 --plus 9000 --wild-merge --merge-chars 500] | The Last of Us S01E06 [484 --plus 4000] | The Last of Us S01E06 [485-486 --plus 1000 --wild-merge --merge-chars 500] | The Last of Us S01E06 [487-488 --wild-merge --merge-chars 500] 1
!palette Doom Patrol S01E02 [53:26 --custom-crop 7,0,96,100] 1
!palette The Batman [2:36:35 --plus 950 --custom-crop 20,0,75,100] 1
!parallel The Last of Us S01E08 [441-442 --plus 1000 --wild-merge] | The Last of Us S01E08 [443] 1
!req The Sandman S01E10 [493 --plus 2000 --total-split Can I get you] --aspect-quotient 1.6 1
!req Batman: Arkham Knight - Game of the Year Edition (2016) !game [07:11 --custom-crop 10,0,80,100] 1
!req Batman: Arkham Knight - Game of the Year Edition (2016) !game [07:20 --plus 500] 1
!req Batman: Arkham Knight - Special Edition Steelbook (2015) !game [10:32] [10:38 --plus 200] [10:45 --plus 550] [10:48] 1
!req The Sandman S01E10 [493 --plus 2000 --total-split Can I get you] --aspect-quotient 1.6 1
!req The Last of Us S01E09 [16:30] [16:43] [16:56] 1
!parallel The Last of Us S01E09 [362-363 --remove-first --plus 10000 --wild-merge --merge-chars 100] | The Last of Us S01E09 [364-365 --wild-merge --merge-chars 100] | The Last of Us S01E09 [366] | The Last of Us S01E09 [367-368 --wild-merge --merge-chars 100] 1
!parallel The Last of Us S01E09 [9-10 --plus 2000 --wild-merge] | The Last of Us S01E09 [13 --plus 1000] [14] 1
!parallel National Treasure [806] | National Treasure [807-808 --plus 3500 --wild-merge --merge-chars 100] | National Treasure [809] 1
!parallel Superman and Lois S03E01 [29:00 --custom-crop 10, 20, 90, 80] | The Batman [1:24:32] --aspect-quotient 1.4 1
!parallel Drake - Hotline Bling !song [1:21 --custom-crop 0, 0, 70, 100] | Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice [1188 --custom-crop 20,0,100,100] | Drake - Hotline Bling !song [1:18 --plus 500 --custom-crop 50, 0, 100, 100] | Superman and Lois S02E10 [472 --custom-crop 20,0,95,100] --dimensions 2x2 --aspect-quotient 1.1 --font-size 32 1
!swap American Psycho [1 --split raviolini] [1283] [1287] | Batman Begins [1113-1114 --plus 1000 --wild-merge --empty] [1116 --plus 500] [1117] --dimensions 1x3 1
!req Mandy [1:56:15 --plus 420] [1:55:35 --plus 420] [1:55:24 --plus 420] [08:06 --plus 420] [10:00 --plus 420] [42:53 --plus 420] [1:44:20 --plus 420] [1:35:54 --plus 420] --palette 1
!req Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 [1:16:41] [710 --minus 3000] [711] --font helvetica-italic 1
!parallel Legion S03E02 [183 --x-crop-offset 50] | Legion S03E02 [185-186 --plus 4000 --x-crop-offset 60 --wild-merge --merge-chars 100] | Legion S03E02 [187-190 --minus 5000 --x-crop-offset 60 --wild-merge --merge-chars 100] | Legion S03E02 [208 --minus 2500 --remove-second] | Legion S03E02 [208 --remove-first] --aspect-quotient 1.6 1
!parallel Legion S01E01 [150] | Legion S01E01 [151-152 --wild-merge --merge-chars 100] | Legion S01E01 [153] | Legion S01E01 [158 --plus 1000] 1
!req Legion S03E04 [44:56 --custom-crop 15, 0, 82, 100] 1
!req Legion S03E05 [308-309] [328 --remove-second] 1
!parallel Legion S03E06 [401-402 --minus 10000 --wild-merge --merge-chars 100] | Legion S03E06 [403-405 --minus 10000] --brightness 20 1
!req The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent [45:50 --x-crop-offset -20] [45:52 --x-crop-offset -50] --aspect-quotient 1.6 1
!req Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara [577] [578-579 --merge] [580-581 --merge] [582] ::FLAGS-RESET:: ::EDITED:: -font nfsans 1
!req Inside Llewyn Davis [927,929 --merge --plus 500] [930-931 --merge] 1
!swap !swap pirates of the Carribbean: the cursw of the black pearl [1202] | amélie [12:26] ::FLAGS-RESET:: /* cloned from original request (2022-05-12) */ ::EDITED:: --aspect-quotient 1.4 1
!req Shazam: Fury of the Gods [1342 --plus 500][1343 --plus 500] [1:21:55] [1346 --plus 1000] --font nfsans --stroke-width 1.5 --font-size 25 ::EDITED:: --stroke-width 0 1
!swap The Dark Knight Rises [941-943 --no-merge] | Shazam: Fury of the Gods [1:02:15] [1:02:11] [1:02:13 --plus 500] ::EDITED:: --wrap-width 60 1
!req Justice League: Dark [185-187 --font helvetica-italic] [188 --font helvetica] 1
!req Inception [1024,1025 --merge --remove-first] [1025 --remove-second --plus 400] [1027 --plus 500] [1028 --remove-second] [1028,1029 --merge --remove-first] [1030 --plus 2000] [1:21:09] [1031 --plus 500] 1
!req The Social Network [209 --remove-second --plus 2000] [209 --remove-first] [210] [211 --remove-second] 1
!req The Social Network [681 --font helvetica-italic] [682-683 --font helvetica --merge --wrap-width 60] [684 --plus 2000 --font helvetica --remove-second] [684 --font helvetica --remove-first] 1
!req The Social Network [1151,1152 --remove-second] --stroke-width 1.5 --aspect-quotient 1.6 1
!req Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice [181] [182 --plus 10000] [183 --plus 3000] ::EDITED:: --brightness 40 --contrast -10 1
!req Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice [188-190 --plus 500 --font clearsans] [191 --plus 5000 --font clearsansmediumitalic] 1
!req Inception [2:04:17] --aspect-quotient 1.6 1
!req Inception [1528 --font clearsans] [1529-1530 --plus 7000 --merge --font clearsansmediumitalic] [1531-1532 --plus 6000 --merge --font clearsans] [1533-1534 --plus 2000 --merge --font clearsansmediumitalic] 1
!req X-Men [17:29] [103 --plus 7000] [104 --plus 5000] 1
!req Superman Returns [883][884 --x-crop-offset -20] [2:03:19 --plus 500] [885] [2:03:53 --plus 400] --brightness 30 --contrast -30 --aspect-quotient 1.9 1
!req Superman II: The Richard Donner Cut [622] [623-624 --merge] [625-627 --merge --wrap-width 60] [628-630 --merge --plus 1000 --wrap-width 60] [647-648 --merge] [649-653 --merge --wrap-width 71] [662-663 --merge --plus 5000] [664-665 --merge] 1
!parallel The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent [1108-1109 --wild-merge --merge-chars 1000 --plus 1700] | The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent [1110 --plus 1100] | The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent [1111 --plus 1000] | The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent [1112-1113 --wild-merge --merge-chars 1000 --plus 2100] ::EDITED:: ::FLAGS-RESET:: /* cloned from original request (2022-08-26) */ 1
!req Legion S03E02 [193-195 --merge --plus 500] [196-198 --merge --wrap-width 60 --plus 7000] [199 --plus 500] 1
!req Zack Snyder's Justice League [1:51:53] 1
!req The Hero [1149-1150 --merge --wrap-width 60 --plus 2000] [1151 --remove-second --plus 2000] [1152-1153 --merge] [1154] --aspect-quotient 2 1
!req The Incredible Hulk [1:32:44] --aspect-quotient 1.8 1
!req The Incredible Hulk [1:32:44 --custom-crop 10, 0, 85, 100] 1
!req The Incredible Hulk [1:41:40 --plus 200 --custom-crop 10,0,65,100] 1
!req The Incredible Hulk [708 --font clearsans] [709 --minus 3000 --font clearsansmediumitalic] [1:42:10] [1:42:20] 1
!parallel Superman Returns [2:10:27 --brightness 50] | Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice [2:30:12] | Superman and Lois S01E01 [51:23 --plus 500 --brightness 30 --contrast -10] 1
!req Superman and Lois S01E01 [899 --plus 800] [900-901 --merge] [902-903 --merge] [904-905 --merge --plus 300] [906-907 --merge] [908-909 --merge] [910-911 --merge] --aspect-quotient 1.6 1
!req Batman: Arkham Knight - Special Edition Steelbook (2015) !game [6:47:51 --plus 200] 1
!req Batman: Arkham Knight - Special Edition Steelbook (2015) !game [6:47:50] 1
!swap Soul [This is New York City] | Blade Runner 2049 [1:37:57] --aspect-quotient 1.6 1
!req The Hangover [1:45:43 --custom-crop 0, 12, 52, 93] 1
!req Man of Steel [76-77 --merge] [11:08] [11:16 --plus 900 --brightness 30 --contrast -10] 1
!req Man of Steel [1131-1132 --merge] [1133-1134 --merge] [1139-1141 --merge] 1
!req Man of Steel [1208-1210 --merge] [1211-1215 --merge --wrap-width 60] [1216-1217 --merge] [1218-1220 --merge --plus 2000] 1
!req Superman and Lois S01E15 [439-440 --merge --plus 2000] [441-442 --merge] [443-444 --merge --plus 3000] 1
!req Control: Ultimate Edition (2020) cutscenes movie !game [2:21:47] [2:21:37] [2:21:53] 1
!req Control: Ultimate Edition (2020) cutscenes movie !game [2:05:47] 1
!req Control: Ultimate Edition (2020) cutscenes movie !game [2:05:48 --plus 500] 1
!req Superman and Lois S02E15 [23:49 --custom-crop 20, 0, 90, 100] 1
!req Superman and Lois S02E15 [23:49 --custom-crop 20, 0, 90, 100] 1
!swap The Room [386] | Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania [1:40:00] --aspect-quotient 1.6 1
!req Black Mirror S06E02 [06:55] 1
!req Black Mirror S06E02 [99 --plus 2500] [100 --plus 1000] [101-102 --merge --plus 500] 1
!req Black Mirror S06E01 [553 --plus 1000] [554-555 --merge --plus 500] [560-561 --merge --plus 6000] 1
!req Black Mirror S06E03 [1:16:38] [1:16:42] 1
!palette Black Mirror S06E04 [38:59 --custom-crop 20, 0, 100, 100] --brightness 30 1
!req Black Mirror S06E05 [53-54 --merge --plus 2000 --wrap-width 55] [58-59 --merge] [62-63 --merge --plus 2000] [68,70 --plus 500] --no-collage 1
!swap Hoodwinked! [1102 --x-crop-offset 40] | No country for old men [02:59 --plus 500] --aspect-quotient 1.6 1
!req Black Mirror S06E05 [1:11:51] --aspect-quotient 1.6 1
!palette blade runner 2049 [29:20] --aspect-quotient 1.8 1
!palette blade runner 2049 [29:20] --aspect-quotient 1.8 1
!req blade runner 2049 [1061-1062 --merge --minus 10000] [1063 --brightness 20] --aspect-quotient 1.6 1
!swap Normal People S01E06 [99] [0] [0] | Spider-Man 2 [259 --plus 500] [21:56 --empty] [260 --empty] 1
!req Spider-Man 2 [233-234 --plus 5000] 1
!req Superman Returns [53:20 --custom-crop 40, 0, 90, 100] --brightness 50 --color 30 1
!req cutscene://2602:347 !game [1:37:17 --plus 500 --custom-crop 2, 8, 98, 92] 1
!req cutscene://2602:347 !game [1:56:41 --plus 500] [1:57:21] 1
!req Renfield [22-23 --merge --plus 1000 --custom-crop 30, 0, 70, 100] 1
!req Renfield [255-256 --merge --plus 1000 --y-offset 20] [259-260 --merge --minus 5000 --y-offset 20] [264] [265 --plus 500] 1
!req se7en [381-382 --merge] --aspect-quotient 1.6 --contrast -20 1
!parallel Her 2013 [1:31:02] | Lost in Translation [41:14 --x-crop-offset 45] --dimensions 2x1 --aspect-quotient 1 1
!req Aftersun [1:31:45] [1:32:10 --plus 700] [1:32:13 --plus 800] [1:31:30] --dimensions 2x2 --aspect-quotient 1.2 --brightness 30 1
!req The Flash [372-374 --merge] [376] [378-379 --merge] 1
!req The Flash [1377-1379 --merge] [1380] [1381-1382 --merge] [1383-1385 --merge] [1386] 1
!req The Flash [383] [386-387 --merge --text-lines 2] [1637-1638 --merge] [1639-1640 --merge] --dimensions 2x2 --aspect-quotient 1 1
!req The Flash [136 --plus 500] [146-147 --merge --plus 2000] [142 --remove-second --plus 500] 1
!parallel Batman The Dark Knight issue 1 Page 1 !comic [0:0 --custom-crop 0, 1, 100, 70] | Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, Part 1 [17:45 --plus 800] | Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice [2:35:32 --plus 500] --aspect-quotient 1.8 1
!req Asteroid City [252] [253-254 --merge] [255-257] [258-259 --merge] --aspect-quotient 1.8 1
!req Asteroid City [5:38] [49:42] [1:26:14] [43:55 --x-crop-offset -10] [51:20] [1:20:11] [1:30:25] [51:43] --dimensions 2x4 --aspect-quotient 2.1 --border 1,0 --border-color #FBC02D 1
!req Asteroid City [1617] [1618-1619 --merge --plus 4000] --aspect-quotient 1.8 1
!req Asteroid City [1649-1654 --plus 500] 1
!req Spider-Man [171 --plus 600][172-173] /* cloned from original request (2023-01-17) */ 1
!req The Sandman S01E01 [42:58] 1
!req The French Dispatch [1:05:15] [1:05:49] [1:05:49 --plus 500] [1:05:13] --dimensions 2x2 --brightness 30 1
!req The Sandman S01E01 [42:58] 1
!req Superman and Lois S02E15 [23:49 --custom-crop 20, 0, 90, 100] 1
!req The Incredible Hulk [1:32:44 --custom-crop 10, 0, 85, 100] 1
!card redacted-url !lyrics [Take control] | Control: Ultimate Edition (2020) !game [2:01:56 --plus 200] --zoom-factor 1.7 1
!card redacted-url !lyrics [I don't want your desire, I just wanna be free] | The Sandman S01E10 [33:57] --aspect-quotient 1.6 1
!req Suicide Squad [975] [976-977] [978-979 --merge --plus 500] 1
!req Suicide Squad [995-997] [998-999 --merge --text-lines 2 --plus 1000] [1000] 1
!req Suicide Squad [893-898] 1
!parallel Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse [05:14] | The Amazing Spider-Man 2 [2:03:08] --aspect-quotient 1.6 1
!req Ad Astra [793-794 --merge] [795-797 --merge] [798][799-800 --merge] [801-802 --merge] [803-804 --merge] [805-806 --merge] 1
!req Ad Astra [66-67 --merge] [68,70 --merge] 1
!req Ad Astra [253,255] [256-257 --merge] 1
!req Ad Astra [264 --plus 500] [265,268 --merge] [269-270 --merge --font clearsansmediumitalic --plus 9000] [272] [273-274 --merge --plus 500] --font clearsans 1
!req Ad Astra [276,279] 1
!req Ad Astra [1027 --font helveticalt] [1028-1029 --merge --font helveticalt] [1030] [1031-1033 --merge --text-lines 2 --plus 1000] [1034-1035 --merge --plus 2000] [1036] --font helveticamediumitalic --aspect-quotient 1.6 1
!req Spider-Man Across the Spider-Verse [24:46 --custom-crop 25, 0, 100, 100] [52:30 --custom-crop 30, 0, 100, 100] 1
!card redacted-url !lyrics [Real human being] [And a real hero] | Drive [28:54] 1
!card redacted-url !lyrics [I'm giving you a night call to tell you how I feel] | Drive 2011 [10:25 --custom-crop 5, 0, 75, 100] --no-trim --brightness 20 1
!req Batman the animated series S01E50 [209 --plus 2000] [210-211 --plus 1000] --y-offset 10 1
!req Captain America: the First Avenger [1172-1173 --merge] [1174] [1175-1176 --merge --plus 500] [1177 --plus 500] ::EDITED:: --aspect-quotient 1.8 1
!parallel Westworld S01E02 [56:03 --plus 730] | Westworld S01E01 [00:25:22] --brightness 20 1
!req Suicide Squad [183] [184-185 --merge --plus 3000] [186 --plus 500] 1
!req Zack Snyder's Justice League [1951-1952 --merge] [1953] [1954-1955 --merge --plus 1000] [1956-1957 --merge] --y-offset 15 --no-collage 1
!req The Matrix [436 --x-crop-offset -60] --aspect-quotient 1.6 1
!req Batman and Robin [726-727 --merge] [728-729 --merge] [730 --minus 1500] [731 --plus 2000] 1
!parallel The Dark Knight [1:21:06] | The Batman [2:45:52 --plus 500 --custom-crop 50, 0, 100, 100] | The Flash [04:11] --brightness 20 1
!parallel The Dark Knight [1:21:06] | The Flash [04:11] | The Batman [2:45:52 --plus 500 --custom-crop 50, 0, 100, 100] --brightness 25 1
!req Ahsoka S01E03 [22:41 --plus 500] --aspect-quotient 1 --brightness 30 1
!req Licorice Pizza [2:06:06 --plus 300] 0
!swap Seinfeld S04E18 [0] [502] [0] | No Country for Old Men [129 --plus 5000 --empty] [21:15] [25:05 --empty --custom-crop 30, 0, 100, 80] --aspect-quotient 1.8 1
!swap !swap pirates of the Carribbean: the cursw of the black pearl [1202] | amélie [12:26] ::FLAGS-RESET:: /* cloned from original request (2022-05-12) */ ::EDITED:: --aspect-quotient 1.4 /* cloned */ 1
!req The Dark Knight Rises [530 --plus 1000] [531-532 --merge] --aspect-quotient 1.8 1
!parallel Batman Returns [1:54:04] | The Dark Knight Rises [56:32 --x-crop-offset 30] | Batman v Superman [1:20:50 --x-crop-offset -30] | The Batman [1:41:01 --brightness 20] --dimensions 2x2 --aspect-quotient 1.2 1
!req Manchester by the City [1538,1541 --merge] [1542] [1543-1545 --merge] [1546] [1553,1554] [1556 --plus 500] [1557] 1
!req Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part 1 [131 --x-crop-offset 40] [132-133 --merge --x-crop-offset 40] --aspect-quotient 1.6 1
!req X-Men: the Last Stand [155] [156 --remove-second] [156 --remove-first --plus 500] 1
!req X-Men: the Last Stand [181 --plus 500] [182 --remove-second --plus 550] 1
!req X-Men: the Last Stand [242 --remove-first --plus 3200] [22:30] [243] [244-245 --merge] 1
!req Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part 1 [1:17:34] [1:41:28 --x-crop-offset -100] --aspect-quotient 2 1
!req Loki S02E06 [39:07] [38:39 --plus 500] [41:41] [42:22] 1
!req Loki S02E06 [38:39 --plus 500] [41:41] [42:22] [50:44] 1
!req Loki S02E06 [34:10] [34:22] 1
!req Loki S02E06 [34:10 --plus 500] [34:22] 1
!req Loki S02E05 [375-376 --merge] [379-380 --merge --plus 3000] [381-382 --merge] [383-384] --aspect-quotient 1.8 1
!swap Spider-Man [1] [1] [1] [48] | Loki S02E06 [121-122 --merge --empty --wrap-width 60] [131 --remove-first --empty] [07:45 --empty] [9:10] 1
!parallel The Avengers [77-78 --merge --plus 1000] | Loki S02E06 [50:44] 1
!req Loki S02E06 [454 --plus 5000] [467-468 --merge] [469] [31:27] 1
!parallel Loki S02E06 [31:26] | Pink Floyd - wish you were here !cover [0:0 --custom-crop 25, 15, 80, 90] --aspect-quotient 1.4 1
!parallel Loki S02E06 [31:26] | redacted-url !cover [0:0 --custom-crop 21, 20, 75, 88 --zoom-factor 1.2] --aspect-quotient 1.4 1
!parallel Thor [1047,1049-1050 --merge --plus 6500] | Loki S02E06 [511-513 --merge] --aspect-quotient 1.8 1
!req Thor [1066] [1067-1068 --merge --plus 1000] [1069,1071-1072 --merge --plus 500] [1073] 1
!req The Dark Knight [892 --plus 2500] [893 --plus 1000] [894-896] --aspect-quotient 1.6 1
!req The Dark Knight [883-884 --merge --minus 500] [885 --plus 1000] [886-887] 1
!req The Dark Knight [1749-1750 --merge --plus 6000] [1751-1752 --merge --plus 5000] [1753-1755 --merge] 1
!req The Dark Knight [1723-1724 --plus 6000] 1
!req Star Wars: Rise of the Skywalker [352-353] 1
!req The Dark Knight [1190,1193-1194] [1:35:36] [1195-1196 --merge --plus 2000] [1203] [1204 --plus 800] 1
!req Batman Begins [216-217,219-221] [222-224 --merge --wrap-width 60] --aspect-quotient 1.8 --font-size 20 1
!req Batman Begins [357-358] [359-360 --merge] 1
!req Leave the World Behind [24-25 --merge] [26-27 --merge] [28-30 --merge --plus 500] [31-33 --merge] [34-35] --aspect-quotient 1.6 1
!req Home Alone 2: Lost in New York [1:31:56] 1
!req Batman Returns [1005 --plus 3000] [1006-1007 --merge] [1008 --minus 1000] [2:00:50] --aspect-quotient 2 1
!req cutscene://2003:530 !game [08:26] 1
!palette Batman Begins [1:05:44 --plus 300 --custom-crop 10, 0, 100, 100] --aspect-quotient 1.6 1
!req Captain America: the Winter Soldier [293,295-296 --merge] [297] [298-299 --merge] [300-301 --merge --plus 1500] 1
!req Batman Begins [180-181 --merge --plus 7900 --x-crop-offset 50] [182 --plus 1200 --x-crop-offset 50] --aspect-quotient 1.8 1
!parallel Batman Begins 2005 [00:00:33 --plus 350] | The Dark Knight 2008 [00:00:49 --plus 700] | The Dark Knight Rises 2012 [00:01:04 --plus 500] 1
!req The Secret Life of Walter Mitty [610-611 --merge] [612-613 --merge --plus 500] [614-615] 1
!req Echo S01E01 [23:52 --custom-crop 0, 0, 70, 100] 1
!req Superman and Lois S01E11 [184-185 --merge] [186-187 --merge --plus 2300] [188-189 --merge] [190] 1
!req Justice League: Crisis on Infinite Earths Part One [678-679 --merge] [680] [681-682 --merge] 1
!req Justice League: Crisis on Infinite Earths Part One [775] [58:20] [776] [58:34] 1
!req Justice League: Crisis on Infinite Earths Part One [954-955 --merge] [956-958] 1
!req Justice League: Crisis on Infinite Earths [1001] [1002-1003 --merge] [1004-1005 --merge] [1:17:53] 1
!req Justice League: Crisis on Infinite Earths [986-987 --merge] [988-989 --merge] [990] [991 --plus 3500] [992 --plus 3000] 1
!req redacted-url !yt [21:00] 1
!req The Marvels [332 --minus 9800 --x-crop-offset -40] [25:59] --aspect-quotient 1.6 1
!req Life of Pi [731] [732-733 --merge] 1
!req The Dark Knight [626] | [1193 --x-crop-offset -30] | [627 --plus 1500 --x-crop-offset -70] | [1194 --x-crop-offset -30] | [631 --remove-second --plus 2500] | [1:35:36 --plus 500 --x-crop-offset 35] --dimensions 2x3 --aspect-quotient 1 1
!swap Jack and Jill [0] [0] [0] [1794] | No Country for Old Men [132 --remove-second --empty --plus 2500] [132 --remove-first --empty --plus 8000] [133 --remove-second --empty --plus 1000] [135 --plus 2500] 1
!palette La La Land [35:44] 1
!palette La La Land [35:44 --x-crop-offset -30] --aspect-quotient 2 1
!req Birdman (or the Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance) [1530-1531 --merge] [1532-1533 --merge --wrap-width 57] [1534] --font-size 24 1
!req Birdman (or the Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance) [1] [2-3 --merge] [4] 1
!req Birdman (or the Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance) [1] [2-3 --merge] [4] 1
!palette La La Land [35:44 --x-crop-offset -30] --aspect-quotient 2 0
!req Birdman (or the Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance) [85-88 --plus 500] [90-91 --plus 500] [92 --plus 2000]--brightness 30 1
!req Birdman (or the Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance) [355] [361-362 --merge] [363-364 --merge] [365] 1
!req Birdman (or the Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance) [596] [597-598 --merge] [599-600 --merge --wrap-width 59] [601-602 --merge] --font-size 23 1
!req Birdman (or the Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance) [921-922 --merge] [923-925] --no-trim --aspect-quotient 2.2 1
!req Birdman (or the Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance) [962] [963,965 --merge] [966-967 --merge --plus 500] --no-trim 1
!req Liberal Arts [970-971 --merge --x-crop-offset -70] [972-973 --merge --x-crop-offset -70 --plus 1000] --aspect-quotient 1.8 1
!req Liberal Arts [316-318] [319-320 --merge] 1
!req Birdman (or the Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance) [1458-1459 --merge --plus 1000] [1460-1461 --merge --plus 500] [1462-1463 --merge --plus 500] [1464-1465 --merge --plus 1500] 1
!req Birdman (or the Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance) [1601 --plus 500] [1602-1603 --merge] [1604] 1
!palette Birdman (or the Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance) [1:26:05] 1
!req Man of Steel [427-428 --merge --x-crop-offset 40] [429 --x-crop-offset 40] --aspect-quotient 1.8 --font-size 24 1
!req redacted-url !yt [16] --aspect-quotient 1.8 1
!req redacted-url !yt [26 --plus 3500 --custom-crop 20, 0, 80, 100] [27] [28-30] 1
!req redacted-url !yt [37-38 --merge] [2:14] [39 --plus 1650] 1
!parallel The Dark Knight Rises [941 --plus 500] | The Dark Knight Rises [942] | The Dark Knight Rises [943] --brightness 30 1
!req Marvel's Daredevil S02E13 [391-394 --merge --plus 2500] [395] [396 --plus 1000] [397-398 --merge --plus 500] [399 --plus 500] ::EDITED:: --font-size 25 1
!req Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides [1329-1330 --merge --plus 3000 --custom-crop 0, 0, 70, 100] 1
!req She-Hulk: Attorney at Law S01E09 [26:32 --custom-crop 10, 0, 90, 100] ::EDITED:: --palette /* cloned */ 1
!req Westworld S02E09 [37-38 --merge --plus 2000] [04:34] [04:35] [39-42 --merge --plus 3500 --wrap-width 50] 1
!req Westworld S02E09 [116] 1
!req Westworld S02E09 [147 --plus 3000] [149 --plus 1000] [150 --plus 1500] 1
!req Westworld S02E09 [255] [256-257 --merge] [258-259 --merge] [260-261 --merge] [262-264 --merge] [265 --plus 2500] 1
!req Westworld S02E09 [305-306 --merge --plus 500] [307-308 --merge --minus 2000] [26:19] [309-310 --merge --plus 1000] 1
!req Westworld S02E09 [364-365 --merge] [31:41] [366-367 --merge --wrap-width 58] --font-size 23 1
!req Westworld S02E09 [37-38 --merge --plus 2000] [04:34] [04:35] [39-42 --merge --plus 3500 --wrap-width 50] --font-size 24 1
!req Westworld S02E09 [538] [540 --plus 4000] [541-542 --merge] 1
!req Westworld S02E09 [538] [540 --plus 6000] [541-542 --merge] 1
!req Westworld S02E09 [545-546 --merge] [547] [548 --minus 3500] 1
!req Westworld S02E09 [549-550 --merge --plus 5000] [551-552 --merge --plus 10000] [555-556 --merge --minus 4000] 1
!req Westworld S02E04 [5:58] [30:10] [52:15] 1
!req Westworld S02E04 [5] [7 --plus 500] [266] [268 --plus 1500] [455 --x-crop-offset -30] [456-457 --merge] --dimensions 2x3 --aspect-quotient 1.2 --font-size 35 --y-offset 10 1
!req Westworld S02E04 [436-437 --merge] [438] [439-441 --merge --wrap-width 58] [442] --font-size 24 1
!req Westworld S02E04 [444-445 --merge] [446] [447 --plus 1000] 1
!req Westworld S02E04 [51:13 --custom-crop 0, 0, 75, 100] 1
!req Westworld S02E04 [532-533] 1
!req The Amazing Spider-Man 2 [1749 --plus 500] [1750 --plus 1000] ::FLAGS-RESET:: /* cloned */ 1
!req Joker 2019 [1:05:20 --plus 780] ::EDITED:: --palette /* cloned */ 1
!req Iron Man [1220] 1
!req Iron Man [799] [800-801 --merge --wrap-width 64] [802 --merge] [803] [804] --font-size 22 1
!parallel The Dark Knight [1340-1341] | The Dark Knight [1342-1343 --wild-merge --merge-chars 500 --plus 2500] ::EDITED:: ::FLAGS-RESET:: /* cloned */ 1
!req Ocean's Eleven [582 --plus 800] [583 --plus 2000] 1
!req Iron Man [1:05:10] [1:05:27] [1:05:29] 1
!req Westworld S02E07 [137-138 --merge] [139] [140 --plus 1500] 1
!req Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 [1534 --plus 1500] [1535-1536 --merge] [1537 --plus 2000] [1538 --plus 2500] 1
!req Dune 2021 [892 --plus 5000 --x-crop-offset 40] --aspect-quotient 1.6 --brightness 30 1
!req Dune 2021 [1:15:23] [886 --plus 3000] --brightness 30 1
!req Superman Returns [53:20 --custom-crop 40, 0, 90, 100] --brightness 50 --color 30 1
!req Injustice [617-619 --merge --minus 1500] [620-621 --merge --minus 1000] [622-623 --merge --minus 1000] [624-625 --merge --plus 2800] 1
!req Inception [2:04:26] [2:13:10] 1
!req Past Lives [41:41 --plus 250] ::EDITED:: --palette 1
!req Past Lives [1:35:12] [1:34:20] 1
!palette Tron Legacy [46:51] 1
!req Just Go With It [2439 --plus 500] [2440-2441 --merge --plus 9000] [2442] [2443-2445 --merge --plus 5000] 1
!req Past Lives [1:01:40] [1:01:52] [1:02:00] 1
!req Westworld S02E02 [73 --plus 3000] [564-565 --merge --plus 3000] 1
!req Westworld S02E02 [544] [545 --plus 4000] 1
!req Westworld S02E02 [544-545] [53:46] 1
!req Nocturnal Animals [1063-1064] [1065 --plus 1500] [1066 --plus 2000] 1
!req Nocturnal Animals [1157 --merge --remove-first] [1158-1160 --merge --wrap-width 71 --plus 4500] [1162,1172 --merge] [1184-1186 --remove-first --merge --plus 8500] [1187-1188 --merge --plus 1500] [1189-1190 --merge --plus 5000] --font-size 23 1
!req Nocturnal Animals [846-847 --merge --x-crop-offset 70] --aspect-quotient 1.6 1
!swap Scent of a Woman [1256] [275] | Before Sunset [1443] [1444] 1
!req Nocturnal Animals [711-712 --merge] [713-714] [715-716 --merge] 1
!req Nocturnal Animals [839] [840-841 --merge] [842 --remove-second --minus 1000] [843-844 --merge --plus 5000] 1
!req The Killer [515-517 --merge] [518 --plus 2800] --brightness 30 1
!req The Killer [565-566] 1
!req The Killer [621] [622-623 --merge] [624] 1
!req The Killer [133 --minus 4500] [134] [135 --plus 2000] 1
!req redacted-url !yt [33 --plus 1000] [2:13] 1
!req redacted-url !yt [1:52 --plus 500] [1:42 --plus 500] [1:51] 1
!req Man of Steel [738-742] 1
!req First Man [1897-1898] [2:04:04] 1
!req First Man [2:07:05] [2:08:31] [2:07:08] [2:08:11] --aspect-quotient 2 1
!req Spectre [892-894 --plus 800] [895-896 --merge] [897 --plus 1500] [2:00:19] --dimensions 2x3 --aspect-quotient 1 --font-size 30 --y-offset 10 1
!req redacted-url !yt [1:32] --aspect-quotient 1.4 1
!req X-Men: First Class [950-952 --plus 500 --x-crop-offset -40][953 --x-crop-offset 60] [954-955 --x-crop-offset -40] --dimensions 2x3 --aspect-quotient 1 --font-size 32 1
!req Inside Llewyn Davis [928 --minus 10000] [929] [930-931 --merge] [932-933 --merge] [934] 1
!req X-Men: Days of Future Past [1559-1561] 1
!palette Aquaman [2:01:22] 1
!req Rockstar [32:51] [1:20:07 --custom-crop 0, 0, 90, 100] [2:35:40 --plus 500] 1
!req The Killer [1-2 --merge] 1
!req Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 [1:16:41] [710 --minus 3000] [711] --font helvetica-italic /* cloned */ 1
!req Westworld S02E10 [336-337 --merge --plus 7000] [338-339 --merge --plus 10000] [340-341 --merge --plus 7000] [34:37] 1
!req Westworld S02E10 [321-322] 1
!req Knight of Cups [314-315] 1
!req Knight of Cups [347-348] [349 --minus 500] [350] 1
!req Zack Snyder's Justice League [I've been dead inside a long time] 1
!req Knight of Cups [437-438 --merge] [439-440] [441-442 --merge] --font circularstdbolditalic 1
!req Knight of Cups [297-298 --merge --plus 10000] [299] [300-302 --merge] [303-304 --merge] [305-306 --merge] 1
!req 3 Body Problem S01E07 [463 --plus 800] [465-466 --merge --plus 8000] [467-468 --merge] [469-470 --merge --plus 500] [27:51] 1
!parallel 3 Body Problem S01E06 [380 --plus 1000] | 3 Body Problem S01E07 [46:42] [47:19] [47:34] 1
!req Knight of Cups [573-574] [575-576 --merge] [577-578 --merge --plus 7000] 1
!req Man of Steel [1211-1215 --merge --wrap-width 55] [1216-1217 --merge] [1218-1220 --plus 7000] 1
!req The Amazing Spider-Man 2 [1:45:00] [1:45:04] 1
!req Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, Part 2 [648 --minus 4000] [649] 1
!req Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, Part 2 [494] [495 --plus 5000] [498] [499 --minus 5000] 1
!req Superman Returns [451] [452 --plus 1000] [453-454] [52:26] 1
!req Scenes From a Marriage S01E02 [663-664 --plus 5000] [53:15] 1
!req Scenes From a Marriage S01E03 [556 --plus 7000][557-559 --plus 6000] 1
!req The Wolverine [850-851] 1
!req The Wolverine [1019-1020] 1
!req Scenes From a Marriage S01E04 [400] [401-403 --merge] [404 --remove-second] [405-406 --merge] 1
!req Scenes From a Marriage S01E05 [641 --plus 2000] [41:37] 1
!req Scenes From a Marriage S01E05 [760] [761-762 --merge] [763-764] 1
!req X-Men: First Class [1375-1376 --merge --plus 3500] [1377] [1379] [1380] 1
!req Mandy [1:56:32] [1:56:28] --aspect-quotient 1.8 1
!req Falling Down [543] [544-545 --merge --plus 3000] [546] [547-549 --merge] 1
!req Falling Down [959-960] [961-962 --merge] [963] [964,966 --merge --plus 10000] [967 --remove-first] [968 --plus 5000] [969] 1
!req Knight of Cups [298 --plus 10000] [299] [300-302 --merge] [303-304 --merge] [305-306 --merge] 1
!req Baby Reindeer S01E06 [406] [409-412 --merge] [413-417] 1
!req Challengers [470-472 --plus 1500] 1
!req Challengers [189-191 --plus 500] 1
!req Challengers [1112-1113] 1
!req Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire [1:34:32] 1
!req Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire [1:31:27 --plus 500] ::EDITED:: --palette 1
!palette Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire [1:40:31 --plus 500] 1
!req Challengers [1202 --plus 1000] [1203-1204 --merge] [1205 --plus 500] [1206-1207 --merge] 1
!req Challengers [1167 --remove-second] [1167-1168 --merge --remove-first] [1169-1170] [1171-1172 --merge] [1173-1174 --merge --plus 500] [1175-1176 --merge --plus 500] 1
!req Challengers [1329] [1330-1331 --merge] [1332-1333] 1
!req Challengers [1334] [1337 --plus 500] [1340 --minus 1000] [1341 --plus 1000] 1
!req Challengers [1382] [1383-1384 --merge] [1385-1386 --merge --plus 10000] 1
!req Challengers [2:06:39] [2:06:42 --plus 300] [2:06:48 --plus 800] [2:06:50] 1
!req Challengers [1465-1466 --merge] [1467] [1468 --plus 10000] [1469] [1470-1471 --merge] [1472-1474] 1
!req Challengers [374 --plus 500] [375-376 --merge] [377] 1
!parallel X-Men 97 S01E09 [12:01 --x-crop-offset 30] | X-Men 97 S01E08 [10:19] | X-Men: First Class [2:04:20] [24:16] | X-Men: the Last Stand [34:00 --custom-crop 28, 0, 70, 70] [19:44 --x-crop-offset 50] --dimensions 2x3 --aspect-quotient 1.4 --border 2,2 --border-color #eb34eb 1
!req The Wolverine [1027-1028] [1029-1030 --merge] [1031] [1036] [1037 --plus 2500] 1
!req Civil War [321-322 --merge] [323-325] 1
!palette Civil War [1:14:05] 1
!req Civil War [1:38:30 --plus 800] [1:38:37] [1:39:05] --brightness 30 1
!req Civil War [1:06:06 --x-crop-offset -20] --aspect-quotient 1 1
!req Civil War [502 --plus 1000] [49:44] 1
!req X-Men First Class [1182-1183 --merge] [1:41:07] [1:41:10] [1:41:27] 1
!req Fall Guy [943 --minus 3000] [944-946 --merge] [947 --plus 2000] 1
!req Challengers [2:00:08] [2:00:46] [2:00:57] [2:00:59] 1
!req Challengers [1:51:59] [1:52:04] 1
!req Batman Begins [194-195 --merge --plus 6000 --x-crop-offset 40 --wrap-width 59 --font-size 23] --aspect-quotient 1.8 --page rebuild 0
!swap Jack and Jill [1] [1794] | Challengers [942 --empty --plus 8000 --custom-crop 50, 0, 100, 100] [943 --remove-second --plus 7000] 1
!req No Time to Die [13:11] [71] [13:30] 1
!req Falling Down [1138-1141] 1
!req Falling Down [1356 --remove-second] [1357-1358] --page rebuild 0
!req Falling Down [1398-1399] 1
!req Falling Down [604] [605 --plus 1000] [606] 1
!req The Boys S04E01 [389 --plus 3000] 1
!req The Boys S04E01 [647-649 --merge --plus 2000] [650 --plus 2000] [651-652 --merge --plus 1000] [654-655 --merge --plus 1500] 1
!req The Boys S04E01 [771,777 --merge --plus 1500] [778] [53:01] [53:33] 1
!req The Boys S04E01 [817 --plus 1000] [818 --minus 5000] [819] [820-821 --merge --plus 1500] 1
!req The Boys S04E01 [817 --plus 1000] [818 --minus 5000] [819] [820-821 --merge --plus 1500] --page rebuild 1
!req The Boys S04E01 [771,777 --merge --plus 1500] [778] [53:01] [53:33] --page rebuild 0
!req The Boys S04E01 [647-649 --merge --plus 2000] [650 --plus 2000] [651-652 --merge --plus 1000] [654-655 --merge --plus 1500] --page rebuild 0
!req The Boys S04E01 [389 --plus 3000] --page rebuild 0
!parallel Westworld S01E02 [43 --plus 2000 --x-crop-offset -20] | Westworld S04E08 [316] | Westworld S01E02 [44 --x-crop-offset -30] | Westworld S04E08 [317 --plus 1500] | Westworld S01E02 [45] | Westworld S04E08 [318] --dimensions 2x3 --aspect-quotient 1.2 --font-size 35 1
!req The Boys S04E03 [477-478 --merge] [479 --plus 1000] [480-481 --merge] [482] [483 --plus 1000] 1
!req The Boys S04E03 [247-248 --merge] [249 --remove-second] [249-251 --remove-first --merge --plus 500] [252 --remove-second] [253 --remove-first] [254 --remove-first] [255 --plus 500] 1
!parallel X-Men 97 S01E02 [346-347 --merge --minus 10000 --wrap-width 44] | X-Men First Class [1310 --plus 200 --x-crop-offset -30] | X-Men 97 S01E02 [348] | X-Men First Class [1311 --x-crop-offset 80] --dimensions 2x2 --aspect-quotient 1 --font-size 28 1
!parallel X-Men 97 S01E02 [346-347 --merge --minus 10000 --wrap-width 44] | X-Men First Class [1310 --plus 200 --x-crop-offset -30] | X-Men 97 S01E02 [348] | X-Men First Class [1311 --x-crop-offset 80] --dimensions 2x2 --aspect-quotient 1 --font-size 28 --page rebuild 0
!req The Boys S04E05 [820-821] [48:20] --page rebuild 0
!req The Boys S04E05 [733-735 --merge] [736-738] --page rebuild 0
!palette Rockstar [2:00:26] --page rebuild 0
!req Rockstar [2:24:51] 1
!req Rockstar [1886-1887 --plus 1000] [2:16:41] [2:16:43] 1
!req Rockstar [1925-1926 --merge] [1927] [1930-1931 --merge] [2:27:20] 1
!req Rockstar [2013-2015 --merge --wrap-width 50] [2016] [2017-2020 --merge] [2:31:05] 1
!req Rockstar [2013-2015 --merge --wrap-width 45] [2016] [2017-2020 --merge] [2:31:05] 1
!req I saw the TV Glow [255-256] [258] 1
!req I Saw the TV Glow [28:12] [55:48] [59:19] --aspect-quotient 1.6 1
!req I Saw the TV Glow [16:17] --palette 1
!req Silver Linings Playbook [1687 --remove-second --minus 500] [1687 --remove-first] [1688-1690 --merge] [1691-1692 --merge --plus 1000] [1698] [1699 --plus 1000] --page rebuild 0
!req The Boys S04E08 [1:02:25] [1:02:27] 1
!req Blade [889] --aspect-quotient 1.6 1
!req Friends With Benefits [760] [761 --plus 1000] [762 --plus 1000] 1
!req Batman Caped Crusader S01E02 [263] [267 --remove-first --plus 2000] [268-269 --merge] [270] 1
!req Batman Caped Crusader S01E02 [108] [109 --plus 2500] 1
!req Batman Caped Crusader S01E01 [18:00] [17:53] [286-287 --merge] [288] 1
!req Batman Caped Crusader S01E03 [84-85 --merge] [86] [87 --remove-second] 1
!req Batman Caped Crusader S01E06 [260] [261-262 --merge] [263] 1
!req Batman Caped Crusader S01E05 [158-159 --merge] [160 --plus 500] 1
!req Batman Caped Crusader S01E09 [08:15] --aspect-quotient 1.4 1
!req Batman Caped Crusader S01E09 [0:13] [0:55] [1:06] 1
!req Batman Caped Crusader S01E10 [297-298 --merge] [299] [300-302 --merge] [303-304 --merge] [305-306] 1
!req Batman Caped Crusader S01E10 [310-311] [22:15] 1
!parallel Batman The Animated Series S01E01 [00:00:58] | Batman Caped Crusader S01E10 [22:57 --x-crop-offset 30] | Batman The Animated Series S01E01 [00:00:59] | Batman Caped Crusader S01E10 [22:56 --plus 550 --x-crop-offset 30] --dimensions 2x2 --aspect-quotient 1 1
!req A Quiet Place Day One [39:35] [39:37 --plus 500] [39:42] 1
!req A Quiet Place Day One [39:21] [39:18] 1
!req A Quiet Place Day One [263-264 --merge] [265-266] [267-268 --merge] [269-272] 1
!req A Quiet Place Day One [24:21] [1:15:53] [1:15:58] [1:16:47] 1
!req Casino Royale [1019] [1020 --plus 5000 --x-crop-offset -30] [1021] [1022-1023 --merge --plus 5000] [1024-1025 --merge --plus 9000] --aspect-quotient 1.8 1
!req X-Men: First Class [412 --plus 800] [413-414] 1
!req Superbad [706-707 --merge] [714-715 --merge] [716 --minus 1200] 1
!req Watchmen Chapter I [25-26 --merge] [27-28 --merge] [29] 1
!req Watchmen Chapter I [173-174] [175 --remove-second --minus 500] [175 --remove-first] 1
!req Watchmen Chapter I [1060-1061 --merge] [1063] 1
!req Watchmen Chapter I [1055] [1056-1057 --merge] [1058 --plus 500] [1059 --plus 3000] 1
!req Batman The Dark Knight Returns Part 1 [272-273 --merge] [274] [275] --font-size 23 1
!req Breaking Bad S04E11 [354] 1
!req Watchmen S01E09 [658-660 --merge --plus 1000] [661-663 --merge] [664] 1
!req Watchmen S01E09 [608-609 --merge] [610-611] [612-613 --merge] 1
!req Fresh [1:36:02] [1:36:19 --plus 500] [1:37:05] 1
!req A Quiet Place Day One [263-264 --merge] [265-266] [267-269 --merge] [270-271 --merge --plus 5000] [272] 1
!req Shrek the Third [694-695 --plus 500] 1
!req Longlegs [470-471 --merge] [472] [473-474 --merge] 1
!req Longlegs [4-5] [6 --plus 3700] 1
!req 3 Idiots [485-487] 1
!req 3 Idiots [519] [520-521 --merge] [522 --plus 800] [523-524 --merge] 1
!req No Time to Die [1479-1480 --merge] [1481 --plus 500] [1482] [2:16:14] 1
!req No Time to Die [1:41:06] --palette 1
!req No Time to Die [1035-1036 --plus 500] [1037] --aspect-quotient 1.8 1
!req No Time to Die [1021-1024 --plus 800] 1
!parallel On Her Majesty's Secret Service [1172 --plus 3000] | No Time to Die [40 --plus 1500] 1
!swap 4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days [2] [863 --custom-crop 30, 0, 70, 100] | Loki S01E02 [339 --empty --custom-crop 30, 0, 70, 100] [340] --dimensions 2x1 --aspect-quotient 1 --font-size 35 1
!parallel La La Land [1151-1152] | redacted-url !yt [0:01 --plus 500] 1
!req Trap [1:37:18] [1:37:29] [1:37:41 --plus 500] 1
!parallel Batman [1:43:32] | The Flash 2023 [1:15:53] 1
!req A Ghost Story [36:22] [36:27] [36:34] 1
!req The Flash [1798 --font circularstdblack] [1799 --font circularstdblackitalic] [1800-1801 --merge --font circularstdblack] 1
!req Spectre [297-298 --remove-second --merge] [299 --remove-second] [300 --remove-first] [301-302 --plus 500] 1
!req Mandy [You exude a cosmic darkness.] [1:34:00] --aspect-quotient 1.6 ::EDITED:: --color -100 1
!req Fresh [974-975] 1
!req Fresh [949] [950 --plus 5000] [951] [952-953 --merge] 1
!req The Sandman S01E11 [665-666 --merge --remove-second --plus 9000] [666-667 --merge --remove-first] [668-669 --merge] --font-size 23 1
!req The Sandman S01E11 [59:33] [Goodbye, Calliope.] [1:00:07] 1
!req The Worst Person in the World [1226 --plus 500] [1227-1228 --merge][1229] [1230-1232 --merge] 1
!req The Worst Person in the World [1114-1118] 1
!req Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice [418-419 --merge] [420] [45:11 --plus 200] --font-size 23 1
!parallel Spectre [427 --plus 5000] [428 --plus 7500] | No Time to Die [36 --plus 500] [37 --plus 1500] 1
!req Westworld S02E04 [436-438 --merge] [439-441 --merge --wrap-width 58] [442] --font-size 23 1
!req Westworld S02E04 [530-531 --merge --minus 3000] [532-533] 1
!req Skyfall [221] [223 --minus 5000] [224 --plus 500] 1
!req Skyfall [356-359 --merge --wrap-width 72] [360] [361] [362-363 --merge] --font-size 21 1
!req No Country for Old Men [774-775 --merge] [776-777 --merge] [778 --plus 1000] --font circularstdblack 1
!req The Bear S01E06 [388-389 --merge] [390] [391-392 --merge] 1
!req The Bear S01E06 [504-505 --merge] [506-507 --merge] [508] 1
!parallel Westworld S01E08 [436 --plus 9000] [437 --plus 1000] | Westworld S02E09 [305 --plus 8000] [26:18] 1
!req Skyfall [95-97 --merge --wrap-width 61] [98-99 --merge --plus 1000] [100 --plus 100] --font-size 23 1
!req The Bear S02E02 [600 --plus 1500] [601 --plus 2000] 1
!req Spectre [1:31:02 --custom-crop 20, 0, 90, 80] [653 --remove-second] [653 --remove-first] 1
!req The Bear S02E07 [166,170 --merge] [175,180 --merge --font-color yellow] [185,187 --merge --plus 10000 --font circularstdblackitalic --font-color yellow] [191-192,197 --merge --minus 10000 --font-color yellow] [198] --font circularstdblack --font-size 24 1
!req The Bear S02E10 [677-678 --merge] [679-680 --merge] [681] [682 --plus 10000] --font-size 22 --aspect-quotient 2 1
!req Deadpool & Wolverine [584] [585 --font circularstdblackitalic] [586 --plus 500] --font circularstdblack 1
!req The Bear S03E09 [471 --remove-first] [472] 1
!req The Bear S03E10 [626-627 --merge] [631 --plus 500] [632-633 --merge] --font-size 23 1
!req Superman and Lois S04E01 [204 --plus 1000] [205-206 --merge --plus 1500] [207-208 --merge --plus 2000] [16:34] 1
!req Superman and Lois S04E01 [37:27] [534] [535] 1
!req Superman and Lois S04E01 [116] [117-118 --merge] [120-122 --merge --plus 500] [123-125 --merge] [126] 1
!req No Time to Die [1412 --plus 5000] [1413-1414 --merge] [1415-1416 --merge --plus 2000] [1417-1418] 1
!req Quantum of Solace [402] ::EDITED:: --aspect-quotient 1.7 1
!req No Time To Die [859-860 --merge] [1:24:13 --custom-crop 20, 0, 80, 100] [861] 1
!req Challengers [1399] [1400 --plus 3000] 1