1. Here.
Copy !req
2. Piisuke's birdfeed is 10,000 yen a month,
Copy !req
3. leaving me with 2,000 yen to feed myself.
Copy !req
4. Man, I wish I could eat
till I was full for once.
Copy !req
5. But all my problems are gonna go away
Copy !req
6. once I kill this Sakamoto guy.
Copy !req
7. Right, Piisuke?
Copy !req
8. I mean, one billion yen!
Imagine what we could do with all that.
Copy !req
9. We might even be able to eat sushi!
Copy !req
Copy !req
11. I gotta say,
Copy !req
12. a lot of hit men are after that bounty...
Copy !req
13. They're tearing the shop apart.
Copy !req
14. We'll need to do some major repairs.
Copy !req
15. But we don't have the money for that.
Copy !req
16. So hopefully,
Copy !req
17. we can win the tournament tomorrow
and it'll all work out.
Copy !req
18. ¥1,000,000
Copy !req
19. Hiya. Got a minute?
Copy !req
20. Hello, how—
Copy !req
21. Which one of you is Taro Sakamoto?
Copy !req
Copy !req
23. Another hit man!
Copy !req
24. Hand him over without a fuss
and I'll let you go, fatty.
Copy !req
25. That's the Sakamoto you're looking for!
Copy !req
26. I'm just a part-timer here.
Copy !req
27. I don't know a Taro Sakamoto.
Copy !req
28. Wait, what?
Copy !req
29. Isn't this Sakamoto's?
Copy !req
30. There are lots of shops with that name.
Copy !req
31. Lots? Aw, man!
Copy !req
32. You're cute.
Copy !req
33. This hit man's a moron.
Copy !req
34. He doesn't even realize
that his target is right in front of him.
Copy !req
35. Also...
Copy !req
36. There are lots of them?
Copy !req
Copy !req
38. Wait. So that means...
Copy !req
39. we won't get to eat sushi?
Copy !req
40. No fair! That makes me so sad.
Copy !req
41. His thoughts are so stupid and trivial!
Copy !req
42. What a worthless mind to read...
Copy !req
43. But I asked this old lady on the street
Copy !req
44. and she said Taro Sakamoto would be here...
Copy !req
45. We told you, he's not here.
Copy !req
46. Taro Sakamoto's a common name anyway.
Copy !req
47. There must be two hundred million of them.
Copy !req
48. Two hundred million?
Copy !req
49. How am I supposed to find the right one?
Copy !req
50. The train fees are gonna rack up...
Copy !req
51. I don't even have enough money
for breakfast today.
Copy !req
52. He's watching us.
Copy !req
53. Thanks so much, you guys!
Copy !req
54. Piisuke, you're welcome any day.
Copy !req
55. We're so lucky they gave us pork buns,
huh, Piisuke?
Copy !req
56. I didn't know
there were such dumb hit men.
Copy !req
57. Guys like that last surprisingly long.
Copy !req
58. Damn, I was really counting on that.
Copy !req
59. I guess we're gonna be stuck
living in this tent for a while.
Copy !req
60. Though this tent won't last much longer...
Copy !req
61. Grandma back home gave it to me special,
and look at it now...
Copy !req
62. Someday we're gonna make it big
and live in a huge house, Piisuke.
Copy !req
63. You don't have what it takes
to be a hit man.
Copy !req
64. Just quit already, jackass.
Copy !req
65. I wanna show the guys who fired us
just how wrong they were.
Copy !req
66. "Paintball Tournament"?
Copy !req
67. A one million yen prize?
Copy !req
68. Holy smokes!
Copy !req
69. With that much money,
I bet we could buy a condo!
Copy !req
70. This is it, Piisuke. Luck is on our side!
Copy !req
Copy !req
72. Let's win this thing.
Copy !req
73. One million yen...
Copy !req
74. Walkie-talkies for team communications
available over here.
Copy !req
75. Wow, they have KIL2-Us.
Copy !req
76. This equipment is legit!
Copy !req
77. Reel it in.
Copy !req
78. Good luck, guys!
Copy !req
79. Lu, why aren't you playing?
Copy !req
80. I'm not participating
in such a barbaric game.
Copy !req
81. We're doing it to get enough money
to repair the shop.
Copy !req
82. Well, I'm sure the two of us
can handle these amateurs.
Copy !req
83. No, you can't do that.
Copy !req
84. - Come on!
- Oh, jeez.
Copy !req
85. Please? Please let me play!
Copy !req
86. I'm telling you, you can't play alone!
Copy !req
87. It's a team competition
requiring two to five people per team!
Copy !req
88. Seriously?
Copy !req
89. Piisuke?
Copy !req
90. You guys have to help me!
Copy !req
91. Get away from us!
Copy !req
92. - Hey, let go!
- Pretty please!
Copy !req
Copy !req
94. Thanks so much, you guys.
Copy !req
95. Damn it...
Copy !req
96. He's gonna slow us down.
Copy !req
97. Hello! Thank you for participating
Copy !req
98. in the annual Ikoraizaka Shopping Street
Paintball Tournament!
Copy !req
99. We'll be using paintball BB pellets.
Copy !req
100. If you get shot, you're out of the game.
Copy !req
101. The whole shopping street is your field.
Copy !req
102. Shoot to your heart's content
and we'll clean up together afterwards.
Copy !req
103. It's great that they do this every year.
Copy !req
104. Sure is helpful.
Copy !req
105. Now I get it.
Copy !req
106. It also serves as community cleanup
for the neighborhood.
Copy !req
107. Prize money, cleaning... What a great event.
Copy !req
108. Is everyone in position?
Copy !req
109. Hey, so, what am I supposed to do?
Copy !req
110. Just shoot people!
Copy !req
111. Got it!
Copy !req
112. But don't shoot us teammates, okay?
Copy !req
113. I'm not that dumb!
Copy !req
114. What's with those guys?
Copy !req
115. Rookies, right?
Copy !req
116. - And... begin!
- They won't last—
Copy !req
117. Did he... shoot those guys?
Copy !req
118. What? She said "begin," right?
Copy !req
119. Starting off strong, it's Sakamoto's!
Copy !req
120. How did that happen?
Copy !req
121. - The heck?
- What a way to kick it off!
Copy !req
122. How did he...
Copy !req
123. Caught you off guard.
Copy !req
124. No hard feelings, Mr. Sakamoto.
Copy !req
125. Sakamoto's is crushing it!
Copy !req
126. Looks like they're our top contender!
Copy !req
127. We've got this!
Copy !req
128. Bulletproof glass for the shop,
Copy !req
129. an expanded range of instant noodles...
Copy !req
130. This is super fun!
Copy !req
131. So this is what it's like to
have comrades.
Copy !req
132. It's so nice to have pals
to watch your back...
Copy !req
133. He thinks we're "pals" already?
Copy !req
134. By the way, you guys are really good.
Copy !req
135. Are you guys professional...
Copy !req
136. He knows?
Copy !req
137. paintball nerds?
Copy !req
138. Good thing he's dumb.
Copy !req
139. Okay. I'll be the decoy
and get up to the front line.
Copy !req
140. Cover me, brothers!
Copy !req
141. He's not a bad guy, I guess.
Copy !req
142. Woo-hoo! Get 'em, legend!
Go, Taro Sakamoto!
Copy !req
143. I love how your belly jiggles!
Copy !req
144. Taro... Sakamoto?
Copy !req
145. Nah, he looks nothing like this!
Copy !req
146. That's Mr. Manager when he was thin!
Copy !req
147. I like him better chubby.
Copy !req
148. See? His glasses and hair
are the exact same—
Copy !req
149. This doesn't look anything like you,
Mr. Sakamoto.
Copy !req
150. Right?
Copy !req
151. I don't like liars.
Copy !req
152. Uh-oh! They were on a roll,
Copy !req
153. but the members of Team Sakamoto's
are now turning on each other!
Copy !req
154. How could you?
Copy !req
155. I thought you were my pals.
Copy !req
156. That damn Lu.
She just couldn't keep her mouth shut.
Copy !req
157. Oh, well.
Copy !req
158. Looks like I'm getting
both the prize and the bounty.
Copy !req
159. Caught you off guard!
Copy !req
160. Die, you suckers!
Copy !req
161. Whoa! Team Barbers, coming in strong!
Copy !req
162. Perfect timing.
Copy !req
163. Ow!
Copy !req
164. Argh!
Copy !req
165. Over here, Piisuke!
Copy !req
166. Airsoft guns are fun and all, but...
Copy !req
167. A real gun?
Copy !req
168. this is more my style!
Copy !req
169. From that distance, with that stance...
Copy !req
170. Such a well-aimed headshot...
Copy !req
171. I guess it can't be that easy.
Copy !req
172. Let's go farther, Piisuke.
Copy !req
173. Hey, wait!
Copy !req
174. Shin, we have to deal with this first.
Copy !req
175. Man, who would've thought...
Copy !req
176. our target would be right under our noses?
Copy !req
177. We really are lucky!
Copy !req
178. What is it, Piisuke?
Copy !req
179. No, I'm not crying...
Copy !req
180. I'm not sad at all.
Copy !req
181. They're my enemies!
Copy !req
182. You get it, right?
Copy !req
183. Either way,
Copy !req
184. this is something I have to do.
Copy !req
185. I need to make my mark
as a freelance hit man!
Copy !req
186. All right, the tournament
is coming to its climax!
Copy !req
187. Which team will win
and take home the prize?
Copy !req
188. He doesn't seem to be near.
Copy !req
189. - I'll take a look around.
- Stop.
Copy !req
190. You need to be cautious
in battles with a sniper.
Copy !req
191. First, you determine where they are.
Copy !req
192. However, you must do so
without giving away your own position.
Copy !req
193. A ricochet?
Copy !req
194. Where is he shooting from?
Copy !req
195. He knows our location?
Copy !req
196. Seriously, Piisuke?
Copy !req
197. He dodged that one too?
Copy !req
198. Are you alright, Mr. Sakamoto?
Copy !req
199. You dodged that, huh? Pretty impressive.
Copy !req
200. What are you talking about?
It was a random ricochet.
Copy !req
201. Don't get smug.
Copy !req
202. It wasn't random.
Copy !req
203. His round had an absurd spin rate.
Copy !req
204. I think it was designed
specifically to ricochet.
Copy !req
205. Wow. Didn't think you'd figure that out.
Copy !req
206. You're right.
Copy !req
207. The rounds I use
are called triple-rebound rounds.
Copy !req
208. They're made to bounce
so you can't track the trajectory.
Copy !req
209. It's a special design.
Copy !req
210. For someone who called us "pals,"
you have no problem with killing us.
Copy !req
211. Don't be so naive.
Copy !req
212. We're hit men before we're pals.
Copy !req
213. Once I put my eye to the scope,
Copy !req
214. it's just a matter of hit or miss.
Copy !req
215. Nothing else.
Copy !req
216. Seriously? He won't even
let us catch our breath!
Copy !req
217. They put up a good fight.
Copy !req
218. Ever since I was young,
Copy !req
219. I've never been able
to measure up to my peers.
Copy !req
220. You're really no good at anything,
huh, Heisuke?
Copy !req
221. But somehow,
Copy !req
222. I could keep pace
when it came to shooting.
Copy !req
223. This is it! This has got to be my thing!
Copy !req
224. Hi, I'm the new hire, Heisuke Mashimo.
Copy !req
225. My expertise is sniping.
Copy !req
226. In the academy,
I focused on my sniping skills.
Copy !req
227. I'll be the best sniper you've ever had.
Copy !req
228. Nice to meet you all!
Copy !req
229. What's wrong with you?
Copy !req
230. What use would we have
for a guy who can only do one thing?
Copy !req
231. Did you think
you'd get to choose your tasks, rookie?
Copy !req
232. Go, go!
Copy !req
233. Kill 'em all!
Copy !req
234. What're you doing, Mashimo?
Copy !req
235. You can't even handle a knife?
Copy !req
236. Mashimo, stop slowing us down!
I'm gonna kill you!
Copy !req
237. I'm telling you.
Copy !req
238. You really aren't cut out to be a hit man.
Copy !req
239. Who cares if you can shoot
if that's all you can do?
Copy !req
240. Just quit already, jackass.
Copy !req
241. Unable to fit in, I got fired from my job.
Copy !req
242. I'm so hungry. You too, Piisuke?
Copy !req
243. "Taro Sakamoto... Bounty, one billion yen."
Copy !req
244. This is it.
Copy !req
245. I'm gonna prove to them
that I am an awesome sniper.
Copy !req
246. I need to complete this hit to prove...
Copy !req
247. that I'm not—
Copy !req
248. Shut up already! Your mic is on.
Copy !req
249. Dang, you heard all that?
Copy !req
250. Who cares what other people think?
Copy !req
251. What does it matter?
Copy !req
252. The person you need to prove yourself to
Copy !req
253. is you, and only you!
Copy !req
254. When people get surprised,
Copy !req
255. I can read their thoughts even from afar.
Copy !req
256. Well played.
Attacking me with your loud voice.
Copy !req
257. I got a screechy ringing in my ear.
Copy !req
258. With a pebble?
Copy !req
259. This guy's a monster...
Copy !req
260. There's no way I could ever beat him...
Copy !req
261. All day, we've watched teams fight
to survive this cutthroat game,
Copy !req
262. and now, it has finally come to an end!
Copy !req
263. The winner of this year's game is...
Copy !req
264. Team Sakamoto's!
Copy !req
Copy !req
266. Way to go!
Copy !req
267. Turns out, I'm not even a good sniper.
Copy !req
268. Damn it all!
Copy !req
269. Man, you cry a lot.
Copy !req
270. Are you really a hit man?
Copy !req
271. Shut up!
Copy !req
272. It's not like you guys would know
what it feels like to be weak.
Copy !req
273. Weak?
Copy !req
274. Never have I fought such a skilled sniper.
Copy !req
275. Not once.
Copy !req
276. It's not like that's the nicest thing
someone has ever said to me!
Copy !req
277. Stop crying about everything!
Copy !req
278. Oh, the prize...
Copy !req
279. Here's your share.
Copy !req
280. I get to have some?
Copy !req
281. Only 50 yen?
Copy !req
282. You wrecked half the town
with those ricochets.
Copy !req
283. What a shame.
Copy !req
284. You fought so hard to win,
but used all the money to fix up the town.
Copy !req
285. Sorry.
Copy !req
286. It's okay.
You're safe and that's what matters.
Copy !req
287. Hey, how did you two meet?
Copy !req
288. Huh?
Copy !req
289. I can't imagine Mr. Sakamoto
asking someone out.
Copy !req
290. Well, you know...
Copy !req
291. Hi! May I help you?
Copy !req
292. That'll be 1,063 yen.
Copy !req
293. Is that blood on your shirt?
Copy !req
294. Sir?
Copy !req
295. Here,
Copy !req
296. this is for you.
Copy !req
297. He has a surprisingly pure heart.
Copy !req
298. Stop reading Aoi's mind.
Copy !req
299. Sorry, sir.
Copy !req