1. Thanks for shopping with us!
Copy !req
Copy !req
3. Man, Mr. Sakamoto,
you were so cool the other day!
Copy !req
Copy !req
5. That close-quarters combat was insane!
Copy !req
6. Never seen anything like it!
Copy !req
7. Even retired,
you're the absolute best for sure!
Copy !req
8. Bam, bam, and then a counterpunch!
Copy !req
9. Get back to work.
Copy !req
10. And most of them
you killed with a single blow!
Copy !req
11. What's that?
Copy !req
12. "Killed"?
Copy !req
13. Honey,
Copy !req
14. you aren't going back to being a hit man,
are you?
Copy !req
15. But you killed all those guys,
just the other day.
Copy !req
16. Made sure it wasn't fatal.
Copy !req
17. Honey, do I need to remind you
Copy !req
18. that I will file for divorce
if you break our family rule?
Copy !req
19. Divorce!
Copy !req
20. Good, I was just checking.
Copy !req
21. I'm going to go sweep outside.
Copy !req
22. So, what's this about a "family rule"?
Copy !req
23. You have to stop killing me in your mind!
Copy !req
24. Keep your mouth shut.
Copy !req
25. So this is Niikita Chinatown!
Copy !req
26. There's so much to see!
Copy !req
27. But why'd we come all the way here
to buy items for the shop?
Copy !req
28. Thanks, come again!
Copy !req
29. Only 50 per day!
Copy !req
30. "Heavenly Pork Buns"?
Copy !req
31. Is this what you came here for?
Copy !req
32. Got enough for Aoi and Hana, too.
Copy !req
33. He loves his family so much!
Copy !req
34. By the way, what was that "family rule"
Ms. Aoi was talking about?
Copy !req
35. Drop it.
Copy !req
36. No need to explain, just think about it!
Copy !req
37. And I'll take a peek!
Copy !req
38. Get out of my way!
Copy !req
39. Mr. Sakamoto!
Copy !req
40. Oh no, the Heavenly Pork Buns!
Copy !req
41. If we brush the dirt off, maybe we can...
Copy !req
42. Maybe not.
Copy !req
43. There she is!
Copy !req
44. - You bitch!
- Get her!
Copy !req
45. Think you can shake us
sneaking through alleys like a cat?
Copy !req
46. As if I'd get caught
by a bunch of dummies like you!
Copy !req
47. Mr. Sakamoto?
We might want to leave before things...
Copy !req
48. They're ruined.
Copy !req
49. Sorry, this is no time
to be worrying about that!
Copy !req
50. Wow, she's using tai chi!
Copy !req
51. Surround her!
Copy !req
52. You little—
Copy !req
53. I've got you now.
Copy !req
54. Hey! Let go of me!
Copy !req
55. Keep her alive, but mess her up good.
Copy !req
56. Let's get those legs first,
so you can't run away.
Copy !req
57. Who the hell is this guy?
Copy !req
58. Freeze! Not another step!
Copy !req
59. - No!
- I'll kill—
Copy !req
60. What's her story?
Copy !req
61. Look, there she is!
Copy !req
62. She's with her gang! Get 'em all!
Copy !req
63. "Her gang"?
Copy !req
64. We're outta here!
Copy !req
65. After them!
Copy !req
66. You won't get away!
Copy !req
67. Who even are you guys?
Copy !req
68. Shit!
Copy !req
69. DAN, INC.
Copy !req
70. Where's the girl?
Copy !req
71. It seems she's slipped away...
Copy !req
72. She had two men helping her escape.
Copy !req
73. We're looking into who they are.
Copy !req
74. You let her get away again?
Copy !req
Copy !req
76. We killed her entire clan
tracking her down!
Copy !req
77. If she disappears,
it'll all have been for nothing!
Copy !req
78. You idiot!
Copy !req
79. I'm terribly sorry, sir!
Copy !req
80. Enough!
Copy !req
81. Get out of my sight!
Copy !req
82. Send them in.
Copy !req
83. Yes—
Copy !req
84. Look, Son Hee,
his head is still gasping for air!
Copy !req
85. You fool...
Copy !req
86. We don't play with dead bodies.
Copy !req
87. It's tasteless, Bacho.
Copy !req
88. These brothers are psychotic...
Copy !req
89. Listen to me.
Copy !req
90. What we need is that girl's key.
Copy !req
91. Once we have that key,
Copy !req
92. we will be able
to rule all of the black market!
Copy !req
93. I don't care what it takes. Find the girl!
Copy !req
94. That means we can kill anyone
that gets in our way, correct?
Copy !req
95. Do what you want.
Copy !req
96. What?
Copy !req
97. You're the daughter of a mafia family?
Copy !req
98. And not just any mafia family,
but the Lu clan?
Copy !req
99. Don't announce it to the whole world!
Copy !req
100. What do they want from you?
Copy !req
101. This little guy.
Copy !req
102. A key?
Copy !req
103. The key to our clan's hidden vault.
Copy !req
104. My parents trusted me with it.
Copy !req
105. Screw that, just get rid of it.
Copy !req
106. Nothing's worth your own life.
Copy !req
107. No way in hell!
Copy !req
108. My dad and mom
Copy !req
109. died protecting this key.
Copy !req
110. Shaotang, you go on ahead!
Copy !req
111. Run! Hurry!
Copy !req
112. If I let those guys get this now,
Copy !req
113. how can I face my parents in heaven?
Copy !req
114. Oh, I got carried away.
This isn't your problem.
Copy !req
115. Sorry for the trouble!
Copy !req
116. I guess this is goodbye.
Copy !req
117. Do you know how to make
an authentic pork bun?
Copy !req
118. Huh? A pork bun?
Copy !req
119. Well, my dad taught me the basics,
so I guess I could.
Copy !req
120. Mr. Sakamoto, don't get involved in this!
Copy !req
121. I have a bad feeling about her.
Copy !req
122. Cancel today's shopping trip.
Copy !req
123. We're going to save this girl.
Copy !req
124. But you have to make us pork buns
once we get you back alive.
Copy !req
125. Do we have a deal?
Copy !req
126. The heck? Are you two...
Copy !req
127. Mr. Sakamoto!
Copy !req
128. Mr. Sakamoto!
Copy !req
129. They caught up while we were yakking.
Copy !req
130. Also,
Copy !req
131. the situation just got a lot worse.
Copy !req
132. Bacho, I keep telling you,
your hits are in bad taste.
Copy !req
133. Oh, shut up.
There's no "taste" in hits to begin with.
Copy !req
134. We see, we kill.
Copy !req
135. If you want,
we can line up their dead bodies all nice.
Copy !req
136. I'm talking about the way you kill.
Copy !req
137. It's like I'm talking to a baboon.
Copy !req
138. What's with these guys?
Copy !req
139. Son Hee and Bacho.
Copy !req
140. They're twin hit men.
Copy !req
141. They charge an absurd amount of money,
but never miss their target.
Copy !req
142. They're serial killers that find joy
in slaughtering people.
Copy !req
143. They make sketches of
their victims' heads as a hobby.
Copy !req
144. They're insane!
Copy !req
145. I guess we're famous now.
Copy !req
146. Isn't that nice, Son Hee?
Copy !req
147. You moron.
Copy !req
148. We're hit men.
Copy !req
149. We should be ashamed
that we're drawing attention.
Copy !req
150. Yeah, you should be ashamed!
Copy !req
151. Are you mad 'cause we killed your friend?
Copy !req
152. Looks like Lu's
not the only little girl here.
Copy !req
153. You think you killed my friend?
Copy !req
154. You must be pretty dumb.
Copy !req
155. Only an amateur hit man
wouldn't know Taro Sakamoto.
Copy !req
156. Talk while you can, kid.
Copy !req
157. Son of a...
Copy !req
158. Who are you?
Copy !req
159. Red bean buns would be nice too.
Copy !req
160. Where are we?
Copy !req
161. That guy packs quite a punch.
Copy !req
162. Don't you think, Bacho?
Copy !req
163. The roof must have been rotting.
Copy !req
164. I'm gonna destroy him.
Copy !req
165. Little lady.
Copy !req
166. Hand over the key now,
and I'll give you an elegant death.
Copy !req
167. Deal?
Copy !req
168. This is all I have left of my parents...
Copy !req
169. I'll guard it with my life!
Copy !req
170. Oh, my.
Copy !req
171. Your parents said something like that
before I diced them up.
Copy !req
172. What a shame.
Copy !req
173. Obsessing over some object
over your own life?
Copy !req
174. What terrible, terrible taste.
Copy !req
175. Shut up!
Copy !req
176. No!
Copy !req
177. How dare you!
Copy !req
178. Don't be dumb.
You can't let them get under your skin.
Copy !req
179. That vault contains all my ancestors'
wishes and hopes for generations.
Copy !req
180. Dad died protecting that.
Copy !req
181. Killed by these assholes...
Copy !req
182. Okay, then.
Copy !req
183. Come on now, don't get in our way!
Copy !req
184. She was so close to seeing her
beloved parents again.
Copy !req
185. No one has the right
to tell others what's important or not.
Copy !req
186. Why...
Copy !req
187. Why are you risking your life to help me?
Copy !req
188. You're covered in blood again...
Copy !req
189. I had work...
Copy !req
190. "Work"? I think you mean "murder"!
Copy !req
191. How can you do something like that?
Copy !req
192. I had to work
so I could buy you a present...
Copy !req
193. I don't want it. You're handing it to me
with literal blood on your hands!
Copy !req
194. That's it.
Copy !req
195. If you can't change your ways,
Copy !req
196. I guess...
Copy !req
197. we can't be together.
Copy !req
198. Bye-bye.
Copy !req
199. - Someone fell!
- What?
Copy !req
200. That was a longer drop than I thought.
Copy !req
201. Thank goodness for this snow!
Copy !req
202. See?
Copy !req
203. You'd miss me if I died, wouldn't you?
Copy !req
204. Don't you get it?
Copy !req
205. The feeling that made you want to save me
Copy !req
206. is shared by every person out there.
Everyone is loved by someone.
Copy !req
207. So please, promise me...
Copy !req
208. you won't kill anymore.
Copy !req
209. That's our rule.
Copy !req
210. To make up for
all the people you've killed,
Copy !req
211. from here on out,
Copy !req
212. spend your life saving people instead.
Copy !req
213. The bleeding's stopped.
Copy !req
214. No kill rule. Got it, Shin?
Copy !req
215. Yes, Mr. Sakamoto!
Copy !req
216. Get over yourselves, you amateurs!
Copy !req
217. Take this!
Copy !req
218. You've got some moves.
Copy !req
219. Bacho, you thinking what I'm thinking?
Copy !req
220. I sure am, Brother. Let's do it!
Copy !req
221. Cast-iron Technique,
Copy !req
222. Slashes of Hell!
Copy !req
223. We'll turn you into mincemeat!
Copy !req
224. What?
Copy !req
225. Are you okay, Mr. Sakamoto?
Copy !req
226. I think I pulled a muscle.
Copy !req
227. Here, a pain relief patch.
Copy !req
228. Did he... dodge all that?
Copy !req
229. But Slashes of Hell is inescapable!
Copy !req
230. Not to mention how big he is.
Copy !req
231. How can it be?
There's not a single scratch on him!
Copy !req
232. Bacho, you thinking what I'm thinking?
Copy !req
233. I sure am, Brother. Let's do it!
Copy !req
234. You're the third person to witness this!
Copy !req
235. Cast-iron Technique!
Copy !req
236. You bastard!
Copy !req
237. My enhanced-strength chakram!
Copy !req
238. Who is this man?
Copy !req
239. I'm not used to that kind of weight.
Copy !req
240. Ouch.
Copy !req
241. Here, Mr. Sakamoto, for your hand.
Copy !req
242. Damn it! Forget these two.
Copy !req
243. I'll just get the girl!
Copy !req
244. I heard that!
Copy !req
Copy !req
246. Seriously, who are you two?
Copy !req
247. Just a couple of retail workers.
Copy !req
248. I don't get you one bit.
Copy !req
249. Damn it! Where's Bacho and Son Hee?
Copy !req
250. There's treasure right behind these doors!
Copy !req
251. All I need is that key. That little key!
Copy !req
252. Delivery!
Copy !req
253. Bacho! Son Hee!
Copy !req
254. Who the hell are you?
Copy !req
255. What did you do to my guards—
Copy !req
256. Shut it.
Copy !req
257. Don't say a word.
Copy !req
258. You!
Copy !req
259. Sorry! I'm sorry!
Copy !req
260. I'll do anything! Please!
Copy !req
261. "Sorry" won't bring back my parents!
Copy !req
262. Get ready to repent in hell!
Copy !req
263. Are you sure that's enough?
Copy !req
264. Maybe a couple extra blows—
Copy !req
265. Stop killing me in your mind!
Copy !req
266. Stay out of it.
Copy !req
267. It's enough.
Copy !req
268. You can't go around killing people
every time they upset you.
Copy !req
269. "Choose to live a happy life."
Copy !req
270. That's what Dad always said.
Copy !req
271. Anytime now, pink hair.
Copy !req
272. Can it, rude guy!
Copy !req
273. I have a name and it's Lu Shaotang.
Copy !req
274. This key is so old, it's not turning.
Copy !req
275. Now we're talking!
Copy !req
276. What's inside?
Copy !req
277. Hey, I should go in first!
Copy !req
278. Whoa! Look at all the treasure!
Copy !req
279. And books? CDs? Plushies?
Copy !req
280. What a weird collection...
Copy !req
281. Look, an inventory.
Copy !req
282. Let's see.
Copy !req
283. "The head of the Lu clan shall leave
their most treasured items in this vault."
Copy !req
284. I guess each clan head
considers different things treasure.
Copy !req
285. I wonder what my dad left.
Copy !req
286. What does it say?
Copy !req
287. "Something to drink with Shaotang
when she's of age."
Copy !req
288. That's so Dad.
Copy !req
289. Come on. What does it say?
Copy !req
290. It says it's the best liquor on Earth!
Copy !req
291. Have some! A sign of my gratitude.
Copy !req
292. It better be good stuff!
Copy !req
293. Mr. Sakamoto, you held on to these?
Copy !req
294. What are these? Why are they all smashed?
Copy !req
295. Because of you.
Copy !req
296. They still taste good, though.
Copy !req
297. Japanese pork buns aren't half bad.
Copy !req
298. Yesterday, in Niikita Chinatown,
Copy !req
299. what is believed to be a gang fight
between mafia members broke out.
Copy !req
300. Witnesses say—
Copy !req
301. Good morning!
Copy !req
302. Too loud.
Copy !req
303. Headache, hungover...
Copy !req
304. Here, drink this, Mr. Sakamoto.
Copy !req
305. Welcome—
Copy !req
306. Boss, this apron fits perfect.
Copy !req
307. What are you doing here?
Copy !req
308. I don't have a job.
I'm gonna make authentic pork buns here.
Copy !req
309. But you've got all that treasure!
Copy !req
310. I'm not using my family heirlooms.
Are you dense?
Copy !req
311. What did you say?
Copy !req
312. Simple-minded?
Copy !req
313. Please... be quiet.
Copy !req
314. By the way,
I was really moved by your story.
Copy !req
315. You know, the reason you stopped killing.
Copy !req
316. How do you know?
Copy !req
317. When we were fighting those creeps,
Copy !req
318. I saw the memory
you were thinking of, and...
Copy !req
319. You're one of us now. It's your rule, too.
Copy !req
320. Yes, sir.
Copy !req
321. "Rule number one. Do not kill people."
Copy !req
322. I'll kill you if you do.
Copy !req
323. That contradicts your own rule!
Copy !req
324. From the JAA.
Copy !req
325. The bounty on this fat-ass is...
Copy !req
326. one billion yen.
Copy !req