
Request Used
!parallel The Irishman [03:02:33] | Better Call Saul S06E01 [430] 1
!parallel The Irishman [02:05][06:10] [06:57] [01:31:55] [01:52:16] [03:02:27] [03:02:33] | Better Call Saul S06E01 [430] 1
!req Better Call Saul S06E07 [How?] | Better Call Saul S06E07 [47:47 --plus 500 --image-url redacted-url --image-position 43, 25] 1
!swap The Sopranos S01E04 [245] [245] [245] [245] | The Godfather [169 --remove-second --empty] [168] [20:59 --empty] [172 --empty] 1
!swap The Sopranos S01E04 [245] [245] [245] [245] | The Godfather [169 --remove-second --empty] [168] [20:59 --empty] [173 --empty --plus 100] 1
!swap Avengers: Endgame [2331] [2331] [2331] | The Sopranos S02E02 [496 --empty] [497 --empty] [498] 1
!req Pulp Fiction [552] [553 --plus 2000] [554 --remove-second --minus 400] [556 --remove-second --plus 750] [557] [558 --remove-second --minus 2000] 1
!req The Sopranos S05E03 [5:35 --image-url redacted-url --image-position 32, 17] [51 --remove-first] [52 --remove-first] 1
!req The Godfather [Godfather?] --font impact --font-size 100 --stroke-width 10 --y-offset 30 1
!req The Sopranos S06E11 [135 --plus 600][136][137 --minus 500][9:30][9:32 --plus 400][138 --remove-second --minus 500][138 --remove-first --plus 500] 1
!req The Godfather [1 --plus 3000 --custom-crop 10,0,84,100 --wild-merge --merge-chars 6000] [2-9] [10-17] [18-25] [26-28] --font-size 18 --y-offset 50 1
!parallel Twin Peaks S01E01 [332 --wild-merge --merge-chars 6000] [333-340] [341-347] | Twin Peaks S01E01 [348 --wild-merge --merge-chars 6000] [349-356] [357-362] --font-size 21 --y-offset 90 1
!req 3 Idiots [289 --wild-merge --merge-chars 5000] [290-296] --font-size 26 --y-offset 50 1
!req Twin Peaks S02E20 [Earle was the best and brightest among us] 1
!req Twin Peaks S03E14 [And last night I had another Monica Bellucci dream] 1
!swap Casablanca [Round up the usual suspects][1] | The Usual Suspects [8:13 --plus 900] [8:21 --empty] 1
!req The Sopranos S03E07 [47:15 --plus 800 --custom-crop 1,0,100,100 --image-url redacted-url --image-position 0, 43 --image-size 1.15] 1
!parallel The Sopranos S03E12 [1048 --wild-merge --merge-chars 1000][1049] | The Sopranos S03E12 [1050 --plus 800 --wild-merge --merge-chars 1000][1051] | The Sopranos S03E12 [1052] | The Sopranos S03E12 [ 1053 --wild-merge --merge-chars 1000] [1054] | The Sopranos S03E12 [1055] | The Sopranos S03E12 [1056 --plus 500 --wild-merge --merge-chars 1000][1057] | The Sopranos S03E12 [1058] | The Sopranos S03E12 [1059 --wild-merge --merge-chars 1000] [1060][1062] 1
!parallel The Sopranos S03E02 [827 --plus 3000 --wild-merge --merge-chars 500][828-830] | The Sopranos S03E02 [831 --plus 3000 --wild-merge --merge-chars 500][832-834] | The Sopranos S03E02 [835 --plus 1000 --wild-merge --merge-chars 500][836-839] | The Sopranos S03E02 [857] --apply-to 1-3 --font-size 26 --dimensions 2x2 ::EDITED:: --dimensions 1x4 1
!swap Seinfeld S04E09 [Oh. --custom-crop 25,0,75,100] | GoodFellas [1:51:27] --font-size 45 1
!req Evangelion: 3.0+1.0 Thrice Upon a Time [The third impact is beginning] --font impact --font-size 35 1
!swap The Godfather [What's this? - A Sicilian message. --remove-second] [What's this? - A Sicilian message. --remove-first] | The Sopranos S02E13 [You didn't get sick? --minus 700] [How's it going] 1
!req Twin Peaks S01E02 [3:41 --plus 500] [3:43 --plus 500] [3:45 --plus 500] [3:47 --plus 500] --dimensions 2x2 1
!req The Sopranos S02E09 [Charles Pegano] [How the fuck do you know that --plus 300] [He says he was your first --plus 300] [But I can feel many more] [That one's laughing --plus 300] [Poison ivy? --plus 500] [He wants to know if it still itches --plus 300] 1
!swap The Sopranos S02E03 [1] [I am the motherfuckin fuckin one who calls the shots] | Breaking Bad S04E06 [86 --empty] [87 --plus 1000] 1
!swap The Sopranos S02E03 [1] [I am the motherfuckin fuckin one who calls the shots] | Breaking Bad S04E06 [86 --empty] [87 --plus 250] 1
!req Better Call Saul S06E12 [54:24 --image-url redacted-url --image-position 27,22] 1
!swap Spiderman [1] [I missed the part where that's my problem] | Better Call Saul S06E12 [578 --empty][56:36] 1
!req Breaking Bad S05E14 [44:51] [45:45 --plus 500] 1
!req The Sopranos S01E01 [You think he is gonna fuck with Big Pussy?][My Pussy?] 1
!parallel The Sopranos S01E01 [850] | The Sopranos S01E01 [851-853 --wild-merge --merge-chars 500 --plus 500] | The Sopranos S01E01 [855 --plus 500] 1
!req The Sopranos S02E09 [Hell is hot.][That's never been disputed by anybody.][You went to pergutory my friend.] ::EDITED:: --stroke-width 4 --font-size 27 ::EDITED:: --stroke-width 5 --font-size 27 1
!parallel House of the dragon S01E05 [364 --plus 2500] | Game of Thrones S03E09 [48:40] 1
!req The Sopranos S01E07 [42][4:07 --custom-crop 45,19,74,50] 1
!parallel House of the Dragon S01E01 [321 --plus 2500] | Game of Thrones S01E04 [653 --plus 1500] ::EDITED:: --stroke-width 4.5 --font-size 24 1
!req The Sopranos S01E05 [It's a stereotype, and it's offensive] ::EDITED:: --aspect-quotient 1.4 1
!parallel The Sopranos S05E03 [5:35 --image-url redacted-url --image-position 32, 17] | !parallel The Sopranos S05E03 [60 --remove-first --wild-merge --merge-chars 100] [62 --remove-second] 1
!swap Community S02E10 [gay sex...with me?] | The Sopranos S05E09 [39:22] 1
!req The good the bad and the ugly [There is no name here, either. --plus 500 --image-url redacted-url --image-size 0.77 --image-position 40,27] 1
!parallel The Sopranos S04E02 [719] | The Sopranos S04E02 [720-721 --wild-merge --merge-chars 100] 1
!parallel The Sopranos S04E02 [719 --plus 500] | The Sopranos S04E02 [720-721 --wild-merge --merge-chars 100] 1
!parallel The Sopranos S04E02 [719 --plus 500] | The Sopranos S04E02 [720-721 --wild-merge --merge-chars 100] ::EDITED:: --aspect-quotient 2 1
!swap Game of Thrones S08E06 [330-331 --merge --minus 2000] [332 --plus 500 ] | The Godfather [306] [322-324 --merge --empty --plus 1000] 1