
Request Used
!palette Forrest Gump 123 1
!parallel Forrest Gump [You're my girl.] | Twin Peaks S01E02 [Oh, Daddy, I'm so afraid.] 1
!req Hannibal S01E05 [Did you just smell me?] [I'd change the aftershave.] 1
!parallel Gone Girl [You have a world class vagina.] | Zack Snyder's Justice League [42] 1
!parallel Gone Girl [You have a world class vagina.] | Zack Snyder's Justice League [42] 1
!parallel Joker [You're awful, Murray] | Joker [That's Life] 1
!req Midsommar [Can I take some photographs?] [Absolutely not ]--brightness -50 1
!parallel The Dark Knight [348] [349 --plus 2000] | American Psycho [Look at the subtle off white colouring.] [The tasteful thickness of it.] 1
!parallel The Lighthouse [706] | Mulholland Dr [47--minus 1000] 1
!parallel Bohemian Rhapsody 2018 [Mama.] | Kung Fu Panda [My time has come.] 1
!req La La Land [I don't know. That's LA] [They just worship everything and they value nothing.] 1
!swap Avengers: Endgame [Watch full HD movies & TV shows] | Spider-Man [You know how much I sacrificed? --plus 1200] 1
!parallel Mulholland Dr [16:20 --plus 100] | The Lighthouse [1:44:40] 1
!parallel The Lighthouse [616] [617] | Spider-man [373] [374] 1
!parallel The Lighthouse [616 --remove-first] | Spider-man [373] | The Lighthouse [617] | Spider-man [374] --dimensions 2x2 1
!parallel Breaking Bad S03E03 [I fucked Ted.] | Eyes Wide Shut [Fuck.] 1
!parallel Joker [How about another joke, Murray? --minus 100] | Midsommar [00:05] 1
!parallel The Wolf of the Wall Street [I would let that girl give me fucking AIDS --minus 3000] | Spider-Man [Yep. Big change.] --ultraraw --y-offset 20 1
!parallel The Wolf of the Wall Street [I would let that girl give me fucking AIDS --minus 3000] | Spider-Man [Yep. Big change.] --ultraraw 1
!parallel The Dark Knight Rises [Impossible] | Avengers: Endgame [Impossible] 1
!req The Sopranos S01E02 [Just when I thought I was out, they pulled me back in --plus 3000 ] 1
!req Pulp Fiction [1536-1538] --dimensions 2x2 1
!req Sopranos S06E04 [Dinosaurs and human beings lived on the earth at the same time.] 1
!req The Wire S01E01 [I am fucked. ] [Fucked is me. --plus 1000] 1
!req Breaking Bad S03E11 [26:44][26:45][338 --plus 900][26:46] --ultraraw --dimensions 2x2 1
!req Mr. Robot S01E09 [I'm Mr. Robot.] 1
!parallel Malcolm in the middle S02E01 [262 --wild-merge --merge-chars 500] [263] | Breaking Bad S01E01 [I am thinking --wild-merge][maybe you and I could partner up.] 1
!req (500) Days of Summer [86 --plus 400] [87 --plus 400] 1