Darshan Panchal

Request Used
!req Green Book 2018 [You asked me oncewhy Dr. Shirley does this.] [I tell you.] [Because genius is not enough.] [It takes courageto change people's hearts.] 1
!req The Dark Knight Rises 2012 [Shouldn't the people knowthe hero who saved them?] [A hero can be anyone.] [Even a man doing somethingas simple and reassuring...] [as putting a coat around a young boy'sshoulders to let him know...] [the world hadn't ended.] 1
!req Synecdoche, New York 2008 [You realize you are not special.] [You have struggled into existenceand are now slipping silently out of it.] [This is everyone's experience.Every single one.] 1
!req Watchmen 2009 [Men get arrested.] [Dogs get put down.] 1
!req Paprika 2006 [ln a world of inhumane reality...] [it is the onlyhumane sanctuary left.] 1
!req True Detective S01E01 [I think human consciousnessis a tragic misstep in evolution.] [We became too self-aware.] 1
!req The Dark Knight Rises 2012 [A lot of loyalty for a hired gun!] [Well, perhaps he's wonderingwhy someone would shoot a man...] [before throwing him out of a plane.] 1
!req Peaky Blinders S01E03 [You think I'm a whore.] [Everyone's a whore, Grace.] [We just sell different partsof ourselves.] 1
!req Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban 2004 [But you know,happiness can be found...] [even in the darkest of times.] [If one only remembersto turn on the light.] 1
!req Chernobyl S01E01 [You didn't see graphite.] [- I did.- You didn't.] [You didn't!Because it's not there!] 1
!req Chernobyl S01E05 [They heard me,but they listened to you.] [Of all the ministersand all the deputies...] [entire congregationof obedient fools...] [they mistakenly sentthe one good man.] 1
!req Loving Vincent 2017 [He had a breakdown.It happens to people.] [If they're weak.] [Live longer.] [You'll see.] [Life can even bring down the strong.] 1
!req Fight Club 1999 [Hitting bottom isn't a weekend retreat.It's not a goddamned seminar.] [Stop trying to control everythingand just let go!] 1
!req Happy Together (1997) [492] 1
!req March Comes in Like a Lion S01E10 [177] [178] 1
!req The Green Knight 2021 [This is howsilly men perish.] [Or howbrave menbecome great.] [Why greatness?] [Why is goodnessnot enough?] 1
!req Captain America: Civil War 2016 [Justice will come soon enough.] [Tell that to the dead.] ::EDITED:: --stroke-width 4 1
!swap Avengers: Endgame 2019 [2331] [2331] | Blade Runner 1982 [789] [790 --empty] 1
!req The Tatami Galaxy S01E09 [There is no such thing as that rose-colored campus life.] [Why? Because there is nothing rose-colored in this world.] ::EDITED:: --brightness -12 --contrast -6 1
!req Hiroshima Mon Amour 1959 [Sometimes we have to avoid thinkingabout the problems life presents.] [Otherwise we'd suffocate.] 1
!req Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice 2016 [Everything's changed.] [Men fall from the sky.] [The gods hurl thunderbolts.] [Innocents die.] [That's how it starts, sir.] [The fever. The rage.] [The feeling of powerlessness.] [It turns good men cruel.] 1
!req Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice 2016 [There he is. An alien among us.] 1
!req Puella Magi Madoka Magica S01E08 [Someone has to be cursed to balance out a wish for someone else's happiness.] [That's how we magical girls work.] [I'm really stupid.] ::EDITED:: --stroke-width 4 1
!req The Tatami Galaxy S01E09 [I successfully obtained a life that people would be jealous of.] [But something is missing.] [Is this really it?] [There's got to be some more meaningful life out there...] ::EDITED:: --font helvetica-italic --font-size 26 --stroke-width 3.5 1
!req 3 Idiots 2009 [817][819][821] 1
!req Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 2011 [802] [803] [804] 1
!req Blade Runner 2049 2017 [You don't like real girls.] 1
!req Loving Vincent 2017 [1272-1279] 1
!req Attack on Titan S01E09 [Fight.] [Fight.] [Fight!] [Fight!] 1
!swap American Psycho 2000 [1287] [1287] [1287] [1287] | Interstellar 2014 [1568 --empty][1571 --remove-second --empty][1571 --remove-first] ::EDITED:: --font-size 27 --stroke-width 4 1