
Request Used
!req Breaking Bad S02E12 [579-580] 1
!parallel The Batman 2022 [249] [250] | Spider-Man 2002 [374] 1
!parallel Better Call Saul S06E03 [43:55] | Breaking Bad S05E14 [10:40] | Better Call Saul S06E03 [43:58] | Breaking Bad S05E14 [10:50]--dimensions 2x2 1
!req Inglourious Basterds 2009 [34:22 --plus 100] [296-297] 1
!swap The Lego Batman Movie 2017 [1] [I'm Batman.] | The Batman 2022 [The hell are you supposed to be. --empty] [96] 1
!req Marvel's Daredevil S02E03 [398-400] [401 --plus 1250] [402 --plus 1000] [403 --plus 150] --dimensions 2x3 1
!req Better Call Saul S06E06 [14:07] [216-217] 1
!parallel Breaking Bad S02E11 [301-302 --wild-merge --merge-chars 50 --plus 3000] | Better Call Saul S02E04 [00:39:56 --plus 125] 1
!parallel Better Call Saul S06E07 [750 --plus 500] | Nobody 2021 [878] | Better Call Saul S06E07 [751 --plus 500] | Nobody 2021 [881] --dimensions 2x2 1
!parallel Better Call Saul S06E07 [750 --plus 500] | Nobody 2021 [878] | Better Call Saul S06E07 [751 --plus 500] | Nobody 2021 [881] --dimensions 2x2 1
!req American Psycho (2000) [1:36:30 --custom-crop 10,0,90,100 --image-url redacted-url --image-size 1.1 --image-position 40,0 --custom-crop 20,10,80,100] 1
!req The Boys S02E04 [07:23 --plus 100] [118-120] 1
!req Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice 2016 [02:03:44 --plus 200 --image-url redacted-url --image-size 1.3 --image-position 30,30] [02:04:44 --image-url redacted-url --image-size 1.2 --image-position 40,10] --brightness 30 --color 30 1
!swap The Boys S03E02 [599-600 --plus 500] [605] [606] | Avengers: Endgame 2019 [1812] [1813][1815] [1:53:57 --empty] 1
!req Better Call Saul S05E07 [584 --wild-merge --merge-chars 5000] [585-592] 1
!swap The Boys S03E05 [300] [301] [260-261] | Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse 2018 [565 --plus 750 --empty] [566 --plus 500 --empty] [567] [567] ::EDITED:: --font-size 24 1
!swap The Boys S03E04 [1] [1] [1] [407] | GoodFellas 1990 [1420 --empty] [1421 --empty] [1422 --empty] [1427 --remove-first] 1
!req Better Call Saul S06E09 [32:35 --image-url redacted-url --image-position 78,43 --image-size 1.1] 1
!parallel Better Call Saul S06E09 [16:02] [16:07] [16:10] | Breaking Bad S02E01 [7 --plus 1500] --dimensions 2x2 ::EDITED:: n 1
!req The Shawshank Redemption 1994 [1051-1054] 1
!req Cars 2 2011 [457 --remove-first] [458-459] 1
!req Cars 2006 [20:33] 1
!req Prisoners 2013 [507-510] --dimensions 2x2 1
!palette Cars 2006 [20:33] --brightness 30 1
!swap Prisoners 2013 [507-510] | The Batman 2022 [1674] [1676] [1678] [1679] 1
!req The Sopranos S01E08 [You ever feel like nothin' good was ever gonna happen to you?] [Yeah. And nothin' did. So what?] [I'm alive. I'm survivin'.] [That's it. I don't wanna just survive.] [Says in these movie-writing books that every character has an arc.] [You understand?] [Like everybody starts out somewheres,] [and then they do something or somethin' gets done to them,] [it changes their life. That's called their arc.] [Where's my arc?] 1
!req The Sopranos S02E10 [661-662] 1
!parallel GoodFellas 1990 [1007 --remove-first] [1008] | The Sopranos S01E08 [283] [285 --minus 500] --dimensions 2x2 1
!req Toy Story 2 1999 [114 --plus 3000 --image-url redacted-url --image-position 39,5 --image-size 0.9] --aspect-quotient 1.1 --font whisper --y-offset 200 --font-size 45 --stroke-width 4 1
!req Zoolander 2001 [06:51 --plus 100] [06:53] 1
!req Rick and Morty S01E11 [20:26 --plus 100] [473 --remove-second --plus 750] ::EDITED:: --stroke-width 1.4 1
!req Forrest Gump 1994 [1044 --plus 3000] [1045] 1
!req BoJack Horseman S02E07 [124-126] [127-129 --remove-first] [130] [7:07] 1
!req The Last of Us S01E02 [119-120] 1
!req Gone Girl 2014 [899] --aspect-quotient 1.8 --font-size 20 1
!parallel Elliot Smith - Either/Or !cover [0:0] | Rick and Morty S02E07 [429] 1
!req Guardians of the Galaxy 2014 [742-749] 1
!req BoJack Horseman S05E06 [58-63 --plus 500] 1
!req Fallen Angels 1995 [717-720 --wild-merge] 1
!req Amélie 2001 [It is August 29th. --plus 1000] [In 48 hours, her life will change forever.] 1
!req Chungking Express 1994 [268] [269-270 --merge] 1