
Request Used
!req Submarine 2011 [1:19:58] 1
!req Demon Slayer -Kimetsu no Yaiba- The Movie: Mugen Train 2020 [1:40:16] [1:40:24] [1:40:26] [1:40:29] 1
!req Demon Slayer -Kimetsu no Yaiba- The Movie: Mugen Train 2020 [1:40:24] [1:40:26] [1:40:29] --font-size 32 --stroke-width 3 1
!req Cowboy Bebop: The Movie 2001 [Happy Halloween! Trick or treat! ] [I'll make mischief unless you give me something sweet.] 1
!req Spider-Man: No Way Home 2021 [It's so quiet --plus 300] [Those voices inside my head... --plus 1000] 1
!req Sonic the Hedgehog 2 2022 [I'd be happy to show you the way.] [5:44] 1
!req My Hero Academia S02E17 [I must take back what it means to be a hero!] [Come! Try and get me you fakes!] [The only one I'll letkill me is the true hero...] [All Might!] 1
!req Zoolander 2001 [I know it was you, Maury.] [I know it was you,] [and it breaks my heart.] 1
!req Guillermo del Toro's Pinocchio 2022 [I'm afraid the body is rigid.] [Well, he's always been rigid.He's made of wood. --plus 1000] 1
!req The Big Lebowski 1998 [I Am the Walrus. That's...] [Shut the fuck up, Donny!] 1
!req The Big Lebowski 1998 [I Am the Walrus. That's...] [Shut the fuck up, Donny!] 1
!req The Big Lebowski 1998 [2:30] 1
!req Bullet Train 2022 [24:13] [24:16] 1
!req Vinland Saga S01E18 [Love...] [What is it?] 1
!req Succession S01E06 [- He knows. Does he know?- I don't know.] 1
!req Succession S02E01 [And are you gonna name a successor? --plus 3000] 1
!req Succession S02E02 [I am so...] [excited for you!] ::EDITED:: --brightness 25 1
!req The Last of Us S01E04 [Back in the day,we'd drive 10, 12 hours on one tank.] [- You could go anywhere.- So where'd you go?] [Pretty much nowhere.] 1
!req Submarine 2011 [And listen, I made you a cassette recording.] [I think music can make things seem a bit more real, sometimes,--minus 2000] [- if you know what I mean.- Thanks.] [24:33] [24:35] [24:41] 1
!req Succession S02E09 [You Can't Make a TomletteWithout Breaking Some Greggs.] [You sent the same email to him67 times in one evening.] [I guess it was a joke.] 1
!req Guardians of the Galaxy 2014 [Behold!] [Your guardians of the galaxy.] 1
!req Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 2017 [You look like Mary Poppins.] [Is he cool?] [Hell, yeah, he's cool.] [I'm Mary Poppins, y'all!] 1
!req Drive My Car 2021 [I get the feeling that you both value] [the finer details thatpeople won't even notice.] [I actually like things like that.] 1
!req Drive My Car 2021 [Driving is the only thing I can do.--minus 5000] 1
!req Drive My Car 2021 [I'm miserable.] [If you only knew how miserable I am.] 1
!req The Super Mario Bros. Movie 2023 [53:41] 1
!req Succession S02E10 [He loves me.He— He— He— He does,--plus 1500] [I think it's just a wrong kindof love expression.] [Yeah.Ken, he loves the broken you.--plus 3000] [That's what he loves.] [34:05] 1
!req Marvel's Guardians Of The Galaxy (2021) Chapter 12 !game [2:14] [2:19] ::EDITED:: --aspect-quotient 1.1 1
!req The Breakfast Club 1985 [You see usas you want to see us,] [in the simplest terms, with themost convenient definitions.] [But what we found out is thateach one of us is a brain.] [And an athlete.] [And a basket case.] [A princess.] [And a criminal.] [Does thatanswer your question?] [1:35:00] 1
!req Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse 2018 [You look tired, Peter.--plus 1500] [Well, I am tired.] 1
!req Ted Lasso S01E05 [Okay, now,little tip for y'all, all right? ] [Fries are called chips. Chips are called crisps. --plus 1500 ] [And bangers aren't great songs --plus 2000] 1
!req Inside Job S01E02 [It's worse than that.I kinda sort of tried to burn them.] [Have you ever seen Akira?] [Of course I've seen Akira!Anime is very mainstream right now! --plus 1500] [What the shit?] 1
!req Inside Job S01E02 [It's worse than that.I kinda sort of tried to burn them.] [Have you ever seen Akira?] [Of course I've seen Akira!Anime is very mainstream right now! --plus 1500] [What the shit?] 1
!req Justice League Dark 2017 [You exude pain.] [Your life is a patchwork of blacknesswith no time for joy.] [How do you cope with it?] [I have a butler.] 1
!req Inside Job S01E07 [I'm starting to thinkthis may have been an inside job.--plus 1500] [Ha, I get it.] 1
!req Guardians of the galaxy vol 3 [2:10:20] ::EDITED:: --aspect-quotient 1.7 --brightness 20 1
!req Constantine 2005 [Things I've beaten.--plus 3000] [Things most people never even heard of.] [And now I'm gonna be done in by this.--plus 3000] 1
!req Constantine 2005 [I abandoned her, John.] [I left her all alone.] 1
!req Nichijou: My Ordinary Life S01E15 [12:30][Daihuku don't talk!] 1
!swap Drive 2011 [I drive.] | The car - Arctic Monkeys !cover [0:0] 1
!req Tokyo Vice S01E02 [Don't take it personal.] [He's just...] [Racist nationalist.] [You've got those too, right?] 1
!req Scott Pilgrim vs. the World 2010 [Sounds like someonewants to get funky.] 1
!req Kill Bill: Vol. 2 2004 [That woman...] [deserves her revenge.] [And...] [we deserve to die.] [But then again...] [so does she.] 1
!req Baby Driver 2017 [42:54] 1
!req Eden of the East Movie II: Paradise Lost 2010 [Jo-Johnny? --plus 1500] [00:45] 1
!req X-Men S03E04 [3:34] 1
!req X-Men S03E17 [Why doesn'tshe like me?] [Maybe she talked to my mother.] 1
!req Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 2017 [You look like Mary Poppins.] [Is he cool?] [Hell, yeah, he's cool.] [I'm Mary Poppins, y'all!] /* cloned */ 1
!req The Sopranos S01E10 [I'm an OG, original gangsta.Not him, fucking lawn jockey. --plus 2300] 1
!req The Sopranos S02E06 [Is it fishy? --minus 6000] 1
!req The Sopranos S02E08 [1:49 --plus 500] 1
!req The Sopranos S02E12 [48:24] 1
!req The Sopranos S04E02 [One beer left?] ––plus 1000 1
!req The Sopranos S04E07 [Eat my dust, Donald Trump.] 1
!req The Sopranos S04E07 [My uterus got pierced.] [- Both of them?- There's only one.] 1