
Request Used
!req Lady Bird 2017 [It's my parents number.] [You don't have a cell phone?] [- Nah.- Good girl.] 1
!req Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind 2004 [Hi there.] [Hi.] [I saw you sitting over here...] [by yourself,] [and I thought, " Thank God.] [Someone normal who doesn't know how to interact at these things either."] 1
!req Fight Club 1999 [Because we're the same person.] 1
!req Fight Club 1999 [Why do people think that I'm you?] 1
!req Fight Club 1999 [Because we're the same person.] 1
!req Taxi Driver 1976 [She was wearing a white dress.] [She appeared like an angel...] [out of this filthy mass.] [She is alone.] [They...] [cannot...] [touch...] [her.] 1