Moisés Gondar Gonçalves

Request Used
!parallel The Sopranos S03E07 [You know, there are worse things] [that can happen to a person than cancer.] | Breaking Bad S02E06 [Fuck you.] 1
!parallel No Country for Old Men 2007 [-You telling me he shot this boy] [and then went digging around with a knife?] [-Sir, I don't wanna picture that.] | Squid Game: Season 1, Episode 5 [42:00] 1
!swap The Maltese Falcon 1941 [When you're slapped, you'll take it and like it.] | Squid Game: Season 1, Episode 1 [Which color do you want?] 1
!swap The Maltese Falcon 1941 [When you're slapped, you'll take it and like it.] | Squid Game: Season 1, Episode 1 [Which color do you want?] 1
!swap Avengers: Endgame 2019 [Watch Full HD Movies & TV Shows] | Inglourious Basterds 2009 [I have a message for Germany.] 1
!parallel The Matrix 1999 [Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet. You're a plague and we are the cure.] | The Big Lebowski 1998 [Yeah, well, you know, that's just like, uh, your opinion, man.] 1
!swap The Maltese Falcon 1941 [When you're slapped, you'll take it and like it.] | Men in Black 1997 [I make this look good.] 1
!swap The Maltese Falcon 1941 [When you're slapped, you'll take it and like it.] | Men in Black 1997 [I make this look good.] 1
!parallel Heat (1995) [Look at me.] | Scent of a Woman (1992) [I'm too fucking blind.] 1
!parallel The Departed 2006 [You got different accents?] [You were like different people.] | The Room 2003 [What a story, Mark.] 1
!parallel Pulp Fiction 1994 [You okay?] | Serpico 1973 [sodomy, rape...] [Are you kidding me?] 1
!req Goodfellas 1990 [As far back as I can remember, I always wanted to be a gangster.] 1
!parallel Avengers: Endgame 2019 [2331] | Uncut Gems 2019 [1767] 1
!parallel Pulp Fiction 1994 [1348] | Serpico 1973 [130] [131] 1
!swap Blazing Saddles 1974 [Excuse me while I whip this out.] | Breaking Bad S05E06 [39:30] 1
!parallel Breaking Bad S05E04 [They're watching Ratatouille.] [It's very sweet.] | Ratatouille 2007 [That's right. Poison checker.] 1
!req GoodFellas 1990 [Paulie might have moved slow...] [but it was because Paulie didn't have to move for anybody.] 1
!parallel Heat 1995 [Look at me.] | Squid Game S01E01 [41:41] 1