
Request Used
!req The Iron Giant 1999 [That missile is targetedto the giant's current position! --plus 348] [Where's the giant, Mansley?] [01:15:33 --plus 438] [01:15:34 --plus 959] [01:15:36 --plus 536] 1
!req Serial Experiments Lain S01E12 [And now, the following message...] [Let's all love Lain! --plus 840] 1
!req Jojo Rabbit 2019 [Now this is my kindof little boy's bedroom.] [Oh, yes.] [There he is. --plus 238] [I wish more of our young boyshad your blind fanaticism.] --dimensions 2x2 --border 2,2 --border-color white --y-offset 35 1
!parallel Spider-Man 3 2007 [852-853 --wild-merge --merge-chars 100] | The Shining 1980 [02:20:43 --plus 263] --y-offset 40 1