
Request Used
!req The Big Lebowski 1998 [1:18:15] [1:18:17] [1:18:20] [1:18:22] [1:18:24] 1
!req !swap The Dark Knight Rises 2012 [40-44 --remove-first] | Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa 2008 [Attention! This is your captain.] [I have good and bad news. The goodnews is, we're landing immediately.] [The bad news is, we're crash-landing.] [When it comes to air travel,we know you have no choice.] 1
!req Apocalypse Now 1979 [I worry that my sonmight not understand what I've tried to be.] | Taxi Driver 1976 [2:32] | Fight Club 1999 [02:32] | American Psycho 2000 [25:40] | Drive 2011 [15:35] | Joker 2019 [02:32] | Apocalypse Now 1979 [If I had 10 divisions of those men,] [then our troubles herewould be over very quickly.] 1
!req The Simpsons S06E05 [Your guilty conscience may force youto vote Democratic.] [But deep down inside, you secretly longfor a cold-hearted Republican...] [to lower taxes, brutalize criminalsand rule you like a king.] [That's why I did this.To protect you from yourselves.] 1