
Request Used
!req The Boys S03E06 [What have you done?] [Scorched earth.] ::EDITED:: --stroke-width 4 --aspect-quotient 1.8 1
!req The Boys S03E07 [Uh... You mightwant to lay off the weed, huh?] [And you might wantto gargle my ball sack. --plus 1000] ::EDITED:: --aspect-quotient 1.6 --font-size 26 1
!req Zack Snyder's Justice League 2021 [I don't believe it.] [Believe it.] 1
!req parallel Wonder Woman 2017 [This is No Man's Land, Diana! --plus 600] | The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King 2003 [I'm no man.] 1
!req Nine Queens 2000 [Would you fuck a guy?] 1
!req parallel Mala Fama - Ritmo Sustancia !cover [0:0] | Nine Queens 2000 [This country is going to hell.] 1
!req Nichijou: My Ordinary Life S01E14 [I have nothing but a peso from Argentina that I was keeping as a souvenir.] [What?] [An Argentinian peso!] [Argentinian peso?] ::EDITED:: --stroke-width 1.5 1
!req The Boys S03E06 [What have you done?] [Scorched earth.] 1
!req Coherence 2013 [Do you guys know whatSchrödinger's cat is?] [I'm allergic.] 1
!req The Boys S03E07 [You want to know what I do when I'm sad] [or scared?] [Fucking nothing.] ['Cause I'm not a fucking pussy.] 1
!req Barbie 2023 [It's like I've been in a dream,] [where I was somehowreally invested] [in the Zack Snyder cutof Justice League.] 1
!req Ted 2 2015 [- Erection.- Sustained.] 1
!req redacted-url !yt [1:46] 1
!req redacted-url !yt [0:10] 1
!req redacted-url !yt [0:10] 1
!swap This Is the End 2013 [I fucked Lindsay Lohan.] | Breaking Bad S03E03 [I fucked Ted.] 1