Strangers with Candy

Jerri Blank is a former prostitute and junkie whore who returns to high school as a 46-year-old freshman at Flatpoint High. Jerri ran away from home and became 'a boozer, a user, and a loser' after dropping out as a teenager, supporting her drug habits through prostitution, stripping, and larceny. She has been to prison several times, the last time because she 'stole the TV'. At home, Jerri's father Guy is comatose, although he seems perfectly capable of amazing feats. Her stepmother Sara is vain and bitter, and stepbrother Derrick is a bullying jock. Jerri tries to do things the right way but always ends up learning the wrong lesson. Her hijinks often involve, either directly or indirectly, neurotic history teacher Chuck Noblet and his secret lover, sensitive art teacher Geoffrey Jellineck.

1999-04-07 - 2000-10-02

Title Name
Season 1, Episode 1 Old Habits/New Beginnings
Season 1, Episode 2 A Burden's Burden
Season 1, Episode 3 Dreams on the Rocks
Season 1, Episode 4 Who Wants Cake?
Season 1, Episode 5 Bogie Nights
Season 1, Episode 6 Let Freedom Ring
Season 1, Episode 7 Feather in the Storm
Season 1, Episode 8 To Be Young, Gifted and Blank
Season 1, Episode 9 Jerri Is Only Skin Deep
Season 1, Episode 10 The Trip Back
Season 2, Episode 1 The Virgin Jerri
Season 2, Episode 2 Behind Blank Eyes
Season 2, Episode 3 Yes You Can't
Season 2, Episode 4 The Goodbye Guy
Season 2, Episode 5 The Blank Page
Season 2, Episode 6 Hit and Run
Season 2, Episode 7 To Love, Honor and Pretend
Season 2, Episode 8 The Blank Stare (1)
Season 2, Episode 9 The Blank Stare (2)
Season 2, Episode 10 A Price Too High for Riches
Season 3, Episode 1 Jerri's Burning Issue
Season 3, Episode 2 Is Freedom Free?
Season 3, Episode 3 Trail of Tears
Season 3, Episode 4 Invisible Love
Season 3, Episode 5 Is My Daddy Crazy?
Season 3, Episode 6 Blank Relay
Season 3, Episode 7 Ask Jerri
Season 3, Episode 8 Sexual Harrasment (aka There Once Was a Blank from Nantucket)
Season 3, Episode 9 Bully
Season 3, Episode 10 The Last Temptation of Blank