Glenn Martin, DDS

Glenn Martin, DDS is an American-Canadian stop-motion-animated television series that premiered on Nick at Nite on August 17, 2009. The series was produced by Tornante Animation in association with Cuppa Coffee Studio. Glenn Martin, DDS was Nick at Nite's fourth original series. The show premiered on March 18, 2010 on Sky1 in the UK and Ireland. Season two premiered on June 11, 2010. The show ended on November 7th, 2011.

2009-08-17 - 2011-11-07

Title Name
Season 1, Episode 1 Amish Anguish
Season 1, Episode 2 The Grossest Show on Earth
Season 1, Episode 3 Save the Tooth
Season 1, Episode 4 Pimp My RV
Season 1, Episode 5 We've Created a Mobster
Season 1, Episode 6 A Bromantic Getaway
Season 1, Episode 7 From Here to Fraternity
Season 1, Episode 8 Korea Opportunities
Season 1, Episode 9 Fatal Direction
Season 1, Episode 10 Little Miss Backstabber
Season 1, Episode 11 Miami Spice
Season 1, Episode 12 Halloween Hangover
Season 1, Episode 13 Mom Dated That Guy?!
Season 1, Episode 14 Deck the Malls
Season 1, Episode 15 Hail to the Teeth (A.K.A. Obama-Nation)
Season 1, Episode 16 The Tooth Shall Set You Free
Season 1, Episode 17 Vegas Strip
Season 1, Episode 18 Roller Derby
Season 1, Episode 19 Jackie of All Trades
Season 1, Episode 20 Funshine, U.S.A
Season 2, Episode 1 Bust 'em Up
Season 2, Episode 2 Dog Show
Season 2, Episode 3 Footlooseball
Season 2, Episode 4 Jackie's Get-Witch-Quick Scheme
Season 2, Episode 5 Tooth Fairy
Season 2, Episode 6 Fashion Show
Season 2, Episode 7 Step-Brother
Season 2, Episode 8 Life Swap
Season 2, Episode 9 Glenn Martin Christmas Cavalcade
Season 2, Episode 10 Courtney's Pony
Season 2, Episode 11 Dad News Bears
Season 2, Episode 12 Volunteers
Season 2, Episode 13 Glennhog Day
Season 2, Episode 14 Camp, Part 1
Season 2, Episode 15 Camp, Part 2
Season 2, Episode 16 Glenn and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
Season 2, Episode 17 Windfall
Season 2, Episode 18 Videogame Wizard
Season 2, Episode 19 Date With Destiny
Season 2, Episode 20 H*E*I*S*T