1. Ho-ho!
Cracking job, Gromit.
Copy !req
2. Hang on, old chum.
Copy !req
3. What's going on?
Who is it?
Copy !req
4. Reel him in, lad.
Copy !req
5. To me. To me.
Copy !req
6. Gotcha! Thieving monster.
Copy !req
7. Ooh! Me prize pumpkin.
Copy !req
8. Me little baby.
Me pride and joy.
Copy !req
9. You've saved it,
Copy !req
10. It was nothing
at all, Mrs... Oh!
Copy !req
11. Everything's under control.
Ah! Oh, no!
Copy !req
12. Don't worry, madam.
Copy !req
13. Thank you, Mr. Wallace.
Copy !req
14. All in a night's work,
Mrs. Mulch.
Copy !req
15. Huh?
Copy !req
16. Cute little feller,
isn't he?
Copy !req
17. You'd never believe
they'd cause so much damage.
Copy !req
18. Oh, he may
look innocent, sir.
Copy !req
19. But left to his own devices,
Copy !req
20. this is the ultimate
vegetable-destroying machine.
Copy !req
21. Hee!
MRS. Oh!
Copy !req
22. Reg, me teeth!
Copy !req
23. Job well done,
Copy !req
24. Subject disarmed
and neutralized.
Copy !req
25. Bless you, Anti-Pesto.
Copy !req
26. With you out there
protecting our veg,
Copy !req
27. the most important event
of the year is safe.
Copy !req
28. Aye. And I hope they give
them pests what's
coming to 'em, and all.
Copy !req
29. Amen to that,
Mrs. Mulch.
Copy !req
30. Whee!
Copy !req
31. Whee!
Copy !req
32. Oh! Whee!
Copy !req
33. It was a long, hard night
last night, Gromit.
Copy !req
34. I'll need a good, hearty
breakfast under me belt.
Copy !req
35. Pile it up, lad.
Copy !req
36. I'm in the mood for food!
Copy !req
37. Oh, uh...
Gromit, old pal.
Copy !req
38. It's happened again.
I'll need assistance.
Copy !req
39. Ow!
Copy !req
40. Ah. Oh!
Copy !req
41. Well, thanks, chuck.
Copy !req
42. I'm sure that hole's
getting smaller.
Copy !req
43. Ah!
Copy !req
44. Another successful night.
How are the inmates?
Copy !req
45. Must be getting
a bit full down there.
Copy !req
46. Talking of which.
Copy !req
47. Now, for a great
big plate of...
Copy !req
48. vegetables.
Copy !req
49. A-ha!
Copy !req
50. Still got me
on the diet, eh, Gromit?
Copy !req
51. Watching me shape?
There's a good dog.
Copy !req
52. Oh, oh! Uh...
Copy !req
53. Gromit, lad?
Copy !req
54. How is that prize marrow
of yours coming on?
Copy !req
55. Must be a while
since you measured it.
Copy !req
56. Mmm! Lovely food.
For rabbits, that is.
Copy !req
57. As for me, I need
something a bit more cheesy.
Copy !req
58. A-ha!
Copy !req
59. Ooh!
Copy !req
60. Oh!
Copy !req
61. Oh!
Copy !req
62. Caught red-handed, eh, lad?
Copy !req
63. I'm sorry, Gromit.
Copy !req
64. I know you're doing this
for my own good,
Copy !req
65. but the fact is, I'm just
crackers about cheese.
Copy !req
66. Look, if I must
change me ways,
Copy !req
67. at least let me do it my way.
Copy !req
68. With technology.
Copy !req
69. It's time we tried
my latest invention,
Copy !req
70. the Mind Manipulation-omatic.
Copy !req
71. Ha!
Copy !req
72. It extracts unwanted
thoughts and desires.
Copy !req
73. I haven't tested it yet,
but it should
be perfectly safe.
Copy !req
74. Just a bit of harmless
brain alteration, that's all.
Copy !req
75. Uh-oh!
Copy !req
76. Anti-Pesto
Humane Pest Control.
How might we be of assistance?
Copy !req
77. Ah, yes. Lady Tottington here
of Tottington Hall.
Copy !req
78. Your Ladyship.
Copy !req
79. This is an honor.
Oh! Ow!
Copy !req
80. It's a disaster.
I have the most
terrible rabbit problem.
Copy !req
81. The competition's only
days away. You simply
have to do something.
Copy !req
82. Certainly, ma'am.
I think we're about to go
up in the world, lad.
Copy !req
83. Just stay right where you are,
Your Ladyship,
Copy !req
84. and we'll be with you
in an...
Copy !req
85. In an hour?
I can't wait an hour.
Copy !req
86. I have a major infestation.
Hmm? Hello? Hello?
Copy !req
87. Hmm.
Copy !req
88. Ah. That's more like it.
Copy !req
89. Thank goodness you've... Oh.
Copy !req
90. What ho!
For you, my love.
Copy !req
91. Victor. How lovely and...
Copy !req
92. Heard you had
a spot of rabbit bother
and tootled straight on over
Copy !req
93. to sort the blighters out.
Copy !req
94. Gosh, that's awfully
sweet of you.
Copy !req
95. But you really needn't bother.
Copy !req
96. It's no bother,
little boo-boo.
Copy !req
97. It's the least a chap
can do for his filly.
Copy !req
98. Don't want pests spoiling
our beautiful manor house,
do we?
Copy !req
99. "Our" manor house?
Copy !req
100. No one's mentioned
marriage, Victor.
Copy !req
101. All in good time, my dear.
Copy !req
102. Vermin first, though,
what what.
Copy !req
103. Come on, Phillip.
Copy !req
104. Victor!
Copy !req
105. We can deal
with this humanely.
Copy !req
106. Oh-ho! Very classy.
Copy !req
107. Just the sort of client
we should be
dealing with, eh, lad?
Copy !req
108. Oh.
Copy !req
109. Burrowing bounders!
Copy !req
110. They must be breeding like...
Copy !req
111. well, rabbits.
Copy !req
112. Only one thing for it, lad.
Copy !req
113. Victor, hadn't we agreed?
Copy !req
114. No more thoughtless killing.
Copy !req
115. Quite right, my dear.
Copy !req
116. So I've thought
this one through
very carefully.
Copy !req
117. It's off to bunny heaven
for you, big ears.
Copy !req
118. Victor! No!
Copy !req
119. Ah!
What the...
Copy !req
120. Champion sucker,
eh, Gromit?
Copy !req
121. The Bun Vac 6000.
Copy !req
122. Whee!
Copy !req
123. This'll impress Her Ladyship.
Copy !req
124. I don't understand. It should
have been a bull's-eye.
Copy !req
125. Oh, Victor. I felt
we'd made a real breakthrough
Copy !req
126. with this hunting obsession
of yours. I really thought
you'd changed.
Copy !req
127. I'm sorry, Campanula,
but I am what I am.
Copy !req
128. There's no nonsense
with Victor Quartermaine.
Copy !req
129. What you see is what you get.
Copy !req
130. What the...
Copy !req
131. Sounds like
a really big brute, this one.
Copy !req
132. Give it some more welly.
Copy !req
133. Gosh!
Copy !req
134. Maybe I should've
used a bigger nozzle.
Copy !req
135. Oh!
Copy !req
136. Anti-Pesto, you're here.
Copy !req
137. Oh!
Copy !req
138. Your Ladyship.
Copy !req
139. My darlings!
Copy !req
140. You're safe.
Copy !req
141. Oh.
My word!
Copy !req
142. What a fabulous job
you've done. And not
a single one harmed.
Copy !req
143. Ah, the old BV6000, ma'am.
Copy !req
144. Capable of 125 RPM.
That's "rabbits per minute."
Copy !req
145. How inspired!
Copy !req
146. Mister...
Oh, Wallace.
Copy !req
147. Mr. Wallace.
Copy !req
148. Is this all of them?
Copy !req
149. Uh, just one left.
Hoist her up, Gromit.
Copy !req
150. Victor, stop
fooling around in the dirt
and have a look at this.
Copy !req
151. The ingenious Anti-Pesto
Copy !req
152. have completely dealt
with my rabbit problem.
Copy !req
153. Isn't it marvelous?
Copy !req
154. "Marvelous"?
Copy !req
155. This confounded contraption
virtually suffocated me!
Copy !req
156. Besides, the job's
only half done.
Copy !req
157. How do you intend
to finish these vermin off?
Copy !req
158. Crush 'em?
Liquidize 'em?
Copy !req
159. They're humane.
Copy !req
160. Well, then perhaps
they'd be humane enough
to give me back my dignity.
Copy !req
161. I want...
Copy !req
162. Toupee, please.
Copy !req
163. Oh, grand. Uh,
we take check or cash.
Copy !req
164. "Toupee," you idiot!
My hair is in your machine.
Copy !req
165. Oh, no,
it's only rabbits in there.
Copy !req
166. The hare, I think you'll find,
is a much larger mammal.
Copy !req
167. Out of my way, fool.
Copy !req
168. I'm sorry, my dear,
but I refuse to suffer
any further humiliation
Copy !req
169. at the hands of these
blundering nitwits.
Copy !req
170. I therefore bid you good day.
Copy !req
171. Thank you
for ridding me of
a real problem, Mr. Wallace.
Copy !req
172. Tell me, what exactly will you
do with all these rabbits?
Copy !req
173. Oh, uh...
Copy !req
174. Trade secret.
Copy !req
175. Yes. I'd be happy to let them
roam free if it wasn't
for the competition.
Copy !req
176. But they do so love their veg.
Copy !req
177. It's in their little bunny
natures, and you can't change
that, can you?
Copy !req
178. No.
Copy !req
179. Or can you?
Copy !req
180. Why didn't we think of it
before, lad?
Copy !req
181. The solution to all
our storage problems.
Copy !req
182. Simply by connecting
the Bun Vac
Copy !req
183. to the Mind
Copy !req
184. we can brainwash the bunnies.
Copy !req
185. Rabbit rehabilitation.
Copy !req
186. Once cured of their antisocial
veg-ravaging behavior,
Copy !req
187. the rabbits can be safely
released without fear
of re-offending.
Copy !req
188. Just a little added
lunar power to enhance
the mind waves...
Copy !req
189. and we can begin.
Copy !req
190. Veg, bad.
Copy !req
191. Veg, bad.
Copy !req
192. Veg, bad.
Copy !req
193. Say no to carrots,
Copy !req
194. cabbage and cauliflower.
Copy !req
195. Well, come on, lad,
what are you waiting for?
Copy !req
196. Turn on the Bun Vac.
Copy !req
197. Full suction.
Copy !req
198. Ah.
Copy !req
199. It's working, Gromit.
Oh! It's working!
Copy !req
200. Ho-ho!
Copy !req
201. Their tiny bunny brains
Copy !req
202. are being saturated
in my veg-free mind waves.
Copy !req
203. Huh?
Copy !req
204. Another 30 minutes'
brainwashing should suffice.
Copy !req
205. Then we can move on
to the conditioning.
Copy !req
206. Ooh!
Copy !req
207. Gromit!
Copy !req
208. Switch it off!
Copy !req
209. Whee!
Get it off!
Copy !req
210. Get it off me, lad!
Copy !req
211. Oh, thanks, lad.
Copy !req
212. Quick.
Copy !req
213. Give us a carrot.
Copy !req
214. Ugh.
Copy !req
215. Ah! It worked, Gromit!
Copy !req
216. A reformed rabbit.
Copy !req
217. We'll call him Hutch.
Shall we?
Copy !req
218. Come on.
Let's get the kettle on.
Copy !req
219. We'll see to him
in the morning.
Copy !req
220. Ho-ho! I feel
we're on the cusp
of a real breakthrough, lad.
Copy !req
221. Mankind freed from
rabbit problems forever.
Copy !req
222. Lady Tottington
will be impressed.
Copy !req
223. Good night.
Copy !req
224. Sleep tight.
Copy !req
225. And don't let
the bedbugs bite.
Copy !req
226. Good night, Gromit.
Copy !req
227. Sweet dreams, old chum.
Copy !req
228. Protect
and nourish the frail
and the weak, O Lord.
Copy !req
229. Let them grow big and strong
under Thy loving care.
Copy !req
230. In fact, let them grow
bigger and stronger
than anyone else's,
Copy !req
231. so that the first prize
might be mine.
Copy !req
232. Amen.
Copy !req
233. A harvest offering
to bind the deal.
Copy !req
234. We plow
the fields and scatter
the good seed on...
Copy !req
235. Huh?
Copy !req
236. Hmm.
Copy !req
237. He sends the snow
in winter...
Copy !req
238. All good gifts around us
Copy !req
239. Are sent from...
Copy !req
240. Heavens above.
Copy !req
241. Hello?
Copy !req
242. Hello? Is anybody there?
Copy !req
243. Mrs. Mulch?
Copy !req
244. Please, come forward,
whoever you are.
Copy !req
245. There's no need to be afraid.
Copy !req
246. Ah! You're hungry.
Then please,
take what you like.
Copy !req
247. It is for the needy,
after all.
Copy !req
248. No! No! No! No!
Copy !req
249. Mercy!
Copy !req
250. Ah!
Copy !req
251. Ow!
Copy !req
252. Morning, Gromit.
Copy !req
253. A pest-free night per...
Copy !req
254. Whoa.
Copy !req
255. Lumme day.
Copy !req
256. It's a disaster.
Me garden's ruined.
Copy !req
257. It's carnage out there.
Where were Anti-Pesto?
Copy !req
258. Simmer down.
Simmer down, now.
Copy !req
259. Right. One at a time,
if ya please.
Copy !req
260. We paid good money
for our crop protection.
Copy !req
261. If ya can't deliver the goods,
maybe you should keep
your traps shut.
Copy !req
262. Oh, I never saw
such cauliflower carnage.
Copy !req
263. Worse than the
Great Slug Blight of '32,
Copy !req
264. when there were slugs
the size of pigs.
Copy !req
265. Growbag's right.
The slugs are back!
Copy !req
266. The slugs are back!
Copy !req
267. That's enough!
That's enough!
Copy !req
268. Look, this flippin'
vegetable competition
Copy !req
269. causes nothin'
but trouble every year.
Here we go.
Copy !req
270. If ya ask me...
Get on with ya!
Copy !req
271. Know what? I'll tell ya.
If ya ask me, this was arson.
Copy !req
272. Arson?
Copy !req
273. Someone "arsin'" around.
Copy !req
274. That's right.
One of you lot. A man.
Copy !req
275. This was no man.
Copy !req
276. Does a man have teeth
Copy !req
277. the size of ax blades?
Copy !req
278. Or ears like
terrible tombstones?
Copy !req
279. By tampering with nature,
Copy !req
280. forcing vegetables to swell
far beyond their natural size,
Copy !req
281. we have brought a terrible
judgment upon ourselves.
Copy !req
282. Hey! Give over!
Copy !req
283. Mental.
Copy !req
284. And for our sins,
Copy !req
285. a hideous creature
has been sent
to punish us all!
Copy !req
286. Repent! Repent!
Copy !req
287. Lest you too,
taste the wrath of...
Copy !req
288. the Were-Rabbit!
Copy !req
289. This is terrible!
What's going to happen to us?
Copy !req
290. Doomed!
Who's going to help us?
Copy !req
291. What's to become
of the vegetable show?
We live for that competition.
Copy !req
292. Get off me.
We're simple folk.
It's all we have.
Copy !req
293. Who will save us?
Get... Hey!
Copy !req
294. A were-rabbit?
Copy !req
295. Oh, come, come, now.
Copy !req
296. I do believe the Vicar's been
to the communion wine again.
Copy !req
297. What we are dealing with here
is no supernatural rabbit.
Copy !req
298. It's a big fellow, perhaps.
Copy !req
299. But a mortal creature
of flesh and blood.
Copy !req
300. A matter easily dealt with
by a hunter.
Copy !req
301. Guns will not be necessary,
thank you, Victor.
Copy !req
302. Hasn't there been
enough destruction?
Copy !req
303. I believe the killing
of fluffy creatures
Copy !req
304. is never justified.
Copy !req
305. I say we give Anti-Pesto
a second chance.
Copy !req
306. What? How on Earth would
those tiny-minded buffoons
Copy !req
307. ever catch
such a big rabbit?
Copy !req
308. Mr. Wallace?
Copy !req
309. Oh!
Copy !req
310. Oh...
Copy !req
311. Ooh, well...
Copy !req
312. With a big trap.
Copy !req
313. By Jove. He's...
He's got it!
Copy !req
314. Genius!
Copy !req
315. Brilliant.
What a great idea!
Copy !req
316. Hmm. Clever.
Copy !req
317. You see, Victor,
Copy !req
318. there's hope
for the vegetables yet.
Copy !req
319. Not the ones I'm looking at.
Copy !req
320. That's me boys!
Copy !req
321. Ah! Love, Gromit.
Copy !req
322. That's the biggest
trap of all.
Copy !req
323. The "tender trap,"
they call it.
Copy !req
324. And that's what we'll use
to catch this thing.
Copy !req
325. Yes, lad, a lovely
lady rabbit.
Copy !req
326. How could
any hot-blooded
rabbit-beast resist?
Copy !req
327. Oh, come on, Gromit.
Copy !req
328. A bit more,
you know, alluring.
Copy !req
329. Ho-ho!
Copy !req
330. Very cheeky.
Copy !req
331. Ha-ha!
Copy !req
332. That's more like it, lad.
Copy !req
333. How can we possibly
fail now?
Copy !req
334. You're a total knockout.
Copy !req
335. Oops!
Copy !req
336. Stick around, lad.
Copy !req
337. Should fix back
on quite easily.
Copy !req
338. Nighty-night,
me lovelies.
Copy !req
339. Think big now.
Copy !req
340. No!
Copy !req
341. Don't worry.
No. No.
Copy !req
342. Well, I'm very sorry,
Mrs. Mulch.
Copy !req
343. We'll get there
as soon as we can.
Mr. Dibber. Oh, yes.
Copy !req
344. Can I call you back?
Mrs. Girdling.
Copy !req
345. A tunnel you say?
What do you intend
to do about this?
Copy !req
346. Oh! I'll look into it.
Copy !req
347. So where did you get to, lad?
Copy !req
348. I thought I told you
to stay put.
Copy !req
349. It's gone mad around here.
Copy !req
350. I thought we were
supposed to be a team.
Copy !req
351. How are we ever
gonna catch this thing
Copy !req
352. if you go gallivanting off
on your own all the time?
Copy !req
353. You're doing it again!
Copy !req
354. Where are you going now?
Copy !req
355. Gromit!
Copy !req
356. Gromit!
Copy !req
357. Really, lad.
Copy !req
358. You do realize I've made
a personal promise
to Lady Tottington.
Copy !req
359. How is this sort of behavior
going to get us
Copy !req
360. any nearer to finding
a rabbit-monster?
Copy !req
361. Hutch.
Copy !req
362. Oh, Gromit.
Copy !req
363. We've created a monster.
Copy !req
364. Hutch is the beast.
Copy !req
365. The lunar panels.
Copy !req
366. They must've over-stimulated
Hutch's primitive
bunny nature.
Copy !req
367. And now,
when the moon appears,
Copy !req
368. he undergoes
a hideous transformation.
Copy !req
369. Huh?
Copy !req
370. Oh, Gromit.
Copy !req
371. Oh.
Copy !req
372. Oh, this is absolutely...
Copy !req
373. fantastic!
Copy !req
374. Don't you see, lad?
Copy !req
375. Okay, so we've created
a veg-ravaging rabbit-monster.
Copy !req
376. But we've also captured it.
Copy !req
377. Just like I promised
Lady Tottington.
Copy !req
378. I'll go and tell her
the good news.
Copy !req
379. Make sure he doesn't escape.
Copy !req
380. Bye!
Copy !req
381. Mr. Wallace.
Copy !req
382. It's the beast, Your Ladyship.
I bring great news.
Copy !req
383. Gosh, how exciting.
Please, do come in.
Copy !req
384. Well, this is
simply spiffing news.
Copy !req
385. With the beast in captivity,
Copy !req
386. the competition can
go ahead as planned.
Copy !req
387. You saved the day,
Mr. Wallace.
Copy !req
388. It was nothing,
Your Ladyship.
Copy !req
389. So modest.
Copy !req
390. Oh, please,
do help yourself.
Copy !req
391. Oh!
Copy !req
392. Thanks.
Copy !req
393. I so appreciate
you coming all this way
to let me know, Wallace.
Copy !req
394. Tell me, are you
a vegetable-lover yourself?
Copy !req
395. They're... growing
on me.
Then come with me.
Copy !req
396. There's something very special
I want to show you.
Copy !req
397. Oh!
Copy !req
398. Hop in.
Copy !req
399. It's very snug.
It's my Jacob's ladder.
Copy !req
400. And it goes
all the way to heaven.
Copy !req
401. Welcome to my
inner sanctum, Wallace.
Copy !req
402. My secret garden. Hmm!
Copy !req
403. It's a veritable,
Copy !req
404. vegetable paradise.
Copy !req
405. I just knew you'd love it.
Copy !req
406. Unlike Victor.
Copy !req
407. He's never shown
any interest in my produce.
Copy !req
408. Oh! His loss, Lady Tottington.
Please, Wallace.
Copy !req
409. Call me "Totty."
Copy !req
410. If anything
were to happen
to my vegetables,
Copy !req
411. I don't know what I'd do.
Copy !req
412. I'm sure you understand,
Mr. Wallace.
Copy !req
413. I can see that you're
a true nature lover.
Copy !req
414. Oh, yes. Yes, I am.
Copy !req
415. At first,
I thought
I could change Victor.
Copy !req
416. Now I'm not so sure.
Copy !req
417. Do you think a man
can change, Wallace?
Copy !req
418. Change? Oh!
Copy !req
419. Oh, yes.
Copy !req
420. Really, Phillip.
The things one does for love.
Copy !req
421. Pesto.
Copy !req
422. Mr. Wallace.
Oh, Totty.
Copy !req
423. "Totty"?
Copy !req
424. I'd like to show you
one last thing.
Copy !req
425. Something no other man
has ever seen.
Copy !req
426. Oh!
Copy !req
427. My carrot de Chantenay.
Copy !req
428. Just smell it, Wallace.
Copy !req
429. Feel its silken flesh.
Oh, yes.
Copy !req
430. Isn't it the most sumptuous,
succulent specimen
you've ever seen?
Copy !req
431. Yes!
Doesn't it fill your heart
Copy !req
432. with desire?
Copy !req
433. Just imagine
what it would taste like.
Copy !req
434. What on Earth
were you thinkin' of, lad?
Copy !req
435. Ruined a perfectly good
piece of fashionable
knitwear, that did.
Copy !req
436. To say nothing
of a relationship
with an important client.
Copy !req
437. It's lucky for us Her Ladyship
was so understanding.
Copy !req
438. Honestly, I don't know
what's got into you lately.
Copy !req
439. And slow down
for pity's sake.
Copy !req
440. You'll buckle me trunnions.
Copy !req
441. Hmm?
Copy !req
442. Don't worry.
I'll see to this.
Copy !req
443. You stay here
where you belong.
In the doghouse.
Copy !req
444. Right.
Copy !req
445. It's heavier than it looks.
Copy !req
446. I know your
little secret, Pesto.
Copy !req
447. I know exactly
what's going on.
Your Lordship...
Copy !req
448. Oh, yes. You think you can
pilfer my filly, don't you?
Copy !req
449. You think you can con
an innocent woman
out of her fortune?
Copy !req
450. Who, me?
Well, I got here first!
Copy !req
451. I've spent a long time
reeling in that fluffy-headed
Copy !req
452. And I'm not
about to let some
Copy !req
453. puddle-headed peasant
poach her from me.
Copy !req
454. Comprenez?
Oh, uh, right-o.
Copy !req
455. I'll be off then. Ta-ta.
Copy !req
456. You're not going
anywhere, Pesto.
Copy !req
457. Ow!
Copy !req
458. Not until I've taught you
a jolly good lesson.
Copy !req
459. Come on! Queensberry rules!
Copy !req
460. Put 'em up,
ya little pipsqueak.
Copy !req
461. You're shaking.
Copy !req
462. Don't tell me
you're a scaredy-cat
as well as a scoundrel.
Copy !req
463. And don't think acting
like a big girl's blouse
Copy !req
464. will get you out of it.
Copy !req
465. There's no mercy
with Victor Quartermaine.
Copy !req
466. Huh?
Copy !req
467. Huh?
Copy !req
468. What the dickens?
Copy !req
469. What on Earth...
Copy !req
470. Ooh!
Copy !req
471. Phillip! Attack!
Copy !req
472. Attack!
Copy !req
473. What the...
Copy !req
474. Hmm?
Copy !req
475. Vicar!
Copy !req
476. Vicar! Oh,
where the devil is he?
Copy !req
477. Do you want to confess?
Copy !req
478. I want to talk to you about...
Copy !req
479. the beast.
Copy !req
480. Everything you need to know
is in this book.
Copy !req
481. "Nun Wrestling."
I meant this one.
Copy !req
482. Huh.
Copy !req
483. Ugh.
Copy !req
484. Ha!
Copy !req
485. Here it is.
Copy !req
486. The hideous monster
plaguing our parish.
Copy !req
487. The Were-Rabbit.
Copy !req
488. So it's true.
Copy !req
489. The beast lurks
within all of us, my child.
Copy !req
490. The side that emerges
at night as the moon
rises into the sky.
Copy !req
491. The side that
savagely rips the leaves
Copy !req
492. off any innocent cabbage.
Copy !req
493. Spare me the sermon, Vicar.
Copy !req
494. Just tell me how I kill him.
I mean "it."
Copy !req
495. To kill such a creature
Copy !req
496. would require
nerves of steel
Copy !req
497. and...
Copy !req
498. a bullet.
Copy !req
499. A bullet?
Copy !req
500. A bullet.
Copy !req
501. A bull... Oh!
Copy !req
502. What kind of bullet?
Copy !req
503. A bullet of pure gold.
Copy !req
504. Gold.
Copy !req
505. Yes.
Copy !req
506. Twenty-four karat.
Copy !req
507. Oh!
Copy !req
508. Get out of my way.
Copy !req
509. Silly, old fool.
Copy !req
510. Beware!
Beware of the beast within!
Copy !req
511. Hee-hee!
Copy !req
512. Ha-ha!
Copy !req
513. Perfect re-entry, Gromit.
Copy !req
514. This veg diet's
doing the trick, eh, lad?
Copy !req
515. I feel smashing.
Copy !req
516. Mmm.
Copy !req
517. So how's our
rabbit-monster, hmm?
Copy !req
518. Hope you're keeping
an eye on him.
Copy !req
519. Hmm.
Copy !req
520. Uh...
Copy !req
521. What's up, dog?
Copy !req
522. Well, fancy that.
Copy !req
523. Rabbit ears.
Copy !req
524. That is a bit odd.
Copy !req
525. And what are you
tryin' to say, lad?
Copy !req
526. What?
Copy !req
527. What?
Copy !req
528. What? You think
that I'm the...
Copy !req
529. Because of these?
Copy !req
530. Oh, no.
Copy !req
531. No. This is just a reaction
Copy !req
532. to that healthy veg diet
you've got me on.
Copy !req
533. It's the toxins coming out.
Copy !req
534. Silly, old pooch.
Copy !req
535. Thinking I'm the beast.
Copy !req
536. Next thing you'll be saying
Copy !req
537. is that Hutch
is turning into me.
Copy !req
538. Hey.
What are you doing, lad?
Copy !req
539. Have you gone completely mad?
Copy !req
540. Cheese!
Copy !req
541. "Cheese"?
Copy !req
542. Huh?
Copy !req
543. Ooh!
Copy !req
544. I do like
a bit of Gorgonzola.
Copy !req
545. Oh, dear.
Copy !req
546. Perfect.
Copy !req
547. Now, let's see.
Coming through!
Copy !req
548. The tombola's arrived.
Copy !req
549. And the bouncy
Tottington Hall.
Copy !req
550. Splendid.
Copy !req
551. Oh, it's going to be such
a jolly competition tonight.
Copy !req
552. I just know it.
Copy !req
553. Ya don't know nothin'.
Copy !req
554. The beast has struck again.
That's what.
Copy !req
555. That's right!
Copy !req
556. No, you're quite mistaken,
Mrs. Mulch.
Copy !req
557. The beast is in captivity.
Oh, yeah?
Copy !req
558. Then just take a look
at my wife's brassicas.
Copy !req
559. Ravaged in the night.
But I don't understand.
Copy !req
560. Anti-Pesto told me...
A pack of lies!
Copy !req
561. It's not safe to bring
our vegetables here.
Copy !req
562. The show's off.
Copy !req
563. But this is simply
dreadful news.
Copy !req
564. The Tottingtons have held
a giant vegetable competition
Copy !req
565. on this very night
for over 500 years.
Copy !req
566. That's right.
Copy !req
567. Not even the Great Duck Plague
of '53 stopped it.
Copy !req
568. Oh.
Copy !req
569. If only there were
another way.
Copy !req
570. What ho!
Copy !req
571. It's Quartermaine.
Copy !req
572. Heard you had
a spot of rabbit bother.
Copy !req
573. Didn't this bit used to...
Copy !req
574. Now. Now, let's see.
Copy !req
575. Uh...
Copy !req
576. Oh, where does this part go?
Copy !req
577. Oh!
Copy !req
578. Huh?
Copy !req
579. Oh, it's hopeless.
Copy !req
580. I'll never fix
this flippin' machine.
Copy !req
581. Me mind's just
a rabbit-y mush.
Copy !req
582. Oh, Gromit.
Copy !req
583. I don't wanna
be a giant rabbit!
Copy !req
584. Oh!
Copy !req
585. The bounce is gone
from his bungee.
Copy !req
586. Hey, Pesto!
Rabbit rehabilitation.
Copy !req
587. But if I can't fix it...
Copy !req
588. Cheddar.
Copy !req
589. maybe the other me can!
Copy !req
590. I'm inventing, mostly.
Copy !req
591. Look at me go! Ho-ho!
I'm a genius.
Copy !req
592. Oh, heck! I can't
answer the door.
Not like this.
Copy !req
593. Charming. I'm Wallace.
Copy !req
594. I already am!
Copy !req
595. Hutch!
Copy !req
596. Geronimo!
Copy !req
597. Huh? Wallace?
Copy !req
598. Uh, hang on a mo'.
Copy !req
599. Wallace?
Copy !req
600. Hello? I say.
Open this door at once.
Copy !req
601. Oh!
Copy !req
602. Totty.
Copy !req
603. Uh, "Lady Tottington,"
if you don't mind.
Copy !req
604. Oh.
I'm afraid I have some
rather bad news, Wallace.
Copy !req
605. Thing is, well,
Copy !req
606. you've rather let me down with
this beastly beast business.
Copy !req
607. I suppose I have.
Copy !req
608. It's obvious to me
that you have
absolutely no idea
Copy !req
609. where this poor creature is.
Copy !req
610. And I'm afraid
you've given me no option
Copy !req
611. but to let Victor
shoot the poor thing.
Copy !req
612. Shoot it?
Copy !req
613. Yes.
Wasn't an easy choice,
Copy !req
614. but the veg competition
has to come first.
Copy !req
615. Besides, Victor's
promised me it won't suffer.
Copy !req
616. It will be quick and painless.
Copy !req
617. How thoughtful.
Copy !req
618. I cannot deny it was
a difficult decision for me.
Copy !req
619. Because I've recently
Copy !req
620. Hurry!
Copy !req
621. feelings for you.
Copy !req
622. Feelings?
Oh, well, never mind, eh?
Copy !req
623. Ta-ra, then.
Wait! Wallace.
Copy !req
624. I haven't finished yet.
There's so much more
that needs to be said.
Copy !req
625. Well, I'll give you a tinkle,
shall I?
Copy !req
626. Can't we at least shake hands?
Part as friends?
Copy !req
627. It's not very convenient
at the moment.
Copy !req
628. Thanks for coming by.
Copy !req
629. Well, I... I...
Copy !req
630. That's right,
my lovely.
Copy !req
631. You can say goodbye
to your fluffy lover-boy.
Copy !req
632. You gotta help me, Gromit!
Copy !req
633. Hide me. Anything.
Copy !req
634. Before it's too late!
Copy !req
635. Lad!
Copy !req
636. Your Lordship.
Copy !req
637. Ooh!
Copy !req
638. Good night, Gromit.
Copy !req
639. Huh?
Copy !req
640. 'Tis done.
Copy !req
641. My poor sensitive child.
Copy !req
642. Allow us all to share
in your moment of sorrow.
Copy !req
643. Yeah!
Copy !req
644. On with the show!
Copy !req
645. Huh? What the...
Copy !req
646. Why you...
Copy !req
647. Of course.
Copy !req
648. The vegetable competition.
Copy !req
649. Your loyalty is moving.
Copy !req
650. Sadly, you won't be.
Copy !req
651. Come along, Phillip.
Copy !req
652. Everyone's been looking
forward to a good show.
Copy !req
653. Let's see they get one.
Copy !req
654. Hooray!
Mr. Growbag.
Copy !req
655. I... I have a hunch
this'll be a night
to remember.
Copy !req
656. I just have a hunch.
Copy !req
657. All right. All right.
If we must do
this flipping veg show,
Copy !req
658. let's do it in an orderly
and law-abiding fashion.
Copy !req
659. Cucumbers,
give way to marrows.
Copy !req
660. Carrots, wait your turn!
Copy !req
661. Aubergines...
There's our bait, Phillip.
Copy !req
662. All we have to do now
is wait for our fluffy
friend to appear.
Copy !req
663. Look over here, everyone!
It's Victor!
Copy !req
664. He's here!
Our hero.
Copy !req
665. Please, sir, kiss my baby.
Copy !req
666. Another time, perhaps.
Kiss my potato.
Copy !req
667. Not now.
Kiss my artichoke.
Copy !req
668. Look, just...
Copy !req
669. Campanula!
Copy !req
670. Victor, I have to know.
Did it suffer?
Copy !req
671. Of course not, my dear.
Not yet, anyway.
Copy !req
672. Victor?
Oi, you.
Copy !req
673. Constable.
Careful with them capsicums.
Copy !req
674. Listen, I don't want to cause
panic, but the beast
isn't actually dead yet.
Copy !req
675. The beast isn't
actually dead yet?
Copy !req
676. Oops.
Copy !req
677. To the competition stand!
Copy !req
678. Cracking toast,
Copy !req
679. I'm just crackers
about cheese.
Copy !req
680. Monterey Jack. Ooh!
Copy !req
681. Smashing Wensleydale.
Copy !req
682. Whoa!
Copy !req
683. Ooh!
Copy !req
684. Job well done, lad.
Copy !req
685. Quiet!
Copy !req
686. Quiet!
Copy !req
687. Now, listen carefully.
Copy !req
688. I've only got two...
Copy !req
689. I've only got
one gold bullet left.
Copy !req
690. So leave this to me.
Copy !req
691. Yes, all right, I admit
the beast is still at large.
Copy !req
692. But the good news
is your prize vegetables
are the perfect bait...
Copy !req
693. "Bait"?
Copy !req
694. and will draw
the creature
like a magnet.
Copy !req
695. But you must
keep perfectly still...
My baby.
Copy !req
696. Don't finch...
Copy !req
697. There, there, love.
It'll be all... Huh?
Don't even move a muscle.
Copy !req
698. Mrs. Mulch! No!
Copy !req
699. It's not getting my baby!
Copy !req
700. Lovely food.
For rabbits, that is.
Copy !req
701. Come back!
Come back!
Copy !req
702. Yes. Right on cue.
Copy !req
703. Come back!
Copy !req
704. Come back!
Copy !req
705. Go away!
Copy !req
706. That's right.
Come to Uncle Victor.
Copy !req
707. It's coming for us!
Copy !req
708. Bingo.
Copy !req
709. What the...
Copy !req
710. Hurrah for Anti-Pesto!
Copy !req
711. It's getting away!
Get off, you stupid...
Copy !req
712. No!
Copy !req
713. Vicar, I need
more gold bullets.
Copy !req
714. They don't come cheap,
you know.
Copy !req
715. Victor? What are you doing?
Copy !req
716. I need it, my sweet.
Copy !req
717. Victor, no!
Come, now, Campanula, let go.
Copy !req
718. But it's my Golden
Carrot Award.
Copy !req
719. This is hardly the time,
my darling.
Copy !req
720. Give it to me this instant!
But Victor!
Copy !req
721. Cheese, Gromit.
Copy !req
722. The Golden Carrot
belongs in the show!
Copy !req
723. No, the Golden Carrot
belongs in the Were-Rabbit.
Copy !req
724. Huh?
Copy !req
725. Every man for himself!
Copy !req
726. Help! Help! Help me!
Copy !req
727. Put me down at once,
you great, big,
hairy thing, you!
Copy !req
728. Stop! Stop!
Copy !req
729. Mob supplies!
Get your angry mob
supplies here.
Copy !req
730. Put her down,
you great ugly brute!
Copy !req
731. I'll bagsy the lucky
rabbit's foot.
Copy !req
732. Help me, someone! Help me!
Copy !req
733. Yes.
Copy !req
734. Huh?
Copy !req
735. No. No, no, no!
Copy !req
736. Huh?
Copy !req
737. Huh?
Copy !req
738. Hmm?
Copy !req
739. Grr.
Copy !req
740. Put me down!
Put me down, you...
Copy !req
741. Whatever you are! Help!
Copy !req
742. What is it?
Copy !req
743. What are you staring at
with those beastly eyes?
Copy !req
744. Huh?
Copy !req
745. Wallace.
Copy !req
746. Oh, Wallace.
Copy !req
747. What ever
have you done to yourself?
Copy !req
748. Well, don't you worry.
I'll protect you.
Copy !req
749. Get your hairy mitts off
my future wife, you big brute.
Copy !req
750. No! Victor!
Copy !req
751. You don't understand.
The hunt is off.
Copy !req
752. It's... We made
a terrible mistake.
Copy !req
753. Oh, no. You commissioned me
to rid you of Pesto,
Copy !req
754. and that's just
what I intend to do.
Copy !req
755. Oh!
Copy !req
756. "Pesto"?
Copy !req
757. Why, you knew
it was Wallace all along.
Copy !req
758. Oh, all right.
Copy !req
759. So what if it is
that blithering idiot.
Copy !req
760. No one will ever believe you.
Copy !req
761. And if I can't
have your money,
I can still bag your bunny.
Copy !req
762. My eyes!
Copy !req
763. Run, rabbit, run!
Copy !req
764. Hmm.
Copy !req
765. I rather like your hair
pinned back.
Copy !req
766. No, Victor, no! Stop! Please!
Copy !req
767. Victor!
Copy !req
768. You can hop,
but you can't hide, Pesto.
Copy !req
769. Beware the moon!
Copy !req
770. Stupid interfering mutt.
Copy !req
771. Ha!
Copy !req
772. Huh?
Copy !req
773. Stand back! There may be
a large rabbit dropping!
Copy !req
774. Looks like
the buck stops here.
Copy !req
775. Huh? Oh.
Copy !req
776. Ah.
Copy !req
777. Eat karat, bunny boy!
Copy !req
778. Potty poo!
Copy !req
779. Huh?
Copy !req
780. No one beats
Victor Quartermaine!
Copy !req
781. Is that so?
Copy !req
782. Huh?
Copy !req
783. Consider yourself
Copy !req
784. He's in there!
Copy !req
785. There he is!
Surround him!
Copy !req
786. There he is! Over there!
Copy !req
787. Phillip,
help me! Phillip!
Copy !req
788. Do something.
Copy !req
789. Destroy! Drive out
the monstrosity!
Copy !req
790. Well, let's see
how he likes it.
Copy !req
791. Wallace?
Copy !req
792. Oh, Gromit.
Copy !req
793. Well, at least now
he's at peace.
Copy !req
794. The rabbit's gone.
Copy !req
795. If only there were a way
to bring back Wallace.
Copy !req
796. Hee, hee, hee!
Copy !req
797. Lovely cheese, Gromit.
Copy !req
798. Gromit?
Copy !req
799. Oh, don't forget
the crackers.
Copy !req
800. Cheese?
Copy !req
801. Ah!
Copy !req
802. Cheese!
Copy !req
803. It's me again. I'm back!
Copy !req
804. Gromit!
You clever mutt.
Copy !req
805. Well done, old pal!
Copy !req
806. Totty!
Wallace! You're... Oh!
Copy !req
807. Oh! Oops.
Copy !req
808. Thanks, lad. Uh-oh.
Copy !req
809. Uh... Oh, look!
Copy !req
810. Well, I think
you deserve this, Gromit.
Copy !req
811. For a brave
and splendid marrow.
Copy !req
812. We've all got
a lot to thank you for.
Copy !req
813. Ah.
Copy !req
814. Every dog
has his day. Hmm?
Copy !req
815. And thank you, Wallace.
Copy !req
816. You've saved me
from a terrible marriage.
Copy !req
817. All the same,
Copy !req
818. it is going to be
rather lonely
at Tottington Hall now.
Copy !req
819. Unless...
Copy !req
820. I have a little proposal
for you, Wallace.
Copy !req
821. I'm so thrilled you agreed
to go through with this.
Copy !req
822. Oh, my pleasure, Totty.
Copy !req
823. One for the album, Gromit.
Copy !req
824. Huh? Oh.
Copy !req
825. I declare
this bunny sanctuary
officially open.
Copy !req
826. When you're ready, lad.
Copy !req
827. Fire up the old BV6000.
Copy !req
828. Oh, it's simply marvelous.
Copy !req
829. My home, a safe haven
for all things fluffy.
Copy !req
830. I do hope you'll still
come visit, Wallace.
Copy !req
831. I'd rather got used to
having you around.
Copy !req
832. Oh! There'll always
be a part of me
Copy !req
833. here at Tottington Hall.
Copy !req
834. Give it some more welly, lad.
Copy !req
835. Cheese!
Copy !req
836. Ahhh!
Copy !req