1. (man) Help me! Someone!
Copy !req
2. Someone, help me, please!
Copy !req
3. (man #2) Will you
shut the fuck up?
Copy !req
4. Pando, please believe me.
I'm not fucking bullshitting.
Copy !req
5. I'm telling the truth.
Ring Deirdre.
Copy !req
6. We're doing this job
Copy !req
7. I'm gonna get
your fucking ten grand back.
I'll give you 15, I promise.
Copy !req
8. Ring her, please!
We're doing this job.
Copy !req
9. I'm gonna
get fucking money.
Just ring Deirdre up.
Copy !req
10. OK, Jimmy.
What's her number?
Copy !req
11. It's 93891...
Copy !req
12. Fuck, no,
she's at her mum's place.
Copy !req
13. Fuck. I don't know
her number.
Copy !req
14. Call 013. Call 013.
Copy !req
15. What's it under?
Copy !req
16. Uh, Fletcher.
Crusher - "C." It's...
Copy !req
17. Fuck! That was just
his nickname.
Copy !req
18. Oh, what was his real name?
Copy !req
19. It was... it was John
or something.
Copy !req
20. No, wait, it was...
Robert Henry Fletcher,
Copy !req
21. Robert.
It was Robert Fletcher.
Copy !req
22. Hello.
Copy !req
23. Could I have a number
for a Robert Fletcher
Copy !req
24. Botany.
Copy !req
25. What street?
Copy !req
26. Oh, fuck.
I don't know.
Copy !req
27. I mean, I've been there
a million times,
I know how to get there...
Copy !req
28. Somewhere in Botany.
Copy !req
29. Uh...
Copy !req
30. Botany Road?
Copy !req
31. There's a P. Fletcher
in Botany Road.
Copy !req
32. No, no. They live down
one of them back streets.
Copy !req
33. Anything else
under "R" in Botany?
Copy !req
34. Ah, nothing.
Thanks very much.
Copy !req
35. Nothing.
Copy !req
36. It must be
a silent number.
Copy !req
37. Sorry, Jim.
Copy !req
38. If you're going through
some sort of shit in your life,
Copy !req
39. chances are someone else
has been through
the same thing before you,
Copy !req
40. and they've written it down.
Copy !req
41. Some poet or philosopher
Copy !req
42. has been through
the same type of crap,
Copy !req
43. and they've written about it.
Copy !req
44. And when you find that poem
or that piece of writing
Copy !req
45. and you think, "Bloody hell!
Copy !req
46. This bastard
just summed it all up,"
Copy !req
47. it's kind of comforting.
Copy !req
48. Know what I mean?
Copy !req
49. Yeah! Fuck him!
Copy !req
50. The Chinese reckon
Copy !req
51. that man is a bridge
between heaven and hell,
Copy !req
52. the middle ground
between the yin and the yang.
Copy !req
53. The yin...
Copy !req
54. and the yang.
Copy !req
55. Me and my little brother Jimmy
Copy !req
56. we got these tattoos one day.
Copy !req
57. One side is white
with a little bit of black
Copy !req
58. and the other side is black
with a little bit of white.
Copy !req
59. See, something that's good
can still have a little bit
of bad in it,
Copy !req
60. and something that's bad
still has a little bit of good.
Copy !req
61. Hey, mate,
what do you say, hey?
Copy !req
62. The path of evil
will come tumbling down
like the walls of Jericho.
Copy !req
63. Seek salvation in the Lord.
Copy !req
64. Idiot.
Seek salvation
in the Lord.
Copy !req
65. I was talking to Pando
this arvo.
Copy !req
66. Yeah, talking to Pando
were you, mate?
Copy !req
67. What were you talking
to Pando about?
Copy !req
68. Oh, you know, a few things.
Copy !req
69. Yeah? Fuckin' mates
with Pando, are you?
Copy !req
70. What do you mean?
Don't have to be
fuckin' Einstein.
Copy !req
71. He knows about you,
what happened to Kiwi Bob.
Copy !req
72. How's he gonna know
about Kiwi Bob?
Copy !req
73. Pando fuckin' knows.
What'd he talk about?
Did he offer any work?
Copy !req
74. No, come on. As if.
I wouldn't be surprised,
Copy !req
75. Hey, boys.
Hey, boys' night out, eh?
Copy !req
76. Fucking beautiful girls.
Hey, Les, you got
a spare cigarette?
Copy !req
77. Yeah, all right.
(man) Jimmy!
Copy !req
78. Come and have a look, mate?
(man) You bastard!
Copy !req
79. Jimmy, can you roll it for me?
Can't roll.
Copy !req
80. Hey, Les.
Hey, Rocket.
Copy !req
81. How's things?
Hey, Jim.
Copy !req
82. How are you, mate?
This is me sister Alex.
Copy !req
83. (Les) I didn't know
you had a sister.
I got four.
Copy !req
84. Yeah?
Copy !req
85. You out for a munch,
are you, love?
Yeah. Just got here.
Copy !req
86. Fucking nuthouse,
isn't it, eh?
Copy !req
87. Hey, this fucker
gives you any trouble,
you let me know, OK?
Copy !req
88. I'll fucking
sort him out. Huh?
Copy !req
89. Still cool
for tomorrow night?
Yeah, sure, whatever.
Copy !req
90. I am taking
a special trip for this.
Copy !req
91. I'll fuckin' be there,
all right?
Well, you make sure, OK?
Copy !req
92. Hey, hey, Jim.
Jim. Man, I just ran
into Kiwi Bob's missis.
Copy !req
93. She wants to give you a medal.
Copy !req
94. They had to wire his jaw shut.
She's lovin' the peace
and quiet.
Copy !req
95. Hey, fellas. You gentlemen
after a nice night?
Copy !req
96. We've got some
beautiful women in here,
real nice ladies.
Copy !req
97. (Les) Come and have a look.
Beautiful, huh? Where are
you going, fellows?
Copy !req
98. Eh?
What are you thinking?
Copy !req
99. Useless fucking poofters.
Copy !req
100. Let's go get a beer, eh?
Copy !req
101. See youse later, boys.
Oh, yeah. All right.
Copy !req
102. Fuck! How's an ugly bastard
like Rocket
Copy !req
103. get a good-looking sister
like that, eh?
Copy !req
104. Oi, Jimmy.
Copy !req
105. G'day, Jimmy.
Copy !req
106. Yeah, g'day, Pando.
Hey, Acko.
Copy !req
107. Busy tomorrow, Jimmy?
Copy !req
108. Oh, not much, you know.
Nothing much going on.
Copy !req
109. Why? What's up?
Copy !req
110. Got a bit of work
if you want it.
Copy !req
111. Yeah. Yeah, all right.
Yeah, what is it?
Copy !req
112. You come and see me tomorrow,
all right? 10:00.
Copy !req
113. Yeah, all right.
You won't be late,
will you, mate?
Copy !req
114. No, no, no,
I'll be there.
No worries.
Copy !req
115. All right, then, mate.
See you then.
Copy !req
116. Yeah, all right.
Well, thanks, eh?
Copy !req
117. So what did he say?
Copy !req
118. He says he's got a job
for me tomorrow.
Copy !req
119. What? What kind of a job?
Like, a job job?
Copy !req
120. I don't know.
He didn't say.
Copy !req
121. Well, there you go, mate.
What did I tell you?
Copy !req
122. You're on your way.
Copy !req
123. It's your fucking break, mate.
Copy !req
124. Yeah, well, it's probably
only something small.
It's my first...
Copy !req
125. Of course it's something small.
What do you expect?
Copy !req
126. But, mate,
you're in with Pando now,
so it's fucking great.
Copy !req
127. Yeah. Yeah, I suppose.
Copy !req
128. So you wanna play
with the big boys, do you,
Copy !req
129. little brother?
Copy !req
130. Folks, you're back on Hot FM.
Here's the weather forecast.
Copy !req
131. Hooly dooly,
it's gonna be a hot one.
Copy !req
132. 35 degrees in the shade -
that's what the bureau says -
Copy !req
133. and a late-afternoon
thunderstorm coming in.
Copy !req
134. Till then, it looks like
you gotta sweat it out.
Copy !req
135. OK, folks,
let's get back to the rock.
Copy !req
136. "Busy tomorrow, Jimmy?
Copy !req
137. "Yeah, well, I got some work
for you...
Copy !req
138. if you want it."
Copy !req
139. Oh, fuck.
Copy !req
140. Jimmy!
Copy !req
141. Hey, Jimmy!
Morning, Mrs. Jones.
Copy !req
142. That tap is driving me mad.
Would you have time
to look at it?
Copy !req
143. Why don't you go upstairs
and ask Goldie?
Copy !req
144. Ah, that prick's
no use for anything.
I owe him rent.
Copy !req
145. All right, don't worry.
I'll fix your tap for you.
Copy !req
146. But right now,
I gotta go to a meeting,
so can I come back later?
Copy !req
147. OK, love.
All right, then. Bye.
Copy !req
148. G'day. Do you remember me
from last night? Jimmy.
Copy !req
149. Yeah, yeah. Alex.
Yeah, yeah, I know.
Copy !req
150. So, you're from
the country, eh?
Copy !req
151. Yeah, pretty much.
Copy !req
152. What's it like out there?
I don't know.
Copy !req
153. Less buildings. More cows.
Copy !req
154. You got a horse? You ride?
Copy !req
155. Then what do you do?
Copy !req
156. Um... Oh, not much, really.
Copy !req
157. Just muck around, you know.
It's pretty boring.
Copy !req
158. Yeah.
Copy !req
159. So, um, you're, like,
a strip-club guy, hey?
Copy !req
160. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Well, no.
Copy !req
161. No, I've been doing that
for a while, yeah,
but I got a new job,
Copy !req
162. and you could say
I'm moving on.
Copy !req
163. Yeah? What are you doing?
I'm, um...
Yeah, I'm doing, um...
Copy !req
164. I'm working for a guy,
you know,
Copy !req
165. doing odd jobs here and there
and that sort of thing.
Copy !req
166. Oh, right.
Like a handyman?
Copy !req
167. Yeah, yeah.
Copy !req
168. Hey, what about you?
Got any photos?
Copy !req
169. No, not really.
Copy !req
170. Hey, let me take one of you.
Come on, let me take one.
Copy !req
171. Look, I promise you
I'm not gonna run off
with your camera.
Copy !req
172. Well, you gotta do something.
What do you want me to do?
Copy !req
173. I don't know. Something.
Copy !req
174. Here's your camera.
Copy !req
175. So, when are you
gonna get 'em done?
Uh, developed?
Copy !req
176. I don't know.
Probably just later on.
Copy !req
177. Do you wanna show 'em
to me?
Yeah, OK.
Copy !req
178. All right,
well, I'll call you
or something, maybe.
Copy !req
179. Yeah. All right.
Copy !req
180. I'll give you my number.
Copy !req
181. And it's a triple-word score.
So, what do we got here?
Copy !req
182. 2, 10, 20...
Copy !req
183. 27. That's, uh... 81,
Copy !req
184. and I used up
all me letters.
Copy !req
185. That makes 131.
Copy !req
186. Fuck.
Copy !req
187. Where's that fucking Jimmy?
Wasn't he supposed to
be here by now?
Copy !req
188. Did you get held up, mate?
Copy !req
189. Uh, yeah. Yeah, sorry.
Copy !req
190. So, what you been doing?
You did a nice job on Kiwi Bob.
Copy !req
191. Yeah.
Copy !req
192. Dropped him
with an uppercut, I hear.
Copy !req
193. Yeah, well, I'd seen him
leave himself open to it,
Copy !req
194. so I thought I'd get in there
and give it a go.
Copy !req
195. It's a nice little effort.
Kiwi Bob's no fucking softy.
Copy !req
196. Wally here cleaned up
on that, didn't you, Wal?
Yeah. Two grand.
Copy !req
197. We got the dopey bastard
to do a job for us.
Copy !req
198. I sent him down to Wollongong
Copy !req
199. with a bootload of car radios
to drop on some wog down there.
Copy !req
200. Anyway, the wog's out the back
laying a turd.
Copy !req
201. Bob thinks he's not there,
stupid prick.
Copy !req
202. Turns round,
drives all the way home.
Copy !req
203. Deal's blown, I'm left
with 40 fucking car radios.
Copy !req
204. Don't need a car radio,
do you, mate?
Copy !req
205. No, I don't have a car.
Copy !req
206. Fair enough.
Copy !req
207. Like working
with your hands, do you?
Copy !req
208. Yeah, I'm good
with me hands.
Copy !req
209. I was wondering if you wanted
to do a bit of courierin' work.
Copy !req
210. 500 bucks.
Copy !req
211. Not enough for you?
Copy !req
212. No. No, that's fine.
Yeah, that's great.
500's good.
Copy !req
213. Good. Well, I want you
to go down to Bondi,
Copy !req
214. see a chick called Sharon,
drop a big pile of cash on her.
Copy !req
215. How much?
Ten grand.
Copy !req
216. What's it for?
Copy !req
217. What's it for? It's not yours
to be asking that, mate.
Copy !req
218. Right. I didn't mean it,
and I shouldn't have
said anything.
Copy !req
219. You just go down to Bondi,
drop the cash on this chick
and then bring the car back.
Copy !req
220. Yeah. No worries.
Copy !req
221. You got your keys there,
Copy !req
222. Give him your fucking keys.
Copy !req
223. You're not taking
my fucking car.
Copy !req
224. It's only gonna take
20 minutes.
Copy !req
225. He needs a car.
Give him your fucking keys.
I just got the gearbox done.
Copy !req
226. Good. That means it works.
Now give him your keys.
Copy !req
227. Put one ding in that car,
and you know what'll happen,
don't you?
Copy !req
228. He's not gonna ding your car,
mate. Are you, Jimmy?
No. No, no, I won't.
Copy !req
229. Here's the address.
Copy !req
230. Gee, I thought ten grand
would be a lot heavier
than this, eh?
Copy !req
231. You gonna be all right
with this, aren't ya,
Copy !req
232. Yeah, yeah,
I'm gonna be fine.
Copy !req
233. That's the shot, mate.
Off you go.
Copy !req
234. Your go, innit?
Copy !req
235. That ship must have
come back in last night.
Copy !req
236. Black fellas used to go
fishing and stuff round here.
Copy !req
237. What are you talking about?
All that used to be bush.
Copy !req
238. Probably right here used to be
a camp for black fellas.
Copy !req
239. What happened to 'em?
Died of colds.
Copy !req
240. Colds?
Copy !req
241. White fellas came here
and gave 'em colds,
Copy !req
242. and since the black fellas
never had colds before,
they just died of colds.
Copy !req
243. Bullshit.
It's true. Murphy told me.
Copy !req
244. How would he know?
He used to be
a history teacher.
Copy !req
245. How can he be a dero
and a history teacher?
Copy !req
246. I don't know.
I don't know.
Copy !req
247. You fucking
little fucking shit!
Copy !req
248. What are you doing?
Fucking give us
me fucking wallet.
Copy !req
249. Fucking Johnny
saw you fucking take it.
Piss off!
Copy !req
250. Let him go
or I'll stick you!
Copy !req
251. Fuck you.
Get off me!
Copy !req
252. Fucking let him go!
Copy !req
253. Youse two are fucking dead.
Copy !req
254. No, not youse two.
Copy !req
255. Ahh.
Copy !req
256. Don't think anyone's home,
Copy !req
257. Shit.
Copy !req
258. It's OK. She'll be back.
Copy !req
259. I just gotta kill some time.
Copy !req
260. Watch this!
Copy !req
261. Sometimes small things
can magnify themselves
Copy !req
262. into big things.
Copy !req
263. The flap of a butterfly wing
Copy !req
264. can turn itself
into a raging tornado.
Copy !req
265. A tiny little ripple can end up
as a devastating tidal wave.
Copy !req
266. One careless decision
Copy !req
267. can affect the way
the rest of your life
will unfold.
Copy !req
268. The trick is
to think very hard
Copy !req
269. before you take the high road
Copy !req
270. or the low road...
Copy !req
271. because the wrong choice
Copy !req
272. can really fuck you up
big time.
Copy !req
273. Did you see someone go
through me stuff?
Copy !req
274. Someone stole me fucking stuff!
Did you see someone?
Copy !req
275. No, I-I didn't see anything.
Copy !req
276. Shit!
Copy !req
277. Fuck. Fuck.
Copy !req
278. Fuck!
Copy !req
279. Would you look at that.
Copy !req
280. Shit, Jimmy.
What happened?
Copy !req
281. Maybe I should talk to him.
He'll probably understand.
Copy !req
282. Are you out of your head?
He'll kill you.
He won't kill me.
Copy !req
283. Jimmy, there are
no two ways about this.
Copy !req
284. If you don't find
the ten grand, he'll kill you.
Copy !req
285. Rat Slater, he was
done over for 800 bucks.
They cut his head off.
Copy !req
286. Now, he'll do it
without a problem
in the world.
Copy !req
287. I've gotta get you out of here.
I'll have to take you to Mum's.
Copy !req
288. I don't even know why
you wanna do this bullshit
for Pando.
Copy !req
289. He's a bad man.
Copy !req
290. No. Pando's a good bloke.
Copy !req
291. OK, then,
we gotta put this somewhere.
Copy !req
292. Maybe just stick it
round the corner in one
of those back streets.
Copy !req
293. Has it got an alarm?
Yeah. It's got
a steering lock, too.
Copy !req
294. It'll be perfectly safe, then.
Dee, them locks
are so easy to break.
Copy !req
295. Jimmy, just park the car
and don't talk to me.
Copy !req
296. (DJ) OK, back now on 2HOT.
Copy !req
297. Tomorrow is the big day
when one lucky listener
will receive $10,000 cash.
Copy !req
298. That's right, folks.
All you have to do
Copy !req
299. is pick yourself up
a "2HOT to handle"
bumper sticker.
Copy !req
300. The spot team will be
out and about on the streets,
Copy !req
301. so keep listening tomorrow
between 9 and 12.
Copy !req
302. Have you got one
of those stickers, Dee?
No, Jimmy, I don't.
Copy !req
303. Oh!
Copy !req
304. Hi, Mum.
Copy !req
305. G'day,
Mrs. Fletcher.
Copy !req
306. All this'll have to be done.
Copy !req
307. Just doing some work, Mum.
Jimmy's in the shit again.
Copy !req
308. You did splash me.
Copy !req
309. Oh! Oh!
Copy !req
310. Oh, g'day.
G'day. It's Jimmy.
Copy !req
311. Yeah. Can I talk
to Pando, mate?
Copy !req
312. Yeah, I've got your car here.
Copy !req
313. No, I can't say where I am.
Copy !req
314. No, I can't. Look, can I
please speak to Pando?
Copy !req
315. Pando. Yeah.
I'm at a friend's place.
Copy !req
316. No, I can't say where I am.
No, no, no, no.
Copy !req
317. Yeah, I went down to the flat
and I knocked,
Copy !req
318. but there was no answer,
Copy !req
319. I-I haven't got it.
Copy !req
320. Well, someone ripped it off.
Well... Yeah, OK.
Copy !req
321. I went down to the beach
to wait for her to come back,
and I went for a swim and I...
Copy !req
322. A swim.
Copy !req
323. Yeah, well,
someone ripped it off
when I was in the water.
Copy !req
324. You get over here...!
Copy !req
325. I gotta go.
Copy !req
326. Cactus.
Copy !req
327. So I get old Jack
to have a look,
Copy !req
328. and he swears to God,
a heart attack.
Copy !req
329. What's going on?
Copy !req
330. I can't fucking believe
Copy !req
331. that a 35-year-old woman
can die of natural causes.
Copy !req
332. You'd be surprised, Pando.
Copy !req
333. I mean, heart disease
is the biggest killer
Copy !req
334. in Australians
over the age of 30.
Copy !req
335. That true?
Copy !req
336. That's what they say.
Copy !req
337. Hello? Oh, hello, doll.
Copy !req
338. No, one of those days.
Having a bloody crisis.
Copy !req
339. One of the new guys.
Copy !req
340. First day on the job,
and he rips me off ten grand.
Copy !req
341. We're gonna have to
find the cunt and do him.
Copy !req
342. Yeah, well,
I could be here
all bloody day.
Copy !req
343. Yeah, I know. Put him on.
Copy !req
344. Want me to find
the cunt, or what?
Copy !req
345. Yeah, better make
some inquiries.
See who's hiding him.
Copy !req
346. Hello, matey.
How are you?
Copy !req
347. Did you?
Copy !req
348. The Origami Show, is it?
I'll tell you what.
Copy !req
349. You be a good boy,
and when I come home
Copy !req
350. I'll help you
with your origami.
Copy !req
351. You go and ask Mummy
for some paper.
Copy !req
352. It's in the kitchen.
You ask Mummy.
Copy !req
353. All right, I'll see
when I come home later.
Copy !req
354. Bye, son.
Copy !req
355. Bye.
Copy !req
356. Kids.
Copy !req
357. Yeah.
Copy !req
358. Where'd you get
the dolls from?
Copy !req
359. What?
Where'd you get the clothes?
Copy !req
360. Me auntie.
What auntie?
Copy !req
361. She's part
of the royal family.
Copy !req
362. Bullshit.
Copy !req
363. You want 100 bucks?
Copy !req
364. Oh, give us 100.
Good choice.
Copy !req
365. Your auntie really
in the royal family?
Copy !req
366. Whatcha doing?
Copy !req
367. Nothin'.
Copy !req
368. You going out?
Copy !req
369. Yeah.
Where you going?
Copy !req
370. Just taking photos.
Copy !req
371. You gonna be back
later tonight?
Copy !req
372. Yeah.
Copy !req
373. Why?
Copy !req
374. No reason, eh.
Copy !req
375. I gotta do a job, Dee.
(Dee) Bloody hell.
Copy !req
376. Well, how else
am I gonna get ten grand?
Copy !req
377. Well, you never
pulled a job before.
Copy !req
378. Look, Dee, can you get me
in on something?
Copy !req
379. Have you got anything going?
Copy !req
380. Jimmy,
this isn't playschool.
Copy !req
381. We're talking
about robbing a bank.
Copy !req
382. Yeah, I know.
Copy !req
383. OK, Jimmy.
Copy !req
384. Now, I've never
told you this before,
Copy !req
385. but the day before your brother
Copy !req
386. he was in this
really weird mood.
Copy !req
387. He said he was
in some type of shit.
Copy !req
388. He didn't tell me what it was
or who or anything,
Copy !req
389. but I just knew
he'd done something really bad.
Copy !req
390. Now, he made me promise
that I'd keep you
out of all this shit.
Copy !req
391. He made me promise, Jimmy.
Copy !req
392. I got no choice, Dee.
Copy !req
393. Is, uh, is Bill here?
Copy !req
394. Who the fuck are you?
Copy !req
395. I-I'm a mate of Colin.
Copy !req
396. He said I should talk to Bill
about selling my car.
Copy !req
397. Hang on for a sec.
I'll see if Bill wants
to have a look.
Copy !req
398. Hey, Bill.
There's a cunt in here
Copy !req
399. who's just ripped off
Acko's car.
Copy !req
400. What?
Copy !req
401. G'day.
Copy !req
402. Is Acko there?
Copy !req
403. It's Bill.
Copy !req
404. Fuckin' wanker.
Copy !req
405. You should have seen him.
He had all this blood coming
out of his mouth.
Copy !req
406. Johnny, he's done heaps
of martial arts.
Copy !req
407. He was kicking
and punching him.
Copy !req
408. He was really
killing him and...
Copy !req
409. Shit.
Copy !req
410. Jesus Christ, Acko.
Copy !req
411. Get back in the fucking car,
Copy !req
412. Aah! Aah! Aah!
Copy !req
413. Sorry, Dee, to plant
the little buggers on you.
No worries, Woz.
Copy !req
414. Got my sister's kids,
so a couple of extra's
no problem.
Copy !req
415. Yeah. Nolene had to work,
so I'm stuck with 'em today.
Copy !req
416. (Dee) So, do you know Pando?
Copy !req
417. Don't know him personally,
but I know who he is.
Copy !req
418. I did some work
for some of that crowd
a few years back,
Copy !req
419. but I wouldn't now.
Why not?
Copy !req
420. Pando's
a fucking deadshit, man.
Copy !req
421. I've heard bad stories
about him.
Copy !req
422. He's all right
once you get to know him.
Copy !req
423. Jimmy, the guy's
trying to kill you.
Copy !req
424. Yeah, I know, but...
Copy !req
425. Anyway, Jimmy,
you know how to shoot?
Copy !req
426. Yeah, I can shoot.
And you're trained up?
Copy !req
427. Yeah. Mainly boxing.
Righto. Now, the crowd
is a piece of cake.
Copy !req
428. You'll have to take
the security guard,
but it's easy.
Copy !req
429. They're usually
useless fat pricks.
Copy !req
430. What have we got there?
Hopeless, yeah.
Useless fat buggers.
Copy !req
431. They're always fat.
Copy !req
432. Anyway, gun to the throat,
keep him looking up.
Copy !req
433. That way he won't see
when you get his gun.
Don't worry too much.
Copy !req
434. I'll help you out there.
You get him inside,
and I'll start you off.
Copy !req
435. You hold the fuckers back,
and I'll go over the counter.
Yeah, righto.
Copy !req
436. Every now and then, you're
gonna come across a smartass.
Copy !req
437. The trick is
to act quick on him,
a good hard whack.
Copy !req
438. Belt the bugger.
You don't wanna
kill him, though.
Copy !req
439. But a good old thump
with your shotty butt.
Copy !req
440. You giving me a shotty?
Copy !req
441. Yeah. Why?
Don't like shotguns?
Copy !req
442. No. Shotty's all right.
Copy !req
443. Yeah.
Shotties are good, mate.
Copy !req
444. Gimme that truck!
Kelvin, what's going on
in there?
Copy !req
445. Just be a good boy
and share your toys.
Copy !req
446. Dad, he took my truck.
Play with your ray gun.
Copy !req
447. I want it!
It's just over there.
Copy !req
448. (Dee) You wanna come
with me?
Copy !req
449. Oh, what were we saying?
Copy !req
450. Shotguns.
Copy !req
451. Oh, yeah?
Copy !req
452. Fire off a shot if you like.
It's always good for crowd work.
Copy !req
453. Remember Old Blue always
used to fire off a cartridge.
Copy !req
454. He used to shoot
the cameras, you know.
It was pretty funny.
Copy !req
455. Here we go, then.
Copy !req
456. (Dee) There we go.
You are a good boy.
Copy !req
457. Thanks a lot,
Mrs. Fletcher.
Good on you.
Copy !req
458. A cup of tea
for you.
Copy !req
459. Thanks very much,
Mrs. Fletcher.
Copy !req
460. Hey! What the fuck
do you think you're doing?
Copy !req
461. I was just taking a photo.
Copy !req
462. Why the fuck
you wanna take my photo?
Sorry. I didn't...
Copy !req
463. I just wanted
to take your photo. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
464. You're just such
a good-looking bastard.
Copy !req
465. Oh. Well, that's different.
Copy !req
466. Righty. I know
I've got quite a few,
Copy !req
467. but I think we can narrow it
down to these three here.
Copy !req
468. Now, this is
the Commonwealth Bank
in Rooty Hill.
Copy !req
469. It's quite a good bank.
There's no screens,
fat guard...
Copy !req
470. A pretty easy bank,
but there's not a lot
of cash there.
Copy !req
471. The main branch
is a couple of K's
down the road.
Copy !req
472. I think they handle
more cash there.
Copy !req
473. What's this one?
Well, that's
my personal pick.
Copy !req
474. The guard is a young bloke,
but he's thick as shit
and fat.
Copy !req
475. The good thing about that one
is that they look after
the bread factory payroll,
Copy !req
476. so they get loaded right up
on Thursdays.
Copy !req
477. It's a bit of a drive,
but I reckon it's worth it.
Copy !req
478. Screens?
No. No screens.
Copy !req
479. Looks like a beauty.
How much do you reckon
they got out there?
Copy !req
480. I don't know.
Could be a hundred.
Copy !req
481. Oh, that'd be nice.
What do you reckon?
Copy !req
482. Yeah. That sounds
pretty good, eh?
Copy !req
483. That's the one, then.
What are we riding in?
Copy !req
484. Commodores.
Copy !req
485. What's today? Wednesday.
So we're out there tomorrow?
Copy !req
486. Yeah, if that suits
you blokes.
It suits me.
Copy !req
487. Aw, shit.
I got the kids again.
Copy !req
488. Woz, you silly bugger,
I'll look after them.
Copy !req
489. Thanks. You all right
getting another car?
Copy !req
490. I'll go do that this arvo.
Might go for a drive
and check it out.
Copy !req
491. That's the shot.
This should be fun.
Copy !req
492. You excited, Jimmy?
Yeah, I guess.
Copy !req
493. I better piss off home
and get some dinner
into these kids of mine.
Copy !req
494. I'll see youse all here
tomorrow, eh?
Copy !req
495. Jesus Christ, Dee,
we're laughing
our bloody heads off.
Copy !req
496. This is gonna be
a fucking ripper.
Copy !req
497. Did you see anything?
Copy !req
498. Did you see the vehicle?
Copy !req
499. Did you see the young lad
get hit?
Copy !req
500. Have you seen Ron?
What do you want Ron for?
Copy !req
501. I just fucking want him.
Have you seen him?
Copy !req
502. I think he's at Phil's.
Copy !req
503. What?
Is Ron here?
Copy !req
504. What do you want him for?
I just wanna talk to him.
Copy !req
505. Fuck off.
Copy !req
506. Wait.
Copy !req
507. All right. Come on.
Copy !req
508. Hey...
G'day, Wal.
How are you going?
Copy !req
509. You seen Jimmy?
I haven't seen him
since last night.
Copy !req
510. I thought he was
doing something
with you fellas.
Copy !req
511. You haven't heard nothing
from him?
Copy !req
512. No, what's happened?
Pando's pretty keen
to catch up with him.
Copy !req
513. Fuck. Jimmy pull a shifty,
did he?
Copy !req
514. Just let us know
if you hear anything.
Copy !req
515. Pando would be pretty happy
for any info, yeah?
Copy !req
516. No, I don't know
nothing, mate, eh?
Copy !req
517. Have you checked
his place?
Copy !req
518. Hey, Alex.
How are you, love?
Copy !req
519. I'm all right.
Copy !req
520. Is Rocket here?
Copy !req
521. No, he's not back yet,
but he said he won't be long.
Copy !req
522. Oh, right, right.
Copy !req
523. Mind if I come in
and wait for him?
Is that all right?
Copy !req
524. So, how was your first day
in the Big Smoke?
Copy !req
525. Oh, it was all right.
Copy !req
526. A good-looking girl like you
should have no probs.
Copy !req
527. Be queen of the town
before too long, eh?
Copy !req
528. You going out tonight?
Copy !req
529. I don't know. Probably.
Copy !req
530. Where are you going?
Copy !req
531. I'm not sure yet.
Copy !req
532. Oh, right.
Like the pictures, do you?
Copy !req
533. I thought all girls
liked the pictures.
Copy !req
534. Tom Cruise.
Bet you like him, eh?
Copy !req
535. Brad Pitt? What about him?
Copy !req
536. I guess they don't have
the flicks out your way, eh?
Copy !req
537. No, we've got 'em.
Oh, do you? You go much?
Copy !req
538. Oh, a bit.
Copy !req
539. Fuck. Maybe we should go
to a flick sometime, eh?
Copy !req
540. What about tonight?
We could catch a flick tonight.
What do you reckon?
Copy !req
541. Um...
Copy !req
542. I'm not sure. I might...
Copy !req
543. Hello?
Copy !req
544. Alex?
Copy !req
545. Yeah, hi. It's me, Jimmy.
Hi. How are you?
Copy !req
546. Yeah, good, yeah.
How are you?
Copy !req
547. I'm all right.
What are you doing?
Copy !req
548. Not much. I just thought
I'd give you a call,
see what you were doing.
Copy !req
549. Didn't know if you were
gonna call or not
Copy !req
550. So, what are you
doing tonight?
Copy !req
551. Uh, I don't know.
What are you up to?
I don't know.
Copy !req
552. Um, I was thinking about
going down to Chinatown.
Have you ever been there?
Copy !req
553. Yeah, I've been there.
Copy !req
554. I was thinking about
going there for a while
and checking it out.
Copy !req
555. I was wondering if you want
to meet me or something
or... Only if you want to.
Copy !req
556. I don't know if I can.
Copy !req
557. Oh. OK.
Copy !req
558. No, no. It's not that
I don't want to or anything,
Copy !req
559. but it's just that I've...
Copy !req
560. Well, there's a pub
down near Chinatown.
Copy !req
561. Um, it's called the Star Hotel
on Goldberg Street.
Copy !req
562. Star Hotel.
Copy !req
563. Well... I could meet you
there if you want.
All right.
Copy !req
564. OK. Well,
I'll see you there.
Copy !req
565. All right. I'll see you there.
Bye, Jimmy.
Copy !req
566. You going out somewhere,
are you?
Copy !req
567. Dee, I was just thinking
about popping out for a while.
Copy !req
568. What? Why are you wearing
those clothes?
Copy !req
569. Well, I was gonna go
see Mum and Matt.
Copy !req
570. What are you talking about?
You haven't seen them
in five years.
Copy !req
571. Yeah, I was speaking to Mum
on the phone, and I promised
I'd go round and see her.
Copy !req
572. I'll only be an hour or two.
Are you out of your head?
Copy !req
573. I'll be fine.
Go on, love.
Go and see your mum.
Copy !req
574. Jesus Christ, Jimmy!
Are you completely insane?
Copy !req
575. Look, I'll be
a couple of hours,
all right?
Copy !req
576. Pando's looking for you.
You know what'll happen
if he finds you.
Copy !req
577. I'll be fine, all right?
Copy !req
578. Let him go, Dee. Go and see
your mother, Jimmy.
Copy !req
579. See you later, Mrs. Fletcher.
Thanks for your hospitality.
Copy !req
580. Been a pleasure, Jimmy.
I'll leave the light on
for you, love.
Copy !req
581. Shit!
Copy !req
582. Shit.
Copy !req
583. Hey.
Copy !req
584. How are you?
Not bad.
Copy !req
585. So, how did you go today?
Oh, it was all right.
Copy !req
586. I had a look around,
took some photos.
Do you wanna see them?
Copy !req
587. Yeah. Yeah, yeah.
Copy !req
588. You look good in photos.
Copy !req
589. Yeah. Pity about
in real life, though, eh?
Copy !req
590. Here's that one of me.
I look foul.
Hey, hang on.
Copy !req
591. That's all right.
Copy !req
592. You can have it if you want.
Copy !req
593. There's another one of you
in here.
Copy !req
594. I didn't know
you took that one.
Copy !req
595. Who's the guy in the car?
Copy !req
596. That's Pando.
Copy !req
597. Pando?
Copy !req
598. Sounds like a teddy bear.
Copy !req
599. So, who is he?
Copy !req
600. Pando's a guy. He's, um...
I mean, he's a big guy
in The Cross.
Copy !req
601. Friend of yours?
Copy !req
602. Well, no, not exactly.
Copy !req
603. Is he an asshole?
Copy !req
604. No. You know,
Pando's a good bloke.
You know, he, um...
Copy !req
605. Yeah, well, I guess
he is an asshole.
He, um...
Copy !req
606. See, in The Cross,
Copy !req
607. everyone wants to be
mates with Pando.
Copy !req
608. You know, if you're in
with Pando, you're set.
Copy !req
609. Pando comes up and asks me
if I wanna do a job for him.
I'm thinking, "Great."
Copy !req
610. But, um...
it's all bullshit.
Copy !req
611. What did you wanna be
when you grew up? You know,
when you were a little kid?
Copy !req
612. I don't know.
Some shit-kicking thing.
Copy !req
613. No, what'd you
really wanna be?
Copy !req
614. I guess I just wanted to
do something with me hands,
you know? Um...
Copy !req
615. Not like fighting.
I don't wanna be
a fighter or anything,
Copy !req
616. but, um, just fixing things,
making things.
Copy !req
617. You know,
that sort of stuff.
Copy !req
618. You should talk to my uncle.
He's a boatbuilder
on the north coast.
Copy !req
619. He's been looking
to take someone on,
like an apprentice.
Copy !req
620. What is it?
Well, I don't know.
Copy !req
621. I think you just learn
how to make boats.
Copy !req
622. Boats?
Copy !req
623. Making boats?
Copy !req
624. Yeah.
Well, that'd be all right,
wouldn't it?
Copy !req
625. Better than hanging around
Copy !req
626. Yeah.
Copy !req
627. G'day, it's Les. Les Watson.
Copy !req
628. Yeah, that's right.
I've got some information
you might like to hear.
Copy !req
629. What?
Copy !req
630. Where? Where?
Copy !req
631. (man with Japanese accent
on TV) Take left corner
and fold over
Copy !req
632. to middle like so...
Copy !req
633. To the center, mate.
That's it.
Copy !req
634. Yeah, soft folds.
Not hard, mate.
That's a boy.
Copy !req
635. Take side of paper.
Pull out like so to make...
Copy !req
636. Maurice, phone.
Copy !req
637. Aw, shit.
Copy !req
638. You keep making
the pterodactyl, mate.
Copy !req
639. Hello?
Copy !req
640. Yeah? Fucking where?
Copy !req
641. Righty-o, then.
Where's Acko?
Copy !req
642. OK. See you there.
Copy !req
643. Look, Dad.
Copy !req
644. Hey, that's a beauty,
Copy !req
645. That's a lovely looking
Copy !req
646. "Origami Show."
Copy !req
647. Next we make dog.
Copy !req
648. Yeah, dog!
Copy !req
649. Nice dog.
Yeah, it's the same
as my old dog.
Copy !req
650. So, when will you be able
to give your uncle a call?
Copy !req
651. I don't know. Tomorrow?
Copy !req
652. Hey, what about tonight?
Copy !req
653. I don't have the number
with me at the moment.
It's back at Rocket's.
Copy !req
654. Why? Are you kinda keen
to get outta town or something?
Copy !req
655. I know this bloke.
It's Corky. Bloody Les
in the background there.
Copy !req
656. Ugh. I don't like him.
He's disgusting.
Copy !req
657. He was at my place,
trying to crack on to me,
scratching his balls.
Copy !req
658. Yeah?
Copy !req
659. I was glad you rang
when you did.
Copy !req
660. He was there
when I was talking to you.
Copy !req
661. Yeah. Just sitting there,
staring at me.
Copy !req
662. And what did he do?
Copy !req
663. I think he was pissed off
when he knew I was
going out with you.
Copy !req
664. Oh, shit.
Copy !req
665. See you, mate.
Copy !req
666. (man) Hey!
Copy !req
667. Check the dunnies.
Copy !req
668. He's not in there.
Copy !req
669. Hello? What?
Copy !req
670. What's the matter, Jimmy?
Copy !req
671. All right, come up here.
Copy !req
672. He just went round
the corner up ahead of me.
Yeah, I will, I will.
Copy !req
673. Shit, hang on.
Copy !req
674. Aw, fuck! My batteries
are going! I don't know.
Copy !req
675. Yeah, the fucking thing's
bleeping at me!
Copy !req
676. Hey, hello? Hello?
Copy !req
677. Fuck! Fuck!
Copy !req
678. Have you ever been
on the monorail?
Copy !req
679. Let's go for a ride.
Come on.
Copy !req
680. Shit.
Copy !req
681. Fuck!
Copy !req
682. Fuck!
Copy !req
683. Hey, man,
what are you doing?
Copy !req
684. Hey...
Copy !req
685. What's happened, Jimmy?
Copy !req
686. You know how
I was telling you
about Pando?
Copy !req
687. He's after me.
Copy !req
688. I did a job for him,
I stuffed it up
and he's after me.
Copy !req
689. Oh, shit.
Copy !req
690. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
691. Why?
Copy !req
692. Well, you know,
it's gonna be all right.
Copy !req
693. I'm gonna be fine.
Copy !req
694. I didn't want to get you
messed up in all this shit.
Copy !req
695. Why don't you just go away?
Just go up north tonight.
Copy !req
696. Get the overnight train
and get outta here.
Copy !req
697. I don't know.
Copy !req
698. What's stopping you?
Copy !req
699. Do you wanna come with me?
Copy !req
700. Please stand clear.
The doors are now closing.
Copy !req
701. Get him... get him up.
Come on.
Copy !req
702. Come on.
Copy !req
703. Help me!
Get him in.
Copy !req
704. Get him in. Come on.
Copy !req
705. Get him in.
Copy !req
706. You're Rocket's
little sister, aren't ya?
Copy !req
707. We just need to talk
to Jimmy about a few things,
so you'd best piss off home.
Copy !req
708. You got enough for a taxi?
Copy !req
709. $20 should
see you home all right.
Copy !req
710. You'll get a cab
up the road there.
Copy !req
711. You got my keys, Jimmy?
Copy !req
712. It's quarter past
the hour of two,
Copy !req
713. and the weatherman tells us
the southerly storm
is closing in,
Copy !req
714. so snuggle down and get
very, very cozy and warm,
Copy !req
715. because this beautiful song
is for all the lovers
throughout the world.
Copy !req
716. I love this song.
Copy !req
717. Jesus Christ, Pando,
you can't do this to me!
Copy !req
718. I'll be 100% fair dinkum,
and you'll - Aah!
Copy !req
719. Have I ever bullshitted you?
Have I?
I don't know, Jimmy.
Copy !req
720. I haven't. I've never
fucking bullshitted you.
Copy !req
721. Please, Pando,
I don't wanna fucking die.
Copy !req
722. Jesus fucking Christ.
Copy !req
723. I'm doing a job tomorrow.
I'll get your money back.
Copy !req
724. You've never done a job
in your fucking life. You
wouldn't know where to start.
Copy !req
725. Deirdre - Crusher Fletcher's
I know who she is.
Copy !req
726. She's organized a job for me.
Copy !req
727. I'm gonna get
your fucking money.
Copy !req
728. Look, can't you see this
from my point of view?
Copy !req
729. You can tell me you're
the king of fucking Sweden.
Copy !req
730. I let one cunt off once.
What was his name?
Copy !req
731. Yeah, Robbo.
I let this cunt off,
he goes straight to the police.
Copy !req
732. I mean, what had I done
to deserve this?
Copy !req
733. Lucky for me, he goes to Rogers,
so we get the cunt back.
Copy !req
734. But, Jimmy, that was
a valuable fucking lesson.
Copy !req
735. I'm not gonna
get burned a second time.
You should understand that.
Copy !req
736. I swear on my mother's
fucking grave.
Copy !req
737. Oh, shut your fucking mouth.
Copy !req
738. I'm not fucking bullshitting.
Look, I'm telling the truth.
Ring Deirdre.
Copy !req
739. We are doing this job tomorrow.
I'm gonna get your fucking
ten grand back.
Copy !req
740. I'll give you 15. Ring her,
please! We're doing this job.
I'm gonna get your money.
Copy !req
741. Sorry, Jimmy.
Copy !req
742. Fucking thing.
Give me
a look at it.
Copy !req
743. Get the torch
over here, Wal.
Copy !req
744. Ouch! Fuck! Shit.
Copy !req
745. Fucking hell, mate.
This gun's fucking filthy.
Copy !req
746. Jesus, look what's
happened here.
Copy !req
747. Cap's fizzed out and fused
the fucking chamber.
Copy !req
748. Unbelievable.
Copy !req
749. What's happened
to these bullets?
Copy !req
750. They're bloody rusty
or something.
Copy !req
751. I accidentally put 'em
through the wash.
You what?
Copy !req
752. I had 'em in the pocket
of me shorts. I washed 'em.
Copy !req
753. Of course they're gonna be
fucked if you put 'em through
the fucking washing machine.
Copy !req
754. No, water shouldn't
fuck 'em up.
Copy !req
755. They're designed
to go through
swamps and shit.
Copy !req
756. They'll fizz like that
if they're old.
Copy !req
757. How old are these?
Copy !req
758. Not that old.
Copy !req
759. You loaded your gun
with old fucking bullets
Copy !req
760. you put through
the fucking wash?
Copy !req
761. Well, righto. I shot all me
fucking bullets, didn't I?
Copy !req
762. You're the one who told me
to put 20 rounds
through Rat Slater.
Copy !req
763. You got any more bullets?
Copy !req
764. Aw, shit.
Copy !req
765. Anyone got another gun?
Copy !req
766. Where is it?
It's in the car.
Copy !req
767. Well, fuck off
and get it.
Copy !req
768. Fuck.
Copy !req
769. This is where
we planted his brother.
Copy !req
770. Eh?
Copy !req
771. Fucking Michael.
We stuck him right here.
Copy !req
772. The dam wasn't here.
The dam was dry.
Copy !req
773. But that's where
we stuck him, right there.
Copy !req
774. Is it?
Copy !req
775. Yeah, right, it was.
Copy !req
776. Fucking nuts.
Copy !req
777. Go round that way!
Head him off!
Copy !req
778. That torch is fucking useless.
Copy !req
779. Jesus, it's pissing down.
Copy !req
780. Fuck this rain.
Copy !req
781. You're
on your own now, Jimmy.
Look after yourself.
Copy !req
782. Alex!
Copy !req
783. No!
Copy !req
784. Please!
Copy !req
785. I don't want to.
I really don't...
Copy !req
786. You've gotta get outta here.
Pando's not the type of guy
you wanna fuck with.
Copy !req
787. What are we gonna do
about Jimmy?
Forget Jimmy!
Copy !req
788. Pack your bloody suitcase.
Jimmy doesn't give a shit.
Copy !req
789. They're gonna kill him!
Fuck him, all right!
Copy !req
790. Fuck the cops!
He fucked with Pando.
Don't you understand?
Copy !req
791. Well, look what
the fucking cat
dragged in.
Copy !req
792. (Dee) Jesus Christ, Jimmy,
where have you been?
Copy !req
793. I don't know.
You look like shit.
Copy !req
794. You OK?
Copy !req
795. Yeah.
Copy !req
796. Are you gonna be OK
for today?
Copy !req
797. Yeah. Let's do it.
Copy !req
798. So, anyway, mate,
Harry King hears about it
off one of the boys
Copy !req
799. that Phil's
been fooling around
with his missis.
Copy !req
800. Everyone's going,
"Oh, shit, man."
Copy !req
801. You know Harry King.
He's built like a fucking
brick supermarket.
Copy !req
802. He's madder
than a cut snake.
Copy !req
803. We're all sitting up
at the pub the other night,
and Harry walks in.
Copy !req
804. He walks straight up to Phil.
He throws a.22 bullet
on his lap.
Copy !req
805. He stares him
straight in the eye
and he says,
Copy !req
806. "The next one's coming
a lot fucking quicker."
Copy !req
807. And Phil has just fucking
shit himself, you know?
Copy !req
808. He's driven himself
out of town.
We haven't seen him since.
Copy !req
809. All righty, then.
Let's go, eh?
Any last questions?
Copy !req
810. What if we see any cops?
Copy !req
811. What do you mean?
What if a cop comes along?
Copy !req
812. You shoot him.
Copy !req
813. Look, mate, they'll
fucking shoot you.
Copy !req
814. You shoot
the bastards. OK?
Copy !req
815. You all right?
Are you OK?
Copy !req
816. Mate, just try to
have some fun with this.
You all right?
Copy !req
817. Yeah, yeah, I'm all right.
OK. Mask up, mate.
All right.
Copy !req
818. Let's fuck this puppy.
Copy !req
819. Get on the fucking floor!
Copy !req
820. Everyone down!
This is a fucking holdup!
Copy !req
821. Nice.
Copy !req
822. Open your drawer!
Open your fucking drawer!
Copy !req
823. All of you,
open your drawers!
Copy !req
824. Get the money bag,
fill the fucking thing up.
Move! Get the money out!
Copy !req
825. You stay there, dickhead!
Give me the bag!
Copy !req
826. Money in! Money in!
Come on, move it!
Copy !req
827. Right, where's
the fucking safe, mate?
Come on! Fucking move it!
Copy !req
828. Get on the fucking floor!
Come on, dickhead!
Copy !req
829. Come on, open it. Open it
and get out the big notes.
Copy !req
830. Get back. Come on.
Copy !req
831. Fucking hurry up!
Copy !req
832. Get down,
you fucking asshole!
Copy !req
833. Yeah, righto, killer.
Settle down.
Copy !req
834. Get down, asshole!
Copy !req
835. Oi.
Copy !req
836. Oi.
Copy !req
837. Shit. Shit.
Copy !req
838. Wozza's bloody out cold.
Give us a hand.
He's what?
Copy !req
839. Bloody give us a hand!
Copy !req
840. Get going.
Copy !req
841. Man, what the fuck
is going on?
Copy !req
842. Shit. We gotta
get outta here, man.
Where's Craig?
Copy !req
843. Where's Craig, Jimmy?
We gotta get outta here.
Copy !req
844. Fuck this.
Copy !req
845. We gotta get another car!
Copy !req
846. What?
The car's fucked.
We gotta piss off out of here.
Copy !req
847. 1, 2, 3, go!
Copy !req
848. Go!
Copy !req
849. I don't wanna go into that
right now, mate. No.
Copy !req
850. No, it's not a question of that,
it's just...
Copy !req
851. Give me your keys!
No, not her! Him!
Copy !req
852. Steve, I might have
to call you back, mate.
Copy !req
853. Please don't... Please...
Get the fuck out!
Copy !req
854. OK, OK.
Copy !req
855. (DJ) You're listening
to Radio 2HOT...
Oh, fuck.
Copy !req
856. Time now, folks,
for the big giveaway.
Copy !req
857. Let's have a drum roll.
Fucking head.
Copy !req
858. $10,000 in cold, hard cash
is what we're gonna give away.
Copy !req
859. Larry Pinkerton,
our man on the streets,
Copy !req
860. is out there spotting
the "2HOT To Handle"
bumper stickers.
Copy !req
861. Larry, can you hear me?
Hello, Liam. What a glorious
summer morning we have.
Copy !req
862. Yeah, certainly is. Now,
where are we today, Larry?
Copy !req
863. The H-O-T spot team is cruising
down Parramatta Road, Homebush,
Copy !req
864. and we have firmly
in our sights a gray Celica,
Copy !req
865. registration L-A-B 823,
Copy !req
866. and I can see
the "2HOT To Handle" sticker
positioned on the back bumper.
Copy !req
867. OK, gray Celica L-A-B 823,
if you're listening,
Copy !req
868. all you have to do
is wave to Larry in our HOT
spot team four-wheel drive,
Copy !req
869. and you've scored yourself
$10,000 cash.
Copy !req
870. We're driving right next
to Mr. L-A-B now.
Copy !req
871. He's seen us!
He's seen us! He's seen us!
Copy !req
872. Congratulations, Mr. L-A-B...
Copy !req
873. You're nuts!
Copy !req
874. Look out for the...
Copy !req
875. (DJ) Okey-dokey,
it looks like we've, uh...
Copy !req
876. We've lost Larry?
We've lost Larry.
Copy !req
877. Oi, Kelvin! I've told you
before, mate.
Copy !req
878. Don't play with it, OK?
It's not a toy. All right?
Copy !req
879. Listen, I really gotta go.
Copy !req
880. I'd like to just, um, propose
a moment's silence for Craig.
Copy !req
881. You know, he was a good mate.
Copy !req
882. He was a bloody good driver.
Copy !req
883. He was a top mechanic.
Copy !req
884. You know, I seen him once...
Copy !req
885. He tuned twin-barrel carbies
by ear...
Copy !req
886. with a beer in his hand,
you know?
Copy !req
887. He could do a four-barrel car
on a 350 donk
Copy !req
888. and get it back into that car
in less than a day.
Copy !req
889. Let's have
a bit of silence, eh?
Copy !req
890. Christ, Kelvin! I told you
not to play with that!
Copy !req
891. Dad's got a splitting
bloody headache.
Copy !req
892. Oh, shit.
Copy !req
893. Jimmy.
Copy !req
894. What are you doing?
Copy !req
895. (Les) Oi, Jimmy!
Copy !req
896. Watch the cunt.
He's goin' for something
down his pants.
Copy !req
897. He's got a gun.
Copy !req
898. Fuck me, then.
Look at that.
Copy !req
899. How much is there?
Copy !req
900. Bloody hell.
Copy !req
901. So, you did it, mate.
You did your fucking job.
Copy !req
902. Wasn't bullshitting
after all, eh?
Copy !req
903. Was that you on that
bank stand job today?
Copy !req
904. Jesus, Jimmy, my testicles
are like a pair of pikelets,
Copy !req
905. you bastard.
Copy !req
906. You cracked one of my ribs,
you know, Jimmy.
Copy !req
907. Didn't know you could
handle yourself so well.
We were pretty impressed.
Copy !req
908. That was a very tidy
display. Very tidy.
Copy !req
909. Now listen, Jimmy.
I got a lot of work coming up,
Copy !req
910. and what with Wally
going to Melbourne
for a couple of months,
Copy !req
911. I could use
another set of hands.
Copy !req
912. No, thanks.
Copy !req
913. Hey, I'm not talking
500 bucks a pop.
Copy !req
914. I'm talking
serious fucking bucks.
Copy !req
915. Jimmy, I appreciate
the trouble you went to
to get my cash back, but...
Copy !req
916. Pando, your queen's
in deep shit.
Copy !req
917. Shut your fucking mouth,
Copy !req
918. Where?
Copy !req
919. I'll be fucked.
Copy !req
920. Fuck.
Copy !req
921. Is that you, Jimmy?
Copy !req
922. How are you, Mrs. Jones?
Copy !req
923. There's been people
in your flat.
Copy !req
924. They've messed it all up.
I seen them.
Copy !req
925. They didn't hurt you,
did they?
Copy !req
926. Jimmy. I think there's someone
in there now.
Copy !req
927. Your room's a bit of a mess.
Copy !req
928. Yeah.
Copy !req
929. You're in luck. There are
two seats together -
Copy !req
930. 15B and C?
Copy !req
931. Yeah, good.
Copy !req
932. The north coast
is very popular
this time of year,
Copy !req
933. with school holidays.
Copy !req
934. OK. How would you like
to pay for that, sir?
Copy !req
935. What do you mean?
Copy !req
936. What would you like to pay
for your tickets with?
Copy !req
937. Money.
Copy !req
938. Yeah. Uh, cash
or credit card, sir?
Copy !req
939. Yeah. Cash. Thanks.
Copy !req
940. What?
Copy !req
941. What are you smiling about?
Copy !req
942. Did you think you could pay
with bananas or something?
Copy !req
943. Yeah, well,
I don't know, do I?
Copy !req
944. I've never been on
an airplane before.
Copy !req