1. Hmm, whoa, the one in the dress.
Copy !req
2. Hi, how you doing?
Copy !req
3. Math class.
Copy !req
4. Oh there you go.
Copy !req
5. Oh, your coat's terrific.
Copy !req
6. The whole thing's terrific.
Copy !req
7. God, have you ever seen
Copy !req
8. so many dogs in one place?
Copy !req
9. Oh, the trouble with you Chad
Copy !req
10. is you're just spoiled.
Copy !req
11. Yeah, I know.
Copy !req
12. Good morning.
Copy !req
13. Now that's ugly.
Copy !req
14. I just got the weirdest idea.
Copy !req
15. Yeah, what?
Copy !req
16. I wonder what she looks like
Copy !req
17. under all those clothes.
Copy !req
18. Who, Eldridge?
Copy !req
19. Are you kidding?
Copy !req
20. No, I'm not kidding.
Copy !req
21. It's kind of like the idea
Copy !req
22. just jumped into my head.
Copy !req
23. Basic literary triangle.
Copy !req
24. Can anyone tell me
Copy !req
25. why Fitzgerald's
name is on the bottom?
Copy !req
26. Mr. Foster.
Copy !req
27. Because Fitzgerald's
liberated work of the 20's
Copy !req
28. beginning with
"This Side Of Paradise",
Copy !req
29. formed the base for
the extended realism
Copy !req
30. of both Hemingway and Faulkner.
Copy !req
31. Quite correct.
Copy !req
32. I would like to amplify this
aspect of the discussion,
Copy !req
33. but I see by the clock
Copy !req
34. that our time is up.
Copy !req
35. Your assignment due
for tomorrow's class
Copy !req
36. will be the final chapter of
"For Whom The Bell Tolls".
Copy !req
37. You are to summarize this
chapter with special emphasis
Copy !req
38. on the prognostic time
continuum thought processes
Copy !req
39. relating to his father's death
Copy !req
40. and his own
impending death in Spain.
Copy !req
41. Class is dismissed.
Copy !req
42. Thank you, Chad.
Copy !req
43. You're welcome.
Copy !req
44. You're welcome.
Copy !req
45. You sure carry a lot of books.
Copy !req
46. Yes.
Copy !req
47. Miss Aldridge, do you
go to the movies much?
Copy !req
48. Sometimes, not often.
Copy !req
49. No?
Copy !req
50. I do.
Copy !req
51. A lot.
Copy !req
52. But then I tend
to think in pictures.
Copy !req
53. Oh?
Copy !req
54. Yeah, you see my
hobby's photography.
Copy !req
55. Well that's very interesting.
Copy !req
56. Well I thought
that maybe we could...
Copy !req
57. It's very nice
talking with you Chad,
Copy !req
58. but I do have another class.
Copy !req
59. Yeah.
Copy !req
60. See you.
Copy !req
61. You're really serious
about that, aren't you?
Copy !req
62. Well if you've
got any funny ideas,
Copy !req
63. you'd better forget it.
Copy !req
64. Don't go messing
around with teachers.
Copy !req
65. Oh really?
Copy !req
66. Gee, I didn't know that.
Copy !req
67. Going out tonight?
Copy !req
68. No, I have too much to do.
Copy !req
69. You know, for the kind
of money they pay you,
Copy !req
70. you put in an
awful lot of hours.
Copy !req
71. That's true.
Copy !req
72. Julie,
Copy !req
73. Steve has a friend.
Copy !req
74. He's a very nice guy.
Copy !req
75. But you can't just
stay home all the time.
Copy !req
76. You've got to go out some times.
Copy !req
77. I'm all right Ann.
Copy !req
78. Don't worry about me.
Copy !req
79. The problem with you is
Copy !req
80. you don't give
yourself half a chance.
Copy !req
81. If you'd work
at it just a little,
Copy !req
82. you'd really be attractive.
Copy !req
83. Ann, have a nice time tonight.
Copy !req
84. Okay.
Copy !req
85. Good night.
Copy !req
86. Night.
Copy !req
87. That scene in "Sanctuary"
Copy !req
88. where Faulkner has
Copy !req
89. his character
Popeye rape the girl.
Copy !req
90. I prefer Fitzgerald.
Copy !req
91. He only suggests violence.
Copy !req
92. Faulkner was just
telling it like it is.
Copy !req
93. I guess some
people enjoy violence,
Copy !req
94. lead perverted lives.
Copy !req
95. And speaking of perversion,
Copy !req
96. there's a wonderful
little vampire picture
Copy !req
97. playing down at the
Village Drive-In this Friday.
Copy !req
98. It's all in French
with English subtitles.
Copy !req
99. It's a real classic.
Copy !req
100. How about going
to see it with me
Copy !req
101. for reasons of
cultural expansion?
Copy !req
102. Well I thank you Chad,
Copy !req
103. but you know,
Copy !req
104. teachers aren't
allowed to date students.
Copy !req
105. Or didn't you know that?
Copy !req
106. So, who'll find out?
Copy !req
107. My lips are sealed.
Copy !req
108. I won't tell.
Copy !req
109. You have your pick of all
these lovely coeds Chad.
Copy !req
110. Why would you want to date me?
Copy !req
111. Because I prefer
maturity in a woman.
Copy !req
112. All those others?
Copy !req
113. They're just a bunch of kids.
Copy !req
114. You look like
you could use a drink.
Copy !req
115. Yes I guess I could.
Copy !req
116. It's ridiculous,
Copy !req
117. but these kind of
things always upset me.
Copy !req
118. You want popcorn too?
Copy !req
119. Oh no, I couldn't eat anything.
Copy !req
120. But a drink would be
fine Chad, thank you.
Copy !req
121. All right.
Copy !req
122. What'll it be?
Copy !req
123. Two large root beers.
Copy !req
124. All right.
Copy !req
125. And easy on the ice.
Copy !req
126. Two large root beers,
easy on the ice.
Copy !req
127. How much is that?
Copy !req
128. A dollar.
Copy !req
129. There you go.
Copy !req
130. Thank you.
Thank you.
Copy !req
131. Here's your drink.
Copy !req
132. Thank you.
Copy !req
133. Taste's bitter.
Copy !req
134. Yeah, mine too.
Copy !req
135. I guess they're not putting
enough syrup in them.
Copy !req
136. What's the matter?
Copy !req
137. Don't you like the movie Chad?
Copy !req
138. Sure I like the movie.
Copy !req
139. It's just that
I like you better.
Copy !req
140. What's wrong?
Copy !req
141. I don't know.
Copy !req
142. Do you want to get
out and get some air?
Copy !req
143. Can I do something for you?
Copy !req
144. Yeah, I need
a room for the night.
Copy !req
145. Me and my wife.
Copy !req
146. The name's Harker.
Copy !req
147. Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Harker.
Copy !req
148. You got any bags?
Copy !req
149. Yeah I've got baggage.
Copy !req
150. It'll be fifteen
dollars in advance.
Copy !req
151. All right.
Copy !req
152. You need to fill out the card?
Copy !req
153. Thank you.
Copy !req
154. Yeah.
Copy !req
155. What time is it?
Copy !req
156. It's late.
Copy !req
157. We're home.
Copy !req
158. Boy you must have
really been tired.
Copy !req
159. How could I?
Copy !req
160. Did I really fall asleep?
Copy !req
161. Um-hmm.
Copy !req
162. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
163. I mean this has never
happened to me before.
Copy !req
164. I'm just sorry that I took
you to such a boring picture.
Copy !req
165. Well I...
Copy !req
166. I warned you at least.
Copy !req
167. I told you I wouldn't
be a very exciting date.
Copy !req
168. Forget it.
Copy !req
169. I decided to let you sleep.
Copy !req
170. I figured with
all the work you do,
Copy !req
171. you needed the rest.
Copy !req
172. Still I'm afraid
I spoiled your evening.
Copy !req
173. No.
Copy !req
174. I had a fine time.
Copy !req
175. Chad, I'm really sorry.
Copy !req
176. Hey,
Copy !req
177. I thought we agreed
to forget about that.
Copy !req
178. Yes, we did.
Copy !req
179. I had a very good
time, thank you.
Copy !req
180. Can I call you tomorrow?
Copy !req
181. I don't think so Chad.
Copy !req
182. Why not?
Copy !req
183. Because it was foolish
of us to go out tonight.
Copy !req
184. I could lose my job
Copy !req
185. and you could be expelled.
Copy !req
186. No board of trustees tells me
Copy !req
187. who to see and who not to see.
Copy !req
188. I do what I want.
Copy !req
189. Now Chad.
Copy !req
190. No, I really must
be firm about this.
Copy !req
191. We can't go out again.
Copy !req
192. We'll see.
Copy !req
193. Good night Julie.
Copy !req
194. Hello?
Copy !req
195. It's me, Chad.
Copy !req
196. Chad, It's not
even eight o'clock.
Copy !req
197. I want to see you.
Copy !req
198. I told you last night
Copy !req
199. that I don't think we should.
Copy !req
200. Listen, you get dressed
Copy !req
201. because I'm coming
over there right now.
Copy !req
202. You and I are taking
a little drive together.
Copy !req
203. Absolutely not.
Copy !req
204. Now what's the matter with you?
Copy !req
205. I don't find this
at all amusing.
Copy !req
206. It's not meant to be.
Copy !req
207. Are you ready to tell me
Copy !req
208. why you're behaving this way?
Copy !req
209. We”, didn't I tell you?
Copy !req
210. My hobby's photography.
Copy !req
211. You drugged me
last night, didn't you?
Copy !req
212. How could you do
something this sick?
Copy !req
213. Well I think they came
out rather well, don't you?
Copy !req
214. Oh, and you can keep these,
Copy !req
215. because you see,
Copy !req
216. I have the negatives.
Copy !req
217. I'll call the police Chad.
Copy !req
218. No you won't.
Copy !req
219. First of all, you have no
proof that I drugged you.
Copy !req
220. I'll deny it,
Copy !req
221. and offer these photos as proof.
Copy !req
222. Tell them you seduced me.
Copy !req
223. That you've got
a thing for your students.
Copy !req
224. Now, I'm sure you
don't want the police
Copy !req
225. or anyone else to see these.
Copy !req
226. All right Chad.
Copy !req
227. What do you want from me?
Copy !req
228. The realism of Faulkner,
Copy !req
229. Steinbeck,
Copy !req
230. Hemingway
Copy !req
231. and even Hamot
Copy !req
232. opened the doors
Copy !req
233. to a new kind
of literary expression,
Copy !req
234. indigenous to the new
American frontier experience.
Copy !req
235. Here was a raw muscle prose
Copy !req
236. which completely
transformed the period
Copy !req
237. and formed a direct bridge
Copy !req
238. linking us all the way from...
Copy !req
239. from the aesthetic realism
Copy !req
240. of a Dreiser
Copy !req
241. to the rather disheveled...
Copy !req
242. Class is dismissed.
Copy !req
243. Class is dismissed.
Copy !req
244. What are you doing up?
Copy !req
245. Do you know what time it is?
Copy !req
246. Julie...
Copy !req
247. Will you please tell
me what's going on?
Copy !req
248. Nothing.
Copy !req
249. I didn't stay up all night
to get that kind of answer.
Copy !req
250. I'm worried about you.
Copy !req
251. I'm worried about you.
Copy !req
252. It's been like
this for a month now.
Copy !req
253. I know.
Copy !req
254. Julie, this isn't like you.
Copy !req
255. Please tell me what's happening.
Copy !req
256. I really can't
talk about it Ann.
Copy !req
257. Go to bed.
Copy !req
258. Hey, I want that on.
Copy !req
259. I want it off.
Copy !req
260. Since when does
what you want count?
Copy !req
261. Since now.
Copy !req
262. Tonight.
Copy !req
263. This second.
Copy !req
264. It's all over Chad.
Copy !req
265. It's over.
Copy !req
266. Nothing is over
Copy !req
267. until I say it is.
Copy !req
268. I don't think so.
Copy !req
269. You see, I'm bored.
Copy !req
270. And when I'm bored,
Copy !req
271. the game is over.
Copy !req
272. Bored?
Copy !req
273. Um-hmm.
Copy !req
274. Not terrified, not shocked.
Copy !req
275. Just plain bored.
Copy !req
276. Who's idea did you think
this whole thing was?
Copy !req
277. What are you talking about?
Copy !req
278. What I am talking about Chad,
Copy !req
279. is that you are a singularly,
Copy !req
280. unimaginative young man.
Copy !req
281. Did you really think that
Copy !req
282. that dull little mind of yours
Copy !req
283. could possibly have conceived
Copy !req
284. any of the rather dramatic
experiences we've shared?
Copy !req
285. Do you remember the day
Copy !req
286. you watched me
walk up the steps?
Copy !req
287. Since that moment,
Copy !req
288. your mind has not been your own.
Copy !req
289. Why do you think you suddenly
had the overwhelming desire
Copy !req
290. to see what I looked like,
Copy !req
291. under all those clothes?
Copy !req
292. Don't feel bad.
Copy !req
293. I always get bored after awhile.
Copy !req
294. Although, there was
one boy in Denver
Copy !req
295. who did keep me amused
for almost nine weeks.
Copy !req
296. But then he was
wonderfully creative.
Copy !req
297. First you'll
experience dizziness.
Copy !req
298. Then mild paralysis
Copy !req
299. and then total cardiac arrest.
Copy !req
300. You've drugged me.
Copy !req
301. No clear, I've killed you.
Copy !req
302. No!
Copy !req
303. I told you about
those chemicals Chad.
Copy !req
304. How dangerous they could be.
Copy !req
305. He was one of your
best students, wasn't he?
Copy !req
306. Yes, he was,
Copy !req
307. wonderfully bright
Copy !req
308. and a spirited boy.
Copy !req
309. You know, I warned him
about those chemicals,
Copy !req
310. how dangerous they could be.
Copy !req
311. Are you sure you're okay?
Copy !req
312. Julie, I can skip work
and stay here with you.
Copy !req
313. No, you go on.
Copy !req
314. I'll be fine.
Copy !req
315. Are you sure?
Copy !req
316. Yes Ann.
Copy !req
317. Miss Aldridge?
Copy !req
318. Yes.
Copy !req
319. I'm Arthur Moore.
Copy !req
320. I saw your notice on the board.
Copy !req
321. And you need help?
Copy !req
322. Yeah, I um...
Copy !req
323. my lit grades are lousy.
Copy !req
324. Do you have time
for me Miss Eldridge?
Copy !req
325. Of course I do Arthur.
Copy !req
326. In fact if you like,
Copy !req
327. we can start right now.
Copy !req
328. Oh that'd be great.
Copy !req
329. I'd like that a lot.
Copy !req
330. Good.
Copy !req
331. I think we're going
to be friends Arthur.
Copy !req
332. Very good friends.
Copy !req
333. The funeral is over
Copy !req
334. and I'm alone in the house.
Copy !req
335. Therese is out cavorting
with one of her men
Copy !req
336. on this night when father
Copy !req
337. is barely cold in his casket.
Copy !req
338. Iran some old family films
Copy !req
339. to remind myself when it began.
Copy !req
340. Even then at twelve,
Copy !req
341. she was already
using her wiles on him.
Copy !req
342. Poor mother.
Copy !req
343. So weak, so innocent.
Copy !req
344. Never suspecting the
depth of evil in Therese.
Copy !req
345. My spoiled sister.
Copy !req
346. Her sweet little face
Copy !req
347. never fooled me for an instant.
Copy !req
348. I knew the darkness behind it.
Copy !req
349. I knew the fomenting
ugliness in her soul.
Copy !req
350. Mr. Anmar?
Copy !req
351. Yes.
Copy !req
352. Please come in.
Copy !req
353. I know what you're thinking.
Copy !req
354. You're wondering how
sisters look so unalike.
Copy !req
355. I have never found it necessary
Copy !req
356. to affect the ways of Therese.
Copy !req
357. Please sit down.
Copy !req
358. Is she here?
Copy !req
359. Oh no.
Copy !req
360. She's gone to a party.
Copy !req
361. A party?
Copy !req
362. This afternoon at the funeral,
Copy !req
363. she seemed so distraught.
Copy !req
364. My sister is an
unusual girl, Mr. Anmar.
Copy !req
365. I doubt that you
truly understand her.
Copy !req
366. Which is why
I've called you here.
Copy !req
367. What do you mean?
Copy !req
368. I want you to look at something.
Copy !req
369. Here's Therese and father.
Copy !req
370. She was fifteen then.
Copy !req
371. I want you to notice
Copy !req
372. the way she's pressing
herself against him.
Copy !req
373. I, I don't understand.
Copy !req
374. Why are you telling me this?
Copy !req
375. My sister is evil, Mr. Anmar.
Copy !req
376. I think you should know that.
Copy !req
377. Even as a child,
Copy !req
378. she was vicious and cunning.
Copy !req
379. But father worshiped her,
Copy !req
380. and she him.
Copy !req
381. When she was sixteen,
Copy !req
382. she seduced him.
Copy !req
383. Now look,
Copy !req
384. I don't know what
you're trying to do,
Copy !req
385. but I don't want to
hear any more of this.
Copy !req
386. It was not long after that,
Copy !req
387. that mother died.
Copy !req
388. The doctor said
it was an accident.
Copy !req
389. That she had taken an
overdose of sleeping pills.
Copy !req
390. But it was no
accident, Mr. Anmar.
Copy !req
391. It was Therese.
Copy !req
392. She had put those
extra pills in her milk.
Copy !req
393. If this is true,
Copy !req
394. how could you live in the
same house while they...
Copy !req
395. Well you see,
I had no place else to go.
Copy !req
396. I had no money
Copy !req
397. and no way to earn any.
Copy !req
398. No escape.
Copy !req
399. So,
Copy !req
400. I kept to myself
Copy !req
401. as much as possible,
Copy !req
402. and tried to avoid Therese,
Copy !req
403. to ignore what was happening
Copy !req
404. in this house.
Copy !req
405. You don't believe me, do you?
Copy !req
406. Miss Laura, I don't
know what to say.
Copy !req
407. These books show what she is.
Copy !req
408. Demonology.
Copy !req
409. Pornography.
Copy !req
410. Satanism.
Copy !req
411. Voodoo.
Copy !req
412. Witchcraft.
Copy !req
413. These books aren't
just relics, Mr. Anmar.
Copy !req
414. She uses them to capture
the souls of others.
Copy !req
415. By her own admission,
Copy !req
416. Satan guides her.
Copy !req
417. You don't really expect me
to believe this, do you?
Copy !req
418. But you must
believe me, Mr. Anmar.
Copy !req
419. You see,
Copy !req
420. Therese's soul is damned.
Copy !req
421. I cannot help her.
Copy !req
422. But I can help you.
Copy !req
423. Miss Monroe,
Copy !req
424. I'm afraid you're the one
Copy !req
425. that really needs help.
Copy !req
426. How naive you are.
Copy !req
427. Do you really think
she cares for you?
Copy !req
428. She lies to you.
Copy !req
429. She laughs at you.
Copy !req
430. Sorry, but I really
must be going now.
Copy !req
431. I know all about
that night at Morley
Copy !req
432. and what happened there.
Copy !req
433. She told you about that?
Copy !req
434. Yes.
Copy !req
435. She told me everything.
Copy !req
436. Gloated.
Copy !req
437. Bragged about how she
was able to corrupt you.
Copy !req
438. My sister enjoys
inflicting pain, Mr. Anmar.
Copy !req
439. And apparently she
somehow persuaded you
Copy !req
440. to share that perversion.
Copy !req
441. Now do you believe me?
Copy !req
442. Now you are saved, Mr. Anmar.
Copy !req
443. I have freed you from evil.
Copy !req
444. This afternoon while
I was out shopping,
Copy !req
445. Therese violated my room
Copy !req
446. in an insane act of revenge,
Copy !req
447. and upon my return, raged at me
Copy !req
448. using foul and obscene language,
Copy !req
449. cursing me for
having dared to reveal
Copy !req
450. the truth to Mr. Anmar.
Copy !req
451. Her behavior was
crude and astral.
Copy !req
452. She's becoming more
violent by the day.
Copy !req
453. It's as if father's death
Copy !req
454. has released
the demons within her
Copy !req
455. and I actually fear for my life.
Copy !req
456. Hello?
Copy !req
457. Dr. Ramsey, it's Millie.
Copy !req
458. It's about Therese.
Copy !req
459. She's much worse.
Copy !req
460. Oh, I thought we
settled that matter.
Copy !req
461. You were going
to see about Therese.
Copy !req
462. But you can't imagine
Copy !req
463. the things she's
been saying about me.
Copy !req
464. About us.
Copy !req
465. Us?
Copy !req
466. She's jealous
of our relationship.
Copy !req
467. She's twisted it
into something lewd
Copy !req
468. and something sordid.
Copy !req
469. Look Millie.
Copy !req
470. I have a hospital call to
make in your area tomorrow.
Copy !req
471. I'll drop by and
we'll talk about this.
Copy !req
472. Thank you doctor.
Copy !req
473. Hi doc.
Copy !req
474. Come on in.
Copy !req
475. I've been expecting you.
Copy !req
476. You want a drink?
Copy !req
477. No thanks.
Copy !req
478. No, course not.
Copy !req
479. I suppose you're here
on your usual mission?
Copy !req
480. I know all about
Copy !req
481. what dear little Millicent
told you on the phone.
Copy !req
482. I was listening on the
extension in my room you see.
Copy !req
483. I see.
Copy !req
484. So, I guess this is just
a wasted visit doctor.
Copy !req
485. Because I know Millicent
won't talk about me
Copy !req
486. when I'm in the house
Copy !req
487. and here I am.
Copy !req
488. Did you destroy her room?
Copy !req
489. Yes I destroyed her room.
Copy !req
490. Why shouldn't I?
Copy !req
491. She deserved it.
Copy !req
492. I mean where does that
little twit get off
Copy !req
493. thinking she's got the right
Copy !req
494. to stick her nose
into my affairs.
Copy !req
495. Don't worry doc.
Copy !req
496. I'm sure she's got it
all straightened up by now
Copy !req
497. in her proper little
housekeeper's manner.
Copy !req
498. Therese, this hatred
has got to stop.
Copy !req
499. You'll destroy yourself.
Copy !req
500. Oh, I don't think so doc.
Copy !req
501. Besides, it's really
all Millicent has.
Copy !req
502. Her hatred of me
is the only passion
Copy !req
503. in her lonely,
pathetic little existence.
Copy !req
504. You know,
Copy !req
505. you're really a very
handsome man, doctor.
Copy !req
506. If you'd just
loosen up a little.
Copy !req
507. Oh, did that bother you?
Copy !req
508. Do I make you nervous, doctor?
Copy !req
509. I don't think we need
to carry this any further.
Copy !req
510. What's the matter doc?
Copy !req
511. You still a virgin?
Copy !req
512. Or um...
Copy !req
513. is it that you
just don't like girls?
Copy !req
514. I'll call again soon.
Copy !req
515. We don't need
you anymore Ramsey.
Copy !req
516. Why don't you just get
the hell out of our lives?
Copy !req
517. Don't phone us
and don't call on us.
Copy !req
518. Leave, and don't
ever come back here.
Copy !req
519. He's gone.
Copy !req
520. Dr. Ramsey's gone Millicent.
Copy !req
521. He won't be back.
Copy !req
522. What do you think of
that dear little sister?
Copy !req
523. Answer me you creep.
Copy !req
524. But I wouldn't answer her.
Copy !req
525. Nor would I allow her to enter.
Copy !req
526. I remained locked in my room,
Copy !req
527. silent while she
raged and swore at me.
Copy !req
528. Finally, she staggered
back into her own room
Copy !req
529. and fell into a drunken sleep.
Copy !req
530. How I loathe her.
Copy !req
531. I could no longer bear
to live in this house,
Copy !req
532. and watch evil prevail.
Copy !req
533. Something must be done.
Copy !req
534. Yes.
Copy !req
535. Therese must die.
Copy !req
536. Tracy, what's wrong?
Copy !req
537. What's the matter?
Copy !req
538. My doll is broken.
Copy !req
539. Oh, let me look at it.
Copy !req
540. Oh my.
Copy !req
541. How did this happen dear?
Copy !req
542. Your sister broke it.
Copy !req
543. Therese?
Copy !req
544. Therese did this?
Copy !req
545. But why, why did she do it?
Copy !req
546. I was just playing with my dolly
Copy !req
547. when all of a sudden
Copy !req
548. your sister came running out
of the house and yelled at me.
Copy !req
549. She said I was
making too much noise.
Copy !req
550. Then she grabbed my dolly
Copy !req
551. and threw it on the
ground and broke its head.
Copy !req
552. I hate her,
Miss Millicent, I hate her.
Copy !req
553. You poor thing.
Copy !req
554. Next time I'm in town,
Copy !req
555. I'm going to buy you
a brand new dolly.
Copy !req
556. You will?
Copy !req
557. Will that make you feel better?
Copy !req
558. Thank you Miss Millicent.
Copy !req
559. When I returned to the house,
Copy !req
560. I was still thinking
of Tracy's broken doll.
Copy !req
561. And it was then
Copy !req
562. that the solution
suddenly became quite clear.
Copy !req
563. At last, I had
found the ideal way.
Copy !req
564. How ironic.
Copy !req
565. I would use Therese's
own books to destroy her.
Copy !req
566. I began to collect
the necessary items.
Copy !req
567. Parings from Therese's
long painted nails.
Copy !req
568. Strands from her
lovely blonde hair.
Copy !req
569. The rhinestone buttons
Copy !req
570. from her most
Iedey seductive dress.
Copy !req
571. And then at last,
Copy !req
572. I had all that was required.
Copy !req
573. Therese's life, held
literally within my hands.
Copy !req
574. Hello?
Copy !req
575. Hello Dr. Ramsey.
Copy !req
576. It's Millie.
Copy !req
577. I've been trying to
reach you since yesterday.
Copy !req
578. Millie, I'm terribly worried.
Copy !req
579. We must talk.
Copy !req
580. I appreciate the concern doctor,
Copy !req
581. but I no longer feel
Copy !req
582. there is any need to talk.
Copy !req
583. You see, things
are different now.
Copy !req
584. I've found a way
to deal with Therese.
Copy !req
585. I insist that we talk.
Copy !req
586. That is all I have to
say to you Dr. Ramsey.
Copy !req
587. Your advice is
no longer required.
Copy !req
588. Good bye.
Copy !req
589. Millicent?
Copy !req
590. Millie?
Copy !req
591. Millie, are you in here?
Copy !req
592. Millicent?
Copy !req
593. This is Dr. Chester Ramsey,
Copy !req
594. 470 Stetton Place.
Copy !req
595. I want to report a death,
Copy !req
596. female, age twenty six.
Copy !req
597. Cause of death...
Copy !req
598. Cause of death unknown.
Copy !req
599. Just a moment,
Copy !req
600. before you take her away.
Copy !req
601. I was the family physician.
Copy !req
602. I knew her quite well.
Copy !req
603. Her name was
Therese Millicent Larimore.
Copy !req
604. The most advanced case
of dual personality
Copy !req
605. I have ever seen.
Copy !req
606. He who kills.
Copy !req
607. Boy are you ugly.
Copy !req
608. That face.
Copy !req
609. Even your mother
wouldn't love you.
Copy !req
610. Very sharp.
Copy !req
611. Arthur's going to love it.
Copy !req
612. Well, better get it over with.
Copy !req
613. Hi mom.
Copy !req
614. I couldn't call earlier.
Copy !req
615. I just got home.
Copy !req
616. Mother,
Copy !req
617. mother it's about tonight.
Copy !req
618. I know we always spend
Friday night together,
Copy !req
619. but I thought...
Copy !req
620. no, I feel all right.
Copy !req
621. It's not that.
Copy !req
622. Mother, I'm not sick.
Copy !req
623. Mother, there's a man.
Copy !req
624. His name is Arthur Breslau.
Copy !req
625. He's a teacher at City College.
Copy !req
626. It's his birthday and um,
Copy !req
627. well I sort of promised him
Copy !req
628. that we'd spend the night...
Copy !req
629. um, the evening together.
Copy !req
630. Mother, it has nothing
to do with preferring.
Copy !req
631. When do I break my word to you?
Copy !req
632. What do you mean when?
Copy !req
633. Give me a when,
Copy !req
634. when do I break my promises?
Copy !req
635. Well of course I love you.
Copy !req
636. Yes I do, yes I do dear.
Copy !req
637. Mother...
Copy !req
638. Mother I'm not being cruel.
Copy !req
639. It's just...
Copy !req
640. it's his birthday, that's all.
Copy !req
641. I see you two or
three nights a week.
Copy !req
642. Mother please stop
treating me like a child.
Copy !req
643. I'm grown up.
Copy !req
644. I'm not yelling.
Copy !req
645. Because I like it here.
Copy !req
646. It's only a sub-lease.
Copy !req
647. They'll be back in six months.
Copy !req
648. I like having it...
Copy !req
649. for my own.
Copy !req
650. I like being alone.
Copy !req
651. I didn't mean it
that way, I'm sorry.
Copy !req
652. About a month.
Copy !req
653. I...
Copy !req
654. I meant to tell you before.
Copy !req
655. Um...
Copy !req
656. he's a very nice man.
Copy !req
657. He's kind and gentle.
Copy !req
658. You'd like him.
Copy !req
659. It didn't happen that way.
Copy !req
660. I met him after
I rented the apartment.
Copy !req
661. Mother, you should see
Copy !req
662. what I'm getting
him for his birthday.
Copy !req
663. It's a genuine Zuni fetish doll.
Copy !req
664. I found it in a
curio shop on Third Avenue.
Copy !req
665. Arthur teaches Anthropology.
Copy !req
666. That's why I got it for him.
Copy !req
667. It's a Zuni hunting fetish.
Copy !req
668. It's really interesting.
Copy !req
669. There's supposed to be some.
Copy !req
670. Zuni hunter's spirit
inside of it and um,
Copy !req
671. there's a golden
chain wrapped around it
Copy !req
672. to keep the spirit from
making the do” come to life.
Copy !req
673. Come to life.
Copy !req
674. It says, should
this chain be removed,
Copy !req
675. spirit in do” will
become one living...
Copy !req
676. well, that's what it says.
Copy !req
677. On the scroll.
Copy !req
678. The scroll.
Copy !req
679. It comes with the
doll inside the box.
Copy !req
680. You should see his face mom.
Copy !req
681. Mom?
Copy !req
682. Why is it always like this?
Copy !req
683. I will not get a headache.
Copy !req
684. I will not get a headache.
Copy !req
685. I am going to take a bath
Copy !req
686. and then I'm going
to meet my fellow.
Copy !req
687. And we're going
to have a lovely time.
Copy !req
688. A lovely time.
Copy !req
689. Mom.
Copy !req
690. Hello, Arthur?
Copy !req
691. Hi.
Copy !req
692. Well, I um...
Copy !req
693. you know me too well, don't you?
Copy !req
694. It is our one night on the town.
Copy !req
695. You know, every
Friday night, well...
Copy !req
696. you know, I've told you before.
Copy !req
697. I just don't want
to hurt her feelings.
Copy !req
698. My moving out was
hard enough on her.
Copy !req
699. Well, I know I had
every right to move out,
Copy !req
700. that's not the point.
Copy !req
701. I realize we planned to spend
the evening together, but...
Copy !req
702. Arthur...
Copy !req
703. it's only one day.
Copy !req
704. Couldn't we celebrate your
birthday tomorrow night?
Copy !req
705. I just don't want
to hurt her feelings.
Copy !req
706. She is my mother after all.
Copy !req
707. All right.
Copy !req
708. Bye.
Copy !req
709. Hooray for Friday night.
Copy !req
710. What did you do,
fall off the table?
Copy !req
711. Where'd you go?
Copy !req
712. Where are you?
Copy !req
713. Ow!
Copy !req
714. Well,
Copy !req
715. I guess I found you.
Copy !req
716. At least the tip of your spear.
Copy !req
717. But how you got that far back.
Copy !req
718. I'm getting warm.
Copy !req
719. Come out, come out
wherever you are.
Copy !req
720. Is that you little man?
Copy !req
721. He's got to be there.
Copy !req
722. What's going on?
Copy !req
723. Come on Amelia.
Copy !req
724. Now don't get
spooky on me Amelia.
Copy !req
725. Wooden dolls do not move about.
Copy !req
726. That bulb probably
just burnt out.
Copy !req
727. Oh, God.
Copy !req
728. Operator, operator,
Copy !req
729. please get the police.
Copy !req
730. I don't know where I'm located.
Copy !req
731. Just get the police.
Copy !req
732. It's an emergency.
Copy !req
733. There's a, there's a...
Copy !req
734. just get me the police please.
Copy !req
735. This can't be happening.
Copy !req
736. This can't be happening.
Copy !req
737. This is Amelia mom.
Copy !req
738. I'm sorry I acted the way I did.
Copy !req
739. I think we should
spend the evening together
Copy !req
740. just the way we planned.
Copy !req
741. It's kind of late though.
Copy !req
742. Why don't you come by my place
Copy !req
743. and we'll go from here.
Copy !req
744. No, I'm all right.
Copy !req
745. Good.
Copy !req