1. We were once a peaceful race
Copy !req
2. of intelligent, mechanical beings.
Copy !req
3. But then came the war
Copy !req
4. between the Autobots,
who fought for freedom
Copy !req
5. and the Decepticons,
who dreamt of tyranny.
Copy !req
6. Overmatched and outnumbered,
Copy !req
7. our defeat was all but certain.
Copy !req
8. But in the war's final days,
Copy !req
9. one Autobot ship escaped the battle.
Copy !req
10. It was carrying a secret cargo,
Copy !req
11. which would have changed
our planet's fate.
Copy !req
12. A desperate mission.
Copy !req
13. Our final hope.
Copy !req
14. A hope that vanished.
Copy !req
15. One up there. One over there.
Copy !req
16. And one more down there.
Copy !req
17. What you got?
Copy !req
18. Impact detected.
Copy !req
19. We have impact confirmed.
Contact at 2250 GMT.
Copy !req
20. What?
Copy !req
21. Get me SecDef on the phone
right away.
Copy !req
22. Mr McNamara,
the President is expecting you.
Copy !req
23. Get Bobby in here.
Copy !req
24. Mr President, designation, top secret.
Copy !req
25. We believe a UFO has crashed
into the Moon.
Copy !req
26. We think the Russians are onto it
as well.
Copy !req
27. Well, then you tell NASA
to move heaven and earth.
Copy !req
28. We need to get to the moon.
Copy !req
29. We're going to attempt
a manned mission.
Copy !req
30. NASA said it would take five years.
Copy !req
31. You get there before the Russians.
Copy !req
32. I believe that this nation
should commit itself
Copy !req
33. to achieving the goal
Copy !req
34. before this decade is out
Copy !req
35. of landing a man on the moon
and returning him safely to the Earth.
Copy !req
36. Ignition sequence start.
Copy !req
37. Five, four, three, two, one.
Copy !req
38. All engines running.
Copy !req
39. Liftoff. We have a liftoff.
Copy !req
40. Thirty-two minutes past the hour.
Liftoff on Apollo 11.
Copy !req
41. Neil Armstrong reporting Apollo 11
on proper heading.
Copy !req
42. Apollo 11 is on the way, riding that
Copy !req
43. pillar of flame
Copy !req
44. from the Saturn V out there,
250,000 miles away,
Copy !req
45. where the moon is waiting
Copy !req
46. for man's first arrival.
Copy !req
47. Houston, you're a go for landing. Over.
Copy !req
48. Forty feet, down two and a half.
Picking up some dust.
Copy !req
49. Thirty feet, two and a half down.
Faint shadow.
Copy !req
50. Capcom, flight.
Copy !req
51. Four forward. Drifting to the right a little.
Copy !req
52. Down a half.
Copy !req
53. Contact light.
Copy !req
54. Okay, engine stop.
Copy !req
55. Houston,
Copy !req
56. Tranquillity Base here.
Copy !req
57. The Eagle has landed.
Copy !req
58. We copy you down, Eagle.
Copy !req
59. You got a bunch of guys
about to turn blue.
Copy !req
60. We're breathing again.
Copy !req
61. Perhaps 400 million persons
are watching this broadcast today
Copy !req
62. of the greatest event in our time
and one of the great events
Copy !req
63. of all recorded history.
Copy !req
64. I'm at the foot of the ladder.
Copy !req
65. Okay, I'm gonna step off the LEM now.
Copy !req
66. That's one small step for man,
Copy !req
67. one giant leap for mankind.
Copy !req
68. - Are we good?
- Yes, sir.
Copy !req
69. Unofficial time on the first step, 109...
Copy !req
70. Apollo 11? This is Houston, over.
Copy !req
71. Eagle, we're getting
a signal interference. Do you copy?
Copy !req
72. We now have had confirmation
Copy !req
73. of loss of signal
Copy !req
74. from the Apollo 11.
Copy !req
75. The Apollo 11 is, at the moment,
on the far side of the moon.
Copy !req
76. Neil, you are dark on the rock.
Copy !req
77. Mission is a go.
Copy !req
78. We have 21 minutes.
Copy !req
79. My God.
Copy !req
80. It's some sort of giant metal face.
Copy !req
81. Jesus.
Copy !req
82. Control, we are inside the ship.
Copy !req
83. Extensive damage.
Copy !req
84. Way too big to check the entire ship.
Copy !req
85. Everything's dead in here, Houston.
Copy !req
86. No signs of life anywhere.
Copy !req
87. These things are massive.
Copy !req
88. We copy. You've got seven minutes
on your oxygen.
Copy !req
89. We are not alone after all, are we?
Copy !req
90. No, sir. We're not alone.
Copy !req
91. Go ahead, Mr President.
Copy !req
92. Hello, Neil and Buzz.
I'm talking to you by telephone
Copy !req
93. from the Oval Room
at the White House.
Copy !req
94. And this certainly has to be the most
historic telephone call ever made.
Copy !req
95. I just can't tell you
how proud we all are of you.
Copy !req
96. For every American, this has to be
the proudest day of our lives.
Copy !req
97. Because of what you have done...
Copy !req
98. We have splashdown.
Copy !req
99. the heavens have become a part
Copy !req
100. of man's world.
Copy !req
101. For one priceless moment
Copy !req
102. in the whole history of man
Copy !req
103. all the people on this Earth
are truly one.
Copy !req
104. One in their pride
in what you have done.
Copy !req
105. It inspires us to redouble our efforts
Copy !req
106. to bring peace and tranquillity to Earth.
Copy !req
107. My hero needs to wake up.
Copy !req
108. What is that?
Copy !req
109. This is your new lucky bunny.
Copy !req
110. It's a beautiful thought, Carly,
Copy !req
111. but I don't think
it's the whole bunny that's lucky.
Copy !req
112. You see, it's just this section here.
Copy !req
113. You see,
it's just the rabbit foot that's lucky.
Copy !req
114. Well, it's just a good luck charm.
To help you think positive?
Copy !req
115. Today's important.
Copy !req
116. Come on, get up.
Copy !req
117. - Hey, wear that nice tie.
- Yeah.
Copy !req
118. You need any money for lunch?
Copy !req
119. No, I don't need any money for lunch.
I have money from yesterday's lunch.
Copy !req
120. You love it, don't you?
I'm just your American boy toy.
Copy !req
121. A lover boy toy.
Copy !req
122. You know how demoralising it is
to have saved the world twice
Copy !req
123. and still be grovelling for a job?
Copy !req
124. People don't know
you saved the world, Sam.
Copy !req
125. I mean, I do. I believe you.
Copy !req
126. The government knows. I mean,
they could hook me up with a job
Copy !req
127. right here in D.C.
Copy !req
128. I mean, I should be working
with the Autobots, otherwise it's not fair.
Copy !req
129. Come on, they paid for your college.
The President gave you a hero medal.
Copy !req
130. Thank you, man. Great job.
Copy !req
131. That's the coolest thing
that ever happened to me.
Copy !req
132. All right, guys.
Copy !req
133. Wow.
Copy !req
134. And, as I recall, that wasn't even
the highlight of your day.
Copy !req
135. Mr Ambassador, here.
Copy !req
136. British Embassy, you're up next.
Copy !req
137. No, you don't wear it.
See, you've gotta... The box.
Copy !req
138. I couldn't, even if I wanted to.
Copy !req
139. You're supposed to leave it
in the box, right?
Copy !req
140. You keep it in this.
What a gorgeous box.
Copy !req
141. Oh, yeah. My medal.
You know who gave that to me?
Copy !req
142. - Who?
Copy !req
143. President of the United States.
Copy !req
144. Babe, it's hard for everybody
to get a job.
Copy !req
145. I don't have time. You see, my parents
are gonna be here in a week
Copy !req
146. on their road trip Partybus World Tour.
Copy !req
147. If my dad gets here
and I don't have a job,
Copy !req
148. he's gonna spank me.
You know, it's go time for me.
Copy !req
149. All right, tonight, I'll give you a job.
Copy !req
150. Romance me with a nice dinner
and maybe you can get that bonus.
Copy !req
151. - Get lucky.
- Get him out of here.
Copy !req
152. Wait. No, no, no, no.
Copy !req
153. - Oh, he's gross!
- She's good.
Copy !req
154. They're stranded here. Somebody's
got to watch out for them.
Copy !req
155. Yesterday, that one was
in my underwear drawer.
Copy !req
156. Did research. Looking real good, too.
Copy !req
157. No need to hit me.
Copy !req
158. - You are not a normal boyfriend.
- That's what you love about me.
Copy !req
159. - Crybaby.
- We're not at the love word yet.
Copy !req
160. Maybe a little bit closer when you're
covering your half of the rent.
Copy !req
161. Good-bye.
Copy !req
162. Frickin' shorting my circuits out here!
Copy !req
163. It's inhumane, what it is!
Make us live in a box
Copy !req
164. on a balcony, right next to a beast!
Like a common animal!
Copy !req
165. Stop, okay?
Copy !req
166. You and your creepy sidekick
can't be in here without permission.
Copy !req
167. According to who?
Miss Blondie Blonde?
Copy !req
168. Giddyup, little doggie!
Copy !req
169. - Yo, Brains, wassup?
- Doing good.
Copy !req
170. Shit, I seen this one.
It's the one where Spock goes nuts.
Copy !req
171. You know, Sam, I don't know
about moving in with this chick.
Copy !req
172. What if she dumps us like the last girl?
Copy !req
173. She was mean. Didn't like her.
Copy !req
174. Us guys got to stick together.
Copy !req
175. We are family
Copy !req
176. No, we are not family.
You're a political refugee,
Copy !req
177. and I have finally found someone
who appreciates me for me.
Copy !req
178. Well, you tell her
that we're not your pets,
Copy !req
179. and we're not your toys!
Copy !req
180. All right? We're an advanced, genius
alien race just looking for a home.
Copy !req
181. - Maybe it wasn't such a good idea.
- Didn't have to stop.
Copy !req
182. Come on.
What're they going to do, tow it?
Copy !req
183. Where is he?
Copy !req
184. Sammy!
Copy !req
185. - Come on, that's funny!
- Sam.
Copy !req
186. I missed you guys so much.
Copy !req
187. Sure, you did. What do you think?
Copy !req
188. - Look at that.
- Cute.
Copy !req
189. - You look old.
- Stop it.
Copy !req
190. Feel like I can see the end.
Copy !req
191. I love your little tie.
Hey, where's my girl?
Copy !req
192. - Where's my beautiful Carly?
- She's at work, Ma.
Copy !req
193. She's got a new job. You guys said
you were gonna be here in a week.
Copy !req
194. The 21st, not the 11th, Dad, remember?
Copy !req
195. We just hauled ass in this thing.
Copy !req
196. - We stopped for gas.
- This thing. The love tub, it flies.
Copy !req
197. Are we keeping you from something?
Like, say, your job?
Copy !req
198. Well, it's about time.
You had us worried.
Copy !req
199. I have job interviews.
Copy !req
200. That's good.
Copy !req
201. - That sucks.
- Stop it.
Copy !req
202. You don't have to be so negative, Dad.
You know, you're in D.C.
Copy !req
203. You're here with your son
and your family.
Copy !req
204. - I mean, it's a good time.
- It sucks that you don't have a job.
Copy !req
205. Yeah, but there's good things
to do here, too, right?
Copy !req
206. Right? Museums
and monuments, okay?
Copy !req
207. - I'll see you tonight.
- I'm bagging the gift.
Copy !req
208. Sam, I think for an interview
you should wear real pants.
Copy !req
209. I think for life,
you should wear real pants.
Copy !req
210. What happened to Bumblebee?
Copy !req
211. He's off on his missions.
I had to get this for backup.
Copy !req
212. - Your car has a job, huh?
- Stop.
Copy !req
213. What does it change into?
Copy !req
214. It doesn't change into anything.
It's a collector's item, Ma.
Copy !req
215. I got it for a steal.
It just needs some work. Trust me.
Copy !req
216. No, I think it's darling.
It reminds me a lot of Bumblebee,
Copy !req
217. if Bumblebee were a sad piece of shit.
Copy !req
218. Come on, we'll give you a ride!
Copy !req
219. In the years since our arrival,
our new home, Earth,
Copy !req
220. has seen much change.
Copy !req
221. Energon detectors guard its cities now.
Copy !req
222. Long-range defence systems
watch the skies.
Copy !req
223. So now we assist our allies
in solving human conflicts,
Copy !req
224. to prevent mankind
from bringing harm to itself.
Copy !req
225. On the ground, per favore!
And stay there!
Copy !req
226. We work in secret teams
on various missions around the globe.
Copy !req
227. And all the while
Copy !req
228. we search for signs
of our true enemies' return.
Copy !req
229. I am Voshkod, General Counsel
with Ukrainian Department of Energy.
Copy !req
230. My government will officially deny
Copy !req
231. that we're having this conversation.
Copy !req
232. At one of our decommissioned facilities,
a discovery was made,
Copy !req
233. which I fear may be alien in nature.
Copy !req
234. The facility's name is Chernobyl.
Copy !req
235. Mr Voshkod.
Copy !req
236. So, uninhabited since '86.
Copy !req
237. I hear it won't be liveable again
for another 20,000 years?
Copy !req
238. At least.
Ukraine was the most fertile land.
Copy !req
239. It's a tragedy.
Copy !req
240. This way.
Copy !req
241. Gear up!
We have 60 minutes on the ground.
Copy !req
242. Watch your radiation levels.
Copy !req
243. Mr Voshkod,
where's your protective gear?
Copy !req
244. Where's your protective gear?
Copy !req
245. It would not matter.
Copy !req
246. For me, it's only a matter of time.
Copy !req
247. Through the school.
Copy !req
248. Yuri will take you below.
And one other thing, Colonel.
Copy !req
249. In private,
there were some energy experiments.
Copy !req
250. It can wait.
Copy !req
251. Keep moving. Stay tight.
Copy !req
252. Okay, right here. I think I found it.
Copy !req
253. Optimus, we got a visual.
Copy !req
254. Looks like the object's clamped
in some kind of a metal harness.
Copy !req
255. What's this? Guys!
Copy !req
256. Why does this thing have Soviet space
programme markings on it?
Copy !req
257. Sputnik?
Copy !req
258. Energon readings, sir. It's strong.
Copy !req
259. Below us. It's coming fast.
Copy !req
260. Contact, contact!
Copy !req
261. Get topside now! Move, move, move!
Copy !req
262. - Let's go!
- Weapons up! Heavy weapons up!
Copy !req
263. Stay behind me!
Copy !req
264. Optimus!
Copy !req
265. Fall back!
Copy !req
266. It's circling around us!
Copy !req
267. It's taking our flank!
Copy !req
268. Get the heavy weapon!
Copy !req
269. Optimus!
Copy !req
270. What the hell was that thing?
Copy !req
271. That
Copy !req
272. is Shockwave.
Copy !req
273. Why was he after this?
Copy !req
274. It's impossible.
Copy !req
275. This is an engine part
from a long lost Autobot ship.
Copy !req
276. Pleasure working with you.
Copy !req
277. Interviews. This is so exciting.
Copy !req
278. Honey, do you want some gum?
Copy !req
279. Your breath gets really gnarly
when you're nervous.
Copy !req
280. - Mr Witwicky?
- Yeah. Search is over.
Copy !req
281. I'm Mr Whitley.
Copy !req
282. Mr...
Copy !req
283. - Is anybody else joining?
- No.
Copy !req
284. No? You want me to move right there?
Copy !req
285. - I'll move right there.
- I'd prefer not.
Copy !req
286. Ready? Begin.
Copy !req
287. Graduated this year. Majored
in geopolitics. Minor in tech studies.
Copy !req
288. Very interested in government
and technology,
Copy !req
289. how that's gonna intersect and co-exist.
Copy !req
290. Shape the future.
Copy !req
291. Why did we bother sending him
to an Ivy college for?
Copy !req
292. Three months out of school
and he can't find a job?
Copy !req
293. Mr Masuhisu...
Copy !req
294. Matsumoto.
Copy !req
295. - Matsumoto.
- Moto.
Copy !req
296. - Martha, can I call you Martha?
- No, you may not.
Copy !req
297. Okay, Jack,
there's two types of people in this world.
Copy !req
298. There's thinkers, there's doers.
Copy !req
299. There's winners, there's dreamers,
and there's buddies.
Copy !req
300. What about some weaknesses?
Copy !req
301. I don't...
Copy !req
302. You have a very trustworthy face.
Copy !req
303. You remind me of
like an Asian Colonel Sanders.
Copy !req
304. A man I can trust.
Copy !req
305. He's a millennial.
Copy !req
306. That means they're the, you know,
like lost generation.
Copy !req
307. Why was the FBI looking for you?
Copy !req
308. The what?
Copy !req
309. Yeah, FBI. Good of you to flag that.
Copy !req
310. It was during all that alien craziness
when you were 14.
Copy !req
311. I mean, they were very kind to me,
found me in a jiffy.
Copy !req
312. And that's all been expunged.
Obama gave me a medal, actually.
Copy !req
313. I'm just saying.
It's always good to have a medal guy
Copy !req
314. in the office, with a medal.
Copy !req
315. - From Obama?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
316. In this office,
we're mostly Republicans, so...
Copy !req
317. I'm not feeling too good.
Copy !req
318. - No?
- No.
Copy !req
319. Why don't you get a little dipping tray
and dip the dog in Pepto?
Copy !req
320. That's a solution.
Copy !req
321. I got another one. We got to go.
Copy !req
322. - Come on.
- Really?
Copy !req
323. Sit.
Copy !req
324. Got myself a Mr Sam Witwicky,
recent college graduate.
Copy !req
325. Previous experience, next to zero,
Copy !req
326. yet he has a recommend letter
from our board?
Copy !req
327. WTF to that.
Copy !req
328. - Do I know somebody on your board?
- Here's the deal.
Copy !req
329. You know who we are.
Accuretta Systems,
Copy !req
330. global leader in telecom, aerospace,
17 billion in profit last year.
Copy !req
331. We contract for DARPA, NASA, JPL,
you name it.
Copy !req
332. You perform here,
doors open for you anywhere.
Copy !req
333. First job out of college is critical, kid.
Copy !req
334. You either take a step
down the correct career path
Copy !req
335. or you fall into a life-sucking abyss.
Copy !req
336. So it all depends on how you respond
to my next two words.
Copy !req
337. Impress me.
Copy !req
338. - Now?
- Impress me.
Copy !req
339. You catch me off guard.
Copy !req
340. - I don't know where to begin.
- Impress me.
Copy !req
341. I'm an open book.
Ask me any question you like.
Copy !req
342. - So you're a go-getter, ramrod...
- Yes, sir.
Copy !req
343. take-charge kind of guy?
Copy !req
344. I'm a killer. A stone-cold killer.
Copy !req
345. So, take-charge guy?
Copy !req
346. Take-charge, Viking, barbarian,
of course, that's me.
Copy !req
347. Pow! I'm here.
Copy !req
348. We are not looking for that here.
Copy !req
349. No brown-nosing. No suck up.
No toolery. I...
Copy !req
350. Yes, Mr Brazos.
Copy !req
351. Why is Shontel using
what appears to be a red cup
Copy !req
352. from the red floor
Copy !req
353. - when we are on the yellow floor?
- I'm on it.
Copy !req
354. It is a visual and, therefore,
a visceral betrayal.
Copy !req
355. Stop it!
Copy !req
356. Such a dumb-ass.
Copy !req
357. Disgusting!
Copy !req
358. Thank you!
Copy !req
359. It's total anarchy around here.
Copy !req
360. The e-mail I read
said administrative aide?
Copy !req
361. Nope. Mailroom.
Copy !req
362. I'm gonna go.
Copy !req
363. Do you have any idea how many
Ivy League Phi Beta Kappas
Copy !req
364. - would kill to...
- Mister, I saved your life twice. Okay?
Copy !req
365. I can't tell you how or when or why,
Copy !req
366. but I have done shit that matters
Copy !req
367. and I'd just kind of like a job
where I matter again.
Copy !req
368. So thank you, but no, thank you, okay?
Copy !req
369. You know what I think?
You want the job after this job.
Copy !req
370. But, son, this is the job
that's standing in your way.
Copy !req
371. And that's why you're gonna be
so very, very good at it.
Copy !req
372. 'Cause when I look at you,
I see a younger me.
Copy !req
373. All arriving Autobots, in par,
training and debriefing in 15 minutes.
Copy !req
374. Dino, report to Bay 23.
Copy !req
375. Sideswipe, Bay 37
for weapons assessment.
Copy !req
376. Senator, I suggest you remember that
Copy !req
377. when the NSA wants funding,
they call me.
Copy !req
378. When the CIA
is gonna take out a target,
Copy !req
379. they ask first for my permission.
Copy !req
380. And when the President wants to know
Copy !req
381. which members of Congress
are politically vulnerable
Copy !req
382. in terms of, let's say,
undiscovered criminal conduct,
Copy !req
383. I'm the number he dials.
Copy !req
384. U. S. agencies say
they have been monitoring the blast.
Copy !req
385. But if, in fact,
this was a covert military strike,
Copy !req
386. - no nation has claimed responsibility.
- CIA is up my ass
Copy !req
387. about this mystery raid
in the Middle East.
Copy !req
388. So, it's time to come clean.
Was your unit involved?
Copy !req
389. I'm not sure, ma'am.
Copy !req
390. All right, guys. This is how you do
a Decepticon head kill shot.
Copy !req
391. As Director of National Intelligence,
Copy !req
392. I'm a really big fan
of intelligent answers.
Copy !req
393. I can't really tell you definitively.
These Autobots are like teenage kids.
Copy !req
394. They like to sneak out of the house
every once in a while.
Copy !req
395. Colonel Lennox, are you in command
or are you not?
Copy !req
396. Yes, ma'am, I am.
Copy !req
397. Stop with the "ma'am."
Enough with the "ma'am."
Copy !req
398. Do I look like a "ma'am"?
Copy !req
399. No, ma'am. Yes, ma'am. Yes.
Copy !req
400. This gun
is my perfect invention, Ironhide.
Copy !req
401. Right.
Copy !req
402. Good, you're here!
Copy !req
403. Me name's Que.
Copy !req
404. I do hope you have answers for him.
I've never seen him so upset.
Copy !req
405. Optimus, you remember
Charlotte Mearing?
Copy !req
406. Our Director of National Intelligence?
Copy !req
407. He's in a bad mood.
He's not talking to anybody today.
Copy !req
408. What is this, the silent treatment?
Copy !req
409. - We've seen that and this is not that.
- Definitely not.
Copy !req
410. This is worse.
Copy !req
411. Prime! Make something of yourself!
Copy !req
412. He's pissed.
Copy !req
413. You lied to us.
Copy !req
414. Everything humans know of our planet
we were told had all been shared.
Copy !req
415. So why was this found
in human possession?
Copy !req
416. We were in the dark on this also.
Copy !req
417. It was Director Only clearance
at Sector 7 until now.
Copy !req
418. The bag.
Copy !req
419. - Which bag?
- Hermès. Birkin. Green ostrich!
Copy !req
420. Oh, my God.
Copy !req
421. This is a secret few men knew,
and fewer still remain alive.
Copy !req
422. Allow me to please introduce to you
Copy !req
423. two of NASA's
founding mission directors
Copy !req
424. and astronaut Dr Buzz Aldrin,
Copy !req
425. one of the first two men
to step foot on the moon.
Copy !req
426. Sir? Optimus Prime.
Copy !req
427. From a fellow space traveller,
it's a true honour.
Copy !req
428. The honour is mine.
Copy !req
429. Our entire space race of the 1960s,
it appears, was in response to an event.
Copy !req
430. Our astronauts investigated
a crashed alien ship.
Copy !req
431. No survivors on board.
Copy !req
432. We were sworn to secrecy
by our Commander in Chief.
Copy !req
433. This was a mission
you will never speak of.
Copy !req
434. I understand, sir.
Copy !req
435. A total of 35 people
knew the real plan at NASA.
Copy !req
436. Soviets managed to land
unmanned probes.
Copy !req
437. Somehow they must have picked up
that fuel rod.
Copy !req
438. We believe the Russians deduced
Copy !req
439. that the rod
was a fissionable fuel assembly,
Copy !req
440. believed they had it mastered,
and tried to harness it at Chernobyl.
Copy !req
441. We landed six missions in all.
Copy !req
442. We took hundreds of photos
and samples.
Copy !req
443. We locked them away forever,
Copy !req
444. and the moon programme
was shut down.
Copy !req
445. Well, did you search the crash vault?
Copy !req
446. The ship's name was the Ark.
Copy !req
447. I watched it escape Cybertron myself.
Copy !req
448. It was carrying an Autobot technology
which would have won us the war.
Copy !req
449. And its captain.
Copy !req
450. Who was its captain?
Copy !req
451. The great Sentinel Prime,
the technology's inventor.
Copy !req
452. He was commander of the Autobots
before me.
Copy !req
453. It's imperative that I find it
Copy !req
454. before the Decepticons learn
of its location.
Copy !req
455. Our Autobot spacecraft
has the ability to get there.
Copy !req
456. And you must pray it's in time.
Copy !req
457. Hi. I'm here to see Carly Spencer.
Copy !req
458. Carly!
Copy !req
459. - You got the job?
- This is crazy.
Copy !req
460. - You really got it?
- Yes.
Copy !req
461. See, what did I tell you? It's the bunny.
Copy !req
462. You are so welcome.
Copy !req
463. - Do you like me more?
- A little bit, yeah.
Copy !req
464. You said you were his assistant curator,
Copy !req
465. you didn't say
the guy owns Space Mountain.
Copy !req
466. I know. Isn't it beautiful in here?
And he's the coolest guy. Ever.
Copy !req
467. - Yeah?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
468. Sam.
Copy !req
469. Dylan Gould.
Copy !req
470. Hey. A pleasure to meet you.
Copy !req
471. Pleasure meeting you.
Carly's told me a lot about you.
Copy !req
472. Well, vice versa.
It's a beautiful building you got.
Copy !req
473. It's like the Starship Enterprise in here.
Copy !req
474. Thank you very much. It leaks.
Copy !req
475. Before Carly came
to help run the collection,
Copy !req
476. it was just a complete mess.
Copy !req
477. But now,
the restorations are back on track.
Copy !req
478. We're going to Pebble Beach this year,
Copy !req
479. and we're gonna get a trophy
for that stand right there.
Copy !req
480. You know why?
Because this woman right here
Copy !req
481. - is my secret weapon.
- Okay.
Copy !req
482. Mr Gould, please, you exaggerate.
All I've done is get you organised.
Copy !req
483. You've done much more than that,
my Duchess.
Copy !req
484. Nicknames, that's fun.
Copy !req
485. Yeah. The Duchess.
Copy !req
486. She's adorable.
Copy !req
487. You know, when I stole her away
from the British Embassy,
Copy !req
488. I said, "It's easy to manage a country.
Copy !req
489. "Try managing
a priceless collection of art."
Copy !req
490. Take a look
at this 1939 Delahaye 165 Cabriolet.
Copy !req
491. Designed by a Frenchman.
Copy !req
492. Look at the curves.
Elegant, isn't it? Beautiful.
Copy !req
493. Sensual.
Copy !req
494. Built to evoke the body
of the ideal woman.
Copy !req
495. Come on.
Copy !req
496. My dad had a $10 desk and a dream,
and he built it into an empire.
Copy !req
497. Wow.
Copy !req
498. We're the largest accounting firm
in the U.S.
Copy !req
499. I started up the venture side
after he passed. Invest in the future.
Copy !req
500. Try and bet on the winners.
Copy !req
501. See, collecting cars helps me
keep my sanity.
Copy !req
502. You guys look great.
Copy !req
503. That was a great day, Mr Gould.
Copy !req
504. - I haven't seen that one.
- No. Me, neither.
Copy !req
505. Jeans are tight.
Copy !req
506. Here we go. Here we go. You see that?
Copy !req
507. Judgement. Judging a man by his car?
Copy !req
508. And you're gonna wave at him
while he's judging me?
Copy !req
509. What's with you? He's my boss.
This job pays for our food, our rent.
Copy !req
510. No, I totally understand.
I'm totally fine. I get it. I'm well fed.
Copy !req
511. And guess what?
I'm not your boy toy any more.
Copy !req
512. I got my big boy pants on.
You see them?
Copy !req
513. In the car. Thank you, Duchess.
Copy !req
514. Oh, my God.
Are you threatened by him?
Copy !req
515. Threatened? What am I threatened by?
His money? His power? His good looks?
Copy !req
516. None of the above. Check!
Copy !req
517. God! Your temper tantrums are so sexy.
Copy !req
518. Get in the car, please.
Copy !req
519. Sam, he's hardly the first man
to ever smile at me.
Copy !req
520. - I think I can handle it.
- Hold on, hold on.
Copy !req
521. It's the smiling back part
that gets me. Okay?
Copy !req
522. No more smiles. Never again. I promise.
Copy !req
523. That works for me.
Copy !req
524. Easy! Easy!
You're not gonna get it started that way.
Copy !req
525. Well, I was just getting it ready.
I'm about 32% done with my restoration.
Copy !req
526. Some chrome work,
put a spoiler on the back. Done deal.
Copy !req
527. You know, Carly's been telling me
you've been struggling job-wise.
Copy !req
528. Just so you know,
Copy !req
529. I'm on the board for Accuretta Systems,
and I put in a call for you.
Copy !req
530. Let's keep it between us, okay?
She's so proud of you.
Copy !req
531. You're a lucky man.
Copy !req
532. Xanthium approaching
Tranquillity Base.
Copy !req
533. You're a go for landing.
Copy !req
534. Ratchet, let's roll.
Copy !req
535. We're entering the Ark.
Copy !req
536. His levels are faint.
Copy !req
537. He locked himself away
to guard the pillars.
Copy !req
538. Sentinel.
Copy !req
539. You're coming home, old friend.
Copy !req
540. All hail Megatron.
Copy !req
541. My master! Yes, my master! Yes!
Copy !req
542. Don't be greedy, my fragile ones.
Copy !req
543. My poor master.
Copy !req
544. How it pains me to see you so wounded,
so weak.
Copy !req
545. Spare me, you gaseous sycophant!
Copy !req
546. You know what you are told,
which is nothing.
Copy !req
547. Soundwave reporting, Lord Megatron.
Copy !req
548. And what news
from your little assassin?
Copy !req
549. Autobots have taken the bait!
Copy !req
550. They've discovered the Ark
and returned with its cargo.
Copy !req
551. You did me great honour
tracking that ship to the moon.
Copy !req
552. Your human collaborators
have served their purpose, Soundwave.
Copy !req
553. It's time to eliminate loose ends.
Copy !req
554. Laserbeak, kill them all.
Copy !req
555. With pleasure.
Copy !req
556. Is your daddy home?
Copy !req
557. - "Then Madeline said..."
- Madeline!
Copy !req
558. Hello, Mom.
Copy !req
559. Get out of the house!
Copy !req
560. - What are you doing in my house?
- Just visiting.
Copy !req
561. What is this hoochie-mama outfit?
Copy !req
562. No, this is the aerospace division!
We do not allow that here!
Copy !req
563. New guy! You see that?
That's a Latin meltdown, okay?
Copy !req
564. You ever show up in my office
with a hoochie-mama outfit, you're fired.
Copy !req
565. You got that?
Copy !req
566. Okay, you're gonna be on this cart
for two-and-a-half years, okay?
Copy !req
567. I want you to live it, love it and name it.
Copy !req
568. There's no ladder climbing in my office.
I run a tight ship. Okay?
Copy !req
569. - Yes, sir.
- Move!
Copy !req
570. I found that paper
I was telling you about.
Copy !req
571. - What are we looking at?
- Shut up!
Copy !req
572. You do that to me again,
and I'll kick your ass!
Copy !req
573. Hi.
Copy !req
574. Hi, angel.
Copy !req
575. - How are you?
- Good.
Copy !req
576. I had a meeting downtown.
Was it okay for me to stop by?
Copy !req
577. I don't know.
My 500-page employee conduct manual
Copy !req
578. isn't exactly a page turner.
Copy !req
579. This is great.
Copy !req
580. Yeah, Autobots are off saving the world,
and I have organised four binders.
Copy !req
581. I'm living the dream. Come on.
Copy !req
582. Visitor violation.
Copy !req
583. - You okay?
- Absolutely.
Copy !req
584. I'm next.
Copy !req
585. Listen. Saturday.
Dylan's throwing a party at his house.
Copy !req
586. It's a work thing,
but he's invited you, too.
Copy !req
587. Did he?
Copy !req
588. I want you to come
and laugh at my bad jokes.
Copy !req
589. It would really mean a lot to me, okay?
Copy !req
590. I'd love to go. How'd you get over here?
Copy !req
591. - Car.
- You don't have a car.
Copy !req
592. - Yes, I do.
- What, did you win it in a raffle?
Copy !req
593. He gave me one.
Copy !req
594. He gave you a car?
Copy !req
595. Yeah, I think it was a work perk.
Copy !req
596. A work perk.
Copy !req
597. - What kind of car did he give you?
- A Mercedes SLS AMG.
Copy !req
598. Really throaty engine.
Copy !req
599. Mercedes-Benz SLS
Copy !req
600. - combines breathtaking performance...
- You drove this here?
Copy !req
601. That's a $200,000 car.
Copy !req
602. I know.
Copy !req
603. You know how long it would take me
to afford a car like this?
Copy !req
604. - A long time?
- Yeah, like 53 years.
Copy !req
605. He said it was for both of us.
Copy !req
606. Then what we should do is,
we should sell it and buy a house.
Copy !req
607. You're frustrated, I know.
Copy !req
608. I've been there.
Copy !req
609. It's called paying your dues.
Good things will happen.
Copy !req
610. Ladies and gentlemen,
Copy !req
611. I need some lunch time filing done, stat.
Copy !req
612. Who would like
to score some Bruce Brazos points?
Copy !req
613. Bruce, you found your guy.
Copy !req
614. Witwicky!
Copy !req
615. The man who makes this company run.
Copy !req
616. Now, who have we here?
Copy !req
617. Is it a sister, Facebook friend,
Twitter tweeter?
Copy !req
618. - Carly, this is Bruce. Bruce.
- Hi.
Copy !req
619. I'm his girlfriend.
A pleasure to meet you. Sam was right.
Copy !req
620. You really do have
a smashing head of hair.
Copy !req
621. Well, thank you.
Copy !req
622. - Sam, I got to run.
- Yeah.
Copy !req
623. Here, your present.
Copy !req
624. Your favourite colour.
Copy !req
625. - Nice to meet you, Mr Brazos.
- And you.
Copy !req
626. See you, boys.
Copy !req
627. I'm still stewing about
that binder incident, Jerry.
Copy !req
628. May I finish my Shuhua milk, Donny?
Copy !req
629. I don't care about your exotic milk.
I care about respect!
Copy !req
630. I know who you are!
Copy !req
631. Witwicky! Witwicky!
Copy !req
632. - I'm talking to you!
- Excuse me. Thank you.
Copy !req
633. Slow down, tiger.
Copy !req
634. You showed up in the background
of six different photos,
Copy !req
635. two continents, with aliens.
Copy !req
636. That was you in Egypt, right?
Because you know the aliens.
Copy !req
637. See you!
Copy !req
638. Give me my jacket!
Copy !req
639. I'm Wang. Deep Wang. Deep Wang.
Copy !req
640. You're not getting it. Deep Throat.
Copy !req
641. Watergate? I'm talking code to you...
Copy !req
642. Damn it.
Copy !req
643. They watch and listen.
Copy !req
644. I can't go to the government,
but you can!
Copy !req
645. Because shit's going down, son!
It is Code Pink, as in Floyd!
Copy !req
646. Dark Side! Why do you think
no one's been up there since 1972?
Copy !req
647. I know you're speaking English,
it's just a very strange English.
Copy !req
648. That's why I'm not...
Copy !req
649. Don't. I'm gonna hit you.
Copy !req
650. I'm gonna hit you right back, son.
Copy !req
651. It's my manifesto.
Copy !req
652. They're whacking us out,
Copy !req
653. everyone who knows
what's on the dark...
Copy !req
654. Your alien friends are in danger,
you know, the good ones. It's up to you.
Copy !req
655. Calm down.
Copy !req
656. Easy, Sam!
Copy !req
657. What are you looking at?
Copy !req
658. Yo, dawg.
Copy !req
659. Are you up in my shit?
Who are you working for?
Copy !req
660. Staredown, you and me.
Copy !req
661. Guess I won.
Copy !req
662. Moon satellites.
Copy !req
663. The Russian space programme.
Copy !req
664. Experts dead.
Copy !req
665. Space programme ends.
Copy !req
666. Dark side... Dark side of the moon.
Copy !req
667. Look what I found outside the bathroom.
Is it yours?
Copy !req
668. - Deal with this.
- Yes, sir.
Copy !req
669. I did everything you want!
Copy !req
670. I really think we should talk,
'cause some of the stuff...
Copy !req
671. Whoa! Knock first!
Copy !req
672. Can't you see I'm busy?
Copy !req
673. Who are you? Who are you?
Copy !req
674. You straddled me in the stall.
Copy !req
675. That's happened to me once in this life.
I wouldn't forget it.
Copy !req
676. From the bathroom stall.
You took your package out.
Copy !req
677. - You took your package out.
- Whoa! We are not boyfriends, okay?
Copy !req
678. One phone call from me
and I'll have you fired.
Copy !req
679. Yes, I will, Gaylord!
Copy !req
680. Are you okay?
Copy !req
681. Haemorrhoids!
Copy !req
682. Should I come back?
When should I come back?
Copy !req
683. Come back
when you learn some manners!
Copy !req
684. I don't know him!
I would never say anything!
Copy !req
685. Okay, okay!
I sabotaged the mapping satellite,
Copy !req
686. just like I promised,
Copy !req
687. I can put a blind spot in the program
as a bonus.
Copy !req
688. What more do you want from me?
Copy !req
689. Jerry, you are my favourite.
Copy !req
690. I'll do whatever you want me to do.
Copy !req
691. I know, but my superiors need me to...
Copy !req
692. - Please, you don't have to...
- ... suicide you.
Copy !req
693. What did you say to Witwicky?
Copy !req
694. Shit!
Copy !req
695. Who wants some chicken dinner now,
Copy !req
696. 'Cause somebody messed
with the wrong Wang today!
Copy !req
697. Come on! You want some of me?
Copy !req
698. I don't need any more didactic lectures
from Chuck.
Copy !req
699. Jesus!
Copy !req
700. Get legal.
Copy !req
701. That's Jerry!
Copy !req
702. Come on, people.
Yes, a workmate died,
Copy !req
703. but looking out the window
is not going to bring him back.
Copy !req
704. The man was depressed.
Copy !req
705. Don't take a picture!
Copy !req
706. You can keep watching him,
but he's not getting up.
Copy !req
707. You all read "Humpty Dumpty." Okay?
Copy !req
708. Witwicky.
Copy !req
709. I'm spearheading the press.
You clean up.
Copy !req
710. Wang is everywhere. He is in the bistro.
Copy !req
711. He's in the bamboo.
He's on the balustrade.
Copy !req
712. You see the sidewalk down there? Man!
Copy !req
713. Box up his personals.
Get his name off his parking space.
Copy !req
714. Hey, when did we get a new copier?
Copy !req
715. Listen, I'm not gonna say anything
about what I saw.
Copy !req
716. Who you share a toilet stall with
is totally your business.
Copy !req
717. This is exceedingly Japanese.
Copy !req
718. They never make it easy, do they?
Copy !req
719. - What is with you?
- This is the real deal, Carly, okay?
Copy !req
720. I need you to stay composed.
It's real life. I'll explain it to you later.
Copy !req
721. We've got an emergency.
You gotta get Colonel Lennox out here.
Copy !req
722. I'm reporting a Decepticon.
The Decepticons are back.
Copy !req
723. You gotta open that gate right now.
Copy !req
724. Easy, sir.
This is Health and Human Services.
Copy !req
725. Right. Packing M4s?
Copy !req
726. What are you protecting,
colostomy bags?
Copy !req
727. - Bedpans? Throat lozenges?
- Babe...
Copy !req
728. Where'd you get that hat from,
nursing school?
Copy !req
729. So, you're nurses
and foot-powder protectors? Fantastic.
Copy !req
730. - Babe.
- Yes.
Copy !req
731. I don't think we're in the right place.
Copy !req
732. We are in the right place.
Copy !req
733. We're in the right place
and I'm gonna talk to Optimus right now.
Copy !req
734. - You're gonna get Optimus out here.
- Sir.
Copy !req
735. Sir, you got the wrong building.
Copy !req
736. I don't know what you're talking about.
Copy !req
737. What part of "Decepticons are back"
do you not understand?
Copy !req
738. Yo! You being a smartass?
Copy !req
739. Do not hit my car! It's a collector's item!
Copy !req
740. I wouldn't do that.
Copy !req
741. You're crazy!
Copy !req
742. We got an Energon reading!
Copy !req
743. We've got aliens in the vehicle!
Copy !req
744. You move, you're dead! Out! Out!
Copy !req
745. Got aliens in the vehicle!
Copy !req
746. - Freeze! Get out!
- We're freezing!
Copy !req
747. Are you...
Copy !req
748. Are you kidding me?
Copy !req
749. Sam, they've got guns!
Copy !req
750. - I got him. Go!
- Bee! Is Bee in there?
Copy !req
751. Okay, all right!
Copy !req
752. This how you treat Autobots?
We're on the same team.
Copy !req
753. Yeah, enjoy your next job at 7-Eleven,
Copy !req
754. - That's right.
- A-hole.
Copy !req
755. How's your car now?
Copy !req
756. That's my car.
Copy !req
757. Come here.
Copy !req
758. Come here!
Copy !req
759. Come on. Sam.
Copy !req
760. What is your deal?
Copy !req
761. I know your black ops stuff
is important to you.
Copy !req
762. I'm not trying to diminish it
or guilt-trip you or anything,
Copy !req
763. I just never see you any more.
Copy !req
764. You can't come to the garage
and just hang out one night?
Copy !req
765. Sam. That makes me feel bad.
Copy !req
766. I hope you feel bad.
You should feel bad.
Copy !req
767. Look at the jalopy I'm driving now.
I feel bad every single day.
Copy !req
768. Yo, let's go, both of you.
Lennox wants to see you.
Copy !req
769. What, we not good enough
for you any more?
Copy !req
770. I'm sorry, babe.
They were very rude, all right?
Copy !req
771. And you're fixing my car.
You don't think so?
Copy !req
772. Raise your hand if you had
a flying psycho-ninja copier
Copy !req
773. trying to kill you today!
Copy !req
774. Those are my brass knuckles.
Copy !req
775. That's my anklet.
Do I have to take that off, too?
Copy !req
776. And my toe rings?
Copy !req
777. All NEST officials clear the floor.
Copy !req
778. We have 10 minutes
until attempted contact.
Copy !req
779. We've taken possession
of the five devices
Copy !req
780. that were hidden in the ship
with Sentinel Prime.
Copy !req
781. They're some kind of
prototype Autobot technology.
Copy !req
782. They say Sentinel
was the Einstein of his civilisation,
Copy !req
783. so we're gonna keep these locked up
Copy !req
784. until we know what we're dealing with.
Copy !req
785. Right now, no one gets access. No one.
Copy !req
786. This Wang guy recognised me.
He told me to warn you.
Copy !req
787. He was talking
about the dark side of the moon,
Copy !req
788. - then they killed him.
- Wait a minute.
Copy !req
789. - He mentioned the moon?
- Yeah, dark side of the moon.
Copy !req
790. But why would Decepticons
want to kill humans?
Copy !req
791. I thought their war was
with the Autobots.
Copy !req
792. And that is when he made his first
quick-look science report.
Copy !req
793. That's what we want...
Copy !req
794. Who's the chick? Okay.
Copy !req
795. Excuse me! Colonel Lennox?
Copy !req
796. Director Mearing,
this is Sam Witwicky...
Copy !req
797. I know his name, Colonel.
I wanna know who gave him clearance?
Copy !req
798. Who gave me clearance?
How about Optimus Prime,
Copy !req
799. when he touched down in suburbia
looking for my house?
Copy !req
800. This is the
National Intelligence Director.
Copy !req
801. In case you...
Copy !req
802. - Hi.
- Disrespecting a federal officer?
Copy !req
803. Maybe that'll get you somewhere.
Who's she?
Copy !req
804. She's my girlfriend.
Copy !req
805. What is this, like, a date?
Copy !req
806. She knows all about the Autobots, okay?
She knows Bumblebee.
Copy !req
807. And she comes from a military family.
I can vouch for her.
Copy !req
808. Hey, I have an idea. How about
we get back to the important topics,
Copy !req
809. like the fact that I almost had
my face cut off by a Decepticon?
Copy !req
810. As a taxpayer, I'd like to lodge
a complaint, as a matter of fact.
Copy !req
811. Okay, listen, all right?
Copy !req
812. One of the software engineers
at Sam's office was murdered today.
Copy !req
813. He was involved in NASA's
lunar mapping probe.
Copy !req
814. Here's the thing, Colonel Lennox.
Copy !req
815. We cannot entrust national security
to teenagers
Copy !req
816. unless I missed a policy paper.
Are we doing that now? No. Good.
Copy !req
817. I don't care who you are.
Copy !req
818. If you breathe a word of what you
see in here, you will do time for treason.
Copy !req
819. Do you understand me?
Copy !req
820. I'll take my orders from the Autobots.
I know them. I don't know you.
Copy !req
821. You will.
Copy !req
822. Sentinel Prime.
Copy !req
823. These things run on Energon,
and he's out of it. He's in a
Copy !req
824. sort of a sleep mode.
Copy !req
825. Let us begin.
Copy !req
826. That's the great Matrix of Leadership.
Copy !req
827. He holds the only thing in the universe
that can repower a Transformer's spark.
Copy !req
828. This is incredible.
Copy !req
829. Sentinel Prime,
Copy !req
830. we bid you return.
Copy !req
831. Hold your fire!
Copy !req
832. Stop! Sentinel!
Copy !req
833. It is I, Optimus Prime!
Copy !req
834. It is all right. You are safe.
Copy !req
835. There is nothing to fear.
Copy !req
836. We are here.
Copy !req
837. You are home, Sentinel.
Copy !req
838. The war... The war!
Copy !req
839. The war was lost.
Copy !req
840. Cybertron is now
but a barren wasteland.
Copy !req
841. We have taken refuge here,
on planet Earth.
Copy !req
842. Its human race is our ally.
Copy !req
843. My ship. We came under fire.
Copy !req
844. The pillars. Where are the pillars?
Copy !req
845. You saved five of them,
including the control pillar.
Copy !req
846. Only five?
Copy !req
847. We once had hundreds!
Copy !req
848. Excuse me, gentlemen.
Copy !req
849. May I ask, what is this technology
you're looking for?
Copy !req
850. It is the ability to reshape the universe.
Copy !req
851. Together the pillars
form a space bridge.
Copy !req
852. I designed, and I alone, can control it.
Copy !req
853. It defies your laws of physics
Copy !req
854. to transport matter
through time and space.
Copy !req
855. You're talking
about a teleportation device, aren't you?
Copy !req
856. Yes, for resources, for refugees.
Copy !req
857. Refugees, or troops of soldiers,
weapons, maybe bombs!
Copy !req
858. A means of an instant strike!
That's its military function, isn't it?
Copy !req
859. It is our technology
and it must be returned.
Copy !req
860. Yes. If humans say so.
Copy !req
861. You can't just bring weapons of
mass destruction into our atmosphere!
Copy !req
862. You kind of have to clear customs first!
Copy !req
863. A little formality called paperwork
kind of separates us from the animals.
Copy !req
864. I will overlook your condescending tone
Copy !req
865. if you heed the gravity of mine.
Copy !req
866. The Decepticons must never know
the space bridge is here.
Copy !req
867. For in their hands,
Copy !req
868. it would mean the end of your world.
Copy !req
869. "Total Nightmare" file.
Copy !req
870. So, the investigation is open.
We've sent agents to your office.
Copy !req
871. And, for the time being, we're gonna
send you home with Autobot protection.
Copy !req
872. Who do I need to speak to
Copy !req
873. to get you guys to understand
that I can help, that I can contribute?
Copy !req
874. Hey, we can all help.
Want to tell you what I know?
Copy !req
875. I could tell you about the solar system,
all the fun planets to hang out in.
Copy !req
876. Get off my desk, please.
Copy !req
877. You pulling out guns?
I can't help you out now. She angry.
Copy !req
878. Oh, my God.
Copy !req
879. What do you envision for me?
I go home now?
Copy !req
880. I go back to work? I make copies?
I mean...
Copy !req
881. This is a unit
for veteran intelligence officers
Copy !req
882. and Special Forces,
Copy !req
883. not for boys
who once owned special cars.
Copy !req
884. That's a bit harsh, isn't it, ma'am?
Copy !req
885. Don't call me ma'am. I'm not a ma'am.
Copy !req
886. Well, you're a woman, aren't you?
Copy !req
887. So, are those yours?
Copy !req
888. Yeah. CIA.
Copy !req
889. I only ask 'cause I also have a medal,
from the President.
Copy !req
890. Yeah. Great.
So, it's not that complicated, right?
Copy !req
891. No one gets to work with the Autobots
unless I approve it.
Copy !req
892. You're breaking my chain of command.
Copy !req
893. Come on, let's go.
You've done what you came for.
Copy !req
894. With all due respect, young man,
I appreciate what you did.
Copy !req
895. But you're not a soldier.
Copy !req
896. You're a messenger.
You've always been a messenger.
Copy !req
897. He's a hero.
Copy !req
898. Bee, you take the freight elevator.
I'll see you up there.
Copy !req
899. This blows.
That lady officially kicked us out.
Copy !req
900. Yeah.
Witness Protection Programme sucks.
Copy !req
901. Yeah, but we're a whole lot safer
with big yellow and his cannons.
Copy !req
902. That dog can't protect crap.
Copy !req
903. Bee?
Copy !req
904. You miss hanging out?
Copy !req
905. Yeah, me, too.
Copy !req
906. That woman,
she called me a messenger.
Copy !req
907. Can you believe that? After everything
I've done, I'm a messenger.
Copy !req
908. I believe it. I tell you, Sammy,
we feel the same way.
Copy !req
909. The disrespect on this rock is criminal.
Copy !req
910. We should do something about it.
Copy !req
911. Bee, I need to know
why they're killing humans.
Copy !req
912. I say we call in the expert.
Copy !req
913. My next guest is a former
American intelligence operative
Copy !req
914. who has dared to speak out
Copy !req
915. regarding our alleged military alliance
with what many describe
Copy !req
916. as a group
of extraterrestrial mercenaries.
Copy !req
917. He is the author of the bestselling book,
"Code-Name Hero."
Copy !req
918. Former special agent,
Seymour Simmons.
Copy !req
919. Bill. Big fan. Great to be here.
Copy !req
920. Now, Agent Simmons,
you would have us believe
Copy !req
921. that it is in our best interest
Copy !req
922. to formally take sides
in this so-called alien civil war?
Copy !req
923. Well, the other side wanted to
spank us for breakfast,
Copy !req
924. so I wouldn't exactly call it a toss-up.
Copy !req
925. These Decepticons are lethal.
Copy !req
926. But polls show
half the world would feel safer
Copy !req
927. with the Autobots completely gone.
Copy !req
928. Get them out of here!
We don't need them here!
Copy !req
929. I feel safer when I sleep
with a hand grenade.
Copy !req
930. Doesn't mean I'm always right.
Copy !req
931. Now, agent, here at The Factor
we have obtained documents
Copy !req
932. that show you were fired...
Copy !req
933. - Chaz, I'm doing an interview.
- Sorry, Mr Simmons.
Copy !req
934. Downsized, Bill.
Copy !req
935. - Budget cuts. Chaz, out.
- Your psych evaluation reports
Copy !req
936. "severe delusional tendencies."
Copy !req
937. This is ambush journalism.
Copy !req
938. You want the truth
about the alien alliance?
Copy !req
939. Buy my book! Buy my book,
before it's too late, people!
Copy !req
940. You want a piece of me, Bill?
Copy !req
941. - You want to get naked? I'm ready!
- Wow.
Copy !req
942. - Interview is over! You, out of my house.
- You're sounding like a pinhead, agent.
Copy !req
943. - And I've got a suggestion for you.
- It's over. Understand?
Copy !req
944. - Damage control.
- Dutch!
Copy !req
945. You have obviously upset Mr Simmons!
Copy !req
946. You have 23 seconds
to leave the property.
Copy !req
947. I have called the police!
Copy !req
948. You are peasant people
throwing rocks at a giant!
Copy !req
949. What's up next? What have we got?
Copy !req
950. Book signing, Midtown, noon.
Copy !req
951. Then we pitch your reality show
to the Discovery Channel.
Copy !req
952. And I have this Witwicky
who keeps calling me.
Copy !req
953. Five times today.
Copy !req
954. Kid? What does he want?
Copy !req
955. I called you
because the Decepticons are back.
Copy !req
956. I want to know why,
and I need your help.
Copy !req
957. They're back?
Copy !req
958. Well, that's good for business.
Copy !req
959. What if I told you
I know a 50-year-old alien secret
Copy !req
960. that nobody ever told you.
Copy !req
961. Do not tempt my addiction.
I have gone through withdrawal, kid.
Copy !req
962. - Dutch, is this line secure?
- No.
Copy !req
963. Don't take the risk.
I'm rich, why should I?
Copy !req
964. Do not relapse. I won't.
Copy !req
965. Do not let the demons win.
Copy !req
966. Got it.
Copy !req
967. What kind of secret?
Copy !req
968. Apollo. Moon. Aliens. Cover-up.
Copy !req
969. Future tech. Assassinations.
That kind of stuff.
Copy !req
970. Apollo.
Copy !req
971. Dutch!
Copy !req
972. Tell Megatron, "Let's tango."
Copy !req
973. So majestic and peaceful, this planet.
Copy !req
974. Unlike the final days of Cybertron.
Copy !req
975. I've wondered what might have been
Copy !req
976. if you had fought the final battle,
instead of me.
Copy !req
977. Never mourn the past, young warrior.
Copy !req
978. Thanks to you, our race survives.
Copy !req
979. You were our leader, Sentinel.
Copy !req
980. It is your right to lead us again.
Copy !req
981. In a world I do not know,
Copy !req
982. I am no longer your teacher, Optimus.
You are mine.
Copy !req
983. You've got to break this case down.
Copy !req
984. What we have here
is an astronaut epidemic.
Copy !req
985. MIA. Dead. Died in a car accident.
Killed. DOA. Car death.
Copy !req
986. It's like these guys can't drive.
Copy !req
987. They can fly into outer space,
but they can't drive a car.
Copy !req
988. - Procured your information, Witwicky.
- Thank you, Bruce.
Copy !req
989. Now,
Copy !req
990. let me see one right now. One time.
Copy !req
991. - Quick.
- Very.
Copy !req
992. Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter.
Copy !req
993. It says NASA launched it in 2009.
Copy !req
994. See, forensics show
Wang may have messed with the code,
Copy !req
995. preventing it from mapping
the far side of the moon,
Copy !req
996. which is also the dark side.
Copy !req
997. Fucking awesome.
Copy !req
998. They infiltrate us, intimidate us,
coerce us to do their dirty work.
Copy !req
999. And once they're done,
Copy !req
1000. a double-tap to the cerebellum.
Copy !req
1001. So humans are working
for the Decepticons.
Copy !req
1002. I don't think
this is about the Decepticons
Copy !req
1003. looking for something on the moon.
Copy !req
1004. I think it's about something
they wanted to hide.
Copy !req
1005. Come to Daddy.
Copy !req
1006. Come on, throw down.
Copy !req
1007. Did you eat a lot of paint chips
when you were a kid?
Copy !req
1008. He's a freak.
Copy !req
1009. - Like it?
- Get back!
Copy !req
1010. I'm ticklish!
Copy !req
1011. Sir! We are having a pretty high-level
alien Intel confab here
Copy !req
1012. that I don't think you're cleared for,
errand boy.
Copy !req
1013. Yeah, you're right.
Copy !req
1014. - It's a bitching robot.
- I think it's time to go, Bruce.
Copy !req
1015. - Thank you so much for this. And...
- Got to go, Bruce.
Copy !req
1016. I'm smoking over here. Downloading
missing Russian cosmonauts.
Copy !req
1017. Turns out the Soviets cancelled
a manned mission to the moon.
Copy !req
1018. The moon, in 1972.
Copy !req
1019. And two of their cosmonauts
went into hiding in America.
Copy !req
1020. And I just found them alive.
Copy !req
1021. You're a genius, Brains.
Copy !req
1022. That was smooth, Bumblebee.
Copy !req
1023. Missed it by that much.
Copy !req
1024. Hi.
Copy !req
1025. Would somebody care to tell me
what the hell's going on?
Copy !req
1026. - Who are you?
- Who are you?
Copy !req
1027. Who am I? Who is that?
Dutch! Frisk her!
Copy !req
1028. Certainly.
Copy !req
1029. No. Dutch.
Copy !req
1030. Don't touch me.
Copy !req
1031. - I'm not gonna touch her.
- Sam?
Copy !req
1032. Angel.
Copy !req
1033. I was working. I'm sorry about this.
Copy !req
1034. - Great. We're homeless.
- She lives here? Wow.
Copy !req
1035. You had your chance to frisk her.
Copy !req
1036. - I have a girlfriend.
- Really? What's her name?
Copy !req
1037. India.
Copy !req
1038. We're supposed to be
at Dylan's party, remember?
Copy !req
1039. I do remember,
but these are my friends.
Copy !req
1040. They need me.
I have to be here right now.
Copy !req
1041. So, what, the Autobots and the military,
they can't handle this on their own?
Copy !req
1042. You know what I liked
about your war stories, Sam?
Copy !req
1043. It's that they were stories,
they were in the past.
Copy !req
1044. Look, I know you're thinking
about your brother, okay?
Copy !req
1045. And you're thinking about your family.
And it's not that situation.
Copy !req
1046. - No?
- No.
Copy !req
1047. Why not? Why isn't it, Sam?
Copy !req
1048. You think we'd rather have his medals,
or we'd rather have him?
Copy !req
1049. I hear you. I get it.
Where are you taking my bunny? Stop!
Copy !req
1050. Just stop for a second.
Copy !req
1051. You think I could sleep last night?
Copy !req
1052. And then it hit me.
No, Sam wants to be in danger.
Copy !req
1053. - He doesn't know who he is without it.
- I just want to matter.
Copy !req
1054. You matter to me.
Copy !req
1055. I know you're worried.
I know you're worried.
Copy !req
1056. But I promise you, I can handle this.
Copy !req
1057. Can you? You can promise it?
Copy !req
1058. I promise.
Copy !req
1059. Sam, I don't want to lose you,
and I know where this leads.
Copy !req
1060. I'm not ready for this.
Copy !req
1061. Are you coming with me?
Copy !req
1062. I can't.
Copy !req
1063. Okay.
Copy !req
1064. Hey.
Copy !req
1065. Here's your foot.
Copy !req
1066. The warrior's path is a solitary one.
Copy !req
1067. How the hell did she afford that car?
Copy !req
1068. - Her boss.
- Rich bastards!
Copy !req
1069. I used to hate them. Now, it's...
Copy !req
1070. Going to a gig on the hunt
for two Russian cosmonauts.
Copy !req
1071. Nothing like driving in a Maybach.
Copy !req
1072. Germans know how to make cars,
let me tell you.
Copy !req
1073. My Dutchman,
former NSA cybersleuth extraordinaire,
Copy !req
1074. tracked them down here.
Copy !req
1075. So, these cosmonauts
went into hiding. Why?
Copy !req
1076. Bingo. I got a match.
Copy !req
1077. You're a German Shepherd, Dutch.
Copy !req
1078. The thing about Russians is,
they never like to talk.
Copy !req
1079. It's gonna take a little
of the "international language."
Copy !req
1080. That means "good-bye."
Copy !req
1081. Stay loose.
Copy !req
1082. Dutch, give me something tough.
Copy !req
1083. Baryshnikov.
Copy !req
1084. We do speak English.
Copy !req
1085. Dutch, you suck.
Copy !req
1086. It's a Cyrillic alphabet.
Copy !req
1087. It's like all the buttons
you never push on a calculator!
Copy !req
1088. I don't suck.
Copy !req
1089. Agent Seymour Simmons,
Sector Eight, formerly Seven.
Copy !req
1090. We know who you are, cosmonautchiks.
Copy !req
1091. So what?
Copy !req
1092. You were supposed to travel
to the dark side of the moon,
Copy !req
1093. then it all got shut down.
Copy !req
1094. The question is, why?
Copy !req
1095. "Can my child smoke in here?"
Copy !req
1096. Okay, all right. Okay.
Copy !req
1097. Go ahead, shoot me.
Copy !req
1098. I'm willing to die for my country.
Are you?
Copy !req
1099. Really?
Copy !req
1100. You are beautiful. Has anyone ever
told you you're beautiful?
Copy !req
1101. She's a beautiful woman.
Copy !req
1102. Hey!
Copy !req
1103. Dutch! Back in the cage.
Copy !req
1104. Dutch! Hold, Dutch, hold!
Copy !req
1105. Control your boy, please.
Control your boy.
Copy !req
1106. Dutch, stop!
Copy !req
1107. I'm so sorry. That is the old me.
Copy !req
1108. Okay, let's everybody just calm down!
Copy !req
1109. Let's lower the heat, lower the guns.
Let's relax. World War II is over.
Copy !req
1110. You are about to see
one of the biggest Soviet secrets.
Copy !req
1111. America first to send man to the moon.
Copy !req
1112. But USSR first to send camera.
Copy !req
1113. In 1959, our Luna 3
Copy !req
1114. take picture of the dark,
the shadow side.
Copy !req
1115. Sees nothing.
Copy !req
1116. But in 1963, Luna 4 sees...
Copy !req
1117. - Strange rocks.
- Yeah.
Copy !req
1118. Around the ship. Hundreds of them.
Copy !req
1119. Yeah, show picture.
Copy !req
1120. With some drag marks.
Copy !req
1121. I've seen these.
These aren't rocks, these are pillars.
Copy !req
1122. Alien pillars for a space bridge.
Copy !req
1123. We know about them
because the Autobots have five of these.
Copy !req
1124. The Decepticons must have raided
the ship before Apollo 11 ever got there,
Copy !req
1125. took the pillars, and hid them.
Copy !req
1126. It doesn't make sense.
Copy !req
1127. The Decepticons have the ship.
They have all those pillars.
Copy !req
1128. Why would they leave Sentinel
Copy !req
1129. when he's the only one
who can use them?
Copy !req
1130. Unless...
Copy !req
1131. He's the one thing they still need.
Copy !req
1132. We've got to meet up with Sentinel,
rendezvous with him and keep him safe.
Copy !req
1133. Mearing, I just picked up Sentinel.
Optimus is 10 minutes behind.
Copy !req
1134. We're coming to NEST now.
Copy !req
1135. Mr Witwicky,
I thought I made it clear to you
Copy !req
1136. that I did not want you
calling this phone.
Copy !req
1137. Listen, the whole thing has been
a setup since the beginning.
Copy !req
1138. The Decepticons wanted Optimus
to find Sentinel
Copy !req
1139. because only Optimus could revive him.
Copy !req
1140. But we have the space bridge.
Copy !req
1141. Mearing, you have five pillars.
I just learned that they have hundreds.
Copy !req
1142. You're doing exactly
what they wanted you to do.
Copy !req
1143. What do you need me to say to you?
Copy !req
1144. The Decepticons are coming
for Sentinel Prime!
Copy !req
1145. We're going to NEST.
Copy !req
1146. We have an Energon alert.
Copy !req
1147. Energon readings detected
on the D. C. parkway.
Copy !req
1148. Currently tracking
three black Suburbans.
Copy !req
1149. Bee, you got to get Sentinel
out of here! You got to guard him!
Copy !req
1150. Oh, mein Gott! I'm fired!
Copy !req
1151. Watch out! Watch out! Watch out!
Copy !req
1152. Got you!
Copy !req
1153. Shoot him! Shoot him! Shoot him, Bee!
Copy !req
1154. Bee, you've got to move faster!
Faster, Bee! Go!
Copy !req
1155. Bee!
Copy !req
1156. All right, back to NEST!
Copy !req
1157. Dino, I got him!
Copy !req
1158. Ironhide!
Copy !req
1159. Is there a problem?
Copy !req
1160. A little Mexican standoff we got here.
Copy !req
1161. Weapons down.
Copy !req
1162. And we'll let you escape
with your dignity.
Copy !req
1163. Drop them.
Copy !req
1164. That's good.
Copy !req
1165. Ironhide, watch out!
Copy !req
1166. Ironhide, catch!
Copy !req
1167. Behind you!
Copy !req
1168. Decepticon punk!
Copy !req
1169. Class dismissed.
Copy !req
1170. - Get inside! Let's go!
- Move! Keep moving!
Copy !req
1171. - Lennox!
- Go, go, go!
Copy !req
1172. We got Decepticons everywhere.
Copy !req
1173. I've got my whole team deployed
looking for them. Ironhide!
Copy !req
1174. Protect Sentinel!
Get him locked up inside!
Copy !req
1175. Consider it done!
Copy !req
1176. Hey, you've got to guard him,
'cause he's the key to the whole thing.
Copy !req
1177. Indeed, I am. What you must realise,
my Autobot brothers,
Copy !req
1178. is we were never going to win the war.
Copy !req
1179. For the sake of our planet's survival,
a deal had to be made
Copy !req
1180. with Megatron.
Copy !req
1181. - Get back!
- What have you done?
Copy !req
1182. I hereby discharge you from duty.
Copy !req
1183. - Bee!
- Get back!
Copy !req
1184. Rally all NEST forces back to the base!
Come on!
Copy !req
1185. No...
Copy !req
1186. Get a medic down here!
Copy !req
1187. We don't have enough men!
Do not engage Sentinel!
Copy !req
1188. Just go to the back gate.
Copy !req
1189. Take cover!
Copy !req
1190. Watch left! Watch left!
Copy !req
1191. Let's go! Follow me!
Copy !req
1192. - Director, don't go there!
- Stand down!
Copy !req
1193. Hey, Sentinel!
Copy !req
1194. - Director!
- What is going on?
Copy !req
1195. What do you think you are doing?
Copy !req
1196. I am a Prime!
Copy !req
1197. I do not take orders from you.
Copy !req
1198. Director Mearing, come on.
Copy !req
1199. We can't fight him. Let's go.
We have to go.
Copy !req
1200. Now return what belongs to me!
Copy !req
1201. Oh, my God!
Copy !req
1202. - You guys okay?
- Is everybody out?
Copy !req
1203. Everybody, stay calm.
You're gonna be fine.
Copy !req
1204. Yeah, take a look, Optimus!
This is all on you!
Copy !req
1205. Sentinel hit the vault! Took the pillars.
Copy !req
1206. Come on, let's go.
All right, notify the 101st Airborne!
Copy !req
1207. We need to hunt this thing down!
Copy !req
1208. Carly!
Copy !req
1209. Hot from our little campfire.
Copy !req
1210. S'mores. Isn't that great?
Copy !req
1211. We're really living off the land.
Copy !req
1212. Mom, Dad, have you guys seen
Carly come home yet?
Copy !req
1213. Excuse me. Can you knock, please?
This is our bedroom.
Copy !req
1214. Why wouldn't she be at home?
Copy !req
1215. We had a fight
and we might have broken up,
Copy !req
1216. or be on a break. I don't really know.
Copy !req
1217. - What? No.
- Look, I can't talk about it right now.
Copy !req
1218. I can't go into details, Mom.
I have to find her.
Copy !req
1219. Sit down. We're having
a family meeting. Family meeting!
Copy !req
1220. You may not know this,
Copy !req
1221. but your father and I
were not always this perfectly happy.
Copy !req
1222. You know, there was a time
in our marriage
Copy !req
1223. when I thought
this was not gonna work out.
Copy !req
1224. - Can we please not?
- She's damaging him.
Copy !req
1225. You break up with
one world-class hottie...
Copy !req
1226. No. Stop. Stop, okay? She dumped me,
Copy !req
1227. I moved on to something better.
That's it. I'm a happier person.
Copy !req
1228. The second beautiful girl,
and you lose her.
Copy !req
1229. Why don't you help me?
Copy !req
1230. - They had an argument.
- One fight.
Copy !req
1231. You're not gonna get a third one,
I mean, unless you have like a big...
Copy !req
1232. What the... Ma!
Copy !req
1233. Maybe you just don't know
what you're doing.
Copy !req
1234. - I don't want to talk about this any more.
- You need the book.
Copy !req
1235. - Tell him about the book.
- You're always wrong. Get used to it.
Copy !req
1236. Okay. You've gotta read this.
She Comes First.
Copy !req
1237. - There's some killer shit in here.
- No. No.
Copy !req
1238. - That's it, I'm going.
- No! No!
Copy !req
1239. Sit down, sit down! Back me up!
Copy !req
1240. - Happy wife, happy life.
- Heck yeah.
Copy !req
1241. Unhappy wife, stone-cold misery
for the rest of your...
Copy !req
1242. - Stop.
- It's true.
Copy !req
1243. All I'm saying is, do you love this girl?
Copy !req
1244. - She's the one.
- Then you gotta go get her.
Copy !req
1245. I mean, your dad and I,
when we had troubles,
Copy !req
1246. he moved heaven and earth to find me.
Copy !req
1247. Say what you said. Say it.
Copy !req
1248. "I will follow you to the end of time."
Copy !req
1249. Does that suck or what?
Copy !req
1250. - It's like a bad sci-fi film.
- No. It is so sweet.
Copy !req
1251. I want you to get out of the city. You get
as far away from here as you can.
Copy !req
1252. You understand?
Copy !req
1253. I love you.
Copy !req
1254. My master! Such a brilliant scheme!
Copy !req
1255. So when Sentinel left Cybertron,
it was to defect?
Copy !req
1256. He was meant to rendezvous
with me here on Earth
Copy !req
1257. before fate waylaid us both.
Copy !req
1258. The only way to revive him,
Copy !req
1259. we needed Prime and his Matrix.
Copy !req
1260. Excellent strategy.
Copy !req
1261. Mine, mine!
Copy !req
1262. So he is now your partner, master?
Copy !req
1263. He is my greatest triumph.
Copy !req
1264. So impressive.
Copy !req
1265. Commencing transport.
Copy !req
1266. Stop! No! No, Sentinel!
Copy !req
1267. Forgive me.
Copy !req
1268. Here we are.
Copy !req
1269. Fight us now.
Copy !req
1270. Contact!
Copy !req
1271. Watch out! Move it! Move it!
Copy !req
1272. Autobots, retreat!
Copy !req
1273. Why, Sentinel, why?
Copy !req
1274. For Cybertron! For our home!
Copy !req
1275. What war destroyed, we can rebuild!
But only if we join with the Decepticons.
Copy !req
1276. No, it's not the only way. This is our
home! We must defend the humans!
Copy !req
1277. So lost you are, Optimus.
Copy !req
1278. On Cybertron, we were gods.
Copy !req
1279. And here, they call us machines.
Copy !req
1280. Let the humans serve us, or perish.
Copy !req
1281. You're lucky I didn't kill you.
In time you'll see.
Copy !req
1282. It's not over.
Copy !req
1283. Now, if I were him, I wouldn't let you
out of my sight for one second.
Copy !req
1284. It's funny. I was just thinking
on the way over here,
Copy !req
1285. I could really use some advice
from Dylan, and there he is.
Copy !req
1286. - Can I speak to you, Carly?
- Welcome. Please, sit down.
Copy !req
1287. Have a drink.
Copy !req
1288. You know what, I don't need a drink.
Or a car, or a job.
Copy !req
1289. I just need to speak
to my girlfriend alone.
Copy !req
1290. Is that okay with you, Mr Inappropriate?
Copy !req
1291. Excuse me.
Copy !req
1292. - What's going on?
- I'll tell you outside.
Copy !req
1293. I really think I can help you, Sam.
Copy !req
1294. I remember a talk I had
with my dad once about tough choices.
Copy !req
1295. Yeah, now's not the time.
We'll set something up, though.
Copy !req
1296. Of course, it was way back,
when my dad's firm was in charge
Copy !req
1297. of budget review
and accounting for NASA.
Copy !req
1298. You see,
the thing that he taught me was,
Copy !req
1299. when it's not your war,
you join the side that's going to win.
Copy !req
1300. Move.
Copy !req
1301. Too direct? Or is it just me?
Copy !req
1302. Certainly not you, sir.
Copy !req
1303. You're mine!
Copy !req
1304. No!
Copy !req
1305. - Get help!
- Sam, I can't get out!
Copy !req
1306. - Someone get help!
- Good night!
Copy !req
1307. Good night, Mr Dylan.
Copy !req
1308. Get me out of here!
Copy !req
1309. Help! Get help!
Copy !req
1310. - He's young. He will learn. Good night.
- Get me out!
Copy !req
1311. It was a fun night.
Copy !req
1312. You really think you're the first man ever
asked to join the noble alien cause?
Copy !req
1313. Who are you?
Copy !req
1314. Do you know why we've not been back
to the moon since 1972?
Copy !req
1315. Because these two,
Copy !req
1316. they came to my dad and they told him
to do some creative accounting.
Copy !req
1317. Make it way too expensive
to ever go back. So, he and the others
Copy !req
1318. shut down the American
and Russian space programmes.
Copy !req
1319. And they've been our clients ever since.
Copy !req
1320. - You helped them kill people?
- You think they'd give you a choice?
Copy !req
1321. Besides, it's not
like I personally participated.
Copy !req
1322. I am a liaison. I liaise.
Copy !req
1323. It's hostile takeover time, Sam.
Copy !req
1324. Sam!
Copy !req
1325. - Sam!
- Let her go!
Copy !req
1326. Sam!
Copy !req
1327. I've had my eye on you for years, Sam.
Copy !req
1328. You're the one spy
I've never been able to provide
Copy !req
1329. as someone close to the Autobots.
Copy !req
1330. Sam! Don't do what he wants!
Copy !req
1331. Yes, he will.
Copy !req
1332. They all do.
Copy !req
1333. They will slaughter her,
you understand me?
Copy !req
1334. In the time it takes you to blink,
they'll do it to her and they'll do it to me.
Copy !req
1335. So you show a little respect
Copy !req
1336. when someone offers you a job!
Copy !req
1337. Wrist.
Copy !req
1338. You are to track down Optimus Prime,
Copy !req
1339. because you're the one human
he trusts,
Copy !req
1340. and you will ask one question.
Copy !req
1341. How does he intend to fight back?
Strategies, tactics, everything!
Copy !req
1342. Has a nasty little bite, doesn't it?
It's very high-tech.
Copy !req
1343. It lets us see what you see,
hear what you hear
Copy !req
1344. and it taps your nervous system.
Copy !req
1345. So, if you so much as try and signal...
Copy !req
1346. I don't know what to tell you, Sam.
Copy !req
1347. Relationships have consequences.
I am here because of my father.
Copy !req
1348. She is here because of you.
Copy !req
1349. Stop, stop! Stop! Stop!
Copy !req
1350. Soundwave, would you please?
Copy !req
1351. Sam, do your job.
Copy !req
1352. She'll be safe. I give you my word.
Copy !req
1353. I'll kill you. You have my word.
Copy !req
1354. Combatant Commands
are now at DEFCON 1.
Copy !req
1355. Approximately 200 Decepticons
are now in hiding.
Copy !req
1356. Energon detectors have been triggered
Copy !req
1357. as far away
as South America and China.
Copy !req
1358. The U.N. just received
an encrypted audio file.
Copy !req
1359. They say it's from the leader
of the Autobots.
Copy !req
1360. Defenders of Earth.
Copy !req
1361. We have come
for your natural resources
Copy !req
1362. to rebuild our damaged planet.
Copy !req
1363. When we have transported all we need,
Copy !req
1364. we will leave your world in peace.
Copy !req
1365. For such peace to exist,
Copy !req
1366. you must immediately exile
the Autobot rebels you have harboured.
Copy !req
1367. Nonnegotiable.
Copy !req
1368. Renounce the rebels.
Copy !req
1369. We await your reply.
Copy !req
1370. We'll debrief you in transit.
Copy !req
1371. Yeah, I really don't see
how I can be of any help.
Copy !req
1372. I mean, you guys seem pretty busy.
Copy !req
1373. We could just do this another time,
I think.
Copy !req
1374. I have underestimated you at every turn.
Copy !req
1375. What?
Copy !req
1376. You warned us
that they were using humans.
Copy !req
1377. And you knew that Sentinel was the key.
Copy !req
1378. Director!
Copy !req
1379. Who am I? Hey, you're the expert.
I'm just a walking security risk.
Copy !req
1380. Are you all right?
Copy !req
1381. Yes.
Copy !req
1382. - No, you're not. You're sweating.
- I'm fine. I'm fine.
Copy !req
1383. I'm sweating because I'm nervous.
Copy !req
1384. I'm nervous because you got me
in here with this information.
Copy !req
1385. Okay, I'm a Twitter junkie.
I blog everything.
Copy !req
1386. - I can't keep a secret to save my life.
- You wouldn't dare.
Copy !req
1387. - That's the truth. I'm telling you.
- Director, the Pentagon's calling in 15.
Copy !req
1388. - What are you doing?
- Nothing. What are you doing?
Copy !req
1389. Get away from me.
Copy !req
1390. It's been a remarkable series of events
today at the Capitol.
Copy !req
1391. Just moments ago,
legislation was passed
Copy !req
1392. to exile the Autobots
Copy !req
1393. from American shores.
Copy !req
1394. The U. S. military alliance with them
is officially over.
Copy !req
1395. In the words
of the House Majority Leader,
Copy !req
1396. the sponsor of today's resolution,
Copy !req
1397. - "We cannot in good conscience..."
- Okay.
Copy !req
1398. What? They can't do this.
Copy !req
1399. - You gotta tell them. They can't do that.
- Okay. It's official. It's a go, people.
Copy !req
1400. These are our allies. The Autobots
fought for us. They fought with us.
Copy !req
1401. And where are we now?
Copy !req
1402. Facing an enemy invasion
Copy !req
1403. with an enemy that has the means
to deploy countless more.
Copy !req
1404. If there is any more you know,
Copy !req
1405. anything at all
about the enemy's intentions,
Copy !req
1406. now is the time to tell.
Copy !req
1407. Autobots have no way
of leaving this planet.
Copy !req
1408. And that is where you're wrong.
Copy !req
1409. Its name is the Xanthium.
Copy !req
1410. It brought the second wave of Autobots
Copy !req
1411. and it's been under NASA's care
and study ever since.
Copy !req
1412. We linked it
with a decommissioned shuttle
Copy !req
1413. to maintain military control
until they're gone.
Copy !req
1414. Gonna be 10,000 pounds of torque
on that itsy-bitsy bolt, not 19!
Copy !req
1415. You're gonna risk the lives
of all me mates! I'll ball you!
Copy !req
1416. These guys are the Wreckers.
They take care of the Xanthium.
Copy !req
1417. We don't let them off the base much,
'cause they're assholes.
Copy !req
1418. You gotta pull that, ya Nancy wanker!
Copy !req
1419. It's time to kill him!
Copy !req
1420. I'm just trying to help, you know.
Just doing my job.
Copy !req
1421. Just calm down. Leave him alone.
This is a human being.
Copy !req
1422. - Epps!
- You are ridiculous!
Copy !req
1423. - Is that you?
- What up, man?
Copy !req
1424. What are you doing here?
Copy !req
1425. I retired from the Air Force.
Copy !req
1426. Can you let my hand go?
Copy !req
1427. What the hell was that?
Copy !req
1428. Now I just consult
to run interference for them.
Copy !req
1429. Well, you're not helping!
Copy !req
1430. No more combat and aliens shooting
at my ass. I got a dream job.
Copy !req
1431. Time to get off this planet.
Copy !req
1432. Kicking the Autobots out.
Can you believe this is happening?
Copy !req
1433. - Where do you think it's taking them?
- Any planet but here.
Copy !req
1434. I wanna talk
to whoever's in charge here!
Copy !req
1435. Well, well, well. Charlotte Mearing.
Copy !req
1436. Agent Simmons.
Former Agent Simmons.
Copy !req
1437. So I see you survived Washington.
Copy !req
1438. Washington, Egypt, heartbreak.
I survive. I will survive.
Copy !req
1439. They're bringing everybody in, kid.
Putting all the Intel on the table.
Copy !req
1440. And if you think deporting nine Autobots
is gonna solve a damn thing...
Copy !req
1441. It's out of my hands.
Copy !req
1442. Moving up in the world?
Copy !req
1443. Your booty looks excellent.
Copy !req
1444. If you ever say a word to anyone
Copy !req
1445. about what happened
that night in Quantico,
Copy !req
1446. I'll cut your heart out.
Copy !req
1447. You already did.
Copy !req
1448. Sammy, listen to me.
Don't let them exile us.
Copy !req
1449. - Don't let them take us, Sam.
- It's a Decepticon trap.
Copy !req
1450. Check the nitrogen levels.
We're booking out of here.
Copy !req
1451. Optimus?
Copy !req
1452. What your leaders say is true.
This was all my fault.
Copy !req
1453. I told them whom to trust.
I was so wrong.
Copy !req
1454. That doesn't make it your fault.
It just makes you human for a change.
Copy !req
1455. Remember this.
Copy !req
1456. You may lose your faith in us,
Copy !req
1457. but never in yourselves.
Copy !req
1458. I need to know
how you're gonna fight back.
Copy !req
1459. I know this is strategy,
I know you're coming back
Copy !req
1460. with reinforcements, something.
I know there's a plan.
Copy !req
1461. You can tell me.
No other human will ever know.
Copy !req
1462. There is no plan.
Copy !req
1463. If we just do what they want,
how are we gonna live with ourselves?
Copy !req
1464. You are my friend, Sam.
Copy !req
1465. You always will be.
Copy !req
1466. But your leaders have spoken.
Copy !req
1467. From here,
Copy !req
1468. the fight will be your own.
Copy !req
1469. Make it short.
Copy !req
1470. We're loading up.
Copy !req
1471. All right, hustle up!
We're launching at dawn.
Copy !req
1472. We're gonna do whatever we can.
Make it like it was.
Copy !req
1473. You will always be my friend, Sam.
Copy !req
1474. I gotta be going on.
Copy !req
1475. Years from now, they're gonna ask us,
Copy !req
1476. "Where were you
when they took over the planet?"
Copy !req
1477. We're gonna say,
Copy !req
1478. "We just stood by and watched."
Copy !req
1479. You should really look at this
as a partnership.
Copy !req
1480. You have to stand
on the side of progress
Copy !req
1481. if you wanna be a part of history.
Copy !req
1482. Seven, six, five,
Copy !req
1483. four, three, two,
Copy !req
1484. one, zero.
Copy !req
1485. Go ahead and throttle up.
Copy !req
1486. You wanted an answer. You got one.
Copy !req
1487. I always get what I want, Sam.
We just needed to be sure.
Copy !req
1488. Sure of what?
Copy !req
1489. That they would go without a fight.
Copy !req
1490. - Say again.
- Tracking an incoming object.
Copy !req
1491. We all work for the Decepticons now.
Copy !req
1492. I need your help to track a phone call.
There's a man on this phone.
Copy !req
1493. He's the head of their human operations
and he has Carly hostage.
Copy !req
1494. I want you to sit down. Don't move.
Copy !req
1495. Follow me.
Copy !req
1496. I'm watching him drive up right now.
Copy !req
1497. The call was placed en route.
Copy !req
1498. I'm hacking into
the phone's camera now.
Copy !req
1499. There, that's it.
That's a live stream from the camera.
Copy !req
1500. Someplace... Hold on.
I can triangulate this.
Copy !req
1501. Okay, it's Chicago cell sites.
There, I've got it.
Copy !req
1502. Trump Tower, Chicago.
Lower penthouse.
Copy !req
1503. We're on.
Copy !req
1504. - I'm going.
- You sure?
Copy !req
1505. She's done nothing but try to help me,
and I can be there in 15 hours.
Copy !req
1506. You're not going alone.
Copy !req
1507. I still got my NEST friends out there.
Copy !req
1508. I'll round them up,
we'll find your girlfriend,
Copy !req
1509. we're gonna bring this guy in.
Copy !req
1510. Why are you helping me?
Copy !req
1511. 'Cause that asshole
killed my friends, too.
Copy !req
1512. They said they were here for
our resources, to rebuild their planet.
Copy !req
1513. Yes, but really
one resource in particular.
Copy !req
1514. One unique to our planet.
Copy !req
1515. Us?
Copy !req
1516. You're very smart.
Copy !req
1517. You see, they can't rebuild
without a slave labour force.
Copy !req
1518. How many rocks up there in
the universe offer six billion workers?
Copy !req
1519. What are you talking about?
We can't transport people.
Copy !req
1520. They're not shipping people.
They're shipping their planet here.
Copy !req
1521. Oh, my God.
Copy !req
1522. What's Sentinel doing here?
Copy !req
1523. Watch. They're spreading hundreds of
pillars around the globe right now.
Copy !req
1524. In just a few hours,
they're gonna launch them into orbit
Copy !req
1525. and bring Cybertron
into our atmosphere.
Copy !req
1526. The red one there controls the rest.
Copy !req
1527. He triggers that,
it starts the whole thing.
Copy !req
1528. Be gone, insect operative.
Your work is done.
Copy !req
1529. Your Excellency. He's such a dick.
Copy !req
1530. - You want this to happen?
- I want to survive. I want 40 more years.
Copy !req
1531. You think I asked for this?
I inherited a client.
Copy !req
1532. Yeah, and when Cybertron's here
and we're all their slaves,
Copy !req
1533. I guess they'll still need a human leader.
Copy !req
1534. Don't jinx me.
You want to survive, you listen to me.
Copy !req
1535. It is time for the slaves of Earth
to recognise their masters.
Copy !req
1536. Seal off the city.
Copy !req
1537. Get the dogs outta here now!
Get them in the back!
Copy !req
1538. I guess they didn't tell you about
this part, did they?
Copy !req
1539. You think I'm at every meeting?
Copy !req
1540. Look, I'm safe.
Copy !req
1541. They said I was safe.
Copy !req
1542. Let's roll!
Copy !req
1543. We had a signal earlier.
Copy !req
1544. It's not working.
Copy !req
1545. This is a national emergency broadcast.
Copy !req
1546. Chicago has suffered a massive attack.
Copy !req
1547. Wrong way!
Copy !req
1548. Get out of here! Go back!
Copy !req
1549. There is a ring of alien ships
around Chicago.
Copy !req
1550. Our high-range bombers
were just knocked out of the sky.
Copy !req
1551. They can't get through
enemy air defences over the city.
Copy !req
1552. Our satellites have been jammed.
Copy !req
1553. We have no way to monitor
the enemy's movement.
Copy !req
1554. Our old NEST teams are on stand-down
holding at Grissom Air Force Base.
Copy !req
1555. We're about 10 minutes from
the battle zone.
Copy !req
1556. We have Special Forces
trying to gain access to the city,
Copy !req
1557. and infantry is staging at the perimeter.
Copy !req
1558. Excuse me, excuse me,
it just doesn't make sense!
Copy !req
1559. Can't we get any eyes in there at all?
Copy !req
1560. They keep shooting down our drones.
Copy !req
1561. They want us blind.
Copy !req
1562. But we do have
a couple of mini-drones we're gonna try.
Copy !req
1563. Well, whoever's manning
these UAV drones,
Copy !req
1564. can we try to redirect them
toward Trump Tower?
Copy !req
1565. The kid, Witwickety,
was on his way to Chicago.
Copy !req
1566. Said some point-man human op is there
for the Decepticons!
Copy !req
1567. Listen, if I know anything, I know this,
Copy !req
1568. that kid is an alien-bad-news magnet.
Copy !req
1569. My God.
Copy !req
1570. We came here to find her
in the middle of all that?
Copy !req
1571. Are we really going out there, Epps?
Copy !req
1572. I'm not going in there.
Copy !req
1573. No one's going in.
Copy !req
1574. I am.
Copy !req
1575. With or without you, I'll find her.
Copy !req
1576. You're gonna get yourself killed, Sam.
Is that what you want?
Copy !req
1577. Is that what you want?
Copy !req
1578. You came all the way out here
to get yourself killed? Huh?
Copy !req
1579. Listen to what I'm saying.
Copy !req
1580. She's here because of me.
Do you understand?
Copy !req
1581. Listen, if you go in this building,
that's if she's even still alive,
Copy !req
1582. there's no way
you're gonna be able to reach her!
Copy !req
1583. What do you suggest I do?
Copy !req
1584. It's over.
Copy !req
1585. I'm sorry, but it's over.
Copy !req
1586. No.
Copy !req
1587. Incoming!
Copy !req
1588. We will kill them all.
Copy !req
1589. Wreckers, kill him!
Copy !req
1590. This is going to hurt!
Copy !req
1591. A lot!
Copy !req
1592. Your leaders will now understand.
Copy !req
1593. Decepticons will never leave
your planet alone.
Copy !req
1594. And we needed them to believe
we had gone.
Copy !req
1595. For today, in the name of freedom,
Copy !req
1596. we take the battle to them!
Copy !req
1597. - I saw your ship blow up!
- The ship?
Copy !req
1598. We were never in the ship!
We designed the damn thing, didn't we?
Copy !req
1599. We were hidden
in the first booster rocket to separate.
Copy !req
1600. Splashed down back in the Atlantic,
just as planned.
Copy !req
1601. We ain't going nowhere.
Copy !req
1602. Yeah, no one's exiling us.
Copy !req
1603. The Autobots are staying right here.
We're gonna help you win this war.
Copy !req
1604. They're surrounding the city
to make a fortress
Copy !req
1605. so that no one can see
what they're up to inside.
Copy !req
1606. Our only chance
is the element of surprise.
Copy !req
1607. I think I know where to look!
Copy !req
1608. Mini-drone is on approach
to Trump Tower.
Copy !req
1609. You're telling me
Sam's headed into that?
Copy !req
1610. Poor kid.
Copy !req
1611. Probably never got close.
Copy !req
1612. So, you can fly this thing, right?
Copy !req
1613. What is that... What is that?
What is that? So-so?
Copy !req
1614. So you so-so can fly this.
That feels terrible.
Copy !req
1615. We're right behind you.
Copy !req
1616. All right, we're going in!
Copy !req
1617. The city is secure.
Copy !req
1618. The humans cannot stop us.
Copy !req
1619. As the afternoon falls,
Copy !req
1620. the rest of the pillars
will reach their launch position.
Copy !req
1621. This is the victory I promised you
so many years ago,
Copy !req
1622. where we rebuild Cybertron together!
Copy !req
1623. I have deigned to work with you
Copy !req
1624. that our planet may survive!
Copy !req
1625. I will never work for you!
Copy !req
1626. You would be wise
to remember the difference.
Copy !req
1627. I'm so sick of this.
I'm just sick of waiting.
Copy !req
1628. Where is she?
Copy !req
1629. Where is she?
Copy !req
1630. You've got some balls.
Copy !req
1631. No, Sam!
Copy !req
1632. No! No, no!
Copy !req
1633. Carly!
Copy !req
1634. Carly!
Copy !req
1635. Jump!
Copy !req
1636. Bee, fire!
Copy !req
1637. Bee!
Copy !req
1638. Autobots! They're alive!
Copy !req
1639. Decepticons, defend the pillar!
Copy !req
1640. Raise the bridges! Find them!
Copy !req
1641. Sam.
Copy !req
1642. You found me.
Copy !req
1643. I'd follow you anywhere.
Copy !req
1644. Form a perimeter! Let's go, let's go!
Copy !req
1645. Well, you're crazy.
Copy !req
1646. What is that? Is that us?
Copy !req
1647. This thing's a military UAV.
Stone, check and see if it's still working.
Copy !req
1648. Yeah, it's still got power.
Copy !req
1649. Flight Control, do you copy?
Copy !req
1650. Can... Can you rotate?
Can you do something?
Copy !req
1651. I think we got something.
Copy !req
1652. Epps! We got Epps!
Copy !req
1653. Come on, work! Work!
Copy !req
1654. All right, turn the volume up on that!
Copy !req
1655. The kid!
Copy !req
1656. Can you rotate or something?
Copy !req
1657. Yes, yes! Okay, okay, okay.
They can see us.
Copy !req
1658. Chicago is ground zero,
do you understand?
Copy !req
1659. - Can you hear us? You understand?
- Witwicky.
Copy !req
1660. Please listen. Sentinel Prime is here
Copy !req
1661. and he has the pillars
to his space bridge.
Copy !req
1662. They're on top of a building
on Chicago River.
Copy !req
1663. It's owned by
Hotchkiss Gould Investments.
Copy !req
1664. Now, the pillar that controls everything
is in the southeast cupola.
Copy !req
1665. You've got to destroy the pillar.
You have to shoot down the pillar
Copy !req
1666. or they're going to transport
Cybertron here, do you understand?
Copy !req
1667. - Do you understand?
- What?
Copy !req
1668. Give me a GPS on the building
and on that drone! Let's go!
Copy !req
1669. Mensurate those coordinates.
Shorten the kill chain.
Copy !req
1670. Guys on the tarmac, five minutes.
Copy !req
1671. The southeast cupola.
Copy !req
1672. All right!
Copy !req
1673. We need to move
before the fighters spot us.
Copy !req
1674. Wait here until we scout a route ahead.
Copy !req
1675. - Let's roll.
- Ratchet, cover high.
Copy !req
1676. Hey, think we could use that rocket
to shoot down the pillar?
Copy !req
1677. We're eight blocks away.
We got to get closer to take a shot.
Copy !req
1678. Not closer. Higher.
We need a clear line of sight.
Copy !req
1679. And it's across the river. Gonna have
a hell of a time trying to sneak up.
Copy !req
1680. We only got one shot.
Copy !req
1681. One shot's all we need.
Copy !req
1682. We got to be able to see
around that building from the ground.
Copy !req
1683. Get NSA to send service specs for
any cameras in that area.
Copy !req
1684. Maybe some are working.
Copy !req
1685. Traffic lights. ATMs. Anything.
Copy !req
1686. Listen up. You want to hit back?
Copy !req
1687. We're gonna have to wingsuit in.
It's the only way to get close.
Copy !req
1688. I can't promise anyone a ride home,
but if you're with me,
Copy !req
1689. the world needs you now.
Copy !req
1690. I'll find my own ride home, sir.
Copy !req
1691. Who else?
Copy !req
1692. General Morshower,
Copy !req
1693. requesting diversionary action
to the south of the city.
Copy !req
1694. We're coming north and low.
You guys drive them to the east.
Copy !req
1695. Autobot victory! Autobot victory!
Copy !req
1696. That is one scary-ass Decepticon!
Copy !req
1697. They got my trailer.
I need that flight tech.
Copy !req
1698. Shockwave can't hunt all of us at once.
Copy !req
1699. we need a diversion.
Copy !req
1700. - Let's get some!
- You got that right.
Copy !req
1701. Listen, we're gonna circle around
to that glass building.
Copy !req
1702. And we'll get high enough
to make the rocket shot
Copy !req
1703. while you guys draw his fire.
Copy !req
1704. - Let's move!
- Wait a minute!
Copy !req
1705. I'm not letting you go out there
without my urban combat prototypes.
Copy !req
1706. - We got to go, Que!
- Come on.
Copy !req
1707. They're great inventions for kicking ass!
Copy !req
1708. What are these?
Copy !req
1709. Those are boom-sticks.
Armed in 30 seconds.
Copy !req
1710. Grapple gloves, for climbing.
Copy !req
1711. Go, go! Move your ass! Move, move!
Copy !req
1712. Move, move! Go, go, go!
Copy !req
1713. - Move, move!
- Let's go!
Copy !req
1714. Let's go! Run!
Copy !req
1715. - Hey, hey, hey. Where you going?
- No, no, no!
Copy !req
1716. - Where you going?
- Stop, stop, stop! Don't leave!
Copy !req
1717. You never leave a 'bot behind!
Shockwave's coming!
Copy !req
1718. Go for the stairs!
Copy !req
1719. Epps, this way!
Copy !req
1720. Breaking right.
Copy !req
1721. Bead. Rolling in.
Copy !req
1722. We got another one coming around.
Copy !req
1723. Coming around on the left side,
coming around on the right side.
Copy !req
1724. We're going to use Willis Tower
for cover!
Copy !req
1725. Once we make altitude, we jump!
Copy !req
1726. - A lot of aeroplanes out here!
- Contact off the nose.
Copy !req
1727. Mayday! I don't think
he's gonna make it.
Copy !req
1728. - Mayday, mayday! Six-one going down.
- Heads up! Heads up!
Copy !req
1729. Come on, come on, come on, come on.
Copy !req
1730. - Tally on the left.
- Got him.
Copy !req
1731. Time on target: 20 seconds.
Copy !req
1732. Here we go! Here we go!
Copy !req
1733. Keep it tight!
Copy !req
1734. Coming around.
Copy !req
1735. All right, focus, focus, focus.
Copy !req
1736. Threat above tower, six o'clock!
Copy !req
1737. Locusts!
Copy !req
1738. Look out! Breaking right! Breaking right!
Copy !req
1739. - Watch out, watch out!
- Holy shit!
Copy !req
1740. Look out, look out, look out!
Copy !req
1741. Get them out, get them out,
get them out!
Copy !req
1742. - Everybody out, out, out!
- Jump, jump, jump!
Copy !req
1743. Get out, get out!
Copy !req
1744. I'm stuck!
Copy !req
1745. Now. Get them out now!
Get them out now!
Copy !req
1746. Help!
Copy !req
1747. Get separation.
Track away, track away!
Copy !req
1748. Hard left! Hard left!
Copy !req
1749. Six hundred feet.
Copy !req
1750. Check your six! Check your six!
Copy !req
1751. He's on our ass! Watch out, watch out!
Copy !req
1752. Sharp right!
Copy !req
1753. Building dead ahead!
Copy !req
1754. Thread the needle!
Copy !req
1755. Pull, pull!
Copy !req
1756. - Come on, we're high enough!
- This is a mother getting up here!
Copy !req
1757. - Get your fat ass over here!
- I'm coming.
Copy !req
1758. Set up the rocket!
Copy !req
1759. - They're coming.
- Weapons status?
Copy !req
1760. 29 Bot-busters, 20 piercing D-Bot.
Copy !req
1761. There, the building with the dome.
Copy !req
1762. For our brothers,
let's make this trip worth it.
Copy !req
1763. Oh, God.
Copy !req
1764. The building!
Copy !req
1765. They're shooting at the building!
Copy !req
1766. This is not a good idea.
Copy !req
1767. - What?
- This is not a good idea.
Copy !req
1768. - This building is unstable.
- Listen, stop for a second.
Copy !req
1769. If we don't do what we came to do,
it doesn't matter, we all die.
Copy !req
1770. Right? That's your target.
Come on, man!
Copy !req
1771. I don't even care
if the building collapses.
Copy !req
1772. I'm having a heart attack anyway.
Copy !req
1773. The building is going over!
Copy !req
1774. - Hang on!
- Take cover!
Copy !req
1775. Keep your hands up!
Copy !req
1776. It's okay! It stopped!
Copy !req
1777. Guys, look!
Copy !req
1778. - Incoming, incoming!
- Everybody hide!
Copy !req
1779. Don't move.
Copy !req
1780. Go, go.
Copy !req
1781. Run!
Copy !req
1782. Cover fire!
Copy !req
1783. Shoot the glass! Jump out the window!
Copy !req
1784. Jump!
Copy !req
1785. We're gonna die!
Copy !req
1786. Sam, I can't stop!
Copy !req
1787. Shoot the glass!
Copy !req
1788. Sam!
Copy !req
1789. Is everybody okay?
Copy !req
1790. You okay?
Copy !req
1791. What the hell was that?
Copy !req
1792. Driller-bot is thirsty.
Copy !req
1793. - This evil thing's looking at me!
- What?
Copy !req
1794. It's even got an uglier
Decepticon with it!
Copy !req
1795. We have to evac!
Copy !req
1796. - Sergeant Epps, the stairs are blocked!
- We're trapped!
Copy !req
1797. Okay. How do we get out of here?
Hey! Come on!
Copy !req
1798. Oh, Lord Jesus,
let me just get out of this alive.
Copy !req
1799. Move! We got to move!
Copy !req
1800. Why do the Decepticons
always get the good shit?
Copy !req
1801. - Move!
- We're about to be eaten, people!
Copy !req
1802. We're gonna die!
Copy !req
1803. - Hold on!
- Give me your hand!
Copy !req
1804. - I'm swinging that way!
- Got her!
Copy !req
1805. Oh, my God!
Copy !req
1806. I'm dropping you on the fire escape!
Copy !req
1807. Sam!
Copy !req
1808. We gotta move!
Copy !req
1809. I'm coming for you!
Copy !req
1810. Optimus!
Copy !req
1811. - Wreckers!
- We're coming!
Copy !req
1812. Decepticons around the world,
Copy !req
1813. launch the pillars.
Copy !req
1814. We are so lost!
Copy !req
1815. Always left out.
Copy !req
1816. Ka-ching!
Copy !req
1817. It's time to lay down the law.
Copy !req
1818. About to bring some hurt now.
Copy !req
1819. It's starting! You see it?
Copy !req
1820. Look out!
Copy !req
1821. Where are Sam and Carly?
Copy !req
1822. We'll go this way.
Copy !req
1823. I give you one thing to do,
Copy !req
1824. one thing to do,
and you drop the ball on that?
Copy !req
1825. I ain't signed up for all this!
Copy !req
1826. Got aliens blasting at me,
running around, chasing me!
Copy !req
1827. I'm ducking through churches and
buildings and all that kind of crap!
Copy !req
1828. This is bullshit!
I ain't signed up for this, Epps.
Copy !req
1829. I'm trying to keep it together.
Copy !req
1830. - What a treat! You and me, alone!
- Carly!
Copy !req
1831. Come on, come on! Run!
Copy !req
1832. Okay. He's after me, not you.
Copy !req
1833. Run!
Copy !req
1834. You can't hide, boy!
Copy !req
1835. I just love it when
your little insect feet try to run!
Copy !req
1836. - Sam!
- Run!
Copy !req
1837. I thought you were working for us, boy?
Copy !req
1838. No! Sam!
Copy !req
1839. My eye!
Copy !req
1840. My eye!
Copy !req
1841. Target the Decepticon!
Copy !req
1842. Sam!
Copy !req
1843. Please, you've got to save Sam!
Copy !req
1844. - You've got to save him!
- What the hell is he doing?
Copy !req
1845. This better work.
Copy !req
1846. D-Bots! D-Bots!
Copy !req
1847. I can't see! I can't see!
Copy !req
1848. Sam!
Copy !req
1849. It's on my hand! Grab the knife! Knife!
Copy !req
1850. - I'm trying!
- Knife, knife, knife, knife, knife!
Copy !req
1851. The bomb's gonna blow!
The bomb's gonna...
Copy !req
1852. You human scum!
Copy !req
1853. - We got 20 seconds on that bomb!
- What bomb?
Copy !req
1854. You see that bomb?
Copy !req
1855. - Cut it, cut it, cut it!
- I got it!
Copy !req
1856. How long do we have?
Copy !req
1857. I'm gonna kick you!
Copy !req
1858. Cut, cut, cut!
Copy !req
1859. I'm gonna kill...
Copy !req
1860. Well, he's dead.
Copy !req
1861. Hey, Bee's going to run with
the rest of the Autobots
Copy !req
1862. - and meet us at the edge of the river.
- All right.
Copy !req
1863. It sucked me in!
There was nothing I could do!
Copy !req
1864. This is a total cluster...
Copy !req
1865. We got to get across the river.
Copy !req
1866. You see that? She said the control pillar
Copy !req
1867. - was in that first cupola.
- All right.
Copy !req
1868. Let's go! Move! Let's move!
Copy !req
1869. Tomahawks are inbound.
Copy !req
1870. 20 minutes.
Copy !req
1871. I'm in the traffic cameras.
Copy !req
1872. Four Autobots are captured.
Copy !req
1873. Oh, my God. We're helpless.
Copy !req
1874. Whatever's set to happen,
with those pulses getting faster,
Copy !req
1875. it's gonna happen soon.
Copy !req
1876. No sign of Optimus.
Copy !req
1877. How do we get these bridges down?
Copy !req
1878. Spread out. Check in there.
Copy !req
1879. Epps!
Copy !req
1880. Epps, I've been looking for your ass.
How you doing?
Copy !req
1881. Retirement is wack. Even worse,
Copy !req
1882. we can't get across the river
to that building,
Copy !req
1883. and the Autobots
are upstairs, surrounded.
Copy !req
1884. Just pan the camera around, all right?
Copy !req
1885. All right. Pan... Pan right. That's you.
Copy !req
1886. Try getting into the bridge control room.
Copy !req
1887. What are they doing?
They're just standing there.
Copy !req
1888. Hang on. Dutch, see if you can
hack into the bridge.
Copy !req
1889. Sir, SEALs are here.
Copy !req
1890. It's a good day, boys! What do you got?
Copy !req
1891. Got a 10-man SEAL unit, sir,
tasked with vectoring Tomahawks.
Copy !req
1892. - How long?
- Fifteen.
Copy !req
1893. - You're my prisoners!
- Take it easy. We surrender.
Copy !req
1894. Get off me.
Copy !req
1895. Get off me!
Copy !req
1896. All right, you're gonna need your
40 Mike-Mikes and frags. Go full auto.
Copy !req
1897. The vibrations jack up their circuits.
Snipers, shoot for the eyes.
Copy !req
1898. All right, your target is up
on top of that building, that cupola.
Copy !req
1899. How doomed you are, Autobots.
Copy !req
1900. You simply fail to understand
Copy !req
1901. that the needs of the many
outweigh the needs of the few.
Copy !req
1902. Activating the bridge.
Copy !req
1903. They happy about something.
Copy !req
1904. We're in the heart of their ship.
Copy !req
1905. Let's give 'em a little ride.
Copy !req
1906. We gonna screw this ship up.
Copy !req
1907. It's a 128K binary encryption code.
Copy !req
1908. It's difficult.
Copy !req
1909. But not for me. I'm in. Bridge down.
Copy !req
1910. The bridge is coming down!
Someone's watching over us!
Copy !req
1911. Come on! Let's go!
Copy !req
1912. "Pleasure working with you, Seymour."
Copy !req
1913. I believe you're supposed to say.
Copy !req
1914. Good job, Dutch.
Copy !req
1915. Get off me!
Copy !req
1916. Hurry! They're triggering the pillars!
Copy !req
1917. Prisoners? You're keeping prisoners?
Copy !req
1918. Yes.
Copy !req
1919. You need to teach them about respect.
Copy !req
1920. This was all business, but now
it's personal, do you understand me?
Copy !req
1921. I understand.
No prisoners, only trophies.
Copy !req
1922. Bee, I think they're going to kill us.
Copy !req
1923. - You, your time is up.
- Wait, wait, wait!
Copy !req
1924. We surrendered! We're your prisoners.
Copy !req
1925. - Move it!
- Can't we talk this out?
Copy !req
1926. We're all a bunch of good chaps!
I mean you no...
Copy !req
1927. Why did you...
Copy !req
1928. Good-bye, my old friend.
Copy !req
1929. You're mine now.
Copy !req
1930. Get off me!
Copy !req
1931. - I got to help him.
- What?
Copy !req
1932. What are you doing?
Copy !req
1933. - I got to help him.
- Sam, you can't help him.
Copy !req
1934. Turn around.
Copy !req
1935. We... We gave 'em a hell of a run.
Copy !req
1936. We did it, Brains! We did it!
Copy !req
1937. Rip this ship apart!
Copy !req
1938. - We had a nice run, Brains, you and me.
- Yeah, we gonna die.
Copy !req
1939. Whoa, whoa, whoa! Okay, baby!
You all come with us!
Copy !req
1940. Go! You guys,
follow that ground team! Go!
Copy !req
1941. - Move, move, move!
- Epps, third floor! We're going to 45!
Copy !req
1942. All right. Two snipers, right here!
Copy !req
1943. All right, dock up!
Copy !req
1944. We jump in three minutes!
Copy !req
1945. Set up shop right here.
Copy !req
1946. Set up.
Copy !req
1947. I'm downstairs.
Copy !req
1948. We got five targets
and Shockwave right below us.
Copy !req
1949. Stand by to jump!
Copy !req
1950. All right, let's go! Get ready, get ready.
Copy !req
1951. Go!
Copy !req
1952. Snipers, take out their eyes.
Copy !req
1953. All right, demo team, let's crank steel.
Copy !req
1954. Turning steel!
Copy !req
1955. Don't fire till I tell you!
Copy !req
1956. Go!
Copy !req
1957. Good job, kid!
Copy !req
1958. Fire!
Copy !req
1959. - We got him!
- Yeah!
Copy !req
1960. He's on the run!
Copy !req
1961. Autobots, attack!
Copy !req
1962. Mortar that bridge!
Copy !req
1963. It's our world now!
Copy !req
1964. Commence transport!
Copy !req
1965. Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
Copy !req
1966. Optimus!
Copy !req
1967. You die!
Copy !req
1968. No!
Copy !req
1969. Get down here, Sentinel!
Copy !req
1970. Optimus,
Copy !req
1971. you forget your place!
Copy !req
1972. I bring you Cybertron, your home,
Copy !req
1973. and still you choose humanity.
Copy !req
1974. You were the one who taught me
freedom is everyone's right.
Copy !req
1975. I will retrigger that pillar!
Copy !req
1976. Then you'll have to go through me!
Copy !req
1977. Okay, I've got to try and help.
Copy !req
1978. - I have to. You stay here.
- Don't you go. Don't go.
Copy !req
1979. You'll be fine, okay? I promise.
I got to get to that pillar.
Copy !req
1980. Charge the pillar!
Copy !req
1981. We got Autobots!
Copy !req
1982. Reinforcements!
Copy !req
1983. Decepticon ships, fire at Optimus!
Copy !req
1984. We're taking fire!
I need those Tomahawks now!
Copy !req
1985. First wave inbound.
Copy !req
1986. We've got to cover for Optimus!
Copy !req
1987. Decepticons, trigger the pillar!
Copy !req
1988. Restart that pillar!
Copy !req
1989. Trigger the pillars.
Copy !req
1990. I can't hold them!
The ships have us pinned!
Copy !req
1991. No!
Copy !req
1992. Inbound, 10 seconds! Danger close!
Copy !req
1993. Mark-Lima-Echo-Echo, 14250!
Copy !req
1994. Positive surface contact.
Copy !req
1995. - Target I.D.
- Target acquired.
Copy !req
1996. - Dylan! Wait!
- No!
Copy !req
1997. Dylan!
Copy !req
1998. Stop! Stop!
Copy !req
1999. No!
Copy !req
2000. You can't do this, okay?
Copy !req
2001. There's only one future for me.
Copy !req
2002. Cybertron, you are saved, at last.
Copy !req
2003. Have you come to surrender?
Copy !req
2004. - Was it all worth it?
- Obviously.
Copy !req
2005. All your work to bring Sentinel back
and now clearly he has all the power.
Copy !req
2006. It's actually almost tragic.
Copy !req
2007. You dare lecture me, slave?
Copy !req
2008. Your Decepticons
finally conquering this planet,
Copy !req
2009. and yet, their leader won't be you!
Copy !req
2010. It will be me! It will always be me.
Copy !req
2011. In any minute now,
Copy !req
2012. you'll be nothing but Sentinel's bitch.
Copy !req
2013. Rocket!
Copy !req
2014. Die!
Copy !req
2015. You chose sides?
Copy !req
2016. You chose wrong.
Copy !req
2017. Always the bravest of us!
Copy !req
2018. But you could never make
the hard decisions!
Copy !req
2019. Our planet will survive!
Copy !req
2020. No!
Copy !req
2021. We were gods once. All of us.
Copy !req
2022. - But here...
- Please!
Copy !req
2023. there will only be one!
Copy !req
2024. This is my planet!
Copy !req
2025. I just saved a whole other world.
Copy !req
2026. You think you're a hero, huh?
You think you're a hero?
Copy !req
2027. No. I'm just a messenger.
Copy !req
2028. The pillar's still connected!
Copy !req
2029. Bring it up!
Copy !req
2030. - Bee! Let's do this!
- Let's go, let's go! Move, move!
Copy !req
2031. Pillar's still connected!
Copy !req
2032. Rip that pillar down!
Copy !req
2033. Now, we need a truce.
Copy !req
2034. All I want is to be back in charge.
Copy !req
2035. Besides,
Copy !req
2036. who would you be without me, Prime?
Copy !req
2037. Time to find out.
Copy !req
2038. Optimus, all I ever wanted
Copy !req
2039. was the survival of our race.
Copy !req
2040. You must see why I had to betray you.
Copy !req
2041. You didn't betray me.
Copy !req
2042. You betrayed yourself.
Copy !req
2043. No, Optimus!
Copy !req
2044. Sam.
Copy !req
2045. I love you.
Copy !req
2046. You're the only thing
I need in this world,
Copy !req
2047. and I'll do anything to make it up to you,
I promise.
Copy !req
2048. I'm going to hold you to that.
Copy !req
2049. Just never let me go.
Copy !req
2050. I promise.
Copy !req
2051. Rings.
Copy !req
2052. I love this car.
Copy !req
2053. Bee, you've got to slow it down.
You got to slow way down, okay?
Copy !req
2054. I'm just trying to help out.
Copy !req
2055. In any war
Copy !req
2056. there are calms between storms.
Copy !req
2057. You fought bravely.
Copy !req
2058. There will be days when we lose faith.
Copy !req
2059. Days when our allies turn against us.
Copy !req
2060. But the day will never come
that we forsake this planet
Copy !req
2061. and its people.
Copy !req
2062. That's what I call
the start of a beautiful future.
Copy !req
2063. Arrest him.
Copy !req
2064. It was worth it!
Copy !req
2065. - Get him out of here!
- I'd go to jail for love! I don't care!
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2066. Go ahead, take me in! I want to go in!
Let's go in.
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2067. Come on, Charlotte,
take me in right now!
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