1. You're good at stuff like this.
Copy !req
2. I have to find something...
distinctive about myself.
Copy !req
3. You're beautiful, Audrey.
Copy !req
4. Seriously.
Copy !req
5. He's a cheeseball.
Copy !req
6. I don't think so.
Copy !req
7. Besides, that's just
the-the role he plays.
Copy !req
8. Maybe we could work
on this together?
Copy !req
9. Later?
Copy !req
10. Hey.
Copy !req
11. The ocean contains 97 percent
of the Earth's water
Copy !req
12. and generates over 70 percent
of the Earth's oxygen,
Copy !req
13. and replenishes our fresh water
through the clouds.
Copy !req
14. If our oceans are failing,
then so will we.
Copy !req
15. Well done.
Copy !req
16. Justin, rebuttal.
Copy !req
17. Justin?
Copy !req
18. Actually, I, uh,
I agree with Rebecca.
Copy !req
19. I saw this show
on Animal Planet
Copy !req
20. about how they were giving
depressed male baboons Prozac.
Copy !req
21. Justin.
Copy !req
22. This isn't Agree Club.
Copy !req
23. It's Debate... Club.
Copy !req
24. If you had done your research...
Copy !req
25. you'd have the confidence
to have an opinion.
Copy !req
26. And if you have an opinion
that's based on facts
Copy !req
27. gathered
from your research...
Copy !req
28. then you are confident to speak.
Copy !req
29. And speaking confidently
does what, class?
Copy !req
30. Speaking confidently...
Copy !req
31. That's right,
wins minds.
Copy !req
32. Justin...
Copy !req
33. if you wanna admire
Copy !req
34. you can do that during recess.
Copy !req
35. If you wanna
compete here,
Copy !req
36. you're gonna have to
apply yourself.
Copy !req
37. You can have a seat,
Copy !req
38. Sasha, Lewis.
Well done, have a seat.
Copy !req
39. I like the Animal Planet,
though, Justin.
Copy !req
40. Great channel.
Copy !req
41. Perry is ready for you, Justin.
Copy !req
42. Come on back.
Copy !req
43. Open.
Copy !req
44. Close.
Copy !req
45. Justin, do they teach you about
the subconscious at school?
Copy !req
46. A little.
Copy !req
47. Ever heard of...
subconscious pressure?
Copy !req
48. Involuntary behaviors?
Copy !req
49. Like a serial killer.
Copy !req
50. Perhaps.
Copy !req
51. Justin...
Copy !req
52. all of us carry
a certain weight,
Copy !req
53. a weight we don't recognize.
Copy !req
54. Some of us have... heavy loads.
Copy !req
55. In our minds.
Copy !req
56. Yeah. A force
from inside.
Copy !req
57. We don't know its name,
but it...
Copy !req
58. makes us do things.
Copy !req
59. Things we don't...
Copy !req
60. like to admit.
Copy !req
61. Your dad
still in the 6K?
Copy !req
62. Yeah.
Copy !req
63. He's very attached
to the idea of winning.
Copy !req
64. He was gonna be
a pro football player.
Copy !req
65. He didn't get
picked up?
Copy !req
66. He injured his knee.
Copy !req
67. I don't think he likes me
always beating him.
Copy !req
68. Ah, it's just for fun.
Copy !req
69. The Oregon State
application came in.
Copy !req
70. So?
Copy !req
71. So...
Copy !req
72. there's nothing wrong
with staying close to home.
Copy !req
73. What about New York?
Copy !req
74. You don't have those grades.
Copy !req
75. You just haven't
applied yourself
Copy !req
76. in a way that...
admissions people recognize.
Copy !req
77. You apply to some fancy,
far-off school,
Copy !req
78. you might be disappointed.
Copy !req
79. Whatever.
Copy !req
80. Plate, honey. Okay.
Copy !req
81. the Front for the Liberation
of Palestine. Natalie?
Copy !req
82. Charles, this bombing comes
one day after the Palestinians
Copy !req
83. paved the way for a new
U.S.-backed peace plan
Copy !req
84. by appointing that new cabinet.
Copy !req
85. How much of a setback
could this be?
Copy !req
86. What is that?
You're doin' it.
Copy !req
87. Mike!
Copy !req
88. What?
Copy !req
89. What?
Copy !req
90. What?
Copy !req
91. It's pathetic.
Copy !req
92. Come on.
Go easy on this, Audrey.
Copy !req
93. Hey, hey, hey.
Copy !req
94. Give yourself a break.
Copy !req
95. Oh, come on. Stop with
the feel-good shit.
Copy !req
96. Hold on a second now.
Copy !req
97. What about T.J.?
Copy !req
98. Well... you know I love him.
Copy !req
99. It's just... his drugs.
He can't beat 'em.
Copy !req
100. But he needs you,
especially now.
Copy !req
101. After all these years,
you gotta know
Copy !req
102. under all those problems,
he's good people.
Copy !req
103. What about you?
Copy !req
104. I don't need love.
Copy !req
105. I'm looking for something else.
Copy !req
106. Why didn't we bring Joel?
Copy !req
107. Isn't this nice,
just the two of us?
Copy !req
108. Hey, Justin, come here.
Copy !req
109. What do you think?
Copy !req
110. When are you gonna wear that?
Copy !req
111. I have to take my picture
for the Health Valley contest.
Copy !req
112. It's the Matt Schramm thing.
Copy !req
113. God, Audrey.
Copy !req
114. Ha, ha, ha, ha.
Copy !req
115. You're very good at
thinking things are stupid.
Copy !req
116. I just wanna see if I can win.
Copy !req
117. Do I look stupid in this?
Copy !req
118. You're my mother.
You're married to my father.
Copy !req
119. Who I love.
It's just a bit of fun.
Copy !req
120. Not for me.
Copy !req
121. Well, tragically, darling,
Copy !req
122. you lost your sense of humor
at the age of 17.
Copy !req
123. How... did you, um...
fall in love?
Copy !req
124. God, I don't know, Justin.
Copy !req
125. When he hurt his knee,
though, right?
Copy !req
126. Well...
Copy !req
127. he was sort of an asshole
before he did.
Copy !req
128. But I was a brat, too.
Copy !req
129. I-I let everybody believe
I was so upset
Copy !req
130. 'cause he wasn't
gonna play anymore.
Copy !req
131. But I kinda think
that's when I fell for him.
Copy !req
132. It's nice to be needed.
Copy !req
133. I don't know.
It's complicated.
Copy !req
134. Can you help me?
Copy !req
135. There's a little button
on this one.
Copy !req
136. Okay.
Copy !req
137. What about that?
Copy !req
138. You think someone like Matt
would like something like that?
Copy !req
139. Matt Schramm is not gonna
look at the pictures.
Copy !req
140. Justin,
it's just a little fun.
Copy !req
141. It's just a little
silly, ridiculous fun.
Copy !req
142. You never even had
a girlfriend.
Copy !req
143. So what?
Copy !req
144. You don't even
hang out with girls.
Copy !req
145. You just, like, hang out
with your nerdy friends.
Copy !req
146. No, I— I do hang out
with girls.
Copy !req
147. Really?
Copy !req
148. How come you never
bring any over here?
Copy !req
149. Or I never, like, see you
walking with any or anything?
Copy !req
150. I see you
walking by yourself.
Copy !req
151. Why do you care, Joel?
Copy !req
152. I don't know.
'Cause I'm bored.
Copy !req
153. Creeps. Can't take
anything seriously.
Copy !req
154. Yeah, I know.
Copy !req
155. All the guys in your grade
have probably fucked girls.
Copy !req
156. You haven't even
kissed one.
Copy !req
157. Leave.
Copy !req
158. No.
Copy !req
159. You like that book?
Copy !req
160. Oh, yeah.
It's got, um...
Copy !req
161. it's got great stuff
on Greenpeace.
Copy !req
162. Yeah, it's
a good introduction.
Copy !req
163. Those Greenpeace guys
are really brave.
Copy !req
164. I wish I could
do something like that.
Copy !req
165. What? Be brave?
Copy !req
166. Yeah.
Copy !req
167. Maybe you already are.
Copy !req
168. Are you gonna
fuck me now?
Copy !req
169. When are you gonna
clean all your old stuff
Copy !req
170. from the garage
like you said?
Copy !req
171. Oh.
Copy !req
172. I— Sorry.
Copy !req
173. What's wrong?
Copy !req
174. Nothing.
Copy !req
175. Justin...
Copy !req
176. This is stupid.
Copy !req
177. Why MFC?
Copy !req
178. Michael... Forrest... Cobb.
Copy !req
179. Why your name?
Copy !req
180. I don't think
you're in a position
Copy !req
181. to be asking questions
right now.
Copy !req
182. You should stop.
Copy !req
183. I want to.
Copy !req
184. I'm trying.
Copy !req
185. Well, I'm—
Copy !req
186. Don't you think I want to?
Copy !req
187. Things are gonna be
Copy !req
188. Why can't you trust me?
Copy !req
189. Um, the Sierra Club made them
turn this back into a refuge
Copy !req
190. 'cause it was going to be used
for a development.
Copy !req
191. How do you know so much
about the environment?
Copy !req
192. My parents were activists.
Copy !req
193. See, humans think that we're
the center of the universe,
Copy !req
194. but we're not.
Copy !req
195. I guess we're trained
to think that way.
Copy !req
196. Yeah.
It causes a lot of problems.
Copy !req
197. Yeah.
Copy !req
198. It's hot today.
Copy !req
199. Yeah.
Copy !req
200. I think I'm gonna take
my shirt off.
Copy !req
201. Yeah?
Copy !req
202. Go ahead.
Copy !req
203. You should, too.
Copy !req
204. What are you trying, Justin?
Copy !req
205. No, really. I mean,
We're so uptight in our clothes.
Copy !req
206. It's just like wearing
a bathing suit
Copy !req
207. at the beach.
Copy !req
208. No.
Copy !req
209. My stomach will get sunburned,
and my mom will get mad.
Copy !req
210. Your mom looks at you naked?
Copy !req
211. Well, yeah. I mean,
don't your parents?
Copy !req
212. Audrey? Mike? No.
Copy !req
213. Why do you call your parents
by their first name?
Copy !req
214. Mike says when I call him
"Dad," he feels old.
Copy !req
215. And I sound like a child
or something.
Copy !req
216. And when I call Audrey "Mom,"
she seems old to him.
Copy !req
217. Oh.
Copy !req
218. So are you gonna take
your shirt off?
Copy !req
219. You?
Copy !req
220. Yeah.
Copy !req
221. What's MFC?
Copy !req
222. Justin?
Copy !req
223. Justin.
Copy !req
224. Nothing.
Copy !req
225. It's nothing?
Copy !req
226. Well, then why don't you
just tell me?
Copy !req
227. Justin—
Copy !req
228. Motherfucking cocksucker.
Copy !req
229. Why are you acting like this?
Copy !req
230. What's the point of us
spending time together
Copy !req
231. if it can't lead to openness?
Copy !req
232. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
233. Maybe you should go.
Copy !req
234. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
235. Um...
Copy !req
236. should I call you?
Copy !req
237. When you're ready to be open.
Copy !req
238. You don't think it's okay for me
to be worried about this?
Copy !req
239. We spent a fortune
on the braces
Copy !req
240. to try and fix what he did.
Copy !req
241. He's 17.
Copy !req
242. Yeah, but
he's sucking his thumb.
Copy !req
243. Let's see you fix it.
Copy !req
244. No, I just—
Copy !req
245. You seem to have
all the answers.
Copy !req
246. I think that we need to get
this thing under control.
Copy !req
247. Yeah, that's all.
Copy !req
248. It's time we were honest
with each other.
Copy !req
249. Yeah?
Copy !req
250. I don't wanna fix your teeth
all over again.
Copy !req
251. It's time to confront
the underlying issue.
Copy !req
252. What do you mean?
Copy !req
253. I know
what your problem is.
Copy !req
254. It's an understandable habit.
Copy !req
255. In fact, what's strange
is that people ever quit.
Copy !req
256. It's nature's substitute
for your mother's breast.
Copy !req
257. How were you fed as a baby?
Copy !req
258. From a bottle?
Copy !req
259. I can't remember.
Copy !req
260. Any... tension at home?
Copy !req
261. Anxiety?
Copy !req
262. Any bad memories?
Copy !req
263. Justin!
Copy !req
264. No conscious ones.
Copy !req
265. We never remember
the big things, anyway.
Copy !req
266. Some dumb babysitter
holds your mouth shut
Copy !req
267. so she can watch
her soap operas in peace.
Copy !req
268. At 40, you wonder why
you can't stay married.
Copy !req
269. There's only so much I can do
with traditional orthodontics.
Copy !req
270. Justin.
Copy !req
271. Justin.
Copy !req
272. Are you ready...
Copy !req
273. to let go of your thumb?
Copy !req
274. Why are you talking like that?
Copy !req
275. Answer my question.
Copy !req
276. What are you gonna do?
Copy !req
277. I wanna try hypnosis.
Copy !req
278. No way.
Copy !req
279. Yeah. Really, I've seen it
do wonders.
Copy !req
280. Just try and relax.
Copy !req
281. The more relaxed you are,
the deeper we can go.
Copy !req
282. Focus on the moon
in the painting.
Copy !req
283. Sense of peace...
Copy !req
284. like a white light...
Copy !req
285. fills your body.
Copy !req
286. Imagine the white light
Copy !req
287. filling your feet...
Copy !req
288. and your legs.
Copy !req
289. Then your torso.
Copy !req
290. Then your head.
Copy !req
291. Imagine you're on a path.
Copy !req
292. You're deep in the forest.
Copy !req
293. A shaft of light
illuminates a wild animal.
Copy !req
294. This is your power animal.
Copy !req
295. See it.
Copy !req
296. Study it.
Copy !req
297. When you feel like
sucking your thumb...
Copy !req
298. I want you to call on
your power animal.
Copy !req
299. Call it now.
Copy !req
300. Come here.
Copy !req
301. Do it in your mind.
Copy !req
302. Whenever you feel...
Copy !req
303. afraid... alone,
Copy !req
304. call on your power animal.
Copy !req
305. You're not alone.
Copy !req
306. You're not afraid.
Copy !req
307. You don't need your thumb,
and your thumb doesn't need you.
Copy !req
308. Justin... from now on,
Copy !req
309. your thumb
will taste like echinacea.
Copy !req
310. What's your power animal?
Copy !req
311. That's personal.
Copy !req
312. The mark of a secure nation
Copy !req
313. is not that conflicts
are resolved quickly,
Copy !req
314. but that conflicts
do not arise.
Copy !req
315. Very nice, Ashley.
Thank you.
Copy !req
316. Uh... next is Justin,
with an introductory statement.
Copy !req
317. North American
Free Trade Agreement.
Copy !req
318. All right, look over your notes.
I'll be right back.
Copy !req
319. Mr. Cobb.
Copy !req
320. I have to go.
Copy !req
321. No. You have
a speech to give.
Copy !req
322. I can't stay!
What's going on?
Copy !req
323. Don't touch me!
Copy !req
324. The Sierra Club website said
clear-cutting was up 15 percent.
Copy !req
325. Justin...
Copy !req
326. I think we should, um,
write a letter together.
Copy !req
327. What happened
in Mr. Geary's class?
Copy !req
328. I was just, um...
Copy !req
329. I had to go.
Copy !req
330. Do you wanna write
the letter?
Copy !req
331. Why don't you
just write one?
Copy !req
332. Why, all of a sudden, are you
so interested in this, anyways?
Copy !req
333. Because it's important.
Copy !req
334. Because... people
should know this stuff.
Copy !req
335. Right?
Copy !req
336. So you're into
getting the truth out.
Copy !req
337. Being honest and open.
Copy !req
338. Yeah.
Copy !req
339. So why can't you tell me
what MFC means?
Copy !req
340. Why can't you tell me
what happened in class?
Copy !req
341. 'Cause that's nothing.
Copy !req
342. Nothing, right.
Copy !req
343. Goodbye, Justin.
Copy !req
344. Perry.
Copy !req
345. It worked.
Copy !req
346. That's wonderful.
Copy !req
347. No, I-I didn't think
it would be like this.
Copy !req
348. Can you put it back
or something?
Copy !req
349. Your subconscious
has taken its course.
Copy !req
350. Please, I really feel crazy.
Copy !req
351. Stick with it, Justin.
Copy !req
352. Call on your power animal
for help.
Copy !req
353. Sorry.
Copy !req
354. What's going on, Justin?
Copy !req
355. I don't know.
Copy !req
356. It's okay. You're okay.
Copy !req
357. I'll get this.
Copy !req
358. This is gonna be stupid.
I thought you liked that guy.
Copy !req
359. He just pretended to be
my friend, Joel.
Copy !req
360. If you're scared,
you can go home.
Copy !req
361. All right.
Copy !req
362. Joel!
Copy !req
363. I'm sorry, okay?
Perry fucked me up.
Copy !req
364. How?
Copy !req
365. He said he'd help me.
Copy !req
366. And then he just...
fucked me up, okay?
Copy !req
367. Joel... just ... this once!
Copy !req
368. Please.
Copy !req
369. Goddamn it.
Copy !req
370. Mr. and Mrs. Cobb,
Copy !req
371. Justin has always shown
a lot of promise.
Copy !req
372. But I feel that something comes
between him and his potential.
Copy !req
373. And with college just ahead,
Copy !req
374. Justin needs to maximize
right now.
Copy !req
375. Yeah.
Copy !req
376. Well?
Copy !req
377. Well, um, I feel that...
in light of recent behavior,
Copy !req
378. that Justin needs
an adjustment.
Copy !req
379. Justin...
Copy !req
380. have you ever suspected
that you were different
Copy !req
381. from other teenagers?
Copy !req
382. Not as, uh, patient.
Copy !req
383. Um, can't finish
what you started.
Copy !req
384. Terrified of being left alone,
but angry when you feel crowded.
Copy !req
385. A little.
Copy !req
386. It's classic hyperactive teen.
Copy !req
387. Um, attention deficit
hyperactivity disorder, ADHD.
Copy !req
388. We'd like you to think about
a stimulant drug treatment
Copy !req
389. for Justin.
Copy !req
390. You mean like Ritalin?
Copy !req
391. That's one of the many drugs
that a doctor could prescribe.
Copy !req
392. There's Adderall,
Clonidine, Tenex.
Copy !req
393. If this is all just
coming down to medication—
Copy !req
394. Look, I think that
my son can handle this
Copy !req
395. if he puts his mind to it.
Copy !req
396. Mr. Geary, don't you feel that
Justin coulddo much better?
Copy !req
397. Justin has exhibited...
some of the behavior that...
Copy !req
398. fits this particular profile.
Copy !req
399. Excuse me, these symptoms
they have here—
Copy !req
400. they're pretty vague. Um...
Copy !req
401. "Ignores information.
Copy !req
402. "Makes mistakes.
Copy !req
403. "Seems restless.
Copy !req
404. "Avoids, dislikes or
is reluctant to engage in work
Copy !req
405. that requires sustained
mental effort."
Copy !req
406. What do you think, Justin?
Copy !req
407. So my problems
are just because I'm hyper?
Copy !req
408. It says I'll have more
confidence and self-control.
Copy !req
409. I'll have better relationships.
Copy !req
410. Is that how you feel?
Copy !req
411. Out of control?
Copy !req
412. It just all sounds too easy
to me. Take a pill, change.
Copy !req
413. What if Mrs. Wood is right?
Copy !req
414. What if the trouble is,
all along I just—
Copy !req
415. I can't concentrate?
I can't focus on anything?
Copy !req
416. It just still seems
too easy.
Copy !req
417. Haven't you ever wanted
to change?
Copy !req
418. Yes, I have,
but it's not that simple.
Copy !req
419. Maybe it is.
Copy !req
420. Amazing.
Copy !req
421. Joel.
Copy !req
422. What happened?
Copy !req
423. I changed.
Copy !req
424. What do you mean,
you've changed?
Copy !req
425. I mean, it works.
Copy !req
426. It really works.
Copy !req
427. Your pills?
Copy !req
428. Yeah.
Copy !req
429. I never thought
that I would feel so clear.
Copy !req
430. Who'd like to talk on whiteness?
Copy !req
431. Whiteness stands for eternity.
Copy !req
432. Of...
Copy !req
433. the blankness
of uninterrupted time.
Copy !req
434. It represents both
innocence and extinction.
Copy !req
435. The beginning and the end.
Copy !req
436. How are you doing
with the, uh, medication?
Copy !req
437. I read Moby Dick
straight through.
Copy !req
438. That's great.
But how do you feel?
Copy !req
439. I feel... like me.
Copy !req
440. I never really did before.
Copy !req
441. Have you had any other
breakthroughs beside the book?
Copy !req
442. It used to be kind of a hassle
Copy !req
443. to put on underwear
in the morning,
Copy !req
444. but now it's kinda easy.
Copy !req
445. Yeah.
Copy !req
446. I actually listened to the words
Copy !req
447. to the
Pledge of Allegiance today,
Copy !req
448. and it—
that gave me chills.
Copy !req
449. I've always felt
that you have
Copy !req
450. a real sensitivity
when it comes to language.
Copy !req
451. And I know that you're smart.
Copy !req
452. I think that
you see a lot more
Copy !req
453. than you take
responsibility for.
Copy !req
454. That kind of perception
that you have,
Copy !req
455. that can't be taught
by anyone.
Copy !req
456. Rebecca left
the debate team.
Copy !req
457. Did she say anything to you
about why or...
Copy !req
458. No.
Copy !req
459. Well, I need somebody
to step up and take her place.
Copy !req
460. I'd like for you
to compete with us.
Copy !req
461. You think I could do it?
Copy !req
462. Yes, I do.
Copy !req
463. What happened to Mike?
Copy !req
464. He tried his best.
He couldn't make it.
Copy !req
465. The door's
right up there.
Copy !req
466. I'm just gonna
go to the bathroom.
Copy !req
467. Nervous?
Copy !req
468. Something.
It's completely understandable.
Copy !req
469. This isn't
a classroom situation.
Copy !req
470. And that's a whole other
new thing for you to process.
Copy !req
471. I wish I was bald.
Copy !req
472. Bitch.
Copy !req
473. Your hair seems fine.
Copy !req
474. Okay, now you're
making it worse.
Copy !req
475. I'm sorry.
Did you see
the girls out there?
Copy !req
476. Yeah, I saw Rene
in the hall.
Copy !req
477. Okay, go round 'em up.
Bring 'em in here.
Copy !req
478. It's a men's room.
Copy !req
479. That's okay.
I'm a teacher, I'm a teacher.
Copy !req
480. There's nothing you can do.
Copy !req
481. It's understandable
to have some butterflies.
Copy !req
482. So, what I wanna do
is go back to the basics.
Copy !req
483. Let's remember
our posturing.
Copy !req
484. Breathing.
Copy !req
485. Rene, I really want you
to use your eye contact today.
Copy !req
486. Let me emphasize your eyes.
I got some mascara.
Copy !req
487. Lose the windows.
Copy !req
488. Let's do some impromptus—
Copy !req
489. It is important in any system
to ensure that all pieces,
Copy !req
490. particularly
the most important pieces,
Copy !req
491. are working properly
and properly maintained.
Copy !req
492. Stop on a dime.
Copy !req
493. Rebuttal.
The Bill of Rights
Copy !req
494. was intentionally made
by our forefathers
Copy !req
495. and to be useful for themselves
and for posterity,
Copy !req
496. as it says in
the Declaration of—
Copy !req
497. You're a killer.
You're a stone-faced killer.
Copy !req
498. What's not debatable?
Copy !req
499. Our debating.
Line 'em up.
Copy !req
500. And knock 'em down!
Copy !req
501. You guys are gonna do great.
Copy !req
502. Okay, today's topic for spar
is the media,
Copy !req
503. with an emphasis
on TV violence.
Copy !req
504. Elise Burns.
Copy !req
505. It's just sick.
Copy !req
506. TV violence kills morality,
particularly among teens.
Copy !req
507. The studies prove it.
Copy !req
508. Day after day,
kids watch shows with gunfights.
Copy !req
509. And the next thing you know,
someone's dead.
Copy !req
510. Television is a Trojan horse
in our homes.
Copy !req
511. It claims to give us
education and entertainment,
Copy !req
512. but it really just takes
the imaginations
Copy !req
513. of today's youth
hostage in the process.
Copy !req
514. Yeah, I agree.
Media conglomerates...
Copy !req
515. say they want to change,
but it's all double talk.
Copy !req
516. I mean, accountability
needs to be enforced.
Copy !req
517. I concur,
but let's go further.
Copy !req
518. TV contributes to the decay
of the American family.
Copy !req
519. And once the family goes...
Copy !req
520. down goes our institutions
and up goes our drug abuse.
Copy !req
521. Ditto gambling
and pornography.
Copy !req
522. You have no evidence
to support that claim.
Copy !req
523. Images aren't reality.
Copy !req
524. Violence in art
goes back to... Egypt.
Copy !req
525. What's important is
teaching people to be skeptical.
Copy !req
526. To draw a line.
Copy !req
527. To distinguish between
images and life.
Copy !req
528. Lisa, what's your opinion?
Copy !req
529. Well, you're right.
TV's not real.
Copy !req
530. Hold on. Reality
is not the point here.
Copy !req
531. Social decline is.
Copy !req
532. Kate, reaction?
Copy !req
533. Oh, no, go ahead.
Copy !req
534. Mark, I understand
the spirit of your refutation.
Copy !req
535. But society and its conception
of reality are inextricable.
Copy !req
536. Well?
Did we live or die?
Copy !req
537. You were right.
I was good.
Copy !req
538. That's great, Justin.
That's good to hear.
Copy !req
539. You were...
Copy !req
540. Yeah, you look...
Copy !req
541. I've never seen you
look that way before.
Copy !req
542. Yep.
Copy !req
543. You grew up.
Copy !req
544. Passive acceptance of the impact
of genetic engineering
Copy !req
545. is itself an act of aggression.
Copy !req
546. But that's the problem.
Copy !req
547. Passive acceptance of the impact
Copy !req
548. of genetic engineering is itself
an act of aggression.
Copy !req
549. You know,
you should see him.
Copy !req
550. He wears this tie.
Copy !req
551. It's important
to be supportive.
Copy !req
552. And seen.
Copy !req
553. Can't believe it was
almost... easier
Copy !req
554. when he was always
fucking up.
Copy !req
555. Yeah.
Copy !req
556. It's like he thinks
he's smarter than me.
Copy !req
557. Well...
Copy !req
558. maybe that's
the way it goes.
Copy !req
559. My worthy opponent...
Copy !req
560. My worthy opponent...
Copy !req
561. isn't isolationism
a bankrupt policy?
Copy !req
562. isn't isolationism
a bankrupt policy?
Copy !req
563. Nations no longer exist
independently of one another.
Copy !req
564. And the name of this cell part.
Copy !req
565. The very existence
of weapons of mass destruction
Copy !req
566. is in contradiction
to our idea of diplomacy.
Copy !req
567. Thank you for seeing me.
Copy !req
568. Well, I have a background
in med surg,
Copy !req
569. but, uh, I've floated
in orthopedics.
Copy !req
570. I've always had a great interest
in psych and rehab nursing.
Copy !req
571. I think my RN skills
would be useful here.
Copy !req
572. And I've taken continuing ed
in psych and rehab.
Copy !req
573. It's a thing
that's always interested me.
Copy !req
574. Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité.
Copy !req
575. You're angry, and that's human,
but it's not a solution.
Copy !req
576. We have to overcome the idea
that everyone is the same.
Copy !req
577. Andy Smalley said
Copy !req
578. your old girlfriend's
a stoner now.
Copy !req
579. Rebecca?
Copy !req
580. She hates stoners.
Copy !req
581. whatever
you wanna do.
Copy !req
582. Hi.
Copy !req
583. Hello.
The last name is Geary.
Copy !req
584. Okay.
G as in Gerald, E-A-R-Y.
Copy !req
585. Ah, here it is.
Two rooms.
Copy !req
586. One for the boys
and one for the girls.
Copy !req
587. Don't you think
we should do this by age?
Copy !req
588. Oh, it's against
school policy, Justin.
Copy !req
589. You can't have
males with females.
Copy !req
590. Thank you.
I'll say I sneaked in.
Copy !req
591. I'll take the blame.
What's this about?
Copy !req
592. I just want to be with people
my own age, that's all.
Copy !req
593. We can
prepare better.
Copy !req
594. My God.
Copy !req
595. Ooh, I call my own bed.
Copy !req
596. Who's sleeping on the couch?
Copy !req
597. You. You.
Copy !req
598. Boys get the couch.
Amen, sister.
Copy !req
599. Now our shocking
Access Hollywood exclusive:
Copy !req
600. TV star Matt Schramm
checked into drug rehab today.
Copy !req
601. Access Hollywood has learned
Schramm was suffering from
Copy !req
602. a $1,000-a-day
cocaine habit.
Copy !req
603. On Friday, producers of
Schramm's hit show The Line
Copy !req
604. staged an intervention
Copy !req
605. with some of Matt's
closest family and friends
Copy !req
606. Schramm was reportedly
receptive to their pleas...
Copy !req
607. Anybody want
any peach schnapps?
Copy !req
608. I only drink beer.
Copy !req
609. Yeah, me too.
Copy !req
610. Come on.
Copy !req
611. Maybe we can order
room service.
Copy !req
612. We're minors.
Copy !req
613. Justin, why don't you
ask Geary to get it?
Copy !req
614. Yeah, Justin.
He'll get it if you ask.
Copy !req
615. Are you trying
Copy !req
616. to put me in a position
to buy alcohol for minors?
Copy !req
617. People do it all the time.
Copy !req
618. Yes, I can...
Copy !req
619. understand that you guys
wanna unwind a little.
Copy !req
620. You've worked hard,
Copy !req
621. and you'd like to
enjoy yourselves, but, uh,
Copy !req
622. I am a teacher.
Copy !req
623. We think of you
more as a peer.
Copy !req
624. A friend.
Copy !req
625. That's the line
you're gonna use?
Copy !req
626. I hope your head's
better tomorrow.
Copy !req
627. Don't keep me on the phone.
Copy !req
628. You're gonna talk yourself
out of a six-pack.
Copy !req
629. I thought about it.
I don't think it's a good idea.
Copy !req
630. You guys should be doing
your impromptus
Copy !req
631. and getting ready for the meet.
Copy !req
632. What?
Copy !req
633. Here's your six-pack.
Copy !req
634. That's really
messed up.
Copy !req
635. One of these
will go a long way
Copy !req
636. with the pills you're on,
so go slow.
Copy !req
637. I understand.
Have fun and stay here.
Copy !req
638. All right.
Thank you.
Copy !req
639. Line 'em up and knock 'em down!
Copy !req
640. Make room.
Copy !req
641. It's all wet now.
Take it off.
Copy !req
642. Where did this go?
Copy !req
643. Ow!
Copy !req
644. Ping.
Copy !req
645. Oh, my.
Copy !req
646. Wait, I think that's—
Copy !req
647. Ah!
Copy !req
648. Oh, guys!
Don't— Guys!
Copy !req
649. Are you okay?
Copy !req
650. Oh, shit!
Copy !req
651. Waah.
Copy !req
652. Why am I getting a call
from the front desk?
Copy !req
653. We were just having
a normal time.
Copy !req
654. Do you think
I'm stupid?
Copy !req
655. You're not stupid.
Copy !req
656. You just feel left out,
and I can understand that.
Copy !req
657. You see us having fun,
and you feel all alone,
Copy !req
658. but that doesn't mean that
we were doing anything wrong.
Copy !req
659. Look, Kevin,
your pro-disarmament views
Copy !req
660. do not reflect the current
international climate.
Copy !req
661. They just reflect your need
for everything to be nice,
Copy !req
662. to be friendly.
Copy !req
663. But humans
are inherently hostile.
Copy !req
664. But you're missing my point.
Copy !req
665. I don't think you know
what your point really is.
Copy !req
666. Now, if we're to take
disarmament seriously,
Copy !req
667. I propose that we look at
the real weapons—
Copy !req
668. our minds.
Copy !req
669. How do you feel?
Copy !req
670. Tired.
Copy !req
671. But good.
Copy !req
672. Why do you feel good?
Copy !req
673. 'Cause I'm winning.
Copy !req
674. What about learning?
Copy !req
675. I'm learning how to win.
Copy !req
676. You're so hungry, Justin.
Copy !req
677. I never really
took that into account.
Copy !req
678. Here he goes,
Mr. Lightning Dealer.
Copy !req
679. Hey.
Copy !req
680. Yeah.
Copy !req
681. Another Cobb success story
on our hands.
Copy !req
682. Let me see that thing.
Copy !req
683. First.
Something, huh?
Copy !req
684. That is something.
Copy !req
685. How would you know?
You don't even show up.
Copy !req
686. I-I work.
Copy !req
687. Actually, I have some news.
Copy !req
688. I'm being transferred
to the Maple Glen facility.
Copy !req
689. The celebrity rehab place.
Copy !req
690. I went today
for the introduction session.
Copy !req
691. This was in the works?
Copy !req
692. Yeah.
Copy !req
693. It's actually
a pretty big promotion.
Copy !req
694. So did you see
any celebrities?
Copy !req
695. It's not just for celebrities.
Copy !req
696. Well, you seem happy.
Copy !req
697. Yeah.
Copy !req
698. Yeah? That's great.
Copy !req
699. So who'd you see?
Matthew Perry?
Copy !req
700. Whitney Houston?
Robert Downey, Jr.?
Copy !req
701. You know, I signed an agreement.
I'm not supposed to leak names.
Copy !req
702. But you can tell us, right?
We're your family.
Copy !req
703. Well, I can't.
I'm sorry.
Copy !req
704. Come on.
Copy !req
705. They are my patients,
they're people with problems.
Copy !req
706. I'm there to help 'em.
Copy !req
707. So now these celebrities are
more important than your family.
Copy !req
708. Justin.
Copy !req
709. I think working
at Maple Glen is a bad idea.
Copy !req
710. Well, I don't think I asked you.
Copy !req
711. I just won the regionals.
I come home to celebrate...
Copy !req
712. and you can't even tell me
what celebrities you work with?
Copy !req
713. Hey. Easy.
Copy !req
714. I'm done.
Copy !req
715. I'm off, too.
Where are you going?
Copy !req
716. I'm just afraid
places like that
Copy !req
717. pamper to those
big-star egos.
Copy !req
718. I mean, statistics show
Copy !req
719. most addicts
don't recover, anyway.
Copy !req
720. What statistics?
Copy !req
721. I read it.
Copy !req
722. Well, we're not having
a debate.
Copy !req
723. This is my life.
Copy !req
724. You found something
to make you happy.
Copy !req
725. Let me be happy.
Copy !req
726. Whatever happened to that
Health Valley contest?
Copy !req
727. God, Justin. Nothing.
Copy !req
728. Why...
Copy !req
729. You must've heard by now.
Copy !req
730. You know,
it's none of your business—
Copy !req
731. It was just a distraction,
it was something to do.
Copy !req
732. My grades...
Copy !req
733. are below
your standards.
Copy !req
734. But I see this as...
Copy !req
735. as a strength,
Copy !req
736. not a weakness.
Copy !req
737. I've had to overcome—
Copy !req
738. Overcome—
Copy !req
739. Overcome
unusual obstacles.
Copy !req
740. Both my parents...
Copy !req
741. Both my parents...
Copy !req
742. suffer from... mental illness.
Copy !req
743. It's made my life difficult.
Copy !req
744. Mental illness.
Copy !req
745. This has made
my life difficult.
Copy !req
746. But also given me
a valuable perspective.
Copy !req
747. I would like to apply
this sensitivity
Copy !req
748. to a career in TV journalism.
Copy !req
749. I want to show the world
what's really happening,
Copy !req
750. the way I've had to
with my family.
Copy !req
751. I just can't deal with him
right now.
Copy !req
752. You two are arguing.
Copy !req
753. Oh, he can be such
a little shit sometimes.
Copy !req
754. Easy.
Copy !req
755. He doesn't need anybody to go.
Copy !req
756. No, isn't it
the state finals or something?
Copy !req
757. He'll be fine.
Copy !req
758. Oh, I'll go.
Copy !req
759. No, you don't have to do that.
Copy !req
760. No, I want to see him.
Copy !req
761. Really?
Copy !req
762. God. Yeah, I'll go.
Copy !req
763. That's $3.20, please.
Copy !req
764. Good luck.
Copy !req
765. Perry.
Copy !req
766. Uh, you look different.
Copy !req
767. Nice tie.
Copy !req
768. Debate team.
Copy !req
769. I've been meaning to call you.
I owe you an apology.
Copy !req
770. I've been meaning
to call you, too.
Copy !req
771. I wanted to thank you.
Copy !req
772. Really.
Copy !req
773. I was lost in a cloud
of hippie psychobabble.
Copy !req
774. You helped bring me
back down to Earth.
Copy !req
775. I've rewritten my whole
philosophy of life.
Copy !req
776. Found new answers
to my questions.
Copy !req
777. Yeah, me too.
Copy !req
778. There's no try
there's only do.
Copy !req
779. That's something
that I've learned.
Copy !req
780. What do you think?
Copy !req
781. How's your dad?
Copy !req
782. Oh— Fine. Same.
Copy !req
783. Your mom?
Copy !req
784. She's, uh, got a new job
working with drug addicts.
Copy !req
785. Oh. And what about
your thumb?
Copy !req
786. Have you been sucking it?
Copy !req
787. Actually, I was diagnosed with
attention deficit disorder.
Copy !req
788. It's a real problem.
Now I'm on medication.
Copy !req
789. I was just concerned.
Copy !req
790. Well, I'm better.
Copy !req
791. I'm-I'm leading the team
at the state debates tomorrow.
Copy !req
792. Medication, huh?
Copy !req
793. Yeah, I feel great.
Copy !req
794. Euphoric even?
Copy !req
795. Aren't you just
my orthodontist?
Copy !req
796. I like to think of myself
as... more than that.
Copy !req
797. Take care, Justin.
Copy !req
798. What are you doing?
No wonder.
Copy !req
799. You know this stuff's
just speed, right?
Copy !req
800. It calms me down.
That's what they say.
Copy !req
801. But it only speeds you up
so much, you focus.
Copy !req
802. Three molecules
different than cocaine.
Copy !req
803. A doctor gave it me.
I saw
the special on PBS.
Copy !req
804. Teachers are overmedicating
today's kids. Just makes it—
Copy !req
805. TV is a great source
for information, isn't it?
Copy !req
806. Huh. Whatever,
speed freak.
Copy !req
807. I think you're confusing
tone and content.
Copy !req
808. I mean, tone has tone,
but-but content is silent.
Copy !req
809. Silent?
Copy !req
810. It's not quite silent,
Copy !req
811. it's just that
the tone is muted.
Copy !req
812. A tone that you shouldn't hear
in the content.
Copy !req
813. You're missing the point.
Look, if silence is neutral...
Copy !req
814. then the tone...
will be quieter.
Copy !req
815. And the content
would be neutral but heard.
Copy !req
816. What are you saying?
Copy !req
817. Hey. Finally
got to see you.
Copy !req
818. Don't patronize me.
Copy !req
819. Come on, I'm just trying to
say something, you know?
Copy !req
820. I think I'm gonna quit
the debate team.
Copy !req
821. But you were doing so well.
Too much pressure.
Copy !req
822. But that's no reason to quit.
Copy !req
823. What?
Copy !req
824. You're not helping.
Copy !req
825. Well, you should...
Copy !req
826. What am I supposed to say?
Copy !req
827. I don't know.
Copy !req
828. Right, come on.
Let's go home. Come on.
Copy !req
829. Come on.
Copy !req
830. Justin, it's...
Copy !req
831. in my professional opinion
that you've become a monster.
Copy !req
832. What?
Copy !req
833. You used to
love me.
Copy !req
834. Don't get grandiose
with this.
Copy !req
835. Well, what was that
all about my gift?
Copy !req
836. And you told me—
Copy !req
837. You-You built it up.
Copy !req
838. You told me I had a talent.
Copy !req
839. Yeah, you do.
You have a real intensity.
Copy !req
840. You have a great understanding
of group dynamics.
Copy !req
841. But there's also a lot of things
you need to work on, Justin.
Copy !req
842. Like glibness.
Copy !req
843. Arrogance.
Copy !req
844. Self-control.
Copy !req
845. Shall I go on?
Copy !req
846. At least I still have a dream.
Copy !req
847. That's great.
Copy !req
848. Is that how you see me?
Copy !req
849. That's what
we've come to, Justin.
Copy !req
850. I already decided
I'm quitting the debate team.
Copy !req
851. That's my fault.
Copy !req
852. Thank you very much.
Copy !req
853. Good luck to you.
Copy !req
854. You look terrible.
Copy !req
855. You okay?
Copy !req
856. I'm not sick.
Copy !req
857. Let me see.
Copy !req
858. I stopped taking my pills.
Copy !req
859. They're just speed.
Copy !req
860. They're just three molecules
different than cocaine.
Copy !req
861. You know, it's not good for you
to quit cold turkey.
Copy !req
862. But I can.
Copy !req
863. What?
Copy !req
864. I need to talk to you.
Copy !req
865. Come in.
Copy !req
866. What's up?
Copy !req
867. How did you feel
when you had to quit football?
Copy !req
868. Uh... horrible.
Copy !req
869. How did you deal with it?
You have to tough it out.
Copy !req
870. You know, tough it out.
Copy !req
871. Mike.
Copy !req
872. I just thought maybe
you could help me for once.
Copy !req
873. Hey, I help.
Copy !req
874. Then how did you do it?
Copy !req
875. Why can't you ever
Copy !req
876. tell me anything
about how you deal with things?
Copy !req
877. Hey, Justin.
Copy !req
878. Hey.
How's it going?
Copy !req
879. So I hear you're
the big debate star now.
Copy !req
880. Not anymore.
Copy !req
881. You look the same.
Copy !req
882. You don't.
Copy !req
883. Not really.
Copy !req
884. I need to talk to you.
Copy !req
885. Look, Justin, I'm sorry...
Copy !req
886. I just don't want to—
No, not that.
Copy !req
887. Did you ever feel like...
Copy !req
888. like you really wanted to...
Copy !req
889. I don't know, change?
Copy !req
890. Maybe.
Copy !req
891. Why are you
telling this to me?
Copy !req
892. Do you have any pot?
I heard you were doing it.
Copy !req
893. Gossip.
Copy !req
894. It's true, though, right?
Copy !req
895. What, you want me
to get you high?
Copy !req
896. Yeah. Maybe.
Copy !req
897. Really?
Copy !req
898. Hey.
Copy !req
899. I finally found this.
Copy !req
900. I didn't know
which house it was.
Copy !req
901. Are you stoned right now?
Copy !req
902. You don't make
a big deal out of it.
Copy !req
903. You still want some, right?
Copy !req
904. Yeah.
Copy !req
905. You're not still
all weird, are you?
Copy !req
906. I wasn't weird.
Copy !req
907. Really?
Copy !req
908. S-s-s-suck.
Copy !req
909. Suck.
Copy !req
910. It gets easier.
Copy !req
911. Did you just give that
to him for free?
Copy !req
912. I would've made him pay.
Copy !req
913. Do you want some?
Copy !req
914. Yeah.
Copy !req
915. Tell me the boys
who have ass-ne.
Copy !req
916. Have what?
Copy !req
917. Ass-ne.
Copy !req
918. Ass...
Copy !req
919. acne.
Copy !req
920. I'm sure that you've seen them
in your P.E. class.
Copy !req
921. Billy Rydell.
Copy !req
922. Um...
Copy !req
923. Mike Green.
Copy !req
924. Ryan Stevenson.
Copy !req
925. Brent Bregman.
Copy !req
926. Ah, Brent.
Copy !req
927. "I will not compare my insides
to other's outsides."
Copy !req
928. What's that?
Copy !req
929. Nothing.
Copy !req
930. No, it's something.
What is it?
Copy !req
931. It's nothing.
Don't hassle me.
Copy !req
932. You better get moving.
Audrey's working nights now.
Copy !req
933. She's sleeping.
She doesn't even care.
Copy !req
934. I never know what
the two of you are thinking.
Copy !req
935. What's your problem?
Copy !req
936. Nothing.
Copy !req
937. Right.
Copy !req
938. I think my mom
is having an affair.
Copy !req
939. Are you sure?
Copy !req
940. Pretty sure.
Copy !req
941. Come on.
Copy !req
942. You could see it coming.
Copy !req
943. Anybody could see it coming.
Copy !req
944. Don't be so serious.
Copy !req
945. Here.
Copy !req
946. What?
Copy !req
947. We're gonna play a game.
Copy !req
948. What kind of a game?
Copy !req
949. You'll see.
Copy !req
950. Well, actually, you won't.
Copy !req
951. Are you ready?
Copy !req
952. No, no, no, no. Just touch,
don't look, okay?
Copy !req
953. Why?
Copy !req
954. Because those are
the rules, all right?
Copy !req
955. How was work?
Copy !req
956. How was work?
Copy !req
957. It was really good, actually.
Copy !req
958. It was really good.
Copy !req
959. Doesn't it get depressing,
Copy !req
960. seeing all those people
who have everything
Copy !req
961. just throw it all away?
Copy !req
962. No.
Copy !req
963. It's humbling.
Copy !req
964. Last night,
this guy said to me,
Copy !req
965. "I was born
addicted to fantasy."
Copy !req
966. Doing great, ma'am.
I need you to push.
Copy !req
967. We gotta ditch this wetback
and get to higher ground.
Copy !req
968. Hey, there are no wetbacks
out here. Just people.
Copy !req
969. At least fire back.
Copy !req
970. You know
I don't use my gun.
Copy !req
971. No.
You can do it!
Copy !req
972. Let me tell you something!
Copy !req
973. Do you think
Justin's had sex?
Copy !req
974. That's just the image
I want in my head right now.
Copy !req
975. Well, 'cause we weren't
much older when we got married.
Copy !req
976. How old do you feel?
Copy !req
977. Oh...
Copy !req
978. You have to tell me.
What's her pussy feel like?
Copy !req
979. That's gross, Joel.
Copy !req
980. You're such a prude.
Copy !req
981. I care about her.
Copy !req
982. I heard it's
the softest thing ever.
Copy !req
983. Whoa!
Copy !req
984. I French-kissed a girl once.
Copy !req
985. Oh, yeah?
What'd you do?
Copy !req
986. That's not
French-kissing a girl.
Copy !req
987. Yeah,
then what is it?
Copy !req
988. A guy and a girl
take their tongues,
Copy !req
989. and they put them
inside each other's mouths,
Copy !req
990. and they move 'em
around just like this.
Copy !req
991. Oh.
Copy !req
992. This thing bugs me.
Copy !req
993. Justin.
Copy !req
994. No, seriously.
Why can't I see you?
Copy !req
995. 'Cause I told you
those are the rules.
Copy !req
996. But why do you get
to make up all the rules?
Copy !req
997. Why don't you
tell other people
Copy !req
998. that we're in
a relationship?
Copy !req
999. We're not in
a relationship, Justin.
Copy !req
1000. Why not?
Copy !req
1001. Rebecca...
Copy !req
1002. I love you.
Copy !req
1003. God, you always have to make
everything so serious.
Copy !req
1004. This was just a teenage
experiment. That's all.
Copy !req
1005. Experiment?
Copy !req
1006. I needed to educate myself...
Copy !req
1007. Justin.
Copy !req
1008. So, um...
Copy !req
1009. I decided... to pick
someone like you.
Copy !req
1010. Like me?
Copy !req
1011. Someone
I'd never get hurt by.
Copy !req
1012. That's just so... fucked up.
Copy !req
1013. Yeah, I'm sorry.
Copy !req
1014. I'm really, really sorry.
Copy !req
1015. Maybe you should just go.
Copy !req
1016. Go, Justin.
Copy !req
1017. Hey.
Copy !req
1018. There you are.
Copy !req
1019. You're supposed to help me
clean the garage. Come on.
Copy !req
1020. Come here.
You missed dinner.
Copy !req
1021. Why you acting so strange?
Copy !req
1022. She just pretends
to like us.
Copy !req
1023. What are you talking about?
Copy !req
1024. She just wants to have fun.
You want to be so serious.
Copy !req
1025. Oh, I make everything
so serious?
Copy !req
1026. She's not happy.
Copy !req
1027. You know, fuck...
Copy !req
1028. I know.
Copy !req
1029. Then why don't you do something?
Copy !req
1030. What can I do?
Copy !req
1031. The whole fucking world
expected me to go pro.
Copy !req
1032. She doesn't care about that.
Copy !req
1033. Well, she'd never admit it,
but how could she...
Copy !req
1034. not have been disappointed?
Everybody was.
Copy !req
1035. You hurt your knee.
Copy !req
1036. Yeah, right.
Copy !req
1037. But what if it wasn't
that bad, huh?
Copy !req
1038. What if I could have
kept on playing?
Copy !req
1039. What if your mother
was more important?
Copy !req
1040. Huh?
Copy !req
1041. Pizza in the kitchen.
Go have your dinner.
Copy !req
1042. You know why
she got that job, right?
Copy !req
1043. What are you doing?
Copy !req
1044. I found a picture.
Copy !req
1045. Picture of that guy.
Did you know about this?
Copy !req
1046. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
1047. You-You'd think
she'd have better taste
Copy !req
1048. than this
Matt Schraam guy. Jesus.
Copy !req
1049. Dresses well.
Copy !req
1050. Well, you know...
Copy !req
1051. it's all out there
in... in...
Copy !req
1052. pictureland.
Copy !req
1053. You know, I can't reach that.
Copy !req
1054. I can't.
Copy !req
1055. The only way somebody like me
could ever get her attention...
Copy !req
1056. is by being her kid.
Copy !req
1057. Psst!
Copy !req
1058. Stay away from
the window, man.
Copy !req
1059. You'll get us
busted for curfew.
Copy !req
1060. Psst.
Copy !req
1061. Can't even smoke a piece
around here, huh?
Copy !req
1062. Hey, a guy can only kick
one thing at a time, right?
Copy !req
1063. Come on.
Copy !req
1064. So what, are you in juvie?
Copy !req
1065. Yeah.
Copy !req
1066. What's your poison?
Copy !req
1067. Uh, dope.
Copy !req
1068. What flavor?
Copy !req
1069. I don't know.
Everything, I guess.
Copy !req
1070. Mm. Welcome
to the fucking club.
Copy !req
1071. Never met a drug
I didn't like.
Copy !req
1072. Yeah, she's a tough one.
Copy !req
1073. In fact, I consider her
my guardian angel.
Copy !req
1074. Are you friends?
Copy !req
1075. Mm.
Copy !req
1076. It's deeper than that.
Copy !req
1077. Month or so ago,
I fly in here.
Copy !req
1078. I work in TV.
My... studio commits me.
Copy !req
1079. Have you ever seen
my show The Line?
Copy !req
1080. You know, "Sometimes
you gotta cross it."
Copy !req
1081. I don't know.
Copy !req
1082. Anyway.
Copy !req
1083. So naturally,
I smuggle in a stash, right?
Copy !req
1084. Tucked up my ass.
Copy !req
1085. But it's too high up.
Copy !req
1086. I can't get to it, so...
I take a spoon.
Copy !req
1087. Something goes wrong.
Copy !req
1088. There's all this blood.
Jesus Christ!
Copy !req
1089. And there's Cobb there.
Copy !req
1090. She runs into my room.
Copy !req
1091. Okay.
Copy !req
1092. Sticks her hand in there.
No Vaseline, just my blood.
Copy !req
1093. There it is.
There it is.
Copy !req
1094. That's heavy, right?
Copy !req
1095. That's sick.
Copy !req
1096. Yeah.
Copy !req
1097. She saved my life, though.
Copy !req
1098. And that was the moment
Copy !req
1099. I finally got real
about myself.
Copy !req
1100. I'm Matt...
Copy !req
1101. and I'm an addict.
Copy !req
1102. The other night,
she said to me,
Copy !req
1103. "We're all addicted
Copy !req
1104. Something.
Copy !req
1105. Maybe an idea of ourselves,
our lives.
Copy !req
1106. Maybe some idea of success
or failure or...
Copy !req
1107. You're scared, too?
Copy !req
1108. Being the mother
of a 17-year-old is a trip.
Copy !req
1109. Oh, yeah.
Copy !req
1110. You're supposed to have
all the answers,
Copy !req
1111. and you don't have one.
Copy !req
1112. Wow.
Copy !req
1113. Even the idea that
once you have a family,
Copy !req
1114. you'll never be lonely again.
Copy !req
1115. Heavy, huh?
Copy !req
1116. We don't like to admit it,
but, uh...
Copy !req
1117. we're all just...
scared little animals.
Copy !req
1118. Hey, it was good to share.
Copy !req
1119. You okay?
Copy !req
1120. Yeah.
Copy !req
1121. Oh, uh...
that's patchouli.
Copy !req
1122. Oh.
Copy !req
1123. Cool.
Copy !req
1124. So I'll-I'll leave you here.
Copy !req
1125. You okay?
Copy !req
1126. Uh-huh.
Copy !req
1127. You sure?
You okay?
Copy !req
1128. Yeah.
Copy !req
1129. What?
Copy !req
1130. Nothing.
Copy !req
1131. Ass.
Copy !req
1132. Be quiet.
Copy !req
1133. Joel.
Copy !req
1134. Yeah?
Copy !req
1135. I always kinda thought...
Audrey was gonna leave Mike.
Copy !req
1136. They couldn't be apart.
Copy !req
1137. But is that love?
Copy !req
1138. I don't know.
Copy !req
1139. Well, don't you ever
think about this stuff?
Copy !req
1140. Doesn't it ever
freak you out?
Copy !req
1141. Everything freaks you out.
Copy !req
1142. You don't even care.
Copy !req
1143. You have it so easy, Joel.
Copy !req
1144. I hate it when you say
shit like that.
Copy !req
1145. Like what?
Copy !req
1146. Like you're the only one
with problems.
Copy !req
1147. You ever think maybe
you're so busy being weird
Copy !req
1148. that I have to step up
and be normal.
Copy !req
1149. Everyone's worried
about you.
Copy !req
1150. All the bullshit
you get yourself into.
Copy !req
1151. Why didn't you ever
just say anything?
Copy !req
1152. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
1153. Justin?
Copy !req
1154. Can you come here a minute?
Copy !req
1155. Oh, no way.
Copy !req
1156. What?
Copy !req
1157. I got in.
Copy !req
1158. You applied?
Copy !req
1159. Wow.
Copy !req
1160. Yeah.
Copy !req
1161. Why you didn't
tell us about this, huh?
Copy !req
1162. I-I thought
you'd talk me out of it.
Copy !req
1163. Oh, honey, I wouldn't have
talked you out of it.
Copy !req
1164. I just...
I thought your grades—
Copy !req
1165. Wow.
Copy !req
1166. I'm happy.
Copy !req
1167. Are you?
Copy !req
1168. Am I happy?
Copy !req
1169. You kidding?
Copy !req
1170. Well, you know,
what does it mean?
Copy !req
1171. It means I wanna go.
Copy !req
1172. Just like that?
Copy !req
1173. They want me to go
to their summer-school thing.
Copy !req
1174. They... want me
to make up some math
Copy !req
1175. and language credits
this summer.
Copy !req
1176. I was just...
getting used to you.
Copy !req
1177. I gotta go deal with
this shipment.
Copy !req
1178. You know
I'm happy for you.
Copy !req
1179. I am.
Copy !req
1180. It's just...
Copy !req
1181. I don't know.
Copy !req
1182. If it was... Belgium...
Copy !req
1183. or... Chile or...
Copy !req
1184. Mars...
Copy !req
1185. somewhere...
I couldn't picture you,
Copy !req
1186. you'd just vanish.
Copy !req
1187. But New York.
Copy !req
1188. I can see you.
Copy !req
1189. Justin in Central Park
by the fountain.
Copy !req
1190. Justin in a taxi
on Fifth Avenue.
Copy !req
1191. Justin at Times Square.
Copy !req
1192. And... Justin eating a fucking
hot dog from a street vendor.
Copy !req
1193. You can always
come to visit me.
Copy !req
1194. Yeah.
Copy !req
1195. Yeah.
Copy !req
1196. You're already gone.
Copy !req
1197. No, I'm not.
Copy !req
1198. Yes, you are.
Copy !req
1199. I know you, Justin.
Copy !req
1200. I've been watching you
your whole life.
Copy !req
1201. You have?
Copy !req
1202. Justin.
Copy !req
1203. Perry.
Copy !req
1204. You found me.
Copy !req
1205. Yeah,
in the phone book.
Copy !req
1206. To what do I
deserve this honor?
Copy !req
1207. I'm leaving.
Copy !req
1208. New York.
Copy !req
1209. Big city.
Copy !req
1210. What happened?
Copy !req
1211. What do you mean?
Copy !req
1212. This place.
It looks a little depressing.
Copy !req
1213. I don't know, I...
Copy !req
1214. I guess I stopped trying
to be anything.
Copy !req
1215. I accepted myself
and all my human disorder.
Copy !req
1216. You might wanna do the same.
Copy !req
1217. Do you remember
when you were...
Copy !req
1218. like, 13 or something,
you were...
Copy !req
1219. you were always doing
an impression of a newsman.
Copy !req
1220. I did?
Copy !req
1221. You were quite good.
Copy !req
1222. Sorry.
Copy !req
1223. If that's what
you want to do,
Copy !req
1224. New York
is the perfect place for you.
Copy !req
1225. Make the contacts,
knock on doors.
Copy !req
1226. Get the right haircut,
take voice lessons.
Copy !req
1227. Might work.
Copy !req
1228. Then again...
Copy !req
1229. you'll have to deal with
a lot of fear.
Copy !req
1230. I just came here
for a check-up.
Copy !req
1231. Really?
Copy !req
1232. Justin, I'm sorry
if I contributed
Copy !req
1233. to any feelings of shame you
may have had about your thumb.
Copy !req
1234. I've been
reading up on it.
Copy !req
1235. Medically... psychologically...
Copy !req
1236. there's nothing really wrong
with thumbsucking.
Copy !req
1237. I don't think
I can agree with that.
Copy !req
1238. No, really. Look...
Copy !req
1239. Justin... there was
nothing wrong with you.
Copy !req
1240. It felt like everything
was wrong with me.
Copy !req
1241. That's 'cause we all
wanna be problem-less,
Copy !req
1242. to fix ourselves.
Copy !req
1243. We look for some magic solution
to make us all better,
Copy !req
1244. but none of us really know
what we're doing.
Copy !req
1245. And why is that so bad?
Copy !req
1246. That's all we humans can do.
Copy !req
1247. Guess.
Copy !req
1248. Try.
Copy !req
1249. Hope.
Copy !req
1250. But, Justin, just pray
you don't fool yourself
Copy !req
1251. into thinking
you got the answer.
Copy !req
1252. 'Cause that's bullshit.
Copy !req
1253. The trick...
Copy !req
1254. is living without an answer.
Copy !req
1255. I think.
Copy !req
1256. I think.
Copy !req
1257. There is new evidence
indicating that
Copy !req
1258. the North Koreans...
Copy !req
1259. namely plutonium.
Copy !req
1260. the North Koreans
have developed a semi-secret...
Copy !req
1261. to develop
weapons-grade materials,
Copy !req
1262. namely plutonium.
Copy !req
1263. Hi.
Copy !req
1264. Hi.
Copy !req
1265. I'm Justin.
Copy !req
1266. Hi.
Copy !req