1. La, la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la
Copy !req
2. If you follow your heart
Copy !req
3. Ho, ho-ho-ho-ho-ho-ho-ho-ho
Copy !req
4. When you follow your heart
Copy !req
5. Hello. Welcome to Paris, city of love.
Copy !req
6. Who am I? I am Jacquimo...
Copy !req
7. swallow extraordinaire
and lover of beautiful things.
Copy !req
8. You're sure to do impossible things
Copy !req
9. If you follow your heart
Copy !req
10. You're sure to fly on magical wings
Copy !req
11. When you follow your heart
Copy !req
12. Oh, that is very nice, n'est-ce pas?
And I like what it is saying.
Copy !req
13. It is saying, "Follow your heart
and nothing is impossible!"
Copy !req
14. You're sure to do impossible things
Copy !req
15. Ha, ha! I love the sound of my voice!
Copy !req
16. When you follow your heart
Copy !req
17. When you follow
Copy !req
18. Your heart
Copy !req
19. I love great romances.
Copy !req
20. I myself am a swallow
of great passion.
Copy !req
21. These are stories about people
with impossible problems.
Copy !req
22. Samson loved Delilah.
Oh, that was really impossible.
Copy !req
23. Romeo et Juliet, oh, impossible.
Copy !req
24. But the most impossible of all
the stories is impossibly small.
Copy !req
25. The story of Thumbelina.
Copy !req
26. Once upon a time,
there was a lonely woman...
Copy !req
27. who longed to have a child
to call her own.
Copy !req
28. One day she paid a visit
to a good witch...
Copy !req
29. who gave her a tiny barleycorn.
Copy !req
30. "Plant it in a flowerpot," she says,
"and see what happens."
Copy !req
31. The woman did as she was told...
Copy !req
32. and by and by it began growing.
Copy !req
33. Until at last...
Copy !req
34. Oh, what a pretty flower!
Copy !req
35. Hello, Mother.
Copy !req
36. I will call you "Thumbelina."
Copy !req
37. Thumbelina.
Copy !req
38. But can you imagine the troubles
for a little girl...
Copy !req
39. no bigger than your thumb, hmm?
Copy !req
40. Who is the girl no bigger
Than a bumblebee?
Copy !req
41. Who is the angel
With a funny name?
Copy !req
42. We don't know where she's from
Or how she came to be
Copy !req
43. But happy was the day she came
Copy !req
44. Thumbelina
Copy !req
45. She's a funny little squirt
Copy !req
46. Thumbelina
Copy !req
47. Tiny angel in a skirt
Copy !req
48. Thumbelina
Copy !req
49. First she's mending, then baking
Copy !req
50. Pretending, she's making things up
Copy !req
51. Thumbelina
Copy !req
52. Who would believe the wonder
Of the world I see?
Copy !req
53. Each little minute brings a new surprise
Copy !req
54. There's only one peculiar thing
That bothers me
Copy !req
55. Seems I'm the only one my size
Copy !req
56. Thumbelina
Copy !req
57. Think of all you'll save on meals
Copy !req
58. Thumbelina
Copy !req
59. Maybe if you had high heels
Copy !req
60. Thumbelina
Copy !req
61. If you stay here forever
Copy !req
62. We know that we'll never be glum
Copy !req
63. By gum
Copy !req
64. Thumbelina
Copy !req
65. She is always in the thick
Copy !req
66. Thumbelina
Copy !req
67. But I get out in the nick
Copy !req
68. Thumbelina
Copy !req
69. Fortune sometimes
Has tricked us
Copy !req
70. But this time it's picked us
Copy !req
71. Oh, a plum's so big
- A plum
Copy !req
72. And a fig's so big
Copy !req
73. And they call it a twig
But a twig's so big
Copy !req
74. It's a great big world
Copy !req
75. Thumbelina
Copy !req
76. That's me!
Copy !req
77. Now, here's a story
about the noble dog...
Copy !req
78. who saved the king
from the wicked wizard.
Copy !req
79. Once upon a time—
- Oh, Mother, please.
Copy !req
80. Are there any stories
about little people?
Copy !req
81. Well, as a matter of fact
there are, Thumbelina. Look.
Copy !req
82. They are little, just like me.
Copy !req
83. But what are those?
They're wings, Thumbelina.
Copy !req
84. These are fairies, and fairies
have wings so they can fly.
Copy !req
85. Mother, have you ever seen a fairy?
Copy !req
86. Well, I thought I did once.
Copy !req
87. Really?
- Yes.
Copy !req
88. And here, the fairy prince
and princess are having a wedding.
Copy !req
89. And they live happily ever after.
Copy !req
90. Oh, usually, dear.
Copy !req
91. Hmm. I suppose it works best...
Copy !req
92. if two people are
about the same size.
Copy !req
93. Yes, of course.
Copy !req
94. Yes...
Copy !req
95. Well, that's not fair.
Copy !req
96. I must be the only little person
in the whole world.
Copy !req
97. I wish I were big.
Oh, no, Thumbelina. No.
Copy !req
98. Don't ever wish to be anything
but what you are.
Copy !req
99. Bedtime, my dear.
Copy !req
100. It's been a long day.
Copy !req
101. You must go to sleep now.
Copy !req
102. Sleep tight.
Copy !req
103. Mother?
Copy !req
104. Would you please leave
the book open?
Copy !req
105. Of course, dear.
Copy !req
106. I wanna look
at the pictures while I go to sleep.
Copy !req
107. There.
Good night, Mother.
Copy !req
108. Good night, Thumbelina.
Copy !req
109. You take good care of her, Hero.
Copy !req
110. Hmm.
Copy !req
111. I know there's someone
Copy !req
112. Somewhere
Copy !req
113. Someone
Copy !req
114. Who's sure to find me
Copy !req
115. Soon
Copy !req
116. After the rain goes
Copy !req
117. There are rainbows
Copy !req
118. I'll find my rainbow
Copy !req
119. Soon
Copy !req
120. Soon it won't be just pretend
Copy !req
121. Soon a happy ending
Copy !req
122. Love, can you hear me?
Copy !req
123. If you're near me
Copy !req
124. Sing your song
Copy !req
125. Sure and strong
Copy !req
126. And soon
Copy !req
127. I wonder if there really are
such things as fairies.
Copy !req
128. Hmm.
Copy !req
129. Oh, my dear.
Don't look now, dear husband...
Copy !req
130. but our son is missing again.
So he is.
Copy !req
131. I think he feels a bit silly, riding
that white butterfly we gave him.
Copy !req
132. Why should he feel silly?
Copy !req
133. It makes the wrong impression
on the young ladies.
Copy !req
134. What about the impression
on the court?
Copy !req
135. Colbert, it is the autumn today and
we've begun the golding of the leaves.
Copy !req
136. He should be here.
Copy !req
137. Tabitha.
He'll hurt himself.
Copy !req
138. I hope he's not out buzzing
the vales on that wretched bee.
Copy !req
139. He is the crown prince,
for heaven's sake.
Copy !req
140. Tabitha, dear, have you
forgotten what it's like to be 16?
Copy !req
141. Whoa.
Copy !req
142. Oh! Hello! What a beautiful voice.
Copy !req
143. I wonder who she is.
Copy !req
144. Stay here, boy.
I'll check this out.
Copy !req
145. Oh. You have to go now? I see.
Copy !req
146. You are a wonderful dancer.
Copy !req
147. Will I ever see you again?
Copy !req
148. May I cut in?
Copy !req
149. Ah!
No. Wait, wait. Come back.
Copy !req
150. I apologize.
Copy !req
151. I didn't mean to frighten you.
Copy !req
152. Tsk-tsk-tsk.
Copy !req
153. There. See?
No more sword.
Copy !req
154. Now, will you come out?
Copy !req
155. Ah.
Copy !req
156. Wait a minute.
What are you staring at?
Copy !req
157. Well, say something, will you?
Copy !req
158. You're... Oh!
Copy !req
159. You're one of them.
I beg your pardon?
Copy !req
160. I thought I was the only one
my size in the whole world.
Copy !req
161. Hero, no.
No, he's a friend. Look.
Copy !req
162. Hello, my name is Thumbelina.
How do you do, sir?
Copy !req
163. Uh, thank you for coming to visit.
Copy !req
164. Uh... Oh. Oh.
Copy !req
165. No trouble at all.
The pleasure is mine.
Copy !req
166. Sorry about that.
Copy !req
167. It's a lovely name.
Thank you.
Copy !req
168. I'm Cornelius.
Copy !req
169. Cornelius?
Copy !req
170. Well, that's a funny name.
Copy !req
171. I mean it's perfect.
Copy !req
172. Uh...
Copy !req
173. Tell me about the fairy court.
Is there a prince?
Copy !req
174. Yes.
He must be terribly handsome.
Copy !req
175. He is.
Strong and brave.
Copy !req
176. None like him.
I would love to meet the prince.
Copy !req
177. I'll tell him.
Thank you.
Copy !req
178. Oh, you're welcome.
Copy !req
179. What was that?
Copy !req
180. That's Buzzby, my bumble.
I left him on the sill.
Copy !req
181. He doesn't like staying
in one place too long.
Copy !req
182. Why didn't you say something?
Copy !req
183. Come on!
Copy !req
184. Oh, my!
Copy !req
185. He's amazing!
Copy !req
186. Hey, would you like to go for a spin?
Copy !req
187. Come on, let's go.
Copy !req
188. I wish I had wings.
Maybe someday you will.
Copy !req
189. Hold on tight. Whoa!
Copy !req
190. Let me be your wings
Copy !req
191. Let me be your only love
Copy !req
192. Let me take you far beyond the stars
Copy !req
193. Let me be your wings
Copy !req
194. Let me lift you high above
Copy !req
195. Everything we're dreaming of
Will soon be ours
Copy !req
196. Anything that you desire
Copy !req
197. Anything at all
Copy !req
198. Every day I'll take you higher
Copy !req
199. And I'll never let you fall
Copy !req
200. Let me be your wings
Copy !req
201. Leave behind the world you know
Copy !req
202. For another world of wondrous things
Copy !req
203. We'll see the universe
Copy !req
204. And dance on Saturn's rings
Copy !req
205. Fly with me and I will be your wings
Copy !req
206. She's gonna marry
the prince, huh, Mom?
Copy !req
207. Well, perhaps.
Copy !req
208. Anything that you desire
Copy !req
209. Anything at all
Anything at all
Copy !req
210. Every day I'll take you higher
Copy !req
211. And I'll never let you fall
Copy !req
212. You will be my wings
Let me be your wings
Copy !req
213. You will be my only love
Get ready for another world
Copy !req
214. Of wondrous things
Wondrous things are sure to happen
Copy !req
215. We'll see the universe
We'll see the universe
Copy !req
216. And dance on Saturn's rings
And dance on Saturn's rings
Copy !req
217. Heaven isn't too far
Copy !req
218. Heaven is where you are
Copy !req
219. Stay with me, I'll let you be my
Stay with me and let me be your
Copy !req
220. Wings
Copy !req
221. This voice is fantástica!
Copy !req
222. Mama, I love her.
Copy !req
223. Oh, Thumbelina.
Copy !req
224. Oh, wow. Something...
I don't know...
Copy !req
225. Something happened to me tonight.
Copy !req
226. Something I never wanna forget.
Me too.
Copy !req
227. Do not forget me.
Copy !req
228. I'll never forget you. Never.
Copy !req
229. Never, never.
- Cornelius.
Copy !req
230. Oh, Mother.
What—? Mother!
Copy !req
231. - Cornelius, come now.
- Who are those people?
Copy !req
232. It's no time to explain. That's the
queen of the fairies, my mother.
Copy !req
233. Your mother?
Yeah. Look, I must go now, but...
Copy !req
234. Can I see you tomorrow?
Your mother?
Copy !req
235. Then you're the...
You are the...
Copy !req
236. Tomorrow?
Yes, tomorrow.
Copy !req
237. Yes, I'm the prince.
Copy !req
238. The prince?
Yeah. Will you meet my parents?
Copy !req
239. Cornelius!
Copy !req
240. Say you will.
Copy !req
241. I will.
You will?
Copy !req
242. I will.
I will, Prince Cornelius, yes.
Copy !req
243. - Cornelius.
- Cornelius.
Copy !req
244. I've gotta go.
Will they like me?
Copy !req
245. Get down.
Yes, they'll love you.
Copy !req
246. But let me talk to them first.
Copy !req
247. And then I'll be back for you
in the morning.
Copy !req
248. Then you can meet my mother.
Well, great.
Copy !req
249. But, well, wait here.
And then...
Copy !req
250. we'll live happily ever after.
Oh, much longer.
Copy !req
251. Cornelius.
Ooh! Goodbye.
Copy !req
252. You won't forget to come back,
will you?
Copy !req
253. I promise.
Copy !req
254. Whoa!
Copy !req
255. Oh, Cornelius.
Copy !req
256. Hmm.
Copy !req
257. Gotcha!
Copy !req
258. What?
Copy !req
259. Hey! Help!
Copy !req
260. Help, Hero! Let me out of here.
Copy !req
261. Oh, oh! Hero, help. Help me!
Copy !req
262. A dog!
Copy !req
263. Get away from me.
Copy !req
264. Thumbelina. Oh...
Copy !req
265. Thumbelina. Thumbelina. Oops.
Copy !req
266. Got it.
Copy !req
267. Thumbelina, it's me.
Where are you?
Copy !req
268. Where is she?
What? What happened?
Copy !req
269. She was stolen away?
Out the window?
Copy !req
270. Who did it?
Copy !req
271. A toad?
Copy !req
272. Good dog.
Copy !req
273. I'll find her.
Copy !req
274. No, Hero. You stay here
and take care of Thumbelina's mother.
Copy !req
275. Let her know
everything will be all right.
Copy !req
276. I hope you sleep very, very good.
Copy !req
277. Huh? Who are you?
Copy !req
278. We are the very happy
Family Singers de España.
Copy !req
279. Mozo, Gringo and Grundel.
Copy !req
280. We are very rich and famous.
Rich and famous?
Copy !req
281. I bring you here to become
famous singer like me.
Copy !req
282. Goodbye. My mother will
be very worried.
Copy !req
283. Mama no worry. Mama proud.
Copy !req
284. When you are a star,
she make big fiesta...
Copy !req
285. and invite all the neighbors to see her
little niña who have become very big.
Copy !req
286. Big?
Copy !req
287. You mean big?
Copy !req
288. I mean important.
Copy !req
289. And loved by everyone.
Copy !req
290. But Cornelius
loves me already.
Copy !req
291. I think I'm gonna marry him.
Copy !req
292. Marry him?
Copy !req
293. That will be a very big mistake.
Copy !req
294. It'll get in the way of your career in show
business, doing those things domésticos.
Copy !req
295. What things?
Copy !req
296. The scrubbings and the washings
Copy !req
297. And the noses with the drippings
Copy !req
298. And the sopas always boiling
Copy !req
299. The panes of windows falling
With the diapers changing
Copy !req
300. With the roof, she's leaking
And the enchiladas spoiling
Copy !req
301. Ooh.
Copy !req
302. Do you know how to do these things
Like you will have to do these things?
Copy !req
303. Or does the very thought of it
Make you wince?
Copy !req
304. Ugh.
Copy !req
305. I thought so
Copy !req
306. Then don't marry the prince
Copy !req
307. Oh, dear...
Copy !req
308. You see?
You become big star, like me.
Copy !req
309. We make big moneys together.
You make Mama rich.
Copy !req
310. You're important person.
You are famous. You are a star!
Copy !req
311. A star? Well, I suppose.
Copy !req
312. Now, repeat after me.
Copy !req
313. We are the Singers de España
The original cast
Copy !req
314. And there hasn't been a town
We haven't played
Copy !req
315. We are the Singers de España
Copy !req
316. And we sing very fast
We get on
Copy !req
317. We get off
We get paid
Copy !req
318. Could you say that a little slower?
Slower? We don't do ballads.
Copy !req
319. Maybe I can take notes.
Copy !req
320. We are free and independent
We go everywhere
Copy !req
321. We gotcha-gotcha goochee all the way
Copy !req
322. We gonna teach you how to samba
And to rumba y La Bamba
Copy !req
323. Every number, Thumbelina, say, "olé"!
Come on the road
Copy !req
324. My little castanet
Copy !req
325. Come on the road
And famous you will get
Copy !req
326. I'll make you star
Get you small guitar
Copy !req
327. You'll be hot muchacha
Once I gotcha on the road
Copy !req
328. Thumbelinacita
Copy !req
329. No one could be sweeter
Copy !req
330. Sing with mamacita
Copy !req
331. We go on the road
Copy !req
332. Now we sing
Copy !req
333. We open Monday in Medina
Then we do Babylon
Copy !req
334. Then we hop to Barcelona for a week
Copy !req
335. Then for a month in Athens
At the Parthenon
Copy !req
336. Where they love us
'Cause we do the show in Greek
Copy !req
337. We are the finest in the business
It's a well-known fact
Copy !req
338. And you'll forgive us
If we have to blow the horn
Copy !req
339. Because this isn't any ordinary animal act
Copy !req
340. And today a star is born
Copy !req
341. Go on the road
Copy !req
342. You'll hear the peoples roar
Copy !req
343. You're not a toad
Copy !req
344. But that's what makeup's for
Copy !req
345. Just sing on pitch
Copy !req
346. We'll get very rich
Copy !req
347. Wait until they see the Thumbelina
Copy !req
348. On the road
Singing Thumbelina
Copy !req
349. Dancing Thumbelina
Copy !req
350. Something Thumbelina
Copy !req
351. Now I make her sing
Copy !req
352. You got it.
Copy !req
353. Come on the road
Copy !req
354. We make you big success
Copy !req
355. Come on the road
Copy !req
356. You're in the union, yes?
Copy !req
357. The life, she's sweet
Lots of flies to eat
Copy !req
358. Yum-yum.
Copy !req
359. So why be a little fish in little pond
When you can go so far beyond?
Copy !req
360. I think perhaps we make you blond
Copy !req
361. When we get on the road
Copy !req
362. On the road
Copy !req
363. Let's hit the road, olé!
Copy !req
364. Mama,
you give her to me...
Copy !req
365. I marry her.
Copy !req
366. Very well. You can marry la niña.
Copy !req
367. We can keep the money she earns
in the family.
Copy !req
368. Thank you, Mrs. Toad. Thank you.
They really like me.
Copy !req
369. Am I a star?
Yes, and you can call me Mama.
Copy !req
370. Mama?
You're going to marry my son Grundel.
Copy !req
371. I'm what?
I love Thumbelina.
Copy !req
372. We'll be right back with the Padre.
Oh, no, no.
Copy !req
373. I love Cornelius.
Today, you marry my son.
Copy !req
374. Oh, no. No, no.
Copy !req
375. No, I'm not marrying—
Come back here!
Copy !req
376. Wait a second.
Where are you going?
Copy !req
377. Doesn't anybody care what I think?
Copy !req
378. Help!
Whoa! Help?
Copy !req
379. Who is saying "help"?
- Mr. Bird, over here.
Copy !req
380. Oh! Little one,
are you having a bad day?
Copy !req
381. I was sleeping on the windowsill,
waiting for Prince Cornelius to come.
Copy !req
382. He said he'd come
because he loves me and—
Copy !req
383. He loves you?
Copy !req
384. Congratulations!
Thanks. But, well...
Copy !req
385. But I was stolen away
by Mrs. Toad...
Copy !req
386. who says I have to marry her son.
Copy !req
387. A toad? That is a very bad day,
Copy !req
388. Thumbelina.
Thumbelina, I am Jacquimo.
Copy !req
389. How can I be of service to you?
Copy !req
390. Well, I must get off this lily pad...
Copy !req
391. but that's impossible.
Copy !req
392. Ha-ha-ha!
Nothing is impossible.
Copy !req
393. Voilà!
Oh, my. Well, that was easy.
Copy !req
394. Now if I can just reach the shore
before those awful toads come back.
Copy !req
395. Do you mean if you can reach the shore
before you go over the waterfall?
Copy !req
396. What waterfall?
That one!
Copy !req
397. Is it bad?
Copy !req
398. I am slipping!
Copy !req
399. Don't let go!
Copy !req
400. Can you swim?
Copy !req
401. No, I can't swim. I can't even float.
Copy !req
402. Help! Help, please!
Copy !req
403. Somebody help!
Copy !req
404. Help! Somebody help!
- Help!
Copy !req
405. Jitterbugs, help!
Copy !req
406. Pull, mes amis, pull!
That is it. Higher, higher.
Copy !req
407. What is it?
Yeah. Who is it?
Copy !req
408. Look, Mama, she's waking up.
Copy !req
409. Are you feeling better, little one?
Copy !req
410. Yes, I think so.
Copy !req
411. Who are you?
Copy !req
412. Thumbelina,
these are the jitterbugs.
Copy !req
413. The jitterbugs?
How do you do?
Copy !req
414. Are you really gonna marry
the fairy prince?
Copy !req
415. If he asks me.
He will call for me at my house.
Copy !req
416. That's why I wanna go home.
Besides, mother will be terribly worried.
Copy !req
417. If only I could find my way home.
We'll help you, Thumbelina.
Copy !req
418. Nobody will hurt you.
Not with us on the job, right?
Copy !req
419. Right.
You are all very brave. Thank you.
Copy !req
420. But I'm afraid I'll never see
my home again.
Copy !req
421. Oh. Do you love the prince?
Copy !req
422. Yes.
Copy !req
423. Then follow your heart.
It will lead you home.
Copy !req
424. Now, where does the prince live?
Copy !req
425. He lives in the Vale of the Fairies.
But I don't know where that is either.
Copy !req
426. Do not worry. I, Jacquimo, will
find it and bring him home to you.
Copy !req
427. It's impossible.
Copy !req
428. Impossible? Nothing is impossible.
Copy !req
429. You're sure to do impossible things
Copy !req
430. If you follow your heart
Copy !req
431. Ha, ha!
Copy !req
432. Your dreams will fly on magical wings
Copy !req
433. When you follow your heart
Copy !req
434. If you have to journey far
Here's a little trick
Copy !req
435. You don't need a guiding star
Trust your ticker, get there quicker
Copy !req
436. Ha, ha!
Copy !req
437. You're sure to do impossible things
Copy !req
438. If you follow your heart
Copy !req
439. Come on, Thumbelina!
You are going home!
Copy !req
440. Your mother is waiting!
Get up, get up!
Copy !req
441. You're sure to do impossible things
Copy !req
442. If you follow your heart
Copy !req
443. Your dreams will fly on magical wings
Copy !req
444. Sing, my little chickadees!
Copy !req
445. When you follow your heart
Copy !req
446. North or south or east or west
Where to point your shoes?
Copy !req
447. Which direction is the best?
Copy !req
448. If the choosing gets confusing
Maybe it's the math you're using
Copy !req
449. You don't need a chart to guide you
Close your eyes and look inside you
Copy !req
450. Ha, ha!
Copy !req
451. You're sure to do impossible things
Copy !req
452. If you know where to start
Copy !req
453. Ha, ha!
Copy !req
454. Your dreams will fly on magical wings
Copy !req
455. When you follow
Copy !req
456. Just trust the swallow
Copy !req
457. And always follow
Copy !req
458. Your heart
Copy !req
459. Bon voyage, Thumbelina!
Never fear, I will find the prince.
Copy !req
460. Goodbye!
Copy !req
461. He's wonderful.
And I'm going home.
Copy !req
462. Cornelius, my sunshine, first you buzzed
in here on that wretched thing...
Copy !req
463. and announced before the court that
you'd found the girl of your dreams.
Copy !req
464. And now you come back to say
she's vanished?
Copy !req
465. Kidnapped. She's been kidnapped!
Copy !req
466. You're joking!
Copy !req
467. Please delay the winter frost
as long as you can.
Copy !req
468. I need time to find Thumbelina.
- Cornelius!
Copy !req
469. Don't worry, Mother, I'll be back.
Copy !req
470. Cornelius!
Copy !req
471. I'll find her!
Copy !req
472. Oh, my poor boy.
Copy !req
473. Colbert, my love, we can't delay
the frost for more than a day.
Copy !req
474. Hey, bro?
Go away.
Copy !req
475. Pond talk says Thumbelina
gave you the slip...
Copy !req
476. and is gonna marry a fairy prince.
Copy !req
477. What fairy prince?
Copy !req
478. You not be able to show
your ugly face on-stage no more.
Copy !req
479. Everybody laugh at you.
Nobody laugh.
Copy !req
480. I said, nobody laughs!
Copy !req
481. I go get Thumbelina
and bring her back.
Copy !req
482. Whoa!
Copy !req
483. I marry her!
Copy !req
484. Look out!
Copy !req
485. Ha, ha!
Copy !req
486. Hi, toots. Beetle's my name
and razzmatazz is my game.
Copy !req
487. How do you do? Everything okay?
I'm not your toots.
Copy !req
488. Where do you come from?
Up there.
Copy !req
489. I'm a connoisseur of sweet nectars,
a designer of rare threads...
Copy !req
490. and a judge of beautiful women.
Copy !req
491. And you are beautiful, Miss...?
Copy !req
492. Thumbelina. And I'm going home.
Copy !req
493. What's your hurry, toots?
Relax. Take a load off.
Copy !req
494. I wish you wouldn't do that.
Perhaps you'd prefer this?
Copy !req
495. Mr. Beetle! I don't even know you.
Copy !req
496. Would you stop?
Stop? How can I stop?
Copy !req
497. I'm crazy about you, toots.
You're gorgeous.
Copy !req
498. Oh.
You're exciting. Delicious.
Copy !req
499. I am?
And I love the sound of your voice.
Copy !req
500. My voice?
Don't talk! Sing. Sing to me.
Copy !req
501. I have an idea
Can you fly me up there?
Copy !req
502. Um, why should I, toots?
From the tree I could see my house.
Copy !req
503. I'd know if I'm traveling
in the right direction to get home.
Copy !req
504. Gee, I don't know. That would be
a big, big, oh, very big favor.
Copy !req
505. I'll sing, I'll sing for you
Copy !req
506. No, no. You'll sing
at the Beetle Ball. And dance.
Copy !req
507. We are gonna be
the talk of the town, toots.
Copy !req
508. I'm not your toots,
and I don't even look like a beetle.
Copy !req
509. Come on, let's get help.
Copy !req
510. Ladies and gentlebugs...
Copy !req
511. Berkley Beetle proudly presents
Copy !req
512. Baby, it's the Beetle ball
Copy !req
513. And bugs are crawling to get in
Copy !req
514. When they hear that beetle beat
Those beetle feet'll start to spin
Copy !req
515. And how to cheer
Copy !req
516. For you, my dear
Copy !req
517. You're beautiful, baby
Copy !req
518. Oh, my little butterfly
Copy !req
519. You flutter by at each romance
Copy !req
520. Every chance to dance with you
Copy !req
521. Puts the ants back in my pants
Copy !req
522. Let's cut a rug
Copy !req
523. My ladybug
Copy !req
524. You're beautiful, baby
Copy !req
525. I get a buzz when I have you on my wing
Copy !req
526. You tie my antennae in a knot
Copy !req
527. Now the room's reelin'
Copy !req
528. And I'm feelin' so
Copy !req
529. Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha
Copy !req
530. Hot to trot
Copy !req
531. Let's dance, baby!
Copy !req
532. Isn't she beautiful?
Just adorable, darling.
Copy !req
533. What a piece of work.
Will you look at her?
Copy !req
534. Okay, toots, let's wing it.
I can't wing it.
Copy !req
535. I don't have any wings.
I'm getting dizzy!
Copy !req
536. Ew!
Copy !req
537. Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha
Copy !req
538. Hee-hee-hee-hee
Copy !req
539. She, she, she, she's
So, so, so, so
Copy !req
540. Hey, that bug is a dog
Copy !req
541. - My, my!
- Unattractive.
Copy !req
542. The word, my dear, is ugly.
Copy !req
543. She's so ugly it hurts my feelers.
I hope it ain't catching.
Copy !req
544. Disgraceful.
Copy !req
545. Would you look at that
She ain't got no wings
Copy !req
546. Good gracious, me
What are those things?
Copy !req
547. She ain't got no feelers
No feelers?
Copy !req
548. She ain't got no shell
Do tell
Copy !req
549. She's got scrawny legs and knobby knees
For all we know, the gal's got fleas
Copy !req
550. She can't even fly
No, that won't do
Copy !req
551. So say goodbye
She's not for you
Copy !req
552. Sorry, toots,
I guess you're too... ugly!
Copy !req
553. Don't worry, you'll get over me.
Copy !req
554. I'm ugly?
Copy !req
555. Hey, wait for me.
Copy !req
556. Hurry, Thumbelina needs help.
Copy !req
557. Do I hear one of you say
Thumbelina needs help?
Copy !req
558. Yes.
Copy !req
559. The beetle took her
and flew way up there.
Copy !req
560. Be quiet.
Copy !req
561. The beetle? I want her back!
Copy !req
562. Come on, let's go!
Copy !req
563. You big, ugly wart-face.
Copy !req
564. Now we see about this beetle.
Copy !req
565. You're sure to do impossible things
Copy !req
566. If you follow your heart
Copy !req
567. You're sure to fly on magical wings
Copy !req
568. If you follow your heart
Copy !req
569. What is the matter, Thumbelina?
Copy !req
570. I'm cold. I'm lost. And I'm hungry.
Copy !req
571. And the beetle says I'm ugly.
The beetle?
Copy !req
572. Do you love the beetle?
Copy !req
573. Then never mind the beetle.
Good riddance to the beetle.
Copy !req
574. And good riddance to the toad!
Copy !req
575. Does Prince Cornelius
think you are ugly?
Copy !req
576. No, he thinks I'm beautiful.
Copy !req
577. And so you are, mon amie. Look.
Copy !req
578. I'm going home.
Copy !req
579. Jacquimo?
Copy !req
580. Will you find the Vale of the Fairies?
I promise.
Copy !req
581. I promise. But now we must sleep.
Copy !req
582. Thank you, Jacquimo.
Thank you.
Copy !req
583. Tomorrow is a new day.
Copy !req
584. And I will go to the forest and see
if I can find your Prince Cornelius.
Copy !req
585. A nice sunny day, huh?
Copy !req
586. It's sunny, all right,
but I'm not too sure about the nice.
Copy !req
587. I am looking for
the Vale of the Fairies.
Copy !req
588. Fairies? Beats the heck out of me.
Why don't you ask a fairy?
Copy !req
589. You know one?
No, but he might.
Copy !req
590. Excusez-moi,
I am looking for the Vale of—
Copy !req
591. Am-scray!
Copy !req
592. I can see you are a very busy fox,
so I will be brief.
Copy !req
593. Buzz off, buster!
Copy !req
594. Look. Look what I do.
Copy !req
595. I have a thorn in my wing.
This is bad, very bad.
Copy !req
596. Mon Dieu, I hope I still can fly.
Copy !req
597. I fly.
Copy !req
598. It only stings a little.
Copy !req
599. Now, where was I?
Copy !req
600. Autumn. It is Autumn.
Copy !req
601. I must hurry to find the fairy prince.
Copy !req
602. Winter is almost here.
Copy !req
603. Thumbelina!
Copy !req
604. Thumbelina, where are you?
Copy !req
605. Whoa. Whoa!
Copy !req
606. I'm looking for
a beautiful young woman.
Copy !req
607. Her name is Thumbelina.
Copy !req
608. Are you the fairy prince?
Copy !req
609. I am.
Thumbelina's gone.
Copy !req
610. Gone? Where did she go?
The beetle took her away.
Copy !req
611. What?
They're out there. Somewhere.
Copy !req
612. She's out there? In that?
Copy !req
613. There's a big toad after her.
Oh, no.
Copy !req
614. I've got to find her.
Winter's almost here.
Copy !req
615. Hurry, Buzz! My father can't
hold back the frost much longer.
Copy !req
616. Okay, okay!
Copy !req
617. Can I explain something?
Copy !req
618. I don't know where she is.
We didn't hit it off too good.
Copy !req
619. So I let her go. She's not my type.
She's an ugly type.
Copy !req
620. I don't like ugly.
Copy !req
621. She is beautiful!
Copy !req
622. Whatever you say.
Look, I got an idea.
Copy !req
623. I hear that she loves
the fairy prince, right?
Copy !req
624. I crush fairy prince!
Okay, shut up and listen.
Copy !req
625. Why don't you just nab this prince
and set up a trap for the girl...
Copy !req
626. using him as the bait.
You know, get her to come to you.
Copy !req
627. Nab the prince?
And set up a trap.
Copy !req
628. Nab the prince.
Yes. And set up a trap.
Copy !req
629. Do you speak English?
Try to keep up, Grundel, okay?
Copy !req
630. Don't shout!
You're making me very nervous.
Copy !req
631. You go capture prince.
Copy !req
632. You took my wings!
You can't do that!
Copy !req
633. Yeah? I keep wings
until you nab prince.
Copy !req
634. Listen, pal, this harassment has gone
far enough, and I know my rights.
Copy !req
635. I'll report you to the pond patrol.
Copy !req
636. Okay, okay. Cool it, cool it.
Copy !req
637. Where's your sense of humor?
All right, I'll nab the prince.
Copy !req
638. Come on, guys.
Mind the wings. I'll be back.
Copy !req
639. Excusez-moi, Monsieur Bear?
Copy !req
640. I am looking for
the Vale of the Fairies.
Copy !req
641. I don't want no berries.
Copy !req
642. No, no, no. Fairies, not berries.
Copy !req
643. Wake up, you fat lummox!
Copy !req
644. I said, wake up!
Copy !req
645. I am having a very bad day.
Mon Dieu, it is so cold.
Copy !req
646. Winter! Winter is here.
Copy !req
647. Oh-ho!
Copy !req
648. This thorn... It hurts to fly.
Copy !req
649. Don't worry, Buzz.
We're gonna make it.
Copy !req
650. Thumbelina! Oh.
Copy !req
651. Whoa!
Copy !req
652. He takes my wings away.
Now I have to walk to find the prince.
Copy !req
653. If he let me keep my wings,
I could fly after the prince.
Copy !req
654. Hey, Beetle, this guy's the prince.
The prince? Ah! The prince!
Copy !req
655. Somebody up there loves me!
Okay, you pick him up.
Copy !req
656. Let's get out of this stinking weather
before we're statistics.
Copy !req
657. I can't even feel anything
in my feelers anymore.
Copy !req
658. A guy with my brains,
I gotta talk to a toad.
Copy !req
659. What kind of conversation
can you have with a toad?
Copy !req
660. What? They're toads.
Copy !req
661. Jacquimo was wrong.
Copy !req
662. I will never find my way home.
Copy !req
663. It's impossible.
Copy !req
664. Oh, Mother, where can you be?
Copy !req
665. I know there's someone
Copy !req
666. Somewhere
Copy !req
667. Someone
Copy !req
668. Who's sure to find her
Copy !req
669. Soon
Copy !req
670. After the rain goes
Copy !req
671. There are rainbows
Copy !req
672. She'll find the rainbow
Copy !req
673. Soon
Copy !req
674. Soon my breaking heart will mend
Copy !req
675. Soon a happy ending
Copy !req
676. Troubles behind her
Copy !req
677. I will find her
Copy !req
678. Homeward bound
Copy !req
679. Safe and sound
Copy !req
680. And soon
Copy !req
681. Feeling better, my dear?
Copy !req
682. Where am I?
In my kitchen.
Copy !req
683. I'm Ms. Fieldmouse
and we are snug and safe underground.
Copy !req
684. I'm underground?
Copy !req
685. Yes, dearie, three feet under.
Copy !req
686. I dug it myself
with my own two hands.
Copy !req
687. Here, drink this.
Copy !req
688. At least that toad
won't find me down here.
Copy !req
689. There's something
I don't understand.
Copy !req
690. Did you really think you could
survive the winter in that old shoe?
Copy !req
691. Ha, ha! Honestly!
Copy !req
692. I wanna go home.
Copy !req
693. Well, I'm afraid you'll just have
to wait here till spring, Thumbelina.
Copy !req
694. You know my name!
Oh, that was easy.
Copy !req
695. I know much more. Like, you were
engaged to the fairy prince.
Copy !req
696. Cornelius, I believe?
Copy !req
697. Well, almost.
Copy !req
698. That is so sad.
Copy !req
699. What?
Copy !req
700. That he was found stone-cold
frozen dead in the snow.
Copy !req
701. But of course you knew that?
No. Cornelius, no!
Copy !req
702. - That is so sad.
- No, it's not true. No!
Copy !req
703. Oh, Thumbelina.
Copy !req
704. Forgive me. Sometimes I just
blurt things out without thinking.
Copy !req
705. You're still young, though.
There'll be another.
Copy !req
706. He was perfect.
Copy !req
707. Nobody's perfect.
Cornelius was the only one—
Copy !req
708. Now, put this on. We'll take
these corn cakes to Mr. Mole.
Copy !req
709. He lives just down the tunnel.
Copy !req
710. I'd rather not.
Copy !req
711. I saved your life this very day
and you'd rather not?
Copy !req
712. Very well.
One more thing...
Copy !req
713. is it true that you have
a beautiful voice?
Copy !req
714. I don't feel much like singing.
Copy !req
715. You must sing for Mr. Mole.
Copy !req
716. He loves sweet things.
Come on.
Copy !req
717. Mr. Mole loves his corn cakes.
Copy !req
718. Cornelius was looking for me.
That's what must have happened.
Copy !req
719. Good afternoon, Mr. Mole.
Oh, yes.
Copy !req
720. Ms. Fieldmouse?
Good afternoon. Lovely day.
Copy !req
721. I want you to meet a new friend
of mine, Thumbelina.
Copy !req
722. She just came down from up there.
"Up there"?
Copy !req
723. Up there.
Terrible place.
Copy !req
724. Mmm.
Copy !req
725. How do you do, Miss Thumbelina?
Pleased to make your acquaintance.
Copy !req
726. How do you do, Mr. Mole?
Copy !req
727. Come in. Don't touch anything.
These are my things.
Copy !req
728. We brought some corn cakes for you.
Just you try one, Mr. Mole.
Copy !req
729. Ooh. Mmm.
Copy !req
730. Very nice.
Well, tell us about up there.
Copy !req
731. I went up once. Nearly blinded me.
Copy !req
732. Hurried as fast as I could
back down where it's dark and decent.
Copy !req
733. Oh. Uh, but...
Copy !req
734. I love the light.
I hate it. End of story.
Copy !req
735. Story. Thumbelina,
tell Mr. Mole a story.
Copy !req
736. A lovely, sad story.
Copy !req
737. Well...
Copy !req
738. Stand right there,
where I can see you.
Copy !req
739. Okay.
Copy !req
740. Oh, I love love stories,
don't you?
Copy !req
741. Once upon a time,
there was the sun.
Copy !req
742. Sing it, Thumbelina. Sing.
She sings?
Copy !req
743. Shh!
Oh. Um...
Copy !req
744. Once there was the sun
Copy !req
745. Bright and warm and wonderful
Copy !req
746. Shining like the love within my heart
Copy !req
747. Now there's no more sun
Copy !req
748. Winter has killed everything
Copy !req
749. And although it's dark December
Copy !req
750. Forever
Copy !req
751. I'll remember sun
Copy !req
752. Winter has killed everything,
even the sun.
Copy !req
753. Wonderful story.
Dreadful thing, the sun.
Copy !req
754. And now,
I have a story to tell you.
Copy !req
755. Just this morning, as I was
out for my early morning stroll...
Copy !req
756. I found the most extraordinary
thing in my tunnel:
Copy !req
757. A dead bird.
- No!
Copy !req
758. Yes. How do you suppose
a dead bird got into my tunnel?
Copy !req
759. Well, I'm certainly glad
I'm not a bird.
Copy !req
760. Bothering the world with endless
twittering, twittering, twittering...
Copy !req
761. My, yes. Oh, there it is!
Copy !req
762. Oh!
Copy !req
763. Whatever do you suppose
happened to him?
Copy !req
764. Well, there's one less bird
to twitter, twitter, twitter up there.
Copy !req
765. Oh, Jacquimo. Jacquimo.
Copy !req
766. My dear, dear friend.
Copy !req
767. Tender little thing.
Yes, quite lovely.
Copy !req
768. Ms. Fieldmouse, could I have
a word with you?
Copy !req
769. I wish you would.
Copy !req
770. You know I have been meaning
to take a wife for some time now.
Copy !req
771. What a lovely idea.
Copy !req
772. I find myself sometimes, you know...
Copy !req
773. lonely for companionship.
What could be more natural?
Copy !req
774. And I wonder if—
Copy !req
775. If I could ask you to help me
persuade Miss Thumbelina...
Copy !req
776. to be my wife?
Copy !req
777. Thumbelina?
Copy !req
778. She could keep me company
and tell me stories.
Copy !req
779. Yes.
Copy !req
780. And for your service in helping
to arrange this match...
Copy !req
781. I will reward you handsomely.
Copy !req
782. Oh! I will. I will!
Dear Ms. Fieldmouse.
Copy !req
783. Leave the arrangements to me.
Copy !req
784. I hear your heart.
You're not dead, no.
Copy !req
785. Jacquimo. Jacquimo.
Copy !req
786. I'll come back. Tonight.
- Thumbelina?
Copy !req
787. One ice-cold prince coming up.
Where do you want him?
Copy !req
788. There. He looks dead.
Copy !req
789. Dead? Dead, schmed!
What difference does it make?
Copy !req
790. You killed him.
Okay, okay, have it your way.
Copy !req
791. I killed him.
There, you satisfied?
Copy !req
792. Forget the prince, all right?
Copy !req
793. What if I were to tell you
I know where Thumbelina is right now?
Copy !req
794. What if I told you that?
Would you give me my wings?
Copy !req
795. I'm glad you kill prince.
It's a deal.
Copy !req
796. Good. My sources tell me...
Copy !req
797. she's buried alive with the mole.
Copy !req
798. Mole? What mole?
Copy !req
799. If I were you, I'd get my tail
over there and save her.
Copy !req
800. Go. Get hopping.
Oh, and give me my wings.
Copy !req
801. Where does mole live?
I go kick down his door.
Copy !req
802. Ooh! Ooh! Stop! Stop!
What's going on? Where are we going?
Copy !req
803. We go rescue Thumbelina
from the mole.
Copy !req
804. Mole? Are you out of your mind?
I'm not going down there.
Copy !req
805. Do you know what he does to beetles?
Do you have any idea?
Copy !req
806. He stuffs them. He stuffs them
and he pins them on his walls.
Copy !req
807. Quiet!
Why don't you just marry a toad?
Copy !req
808. Ever think about that?
Copy !req
809. Find a pretty toad with warts
and marry her.
Copy !req
810. Quiet!
Toads. I gotta be stuck with toads.
Copy !req
811. They've got the fairy prince.
We've gotta help him.
Copy !req
812. Come on, guys, let's build a fire.
Copy !req
813. All the same,
we'll make it a thrilling wedding.
Copy !req
814. Why, it's a wonderful match! Mr. Mole
is the richest rodent for miles around.
Copy !req
815. Educated, well-dressed,
highly thought of...
Copy !req
816. Never mind that he can't see.
That's all the better.
Copy !req
817. How can I possibly marry Mr. Mole?
I don't love him.
Copy !req
818. Love? Love is what we read about
in books, my dear.
Copy !req
819. "Here Comes the Bride"
Is a lovely little ditty
Copy !req
820. But marrying for love
Is a foolish thing to do
Copy !req
821. 'Cause love won't pay the mortgage
Or put porridge in your bowl
Copy !req
822. Dearie, marry the mole
Copy !req
823. True, it's a fact that he's not exactly witty
Copy !req
824. He's blinder than a bat
But at least his eyes are blue
Copy !req
825. His breath may be alarming
But he's charming for a troll
Copy !req
826. Dearie, marry the mole
Copy !req
827. Romeo and Juliet
Copy !req
828. Were very much in love
When they were wed
Copy !req
829. They honored every vow
So where are they now?
Copy !req
830. They're dead, dead
Copy !req
831. Very, very dead
Copy !req
832. Poor Thumbelina
Your brain's so itty-bitty
Copy !req
833. I hate to seem a pest
But I know what's best for you
Copy !req
834. Just think of all the ways
That you can decorate a hole
Copy !req
835. Take my advice
I'll bring the rice
Copy !req
836. Dearie, marry the mole
Copy !req
837. Marry the mole
Copy !req
838. Marry that mole
Copy !req
839. M is for money
Copy !req
840. Oh
Copy !req
841. Please be warm, dear friend.
Please live.
Copy !req
842. Poor little swallow. I'm sorry
for all the trouble I've caused you.
Copy !req
843. I know now...
Copy !req
844. there's no place in this big world
for little people.
Copy !req
845. We...
Copy !req
846. We cannot do impossible things.
Copy !req
847. Perhaps I should marry the mole.
Copy !req
848. He could take care of me.
He could.
Copy !req
849. I will.
Copy !req
850. I will marry the mole.
Copy !req
851. You are joking?
Copy !req
852. Marry the prince.
Jacquimo, you're awake!
Copy !req
853. Oh, Jacquimo!
Copy !req
854. Ow! Ow.
Copy !req
855. Oh, I'm sorry.
I have a thorn in my wing.
Copy !req
856. A thorn? Well, let me see.
Copy !req
857. Oh, my goodness.
Hold still.
Copy !req
858. Ah!
Copy !req
859. Now it will get better.
Don't get up.
Copy !req
860. No, no, I go to find the Vale
of the Fairies and the prince.
Copy !req
861. You silly bird, don't you understand?
Copy !req
862. Get on my back.
I will take you to the green forest.
Copy !req
863. Be realistic. Cornelius is gone.
Copy !req
864. I will find him. Remember...
Jacquimo, don't.
Copy !req
865. You're sure to do impossible things
Copy !req
866. Stop! Stop it, Jacquimo!
Copy !req
867. —your heart
Copy !req
868. Bon voyage, mon amie.
Copy !req
869. Jacquimo!
Bon voyage!
Copy !req
870. No. Jacquimo.
Copy !req
871. Oh, Jacquimo, stop torturing me.
Copy !req
872. Cornelius is dead.
Copy !req
873. There.
Copy !req
874. Does he know Mr. Mole
is gonna marry Thumbelina?
Copy !req
875. We'll find out when the ice melts.
Then we'll tell him.
Copy !req
876. Whoa!
Copy !req
877. Look, he's waking up.
Copy !req
878. Let me be your wings
Copy !req
879. Let me be your only love
Copy !req
880. Let me take you
Far beyond the stars
Copy !req
881. Mr. Mole, do you take this
woman to be your lawful wedded wife?
Copy !req
882. Let me be your wings
Copy !req
883. Let me lift you high above
Copy !req
884. Everything we're dreaming of
Will soon be ours
Copy !req
885. I do.
Copy !req
886. Anything that you desire
Copy !req
887. Anything at all
Copy !req
888. And, Thumbelina,
do you take this mole...
Copy !req
889. to be your lawful wedded husband?
Copy !req
890. Do not forget me.
Copy !req
891. Forget-me-nots.
Copy !req
892. I'll never forget you. Never.
Copy !req
893. Never, never.
Copy !req
894. Speak up.
Copy !req
895. Never.
Copy !req
896. Never.
I beg your pardon?
Copy !req
897. I cannot marry Mr. Mole.
Copy !req
898. I don't love him.
Copy !req
899. Thumbelina!
Copy !req
900. You?
I marry her!
Copy !req
901. No, I no marry you. I go home!
Copy !req
902. No!
Copy !req
903. Go away!
Copy !req
904. After her!
Copy !req
905. Ha, ha! Hi, toots.
I'm not your toots.
Copy !req
906. Hey, wait.
Copy !req
907. My wings. My wings.
Copy !req
908. Whoa! Ah.
Copy !req
909. Thumbelina.
Copy !req
910. She marry me!
That's the toad we told you about.
Copy !req
911. We meet at last, Mr. Toad.
Fairy prince?
Copy !req
912. No. You killed him.
Copy !req
913. Oh!
Copy !req
914. The sun. The sun is shining again.
Copy !req
915. Come on, show me what you got.
Copy !req
916. Let me go!
Copy !req
917. Thumbelina?
Copy !req
918. Thumbelina, come back.
Copy !req
919. Ah, the sun!
Copy !req
920. And always follow
Copy !req
921. Your heart
Copy !req
922. Jacquimo, it's you.
Of course, c'est moi.
Copy !req
923. Thumbelina, I have found it.
I found the Vale of the Fairies!
Copy !req
924. Oh. Jacquimo.
It is true.
Copy !req
925. I talked to the rabbit,
who talked to the fox...
Copy !req
926. who talked to the deer,
who know for sure.
Copy !req
927. I show you. Jump on. Hang on!
Copy !req
928. We go find the fairy prince.
That's impossible.
Copy !req
929. You are wrong.
Copy !req
930. I nearly made the biggest mistake
of my life.
Copy !req
931. I nearly said yes to the mole.
That mountain looks like a turtle.
Copy !req
932. But I don't love the mole.
Copy !req
933. Ah. We are here, we are here!
Hello, hello, hello. Fairies?
Copy !req
934. This is it.
Copy !req
935. This?
Copy !req
936. It just looks like
a patch of ordinary weeds.
Copy !req
937. Sing, Thumbelina, sing.
Copy !req
938. Jacquimo, please,
can you take me home?
Copy !req
939. Sing!
Copy !req
940. You will be my wings
Copy !req
941. You will be my only love
Copy !req
942. You will take me far beyond the stars
Copy !req
943. Jacquimo, this is silly.
This is a weed patch.
Copy !req
944. This is the Vale of the Fairies!
Copy !req
945. Take me home. Please.
Copy !req
946. Let me be your wings
Copy !req
947. Like that. Sing, like that.
Copy !req
948. You will lift me high above
Copy !req
949. Everything we're dreaming of
Will soon be ours
Copy !req
950. Anything that we desire
Copy !req
951. Anything at all
Copy !req
952. Every day you'll take me higher
Copy !req
953. Let's be practical.
This isn't the Vale of the Fairies...
Copy !req
954. and Cornelius is never coming back.
Copy !req
955. And I'll never let you fall
Copy !req
956. You. It's you. Cornelius, you're alive!
Copy !req
957. Thumbelina, will you marry me?
Copy !req
958. I will.
Copy !req
959. Wings. I have wings.
Copy !req
960. My very own wings!
Copy !req
961. Anything that you desire
Copy !req
962. Hello, Mother!
Copy !req
963. Anything at all
Copy !req
964. Every day I'll take you higher
Copy !req
965. And I'll never let you fall
Copy !req
966. And always
Copy !req
967. Follow your heart
Copy !req
968. And of course...
Copy !req
969. they lived happily ever after.
Copy !req
970. You're sure to do impossible things
Copy !req
971. If you follow your heart
Copy !req
972. Ha, ha!
Copy !req
973. Your dreams will fly on magical wings
Copy !req
974. When you follow your heart
Copy !req
975. If you have to journey far
Here's a little trick
Copy !req
976. You don't need a guiding star
Trust your ticker, get there quicker
Copy !req
977. Ha, ha!
Copy !req
978. You're sure to do impossible things
Copy !req
979. If you follow your heart
Copy !req
980. Come on, Thumbelina!
You are going home!
Copy !req
981. Your mother is waiting!
Get up, get up!
Copy !req
982. You're sure to do impossible things
Copy !req
983. If you follow your heart
Copy !req
984. Your dreams will fly on magical wings
Copy !req
985. Sing, my little chickadees!
Copy !req
986. When you follow your heart
Copy !req
987. North or south or east or west
Where to point your shoes?
Copy !req
988. Which direction is the best?
Copy !req
989. If the choosing gets confusing
Maybe it's the math you're using
Copy !req
990. You don't need a chart to guide you
Close your eyes and look inside you
Copy !req
991. Ha, ha!
Copy !req
992. You're sure to do impossible things
Copy !req
993. If you know where to start
Copy !req
994. Ha, ha!
Copy !req
995. Your dreams will fly on magical wings
Copy !req
996. When you follow
Copy !req
997. Just trust the swallow
Copy !req
998. And always follow
Copy !req
999. Your heart
Copy !req
1000. Let me be your wings
Copy !req
1001. Let me be your only love
Copy !req
1002. Let me take you far beyond the stars
Copy !req
1003. Let me be your wings
Copy !req
1004. Let me lift you high above
Copy !req
1005. Everything we're dreaming of
Everything we're dreaming of
Copy !req
1006. Will soon be ours
Will soon be ours
Copy !req
1007. Anything that you desire
Copy !req
1008. Anything at all
Copy !req
1009. Every day I'll take you higher
Copy !req
1010. And I'll never let you fall
Copy !req
1011. Let me be your wings
Copy !req
1012. Leave behind the world you know
Copy !req
1013. For another world of wondrous things
Copy !req
1014. Wondrous things are sure to happen
Copy !req
1015. We'll see the universe
Copy !req
1016. And dance on Saturn's rings
Copy !req
1017. Fly with me and I will be
Fly with me and I will be
Copy !req
1018. Your wings
Oh, your wings
Copy !req
1019. Oh, anything that you desire
Copy !req
1020. Anything at all
Copy !req
1021. Every day I'll take you higher
Copy !req
1022. And I'll never let you fall
Copy !req
1023. Let me be your wings
Let me be your wings
Copy !req
1024. Let me be your only love
Get ready for another world
Copy !req
1025. Of wondrous things
Wondrous things
Copy !req
1026. We'll see the universe
Copy !req
1027. And dance on Saturn's rings
Copy !req
1028. Heaven isn't too far
Copy !req
1029. Heaven is where you are
Copy !req
1030. Stay with me and let me
Let me
Copy !req
1031. Be your wings
Be your wings
Copy !req
1032. Be your wings
Be your wings
Copy !req