1. In the heartofNew Guinea...
Copy !req
2. one of the world's largest islands...
Copy !req
3. stheAusstralians discovered
these mountains in 1954
Copy !req
4. No roads lead to them
Copy !req
5. Theyare inaccessible
Copy !req
6. and the Mapuga tribe and its leaders
Copy !req
7. Music composed and played by Pink Floyd
Copy !req
8. We are flying overunexplored regions
Copy !req
9. Theyare noton the map
Copy !req
10. Or, more accurately,
theyare shown onlyas white spots
Copy !req
11. This is the unknown
Copy !req
12. This obviously isn't for sale
Copy !req
13. This is a disaster
Copy !req
14. Horn bill feathers
Copy !req
15. - You speak French?
- Yes, Madame
Copy !req
16. Oh, my God, this is terrible!
Copy !req
17. - You're hurt.
- May l?
Copy !req
18. It's bleeding. How awful
Copy !req
19. Don't do that. The scarf's dirty.
You might get infected
Copy !req
20. It needs to be disinfected right away.
I'll take you to the hospital
Copy !req
21. You must see a doctor
Copy !req
22. It's not funny. Everyone knows
you have to be careful here
Copy !req
23. You don't realise
Copy !req
24. It's hot
Copy !req
25. Come on. Everything's fine
Copy !req
26. I was so clumsy.
I'll never forgive myself
Copy !req
27. Let's talk about something else
Copy !req
28. It was those feathers ofyours
Copy !req
29. Oh, those feathers are nothing
Copy !req
30. Is that what you do? Sell them?
Copy !req
31. Yes, you could say that
Copy !req
32. You should see
the ones I have at home
Copy !req
33. - They're quite different.
- Really?
Copy !req
34. Careful. They're not for sale
Copy !req
35. Why won't he hurry?
They're so slow here
Copy !req
36. Why not tell me about yourself
to calm your nerves?
Copy !req
37. There's not much to tell
Copy !req
38. My husband is
the French Consul in Melbourne
Copy !req
39. Since I simply hate socialising...
Copy !req
40. I buy Oceanic crafts, feathers...
Copy !req
41. and fabrics,
for a Paris boutique
Copy !req
42. What else can I tell you?
Copy !req
43. I play the piano
Copy !req
44. I have a very pretty orchid collection
Copy !req
45. And I've got a little dog, too,
if you're interested
Copy !req
46. What's his name?
Copy !req
47. Nouki
Copy !req
48. That's a pretty name
Copy !req
49. Here's the hospital at last
Copy !req
50. Are you coming in with me?
Copy !req
51. What have you done to your foot?
Copy !req
52. It's nothing
Copy !req
53. You've been very kind
Copy !req
54. Thank you
Copy !req
55. It was the least I could do
Copy !req
56. I'm so sorry
about what happened, really
Copy !req
57. Goodbye
Copy !req
58. What about those feathers?
Do you want to see them?
Copy !req
59. Yes, why not? I'd love to
Copy !req
60. It's here
Copy !req
61. Do you all live in there?
Copy !req
62. Look, Mum.
Olivier's hurt his foot
Copy !req
63. Hermine, this is Vivian
Copy !req
64. Sorry
Copy !req
65. That's Monique and Gaetan
Copy !req
66. Gaetan's financing our expedition
Copy !req
67. He inherited a bit of money
Copy !req
68. I handle the practical side of things
Copy !req
69. - What's the matter?
- What? Nothing
Copy !req
70. These feathers are
from the Lesser Bird of Paradise
Copy !req
71. How wonderful
Copy !req
72. I've never seen anything like them
Copy !req
73. Never
Copy !req
74. I've heard about these feathers
Copy !req
75. They're found on a plateau
in the middle of the island
Copy !req
76. But I heard that the bird
was in danger of becoming extinct
Copy !req
77. That's true
Copy !req
78. Gaetan and I found these
on our first expedition
Copy !req
79. Unfortunately,
our permit wasn't in order
Copy !req
80. We had to come back, but we're going
again the day after tomorrow
Copy !req
81. I finally got the permit
Copy !req
82. - Then you can get me some of these.
- No way. Hunting is illegal
Copy !req
83. If you get caught, you go to prison
Copy !req
84. Then how did you get these?
Copy !req
85. From a missionary out there
Copy !req
86. He trades with the natives
Copy !req
87. Sell them to me
Copy !req
88. Will you have dinner with us?
Copy !req
89. Hermine's a great cook
Copy !req
90. Tempted?
Copy !req
91. Well...
Copy !req
92. I don't know,
I hadn't planned to
Copy !req
93. So?
Copy !req
94. So...
Copy !req
95. I'm expected
Copy !req
96. It's difficult
Copy !req
97. Don't you like it here?
Copy !req
98. Yes, it's charming.
It's delightful
Copy !req
99. Fine. Then have dinner with us
Copy !req
100. I'll show you
Copy !req
101. These white spots mark
the unexplored areas
Copy !req
102. It's there
Copy !req
103. It's not on the map
Copy !req
104. It's as if it didn't exist,
except that it does
Copy !req
105. I thought there were no lands
left to explore nowadays
Copy !req
106. Planes must have flown
over your valley before
Copy !req
107. You can't see it
Copy !req
108. It's shrouded in mist.
It's not on the map
Copy !req
109. Look
Copy !req
110. Look what's written here.
This map is dated 1969
Copy !req
111. There's something I don't understand
Copy !req
112. You've mentioned similar areas before...
Copy !req
113. which have all ended up being found
Copy !req
114. Why has this one
never been discovered?
Copy !req
115. Don't you think that's strange?
Copy !req
116. It has been discovered,
several times even
Copy !req
117. But those who go there
never come back
Copy !req
118. They have no choice but to stay
Copy !req
119. Why?
Copy !req
120. Because it's paradise
Copy !req
121. Do you think he's serious?
Copy !req
122. It's his passion
Copy !req
123. You don't leave paradise
Copy !req
124. You can lose yourselfthere,
or stray from it...
Copy !req
125. which leads to your downfall
and is a curse
Copy !req
126. But you don't leave paradise
Copy !req
127. It's impossible.
Do you understand?
Copy !req
128. Well, ifyour valley's so wonderful...
Copy !req
129. why don't you go there now?
Copy !req
130. Our senses are not yet...
Copy !req
131. sufficiently...
Copy !req
132. open
Copy !req
133. We're not in any hurry
Copy !req
134. Above all...
Copy !req
135. we must destroy time
to become one with it
Copy !req
136. We must first reach the tribes...
Copy !req
137. that live in the foothills
of the mountains
Copy !req
138. Their sorcerers may be able
to show us which path to take
Copy !req
139. Can you take me back to the hotel?
Copy !req
140. Of course
Copy !req
141. I'd like one last look at your feathers.
May l?
Copy !req
142. Unreal
Copy !req
143. Sell them to me
Copy !req
144. Then lend them to me
Copy !req
145. Just for two or three days
Copy !req
146. What harm could that do?
Copy !req
147. Is that you, darling?
Copy !req
148. Vivian. Good to hear you.
Areyou OK?
Copy !req
149. Yes, It's a wonderful country.
I'm delighted to be here
Copy !req
150. Didyou seeyourphoto in
Woman's Weekly?
Copy !req
151. I was just looking at it.
I don't like it
Copy !req
152. - Do you?
- Don't be silly. You look beautiful
Copy !req
153. I look like Little Miss Prim,
with a spot on my chin...
Copy !req
154. and a nose like a duck
Copy !req
155. It's awful
Copy !req
156. Don't worry.
I loveyou asyou are
Copy !req
157. Whatdoyou do allday?
Copy !req
158. Lots of things. Shopping
Copy !req
159. They'll be delighted in Paris
Copy !req
160. By the way...
Copy !req
161. I may have found a way ofgetting
hold ofsome very rare feathers
Copy !req
162. I don't like the sound of that.
It's illegal
Copy !req
163. We could use your diplomatic pouch...
Copy !req
164. to do some smuggling together
Copy !req
165. Why notshouta bit louder?
The phone tap will love that
Copy !req
166. I can't hear you
Copy !req
167. How's Nouki?
Copy !req
168. She had fourpuppiesyesterday.
They're as cute as anything
Copy !req
169. Really? That's wonderful
Copy !req
170. Have you had the piano tuned?
Copy !req
171. Notyet. I'm leaving for Tokyo tomorrow
with theAmbassador
Copy !req
172. I'll be gone forabouta fortnight.
I'd likeyou to be back before...
Copy !req
173. I can't hear a thing any more
Copy !req
174. I can't hear a thing
Copy !req
175. Are you digging a ditch
for the rainwater?
Copy !req
176. But the rainy season's over
Copy !req
177. It's true, though,
it was so cloudy this morning...
Copy !req
178. it was like the end of the world
Copy !req
179. It's nice out
Copy !req
180. It's hot
Copy !req
181. It is cooler than yesterday, though.
Yesterday was so muggy
Copy !req
182. I'm glad you came back
Copy !req
183. I came back
for something very important
Copy !req
184. Those feathers you showed me yesterday.
You know, those...
Copy !req
185. - I forget the name.
- Kumul
Copy !req
186. That's it, Kumul feathers
Copy !req
187. I'm really interested in them
Copy !req
188. Since you're leaving tomorrow...
Copy !req
189. I thought you could bring me back as
many as possible from the missionaries
Copy !req
190. I have the outlets to sell them in
and the money to buy them
Copy !req
191. We could do good business together
Copy !req
192. You're forgetting one thing
Copy !req
193. We're not interested in doing business
Copy !req
194. Our trip has a very different goal
Copy !req
195. What is that goal,
if you don't mind my asking?
Copy !req
196. I told you. It's the valley
Copy !req
197. Of course
Copy !req
198. Besides, once we've gone,
who knows when we'll be back, if at all
Copy !req
199. What a pity.
There must be a way
Copy !req
200. I don't know.
You could send them
Copy !req
201. What we could do is...
Copy !req
202. take you with us to Watik...
Copy !req
203. where the missionary is
Copy !req
204. Is it far?
Copy !req
205. - Two weeks.
- Two weeks?
Copy !req
206. Look
Copy !req
207. We'll be coming from the coast here...
Copy !req
208. and crossing these areas
Copy !req
209. It will take two weeks, if we take
our time, to reach the mission...
Copy !req
210. and then we'll carry on
Copy !req
211. Yes, but...
Copy !req
212. Once we're at the mission,
how will I get back?
Copy !req
213. The mission has a little airstrip
Copy !req
214. You can rent a plane to fly you back,
if you can afford it
Copy !req
215. - Yes.
- Gaetan?
Copy !req
216. - It's complicated, but...
- Gaetan, can you come?
Copy !req
217. - What do you say?
- I don't know
Copy !req
218. I'll have to think about it
Copy !req
219. Are you really tempted?
Copy !req
220. It's difficult
Copy !req
221. This is turning into an expedition
for me, too
Copy !req
222. Let's say I did decide to come...
Copy !req
223. you don't seem too happy at the idea
Copy !req
224. I am, but two weeks
in a jeep in the bush?
Copy !req
225. It's tough
Copy !req
226. Two weeks in a jeep doesn't scare me.
I'm fit
Copy !req
227. It's just that...
Copy !req
228. There are four of you.
It's a bit awkward
Copy !req
229. What?
Copy !req
230. I mean...
Copy !req
231. you're two couples
Copy !req
232. Gaetan and Monique, you and...
Copy !req
233. - I've forgotten her name.
- Hermine?
Copy !req
234. Maybe Hermine is with Gaetan, too
Copy !req
235. It's cold
Copy !req
236. Is this where we're washing?
Copy !req
237. Yes, this is the bathroom
Copy !req
238. I'm going to wash somewhere else.
Your car is making the water dirty
Copy !req
239. And I'll get some peace over here
Copy !req
240. Olivier, can you ask Gaetan
to stop for a second?
Copy !req
241. - What for?
- l...
Copy !req
242. What?
Copy !req
243. I just need to get out, OK?
Copy !req
244. Go on
Copy !req
245. Well, what are you waiting for?
Copy !req
246. - Nothing.
- What now?
Copy !req
247. - I'm afraid ofsnakes.
- There are no snakes on the road
Copy !req
248. Are you crazy?
I'm not staying on the road
Copy !req
249. Look, make up your mind
Copy !req
250. Just get right up next to the car
Copy !req
251. No one will see you
Copy !req
252. Who are these people?
Copy !req
253. - They're gathering for the show.
- The show?
Copy !req
254. Yes, there's a big festival
Copy !req
255. The local tribes all take part.
It's held every two years
Copy !req
256. You might find some feathers there
Copy !req
257. Be careful. It's strictly illegal
Copy !req
258. I lost you.
I've been looking for you for an hour
Copy !req
259. I thought I'd never find you.
What's going on?
Copy !req
260. You go. We'll pitch camp
Copy !req
261. I can't hide the fact
that I'm interested in these feathers...
Copy !req
262. especially those...
What are they called?
Copy !req
263. - Kumul.
- That's it, Kumul
Copy !req
264. You wouldn't have some now,
would you?
Copy !req
265. I'll pay cash, of course
Copy !req
266. Alas, Madame...
Copy !req
267. I haven't seen any for nearly a month
Copy !req
268. Just my luck!
Copy !req
269. Do you know anyone
who sells them?
Copy !req
270. No, you know...
Copy !req
271. I get my feathers...
Copy !req
272. completely by chance
Copy !req
273. So this trip's been for nothing
Copy !req
274. Great!
Copy !req
275. Never mind.
Can I ask you a favour?
Copy !req
276. Can you give me a seat on your plane
when it leaves?
Copy !req
277. - Gladly, but...
- Tomorrow or the next day?
Copy !req
278. My plane broke down at Port Moresby.
It will be another fortnight
Copy !req
279. - A fortnight?
- Yes
Copy !req
280. Is that very inconvenient for you?
Copy !req
281. Yes, terribly
Copy !req
282. I don't know what to do. My husband
will worry if I'm a fortnight late
Copy !req
283. But I thought
you were husband and wife
Copy !req
284. Not at all
Copy !req
285. What you could do is go further north
Copy !req
286. As far as our last mission in Wutung
Copy !req
287. They have a plane that works
Copy !req
288. You can rent that
Copy !req
289. But that's too far
Copy !req
290. It will take about a week,
depending on the rains
Copy !req
291. A week?
Copy !req
292. Well, I have no choice
Copy !req
293. I'm sorry, Madame,
but that's the best I can do
Copy !req
294. You're very kind
Copy !req
295. Well, I'll be saying goodbye,
and good luck
Copy !req
296. Have a good trip.
Hang on a minute
Copy !req
297. I've just remembered something
Copy !req
298. Up that mountain...
Copy !req
299. lives an old sorcerer
Copy !req
300. He never speaks
Copy !req
301. But he has a collection
offantastic feathers
Copy !req
302. Go and see him
Copy !req
303. Can we go there?
Copy !req
304. Yes
Copy !req
305. But watch out for one thing
Copy !req
306. He never sells them,
he gives them away...
Copy !req
307. and only to people he likes
Copy !req
308. Only very rarely,
and one or two at a time
Copy !req
309. Hi. Look at the beautiful feathers
someone gave me
Copy !req
310. Gave?
Copy !req
311. What's going on? It's weird
Copy !req
312. They're preparing for the full moon
Copy !req
313. Why did you give that to her?
Copy !req
314. Don't worry, it's OK
Copy !req
315. Don't make me angry
Copy !req
316. What did you say to her?
Copy !req
317. That you're mad to have drunk that
Copy !req
318. - Why?
- It's not for you
Copy !req
319. Stop saying that all the time
Copy !req
320. What was that stuff?
Copy !req
321. A mixture the mountain tribes make
Copy !req
322. Gaetan calls it "Dionysus' liqueur"
Copy !req
323. Why is it not for me?
Copy !req
324. Do you love me?
Copy !req
325. Yes
Copy !req
326. But you're bored
Copy !req
327. I can play
Copy !req
328. The moon
Copy !req
329. Water
Copy !req
330. The tree
Copy !req
331. It's moving
Copy !req
332. Moving
Copy !req
333. The bird's nest
Copy !req
334. Hanging
Copy !req
335. A hole
Copy !req
336. Paradise
Copy !req
337. The nest of the bird of paradise
Copy !req
338. I'm in the nest
Copy !req
339. I'm in the tree
Copy !req
340. I am in the nest
of the bird of paradise
Copy !req
341. And it is nestled here
Copy !req
342. In the tree
Copy !req
343. The tree closes over
and I am not afraid
Copy !req
344. My leaffriends
Copy !req
345. You're sensitive
Copy !req
346. You feel
Copy !req
347. I'm happy, you know
Copy !req
348. Very happy
Copy !req
349. I don't want it to stop
Copy !req
350. And it won't ever stop
Copy !req
351. You don't care, do you?
Copy !req
352. You squeeze hard, anyway
Copy !req
353. You're nice.
You don't scare me
Copy !req
354. You're squeezing me
Copy !req
355. Do you want to eat my nose?
Copy !req
356. You're happy there
Copy !req
357. Me, too
Copy !req
358. We're both very happy
Copy !req
359. Don't move
Copy !req
360. Where's your plane got to?
Copy !req
361. That's not bad
Copy !req
362. Have you seen this?
She's leaving a pretty souvenir for us
Copy !req
363. It's a shame
that it will get covered in mud
Copy !req
364. But that will look nice, too
Copy !req
365. It's a dragon
Copy !req
366. For me, dragons, devils and snakes...
Copy !req
367. stand for good
Copy !req
368. In the decadent West, where we're from,
they stand for evil and dark forces
Copy !req
369. But here they stand for the life force
Copy !req
370. Neither good nor evil
Copy !req
371. It's a pity
Copy !req
372. She won't see the light
Copy !req
373. She won't see the mountain tribes
Copy !req
374. She won't see transcendence.
She won't see the smiles
Copy !req
375. She won't see life
Copy !req
376. She won't see the light
which is like a mist
Copy !req
377. She won't see the valley
Copy !req
378. It's a shame Vivian's leaving us
Copy !req
379. There's the plane!
Copy !req
380. Have you nearly finished?
Copy !req
381. You'd better get your bags ready.
We're in a hurry
Copy !req
382. I'd like to pitch camp
on that mountain tonight
Copy !req
383. It's a long way
Copy !req
384. Joy?
Copy !req
385. You're giving us good vibrations
before you go
Copy !req
386. I'll get your bags
Copy !req
387. You scare me sometimes, you know
Copy !req
388. I understand now why the old man
chose to give you the feathers
Copy !req
389. - Are you sure you want to go on?
- Yes.
Copy !req
390. This is the last post.
The road stops here
Copy !req
391. There's no way back. It's the unknown
Copy !req
392. Yes, I know
Copy !req
393. What's that about?
Copy !req
394. What are they saying?
Copy !req
395. Keep your voice down
Copy !req
396. This is a restricted area.
We're not meant to go any further
Copy !req
397. They're talking about horses
Copy !req
398. Horses? What for?
Copy !req
399. In a while, once the track stops,
we'll have to leave the car
Copy !req
400. We'll need horses and that guy knows
people who might sell us some
Copy !req
401. He's telling us where to find them
Copy !req
402. Who are they?
Copy !req
403. I don't know.
I've never been there
Copy !req
404. They're riper up here
because they get more sun
Copy !req
405. - Have you got room in your bag?
- A little, yes
Copy !req
406. - Have you run out?
- Almost
Copy !req
407. - Can you open yours?
- Yes. Hang on
Copy !req
408. - I don't know. Is that OK?
- Yes. Wait
Copy !req
409. - We've got lots to take back.
- Yes
Copy !req
410. These aren't ripe
Copy !req
411. It's fun here. It feels good
Copy !req
412. Do you like it?
Copy !req
413. I feel great. It's amazing
Copy !req
414. I feel completely transformed
Copy !req
415. It's true, you do seem
to have changed a lot
Copy !req
416. - Do you think so?
- Yes
Copy !req
417. - We've got enough for everyone.
- Yes
Copy !req
418. - Here. Careful.
- My blouse is covered!
Copy !req
419. It's heavy
Copy !req
420. I want Olivier to taste them
Copy !req
421. - Shall I help you?
- No, I'm fine
Copy !req
422. You're tall
Copy !req
423. There's a root there. That's why
Copy !req
424. - Right. Shall we go?
- Yes
Copy !req
425. Do you have a rag?
Copy !req
426. - What for?
- To rub this out
Copy !req
427. Oh? Why?
Copy !req
428. There's no joy here
Copy !req
429. If you do that,
there certainly won't be any, no
Copy !req
430. It's all phoney. It's fake
Copy !req
431. I'm nothing to do with you
Copy !req
432. This drawing doesn't mean anything
Copy !req
433. What's going on?
Copy !req
434. - Is something up?
- Yes
Copy !req
435. Where are you going?
Copy !req
436. I'm leaving
Copy !req
437. The holidays are over
Copy !req
438. One day in a Zen monastery...
Copy !req
439. there were 20 monks and a young nun
Copy !req
440. They were studying there
Copy !req
441. The young nun was very pretty...
Copy !req
442. so several of the monks
fell in love with her
Copy !req
443. Then one day...
Copy !req
444. one of them sent her a letter...
Copy !req
445. requesting a secret meeting
Copy !req
446. She didn't reply
Copy !req
447. The next morning
Copy !req
448. the Zen master was reading
to the group
Copy !req
449. And after the reading...
Copy !req
450. the young nun got up...
Copy !req
451. and in front ofeverybody...
Copy !req
452. she said to the monk
who sent her the letter...
Copy !req
453. "If you really love me...
Copy !req
454. "... come up and kiss me"
Copy !req
455. You see? That's free love
Copy !req
456. I'm no more with Olivier
than with Gaetan
Copy !req
457. I'm not in love with Olivier either
Copy !req
458. Look, Vivian,
don't ruin everything now
Copy !req
459. All I know is, I don't want to stay.
I want to leave now
Copy !req
460. I know.
I've been through that, too
Copy !req
461. I suffered a lot
Copy !req
462. And then one day...
Copy !req
463. One day I understood that...
Copy !req
464. Or rather, gradually,
I came to understand that love...
Copy !req
465. is something much bigger than that
Copy !req
466. The way you love Olivier...
Copy !req
467. is for your own pleasure,
your own satisfaction
Copy !req
468. It's not for him
Copy !req
469. You take what you like,
what suits you...
Copy !req
470. but you don't give
Copy !req
471. For example, take the ocean
Copy !req
472. The ocean is love
Copy !req
473. And then...
Copy !req
474. there's this bottle in the ocean
Copy !req
475. with water inside it,
adrift at sea
Copy !req
476. The bottle is you
Copy !req
477. But if you break the bottle...
Copy !req
478. the bottle's gone
but the ocean's still there
Copy !req
479. Do you understand?
Copy !req
480. You know, I love you Vivian
Copy !req
481. Really
Copy !req
482. Look, over there
Copy !req
483. It's a bird of paradise
Copy !req
484. - Is it dead?
- Yes
Copy !req
485. Get lost, you bastards!
Copy !req
486. Look at my dress!
Copy !req
487. According to the Chinaman,
this should be it
Copy !req
488. Stop sulking
Copy !req
489. I'm not sulking
Copy !req
490. I hate birds being killed too.
I'd have done the same
Copy !req
491. I should have given the bird to him.
It was dead. I was stupid
Copy !req
492. Because of me, your expedition is over.
We can't go on
Copy !req
493. - No.
- Yes!
Copy !req
494. No, we'll find another way
Copy !req
495. I bring bad luck
Copy !req
496. Shut up
Copy !req
497. Olivier, how much does a horse cost?
Copy !req
498. Let's go back and see them
Copy !req
499. Offer them double, OK?
Copy !req
500. They won't want to,
after the bird business
Copy !req
501. Do you think so?
Copy !req
502. Here's all my money
Copy !req
503. I'd be surprised ifthey turn it down.
There's at least $1,200
Copy !req
504. Here
Copy !req
505. Those pigs!
Copy !req
506. Plus a few more cents
Copy !req
507. See? There. That's all I have
Copy !req
508. We'll see ifthey'll take it or not
Copy !req
509. - Shall we go?
- Yes
Copy !req
510. How do you communicate
with the mountain tribes?
Copy !req
511. It must be difficult
Copy !req
512. No really, how do you do it?
Copy !req
513. See? You don't need to speak
to communicate
Copy !req
514. Still, if we stay for a while...
Copy !req
515. we'll need to be able to talk to them
Copy !req
516. He's going to eat my head!
Copy !req
517. Is that what you do?
Copy !req
518. Go on
Copy !req
519. Look, Vivian!
Copy !req
520. Look, Vivian, a possum!
Copy !req
521. It's cute
Copy !req
522. Careful!
Copy !req
523. When are we going to leave?
Copy !req
524. - For the valley?
- Yes, for the valley
Copy !req
525. We're ready
Copy !req
526. They've told you everything.
You know the trails
Copy !req
527. So what are we waiting for?
Copy !req
528. We're not ready
Copy !req
529. We're waiting to be ready
Copy !req
530. They're calling people around here
to the celebrations
Copy !req
531. - How do you know?
- Gaetan told me
Copy !req
532. I'd love...
Copy !req
533. I'd love her to make me up
so I can join in the celebrations
Copy !req
534. Everyone gathered here
will eat the flesh of the pigs...
Copy !req
535. in honour of our ancestors
Copy !req
536. For the first time ever...
Copy !req
537. white folk are participating
in this ceremony
Copy !req
538. Our ancestors
would have been amazed
Copy !req
539. I am proud...
Copy !req
540. and I hope they will take my name...
Copy !req
541. to the far side of the world
Copy !req
542. I salute the white women...
Copy !req
543. who have crossed the greatjungle
to be with us
Copy !req
544. I wish to speak, too
Copy !req
545. I am the only man present...
Copy !req
546. from the Mul tribe...
Copy !req
547. which could not come
because of the swollen rivers
Copy !req
548. Prepare yourselves
Copy !req
549. The food will now be passed out
Copy !req
550. It's amazing
Copy !req
551. We've become so close to them
Copy !req
552. We're almost like them
Copy !req
553. Look at Gaetan and Hermine.
It's wonderful
Copy !req
554. I'm so happy
Copy !req
555. We've found truth, you know
Copy !req
556. What's wrong, Olivier?
Copy !req
557. It's just the opposite
Copy !req
558. What's the opposite?
Copy !req
559. We're lying to ourselves
Copy !req
560. Whatever Gaetan says,
we're tourists here, Vivian
Copy !req
561. What do you mean, tourists?
Copy !req
562. I don't get it.
What's that supposed to mean?
Copy !req
563. I hate hearing you talk like this
Copy !req
564. To think you've spent months here
with Gaetan and that's all you can say
Copy !req
565. You don't understand.
Are you stupid or what?
Copy !req
566. Dancing's easy,
but could you work with them?
Copy !req
567. Yes, absolutely
Copy !req
568. Women are even more exploited
here than elsewhere
Copy !req
569. You know, Vivian...
Copy !req
570. in the Kombuga tribe...
Copy !req
571. society is bound by very strict rules
Copy !req
572. So is ours
Copy !req
573. It's not the same thing
Copy !req
574. We're trying to break our rules
Copy !req
575. When they dance...
Copy !req
576. it's not just for the pleasure of it...
Copy !req
577. it's to obey something
Copy !req
578. Look, this is the cemetery
Copy !req
579. They're dancing on their dead
Copy !req
580. We're only seeking pleasure,
or maybe peace
Copy !req
581. They couldn't care less about that
Copy !req
582. I don't know, Olivier,
but look at this celebration
Copy !req
583. Everyone is happy together
Copy !req
584. Why is there such a tacit understanding,
as ifthey truly loved one another?
Copy !req
585. Why do they understand one another?
Why is everything so simple here?
Copy !req
586. But it doesn't mean much
Copy !req
587. You really disappoint me
Copy !req
588. You're just like my husband
Copy !req
589. Of course we all like each other...
Copy !req
590. but that's as far as it goes
Copy !req
591. How can you expect
there to be a real rapport between us...
Copy !req
592. when we are destroying
our social laws...
Copy !req
593. whereas they live in terror...
Copy !req
594. and respect taboos?
Copy !req
595. I don't know, but it is possible
Copy !req
596. We are discovering
something different, that's all
Copy !req
597. Don't you believe
in the dark forces and all that?
Copy !req
598. Of course, very much so
Copy !req
599. But not in their way
Copy !req
600. For us, that's not possible
Copy !req
601. We can't forget our past, Vivian
Copy !req
602. We can't undo our conditioning,
as Gaetan would say
Copy !req
603. Once it's lost,
innocence can never be retrieved
Copy !req
604. Paradise is a place with many exits
but no way in
Copy !req
605. There is no way back from knowledge
Copy !req
606. Once you fall from grace, that's it
Copy !req
607. I wonder whether,
in order to find it again...
Copy !req
608. we shouldn't be doing the opposite
ofwhat we have been doing...
Copy !req
609. if we shouldn't be taking
another bite out ofAdam's apple
Copy !req
610. Gaetan? What are you doing there?
Copy !req
611. I think we've gone the wrong way
Copy !req
612. lfthose are the Urai Mountains...
Copy !req
613. Mount Umasa isn't over there,
it's there
Copy !req
614. Have you got the compass?
Copy !req
615. We'll have to try going that way
Copy !req
616. Where is it?
Copy !req
617. See that hill there?
Copy !req
618. Beyond that, there's a high mountain
Copy !req
619. And beyond the mountain,
it's further still
Copy !req
620. Further, further, further
Copy !req
621. Is it very far?
Copy !req
622. It's very close
Copy !req
623. But I don't think the horses
will make it through thatjungle
Copy !req
624. We need to go now
Copy !req
625. We'll untie them and let them
find their own way back to the stable
Copy !req
626. We might be taking a chance
Copy !req
627. I know
Copy !req
628. Will you go and untie
those two down there?
Copy !req
629. OK
Copy !req
630. Where are the horses?
Copy !req
631. Gone
Copy !req
632. ls something wrong?
Copy !req
633. He's asking if we're going to the top
Copy !req
634. He seems to be saying it's dangerous
Copy !req
635. Mum?
Copy !req
636. Are we nearly there?
Copy !req
637. Are we nearly there, Mum?
Copy !req
638. Hermine's feeling dizzy.
She can't walk any more
Copy !req
639. It's not serious. It's just the altitude
Copy !req
640. I'm hungry. I'm thirsty
Copy !req
641. - I'm tired of this.
- Not long now
Copy !req
642. Just a little while longer
Copy !req
643. This is the last packet
Copy !req
644. Thank you
Copy !req
645. You know...
Copy !req
646. I'm hungry
Copy !req
647. I'm hungry...
Copy !req
648. I know, but I've told you,
there's nothing left to eat
Copy !req
649. The valley
Copy !req
650. I can see the valley
Copy !req