1. There is
a charming tradition
Copy !req
2. observed by the Adelie penguins.
Copy !req
3. Once a year, during the mating season,
Copy !req
4. all the male birds gather
on the Antarctic beaches,
Copy !req
5. and there,
each selects an extraordinary pebble.
Copy !req
6. With pebble in hand,
Copy !req
7. each male presents his precious gift
to the lady he most desires.
Copy !req
8. If she accepts it, they mate for life.
Copy !req
9. Hey. How about you, Hubie?
You got a pebble for your girl?
Copy !req
10. Well, you know, it's...
Not really.
Copy !req
11. Oh, this is all just so exciting.
Copy !req
12. - It's so romantic.
- Knock it off.
Copy !req
13. Romance has nothing to do with it.
Copy !req
14. You know, I don't think a pebble
should be that important.
Copy !req
15. Marina, if you don't care about
the pebble, how will you choose?
Copy !req
16. How will you know if it's Mr. Right?
Copy !req
17. WOW!
Copy !req
18. Of all the penguins
in all the world,
Copy !req
19. the most romantic was Hubie.
Copy !req
20. He had a secret love in his life,
Copy !req
21. Marina, the most beautiful
girl penguin in the rookery.
Copy !req
22. - Hi, Hubie. Tell us a story.
- Yes. A love story.
Copy !req
23. Oh, that's mushy stuff.
Copy !req
24. Oh, Beany!
Copy !req
25. Well, once there was a penguin
Copy !req
26. who fell in love
Copy !req
27. with the most beautiful girl penguin
in the whole rookery.
Copy !req
28. - Did she love him back?
- They never even met.
Copy !req
29. You see, he was painfully shy.
Copy !req
30. Well, one day,
he just swam up to her and said,
Copy !req
31. "Hello, Marina.
I'm Hubie, and I think you're fabulous."
Copy !req
32. Who am I kidding?
Copy !req
33. I mean,
I never even talked to the girl.
Copy !req
34. Goodness glaciers!
Copy !req
35. So, it wasn't an avalanche.
Copy !req
36. That was some landing, Hubie.
Copy !req
37. I'm sorry, Marina.
Copy !req
38. I'm just so clumsy.
Copy !req
39. Oh, don't be silly, Hubie.
Copy !req
40. But someone else
had his eye on the fair Marina.
Copy !req
41. Drake, an evil penguin
who always got his way.
Copy !req
42. That little wimp.
I'll knock the stutter right out of him.
Copy !req
43. Marina doesn't know it yet,
Copy !req
44. but she's going to be my wife.
Copy !req
45. Our children will be the strongest,
the smartest, the bravest,
Copy !req
46. not to mention the best looking.
Copy !req
47. Why, they'll be just like me.
Copy !req
48. I'm telling you, boys,
Marina is as good as mine.
Copy !req
49. This is quite a spot, Hubie.
Copy !req
50. What do you do up here?
Copy !req
51. Well...
Copy !req
52. I wonder about stuff.
Copy !req
53. Stuff? What kind of stuff?
Copy !req
54. I just... No. You'd think it was silly.
Copy !req
55. I bet it's not silly at all. Try me.
Copy !req
56. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
57. Go on.
Copy !req
58. - Oh, where was I?
- "Choosing brides."
Copy !req
59. You must be bored to tears
with all this wacky nonsense.
Copy !req
60. Oh, no. I don't think it's nonsense
at all, even if you are a bit wacky.
Copy !req
61. The full moon mating
ceremony was fast approaching.
Copy !req
62. The rookery buzzed with excitement.
Copy !req
63. All the bachelors took to the beaches
to find their engagement pebbles.
Copy !req
64. And none was more determined
than Hubie.
Copy !req
65. He dove, scrambled, scrapped
Copy !req
66. and raced against the best of them.
Copy !req
67. But try as he might,
Copy !req
68. - Hubie couldn't hold on...
- It's mine.
Copy !req
69. to a single pebble.
Copy !req
70. I've nothing.
Copy !req
71. Poor Hubie.
Copy !req
72. With the day almost done,
Copy !req
73. and the beach picked clean
of the best engagement stones,
Copy !req
74. how could he ever hope
Copy !req
75. to find the perfect pebble
for his perfect love, Marina?
Copy !req
76. "Star light, star bright
First star I see tonight
Copy !req
77. Wish I may, wish I might
Have the wish I wish tonight."
Copy !req
78. Wow.
Copy !req
79. Oh, my-
Copy !req
80. It's perfect.
Copy !req
81. Marina! Has anyone seen Marina?
Copy !req
82. I got to find her.
I just got to find her.
Copy !req
83. Wait till she sees this. It's perfect.
Copy !req
84. Hey, what's the holdup?
Copy !req
85. Somebody saw a leopard seal.
Copy !req
86. Oh, not today. I'm starving.
Copy !req
87. So, nerd.
I hear you want to be a big ladies' man.
Copy !req
88. Marina is mine.
Copy !req
89. You big bully!
Copy !req
90. Wake up and smell the seaweed,
you little fool.
Copy !req
91. Nobody's going to
marry a loser like you.
Copy !req
92. - Now give me that stupid pebble.
- No, it's for Marina.
Copy !req
93. Hope you can swim
better than you can talk.
Copy !req
94. Bye, Hubie. Sleep with the fishes.
Copy !req
95. - Hi, guys.
- Hey, look. The water's safe.
Copy !req
96. - Let's eat.
- Oh, boy.
Copy !req
97. Hubie!
Copy !req
98. Hubie!
Copy !req
99. Hubie!
Copy !req
100. Hubie!
Copy !req
101. Marina!
Copy !req
102. Huddled against
the wind and buffeted by the storm,
Copy !req
103. Hubie was swept far away
to warmer waters
Copy !req
104. where there lived an enemy
even greater than the leopard seal.
Copy !req
105. Man.
Copy !req
106. So sweet.
Copy !req
107. Oh, look.
I think he's coming around.
Copy !req
108. Welcome back, lad.
Copy !req
109. Where am I?
Copy !req
110. You're aboard the good ship Misery.
Copy !req
111. You've been sleeping
for nearly three days now.
Copy !req
112. Three days?
I've been asleep for three days?
Copy !req
113. I'm sure Marina
thinks I'm lost forever.
Copy !req
114. Marina?
Copy !req
115. My girl back home.
Copy !req
116. Why, you're our first Adélie.
Copy !req
117. - What's your name?
- Yes. Yes. What's your name?
Copy !req
118. I'm Hubie.
Copy !req
119. Welcome aboard, Hubie.
Copy !req
120. Although, "welcome"
probably isn't the appropriate word.
Copy !req
121. - Outrage! That's the appropriate word.
- Yes.
Copy !req
122. Abomination.
Copy !req
123. - The indignity.
- The indignity.
Copy !req
124. The horror.
Copy !req
125. Just thought I'd ask.
Copy !req
126. Get a hold of them feet.
Copy !req
127. Here come the boots.
Copy !req
128. - The boots!
- The boots!
Copy !req
129. Be quiet down there.
Copy !req
130. Blast it all, mate.
Copy !req
131. Let's get him down below.
Copy !req
132. Open the door, man. Open the door.
Copy !req
133. Hold still, lad,
or I'll give you a fist in the beak.
Copy !req
134. Now get in there and stay there.
Copy !req
135. Come back here,
you yellow-bellied landlubbers.
Copy !req
136. Take a breather, laddie.
Copy !req
137. That door will be there later.
I can promise you that.
Copy !req
138. Save it, old-timer.
Nobody locks up Rocko the Rockhopper.
Copy !req
139. Those humans just did.
Copy !req
140. Hey. When I get out of here,
you're seal bait.
Copy !req
141. What are you staring at, birdbrain?
Copy !req
142. That's Hubie, and he's heartbroken.
Copy !req
143. Yes. He was snatched away
from the lady he loves.
Copy !req
144. Poor, poor pebblehead.
Copy !req
145. If he had any guts, he never
would've let them take him alive.
Copy !req
146. So, where is this floating scrapheap
headed, anyway?
Copy !req
147. Our destination would be
difficult to determine at this juncture.
Copy !req
148. - That means he doesn't know.
- That means he doesn't know.
Copy !req
149. Well, we be in warm waters.
Copy !req
150. We be in Bora Bora, Pops.
Copy !req
151. I know where we are. Where do we dock?
Copy !req
152. That's what I'm asking.
Where do we dock?
Copy !req
153. We can't say for sure, lad,
Copy !req
154. but I've heard stories
of sailors selling penguins to zoos.
Copy !req
155. - Zoos?
- Zoos? I'm not going to no zoo.
Copy !req
156. No, no. I'm going to the helmsman.
I'll go to the first mate.
Copy !req
157. I'll go all the way to the captain
of this oversized dinghy.
Copy !req
158. I'll make him turn this tug around
if I have to.
Copy !req
159. But I can't go to a zoo.
Copy !req
160. I've got to get back to Antarctica.
Copy !req
161. Who's with me?
Who's for busting out of here?
Copy !req
162. Come on, you jellyfish.
Copy !req
163. How about you, seal bait? You?
Copy !req
164. Sorry, Mr. Rockhopper, but free food
at the zoo sounds awful good to me.
Copy !req
165. Bunch of birdbrains and
seal bait. Get me out of here!
Copy !req
166. Get me somebody!
Copy !req
167. Marina, Hubie is gone.
Copy !req
168. Face it. Forget him.
Copy !req
169. Why don't you
just marry Drake?
Copy !req
170. No, Priscilla.
Copy !req
171. I believe Hubie
is still out there somewhere,
Copy !req
172. and he'll come home to me in time
for the full moon mating ceremony.
Copy !req
173. - You're saying you want to marry him?
- I do.
Copy !req
174. How could you possibly choose a wimp
like Hubie over a hunk like Drake?
Copy !req
175. Hubie's a sweetheart.
He's generous and kind,
Copy !req
176. and he's always thoughtful
of others, and...
Copy !req
177. Good morning, ladies.
Copy !req
178. Marina, my pet.
Copy !req
179. I want you to be my mate.
Copy !req
180. Drake. Drake. I love Hubie.
Copy !req
181. Hubie?
I deeply sympathize, Marina,
Copy !req
182. but since he is nowhere to be found,
I offer my own hand.
Copy !req
183. - My answer is still no.
- Think about it.
Copy !req
184. Give me your answer later.
Copy !req
185. But remember. You must choose a mate
Copy !req
186. before the full moon mating ceremony
Copy !req
187. or be banished.
Copy !req
188. Gosh. That's the law.
Copy !req
189. I got just 10 days to get back home
before the full moon ceremony.
Copy !req
190. Sir! Sir! Take me with you.
Copy !req
191. You talking to me?
- Yes, sir, I am.
Copy !req
192. - Don't call me "sir." Call me Rocko.
- Rocko. Right. Yes.
Copy !req
193. - Well, Rocko, it's about my girl.
- Wait, wait, wait.
Copy !req
194. You want me to spring you
out of this joint
Copy !req
195. so you can go home
to Miss Wonderful, right?
Copy !req
196. Yes. Yes. You're right. You see,
there's another guy who's after my girl.
Copy !req
197. - Forget it.
- But a moment ago,
Copy !req
198. you asked
"Who's for busting out of here?"
Copy !req
199. - Well, I am.
- You're too dumb.
Copy !req
200. - Take me, please.
- Why should I?
Copy !req
201. Well, because if the humans see me
tripping all over myself,
Copy !req
202. that'll divert their attention to me,
giving you more time to escape.
Copy !req
203. Like I really need a diversion.
Copy !req
204. I could squawk and yell
and make horrible noises.
Copy !req
205. Well, you made me laugh.
Copy !req
206. Give me a chance, please.
I'll bring the house down.
Copy !req
207. - What's your name?
- Hubie.
Copy !req
208. Well, Hubie. All right. You're on.
Copy !req
209. Yeah, go for it, Hubie.
Copy !req
210. But, hey, once we're on deck,
it's every man for himself.
Copy !req
211. Yes, sir!
Copy !req
212. Okay, Hubie. Here's how
you're gonna break out of that cage.
Copy !req
213. Now, I want you to pay attention.
Watch my beak.
Copy !req
214. - Have you got everything?
- This is all I need.
Copy !req
215. Here come the boots.
Copy !req
216. - Okay, kid. This is it. Get ready.
- Ahoy, mateys.
Copy !req
217. Get your gullets ready
for the sloppiest slop
Copy !req
218. that ever graced a galley's garbage.
Copy !req
219. You don't know how lucky you are, matey.
Copy !req
220. Now, I don't want no trouble
from you today.
Copy !req
221. Well, now. That's more like it.
Copy !req
222. - Come back here, you... Come back.
- What's going on down there...
Copy !req
223. Come on, Hubie. Let's go!
Copy !req
224. There's two of them out now.
Copy !req
225. Let me go!
Come on. Take your best shot.
Copy !req
226. I'm out of here.
Copy !req
227. Come on, Hubie. Come on.
My pebble!
Copy !req
228. Forget the blasted pebble!
Copy !req
229. Charlie!
Copy !req
230. He's heading for the side.
Copy !req
231. Come on! Let's go!
Copy !req
232. So long, Hubie. I'm out of here.
Copy !req
233. Please don't leave me.
Wait till I get my hands on you.
Copy !req
234. You can stop following me now.
You're on your own now. Come on.
Copy !req
235. Hey. Where are we?
Copy !req
236. Let's see. Judging by the heat,
Copy !req
237. I'd say I'd died and went to Phoenix.
Copy !req
238. Rocko, look. People.
Copy !req
239. Looks like some private beach.
We must be in Moorea or Tahiti.
Copy !req
240. - How do they live like this?
- They pay for it.
Copy !req
241. I wonder how far it is to Antarctica.
Copy !req
242. Three thousand miles in that direction,
but you'll never make it.
Copy !req
243. I will so. I'm fit.
Copy !req
244. Hey, trust me on this one. You've got
"Eat me" written all over you.
Copy !req
245. I'm a good swimmer.
Copy !req
246. You don't know these waters
like I do, birdbrain.
Copy !req
247. You're right. I'm lost.
Copy !req
248. Yep. You're lost.
And I'm looking at a dead penguin.
Copy !req
249. Yeah, I give it two days, tops,
Copy !req
250. and you'll be in the belly of anything
from a killer whale to a sardine.
Copy !req
251. Getting back to Marina
is all that matters to me.
Copy !req
252. I mean, Rocko, look.
Copy !req
253. I dream about her night and day.
I see her face when I close my eyes.
Copy !req
254. And this. Just look at this.
Copy !req
255. Wow.
Is that an engagement pebble, or what?
Copy !req
256. Do you have to gush like that?
Copy !req
257. You're probably asking yourself
where I got it, right?
Copy !req
258. - Yes.
- Picture this.
Copy !req
259. Pebble beach, moonlit sky,
gentle breeze.
Copy !req
260. Come on. Come on. Get to it.
Copy !req
261. Suddenly, I look up and there it is...
Copy !req
262. the first evening star.
Summarize. Summarize.
Copy !req
263. What do I do? I make a wish.
And, like magic, it jets across the sky
Copy !req
264. in a blaze of glory
and comes to rest at my feet.
Copy !req
265. Really?
- I pick it up, and there,
Copy !req
266. shining deep inside, is...
Copy !req
267. There is the face
of my own true love, Marina.
Copy !req
268. Oh, so special. So unique. So what!
Copy !req
269. Don't you see? It's my fate, Rocko.
Copy !req
270. I'm destined to marry Marina.
It's in the stars.
Copy !req
271. "I'm destined to marry Marina.
It's in the stars."
Copy !req
272. Why don't you get that thing fixed?
Copy !req
273. Oh, I'm sorry. I guess
nobody likes a blabbermouth, right?
Copy !req
274. No. You think?
Copy !req
275. There. I'm free of you at last.
Now go away. Shoo. Adios.
Copy !req
276. Boy. You're really one grumpy guy
in the morning, aren't you?
Copy !req
277. - No. I'm grumpy all day.
- What happened?
Copy !req
278. Did your girl run off
with another penguin?
Copy !req
279. No. She did not.
Copy !req
280. - Oh, then she's waiting for you, right?
- Look, will you stop following me?
Copy !req
281. You know what you need?
You need a dream.
Copy !req
282. - I got one.
- What is it?
Copy !req
283. - I'm sure not gonna tell you.
- Your secret's safe with me.
Copy !req
284. - I don't even know you.
- I won't laugh.
Copy !req
285. - Forget it!
- It doesn't matter how silly it sounds.
Copy !req
286. Get away!
Copy !req
287. I promise. Cross my heart.
I won't laugh.
Copy !req
288. - All right. All right. All right.
- What?
Copy !req
289. - I got something.
- What is it?
Copy !req
290. You're looking at it.
Copy !req
291. I'm looking at...
Copy !req
292. You want to fly, do you?
Copy !req
293. - Don't laugh.
- Rocko, everybody knows
Copy !req
294. penguins can't fly.
Copy !req
295. You're wrong! You are dead wrong.
Our ancestors flew.
Copy !req
296. They gave us wings, but we can't fly?
Copy !req
297. I mean... I mean, whose idea
of a cruel joke is this?
Copy !req
298. I mean...
I mean, you've got to just accept it.
Copy !req
299. No! No! I don't accept nothing!
Copy !req
300. But, Rocko, that's the way things are.
Copy !req
301. I want to fly. I'm gonna fly,
and no one's gonna stop me. I'm flying.
Copy !req
302. Flap them. Flap them. Flap them.
Copy !req
303. Don't laugh.
Nobody laughs at Rocko the Rockhopper.
Copy !req
304. That's funny.
Copy !req
305. You see, I expected you to tell me
something big, really stupendous.
Copy !req
306. You know, like hopping up the slopes
of Mt. Everest or something, you know.
Copy !req
307. But flying? Oh, for heaven's sakes.
That's so easy.
Copy !req
308. Says who?
Copy !req
309. - Waldo, that's who.
- Waldo?
Copy !req
310. - Yeah. He's...
- Who's Waldo?
Copy !req
311. Waldo is a short little penguin
back in my rookery.
Copy !req
312. - Yeah? Really?
- Yes, really. And listen,
Copy !req
313. he claims to have gotten
the hang of flying.
Copy !req
314. And his wings
are a lot stubbier than yours.
Copy !req
315. Hey, hey, hey. These aren't stubs.
Copy !req
316. Oh, but... There I go being
a big blabbermouth again.
Copy !req
317. Wait. Wait. Come back here.
Copy !req
318. Thank you for helping me escape, Rocko.
I've got to go, though.
Copy !req
319. Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait.
Wait. Wait. Wait.
Copy !req
320. I must be back before the next
full moon. Marina needs me. Goodbye.
Copy !req
321. Wait, wait. You're lost.
That way's north.
Copy !req
322. Oh. I just...
I just remembered something.
Copy !req
323. I think Waldo said
the secret to flying was wind speed.
Copy !req
324. - Well, anyway.
- Wind speed.
Copy !req
325. - Off I go.
- You know, that's right.
Copy !req
326. That's exactly what I think.
That's what I've been working on.
Copy !req
327. That's my theory. Wind speed, see?
Copy !req
328. You know, that's amazing,
that there's...
Copy !req
329. Someone else knows about that.
Copy !req
330. Well, come here.
What else did Waldo say?
Copy !req
331. Can we swim as we talk?
Marina's waiting.
Copy !req
332. Yeah, sure. Why not?
I got a couple of days, anyway.
Copy !req
333. - Which way is south?
- That way.
Copy !req
334. - I want to meet this Waldo character.
- Waldo?
Copy !req
335. You get me and Waldo together,
Copy !req
336. and I'll get you to the Antarctic
by the next full moon.
Copy !req
337. Oh, I like the sound of that.
Copy !req
338. Well,
there's only eight days left
Copy !req
339. before the full moon mating ceremony,
Copy !req
340. and Marina still won't agree
to be my mate.
Copy !req
341. Although, my faithful servants,
Copy !req
342. we have seen
that Hubie is a leopard seal meal.
Copy !req
343. It's a pleasant thought
Copy !req
344. that that stupid little
penguin nerd will never return.
Copy !req
345. Silence, you idiots!
Copy !req
346. Marina is mine.
Copy !req
347. So, what happens
if you don't make it on time?
Copy !req
348. Oh, that's too horrible
to even think about.
Copy !req
349. Well, think about it.
Who would Marina marry?
Copy !req
350. - Drake!
- Drake?
Copy !req
351. - Why, is he any good with the ladies?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
352. Well, Captain, full speed ahead.
Here we go.
Copy !req
353. We only have five days left, Rocko.
We're running out of time.
Copy !req
354. Look. We can't swim in this storm,
unless you want to die.
Copy !req
355. Maybe Drake will leave Marina alone.
Copy !req
356. Yeah, well, maybe Drake
has already married Marina.
Copy !req
357. No. No. I know my girl. She'll wait.
Copy !req
358. And if she accepts this pebble,
we'll be married.
Copy !req
359. If she accepts the pebble?
Copy !req
360. You mean, you're not sure
if she's gonna accept the pebble?
Copy !req
361. You mean, you're going
through all this trouble
Copy !req
362. - and you're not even sure?
- She'll accept it.
Copy !req
363. Oh, come on.
Copy !req
364. It's beautiful. It's...
Copy !req
365. - It's perfect.
- Yes, it is perfect, isn't it, Rocko?
Copy !req
366. - There, that ledge.
- Rocko?
Copy !req
367. We have discovered an authentic
ancient "aviarial" airstrip.
Copy !req
368. What?
Copy !req
369. This is beautiful. This is it.
Copy !req
370. You're not gonna try to fly again,
are you?
Copy !req
371. - Oh, you bet your tail feathers I am.
- Rocko, penguins can't fly!
Copy !req
372. - Feel that wind.
- Rocko!
Copy !req
373. Where's your sense of adventure?
Copy !req
374. - This is the chance of a lifetime.
- This is the end of a lifetime.
Copy !req
375. Wind speed, perfect. Altitude, perfect.
Tail feathers, perfect.
Copy !req
376. - Wing, span, wind, sky, airlift!
- Rocko, don't.
Copy !req
377. You're gonna kill yourself.
Copy !req
378. Hubie, watch. I'm flying! I'm flying!
Yes. Yes.
Copy !req
379. Oh, wind speed.
Wind speed, not enough wind speed.
Copy !req
380. Goodness glaciers.
Copy !req
381. Rocko, are you all right? Rocko!
Copy !req
382. - Get away from me.
- But I just...
Copy !req
383. Don't touch me. Just get away.
Copy !req
384. I was just trying to...
Copy !req
385. I don't need any help.
Just get away from me now.
Copy !req
386. Fine. Suit yourself.
Copy !req
387. I will. Just keep going.
Copy !req
388. Go back to little green eyes
or whatever her name is.
Copy !req
389. Well, maybe I will.
Copy !req
390. Yeah, go.
Copy !req
391. See how long you last on your own.
Copy !req
392. Hubie. No!
Copy !req
393. No. I mean, no, wait.
Copy !req
394. So you decided to apologize, huh?
Copy !req
395. Well, then, I...
Copy !req
396. Don't be stupid.
I don't apologize to anybody.
Copy !req
397. - Look.
Copy !req
398. That, pebblebrain, is a killer whale.
Copy !req
399. The meanest killing machine
in these waters.
Copy !req
400. Goodness glaciers! You saved my life.
Copy !req
401. Oh, no. Come on.
Don't get all whiny about it.
Copy !req
402. Just go. Go, go play with your pebble.
Copy !req
403. It's no big deal. Just go.
Go. Leave me alone.
Copy !req
404. No, I'm serious.
Copy !req
405. I could've been killed.
Copy !req
406. I'm starting to wish you had.
Just go, will you?
Copy !req
407. Can't you even admit
that you like me just a little?
Copy !req
408. What? I don't like you. I hate you.
Copy !req
409. I just happen to hate killer whales
a little bit more than you, that's all.
Copy !req
410. Is that so?
Copy !req
411. - Yeah.
- Well, then, fine.
Copy !req
412. Fine is right.
Copy !req
413. When the whale leaves,
we'll just go our separate ways, then.
Copy !req
414. Yeah. Well, sounds good to me.
I don't need to be seen with...
Copy !req
415. Fire in the sky!
Copy !req
416. Fire in the sky! Fire in the sky!
Hide, hide, hide, hide!
Copy !req
417. That's it.
Copy !req
418. Hey, what is that? Who's that?
What are you doing? Who...
Copy !req
419. Ah!
Copy !req
420. - Get your own shelter.
- I was here first.
Copy !req
421. So, I'm here second. So what? Move!
Copy !req
422. So, Marina. When should
I announce our engagement?
Copy !req
423. Today? Tomorrow? Wednesday?
Copy !req
424. Drake, I wouldn't marry you
if you were the last penguin on Earth.
Copy !req
425. Don't worry. I'll make it official
with the obligatory pebble and all that.
Copy !req
426. The answer is no.
Copy !req
427. No? No?
Copy !req
428. Oh, I get it. You're joking.
Copy !req
429. What's so funny?
Copy !req
430. Hey, Rocko. Wake up.
Copy !req
431. Rocko, look.
Copy !req
432. What? What? Where?
Copy !req
433. Isn't it beautiful?
Copy !req
434. Yeah. I mean, it's...
Copy !req
435. Well, I mean, it certainly looks better
than a killer whale.
Copy !req
436. It's our first sight of home.
We're almost there.
Copy !req
437. Look. It's all right
if you wanna split up.
Copy !req
438. I understand. No hard feelings.
Copy !req
439. Well, it's probably for the best.
Hey, give my regards to Waldo.
Copy !req
440. Waldo? Waldo.
Copy !req
441. Oh, yeah. I sure will. I...
Copy !req
442. Rocko, there's something
you should know.
Copy !req
443. Waldo...
Copy !req
444. Waldo isn't real.
Copy !req
445. What?
Copy !req
446. I needed you to show me the way home.
Copy !req
447. I didn't think you'd do it
if I just asked, so I...
Copy !req
448. So I made up stories
about a make-believe guy named Waldo.
Copy !req
449. Well, say something.
Copy !req
450. You told me a lie?
Copy !req
451. You dumb penguin nerd.
Copy !req
452. Rocko, stop!
Copy !req
453. I could've been back in Tahiti
Copy !req
454. - with those people on the beach...
- I'm sorry.
Copy !req
455. feeding me
because I was a cute little penguin.
Copy !req
456. I said I'm sorry.
Copy !req
457. - No, you! You decided to lie to me!
- Oh. Come on.
Copy !req
458. To drag me through 3,000 miles
of water and killer whales.
Copy !req
459. You're a dead penguin. You are a...
Copy !req
460. Clear! Clear that beak! Clear!
Copy !req
461. You're either the greatest
romantic hero of all time,
Copy !req
462. or you're the stupidest penguin
who ever lived.
Copy !req
463. I'm sorry I lied to you, Rocko.
Copy !req
464. Who likes a liar? Not me.
Copy !req
465. I really needed your help.
Copy !req
466. Look. If you're ever down
near the South Pole,
Copy !req
467. please look me up.
Copy !req
468. In four days, birdbrain,
I'll be in Antarctica.
Copy !req
469. Where will you be, huh?
Copy !req
470. - Rocko!
- Come on. Try to keep up.
Copy !req
471. Great.
Copy !req
472. Looks like
I got me a new student.
Copy !req
473. You know anything about fighting?
Copy !req
474. Well, how do you handle pain?
Copy !req
475. - What?
- Oh, just kidding! How about blood?
Copy !req
476. Rocko, I don't think I can walk.
Copy !req
477. Hey. How big is this Drake guy?
Copy !req
478. I could have a broken bone.
Copy !req
479. You're gonna have to fight him.
Copy !req
480. - I'm what?
- You have to put Drake in his place.
Copy !req
481. Well, I'm not a fighter.
Copy !req
482. - I'll teach you.
- I've never hit anyone.
Copy !req
483. Look, the first thing you need to know
about winning is how to bluff.
Copy !req
484. Rocko, I can't.
Copy !req
485. - Do you love the girl?
- Of course, I do. I...
Copy !req
486. Then shut up.
Put your fins up, your neck back.
Copy !req
487. Put your feet out.
Balance, balance, balance.
Copy !req
488. Okay. Now make a face.
Give me your meanest look.
Copy !req
489. Like this?
Copy !req
490. No! Like this.
Copy !req
491. Well, you know what? That's fantastic.
Copy !req
492. It's a bluff.
Copy !req
493. I'm tougher than any bird.
Why, I'm tougher than any polar bear.
Copy !req
494. Why, I'm hungry-
Copy !req
495. What do we have here?
Copy !req
496. Looks like a seal's fishing hole.
Copy !req
497. Do you think it's safe?
Copy !req
498. I'm too hungry to care if
it's safe or not. Let's go.
Copy !req
499. - How much farther to the Antarctic?
- I don't know.
Copy !req
500. It could be a few miles.
It could be a few days.
Copy !req
501. Who cares? Come on.
Copy !req
502. A few days.
Copy !req
503. I don't think I could wait that long.
Copy !req
504. So, you wanna go first?
Copy !req
505. What?
Copy !req
506. Well, if you're not brave enough...
Copy !req
507. Hey. Who says I'm not brave enough?
Copy !req
508. Then, I'll go.
Copy !req
509. I'm brave enough.
Copy !req
510. Come on. Let's go. One, two, three. Go.
Copy !req
511. You idiot! You almost got me killed.
What's the matter with you?
Copy !req
512. You risk your life to get back to that
chick and give her that blasted pebble.
Copy !req
513. You're crazy! You're insane! You're...
Copy !req
514. You are amazing.
Copy !req
515. Amazing? Me?
Copy !req
516. What? No, no, I didn't say that.
Copy !req
517. Yes, you did. I heard you.
Copy !req
518. No, no, no. I didn't say that.
No, no, no, no. Get out of my face.
Copy !req
519. Get out of my face.
I didn't say nothing like that.
Copy !req
520. You do like me.
Copy !req
521. - I don't like anybody.
- Oh, yes, you do.
Copy !req
522. And I knew it all along.
Copy !req
523. Get away from me.
Copy !req
524. Hey, Rocko. I guess this means
we've put our differences on ice.
Copy !req
525. Get it? Put our differences on ice?
Copy !req
526. I'd like to put you on ice.
Copy !req
527. Take it, Rocko.
Copy !req
528. Hey, Rocko. What do you
call a flower before it opens?
Copy !req
529. What?
Copy !req
530. What do you call a flower
before it opens?
Copy !req
531. A bud.
Copy !req
532. I love it when you call me bud.
Copy !req
533. Take it, Rocko.
Copy !req
534. Hey, Rocko. I caught you a herring.
Where should I put it?
Copy !req
535. - What?
- I caught you a herring.
Copy !req
536. Where should I put it?
Copy !req
537. Put it there.
Copy !req
538. Put it there?
Copy !req
539. - All right.
- Oh, stop it.
Copy !req
540. Goodbye, Rocko.
Copy !req
541. Oh, knock it off.
Copy !req
542. Hey. Hey, you're all blue.
Copy !req
543. Breathe, you birdbrain.
Copy !req
544. Hubie!
Copy !req
545. Say it!
Copy !req
546. - We really showed him.
- We showed him? We?
Copy !req
547. Come on. You're a terrible fighter.
Copy !req
548. As they continued
their journey home,
Copy !req
549. Rocko was determined to teach Hubie
Copy !req
550. that it wasn't enough
simply being in love with Marina.
Copy !req
551. The time would come
when he would have to fight for her.
Copy !req
552. But with Drake as his opponent,
would he be up to the challenge?
Copy !req
553. I won. I won. I won. I won.
I won. I won. I won. I won.
Copy !req
554. I beat you by a mile.
Copy !req
555. You're blind as a bat.
I was winning, man.
Copy !req
556. I won the whole way.
I was way in front of you.
Copy !req
557. - Rocko!
- I left you in the cold. Come on.
Copy !req
558. Goodness glaciers! What was that?
Copy !req
559. Looked like a killer whale.
Copy !req
560. It was bigger than a leopard seal.
Copy !req
561. Twice as big, twice as fast
and twice as mean.
Copy !req
562. - Oh, good.
- But that's not the worst part.
Copy !req
563. Wonderful. What's the worst part?
Copy !req
564. Killer whales always travel in groups.
Copy !req
565. - What?
- Groups.
Copy !req
566. - Oh, no.
- Big groups. Lots. Oodles and oodles.
Copy !req
567. What do we do now?
Copy !req
568. We... We...
Copy !req
569. - You see that iceberg?
- What iceberg?
Copy !req
570. That one! Swim for it.
Copy !req
571. - Swim?
- Or we could fly.
Copy !req
572. - My pebble.
- Pebble? Your pebble.
Copy !req
573. - My pebble.
- Forget about the blasted pebble.
Copy !req
574. I don't want to hear "pebble" from you.
Copy !req
575. All right. Swim for the berg.
I'll lead them away.
Copy !req
576. No. If you stay, I stay.
Copy !req
577. No. Go on. Go on.
I'll lead them away. Go on.
Copy !req
578. Now. Let's go.
Copy !req
579. Faster. Faster. Come on.
Swim for the berg.
Copy !req
580. Come on. Go. Go. Go. Go.
Move it. Move it. Move it.
Copy !req
581. Rocko!
Copy !req
582. Rocko!
Copy !req
583. Rocko!
Copy !req
584. Rocko!
Copy !req
585. Oh, no. Oh, Rocko.
Copy !req
586. - Marina's gone.
- She ran away.
Copy !req
587. No. Drake kidnapped her. Hurry up!
Copy !req
588. - He can't force her to marry him.
- I know, but he'll try.
Copy !req
589. I wish Hubie was here.
Copy !req
590. As I said, my pretty,
I refuse to lose.
Copy !req
591. You're hurting me.
Copy !req
592. Then get smart. Yes, or be banished.
Copy !req
593. You'll never get me.
Copy !req
594. But, precious, you'll only starve.
Copy !req
595. Stop it.
Copy !req
596. Let me go.
Copy !req
597. Get your filthy flippers off my girl!
Copy !req
598. Hubie!
Copy !req
599. What the...
Copy !req
600. Hubie. We thought you were dead.
Copy !req
601. You heard me, Drake!
Copy !req
602. Now you're gonna wish that you were.
Copy !req
603. That was easy enough. Marina.
Copy !req
604. Let me go!
Copy !req
605. Hubie! Oh, no! Come on.
Let's get him on his feet.
Copy !req
606. Help me, Timmy.
Copy !req
607. I can't. He's too heavy.
Copy !req
608. Wake up! Oh, hurry!
Copy !req
609. Hubie, you must save Marina.
Copy !req
610. Wake up, Hubie!
Copy !req
611. Come on, Hubie. You can do it.
Copy !req
612. - Hubie, come on.
- Get up.
Copy !req
613. - Get up!
- Get up!
Copy !req
614. Now, open your eyes.
Copy !req
615. Go knock his block off!
Copy !req
616. I didn't come 3,000 miles
and lose my best buddy
Copy !req
617. to be stopped by the likes of you!
Copy !req
618. Drake!
Copy !req
619. Come on! Take your best shot!
Copy !req
620. Come on!
Copy !req
621. Hubie!
Copy !req
622. Drake, let go.
Copy !req
623. I'll teach you to bite me.
Copy !req
624. Hubie!
Copy !req
625. Ow! Ow! Ow!
Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!
Copy !req
626. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
627. Oh, Marina.
Copy !req
628. Will you be my mate?
Copy !req
629. I thought you would never ask.
Copy !req
630. Oh, Hubie's wonderful.
Copy !req
631. Hubie.
Copy !req
632. Rocko?
Copy !req
633. Hey, Romeo!
Copy !req
634. Rocko?
Copy !req
635. Goodness glaciers. Rocko!
Copy !req
636. Oh, oh, I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
637. I can't believe you're alive!
Copy !req
638. Say your prayers, you...
Copy !req
639. Help.
Copy !req
640. Somebody. Hey, Rocko. Hey, Rocko.
Copy !req
641. Hold on, good buddy. Hold on.
Copy !req
642. All right.
Give me some slack. Don't let go.
Copy !req
643. Hold on, Hubie. Hold on.
Copy !req
644. Hubie!
Copy !req
645. Hubie!
Copy !req
646. Hold on, Hubie. Hold on.
Copy !req
647. I'm flying. I'm flying!
Copy !req
648. I'm flying!
Copy !req
649. He made it.
Hip, hip hooray! Hip, hip hooray!
Copy !req
650. Hubie.
Copy !req
651. Marina, I want you
to meet my best friend, Rocko.
Copy !req
652. Rocko, Marina.
Copy !req
653. The flying Rocko. Pleased, I'm sure.
Copy !req
654. Hey, hey, hey, Hubie.
You forgot your blasted pebble.
Copy !req
655. My pebble. My pebble.
Rocko, you found it!
Copy !req
656. Don't just stand there, Romeo.
Copy !req
657. Give the girl the pebble.
Copy !req
658. - Do you like it?
- I love it.
Copy !req
659. You'd better.
Copy !req
660. - Good.
- But don't you know?
Copy !req
661. It's not the pebble. It's the penguin.
Copy !req
662. I love you even more.
Copy !req
663. So Hubie
and Marina proved
Copy !req
664. that neither distance nor danger
can stand in the way of true love.
Copy !req
665. You need only follow your heart.
Copy !req
666. And goodness glaciers,
they lived happily ever after.
Copy !req