1. So how can you eat
so much, Manners,
Copy !req
2. and not gain any weight?
Copy !req
3. Easy, I don't sit
on my fat ass all day
Copy !req
4. like some cops I know.
Copy !req
5. Yeah, well which
cops might that be?
Copy !req
6. Might be half
the fuckin' force,
Copy !req
7. but Sloane, it's you
I'm talkin' about.
Copy !req
8. Yeah well, maybe I should
just get off my fat ass
Copy !req
9. long enough to
clean up the street
Copy !req
10. for your pointy fuckin' head.
Copy !req
11. Take it easy, Sloane,
a guy in your condition
Copy !req
12. might be a prime candidate
for a heart attack.
Copy !req
13. Shit.
Copy !req
14. Unit
12, come in, over.
Copy !req
15. This is unit 12,
what have you got?
Copy !req
16. We have a
report of a white male,
Copy !req
17. mid 20's, matching the
rape suspect's description.
Copy !req
18. Last seen on Quincy, moving
west down Jefferson on foot.
Copy !req
19. Suspect is believed
armed, do you copy, over.
Copy !req
20. We copy.
Copy !req
21. Proceeding west on
Jefferson, over.
Copy !req
22. Hot damn, this could be it.
Copy !req
23. I think we're gonna
wax that motherfucker.
Copy !req
24. Damn right, we're gonna
get that son of a bitch.
Copy !req
25. He raped and slaughtered
my sister, Maggie.
Copy !req
26. She was only one
out of 200 chicks
Copy !req
27. that motherfucker butchered.
Copy !req
28. There's no fuckin' way he's
getting away this time,
Copy !req
29. no fuckin' way.
Copy !req
30. We're gonna get him, goddammit.
Copy !req
31. You know,
Copy !req
32. I hear the only chick he
didn't kill got pregnant.
Copy !req
33. Well let's hope she wises up
and aborts the little bastard
Copy !req
34. before it's too late.
Copy !req
35. Let's get that
motherfucker, come on.
Copy !req
36. Sloane, go around back.
Copy !req
37. Jesus fucking Christ.
Copy !req
38. How many more?
Copy !req
39. Don't even think
about it, fuck face!
Copy !req
40. Pussy.
Copy !req
41. This is the end of the
line, you son
Copy !req
42. You pussy.
Copy !req
43. Yeah,
Copy !req
44. Manners, are you okay?
Copy !req
45. - Manners?
- Oh yeah.
Copy !req
46. You fucking shit
bag, you piece of shit,
Copy !req
47. fuckin' piece of shit!
Copy !req
48. Manners, are you with me?
Copy !req
49. We got that motherfucker.
Copy !req
50. Are you with me?
Copy !req
51. You son of a bitch!
Copy !req
52. You like to rape women, huh?
Copy !req
53. You like to rape women,
you son of a bitch!
Copy !req
54. Motherfucker, cock sucker!
Copy !req
55. Huh, you like to rape
women, that fucker!
Copy !req
56. Go, no, it's all
right, we got 'em.
Copy !req
57. What's with you, man, come on.
Copy !req
58. It's all right, we got him.
Copy !req
59. What's gotten in to you?
Copy !req
60. I'm all right,
Copy !req
61. I'm all right.
Copy !req
62. You sure?
Copy !req
63. Wet pussy, yeah—
Copy !req
64. It's okay, we got him.
Copy !req
65. Got the motherfucker.
Copy !req
66. Come on Manners, take
this piece of shit
Copy !req
67. back to the station
and call it a night.
Copy !req
68. You sick fuck!
Copy !req
69. One of those chicks
you raped got pregnant,
Copy !req
70. you son of a bitch!
Copy !req
71. Come on, Manners, what
the Hell's gotten into you?
Copy !req
72. Motherfucker raped
your sister, man.
Copy !req
73. Yeah, but it's over man, we
can't do anything about it.
Copy !req
74. He killed
your sister, man!
Copy !req
75. It's over, we got the
motherfucker, it's over.
Copy !req
76. - I'm all right.
- I want pussy.
Copy !req
77. I'm all right.
Copy !req
78. I don't know, man, my
head feels fucked up.
Copy !req
79. I'm worried
about you, Manners.
Copy !req
80. Man we got to get the doc
to check your head out.
Copy !req
81. We'll get back to the
station and look at it, okay?
Copy !req
82. Yeah, yeah all right.
Copy !req
83. Let's get outta here.
Copy !req
84. I want pussy.
Copy !req
85. I want pussy.
Copy !req
86. You piece of trash!
Copy !req
87. The time of
awakening is at hand.
Copy !req
88. Our father, Satan, has
brought forth the power
Copy !req
89. and the wisdom that will lead
us to his infernal kingdom.
Copy !req
90. We are the chosen ones.
Copy !req
91. Guide us, Lord Satan,
Copy !req
92. so that the blood
of the infidels
Copy !req
93. shall forever flow
from our grasp.
Copy !req
94. Buried beneath us, my children,
Copy !req
95. are the rotten remains
of one so foul,
Copy !req
96. so eternally evil,
Copy !req
97. that the very presence
of this foul creation
Copy !req
98. shall forever redeem
us under the shadow
Copy !req
99. of his infernal majesty.
Copy !req
100. Oh hear me, Lord Satan,
great prince of Hell
Copy !req
101. and master of eternal night,
Copy !req
102. I invoke thee, both
by word and offering
Copy !req
103. to rise up before us by
the seventh key of Solomon,
Copy !req
104. I set thee free to come.
Copy !req
105. By the power of my faith,
Copy !req
106. I conjure thee to bless us with
your holy wisdom and magic.
Copy !req
107. Take this infant,
born of foul rape.
Copy !req
108. May its blood spill
to raise the corpse
Copy !req
109. of its rapist father and by
the covenant of the damned,
Copy !req
110. shall he rise to
do your bidding!
Copy !req
111. Rise,
Copy !req
112. rise,
Copy !req
113. rise,
Copy !req
114. rise!
Copy !req
115. Arise!
Copy !req
116. Rise!
Copy !req
117. Come to us, oh foul one.
Copy !req
118. May your hellish return
Copy !req
119. fuel the fires of
our infernal quest.
Copy !req
120. Spirits of the damned,
Copy !req
121. drink deep of these foul
and fettered fluids,
Copy !req
122. to breath new life
into your chosen one.
Copy !req
123. Ah Satan, I can feel you coming!
Copy !req
124. Jesus, oh no, oh my God!
Copy !req
125. - Oh no, oh!
- Get the fuck away from it!
Copy !req
126. Oh shit, get off!
Copy !req
127. Oh, Satan, help me!
Copy !req
128. Shit, oh shit, oh shit.
Copy !req
129. Oh shit.
Copy !req
130. Oh shit.
Copy !req
131. What the fuck is that, man?
Copy !req
132. What the fuck is that?
Copy !req
133. I don't know man, I
only joined this cult
Copy !req
134. because I thought I'd
get some chicks, man.
Copy !req
135. I didn't think this
shit actually worked.
Copy !req
136. Yeah, let's get
the fuck outta here.
Copy !req
137. Damn, damn, damn.
Copy !req
138. What the fuck was that about?
Copy !req
139. That fuckin' scumbag,
I see him, man,
Copy !req
140. thinks he can hold out on me,
can treat me like an asshole.
Copy !req
141. I'm a fuckin' cop.
Copy !req
142. Relax, he's just
a fuckin' punk.
Copy !req
143. He's a scumbag!
Copy !req
144. They're all a bunch
of fuckin' scumbags!
Copy !req
145. They don't deserve
to fuckin' live!
Copy !req
146. They should just do
the world a favor, man.
Copy !req
147. I should blow their
fuckin' brains out!
Copy !req
148. Manners, you're
out of it, man.
Copy !req
149. That fuckin' head injury has
seriously fucked up your brain.
Copy !req
150. 15 department psychiatrists
found nothing wrong with me!
Copy !req
151. What makes you think
there is something wrong?
Copy !req
152. You got the problem, man!
Copy !req
153. It's not right, it's
like he's still there.
Copy !req
154. It's like he's murdering and
raping over and over again.
Copy !req
155. And have with Maggie, I can't
do anything to help her.
Copy !req
156. I know you and your
sister were close,
Copy !req
157. but Logan's dead, Python,
Copy !req
158. I dumped his fuckin' brains
on the floor, remember?
Copy !req
159. He's never gonna
rape again, okay?
Copy !req
160. That's gotta be worth
something to you.
Copy !req
161. I guess you're
right, I don't know.
Copy !req
162. Look it, man, of
course I'm right.
Copy !req
163. Now let's go bust
some fuckin' punks.
Copy !req
164. Well, maybe you're right.
Copy !req
165. Of course I'm right, let's
go bust some fuckin' punks.
Copy !req
166. Okay, let's do
it, let's do it.
Copy !req
167. Who is it?
Copy !req
168. It's me man, open
the goddamn door.
Copy !req
169. Got some food, man.
Copy !req
170. We gotta
do something, Barney.
Copy !req
171. I can't go on like this.
Copy !req
172. I don't know man,
Copy !req
173. I don't think we can
really do much about it.
Copy !req
174. You know, I've been thinking,
Copy !req
175. there's gotta be some way
we can stop this thing, man.
Copy !req
176. I mean, we created it,
we can kill it, right?
Copy !req
177. Yeah, maybe you're right.
Copy !req
178. I seem to remember
something like that,
Copy !req
179. some kind of counter
spell or something,
Copy !req
180. some like kind of
demon we can summon up
Copy !req
181. that'd straighten out the mess.
Copy !req
182. Yeah.
Copy !req
183. Yeah, here it is, right here.
Copy !req
184. It says that if something
like this goes wrong,
Copy !req
185. there's a demon we can summon
to straighten the mess out.
Copy !req
186. You mean like, kinda like a
demonic janitor or something?
Copy !req
187. Exactly.
Copy !req
188. Huh.
Copy !req
189. Let's do it.
Copy !req
190. What the Hell is this, man?
Copy !req
191. Forgot my cinnamon crispitoes.
Copy !req
192. What the fuck is
wrong with you, man?
Copy !req
193. - Sorry man.
- God.
Copy !req
194. Oh yeah, get
ready for it, baby.
Copy !req
195. Come on.
Copy !req
196. Get trussed up and proper.
Copy !req
197. Are you ready for it?
Copy !req
198. No.
Copy !req
199. How about
some flesh on flesh?
Copy !req
200. You like that?
Copy !req
201. No.
Copy !req
202. Oh, I know you do.
Copy !req
203. Shouldn't lie to me.
Copy !req
204. Little oxygen restriction,
that feel good?
Copy !req
205. It's not supposed to.
Copy !req
206. It's
your punishment.
Copy !req
207. Think I have
nothing better to do
Copy !req
208. than to stand here and
whip you all night,
Copy !req
209. we better get it right.
Copy !req
210. Mm.
Copy !req
211. All right, here's your
punishment, you little tart.
Copy !req
212. All right, baby, the
doctor's ready to boogie,
Copy !req
213. so you'd better open
up and say, "Ah."
Copy !req
214. You ready to take it this time?
Copy !req
215. You're gonna get it.
Copy !req
216. - No.
- Open wide.
Copy !req
217. Fuck!
Copy !req
218. Oh Jesus!
Copy !req
219. Oh Fuck!
Copy !req
220. Fuck.
Copy !req
221. Oh Jesus, oh Jesus, oh my God.
Copy !req
222. Oh fuck.
Copy !req
223. Oh Jesus, oh Jesus, oh fuck no!
Copy !req
224. Oh my God, oh my
God, oh, oh fuck!
Copy !req
225. Oh fuck.
Copy !req
226. Oh fuck!
Copy !req
227. Oh fuck, somebody
help me, please!
Copy !req
228. Oh my God, get him off me!
Copy !req
229. Oh my, fuck!
Copy !req
230. Oh Jesus, fuck,
help me!
Copy !req
231. Jesus Christ, no more.
Copy !req
232. Oh my God, oh fuck.
Copy !req
233. Oh fuck!
Copy !req
234. Oh man, where's
the fuckin' grave?
Copy !req
235. Oh, I think it's over there.
Copy !req
236. Where the fuck is it, man,
where the fuck is that grave?
Copy !req
237. It's over there, man.
Copy !req
238. Yeah.
Copy !req
239. Yeah, let's get this
the fuck over with
Copy !req
240. so we can get the
fuck outta here.
Copy !req
241. Oh hear us, Dark
Master, lord of darkness
Copy !req
242. and ruler of all things unholy,
Copy !req
243. we, your faithful servants,
Copy !req
244. have gathered over the grave
of one that has forsaken you.
Copy !req
245. Oh sweet Satan, help us to
recapture this renegade spirit
Copy !req
246. so that he may be
returned to your service.
Copy !req
247. Our Lord and ruler
for all eternity.
Copy !req
248. Ombus-cerebus-infernus,
rise demon, rise!
Copy !req
249. Fuck man, nothing's happening.
Copy !req
250. I don't get it, man, I
followed all the steps.
Copy !req
251. Fuck it man, it's a
bust, let's get outta here.
Copy !req
252. I don't get it, man.
Copy !req
253. Just fuckin' go.
Copy !req
254. All right, man.
Copy !req
255. So what happened, Manners,
did you make the bust?
Copy !req
256. Goddammit, they didn't show.
Copy !req
257. What do you mean
they didn't show?
Copy !req
258. Didn't you make the bust?
Copy !req
259. No, look it, man,
they didn't show.
Copy !req
260. Big sound at serie,
traced it to Scott,
Copy !req
261. call straight from
Columbia, dude, this is it.
Copy !req
262. I'm telling you
man, they didn't show.
Copy !req
263. Do you think I'm lying to you?
Copy !req
264. I don't know,
that sounds fishy.
Copy !req
265. I mean, it's confirmed,
Copy !req
266. I don't know what
the Hell's going on,
Copy !req
267. something's not right.
Copy !req
268. Hey Sloane, I'm tellin' yah,
they didn't show, all right?
Copy !req
269. Now let's go get some donuts.
Copy !req
270. Well maybe, I guess.
Copy !req
271. Unit 12, over.
Copy !req
272. Report
to 345, east 9th,
Copy !req
273. we've got some nasty leftovers
you might wanna sample
Copy !req
274. before we break out
the Ziplocs, over.
Copy !req
275. What's it smell like, over.
Copy !req
276. It's a 118, double
murder with a possible rape.
Copy !req
277. All right,
unit 12, we'll be there.
Copy !req
278. Over and out.
Copy !req
279. What the fuck you
doing, Manners?
Copy !req
280. Huh?
Copy !req
281. What the Hell
are you snorting?
Copy !req
282. What the Hell is that?
Copy !req
283. It's nothing, man,
it's a cold medicine.
Copy !req
284. Don't worry about it.
Copy !req
285. Cold medicine, shit.
Copy !req
286. Jesus Christ.
Copy !req
287. Jesus fucking.
Copy !req
288. Man, we gotta do something
about this fuckin' rapist.
Copy !req
289. Governor's freaking out.
Copy !req
290. Yeah, well
this is an election year.
Copy !req
291. The heat's on us to
nail this scumbag!
Copy !req
292. Looks like somebody
decided to throw a party.
Copy !req
293. Anybody know who the
birthday boy might be?
Copy !req
294. No, no clues yet.
Copy !req
295. The woman was on the bed,
the man was on the floor.
Copy !req
296. Both bodies were mutilated.
Copy !req
297. If I didn't know better,
Copy !req
298. I'd say this is the
work of your man, Logan.
Copy !req
299. You know Jonahs, I've
been thinking about it
Copy !req
300. and I think that since you
and I are finally alone,
Copy !req
301. I'm gonna let you do
whatever you want to me.
Copy !req
302. Anything?
Copy !req
303. Anything you wanna do.
Copy !req
304. How about this.
Copy !req
305. Oh my.
Copy !req
306. Nevermind, fuck this.
Copy !req
307. You know, I don't
really need this shit.
Copy !req
308. Look, I told you
I wasn't that type of girl.
Copy !req
309. I don't know
what the big deal is,
Copy !req
310. it's not that big
a deal, you know.
Copy !req
311. I know plenty of girls
who would do that,
Copy !req
312. I don't see the problem—
Copy !req
313. Fine, go to them.
Copy !req
314. - You'll be back.
- Yeah, I will, I will.
Copy !req
315. Jerk.
Copy !req
316. What a jerk, I can't
believe he lied to me—
Copy !req
317. Oh my God, no!
Copy !req
318. No!
Copy !req
319. No!
Copy !req
320. No, God!
Copy !req
321. Oh God, oh God.
Copy !req
322. Oh God, oh!
Copy !req
323. Stupid bitch.
Copy !req
324. Fuck her, man, fuck.
Copy !req
325. Fuck!
Copy !req
326. Left my wallet.
Copy !req
327. Oh God!
Copy !req
328. Oh God!
Copy !req
329. Fuck you!
Copy !req
330. Please Jesus, please help us!
Copy !req
331. Please, please
forgive us, please.
Copy !req
332. Jesus, Barney, Barney
made me do it, all right?
Copy !req
333. - Barney—
- What do you mean
Copy !req
334. I made you do it?
Copy !req
335. Well it was your idea
Copy !req
336. that we join this stinking
cult in the first place, man!
Copy !req
337. Yeah, but you didn't have
to tell Jesus that, man.
Copy !req
338. I can't lie to Jesus!
Copy !req
339. You didn't have to
mention it.
Copy !req
340. What the Hell was that?
Copy !req
341. Please,
please forgive us,
Copy !req
342. - please—
- Jesus, yes,
Copy !req
343. please forgive us!
Copy !req
344. Go check it out, man.
Copy !req
345. Fuck you, Jack!
Copy !req
346. Man, fuck this, I'm
getting the fuck outta here.
Copy !req
347. Where the fuck you
think you're going?
Copy !req
348. Man, I don't care!
Copy !req
349. All I know is, I'm not
gonna wait around this joint
Copy !req
350. waiting for something evil
to come kick our asses!
Copy !req
351. Oh no!
Copy !req
352. Oh my, oh!
Copy !req
353. Ah ha!
Copy !req
354. Oh my God!
Copy !req
355. Oh my God!
Copy !req
356. I'll get you.
Copy !req
357. Oh!
Copy !req
358. Mother fucker.
Copy !req
359. Shit my nigger, where
the Hell you been?
Copy !req
360. You got something for me?
Copy !req
361. Hey man, where the
Hell you been, man?
Copy !req
362. I've been here all
morning and shit.
Copy !req
363. That's tough shit, man,
you got something for me?
Copy !req
364. Yeah yeah, I got
something for you.
Copy !req
365. It's right here and
everything, you know.
Copy !req
366. - It's like hey—
- Give it to me.
Copy !req
367. Hey hey hey, you know, I
can get the exact same shit,
Copy !req
368. a big old large
shipment of this shit,
Copy !req
369. like this weekend, you know.
Copy !req
370. My homeboy's, I got it
straight from him, you know?
Copy !req
371. It's like that.
Copy !req
372. Yeah.
Copy !req
373. - Yeah I told you—
- Yeah.
Copy !req
374. - I told you, I told you—
- It's good shit, man.
Copy !req
375. - It's the bomb, bitch—
- It's good shit.
Copy !req
376. Yeah yeah yeah, I told
you it was gonna be good.
Copy !req
377. You know, but you know,
I did you a favor,
Copy !req
378. you gonna do me a favor,
you know, like you said?
Copy !req
379. Yeah, I'm gonna
do you a favor, man.
Copy !req
380. So, what'd you come
up with, Manners?
Copy !req
381. Not much, there's a little
bit of dust floating around.
Copy !req
382. It's all small potatoes though.
Copy !req
383. Tell you, certainly not
worth the department's time.
Copy !req
384. Your man, Biggs, has
got his head up his ass.
Copy !req
385. Fuck, I thought we
were on to something
Copy !req
386. for sure this time.
Copy !req
387. We ain't on to
shit pies, Sloane,
Copy !req
388. this is total amateur hour.
Copy !req
389. Well maybe we should hand
around just a little bit longer,
Copy !req
390. just in case.
Copy !req
391. In case of what?
Copy !req
392. Well, in case
something turns up.
Copy !req
393. Nothing's gonna fuckin'
turn up, all right?
Copy !req
394. I'm telling you, we're
just jacking ourselves off
Copy !req
395. with this thing.
Copy !req
396. You should really do something
about that cold, Manners.
Copy !req
397. Yeah.
Copy !req
398. Oh uh, looks
like we got a live one.
Copy !req
399. You all right, buddy?
Copy !req
400. It's a demon.
Copy !req
401. It's a horrible demon.
Copy !req
402. A demon?
Copy !req
403. Are you on drugs?
Copy !req
404. No man, it's a demon, man.
Copy !req
405. - You are on drugs—
- Gotta stop it.
Copy !req
406. - Aren't you?
- No man,
Copy !req
407. I'm not on drugs, man.
Copy !req
408. You carrying?
Copy !req
409. No, no man.
Copy !req
410. Huh, what do you got what
do you got, you got crack?
Copy !req
411. No.
Copy !req
412. - You got smack, man?
- No, man—
Copy !req
413. Wait a minute, man, you got,
Copy !req
414. what do you got, you got blow?
Copy !req
415. No, it's a demon,
man, that's the rapist.
Copy !req
416. Man.
Copy !req
417. - You holding out on me—
- No, I'm not man.
Copy !req
418. You cheap ass punk, are
you holding out on me?
Copy !req
419. No man, you gotta,
you got a demon,
Copy !req
420. you gotta do something, man.
Copy !req
421. What do you got, man?
Copy !req
422. Don't be holding out on me, man.
Copy !req
423. I'm telling you, don't
be holding out on me,
Copy !req
424. fucking trash!
Copy !req
425. Fucking trash!
Copy !req
426. I'll fuckin' kill you, man!
Copy !req
427. What the Hell's
going on, Manners?
Copy !req
428. Huh?
Copy !req
429. What,
Copy !req
430. what are you doing?
Copy !req
431. Just killed the maniac, man,
he was mumbling about demons
Copy !req
432. and then he started smashing
his head on the rock.
Copy !req
433. He just started smashing
his head on the rock.
Copy !req
434. I think he's on
PCP or something.
Copy !req
435. Well couldn't you
do nothing about it?
Copy !req
436. Couldn't you stop him?
Copy !req
437. What are you
calling me a liar?
Copy !req
438. Well no, but it's
not right, it just,
Copy !req
439. it's, you gotta admit, it
seems really strange, man.
Copy !req
440. It's strange.
Copy !req
441. You're gonna
back me up, right?
Copy !req
442. Well, well
you're my partner
Copy !req
443. and of course I'll back you up,
Copy !req
444. but I can't guarantee the brass
isn't gonna be suspicious.
Copy !req
445. Fuck those assholes, man.
Copy !req
446. You saw what happened.
Copy !req
447. Come on.
Copy !req
448. Come on, let's go
get some tacos.
Copy !req
449. Fuck, come on.
Copy !req
450. This is Detective Sloane,
Seattle Police Force, Unit 12,
Copy !req
451. I have reason to believe my
partner, Detective Manners,
Copy !req
452. has become
psychologically unbalanced
Copy !req
453. and possibly no
longer able to perform
Copy !req
454. his duties as a police officer.
Copy !req
455. Due to a head injury
Manners received on the job
Copy !req
456. several months ago, his judgment
Copy !req
457. and possibly even his sanity
have become greatly impaired.
Copy !req
458. I believe Manners to be
a danger to the community
Copy !req
459. and possibly even a
threat to himself.
Copy !req
460. Mm.
Copy !req
461. Mm.
Copy !req
462. Mm.
Copy !req
463. Mmhmm.
Copy !req
464. Mm, you want it here?
Copy !req
465. Oh, do you want
it here?
Copy !req
466. Mm.
Copy !req
467. Or do you want it here?
Copy !req
468. Mm.
Copy !req
469. I brought you a little
Copy !req
470. Mm.
Copy !req
471. Bad, bad.
Copy !req
472. Oh, you like that?
Copy !req
473. I like it too.
Copy !req
474. Bad girls must be
Copy !req
475. Huh?
Copy !req
476. Uh oh.
Copy !req
477. All these fucking scumbags!
Copy !req
478. This town's full of scumbags!
Copy !req
479. Pushers,
Copy !req
480. pimps,
Copy !req
481. gang banging faggots!
Copy !req
482. They don't deserve to live.
Copy !req
483. Somebody with enough
balls oughta come along
Copy !req
484. and just wipe the filth
right off the street.
Copy !req
485. Fags and hippies,
scummy hippies!
Copy !req
486. I think we should just
toss our badges aside
Copy !req
487. and blow their
fucking heads off!
Copy !req
488. Scumming hippies!
Copy !req
489. What do you say, Sloane?
Copy !req
490. Huh?
Copy !req
491. Let's just wipe out
all the fucking trash
Copy !req
492. in this shit hole town.
Copy !req
493. We'd be doing 'em a favor.
Copy !req
494. Oh, I don't know, Manners,
Copy !req
495. just ain't gonna be
that fuckin' easy.
Copy !req
496. Unit 12,
please respond, over.
Copy !req
497. Unit 12, Sloane, over.
Copy !req
498. You guys aren't
gonna believe this,
Copy !req
499. we got the DNA report back on
that 187 from the other night
Copy !req
500. and the sample's a perfect match
Copy !req
501. to that of your
old friend, Logan.
Copy !req
502. What do you mean, how's that?
Copy !req
503. Unit 12.
Copy !req
504. According
to the DNA sample,
Copy !req
505. your old friend, Logan,
committed that rape the other night.
Copy !req
506. Do you copy, over.
Copy !req
507. I copy.
Copy !req
508. That can't be, Frank.
Copy !req
509. Just telling
you what we know, over.
Copy !req
510. Oh, somebody's
gotta be fuckin' with,
Copy !req
511. what the fuck are
you doing, Manners?
Copy !req
512. Are you fuckin' gone insane?
Copy !req
513. What the Hell are
you shooting up?
Copy !req
514. Have you lost your fuckin' mind?
Copy !req
515. It's called medicine,
don't worry about it.
Copy !req
516. Called medicine, my ass,
you're fuckin' insane!
Copy !req
517. - God—
- Oh God!
Copy !req
518. Hey man, it's cold medicine.
Copy !req
519. God, it's gotta be a dream,
it's a fuckin' nightmare!
Copy !req
520. Don't worry about it, man.
Copy !req
521. You've fuckin' lost
your mind, haven't ya?
Copy !req
522. Fuck, Jesus fucking,
Copy !req
523. what the Hell?
Copy !req
524. Manners,
Copy !req
525. Manners, something fuckin'
weird's going down,
Copy !req
526. gotta back me up, Manners.
Copy !req
527. Yeah, I'll back you—
Copy !req
528. Shit.
Copy !req
529. Jesus fucking, all right.
Copy !req
530. I'll back you,
I'll back you man.
Copy !req
531. Come on, ass wipe.
Copy !req
532. Asshole.
Copy !req
533. Butt wipe.
Copy !req
534. Let go of me.
Copy !req
535. Let go.
Copy !req
536. Oh my God.
Copy !req
537. Oh my God, I don't
know how you came back,
Copy !req
538. but there's no way
you're getting away.
Copy !req
539. This time you're
going down for good.
Copy !req
540. This time you're
going down for good,
Copy !req
541. motherfucker!
Copy !req
542. I'll get you, you motherfucker!
Copy !req
543. That's for my sister Maggie,
you sweaty motherfucker!
Copy !req
544. Oh God, I'm glad
you're here, Manners.
Copy !req
545. Looks like I
missed a bloodbath.
Copy !req
546. What the Hell happened here?
Copy !req
547. You won't believe it,
that body over there,
Copy !req
548. our friend, Logan.
Copy !req
549. What are you saying,
these are friends of his?
Copy !req
550. No no, I'm saying
that's Logan,
Copy !req
551. he came back from
the dead somehow.
Copy !req
552. What are you saying, man,
what are you talking about?
Copy !req
553. That's ridiculous.
Copy !req
554. I'm saying he's possessed
Copy !req
555. by some kind of
demon or something.
Copy !req
556. A demon, what,
are you on drugs?
Copy !req
557. No no, it's some
kind of fuckin' zombie.
Copy !req
558. Zombie, what are you saying?
Copy !req
559. You fuckin' punk, huh?
Copy !req
560. - What?
- No,
Copy !req
561. what I'm saying is, a
zombie from the grave—
Copy !req
562. What grave,
what are you talking about?
Copy !req
563. You shit head, you
trying to hold out on me?
Copy !req
564. You holding out on
me, motherfucker,
Copy !req
565. - I'm gonna—
- No!
Copy !req
566. Yeah, you
fuckin' mug, fuck you!
Copy !req
567. Fuck you, punk!
Copy !req
568. Fuckin' punk, yeah!
Copy !req
569. Yeah, you punk!
Copy !req
570. Yeah, you, yeah!
Copy !req
571. Fuckin' scumbag, man!
Copy !req
572. Fuck it, you're dead now, man!
Copy !req
573. Fuck that!
Copy !req
574. Fuckin' punk!
Copy !req