1. Ladies and Gentlemen,
Copy !req
2. for reasons that you will soon understand,
Copy !req
3. the makers of this motion picture
Copy !req
4. ask you not to divulge
what you are now about to see
Copy !req
5. to any living person.
Copy !req
6. Thank you.
Copy !req
7. We take you now to the independent
Copy !req
8. Duchy of Grand Fenwick,
Copy !req
9. the smallest country
on the face of the globe.
Copy !req
10. This tiny but prosperous nation,
Copy !req
11. which occupies a total area
of 15 and 3/4 square miles
Copy !req
12. lies high in the French Alps,
Copy !req
13. somewhere around...
Copy !req
14. I beg your pardon...
Copy !req
15. Somewhere along...
Copy !req
16. Oh, yes, here.
Copy !req
17. Grand Fenwick was founded
in the year 1430
Copy !req
18. by Sir Roger Fenwick,
Copy !req
19. a poor but honest British baronet,
Copy !req
20. who, as he later said,
Copy !req
21. took a fancy to the neighborhood
Copy !req
22. and moved in.
Copy !req
23. Thus, thanks to Sir Roger,
Copy !req
24. Fenwick is the only
English-speaking country
Copy !req
25. in Europe.
Copy !req
26. Modern Fenwick is ruled
by Duchess Gloriana XII,
Copy !req
27. who is a direct descendant of Sir Roger,
Copy !req
28. and is beloved by all her subjects.
Copy !req
29. Although still in mourning
for her departed consort,
Copy !req
30. Count Leopold of Bosnia-Herzegovina,
Copy !req
31. who disappeared during
a tiger hunt 27 years ago,
Copy !req
32. the duchess takes an active interest
Copy !req
33. in her country's welfare.
Copy !req
34. Fenwick's parliament...
Copy !req
35. Here is the hereditary Prime Minister,
Copy !req
36. Count Rupert of Mountjoy,
Copy !req
37. a graduate of both Oxford and Cambridge.
Copy !req
38. Fenwick's Forest...
Copy !req
39. Here, in these sheltered glades,
Copy !req
40. the welfare of its feathered
and furry folk
Copy !req
41. is watched over by Fenwick's
hereditary Forest Ranger,
Copy !req
42. Tully Bascombe.
Copy !req
43. Fenwick's Army...
Copy !req
44. Although Fenwick has been
at peace for 500 years,
Copy !req
45. the longbow remains the national weapon.
Copy !req
46. Here, the army exercises
Copy !req
47. under the guidance of Tully Bascombe,
Copy !req
48. who is also the hereditary Field Marshall
Copy !req
49. and Grand Constable of the armed forces.
Copy !req
50. Aim!
Copy !req
51. Fire!
Copy !req
52. If many Fenwickians
seem to resemble each other,
Copy !req
53. this may, perhaps, be ascribed
Copy !req
54. to the influence of the founder,
Copy !req
55. who was in every possible way
the Father of his country.
Copy !req
56. Fenwick's prosperity
is based on its only export,
Copy !req
57. Pinot Grand Fenwick,
Copy !req
58. the small but sturdy local wine
Copy !req
59. with a virile but friendly bouquet.
Copy !req
60. For some obscure reason,
Copy !req
61. the United States has always
been the major market
Copy !req
62. for this wine.
Copy !req
63. Thus, secure in its prosperity
Copy !req
64. and invigorated
by its high Alpine climate,
Copy !req
65. Fenwick has always been a happy country.
Copy !req
66. However, in 1959,
Copy !req
67. a California wine grower
bottled an imitation
Copy !req
68. of Pinot Grand Fenwick
Copy !req
69. and called it Pinot Grand Enwick.
Copy !req
70. Backed by a vast advertising campaign
Copy !req
71. and sold at a lower price...
Copy !req
72. this imitation
soon drove Pinot Grand Fenwick
Copy !req
73. out of the American market.
Copy !req
74. As a result, in a very short time...
Copy !req
75. the Duchy of Grand Fenwick
Copy !req
76. was in a state of absolute crisis.
Copy !req
77. One fateful day...
Copy !req
78. Gentlemen. Gentlemen.
Copy !req
79. Gentlemen! Gentlemen!
Pray, silence!
Copy !req
80. Gentlemen, you made me drop a stitch.
Copy !req
81. Your pardon, your Grace,
Copy !req
82. but has the Prime Minister never thought
Copy !req
83. of sending a protest to the Untied States
Copy !req
84. about this Californian fellow
and his imitation wine?
Copy !req
85. My dear chap, I have sent
not one protest, but three.
Copy !req
86. Mind you, the situation
is complicated by the fact
Copy !req
87. that we have never officially
recognized the United States.
Copy !req
88. So we've to send all our
protests through Monte Carlo.
Copy !req
89. The sad truth is
Copy !req
90. that each of these protests
have been ignored,
Copy !req
91. until today when I received this.
Copy !req
92. What is it, Bobo?
Copy !req
93. It's a pamphlet from
their Department of Agriculture
Copy !req
94. on how to grow grapes for wine.
Copy !req
95. But if that goes on, we'll be bankrupt.
Copy !req
96. My friend, we are bankrupt.
Copy !req
97. As of today, we are living on Petty Cash.
Copy !req
98. Good heavens, if only
poor Leopold were alive today.
Copy !req
99. Your Grace, Gentlemen,
Copy !req
100. our situation is indeed desperate.
Copy !req
101. We stand poised on the brink of disaster.
Copy !req
102. There is only one way out...
Copy !req
103. War!
Copy !req
104. We must declare war
Copy !req
105. on the United States.
Copy !req
106. But we could never win such a war.
Copy !req
107. Of course not,
Copy !req
108. but we could win the peace.
Copy !req
109. I've given this a lot
of thought, gentlemen,
Copy !req
110. and I'm perfectly positive I'm right.
Copy !req
111. You must remember...
Copy !req
112. the Americans are a very strange people.
Copy !req
113. Whereas other countries
rarely forgive anything,
Copy !req
114. the Americans forgive everything.
Copy !req
115. There isn't a more profitable
undertaking for any country
Copy !req
116. than to declare war on the United States
Copy !req
117. and to be defeated.
Copy !req
118. True, true.
Copy !req
119. No sooner is the aggressor defeated
Copy !req
120. than the Americans pour in food,
machinery, clothing,
Copy !req
121. technical aid and lots and lots of money
Copy !req
122. for the relief of it's former enemies.
Copy !req
123. In other words, gentlemen, in effect,
Copy !req
124. we declare war on Monday,
Copy !req
125. we are defeated on Tuesday and by Friday,
Copy !req
126. we will be rehabilitated
beyond our wildest dreams.
Copy !req
127. Yes, but is that honest, Bobo?
Copy !req
128. No, not really, but it's...
Copy !req
129. terribly practical and infallible, too.
Copy !req
130. I give you my word your Grace.
Copy !req
131. It will solve all our problems.
Copy !req
132. But we have no Army.
Copy !req
133. Oh, pish, posh, who needs an army.
Copy !req
134. 20 men or so would be quite sufficient.
Copy !req
135. And who's going to lead them?
Copy !req
136. Tully Bascombe of course.
Copy !req
137. He's our hereditary Field Marshall
Copy !req
138. and Grand Constable.
Copy !req
139. Tully?
Copy !req
140. No, not Tully.
Copy !req
141. He's...
Well, he's a very nice boy,
Copy !req
142. but he's never been any good at games.
Copy !req
143. Exactly.
Copy !req
144. You can't send Tully
on a mission like this.
Copy !req
145. He's got fallen arches,
flat feet, sinus, migraine,
Copy !req
146. claustrophobia and high blood pressure...
Copy !req
147. apart from being near-sighted
Copy !req
148. and getting dizzy in high places.
Copy !req
149. We're not asking him
to climb the Alps, you know.
Copy !req
150. All Tully has to do is to
get the men over there.
Copy !req
151. Once they try to land
in New York without visas,
Copy !req
152. they will be arrested,
Copy !req
153. and that's all there is to it, really.
Copy !req
154. I don't want anyone hurt.
Copy !req
155. Of course not your Grace.
Copy !req
156. I'll tell Tully to be very careful.
Copy !req
157. Besides, we can send Will Buckley with him.
Copy !req
158. Buckley was a sergeant in the British Army
Copy !req
159. in the other war.
Copy !req
160. He can act as interpreter.
Copy !req
161. Well, Gentlemen, there's only one way.
Copy !req
162. We have but one choice...
Copy !req
163. Bankruptcy or Prosperity.
Copy !req
164. Which will it be?
Copy !req
165. I move we declare war
on the United States of America.
Copy !req
166. As leader of the Party of the Common Man,
Copy !req
167. I say that war is reprehensible,
Copy !req
168. barbaric, unforgivable, and unthinkable!
Copy !req
169. And I second the motion.
Copy !req
170. Well, we're at war with America.
Copy !req
171. Well done, sir, an historic moment.
Copy !req
172. And a profitable one, too, I hope.
Copy !req
173. Will, take this down to the post office
Copy !req
174. and get it into the post
immediately will you?
Copy !req
175. Certainly, sir.
Copy !req
176. Oh, and Will,
Copy !req
177. you'd better put a special
delivery stamp on it.
Copy !req
178. At once, sir.
Copy !req
179. My friend, the die is cast.
Copy !req
180. But our cause is just...
Copy !req
181. There is a time and tide...
Copy !req
182. To be or not to be...
Copy !req
183. That is the question.
Copy !req
184. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
Copy !req
185. Our country, right or wrong.
Copy !req
186. Right.
Copy !req
187. We'll drink to that.
Copy !req
188. To our glorious defeat.
Copy !req
189. Oh, Tully...
Copy !req
190. What do you want?
Copy !req
191. Well, sir, it's about this war.
Copy !req
192. I—I'd sooner not go,
Copy !req
193. if you know what I mean?
Copy !req
194. I don't know what you mean, Tully,
Copy !req
195. and I'm surprised at you.
Copy !req
196. You know how badly we need the money.
Copy !req
197. Yes, I know, sir,
Copy !req
198. but I don't like to leave
the forest just now.
Copy !req
199. It's the mating season.
Copy !req
200. Tully, this thing is bigger
than the mating season.
Copy !req
201. This is your country calling!
Copy !req
202. Yes... yes.
Copy !req
203. Now, run along, Tully
and get your army together.
Copy !req
204. All right, sir.
Copy !req
205. And don't do anything
Copy !req
206. to make the Americans angry with you!
Copy !req
207. I'll be careful, sir.
Copy !req
208. Oh, come, come, Tully, look here,
Copy !req
209. you'll enjoy every moment of it.
Copy !req
210. It's great sport.
Copy !req
211. Besides, the ocean voyage
will do wonders for you.
Copy !req
212. I get seasick, sir.
Copy !req
213. My dear fellow, with their new stabilizers
Copy !req
214. and all that sort of rigmarole...
Copy !req
215. the modern ocean liner
is as steady as a rowboat.
Copy !req
216. I get seasick in rowboats.
Copy !req
217. Tully, please...
Copy !req
218. Well, there you are.
Pretty good turn out.
Copy !req
219. Yes, I shouldn't think
they'll want to go, Will,
Copy !req
220. not with the harvest coming up...
Copy !req
221. I expect I shall have to appeal
to their sense of patriotism.
Copy !req
222. Men of Fenwick...
Copy !req
223. Do you love your country?
Copy !req
224. Yes!
Copy !req
225. When you hear the name of Grand Fenwick,
Copy !req
226. do your hearts swell with pride?
Copy !req
227. Yes!
Copy !req
228. And if your country calls,
will you rush to enlist?
Copy !req
229. No!
Copy !req
230. Oh...
Copy !req
231. I don't think I'm very good at this, Will.
Copy !req
232. Better leave it to me.
Copy !req
233. Yes...
Copy !req
234. Now, men, I want 20 volunteers.
Copy !req
235. All of you, form up in ranks!
Copy !req
236. On the double!
Copy !req
237. And stand still!
Copy !req
238. Well, men.
Copy !req
239. Here is the situation...
Copy !req
240. We're at war.
Copy !req
241. We're going to invade
the United States of America...
Copy !req
242. Good luck, mate.
Copy !req
243. Now, if you'll let me explain
how this situation...
Copy !req
244. I told you with the harvest coming up,
Copy !req
245. they wouldn't want to go.
Copy !req
246. I'll give them harvest.
Copy !req
247. Men of Grand Fenwick, have no fear...
Copy !req
248. Providence will smile upon you,
because your cause is just.
Copy !req
249. I know that you will all uphold
the honor of your country,
Copy !req
250. and let it cheer your hearts to know
Copy !req
251. that your Government
has managed the money
Copy !req
252. for your return fare home...
Copy !req
253. if necessary.
Copy !req
254. Bless you all!
Copy !req
255. Right, men, up bags.
Copy !req
256. Company, to the right face!
Copy !req
257. By the right, quick march!
Copy !req
258. I do hope the Americans are kind to them.
Copy !req
259. They're a fine, fine body of men.
Copy !req
260. And the best investment
this country ever made.
Copy !req
261. A Declaration of War!
Copy !req
262. To the President, Congress,
Copy !req
263. and People of The United States of America,
Copy !req
264. Greetings.
Copy !req
265. act of aggression...
Copy !req
266. Declare a state of war exists
Copy !req
267. between Grand Fenwick and
the United States of—
Copy !req
268. Oh, those boys in the Press Room,
Copy !req
269. always making with the jokes.
Copy !req
270. Eight, nine, ten, out!
Copy !req
271. Company...
Copy !req
272. Left, right, left.
Copy !req
273. Left, right, left, right, left, right.
Copy !req
274. Pick 'em up. Pick 'em up.
Copy !req
275. Keep going, you landlubbers!
Copy !req
276. Left, right, left, right,
left, right, left.
Copy !req
277. Left, right, left, right...
Copy !req
278. I think I'll go up on deck, Will.
Copy !req
279. You are up on deck.
Copy !req
280. Oh...
Copy !req
281. Why don't you go below
if you feel seasick, Will.
Copy !req
282. I'll be all right.
Copy !req
283. Will, Will...
Copy !req
284. Uh, tell the men...
Copy !req
285. I think I'd like to be alone.
Copy !req
286. Listen to this, sir.
Copy !req
287. The President of the United States
Copy !req
288. announced a practice air raid alert
Copy !req
289. which will affect the entire
East Coast of the Country.
Copy !req
290. Ships will be forbidden entry into any port
Copy !req
291. until the alert is over.
Copy !req
292. When does it start?
Copy !req
293. In less than an hour, sir.
Copy !req
294. New York completely deserted—
Copy !req
295. that should be quite a sight.
Copy !req
296. It's because of this new bomb
they're working on, I suppose?
Copy !req
297. That's it, sir.
Copy !req
298. The Q-bomb they call it.
Copy !req
299. They say it'll make the H-bomb
look like a firecracker.
Copy !req
300. Hmph.
Copy !req
301. It'll never replace
the British Navy, Tomkins.
Copy !req
302. Oh no, sir.
Copy !req
303. Look sir, look sir!
Copy !req
304. The Queen Elizabeth!
Copy !req
305. Turn about!
Copy !req
306. The port of New York's closed!
Copy !req
307. What are you doing down there?
Copy !req
308. Turn about!
Copy !req
309. The Port of New York's closed.
Copy !req
310. Do you hear me?
Copy !req
311. The Port's closed!
Copy !req
312. What's the matter with them?
Copy !req
313. Stay away from—
Copy !req
314. Hey, stop that!
Copy !req
315. What are you playing at?
This is dangerous.
Copy !req
316. Stop!
Copy !req
317. But we're at war, Sergeant.
Copy !req
318. Not with everybody.
Copy !req
319. That's funny, I can't see anybody.
Copy !req
320. Looks deserted.
Copy !req
321. Yes, that's what I mean...
Copy !req
322. There doesn't seem to be anyone around
Copy !req
323. we can surrender to.
Copy !req
324. There's nothing moving, Will.
Copy !req
325. No boats or anything.
Copy !req
326. Is it a Sunday?
Copy !req
327. No, it's Monday.
Copy !req
328. We'd better check with the Skipper.
Copy !req
329. Yeah, yeah.
Copy !req
330. There it is.
The land of the enemy.
Copy !req
331. It's big.
Copy !req
332. The bigger they are, the harder they fall.
Copy !req
333. Are you crazy?
Copy !req
334. Don't you know, we're
supposed to lose the war?
Copy !req
335. Well, no one told me.
Copy !req
336. There's 175 million people
in the United States.
Copy !req
337. Yeah, but there's only
10 million in New York.
Copy !req
338. We'll outsmart them, that's all.
Copy !req
339. C'est impossible.
Copy !req
340. Where is the health department,
Copy !req
341. Customs, Immigration?
Copy !req
342. We were just wondering the same thing.
Copy !req
343. Ah, but it is very peculiar.
Copy !req
344. Hey, see that big building?
Copy !req
345. Well?
Copy !req
346. I saw it first.
It's mine.
Copy !req
347. At the double!
At the double!
Copy !req
348. Now, then, men,
Copy !req
349. please make sure you've got your passports
Copy !req
350. and Health Certificates handy.
Copy !req
351. Sir?
Copy !req
352. Well, what is it?
Copy !req
353. The invasion map, sir.
Copy !req
354. It's getting me down.
Copy !req
355. Why doesn't somebody
come and capture us?
Copy !req
356. Where is everybody?
Copy !req
357. Maybe it's a holiday.
Copy !req
358. Why don't they come out and fight?
Copy !req
359. Fight?
Copy !req
360. I know they've declared
New York an open city.
Copy !req
361. I think we should go back
to the ship and wait.
Copy !req
362. Wait?
Wait for what?
Copy !req
363. Just wait.
Copy !req
364. Oh, come on.
Copy !req
365. It's you.
Copy !req
366. Your mail's got rusty in the rain.
Copy !req
367. Germ warfare.
Copy !req
368. Since when have there been sticky germs?
Copy !req
369. Chewing gum.
Copy !req
370. Germ warfare...
Copy !req
371. Why don't we storm a building
just for a start?
Copy !req
372. No, let's keep going.
Copy !req
373. We're sure to find somebody.
Copy !req
374. Come on.
Copy !req
375. Hey! Look, sir.
Copy !req
376. That's where they all are—
Copy !req
377. underground.
Copy !req
378. Cowards.
Copy !req
379. Hey, you down there,
Copy !req
380. why don't you come up and fight?
Copy !req
381. Don't!
Copy !req
382. You'll make them angry.
Copy !req
383. Field Marshal, look at this.
Copy !req
384. It's an air raid drill.
Copy !req
385. Everybody's underground.
Copy !req
386. Maybe we should go underground, too.
Copy !req
387. We can surrender when it's all over.
Copy !req
388. "Air raid drill today.
Copy !req
389. "President today announced
development of plans
Copy !req
390. "for a new bomb
Copy !req
391. "infinitely more powerful than the H-bomb
Copy !req
392. "and capable of devastating an area
Copy !req
393. of two million square miles."
Copy !req
394. "Designed by the noted
scientist, Dr. Alfred Kokintz
Copy !req
395. "of New York Institute of Advanced Physics,
Copy !req
396. "a prototype of the new bomb
is expected to be a reality
Copy !req
397. in a matter of weeks."
Copy !req
398. Give me the map.
Copy !req
399. Maybe you were right.
Copy !req
400. Maybe we should wait at the ship.
Copy !req
401. No, no, we must get off the streets now.
Copy !req
402. After all, we are guests here.
Copy !req
403. We don't want to spoil
their air raid drill.
Copy !req
404. Ah, yes, there's the Arsenal.
Copy !req
405. That's on 64th Street and 5th Avenue...
Copy !req
406. We can cut through this,
uh, Central Park.
Copy !req
407. Over there.
Copy !req
408. All right men,
Copy !req
409. all in favor of going
over there right away
Copy !req
410. and surrendering say "Aye".
Copy !req
411. Aye!
Copy !req
412. You're a fine disciplined body of men.
Copy !req
413. Let's go.
Copy !req
414. Come on, what are you doing
up here anyway?
Copy !req
415. But all I wanted was some cigarettes.
Copy !req
416. Well, borrow one.
Copy !req
417. Okay, give me one.
Copy !req
418. Here.
Copy !req
419. All right, now, come on, get going,
Copy !req
420. and don't let me catch you up here again—
Copy !req
421. All right.
Copy !req
422. Good thing this isn't a real air raid.
Copy !req
423. Some people just want to get killed.
Copy !req
424. They just want to get killed.
Copy !req
425. Look at that.
Copy !req
426. Decontamination Squad.
Copy !req
427. Boy, that's the job I wanted.
Copy !req
428. No walking.
Copy !req
429. Yeah.
Copy !req
430. Hairpin, please.
Copy !req
431. I don't have any, Papa.
Copy !req
432. Well, a—
a bobby pin, then.
Copy !req
433. So...
Copy !req
434. Finished.
Copy !req
435. That's the warning apparatus in place.
Copy !req
436. You really have to get some
food and sleep now, Papa.
Copy !req
437. You've been at it
without a break for 48 hours...
Copy !req
438. Now, I've had a bed put up
in the Institute shelter.
Copy !req
439. Shelter?
What shelter?
Copy !req
440. There's a practice air raid alert on.
Copy !req
441. We should have been down there
an hour ago.
Copy !req
442. An alert?
For why?
Copy !req
443. Because of you, Papa.
Copy !req
444. Because of you and this bomb of yours.
Copy !req
445. I see.
Copy !req
446. I wonder what they would think
Copy !req
447. if they knew about
my little working model.
Copy !req
448. I think that they would all be very afraid.
Copy !req
449. I'm glad that warning apparatus works.
Copy !req
450. Yeah, of course.
Copy !req
451. Come on, Papa, please.
Copy !req
452. Yes, for how long?
Copy !req
453. It could be some time.
Copy !req
454. They want people
to get used to long alerts.
Copy !req
455. Then I will have
to remove the detonator
Copy !req
456. to make it harmless.
Copy !req
457. It's very sensitive.
Copy !req
458. It can go off like, like,
like, like...
Copy !req
459. Are you sure you haven't got a hairpin?
Copy !req
460. Hey, what's going on here?
Copy !req
461. Why aren't you two
in the air raid shelter?
Copy !req
462. What's the big idea?
Copy !req
463. What's the idea of coming
into this lab without knocking?
Copy !req
464. Look, Sister,
this is an alert.
Copy !req
465. So let's be alert.
Copy !req
466. Come on. Out. Out. Out.
Copy !req
467. Look, you'll get out,
Copy !req
468. if you know what's good for you.
Copy !req
469. Are you kidding?
Copy !req
470. Now, you two can go peaceable,
or I can drag you out.
Copy !req
471. So which is it going to be?
Copy !req
472. Hey, what are we doing,
playing games here?
Copy !req
473. Come along, Pop.
Copy !req
474. Don't you know that's Dr. Kokintz?
Copy !req
475. Kokintz, Smokintz, who cares?
Copy !req
476. Come on, let's get go—
Copy !req
477. Wait a minute...
Copy !req
478. Kokintz?
Copy !req
479. You mean the fellow with the Q-bomb?
Copy !req
480. That's right.
Copy !req
481. No kidding?
Copy !req
482. No kidding.
Copy !req
483. Hi, Doc.
Copy !req
484. How do you do?
Copy !req
485. Hey, this is it, huh?
Copy !req
486. That's it,
Copy !req
487. but it's a secret.
Copy !req
488. Now, do you mind leaving us alone?
Copy !req
489. My father wants to disconnect it.
Copy !req
490. What?
Copy !req
491. You mean it's connected?
Copy !req
492. It sure is,
Copy !req
493. and what's more, it's on a hair trigger,
Copy !req
494. so please don't slam the door
on the way out.
Copy !req
495. Yeah, sure.
Copy !req
496. See you later, Doc.
Copy !req
497. Yes, goodbye.
Copy !req
498. Hey...
Copy !req
499. Why isn't he in Oak Ridge
Copy !req
500. with the rest of the scientists?
Copy !req
501. He's eccentric.
Copy !req
502. He likes to work alone.
Copy !req
503. But I thought this thing
Copy !req
504. was only in the planning stage.
Copy !req
505. It was.
Copy !req
506. This is his first working model.
Copy !req
507. He wants to surprise everybody.
Copy !req
508. Great sense of humor.
Copy !req
509. Oh...
one more question.
Copy !req
510. Why is it so different from an H bomb?
Copy !req
511. The H bomb?
Copy !req
512. This new bomb is based on quodium,
Copy !req
513. which is 100 times more powerful
than hydrogen.
Copy !req
514. In fact,
Copy !req
515. my father uses an H-bomb
just to trigger this one off.
Copy !req
516. It could probably blow up
all of North America.
Copy !req
517. Yeah, and some of South America, also.
Copy !req
518. Any more questions?
Copy !req
519. Yeah, where do you have
to go to be safe?
Copy !req
520. Now, that is a difficult question.
Copy !req
521. Carbon 14, you understand?
Copy !req
522. Oh, yeah, yeah.
Copy !req
523. Hey, that's a dangerous
thing you've got there.
Copy !req
524. Yes it is.
Copy !req
525. Let's just hope that it'll never be used.
Copy !req
526. That's a nice thought.
Copy !req
527. I feel better already.
Copy !req
528. Now, you really must try
to be more careful.
Copy !req
529. Good bye.
Just a minute!
Copy !req
530. You haven't had anything
to eat since yesterday, Papa.
Copy !req
531. How about asking this man
to bring us some sandwiches?
Copy !req
532. I've got an awful lot of things to do.
Copy !req
533. Oh, now, you wouldn't
want my father's hands
Copy !req
534. to shake from hunger, would you?
Copy !req
535. What kind? Cheese?
Chopped liver?
Copy !req
536. Chopped liver?
Copy !req
537. Chopped liver...
Copy !req
538. With a pickle, please.
Copy !req
539. With a pickle...
Copy !req
540. Well, I can't understand it.
Copy !req
541. According to the map,
Copy !req
542. we're supposed to be taking a short cut.
Copy !req
543. I'm tired.
Copy !req
544. Oh, chin up, Cobbley.
Copy !req
545. Perhaps when we get to the Arsenal,
Copy !req
546. they'll give us a nice cup of tea.
Copy !req
547. Will, someone's left the engine running.
Copy !req
548. Maybe we can get a lift.
Copy !req
549. Yeah.
Copy !req
550. Hey!
Copy !req
551. What's the matter?
Copy !req
552. There's some guys hanging around the truck.
Copy !req
553. Air raid wardens?
Copy !req
554. No, these are funny-looking guys.
Copy !req
555. What do you mean, funny-looking?
Copy !req
556. I mean funny-looking, like fish.
Copy !req
557. Who are you kidding?
Copy !req
558. What do you mean, like fish?
Copy !req
559. They've got scales.
Copy !req
560. Where?
Copy !req
561. All over them.
Copy !req
562. Mulligan, you sick or somethin'?
Copy !req
563. Men from outer space!
Copy !req
564. They're off a flying saucer.
Copy !req
565. Off of sputnik.
Copy !req
566. Oh, look!
Copy !req
567. They've seen us.
Copy !req
568. Let's get out of here!
Copy !req
569. Men from outer space!
Copy !req
570. They're off a flying saucer.
Copy !req
571. Ray guns!
Copy !req
572. I'm getting out of this suit.
Copy !req
573. Me, too.
Copy !req
574. Don't shoot.
Copy !req
575. We'll get into trouble.
Copy !req
576. Hold it.
Copy !req
577. They're not from outer space.
Copy !req
578. They're Americans.
Copy !req
579. They probably belong to this truck.
Copy !req
580. Let's go after them,
tell them we're sorry.
Copy !req
581. No, it's too late.
Let's go and surrender
Copy !req
582. before we get in any more trouble.
Come on.
Copy !req
583. No, just a minute,
Copy !req
584. we shouldn't leave this truck
Copy !req
585. with the engine running, should we?
Copy !req
586. We'll turn it in.
Copy !req
587. That'll make them happy.
Copy !req
588. All right men, into the truck.
Copy !req
589. We'll ride to the Arsenal.
Copy !req
590. Come on.
Copy !req
591. You wait here.
I'll get to a phone
Copy !req
592. and call "Special Reports."
Copy !req
593. Yeah, right.
Copy !req
594. Okay, you come on down the subway!
Copy !req
595. Hey, wait a minute.
Copy !req
596. I'm a decontamination man.
Copy !req
597. Yeah, where's your uniform?
Copy !req
598. I threw it away
Copy !req
599. when I was being chased
by the men from outer space.
Copy !req
600. I'm waiting for my partner.
Copy !req
601. Come on, you going to come quietly?
Copy !req
602. Listen—
Copy !req
603. Come on, come on.
Copy !req
604. Men from Mars...
I saw them.
Copy !req
605. Men from Mars!
Copy !req
606. Special Reports?
Copy !req
607. Special Reports.
Copy !req
608. What's your name and section?
Copy !req
609. O'Hara. Section 4300
Sub-section 3, Decontamination.
Copy !req
610. Okay, go ahead.
Copy !req
611. There's a bunch of men from a flying saucer
Copy !req
612. just landed in Central Park.
Copy !req
613. How many?
Copy !req
614. 50 or 60.
Copy !req
615. 50 or 60 men
Copy !req
616. from a flying saucer—
Copy !req
617. Say, what is this?
Copy !req
618. Just what I said.
I saw them.
Copy !req
619. 50 or 60...
Copy !req
620. with metal heads,
Copy !req
621. and all covered in
some kind of shiny stuff.
Copy !req
622. They fired at us
with some kind of a Ray gun
Copy !req
623. in Central Park.
Copy !req
624. You've been told to keep out
of Saloons, haven't you?
Copy !req
625. The job you're doing is serious.
Copy !req
626. Where are you now?
Copy !req
627. I'm in a grocery store on
Columbus Avenue and 69th Street,
Copy !req
628. and I ain't been in any saloon.
Copy !req
629. Well, stay right where you are.
Copy !req
630. I'm going to send somebody over.
Copy !req
631. Off a flying saucer,
300 of them in Central Park.
Copy !req
632. Men from Mars,
400 of them in Central Park.
Copy !req
633. We have been invaded from Mars,
thousands of them.
Copy !req
634. Men from Mars.
Copy !req
635. Flying saucers all over the place.
Copy !req
636. Men from Mars with Ray guns.
Copy !req
637. Yeah, I know.
Copy !req
638. Right, men, number up!
Copy !req
639. Twenty-one?
Copy !req
640. Twenty-two, sir.
Copy !req
641. All present and correct, sir.
Copy !req
642. Good.
Copy !req
643. Now, then, lads, remember,
there is nothing wrong
Copy !req
644. in surrendering to overwhelming odds
Copy !req
645. provided we do it in a military fashion.
Copy !req
646. Yes...
Copy !req
647. Carry on.
Copy !req
648. Right, men.
Copy !req
649. Fall in, smartly!
Copy !req
650. All right, lads, follow me.
Copy !req
651. That way.
Quick march.
Copy !req
652. Halt!
Copy !req
653. Tully?
Copy !req
654. Yes?
Copy !req
655. Look at that.
Copy !req
656. New York Institute of Advanced Physics.
Copy !req
657. That's not the Arsenal,
is it?
Copy !req
658. No. We're lost again.
Copy !req
659. All right men, back to the truck
Copy !req
660. at the double.
Copy !req
661. Will!
Copy !req
662. This is General Snippet.
Get me Washington.
Copy !req
663. Yes, Snippet?
Copy !req
664. Oh, Mr. Secretary, I have to report
Copy !req
665. an emergency situation in New York.
Copy !req
666. There's a rumor going around
Copy !req
667. the city's been invaded by men from Mars,
Copy !req
668. and it's spreading like wildfire.
Copy !req
669. Did you say men from Mars?
Copy !req
670. Yes, sir,
in Central Park.
Copy !req
671. Well, how did that rumor begin?
Copy !req
672. Well, a civil defense
squad leader turned in a report.
Copy !req
673. Was he drunk?
Well, we thought so,
Copy !req
674. but I thought I'd better
make a report on it anyway.
Copy !req
675. All right, Snippet, you go out
Copy !req
676. and make a personal inspection of that Park
Copy !req
677. and report to me.
Copy !req
678. This kind of nonsense
can ruin an exercise,
Copy !req
679. designed to protect
Copy !req
680. the largest city of our Nation.
Copy !req
681. A city which, I don't need to stress,
Copy !req
682. has been entrusted to your care!
Copy !req
683. Get me my jeep!
Copy !req
684. We really better not wait any longer, Papa.
Copy !req
685. We have to get down to the shelter.
Copy !req
686. Very well, but I am hungry.
Copy !req
687. I'll do the bomb before we go.
Copy !req
688. Well, I don't understand
Copy !req
689. why that warden doesn't come back
Copy !req
690. with the sandwiches.
Copy !req
691. Even with white bread,
with no pickle...
Copy !req
692. Oh, thank goodness.
Copy !req
693. Just put the food here—
Copy !req
694. Oh!
Copy !req
695. Who are you?
Copy !req
696. What do you want?
Copy !req
697. Well, what is it?
Copy !req
698. Um, I'm Tully Bascombe,
and this is Will Buckley.
Copy !req
699. Is that Dr. Kokintz?
Er, yes, I am.
Copy !req
700. Oh, how nice. We just took
a chance, and here you are.
Copy !req
701. You didn't bring my sandwiches?
Copy !req
702. Sandwiches?
Copy !req
703. Um... er... no, sir,
we've come to capture you.
Copy !req
704. Is this some kind of a joke?
Copy !req
705. What are those uniforms?
Copy !req
706. You're not wardens.
Copy !req
707. No, Miss, we're soldiers.
Copy !req
708. I haven't got time to explain now,
Copy !req
709. but we're at war with America.
Copy !req
710. We came over here to surrender,
Copy !req
711. and now, I think if we take
Dr. Kokintz back with us,
Copy !req
712. we shall be in a much better
bargaining position.
Copy !req
713. That is it in brief.
Copy !req
714. They're both crazy.
Copy !req
715. Yes, phone the Police.
Copy !req
716. Call the Army!
Copy !req
717. That's no use, sir.
Copy !req
718. Everybody's underground.
Copy !req
719. What's that on the table?
Copy !req
720. It's a coffee percolator.
Copy !req
721. A coffee percolator.
Copy !req
722. Is it?
Copy !req
723. I've never seen an American percolator.
Copy !req
724. What do I push?
Copy !req
725. Don't push anything!
Copy !req
726. I think that's the Q-bomb.
Copy !req
727. Yes.
Copy !req
728. Small, isn't it?
Copy !req
729. It's made portable.
Copy !req
730. Well, well, well.
Copy !req
731. We'd better take it along, too, Tully.
Copy !req
732. Yes, that's a very good idea, Will.
Copy !req
733. Corporal?
Copy !req
734. Well, shall we go, sir?
Copy !req
735. You leave my father alone!
Copy !req
736. Oh, you're his daughter.
Copy !req
737. Well, you'd better come along as well.
Copy !req
738. Look, I don't think
you know what you're doing.
Copy !req
739. No! No violence, please.
Copy !req
740. The bomb...
Copy !req
741. Now, Mr. Grand Marshal,
please permit me
Copy !req
742. to dismantle it first.
Copy !req
743. I'm sorry, sir, but we haven't time.
Copy !req
744. Now, how do I carry it?
Copy !req
745. Carefully...
Copy !req
746. But, Mr. Constable, don't stumble,
Copy !req
747. don't fall,
Copy !req
748. because if you fall,
Copy !req
749. all of America falls with you.
Copy !req
750. I see.
Copy !req
751. Shall we go?
Copy !req
752. Fall in, you men!
Copy !req
753. Please treat the bomb with great care.
Copy !req
754. Do be careful.
Copy !req
755. Get 'em in quickly.
Copy !req
756. Come along.
Copy !req
757. Take cover, all of you!
Copy !req
758. What is this?
Copy !req
759. What's happening here?
Copy !req
760. What's your name, soldier?
Copy !req
761. I'm General Snippet, you fool. Who are you?
Copy !req
762. What's going on around here?
Why are you dressed like this?
Copy !req
763. I'm Field Marshal
Copy !req
764. and Chief Constable Tully Bascombe,
Copy !req
765. and you're prisoners of war.
Copy !req
766. Field Marshal and Chief Constable of what?
Copy !req
767. The Duchy of Grand Fenwick.
Copy !req
768. All right, Fenwick, you're under arrest.
Copy !req
769. You'll get 100 years for this.
Copy !req
770. We'll talk about it in Grand Fenwick.
Copy !req
771. You'll be treated
Copy !req
772. with all deference due
to your rank, General.
Copy !req
773. Um...
Copy !req
774. Take them away, men.
Copy !req
775. 150 years—
Copy !req
776. on bread and water...
Copy !req
777. We interrupt this program
Copy !req
778. for an important announcement.
Copy !req
779. Contrary to rumor there are...
Copy !req
780. from Mars in the city...
Copy !req
781. Do not panic.
Copy !req
782. What'd he say?
Copy !req
783. Hey, cut that out!
It's my radio.
Copy !req
784. What did he say?
Copy !req
785. men from Mars in the City.
Copy !req
786. So stay where you are.
Copy !req
787. We have...
Copy !req
788. been invaded by men from Mars.
Copy !req
789. Did you hear that?
Copy !req
790. I knew it.
Copy !req
791. I knew it had to come.
Copy !req
792. men from Mars in the city,
so stay where you are.
Copy !req
793. Ahoy, there!
Copy !req
794. Well, Field Marshal,
you weren't away very long.
Copy !req
795. How did the war with
the United States go, huh?
Copy !req
796. We won!
Copy !req
797. Mr. Secretary, sir.
Copy !req
798. Yes, Captain, what is it?
Copy !req
799. It's General Snippet.
He's still missing.
Copy !req
800. Oh, that man's an idiot.
Copy !req
801. I'll have his star for this.
Copy !req
802. But they've found his jeep
Copy !req
803. at the New York Institute
of Advanced Physics.
Copy !req
804. They—
Copy !req
805. Go on.
Copy !req
806. They say it was shot full of arrows...
Copy !req
807. Arrows?
Copy !req
808. That's the report, sir. They're
flying them down from New York.
Copy !req
809. Also there was a flag.
Copy !req
810. On the arrows?
Copy !req
811. On one of the Customs sheds at the docks.
Copy !req
812. What flag is it?
Copy !req
813. Nobody's identified it yet,
Copy !req
814. but they're flying it down, too.
Copy !req
815. Also, those, uh...
Copy !req
816. rumors about men from Mars,
Copy !req
817. they're still spreading.
Copy !req
818. I'm going to stop this alert.
Copy !req
819. There's something funny going on,
Copy !req
820. and I don't like it.
Copy !req
821. A foreign flag on a Customs shed?
Copy !req
822. Yes, sir.
Copy !req
823. Now, Fothergill,
Copy !req
824. you're in charge
of Post Exchange Relations.
Copy !req
825. I think we all realize how important it is
Copy !req
826. to the well-being of any community
Copy !req
827. to have a helpful, friendly P.X.
Copy !req
828. So... be on your toes,
Copy !req
829. and under the circumstances,
gentlemen, I see no reason
Copy !req
830. why we can't let the Americans
have our wine
Copy !req
831. at a generous discount.
Copy !req
832. Right.
Copy !req
833. Hear, hear!
Copy !req
834. Yes...
Copy !req
835. First impressions are always the strongest,
Copy !req
836. So be sure and give
those smiling, boyish G.I.s
Copy !req
837. a fine friendly welcome when they arrive.
Copy !req
838. Of course.
Copy !req
839. And, er—
Copy !req
840. as soon as we get the money,
Copy !req
841. we simply must get hold of some
of those malted milk machines,
Copy !req
842. right?
Copy !req
843. And not forget about the hot dogs.
Copy !req
844. Hear, hear.
Copy !req
845. Which, er—
Copy !req
846. brings me, gentlemen,
Copy !req
847. to the question of non-fraternization.
Copy !req
848. Now, the Occupation Authority
is certain to be very strict
Copy !req
849. in this matter,
Copy !req
850. and, naturally,
Copy !req
851. we will want to co-operate
in every possible way.
Copy !req
852. I should imagine that non-fraternization
Copy !req
853. will last for approximately...
Copy !req
854. What?
48 hours, eh?
Copy !req
855. 48 hours.
Copy !req
856. After which, gentlemen,
Copy !req
857. we will want those lonesome G.I. boys
Copy !req
858. to feel that this is a real
home away from home.
Copy !req
859. I think that deals with everything.
Copy !req
860. Are there any questions?
Copy !req
861. No.
Copy !req
862. Good.
Copy !req
863. Except, uh...
Copy !req
864. shouldn't we have heard something by now?
Copy !req
865. My dear fellow, not to worry.
Copy !req
866. Even a complete nincompoop
like Tully can't spoil this war.
Copy !req
867. Come on.
Copy !req
868. Keep moving!
Copy !req
869. I don't want any more exercise.
Copy !req
870. Half-an-hour.
Field Marshal's orders.
Copy !req
871. Move!
Copy !req
872. On the double!
On the double!
Copy !req
873. It is worse than sitting
on a barrel of gunpowder.
Copy !req
874. Much worse.
Copy !req
875. He won't let you dismantle it?
Copy !req
876. No, I told him it was dangerous.
Copy !req
877. He said he wants it dangerous.
Copy !req
878. He's power crazy.
Copy !req
879. He knows whoever has the bomb
has the world by the tail.
Copy !req
880. There is only one way to save us.
Copy !req
881. Now, you must persuade him
to let me make it harmless.
Copy !req
882. I must persuade him?
Copy !req
883. Why me?
Copy !req
884. He likes you.
Copy !req
885. Well, I don't like him.
Copy !req
886. For America...
Copy !req
887. No, sir, not me.
Copy !req
888. For mankind.
Copy !req
889. I hate him.
Copy !req
890. That is irrelevant.
Copy !req
891. Not to me.
Copy !req
892. Please... do it?
Copy !req
893. Is it absolutely necessary, Papa?
Copy !req
894. Absolutely.
Copy !req
895. Sorry, visiting time is over.
Copy !req
896. Yes, I am just coming.
Copy !req
897. Absolutely.
Copy !req
898. Okay.
Copy !req
899. Will you please tell the Dictator
Copy !req
900. I'd like to see him?
Copy !req
901. Who, ma'am?
Copy !req
902. Bascombe.
Copy !req
903. Oh, yes, ma'am.
Copy !req
904. Are you a typical American girl, ma'am?
Copy !req
905. Come on!
Copy !req
906. Come in.
Copy !req
907. You wanted to see me?
Copy !req
908. Yes, as a matter of fact Mr. Bascombe...
Copy !req
909. Mr. Bascombe?
Copy !req
910. You wanted to see me?
Copy !req
911. Yes.
Copy !req
912. Is everything all right?
Copy !req
913. Oh, wonderful, couldn't be better.
Copy !req
914. A two by four cabin
Copy !req
915. on a rocky old boat
Copy !req
916. with a deadly bomb ready
to explode under the floor.
Copy !req
917. What more could a girl ask?
Copy !req
918. Oh, that's nice.
Copy !req
919. Thanks a lot.
Copy !req
920. Is there something I can do for you?
Copy !req
921. Yes, you could let my father
dismantle the bomb.
Copy !req
922. I'm sorry, I couldn't do that.
Copy !req
923. Please, as a personal favor to me?
Copy !req
924. No, no, I couldn't.
Copy !req
925. I knew it wasn't any use talking to you.
Copy !req
926. Go away.
Copy !req
927. All right.
Copy !req
928. I think you're holding me.
Copy !req
929. I am?
Copy !req
930. Is this the way you treat
all your prisoners of war?
Copy !req
931. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
932. Oh, I didn't mean to offend you.
Copy !req
933. I hope you're not upset.
Copy !req
934. No, I'm not upset.
Copy !req
935. Do you forgive me?
Copy !req
936. Yes.
Copy !req
937. Can I go now, please?
Copy !req
938. Not just yet, please.
Copy !req
939. Surely, Mr. Bascombe, despite everything,
Copy !req
940. we can still be friends, can't we?
Copy !req
941. Yes.
Copy !req
942. That's nice.
Copy !req
943. I've always admired strong,
silent men, like you.
Copy !req
944. You're awfully young and handsome
Copy !req
945. to be a real Field Marshal and everything.
Copy !req
946. Do you like American girls?
Copy !req
947. I don't know any Ame—
Copy !req
948. American girls but you.
Copy !req
949. I like you.
Copy !req
950. That's nice.
Copy !req
951. Would you like to kiss me?
Copy !req
952. I wouldn't mind.
Copy !req
953. You can turn round right now
and kiss me if you want to.
Copy !req
954. Really?
Copy !req
955. Really.
Copy !req
956. Listen to this.
Copy !req
957. Look out for a pirate ship
flying a double-headed eagle.
Copy !req
958. She may attack you.
Copy !req
959. What's that mean?
Copy !req
960. I can't imagine, sir.
Copy !req
961. Oh, a ship on the port bow, sir.
Copy !req
962. Is that so?
Copy !req
963. Well, perhaps she's seen this pirate ship.
Copy !req
964. Hello!
Hello, you down there.
Copy !req
965. Have you seen a little—
Copy !req
966. Mons— Monsieur!
Copy !req
967. Help!
This is a kidnapping.
Copy !req
968. Inform the United States
Embassy that seven—
Copy !req
969. All right, come on.
Copy !req
970. Take your hands off me!
Copy !req
971. What was all that about?
Copy !req
972. I don't know, I don't speak French.
Copy !req
973. Hurry, please, I can't
keep the President waiting,
Copy !req
974. and don't forget that Declaration of War.
Copy !req
975. No, sir.
Copy !req
976. Fine thing, the United States
and the Grand Duchy of Fenwick
Copy !req
977. are at war,
Copy !req
978. and it takes the F.B.I.
to find out about it.
Copy !req
979. Yes, sir.
Copy !req
980. The Declaration was found
behind the radiator
Copy !req
981. in that fellow's office
in the State Department,
Copy !req
982. wasn't it, sir?
Copy !req
983. Yes, sir.
Copy !req
984. I mean, yes.
Copy !req
985. Anyway, Chester won't like
it on the island of Yap,
Copy !req
986. but how am I going to tell the President
Copy !req
987. that we've been successfully invaded
Copy !req
988. by a bunch of fifteenth century Europeans?
Copy !req
989. Oh, I'm sure you'll find a way, sir.
Copy !req
990. And all over some imitation wine.
Copy !req
991. But what I can't understand
Copy !req
992. is why they had to resort to war.
Copy !req
993. There are many ways
of settling differences
Copy !req
994. short of war,
Copy !req
995. and we've always been nice
to little countries
Copy !req
996. all over the world.
Copy !req
997. Yes, sir, but they did
send us some protests,
Copy !req
998. didn't they, sir, and we ignored them.
Copy !req
999. How am I going to break
the news to the President
Copy !req
1000. that we've lost the war?
Copy !req
1001. Lost the war, sir?
Copy !req
1002. Just because they landed,
and took a few hostages,
Copy !req
1003. and then got away again.
Copy !req
1004. Listen, this is Top Secret.
Copy !req
1005. Not only did they capture Dr. Kokintz,
Copy !req
1006. but they also took his
working model of the Q-bomb.
Copy !req
1007. The Q bomb!
Well, that means—
Copy !req
1008. Yeah, sure.
Copy !req
1009. They just about control the world.
Copy !req
1010. How am I going to tell that
to the President?
Copy !req
1011. Oh dear, this is so thrilling.
Copy !req
1012. So exciting.
Copy !req
1013. Where are my smelling salts, Ada?
Copy !req
1014. Hello, Bobo?
Copy !req
1015. Happy Day.
Copy !req
1016. Shouldn't they be here by now?
Copy !req
1017. Do you remember what that telegram said?
Copy !req
1018. Yes, it said, uh, er,
Copy !req
1019. arriving approximately 2:00 P.M..
Copy !req
1020. with Americans and wonderful news.
Copy !req
1021. Love, Tully.
Copy !req
1022. Good. Good.
Copy !req
1023. I hope they don't bring too many G.I.s.
Copy !req
1024. They know we're a small
country, don't they?
Copy !req
1025. Oh, of course they do.
Copy !req
1026. Anyway, they're very considerate
Copy !req
1027. about that sort of thing.
Copy !req
1028. They're coming!
Copy !req
1029. They're coming! They're coming!
Copy !req
1030. Company, fall in!
Copy !req
1031. Well, Your Grace, we're home.
Copy !req
1032. Actually, there's been
a slight change of plan.
Copy !req
1033. Uh, I know it will come as a surprise,
Copy !req
1034. a pleasant one, I hope.
Copy !req
1035. but we... sort of won.
Copy !req
1036. You sort of what?
Copy !req
1037. Well, sir, it's a long story.
Copy !req
1038. but we captured the Q-bomb...
Copy !req
1039. the most destructive weapon in the world,
Copy !req
1040. and we've got some prisoners, too.
Copy !req
1041. This is Dr. Kokintz who invented the bomb,
Copy !req
1042. this is his daughter, Helen,
Copy !req
1043. this is General Snippet,
Copy !req
1044. and these are New York policemen.
Copy !req
1045. Oh, and, uh, this is the Bomb.
Copy !req
1046. Blithering idiot.
Copy !req
1047. Lady, please,
Copy !req
1048. if this bomb should explode, it
would wipe out most of Europe.
Copy !req
1049. I beg of you, let me make it harmless.
Copy !req
1050. We can't do that, your Grace.
Copy !req
1051. If they make it harmless,
we haven't won anything.
Copy !req
1052. Just some prisoners.
Copy !req
1053. Oh, dear.
Copy !req
1054. This is most terribly complicated.
Copy !req
1055. Isn't it?
Copy !req
1056. Er...
Copy !req
1057. put the bomb away somewhere
Copy !req
1058. in a dungeon.
Copy !req
1059. And er...
Copy !req
1060. the doctor and, er...
Copy !req
1061. Miss, er... Pokins,
can have the rooms next to mine.
Copy !req
1062. Would you like orange or tomato juice
Copy !req
1063. with your breakfast?
Copy !req
1064. Orange, please.
Copy !req
1065. Orange...
Copy !req
1066. But, Lady this bomb
is not the kind of prisoner
Copy !req
1067. you can shut up in a dungeon.
Copy !req
1068. Listen, everybody!
Copy !req
1069. This bomb is stolen property.
Copy !req
1070. It belongs to the United States of America.
Copy !req
1071. Now, you stop that.
Copy !req
1072. We won it fair and square, your Grace.
Copy !req
1073. Give it back please!
Copy !req
1074. If you don't,
Copy !req
1075. you'll live in terror
for the rest of your lives.
Copy !req
1076. Give it back!
Copy !req
1077. It's the honest thing to do.
Copy !req
1078. It's the wise thing to do.
Copy !req
1079. It's— It's the American thing to do.
Copy !req
1080. There goes a red-blooded American girl.
Copy !req
1081. Your Grace,
this is General Snippet.
Copy !req
1082. He's a real General.
Copy !req
1083. I warn you, Madam, I know
the Geneva convention by heart.
Copy !req
1084. Oh, how nice.
Copy !req
1085. You must recite it to me some evening.
Copy !req
1086. I play the Harpsichord.
Copy !req
1087. Right this way, here,
won't be long.
Copy !req
1088. Come on, in here, that'll do.
Copy !req
1089. Thank you, sir.
Copy !req
1090. Take your hands off me!
Copy !req
1091. Who do you think
you think you are?
Copy !req
1092. Psychological warfare.
Copy !req
1093. Brain-washing...
Copy !req
1094. Remember men, only your name,
rank, and serial number—
Copy !req
1095. What if they torture us?
Copy !req
1096. Never mind what they do.
Copy !req
1097. Don't talk!
Copy !req
1098. Can we scream a little?
Copy !req
1099. Now, the first thing to do
is to form an escape committee,
Copy !req
1100. and then—
Copy !req
1101. Ah, there you are, General.
Copy !req
1102. Well, what do you think
about our... exhibits?
Copy !req
1103. I'm disappointed in you, Lady.
Copy !req
1104. You'll never get away with it...
Copy !req
1105. There are international laws
for the treatment of prisoners.
Copy !req
1106. You can't torture us,
Copy !req
1107. and you can't keep us
in this cell, either.
Copy !req
1108. My dear General, this is not a cell.
Copy !req
1109. This is a museum...
Copy !req
1110. We don't do these things anymore.
Copy !req
1111. Oh. Oh, really?
Copy !req
1112. Well, I knew it all the time.
Copy !req
1113. I was just testing you fellows.
Copy !req
1114. Well, If you're ready,
I'll show you to your rooms.
Copy !req
1115. Just a minute.
Copy !req
1116. Are they regulation-sized cells,
eight by six?
Copy !req
1117. I really don't know.
Copy !req
1118. I've never measured them.
Copy !req
1119. And meals...
Copy !req
1120. They've got to be served
on standard-sized tin plates.
Copy !req
1121. I don't believe we have
any tin plates, here, General.
Copy !req
1122. Then we refuse to move.
Copy !req
1123. Unless you can convince me
that my men and I
Copy !req
1124. will be treated
according to the regulations,
Copy !req
1125. I'm not budging one inch!
Copy !req
1126. Excuse me.
Copy !req
1127. I see.
Copy !req
1128. Are you sure you won't have
something to eat, General?
Copy !req
1129. Only if it's served on a tin plate.
Copy !req
1130. Very well.
Copy !req
1131. Follow me, Gentlemen, will you?
Copy !req
1132. Men, stand on your rights.
Copy !req
1133. Well, we'll show them that they can't—
Copy !req
1134. Men, where are you?
Copy !req
1135. Men, men!
Copy !req
1136. And you?
Copy !req
1137. No.
Copy !req
1138. I hope the General's okay.
Copy !req
1139. I showed them.
Copy !req
1140. No tin plates, eh?
Copy !req
1141. They had tin plates.
Copy !req
1142. Here is the news...
Copy !req
1143. The situation seems grave tonight,
Copy !req
1144. and lights are burning late
Copy !req
1145. in every Chancellery
on the continent of Europe.
Copy !req
1146. More men are under arms than ever before
Copy !req
1147. in the history of the world.
Copy !req
1148. In parliament tonight,
Copy !req
1149. the Prime Minister said
that Britain and Grand Fenwick
Copy !req
1150. were united not only
by ties of language and history,
Copy !req
1151. but by blood,
Copy !req
1152. and that it was only
a matter of pure accident
Copy !req
1153. that the tiny Duchy was not
a member of the Commonwealth.
Copy !req
1154. Therefore, her Majesty's Government
Copy !req
1155. will do all in its power
Copy !req
1156. to protect the integrity
of this British outpost
Copy !req
1157. across the Channel.
Copy !req
1158. There were cheers
from both sides of the House.
Copy !req
1159. In Paris, the President stated
Copy !req
1160. that not only was Fenwick
historically a part of France,
Copy !req
1161. but the interest of these two wine-loving
Copy !req
1162. and wine-growing countries were identical
Copy !req
1163. and would be maintained at all costs.
Copy !req
1164. There were scenes of excitement
in Moscow tonight,
Copy !req
1165. where the Premier said
Copy !req
1166. that although the Soviet Union
had invented a Q-bomb of its own
Copy !req
1167. many years ago,
Copy !req
1168. the peace-loving workers of the U.S.S.R.
Copy !req
1169. would do everything necessary
to prevent the Fenwick bomb
Copy !req
1170. from falling into the greedy,
blood-stained hands
Copy !req
1171. of the imperialist war-mongering...
Copy !req
1172. hyenas.
Copy !req
1173. In the United States,
Copy !req
1174. the New York Yankees defeated
the Milwaukee Braves 6-2
Copy !req
1175. in the final game of the World Series...
Copy !req
1176. the American version of football.
Copy !req
1177. Meanwhile, there is no word
from Grand Fenwick,
Copy !req
1178. which seems now to control
the destiny of the world.
Copy !req
1179. The tiny country apparently remains calm,
Copy !req
1180. unconcerned, and indeed almost indifferent
Copy !req
1181. to the rising tension.
Copy !req
1182. Sir...
Copy !req
1183. It's from China.
Copy !req
1184. It says...
Copy !req
1185. If there is anything we can do
Copy !req
1186. to help you against the United States,
Copy !req
1187. please don't hesitate to ask.
Copy !req
1188. Warmest regards.
Copy !req
1189. Impossible.
Copy !req
1190. No matter what, we simply can't
do business with Red China.
Copy !req
1191. It's not from Red China.
Copy !req
1192. It's from the other one.
Copy !req
1193. Oh.
Copy !req
1194. Well, gentlemen, we're in trouble.
Copy !req
1195. Now, what are we going to do about it?
Copy !req
1196. Well, I don't know what
all the fuss is about, sir.
Copy !req
1197. We can take a plane with 40 paratroops
Copy !req
1198. over to that little jerkwater country
Copy !req
1199. and get that bomb and this Kokintz out
Copy !req
1200. before they know what's hit them.
Copy !req
1201. General, it's not quite that simple.
Copy !req
1202. Admittedly, we are at war
with Grand Fenwick,
Copy !req
1203. and legally entitled to attack them,
Copy !req
1204. but do you want it recorded in history
Copy !req
1205. that a Nation of our size
Copy !req
1206. attacked the smallest country in the world?
Copy !req
1207. You know something?
We're stuck.
Copy !req
1208. We sure are,
Copy !req
1209. and now the French have
offered eight divisions
Copy !req
1210. to protect Fenwick from attack,
Copy !req
1211. the British are considering 14.
Copy !req
1212. Egypt has offered six
Copy !req
1213. and a half interest in the Suez Canal.
Copy !req
1214. Now, naturally, they all
want to take the bomb home
Copy !req
1215. for safe keeping.
Copy !req
1216. Argentina, Brazil, France, Germany, Italy,
Copy !req
1217. they all want to help us.
Copy !req
1218. It's impossible.
Copy !req
1219. We fought a war and reaped
Copy !req
1220. as the fruits of victory, disaster.
Copy !req
1221. Well, it was all your idea, Bobo.
Copy !req
1222. My idea?
Copy !req
1223. My idea was perfectly sound.
Copy !req
1224. Only an imbecile could have won
this war, and he did.
Copy !req
1225. I know, but he...
Copy !req
1226. he meant well.
Copy !req
1227. And the Russians have offered 20 divisions
Copy !req
1228. and have told Fenwick
they want an answer
Copy !req
1229. within 48 hours.
Copy !req
1230. We'll give them 30 divisions.
Copy !req
1231. General, you don't seem
to appreciate our position.
Copy !req
1232. We're at war with Fenwick.
Copy !req
1233. How can we send troops
to protect our enemy?
Copy !req
1234. Well, you know something?
Copy !req
1235. We're stuck.
Copy !req
1236. And as a result,
Copy !req
1237. we now have this frightful
engine of destruction which,
Copy !req
1238. at the mere rumbling of a farm cart,
Copy !req
1239. can destroy us all
and the rest of Europe with us.
Copy !req
1240. As a result, are we to go to war
with the whole world?
Copy !req
1241. Oh, I know what our impetuous
young friend, there, will say...
Copy !req
1242. Guard our frontiers.
Copy !req
1243. I say let us give America the privilege
Copy !req
1244. of guarding its own frontiers.
Copy !req
1245. At least they can afford it...
Copy !req
1246. Your Grace,
Copy !req
1247. we must give them their
bomb back immediately.
Copy !req
1248. I'm not so sure about that, Bobo.
Copy !req
1249. I mean, the Americans
are a wonderful people,
Copy !req
1250. and perhaps we shouldn't
have taken their bomb.
Copy !req
1251. Anyway, Bobo,
even if we give it back to them,
Copy !req
1252. some other country will go and invent
Copy !req
1253. a Q-bomb of their own,
Copy !req
1254. and then we'll have an X, Y, Zed bomb,
Copy !req
1255. and someday, one of them will go off—
Copy !req
1256. Boom!
Copy !req
1257. Then what does your Grace suggest?
Copy !req
1258. I really don't know,
Copy !req
1259. but I think we should wait.
Copy !req
1260. Wait?
Wait for what?
Copy !req
1261. I don't know, just wait.
Copy !req
1262. I see.
Copy !req
1263. Well, in that case, I resign.
Copy !req
1264. So do I.
Copy !req
1265. They're all so sensitive.
Copy !req
1266. Well, Tully...
Copy !req
1267. I'm afraid you're Prime Minister now.
Copy !req
1268. Do try and think of something, won't you?
Copy !req
1269. Well, I'll do my best, your Grace.
Copy !req
1270. There's a good boy.
Copy !req
1271. Oh, dear, dear...
Copy !req
1272. It's all so confusing.
Copy !req
1273. Having the bad conscience
of the world in one's own home.
Copy !req
1274. It's very difficult.
Copy !req
1275. I do wish Leopold were here.
Copy !req
1276. But we won, didn't we?
Copy !req
1277. The world isn't the same anymore.
Copy !req
1278. Hey, you know something?
Copy !req
1279. Make peace with them.
Copy !req
1280. That way we can protect them.
Copy !req
1281. That's precisely what
the President hoped you'd say,
Copy !req
1282. but unfortunately,
Copy !req
1283. the Secretary of State
is still busy in the Far East,
Copy !req
1284. so it's up to me, I'm afraid,
Copy !req
1285. so I'll fly over to Fenwick immediately
Copy !req
1286. and try to arrange an armistice.
Copy !req
1287. Agreed?
Copy !req
1288. Yeah, fine, sure.
Copy !req
1289. Who is it?
Copy !req
1290. May we come in?
Copy !req
1291. No.
Copy !req
1292. I see you're still angry.
Copy !req
1293. I'm still a prisoner.
Copy !req
1294. May I say how much
we both enjoyed your speech
Copy !req
1295. when you first arrived.
Copy !req
1296. If you enjoyed it so much,
Copy !req
1297. why didn't you let me finish it?
Copy !req
1298. Who are you, anyway?
Copy !req
1299. A friend.
Copy !req
1300. Count Mountjoy,
Her Grace's chief adviser.
Copy !req
1301. This is Mr. Benter—
Copy !req
1302. leader of the loyal opposition.
Copy !req
1303. What do you want?
Copy !req
1304. In return, may I ask what you want?
Copy !req
1305. I thought I made that clear.
Copy !req
1306. I want to get that bomb back to America
Copy !req
1307. and my father and myself with it.
Copy !req
1308. And General Snippet
and the policemen as well.
Copy !req
1309. Why not?
Copy !req
1310. Hey, whose side are you on?
Copy !req
1311. The side of the sanity.
Copy !req
1312. In this case, dear lady, yours.
Copy !req
1313. We see nothing more advantageous
Copy !req
1314. than your immediate return
to America with the bomb.
Copy !req
1315. Do you mean that?
Copy !req
1316. Absolutely...
Copy !req
1317. We just want to get out of this mess.
Copy !req
1318. What have you got in mind?
Copy !req
1319. Well, we suggest you take
that naughty bomb away,
Copy !req
1320. and what is more, we will help you do it.
Copy !req
1321. You mean, take it back to America?
Copy !req
1322. Yes.
Copy !req
1323. We shall return for you within the hour.
Copy !req
1324. Be prepared to escape.
Copy !req
1325. Till then, dear lady, adieu.
Copy !req
1326. Oh, you American women are so charming...
Copy !req
1327. So very... charming...
Copy !req
1328. Look, we've only got an hour.
Copy !req
1329. Pity...
Copy !req
1330. Who is it?
Copy !req
1331. Well, come in!
Copy !req
1332. I'm taking a bath, so wait out there!
Copy !req
1333. You're too soon.
Copy !req
1334. I didn't expect you for half-an-hour.
Copy !req
1335. You didn't?
Copy !req
1336. Who's that?
Copy !req
1337. It's me, Tully Bascombe, remember?
Copy !req
1338. How could I forget?
Copy !req
1339. What do you want?
Copy !req
1340. I just want to talk to you
about being friends,
Copy !req
1341. like you said on the boat.
Copy !req
1342. That was on the boat.
Copy !req
1343. You and I can never be friends.
Copy !req
1344. You really mean that?
Copy !req
1345. Yes, I do.
Copy !req
1346. Get out!
Copy !req
1347. You get out of here.
Copy !req
1348. You screamed.
Copy !req
1349. You keep that on!
Copy !req
1350. The water was cold.
Copy !req
1351. How dare you come in here
Copy !req
1352. when I'm stuck in this miserable barrel.
Copy !req
1353. That barrel was made by a very
old firm of barrel makers.
Copy !req
1354. Who cares?
A barrel is a barrel.
Copy !req
1355. Now, you get out!
Copy !req
1356. All right.
I'll wait out there.
Copy !req
1357. Don't wait.
Come back tomorrow!
Copy !req
1358. No, I'll just wait, if you don't mind.
Copy !req
1359. Guard...
Copy !req
1360. Do you wish to see my credentials?
Copy !req
1361. I've come here to discuss
a very important matter
Copy !req
1362. with the Duchess Gloriana.
Copy !req
1363. Our orders are to admit no one, sir.
Copy !req
1364. But this is very important.
Copy !req
1365. That's what they all say.
Copy !req
1366. I've come here to discuss...
Copy !req
1367. the surrender terms.
Copy !req
1368. Whose?
Copy !req
1369. Ours.
Copy !req
1370. You'll have to wait here with the others.
Copy !req
1371. Guard!
Copy !req
1372. Aggressor!
Copy !req
1373. We're all told to wait here
Copy !req
1374. until we're given permission to enter
Copy !req
1375. by the freedom-loving
workers of Grand Fenwick.
Copy !req
1376. Oh, yeah, sure.
Copy !req
1377. Oh, guard?
Copy !req
1378. A little caviar, comrade?
Copy !req
1379. Never touch it.
Copy !req
1380. Well, General, we haven't much time.
Copy !req
1381. Yes, but shouldn't we have Dr. Kokintz
Copy !req
1382. disconnect it first?
Copy !req
1383. We can't find him.
Copy !req
1384. We looked everywhere.
Copy !req
1385. But I—
Copy !req
1386. Come now, General,
please... General.
Copy !req
1387. Well, who's going to carry it?
Copy !req
1388. Shall we?
Copy !req
1389. Look, Bascombe,
Copy !req
1390. there's no use hanging around.
Copy !req
1391. I have nothing to say to you,
Copy !req
1392. so for the last time, will you please go.
Copy !req
1393. I see.
Copy !req
1394. Well... goodbye.
Copy !req
1395. Goodbye, and if I never see
this antique tourist trap
Copy !req
1396. of yours again,
Copy !req
1397. I'll be a happy girl.
Copy !req
1398. Antique tourist trap?
Copy !req
1399. You seem to forget we won the war.
Copy !req
1400. It was an accident.
Copy !req
1401. You snuck up on us.
Copy !req
1402. It was broad daylight.
Everybody was underground.
Copy !req
1403. Well, anyway, we won.
Copy !req
1404. We weren't looking.
Copy !req
1405. And we've got your bomb,
Copy !req
1406. and there's nothing
you can do about that.
Copy !req
1407. You stole it.
Copy !req
1408. Is stealing part of
your primitive culture, too?
Copy !req
1409. It's captured booty.
Copy !req
1410. It belongs to the United States.
Copy !req
1411. And you belong to me.
Copy !req
1412. You're my prisoner.
Copy !req
1413. Thief...
Copy !req
1414. Get the car.
Copy !req
1415. Right.
Copy !req
1416. Go away.
Copy !req
1417. It's me.
Copy !req
1418. Are you sure my father's
waiting with the others?
Copy !req
1419. Would I lie to you?
Copy !req
1420. Frankly, yes.
Thank you.
Copy !req
1421. I promise you he's waiting with the others.
Copy !req
1422. Now, please, please, come along.
Copy !req
1423. Who is it?
Copy !req
1424. It's me again, Tully.
Copy !req
1425. You can't come in.
Go away!
Copy !req
1426. I've just come back to say that I'm sorry,
Copy !req
1427. and also that I've thought
the whole thing over,
Copy !req
1428. and my problem is
Copy !req
1429. that I love you.
Copy !req
1430. You do?
Copy !req
1431. Yes.
Copy !req
1432. And furthermore Helen,
Copy !req
1433. I think you love me.
Copy !req
1434. I do?
Copy !req
1435. Yes.
Copy !req
1436. Can I come in now, Helen?
Copy !req
1437. No, no.
Copy !req
1438. You just wait there a minute while I think.
Copy !req
1439. Well, take your time, then—
Copy !req
1440. Come along.
Copy !req
1441. He said he loved me.
Copy !req
1442. Congratulations.
Copy !req
1443. I think he means it.
Copy !req
1444. Yes, he's an idiot.
Copy !req
1445. Please.
Well, he's silly, but he's nice.
Copy !req
1446. Well, write him a letter then.
Copy !req
1447. I think I've always liked him.
Copy !req
1448. So have I, my dear,
but please let us go now!
Copy !req
1449. Where are they?
Copy !req
1450. Some transportation
you've arranged, I must say.
Copy !req
1451. It belongs to the Duchess.
Copy !req
1452. I only hope she doesn't
find out, that's all.
Copy !req
1453. I've got my own worries.
Copy !req
1454. Helen?
Copy !req
1455. Helen?
Copy !req
1456. Where's my father?
Copy !req
1457. Yes, where's her father?
Copy !req
1458. I thought you had him.
Copy !req
1459. I knew you were a snake, you snake.
Copy !req
1460. My dear girl, there's
nothing to worry about.
Copy !req
1461. We shall look after
your father, I assure you.
Copy !req
1462. You just get the bomb home,
Copy !req
1463. and he will be perfectly safe.
Copy !req
1464. You not only expect me to leave him,
Copy !req
1465. but you don't think we'd
try to escape in this thing
Copy !req
1466. without the bomb
being dismantled, do you?
Copy !req
1467. Little lady, there is no time to argue.
Copy !req
1468. Please go!
Copy !req
1469. Bon voyage!
Copy !req
1470. Where do you suppose the Doctor is, anyway?
Copy !req
1471. I haven't the faintest idea.
Copy !req
1472. Helen?
Copy !req
1473. My girl and my bomb.
Copy !req
1474. Ladies and gentlemen,
Copy !req
1475. this is not the end of our film.
Copy !req
1476. However, something very much like this
Copy !req
1477. could happen at any moment.
Copy !req
1478. We just thought we ought to prepare you
Copy !req
1479. and more or less put you in the mood.
Copy !req
1480. Thank you,
Copy !req
1481. and now, back to our story...
Copy !req
1482. Five.
I have another throw.
Copy !req
1483. One. Six.
Copy !req
1484. One, two, three, four, five, six.
Copy !req
1485. I bomb Philadelphia.
Copy !req
1486. Who owns Philadelphia?
Copy !req
1487. I do.
Copy !req
1488. Hah! You owe me 500 heavy bombers.
Copy !req
1489. Here.
Copy !req
1490. Now, it's my turn.
Copy !req
1491. Four.
Copy !req
1492. One, two, three, four.
Copy !req
1493. Take a chance.
Copy !req
1494. "Go to Salt mines."
Copy !req
1495. Ah, ah. Fortunately,
I can pay a fine, instead.
Copy !req
1496. I get Saudi Arabia.
Copy !req
1497. Not a bad game.
Copy !req
1498. I agree.
Copy !req
1499. It's called Diplomacy.
Copy !req
1500. It's my chauffeur's, actually.
Jolly good fun, I think.
Copy !req
1501. My throw?
Copy !req
1502. Stop it, you idiot!
Copy !req
1503. Stop it!
Copy !req
1504. Fix the car, you idiot!
Copy !req
1505. Don't you think you ought
to hold this for a while?
Copy !req
1506. After all, it's your father's.
Copy !req
1507. Oh, no, not me.
I'm only a girl.
Copy !req
1508. Hurry it up, boys.
Copy !req
1509. Gently
Copy !req
1510. Hey! Helen!
Copy !req
1511. Tully! Tully!
Copy !req
1512. Helen!
Copy !req
1513. Be careful!
Copy !req
1514. Stop that!
Copy !req
1515. What's the matter now?
Copy !req
1516. It won't make the hill.
Copy !req
1517. Well, do something.
Copy !req
1518. Get out and push!
Copy !req
1519. Now, don't jerk it.
Copy !req
1520. Steady...
Copy !req
1521. Put some weight behind it.
Copy !req
1522. Easy, boys.
Copy !req
1523. A car just ran into that haystack.
Copy !req
1524. By jove.
Copy !req
1525. Hurry up, you guys.
Copy !req
1526. Come on, let's get him out of there!
Copy !req
1527. General Snippet!
Copy !req
1528. General, are you all right?
Copy !req
1529. Come on, hurry up.
Copy !req
1530. General Snippet, are you all right?
Copy !req
1531. The bomb!
It's going off!
Copy !req
1532. Let's get going!
Copy !req
1533. Get out of here.
Copy !req
1534. Tully!
Copy !req
1535. Well, I'm ready.
Copy !req
1536. Well, sir, I've never been
a Prime Minister before,
Copy !req
1537. and, um... uh...
Copy !req
1538. Anyway, er, Point one...
Copy !req
1539. The California wine must go off the market,
Copy !req
1540. and we go back to business as usual.
Copy !req
1541. Do you want that in the Peace Treaty?
Copy !req
1542. Oh, yes, sir.
Copy !req
1543. We want that in the treaty,
Copy !req
1544. and we want a million dollars.
Copy !req
1545. You mean a billion dollars?
Copy !req
1546. No, sir, no, just—
just a million.
Copy !req
1547. You can't expect us
to give you a measly million?
Copy !req
1548. That's less than we spent
in Germany on one city alone.
Copy !req
1549. Yes, but you see, sir, they lost.
Copy !req
1550. Well, I can't promise to get that through.
Copy !req
1551. You may have to take a billion.
Copy !req
1552. Well, if you could try, sir.
Copy !req
1553. And we'd like some of that
to be in the form of bathtubs
Copy !req
1554. and other plumbing equipment.
Copy !req
1555. That's right, Helen, isn't it?
Copy !req
1556. Yes, dear.
Copy !req
1557. Yes. We're going to be married, sir.
Copy !req
1558. Congratulations.
Thank you.
Copy !req
1559. Thank you, sir.
Copy !req
1560. Now, then, what about the bomb?
Copy !req
1561. Well, er, the bomb stays here,
Copy !req
1562. and Dr. Kokintz, too...
Copy !req
1563. We want him to develop a chewing gum
Copy !req
1564. with a Pinot Grand Fenwick flavor
Copy !req
1565. which, naturally, we expect
to export to the United States.
Copy !req
1566. Well, do you want me to include
that in the Peace Treaty?
Copy !req
1567. Absolutely.
Copy !req
1568. Oh, yes, that—
That must all be in.
Copy !req
1569. Very well.
Copy !req
1570. But now, what about the bomb?
Copy !req
1571. Surely you realize
Copy !req
1572. that you can't keep it indefinitely.
Copy !req
1573. Well, sir, we'd like your President,
Copy !req
1574. who we admire very much
Copy !req
1575. to try and persuade the United Nations
Copy !req
1576. to let the little countries of the world
Copy !req
1577. look after the bomb.
Copy !req
1578. We want a general disarmament,
Copy !req
1579. and we want this league of little nations
Copy !req
1580. to be in charge of the inspection,
Copy !req
1581. to see that it all goes through smoothly.
Copy !req
1582. You know.
Copy !req
1583. I see... I think.
Copy !req
1584. But, look, what you're proposing isn't new.
Copy !req
1585. Everybody's been crying
for disarmament for years,
Copy !req
1586. and nothing happened.
Copy !req
1587. What are you offering
the big nations of the world
Copy !req
1588. in return for their arms?
Copy !req
1589. Well, sir, we offer them trust.
Copy !req
1590. You see, they can't agree on anything,
Copy !req
1591. because they all suspect each other.
Copy !req
1592. I think we all hoped things would be better
Copy !req
1593. after the last war, but...
Copy !req
1594. in many ways they're worse,
all these bombs and things.
Copy !req
1595. Well, do you really believe
Copy !req
1596. that the big nations are going to trust
Copy !req
1597. a group of small neutral nations
Copy !req
1598. to set up a disarmament policy for them?
Copy !req
1599. Do you think they'll agree to that?
Copy !req
1600. Well, I hope so, sir,
because if they don't,
Copy !req
1601. we'll just have to explode the bomb.
Copy !req
1602. But you'd all be blown up, too.
Copy !req
1603. You see, Mr. Secretary...
Copy !req
1604. if there were to be an atomic war,
Copy !req
1605. Fenwick would be destroyed anyway.
Copy !req
1606. The way things are
Copy !req
1607. we're just prolonging the agony,
Copy !req
1608. aren't we?
Copy !req
1609. I see what you mean.
Copy !req
1610. Well, America wants
nothing more than peace,
Copy !req
1611. always has.
Copy !req
1612. I'll do my very best,
and for all our sakes,
Copy !req
1613. I hope you make it.
Copy !req
1614. Thank you.
Copy !req
1615. It was awfully nice of you to come.
Copy !req
1616. You'll be escorted back to the border.
Copy !req
1617. Do give my love
to your President, will you?
Copy !req
1618. And Mrs. Coolidge, too.
Copy !req
1619. You Highness, please
Copy !req
1620. Excuse me, this is most important.
Copy !req
1621. The bomb has had such a shaking up,
Copy !req
1622. I think it better I give it a good look,
Copy !req
1623. as soon as possible.
Copy !req
1624. In fact, now.
Copy !req
1625. Yes, I do think Papa's right.
Copy !req
1626. Yes, well, do be careful, won't you Papa?
Copy !req
1627. Thank you.
Copy !req
1628. You are a dud?
Copy !req
1629. All the time, it was a dud...
Copy !req
1630. Remarkable.
Copy !req
1631. Congratulations.
Copy !req
1632. Papa, I'm proud of you.
Copy !req
1633. Shh.
Copy !req
1634. Only we know.
Copy !req
1635. Oh, how's the bomb getting on?
Copy !req
1636. Never better, Will.
Copy !req
1637. Oh, fine. Fine.
Copy !req
1638. All right, carry on.
Copy !req