1. Should pale death with treble dread
make the ocean caves our bed,
Copy !req
2. god who hear'st the surges roll,
deign to save our suppliant soul.
Copy !req
3. To four weeks.
Copy !req
4. No, sir. Thank you.
Copy !req
5. It's bad luck to leave
a toast unfinished, lad.
Copy !req
6. Oh, meanin'... meanin' no disrespect.
Copy !req
7. Man what don't drink
best have his reasons.
Copy !req
8. Uh... ain'tit... I...
Copy !req
9. I... I understood
it's against regulations, sir...
Copy !req
10. Did you?
Copy !req
11. I did, sir. From, uh...
From them's manual.
Copy !req
12. Didn't picture you a readin' man.
Copy !req
13. Well, I ain't trying for trouble.
Copy !req
14. Then you'll do as I say.
Copy !req
15. That's in your book too.
Copy !req
16. To four weeks.
Copy !req
17. Aye. Aye. The cistern needs a-lookin' to.
Copy !req
18. One of your duties, lad.
Or didn't y'read yourself about it?
Copy !req
19. You'll clean the brass and the clockwork,
and you'll tidy up the quarters after.
Copy !req
20. And there's well more
to be mended outside.
Copy !req
21. D'you hear me, lad?
Copy !req
22. Yes, sir.
Copy !req
23. Aye, sir!
Copy !req
24. Aye, sir.
Copy !req
25. When the fog clears,
you'll work through the dog watch.
Copy !req
26. Doggin' it?
Copy !req
27. I was 'specting I'd get up
to see the lantern.
Copy !req
28. I tend the light.
Copy !req
29. Well, the rules is alternatin' shifts.
Copy !req
30. It's the mid-watch that's to dread, lad.
My watch, night to morning.
Copy !req
31. Some new junior man I'm fixed with.
Copy !req
32. See to your duties. The light is mine.
Copy !req
33. Son of a bitch!
Copy !req
34. Shingles.
Copy !req
35. Tend to 'em after the cistern.
Copy !req
36. And the lamp, she needs oil.
Copy !req
37. Aye, sir.
Copy !req
38. Go!
Copy !req
39. Move it.
Copy !req
40. You don't go in there!
Copy !req
41. - Oil, sir.
- Tired? Use this next time.
Copy !req
42. Save you a hell of a lot of trouble.
Copy !req
43. Catch your breath, lad.
Copy !req
44. I said, catch your breath, lad.
Copy !req
45. Then bring that drum back down
the ladder well where y'found it.
Copy !req
46. 'Less you're fixin'
to burn the whole light down.
Copy !req
47. Then see to the rest of your duties.
You're behindhand already.
Copy !req
48. Aye, sir.
You're too slow. You a dullard?
Copy !req
49. No, sir.
Copy !req
50. Fooled me.
Copy !req
51. Should pale death with treble dread
make the ocean caves our bed,
Copy !req
52. god who hear'st the surges roll,
deign to save the suppliant soul.
Copy !req
53. Still tastes o'the head?
Copy !req
54. Ah, find some chirk in ye, lad.
Now is the time for gab and chatter.
Copy !req
55. Y'best be enjoying it.
Copy !req
56. Come a fortnight,
and the brace of us'll be wantin'
Copy !req
57. to be ever silent as the tomb.
Copy !req
58. I ain't much for talkin'.
Copy !req
59. Reckon you're the first?
Copy !req
60. No, sir. I don't.
Copy !req
61. Y'ain't.
Copy !req
62. Y'ain't.
Copy !req
63. The chicopee, a fine-un she were.
Copy !req
64. Clean-built and trig-lookin'.
Copy !req
65. None more fleet in '64 than she.
Copy !req
66. We were on the breaks.
Copy !req
67. A mutiny, it were.
Copy !req
68. And why, ask ye? Why?
Copy !req
69. What's the terrible part
of a sailor's life, ask ye, lad?
Copy !req
70. "Tis when the work stops
when you're twixt wind and water."
Copy !req
71. Doldrums. Doldrums. Eviler than the devil.
Copy !req
72. Boredom makes men to villains,
and the water goes quick, lad, vanished.
Copy !req
73. The only med'cine is drink.
Copy !req
74. Keeps them sailors happy,
keeps 'em agreeable,
Copy !req
75. keeps 'em calm, keeps "em..."
Copy !req
76. Stupid.
Copy !req
77. Curse me if there ain't an old tar spirit
somewheres in ye, lad.
Copy !req
78. Out with it, lad.
Copy !req
79. Uh...
Copy !req
80. What, uh...
What made your last keeper leave?
Copy !req
81. Him? Me second?
Copy !req
82. Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
83. Died.
Copy !req
84. Went mad, he did.
Copy !req
85. Ravin' about sirens, merfolk,
bad omens and the like.
Copy !req
86. In the end, weren't no more sense left
in him than an hen's tooth.
Copy !req
87. He believed that there was
some enchantment in the light.
Copy !req
88. He notioned that St. elmo
had cast his very fire into it.
Copy !req
89. Salvation, said he.
Copy !req
90. Tall tales.
Copy !req
91. I seen ye sparrin' with a gull.
Copy !req
92. Best leave 'em be.
Copy !req
93. Bad luck to kill a seabird.
Copy !req
94. More tall tales.
Copy !req
95. Bad luck to kill a seabird!
Copy !req
96. Pay me no mind, lad.
Copy !req
97. None.
Copy !req
98. Fix us up some coffee.
Copy !req
99. Long night ahead.
Copy !req
100. Drop o'coffee will do us good.
Copy !req
101. You've been neglecting your duties, lad!
Copy !req
102. Don't deny it!
Copy !req
103. What do you call that?
Copy !req
104. Sir? What?
Copy !req
105. I... I mopped and swept twice over, sir.
Copy !req
106. Ye lyin' dog.
Copy !req
107. - I swept 'em.
- 'Tis begrimed and bedabbled.
Copy !req
108. Unwiped, unwashed, and distained.
Copy !req
109. You get some kinda peart
outta molestin' me?
Copy !req
110. Come now?
Copy !req
111. I already says...
Copy !req
112. How dare ye contradict me, y'dog.
Copy !req
113. Now look here,
I ain't never intended to be no housewife
Copy !req
114. nor slave in takin' this job.
Copy !req
115. It ain't right.
Copy !req
116. These lodgings is more ramshackle
than any shanty boy's camp I ever seen.
Copy !req
117. The queen of england's
own fancy housekeeper
Copy !req
118. couldn't even done no better
than what I done,
Copy !req
119. 'cause I tell you, I scrubbed
this here place twice over, sir...
Copy !req
120. And I say y'did nothin' o'the sort.
Copy !req
121. And I say y'swab it again,
and y'swab it proper-like this time,
Copy !req
122. and you'll be swabbin' it
ten times more after that.
Copy !req
123. And if I tells ye to pull up and apart
Copy !req
124. every floorboard and clapboard
of this here house
Copy !req
125. and scour 'em down with your bare,
bleedin' knuckles, you'll do it!
Copy !req
126. And if I tells ye to yank out
every single nail
Copy !req
127. from every molderin' nail-hole
and suck off every speck of rust
Copy !req
128. till all them nails sparkle
like a sperm whale's pecker,
Copy !req
129. and then carpenter the whole light station
back together from scrap,
Copy !req
130. and then do it all over again,
you'll do it!
Copy !req
131. And by god and by golly,
Copy !req
132. you'll do it smilin', lad,
'cause you'll like it.
Copy !req
133. You'll like it 'cause I says you will!
Copy !req
134. Contradict me again,
and I'll dock your wages.
Copy !req
135. D'ye hear me, lad?
Copy !req
136. Aye, sir.
Copy !req
137. Ah.
Copy !req
138. Swab, dog. Swab!
Copy !req
139. Keep 'em steady, lad!
Copy !req
140. Aye, sir.
Copy !req
141. Whitewash must be even, lad.
Bright! Shinin'!
Copy !req
142. Like a silver whorehouse token.
Give them sailors a proper daymark.
Copy !req
143. They're not going to see it
in a goddamn storm!
Copy !req
144. Keep your temper now, lad.
Copy !req
145. "Tis fine work. And you're makin'
high marks in me logbook."
Copy !req
146. Them's gospel.
Copy !req
147. I'll drop y'down a few feet.
Copy !req
148. Easy!
Copy !req
149. Never been in better hands.
Copy !req
150. Easy!
Copy !req
151. Quit your flailing, lad.
Copy !req
152. - I ain't!
- Y'are!
Copy !req
153. - Keep still!
- I am!
Copy !req
154. Git! Git! Git! Git!
Copy !req
155. Thank ye, lad.
Copy !req
156. Winslow.
Copy !req
157. Ephraim Winslow.
Copy !req
158. These last two weeks, I'd...
Copy !req
159. I'd like it if you'd call me by my name.
Copy !req
160. Listen to ye,
Copy !req
161. giving orders, lad.
Copy !req
162. - Winslow.
- All right, all right.
Copy !req
163. Suits me just as fine, Ephraim Winslow.
Copy !req
164. So, what brung such a one as ye
to this damned rock?
Copy !req
165. Such as what?
Copy !req
166. Pretty as a picture.
Copy !req
167. Only joshing, lad, only josh...
Copy !req
168. - Winslow.
- Winslow.
Copy !req
169. What brung ye...
Copy !req
170. To this rock, Ephraim Winslow?
Copy !req
171. What were your work afore?
Copy !req
172. - Timber.
- Timber?
Copy !req
173. Big timber. Up north. Canada ways.
Copy !req
174. - Hudson bay outfit?
- The same.
Copy !req
175. True what they say?
"Forest as far as the eye can see"?
Copy !req
176. Yes, sir. Spruce, tamarack, white pine.
Copy !req
177. "Bush," them folk up there call it.
Copy !req
178. Had enough of trees, that it, then?
Copy !req
179. Yes, sir.
Copy !req
180. Can't say I blame ye.
Copy !req
181. I Hearn tell about that life. Hard goin'.
Copy !req
182. Work one man harder
than two horses, they say.
Copy !req
183. No, thankee.
Copy !req
184. The sea, she's the only situation
wantin' for me.
Copy !req
185. Miss it?
Copy !req
186. Ain't nothing what can touch it.
Copy !req
187. But I can't...
Copy !req
188. Be draggin' me old stump about.
Copy !req
189. Nay. Not worth the trouble.
Copy !req
190. Now I'm a wickie and a wickie I is.
Copy !req
191. And I'm damn-well wedded
to this here light,
Copy !req
192. and she's been a finer,
truer, quieter wife
Copy !req
193. than any alive-blooded woman.
Copy !req
194. You ever married?
Copy !req
195. Thirteen christmases at sea...
Copy !req
196. Little 'uns at home.
Copy !req
197. She never forgave it.
Copy !req
198. "Tis for the better."
Copy !req
199. Since we're getting too friendly,
Ephraim Winslow,
Copy !req
200. tell me, what's a timber man
want with being a wickie?
Copy !req
201. Not enough quiet for ye up north?
Copy !req
202. Sawdust itching your nethers?
Copy !req
203. Foreman found ye too high-tempered
for carrying an ax?
Copy !req
204. Like you said,
I just had enough of trees, I guess.
Copy !req
205. Since I left dad,
Copy !req
206. I done every kind of work
that can pay a man.
Copy !req
207. Some I ain't near proud of.
Copy !req
208. Drifter, en?
Copy !req
209. No, just...
Copy !req
210. Can't find a post
I can take a real shine to,
Copy !req
211. so I keep movin' along.
Copy !req
212. And I ain't the kind to look back
at what's behind him, see.
Copy !req
213. On the run?
Copy !req
214. Now look here, ain't nothin' wrong
with a man startin' fresh, startin' new,
Copy !req
215. just lookin' to earn a living.
Copy !req
216. No.
Copy !req
217. Just like any man,
Copy !req
218. just wanna settle down
quiet-like with some earnings.
Copy !req
219. I read someplace
that a man could earn 630 or...
Copy !req
220. I read $1,000 a year
Copy !req
221. if he tends a light far off shore.
Copy !req
222. The further away, the more he earns.
Copy !req
223. I read that, and hell, I says, work.
Copy !req
224. Save my earnings.
Copy !req
225. Sometime soon I'll raise my own roof,
Copy !req
226. somewheres up country,
with no one to tell me what for.
Copy !req
227. And that's all.
Copy !req
228. Same old borin' story, eh?
Copy !req
229. Well, you asked.
Copy !req
230. Say, why is it bad luck to kill a gull?
Copy !req
231. In 'em's the souls of sailors
what met their maker.
Copy !req
232. You a prayin' man, Winslow?
Copy !req
233. Not as often as I might.
Copy !req
234. But I'm god-fearin',
if that's what you're askin'.
Copy !req
235. Shit.
Copy !req
236. Wind's changed.
Copy !req
237. Oh. Good riddance.
Copy !req
238. Oh, don't be so darn foolish.
It's the calm afore the storm, Winslow.
Copy !req
239. She were a gentle westerly wind
you're cursin'.
Copy !req
240. Only feels roughly 'cause you don't know
nothin' about nothin',
Copy !req
241. and there ain't no trees on this here rock
like your Hudson bay bush.
Copy !req
242. Nor'easterly wind'll come soon
Copy !req
243. a-blowin' like Gabriel's horn.
Copy !req
244. Best board up them signal house winders.
Copy !req
245. - Aye, sir.
- 'Twill keep steady
Copy !req
246. afore the tender comes in the morn,
I 'spect,
Copy !req
247. but there's dirty weather knockin' about.
Copy !req
248. Somethin' stirring in ye?
Copy !req
249. You're gettin' off this rock tomorry,
Copy !req
250. Don't start grudgen me now.
Copy !req
251. No, sir.
Copy !req
252. Keeping secrets, are ye?
Copy !req
253. I could just use a hand
with them boards, is all.
Copy !req
254. Pull, Winslow!
Copy !req
255. Look at 'em.
Copy !req
256. Better than fin fishin'.
Copy !req
257. Ain't no crime to take a snort now.
A clear night, and our last afore relief.
Copy !req
258. I ain't never known an inspector
what wouldn't turn a blind eye.
Copy !req
259. And I won't take no for an answer.
Copy !req
260. Should pale death and treble dread...
Copy !req
261. Ah, hell. To... to relief.
Copy !req
262. And how.
Copy !req
263. and a pretty lass, she were,
takin' off her bonnet,
Copy !req
264. but as I says, I'd broke me leg,
and banged meself all up.
Copy !req
265. It was to a nuns' hospital.
Copy !req
266. All of them nuns
were catholics, I tell ye.
Copy !req
267. But I never went to Salem since
without hoping that I should see her,
Copy !req
268. for beddin' down weren't the same since.
Copy !req
269. You feel shame when you lie with a woman?
Copy !req
270. I ain't 'shamed of nothing!
Copy !req
271. Well, I'll say it...
Copy !req
272. I might even miss ye, Ephraim Winslow.
Copy !req
273. You're fastly a true blue wickie
Copy !req
274. in the making, you is.
Copy !req
275. Thought one night you was bound to
split me skull in twain,
Copy !req
276. but you're a good-un.
Copy !req
277. Why, you'll be workin' the lamp
in no time.
Copy !req
278. Why haven't 1?
Copy !req
279. What?
Copy !req
280. The light.
Copy !req
281. I'm the keeper of this station, lad.
Copy !req
282. Some other station, y'can tend the light.
Copy !req
283. The manual says...
Copy !req
284. - My log is the only book on this rock...
- Since I'm wickie...
Copy !req
285. I'm the keeper of the light, lad.
I never let no man touch her...
Copy !req
286. Don't concern yourself
with the beacon, lad!
Copy !req
287. Mine!
Copy !req
288. Have it your way.
Copy !req
289. Say, I never...
Copy !req
290. I don't... I don't know your name.
Copy !req
291. W ake.
Copy !req
292. Your Christian name.
Copy !req
293. Thomas.
Copy !req
294. - Thomas?
- Aye, Thomas wake.
Copy !req
295. Call me Tom.
Copy !req
296. Well...
Copy !req
297. To my friend Tom.
Copy !req
298. And gettin' off this goddamn rock.
Copy !req
299. What are y'splittin' your lungs fer?
Copy !req
300. You smell o' shit.
Copy !req
301. Best swab this mess
afore the tender comes.
Copy !req
302. Do as you're told, lad.
The quarters are dire.
Copy !req
303. Aye... aye, sir. Aye.
Copy !req
304. They didn't come.
Copy !req
305. The damp's got to the provisions!
Copy !req
306. What?
Copy !req
307. The damp's got to the provisions!
Copy !req
308. The damp's got to the foodstuffs.
The salt COD is out.
Copy !req
309. - Out?
- Blasted. Gone to rot.
Copy !req
310. - Praised be.
- Will you hear me now?
Copy !req
311. - Hear what?
- That we best be rationing.
Copy !req
312. - Rationing?
- Insubordinate again?
Copy !req
313. It's only been one day.
Copy !req
314. Devil's tail.
Copy !req
315. Look, maybe the tender did come.
We just missed her, is all.
Copy !req
316. I can take the dory out.
Copy !req
317. Weeks, Winslow. Weeks.
Copy !req
318. What?
Copy !req
319. What do you mean, what?
Copy !req
320. - Weeks?
- Weeks. Aye, weeks.
Copy !req
321. We slept in. Dead drunk.
Copy !req
322. It's been weeks ago
since we missed her, Winslow.
Copy !req
323. And I've been askin' ye
to ration for weeks now, too,
Copy !req
324. but you've kept barking at me
like a mad dog
Copy !req
325. sayin' you can take the dory out.
Copy !req
326. - Now, look here...
- Oh, no. Don't be losing your head now.
Copy !req
327. - This ain't funny.
- No, it ain't.
Copy !req
328. And I ain't want to be stranded here
with some damn lunatic.
Copy !req
329. Stranded?
Copy !req
330. That's what I said.
Copy !req
331. Why, I thought... I thought you said
relief was coming.
Copy !req
332. If we can wait out the storm.
Copy !req
333. The tender is coming.
Copy !req
334. In '75, ol' Striker were marooned here
for seven long months, he was.
Copy !req
335. The storm died on the mainland,
but here, the waters were too rageful
Copy !req
336. neither to launch nor land.
Copy !req
337. You're just tryin' to scare me.
Copy !req
338. Look at ye. Pretendin'.
Copy !req
339. But ye well know your lot.
Copy !req
340. Dig!
Copy !req
341. Dig, says I!
Copy !req
342. Dig!
Copy !req
343. Dig!
Copy !req
344. There she lies.
Copy !req
345. Rations.
Copy !req
346. The worst of us
couldn't fend 'gainst the ship rats
Copy !req
347. what gnawed on the soles of our feet.
Copy !req
348. Their legs withered
and turned gangree'nous,
Copy !req
349. every shade of the peacock's tail.
Copy !req
350. Their gums grew swollen,
the color of bone, then to rot.
Copy !req
351. Tarry blood oozed,
Copy !req
352. teeth droppin' to the deck
with none to hold on to.
Copy !req
353. "Land ho!" Hears I,
Copy !req
354. but only grass on that island.
So we et upon the grass.
Copy !req
355. And 'twas that scurvy
what left me locked ever since.
Copy !req
356. I thought you said you'd broke it.
Copy !req
357. Aye?
Copy !req
358. Your leg.
Copy !req
359. Catholic nuns and such like.
Copy !req
360. You must've misheard.
Copy !req
361. - I told that dumb bastard...
- Yep. Them eaves be gonners.
Copy !req
362. "Give me your cant hook," I says to him.
Copy !req
363. But... foreman Winslow,
Copy !req
364. that goddamned canady bastard...
Copy !req
365. - Winslow?
- Always callin' me a dog.
Copy !req
366. A filthy dog.
Copy !req
367. I'll show you who's a dog.
Copy !req
368. - What of him?
- Who, Winslow?
Copy !req
369. The eaves be fallin'...
Copy !req
370. - He's always raggin' on me.
- Ragging?
Copy !req
371. Like you. Damn fool nonsense.
Copy !req
372. That's the trouble with ye, Winslow.
Copy !req
373. Trouble with you is eatin' grass
without no teeth.
Copy !req
374. Come now?
Copy !req
375. Your sea Matey's teeth had fallen out.
Copy !req
376. What are ye gettin' at, Winslow?
Copy !req
377. Ah. Well, it just seems powerful hard
Copy !req
378. to eat grass with no teeth.
Copy !req
379. 'Cause goats and sheeps and cows,
Copy !req
380. well, now, they all got teeth, don't they?
Copy !req
381. Y'know how y'eat grass without your teeth?
Copy !req
382. Oblige me.
Copy !req
383. Ye rip it out and ye swallow it.
Copy !req
384. "You rip it out and you swallow it."
Copy !req
385. - Ye rip it out...
- I don't know 'bout that.
Copy !req
386. Y'don't?
Copy !req
387. I don't.
Copy !req
388. What?
Copy !req
389. What?
Copy !req
390. What?
Copy !req
391. What?
Copy !req
392. What?
Copy !req
393. - What?
- What?
Copy !req
394. - What?
- What?
Copy !req
395. - What?
- What?
Copy !req
396. - What?
- What?
Copy !req
397. - What?
- What?
Copy !req
398. - What?
- What?
Copy !req
399. What?
Copy !req
400. - That's what I mean!
- W hat?
Copy !req
401. That's the trouble with you.
Copy !req
402. That's the trouble with ye!
Copy !req
403. - With you!
- With ye!
Copy !req
404. No! No!
Copy !req
405. I want a steak!
Copy !req
406. I want a goddamned steak!
Copy !req
407. I...
Copy !req
408. If I had a steak... oh, boy.
Copy !req
409. A... a rare, a bloody steak.
Copy !req
410. If I... if I had a steak,
Copy !req
411. I would fuck it.
Copy !req
412. You don't like me cookin'?
Copy !req
413. Ugh, don't be such an old bitch!
Copy !req
414. You're drunk!
You don't know what you're talkin'.
Copy !req
415. How could I possibly like
the horseshit you fix us for supper?
Copy !req
416. You're drunk,
or ye wouldn't be saying that!
Copy !req
417. Them tin kitchen shanty cooks
gave us fried doughnuts three times a day
Copy !req
418. and country ham bigger than your fist.
You're drunk! You're drunk! You're drunk!
Copy !req
419. - I'm drunk? I...
- You heard me!
Copy !req
420. - You've been drunk...
- Damn ye!
Copy !req
421. Drunk since I first laid eyes on you.
Copy !req
422. You're fond of me lobster, ain't ye?
Copy !req
423. You're drunker than a virginy fence.
Copy !req
424. I seen it. You're fond of me lobster.
Copy !req
425. Say it.
Copy !req
426. Say it.
Copy !req
427. Say it!
Copy !req
428. I don't have to say nothin'.
Copy !req
429. Damn ye!
Copy !req
430. Let Neptune strike ye dead, Winslow!
Copy !req
431. Hark!
Copy !req
432. Hark, triton, hark!
Copy !req
433. Bellow, bid our father, the sea king,
Copy !req
434. rise from the depths,
full foul in his fury,
Copy !req
435. black waves teeming with salt-foam,
Copy !req
436. to smother this young mouth
with pungent slime,
Copy !req
437. to choke ye, engorging your organs
till ye turn blue and bloated
Copy !req
438. with bilge and brine
and can scream no more.
Copy !req
439. Only when he, crowned in cockle shells
Copy !req
440. with slithering tentacled tail
and steaming beard,
Copy !req
441. take up his fell, be-finned arm,
Copy !req
442. his coral-tined trident screeches,
Copy !req
443. banshee-like in the tempest,
Copy !req
444. and plunges right through your gullet,
Copy !req
445. bursting ye, a bulging bladder no more,
Copy !req
446. but a blasted bloody film now,
Copy !req
447. a nothing for the harpies
and the souls of dead sailors
Copy !req
448. to peck and claw and feed upon,
Copy !req
449. only to be lapped up and swallowed
by the infinite waters
Copy !req
450. of the dread emperor himself,
Copy !req
451. forgotten to any man,
Copy !req
452. to any time,
Copy !req
453. forgotten to any god or devil,
forgotten even to the sea,
Copy !req
454. for any stuff or part of Winslow,
even any scantling of your soul,
Copy !req
455. is Winslow no more,
Copy !req
456. but is now itself the sea.
Copy !req
457. All right. Have it your way.
Copy !req
458. I like your cooking.
Copy !req
459. Son of a bitch.
Copy !req
460. Queer way to wear your shoes.
Copy !req
461. Just didn't wanna wake you, is all.
Copy !req
462. It's a long night.
Copy !req
463. And such.
Copy !req
464. Hmm. The sun is over the yardarm.
Copy !req
465. Best find some winks
afore the day draws farther on.
Copy !req
466. Get back to your duties
or I'll give you a real keelhauling.
Copy !req
467. You ain't even human no more.
Copy !req
468. Workin' apart from folks so long.
Copy !req
469. You're only tolerable when you're drunk.
Copy !req
470. Get to work, says I.
Copy !req
471. To work!
Copy !req
472. Dance! Dance, Winslow! Dance!
Copy !req
473. Aye.
Copy !req
474. Get off me! Get off me!
Copy !req
475. - Thomas.
- Aye.
Copy !req
476. - It's Thomas.
- Aye.
Copy !req
477. No, I'm Thomas.
Copy !req
478. I'm Thomas. You're Ephraim.
Copy !req
479. I lied.
Copy !req
480. Well, I'll be scuppered.
Copy !req
481. I'm Thomas. Tommy.
Copy !req
482. Tommy? Tommy Winslow.
Copy !req
483. No. Tom Howard.
Copy !req
484. What's Winslow?
Copy !req
485. - It's nothing.
- Nothing?
Copy !req
486. Can I trust you?
Copy !req
487. Don't be spilling any of your beans to me.
Copy !req
488. I ain't interested.
Copy !req
489. No. It wasn't that way, is all...
Just, see...
Copy !req
490. I see what you're fixin' to do.
You get me all liquored up...
Copy !req
491. Your guilty conscience
is ever as tiresome-borin'
Copy !req
492. as any a guilty conscience.
Copy !req
493. - Who...
- Worse. Worse.
Copy !req
494. It was... it was a drive, see.
Copy !req
495. It was a log drive,
and he... he's raggin' on me.
Copy !req
496. No, I see what you're doing.
Copy !req
497. Nothing.
Copy !req
498. Look, Tom, don't be working
to twist words out of my head.
Copy !req
499. I ain't.
Copy !req
500. Um, I can't... I can't do it. I can't...
Copy !req
501. Shut up your own rag box.
Copy !req
502. I trust... I trust... I trust you.
Copy !req
503. No.
Copy !req
504. I... I trust you, Tom.
Copy !req
505. You trust me?
Copy !req
506. No, I don't trust you at all.
Copy !req
507. And I had 'im handy and helpless.
Copy !req
508. Alone.
Copy !req
509. Too far downstream.
Copy !req
510. And I... I wanted to do 'im in.
I admit I did.
Copy !req
511. Seein' the back of his head.
Copy !req
512. One swipe of the cant hook'd be all.
Copy !req
513. Uh... it was...
Copy !req
514. I... 1 didn't...
Copy !req
515. I didn't... I did not.
Copy !req
516. The day was long as hell on that drive.
Copy !req
517. I was lead-tired. I admit it.
Copy !req
518. But I saw him slippin', not me.
Copy !req
519. We saw the jam comin'.
Copy !req
520. I stood and he slipped.
Copy !req
521. He shouted up.
And I... I just stood there.
Copy !req
522. "Tom, you dog!"
Copy !req
523. I just stood there, is all. Just...
Copy !req
524. Just stood and watched 'im
get swallowed by them logs.
Copy !req
525. And all I could think
when he was done was,
Copy !req
526. I... I could use me a smoke.
Copy !req
527. That's it.
Copy !req
528. So, I packed up his kit and fixin's,
as if they was my own and...
Copy !req
529. Ephraim Winslow, well, now,
he got a spiffy clean slate.
Copy !req
530. And Thomas Howard, well, he don't.
Copy !req
531. No prospects.
Copy !req
532. How else am I gonna find respectable work?
Copy !req
533. Tom!
Copy !req
534. Tom!
Copy !req
535. Why'd y'spill your beans, Tommy?
Copy !req
536. Why'd y'spill your beans?
Copy !req
537. Why'd y'spill your beans?
Copy !req
538. Don't leave me!
Copy !req
539. You crazy son of a bitch!
You smashed up the lifeboat!
Copy !req
540. You're abandoning your post!
Copy !req
541. What're you gonna do?
Send for the lighthouse establishment?
Copy !req
542. Certain, says I. I'll report ye,
I'll bring the inspector up.
Copy !req
543. I'll report you! I know what you done.
Copy !req
544. Who's reportin' who?
Ephraim Winslow? Or Thomas Howard?
Copy !req
545. I know what you done.
Copy !req
546. You killed your second.
Copy !req
547. Your one-eyed junior man.
Copy !req
548. I found him. In the lobster pot.
Copy !req
549. Said he went mad?
Copy !req
550. You made him mad with that charm!
Copy !req
551. That scrimshaw trinket.
Copy !req
552. But I broke it, see. See?
Copy !req
553. Now I'm free. I'm free from your designs!
Copy !req
554. And I got it all figured out,
Copy !req
555. 'cept what's the secret mischief
your keepin' up there!
Copy !req
556. Jesus, Mary and Joseph, Tommy.
Copy !req
557. Last night you made a confession
'twould make a Saint swear.
Copy !req
558. I don't have nothin' to confess,
Copy !req
559. but you, spillin' your beans,
look what it's done to ye.
Copy !req
560. It's made ye mad.
Copy !req
561. And I knew ye was mad
when y'smashed up that lifeboat just now,
Copy !req
562. a-chasing me with an ax,
tryin' to kill ol' Tom.
Copy !req
563. Don't ye trust me, Tommy?
Copy !req
564. Better hand me
the dinner knife ye pocketed.
Copy !req
565. Y'ain't safe with it.
Copy !req
566. That's a good lad.
Copy !req
567. Them's government property.
Copy !req
568. Deducted from your pay.
Copy !req
569. Look at your shiverin'.
Copy !req
570. You're so mad, y'know not up from down.
Copy !req
571. How long have we been on this rock?
Copy !req
572. Five weeks?
Copy !req
573. Two days?
Copy !req
574. Where are we?
Copy !req
575. Help me to recollect,
who are you again, Tommy?
Copy !req
576. I'm probably
a figment of your imagination.
Copy !req
577. This rock is a figment
of your imagination too.
Copy !req
578. You're probably wand'rin' through a grove
of tag alders up north in canady,
Copy !req
579. like a frostbitten maniac,
talkin' to yourself,
Copy !req
580. knee-deep in snow.
Copy !req
581. I could use me a smoke.
Copy !req
582. We're outta drink.
Copy !req
583. Monkey pump!
Copy !req
584. This place is a sty.
Copy !req
585. Mornin' to you too.
Copy !req
586. I wish I could go for a walk.
Copy !req
587. Be my guest. You'll get drowned.
Copy !req
588. Fiery pit.
Copy !req
589. Ain't there no justice left in this world?
Copy !req
590. Thankee.
Copy !req
591. What's wrong with your hand?
Copy !req
592. The other one.
Copy !req
593. Ye hear o' tetanus?
Copy !req
594. - Tet-a-nus?
- Hmm. Yeah.
Copy !req
595. It started as a sliver of a cut, is all...
Copy !req
596. I said I heard of it.
Copy !req
597. From the forestaysail
when we shoved off...
Copy !req
598. - Don't you ever shut up?
- But come a fortnight,
Copy !req
599. - the bosun was a-shakin'.
- Stop.
Copy !req
600. His jaw locked tighter than an anchor...
Copy !req
601. Shut your gum, goddamn it!
I can't hear no more!
Copy !req
602. What were it ye accused me of?
Copy !req
603. Y'already told me y'had me figgerd.
Copy !req
604. I'm tired of your damned-fool yarns
and your cap'n ahab horseshit.
Copy !req
605. You sound like a goddamned parody.
Copy !req
606. Givin' and nagging orders
like a spinster schoolmarm,
Copy !req
607. and all the while turning this station
Copy !req
608. - to the devil's own rum hole.
- You're makin' a fool of yourself.
Copy !req
609. Well, it's all horseshit...
Copy !req
610. Your leg, and your sea life, all of it!
Copy !req
611. And if I hear one more word of horseshit
coming out of your foul, rotten-toothed,
Copy !req
612. - smelly old mouth...
- Ye... damn ye...
Copy !req
613. Shut up your gum, goddamn it!
I ain't finished yet!
Copy !req
614. You think
you're so goddamned high and mighty
Copy !req
615. just 'cause
you're a goddamned lighthouse keeper?
Copy !req
616. Well, you ain't a captain of no ship
and you never was!
Copy !req
617. You ain't no general, you ain't no copper,
Copy !req
618. you ain't the president,
and you ain't my father!
Copy !req
619. And I'm sick of you actin' like you is!
Copy !req
620. I'm sick of your laughing, your snoring,
and your goddamned farts.
Copy !req
621. Your goddamned...
Copy !req
622. Goddamn your farts!
Copy !req
623. You smell like piss,
you smell like jism,
Copy !req
624. like rotten dick, like curdled foreskin,
Copy !req
625. like hot onions fucked
a farmyard shit house.
Copy !req
626. And I'm sick of your smell.
I'm sick of it!
Copy !req
627. I'm sick of it, you goddamned drunk.
Copy !req
628. You goddamned no-account,
son-of-a-bitch-bastard liar!
Copy !req
629. That's what you are!
Copy !req
630. You're a goddamned drunken,
horse-shitting, short, shit liar.
Copy !req
631. A liar!
Copy !req
632. Ye have a way with words, Tommy.
Copy !req
633. Damn you!
Copy !req
634. You're relieved of your duties.
Copy !req
635. No need to tell me, old-timer.
Copy !req
636. "Assistant slept late."
Copy !req
637. "Work below standard."
Copy !req
638. "Attitude hostile."
Copy !req
639. "Assistant missing."
Copy !req
640. "Given to habitual self-abuse
in the supply shed."
Copy !req
641. "Drunk on duty!"
Copy !req
642. "Assault!"
Copy !req
643. "Theft!"
Copy !req
644. "Recommend severance without pay."
Copy !req
645. Severance without pay?
Copy !req
646. Are you trying to ruin me?
Copy !req
647. I'm a hard worker.
Copy !req
648. I am. I work as hard as any man.
Copy !req
649. - Ye lie, Thomas.
- Stop it!
Copy !req
650. Ye lie to yourself,
but y'ain't have the sauce to see it.
Copy !req
651. Please...
Copy !req
652. Just let me into the light, old man.
Copy !req
653. I've learned so much from you.
Just let me show you. Another chance.
Copy !req
654. Forgive and forget, I says.
Copy !req
655. Just let me into that lantern, is all.
Copy !req
656. Don't make me beg... or I'll beg.
Copy !req
657. I'll beg if that's what you want.
I'll beg.
Copy !req
658. Please.
Copy !req
659. Please. Please! Please!
Copy !req
660. Stand down.
Copy !req
661. You selfish bastard!
Keepin' it all to yourself.
Copy !req
662. You left your old lady,
your children, for what? For what?
Copy !req
663. Look at ye, handsome lad,
with eyes bright as a lady.
Copy !req
664. Come to this rock playin' the tough.
Copy !req
665. Ye make me laugh with your false grum.
Copy !req
666. Ye pretended to some mystery
in your quietudes,
Copy !req
667. but there ain't no mystery.
Copy !req
668. You're an open book. A picture, says I.
Copy !req
669. A painted actress
screaming in the footlights,
Copy !req
670. a bitch what wants to be coveted
for nothin' but being born,
Copy !req
671. cryin' 'bout the silver spoon
what should've been yours.
Copy !req
672. Now look at ye cryin'.
Copy !req
673. Boo. Boo.
Copy !req
674. What you gonna do?
Copy !req
675. Will ye kill me? Will ye?
Copy !req
676. Will y'kill me like y'done that gull?
Copy !req
677. - I didn't...
- Liar! Y'murdering dog!
Copy !req
678. 'Twas ye what changed the wind on us.
'Twas ye what damned us, dog. 'Twas ye!
Copy !req
679. Will y'do what y'wish
y'done to ol' Winslow?
Copy !req
680. Will ye best me then?
For Winslow were right.
Copy !req
681. Thomas, you're a dog. A filthy dog! A dog!
Copy !req
682. Git down!
Copy !req
683. Let go of me!
Copy !req
684. You're killing me!
Copy !req
685. Bark.
Copy !req
686. Bark, boy.
Copy !req
687. Bark, laddie.
Copy !req
688. Bark.
Copy !req
689. Ain't ye never been to sea before?
Copy !req
690. Bark, I says. Bark!
Copy !req
691. Bark, laddie!
Copy !req
692. - Now, there's a good boy.
Copy !req
693. - There's a good dog.
Copy !req
694. Now roll over.
Copy !req
695. Come on.
Copy !req
696. Come on.
Copy !req
697. Git!
Copy !req
698. Come on.
Copy !req
699. Get up here.
Copy !req
700. Good boy. Good boy.
Copy !req
701. Now you get in there, where you belong.
Copy !req
702. You do as I say, dog.
Copy !req
703. There's my good lad.
Copy !req
704. Ye wish to see
what's in the lantern?
Copy !req
705. So did me last assistant.
Copy !req
706. Shut up, old dog!
Copy !req
707. Polish your brasswork.
Copy !req
708. O what protean forms swim up
from men's minds,
Copy !req
709. and melt in hot promethean plunder,
Copy !req
710. scorching eyes,
with divine shames and horror...
Copy !req
711. And casting them down to Davy Jones.
Copy !req
712. The others, still blind,
Copy !req
713. yet in it see
Copy !req
714. all the divine graces
Copy !req
715. and to Fiddler's green sent,
Copy !req
716. where no man is suffered to want or toil,
but is...
Copy !req
717. Ancient...
Copy !req
718. Mutable and unchanging...
Copy !req
719. As the she who girdles 'round the globe.
Copy !req
720. Them's truth.
Copy !req
721. You'll be punished.
Copy !req
722. The light belongs to me!
Copy !req
723. Should pale death with treble dread
make the ocean caves our bed,
Copy !req
724. god who hear'st the surges roll,
deign to save the suppliant soul
Copy !req