1. Daily Sentinel.
Copy !req
2. One minute, please.
Copy !req
3. The mayor doesn't want the article
to print until after the next quarter.
Copy !req
4. Tell the mayor I'm insulted.
Copy !req
5. I'd never jeopardise the journalistic
integrity of this newspaper...
Copy !req
6. for some rent-a-mayor's
political agenda.
Copy !req
7. Very well, Mr.--
Copy !req
8. So, Britt.
Copy !req
9. Here we are again.
Copy !req
10. Sent home after another
schoolyard fight.
Copy !req
11. I know you miss your mother.
Copy !req
12. So do l.
Copy !req
13. But I have to take care
of 750 employees...
Copy !req
14. and you have to
take care of yourself.
Copy !req
15. Still, that seems to be
asking too much.
Copy !req
16. I was trying to stop some bullies
and the guy hit me.
Copy !req
17. Trying doesn't matter
when you always fail.
Copy !req
18. No! No!
Copy !req
19. Do you think it makes
me happy to do this?
Copy !req
20. - Yes!
- No, it doesn't.
Copy !req
21. But not a week goes by without you
finding yourself in trouble.
Copy !req
22. If you're doing this for attention...
Copy !req
23. you have all that I can
afford to give you.
Copy !req
24. And you're wasting my time.
Copy !req
25. Frank!
Copy !req
26. No, no. Not you.
Copy !req
27. Have a seat.
Copy !req
28. Either one.
They're both very comfortable.
Copy !req
29. So, what can I do for you?
Copy !req
30. As you know...
Copy !req
31. I've worked my entire life,
very hard, to achieve one goal.
Copy !req
32. And that goal...
Copy !req
33. which I have,
in fact, achieved...
Copy !req
34. was to be in charge of all the crime
in the city of Los Angeles.
Copy !req
35. Therefore...
Copy !req
36. the fact that you assume
that you can...
Copy !req
37. open this establishment
without my permission...
Copy !req
38. without payment, and sell narcotics
out of it, is completely unacceptable.
Copy !req
39. Really?
Copy !req
40. And, to be honest...
Copy !req
41. quite insulting.
Copy !req
42. Therefore, you must
sign over ownership...
Copy !req
43. of this establishment to me...
Copy !req
44. at which time,
you become my employees.
Copy !req
45. We're your employees?
Copy !req
46. Yeah. Or...
Copy !req
47. close down permanently.
Copy !req
48. Choice is yours.
Copy !req
49. Okay. How do I pronounce
your name?
Copy !req
50. Tchaikovsky?
Copy !req
51. Chudnofsky.
Copy !req
52. Char— Chudofsk—
Copy !req
53. Chowdofsky?
Copy !req
54. Chud-nof-sky.
Copy !req
55. Chudnofsky?
Copy !req
56. All right.
Chudnofsky, kiss my ass.
Copy !req
57. Put your lips to my ass...
Copy !req
58. and kiss it. French kiss it.
Copy !req
59. Tickle it with your grey whiskers.
Copy !req
60. I got bittersweet news for you.
Copy !req
61. You're washed-up.
Copy !req
62. You're old. You're boring.
You're not scary.
Copy !req
63. You dress like shit.
Copy !req
64. It's over for you, okay?
That's the bitter news.
Copy !req
65. Now the sweet news is:
Copy !req
66. You can retire.
Copy !req
67. You can go play golf...
Copy !req
68. eat your dinners at 3:00
in the afternoon...
Copy !req
69. play with your grandkids,
drink Metamucil, old people shit.
Copy !req
70. Okay? Look at me.
Copy !req
71. I got a name people can say.
Copy !req
72. My name's Danny Clear.
Copy !req
73. I deal crystal meth.
Copy !req
74. People call me Crystal Clear.
It's easy.
Copy !req
75. Check out my kick-ass
hangout here.
Copy !req
76. I got shitloads of glass
Copy !req
77. I got a see-through piano.
Copy !req
78. Look at my boys.
Copy !req
79. They're pimped out.
Copy !req
80. We got Gucci...
Copy !req
81. Armani...
Copy !req
82. another Gucci, tailor-made.
Copy !req
83. This is what you need
to get to the top today.
Copy !req
84. Not hard work.
Copy !req
85. Not dressing like
Disco Santa Claus.
Copy !req
86. You need charisma.
Copy !req
87. You look like my Uncle Greg.
Copy !req
88. A very nice guy, but, you know,
he's a dentist.
Copy !req
89. Now consider this
your retirement letter.
Copy !req
90. It's over.
Copy !req
91. See your way out.
Copy !req
92. What, you truly
don't think I'm scary?
Copy !req
93. No.
Copy !req
94. Okay, okay, you're scary.
Copy !req
95. Shit, you're scary.
Copy !req
96. You just said I'm not.
Copy !req
97. No, no, you are. You are.
Copy !req
98. What's a "Disco Santa"?
Copy !req
99. "A Disco Sa—"? I don't know.
Copy !req
100. Sorry.
Copy !req
101. It was just something stupid.
Copy !req
102. You said I'm boring.
Copy !req
103. My gun has two barrels.
That's not boring.
Copy !req
104. And it was very difficult to make.
Copy !req
105. Answer me!
Copy !req
106. What?
Copy !req
107. What could I do
to be more scary?
Copy !req
108. A better name?
Copy !req
109. Cooler name?
Copy !req
110. More colour or something.
Copy !req
111. Maybe you could say
something to people...
Copy !req
112. before you kill them.
But not now.
Copy !req
113. It's hard to think with this
double-barrel in my face.
Copy !req
114. Sorry.
Copy !req
115. You've given me
a lot to think about.
Copy !req
116. You're not gonna kill me?
Oh, I get it.
Copy !req
117. You keep me alive
so I can spread your legend.
Copy !req
118. Okay, I'll do that, man.
I'll spread your legend.
Copy !req
119. Hey, you forgot your briefcase.
Copy !req
120. Let's get this party crazy!
Copy !req
121. Behold, my lady.
Copy !req
122. That's the good stuff.
Copy !req
123. Oh, man.
Copy !req
124. Good morning...
Copy !req
125. Ana Lee.
Copy !req
126. Ana Lee. That's what I meant.
Copy !req
127. Oh, shit.
Copy !req
128. Son. This what you want
from your life?
Copy !req
129. This...
Copy !req
130. This gives you
a sense of fulfilment?
Copy !req
131. Dad, I told you,
tomorrow I'm enrolling...
Copy !req
132. in lTT Technical Institute...
Copy !req
133. and I'm gonna fix computers
for a living, so—
Copy !req
134. I spend...
Copy !req
135. all night writing an editorial...
Copy !req
136. about the nausea this town
has come to inspire.
Copy !req
137. About the corruption, the violence
and the decadence...
Copy !req
138. that we've come to expect
as part of our daily life.
Copy !req
139. Then I have to turn the page...
Copy !req
140. and see my own son's
Copy !req
141. to this mayhem.
Copy !req
142. Sweet! I'm in the paper?
Copy !req
143. Now, you may think you're...
Copy !req
144. humiliating me...
Copy !req
145. but you're humiliating yourself.
Copy !req
146. Sorry. If you don't like it,
just ask them not to print it.
Copy !req
147. It's your newspaper.
Copy !req
148. I can't, because, unfortunately,
it's news.
Copy !req
149. That's a good point.
Copy !req
150. I kept myself out of
the papers for years.
Copy !req
151. Now do me a favour
and do the same.
Copy !req
152. And I told you...
Copy !req
153. stop taking girls
into my garage.
Copy !req
154. You do it again,
I'll change the lock.
Copy !req
155. - Okay, but can you sign this for me?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
156. "Never stop the partay."
Copy !req
157. Look at these.
Copy !req
158. My shoe.
Copy !req
159. - Hello? Hello?
- Hello?
Copy !req
160. I'm very uncomfortable.
Copy !req
161. Who is it?
Copy !req
162. Paparazzi in the house.
Copy !req
163. Change the channel.
Copy !req
164. I think we may have our
first visual on Britt Reid.
Copy !req
165. - Go, go, go! Go! Get in there!
- It's for me. Hello?
Copy !req
166. Get in there!
Copy !req
167. And how are you coping
with your father's death?
Copy !req
168. Give us some insight!
Copy !req
169. If you're just joining us...
Copy !req
170. James Reid has been found dead
from an allergic...
Copy !req
171. reaction to a bee sting...
Copy !req
172. leaving his son his media empire.
Copy !req
173. How are you coping
with your father's death?
Copy !req
174. It was during my
election campaign...
Copy !req
175. for district attorney
that I first met James Reid.
Copy !req
176. And it was immediately clear to me
that he was a man of...
Copy !req
177. infallible integrity.
Copy !req
178. He dedicated himself to this city
through his philanthropic endeavours...
Copy !req
179. and his newspaper,
The Daily Sentinel...
Copy !req
180. a shining beacon of truth.
Copy !req
181. He was our North Star.
Copy !req
182. He showed us the way.
Copy !req
183. Thank you, James.
Copy !req
184. Britt, your father was truly...
Copy !req
185. a great man.
When I started campaigning...
Copy !req
186. he gave me some—
Copy !req
187. The best businessman
I've ever known.
Copy !req
188. - He always came out on top.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Copy !req
189. Britt?
Copy !req
190. Britt.
Copy !req
191. Hey. I'm so sorry for your loss.
Copy !req
192. I just wanted to say
that my father...
Copy !req
193. was a federal court judge,
so I think I know how it feels.
Copy !req
194. When he passed away,
I had some pretty big shoes to fill.
Copy !req
195. Just like you.
Copy !req
196. So if you ever need
somebody to talk to...
Copy !req
197. I mean, if you ever just want to grab
a drink, you want to get cheered up...
Copy !req
198. I'm around.
Copy !req
199. Okay, thanks, man.
I really appreciate—
Copy !req
200. - Lock it up.
- Yeah. Okay.
Copy !req
201. - Keep it tight.
- Cool.
Copy !req
202. This is your newspaper...
Copy !req
203. but the burden doesn't
have to fall on you alone.
Copy !req
204. I've been your father's...
Copy !req
205. most trusted colleague
for the past 45 years.
Copy !req
206. I'm gonna make sure
The Daily Sentinel...
Copy !req
207. stays on a path that
would make him proud.
Copy !req
208. So, what do you think
of all this?
Copy !req
209. I don't think anything, man.
Copy !req
210. I don't know a thing
about this newspaper.
Copy !req
211. I've never even read
a full edition of it.
Copy !req
212. You can do whatever the hell
you want with it.
Copy !req
213. I'm not the guy to run
The Sentinel.
Copy !req
214. Trying doesn't matter
when you always fail.
Copy !req
215. Where's my leaf?
Copy !req
216. Stupid bush.
Copy !req
217. Hello!
Copy !req
218. Who makes my coffee?
Copy !req
219. Will someone explain to me why,
on the worst day of my life...
Copy !req
220. my coffee tastes like shit?
Copy !req
221. Your coffee is normally
made by Kato.
Copy !req
222. Who the hell is that?
Copy !req
223. He works on your father's cars
and makes his coffee.
Copy !req
224. You fired him and everyone who
works for your father yesterday.
Copy !req
225. I want Kato here now!
Copy !req
226. You're Kato?
Copy !req
227. I thought your name was Henry.
I thought the pool guy was Kato.
Copy !req
228. I'm Kato.
Copy !req
229. I'm sorry to hear about your father.
Copy !req
230. He was a complex man.
Copy !req
231. Yeah.
Copy !req
232. I have two questions for you, Kato.
Then you can go home.
Copy !req
233. Why is it that my dad's mechanic
makes the coffee?
Copy !req
234. And why is it that without you,
the coffee tastes...
Copy !req
235. like crap?
Copy !req
236. I think it's easier if I show you.
Copy !req
237. Holy cow.
Copy !req
238. Where did you get that thing?
Copy !req
239. I made it.
Copy !req
240. Watch this.
Copy !req
241. You made that?
Copy !req
242. Sit with me, Kato.
Tell me your tale.
Copy !req
243. I was born in Shanghai.
You know Shanghai?
Copy !req
244. Love Japan.
Copy !req
245. My parents died when I was 4...
Copy !req
246. and until I was 12
I lived in an orphanage.
Copy !req
247. I'm sorry. My mom died
when I was young too.
Copy !req
248. What happened after that?
Copy !req
249. Then me and a few friends
ran away.
Copy !req
250. - Lived on the street.
- How'd you start...
Copy !req
251. - ... working for my dad?
- I work in a garage.
Copy !req
252. And one day your father came in
with a '65 Chrysler.
Copy !req
253. I know the car well.
Copy !req
254. He was so happy with my work
that he offered me a job.
Copy !req
255. I said yes.
Copy !req
256. The coffee.
How'd that come about?
Copy !req
257. He used to always say:
Copy !req
258. "No one could ever make me
a good cup of coffee."
Copy !req
259. Good impression.
Copy !req
260. So I built him the coffee machine.
Copy !req
261. Well, you make one
damn fine cup of coffee, sir.
Copy !req
262. Wanna see something cool?
Copy !req
263. Yeah.
Copy !req
264. Not bad, man.
Copy !req
265. - You did that?
- Yep.
Copy !req
266. Industrial polycarbonate.
Copy !req
267. What the hell is industrial
Copy !req
268. It's the stuff...
Copy !req
269. they use to make shark tanks.
Copy !req
270. What are you doing?
Put that away. Are you crazy?
Copy !req
271. Come on.
Copy !req
272. Don't be a pussy.
Copy !req
273. Okay.
Copy !req
274. What are you gonna do?
Copy !req
275. Dude.
Copy !req
276. That was awesome. What is that stuff?
How does that wo—?
Copy !req
277. Whoa, what are you
gonna do now?
Copy !req
278. And...
Copy !req
279. That is some Ben-Hurshit, dude.
Copy !req
280. Yeah.
Copy !req
281. Your dad made me do this kind
of stuff over the last few years.
Copy !req
282. That is the balls.
Copy !req
283. Old man was getting
paranoid, huh?
Copy !req
284. You like that?
Copy !req
285. - Yeah.
- Check this out.
Copy !req
286. You drew all these?
Copy !req
287. This is awesome.
Copy !req
288. Kato, you are...
Copy !req
289. a really good drawer.
Copy !req
290. This is really impressive.
Copy !req
291. Thanks. That's the stuff
I would really like to do.
Copy !req
292. Holy—!
Copy !req
293. Kato, are you a pervert?
Copy !req
294. I wish I could draw stuff that sexy.
Copy !req
295. Beer?
Copy !req
296. Yeah, I'd love a beer. Sure.
Copy !req
297. Thank you.
Copy !req
298. Hey, Kato?
Copy !req
299. What did you think of my father?
Copy !req
300. He was fine.
Copy !req
301. Come on. Just tell me.
Copy !req
302. He was my boss.
Nobody loves their boss.
Copy !req
303. Don't sugar-coat this.
You're not going to offend me.
Copy !req
304. Just tell me, man to man.
Copy !req
305. He was a bit of a dick.
Copy !req
306. Yep.
Copy !req
307. You are—
Copy !req
308. Look at that.
Copy !req
309. I am genius.
Copy !req
310. - You are a genius.
- Yeah.
Copy !req
311. You're a mad genius.
Copy !req
312. I like classical music.
Copy !req
313. You're a genius who likes classical
music. You know what you are?
Copy !req
314. A human Swiss Army knife.
Copy !req
315. What's that mean?
Copy !req
316. It's a little thing,
you keep pulling out things.
Copy !req
317. When you think
there couldn't be any more...
Copy !req
318. a new cool thing comes out.
That's you.
Copy !req
319. You even dress like one.
Copy !req
320. Just need a little plus
on your chest.
Copy !req
321. - Let's drink more.
- Yeah, let's drink.
Copy !req
322. Yeah.
Copy !req
323. You're speaking Chinese.
Copy !req
324. Oh, shit. Sorry.
Copy !req
325. I spent three weeks making a new
bumper for his Rolls-Royce.
Copy !req
326. And the day after I finished,
he crashed it.
Copy !req
327. He actually said it was my fault.
He screamed at me.
Copy !req
328. That sounds like him.
Copy !req
329. Listen to this, here's another story
of the 10 million I have.
Copy !req
330. I'm young, there's a—
Copy !req
331. Guys are picking on a girl
in school, I try to stop it.
Copy !req
332. I get in trouble.
Copy !req
333. What does my dad do?
Copy !req
334. He takes my favourite toy, and he rips
the head off of it! Right in front of me.
Copy !req
335. He throws it in the garbage.
Copy !req
336. I was trying to help!
That's all I was trying to do!
Copy !req
337. You know, it's unbelievable.
Copy !req
338. He's an ass his entire life and then,
you know, they build him a statue.
Copy !req
339. I just don't think...
Copy !req
340. People are gonna look at it
and think he's great but he's not.
Copy !req
341. It's totally unfair.
Copy !req
342. There's no justice.
Copy !req
343. Well, Kato?
Copy !req
344. What do you say we get ourselves
some goddamn justice, huh?
Copy !req
345. You serious?
Copy !req
346. I'm totally serious.
Copy !req
347. Let's do something crazy, man.
Let's do something nuts!
Copy !req
348. Let's just do it.
Copy !req
349. Yeah!
Copy !req
350. Let's roll, Kato.
Copy !req
351. Do you think it makes me
happy to do this, Dad?
Copy !req
352. Come here.
Copy !req
353. I know what you mean.
Copy !req
354. Oh, this looks ominous.
Copy !req
355. Where you going, man?
Copy !req
356. Oh, shit. Oh, no.
Copy !req
357. What do I do? What do I do?
Copy !req
358. Oh, God.
Copy !req
359. Hey! Leave them alone!
Copy !req
360. Let's get him!
Copy !req
361. Oh, shit!
Copy !req
362. I made a mistake!
Copy !req
363. Shit.
Copy !req
364. Guys, seriously! That's messed up!
Copy !req
365. Seriously!
Copy !req
366. No!
Copy !req
367. Okay. Okay. No.
Copy !req
368. I'm gonna give him a root canal.
Copy !req
369. Just cut him.
Copy !req
370. Get off, man! That's enough!
Copy !req
371. Open wi—
Copy !req
372. - You're a dead man!
- Come on, let's go!
Copy !req
373. Britt! Behind you!
Copy !req
374. Eat shit!
Copy !req
375. Kato, wait up!
Copy !req
376. Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
Copy !req
377. Wait! Wait for me! Wait! Wait!
Copy !req
378. - Go, go, go.
- I'm in! I'm in! I'm in!
Copy !req
379. Oh, God! That was crazy!
I can't believe that!
Copy !req
380. Holy shit! Oh, my God, Kato.
Copy !req
381. Shit. Pigs.
Copy !req
382. Oh, no. Oh, no.
Copy !req
383. Are you a good driver?
Copy !req
384. You kidding me?
Copy !req
385. When I was a kid,
me and some friends—
Copy !req
386. Kato, not now. Just drive.
Copy !req
387. Okay, okay.
Copy !req
388. Just act cool.
Copy !req
389. - What do I do?
- Just act casual.
Copy !req
390. Pull it over! Now!
Copy !req
391. What are you doing?
Copy !req
392. I'm trying to lose him.
Copy !req
393. I don't know!
Copy !req
394. Man, now we're in a car chase!
Copy !req
395. Here he comes!
Copy !req
396. Show me your hands!
Copy !req
397. He's trying to kill us!
Copy !req
398. Do the Ben-Hurshit!
Copy !req
399. The Ben-Hurshit!
Copy !req
400. Oh, no.
Copy !req
401. Damn it.
Copy !req
402. Kato...
Copy !req
403. I think this is the greatest
moment of my entire life.
Copy !req
404. I know. Mine too.
Copy !req
405. Yeah! We rule!
Copy !req
406. That was amazing!
Copy !req
407. We are awesome!
Copy !req
408. That was crazy!
Copy !req
409. How do you do that, dude?
You beat the crap out of those guys!
Copy !req
410. Where I grew up,
it was very dangerous.
Copy !req
411. I got in a lot of fights
when I was a kid.
Copy !req
412. But you knew where people
were without looking.
Copy !req
413. You were so fast.
Copy !req
414. When my heart starts pumping,
it's almost like time slows down.
Copy !req
415. It's unbelievable how cool we are!
Copy !req
416. Do you hear me, Dad? We did it!
Copy !req
417. That was amazing!
Copy !req
418. Kato, I'm serious.
Copy !req
419. I'm gonna get real with you,
so just go with this.
Copy !req
420. It might get weird and intimate...
Copy !req
421. but just accept me, okay?
Copy !req
422. What we did tonight was fantastic.
It was amazing.
Copy !req
423. We saved those people, man.
We saved their lives!
Copy !req
424. So here's what I'm saying.
We keep doing this.
Copy !req
425. You can beat the crap
out of a million dudes...
Copy !req
426. because you freeze time
when your heart starts pumping.
Copy !req
427. We do that every night,
I'm saying!
Copy !req
428. Kato? Kato?
Copy !req
429. We could be heroes
Copy !req
430. Hey, hey, hey.
Copy !req
431. Look, look.
Copy !req
432. We're on television!
Copy !req
433. We're on TV.
Copy !req
434. Look at me!
Copy !req
435. Where am l?
Copy !req
436. I don't know.
Copy !req
437. I'm too fast for TV.
Copy !req
438. Yes, exactly.
Copy !req
439. We saved those people and they
just talk about that stupid head.
Copy !req
440. How can we be heroes
if they think we're criminals?
Copy !req
441. The suspects are considered
armed and dangerous.
Copy !req
442. I am coming to you live from
Elysian Fields Cemetery...
Copy !req
443. Okay.
Copy !req
444. Think about this, Kato.
Copy !req
445. What is the one insanely stupid thing
every superhero has in common?
Copy !req
446. Tights?
Copy !req
447. No.
Copy !req
448. Cape?
Copy !req
449. No, Kato.
Copy !req
450. It's that everyone knows that they're
the good guy, the hero, you know?
Copy !req
451. All the bad guy has to do is
start capping innocent people...
Copy !req
452. and he's got the good guy
by the nuts.
Copy !req
453. It's in every movie,
it's in every comic book.
Copy !req
454. It's in everything. It's so stupid.
Copy !req
455. But if the bad guy...
Copy !req
456. thought the good guy was also a bad
guy, he wouldn't be able to do that.
Copy !req
457. That's what we'll do differently.
We will...
Copy !req
458. pose as villains...
Copy !req
459. but we'll act like heroes.
Copy !req
460. But then the police and the bad guys
will both try to kill us.
Copy !req
461. We're dead already, Kato.
Copy !req
462. I mean, seriously, look at us.
Copy !req
463. We've both been completely
wasting our potential.
Copy !req
464. You a little bit more than me.
Copy !req
465. What do you want your
autobiography to be called?
Copy !req
466. Oil Changes and Cappuccinos?
Copy !req
467. Because I think Balls Deep
in Shit-Kicking Dudes by Kato...
Copy !req
468. is a much cooler-sounding book.
Copy !req
469. I would read that book,
and I don't read shit.
Copy !req
470. But when they adapted it into a movie,
I would see the shit out of it.
Copy !req
471. Kato, you should never make
coffee for anyone again.
Copy !req
472. It's a waste of your talent.
Copy !req
473. It's not dying that
you need to be afraid of.
Copy !req
474. It's never having lived
in the first place.
Copy !req
475. It did feel good
saving those people.
Copy !req
476. Well, technically, I saved them,
but you helped.
Copy !req
477. Whatever.
Copy !req
478. - Let's not get technical.
- But why would people...
Copy !req
479. take us serious? We're just
two guys who stole a head.
Copy !req
480. I know how to make them
take us seriously.
Copy !req
481. All right, gentlemen. Hear ye, hear ye.
Court is in session.
Copy !req
482. Let's talk shop, okay?
Copy !req
483. Shall we?
Copy !req
484. Who's this guy?
Copy !req
485. Who's your friend?
Copy !req
486. - He's my man.
- I'm not your man.
Copy !req
487. He's not my man.
No. He's not my man.
Copy !req
488. He's like, you know, he's like
"my man." He's my—
Copy !req
489. Not— We're plato— It's plato—
Copy !req
490. We're platonic friends.
Platonic male friends.
Copy !req
491. He's my...
Copy !req
492. executive associate.
Copy !req
493. Yes. That's who he is,
and that doesn't matter.
Copy !req
494. What does matter
is how we tackle...
Copy !req
495. this horrible incident.
Copy !req
496. Whoever did this means business,
and this is just the beginning.
Copy !req
497. What are you talking about?
You mean the vandalising business?
Copy !req
498. I get it.
Copy !req
499. Listen, let's not blow this thing
out of proportion.
Copy !req
500. I will blow this guy
in any proportion I like.
Copy !req
501. This is my...
Copy !req
502. newspaper, Axford, and I want
this man on the front page of it.
Copy !req
503. I want him on the webpage.
I want you to blog about him.
Copy !req
504. I want him on every
news outlet we have.
Copy !req
505. I want the whole city to know...
Copy !req
506. how dangerous this man is.
Copy !req
507. The man that cut the head off...
Copy !req
508. of my father's statue. Not yours.
Copy !req
509. All right.
Copy !req
510. Since there isn't any real info
on the guy's identity...
Copy !req
511. what do we call him?
Copy !req
512. That's easy.
Copy !req
513. I got it.
Copy !req
514. This man is called...
Copy !req
515. the Green Bee.
Copy !req
516. It's kind of lame.
Copy !req
517. It sounds like a knitting store.
Copy !req
518. It sounds like an energy bar.
Copy !req
519. No, that came out wrong. That's not
what I meant. I didn't mean that!
Copy !req
520. I like The Decapitator.
Copy !req
521. Well, then make it like
the Green Desecrater.
Copy !req
522. What's the guy
that drives the horse?
Copy !req
523. Or Green Trenchcoat Guy.
Copy !req
524. The Green Hornet.
Copy !req
525. No. It's more like—
Copy !req
526. - What?
- What did—?
Copy !req
527. The Green Hornet.
Copy !req
528. That's pretty awesome.
Copy !req
529. Much better.
Copy !req
530. - You guys like that?
- Yeah, your man's right.
Copy !req
531. - Green Hornet it is.
- Looks good too.
Copy !req
532. - The Green Hornet. Yeah.
- Okay. Okay. Fine. Fine.
Copy !req
533. It's decided, then.
Copy !req
534. The front page of
tomorrow's newspaper...
Copy !req
535. will feature the Green Hornet.
Unless you like Green Bee better?
Copy !req
536. Anyone? No one?
Copy !req
537. Oh, that's much worse.
Copy !req
538. - Definitely Hornet.
- Okay, fine.
Copy !req
539. Let's roll, Kato.
Copy !req
540. So Green Hornet des— Oh, no, not
"desecrates." How about decapitates?
Copy !req
541. It's gonna be a long night.
Copy !req
542. I am.
Copy !req
543. We need to think of
a cool name for you.
Copy !req
544. The Lil' Stinger!
Copy !req
545. I'm the Green Hornet,
you're Lil' Stinger!
Copy !req
546. No way.
Copy !req
547. The Honey Pot.
Copy !req
548. Get it? Like, bees make honey?
You're my Honey Pot.
Copy !req
549. What's going on?
Copy !req
550. Decapitated statues.
I decapitated real people.
Copy !req
551. No, no. I wouldn't worry about it.
Copy !req
552. He won't affect business.
Copy !req
553. I'm not worried.
Copy !req
554. Who told you I'm worried?
Copy !req
555. DA Scanlon!
Copy !req
556. With the nightclub bombing,
and now this Green Hornet guy...
Copy !req
557. some saying the streets
might not be as safe as you say.
Copy !req
558. Look, guys, stop connecting separate
thoughts with invisible lines.
Copy !req
559. This Green Hornet thing
is just a prank.
Copy !req
560. What you guys should report
is that since I took office...
Copy !req
561. crime is down significantly
in the city of Los Angeles.
Copy !req
562. Thank you.
Copy !req
563. - Hi.
- Hi.
Copy !req
564. I'm Lenore Case.
Copy !req
565. I'm the temp for Mr. Reid's
secretarial position.
Copy !req
566. Today's my first day.
Copy !req
567. Oh, nice to meet you. I'm Kato.
Copy !req
568. It's my first day too.
Copy !req
569. Really? Well, nice to meet you.
Copy !req
570. Do you work for Mr. Reid?
Copy !req
571. I'm his executive associate.
Copy !req
572. That must be great.
Copy !req
573. Yeah, it is. So far.
Copy !req
574. I have a really important question.
Copy !req
575. Who is the hottie-boom-bottie who's
standing right behind me right now?
Copy !req
576. I'm kidding. Hi, I'm Britt Reid.
I own this newspaper.
Copy !req
577. - What's going on?
- It's such a pleasure. I'm Lenore Case.
Copy !req
578. I've been sent to be your temp
until you find a new secretary.
Copy !req
579. Jackpot.
Copy !req
580. Right this way.
Copy !req
581. So...
Copy !req
582. got one.
Copy !req
583. Why don't you tell me:
Copy !req
584. How do you feel about
the state of this...
Copy !req
585. newspaper...
Copy !req
586. as it stands today.
Copy !req
587. Go.
Copy !req
588. To be honest,
this paper has taken a dip...
Copy !req
589. in the last few years
in quality and ambition.
Copy !req
590. Really?
Copy !req
591. Well, the entire industry has...
Copy !req
592. because of the lnternet.
Copy !req
593. So there's a lot of pressure to print
easy-to-digest articles.
Copy !req
594. And it's the last...
Copy !req
595. family-owned paper in the city,
one of the only not attached...
Copy !req
596. to a conglomerate,
so it's understandable.
Copy !req
597. Conglomerate?
Copy !req
598. The Sentinel used to really
use its independence...
Copy !req
599. to be brazen, at the very least.
Copy !req
600. Like that article your father wrote
just after the bombing?
Copy !req
601. That was reporting. That is the kind
of article that can make a difference.
Copy !req
602. That was good. You know
a lot about this shit, huh?
Copy !req
603. I studied journalism.
I have a minor in criminology.
Copy !req
604. - Really?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
605. Criminology.
The study of the criminal mind.
Copy !req
606. What are your...
Copy !req
607. thoughts on this
Green Hornet character? Go.
Copy !req
608. Well, first, there's two kinds
of criminals.
Copy !req
609. There's the psycho egomaniac...
Copy !req
610. and the power maniac.
Copy !req
611. He seems to be the second.
Copy !req
612. - English.
- He defied authority—
Copy !req
613. What will he do next?
Copy !req
614. Yeah.
Copy !req
615. What is his next move,
is what I was gonna ask.
Copy !req
616. Write this down.
Copy !req
617. Well, he'll probably try to...
Copy !req
618. appropriate more power.
Copy !req
619. He'll hit somebody
on their own turf.
Copy !req
620. Basically, he'll start out small, and
then he'll work his way up to the top.
Copy !req
621. I mean, that's what John Gotti did
to Paul Castellano in '85.
Copy !req
622. - And it worked?
- Yes.
Copy !req
623. Look at you!
Copy !req
624. You really know a lot
about this stuff.
Copy !req
625. And you're lovely
and beautiful and—
Copy !req
626. I'm just sitting here thinking, "Why
are you only pursuing this in your...?"
Copy !req
627. Kato, help me out here.
Copy !req
628. Twilight?
Copy !req
629. "Twilight"?
Copy !req
630. Yeah.
Copy !req
631. I saw the movie,
but I don't see how this is—
Copy !req
632. Oh, no, no, no. Not like that.
No. Not like the movie.
Copy !req
633. I guess if we're doing movies,
it would be more like Cocoon...
Copy !req
634. or something like that.
Copy !req
635. Yeah. Later in one's years.
Copy !req
636. What are you—? I'm only 36.
Copy !req
637. You're 36?
Copy !req
638. Holy shit. That's crazy.
Copy !req
639. Thought you were, like, 31, tops.
Copy !req
640. I don't even know if we
can hire a 36-year-old.
Copy !req
641. We have to build a ramp.
Copy !req
642. Why now?
Copy !req
643. She doesn't wanna tell you.
Copy !req
644. You don't know what
you're talking about.
Copy !req
645. Mr. Kato is right.
Copy !req
646. I do not feel comfortable.
Copy !req
647. And if this means I am not going to be
your temp any longer, I'm sorry. It's—
Copy !req
648. That's exactly what it means.
Copy !req
649. - Yeah.
- Okay, thank you.
Copy !req
650. Because you are now
my permanent secretary!
Copy !req
651. Here is what has
gone down, Lenore.
Copy !req
652. You've displayed two things.
Copy !req
653. Balls.
Copy !req
654. And if there's one thing
I like on my women...
Copy !req
655. it's balls.
Copy !req
656. Be my permanent secretary.
Copy !req
657. Are you kidding me?
Copy !req
658. I'm not kidding. This is how I do.
Copy !req
659. This is how I roll,
every day, all day.
Copy !req
660. I make it rain like this, okay?
Copy !req
661. Come work for me.
Copy !req
662. - Just say yes. Don't think.
- Really?
Copy !req
663. - I'll do it. Yes!
- Thank you. Yes!
Copy !req
664. - This is so exciting.
- It is exciting.
Copy !req
665. - Thank you so much.
- Don't thank him.
Copy !req
666. - Thank you.
- Yes.
Copy !req
667. - I will not disappoint you.
- I don't think you will.
Copy !req
668. I will do in-depth research,
fact checking, spell checking.
Copy !req
669. Anything that you need.
Copy !req
670. Why don't you get started on more
Green Hornet research? Perfect.
Copy !req
671. She is hot. It's crazy how
hot she is. It's sickening.
Copy !req
672. Did you write down everything?
Copy !req
673. Let me see!
Copy !req
674. Pervert.
Copy !req
675. Let's get to work, Kato.
Copy !req
676. All right, we got a plan.
Start small...
Copy !req
677. - ... work our way up to the top.
- Okay.
Copy !req
678. We'll need a car.
Copy !req
679. Yes, we'll need a car.
Copy !req
680. With some weapons.
Copy !req
681. And armour.
Copy !req
682. Cool rims. Spinning rims.
Copy !req
683. Slurpee machine.
Copy !req
684. A horn that plays "La Cucaracha."
Copy !req
685. Loaded up the ass with cool shit!
Copy !req
686. I can do that.
Copy !req
687. Kato, I want you to take my hand...
Copy !req
688. and come with me
on this adventure.
Copy !req
689. I'll go with you,
but I don't wanna touch you.
Copy !req
690. Don't take my hand, but will you
come with me on this adventure?
Copy !req
691. No.
Copy !req
692. I'll pick this one.
Copy !req
693. All right. This one.
Copy !req
694. Tell me what's going down, girl.
Copy !req
695. Hey, Kato!
Copy !req
696. Come closer.
Copy !req
697. I had an idea for the car.
Copy !req
698. Ejector seats.
Copy !req
699. Ejector seats?
Copy !req
700. You don't think it's a good idea?
Copy !req
701. - Hi.
- Hi.
Copy !req
702. I'm so excited right now.
Copy !req
703. I can't wait!
Copy !req
704. Oh, man. What the hell?
Copy !req
705. Watch your feet.
Copy !req
706. I call it the Black Beauty.
Copy !req
707. Kato!
Copy !req
708. It's beautiful!
Copy !req
709. And it's black.
Copy !req
710. Incredible.
Copy !req
711. Dude, we're forgetting
something important.
Copy !req
712. Watch this.
Copy !req
713. That is so wicked.
Copy !req
714. Where we going?
Copy !req
715. I have no idea. I thought you knew.
Copy !req
716. Oh, okay, I got an idea. Okay.
Copy !req
717. Mr. Reid's office.
Copy !req
718. I'm looking at you.
Copy !req
719. What?
Copy !req
720. I'm totally joking.
Copy !req
721. Britt Reid calling.
Copy !req
722. Burning the candle at both ends,
I see.
Copy !req
723. Wouldn't Mr. Case
be upset with that?
Copy !req
724. There is no Mr. Case?
Copy !req
725. Well, that's not why I'm calling.
Copy !req
726. Remember we asked you to do
all that Green Hornet research?
Copy !req
727. Predicting what he might do next?
Copy !req
728. If you could send us that?
Those crime maps.
Copy !req
729. - Oh, yeah.
- That'd be helpful. Fax it over.
Copy !req
730. Hold on a second.
Copy !req
731. Let me see.
It's coming right at you.
Copy !req
732. Great.
Copy !req
733. So, what you doing? Just—?
Copy !req
734. If you need anything else,
let me know.
Copy !req
735. - I'll talk to you soon.
- Bye-bye.
Copy !req
736. She wants me so bad...
Copy !req
737. it's crazy.
Copy !req
738. Here we go.
Copy !req
739. South Central.
Copy !req
740. Yeah. Okay. We got...
Copy !req
741. 14 homicides...
Copy !req
742. 34 assaults, 1 1 6 drug arrests.
Copy !req
743. This month.
Copy !req
744. A good place for
the Green Hornet to make his debut.
Copy !req
745. - Let's roll, Kato.
- Let's roll.
Copy !req
746. This is really far east.
Copy !req
747. I've never been to this part of town.
Copy !req
748. I think we're in the hood, Kato.
Copy !req
749. Britt, Britt! Do you think...
Copy !req
750. we start with them?
Copy !req
751. Yeah. Just like Lenore said.
Copy !req
752. Start small, work our way up.
Copy !req
753. This is really, really intense.
Copy !req
754. - You don't want to do it?
- I do.
Copy !req
755. Let's do it before
we chicken out, okay?
Copy !req
756. - I won't chicken out.
- Who knows who might?
Copy !req
757. Just pull up to them.
Copy !req
758. I don't want to talk.
Copy !req
759. - Well, I don't want to talk either.
- So get in the back!
Copy !req
760. - I barely speak English.
- You're speaking English now!
Copy !req
761. Okay, fine! Oh, this is so stupid.
Copy !req
762. Okay.
Copy !req
763. - Calm down.
- I am calm. This is scary.
Copy !req
764. - Shut up.
- You shut up. Just let me talk.
Copy !req
765. - Be cool, be cool.
- I am cool. Shut up.
Copy !req
766. Yo, you looking for
that good stuff, man?
Copy !req
767. I am the Green Hornet.
Copy !req
768. And I would like to sit
down with your boss.
Copy !req
769. Sit on this, bitch.
Copy !req
770. Oh, God!
Copy !req
771. My arm!
Copy !req
772. Bean bags! Kato, hit them
with the bean bags!
Copy !req
773. Yeah!
Copy !req
774. Let me show you
how it's done!
Copy !req
775. Green...
Copy !req
776. Hornet...
Copy !req
777. says hello!
Copy !req
778. Eat my foot...
Copy !req
779. bitch!
Copy !req
780. My nuts!
Copy !req
781. What the hell was that?
Copy !req
782. Who do you work fo—?
Copy !req
783. Oh, God. Gross.
Copy !req
784. Who do you work for?
Copy !req
785. Shit. Hey! You!
Copy !req
786. Come here! Come here!
Copy !req
787. Hey! Who do you work for?
Copy !req
788. Chudnofsky.
Copy !req
789. Guy everybody works for.
Copy !req
790. Chov-what-sky?
Copy !req
791. Chudnofsky.
Copy !req
792. What kind of a dumb name is that?
Copy !req
793. - Where do you get the shit you sell?
- I won't tell you.
Copy !req
794. Oh, really? Never?
Copy !req
795. Chudnofsky's on our ass, guys.
Copy !req
796. We gotta get this shipment done.
Copy !req
797. You've just been stung!
Copy !req
798. Yeah!
Copy !req
799. You!
Copy !req
800. This is my town now!
Copy !req
801. My name is the Green Hornet.
Copy !req
802. Cool, man. Nice to meet you.
Copy !req
803. Cool. How's it going?
Copy !req
804. Anyway, tell your boss...
Copy !req
805. the Green Hornet
sends his regards.
Copy !req
806. Dude.
Copy !req
807. You broke my lab, man.
Copy !req
808. Yeah.
Copy !req
809. I'm sorry about that.
Copy !req
810. Let's burn this mother down, Kato.
Copy !req
811. Explain yourself, Mr. Tupper.
Copy !req
812. The guy was crazy, man. I mean,
he drove a car through a wall.
Copy !req
813. The thing looked like a half-tank.
Copy !req
814. There was fire
coming out of the thing.
Copy !req
815. And?
Copy !req
816. Oh, yeah, he gave me this.
Copy !req
817. He said that this is his town now.
Copy !req
818. A man comes in in an insect
costume and you shit your pants?
Copy !req
819. Look, trust me!
Copy !req
820. A grown man wearing a mask...
Copy !req
821. is a little bit scarier
than a guy wearing a suit.
Copy !req
822. You're not pleased with my suit?
Does it fail to fill you with fear?
Copy !req
823. I'm sorry, I didn't mean
any disrespect.
Copy !req
824. Do you have any idea how many great
people have killed in a suit?
Copy !req
825. I like your suit.
Copy !req
826. Me too.
Copy !req
827. This is exactly
what I was talking about.
Copy !req
828. I'm not as scary as some idiot
in a green mask. Come on!
Copy !req
829. You say they won't affect business.
Copy !req
830. Now, this guy ran six...
Copy !req
831. of the biggest meth labs in L.A.
Copy !req
832. Now because of that Hornet,
he's dead.
Copy !req
833. Business affected.
Copy !req
834. I've got reports of the Green Hornet
shooting out a camera...
Copy !req
835. I had a report that
an elderly couple claims...
Copy !req
836. he gave the finger
from the HOV Lane.
Copy !req
837. —that saw the Green Hornet
and his chauffeur in a fistfight...
Copy !req
838. with gang members
in South Central.
Copy !req
839. The Green Hornet raises questions.
We all know that...
Copy !req
840. gang proliferation
has been rising.
Copy !req
841. Okay, that'll be homework.
Copy !req
842. I got a yoga class.
Copy !req
843. Don't worry. Anyhoo, bottom line:
Headlines, people.
Copy !req
844. Get this story out there.
Copy !req
845. Will the violence continue
to spill out onto the street?
Copy !req
846. What are the police
doing about it?
Copy !req
847. Is anyone safe...
Copy !req
848. at the mercy of...
Copy !req
849. dot, dot, dot...
Copy !req
850. the Green Hornet?
Copy !req
851. And I want those dots.
I want dots in the paper, okay?
Copy !req
852. Want us to handle this delicately?
Copy !req
853. No.
Copy !req
854. But DA Scanlon's re-election platform
is based on cleaning up the streets.
Copy !req
855. You guys are acquaintances.
Copy !req
856. - So if you want us to—
- That's a great idea.
Copy !req
857. You should use that.
Copy !req
858. Write an article about that!
Copy !req
859. "Even DA Scanlon is quivering
at the feet of this scourge."
Copy !req
860. Use the word "scourge."
Copy !req
861. - Write an article about that.
- Britt.
Copy !req
862. - Can I talk to you?
- Yeah, yeah.
Copy !req
863. I know what you're trying to do, turn
this newspaper into a discotheque.
Copy !req
864. But it's not gonna work.
Copy !req
865. That's not what I'm doing.
She's a brainy broad.
Copy !req
866. This is a serious matter, okay?
Copy !req
867. Every line we print,
there's repercussions.
Copy !req
868. Somebody has to take
responsibility. That's me.
Copy !req
869. Well, I'm not afraid of these bastards
and you shouldn't be either.
Copy !req
870. Neither was Daniel.
Copy !req
871. He made it to the wall.
Copy !req
872. They killed him for wantonly
speculating on the drug war.
Copy !req
873. That's exactly what you and your
little girlfriend are doing.
Copy !req
874. I know you think my experience
ain't worth shit...
Copy !req
875. but your father listened to me.
So should you.
Copy !req
876. This is the story I want to run.
Copy !req
877. I'm going with it,
and if he were still with us, it's what...
Copy !req
878. Daniel Vertell... Vertellah?
Copy !req
879. Vertalot. It's what he would've
wanted too. Okay?
Copy !req
880. That's the story, team. Run it!
Copy !req
881. Britt Reid outro.
Copy !req
882. "Scourge"?
Copy !req
883. —tail on this Hornet guy!
Copy !req
884. Yeah!
Copy !req
885. Red light. Stop!
Copy !req
886. Shit, the camera got us.
Copy !req
887. What camera?
Copy !req
888. The Green Hornet
and his masked accomplice...
Copy !req
889. stirred up trouble in
the southland today.
Copy !req
890. Violence has erupted downtown...
Copy !req
891. - Kato? Breakfast in the house.
- Yes.
Copy !req
892. I just checked the Hornet mail.
Copy !req
893. Nothing new,
but they'll be a-knocking.
Copy !req
894. - Sounds great.
- Yeah.
Copy !req
895. - I have something for you.
- Really? Awesome.
Copy !req
896. "Dear Britt, you are my shon-di."
Copy !req
897. What's shon-di?
Copy !req
898. Brother.
Copy !req
899. That's awfully nice.
Copy !req
900. I've never had a brother, man.
I always wanted one.
Copy !req
901. What the hell is this?
Copy !req
902. It's a gas gun. Your Hornet gun!
Copy !req
903. - A gas gun?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
904. Why not a "gun" gun?
Copy !req
905. Our enemies have "gun" guns.
Copy !req
906. What? I don't understand.
What are these?
Copy !req
907. What is this? What are these?
Are these paint balls?
Copy !req
908. No. Inside is knockout gas.
Copy !req
909. That's insane.
Copy !req
910. Where's yours? Do you have one?
Copy !req
911. - Do you have a black version of it?
- No, just you.
Copy !req
912. - No?
- No.
Copy !req
913. Well, why not? Why just me?
Copy !req
914. You are so special.
Copy !req
915. I know, but how come
I'm the only one with a gun?
Copy !req
916. You don't have...
Copy !req
917. much fighting experience,
so I thought you needed a gun.
Copy !req
918. Well, I'll be honest,
that's a little insulting, man.
Copy !req
919. We were both badasses
the other night.
Copy !req
920. I kicked that guy in the face
like three times. In the face.
Copy !req
921. Yeah, yeah, I remember.
Copy !req
922. Yeah.
Copy !req
923. It makes you look cool.
Copy !req
924. I need to look cool now?
What the hell?
Copy !req
925. You said my ouftit was pimp.
Copy !req
926. I thought, "That's a weird word."
But you said it was pimp.
Copy !req
927. - It is pimp.
- Yeah.
Copy !req
928. The Hornet gun
is just an accessory.
Copy !req
929. - An accessory?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
930. Well, then you need
nunchucks, then.
Copy !req
931. - if you don't like it, don't use it.
- How does it work?
Copy !req
932. Shit!
Copy !req
933. Hey.
Copy !req
934. Hey, hey, hey.
Copy !req
935. Okay. It works.
Copy !req
936. What the hell?
Copy !req
937. Kato!
Copy !req
938. I'm here!
Copy !req
939. Hey, you're awake.
Copy !req
940. What the hell? What happened to me?
What's happening? What happened?
Copy !req
941. You shot yourself in the face
by mistake.
Copy !req
942. How long was I out?
What time is it?
Copy !req
943. Two o'clock.
Copy !req
944. Oh, that's not so bad, I guess.
Copy !req
945. On Thursday.
Copy !req
946. It's Thursday? Are you ki—?
It's not Monday right now?
Copy !req
947. No. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
948. Did you put this diaper on me?
Copy !req
949. Well, what did I miss?
Copy !req
950. Nothing really.
Copy !req
951. I did some work on
the Black Beauties.
Copy !req
952. "Beauties"?
Copy !req
953. Holy crap.
Copy !req
954. Backups.
Copy !req
955. How the hell did you do this
in four days?
Copy !req
956. It's been 11 days.
Copy !req
957. Whoa, 11 days? What?
Are you kidding me?
Copy !req
958. I wasn't sleeping,
I was in a coma, dick!
Copy !req
959. But it's okay now,
I fixed the Hornet gas.
Copy !req
960. The gas only lasts one hour.
Copy !req
961. Can I see it?
Copy !req
962. Okay, but be careful
this time. Okay?
Copy !req
963. I just want to look at it.
Just give it to me for one second...
Copy !req
964. See you in an hour.
Copy !req
965. Mr. Reid!
Copy !req
966. Hey.
Copy !req
967. Welcome back. I'm so glad
you're feeling better.
Copy !req
968. I heard that mono was the worst.
Copy !req
969. Mono?
Copy !req
970. Yeah, well,
it's better than herpes, right?
Copy !req
971. Here are your messages.
I have some meetings...
Copy !req
972. - ... I'd like to set up with you.
- Cool.
Copy !req
973. Knock that off.
Copy !req
974. Here is the research that you
asked for before you got sick.
Copy !req
975. Green Hornet! Me likey!
Copy !req
976. DA Scanlon called, he said that
he really needs to speak to you.
Copy !req
977. Boring!
Copy !req
978. I need to go look at this stuff.
Copy !req
979. I read the article you sent me.
Copy !req
980. What are you doing tonight?
Copy !req
981. - Nothing.
- No?
Copy !req
982. Nothing at all.
Copy !req
983. Thought maybe we could get dinner
or get a drink, blow off some steam.
Copy !req
984. Yeah. I would love to.
Copy !req
985. - What time?
- I was thinking 7?
Copy !req
986. We could meet downstairs.
Copy !req
987. Seven.
Copy !req
988. - Perfect. I'll be there.
- Okay.
Copy !req
989. That was awesome!
Copy !req
990. Hey, Kato!
Copy !req
991. Can you make me some coffee?
Copy !req
992. You don't have your whole
little operation set up...
Copy !req
993. but whatever you whip up
would be great.
Copy !req
994. Lenore...
Copy !req
995. have you had this
little bastard's coffee?
Copy !req
996. Because it is...
Copy !req
997. scrump-diddly-umptious.
You want a cup?
Copy !req
998. I'm fine, thank you.
Copy !req
999. So that's just one...
Copy !req
1000. cup of coffee, Kato.
Copy !req
1001. So there's this restaurant that just
opened in the San Fernando Valley...
Copy !req
1002. and it's called
La Maison des la Voide.
Copy !req
1003. The whole thing is you eat
your meal in total darkness.
Copy !req
1004. So with deprived sight...
Copy !req
1005. each bite is like an orgasm
in your mouth.
Copy !req
1006. And I was thinking
maybe it would be...
Copy !req
1007. - Mr. Reid's office.
- ... fun if...
Copy !req
1008. This is DA Scanlon calling
for Britt Reid, please.
Copy !req
1009. Hello, sir.
I'm aware you've been calling.
Copy !req
1010. No, he's had mono.
Copy !req
1011. Let me look. Maybe there's a chance
we could work that out today.
Copy !req
1012. If you ever tell me
to get you coffee again...
Copy !req
1013. I'll beat the shit out of you!
Copy !req
1014. What are you—? What is wrong
with you? Are you crazy?
Copy !req
1015. This is our plan,
you're supposed to work for me!
Copy !req
1016. You got me a Jamba Juice!
Copy !req
1017. We're supposed to be
brothers, man.
Copy !req
1018. We're supposed to be shon-di!
Copy !req
1019. What happened to that, huh?
Copy !req
1020. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
1021. You should be sorry.
Copy !req
1022. We've become superheroes
and there's a lot of stress involved...
Copy !req
1023. but you don't gotta
freak out about it.
Copy !req
1024. Now can I have the coffee?
Copy !req
1025. I'm joking. I'm totally joking.
Copy !req
1026. You still mad at me, Kato?
Copy !req
1027. No.
Copy !req
1028. Good.
Copy !req
1029. Because you shouldn't be anyway.
Copy !req
1030. What's up with Lenore, man?
Copy !req
1031. Is she acting weird around me?
Copy !req
1032. No, why?
Copy !req
1033. I "like" like her.
Copy !req
1034. And I can't nail her.
She's completely un-nailable.
Copy !req
1035. It's a terrible fact.
I don't know what to do.
Copy !req
1036. She doesn't like you,
why would you want her?
Copy !req
1037. Maybe it's because she doesn't
like me. isn't that sick?
Copy !req
1038. That could be it.
Copy !req
1039. Girls are such a drag, Kato.
Thank God we have each other.
Copy !req
1040. Hey! I'm calling a boys' night!
What do you say, huh?
Copy !req
1041. What are you doing?
Copy !req
1042. I didn't know you wanted to hang out.
I'm going for drinks with a friend.
Copy !req
1043. Friend? Who? Come on.
Copy !req
1044. Tony.
Copy !req
1045. Tony?
Copy !req
1046. Well, have fun!
Copy !req
1047. Hey, wait, wait, wait! Can I come?
Copy !req
1048. - You want to try?
- No.
Copy !req
1049. Hit the black key.
Copy !req
1050. - Really?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
1051. Okay, I'll try. Which one?
Copy !req
1052. You know, this Green Hornet thing
is just crazy, isn't it?
Copy !req
1053. I mean, it's all I can think about
Copy !req
1054. I feel really in tuned with it. Kind of
like that guy with the Zodiac Killer.
Copy !req
1055. What about the man
dressed in black?
Copy !req
1056. Johnny Cash?
Copy !req
1057. No. His partner.
Copy !req
1058. His partner. No, I don't think
that that's his partner.
Copy !req
1059. That's probably just
some thug he hired.
Copy !req
1060. Anyhow, they'll both
be dead in no time.
Copy !req
1061. Yeah.
Copy !req
1062. Why?
Copy !req
1063. Because the Green Hornet's been
attracting way too much attention.
Copy !req
1064. Whoever's in charge
is gonna get tired of it...
Copy !req
1065. call him in to make a deal,
then kill him.
Copy !req
1066. It's what Gotti did
to Mangela in '87.
Copy !req
1067. In two weeks. Two weeks, tops,
that's what I give them.
Copy !req
1068. - Two weeks?
- Dead.
Copy !req
1069. You're not gonna like this,
but we got nothing.
Copy !req
1070. It's like the Green Hornet
didn't exist.
Copy !req
1071. Nobody's done a deal with him...
Copy !req
1072. done time with him.
Copy !req
1073. Nobody's heard of him.
Copy !req
1074. It's like he came out of thin air.
Copy !req
1075. Yeah, and I've gotta say...
Copy !req
1076. he's setting a bad example
for the other gangs.
Copy !req
1077. I met with the Armenians today.
Copy !req
1078. They told me if the Hornet
is independent...
Copy !req
1079. they wanna be independent too.
Copy !req
1080. The Armenians truly said that?
Copy !req
1081. And I heard rumours the Koreans
are talking the same.
Copy !req
1082. Which Korean?
Copy !req
1083. Kim.
Copy !req
1084. Kim?
Copy !req
1085. No, Kim never said that.
Copy !req
1086. No, we've been doing business
for 25 years. We're friends.
Copy !req
1087. I'm sorry, boss.
Copy !req
1088. That's just shocking.
Copy !req
1089. Maybe we should go down there
and teach them...
Copy !req
1090. to keep their mouths shut.
Copy !req
1091. No.
Copy !req
1092. No. No.
Copy !req
1093. I should kill Kim myself.
He's a friend.
Copy !req
1094. And I'll kill the Armenians too.
It'll make me feel better.
Copy !req
1095. Wait! Wait!
Copy !req
1096. Great. What about The Hornet?
Copy !req
1097. Britt?
Copy !req
1098. What you doing here?
Copy !req
1099. Guess what, you son of a bitch.
Copy !req
1100. We got mail.
Copy !req
1101. We got Hornet mail!
He e-mailed! It happened!
Copy !req
1102. Come here, look! Come here!
Look, look, look!
Copy !req
1103. "Green Hornet." Me.
Copy !req
1104. "Good job on the meth lab.
Copy !req
1105. The place was costing me money
and I wanted to shut it down."
Copy !req
1106. That's B.S.
Copy !req
1107. "Let's talk about another venture
that could be mutually beneficial.
Copy !req
1108. Please meet tomorrow
at the lot on Fifth and Union...
Copy !req
1109. in downtown at 4 p.m."
Copy !req
1110. Another adventure for
the Green Hornet...
Copy !req
1111. and his nameless sidekick!
Copy !req
1112. Looks like we've got
some planning to do.
Copy !req
1113. It could be a trap.
Copy !req
1114. Like how Gotti killed
Mangela in '87.
Copy !req
1115. Where did you hear that from?
Copy !req
1116. The History Channel.
Copy !req
1117. Oh, yeah?
Copy !req
1118. Should we go downtown now...
Copy !req
1119. and check it out?
Copy !req
1120. No, that's cool. I got that covered.
Copy !req
1121. You fill up the car
with weapons and stuff.
Copy !req
1122. So you're just gonna come up
with the plan by yourself?
Copy !req
1123. Bingo.
Copy !req
1124. I don't know if that's the best idea.
Copy !req
1125. - Course you don't.
- What's that mean?
Copy !req
1126. Oh, it means that you think
you're an awesome karate dude...
Copy !req
1127. that can do anything, and that
I'm an incompetent schmuck...
Copy !req
1128. who needs a gun
that shoots farts at people.
Copy !req
1129. I'm saying,
we should do this together.
Copy !req
1130. I'm saying you should go home.
Copy !req
1131. You should go to sleep so tomorrow
you could process my incredible plan.
Copy !req
1132. Fine.
Copy !req
1133. This is so stupid.
Copy !req
1134. We pissed this guy off.
Copy !req
1135. Now we're walking into his turf.
Copy !req
1136. We walked into their turf last time
and guess what.
Copy !req
1137. We kicked the crap out of them.
Copy !req
1138. And everyone knows: what happens
when you corner a hornet?
Copy !req
1139. You get stung.
Copy !req
1140. "You get stung."
What does that mean?
Copy !req
1141. This is not a game, Britt.
And you're gonna get us killed.
Copy !req
1142. If you don't like my plan,
you do not have to be a part of it.
Copy !req
1143. - I don't think you have a plan.
- I do!
Copy !req
1144. I just haven't told you yet.
Copy !req
1145. And it's amazing, okay?
Copy !req
1146. So are you in, or are you
chickening out like a bitch?
Copy !req
1147. You are a bitch.
Copy !req
1148. Not now, Kato, not now.
Turn in here.
Copy !req
1149. There they are.
Game faces, Kato. Game faces.
Copy !req
1150. Here's the plan.
Take this, put it in your ear.
Copy !req
1151. You listen in on my phone...
Copy !req
1152. which I've taped to my chest.
Copy !req
1153. When I say the secret word,
which is "Constantinople"...
Copy !req
1154. I'll kick the old guy in the nuts,
you blow them up with missiles.
Copy !req
1155. Truck! Kato, back up!
Copy !req
1156. Back up! Back up!
Copy !req
1157. Okay, okay, okay.
Copy !req
1158. This is not part of the plan!
Copy !req
1159. No shit!
Copy !req
1160. And so thunder strikes lightning.
Copy !req
1161. Okay, don't panic!
Copy !req
1162. The worst thing we can do
right now is panic.
Copy !req
1163. Just let me think.
Copy !req
1164. Okay, don't worry.
I'll get us out of here, okay?
Copy !req
1165. No, you won't! We're gonna
die now, you ass-wipe.
Copy !req
1166. Well, with that attitude we will!
Come on, man!
Copy !req
1167. - I think I'm claustrophobic!
- Let me think.
Copy !req
1168. Oh, no!
Copy !req
1169. - I can't breathe!
- Listen, listen.
Copy !req
1170. We're buried!
We are totally buried!
Copy !req
1171. Okay, okay.
Copy !req
1172. What are you doing?
Copy !req
1173. Either killing us or saving us.
Copy !req
1174. Missiles armed?
That's your plan? You'll blow us up.
Copy !req
1175. That's not a good plan!
Copy !req
1176. Disarm them, man!
Copy !req
1177. Shall we part?
Copy !req
1178. Feel like kebabs for dinner?
Copy !req
1179. Look out!
Copy !req
1180. Chili!
Copy !req
1181. They killed him! They killed Chili!
Copy !req
1182. Run!
Copy !req
1183. Oh, shit.
Copy !req
1184. - There's thorns in these bushes!
- Shut up!
Copy !req
1185. Shut up!
Copy !req
1186. This thing has no aim!
Copy !req
1187. It sucks!
Copy !req
1188. You have no aim!
Copy !req
1189. Britt!
Copy !req
1190. What?
Copy !req
1191. I smash window, you shoot in.
Copy !req
1192. Every man for himself!
Copy !req
1193. Go away!
Copy !req
1194. Die!
Copy !req
1195. Oh, shit!
Copy !req
1196. So you just gonna
ignore me now, is that it?
Copy !req
1197. Like a baby?
Copy !req
1198. And go home,
eat some baby food maybe?
Copy !req
1199. Drink some milk?
Copy !req
1200. Why don't you talk like a baby.
Mama, goo-goo. You baby.
Copy !req
1201. Baby.
Copy !req
1202. Explosives were triggered
from that vehicle, destroying it...
Copy !req
1203. - ... freeing the Green Hornet...
- Dickweed.
Copy !req
1204. You're calling me that too?
I know people call me that.
Copy !req
1205. That's not a surprise.
That's not a mystery.
Copy !req
1206. Why not?
Copy !req
1207. You say rude things to me
all day, every day.
Copy !req
1208. That's not how partners work.
Copy !req
1209. We're not partners.
Copy !req
1210. I'm the hero, you're my sidekick!
That's what this is.
Copy !req
1211. I'm lndy, you're Short Round!
Copy !req
1212. Simon, Garfunkel!
Copy !req
1213. Scooby, Doo!
Copy !req
1214. Stop fooling yourself.
Green Hornet is nothing without me.
Copy !req
1215. I made the knockout gas. I alone
designed and built the Black Beauty.
Copy !req
1216. And I didn't help at all?
Copy !req
1217. How? Ejector seats?
Copy !req
1218. Exactly.
Copy !req
1219. What a great idea.
Copy !req
1220. You may have started
this Green Hornet thing...
Copy !req
1221. because you hated your father.
Copy !req
1222. - You're an egomaniac.
- I know.
Copy !req
1223. Exactly like your father.
Copy !req
1224. You are a jealous,
pathetic little man!
Copy !req
1225. Fine. You're doing great
with Lenore.
Copy !req
1226. What the hell does that mean?
Copy !req
1227. Don't you walk away on that!
Copy !req
1228. What, you're charming her
pants off, that's what...
Copy !req
1229. I'm supposed to believe?
Copy !req
1230. No, that is a filthy gesture!
Copy !req
1231. You know I like her!
Copy !req
1232. I confided in you, Kato!
Copy !req
1233. I trusted you!
I told you I liked her!
Copy !req
1234. Stop it! You hit on
everything that moves.
Copy !req
1235. I'm amazed you haven't...
Copy !req
1236. hit on me yet.
Copy !req
1237. If you keep talking like this, Kato...
Copy !req
1238. I'm gonna beat
the shit out of you.
Copy !req
1239. - Just so you know.
- I'd like to see you try.
Copy !req
1240. You are a yuppie wimp...
Copy !req
1241. and I'm a martial arts expert who
grew up penniless on the streets.
Copy !req
1242. You grew up penis-less
on the streets.
Copy !req
1243. Funny!
Copy !req
1244. Heroes beat sidekicks, period!
Copy !req
1245. - Don't do that.
- Do what?
Copy !req
1246. I'm warning you.
Copy !req
1247. Okay, I'm gonna forget that slap...
Copy !req
1248. so we can fix this.
Copy !req
1249. Okay, okay, you're right.
You're right.
Copy !req
1250. Let's talk. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
1251. Sacked you like a bitch, Kato!
Copy !req
1252. Come here! Chop-chop!
Copy !req
1253. You like that, Kato? You like it?
This is what you get...
Copy !req
1254. when you corner a hornet!
Copy !req
1255. You get—
Copy !req
1256. Oh, God!
Copy !req
1257. Now I'm gonna hurt you.
Copy !req
1258. I'd like to see you try.
Copy !req
1259. Get this stupid thing off me...
Copy !req
1260. you cheating bastard!
Copy !req
1261. You dirty bastard!
Copy !req
1262. You idiot.
Copy !req
1263. Okay, let's—
Copy !req
1264. Can we end this?
Copy !req
1265. You are so stubborn.
Copy !req
1266. Do you like it? You like it?
Copy !req
1267. No, I don't like it!
Copy !req
1268. You like it? You like it?
Copy !req
1269. I don't like it.
Copy !req
1270. Okay. Now we can end this.
Copy !req
1271. Just stop. Just stop.
Copy !req
1272. Just stop! Stop!
Copy !req
1273. Stop, stop, stop!
Copy !req
1274. Britt!
Copy !req
1275. Help!
Copy !req
1276. Get out of my pool.
Copy !req
1277. Get off my property!
Copy !req
1278. You're fired!
Copy !req
1279. - Never come back!
- Help!
Copy !req
1280. I can't swim!
Copy !req
1281. Britt! Britt!
Copy !req
1282. Lenore, it's me.
Copy !req
1283. It's me, Kato.
Copy !req
1284. What the hell?
Copy !req
1285. - That's for whatever lie you told Britt.
- What?
Copy !req
1286. He called me a minx,
and then he fired me.
Copy !req
1287. Chili was a fine warrior.
Copy !req
1288. He was a man of honour and dignity.
Copy !req
1289. We must show our respect.
Copy !req
1290. And we must show it in blood.
Copy !req
1291. Popeye, go forth.
Copy !req
1292. Take these words
and spread them:
Copy !req
1293. The bounty, 1 million dollars.
Copy !req
1294. The prey, the Green Hornet.
Copy !req
1295. Dead, if possible.
Copy !req
1296. Alive, if necessary.
Copy !req
1297. I don't care whence they have to go,
or who they have to do.
Copy !req
1298. I want the head of the Green Hornet,
and I want it tonight!
Copy !req
1299. Find him. Kill him. Take him out.
Copy !req
1300. How do you do?
Copy !req
1301. Everybody, chase The Hornet!
Copy !req
1302. It's about The Hornet.
We want him dead.
Copy !req
1303. All right.
Copy !req
1304. Hey, you, do me a favour.
Copy !req
1305. Listen to me. He's got a mask on.
Copy !req
1306. I need you to spread the word,
all right? Kill him.
Copy !req
1307. The mask was green. Yeah.
Copy !req
1308. Yo.
Copy !req
1309. A green mask.
Copy !req
1310. A hit on The Hornet.
A million bucks.
Copy !req
1311. Good, good.
Copy !req
1312. What's going on?
What's the word?
Copy !req
1313. Listen, this Green Hornet.
He's got a mask on.
Copy !req
1314. One million dollar.
The Green Hornet.
Copy !req
1315. You got it. All right.
Copy !req
1316. Hey, Jacko!
Copy !req
1317. Hey, man, you wanna
make a few bucks?
Copy !req
1318. You failed to kill me
The Hornet, Popeye!
Copy !req
1319. I warned you about this.
Copy !req
1320. You heightened this
thing to a point...
Copy !req
1321. where it had to reach
some kind of a climax.
Copy !req
1322. Well, here it is.
Copy !req
1323. I hope you realise now that
you should stay out of my way.
Copy !req
1324. Let me run this paper.
Copy !req
1325. A gruesome scene last night as
bodies were found across the city...
Copy !req
1326. every one of them
wearing green clothing.
Copy !req
1327. DA Scanlon's office, please.
Copy !req
1328. The victims were unrelated
and authorities believe...
Copy !req
1329. their only connection was...
Copy !req
1330. their choice of attire.
As a precaution, police are advising...
Copy !req
1331. citizens to avoid wearing
the colour green, so as not to be...
Copy !req
1332. unwittingly targeted.
Copy !req
1333. This is my fault. This is
what I did with this paper.
Copy !req
1334. So what?
Copy !req
1335. At least you tried. Your dad
would have understood that.
Copy !req
1336. Look, running a newspaper
must be difficult.
Copy !req
1337. I mean, if it's anything like running
are-election campaign...
Copy !req
1338. it's gotta be a pain in the ass.
Copy !req
1339. Fortunately, I think we can
make each other's lives easier.
Copy !req
1340. How?
Copy !req
1341. There are two sides
to every story.
Copy !req
1342. I mean, some people,
they see an event and they...
Copy !req
1343. interpret it as this crime war,
you know?
Copy !req
1344. Other people see
the same incident...
Copy !req
1345. and they interpret it
as an isolated event.
Copy !req
1346. - Yeah.
- I guess I could...
Copy !req
1347. help you decide how
these incidents are exposed.
Copy !req
1348. In the public interest, of course.
Copy !req
1349. Now, if this collaboration
leads to assert my position...
Copy !req
1350. well, I will make sure that you...
Copy !req
1351. enjoy compensation in return.
Copy !req
1352. What kind of compensation?
Copy !req
1353. Frank, are you—?
Copy !req
1354. Are you saying you want me
to slant the news...
Copy !req
1355. for your re-election?
Is that what this is?
Copy !req
1356. I thought you needed my help.
Copy !req
1357. We help each other out...
Copy !req
1358. so that we can both get ahead.
Copy !req
1359. This is mutually beneficial.
Copy !req
1360. Okay, I get it now.
Copy !req
1361. You went to my dad,
he rejected your offer...
Copy !req
1362. and you think you can
push me around.
Copy !req
1363. That's what you think?
Copy !req
1364. No, what I think...
Copy !req
1365. is that you overvalue
your dad's integrity.
Copy !req
1366. You get out of my office
right this second.
Copy !req
1367. This might be
what you're looking for.
Copy !req
1368. Thank you.
Copy !req
1369. You're welcome.
Copy !req
1370. Stay here.
Copy !req
1371. Boss, what are you
doing up here?
Copy !req
1372. We were waiting for you down—
Copy !req
1373. Come here.
Copy !req
1374. I've been doing some thinking.
Copy !req
1375. And I had a revelation.
Copy !req
1376. Look, I'm obsolete.
Copy !req
1377. I'm a dinosaur.
Copy !req
1378. Not in the scary way,
in the extinct way.
Copy !req
1379. And it's time for changes.
Copy !req
1380. You know, it's time for me...
Copy !req
1381. to gain some...
Copy !req
1382. charisma.
Copy !req
1383. I've no idea what you're
talking about. I mean—
Copy !req
1384. I'm talking about a motif.
A theme.
Copy !req
1385. A mask.
Copy !req
1386. Perhaps a stylish cape.
Copy !req
1387. I'm talking about the death
of Chudnofsky...
Copy !req
1388. and the rebirth of Bloodnofsky.
Copy !req
1389. What do you say?
Copy !req
1390. Honestly?
Copy !req
1391. Yeah.
Copy !req
1392. I think that is the stupidest thing
I have ever heard.
Copy !req
1393. Why is that stupid?
Copy !req
1394. That's not stupid.
Copy !req
1395. Bloodnofsky.
Copy !req
1396. I was gonna wear red.
Copy !req
1397. For blood, get it?
Copy !req
1398. That's scary.
Copy !req
1399. And cool.
Copy !req
1400. Get this:
Copy !req
1401. "Be it my mask or your blood, red will
be the last colour you'll ever see."
Copy !req
1402. I say that to people
when I kill them.
Copy !req
1403. The Green Hornet killed Chili.
Copy !req
1404. I am minus an eyeball here.
Copy !req
1405. You can't go and tell these
guys that, they'll think you've...
Copy !req
1406. lost your bloody mind.
Copy !req
1407. I think you're having
a midlife crisis here.
Copy !req
1408. Seriously, you're starting
to scare me.
Copy !req
1409. Want to know a secret?
Copy !req
1410. I'm starting to scare myself.
Copy !req
1411. Gentlemen...
Copy !req
1412. the reign of Bloodnofsky
starts tonight.
Copy !req
1413. - Hey. I'm sorry I fired you!
- Get out of here!
Copy !req
1414. I shouldn't have
called you a minx.
Copy !req
1415. Look, please, just listen to me.
Copy !req
1416. Kato lied about us, okay?
Copy !req
1417. You should have found that out
before you fire me.
Copy !req
1418. - Nothing happened?
- No.
Copy !req
1419. Oh, thank God! I knew it!
I knew nothing happened!
Copy !req
1420. - That ass. He said you did this.
- What?
Copy !req
1421. What is that?
Copy !req
1422. I don't know. It's gross.
That's not why I'm here.
Copy !req
1423. I need you to come back and work.
Copy !req
1424. I'll do whatever you want.
I'll double your salary.
Copy !req
1425. Things at The Sentinel
Not what they seem.
Copy !req
1426. As soon as Scanlon
started running...
Copy !req
1427. my father stopped printing news
about hard crime.
Copy !req
1428. He was making Scanlon
look good.
Copy !req
1429. And I have to make it right.
Copy !req
1430. And I realised that if I want to do
what's best for this world...
Copy !req
1431. that The Daily Sentinel is the most
responsible way to do that.
Copy !req
1432. But here's the problem:
Copy !req
1433. I don't know...
Copy !req
1434. anything...
Copy !req
1435. - ... about journalism.
- That's the truth.
Copy !req
1436. Look, I need someone who does.
Copy !req
1437. I need someone who
I can trust with my life.
Copy !req
1438. I'm just— Okay?
Copy !req
1439. I need someone who is you.
I need you, Lenore.
Copy !req
1440. Will you please help me?
Copy !req
1441. Britt, I—
Copy !req
1442. I know, I know.
Copy !req
1443. Oh, my God!
Copy !req
1444. Oh, God.
Copy !req
1445. What is your problem?
Copy !req
1446. God.
Copy !req
1447. Why did you do that to me?
Copy !req
1448. Because you tried to kiss me!
Copy !req
1449. - Yeah, we were gonna make out.
- No, we weren't.
Copy !req
1450. Then I guess I owe you an apology,
because I misread that.
Copy !req
1451. As usual.
Copy !req
1452. Okay. Look, I'm sorry. I didn't plan
on kissing you when I said all that.
Copy !req
1453. Will you come back
and work for me, please?
Copy !req
1454. Pretty please?
Copy !req
1455. Double my salary.
Copy !req
1456. And I want a parking spot.
Copy !req
1457. You don't have a parking spot?
Oh, that sucks.
Copy !req
1458. And if you ever so much
as look at my ass again...
Copy !req
1459. I can't even see it.
Copy !req
1460. I will sue you for sexual harassment.
Do you understand?
Copy !req
1461. Hugs?
Copy !req
1462. Where my hugs at, y'all?
Copy !req
1463. - Britt Reid's office.
- Frank Scanlon.
Copy !req
1464. Please hold.
Copy !req
1465. DA Scanlon.
Copy !req
1466. - Really?
- Yes.
Copy !req
1467. Hello?
Copy !req
1468. Hey, Britt, it's Scanlon.
Copy !req
1469. Listen, I think I owe you
an apology.
Copy !req
1470. Too much blood in the gutter.
You win. Let's split L.A.
Copy !req
1471. You get the L. I get the A.
That means we share the gold...
Copy !req
1472. and the work.
Copy !req
1473. One million dollars for today.
Copy !req
1474. I think you misunderstood
where I was coming from...
Copy !req
1475. and I'd like a chance
to clarify some things.
Copy !req
1476. Things are pretty clear.
Copy !req
1477. - I got three words for you:
- No.
Copy !req
1478. - Suck it, you dick face!
- Look.
Copy !req
1479. Tell him that you wanna meet him.
This is journalism.
Copy !req
1480. If you wanna be an investigative
reporter, you have to investigate.
Copy !req
1481. Tell him that you wanna meet him.
Copy !req
1482. - Might've gotten disconnected, Britt.
- You're right. Watch this.
Copy !req
1483. I was joking.
Copy !req
1484. Yeah, why don't we get together
and talk about things?
Copy !req
1485. That's a good idea. Okay?
Copy !req
1486. Let's meet for dinner.
A place called Gonpachi Hibachi.
Copy !req
1487. Little place on La Cienega.
Copy !req
1488. Around 8:30?
Copy !req
1489. La Cienega...
Copy !req
1490. 8:30.
Copy !req
1491. Britt!
Copy !req
1492. Hey, Frank.
Copy !req
1493. Hey, Britt.
Copy !req
1494. Good to see you.
Copy !req
1495. I'm having a sake.
What are you having?
Copy !req
1496. Yeah, I'll have some sake.
Copy !req
1497. Thanks for coming.
Copy !req
1498. No problem.
Copy !req
1499. Mr. Chudnofsky?
Copy !req
1500. Bloodnofsky. Blood-nof-sky.
Copy !req
1501. I commissioned the Green Hornet.
You're the chauffeur.
Copy !req
1502. Partner.
Copy !req
1503. Where's The Hornet?
Copy !req
1504. Right there.
Copy !req
1505. Whoa, we only get half the team?
Copy !req
1506. Who says you're the good half?
Copy !req
1507. Where's Reid?
Copy !req
1508. Guess.
Copy !req
1509. Any of you move, you're dead.
Copy !req
1510. I'm not actually here
for forgiveness, Britt.
Copy !req
1511. I don't understand.
Copy !req
1512. You understand nothing...
Copy !req
1513. so I'm gonna explain it
to you very simply.
Copy !req
1514. If you ever come across any article
regarding a major crime...
Copy !req
1515. a man named
Benjamin Chudnofsky...
Copy !req
1516. or anything that makes
this city think...
Copy !req
1517. I am not the fine line protecting
the light from the darkness...
Copy !req
1518. you're gonna bring it to me.
Copy !req
1519. You're gonna bring it to me...
Copy !req
1520. and I'll tell you
if it's okay to print...
Copy !req
1521. in your stupid little newspaper.
Copy !req
1522. That's how I did it with your dad.
Copy !req
1523. And that's how you and l
are gonna do it.
Copy !req
1524. Scanlon, are you saying you want me
to let you write the news?
Copy !req
1525. Finally you understand.
Copy !req
1526. Yup. I understand, all right.
Copy !req
1527. Here's what I understand.
Copy !req
1528. That you, son, just got played...
Copy !req
1529. by a player.
Copy !req
1530. Recording device. USB.
Copy !req
1531. No, you can't have it, it's mine!
Copy !req
1532. You stupid schmuck!
Copy !req
1533. I got you by the balls, Scanlon.
I own a newspaper, genius.
Copy !req
1534. - This'll be front-page.
- I have to say...
Copy !req
1535. - ... I'm impressed.
- You should be.
Copy !req
1536. It won't do you any good.
Copy !req
1537. How could it not? Are you
gonna kill me in this restaurant?
Copy !req
1538. Yes.
Copy !req
1539. What, you're gonna murder me?
Copy !req
1540. Yeah. Like I murdered your father.
Copy !req
1541. I don't think so. My dad was not
murdered. He died of a bee sting.
Copy !req
1542. No, no, your father died of
an overdose of apitoxin...
Copy !req
1543. most commonly found in a bee sting,
which he happened to be allergic to.
Copy !req
1544. But that apitoxin...
Copy !req
1545. was administered by me.
Copy !req
1546. Shit!
Copy !req
1547. Think, Britt. You can figure this out,
my son, with your brains.
Copy !req
1548. It's almost like time slows down.
Copy !req
1549. That's right. Think. Slowly.
Copy !req
1550. Okay, two years ago,
Scanlon decides to run for DA.
Copy !req
1551. He says he's cleaning up
the streets of L.A...
Copy !req
1552. which is impossible.
Copy !req
1553. So he asked the media
to slant the news.
Copy !req
1554. And you go along with it
like everybody else?
Copy !req
1555. No way. I refused.
Copy !req
1556. So he— Shit! What does he do?
So Scanlon decides...
Copy !req
1557. to go really dirty.
Copy !req
1558. Makes a pact with a criminal.
Chudnofsky kills your reporter.
Copy !req
1559. Vertolibe? Vertoleeb?
Copy !req
1560. I didn't want more bloodshed,
so I stopped reporting on crime.
Copy !req
1561. To be honest,
in the last few years...
Copy !req
1562. this paper has dipped
in quality and ambition.
Copy !req
1563. Scanlon can hold up
his part of the deal...
Copy !req
1564. keeping the media under control,
and Chudnofsky does what he wants!
Copy !req
1565. To be honest...
Copy !req
1566. But Chudnofsky
had a different plan.
Copy !req
1567. He wanted to take over
all the gangs of L.A.
Copy !req
1568. So that's when you decided...
Copy !req
1569. to cut the strings.
Copy !req
1570. I couldn't look in the mirror.
I hated every word I said to you...
Copy !req
1571. that morning, Britt.
Copy !req
1572. So you start reporting
on crime again.
Copy !req
1573. And now Scanlon
is a dead man...
Copy !req
1574. unless he proves
he's still in control.
Copy !req
1575. He has no choice
but to organise...
Copy !req
1576. a meeting with you...
Copy !req
1577. and he kills you himself.
Copy !req
1578. In the end...
Copy !req
1579. you stood up
for what's right, Dad.
Copy !req
1580. Now I have to do the same.
Copy !req
1581. I can see by that expression you've
had on your face for five minutes...
Copy !req
1582. that you're piecing this together,
but it's no good.
Copy !req
1583. You're about to be killed
by the Green Hornet.
Copy !req
1584. What?
Copy !req
1585. The Green Hornet's sidekick!
He's got a gun!
Copy !req
1586. Bluff! Bluff!
Copy !req
1587. Eradicate!
Copy !req
1588. Before you do this,
I want you to know that I'm sorry.
Copy !req
1589. I'm sorry for everything.
Copy !req
1590. I forgive you.
Copy !req
1591. Hey, not me. Him, stupid.
Copy !req
1592. Confused? You should be.
Copy !req
1593. Go, go.
Copy !req
1594. Let's bail, Kato!
Copy !req
1595. Back here!
Copy !req
1596. We're cornered!
Copy !req
1597. Know what happens
when you corner a hornet?
Copy !req
1598. - No!
- You get stung!
Copy !req
1599. Oh, Je—!
Copy !req
1600. See? Backups.
Copy !req
1601. Go, go, go!
Copy !req
1602. What the hell?
He's supposed to kill Britt Reid!
Copy !req
1603. - He's shooting at me!
- Embark the vehicle!
Copy !req
1604. Okay, okay, okay.
Copy !req
1605. Are you okay?
Copy !req
1606. Wait. Yeah, I'm fine.
Copy !req
1607. My ouftit's back here.
Copy !req
1608. Britt Reid is the Green Hornet!
Copy !req
1609. I know.
You hired a guy to kill himself.
Copy !req
1610. Shut up!
Copy !req
1611. Britt Reid recorded
the whole conversation...
Copy !req
1612. on some sushi drive USB!
Copy !req
1613. We can't lose him!
Copy !req
1614. We're not losing him,
we're following him!
Copy !req
1615. Oh, Kato. Thank you.
Copy !req
1616. - I need to hug you to thank you!
- What the hell?
Copy !req
1617. Okay.
Copy !req
1618. - To the house?
- No!
Copy !req
1619. Here's the dilly yo.
Copy !req
1620. We gotta get this to The Sentinel.
It's got Scanlon spilling the beans.
Copy !req
1621. We're gonna put it on the Net.
Copy !req
1622. It's what my father
would have wanted.
Copy !req
1623. - You like your father now?
- Yes!
Copy !req
1624. You see, he wasn't a dick after all.
Copy !req
1625. Well, he was a dick, just not
really how we thought he was.
Copy !req
1626. At the end, he wasn't a di— It's
complicated. I'll explain later, okay?
Copy !req
1627. It's a lot of conflicting emotions.
Copy !req
1628. Let's roll, Britt.
Copy !req
1629. Here's the thing, honestly.
Copy !req
1630. I've been jealous of you
this entire time.
Copy !req
1631. - You're awesome. You built this car.
- I know.
Copy !req
1632. - You know karate. You're charming.
- Thank you!
Copy !req
1633. These guys are amazingly
well organised.
Copy !req
1634. Hold on!
Copy !req
1635. Yeah! Yeah!
Copy !req
1636. Oh, yeah!
Copy !req
1637. Burn them from the side!
Copy !req
1638. Door guns!
Copy !req
1639. What's a door gun?
Copy !req
1640. Here!
Copy !req
1641. The other side!
Copy !req
1642. Your turn!
Copy !req
1643. Oh, God!
Copy !req
1644. Oh, shit!
Copy !req
1645. We lost him!
Copy !req
1646. - He's gone! He's gone!
- Yeah!
Copy !req
1647. Shit! He's back!
Copy !req
1648. You gotta be kidding me.
Copy !req
1649. These guys are good!
Copy !req
1650. Over there, over there!
Copy !req
1651. We're not gonna make it, dude.
Copy !req
1652. We're not gonna make it!
Copy !req
1653. Yeah, we're gonna make it!
Copy !req
1654. That's a very big gun.
Copy !req
1655. Kato, be careful!
Copy !req
1656. Take the wheel.
Copy !req
1657. What?
Copy !req
1658. - Take the wheel.
- I can't!
Copy !req
1659. Yes, you can!
Copy !req
1660. Nunchucks? That was my idea!
Copy !req
1661. Where are you going?
Copy !req
1662. Are you okay?
What are you doing?
Copy !req
1663. Shit! Shit!
Copy !req
1664. Kato!
Copy !req
1665. Jesus!
Copy !req
1666. I don't know what anything does!
Copy !req
1667. Why didn't you do this in English?
Copy !req
1668. - What are you saying?
- Closer.
Copy !req
1669. Just jump in!
Copy !req
1670. Turn the knob!
Copy !req
1671. These guys are shooting at me!
Copy !req
1672. - Sorry! I'm sorry!
- Turn the knob!
Copy !req
1673. - I don't know how!
- Calm down!
Copy !req
1674. How do I stop it?
Copy !req
1675. Oh, God, I'm sorry.
Copy !req
1676. - It's on fire!
- It's okay.
Copy !req
1677. It's okay!
Copy !req
1678. Next time, don't touch anything.
Copy !req
1679. Kato! Look!
Copy !req
1680. We made it!
Copy !req
1681. - Kato, we made it!
- Hell, yeah!
Copy !req
1682. Yeah!
Copy !req
1683. - I can't.
- Okay, that's cool.
Copy !req
1684. Oh, we're screwed!
Copy !req
1685. Come on, hurry! Hurry up!
Copy !req
1686. Did you drop it?
Copy !req
1687. Yes.
Copy !req
1688. Shit!
Copy !req
1689. Go get it! I'll cover you!
Copy !req
1690. Wish me luck!
Copy !req
1691. Good luck!
Copy !req
1692. Dear Hornet...
Copy !req
1693. be it my mask...
Copy !req
1694. or your blood, red will be...
Copy !req
1695. the last—
Copy !req
1696. It's Britt Reid!
Copy !req
1697. There he is! Get him!
Copy !req
1698. Don't let them go!
Copy !req
1699. Come on!
Copy !req
1700. Get him! Get him!
Copy !req
1701. Let me shoot him!
Copy !req
1702. Oh, no.
Copy !req
1703. Shoot to kill!
Copy !req
1704. You brought a gas mask?
Copy !req
1705. Of course I brought a gas mask!
Copy !req
1706. Just for yourself?
Copy !req
1707. Where the—?
Copy !req
1708. There!
Copy !req
1709. There! Behind the paper!
Copy !req
1710. Over here!
Copy !req
1711. The helmet, it fogs up everything.
Copy !req
1712. There. There.
Copy !req
1713. Shoot, shoot.
Copy !req
1714. Kato!
Copy !req
1715. Kato, save me!
Copy !req
1716. I'm ungassable!
Copy !req
1717. Move it!
Copy !req
1718. That was dangerous.
Copy !req
1719. Drop me by the elevators,
I'll take it from here!
Copy !req
1720. No, we stay together!
Copy !req
1721. Get in the front seat!
Copy !req
1722. Quick! Quick!
Copy !req
1723. Tenth floor! Tenth floor!
Copy !req
1724. What works?
Copy !req
1725. - Missiles?
- Four missiles left.
Copy !req
1726. Hornet gun?
Copy !req
1727. Check. Machine guns?
Copy !req
1728. Check.
Copy !req
1729. Does it drive?
Copy !req
1730. Front-wheel drive.
Copy !req
1731. Get out!
Copy !req
1732. Get out of here!
Copy !req
1733. You can let me out here.
Copy !req
1734. Bazooka!
Copy !req
1735. Guy with a bazooka!
Copy !req
1736. Missile!
Copy !req
1737. Fire!
Copy !req
1738. Reload!
Copy !req
1739. Kato, they're here.
Copy !req
1740. Go be a journalist.
Copy !req
1741. I'll kick ass.
Copy !req
1742. There they are!
Copy !req
1743. There!
Copy !req
1744. Come on.
Copy !req
1745. I'm there.
Copy !req
1746. In one minute,
this'll be all over the world.
Copy !req
1747. Blue team, go!
Copy !req
1748. Start up.
Copy !req
1749. Shit!
Copy !req
1750. Yeah.
Copy !req
1751. There!
Copy !req
1752. Can you see him? I can't see him.
Copy !req
1753. Oh, I'm so stupid.
Copy !req
1754. All right, Reid!
Copy !req
1755. Hand over the thing.
Copy !req
1756. You want it?
Copy !req
1757. Go get it!
Copy !req
1758. Where is it? Where is it?
Copy !req
1759. I am Bloodnofsky.
Copy !req
1760. I killed a thousand before
and I'll kill a thousand more.
Copy !req
1761. Now tremble before your death.
Copy !req
1762. For be it my mask,
or be it your blood...
Copy !req
1763. red will be the last colour
you'll ever see.
Copy !req
1764. Britt.
Copy !req
1765. Britt!
Copy !req
1766. - Shit!
- Hey!
Copy !req
1767. End of the road, Scanlon.
Copy !req
1768. Okay, okay.
Let's just calm down.
Copy !req
1769. Hand over the sushi.
Copy !req
1770. Yeah, hand it over.
Copy !req
1771. We can talk about it.
Copy !req
1772. - On the ground, now!
- Get down!
Copy !req
1773. It's the Green Hornet. Shoot him!
Copy !req
1774. Britt, quick!
Copy !req
1775. I'm District Attorney Frank Scanlon!
Copy !req
1776. That is the Green Hornet.
Go shoot him!
Copy !req
1777. Down on the ground!
Copy !req
1778. Kato, I screwed up!
Copy !req
1779. Scanlon's gonna
get away scot-free!
Copy !req
1780. No, he's not.
Copy !req
1781. Don't move. Don't move.
Copy !req
1782. Holy shit!
Copy !req
1783. Ejector seats!
Copy !req
1784. You actually built them!
Copy !req
1785. It was a good idea.
Copy !req
1786. This is really scary.
Copy !req
1787. A high-speed chase
between the Green Hornet...
Copy !req
1788. and gang members has led
to The Daily Sentinel office...
Copy !req
1789. Oh, my God! I called it.
Copy !req
1790. leaving a trail of demolished cars
and trucks in their path.
Copy !req
1791. Here's the story: We're on our way
to a costume party. Okay?
Copy !req
1792. We gotta get out of our suits.
Copy !req
1793. Where the hell are we gonna go?
Copy !req
1794. No one knows why
the district attorney...
Copy !req
1795. Lenore!
Copy !req
1796. No, no, no.
Copy !req
1797. - Lenore, stop!
- No, wait!
Copy !req
1798. Stop. Lenore!
Copy !req
1799. Lenore! Wait.
Copy !req
1800. How do you know my name?
Copy !req
1801. Kato.
Copy !req
1802. - It's me.
- Oh, my God.
Copy !req
1803. You assholes!
Copy !req
1804. What the hell are you doing?
You guys are criminals!
Copy !req
1805. You're criminals! Oh, my God.
Copy !req
1806. - Stop.
- We're helping people.
Copy !req
1807. Why ask me to do research
on the Green Hornet...
Copy !req
1808. when you are
the Green Hornet?
Copy !req
1809. We don't know what we're doing.
We needed you. Don't you see?
Copy !req
1810. - You're the mastermind.
- What?
Copy !req
1811. This is the police. Open up.
Copy !req
1812. Please don't screw us.
We were trying to be good people.
Copy !req
1813. Think about it.
Copy !req
1814. Hello, officer, can I help you?
Copy !req
1815. We're looking for two masked men.
Seen anything?
Copy !req
1816. Yeah, of course.
Copy !req
1817. Really?
Copy !req
1818. They're all over the news
all the time.
Copy !req
1819. All right. Well, please report
anything suspicious.
Copy !req
1820. Absolutely.
Copy !req
1821. You guys are such stupid assholes!
Copy !req
1822. - What are you thinking?
- Please forgive us. Forgive me.
Copy !req
1823. - Are you crazy?
- Kiss and make up later.
Copy !req
1824. I don't kiss him!
Copy !req
1825. I got a bullet in me!
Copy !req
1826. You and I don't kiss! You guys
might kiss, but I don't kiss you!
Copy !req
1827. I've been shot in the shoulder.
Copy !req
1828. Well, then go to the hospital!
Copy !req
1829. No! Don't you see? The police
know the Green Hornet was...
Copy !req
1830. shot in the shoulder.
Copy !req
1831. If I go to the hospital,
they'll know I'm the Green Hornet.
Copy !req
1832. Yeah, you've been shot.
Copy !req
1833. - Here's what I need.
- What?
Copy !req
1834. Get me a spatula to bite
and a knife.
Copy !req
1835. You gotta dig this bullet
out of my meat. Do it.
Copy !req
1836. I'm cold.
Copy !req
1837. It's deep inside me.
Copy !req
1838. - Oh, God.
- Spatula.
Copy !req
1839. Okay, okay. Wait!
Copy !req
1840. - Sterilise it!
- What?
Copy !req
1841. Sterilise it.
Copy !req
1842. I don't wanna get gangrene.
Copy !req
1843. Say it, say it.
Copy !req
1844. Shon-di forever.
Copy !req
1845. - Here we go, this is hot. Let me see.
- Just wait.
Copy !req
1846. I'm not ready. Stop, stop, stop.
Copy !req
1847. Wait, it hurts.
Copy !req
1848. Okay, I can't do it.
Take me to the hospital.
Copy !req
1849. Would you just shut up?
Copy !req
1850. Okay, look, if I'm...
Copy !req
1851. the mastermind of this, just let me
have a second of silence...
Copy !req
1852. so I can figure this out! Okay?
Copy !req
1853. Mere hours ago...
Copy !req
1854. the Green Hornet and a group
of his criminal underlings...
Copy !req
1855. launched a horrendous attack
on this building...
Copy !req
1856. that claimed the life of
District Attorney Frank Scanlon.
Copy !req
1857. It's unfortunate, but...
Copy !req
1858. you know, that's what happens.
Copy !req
1859. The Daily Sentinel will be rebuilt.
Copy !req
1860. And to start that off...
Copy !req
1861. I am naming Mike Axford
the new editor in chief.
Copy !req
1862. Mike's great and he's
comfortable telling me off...
Copy !req
1863. so he's the perfect man
for the job.
Copy !req
1864. We have to get this paper
back to the ideals...
Copy !req
1865. that my father started it on.
Copy !req
1866. I wanna make him proud,
and I hope to...
Copy !req
1867. make this city proud of
The Daily Sentinel like never before.
Copy !req
1868. The Green Hornet
sends his regards.
Copy !req
1869. He shot me!
Copy !req
1870. Directly in the shoulder!
Copy !req
1871. The Green Hornet's sidekick
shot Britt Reid!
Copy !req
1872. Get me to the hospital!
Copy !req
1873. He's been shot in the shoulder!
Copy !req
1874. We gotta get him
to a hospital right away!
Copy !req
1875. It worked.
Copy !req
1876. Kato.
Copy !req
1877. Hey!
Copy !req
1878. We have a secret mission.
Copy !req
1879. we've done up till now is
complete and utter crap!
Copy !req
1880. This is all that matters.
Copy !req
1881. This is it.
Copy !req
1882. Let's roll, Kato.
Copy !req
1883. It's crooked.
Copy !req
1884. He's kind of—
Copy !req
1885. He's kind of looking...
Copy !req
1886. Down?
Copy !req
1887. It's fine.
Copy !req
1888. Doesn't matter.
Copy !req
1889. We did it.
Copy !req
1890. We did.
Copy !req
1891. The Green Hornet.
Copy !req
1892. His reliable partner...
Copy !req
1893. The Blue Wombat.
Copy !req
1894. Oh, man.
Copy !req
1895. Okay, how about
The Red Hippopotamus?
Copy !req
1896. No? Not Red Hippopotamus?
Copy !req
1897. Hippos are not red.
Copy !req
1898. I know. Hornets aren't green.
Who cares?
Copy !req
1899. The Orange Albatross.
Copy !req