Jack's lavish, fast-paced lifestyle changes one Christmas night when he stumbles into a grocery store holdup and disarms the gunman. The next morning he wakes up in bed lying next to Kate, his college sweetheart he left in order to pursue his career,...
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1. Created and Encoded by — Bokutox — of www.YIFY-TORRENTS.com. The Best 720p/1080p/3d movies with the lowest file size on the internet. Come and say hi to me; World of Warcraft - Terenas (EU) / Outland(PVP) (EU) - Bokutox
2. to London, Heathrow.
3. Okay.
4. I'm not even
5. Then it'll be
like I never left.
6. Okay?
7. Wait.
8. I have a really bad feeling
about this.
9. About the plane?
10. You think it's gonna crash?
Don't say that.
11. No. Look, I know that
we've talked about this
12. and we agreed that
going to London was
13. But in my heart...
this feels wrong.
14. Don't go, Jack.
You mean don't go at all?
15. Well, what—
what about my internship?
16. Believe me, I know—
I know what an incredible
17. For us, Kate.
Right, for us.
18. But I'm afraid that
if you get on that plane—
19. We're at the airport.
Nobody ever thinks clearly
20. So we should just trust
the decision we already made.
21. You've been accepted
to one of the best law schools
22. I've got this internship
at Barclay's Bank.
23. You wanna do something
great, Jack?
24. Let's flush the plan.
Let's start our lives
25. I mean, I have no idea
what this life is gonna
26. but I know that it has
the both of us in it,
27. The plan doesn't
make us great, Jack.
28. What we have together,
that's what makes us great.
29. - I love you, Kate.
- I love you too. I do.
30. And one year in London
is not gonna change that.
31. A hundred years
couldn't change that.
32. Experts are predicting
a mild rally in the bond market.
33. Last night was incredible.
34. I said, last night was great.
35. You are
an amazing lover.
36. Thanks.
You're not bad yourself.
37. - I wanna see you again.
- I'd like that too.
38. Tonight.
It's Christmas eve, Jack.
39. So? I'll pour
eggnog over you.
40. - I have to go visit
41. Jersey? Do you have
any idea what the traffic's
42. That's why I'm taking
the train.
43. It was nice
meeting you, Jack.
44. Mrs. Peterson.
Hello, Jack.
45. You don't have to stop
singing on my account.
46. So, when are you gonna leave
that old corpse, Mr. Peterson,
47. You know you could never
satisfy me the way he does.
48. Ah.
49. Merry Christmas,
Mr. Campbell.
50. How'd you make out
this year, Tony?
51. About four grand,
and a bottle of 25-year-old
52. I'm putting it all in
commercial paper like you said.
53. Good, but just until
the deutsche mark turns.
54. - Thank you, Mr. Campbell.
- All right.
55. Good morning, Joe.
Merry Christmas, sir.
56. Campbell wants
these available.
57. Better you than me.
58. If Med Tech shares fall
any lower than 43,
59. we're in trouble
with the stock valuations.
60. So for God's sake,
please watch what you say
61. We still have almost a full day
of trading before zero hour,
62. A penny for
63. Hmm? Oh, God, I'm sorry.
64. Jack, I was thinking about,
you know, Dee and the kids.
65. I promised
I'd be home for dinner.
66. - Oh, is that tonight?
67. You think I like being
here on Christmas eve, Alan?
68. No. Well, maybe.
69. Okay.
70. Okay, maybe I do have
a touch of tunnel vision
71. But in two days
we're going to announce...
72. one of the largest mergers
in U.S. corporate history.
73. When a deal like this turns up,
you get on it and you ride it
74. You don't ask it
for a vacation.
75. December 26. After that
there'll be so much money
76. it'll be like Christmas
every day.
77. December 26, people. If you'd
like to celebrate that day,
78. - You're right. I'm sorry.
- I don't want you to be sorry.
79. I want my gift to you
to be the first gift you open
80. Because my gift comes
81. You're right.
I'm focused. I'm there.
82. Good man. Everybody,
turn to page 12
83. You have six messages.
Two of them are imperative.
84. I'm not even here now.
Good night. Merry Christmas.
85. It's only 8:30.
I'm disappointed. Got some
86. You too? This holiday's about
giving. I'm giving everything
87. So in a way, I'm more
Christmassy than anybody.
88. Oh, and Oxford called.
Ooh, my suits are ready.
89. - Mm-hmm.
- Care for a Lifesaver?
90. No, thank you.
Help yourself.
91. Kate Reynolds.
Her assistant said you could
92. Kate Reynolds was
my girlfriend in college.
93. I almost married her.
94. Married?
Almost married.
95. And almost a broker
at E.F. Hutton.
96. She didn't want me
to go to London.
97. We're standing at the airport
saying good-bye,
98. So you left her.
99. - Wasn't easy.
- Oh, stop it.
100. I took the road
less traveled, Adelle.
101. And look where it took ya.
I'm gonna get this gal
102. Nope.
You almost married
103. You're not even curious
why she called?
104. She's probably just having
a fit of nostalgia.
105. Lonely Christmas eve. Called
the one that got away. Why
106. This happened
a very, very long time ago.
107. 8:35 on Christmas eve.
108. Jack Campbell still
at his desk.
109. Now there's
a Hallmark moment for you.
110. Peter, I don't see you
rushing home to trim the tree.
111. That's because
I'm a heartless bastard
112. Well, you know what?
God love you for that.
113. Got a call
from Terry Haight.
114. Bob Thomas is nervous.
115. That'll happen when you're
about to spend $130 billion
116. Somebody's gotta
nurse him through this.
117. Why are you staring
at my breasts, Peter?
118. I need you, tiger.
Where is he?
119. - Aspen.
- Call Aunt Irma and tell her
120. You're a credit
to capitalism, Jack.
121. Hey, Peter, let me
ask you a question.
122. An old girlfriend
calls you out of the blue
123. - What do you do?
- You suddenly having trouble
124. - Yeah.
- Leave it in the past.
125. Old flames are like
old tax returns—
126. put 'em in the file cabinet
for three years, and then
127. I'll leave from my office
tomorrow in the afternoon.
128. Call the group.
Schedule an emergency
129. That'll be a nice
little holiday treat.
130. Good night, Frank.
Hey, Mr. Campbell.
131. Why didn't you call down?
I would have had Joe
132. I'm thinking I'll walk tonight.
It's a nice night for it.
133. I'll send your car
home for you.
134. - And Merry Christmas
to you, sir.
135. Eggnog?
Yeah, dairy case.
136. Okay.
137. Hey, yo. Y'all
do the lotto here, right?
138. Yeah.
Cool. 'Cause I got a winner,
139. Certified, good as gold. I know
lotto keep a lot of brothers
140. Don't do me none, son,
'cause I'd be like—
141. Bang on the lottery!
You know what I mean?
142. Relax, son. Relax.
I got you four numbers.
143. 6, 14, 16, 49.
That's a winner, son.
144. $238, B.
Cheddar coming.
145. Give me my money.
I'm sorry. Your ticket bad.
146. What are you talking about, B. ?
You draw in the lines with
147. Yo, buster,
check the ticket, son.
148. Yo, you ain't even looked
at the ticket. You looking
149. You get out now!
You take the ticket
150. Next customer in line!
151. You get out or I call 9-1-1.
152. Oh, my God!
153. Check the ticket, stupid.
154. Look at the ticket.
Shit, now I'm gonna
155. That's my word. You best
check that ticket, fool!
156. Was I talking to you?
157. Maybe I'll buy it from you.
You know, make a little
158. Stupid-ass white boy in
$2,000 suit gets capped trying
159. That's what you wanna see?
You wanna see Cash up in here?
160. Do you wanna die?
161. Do you want to die?
162. No.
163. Look, I'm talking about
a business deal.
164. Okay? I buy the ticket
from you for $200.
165. I take it to a store where
the guy behind the counter
166. I just made myself
a quick $38.
167. Like I said, it's—
168. it's just a business deal.
169. All right. Yeah.
170. All right.
171. You blew it, B.
You blew it.
172. The ticket was real.
Damn, you had your chance too.
173. Come on, Jack.
Let's get out of here.
174. How'd you know my name
was Jack?
175. I call
all you guys Jack.
176. Here. Nice doing
business with ya.
177. Hey. Hey, um—
178. What do you want to carry
that gun around for anyway?
179. You're just gonna wind up
doing something you regret.
180. You're talking
to the wrong person
181. I mean, there must be
programs out there
182. Wait a minute.
Are you actually trying
183. This is bananas.
184. This man thinks
I need to be saved, yo!
185. Well, everybody
needs something.
186. Yeah? Well, what
do you need, Jack?
187. Me?
You just said,
188. I got everything I need.
189. Wow. It must be great
being you.
190. I'm not saying that you'd be
able to do it without some hard
191. and possibly some medicine.
192. You know, I'm gonna
really enjoy this.
193. You just remember that
you did this, Jack, okay?
194. You brought this
on yourself.
195. Merry Christmas.
196. Mmm, ten more minutes, Jack.
197. It's Christmas.
198. - Who's here?
- Rise and shine.
199. Don't you think
we should open some presents?
200. - I think you should give Mama
five more minutes in bed.
201. Can we do that?
202. - It's Christmas!
- Look, your sister's
203. What is this dog
doing on the bed?
204. Did Santa come?
I don't know.
205. - Let's go see the presents.
- You wanna get some presents?
206. Mommy just needs
to wake up.
207. Jack. Strong coffee.
208. Oh, Jack.
Merry Christmas, dear.
209. Lorraine. Ed.
210. Hey, Jack, you old bird dog.
Merry Christmas to ya.
211. Talk to him. One day a year
away from the Ponderosa.
212. - I don't think
that's asking too much.
213. Tell her, Jack, for God's sake.
You're the only one around here
214. - I need some eggnog.
- 'Course you do, sweet thing.
215. Excuse me.
Where you going,
216. Josh, Annie, giddyup!
Where's my car?
217. What?
Where's my Ferrari?
218. What the hell are you talking—
What's he talking about?
219. Let me borrow your car
and then I promise
220. My Caddy?
Drive your own damn car.
221. Oh, just let him borrow
your precious Cadillac,
222. There's a perfectly
good minivan sitting out there
223. What the hell's wrong
with him anyway?
224. - Tony, thank God!
- Sorry, pal. Entrance is for
225. What? What are
you talking about?
226. Jack Campbell, penthouse "C."
What's the matter with you?
227. Mrs. Peterson, I think
there's something wrong
228. Who is this man?
229. Oh, come on.
What is going on
230. Is this like a, uh—
a Christmas joke?
231. "Who is this man?"
Well, we're on the co-op board
232. And we fought side by side
for garbage disposals.
233. And every morning we exchange
quasi-sexual witty banter.
234. Okay?
Shall I call the cops?
235. No, I'm gonna call the cops!
You're scaring me.
236. - No, no, no, no.
- Thank you for not
237. Now, I'm going upstairs,
I'm gonna get some sleep.
238. Sleep you shall.
Noblesse oblige isn't dead.
239. Let's, um—Let's get you
some help. Surely there's a
240. A shelter?
241. Hey, hey, are you
smacked out of your head?
242. I'm the richest man in
this building! I've got twice
243. And I'm going upstairs.
Take a walk, pal.
244. Oh, not cool.
Not cool!
245. You wanna get cute?
Get cute.
246. I'm gonna go to my office.
I'm gonna file a complaint
247. I'm gonna have you fired, Tony.
And, Mrs. Peterson, you're on
248. So you better just stop
whatever this is
249. Oh, yeah.
Oh. Oh, yeah.
250. Oh, come on!
251. Frank, you won't believe
what's been happening to me.
252. Hold it right there.
Where's Mintz?
253. The building is closed, pal.
You have to come back tomorrow.
254. Frank, why do I feel
the need to remind you that
255. I don't care who you are.
It's Christmas, and like I told
256. I don't think
you heard me correctly.
257. I'm Jack Campbell.
258. Jack Campbell!
259. President!
260. Have a nice holiday, man.
261. - That's my car!
- Hi, Jack.
262. - You stole my car.
- I know this whole thing is
263. and you're feeling
quite shocked, but just hop in.
264. I'll explain everything
to you, okay?
265. Come on.
266. Come on.
267. You're probably gonna
wanna buckle up, Jack.
268. - What's happening to me?
- Breathe into the bag, Jack.
269. This kind of thing makes
a lot of guys have to throw up.
270. So if you feel the urge,
you roll down the window
271. Try not to get
272. After all, you brought
this on yourself.
273. Brought what on myself?
I didn't do anything!
274. " I got everything I need."
That sound familiar?
275. You mean 'cause you thought
I was cocky, I'm now on
276. Bag yourself, Jack.
277. Oh, my God! Ah!
278. The way you intervened
in that store last night, you
279. I mean, it was
incredibly impressive all
280. Oh, God!
to the upper echelons
281. Please just tell me
what's happening to me
282. without the mumbo-jumbo.
283. This is a glimpse, Jack.
A glimpse?
284. I—A glimpse of what?
285. You're gonna have to
figure that out for yourself
286. - How much time?
- As much time as it takes,
287. which in your case is probably
gonna be considerable.
288. Okay, look, look. I-I-I
just want my life back, okay?
289. Now, what's it gonna take?
You wanna talk turkey?
290. Let's talk turkey.
How much money?
291. - It doesn't work like that,
and I can't tell you why.
292. Because you have to figure
this thing out for yourself.
293. Are you listening to me?
Figure it out, figure it out.
294. - Let it come to you, man.
- I don't have time for this
295. - I'm in the middle of a deal.
- Well, you're working on
296. What's this?
Open it.
297. What is it,
some kind of a signal?
298. Will you come
299. Now you gotta
get out of the car, Jack.
300. But what do I do?
I'm sorry. I can't spend
301. I got some other business
I gotta take care of.
302. You can't just
leave me like this.
303. Okay. Look, you wanna
get some air? Let's get
304. We'll walk and I'll explain
everything to you, okay?
305. - Thanks, man.
- Sure.
306. Excuse me. Do you know
where Merrison Street is?
307. Jeannie.
308. I found Jack.
Oh, there you are, stranger.
309. Where you been?
310. You look terrible.
Truth is, I expected you.
311. Kate called and asked
if I knew where you were, so—
312. Oh, I put the Barcalounger
in the center of the room.
313. What do you think?
314. It's a great room.
Great room.
315. You and me, buddy,
we know how to live, huh?
316. Come on.
317. Come on, Jack.
Come on—
318. Whoo!
319. Come on, buddy.
Take your seat.
320. Are you okay?
321. I mean, you take off Christmas
morning and you don't tell
322. - We're friends?
- Talk to me.
323. I'm having kind of
a bad day.
324. You know, I read somewhere
that the suicide rate doubles
325. What am I saying that for?
You don't wanna hear that.
326. Is it—
Is it trouble at work?
327. I—I don't think so.
328. Well, it's not Kate,
is it?
329. You see, huh?
It's like we're inside
330. Kate's my wife.
331. Just keep saying it over
and over again, Jack,
332. Look, you know,
you fit the profile exactly—
333. in your 30s, house, kids,
financial responsibilities.
334. You start thinking
this isn't the life
335. Where's the romance,
you know?
336. Where's the joie de vivre?
337. Suddenly every lingerie ad
in the Newark Star-Ledger...
338. represents a life
that you can't have.
339. It's just two kids,
340. Come on. Come on.
341. All right, sometimes
it feels like you gave up
342. But look what you got.
Look at that:
343. two-and-a-half baths,
a partially finished basement.
344. And good kids.
Look. You know what?
345. You probably don't wanna
hear this right now.
346. But remember last summer when
I almost had that thing with
347. You remember what
you said to me?
348. You said, " Don't screw up
the best thing in your life...
349. just because
you're a little unsure
350. Okay?
351. Go get 'em, tiger.
352. Could you hold on
a second?
353. Um, never mind because—
because he just walked in.
354. Thank you. Thank you.
355. Do you... have any idea
what you put us through today?
356. You walk out of here
at 7:30 in the morning.
357. You don't tell me
where you're going,
358. And I don't see you
till hours later?
359. I called all of our friends.
I had the state troopers
360. I was on the phone
with the hospital,
361. What kind of man leaves his
family Christmas morning without
362. What kind of a man
does that, Jack?
363. Could you—Could you please
stop yelling at me?
364. Where were you?
I was in the city.
365. The city?
New York City?
366. Yeah.
367. Because that's where I live.
Don't start, Jack.
368. Look, you don't understand.
369. I—I—I woke up
this morning here.
370. And this is very strange
371. this isn't my house.
372. And those aren't my kids.
373. I-I-I'm not a dad.
You're not my wife.
374. You know what, Jack.
It's not funny this time...
375. because I am really mad.
376. I mean, really mad.
I mean it.
377. I don't even—
378. What—
379. What's that?
380. I like it.
Thanks, Dad.
381. That's mine. Hey,
I need that back.
382. She took my bell.
383. You missed the whole thing—
384. the pancakes
and the presents.
385. You spent six hours
putting that bike together
386. and then you didn't even
get to see the look on her face
387. You missed Christmas, Jack.
388. I'm sorry.
389. You know, we don't even
390. And at least you're okay.
I'm okay, we're okay.
391. But you've gotta get dressed
for the Thompson party.
392. I don't care how hilarious
you think it is.
393. Party? No, I'm not
going to a party.
394. You look forward
to this party all year.
395. Believe me, Kate.
I really don't think
396. is the right move for me
at the present time.
397. Okay, fine. You know what?
Then you just do
398. What are you doing?
Telling my mother she doesn't
399. Why not?
Because you'll be here.
400. I'll be ready in ten minutes.
401. This is—This is
just subpar.
402. Lance, here you go.
403. Excuse me.
404. Kate. Jack.
405. Come in. Hey, everybody,
Kate and Jack are here.
406. Hey!
407. Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas.
408. Jack,
Merry Christmas.
409. Whoops.
410. So, like the dress?
Oh, it's lovely.
411. I thought
I saw you notice it
412. It's lovely.
It's lovely.
413. There he is.
414. Hey, Jack.
Happy holidays, man.
415. Jack, come on over.
416. Hey, Jack.
Cheers, baby.
417. You guys see Van Horn
last night?
418. That kid's gonna take
the Nets to the championship.
419. They suck.
420. But they're due.
They're certainly due.
421. So, tomorrow's
the big day, Jackie.
422. Okay. Why?
423. My triple bypass.
424. I'm going
under the knife tomorrow.
425. Triple bypass.
426. You really think you
should be eating all that?
427. Figure I'm going in
for a cleaning tomorrow.
428. Might as well load up
on the fried stuff tonight,
429. That's good thinking, Bill.
Have another drink.
430. Some fried pork,
mashed potatoes.
431. - How 'bout a cigar, Jack?
- Oh, no, thank you.
432. - Come on. They're
American made, not Cuban.
433. Come on.
434. Very nice.
I thought you'd like 'em.
435. Mm. Mmm!
436. Superb.
437. How 'bout you, Arnie?
I'm all right. Thanks.
438. Finger food?
No, thank you.
439. Come on.
Soon as I put 'em down,
440. You always do.
No, I'm okay.
441. Let me. They will melt
in your mouth.
442. Yeah.
443. Good?
444. At the end of this whole thing,
she made me this
445. It was really lovely.
446. So I'm slipping it on and
I notice that she's misspelled
447. Uh-oh.
I spent the entire day
448. with a sweater that said,
" Nonprofit layers
449. So you're a lawyer?
450. A nonprofit lawyer?
451. Probono.
452. - You don't get paid at all?
Nobody makes a dime?
453. "Any hoo—"
454. I better go wake my mom.
There you go.
455. Uh, I don't think so.
456. - She's your dog, Jack.
- No, she's not.
457. You're right.
She's the kids' dog.
458. Maybe we should go wake Josh
and make him walk her.
459. If you take a dump sometime
in this century, then we could
460. If I can even remember
how to get home.
461. You remember,
don't you, girl?
462. Hello?
463. - Hey!
- What?
464. Oh. That baby's crying.
465. And?
466. Don't give me that look,
Jack. Tuesday's your day
467. And listen, try and get Josh
to day care on time, okay?
468. Yeah.
469. All right.
470. Holy Mother of God!
471. Ohh!
472. You're not really
my dad, are you?
473. No, I'm not.
474. I work on Wall Street,
you know, with
475. I live in an apartment
with a doorman.
476. And I can buy
almost anything I want.
477. This isn't my life.
It's just a glimpse.
478. Where's my real dad?
479. I don't know.
But don't worry.
480. He loves you, and I'm sure
he'll be back very soon.
481. What are you doing?
482. They did a pretty good job.
483. Who did?
484. The aliens
in the mother ship.
485. You look just like him.
486. Oh, thanks.
487. Slightly better looking
though, right?
488. Oh, no, you're not gonna
start crying, are you?
489. I don't think I could
really deal with that right now.
490. Do you like kids?
491. On a case by case basis.
492. Do you know how
to make chocolate milk?
493. I—I think I could
figure it out.
494. Promise you won't kidnap
me and my brother...
495. and plant stuff
in our brains?
496. Sure.
497. Welcome to Earth.
498. This is where babies go
when their parents
499. Check.
500. Just push the red button.
501. Okay.
502. Do I get a receipt
or something?
503. I have winter camping
till 4:00 and ballet class
504. 5:30. Okay.
And try not to be late...
505. 'cause kids don't like to be
the last one picked up.
506. Bye.
507. - Hey, Annie.
Where do I go now?
508. Big Ed's Tires?
509. - 'Cause you work there.
- You mean I sell tires.
510. That's what I do.
I'm a tire salesman.
511. Good Lord!
512. - Morning, Jack.
- Hi.
513. - Good morning, Jack.
- Hi.
514. Hey, Jack.
515. Jack, my boy.
516. Hey, guess who I played
bridge with two nights ago.
517. Hell, you'll never guess.
518. One Sydney Potter.
That's Sydney Potter,
519. Only the third biggest
trucking outfit in the state.
520. "Any hoo, " he's looking
for a new parts supplier.
521. We can handle volume
like that, now can't we, Jack?
522. I'm gonna have to
get back to you on that, Ed.
523. Right on.
524. Right on.
525. Excuse me. Uh, do I—
do I have a private office
526. Sure, Jack.
527. Where is it?
528. Oh, uh, it's—
529. it's right back—
right back there.
530. Thank you.
531. Oh, no.
532. You must've needed this
every day.
533. What are you smiling about?
534. Eighty-eight?
535. I was in London in 1988.
536. You never went to London.
537. Jack, you're needed in mag
538. I was the number one
junior sales associate
539. Did you know that?
Uh, no.
540. That's great.
541. That's the kind of thing
you could really build on,
542. Uh-huh. Yeah.
I mean, sales has always been
543. Uh-huh.
544. Well, look, here we are.
The mag wheels. Mag wheels.
545. Oh.
546. Hey, Jack, um,
are you sure you're okay?
547. Well, I'm just
a little confused right now
548. Uh—
549. I just started here
last Tuesday, so—
550. The closing tip was
551. Much of the market's action
today was fueled by the latest
552. to hit Wall Street...
553. when Global Health Systems
and Med Tech Pharmaceutical
554. to join forces in a massive
$122 billion stock swap deal,
555. the largest ever
in the health care industry.
556. When asked about the possible
anti-competitive implications,
557. Global chairman Bob Thomas
referred reporters...
558. to P.K. Lassiter & Company
president Alan Mintz,
559. - That's my deal!
- Ironically, Mintz first met
560. While coaching their pregnant
wives, Mintz and Thomas...
561. struck up a dialog,
and two months later,
562. He wasn't the architect!
I'm the architect!
563. Labor department officials
announced today that 275,000
564. The kids are asleep.
565. The kids, hon.
566. Sweetheart, I said
the kids are asleep.
567. That's just great.
Those little monkeys
568. Hey, I was watching that.
569. Not tonight.
570. Please leave
my socks alone.
571. Wait.
572. - You want me.
- That is the general idea,
573. Oh, well, maybe we should
grab a bottle of wine first.
574. Kind of break the ice.
575. Yeah, that's very funny.
Look, it's 10:30.
576. By 11:00 you're gonna be
snoring like a monster,
577. but that's very sweet.
578. I'll remember that
for next time.
579. Whatever you say...
580. Yeah.
581. Oh, God, you're beautiful.
582. Thanks, Jack.
583. No, I'm serious.
584. You're really stunning.
585. This is good stuff.
I want you to keep this up.
586. You were always
a very pretty girl in college.
587. But this—
588. You've really grown
589. How can you do that?
590. What?
591. Look at me like you
haven't seen me every day
592. Okay, wait. Don't move.
Don't look.
593. Stay right there.
594. I got something.
595. Good night, sweetheart.
596. Okay, we're almost
out of here.
597. Mary Janes, Mommy.
You promised.
598. That's right.
I did promise.
599. We're gonna stop
at the kids' shoe
600. and then I gotta
pick up my watch
601. Then I'm gonna go
to the linen store.
602. Why don't we go
to all the stores?
603. Every single store
in this god forsaken
604. Wouldn't that
be exciting?
605. You know what?
Why don't I take the kids,
606. and you just stay here
and hang out
607. Come on, hon.
608. It's perfect
for your frame.
609. Why don't you try it on?
610. I might want to take
an inch out of the back.
611. Lengthen the sleeve.
612. You look amazing
in that suit.
613. I mean, really—
614. Off the charts, great.
615. It's an unbelievable thing.
616. Wearing this suit
actually makes me feel
617. I'm gonna buy it.
618. It's $2, 400.
619. Are you out of your mind?
Come on, let's go.
620. She got those shoes.
Those shoes were $25.
621. Come on.
Take it off, all right?
622. We'll go to the food court
and get one of those
623. Daddy's a crazy guy.
624. No.
625. No.
626. Do you have any idea
what my life is like?
627. - Excuse me?
- I wake up in the morning
628. I drop the kids off,
629. spend eight hours
selling tires retail.
630. Retail, Kate.
631. I pick the kids up,
walk the dog,
632. which, by the way,
carries the added bonus...
633. of carting away
her monstrous crap.
634. I play with the kids,
take out the garbage,
635. get six hours of sleep
if I'm lucky.
636. Then everything starts
all over again.
637. So what's in it for me?
638. Wh-Where are my Mary Janes?
639. You know, it's sad to hear
that your life is such
640. I can't believe it isn't
a disappointment to you!
641. Jesus, Kate, I could
have been a thousand times
642. I could have been
one of the richest—
643. How could you do this to me?
How could you let me give up
644. Really, I want to know.
645. Who are you?
646. All right, look.
I'm sorry.
647. I'm sorry I was such
648. and I'm such a prick now!
649. But maybe I'm just not...
650. the same guy that I was
when we got married.
651. You know what?
Maybe you're not.
652. Because the Jack Campbell
I married would not need
653. to feel better
about his life.
654. But I'm telling you,
if that's what it's
655. Jesus!
We 'll take the money out
656. Forget it.
We'll get a funnel cake.
657. It'll be the highlight
of my week.
658. Listen, I'm really sorry
about that back in the store.
659. I don't want to fight
with you.
660. I just sometimes wonder
how we ended up here,
661. I mean, back in college,
d-did you see us here?
662. Life has thrown us
a few surprises.
663. It really has, hasn't it?
664. Yeah. So, if you had to,
what would you say
665. Just out of curiosity.
I'm just asking.
666. - Well, Annie, for one.
- Surprise, we're pregnant.
667. Yeah, that must have been.
668. I mean, that—that was.
That was a very
669. - What are you gonna do?
- I think it turned out
670. Yeah.
I really like Annie.
671. Well, good, Jack.
Maybe we'll keep her.
672. No, I love her.
I love Annie.
673. I'm just—
674. We had a lot of good times,
didn't we?
675. Do you remember
the place on Charles Street
676. Charles Street?
677. In the village?
678. When we were living
in Greenwich Village.
679. Yeah. Yeah, yeah.
Great times. Great place.
680. Why did we ever leave?
681. You can't really raise a kid
in an apartment in the village.
682. Then there was the whole trek
out to the hospital.
683. You were great. I mean,
surviving the heart attack
684. - You had a heart attack?
- Hey, Jack, stop that.
685. 'Cause I am—
I'm still mad at you.
686. Who knows what would
have happened if you hadn't
687. That's why I work
for Big Ed.
688. That's why I work
for Big Ed. Yeah.
689. So we had a baby,
Big Ed had a heart attack.
690. Bought that house,
and I've been working
691. Sayonara, Wall Street.
692. Our life in a nutshell.
693. If you want to
look at it that way.
694. How would you look at it?
695. A great success story.
696. What do you say, Jack?
Show 'em how to do it, baby.
697. - Damn!
- Jesus, Jack.
698. It's a league match.
Where's your follow through?
699. You know what?
I'm doing the best I can.
700. It's okay, Jack.
701. Why am I so competitive
702. You can still
pick up that spare.
703. Here we go.
Hurt 'em.
704. You're Jack Campbell.
You're better than the sport.
705. You shot the rapids in Kanai.
You ran with the bulls
706. You've jumped out of an airplane
over the Mojave Desert,
707. You can do this.
You can do this.
708. Yes! Victorious!
709. Ha-ha? Ah-ha?
710. Huh? All right!
711. High five!
712. You're up.
Go get 'em.
713. Hi, Jack.
714. Evelyn, right?
715. I saw you on lane 20.
You got the flu
716. Something like that,
717. Need a nurse?
718. Are you a nurse?
719. If that's what you want.
720. Hey, wait a minute.
721. Um, don't run away.
722. Are we—
723. Are we what, Jack?
724. Well—
725. Is there something
going on between us?
726. Are we finally
being honest?
727. It would help me
if we were.
728. Okay. You're right.
729. We've been dancing
around this for years.
730. Here goes.
731. When I get dressed
for a party, and I know
732. let's just say
I don't go strapless
733. I've got six sets
of snow tires piled up
734. and I won't even drive
in the snow.
735. And our kids
just happen to be...
736. in the same ballet class
every year.
737. So, if you're asking
whether I'd like it
738. the answer's yes.
739. Kate would never
have to know.
740. Do I have your number?
741. Steve's out of town
with the kids this weekend.
742. Why don't you
just stop by?
743. Hey, Jack.
You're all flushed.
744. I feel good.
Guess that 71 took
745. No. I just saw
Evelyn Thompson.
746. She's relentless.
747. She wants to have
an affair with me.
748. - She said that?
- Pretty much.
749. What is it about you?
750. So... if you would write
her exact address down there.
751. You have a pen? Please.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
752. You're not actually thinking
about cheating on Kate?
753. Well, it wouldn't really
be cheating, Arnie.
754. It's complicated.
755. Maybe I haven't been as good
a consigliere as you've been
756. A little flirtation
is harmless,
757. but you're dealing
with fire here, man.
758. The Fidelity Bank and Trust
is a tough creditor.
759. You make a deposit
somewhere else, they
760. forever, all right?
761. Arnie, I don't want
your head to explode,
762. but I'm telling you,
those rules don't apply to me.
763. I-I'm not even—
764. I'm not talking about rules.
I'm talking about—
765. Y-You're—
766. There isn't a guy
in Union County who wouldn't
767. to be with Kate,
all right?
768. She's amazing, and you're
gonna fuck it up.
769. Just think about that,
all right?
770. Hey, honey.
How was the game?
771. Long and boring
and generally pretty sad.
772. Arnie seemed to enjoy it.
773. Sort of.
774. Hey, where's
that chocolate cake?
775. - Do you mean
this chocolate cake?
776. I was saving it because I
got nauseated by that precooked
777. Mmm. Mmm.
It's good.
778. Give me that cake.
779. No way.
780. Come on.
I'm sorry.
781. It's too important to me.
782. I want that cake!
783. You want this cake?
I want it.
784. Thank you.
785. It's good, right?
786. Oh, God!
787. Are the kids asleep?
788. Mm-hmm.
789. Mm.
790. Mmm.
791. Say it to me, Jack.
792. You know what I
like to hear.
793. I know, baby.
I know what you
794. Tell me.
Tell me, tell me.
795. You're a bad girl, baby.
You make me so hot.
796. What?
797. Not it?
798. Nice, Jack.
799. What?
Sweeping me off my feet.
800. You make me hot.
801. What do you say, everyone?
802. This is a little birthday
party for Katie.
803. Good to see you kids
still together.
804. Happy birthday.
Very exciting.
805. Thank you.
Look what happens
806. Jack? The man.
Yes. Yes.
807. Do you have anything
to say to your lovely wife
808. You happy she was born?
Hey, hey!
809. That's funny, Jack.
You know what?
810. Wow, your birthday.
It's—You're my wife.
811. You are my wife.
Today is your birthday.
812. Well, actually,
I do have one thing
813. And God,
I hope you like it.
814. Bill?
815. - Oh, no.
816. - Yes.
817. You wore that shirt last year,
by the way. Just so you know.
818. Ahh!
819. Sweet.
820. Get down, Jack.
821. Happy birthday,
822. Yeah.
823. Yeah, Jack!
824. There's love in the air.
825. He loves her.
It's official.
826. Mmm. Come on,
it's time to get up, honey.
827. Go, go.
828. Good morning, Joshie.
829. Happy anniversary, honey.
830. Now, listen, before you
do whatever crazy stunt
831. I want you
to open mine first.
832. Maybe I should wait.
833. No! Come on!
Come on, come on, come on.
834. Zeena?
835. I found it
at an outlet store.
836. Look, I know it's a knock off,
but I think it's gonna
837. You—
838. Ah, enjoy it, sweetheart.
839. Uh—
840. Yeah, uh—You're probably
expecting something from me.
841. Um, here's the thing.
842. I hadn't really planned
on giving you your
843. until tonight.
844. You know, anniversary's
good all day.
845. What are you talking about?
You can never wait all day.
846. You can't even wait
till it's light out.
847. I know. I know.
That's me. It's true.
848. And—But, um,
849. it's funny.
850. You forgot.
851. You actually forgot
our anniversary.
852. I'll fix it.
I'll go out right now
853. I'll make it right.
854. Let me know if
there's enough chocolate
855. Mm, not bad.
856. I should have warned you.
857. Dad always does
something really special
858. Like what?
One year he had a star
859. He had a star
named after her?
860. Well, that's nice,
but isn't that
861. Mom liked it.
862. Maybe there's a jewelry store
at the mall. I can pick her up
863. That's good, but...
864. you did forget
the anniversary.
865. That's right.
That is a major oversight.
866. So, if I'm Kate,
I can't afford
867. My husband's career
is definitely a crushing
868. I'm trapped in suburbia.
869. Did he ever take her
to the city?
870. Now you're getting
the hang of it.
871. Jack, can we afford
872. I'm taking my baby out
for our anniversary.
873. We'll have the Terrine
of Quail Breast with
874. Then the Veal Medallions
in Raspberry Truffle Sauce.
875. And the Sea Scallops
with Pureed Artichoke Hearts.
876. Very good, sir.
And may I say, those are all
877. You may. Also, we'll have
a bottle of Lafite, '82.
878. Honey, that's an $800
bottle of wine.
879. We'll just have some red wine
by the glass.
880. You are so not
off the hook yet, Slick.
881. But I'm getting close,
882. You wanna dance?
883. I-I don't think
there's dancing here, Jack.
884. Sure, there is.
Come on.
885. Not bad for a tire salesman
from New Jersey.
886. I have my moments.
887. You gotta try
one of these.
888. Ahh.
889. God, I miss that taste.
890. I need to tell you
891. Okay.
892. I think it may help us,
893. but there's a slight chance
it could make things worse.
894. I'm living
someone else's—
895. I feel like I'm living
someone else's life.
896. I remember I used to
walk to work, and, uh,
897. I had a warm bialy
in my hand,
898. and a hot cup of coffee
from Dean & Deluca,
899. the crisp feeling
of The Wall Street Journal,
900. the smell of leather
from my briefcase.
901. I used to be so sure
about everything,
902. You know, I-I knew
exactly who I was...
903. and what I wanted.
904. And then one morning,
I woke up...
905. and suddenly
it was all different.
906. Worse, do you mean?
907. Well, maybe a few things,
908. but mostly just different.
909. And it's okay.
910. But I never used to
be like this, Kate.
911. I was the guy
who had it all figured out.
912. I had no doubts.
I had no regrets.
913. And now?
914. Now I don't.
915. I don't have it
all figured out.
916. Me neither.
917. But you always seem
so certain.
918. Do you think
there aren't mornings
919. and wonder, "What the hell
am I doing in New Jersey?"
920. Yeah.
921. Yeah.
My office is a dump.
922. I answer my own phone,
and you seen my paycheck.
923. Your paycheck is a disgrace
to paychecks.
924. Can you imagine a life...
925. where everything
was just easy?
926. You know, where you ask
for things, and people
927. It's wonderful.
928. I think about it too.
929. I do.
930. I wonder about what kind
of life I would have had.
931. And?
932. Then I realize I've just erased
all the things in my life.
933. You and the kids.
934. Good things.
935. Yeah.
936. What are you sure about?
937. I'm sure that right now,
938. there's nowhere else
I'd rather be.
939. Oh.
940. Oh, Jack.
941. You like it?
942. This is beautiful.
943. You know champagne
makes me do crazy things.
944. I'll just fill yours
up to the top.
945. I don't know
how you did it, Hoss,
946. I'm out
of the doghouse?
947. Happy anniversary,
948. You may even get lucky
tonight, Jack.
949. You're so beautiful.
950. I already told you
you were gonna get lucky.
951. My God.
952. All this time,
953. I never stopped
loving you.
954. That's all I wanted
955. I'm gonna wear
the usual today.
956. What are you thinking?
957. You want to come
to work with Dad,
958. It's fun.
I'm pretty good at it.
959. Who's this? Who's that?
Who is that?
960. Who's on that tie?
961. That's Grandpa.
962. Yes.
963. Jack!
964. Mmm.
965. Have a great day.
966. For the money,
this is hands down
967. Okay.
I guess I'll take 'em.
968. You won't regret it.
969. Would you set Mr. Collin up
with four B.F. Goodrich
970. Give him ten percent off
for having the best costume.
971. You bet.
Right this way, sir.
972. Tell me, does the tire
smell good?
973. Remember our
974. balance and alignment
for free!
975. How are you doing today?
It just blew out on me.
976. Do you have a tire
like that?
977. I seem to have
some sort of a blowout here.
978. - Why don't you let me
take this one, Kenny?
979. Peter Lassiter.
980. Do I know you?
Not exactly.
981. I've seen you on CN BC.
You look taller
982. Truth is, Mintz was so busy
timing his wife's breathing,
983. he didn't realize that
Med Tech needed Global more
984. Ten days, two weeks tops,
they would have approached
985. I'm willing to bet anything
it would have been
986. The trouble is, Peter,
you had a pussycat
987. What you needed
was a Doberman.
988. I'm impressed.
I really am.
989. Now, about my car.
990. Sure. We're gonna have to
special order that tire,
991. so it'll be ready
in a couple of days.
992. All right.
This is my office address.
993. Why don't you drop off
the car yourself?
994. We're really more
of a boutique operation,
995. But you're not interested
in boutique dollars.
996. He's expecting you,
Mr. Lassiter.
997. Alan,
this is Jack Campbell,
998. the one I was
telling you about.
999. Of course.
Jack. Hi.
1000. No, just call me Alan.
We like to cultivate a very
1001. I can see that.
What can I tell you?
1002. Uh, actually, yes.
Two of them. Good ones.
1003. Great, great.
Why don't you have a seat?
1004. Peter mentioned to me
that you're an avid
1005. But he didn't say
whether you had any actual
1006. Um, I was a sales associate
at E.F. Hutton.
1007. A broker, really?
1008. And now you're in
the tire business?
1009. That's right.
And auto supply.
1010. In the retail end,
I understand.
1011. We get about 60 percent
of our business
1012. And do you mind me asking
what kind of sales you did
1013. Just ball park.
We did 1.7 million
1014. 1.7. That's great.
1015. And what do you project
for this year?
1016. I think we're gonna have
a banner year.
1017. Sales are up
almost 20 percent
1018. and we just landed
a major trucking company
1019. You did? That's great.
So that puts you just a tad
1020. That's right.
And that would make us
1021. Excuse me. I'm gonna get
a glass of water.
1022. Look, I know our paltry
little $2 million in sales...
1023. is about what you spend a year
on office supplies.
1024. And some regional
trucking company account
1025. to a multi-billion-dollar
1026. - I'm not trying to knock
the tire business.
1027. I'm in your shoes,
I'm thinking the same thing,
1028. Business is business.
Wall Street, Main Street.
1029. It's all a bunch of people
getting up in the morning,
1030. trying to figure out
how they're going to send
1031. It's just people,
and I know people.
1032. - Oh, I'm sure you do.
- Take you, for instance, Alan.
1033. You have
a certain energy about you,
1034. I wouldn't be surprised
if you drank about 16
1035. You're an excellent father,
but you feel guilty about the
1036. You drink bourbon, but you
offer your clients Scotch.
1037. And your wife
decorated this office.
1038. He certainly seems
to have your number.
1039. You're a little tougher,
1040. For one thing,
you like expensive things.
1041. That's easy.
You've seen my car.
1042. You smoke
Hoyo de Monterreys.
1043. You're a Scotch man,
single malt,
1044. not because it's trendy
but because you've been
1045. and you like to stay
with what works.
1046. You have two
great loves in your life:
1047. and this company.
1048. And you're a man who prides
himself in finding talent
1049. - How would you know that?
- Because I'm here.
1050. I'm prepared to do
whatever it takes
1051. I'll start wherever
I have to start.
1052. I'll park cars
if I have to.
1053. The biggest part of judging
character is knowing yourself,
1054. I can do this job.
I can.
1055. Give me a chance, Peter.
I won't let you down.
1056. Alan, why don't you
show Jack around?
1057. This is our war room.
We did seven major deals
1058. three of them... hostile.
1059. Seven?
Yeah. You get a kind
1060. Can we cut the shit here
for a minute? Where did you
1061. Did you go through his wallet?
Did you surf some Net?
1062. It doesn't really matter
because that circus act
1063. may have dazzled Lassiter,
but it doesn't cut any shit
1064. Even if you get this job,
which I highly doubt,
1065. let me just give you
a word of warning.
1066. Peter Lassiter gets tired
of his pet projects
1067. I've got that big office
because I prove myself to him
1068. Nobody is gonna come in here
and turn the old man's head,
1069. especially not
some tire salesman
1070. So if you're cautious
and you're quiet,
1071. you watch yourself,
stay away from Lassiter,
1072. maybe I'll think about
keeping you on here
1073. Do we understand
each other?
1074. Alan!
1075. God, you really
are different.
1076. Excuse me?
I mean, wow!
1077. I'm impressed.
I'm impressed.
1078. Are we understanding
each other?
1079. Yes, Alan,
I understand you.
1080. Okay then.
1081. Good.
Okay. Okay.
1082. Alan!
1083. Keep your eyes closed.
Hold on.
1084. Go ahead.
Open your eyes.
1085. Welcome to Xanadu.
1086. It's pretty incredible,
isn't it?
1087. It's like a museum.
1088. Look around.
1089. So what's
the big surprise?
1090. You didn't rent this
for the weekend, did you?
1091. Think... bigger.
1092. For the week?
1093. This place is a perk,
1094. A perk?
1095. For what?
1096. A company called P.K. Lassiter
Investment House...
1097. uses it to attract
new executives.
1098. I'm going into arbitrage,
1099. It turns out
I have a knack for it.
1100. Jack, what are you
talking about?
1101. I'll be making
twice what I make now,
1102. That's just to start.
And we can live
1103. practically rent free...
1104. until we find
a place of our own.
1105. Are you out of your mind?
1106. I don't think so.
1107. This is gonna be a better life
for all of us. We can put Annie
1108. Annie goes to
a great school, Jack.
1109. I'm talking
about the best schools
1110. What could you possibly
be thinking about?
1111. Well, this is New York City.
It's like the needy people
1112. Your Jersey clients aren't
a tenth as pathetic as the
1113. I can't even believe
you're talking about
1114. I thought the reason we left
was because we didn't want to
1115. No. No.
This is the center
1116. If I were living in Roman times,
I would live in Rome.
1117. "Today America
is the Roman empire.
1118. John Lennon.
1119. Okay, you know something?
I'm detecting, like,
1120. This was supposed to be
a happy day, so guess what?
1121. We don't have to live here.
Forget it.
1122. - I'll commute.
I'll drive to work.
1123. In traffic,
it's over an hour each way.
1124. - When are you ever
going to see the kids?
1125. You're not understanding me.
1126. I'm talking about
a perfect life,
1127. Everything we pictured
when we were young.
1128. You said so yourself.
Life has thrown us
1129. We made sacrifices.
Well, guess what?
1130. Now I can finally
get us back on track.
1131. I want to do that.
I need to do that as a man!
1132. For all of us.
1133. Please just think about this
for one second.
1134. No more lousy restaurants.
1135. No more clipping coupons.
1136. No more shoveling snow.
1137. Then get a goddamn
snowblower, Jack!
1138. Don't go get a new career
without even telling me
1139. And don't—don't take Annie
out of a school she loves.
1140. Don't move us out of a house
we've become a family in.
1141. You're—You're—
1142. Don't you see?
I'm talking about us
1143. that other people envy.
1144. Oh, Jack.
1145. They already do envy us.
1146. From London to New York.
1147. I came back.
1148. When you got on that plane,
I was sure it was over.
1149. I left the airport afraid
I'd never see you again.
1150. And then you showed up
the very next day.
1151. That was a good surprise.
1152. You know, I think about
the decision you made.
1153. Maybe I was being naive,
but I believed...
1154. that we would grow old together
in this house,
1155. that we'd spend holidays
here and...
1156. have our grandchildren
come visit us here.
1157. I had this image of us
all gray and wrinkly,
1158. and me...
working in the garden,
1159. and you repainting
the deck.
1160. But things change.
1161. If you need this, Jack,
1162. if you really need this,
1163. I will take these kids
from a life they love,
1164. and I'll take myself
from the only home we've
1165. and I'll move wherever
you need to go.
1166. I'll do that
because I love you.
1167. I love you,
1168. and that's more important to me
than our address.
1169. I choose us.
1170. Oh. I'm gonna chase you.
1171. You can't catch me.
No, you can't. You can't.
1172. Whoa! Oh. Whoops!
1173. I fell down.
1174. I knew you'd come back.
1175. Oh, Annie.
1176. I love you.
1177. What are you doing?
Ringing my bell.
1178. 4.99?
It's just salt,
1179. Ninety-nine cents, darling.
1180. Out often.
1181. - You.
- Jack!
1182. What's up?
How you feeling, baby?
1183. Why are you here?
1184. Here's your change, darling.
Five, six, seven, eight,
1185. nine, oh-one.
1186. Is that rock salt?
1187. Look at you, man.
Went and got all domestic
1188. You really figured
some things out, huh?
1189. You're not
sending me back.
1190. - Everything okay?
- Yeah.
1191. Hey, did you hear me?
1192. Wait a second.
I'm talking to you.
1193. You see that?
1194. Character.
And for what, for nine bucks?
1195. I'm not going back.
You understand me?
1196. Okay, relax, Jack.
You can't do this.
1197. You can't keep coming in
and out of people's lives,
1198. It's not right.
1199. A glimpse, by definition,
is an impermanent thing, Jack.
1200. I've got kids.
I'm going home.
1201. Is it morning yet?
1202. No, honey.
1203. Go back to sleep.
1204. Take care, Annie.
1205. I'm going back to
the mother ship.
1206. Hey.
1207. Hey.
1208. These past few weeks,
I know I've done some—
1209. some unusual things.
1210. It's been interesting,
that's for sure.
1211. I've done some good things,
too, though, haven't I?
1212. You've been Jack Campbell,
and that's always a good thing.
1213. I need you
to remember me, Kate.
1214. How I am right now...
1215. at this very moment.
1216. I need you to put
that image in your heart
1217. Keep it with you
no matter what happens.
1218. - Are you okay?
- Yeah. Yeah.
1219. Please just promise me.
1220. You have to promise me,
because if you don't, then
1221. and I don't think
I can live with that.
1222. I promise.
1223. Promise me again.
1224. I promise.
1225. Now come to bed.
1226. Soon.
1227. Yeah.
1228. What time is it?
1229. Okay. Yeah.
1230. Waiting for me
by the door, huh?
1231. Wow.
1232. Merry Christmas.
1233. Christmas?
It's not Christmas.
1234. It's whatever you
want it to be, Jack.
1235. It's not Christmas.
1236. Jack. Jack?
1237. Can I help you?
1238. Is Kate here?
1239. Does Kate live here?
Kate? No.
1240. There's nobody
named Kate here.
1241. Of course not.
1242. You okay?
1243. No.
1244. Hello.
1245. Santa Claus, where are you?
Everybody's here.
1246. - Adelle?
- You're a half an hour late.
1247. The emergency strategy session,
trip to Aspen?
1248. Is this ringing
any bells?
1249. Everybody is panicked
here, Jack.
1250. Jack?
1251. I'll be there
in 20 minutes.
1252. No, I'm not gonna go talk
to them until I have something
1253. Steve, I don't care
if it's Christmas day.
1254. Wait a minute.
Jack just walked in.
1255. Thank God that you're—
1256. - You're here.
Are you all right?
1257. What's—
Well, it's not good.
1258. Bob Thomas has been talking to
a European drug company, Jack,
1259. They're gonna let Bob buy
a minority stake, and let him
1260. Global knows. I don't know
how they know, but they know
1261. They think that somehow
we should have been prepared
1262. Oh, God, we're in trouble.
1263. You know something, Alan?
1264. Somewhere inside of you,
there's a much more
1265. Is this another one of those
Sun Tzu Art of War tricks?
1266. No.
1267. So what are we
gonna do, Jack?
1268. Jack?
1269. I'll tell you exactly
what we're going to do.
1270. You're going to do
whatever you have to do
1271. which European company
he's been talking to.
1272. Then I'm going to
clean myself up,
1273. fly to Aspen
and drink eggnog
1274. His wife and kids will be
playing in the background
1275. while I convince him
that the European company...
1276. is the devil...
1277. and Global is the answer
to his prayers.
1278. Then I'm gonna spend
four hours skiing... alone.
1279. Completely
and utterly alone.
1280. I'm going to do that
because that is my life,
1281. that's what's real...
1282. and there's nothing
I can do to change that.
1283. For Manhattan.
1284. Kate Reynolds.
1285. I need an address too.
1286. It's very fragile,
so I want you to be
1287. It's valuable.
It's over 300 years old.
1288. You'll probably need
a few guys to carry it.
1289. The painting is also very,
very old, so take extra care.
1290. It means a lot to Kate, okay?
I appreciate it.
1291. Yeah? What?
1292. Are you from
the moving company?
1293. I'm an old... friend
of Kate's.
1294. Kate, some guy is here.
1295. Did you call the airline
like I asked you to do?
1296. Jack.
1297. God, it's been a long time.
You look—
1298. You look great.
1299. I—Come on in.
Come on in.
1300. I'm just doing some—
Lori, do you know
1301. I'm sorry.
1302. No, no, no!
You know what—
1303. Don't—Please.
I don't even care.
1304. Oh, great. Thank you.
1305. - What's going on?
- I'm moving to Paris.
1306. Hey, Lori,
have you seen that box?
1307. I put it with the rest
of the Salvation Army stuff.
1308. Do you want me
to look for the box
1309. Hey, kind of under
a little pressure here.
1310. Hey, kind of
giving up Christmas day
1311. Hey, didn't mind offering
to help when she was opening
1312. - Maybe it's by
the wardrobe boxes.
1313. - So you're moving.
- Yeah, to Paris.
1314. My firm has an office there.
I'm gonna be heading it up.
1315. Paris. Paris, France?
1316. That's the one.
1317. So you're—you're not
at a nonprofit firm?
1318. God, no, not with
1319. Are you married?
1320. No, I never got married,
Jack. You?
1321. Not exactly.
1322. Look, could we
take a minute here,
1323. maybe go get a cup of coffee
or something?
1324. - I'll go for a cup of coffee.
- Yes. I found it.
1325. Congratulations.
Your earlier flight
1326. but I got you
out of Kennedy
1327. - Excellent.
- Am I good or what?
1328. Yes, you're brilliant.
1329. Thank you.
You're welcome.
1330. Here you go. It's just
some old stuff of yours.
1331. Do you ever think
about us, Kate?
1332. About what might
have happened?
1333. Jack, I'll tell you what.
1334. If you're ever in Paris,
look me up and we'll go have
1335. Or cafe. Or cafe au lait.
Oh, wait. No, no, no, no!
1336. Don't close that up.
I will never find
1337. Well, I marked it.
Just be more specific
1338. We 'll leave it open then.
I was just trying
1339. Make a right here.
1340. Sir, you're gonna be late
1341. We're not going
to the airport.
1342. You can't leave this here.
1343. You can't park here!
1344. Kate! You can't go.
1345. - Don't get on that plane.
- Jack?
1346. Please, let's just
go have a cup of coffee.
1347. I'm sure there's another
flight to Paris tonight.
1348. Jack.
What are you doing here?
1349. Do you need closure?
1350. Because if you do,
after all these years,
1351. I'm okay. I'm fine.
1352. I—I was heartbroken,
1353. but I got over it,
I moved on, and...
1354. you should move on too.
1355. Okay? I'm sorry.
1356. I just can't—
I've gotta go.
1357. I-I—I'm sorry, Jack.
I'm sorry. Excuse me.
1358. Can I just—
I'm sorry. I was here.
1359. We have a house in Jersey!
1360. We have two kids.
1361. Annie and Josh.
1362. Annie's not much
of a violin player,
1363. She's a little precocious,
but that's only because she
1364. And when she smiles—
1365. And Josh,
1366. he has your eyes.
1367. He doesn't say much,
but we know he's smart.
1368. He's always got
his eyes open.
1369. You know,
he's always watching us.
1370. Sometimes you can look at him
and you just know...
1371. he's learning something new.
1372. It's like witnessing
a miracle.
1373. The house is a mess,
but it's ours.
1374. After 122 more payments,
it's going to be ours.
1375. And you,
you're a nonprofit lawyer.
1376. That's right.
You're completely nonprofit.
1377. But that doesn't seem
to bother you.
1378. And we're in love.
1379. After 13 years of marriage,
we're still unbelievably
1380. You won't even let me touch you
till I've said it.
1381. I sing to you.
1382. Not all the time,
but definitely
1383. And we've—we've dealt
with our share of surprises