1. There are two
different ways of getting
into a swimming pool.
Copy !req
2. The first way,
you take your toe...
Copy !req
3. And you carefully test
the water's temperature.
Copy !req
4. And if that feels ok,
slowly get into the water,
Copy !req
5. letting your body
adjust to the cold.
Copy !req
6. Then there's
the second way
of getting into a pool.
Copy !req
7. Aah!
You jump.
Copy !req
8. That's me,
Mary Katherine Gallagher.
It's nice to meet you.
Copy !req
9. Ok. Now, they say
that God works
in mysterious ways.
Copy !req
10. And in my case, very mysterious.
Copy !req
11. Anyway, this is my story,
and you should pay attention
Copy !req
12. 'cause it's starting right now.
Copy !req
13. Are you all right?
Copy !req
14. Yeah, I'm fine.
Copy !req
15. Your birthmark looks like shit.
Copy !req
16. So, you're ok?
Copy !req
17. Yeah.
Copy !req
18. Lifeguard!
Copy !req
19. Aah!
Copy !req
20. I grew up
in a little town
called besamee heights.
Copy !req
21. It's this really friendly place
Copy !req
22. where everyone
likes to say "hi."
Copy !req
23. Hi there.
Copy !req
24. I grew up
in what people called
the ugliest house...
Copy !req
25. With the ugliest lawn
and the ugliest dog.
Copy !req
26. My mom and dad died
in this horrible accident
when I was a baby,
Copy !req
27. so my grandmother
took care of me.
Copy !req
28. And my grandmother
was in an accident, too.
Copy !req
29. Actually, most of my family
had gotten hurt
at some point.
Copy !req
30. We're sort of accident prone.
Copy !req
31. I'm off.
Copy !req
32. Now, my grandmother
used to always say
that when I grow up,
Copy !req
33. I should become a businesswoman.
Copy !req
34. But I didn't really
think about business,
Copy !req
35. mostly because
I couldn't stop thinking
about the one thing
Copy !req
36. that I wanted more
than anything in the world.
Copy !req
37. A kiss. A big Hollywood
fireworks type of kiss.
Copy !req
38. So each night
before I went to bed,
Copy !req
39. I would pray for God to help me.
Copy !req
40. And please, God, send me
someone to make out with
Copy !req
41. and tongue kiss like this.
Copy !req
42. Then one day while me
and my grandmother
Copy !req
43. were watching
some old movie, it hit me.
Copy !req
44. There was only one way
I'd ever get what I wanted.
Copy !req
45. I would have to become
exactly like those people
Copy !req
46. I saw getting kissed
in the movies.
Copy !req
47. I would have to become...
Copy !req
48. A superstar.
Copy !req
49. Ooh, ah.
Copy !req
50. This is St. Monica's.
Copy !req
51. It was the first place
I really thought
Copy !req
52. I had a chance of
making my dream come true.
Copy !req
53. Superstar!
Copy !req
54. Amen.
Copy !req
55. Shh.
Copy !req
56. Sorry.
Copy !req
57. So I tried out for
every star-making activity
that St. Monica's offered.
Copy !req
58. Higher. Higher.
Like ballet.
Copy !req
59. Ooh!
Copy !req
60. And my gymnastics tryout
didn't go very well either.
Copy !req
61. Whoa!
Copy !req
62. Evian Graham...
the most beautiful,
most popular,
Copy !req
63. most bulimic girl
at St. Monica's.
Copy !req
64. Summer, autumn,
I need your help.
Copy !req
65. Yes, evian?
Yes, evian?
Copy !req
66. We could either organize
a walkathon to fight
multiple sclerosis,
Copy !req
67. or a bike-athon
to fight polio.
Copy !req
68. What'll it be?
Copy !req
69. Hmm?
Copy !req
70. All the boys liked her.
Copy !req
71. I think because
she had a nice body.
Copy !req
72. What are you
looking at, boobsweat?
Copy !req
73. Nothing.
Copy !req
74. It's called a bra, Mary.
Copy !req
75. But don't worry.
You'll never need one.
Copy !req
76. Aah! Ow!
Copy !req
77. You hurt my titty.
Copy !req
78. You had a little spot
there on your brassiere,
Copy !req
79. and I was just trying to...
Copy !req
80. Wipe it off.
Copy !req
81. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
82. I got this after-school job
Copy !req
83. at kip's video warehouse
as the rewind girl.
Copy !req
84. So that I could study
as many superstars
as possible.
Copy !req
85. I thought
the more movies I watched,
Copy !req
86. the more they'd rub off on me,
Copy !req
87. and people said that they did.
Copy !req
88. Especially movies like Carrie,
Copy !req
89. starring academy award
winner sissy spacek.
Copy !req
90. What are you doing?
Copy !req
91. I'm using my telekinesis
Copy !req
92. to kill the girl who threw
pig's blood on me at the prom.
Copy !req
93. Ok.
Copy !req
94. Kip also had those
made-for-television movies
which I love.
Copy !req
95. Father, forgive me
for I have sinned.
Copy !req
96. It has been two days
since my last confession.
Copy !req
97. Go ahead.
Tell me your sins,
my child.
Copy !req
98. Father, my sins
would best be expressed
Copy !req
99. in a monologue from
the made-for-TV movie Sybil,
Copy !req
100. starring the young
miss Sally field
Copy !req
101. as a woman with
multiple personality disorder.
Copy !req
102. Go ahead.
Copy !req
103. Ah, look at you,
Copy !req
104. my pretty little girl,
Copy !req
105. sitting there with
her face all painted up
Copy !req
106. and a little halter top.
Copy !req
107. You're nothing
but a little slut.
Copy !req
108. Don't call me that.
I'm a puerto rican
lady, señor.
Copy !req
109. We all know
you're a slut,
Sybil Anne dorsett.
Copy !req
110. We know you're a little slut.
Copy !req
111. No, I'm not!
I'm not a slut!
Copy !req
112. I'm not a slut!
I'm not a slut!
Copy !req
113. I'm not a slut!
I'm not a slut!
I ain't no slut!
Copy !req
114. Sorry. Sorry.
Copy !req
115. No big deal.
Copy !req
116. The more I kept trying
to become a superstar,
Copy !req
117. the less they thought I was one.
Copy !req
118. In fact, they had all
these other names for me.
Copy !req
119. Hey, lesbo.
Copy !req
120. Dogface.
Panty stain.
Copy !req
121. And they also called me...
skid mark.
Copy !req
122. Nipple hair.
Copy !req
123. Lame.
Copy !req
124. Did I say lesbo?
Copy !req
125. Are you aware
that I am rubber
and you are glue,
Copy !req
126. and everything
that you say to me
Copy !req
127. bounces off of me
and sticks to you?
Copy !req
128. So put that in
your back pocket. Ok.
Copy !req
129. And then I saw the one
who I wanted to kiss.
Copy !req
130. Sam, what's up?
Hey, Greg.
Copy !req
131. Dig the sneaks.
Copy !req
132. Debbie, shaved your legs.
Copy !req
133. Hey, tom, sorry your dad's dead.
Copy !req
134. It was him.
Copy !req
135. Sky corrigan.
Copy !req
136. The best guy dancer
in the school.
Copy !req
137. I call this one the pepper mill.
Copy !req
138. Enjoy.
Copy !req
139. Uh-oh. Is that
the prettiest girl
in all of St. Monica's?
Copy !req
140. All signs
point to "yes."
Copy !req
141. I bet you put
that cherry lip gloss on
just for me.
Copy !req
142. Shut up.
You shut up.
Copy !req
143. No, you shut up.
Copy !req
144. Make me shut up.
Copy !req
145. Ok.
Copy !req
146. I like sugar.
Copy !req
147. Sugar is sweet.
Copy !req
148. I had a really good time
on our date last night.
Did you?
Copy !req
149. I wore this
kiwi lime lip gloss
just for you.
Copy !req
150. You like it? Huh?
Copy !req
151. You like kiwi?
Copy !req
152. Shut up.
Copy !req
153. You shut up.
'Cause you're sexy.
Copy !req
154. Shh. Shh.
Copy !req
155. I'm gonna spank you.
You wanna be spanked?
Copy !req
156. Huh? You want me
to spank your Booty?
Copy !req
157. I'll spank it.
I'll spank it.
I'll spank you.
Copy !req
158. Shh, shh, shh, shh.
Copy !req
159. Oh, God.
Copy !req
160. Oh, my body.
Copy !req
161. Sorry. Sorry.
I was...
Copy !req
162. I was just...
Copy !req
163. I was just doing
my part to save
the rain forest.
Copy !req
164. Sorry.
Copy !req
165. Mary, you're a special girl,
Copy !req
166. so special that
we're going to put you
in special ed.
Copy !req
167. What are you doing
with your hands?
Copy !req
168. Sometimes when I get nervous,
Copy !req
169. I stick my fingers
under my arms...
Copy !req
170. And I smell them like that.
Copy !req
171. The universe, how does it work?
Copy !req
172. The earth circles
around the sun.
Copy !req
173. Mary, welcome to special ed.
Copy !req
174. My name is Helen lewengrub.
Copy !req
175. Is that all you got?
Copy !req
176. She was center for
the girl's basketball team,
Copy !req
177. and she was a lean,
mean fighting machine.
Copy !req
178. Do you have a best friend?
Copy !req
179. You wanna be my best friend?
Copy !req
180. Maybe. I have to be
really honest with you.
Copy !req
181. Your intense energy
is making me feel
a little bit bombarded.
Copy !req
182. Sorry. Really.
Copy !req
183. When I call your name,
just say "here," hmm?
Hmm? Hmm?
Copy !req
184. Howard feinstein? Hmm?
Copy !req
185. Yo! Present.
Copy !req
186. Howard thinks
all the girls in school
wanna sleep with him,
Copy !req
187. and the boys, too.
Copy !req
188. You wanna quit
looking at me, fruity.
Copy !req
189. I don't play butt darts, ok?
Copy !req
190. I love the ladies.
Copy !req
191. Owen Flanagan?
Copy !req
192. Here. Here.
Here. Here. Here.
Copy !req
193. Owen has obsessive
compulsive disorder.
Copy !req
194. He says everything
like five times.
Copy !req
195. Maria ganitisis?
Copy !req
196. But, uh, the devil
speaks for me, obviously.
Copy !req
197. What?
Copy !req
198. Ah.
Copy !req
199. Thomas Smith?
Copy !req
200. But I don't know
where here is, man,
'cause I'm so wasted, man.
Copy !req
201. Thomas, stop pretending
that you're high on drugs.
Copy !req
202. It is a sin to even pretend
Copy !req
203. that you're... you're...
you're baked.
Copy !req
204. He's too scared
to actually take drugs.
Copy !req
205. Drugs are bad.
Copy !req
206. Eric slater? Hmm?
Copy !req
207. Retard! Ha-ha-ha!
Copy !req
208. Would you please go back
to your own class? Just...
Copy !req
209. please! Go!
Copy !req
210. Mr. slater,
I presume. Hmm?
Copy !req
211. How come he's not answering?
Copy !req
212. Slater just
transferred here
from public school.
Copy !req
213. He's crazy. They say
he chopped up
his parents.
Copy !req
214. And now he never talks.
Copy !req
215. Let's try it again, hmm?
Eric slater? Hmm?
Copy !req
216. Yes, well, moving on.
Copy !req
217. Hey, new friend.
Copy !req
218. Did you see that sign
they're putting up?
Copy !req
219. "Catholic teenager magazine
Copy !req
220. The let's fight
venereal disease
talent contest."
Copy !req
221. "Winner gets
a free trip
to Hollywood...
Copy !req
222. "and a chance to be an extra...
Copy !req
223. "In a movie with
positive moral values."
Copy !req
224. Oh, God.
Copy !req
225. Miss Gallagher!
Copy !req
226. Miss Gallagher,
so how does it feel
to be an extra
Copy !req
227. in a movie with
positive moral values?
Copy !req
228. It feels ok.
Copy !req
229. Second man:
Miss Gallagher.
Copy !req
230. How does it feel
to have everyone
Copy !req
231. wanna kiss you
that particular way
Copy !req
232. you wanna be kissed?
Copy !req
233. Miss Gallagher,
how does it feel
to be a superstar?
Copy !req
234. This was my chance.
Copy !req
235. If I could win
the talent contest,
Copy !req
236. sky's lips
would definitely be mine.
Copy !req
237. Hey, everybody.
I dreamt of this new
dance move last night.
Copy !req
238. I call this the fax machine.
Copy !req
239. Oh!
Copy !req
240. I wish I could dance
with sky corrigan.
Copy !req
241. Sky's definitely the swayziest,
Copy !req
242. but you know he's gonna
dance with evian.
Copy !req
243. Yeah! Exactly!
You did it perfectly.
Copy !req
244. You're so good.
Copy !req
245. What do you think
slater would do
in the talent show?
Copy !req
246. Maybe he'll murder some people
Copy !req
247. and make a flesh coat
by sewing their
skin hides together.
Copy !req
248. I'm sorry. I was rewinding
silence of the lambs
Copy !req
249. at the video store yesterday.
Copy !req
250. Man, speaking:
Introductions are important.
Copy !req
251. When introducing oneself,
first make eye contact.
Copy !req
252. With a confident smile,
say, "hi. I'm..."
Copy !req
253. Mary Katherine Gallagher.
Copy !req
254. Not bad. Try again.
Copy !req
255. Hi. I'm
Mary Katherine Gallagher.
Copy !req
256. And where is your hand?
Copy !req
257. Right here.
Copy !req
258. In a new friend's hand,
that's where.
Copy !req
259. So, as...
Copy !req
260. I was saying before
that I was thinking of
entering the talent contest.
Copy !req
261. The talent contest?
Copy !req
262. No, no! You have
to study business.
Copy !req
263. But, but...
no buts!
Copy !req
264. And forgive those
who trespass against us.
Copy !req
265. Please, God, convince
my grandmother to let me be
in the talent show
Copy !req
266. so that I can get kissed,
maybe by sky corrigan.
Copy !req
267. Superstar!
Copy !req
268. The body of Christ.
Copy !req
269. The body
of Christ.
Copy !req
270. The body of Christ.
Copy !req
271. Are these nonfat?
Copy !req
272. Hey, Mary.
Why so glum?
Copy !req
273. My grandmother
won't let me audition
for the talent show.
Copy !req
274. The only boy willing
to go near me is Howard.
Copy !req
275. Mmm.
Copy !req
276. Just, like,
audition anyway
and don't tell her.
Copy !req
277. You really think so?
Copy !req
278. That's it.
Copy !req
279. You're feeling sad,
Copy !req
280. so you know what it's time for?
Copy !req
281. What?
Copy !req
282. Supermodel documentary hour.
Copy !req
283. Shall I look straight here?
Copy !req
284. I was just walking
down the street one day,
Copy !req
285. and a man come up to me
and he said,
Copy !req
286. "would you like
to be a supermodel?"
Copy !req
287. And I said, "oui,"
Copy !req
288. and the next day
I'm in New York
on the cover of vogue.
Copy !req
289. Christy turlington
and Naomi Campbell
Copy !req
290. are two of my very best friends.
Copy !req
291. And when we get together,
Copy !req
292. it is like total, total
and utter insanity.
Copy !req
293. Insanity! It's like
three of the most gorgeous
girls raising hell.
Copy !req
294. Problem, ladies?
Copy !req
295. Sorry,
father ritley.
Copy !req
296. Sorry, everybody.
Copy !req
297. Excuse me.
Copy !req
298. Whoa. Sorry.
Copy !req
299. You're cool?
Copy !req
300. You scared me.
Copy !req
301. Yeah, I'm ok.
Copy !req
302. Your boss
sent me back here
to find a movie.
Copy !req
303. Hey, don't you go to my school?
Copy !req
304. Yes, I do.
Copy !req
305. Listen, I'm looking
for a made-for-TV movie
from the '70s
Copy !req
306. starring John Travolta,
the boy in the plastic
Copy !req
307. That's my 19th favorite
made-for-TV movie
of all time.
Copy !req
308. That's my 19th also.
Copy !req
309. Wow.
Copy !req
310. Yeah.
Copy !req
311. "All around me.
Copy !req
312. "A bubble for me..."
Copy !req
313. "to be..."
Copy !req
314. "germ free. You..."
Copy !req
315. "and me."
Copy !req
316. "And me."
Copy !req
317. Sky, forget
that stupid old movie.
I'm getting flubber again.
Copy !req
318. Ok, evian.
Hey, nice meeting you.
Copy !req
319. Mary Katherine Gallagher.
Mary Katherine Gallagher.
Copy !req
320. Sky.
Copy !req
321. Be kind. Rewind.
Copy !req
322. That's funny.
Copy !req
323. Evian?
Copy !req
324. Mary, rewind this.
Copy !req
325. Oh, sure.
Copy !req
326. The boy in the plastic bubble.
Copy !req
327. I used to watch
that movie all the time.
See ya.
Copy !req
328. Bye.
Copy !req
329. Listen, I'll be back later
to help you get inside, ok?
Copy !req
330. Is he the one
you're going with?
Copy !req
331. Who says I'm going with anybody?
Copy !req
332. Todd, put your face
up against the plastic.
Copy !req
333. What for?
Copy !req
334. I did what you
wanted me to do.
Now, do it.
Copy !req
335. Do it. Do it.
Copy !req
336. Hey, mare.
What you doing?
Copy !req
337. Well, I was just
doing the robot.
Copy !req
338. It's something that
I was thinking about possibly
doing for the talent show.
Copy !req
339. Hi, Mary.
I like to do all I can
to help the challenged.
Copy !req
340. So a word of advice.
Copy !req
341. I wouldn't say
"superstar" anymore
Copy !req
342. because some people
might say
that you super suck.
Copy !req
343. Go suck
your boyfriend's
Copy !req
344. Go shave your mustache, Helen.
Copy !req
345. Or should we say Geraldo?
Copy !req
346. Gotta go jog
for glaucoma. Bye.
Copy !req
347. Evian, you're a super ass!
Copy !req
348. Evian does have a super ass.
Copy !req
349. Oh, I know.
Copy !req
350. That's ok.
Copy !req
351. Hey, mare.
Copy !req
352. You want half
of my sloppy Joseph?
Copy !req
353. No, thanks.
Copy !req
354. It's time to feed the retard!
Copy !req
355. Hey! Cut it out!
Copy !req
356. What, do you wanna make
something out of this?
Copy !req
357. Maybe you want some of my salad
all over your face!
Copy !req
358. Yeah!
Aah! Aah!
Copy !req
359. Mm.
Copy !req
360. Helen, have you ever
kissed a boy before?
Copy !req
361. Owen kissed me five times
on the cheek once.
Copy !req
362. Really?
Hey, Owen.
Copy !req
363. Hi. Hi.
Hi. Hi. Hi.
Copy !req
364. I don't mean on the cheek.
Copy !req
365. Ok, who do you wanna kiss?
Copy !req
366. Todd, peanut butter
and jelly. Classic.
Copy !req
367. Vivica,
low-fat salad.
Copy !req
368. Sky corrigan.
Copy !req
369. But, mare, sky's taken.
Copy !req
370. You should kiss Howard.
Copy !req
371. Ugh.
Copy !req
372. He likes you.
Copy !req
373. Oh, yeah.
Copy !req
374. Yeah.
Copy !req
375. Mr. feinstein,
I love it.
Copy !req
376. Hey, Mary.
Copy !req
377. I saw you outside
doing that robot thing.
Copy !req
378. You have some nice moves.
Copy !req
379. Thank you.
Copy !req
380. You have some nice moves.
Copy !req
381. You have some nice moves.
Copy !req
382. Nice moves.
Copy !req
383. Mooooves.
Copy !req
384. May I have... this dance?
Copy !req
385. Father, son
holy ghost!
Copy !req
386. Yeah!
Copy !req
387. Fame!
Copy !req
388. Mary.
Copy !req
389. What are you doing?
Copy !req
390. Sometimes I...
Copy !req
391. I get low blood sugar and it...
Copy !req
392. it makes me feel
a little bit shaky.
Copy !req
393. Sorry. Sorry.
Copy !req
394. How is the, um, talent
competition coming?
Copy !req
395. Quite well.
Copy !req
396. I don't want to point
the finger of blame, but...
Copy !req
397. Who broke the good toaster?
Copy !req
398. These are my breasts.
Copy !req
399. Oh, God, they're so big.
Copy !req
400. I just need a big bra
to strap 'em back
Copy !req
401. and support them
because they're so huge.
Copy !req
402. They need to be hooked
and strapped in for support.
Copy !req
403. They're my big boobs.
Copy !req
404. This one
is bigger than this one.
Copy !req
405. 'Cause this is the mommy,
and that's the baby.
Copy !req
406. And this one is very nice
to this one and they hold hands.
Copy !req
407. 'Cause they're friends, okay?
Copy !req
408. And forgive those
who trespass against us.
Copy !req
409. Amen.
Copy !req
410. Good night, mom.
Good night, dad.
Copy !req
411. Good night, candle.
Copy !req
412. Good night, God.
Copy !req
413. Good night, Mary.
Copy !req
414. Oh, my God!
Copy !req
415. Oh, my me!
Copy !req
416. How are you?
Copy !req
417. It's going ok.
Copy !req
418. Are you the lord?
Copy !req
419. Well, to you I am.
Copy !req
420. See, technically,
you're like in this
rem sleep state,
Copy !req
421. and I'm a mixture
of your mind's
images of God,
Copy !req
422. some past
authority figures,
sky and your dad.
Copy !req
423. Basically,
your subconscious
came up with me
Copy !req
424. to help you deal, dig?
Copy !req
425. Yeah.
Copy !req
426. Uh, you want a glass of water?
Copy !req
427. No, I'm good.
I'm God.
Copy !req
428. Oh, right.
Copy !req
429. Is this your stereo?
Copy !req
430. Cd player, huh?
Copy !req
431. Yep.
We don't have these.
Copy !req
432. Mary, I know
your soul is troubled.
Copy !req
433. And I'm here to guide you.
Copy !req
434. Ok.
Copy !req
435. My child,
during this time
of great adversity,
Copy !req
436. I want you to do one thing:
Copy !req
437. Get jiggy with it.
Copy !req
438. What?
Copy !req
439. You know.
Get jiggy with it.
Copy !req
440. I'm... I'm very sorry,
Copy !req
441. but I... I don't know exactly
what the word "jiggy" means.
Copy !req
442. The point is, I work
in mysterious ways.
Copy !req
443. I mean, out there.
Copy !req
444. Listen to your heart.
Do whatever
it tells you,
Copy !req
445. and... and go
with the godly flow.
Copy !req
446. Oh, and most important, yeah?
Copy !req
447. When you wake up
in the morning,
Copy !req
448. Good afternoon, ladies.
Copy !req
449. You're all looking
quite lovely
this afternoon.
Copy !req
450. What do you want?
Copy !req
451. She probably wants
to try out for the squad.
Copy !req
452. I was actually wondering
if any of you would be
kind enough
Copy !req
453. to show me
the sign-up sheet
for the auditions.
Copy !req
454. Oh, right.
She's a superstar.
Copy !req
455. As president of
the catholic cheerleaders
against v.D. Foundation,
Copy !req
456. I can't let you sign up
for the audition. Sorry.
Copy !req
457. But I wanna sign up
for the auditions.
Copy !req
458. Mary, fighting v.D.
Isn't a joke.
Copy !req
459. It's a very serious disease.
Copy !req
460. Besides, sky and me
are gonna win anyway.
Copy !req
461. Hey, guys, I got a new cheer.
Copy !req
462. Evian?
Copy !req
463. Evian!
Copy !req
464. I'm really sorry
that I pushed you.
It was an accident.
Copy !req
465. I just really
wanna sign up
for the auditions.
Copy !req
466. Well, I'm really sorry
that I pushed you.
Copy !req
467. But I just can't let
hymenly-challenged dogs
sign up for the auditions.
Copy !req
468. Ooh!
Copy !req
469. Well, you know what?
Copy !req
470. You're a very mean girl,
Copy !req
471. and you're gonna
go to hell
for saying that.
Copy !req
472. You're a really pushy girl,
Copy !req
473. and I might just
wanna kick your ass.
Copy !req
474. Yeah?
Well, I just might
wanna kick your ass!
Copy !req
475. Well, come on, super sucks.
Copy !req
476. If I was sissy spacek
in the movie Carrie,
Copy !req
477. I would use
my telekinesis
to kill you.
Copy !req
478. You know what, Mary?
Copy !req
479. Not yet.
Copy !req
480. Sorry.
Copy !req
481. Mary, you know
why your parents died?
Copy !req
482. Because you're such
an embarrassment,
Copy !req
483. they couldn't bear
to live anymore.
Copy !req
484. You know what, evian?
Copy !req
485. You should really be embarrassed
Copy !req
486. because your parents
named you after
bottled water.
Copy !req
487. Hey, is there a problem here?
Copy !req
488. My titties!
Copy !req
489. Yaah!
Copy !req
490. Karate kick.
Copy !req
491. I rewound those
Jackie chan movies.
Copy !req
492. Nevertheless.
Copy !req
493. Evian, I'm disappointed in you.
Copy !req
494. At this school,
any student,
including Mary,
Copy !req
495. is allowed to make
a fool of herself
at the auditions.
Copy !req
496. I'm suspending you
for the rest of the day.
Copy !req
497. But, father ritley...
Copy !req
498. evian.
Copy !req
499. Father, the person
you wanted to see
is on her way.
Copy !req
500. Ah, well, send her in
when she gets here.
Copy !req
501. You are so dead.
Copy !req
502. Go drink a bottle of yourself.
Copy !req
503. Mmmmmm! Aah!
Copy !req
504. Evian, Mary, stop that.
Copy !req
505. Mary! Stop it!
Copy !req
506. Aah!
Copy !req
507. Evian, you're dismissed.
Copy !req
508. I hate you.
Copy !req
509. "Go drink a bottle of yourself"?
Copy !req
510. Miss Gallagher...
Copy !req
511. miss Gallagher,
what's that horrible thing
you said to sister Eileen?
Copy !req
512. I told her to move
her big, white butt
Copy !req
513. or I would coldcock
her honky ass.
Copy !req
514. To sister Eileen?
Copy !req
515. Why would you say such a thing?
Copy !req
516. The video store where I work
Copy !req
517. got spike Lee movies.
Copy !req
518. Ah, yes. You're the, uh...
Copy !req
519. you're the rewind girl
at kip's video.
Copy !req
520. Yes, I am.
Copy !req
521. Well, Mary,
let's pretend that your
life's a movie, shall we?
Copy !req
522. We rewind it. It ends.
Copy !req
523. You're dead. How was it?
Copy !req
524. My feelings would
best be expressed
in a monologue
Copy !req
525. from the made-for-TV movie
portrait of a teenage
Copy !req
526. starring miss Lori singer
from footloose.
Copy !req
527. If you must.
Copy !req
528. It excites me, daddy.
Copy !req
529. Don't you see?
Copy !req
530. I like it
when the men look at me.
Copy !req
531. You try to keep me
trapped here
in this small town
Copy !req
532. like a little animal.
Copy !req
533. But I am bustin' out, daddy.
Copy !req
534. I'm gonna see the world,
and the world is
gonna see me.
Copy !req
535. They're gonna see
all of me, daddy.
Copy !req
536. All of me!
All of me!
Copy !req
537. Mary, stop that!
Stop that now!
Copy !req
538. Look! Look!
Copy !req
539. What are you doing
with my grandchild?
Copy !req
540. Nothing!
We were...
Copy !req
541. Mrs. Gallagher,
Copy !req
542. I called you here today
to discuss your
granddaughter's problem.
Copy !req
543. Now, upon reflection,
I think a combination
of prayer and ritalin
Copy !req
544. could eliminate
her excess energy.
Copy !req
545. How dare you.
My Mary has no problem.
Copy !req
546. My granddaughter is a star.
Copy !req
547. What?
Look at that face.
Copy !req
548. She looks like a young
Elizabeth Taylor.
Copy !req
549. You may call her hyperactive.
Copy !req
550. But if the good lord
gave her excess energy,
Copy !req
551. then, by God, no one's
taking it from her.
Copy !req
552. If you don't appreciate that,
Copy !req
553. maybe the problem
is not my granddaughter.
Copy !req
554. Maybe the problem
is this school.
Copy !req
555. I'm taking her home.
Copy !req
556. Mrs. Gallagher!
Copy !req
557. Good day to you, sir.
Copy !req
558. Mrs. Gallagher,
listen to reason. Ay!
Copy !req
559. I couldn't believe
my grandmother told
father ritley I was a star.
Copy !req
560. She'd never said that before.
Copy !req
561. She'd also never
run over a priest before.
Copy !req
562. Sorry.
Copy !req
563. Evian, I can't believe
he suspended you.
It so wasn't your fault.
Copy !req
564. Thank you.
I know.
Copy !req
565. Mary started the whole thing.
Copy !req
566. Thank you.
I know.
Copy !req
567. Hold on a second.
Copy !req
568. I've been
through a trauma
and I need a moment.
Copy !req
569. And now father ritley
is letting her audition.
Copy !req
570. That is the last time
I try to help someone.
Copy !req
571. She is so going to regret this.
Copy !req
572. Oh, I gotta go,
guys. That's
probably sky.
Copy !req
573. Bye, evian.
Bye, evian.
Copy !req
574. Do you miss me as much
as I miss you so much?
Copy !req
575. Evian, I saw what
you did to Mary today.
Copy !req
576. Not too ladylike.
I think we need to talk.
Copy !req
577. Is something wrong?
Copy !req
578. Look, I can't talk right now.
Copy !req
579. But you just called me.
Copy !req
580. Look, I gotta go.
I'll talk to you
Copy !req
581. Meet me
at the gym. Bye.
Copy !req
582. Hmm.
Copy !req
583. Man on TV: Throughout
the new england area.
Copy !req
584. They've been
hit hard this winter,
but the South remains warm.
Copy !req
585. Grandma, why did you
tell father ritley
that I was a star?
Copy !req
586. I was just talking.
Copy !req
587. Because that's...
that's what I wanna be.
Copy !req
588. I really want to audition.
Copy !req
589. You want to be a businesswoman.
Copy !req
590. That's what you want.
Don't you understand?
Copy !req
591. This is everything
I've ever wanted.
Copy !req
592. This is everything
I've ever hoped for.
Copy !req
593. I just want my life to begin.
Copy !req
594. Dreams can come true, you know?
Copy !req
595. And when Johnny
comes back
from the war,
Copy !req
596. we can start a family
Copy !req
597. and begin our life
together on the farm.
Copy !req
598. Mary!
Copy !req
599. Could I please,
please, please,
please audition?
Copy !req
600. No.
Copy !req
601. No.
Copy !req
602. You're horrible!
You're horrible!
Copy !req
603. You're horrible!
Copy !req
604. You're horrible!
Copy !req
605. You're horrible!
Copy !req
606. Horrible!
Copy !req
607. Mary.
Leave me alone!
Copy !req
608. I didn't want to do this.
Copy !req
609. But it's time I told you
how your parents died.
Copy !req
610. What does that have to do
with the talent contest?
Copy !req
611. Everything.
Copy !req
612. I thought you said
that mom and dad were
savagely ripped apart
Copy !req
613. and eaten by a school
of hammerhead sharks?
Copy !req
614. I just told you that
to make you feel better.
Copy !req
615. What I'm about
to tell you now is the truth,
so help me God.
Copy !req
616. 17 years ago,
Copy !req
617. your parents entered
the besamee heights
annual stepdancing competition.
Copy !req
618. You mean, stepdancing
like in riverdance?
Copy !req
619. That's nothing to what
your parents could do.
Copy !req
620. My mother taught it to me.
I taught it to your mom.
Copy !req
621. But so help me, Mary,
you will never stepdance
Copy !req
622. as long as I walk this...
wheel around the earth.
Copy !req
623. The year you were born,
Copy !req
624. the stepdancing competition
was fierce.
Copy !req
625. A couple named o'shea
Copy !req
626. looked like they'd be
the first to beat
your mom and dad.
Copy !req
627. But your mother
was determined
to keep her title,
Copy !req
628. no matter what it took.
Copy !req
629. It began well enough.
Your parents ate up that stage.
Copy !req
630. Just when it looked
as though your parents
would be triumphant again,
Copy !req
631. the unthinkable happened.
Copy !req
632. Fat Teddy mcginty's belly
struck the record player,
Copy !req
633. accidentally
turning up the speed.
Copy !req
634. And the stepdancers began
stepping quicker and quicker,
trying to keep up.
Copy !req
635. And that's
when your mother fell.
Copy !req
636. And she took your dad
down with her.
Copy !req
637. And before the dancers
could stop themselves,
Copy !req
638. they stomped
your parents to death.
Copy !req
639. Oh, Mary, I know
you want to perform,
Copy !req
640. but when you're a businesswoman,
Copy !req
641. you'll be sitting
behind a desk all day, safe.
Copy !req
642. Rotate!
Copy !req
643. Oh, is that all you got?
Come on!
Copy !req
644. Sky and evian
are breaking up.
Copy !req
645. Mare, sky and evian
are gonna break up.
Copy !req
646. Sky's gonna break up with evian.
Copy !req
647. Come on!
Copy !req
648. Here he comes.
Copy !req
649. Hi, sky.
What did you wanna
talk to me about?
Copy !req
650. I think it would work
for me if we broke up.
Copy !req
651. I... I don't understand.
This is such a shock.
What's wrong?
Copy !req
652. Now you're giving me attitude.
Copy !req
653. Just tell me what I did wrong.
Copy !req
654. Listen, we talked
about this last night
Copy !req
655. till I was blue in the face.
Copy !req
656. We're just growing
in different directions.
Copy !req
657. I mean, you're this way
and I'm... I'm that way.
Copy !req
658. You're here.
I'm there.
Copy !req
659. And there's
no one right in here.
Copy !req
660. So it's over.
Just like that.
It's over.
Copy !req
661. You're telling me
that it's over.
Copy !req
662. I guess so.
Copy !req
663. Hey, Bartholomew, nice name.
Copy !req
664. Just breathe.
Copy !req
665. Poor evian.
Copy !req
666. Lucky you.
Copy !req
667. Sky's a single slice
of beefcake now.
Copy !req
668. And he's on the rebound.
Copy !req
669. It's like so obvious
that you two
are gonna hook up.
Copy !req
670. You really think so?
Copy !req
671. Remember, he said
you have nice moves.
Copy !req
672. That means he was looking
at your body,
Copy !req
673. which means
he thinks you're doable.
Copy !req
674. So basically,
he asked you
to sleep with him.
Copy !req
675. Oh, my goodness.
This relationship
is moving too fast.
Copy !req
676. Go talk to him before
somebody else dates him.
Copy !req
677. Really?
Copy !req
678. Go. Go. Go.
I don't know.
Copy !req
679. Go!
Copy !req
680. Excuse me.
Copy !req
681. Hey, Mary.
Copy !req
682. Hey, what's up?
What's up?
Copy !req
683. Um, sky, I know...
Copy !req
684. That you haven't
been s-single
for a long time
Copy !req
685. or anything like that,
but I was wondering
Copy !req
686. if... if...
Copy !req
687. Oh, God, you smell so good.
Copy !req
688. Oh, no!
Copy !req
689. Sorry.
Copy !req
690. It's gonna be ok.
Copy !req
691. Now you have
to audition for the show.
Copy !req
692. 'Cause that way
sky could see
how talented you are,
Copy !req
693. and he will definitely kiss you.
Copy !req
694. Really?
You think so?
Copy !req
695. Totally.
Copy !req
696. Sky, promise me,
Copy !req
697. after you destroy
the meteor that's
headed towards earth,
Copy !req
698. you'll come back and kiss me.
Copy !req
699. I promise, babe.
Copy !req
700. Mary, I don't know
how to tell you this.
Copy !req
701. But I just want you to know that
Copy !req
702. I'm really going...
Copy !req
703. can you shut the hell up!
Copy !req
704. I'm trying to talk!
Copy !req
705. You gotta go.
Copy !req
706. You have to
get off me.
Copy !req
707. Mary,
please get off.
Copy !req
708. Get the hell off me!
Copy !req
709. No! I wanna stay!
Copy !req
710. Get off!
There's a meteor coming!
Copy !req
711. No!
Copy !req
712. Mary, did you
rewind the tape?
The customer's waiting.
Copy !req
713. Oh, yeah. Sorry.
Copy !req
714. Come on.
It's two-dollar Tuesday.
Copy !req
715. Evian.
Copy !req
716. Good to see you.
Out walking for
scoliosis again?
Copy !req
717. Oh, no, Mrs. corrigan.
I just came by
to give sky this.
Copy !req
718. Is he home?
Copy !req
719. Yes, he's just...
Copy !req
720. actually, can you wait a moment?
Copy !req
721. No, definitely not.
No way.
Copy !req
722. I'm sorry.
Sky's not home.
Copy !req
723. Oh. Ok.
Copy !req
724. Then could you tell him
Copy !req
725. if he wants to talk
to give me a call?
Copy !req
726. Don't wanna talk.
Go away.
Copy !req
727. Ok, I'll tell him
if I see him.
Nice knowing you.
Copy !req
728. Oh, but wait.
Copy !req
729. I'm still gonna
see you around,
aren't I?
Copy !req
730. Oh. Now you're
giving me attitude?
Copy !req
731. I'm not giving you attitude.
Copy !req
732. Just tell me what I did wrong.
Copy !req
733. What are you
going to do,
hit me, too?
Copy !req
734. Hey, evian,
I made up a new dance move.
Copy !req
735. It's called the move
on with your life. Ha!
Copy !req
736. I did the fax machine for you!
Copy !req
737. Mary Katherine Gallagher
Copy !req
738. must die.
Copy !req
739. No, I do like you.
Copy !req
740. But it's too soon.
Copy !req
741. You just broke up
with her. We can't.
Copy !req
742. Stop making me laugh.
Copy !req
743. Oh, dear God,
please make this
crazy kid go away.
Copy !req
744. Go away.
Go away. Go away.
Copy !req
745. Dear God, please make
this crazy kid go away.
Copy !req
746. What do you want from me?
Copy !req
747. My journal.
Copy !req
748. Thanks.
Copy !req
749. A flower.
Copy !req
750. Thanks.
Copy !req
751. Thank you, Thomas,
for that tribute
to star wars.
Copy !req
752. Very, uh, astounding.
Copy !req
753. Like I was there.
Well, we seem
to have a lot of...
Copy !req
754. I feel really good
about our chances,
don't you, sky?
Copy !req
755. Do you hear something, Dylan?
Copy !req
756. 'Cause
it sounds like someone
I used to go out with
Copy !req
757. acting like we're still
going out, even though
we're definitely not.
Copy !req
758. Definitely not.
Copy !req
759. No. Game over.
Copy !req
760. Uh, Maria!
Copy !req
761. Thank you, Maria.
Thank you.
Copy !req
762. Next up we have, um,
Mary Katherine...
Copy !req
763. Gallagher!
Mary Katherine Gallagher.
Copy !req
764. Mary Katherine Gallagher.
Mary Katherine Gallagher.
Copy !req
765. Ok, just stand there.
Here. Stand here.
Copy !req
766. Come. Stand there.
Stand there. That's good.
Copy !req
767. So, what are you going
to do for us, Mary?
Copy !req
768. I just wanna say...
That I'm multitalented,
Copy !req
769. but today I've chosen
to express myself
through song.
Copy !req
770. Ok.
Copy !req
771. Mary, that was...
that was good.
Copy !req
772. Good.
Copy !req
773. Superstar!
Copy !req
774. Shut up!
Copy !req
775. You said you liked
the movie Carrie.
Copy !req
776. How do you like it now, Mary?
Copy !req
777. Retard!
Copy !req
778. Bullshit!
Shut up!
Copy !req
779. Retard!
Copy !req
780. This is not funny.
Shut up, man!
Copy !req
781. Mary?
Copy !req
782. Mary Katherine, please!
Copy !req
783. Mary!
Copy !req
784. Slater, would you talk to me?
Copy !req
785. Can you please
just say something
to me, please?
Copy !req
786. Your birthmark looks like shit.
Copy !req
787. You're the little boy
that I saved at the pool?
Copy !req
788. Yeah.
Copy !req
789. So why does everyone
think you're crazy?
Copy !req
790. Because
I n-n-n-n-n-never talk.
Copy !req
791. So people make up stories.
Copy !req
792. And I'd rather
that they're scared
of me than...
Copy !req
793. Make fun
of my st-st-stutter.
Copy !req
794. So what really happened
to your parents?
Copy !req
795. They were savagely ripped apart
Copy !req
796. and eaten by a school
of hammerhead sharks.
Copy !req
797. That happens a lot.
Copy !req
798. Hey, slater,
Copy !req
799. I know I haven't
known you that long
or anything, but...
Copy !req
800. Can I ask you a question?
Copy !req
801. Yeah.
Copy !req
802. Do you think I'm pretty?
Copy !req
803. Sometimes I just...
Copy !req
804. I just hate the way I am.
Copy !req
805. I just hate the way I am.
Copy !req
806. I'm sorry I almost drowned you.
Copy !req
807. That's all right.
I was probably drowning
before you got there.
Copy !req
808. I'm a horrible swimmer.
Copy !req
809. That's funny.
Copy !req
810. Mary?
Copy !req
811. I think you look...
Copy !req
812. I think you look beautiful.
Copy !req
813. Well, I'm gonna go
wash off. Do you
wanna come with me?
Copy !req
814. What are you doing?
Copy !req
815. Uh, t-t-t-testing
the water.
Copy !req
816. There's two ways
that you can get
into the water.
Copy !req
817. That way or...
This way!
Copy !req
818. Well,
Copy !req
819. It's late.
Copy !req
820. This is my house.
So, thanks.
Copy !req
821. Hey, slater.
Copy !req
822. Did you really mean it
when you said that...
Copy !req
823. You thought I looked beautiful?
Copy !req
824. Yeah.
Copy !req
825. Do you think that even
without the talent show,
Copy !req
826. sky would still wanna kiss me?
Copy !req
827. I think sky would have
to be cr-cr-crazy
not to wanna kiss you.
Copy !req
828. Really?
Copy !req
829. Oh! Thanks.
Copy !req
830. I'll, uh, see you later, Mary.
Copy !req
831. Oh, God.
Copy !req
832. Thank you so much
for making slater my friend.
Copy !req
833. And please, God, forgive me...
Copy !req
834. For not telling slater
that I went to the bathroom
in the pool tonight.
Copy !req
835. Hi, grandma.
Copy !req
836. Sorry I'm late.
Copy !req
837. Stayed at school
to study business,
Copy !req
838. and I lost track of time.
Copy !req
839. Father ritley called.
Copy !req
840. He told me you tried out
for the talent show.
Copy !req
841. I'm sorry. I never
should have done that.
Copy !req
842. I promise I'll never
lie to you again, ok?
Copy !req
843. You made it.
Copy !req
844. Made what?
Copy !req
845. You passed the audition.
Copy !req
846. I did? I did?
Copy !req
847. Oh, my goodness!
Copy !req
848. Really?
I did?
Copy !req
849. But they want you to lose
the end with the paint.
Copy !req
850. Really? Grandma,
please let me do it.
Please let me do it. Please?
Copy !req
851. I can't let you be
in any talent show, Mary.
Copy !req
852. But I can help you
to star in one.
Copy !req
853. You see that there?
I danced in that show
on Broadway.
Copy !req
854. And these dead stems
Copy !req
855. used to
Copy !req
856. two shows a day six days a week.
Copy !req
857. If you're going
on the stage, Mary,
Copy !req
858. I don't want you
stinking up the place
Copy !req
859. with some paint dance.
Copy !req
860. Grandma, you don't know
how much this means to me.
Copy !req
861. Because there's this boy
at school...
Copy !req
862. no boys.
Copy !req
863. If you're going to do this,
Copy !req
864. you're going to do it
for yourself, like I did.
Copy !req
865. Higher! Kick higher!
Copy !req
866. I can't. It's hard.
Copy !req
867. Razzle, dazzle!
Copy !req
868. I don't know what that means.
Copy !req
869. Windmill, windmill!
Copy !req
870. Windmill, windmill.
Copy !req
871. Oh, frances!
Copy !req
872. Sweet frances, please don't die.
Copy !req
873. Frances, frances,
please don't die.
Copy !req
874. Frances, go back.
She needs you.
Copy !req
875. Go back.
Copy !req
876. You wanna go fetch?
Go fetch.
Copy !req
877. Go fetch. That way,
my dog friend. Go on.
Copy !req
878. Frances.
Copy !req
879. She's alive!
You're all right.
Copy !req
880. Super. Now,
Copy !req
881. if we really want
to knock them
on their keisters,
Copy !req
882. we're going to need
a chorus line.
Copy !req
883. One, two...
Copy !req
884. what's his problem?
Copy !req
885. I-I got the d. Ts,
Mrs. Gallagher.
Copy !req
886. D. Ts are
from being drunk,
not high, you fruit.
Copy !req
887. He's got his fake
addictions confused,
Mrs. Gallagher.
Copy !req
888. No, I...
I'm just so high
I think I'm drunk.
Copy !req
889. We've got two days
to the big show.
Copy !req
890. So when I say kick,
you want to kick.
Copy !req
891. And when I say dip, you dip.
Copy !req
892. And when I say tap, you tap.
Copy !req
893. And when I say...
Copy !req
894. they get it, grandma.
They get it.
Copy !req
895. I've got two more.
Copy !req
896. When I say booga-booga,
you booga-booga.
Copy !req
897. What's "booga-booga"
Copy !req
898. I don't know,
Copy !req
899. but if I say it, you
better figure it out.
Copy !req
900. I slipped.
Everything's fine.
Copy !req
901. Yeah!
Copy !req
902. Superstar.
Copy !req
903. Hi there!
Howdy, neighbor.
Copy !req
904. Second man: Undeviled eggs!
Lady crucifingers!
Copy !req
905. There's my grandmother.
Oh, my God.
Copy !req
906. There's Maria's parents.
Copy !req
907. Good evening, everyone!
Copy !req
908. Welcome to St. Monica's
catholic high school.
Copy !req
909. Whoo!
Copy !req
910. So, are we all ready
to fight v.D.?
Copy !req
911. I hope that you're
as excited as I am
Copy !req
912. to see who will win
this free trip
to Hollywood
Copy !req
913. with a chance to appear
as an extra
Copy !req
914. in a movie with
positive moral values.
Copy !req
915. But first, let's not forget
Copy !req
916. we would not be here tonight
if it wasn't for v.D.
Copy !req
917. V.D. Rules!
Copy !req
918. A puss-filled,
b-but blistering,
Copy !req
919. sinful malady...
Copy !req
920. That a few of you
may already have
come in contact with.
Copy !req
921. You must resist, children.
Resist the urge
Copy !req
922. that lingers in your loins.
Copy !req
923. But as the saying goes...
Copy !req
924. "girls have a button
and boys have a pole,
Copy !req
925. and wicked touching
takes its toll."
Copy !req
926. So you must be strong
and resist.
Copy !req
927. For those who are weak
will no doubt one day
Copy !req
928. burn and fester in the swollen
Copy !req
929. v.D. Infested
fiery pits of hell!
Copy !req
930. But let's have some fun
and meet our judges.
Over here...
Copy !req
931. Hey, are you guys ready?
Copy !req
932. Mary, we're like
really nervous.
Copy !req
933. What if they make fun of us?
Copy !req
934. Ok. I just wanna say
one thing to all of you.
Copy !req
935. Don't listen to the names
that people call you.
Copy !req
936. If you believe in yourself,
then nobody can hurt you.
Copy !req
937. You are your own rainbow.
Copy !req
938. Wow.
Copy !req
939. That's really insightful.
Copy !req
940. That's from
the initiation of Sarah
starring miss shelley winters.
Copy !req
941. Yeah?
Copy !req
942. Ok, from catholic teen magazine,
Copy !req
943. we have their teen
gossip columnists,
George and moira mcdaniels.
Copy !req
944. Welcome and
thanks for joining us.
Copy !req
945. Well, it's show time
here at St. Monica's.
Copy !req
946. So let's get things started
with our first contestant,
Copy !req
947. Howard feinstein!
Copy !req
948. Ladies and gentlemen!
Copy !req
949. Tonight, I'm going
for the full monty.
Copy !req
950. Enough! Come on!
Copy !req
951. Perhaps this would be
an opportune time
to thank Howard's father.
Copy !req
952. Hi, Mary.
Copy !req
953. The school therapist says
I have to apologize,
so I'm sorry.
Copy !req
954. And, Helen,
I'm sorry I made fun
of your very hairy lip.
Copy !req
955. I was going through
a really difficult time,
but it's fine now
Copy !req
956. because sky and I
are together again,
dancing in the show.
Copy !req
957. And, um, what I'm
really trying to say is...
Copy !req
958. Good luck.
Copy !req
959. Mary, I'm like really sorry
Copy !req
960. 'cause I know how
hard you worked to
impress sky tonight.
Copy !req
961. It's ok.
Copy !req
962. Tonight is for me, not for sky.
Copy !req
963. "Entering"?
Copy !req
964. You're not gonna
miss the show, are you?
Copy !req
965. Roadside thing's
freaking you out, huh?
Copy !req
966. Who are you?
Copy !req
967. Mary Katherine Gallagher's
subconscious idea of God.
Copy !req
968. Ok.
Copy !req
969. Ok.
Copy !req
970. Now just my take on this,
Copy !req
971. but you might want
to reconsider
this bike ride.
Copy !req
972. Why?
Copy !req
973. Because I'm working
in a mysterious way
Copy !req
974. Man! You noticed
how you tried
to leave town,
Copy !req
975. but it didn't work out,
but you just
kept on trying?
Copy !req
976. Right?
Copy !req
977. What say you take
that positive attitude
and apply it to...
Copy !req
978. I don't know.
Maybe you could help me.
Copy !req
979. Any thoughts?
Copy !req
980. Mary!
Copy !req
981. You think...
Mary likes me?
Copy !req
982. Why'd I make everyone
so insecure?
Here's a clue:
Copy !req
983. The lord God...
Copy !req
984. Is materializing on a highway...
Copy !req
985. To guide you to her.
Copy !req
986. Now look,
that's the real road
out of besamee heights.
Copy !req
987. The decision is up to you.
Copy !req
988. Thank you, Helen.
Quite a feat of strength.
Copy !req
989. Thanks.
The amazing Sean!
Copy !req
990. My brother.
Copy !req
991. Next up, uh,
we have sky corrigan
and evian Graham.
Copy !req
992. I just want everyone to know...
Copy !req
993. That even though evian
and I are dancing together,
Copy !req
994. we're still broken up.
Copy !req
995. Broken up.
Copy !req
996. Thank you.
Copy !req
997. Huh!
Copy !req
998. You know you want me back.
Copy !req
999. We're dancing together,
but we've grown apart.
Copy !req
1000. Five, six, seven, eight.
Copy !req
1001. Forgive me, father,
for I have sinned.
Copy !req
1002. It has been two days
since my last confession.
Copy !req
1003. What?
Copy !req
1004. Mary Katherine,
aren't you supposed to be
in the show tonight?
Copy !req
1005. Father, you're not
supposed to say my name.
Copy !req
1006. Oh. Ok.
Copy !req
1007. Go ahead.
Copy !req
1008. I feel really bad because...
Copy !req
1009. I've committed
a sin of selfishness.
Copy !req
1010. All my life I've asked God
to make me a star, every day.
Copy !req
1011. I'm always thinking of myself.
Copy !req
1012. And tonight, I just
want him to know that...
Copy !req
1013. It's ok if he never
does that for me.
Copy !req
1014. It's all right.
Copy !req
1015. I promise I'll never ask
for anything again
Copy !req
1016. if he just does this
one thing for me tonight.
Copy !req
1017. And what is that, my child?
Copy !req
1018. Please just get me
through tonight safely
for my grandmother.
Copy !req
1019. Watch over me so that
I can watch over her.
Copy !req
1020. Mary, it's time
to go on stage. Go.
Copy !req
1021. Use the gifts God gave you.
Copy !req
1022. Father ritley:
All right. Um...
Copy !req
1023. our last contestant tonight,
Copy !req
1024. Mary Katherine Gallagher.
Copy !req
1025. You suck!
Copy !req
1026. Pop!
Copy !req
1027. Bam! Pow!
Copy !req
1028. Mary, it's too fast.
Copy !req
1029. Just keep going.
Copy !req
1030. Mary!
Copy !req
1031. Get up, Mary!
Copy !req
1032. Get up!
You can do it!
Copy !req
1033. Howard, whispering:
We don't know what to do.
Copy !req
1034. It's ok.
It's ok.
Copy !req
1035. What do we do?
Copy !req
1036. Just follow me.
Copy !req
1037. Follow Mary, you guys.
Copy !req
1038. Yeah!
Copy !req
1039. Are you ready? Good.
Copy !req
1040. Well, I'm pleased
to announce
that the winner
Copy !req
1041. of the catholic teen
magazine's free trip
to Hollywood
Copy !req
1042. with a chance to appear
as an extra
Copy !req
1043. in a movie with
positive moral values
Copy !req
1044. is Mary Katherine Gallagher.
Copy !req
1045. What?
Copy !req
1046. Evian. Hey.
Copy !req
1047. I just wanted to say
that I think
Copy !req
1048. you did
a really good job
up there tonight.
Copy !req
1049. You showed a lot of
energy and
enthusiasm, and I...
Copy !req
1050. I really like
your choice of costume.
Copy !req
1051. But I just feel
really bad for you,
'cause I guess...
Copy !req
1052. You didn't know
that you were
competing against a...
Copy !req
1053. Superstar!
Copy !req
1054. Hey, Mary.
Copy !req
1055. Hey.
Copy !req
1056. You really do have
some nice moves.
Copy !req
1057. Thanks.
Copy !req
1058. So what did you think of that?
Copy !req
1059. It was ok.
Copy !req
1060. It was bad. Blech!
Copy !req
1061. So I let sky go,
Copy !req
1062. and I figured it was time
to let my dream go, too.
Copy !req
1063. 'Cause maybe that's all
it would ever be...
Copy !req
1064. a dream.
Copy !req
1065. Or maybe not.
Copy !req
1066. You said to jump in.
Copy !req
1067. Five times more gay
than you think.
Copy !req
1068. Four more to go, peaches.
Copy !req
1069. And that's my story.
Copy !req
1070. That's my entire story.
Copy !req
1071. I wanted you to know
so you would understand
why I can't see you anymore.
Copy !req
1072. So... I guess
this is good-bye.
Copy !req
1073. What are you saying?
Copy !req
1074. You want a good-bye
Copy !req
1075. No, I can't.
Copy !req
1076. I can't.
I'm seeing slater now.
Copy !req
1077. Oh, you're so bad.
Copy !req
1078. Ok, just one for the road.
Copy !req