1. Kyoritsu University
Copy !req
2. Excuse my poor rendition
of Jean Cocteau.
Copy !req
3. In it he talks about sumo.
Copy !req
4. During a visit to Japan,
he watched a sumo tournament
Copy !req
5. The scholar, Horiguchi,
took him to a sumo stadium.
Copy !req
6. "The players are pink giants.
Copy !req
7. "As unique as the frescoes from
a famous cathedral.
Copy !req
8. "The regimen gives some of them
Copy !req
9. "enormous bellies and breasts
as mature as any woman.
Copy !req
10. "Each of them sports a top-knot
Copy !req
11. "and the face of a pretty girl.
Copy !req
12. "They come together in equilibrium,
Copy !req
13. "their legs intertwined,
Copy !req
14. "their fingers grasping each other's sash.
Copy !req
15. "And the fringe standing erect.
Copy !req
16. "Their muscles flexing.
Copy !req
17. "Legs rooted to the earth.
Copy !req
18. "Blood coursing though their veins.
Copy !req
19. "And the ring is all a pastel of pink."
Copy !req
20. "Sumo Do, Sumo Don't"
Copy !req
21. We're the All-Season Sports Club.
Copy !req
22. We offer tennis, surfing,
Copy !req
23. skiing, golf, scuba-diving
and bowling.
Copy !req
24. Join us and you can enjoy all these.
Copy !req
25. Our scuba tour to Okinawa
Copy !req
26. is open to non-members, too.
Copy !req
27. We're not just another sports club.
Copy !req
28. You could become a TV reporter.
Copy !req
29. That's not very promising.
Copy !req
30. I can't expect support.
Copy !req
31. How about you?
Copy !req
32. Not yet.
Copy !req
33. I've decided.
Copy !req
34. To become what?
Copy !req
35. I'll join a big company.
Copy !req
36. Using family connections.
Copy !req
37. How did you know?
Copy !req
38. Refrigerator told me.
Copy !req
39. He can't keep his mouth shut.
Copy !req
40. You'll have a hard time coming
from our Uni.
Copy !req
41. Which company?
Copy !req
42. Better not to ask.
Copy !req
43. You'll only upset him.
Copy !req
44. Have you consulted
with your professor?
Copy !req
45. Should I?
Copy !req
46. Don't you read the notice board?
Copy !req
47. Comparative Culture Department
Yamamoto of Social Studies.
Copy !req
48. Is Professor Anayama here?
Copy !req
49. Pleased to meet you. I'm Anayama.
Copy !req
50. We're in the middle of cleaning.
Copy !req
51. Would you excuse us?
Copy !req
52. Certainly.
Copy !req
53. She's a brilliant student.
Copy !req
54. Doing post-graduate work
in advertising.
Copy !req
55. Second year, aren't you'?
Copy !req
56. Yes.
Copy !req
57. I'm Natsuko Kawamura.
Copy !req
58. I'm Yamamoto. Shuhei Yamamoto.
Copy !req
59. A dreadful record.
Copy !req
60. A minimum of credits.
Copy !req
61. You're on my roll.
It says no absences,
Copy !req
62. but I've never laid eyes
on you before.
Copy !req
63. Someone has called you present
but I can't pass you.
Copy !req
64. I've been appointed
your thesis supervisor.
Copy !req
65. Did you know?
Copy !req
66. Well... er... no.
Copy !req
67. Why are you here?
Copy !req
68. Got a job yet?
Copy !req
69. Yes, I have.
Copy !req
70. That's typical.
Copy !req
71. So now you have to graduate.
Copy !req
72. Yes, sir.
Copy !req
73. Can you?
Copy !req
74. That's up to you, sir.
Copy !req
75. Don't be stupid. It's up to you.
Copy !req
76. I'll make you a deal.
Copy !req
77. Will you join the sumo club?
Copy !req
78. Sir?
Copy !req
79. It's only for one day.
Copy !req
80. Just one appearance in the ring.
Copy !req
81. It's not as if it's full-time.
Copy !req
82. Be a man and help out.
Copy !req
83. Kyoritsu University
Copy !req
84. The wrestlers face off.
Copy !req
85. Time to fight!
Copy !req
86. The signal is given!
Copy !req
87. Aoki rushes forward.
Copy !req
88. The champion dodges.
Aoki is small but nimble.
Copy !req
89. The champ fights back.
Copy !req
90. The odds are almost impossible.
Copy !req
91. Will Aoki be thrown?
Copy !req
92. Aoki turns the tables!
Copy !req
93. Aoki has thrown the grand champion!
Copy !req
94. Lower yourself.
Copy !req
95. You're crushing them.
Copy !req
96. Show some fortitude.
Copy !req
97. Can't this wait till the tournament?
Copy !req
98. You play the game,
you wear the sash.
Copy !req
99. I didn't ask for this.
Copy !req
100. You guys are in trouble,
I'm just helping out.
Copy !req
101. A true volunteer doesn't expect
any return.
Copy !req
102. I don't know why you're here,
Copy !req
103. but while you are, you're in the club.
Copy !req
104. And you'll obey me.
Copy !req
105. Wait here.
Copy !req
106. Anayama University Grand Champion.
Copy !req
107. You didn't know he was
a grand champion, did you?
Copy !req
108. So, you took the manly path.
Copy !req
109. You call this manly?
Copy !req
110. What's wrong with it?
Copy !req
111. A little perseverance
and you'll graduate.
Copy !req
112. I'm the honorary manager.
Copy !req
113. Only in name, really.
Copy !req
114. Professor told me about you.
Copy !req
115. Don't worry, it's only schoolboy sumo.
Copy !req
116. We're at the bottom
of the third division.
Copy !req
117. There's no club weaker.
Copy !req
118. Hardly any members for 16 years.
Copy !req
119. We needed volunteers to make
up the numbers.
Copy !req
120. Just enough to enter the tournaments.
Copy !req
121. But the well is dry.
Copy !req
122. If we don't enter this year,
we may have to close.
Copy !req
123. It's in the charter.
Copy !req
124. But our opponents are full-on,
aren't they?
Copy !req
125. They'll kill me.
Copy !req
126. I said not to worry.
Copy !req
127. They're all the same level.
Copy !req
128. Very few students actually train
for sumo.
Copy !req
129. Most are volunteers, too.
Copy !req
130. Same build and everything.
Copy !req
131. Sorry to keep you.
Copy !req
132. Hello.
Copy !req
133. Professor has done everything
he could;
Copy !req
134. the rest is up to you.
Copy !req
135. He wants this place kept spick
and span.
Copy !req
136. Yes.
Copy !req
137. He's lived alone here for four years.
Copy !req
138. The only official member.
Copy !req
139. Do your best.
Copy !req
140. Let's go.
Copy !req
141. Where?
Copy !req
142. We're recruiting.
Copy !req
143. We need a minimum of five members.
Copy !req
144. At least one more to train.
Copy !req
145. Wait on.
Copy !req
146. In this jockstrap?
Copy !req
147. It's a sash.
Copy !req
148. Of course you will.
Copy !req
149. What about you?
Copy !req
150. I get to wear this.
Copy !req
151. What's with Yamamoto?
Copy !req
152. He's recruiting for sumo.
Copy !req
153. Do we also do sumo tours?
Copy !req
154. He's upholding the tradition.
Copy !req
155. Now recruiting
for the sumo club!
Copy !req
156. Take that cap off.
Copy !req
157. It helps me to endure the ridicule.
Copy !req
158. University Pro-Wrestling
Copy !req
159. Let's go look.
Copy !req
160. I hate the trickery of it.
Copy !req
161. In the red corner, Cutie Haruo!
Copy !req
162. C'mon, Haruo!
Copy !req
163. Why do I have to dress like this?
Copy !req
164. Wrestlers need a gimmick.
Copy !req
165. It was decided at the meeting
Copy !req
166. that you'd be a transvestite.
Copy !req
167. Who's a transvestite?
Copy !req
168. I joined to build my body!
Copy !req
169. Don't blubber like a girl!
Copy !req
170. Fight! Fight!
Copy !req
171. We won't recruit just sitting here.
Copy !req
172. They will come.
Copy !req
173. No way.
Copy !req
174. It's my eighth year here.
It took me years to get in.
Copy !req
175. I've always loved sumo.
Copy !req
176. But I was always too small.
Copy !req
177. All through school.
Copy !req
178. Then I happened to see
a uni tournament.
Copy !req
179. Mr. Anayama recruited me.
Copy !req
180. Some were quite small.
Copy !req
181. Anayama himself was a grand champion.
Copy !req
182. I knew it was my last chance.
Copy !req
183. I've stayed to keep the club
from folding.
Copy !req
184. People laugh at sumo today.
Copy !req
185. We needn't grovel to recruit
that type.
Copy !req
186. Gimme a break.
Copy !req
187. We need someone.
Copy !req
188. We've wasted three days.
Copy !req
189. I don't care.
Copy !req
190. I was looking forward to
not entering the tournament,
Copy !req
191. but to graduate, I have to.
Copy !req
192. Leave it to me.
Copy !req
193. Just because he's fat doesn't make
him suitable.
Copy !req
194. You may be right.
Copy !req
195. Sorry to scare you.
I have a request.
Copy !req
196. Will you save our sumo club?
Copy !req
197. Please enter the tournament.
Copy !req
198. Or our historical sumo club
will forever be lost.
Copy !req
199. Please, it's just for one day.
Copy !req
200. You'll only have to appear.
Copy !req
201. Lower yourself.
Copy !req
202. You're crushing 'em.
Copy !req
203. Forbearance, boy.
Copy !req
204. Can't it wait till the tournament?
Copy !req
205. You play the game,
you wear the sash.
Copy !req
206. How's that?
Copy !req
207. Where's the toilet?
Copy !req
208. Through that door.
Copy !req
209. What changed your mind?
Copy !req
210. You said, "Maybe he's got it."
Copy !req
211. He has a natural grace.
Copy !req
212. Sumo wrestlers walk differently
to other people.
Copy !req
213. The left arm moves with the left leg
and vice versa.
Copy !req
214. How do I manage?
Copy !req
215. Poke it out the side.
Copy !req
216. I think he's a special case.
Copy !req
217. I've seen it before:
Copy !req
218. it's just from being uncoordinated.
Copy !req
219. In here.
Copy !req
220. I've recruited a new member.
Copy !req
221. Haruo!
Copy !req
222. My brother!
Copy !req
223. It's such a common name,
I didn't connect.
Copy !req
224. You're joining the club?
Copy !req
225. What about wrestling?
Copy !req
226. I quit in disgust.
Copy !req
227. Sumo has class
and a certain discipline.
Copy !req
228. And a cool jockstrap.
Copy !req
229. You're such an idiot.
Copy !req
230. It's a mawashi, not a jockstrap.
Copy !req
231. Sumo is very popular with
those cool new stars.
Copy !req
232. That's big league stuff.
Copy !req
233. What's cool about skinny guys
in jockstraps?
Copy !req
234. Mawashi.
Copy !req
235. What about you?
Copy !req
236. He gets credits.
Copy !req
237. I could have guessed.
Copy !req
238. Can you give him a jockstrap?
Copy !req
239. Mawashi.
Copy !req
240. I pissed on my jockstrap.
Copy !req
241. It's a damned mawashi!
Copy !req
242. 70th East Japan University
Sumo Tournament
Copy !req
243. It's our first appearance
in three years.
Copy !req
244. Just appearing stops us closing down.
Copy !req
245. I know you have no experience.
Copy !req
246. But your opponents are not
that much better.
Copy !req
247. So don't over-do it.
Copy !req
248. Or you may injure yourselves.
Copy !req
249. He)', Anayama!
Copy !req
250. I heard you entered, so I brought
Copy !req
251. some of the old boys.
Copy !req
252. Even Mr. Min.
Copy !req
253. You scared me!
Copy !req
254. We'll treat you all to a feast after.
Copy !req
255. At a sumo restaurant.
Copy !req
256. Let's make it a victory celebration!
Copy !req
257. Stiff with fear, already?
Copy !req
258. Hokuto University to the east.
Copy !req
259. Kyoritsu University to the west.
Copy !req
260. Drop those towels!
Copy !req
261. They're the champions.
Copy !req
262. Give 'em hell, Kyoritsu!
Copy !req
263. Bow!
Copy !req
264. Tanaka, you show 'em!
Copy !req
265. Relax, relax.
Copy !req
266. Bow.
Copy !req
267. Time's up.
Copy !req
268. Get ready.
Copy !req
269. Are you okay?
Copy !req
270. From the east, Motohashi.
Copy !req
271. From the west, Yamamoto.
Copy !req
272. Time's up.
Copy !req
273. Get ready.
Copy !req
274. He went out!
Copy !req
275. Get some specs, judge!
Copy !req
276. Don't you know the rules?
Copy !req
277. He was off the ground!
Copy !req
278. In that case he's allowed
to step out first.
Copy !req
279. And it's referee, not judge!
Copy !req
280. East wins.
Copy !req
281. From the east, Sugimoto.
Copy !req
282. From the west, Yamamoto.
Copy !req
283. Take it off.
Copy !req
284. On your ear.
Copy !req
285. No earrings allowed?
Copy !req
286. Take it off!
Copy !req
287. Damn fruit!
Copy !req
288. Bow.
Copy !req
289. Time's up.
Copy !req
290. Get ready!
Copy !req
291. East wins.
Copy !req
292. Beginners shouldn't throw ritual salt.
Copy !req
293. East wins with a slap-down.
Copy !req
294. Sugimoto wins!
Copy !req
295. Your head was too low.
Copy !req
296. From the east, Kurataka.
Copy !req
297. From the west, Aoki.
Copy !req
298. It's enough to make you laugh.
Copy !req
299. You're on.
Copy !req
300. Bow.
Copy !req
301. Give him hell, Aoki!
Copy !req
302. Ouch!
Copy !req
303. Bow.
Copy !req
304. Win by pull-down!
Copy !req
305. Kurataka wins for the east!
Copy !req
306. No problem, they're the top team.
Copy !req
307. It's just beginning.
Copy !req
308. You forgot to bow!
Copy !req
309. Time out!
Copy !req
310. Cheat!
Copy !req
311. Honjitsu Medical University
on the east.
Copy !req
312. Kyoritsu University on the west.
Copy !req
313. Let's get at least one win.
Copy !req
314. How shameful to lose to these guys.
Copy !req
315. Bow.
Copy !req
316. From the east, Tadokoro.
Copy !req
317. From the west, Tanaka.
Copy !req
318. Win, DOV!
Copy !req
319. A Win!
Copy !req
320. A Win!
Copy !req
321. Bow!
Copy !req
322. Assume position!
Copy !req
323. Ready
Copy !req
324. A Win!
Copy !req
325. From the east, Nonaka.
Copy !req
326. From the west, Aoki.
Copy !req
327. Fight to the death!
Copy !req
328. Bow.
Copy !req
329. Assume position!
Copy !req
330. Not that again.
Copy !req
331. Tension gives him diarrhea!
Copy !req
332. East wins by default!
Copy !req
333. Bow!
Copy !req
334. You're an insult to
the noble sport of sumo!
Copy !req
335. If you disgrace it again
we'll kill you!
Copy !req
336. Don't over-grind your sesame,
let's eat.
Copy !req
337. Is your stomach better, Aoki?
Copy !req
338. The old boys are treating us,
Copy !req
339. so eat and drink your fill.
Copy !req
340. You did your best today.
Copy !req
341. You couldn't help losing.
Copy !req
342. You did well, considering you
hardly trained.
Copy !req
343. You have my heartfelt thanks.
Copy !req
344. Cheer up Aoki,
everyone did their best.
Copy !req
345. I'm proud of you.
Copy !req
346. I've never been so ashamed.
Copy !req
347. Shut down the club.
Copy !req
348. You call that sumo?
Copy !req
349. It's an insult to sumo!
Copy !req
350. Is it so important to keep the club
going that you...
Copy !req
351. get down on your knees
to praise these creeps?
Copy !req
352. How dare you call these slack wimps...
Copy !req
353. the Kyoritsu University team!
Copy !req
354. Just what have you been doing?
Copy !req
355. You're the ones
who insist the club keeps going!
Copy !req
356. Have you considered
how it has pained him...
Copy !req
357. to beg for members?
Copy !req
358. Wasn't it all to satisfy you old boys?
Copy !req
359. Miss Kawamura.
Copy !req
360. Professor, leave this to me.
Copy !req
361. Our students don't want to do sumo.
Copy !req
362. How dare you!
Copy !req
363. Shut-up!
Copy !req
364. Boys today are
only interested in girls.
Copy !req
365. That's all!
Copy !req
366. They're not interested in sumo.
Copy !req
367. At least they came today.
Copy !req
368. They did their best for the club.
Copy !req
369. You should be thanking them!
Copy !req
370. There's a limit!
Copy !req
371. This team is woeful!
Copy !req
372. Best put them out of their misery!
Copy !req
373. I want you apologize.
Ask their forgiveness.
Copy !req
374. They did their best for the club.
Copy !req
375. Apologize.
Copy !req
376. How conceited!
Copy !req
377. Just because you were once a champion.
Copy !req
378. Is that anyway to treat your senior?
Copy !req
379. I should apologize to these fairies?
Copy !req
380. If they'd win, I'd be pleased to!
Copy !req
381. I'd get down on my knees.
Copy !req
382. I'd donate my asshole!
I mean you, Aoki!
Copy !req
383. You're like a damn fruit!
Copy !req
384. You've never won a bout.
Copy !req
385. Four years
and you've never even come close!
Copy !req
386. Yet you profess to love sumo.
Copy !req
387. You want a win!
We'll give you a win!
Copy !req
388. Should have kept my mouth shut.
Copy !req
389. I had my chance,
why am I back again?
Copy !req
390. You know why we're so weak?
Copy !req
391. No.
Copy !req
392. We lost our sports scholarships.
Copy !req
393. So that's why?
Copy !req
394. Those guys yesterday
were on scholarships?
Copy !req
395. Heard the story about Mister?
Copy !req
396. The baseball player?
Copy !req
397. In English class once
he read the word the...
Copy !req
398. as t-he.
Copy !req
399. He just spelt it out.
Copy !req
400. I heard differently.
Copy !req
401. He saw a guy reading.
"That's great, having the...
Copy !req
402. "translation there. What's the title?"
Copy !req
403. Turns out it was an
English-Japanese dictionary!
Copy !req
404. Right,
good sportsmen get into university.
Copy !req
405. We've nothing to be ashamed of.
Copy !req
406. The TV crew are ready to shoot.
Copy !req
407. I'm from Station News.
Copy !req
408. Do you know where the sumo club is?
Copy !req
409. Yes, but it's quite far.
Copy !req
410. We finally found someone!
Copy !req
411. The 96th student we asked knows
the sumo club!
Copy !req
412. Where is it?
Copy !req
413. Turn right up past that hall there,
Copy !req
414. then go straight and it's on the left.
Copy !req
415. Look! Here comes the sumo club!
Copy !req
416. It is them!
Copy !req
417. It's surely the sumo club.
Copy !req
418. To revive the traditions
of their sumo club
Copy !req
419. four young men are determined to win.
Copy !req
420. Are you confident?
Copy !req
421. We must, for the university
and our honor.
Copy !req
422. Did you see them on TV?
Copy !req
423. You've done well.
Copy !req
424. With all the publicity they're
obliged to keep going.
Copy !req
425. It just may keep them for a while.
Copy !req
426. How did you contact the TV people?
Copy !req
427. Remember what my master's thesis is?
Copy !req
428. Refresh my memory.
Copy !req
429. "Information manipulation
in mass communications."
Copy !req
430. Using our boys as a case study?
Copy !req
431. It's discrimination.
Copy !req
432. Where are our cheer girls?
Copy !req
433. I saw you on TV.
Copy !req
434. The answer is no.
Copy !req
435. I haven't asked yet.
Copy !req
436. Isn't that why you're here?
Copy !req
437. Well, yes.
Copy !req
438. When's the tournament?
Copy !req
439. In three months.
Copy !req
440. Just for three months?
Copy !req
441. You'll join?
Copy !req
442. Not me.
Copy !req
443. I don't wanna flash my ass.
Copy !req
444. There's a rugby player from Oxford;
Copy !req
445. he's attending
our economics department.
Copy !req
446. Try the "traditional Japanese culture"
Copy !req
447. He's bound to bite.
Copy !req
448. Sumo may well be your national game.
Copy !req
449. But it's not a sport.
Copy !req
450. It's just a show.
Copy !req
451. Unnaturally fattening men up.
Copy !req
452. Making a show of naked,
fat men fighting.
Copy !req
453. They're not naked.
Copy !req
454. They wear a mawashi sash.
Copy !req
455. OK, if sumo is a sport...
Copy !req
456. they can wear pants under the mawashi.
Copy !req
457. But no-one does.
Copy !req
458. Why wear pants?
Copy !req
459. I don't want to show
my bottom to strangers,
Copy !req
460. and I don't want to see
strangers' bottoms.
Copy !req
461. Perhaps the mawashi is needed
for the techniques.
Copy !req
462. But a naked bum is not.
Copy !req
463. The top-knot, too.
Copy !req
464. In sports, it's not what you wear.
Copy !req
465. But that's part of
the ancient tradition...
Copy !req
466. Oh, tradition. I understand.
Copy !req
467. Japanese always say that.
Copy !req
468. It's tradition - it can't be changed.
Copy !req
469. You Japanese
never delve into the essence.
Copy !req
470. I've nothing against sumo.
Copy !req
471. But I will not appear naked in public.
Copy !req
472. You have nudist camps in Europe.
Copy !req
473. You Japanese miss the point!
Copy !req
474. Nudism is not
for displaying nakedness,
Copy !req
475. it's for private relaxation.
Copy !req
476. Foreign toilets are always open,
I hear.
Copy !req
477. In a toilet there's a need to undress.
Copy !req
478. It's nothing shameful.
Copy !req
479. It's a matter of necessity.
Copy !req
480. High-leg pants?
Copy !req
481. That's beauty, isn't it?
Copy !req
482. It's a matter of taste.
Copy !req
483. I have a pretty bum.
Copy !req
484. We're wasting our time.
Copy !req
485. One last question.
Copy !req
486. Why close the curtains in the daytime?
Copy !req
487. Japan is so expensive.
Copy !req
488. I haven't paid my rent for six months.
Copy !req
489. If the landlord knows
I'm here, he'll come for it.
Copy !req
490. The sumo club has a dormitory.
Copy !req
491. It's rent-free with food, too.
Copy !req
492. Can I wear pants?
Copy !req
493. And only two hours practice?
Copy !req
494. Let's make a contract.
Copy !req
495. He's insulting sumo.
Copy !req
496. We need him to win.
Copy !req
497. Even in pants?
Copy !req
498. It's a matter of customs.
Copy !req
499. It won't last long.
Copy !req
500. It Will.
Copy !req
501. And we're slapping
his face with money.
Copy !req
502. Like caricature Japanese.
Copy !req
503. We have to win.
Copy !req
504. I want you all in the dormitory.
Copy !req
505. He's very strong.
Copy !req
506. Stronger than the others.
Copy !req
507. Poor Haruo!
Copy !req
508. Cheer up, Haruo!
Copy !req
509. Beat the foreigner!
Copy !req
510. Nasty brute!
Copy !req
511. How sweet!
Copy !req
512. What's all that?
Copy !req
513. They saw the TV show.
Copy !req
514. Haruo is something of an idol.
Copy !req
515. Mass-media merchandise, is he?
Copy !req
516. Both he
and Shuhei have a real following.
Copy !req
517. Take a break.
Copy !req
518. I think I see your strong points.
Copy !req
519. You all need strengthening.
Copy !req
520. How was your first time, Smiley?
Copy !req
521. Power inevitably wins.
Copy !req
522. It's too simple to enjoy.
Copy !req
523. I'm number one.
I don't need to practice.
Copy !req
524. We're not finished yet.
Copy !req
525. Two hours is up.
Copy !req
526. Let's follow the contract.
Copy !req
527. What is that thing?
Copy !req
528. Our house god.
Copy !req
529. House god?
Copy !req
530. An altar for offerings.
Copy !req
531. But isn't this a Christian university?
Copy !req
532. You Japanese never delve into
the essence of the matter.
Copy !req
533. Power inevitably wins?
Copy !req
534. That's not always the case in sumo,
is it?
Copy !req
535. You're right. I always thought so.
Copy !req
536. Do some basic movements practice.
Copy !req
537. Keep at it.
Copy !req
538. Thank you, sir.
Copy !req
539. I want to join the club.
Copy !req
540. I'll do anything.
Copy !req
541. I'll cook, wash or clean.
Copy !req
542. Make me a manager.
Copy !req
543. I can even live in.
Copy !req
544. A manager built like a champ
and a foreigner under contract.
Copy !req
545. We've hit rock bottom.
Copy !req
546. You always have been.
Copy !req
547. What's that?
Copy !req
548. She fancies Haruo.
Copy !req
549. Don't say that!
Copy !req
550. What are you doing?
Copy !req
551. I'm going to wash them.
Copy !req
552. You mustn't.
They never get washed.
Copy !req
553. You're kidding!
Copy !req
554. I'm serious.
Copy !req
555. Which was mine?
Copy !req
556. I don't know.
Copy !req
557. Sorry, I didn't know.
Copy !req
558. They never get washed.
Copy !req
559. Not even once?
Copy !req
560. How disgusting.
Copy !req
561. 40 days have passed
since the sumo revival began.
Copy !req
562. Including the Englishman, Smiley,
Copy !req
563. there are now five in the club.
Copy !req
564. Haruo, is training arduous?
Copy !req
565. Yes, but I've adjusted.
Copy !req
566. Now we're all totally absorbed.
Copy !req
567. What's with the colored sandbags?
Copy !req
568. We use them to shove against.
Copy !req
569. We all have our own color,
Copy !req
570. and have pledged to wear
a hole in them.
Copy !req
571. Why don't you coach them?
Copy !req
572. It's best to let them
train themselves.
Copy !req
573. Don't you want to win the tournament?
Copy !req
574. They couldn't take the training
that would demand.
Copy !req
575. I'm happy just
to see them participate.
Copy !req
576. You really mean that?
Copy !req
577. I'm pleased you're giving
your support.
Copy !req
578. But truthfully,
they haven't a chance.
Copy !req
579. Not one of them
has a real passion for sumo.
Copy !req
580. They can't learn with that attitude.
Copy !req
581. Is it better to have such
a dismal club than none at all?
Copy !req
582. If you won't get involved
why not close it down?
Copy !req
583. Myself, I'd miss it.
Copy !req
584. "American Cheer-girls Strip-show."
Copy !req
585. You went?
Copy !req
586. How long...?
Copy !req
587. A While.
Copy !req
588. You love Natsuko, don't you?
Copy !req
589. What?
Copy !req
590. Forget it.
Copy !req
591. Unlike you, I'm totally beat.
Copy !req
592. I'm so tired I'd like to quit sumo.
Copy !req
593. What's this?
Copy !req
594. We don't have an air-conditioner.
Copy !req
595. Is Tanaka asleep?
Copy !req
596. He's exhausted.
Copy !req
597. Almost dead.
Copy !req
598. And Smiley?
Copy !req
599. He's studying.
Copy !req
600. Foreigners are made
of different stuff.
Copy !req
601. Studying contracts, eh?
Copy !req
602. And Shuhei?
Copy !req
603. I thought he may have been here.
Copy !req
604. He's not.
Copy !req
605. Maybe he's hit his limit.
Copy !req
606. Limit?
Copy !req
607. Sexual deprivation.
Copy !req
608. Who's the lucky girl?
Copy !req
609. He has many?
Copy !req
610. Sure.
Copy !req
611. If he breaks curfew
he'll get punished.
Copy !req
612. Sounds like fun.
Copy !req
613. You're a nasty boy.
Copy !req
614. Do you hate sumo?
Copy !req
615. Why do you care so much about sumo?
Copy !req
616. He's so lonely.
Copy !req
617. Who is?
Copy !req
618. Mr. Anayama.
Copy !req
619. Don't misunderstand:
Copy !req
620. he really loves sumo.
Copy !req
621. But you guys don't care at all,
so he...
Copy !req
622. has no wish to instruct you.
Copy !req
623. I want to see real sumo.
Copy !req
624. Maybe it's selfish,
but I want you to be serious.
Copy !req
625. It is selfish.
Copy !req
626. Try it yourself.
Copy !req
627. Sorry, but sumo is the pits.
Copy !req
628. It's gotta be.
Scuba-diving in Okinawa!
Copy !req
629. The summer sun at the pool side.
Copy !req
630. Great!
Copy !req
631. What happened?
Copy !req
632. He broke curfew.
Copy !req
633. Three hundred.
Copy !req
634. Three hundred ring stamps.
Copy !req
635. Three hundred!
Copy !req
636. Enough. You'll kill him.
Copy !req
637. Tomorrow we leave for summer camp.
Copy !req
638. Should be Hawaii.
Copy !req
639. But we can't afford it,
so it's my hometown.
Copy !req
640. Reef... diving.
Copy !req
641. Muff diving?
Copy !req
642. They can laugh now.
Copy !req
643. Did you hear about Prof's
last summer camp?
Copy !req
644. How should I'?
Copy !req
645. We were about to be demoted.
Copy !req
646. He took three members with him.
Copy !req
647. Only he came back.
Copy !req
648. The others couldn't take it
and ran away.
Copy !req
649. They even quit school.
Copy !req
650. With no members, we were demoted
to third division.
Copy !req
651. And have remained there since.
Copy !req
652. I've prepared chilled melon.
Copy !req
653. Excuse the intrusion.
Copy !req
654. This is "Hell-Camp?"
Copy !req
655. We've done nothing since arriving.
Copy !req
656. Eating and sleeping:
we'll end up like fat pigs.
Copy !req
657. Shall we train?
Copy !req
658. Anayama says not to.
Copy !req
659. I'm not cut out for sumo.
Copy !req
660. You like sumo?
Copy !req
661. Not really...
Copy !req
662. SQ why stay?
Copy !req
663. Admittedly, I roped you in.
Copy !req
664. It's the first time
I've ever been roped.
Copy !req
665. All through school no-one
ever cared about me.
Copy !req
666. I've never been in a club.
Copy !req
667. I thought I'd never make friends.
Copy !req
668. It was the first time anyone
ever asked me for anything.
Copy !req
669. It made me really happy.
Copy !req
670. Maybe sumo is not for me,
Copy !req
671. but God gave me this final chance.
Copy !req
672. Are you a Christian?
Copy !req
673. Now we shall begin
your image training.
Copy !req
674. Fill your mind with your
most pleasurable experience.
Copy !req
675. When was it?
Copy !req
676. 10 days ago.
Copy !req
677. Where was it?
Copy !req
678. The Yoshiwara American Cheer-girls.
Copy !req
679. How was it pleasurable?
Copy !req
680. How can I say...?
Copy !req
681. I'm flattered but, I can't.
Copy !req
682. You have a boyfriend?
Copy !req
683. No.
Copy !req
684. I'm not really interested in love.
Copy !req
685. I may be mistaken,
but are you doing sumo for me'?
Copy !req
686. Will you quit the club?
Copy !req
687. Can we beat them in a month?
Copy !req
688. What's all this?
Copy !req
689. Get with it!
Copy !req
690. It's not our choice
to lay around like this.
Copy !req
691. It's the coach:
he insists we take it easy.
Copy !req
692. Maybe he thinks it's pointless
to train you.
Copy !req
693. Get up, Haruo.
Copy !req
694. Lunch, boys.
Masako's special feast.
Copy !req
695. Where's Tanaka?
Copy !req
696. He snuck out earlier.
Copy !req
697. I don't want to be a burden.
Copy !req
698. I need to train.
Copy !req
699. Remember, once I said...
Copy !req
700. power doesn't always win in sumo.
Copy !req
701. But bulk is a definite factor.
Copy !req
702. A kilo in weight
is a kilo in strength.
Copy !req
703. That's sumo.
Copy !req
704. I know you all didn't want to get fat.
Copy !req
705. So I brought you here.
Copy !req
706. It's cool, with clean air,
Copy !req
707. all you can possibly eat
and no training.
Copy !req
708. You'll soon put on 5-6 kg.
Copy !req
709. Earlier, you were over-training.
Copy !req
710. Relax and build your strength.
Copy !req
711. It's not good to over-train.
Copy !req
712. Everyone's depressed to see
Hokuto guys training.
Copy !req
713. The training in Tokyo seems wasted.
Copy !req
714. We were just getting confident.
Copy !req
715. I want to be strong.
Copy !req
716. You're like dead fish!
Copy !req
717. No more food here for you boys.
Copy !req
718. It was delicious.
Copy !req
719. You're all out of condition.
Copy !req
720. You need competition?
Copy !req
721. The Hokuto team are here.
Copy !req
722. Are you kidding?
Copy !req
723. No, I'm not.
Copy !req
724. You've built your strength up.
Copy !req
725. Now get confident.
Copy !req
726. You're enthusiastic.
Copy !req
727. It doesn't become you.
Copy !req
728. Shut up.
Copy !req
729. I'm frightened.
Copy !req
730. You're keen.
Copy !req
731. Here they come.
Copy !req
732. Hokuto refused my offer.
Copy !req
733. They don't like your attitude.
Copy !req
734. So I asked the local schoolboy's club.
Copy !req
735. Damn Hokuto!
Copy !req
736. Train with the kids.
Copy !req
737. This is pathetic.
Copy !req
738. Regard us with favor!
Copy !req
739. Shall we start with Smiley?
Copy !req
740. Come together!
Copy !req
741. Magic!
Copy !req
742. It wasn't magic.
Copy !req
743. When you pushed,
you put the strain on your legs.
Copy !req
744. You lifted your leg.
Copy !req
745. And he used his right hand
on your left leg,
Copy !req
746. and your momentum to flip you over.
Copy !req
747. What was that technique?
Copy !req
748. Inside leg-trip.
Copy !req
749. Power doesn't always win in sumo.
Copy !req
750. Remember that, Smiley.
Copy !req
751. As Jean Cocteau said,
Copy !req
752. the balance in sumo is miraculous.
Copy !req
753. In sumo, upsetting
your opponent's balance is all.
Copy !req
754. Right, Tanaka.
Copy !req
755. Shuhei.
Copy !req
756. Damn it!
Copy !req
757. Aoki.
Copy !req
758. Yoshiwara American Cheer-girls.
Copy !req
759. Even kids frighten him.
Copy !req
760. Haruo.
Copy !req
761. A Win!
Copy !req
762. Once more!
Copy !req
763. What's with him?
Copy !req
764. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
765. Are you alright?
Copy !req
766. Hex
Copy !req
767. Haruo, come here.
Copy !req
768. Your spirit is admirable.
Copy !req
769. But your power
doesn't match your spirit.
Copy !req
770. Do as I tell you.
Copy !req
771. I did it.
Copy !req
772. The Tricky Cat.
Copy !req
773. Startle him with a sharp clap.
Copy !req
774. They always flinch.
Copy !req
775. Even a grand champion lost when...
Copy !req
776. someone used it on him.
Copy !req
777. What was that?
Copy !req
778. Special technique.
Copy !req
779. He combined it with a head attack.
Copy !req
780. That's my speciality.
Copy !req
781. Along with my fabled inside leg-trip.
Copy !req
782. Don't lift your legs.
Copy !req
783. Remember the basics and you'll win.
Copy !req
784. Don't go easy because they're kids.
Copy !req
785. You're scared of boys?
Copy !req
786. Take these off and you won't be.
Copy !req
787. Close your eyes.
Copy !req
788. Grab his sash!
Copy !req
789. Lower your head.
Copy !req
790. Don't try to throw him.
You'll lose your balance.
Copy !req
791. He did it! He did it!
Copy !req
792. Look at the kid-killer champs
Copy !req
793. They could win
the little boy's league.
Copy !req
794. They're just bullies.
Copy !req
795. This is a "comeback?"
Copy !req
796. Give sumo some honor!
Copy !req
797. What the hell!
Copy !req
798. Stop it - please!
Copy !req
799. Don't insult sumo!
Copy !req
800. One month to the tournament.
Copy !req
801. Your hell begins today.
Copy !req
802. But don't be afraid.
Copy !req
803. You have the will to win.
Copy !req
804. Together we'll restore
the honor of Kyoritsu sumo.
Copy !req
805. When pushed - push!
Pulled - push!
Copy !req
806. Sumo is all pushing.
Copy !req
807. Don't lift your legs!
Copy !req
808. Slide!
Copy !req
809. Don't look away.
Copy !req
810. Close your eyes instead.
Copy !req
811. East Japan Students'
Sumo Tournament
Copy !req
812. What's with the mawashi?
Copy !req
813. A present from the TV station.
Copy !req
814. But say they're from the old boys.
Copy !req
815. Sorry about the flashy mawashi.
Copy !req
816. Any color is allowable.
Copy !req
817. Whose idea?
Copy !req
818. Skinny. The director.
Copy !req
819. Oh, him.
Copy !req
820. What's with the mawashi?
Copy !req
821. Shame upon shame.
Copy !req
822. Hello everyone.
Copy !req
823. A pretty little bum.
Copy !req
824. There's no problem with
the colored mawashi.
Copy !req
825. But Smiley, the tights have to go.
Copy !req
826. No exceptions for foreign customs.
Copy !req
827. Would you mind?
Copy !req
828. I can't do it.
Copy !req
829. Why not?
Copy !req
830. From the east,
Honjitsu Medical University.
Copy !req
831. From the west, Kyoritsu University.
Copy !req
832. If they beat you, you're finished.
Copy !req
833. Let's go!
Copy !req
834. When summer comes to the ringside
Copy !req
835. The sun shines on all within
Copy !req
836. Ain't it great!
Copy !req
837. Kyoritsu, Kyoritsu, Kyoritsu, boys!
Copy !req
838. So dandy, so dashing in
their colorful jockstraps
Copy !req
839. Victory to Kyoritsu!
Copy !req
840. What's that?
Copy !req
841. It's spelt wrong.
Copy !req
842. Can't you even spell?
Copy !req
843. It's a mistake!
Copy !req
844. No, it's a joke!
Copy !req
845. Kids today haven't got a clue.
Copy !req
846. From the east, Tadokoro.
Copy !req
847. From the west, Yamamoto.
Copy !req
848. Go, go, Haruo!
Copy !req
849. Why is Haruo first up?
Copy !req
850. He's enthusiastic.
Copy !req
851. I don't know why,
Copy !req
852. but lately he's been very agitated.
Copy !req
853. West wins!
Copy !req
854. A win by leg-sweep.
Copy !req
855. Yamamoto of the west by a leg-sweep.
Copy !req
856. Do it, Tanaka!
Copy !req
857. Do your best!
Copy !req
858. Go, go, Tanaka!
Copy !req
859. A Win!
Copy !req
860. He stepped out!
Copy !req
861. Step out!
Copy !req
862. A win to the west.
Copy !req
863. Unintentional step-out.
Copy !req
864. That's great.
Copy !req
865. Close your eyes if you're afraid.
Copy !req
866. Attack with your head.
Copy !req
867. Just try it.
Copy !req
868. From the east, Ashitsuka.
Copy !req
869. From the west, Smiley.
Copy !req
870. East wins.
Copy !req
871. East wins by default.
Copy !req
872. From the east, Nonaka.
Copy !req
873. From the west, Aoki.
Copy !req
874. Brace up, Aoki!
Copy !req
875. Relax, Aoki!
Copy !req
876. I hope he'll be alright.
Copy !req
877. The pressure is off him now.
Copy !req
878. Go, go, Aoki!
Copy !req
879. Shut up!
Copy !req
880. Yoshiwara American Cheer-girl.
Copy !req
881. A Win!
Copy !req
882. From the east, Hashi.
Copy !req
883. From the west, Yamamoto.
Copy !req
884. ls Shuhei team captain?
Copy !req
885. Yes, he's got the spirit.
Copy !req
886. A Win!
Copy !req
887. We won!
Copy !req
888. A great win!
Copy !req
889. Kyoritsu's first win!
Copy !req
890. It's getting interesting.
Copy !req
891. East wins by default.
Copy !req
892. Bow. East wins by default.
Copy !req
893. One more round and we win.
Copy !req
894. We can do it.
Copy !req
895. Remember your training.
Copy !req
896. Be confident.
Copy !req
897. You can win it today.
Copy !req
898. On the east, Hokuto Gakuin University.
Copy !req
899. On the west, Kyoritsu University.
Copy !req
900. Bow.
Copy !req
901. From the east, Motohashi.
Copy !req
902. From the west, Yamamoto.
Copy !req
903. He's broken it!
Copy !req
904. Fight on!
Copy !req
905. A Win!
Copy !req
906. East wins.
Copy !req
907. From the east, Akitayama.
Copy !req
908. From the west, Tanaka.
Copy !req
909. Don't be afraid!
Copy !req
910. There goes the title.
Copy !req
911. East wins.
Copy !req
912. From the east, Imai.
Copy !req
913. From the west, Smiley.
Copy !req
914. Bow.
Copy !req
915. East wi...
Copy !req
916. I'll fight.
Copy !req
917. Bow.
Copy !req
918. A Win!
Copy !req
919. West wins.
Copy !req
920. From the east, Sugimoto.
Copy !req
921. From the east, Aoki.
Copy !req
922. Go Aoki!
Copy !req
923. Just relax!
Copy !req
924. We were so close.
Copy !req
925. Not the shits again!
Copy !req
926. A Win!
Copy !req
927. He did it!
Copy !req
928. His first win!
Copy !req
929. Aoki did it!
Copy !req
930. Bow!
Copy !req
931. West wins.
Copy !req
932. Collapse in mid-fight.
Copy !req
933. Hopeless till the very end!
Copy !req
934. From the east, Kurataka.
Copy !req
935. From the west, Yamamoto.
Copy !req
936. Finish them off!
Copy !req
937. Go back!
Copy !req
938. Calm down!
Copy !req
939. A tactic?
Copy !req
940. Fortitude!
Copy !req
941. Perseverance!
Copy !req
942. Persevere!
Copy !req
943. He won!
Copy !req
944. West wins.
Copy !req
945. We won?
Copy !req
946. Did we?
Copy !req
947. So what!
Copy !req
948. The 40th, East Japan
Student's Sumo Tournament...
Copy !req
949. Third division has been won by the...
Copy !req
950. Kyoritsu University Sumo Club!
Copy !req
951. How's Haruo?
Copy !req
952. The break is not so bad
but he's very upset.
Copy !req
953. They'll keep him in overnight.
Copy !req
954. So there goes tomorrow's contest.
Copy !req
955. Tomorrow?
Copy !req
956. Divisional promotion bouts.
Copy !req
957. Winners of the Third Division
get a chance to...
Copy !req
958. advance to the Second Division.
Copy !req
959. Yes, that's right.
Copy !req
960. I'll refuse the offer.
Copy !req
961. Shuhei sprained his ankle.
Copy !req
962. Haruo's arm is broken.
Copy !req
963. They'll field seven men.
Copy !req
964. Three is not a majority.
Copy !req
965. Impossible to win.
Copy !req
966. I'll fight!
Copy !req
967. You can't, you're a woman.
Copy !req
968. I want revenge for Haruo.
Copy !req
969. But women aren't even allowed
in the ring.
Copy !req
970. It's not even funny.
Copy !req
971. I can enter.
Copy !req
972. I'm not kidding, I'm serious!
Copy !req
973. Alongside you all.
Copy !req
974. In place of Haruo!
Copy !req
975. Please, let me.
Copy !req
976. Alright.
Copy !req
977. She'll have to go naked.
Copy !req
978. So what?
She's a club member, too.
Copy !req
979. I'll join in, too.
Copy !req
980. You don't mind?
Copy !req
981. Good, that makes six.
Copy !req
982. It may bring shame on you,
but humor us.
Copy !req
983. You're the coach.
It's your decision.
Copy !req
984. Are you serious?
Copy !req
985. If they know you're a woman,
Copy !req
986. you'll be barred.
Copy !req
987. You'll be naked except for a sash.
Copy !req
988. I'll fight.
Copy !req
989. Win, win! Daitoa will win!
Copy !req
990. If we fall to Third Division
we'll never get back up!
Copy !req
991. They're on a run.
Copy !req
992. Don't let them fool you.
Copy !req
993. If you let these wimps beat ya,
I'll kill ya!
Copy !req
994. Fight to the death!
Copy !req
995. What's wrong?
Copy !req
996. Where's Masako?
Copy !req
997. She was gone this morning.
Copy !req
998. And Kawamura?
Copy !req
999. Same thing.
Copy !req
1000. From the east, Nogami.
Copy !req
1001. From the west, Mamiya.
Copy !req
1002. Bow.
Copy !req
1003. Masako!
Copy !req
1004. I'm so sorry.
Copy !req
1005. Masao!
Copy !req
1006. Masao!
Copy !req
1007. We won't fail!
Copy !req
1008. From the east, Kitahara.
Copy !req
1009. From the west, Smiley.
Copy !req
1010. Damn it!
Copy !req
1011. From the east, Higashiyama.
Copy !req
1012. From the west, Tanaka.
Copy !req
1013. Stop that!
Copy !req
1014. Freedom of religion!
Copy !req
1015. Belly him out!
Copy !req
1016. A Win!
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1017. God, oh god, I won.
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1018. You won! All by yourself!
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1019. Leave the rest to me.
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1020. A Win!
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1021. He did an inside leg trip!
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1022. Diarrhea or not, a win's a win!
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1023. Show some spirit!
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1024. He's strong.
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1025. Far stronger than you.
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1026. So that's your opening.
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1027. He expects to win.
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1028. He'll try for a slap-down.
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1029. He won't want to get in close.
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1030. Hang on to him and don't let go.
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1031. I didn't want to lecture you.
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1032. But you have a real chance.
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1033. Under no circumstances
let go of his sash.
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1034. Anyway, I'm satisfied
to have come this far.
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1035. The thing is, will you be satisfied?
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1036. From the east, Nakada.
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1037. From the west, Yamamoto.
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1038. Do your best.
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1039. Bow.
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1040. The players are pink giants.
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1041. As unique as the frescoes
from a famous cathedral
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1042. They come together in equilibrium,
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1043. their legs intertwined,
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1044. their fingers grasping
each other's sash.
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1045. And the fringe standing erect.
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1046. Muscles flexing.
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1047. Legs rooted to the earth.
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1048. Blood coursing through their veins.
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1049. And the ring is all a pastel of pink.
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1050. A Win!
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1051. Thank you, Smiley.
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1052. I'll be back in two years.
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1053. Thanks for the Japanese spirit.
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1054. You're wrong, Smiley.
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1055. It's one for all and all for one.
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1056. I'll see you two in London.
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1057. Masako's dad is in London.
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1058. She's going there soon.
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1059. She asked me to go, too.
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1060. I've always wanted to study abroad.
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1061. Masako Mamiya.
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1062. Farewell, Aoki.
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1063. Let's toast.
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1064. Good work, Aoki.
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1065. By the way,
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1066. Tanaka will turn professional.
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1067. I made the introduction.
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1068. We're sorry to lose him for next year.
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1069. In the last fight God spoke to me:
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1070. "This is the only way for you."
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1071. Your cheers made me so happy.
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1072. I'm so glad I started sumo.
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1073. May I ask a question?
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1074. Tomio Aoki
May I ask a question?
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1075. May I ask a question?
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1076. Did you really ask to fight Hokuto
at summer training?
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1077. I just wondered.
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1078. Maybe you planned
those kids all along.
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1079. I didn't plan the all-out brawl.
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1080. I knew it!
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1081. I thought Haruo
and Tanaka would stay on.
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1082. Next year we start from zero again.
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1083. "Shuhei Yamamoto."
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1084. What are you doing?
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1085. I'm considering staying another year.
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1086. I don't want the club to finish.
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1087. And your job?
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1088. No more easy roads for me.
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1089. Will you teach me stamping?
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1090. Finally I get to stamp my feet.
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