1. Good day.
Copy !req
2. On this day, July 1st 2014...
Copy !req
3. at this hour, 0600...
Copy !req
4. we are at the very first airport in the world...
Copy !req
5. topic of so much controversy
over the past 7 years...
Copy !req
6. has continued development.
Copy !req
7. Protests from environmental groups and a number of
developing countries continue.
Copy !req
8. It had been claimed the CW7 is the answer
to global warming.
Copy !req
9. And we are witnesses.
Copy !req
10. Leaders who argue that global warming
can no longer be ignored.
Copy !req
11. Today, 79 countries will began dispersing CW7...
Copy !req
12. in the upper layers of the atmosphere.
Copy !req
13. And surprisingly bring down the
average global temperatures...
Copy !req
14. It is just a day away that...
Copy !req
15. According to scientists...
Copy !req
16. the artificial cooling substance CW7...
Copy !req
17. will succeed in bringing average global temperatures
down to manageable levels.
Copy !req
18. As a revolutionary solution to mankind's
warming of the planet.
Copy !req
19. Head check.
Copy !req
20. Alright, get in line.
Copy !req
21. Everybody sit down.
Copy !req
22. One, two, three...
Copy !req
23. four, five, six...
Copy !req
24. Keep going.
Copy !req
25. Go on.
Copy !req
26. Hey you, sit down.
Copy !req
27. Curtis, sit down.
Copy !req
28. Sit down.
Copy !req
29. I said sit down!
Copy !req
30. - What the fuck are you doing?
- Counting.
Copy !req
31. Can't you sit and count?
You want to get shot? You're crazy.
Copy !req
32. Shut up, Edgar. I'm thinking.
Copy !req
33. Are there any experienced violinists here?
Copy !req
34. Raise your hands.
Copy !req
35. Violinist!
Copy !req
36. Stand up, come forward.
Copy !req
37. Food, come and get it.
Copy !req
38. Violinist, they're having a laugh.
Copy !req
39. Those bastards in the front sections
think they own us.
Copy !req
40. Eating their steak dinner
and listening to string quartets.
Copy !req
41. Will be different when we get there.
Copy !req
42. I want steak.
Copy !req
43. Excuse me, sir.
Copy !req
44. My wife and I played violin in the
Boston Symphony Orchestra.
Copy !req
45. I was first chair.
Copy !req
46. Can you still play?
Copy !req
47. Well of course, you never forget.
Copy !req
48. Show me your hands.
Copy !req
49. You, follow me.
Copy !req
50. Leave your belongings,
we just need your hands.
Copy !req
51. Not both?
Copy !req
52. Yes, both hands.
Copy !req
53. My wife Doris plays beautifully.
Better than me, even.
Copy !req
54. They just need one person.
Copy !req
55. Then I won't go.
Copy !req
56. Doris, Doris...
Copy !req
57. Sit down, everyone.
Copy !req
58. Sit down.
Copy !req
59. - They can't just...
- Sit down.
Copy !req
60. Those fucking bastards.
Copy !req
61. Now isn't the time.
Copy !req
62. Well, when is the time?
Copy !req
63. Soon.
Copy !req
64. Doris.
Copy !req
65. I'll be back, Doris.
It's alright.
Copy !req
66. I'll come back.
Copy !req
67. What does steak taste like again?
Copy !req
68. I had it once,
but I can't remember.
Copy !req
69. If you can't remember then it's better
to forget.
Copy !req
70. What does it smell like when it's cooked?
Copy !req
71. It must emanate around the place.
Copy !req
72. Curtis. Is this it?
Copy !req
73. It's not it.
Copy !req
74. Sorry.
Copy !req
75. Curtis, here!
Copy !req
76. Timbo!
Copy !req
77. How's it hanging, buddy?
Copy !req
78. Give me a pow.
Copy !req
79. Hey listen.
Copy !req
80. I think I need that protein block.
Copy !req
81. How about I trade you,
this one for that one?
Copy !req
82. No.
Copy !req
83. Nice bargaining power, Curtis.
Here, give me this one, I'll give you that...
Copy !req
84. Relax, relax...
Copy !req
85. Come here, Timmy.
Copy !req
86. Come right...
Copy !req
87. I have an idea.
Copy !req
88. I'll give you this one and that one
for that one.
Copy !req
89. - What do you say?
- No.
Copy !req
90. Go get him.
Copy !req
91. Timmy!
Copy !req
92. Timothy, your mom is gonna give you
a darn good spanking.
Copy !req
93. Where the fuck he went?
Copy !req
94. Hey, come here.
Give it to me.
Copy !req
95. Hi Jose, how are you doing?
Copy !req
96. Timmy! Work with me here.
Copy !req
97. Edgar, why did you let him
get up there?
Copy !req
98. No I didn't, he got up there by himself.
He's very nimble.
Copy !req
99. - He's 5.
- He's a very nimble 5 year old.
Copy !req
100. Timmy, sweetie, come down.
Copy !req
101. Come here.
Copy !req
102. What do you want for it?
Copy !req
103. In the whole wide train?
Copy !req
104. In the whole wide train.
Copy !req
105. The ball.
Copy !req
106. The ball? No.
Copy !req
107. No, I'm sorry I can't do that.
I can't do that.
Copy !req
108. Yes, I get the ball for a whole hour.
Copy !req
109. Done.
Copy !req
110. Curtis. Is it time?
Copy !req
111. Not yet, Tanya. Soon.
Copy !req
112. Red paper?
Copy !req
113. Yeah, it's the one we've been
waiting for.
Copy !req
114. Our informant gave us a name.
Copy !req
115. N, A, M...
Copy !req
116. Nam Koong Min Soo.
Copy !req
117. He's a security expert.
He's in the prison section now.
Copy !req
118. - Wait, you're joking right? He's in prison?
- Out of here.
Copy !req
119. - I'm just saying, what kind of chance do we have...
- Edgar.
Copy !req
120. I just think if this guy says
that he's such a great security expert...
Copy !req
121. - why can't he just break out himself?
- That's enough! Go.
Copy !req
122. Let's go, Tim.
Copy !req
123. Come on, let's go.
Copy !req
124. Edgar just wants to help, you know.
Copy !req
125. He thinks the world of you.
Copy !req
126. He shouldn't worship me the way he does.
I'm not who he thinks I am.
Copy !req
127. Few of us ever are.
Copy !req
128. Alright, we're here.
Copy !req
129. Tail section, quarantine section,
prison section.
Copy !req
130. Gate, gate, gate.
Copy !req
131. 4 seconds when all three gates
are open at once.
Copy !req
132. We have 4 seconds to go through three gates
and bust Nam out.
Copy !req
133. Then Nam gets us the rest of the way.
Copy !req
134. Our fate depends on this man.
Copy !req
135. Yeah.
Copy !req
136. If we can get him to cooperate
he can take us all the way to the front of the train.
Copy !req
137. Very front section?
Copy !req
138. Yeah.
Copy !req
139. From here right to
the front of the train.
Copy !req
140. Everything in one stroke.
Copy !req
141. We control the engine,
we control the world.
Copy !req
142. Without that,
we have nothing.
Copy !req
143. All past revolutions have failed
because they couldn't take the engine.
Copy !req
144. What are you saying?
Copy !req
145. This time we take the engine.
Copy !req
146. Then what?
Copy !req
147. We kill them.
Copy !req
148. Wilford?
Copy !req
149. You should run the train now,
not Wilford.
Copy !req
150. I am a shadow of my former shadow.
Copy !req
151. My day was decades ago.
Copy !req
152. How old is Gilliam?
Copy !req
153. Shut up, Edgar.
Copy !req
154. I'm not saying that I want that to happen,
that's not what I'm saying.
Copy !req
155. What I mean is
he will die someday.
Copy !req
156. And when that happens,
you're gonna have to take over.
Copy !req
157. You're gonna have to
run the train.
Copy !req
158. I'm not a leader.
Copy !req
159. I don't know.
Copy !req
160. I think you'd be pretty good
if you ask me.
Copy !req
161. Hey, Edgar.
Copy !req
162. How far back
can you remember?
Copy !req
163. I don't know, like what?
Copy !req
164. Your mother, you remember her?
Copy !req
165. I can remember a face...
Copy !req
166. every once in a while.
Copy !req
167. But it's not clear.
Copy !req
168. Stay down, everybody.
Copy !req
169. - Everybody stay in your place.
- Fucking look at me.
Copy !req
170. Keep down, keep down.
Copy !req
171. - Medical inspection. Just the kids.
- All the kids come with me.
Copy !req
172. It's a medical check up.
Copy !req
173. You're doing good.
Copy !req
174. Everybody, all the kids.
Copy !req
175. - All the kids?
- You too.
- That's right, just come.
Copy !req
176. Stay back there, ma'am.
Just stay back there.
Copy !req
177. Alright, one more.
Copy !req
178. Yup, come on.
Copy !req
179. You need to go.
Copy !req
180. It's just a medical check up.
You just stay back there.
Copy !req
181. Come on, that's right.
Come with the others, okay.
Copy !req
182. You, go and check.
Copy !req
183. - Don't move.
- Go, Timmy!
Copy !req
184. Timmy!
Copy !req
185. That's her baby!
Copy !req
186. Andy!
Copy !req
187. Give me back my son.
Copy !req
188. Give me my son,
you fucking bitch!
Copy !req
189. Andy!
Copy !req
190. Let him throw his shoe.
Copy !req
191. - Timmy!
- Tim!
Copy !req
192. At this altitude, we need only 7 minutes.
Copy !req
193. 7 minutes allotted for your speech, sir.
Copy !req
194. This is so disappointing.
Copy !req
195. No no, we don't need all that,
we only got 7 minutes.
Copy !req
196. Passengers...
Copy !req
197. This is not a shoe.
Copy !req
198. This is disorder.
Copy !req
199. This is size 10 chaos.
Copy !req
200. This, you see this?
This is death.
Copy !req
201. In this locomotive we call home,
there is one thing...
Copy !req
202. that's between our warm hearts
and the bitter cold...
Copy !req
203. Clothing? Jeans? No, order.
Copy !req
204. Order is the barrier that holds back
the cold and death.
Copy !req
205. We must all of us,
on this train of life...
Copy !req
206. remain in our allotted stations...
Copy !req
207. we must each of us occupy...
Copy !req
208. our preordained particulate positions.
Copy !req
209. Would you wear a shoe on your head?
Copy !req
210. Of course you wouldn't wear
a shoe on your head.
Copy !req
211. A shoe doesn't belong in your head.
Copy !req
212. A shoe belongs on your foot.
Copy !req
213. A hat belongs on your head.
Copy !req
214. I am a hat,
you are a shoe.
Copy !req
215. I belong on the head,
you belong on the foot.
Copy !req
216. Yes? So it is.
Copy !req
217. In the beginning, order was prescribed
by your ticket.
Copy !req
218. First bus, economy,
and freeloaders like you.
Copy !req
219. Eternal order is prescribed by
the Sacred Engine.
Copy !req
220. All things flow from
the Sacred Engine.
Copy !req
221. All things in their place.
Copy !req
222. All passengers in their sections.
Copy !req
223. All water flowing,
all heat rising...
Copy !req
224. pays homage to
the Sacred Engine.
Copy !req
225. In its own particulate...
Copy !req
226. preordained position.
Copy !req
227. So it is.
Copy !req
228. Now, as in the beginning...
Copy !req
229. I belong to the front.
Copy !req
230. You belong to the tail.
Copy !req
231. When the foot seeks the place of the head...
Copy !req
232. a sacred line is crossed.
Copy !req
233. Know your place.
Copy !req
234. Keep your place.
Copy !req
235. Be a shoe.
Copy !req
236. We only have 42 seconds left.
Copy !req
237. So we can go to a comment of Mr. Wilford,
Copy !req
238. the divine keeper of
the Sacred Engine.
Copy !req
239. Sir? Mr. Wilford?
Copy !req
240. Are you there?
Copy !req
241. Are you there, sir?
Copy !req
242. It's breaking up.
Well then...
Copy !req
243. Mr. Wilford's a very busy man.
Copy !req
244. So it is.
Copy !req
245. Well, we're just gonna watch?
Copy !req
246. - Not now.
- I'm not just gonna fucking sit here.
Copy !req
247. Nah, alright.
Copy !req
248. Stop, stop right there.
Sit down.
Copy !req
249. Put that useless gun down.
Put it away.
Copy !req
250. Long time no see, Mr. Gilliam.
Copy !req
251. It's a pleasure!
Copy !req
252. You look healthy.
Copy !req
253. He's fine.
Copy !req
254. Minister Mason, please deliver a message to Mr. Wilford.
Copy !req
255. Certainly, what should I say?
Copy !req
256. Tell him he and I need to talk.
Copy !req
257. Well, you can talk to me.
Copy !req
258. Mr. Wilford has no reason to visit here.
Copy !req
259. Not here.
Copy !req
260. At the front.
Copy !req
261. Nice to hear it.
Copy !req
262. Your son will be a hero, I promise.
Copy !req
263. Or daughter, whatever it is.
Copy !req
264. I got it.
Copy !req
265. - Your contribution has been duly noted.
- Thanks.
Copy !req
266. So sorry to interrupt you
while you're praying.
Copy !req
267. So sorry.
Copy !req
268. There's your Buddha back,
thanks very much.
Copy !req
269. Move! Move!
Copy !req
270. Stop fooling around.
Copy !req
271. I've got a better batch.
Copy !req
272. Stronger, fresh, uncut.
Copy !req
273. Want to try some?
Copy !req
274. How many protein blocks for
10 rocks of uncut Kronol?
Copy !req
275. They don't have bullets.
Copy !req
276. Why do you say that?
Copy !req
277. You remember what Mason said?
She said, "Put down that useless gun".
Copy !req
278. She meant...
Copy !req
279. she wouldn't give the order
to shoot me.
Copy !req
280. No.
Copy !req
281. No, I think the guns
are literally useless.
Copy !req
282. They've used up all their bullets
4 years ago on the last revolt.
Copy !req
283. Bullets are extinct.
Copy !req
284. If you're wrong, we could be finished
before we even start.
Copy !req
285. I think we should be patient.
Copy !req
286. Wait for the next red letter.
Copy !req
287. To the left.
Copy !req
288. And right.
Copy !req
289. Not yet, up.
Now left.
Copy !req
290. Good, good.
Copy !req
291. 1... 2... 1... 2...
Copy !req
292. 1... 2... 1... 2...
Copy !req
293. Hello? Andrew.
Copy !req
294. Andrew!
Copy !req
295. Wake up.
Rise and shine.
Copy !req
296. When you dream to much of the sun,
you forget the trees.
Copy !req
297. I believe this is your son.
Copy !req
298. I'm sorry, it's not very good.
Copy !req
299. It's not my best work,
it's a little dark.
Copy !req
300. If you look very deep into the eyes,
you can see a little bit of hope.
Copy !req
301. What about my boy? You got one of Timmy?
Copy !req
302. Yes, Tanya.
I do.
Copy !req
303. Easy, easy.
Don't hurt yourself.
Copy !req
304. Here, there you go, Timmy.
Copy !req
305. Look at him.
Copy !req
306. One little smile.
Copy !req
307. Curtis, you gotta let me come with you.
Copy !req
308. No, Tanya, I'm sorry.
Copy !req
309. You will be if you don't let me come.
Copy !req
310. I'm going to the front and I'm gonna make
that bitch sorry she put a hand on my boy.
Copy !req
311. Make this one tighter.
Copy !req
312. You know I'm stronger than all these
skinny ass soldiers anyway.
Copy !req
313. Please.
Copy !req
314. Shit, what's going on?
Copy !req
315. Change of schedule, boys.
They're coming back.
Copy !req
316. It's now or never.
Copy !req
317. Don't panic.
Stick to the plan.
Copy !req
318. Hide that, hide your weapons
in your clothes.
Copy !req
319. - Head check.
- Yeah.
Copy !req
320. Line up.
Copy !req
321. Alright, sit down.
Copy !req
322. 1... 2... 3...
Copy !req
323. What the fuck do we do?
Copy !req
324. 6... Keep going.
Copy !req
325. I've had enough of this
protein block bullshit.
Copy !req
326. Yeah, this is bullshit.
Copy !req
327. - I'm fucking hungry.
- I want chicken.
Copy !req
328. We're not gonna sit down
for this shite.
Copy !req
329. We want chicken!
Copy !req
330. Quiet! Be quiet!
Copy !req
331. Calm down.
It's okay.
Copy !req
332. You want him fucking dead?
Is that it?
Copy !req
333. Keep quiet.
Copy !req
334. Still going for it, are we?
Copy !req
335. Come on, let's go!
Let's do it.
Copy !req
336. The rifles.
Copy !req
337. No, we can get them.
Copy !req
338. We easily outnumber their bullets.
Copy !req
339. This is it.
Copy !req
340. Curtis, come on.
Copy !req
341. We're out of time,
we gotta do it now.
Copy !req
342. They've got no bullets!
They've got no bullets!
Copy !req
343. Keep going, keep going!
Copy !req
344. Close the gate quick.
Shut it.
Copy !req
345. I'm fine, Grey. You go now.
Copy !req
346. Fuck.
Copy !req
347. Nam Koong Min Soo. Kronol addict.
That explains a lot, doesn't it?
Copy !req
348. - Hurry up, Edgar.
- Hurry up?
Copy !req
349. So sorry for keeping you all waiting.
Copy !req
350. Obviously I work here so...
Copy !req
351. - Open it.
- Here we go.
Copy !req
352. Kronol head...
Copy !req
353. So this is Kronol?
I hear it's pretty big in the front section.
Copy !req
354. Careful, that's how these guys
Copy !req
355. It's industrial waste.
Copy !req
356. And it's highly flammable.
Copy !req
357. Are you Nam Koong Min Soo, security specialist?
Copy !req
358. Did you design all the door locks
and the security systems on the train?
Copy !req
359. Look at him man, he's gone.
Look at his eyes.
Copy !req
360. He's fried his brain
with that fucking shite.
Copy !req
361. Are you Nam?
Copy !req
362. Nam, are you listening?
Copy !req
363. Yes, I'm listening, bastard.
Copy !req
364. My name is not "Nem", it is "Nam".
Namgoung Minsoo, shit.
Copy !req
365. Namgoung is my name, my surname is Minsoo, asshole.
Copy !req
366. Unknown words.
Copy !req
367. Try again with the correct vocabulary.
Copy !req
368. We need your help.
Copy !req
369. For what?
Copy !req
370. We're going to the front.
Copy !req
371. And we need you to open up the gates.
Copy !req
372. If I don't want to?
Copy !req
373. Uncut, straight from the barrel.
Copy !req
374. Every door you open,
you get one lap of Kronol.
Copy !req
375. Jesus, Marlboro Light?
Copy !req
376. I can't believe it.
Copy !req
377. Cigarettes have been extinct for more
than 10 years now.
Copy !req
378. You want a smoke too, asshole?
Copy !req
379. It's too good for shit like you.
Copy !req
380. I'm gonna make this
real simple for you.
Copy !req
381. You help us, you get your drug.
Copy !req
382. If not, we put you back
where we found you.
Copy !req
383. What'll be, asshole?
Copy !req
384. Chan.
Copy !req
385. Chan, get out of here.
Let's get out.
Copy !req
386. That's enough.
Copy !req
387. I'll put you back in the fucking drawer.
Copy !req
388. Get up.
Copy !req
389. My daughter, Yona.
To move forward, we need her.
Copy !req
390. So you're coming with us?
Copy !req
391. For each door, I want two blocks of Kronol.
Copy !req
392. She's an addict too?
Copy !req
393. Nobody there.
Copy !req
394. Kronol?
Copy !req
395. Look at all these beds. Where is everybody?
Copy !req
396. Looks like they left in a hurry.
Copy !req
397. There's food on the table.
Copy !req
398. This can't be a window, can it?
Copy !req
399. Still cold.
Copy !req
400. Dead.
Copy !req
401. All dead.
Copy !req
402. Alright, let's go everyone. Stay focused.
We didn't come here for this.
Copy !req
403. You heard the man, let's go.
Copy !req
404. Nehm... Nam!
Copy !req
405. Kronol!
Copy !req
406. How did you know
there was nobody there?
Copy !req
407. He's running.
Copy !req
408. Paul?
Copy !req
409. Paul!
Copy !req
410. What is he doing?
Copy !req
411. He looks so different.
Copy !req
412. Just a second.
Copy !req
413. It's used to be automatic,
but it's hard when it sticks.
Copy !req
414. - It's not the Paul I remember.
- No.
Copy !req
415. Paul? It's Curtis!
Copy !req
416. They ain't coming back,
so now I gotta do it.
Copy !req
417. Manually.
Copy !req
418. So that's how it's made.
Copy !req
419. Still hot.
Copy !req
420. Look at them all.
Copy !req
421. You do some nice work.
Copy !req
422. That's right man, that's your food.
That's your protein block.
Copy !req
423. Is this why they took you?
To make this garbage?
Copy !req
424. Paul?
Copy !req
425. You've been alone
this whole time?
Copy !req
426. Alone.
Copy !req
427. In the zone.
Copy !req
428. We're going to the front.
Come with us.
Copy !req
429. Alright, you're going to the front?
Copy !req
430. But no way, my place is here alright?
Copy !req
431. Here? Making this crap? Why?
Copy !req
432. - You can't draw this.
- Okay.
Copy !req
433. Oh man.
Copy !req
434. All this time, we've been eating this shit?
Copy !req
435. I eat them too, you know?
Copy !req
436. Every single day.
Copy !req
437. Where'd you get this?
Copy !req
438. Have you been the one
writing this?
Copy !req
439. I don't write them...
Copy !req
440. Why do you have this?
Who gave this to you?
Copy !req
441. They just leave them for me, man.
Copy !req
442. I put them in the protein block,
I send them on.
Copy !req
443. That's it.
Copy !req
444. The water supply section?
Copy !req
445. Yes, just a few cars up.
Copy !req
446. It's where the water's cleansed
and recycled.
Copy !req
447. It's one of the most crucial sections
in the train.
Copy !req
448. If we take it,
we'll have the upperhand?
Copy !req
449. We don't even have to go
to the very front.
Copy !req
450. We control the water...
Copy !req
451. we control the negotiation.
Copy !req
452. Excuse me, sorry to bother you there,
could I get you a glass of water to speed this up?
Copy !req
453. Would you get on with it, man?
You're keeping us all fucking waiting.
Copy !req
454. Is it my fault?
Copy !req
455. You, you are.
Copy !req
456. Although you've been fucking smelling that Kronol shite that...
Copy !req
457. time is a probably a distant concept
for you, isn't it?
Copy !req
458. Of course, I do it for the Kronol.
Copy !req
459. Here we go again. Kronol this,
Kronol that...
Copy !req
460. Christ almighty man,
do some fucking work.
Copy !req
461. You're the one who's giving me this.
Copy !req
462. Are you thick? That's what you asked for
each time you opened the gate.
Copy !req
463. Yona? It's Yona right?
Copy !req
464. How old are you?
Copy !req
465. 17.
Copy !req
466. 17, you're a train baby then?
Copy !req
467. How about you?
Copy !req
468. 17 years on earth.
Copy !req
469. 17 years in the tail section.
Copy !req
470. Earth?
Copy !req
471. What was it like?
Copy !req
472. I don't remember.
Copy !req
473. Why?
Copy !req
474. I don't want to remember anything
before I met Gilliam.
Copy !req
475. Yona.
Copy !req
476. Are you clairvoyant?
Copy !req
477. Clairvoyant? What's that?
Copy !req
478. You always seem to know
what's behind the gates.
Copy !req
479. Do you see things
in your mind?
Copy !req
480. Don't open it.
Copy !req
481. What?
Copy !req
482. Stop!
Copy !req
483. Be careful.
Copy !req
484. You too.
Copy !req
485. Team 2, move.
Copy !req
486. Move forward!
Copy !req
487. We're passing Yekaterina bridge!
Copy !req
488. We're at the bridge, guys!
Copy !req
489. 10... 9... 8... 7...
Copy !req
490. 5... 4... 3... 2... 1.
Copy !req
491. Happy new year!
Copy !req
492. Happy new year!
Copy !req
493. I hate getting old, I hate it.
Copy !req
494. Everybody down!
Copy !req
495. Hang on.
Copy !req
496. Impact!
Copy !req
497. Not yet. A second one.
Copy !req
498. Stay down.
Copy !req
499. Nam, what are you doing?
What are you doing?
Copy !req
500. He's high as a fucking kite.
Copy !req
501. We're getting closer.
Copy !req
502. Safe passage.
Copy !req
503. One, two. One, two.
Copy !req
504. Happy Yekaterina bridge, you filthy ingrates.
Copy !req
505. You people, who if not for the benevolent Wilford...
Copy !req
506. would have frozen solid 18 years ago today...
Copy !req
507. You people...
Copy !req
508. who would suck up the generous titty
of Wilford ever since...
Copy !req
509. for food and shelter.
Copy !req
510. And now,
Copy !req
511. in front of our hallowed water supply section no less...
Copy !req
512. you repay his kindness...
Copy !req
513. with violent hooliganism.
Copy !req
514. You scum.
Copy !req
515. Precisely 74% of you shall die.
Copy !req
516. My friend, you suffer from a misplaced optimism
of the doom.
Copy !req
517. This is going to be good.
Copy !req
518. What? What did he say?
Copy !req
519. He said you guys are fucked.
Copy !req
520. You should beat those sectioners.
Copy !req
521. There's a tunnel right after Yekaterina...
Copy !req
522. A tunnel?
Copy !req
523. A fucking long one.
Copy !req
524. What are you doing? Run.
Copy !req
525. Everybody down!
Copy !req
526. Go, go, go!
Copy !req
527. Chan, get out, get out.
Copy !req
528. Chan! We need fire!
Copy !req
529. Chan, bring the fire.
Copy !req
530. Throw them in the back, we're gonna get the lights here.
Copy !req
531. Chan, the matches.
Copy !req
532. We will crush you, motherfuckers!
Copy !req
533. Officer Fuyu!
Copy !req
534. What are you doing? Don't look at me.
Get them.
Copy !req
535. Put me down, stop squeezing my leg.
Copy !req
536. Surrender!
Copy !req
537. Surrender, he'll kill me
if we don't surrender.
Copy !req
538. Sure.
Copy !req
539. Curtis!
Copy !req
540. Stop!
Copy !req
541. Stop everybody!
Copy !req
542. Drop your weapons!
Copy !req
543. Stop!
Copy !req
544. Everybody stop!
Copy !req
545. Do what he says, for crying out loud.
Copy !req
546. Drop your weapons!
Copy !req
547. Don't look.
Copy !req
548. Survivors.
Copy !req
549. Wash yourselves.
Copy !req
550. The water supply section...
Copy !req
551. Wash away the blood.
Copy !req
552. Have you seen these kids?
Copy !req
553. I don't know anything about...
Copy !req
554. Where are they, you bitch?
Copy !req
555. I don't know, it's not me.
Copy !req
556. Tell us or we'll cut your arm
you bastard.
Copy !req
557. Wilford knows.
Copy !req
558. Wilford likes kids.
Copy !req
559. He does.
Copy !req
560. That's why he sent that yellow worm cloth
to get them for him.
Copy !req
561. It's Wilford you want,
not me!
Copy !req
562. Wilford likes kids?
Copy !req
563. All he cares about is
his wretched engine.
Copy !req
564. The engine is sacred.
Copy !req
565. And Wilford is divine.
Copy !req
566. Wilford is merciful.
Copy !req
567. Call him.
Copy !req
568. See if he'll come save you.
Copy !req
569. Yes.
Copy !req
570. Wilford the merciful.
Copy !req
571. Call him.
Copy !req
572. He won't come here,
he won't leave his engine.
Copy !req
573. We're gonna rip you into little pieces,
he still won't come?
Copy !req
574. When we control the water and turn that off,
he'll have to come.
Copy !req
575. Turn off the water?
Copy !req
576. Well, you'll only be condemning
your own people.
Copy !req
577. The water comes from the front.
Copy !req
578. The nose of the train, it breaks up the snow and ice
and turns it into water.
Copy !req
579. Like an elephant's trunk.
Copy !req
580. The water comes in the mouth.
Copy !req
581. Not in the bum, Curtis.
Copy !req
582. Yes, Wilford knows you well, Mr Curtis Everett.
Copy !req
583. He's been watching you.
Copy !req
584. And we know you won't harm
your own people.
Copy !req
585. Too bad you couldn't save your second in command,
what was his name? Edgar?
Copy !req
586. Shut the fuck up!
Copy !req
587. Mr Curtis, I can help you.
Copy !req
588. You can fucking die, is what you can do.
Copy !req
589. No, I can help you.
I swear it.
Copy !req
590. Listen to me.
Copy !req
591. Wilford won't come here.
He's not coming.
Copy !req
592. You've got to go to him.
Copy !req
593. And I can take you.
Copy !req
594. I know the train, I can guarantee you safe passage.
Copy !req
595. Why the fuck would I trust you?
Copy !req
596. Because I want to live.
Copy !req
597. So you'd sell out Wilford the Benevolent?
Copy !req
598. If I take you to the front...
Copy !req
599. you have to kill him.
Copy !req
600. I'll get you close enough.
Copy !req
601. You kill him and let me live.
Copy !req
602. Curtis?
Copy !req
603. You still determined to push ahead?
Copy !req
604. Of course.
Copy !req
605. We're not even half way.
Copy !req
606. You already got further than
anyone else.
Copy !req
607. Further than McGregor, 4 years ago.
Copy !req
608. 10 cars, 20 cars, it doesn't matter
unless you make it to the engine.
Copy !req
609. They'll just regroup and attack us again.
We gotta pull them up at the roots.
Copy !req
610. So many have been killed.
Copy !req
611. We've lost so many.
Copy !req
612. I know.
Copy !req
613. You seen our men?
Copy !req
614. They are exhausted.
Copy !req
615. I told them to wash themselves...
Copy !req
616. so I can assess the damage.
Copy !req
617. Let me go ahead.
Copy !req
618. I got Mason now,
I can move a lot faster.
Copy !req
619. You stay here with the wounded
and guard the prisoners.
Copy !req
620. When we take the Engine,
I'll call for you to lead us.
Copy !req
621. Stop it, Curtis.
Copy !req
622. Why are you doing that?
Copy !req
623. You know very well that you're already
our leader.
Copy !req
624. You have to accept that.
Copy !req
625. How can I lead if I have
two good arms.
Copy !req
626. It's faded out.
Copy !req
627. Better to have both arms...
Copy !req
628. You can't do a lot with one, you know?
Copy !req
629. Especially when you hold a woman.
Copy !req
630. Much better to have two arms,
wouldn't you agree?
Copy !req
631. When you get to the narrow bridge...
Copy !req
632. big gate with a W on it.
Copy !req
633. Wilford's behind that.
Copy !req
634. Don't let Wilford talk.
Copy !req
635. Cut out his tongue.
Copy !req
636. Okay, let's all get in there.
Squeeze in.
Copy !req
637. Perfect, perfect.
Copy !req
638. The hat becomes you well.
Copy !req
639. Now Grey...
Copy !req
640. You must go with Curtis.
Copy !req
641. Oh, forgot somebody.
Copy !req
642. Okay.
Copy !req
643. Kronol.
Copy !req
644. Don't mind me, back to work everyone.
Back to work.
Copy !req
645. Minister, are you okay?
Copy !req
646. I'm okay.
Copy !req
647. Please don't eat it...
Copy !req
648. They're very friendly,
they won't bite.
Copy !req
649. They might bite a tomato, though.
Copy !req
650. You can eat this too?
Copy !req
651. A train baby wouldn't know about this.
Copy !req
652. I grew up walking over it.
Copy !req
653. This is located under the snow.
Copy !req
654. Of the earth.
Copy !req
655. What is this?
Copy !req
656. It moves.
Copy !req
657. Underground.
Copy !req
658. What does this mean?
Copy !req
659. Do any of you feel like sushi?
Copy !req
660. Hell yeah... line that shit up.
Copy !req
661. Right?
Copy !req
662. You people are very lucky.
Copy !req
663. This is only served twice in a year.
Copy !req
664. In January and July.
Copy !req
665. Why? Not enough fish?
Copy !req
666. Enough is not the criteria.
Copy !req
667. Balance.
Copy !req
668. You see, this aquarium is closed ecological system.
Copy !req
669. And the number of individual units...
Copy !req
670. must be very closely, precisely controlled.
Copy !req
671. In order to maintain the proper
sustainable balance.
Copy !req
672. No, you eat this.
Copy !req
673. You know what that's made of?
Copy !req
674. Dig in.
Copy !req
675. Curtis, my friend, do you think that we might...
Copy !req
676. dispense for the restraint
for this next section?
Copy !req
677. I'm not your friend. And why would I?
Copy !req
678. For the sake of the young?
Copy !req
679. Education?
Copy !req
680. Quiet!
Copy !req
681. Good morning, children.
Copy !req
682. I'm pleased to present guests
from tail section.
Copy !req
683. Yes, and what do we say to
tail section guests, children?
Copy !req
684. Hello, tail section guests.
Copy !req
685. Timmy!
Copy !req
686. Andy!
Copy !req
687. Andy?
Copy !req
688. This little boy...
Copy !req
689. His name is Timmy.
Copy !req
690. This is my son.
Copy !req
691. Please take a good look at the picture.
Copy !req
692. I saw them.
Copy !req
693. - When?
- Where?
Copy !req
694. Came through there, went through there.
Copy !req
695. Is that all, boy?
Copy !req
696. Yes.
Copy !req
697. - Were they crying?
- No, but they looked like they wanted to.
Copy !req
698. I heard all Tail Sectioners...
Copy !req
699. were lazy dogs and they all drink
their own shit.
Copy !req
700. No, they're very nice.
Copy !req
701. Very just and merciful.
Copy !req
702. So it is.
Copy !req
703. Minister Mason, we were just about to show
a video.
Copy !req
704. Very good.
Copy !req
705. Wilford!
Copy !req
706. From a very young age, Mr. Wilford's love
of locomotive was apparent.
Copy !req
707. When I grow up, I'll live on a train forever.
Copy !req
708. Forever!
Copy !req
709. His early dreams were realized...
Copy !req
710. when he founded his transportation empire...
Copy !req
711. the Wilford Industries.
Copy !req
712. But his greatest dream was to construct...
Copy !req
713. a luxury locomotive cruiseline...
Copy !req
714. connecting railways of the entire world
into one.
Copy !req
715. A circular railway that extends for
438,000 km...
Copy !req
716. and completes one circle every year.
Copy !req
717. Impervious to the extreme cold of the Arctic,
and the scorching heat of the African desert...
Copy !req
718. Wildford's miracle train is self-sustained...
Copy !req
719. possesses the most sophisticated design...
Copy !req
720. and advanced technology known...
Copy !req
721. As hard as it is to believe...
Copy !req
722. people in the old world
made fun of Mr Wilford.
Copy !req
723. They critized him for over-engineering...
Copy !req
724. and over-equipping this
wonderful train.
Copy !req
725. But Mr Wilford knew
something they did not.
Copy !req
726. And what was that?
Copy !req
727. All world people are frigging morons
who got turned into popsicles.
Copy !req
728. Well, sort of.
Copy !req
729. Mr. Wilford knew that CW7 would freeze the world.
Copy !req
730. So what did the prophetic Mr Wilford invent?
Copy !req
731. to protect the chosen
from that calamity?
Copy !req
732. The Engine!
Copy !req
733. Rumble rumble,
rattle rattle...
Copy !req
734. it will never die!
Copy !req
735. What happens if the engine stops?
Copy !req
736. We'd all freeze and die.
Copy !req
737. But will it stop,
will it stop?
Copy !req
738. No! No!
Copy !req
739. Can you tell us why?
Copy !req
740. The Engine is eternal,
the Engine is forever...
Copy !req
741. Rumble rumble,
rattle rattle...
Copy !req
742. who is the reason why?
Copy !req
743. Wilford!
Copy !req
744. Wilford Wilford,
hip hurray!
Copy !req
745. I love that one,
such a tonic.
Copy !req
746. Oh, it's time children,
come this way.
Copy !req
747. Don't trip now.
Copy !req
748. Don't push, there's plenty of room.
Copy !req
749. Who can tell me
what's coming up?
Copy !req
750. The frozen 7.
Copy !req
751. Pay attention, this tableaux
will surely be on the exam.
Copy !req
752. 15 years ago, in the third year
of the train...
Copy !req
753. 7 passengers tried to stop...
Copy !req
754. Wilford's miracle train
and go outside...
Copy !req
755. and what do we call this event, Magdalena?
Copy !req
756. The Revolt of the Seven.
Copy !req
757. Very good, long before you were born.
Copy !req
758. Of course they failed to stop the train.
Copy !req
759. Instead they jumped out of the running train.
Copy !req
760. Here they come now.
Copy !req
761. Look, you see that?
Copy !req
762. What?
Copy !req
763. There they are, that's how far they made it.
Copy !req
764. You see that woman in the front?
Copy !req
765. She was the maid in the lead car.
Copy !req
766. An Inuit.
Copy !req
767. An Eskimo, actually.
Copy !req
768. She knew all about the ice and snow.
Copy !req
769. She believed she can survive outside.
Copy !req
770. If we ever go outside the train?
Copy !req
771. We'd all freeze and die.
Copy !req
772. If the engine stops running?
Copy !req
773. We'd all die.
Copy !req
774. And who takes care
of the Sacred Engine?
Copy !req
775. Mr. Wilford.
Copy !req
776. Children, it's the new year eggs
from Mr Wilford.
Copy !req
777. Touch them, they are still warm.
Copy !req
778. These eggs are boiled using water...
Copy !req
779. heated by the Sacred Engine itself.
Copy !req
780. As a special treat,
we have playing for us...
Copy !req
781. the world's renowned first chair violinist
of the Boston Symphony Orchestra,
Copy !req
782. Mr. Gerald Mclnster.
Copy !req
783. Is that really Gerald?
Copy !req
784. He looks damn great.
Copy !req
785. Happy new year.
Copy !req
786. No, thank you.
Copy !req
787. Let's go Curtis.
Copy !req
788. Happy new year.
Copy !req
789. I thought the chicken was extinct.
Copy !req
790. There are actually many things on board
that were rumoured to be extinct.
Copy !req
791. Such as?
Copy !req
792. This.
Copy !req
793. Andrew!
Copy !req
794. It wasn't me.
It wasn't me.
Copy !req
795. No.
Copy !req
796. Curtis.
Copy !req
797. You have to lead us.
Copy !req
798. Curtis, my friend, we understand each other...
Copy !req
799. listen to my words,
it wasn't me.
Copy !req
800. We go forward.
Copy !req
801. Open!
Copy !req
802. Quickly!
Copy !req
803. It's Mason.
Copy !req
804. Shit, check her pulse.
Copy !req
805. Hey, don't do...
Copy !req
806. That does not look good.
Copy !req
807. It happened.
Copy !req
808. You've got the master key right?
Copy !req
809. Wait, don't shoot.
Please don't shoot.
Copy !req
810. You've just killed a front section passenger...
Copy !req
811. I didn't see a thing.
Copy !req
812. Where are you going? Wait a minute!
Copy !req
813. Could we talk about it for
just one second?
Copy !req
814. Son of a bitch!
Copy !req
815. Close the door.
Copy !req
816. Tanya.
Copy !req
817. My Timmy.
Copy !req
818. My Timmy...
Copy !req
819. We're gonna find him.
Copy !req
820. I promise.
Copy !req
821. I know.
Copy !req
822. Thank you.
Copy !req
823. Take this.
Copy !req
824. Come on, motherfucker.
You got my Kronol.
Copy !req
825. I want that shit.
Copy !req
826. I want my Kronol back.
Copy !req
827. That's my Kronol.
Copy !req
828. I swear man, I'm gonna kill you.
Copy !req
829. Open the door.
Copy !req
830. Kronol first!
Copy !req
831. You want Kronol?
Copy !req
832. Take it.
Copy !req
833. Open it!
Open the gate!
Copy !req
834. Are you looking for some trouble
or something?
Copy !req
835. You got a problem with the gates?
Copy !req
836. Here, smoke a cigarette.
Copy !req
837. It is a great honor for you.
Copy !req
838. This is the last cigarette of humanity.
Copy !req
839. Go enjoy it.
Copy !req
840. You ever been to the tail section?
Copy !req
841. Do you have any idea
what went on back there?
Copy !req
842. When we boarded?
Copy !req
843. It was chaos.
Copy !req
844. Hell, we didn't freeze to death.
Copy !req
845. But we didn't have time to be thankful.
Copy !req
846. Wilford's soldiers came
and they took everything.
Copy !req
847. It was a thousand people
in an iron box...
Copy !req
848. no food, no water.
Copy !req
849. After a month,
we ate the weak.
Copy !req
850. You know what I hate about myself?
Copy !req
851. I know what people taste like.
Copy !req
852. I know that babies taste best.
Copy !req
853. There was a woman.
Copy !req
854. She was hiding with her baby.
Copy !req
855. And some men with knives came.
Copy !req
856. They killed her and took the baby.
Copy !req
857. And then an old man...
Copy !req
858. no relation, just...
Copy !req
859. an old man.
Copy !req
860. He stepped forward
and he said...
Copy !req
861. "Give me the knife."
Copy !req
862. Everyone thought he'd kill the baby himself...
Copy !req
863. But he took the knife...
Copy !req
864. and he cut off his own arm...
Copy !req
865. and he said,
"eat this".
Copy !req
866. "If you're so hungry..."
Copy !req
867. "eat this, just leave the baby".
Copy !req
868. I had never seen anything like that.
Copy !req
869. And the men put down their knives.
Copy !req
870. You probably guessed who that old man was.
Copy !req
871. That baby was Edgar.
Copy !req
872. And I was the man with the knife.
Copy !req
873. I killed Edgar's mother.
Copy !req
874. And then one by one,
other people in the tail section started...
Copy !req
875. cutting off arms and legs and offering them.
Copy !req
876. It was like a miracle.
Copy !req
877. I wanted to...
Copy !req
878. I tried.
Copy !req
879. A month later, Wilford's soldiers brought those
protein blocks.
Copy !req
880. We've been eating that shit ever since.
Copy !req
881. 18 years I hated Wilford.
Copy !req
882. 18 years I've waited for this moment.
Copy !req
883. And now I'm here.
Copy !req
884. Open the gate.
Copy !req
885. Please.
Copy !req
886. Your story is so beautiful, Curtis.
Copy !req
887. But I don't want to open the door.
Copy !req
888. You know what I want?
Copy !req
889. I want to open a door.
Copy !req
890. But not this one.
Copy !req
891. That one.
Copy !req
892. The one that leads to the outside.
Copy !req
893. We've been sentenced for 18 years.
Copy !req
894. Everyone thinks it's a wall.
Copy !req
895. But it's a fucking door.
Copy !req
896. Open it and get us out of here.
Copy !req
897. And freeze to death?
What, are you crazy?
Copy !req
898. I know...
Copy !req
899. But maybe we can survive.
Copy !req
900. You remember Yekaterina bridge?
Copy !req
901. When we got slaughtered with an ax.
Copy !req
902. Every new year, I check something.
Copy !req
903. We see the wreckage of a plane...
Copy !req
904. under the snow.
Copy !req
905. For ten years
Copy !req
906. the tail can barely be seen.
Copy !req
907. But now I can see the fuselage and wings.
Copy !req
908. There is less and less snow and ice.
Copy !req
909. It melts.
Copy !req
910. Snow becomes more fragile,
Copy !req
911. it doesn't take much to get rid of everything.
Copy !req
912. Recently,
Copy !req
913. you know what I saw?
Copy !req
914. Outside, there was...
Copy !req
915. Drops.
Copy !req
916. It is not worth telling it.
Copy !req
917. You gotta take it easy
on that Kronol.
Copy !req
918. Smelling that flammable bullshit is gonna fry your brain.
Copy !req
919. You don't think I'm right.
Copy !req
920. Kronol is the first...
Copy !req
921. highly flammable chemical.
Copy !req
922. A spark and boom!
Copy !req
923. Basically, it's a fucking bomb.
Copy !req
924. I not only store these to get high,
Copy !req
925. but to blow that gate.
Copy !req
926. Matches, quickly.
Copy !req
927. What the fuck are you doing?
Copy !req
928. Give it to me!
Copy !req
929. Take that off the door.
Copy !req
930. Fire!
Copy !req
931. Curtis Everett.
Copy !req
932. I've been asked to extend
a formal invitation...
Copy !req
933. from Mr. Wilford to join him for dinner.
Copy !req
934. After you.
Copy !req
935. Curtis? Is that you?
Copy !req
936. Curtis, dear boy.
Copy !req
937. Come in.
Copy !req
938. Let's take a look at you.
Copy !req
939. Are you hungry?
Copy !req
940. You did a man's work,
coming all this way.
Copy !req
941. Please, sit down.
Copy !req
942. You are the first human being
to have walked the total length of this train.
Copy !req
943. Tail to Engine.
Copy !req
944. Did you know that?
Copy !req
945. Well done, bravo.
Copy !req
946. None of your people have ever been here,
to the Engine.
Copy !req
947. I've never been to the tail section.
Copy !req
948. Why not? Too dirty for you?
Copy !req
949. Don't want to rub against the vermin
of the tail section?
Copy !req
950. Do you think my station is without
its own drawbacks?
Copy !req
951. It's noisy.
Copy !req
952. And it's lonely.
Copy !req
953. Right.
Copy !req
954. Steaks.
Copy !req
955. Plenty of room.
Copy !req
956. This whore to bring you
anything you want.
Copy !req
957. Curtis, everyone has their preordained position.
Copy !req
958. And everyone is in their place
except you.
Copy !req
959. That's what people in the best place say
to the people in the worst place.
Copy !req
960. There's not a soul on this train
that wouldn't trade places with you.
Copy !req
961. Would you trade places with me?
Copy !req
962. Fuck you.
Copy !req
963. Curtis, dear boy.
Copy !req
964. The fact is that we are all stuck
inside this blasted train.
Copy !req
965. We are prisoners in this hunk of metal.
Copy !req
966. Medium rare?
Copy !req
967. And this train is
a closed ecosystem.
Copy !req
968. We must always strive for balance.
Copy !req
969. Air, water, food supply, the
Copy !req
970. must always be kept in balance.
Copy !req
971. For optimum balance, however, there have been times
when more...
Copy !req
972. radical solutions were required.
Copy !req
973. When the population needed to be reduced, rather...
Copy !req
974. drastically.
Copy !req
975. We don't have time
for true natural selection.
Copy !req
976. We would all be hideously overcrowded
and starved waiting for that.
Copy !req
977. The next best solution...
Copy !req
978. is to have individual units
kill off other individual units.
Copy !req
979. From time to time, we've had to stir the pot,
so to speak.
Copy !req
980. The Revolt of the Seven,
The McGregor Riots...
Copy !req
981. The Great Curtis Revolution.
Copy !req
982. A blockbuster production with
a devilishly unpredictable plot.
Copy !req
983. Who could have predicted your counter attack
with the torch at Yaketerina tunnel?
Copy !req
984. Pure genius.
Copy !req
985. That wasn't what Gilliam and I
had in our plan.
Copy !req
986. What?
Copy !req
987. Oh, don't tell me you didn't know,
Gilliam and I...
Copy !req
988. Our plan.
Copy !req
989. Gilliam?
Copy !req
990. Gilliam.
Copy !req
991. The front and the tail
supposed to work together.
Copy !req
992. He was more than a partner, really.
Copy !req
993. He was my friend.
Copy !req
994. Bullshit.
Copy !req
995. I don't believe you.
Copy !req
996. Our original agreement was for the
insurgency to end at the Yaketerina tunnel.
Copy !req
997. And all the survivors would go back
to the tail section...
Copy !req
998. - To enjoy much more space.
- You're a fucking liar.
Copy !req
999. Gilliam would never do that.
Copy !req
1000. It all worked out in the end.
Copy !req
1001. Your counter attack actually made
the insurgency 10 times more exciting.
Copy !req
1002. Unfortunately the front suffered more losses
than anticipated and...
Copy !req
1003. Gilliam had to pay the price.
Copy !req
1004. Ironic, isn't it?
Copy !req
1005. How people dramatically cross that thin barrier
between life and death...
Copy !req
1006. now there's just one last thing for us to do.
Copy !req
1007. Tally up the numbers.
Copy !req
1008. Hello Wilford, it's me.
Copy !req
1009. I'm at Gilliam's place.
Copy !req
1010. Hold on.
Copy !req
1011. Is it still the same number?
Copy !req
1012. Yes, it still stands at 74%.
Copy !req
1013. Okay, carry on.
Copy !req
1014. Oh. wait.
Copy !req
1015. Spare 18, to celebrate our 18th year.
Copy !req
1016. It's an excellent idea... yes.
Copy !req
1017. Your people.
Copy !req
1018. Goddamnit Claude.
Mind the Engine!
Copy !req
1019. She's getting sensitive recently.
Copy !req
1020. Sit down and mind your table manners.
Copy !req
1021. Just relax.
Copy !req
1022. Calm down.
Copy !req
1023. Now I can see what Gilliam meant,
he told me you were brilliant and clever.
Copy !req
1024. But always so tense.
Copy !req
1025. When's the last time you got laid?
Copy !req
1026. Like Gilliam said, holding a woman
is much better with two arms.
Copy !req
1027. I'll miss Gilliam.
Copy !req
1028. I'll miss our late night phone chats.
Copy !req
1029. He could go on for hours.
Copy !req
1030. All with only one arm.
Copy !req
1031. What's with that face?
Copy !req
1032. What's the matter?
Copy !req
1033. You look like a crazy person.
Copy !req
1034. As if there aren't enough crazies
on this train.
Copy !req
1035. Blood!
Copy !req
1036. Are you okay?
Copy !req
1037. What? What happened?
Copy !req
1038. Get down.
Copy !req
1039. Yona.
Copy !req
1040. We must open this door.
Copy !req
1041. You see those cables?
Copy !req
1042. There are so many cables.
Copy !req
1043. Die!
Copy !req
1044. Bastard!
Copy !req
1045. I believe it is easier for someone to survive on this train...
Copy !req
1046. if they have some level
of insanity.
Copy !req
1047. And as Gilliam well understood...
Copy !req
1048. we need to maintain the proper balance
of anxiety and fear...
Copy !req
1049. chaos and horror in order to keep life going.
Copy !req
1050. If we don't have that, we need to invent it.
Copy !req
1051. In that sense, the Great Curtis Revolution
you invented was truly a masterpiece.
Copy !req
1052. Yona.
Copy !req
1053. Red, number 8.
Copy !req
1054. No, 7.
Copy !req
1055. Come with me, Curtis.
Copy !req
1056. Something I want to show you.
Copy !req
1057. You deserve it.
Copy !req
1058. Come on.
Copy !req
1059. She's waking up now.
Copy !req
1060. Cozy, yes?
Copy !req
1061. Peaceful.
Copy !req
1062. You are now in her heart.
Copy !req
1063. I've devoted my entire life to this.
Copy !req
1064. The Eternal Engine.
Copy !req
1065. It is eternity itself.
Copy !req
1066. Have you ever been alone on this train?
Copy !req
1067. When was the last time you were alone?
Copy !req
1068. You can't remember, can you?
Copy !req
1069. So please do.
Copy !req
1070. Take your time.
Copy !req
1071. I just wrote it.
Copy !req
1072. It's for you, Curtis.
Copy !req
1073. Here.
Copy !req
1074. I am old.
Copy !req
1075. I want you to take my Station.
Copy !req
1076. It's what you always wanted.
Copy !req
1077. It's what Gilliam wanted too.
Copy !req
1078. You must tend the Engine...
Copy !req
1079. Keep her humming.
Copy !req
1080. Look, Curtis.
Copy !req
1081. Beyond the gate...
Copy !req
1082. Section after section percisely where they've always been
and where they'll always be.
Copy !req
1083. All adding up to what?
Copy !req
1084. The train.
Copy !req
1085. And now the perfectly correct number
of human beings...
Copy !req
1086. All in their proper places,
all adding up to what?
Copy !req
1087. Humanity.
Copy !req
1088. The train is the world.
Copy !req
1089. We the humanity.
Copy !req
1090. And now you have the sacred responsibility to lead
all of humanity.
Copy !req
1091. Without you, Curtis, humanity will cease to exist.
Copy !req
1092. You've seen what people do
without leadership.
Copy !req
1093. They devour one another.
Copy !req
1094. Yona, the Kronol!
Copy !req
1095. Yona, stop! No.
Copy !req
1096. No bullets?
Copy !req
1097. Get the Kronol then.
Copy !req
1098. Look at them.
Copy !req
1099. That's how people are.
Copy !req
1100. You know.
Copy !req
1101. You've seen this.
Copy !req
1102. You've been this.
Copy !req
1103. Ridiculous. Pathetic, aren't they?
Copy !req
1104. You can save them from themselves.
Copy !req
1105. This is what Gilliam saved you for.
Copy !req
1106. Curtis.
Copy !req
1107. This is your destiny.
Copy !req
1108. It's done!
Copy !req
1109. Curtis, matches.
Copy !req
1110. Curtis! The match!
Copy !req
1111. The space only allows for a very small person.
Copy !req
1112. Young children under 5.
Copy !req
1113. The engine lasts forever but
not all of its parts.
Copy !req
1114. That piece of equipment
went extinct recently.
Copy !req
1115. We needed a replacement.
Copy !req
1116. Thank goodness the tail section
manufactured a steady supply of kids.
Copy !req
1117. So we can keep going manually.
Copy !req
1118. Fucking bastard!
Copy !req
1119. Yona...
Copy !req
1120. Take the fire.
Copy !req
1121. Only one left.
Copy !req
1122. Critical engine shutdown.
Copy !req
1123. Okay.
Copy !req
1124. Please stand at a safe distance.
Copy !req
1125. Andy? Is that you?
Copy !req
1126. Andy!
Copy !req
1127. Do you remember me?
Copy !req
1128. Andy, stop, listen to me.
Copy !req
1129. Don't go up those stairs,
Copy !req
1130. Andy!
Copy !req
1131. Come here, come over here.
Copy !req
1132. Andy, listen to me!
Copy !req
1133. Get out of there!
Copy !req
1134. Goddammit Andy, listen to me.
Copy !req
1135. Curtis, don't be so melodramatic.
Copy !req
1136. You know everyone has their own
preordained position.
Copy !req
1137. Nice.
Copy !req
1138. Dad!
Copy !req
1139. Dad...
Copy !req
1140. Curtis.
Copy !req
1141. Stay here.
Copy !req