1. - Mr. Hamilton?
- Yes?
Copy !req
2. Scarsdale is next.
Copy !req
3. Good day?
Copy !req
4. - You?
- Very productive.
Copy !req
5. Got the roses out in back
all trimmed.
Copy !req
6. Oh, letter this morning
from Sally.
Copy !req
7. Sam's finished internship.
Copy !req
8. Starts practice next week.
Copy !req
9. Well, he should specialize.
That's the only thing now.
Copy !req
10. Well, maybe he just wants
to get the feel of things.
Copy !req
11. Our little girl's done all right.
Copy !req
12. Something wrong?
Copy !req
13. No.
Copy !req
14. That phone call last night?
Copy !req
15. What about it?
Copy !req
16. I heard you pacing around
in the study afterward...
Copy !req
17. till almost 2:00.
Copy !req
18. Just a crazy prank.
Copy !req
19. Look, Emily, it was nothing.
Copy !req
20. Art? It's me again.
Copy !req
21. Arthur? Arthur!
Copy !req
22. Look, I don't know
who you are, but -
Copy !req
23. - Charlie Evans.
- Stop saying that!
Charlie Evans is dead.
Copy !req
24. Now, I want you to stop this,
or I'll be forced to call the police.
Copy !req
25. Art, there are two trophies
on the fireplace...
Copy !req
26. near the tennis team picture.
Copy !req
27. Pick up the phone
and walk over to them.
Copy !req
28. Go ahead.
You know the cord will reach.
Copy !req
29. Are you there?
Copy !req
30. Yes.
Copy !req
31. In the picture, you and I
are standing with our arms...
Copy !req
32. around each other's shoulder.
Copy !req
33. We're both wearing
the same kind of wristwatch.
Copy !req
34. - Remember, we gave them to each other
after winning the doubles at Princeton?
- Yes.
Copy !req
35. Okay.
Copy !req
36. Take the doubles trophy there
and turn it over.
Copy !req
37. One edge of the felt is loose.
Copy !req
38. Pull it back.
Copy !req
39. "Fidelis eternis."
Copy !req
40. You scratched it there
down in the locker room...
Copy !req
41. after we won the finals.
Copy !req
42. Remember?
Copy !req
43. With your belt buckle.
Copy !req
44. I -
Copy !req
45. I had forgotten.
Copy !req
46. I didn't.
Copy !req
47. It can't be you.
Copy !req
48. Okay, now.
Listen very carefully.
Copy !req
49. - Did you get the address today?
- Yes.
Copy !req
50. Good.
Copy !req
51. You're to use
the name "Wilson."
Copy !req
52. You - you can't be Charlie.
You just don't come back.
Copy !req
53. I'm alive!
Copy !req
54. More alive than I've been
in the past 25 years.
Copy !req
55. You've got to come tomorrow.
Copy !req
56. Arthur, listen.
Copy !req
57. If you don't show up, that's it.
Copy !req
58. Think, for pete's sake!
Copy !req
59. What have you got now?
Copy !req
60. I don't know.
Copy !req
61. Tomorrow, just past noon.
Copy !req
62. Use the name "Wilson."
Copy !req
63. I... don't know.
Copy !req
64. I won't call again, buddy.
Copy !req
65. Charlie?
Copy !req
66. Charlie?
Copy !req
67. - Was it that call again?
- No.
Copy !req
68. Stop cross-examining me
every time the phone rings.
Copy !req
69. Understand?
Copy !req
70. Perfectly.
Copy !req
71. I'm, uh, sorry.
Copy !req
72. Excuse me.
Copy !req
73. You're excused.
Copy !req
74. Any fever?
Copy !req
75. No, just old faithful.
Copy !req
76. Make an appointment to see
Dr. Hogan tomorrow, hmm?
Copy !req
77. I will.
Copy !req
78. Promise?
Copy !req
79. Promise. Thank you.
Copy !req
80. Therefore...
Copy !req
81. in view of the differential...
Copy !req
82. between your present equity -
Copy !req
83. between your present equity
and the amount necessary...
Copy !req
84. for... capitalization...
Copy !req
85. we cannot extend
the loan you require.
Copy !req
86. Should your equity -
Copy !req
87. Where?
Copy !req
88. - "Should your equity -"
- Oh, yeah.
Copy !req
89. Should your equity increase,
do not hesitate to call on us...
Copy !req
90. for a personal reappraisal,
et cetera, et cetera.
Copy !req
91. Standard closing.
Copy !req
92. Yes, sir.
Copy !req
93. My name is, uh, Wilson.
Copy !req
94. I was told to -
Copy !req
95. I was told to come here.
Copy !req
96. Look, is this the place
or isn't it?
Copy !req
97. They aren't here anymore.
Copy !req
98. I got it wrote down.
Copy !req
99. Thank you.
Copy !req
100. Move it! Let's go, let's go!
Move it down the line!
Copy !req
101. Let's go,
you bunch of idiots!
Copy !req
102. Get that beef cut down!
Let's go! Move it up!
Copy !req
103. Damn you guys! Let's get that truck going
and get the meat the hell outta here!
Copy !req
104. Go on! What are you gonna do?
Take all day?
Copy !req
105. Come on, move!
Don't let those hooks fall off.
Copy !req
106. Come on, let's move it!
Okay, Toddy.
Copy !req
107. Give us another truck up here.
Tighten up with it, now.
Copy !req
108. Ah, Mr. Wilson.
Copy !req
109. - Let's go. On the truck with them.
- Surely this isn't the -
Copy !req
110. - No, sir. Please come with me.
- Let's go, Frank!
Copy !req
111. Move that truck off.
Come on, now.
Copy !req
112. Let's hook it off.
Hook on.
Copy !req
113. Move that beef off the line!
Let's go!
Copy !req
114. This is costing money,
you bunch of jerks!
Copy !req
115. Come on! Go! Go!
Copy !req
116. Come on, cut it down.
Cut it! Cut it!
Copy !req
117. All right, come on!
Move out!
Copy !req
118. Keep hooking that beef up.
Cut it down. Let's go.
Copy !req
119. Would you step in, please, sir?
Copy !req
120. I'd much prefer to ride in front,
if you don't mind.
Copy !req
121. I'm sorry, sir, but customers
are asked to ride in the back.
Copy !req
122. Your hat, sir.
It's only a short ride.
Copy !req
123. Thank you.
Copy !req
124. We're here, sir.
Copy !req
125. Would you take
the elevator to your left, sir?
Copy !req
126. Ah, Mr. Wilson.
Will you come this way, please?
Copy !req
127. Yes.
Copy !req
128. I'm very sorry.
There'll be a short delay.
Copy !req
129. - Perhaps you'd like tea and a sandwich.
- Thank you.
Copy !req
130. All right.
Copy !req
131. Make yourself comfortable.
Copy !req
132. Here we go.
Copy !req
133. Uh, pardon me...
Copy !req
134. but could you tell me
the way out of this building?
Copy !req
135. Excuse me.
Copy !req
136. I was wondering
if you could tell -
Copy !req
137. Excuse me.
I'm trying to find -
Copy !req
138. Excuse me. I'm trying to find
my way out of the building.
Copy !req
139. I have a gentleman here
who wishes to leave the building.
Copy !req
140. Yes, that would be Mr. Wilson.
Copy !req
141. Would you have him return
to Mr. Ruby's office, please?
Copy !req
142. Mr. Ruby is waiting
for him there.
Copy !req
143. They want you down at the end
of the corridor again.
Copy !req
144. Yes. All right.
Copy !req
145. Thank you.
Copy !req
146. Ah, there you are, Mr. Wilson.
Copy !req
147. Come in, please.
Copy !req
148. Would you close the door?
Copy !req
149. Please, sit down.
Copy !req
150. My name is Ruby.
Copy !req
151. I've been assigned to go over
the circumstances of your death with you.
Copy !req
152. - What?
- I know this seems
rather strange to you.
Copy !req
153. That's why I'm here.
You probably have a lot of questions.
Copy !req
154. Of course, the subject might appear
indelicate, but most of our clients -
Copy !req
155. Now, get this straight:
I am not a client.
Copy !req
156. Precisely, Mr. Wilson.
You are not a client yet.
Copy !req
157. Let me start by explaining...
Copy !req
158. the cost factor involved.
Copy !req
159. To begin with...
Copy !req
160. the procedure is
a rather complex one.
Copy !req
161. This seems to be your supper.
Oh, the chicken looks delicious.
Copy !req
162. No, thank you.
Copy !req
163. Yes, as I was saying,
the cost runs...
Copy !req
164. in the neighborhood
of $30,000.
Copy !req
165. I know this seems rather high,
but in addition...
Copy !req
166. to the rather extensive...
Copy !req
167. cosmetic renovation
by way of plastic surgery for you...
Copy !req
168. CPS has to provide a fresh corpse
that perfectly matches...
Copy !req
169. your physical dimensions
and medical specifications.
Copy !req
170. "CPS"?
Copy !req
171. Oh, Cadaver Procurement Section.
Copy !req
172. You sure you don't want
this chicken?
Copy !req
173. Absolutely sure.
Copy !req
174. Oh, pity.
Copy !req
175. The next step is...
Copy !req
176. the carefully planned obliteration...
Copy !req
177. of identifiable portions
of the cadaver...
Copy !req
178. before it is found.
Copy !req
179. Features,
dental structure, fingerprints.
Copy !req
180. We can't leave
anything to chance.
Copy !req
181. No, I - I guess not.
Copy !req
182. Uh, would you mind if -
Copy !req
183. Please.
Copy !req
184. Thank you.
Copy !req
185. Now, there is a problem -
Copy !req
186. that the circumstances
of your death must be simple.
Copy !req
187. Well, a simple accident,
strangely enough...
Copy !req
188. is costly, Mr. Wilson.
Copy !req
189. The trick lies in obliterating...
Copy !req
190. just so much and no more,
so that...
Copy !req
191. an identification
still can be made, based on...
Copy !req
192. as I say,
general dimensions...
Copy !req
193. plus a credible
sequence of events...
Copy !req
194. witnesses, et cetera.
Copy !req
195. Oh, the whole thing must be
very carefully staged.
Copy !req
196. We guarantee
a death of this kind.
Copy !req
197. Mm, excuse me.
Copy !req
198. They have a wonderful way
of baking cheese on it...
Copy !req
199. so that it gets very crispy.
Copy !req
200. Now, there are
any number of ways...
Copy !req
201. you can be found.
Copy !req
202. Excuse me. I mean
your body can be found.
Copy !req
203. The victim of some kind
of machinery, an explosion...
Copy !req
204. um, a hunting misadventure.
Copy !req
205. Oh, but I think these are
somewhat too gross for you.
Copy !req
206. I had thought perhaps
a hotel room fire.
Copy !req
207. Would you like me
to outline the circumstances?
Copy !req
208. - No, thank you.
- Oh, good. I was -
Copy !req
209. - I was hoping you would agree -
- No!
Copy !req
210. I mean, I-I can't be sure.
Copy !req
211. Oh, well, of course,
of course, of course.
Copy !req
212. We can't expect you
to decide all at once.
Copy !req
213. Um, think it over.
Copy !req
214. There's so much else
to be done, Mr. Wilson...
Copy !req
215. but if I may say so...
Copy !req
216. the question of death selection may be
the most important decision in your life.
Copy !req
217. Ah, here are
the trust instruments.
Copy !req
218. Mr. Joliffe, Mr. Brown,
Mr. Wilson.
Copy !req
219. My colleagues.
Copy !req
220. This is your, uh, revised will...
Copy !req
221. drawn in accordance
with the requirements of the trust...
Copy !req
222. all predated, of course,
to save you the trouble.
Copy !req
223. Oh, no, no.
It's standard procedure.
Copy !req
224. effective at the time
of your death...
Copy !req
225. the trust provides for...
Copy !req
226. very liberal settlements
on your wife and daughter...
Copy !req
227. and more-than-sufficient funds...
Copy !req
228. for your financial needs
and your new identity...
Copy !req
229. from sums assigned to us
as your trustees.
Copy !req
230. Insurance policies...
Copy !req
231. annuities...
Copy !req
232. real estate.
Copy !req
233. If you'll, uh, sign right here.
Copy !req
234. The staging here is
rather authentic, you'll see.
Copy !req
235. Of course, the drug made it
easier to manipulate you...
Copy !req
236. into the proper positions
and attitudes.
Copy !req
237. Rest easy, Mr. Wilson.
Copy !req
238. You did not ravage our girl.
Copy !req
239. Of course, the photography
is not too professional...
Copy !req
240. but I think it's clear enough.
Copy !req
241. - So now it's -
- I have a message from Charlie.
Copy !req
242. Charlie?
Copy !req
243. He wanted me to tell you
that rebirth is painful.
Copy !req
244. You were going to say...
Copy !req
245. "So now it's blackmail,"
eh, Mr. Wilson?
Copy !req
246. - What would you call it?
- Just a kind of insurance.
Copy !req
247. Isn't it easier to go forward
when you know you can't go back?
Copy !req
248. But you knew that,
didn't you?
Copy !req
249. The minute you hung up
with Charlie after that first call.
Copy !req
250. Ah, sure you did.
Copy !req
251. You're saying...
Copy !req
252. I can never go back?
Copy !req
253. Fact is, you really
don't want to go back.
Copy !req
254. Sakes, boy!
You owe yourself this thing.
Copy !req
255. Rebirth. Life again.
Copy !req
256. Begin again,
all new, all different.
Copy !req
257. The way you always wanted it.
Copy !req
258. You got another chance.
Copy !req
259. Heck, nobody's gonna
miss you, are they?
Copy !req
260. - My wife.
- What about her?
What are you to her now?
Copy !req
261. - We get along.
- What does that mean?
Copy !req
262. There's my daughter.
Copy !req
263. We don't see
much of her, actually.
Copy !req
264. She lives out west
with her husband.
Copy !req
265. She writes
now and then, uh...
Copy !req
266. to let us -
Copy !req
267. What are you to her now?
Copy !req
268. Excuse an old fool prying, son...
Copy !req
269. but what does it all mean?
Copy !req
270. It can't mean anything now,
Copy !req
271. There's nothing anymore,
is there?
Copy !req
272. Anything at all?
Copy !req
273. I... expect to be president
of the bank before too long.
Copy !req
274. And I have my boat
in the summer.
Copy !req
275. We have friends.
Copy !req
276. Anything at all?
Copy !req
277. I guess I...
Copy !req
278. never thought much
about it before.
Copy !req
279. I leave Emily pretty much alone
to do what she, uh -
Copy !req
280. We get along, as I said.
Copy !req
281. We hardly ever quarrel.
Copy !req
282. Not that that's any...
Copy !req
283. measure of our lives.
Copy !req
284. Frankly...
Copy !req
285. during the last few years, we...
Copy !req
286. hardly ever...
Copy !req
287. ever -
Copy !req
288. I - I don't know
why I'm telling you this.
Copy !req
289. 'Cause you want to.
Go on.
Copy !req
290. Ever...
Copy !req
291. ever...
Copy !req
292. showed much affection.
Copy !req
293. But as I said -
Copy !req
294. boat.
Copy !req
295. And, uh -
Copy !req
296. So this is what happens
to the dreams of youth.
Copy !req
297. Go on, son. Let it out.
Copy !req
298. Nothing to be ashamed of.
Copy !req
299. Let it out.
Copy !req
300. It's time for a change.
Copy !req
301. Now, look.
They'll both be well taken care of.
Copy !req
302. They don't need you,
and you don't need them.
Copy !req
303. You just can't help
each other anymore.
Copy !req
304. Ah, look, son.
You know what I'm saying is true.
Copy !req
305. There's nothing anymore.
Copy !req
306. No, no.
Copy !req
307. What you need now
is a good rest.
Copy !req
308. Now, there a few things
to be worked out in the morning...
Copy !req
309. but my boys will clear those up,
and you needn't worry none.
Copy !req
310. Your boys?
Copy !req
311. You're the head of it all?
Copy !req
312. There never was a struggle in the soul
of a good man that wasn't hard.
Copy !req
313. My papa told me that...
Copy !req
314. and it's sure enough true.
Copy !req
315. Believe me, son.
I know.
Copy !req
316. I believe you.
Copy !req
317. That's fine.
Copy !req
318. You know, Mr. Wilson,
you represent something
of a milestone around here.
Copy !req
319. When the bandages are removed...
Copy !req
320. I think you'll be
more than pleased.
Copy !req
321. In fact, I expect you to be prancing
around here like a stud bull.
Copy !req
322. Now, it's gonna take a while,
so, uh...
Copy !req
323. try to be patient until we get you
ready for the world again.
Copy !req
324. Now, don't do that!
Copy !req
325. You can't talk because
we've extracted all your teeth...
Copy !req
326. and given you a complete
vocal cord resection.
Copy !req
327. Give the tissues time to pull together.
Copy !req
328. Now, you got a new set
of permanent teeth.
Copy !req
329. In a week you won't know
the difference. Thank you.
Copy !req
330. That's what hurts most
right now.
Copy !req
331. Everything's different.
Copy !req
332. When the first healing's over,
we'll start conditioning for muscle tone.
Copy !req
333. Yes, yes. Those too.
Copy !req
334. Mr. Wilson, even your signature.
Copy !req
335. Little thing we did with
the tensor ligaments of the hand.
Copy !req
336. The orbicularis oris started to sag,
so we tightened them with ligatures.
Copy !req
337. Yeah.
Copy !req
338. Then we worked on the mandible
to square up the bone.
Copy !req
339. Well, I never.
Copy !req
340. Holy mackerel.
I don't know how you boys do it.
Copy !req
341. Doc, it's a masterpiece.
Good work.
Copy !req
342. Easy does it.
Copy !req
343. You'll be all right, son.
Copy !req
344. Your scars and hematomas
will disappear in a couple of weeks.
Copy !req
345. After several months
of physical conditioning...
Copy !req
346. the process will be complete.
Copy !req
347. My name is Davalo.
I'm your guidance adviser.
Copy !req
348. This is about
your future career.
Copy !req
349. I'm afraid I haven't thought
very much about that.
Copy !req
350. Oh, yes, you have, sir.
Copy !req
351. - Permit me.
- I want a ball...
Copy !req
352. - a big, big red one.
Copy !req
353. I'm afraid we picked this up
a little too early.
Copy !req
354. Sit down. We recorded
these regressions...
Copy !req
355. under Pentothal
and caffeine sodium benzoate.
Copy !req
356. At first, there's always
a touch of the infantile...
Copy !req
357. but later on, we progress
to a more mature...
Copy !req
358. expressional infrastructure.
Copy !req
359. Ah, here we are.
Copy !req
360. What would you like to do most of all?
Copy !req
361. Of anything in the whole world?
Copy !req
362. I'd like to be
a tennis pro, I guess.
Copy !req
363. Yes.
Copy !req
364. That's what I'd like best of all.
Copy !req
365. And suppose you couldn't be?
Copy !req
366. What else would you choose?
Copy !req
367. I guess I'd like to paint stuff.
Copy !req
368. Pictures?
Copy !req
369. Pictures and things.
Copy !req
370. Well...
Copy !req
371. I think the creative wish pattern
is pretty self-evident.
Copy !req
372. You mean, I -
I ought to be a painter?
Copy !req
373. Exactly!
Copy !req
374. You see, painting allows you
a basic creative outlet...
Copy !req
375. as well as providing
an environment...
Copy !req
376. in which these sublimations
will have free vent.
Copy !req
377. Now, let's take a look at the program
we've worked out for you.
Copy !req
378. Certificates of study.
Copy !req
379. Abroad.
Copy !req
380. Notices of first six
one-man shows.
Copy !req
381. Your pictures
are realistic in treatment...
Copy !req
382. but deal with poetic imagery
in choice of subject.
Copy !req
383. Not that I pretend to be
a critic of painting.
Copy !req
384. These diplomas...
Copy !req
385. from reputable universities...
Copy !req
386. they - they can't be forged.
Copy !req
387. Mr. Wilson, I assure you...
Copy !req
388. every item
is bona fide and valid.
Copy !req
389. How-How could I even approach
such a professional level? I couldn't -
Copy !req
390. Oh, very simple.
Copy !req
391. You are already established
in a position of some dignity.
Copy !req
392. Oh, nothing conspicuous.
Copy !req
393. Just a solid,
mildly successful sort of thing.
Copy !req
394. You will be supplied
with fresh paintings periodically.
Copy !req
395. In time, you'll perfect
your own style.
Copy !req
396. Surreal, primitive,
impressionistic - whatever.
Copy !req
397. It will be a transition
from this present work.
Copy !req
398. You see...
Copy !req
399. you don't have to prove
anything anymore.
Copy !req
400. You are accepted.
Copy !req
401. You will be
in your own new dimension.
Copy !req
402. You're a bachelor.
Copy !req
403. Birth certificate.
The only son...
Copy !req
404. of deceased parents,
and so forth.
Copy !req
405. In short...
Copy !req
406. you are alone in the world...
Copy !req
407. absolved of all responsibility...
Copy !req
408. except to your own interest.
Copy !req
409. Isn't that marvelous?
Copy !req
410. Your studio is in Malibu, California.
Copy !req
411. Quite luxurious. Very private.
Copy !req
412. You'll make your own adjustment
in your own way...
Copy !req
413. in your own time.
Copy !req
414. Oh, you'll be
self-conscious at first.
Copy !req
415. Don't worry.
Copy !req
416. It will wear off.
And remember -
Copy !req
417. You've got what almost
every middle-aged man...
Copy !req
418. in America would like to have:
Copy !req
419. freedom.
Copy !req
420. Real freedom.
Copy !req
421. Ah, it's been a pleasure,
Mr. Wilson.
Copy !req
422. Pillow, Mr. Wilson?
Copy !req
423. Yes, thank you.
Copy !req
424. Tony! Tony?
Copy !req
425. Tony Wilson!
Copy !req
426. Hey there, you old rascal!
Copy !req
427. Slow down!
Where's the fire?
Copy !req
428. Can't wait to get back to them
pretty little models, huh?
Copy !req
429. I am late.
Copy !req
430. Now, if I didn't have to catch me a plane,
I'd make you buy me a drink, by God!
Copy !req
431. See you soon. Gotta run.
Copy !req
432. Welcome home, Mr. Wilson.
Copy !req
433. My name is John.
I've been assigned to help you.
Copy !req
434. It's very nice.
Copy !req
435. I think you'll be
quite comfortable, sir.
Copy !req
436. Do you like your studio?
Copy !req
437. - Yes.
- Perhaps you'd like to freshen up
and have a drink.
Copy !req
438. Afterward, I'll try to clear up any point
on which you may have curiosity.
Copy !req
439. The bath is through here.
Copy !req
440. I'll unpack these for you later.
Copy !req
441. Fine.
Copy !req
442. how long
will you be here, um -
Copy !req
443. John, sir.
For as long as you need me.
Copy !req
444. The company is fully aware
that you may have problems at first...
Copy !req
445. - and will spare no effort
to help you solve them.
- Thank you.
Copy !req
446. Yes, sir.
Copy !req
447. - John?
- Yes, sir?
Copy !req
448. I, uh -
Copy !req
449. I had a curious experience
at the airport.
Copy !req
450. What was that?
Copy !req
451. Well, I was accosted by a man
who called me by name.
Copy !req
452. He seemed to know me,
and I'm certain I've never met him.
Copy !req
453. I suppose it was
a mistake on his part.
Copy !req
454. So it would appear, sir.
Copy !req
455. What kind of people live here?
Copy !req
456. Professionals.
Some in business. Some write.
Copy !req
457. No, uh, no artists, I hope.
Copy !req
458. I think you are
the only one, sir.
Copy !req
459. If I may suggest, sir...
Copy !req
460. perhaps you'd like to give a small
cocktail party for the immediate neighbors.
Copy !req
461. Oh, well, I, uh -
Copy !req
462. I'd better get myself
used to things first.
Copy !req
463. Later on, maybe.
Copy !req
464. As you wish, sir.
Copy !req
465. That's very good, sir.
Copy !req
466. Thank you.
Copy !req
467. Wouldn't you enjoy meeting
some of the people here, sir?
Copy !req
468. I told you
I'm not ready yet, John.
Copy !req
469. I'll do this in my own way
and in my own time.
Copy !req
470. Of course, sir.
Copy !req
471. Hello.
Copy !req
472. Hey. Hey, wait.
Copy !req
473. I'm sorry about back there.
Copy !req
474. How about
if we try it again?
Copy !req
475. Hello.
Copy !req
476. I'm Nora Marcus.
Copy !req
477. I'm... Tony Wilson.
Copy !req
478. - Walk?
- Sure.
Copy !req
479. Ocean, I love you!
You're beautiful!
Copy !req
480. Beautiful!
Copy !req
481. All that power,
and she's got all the answers.
Copy !req
482. Hey!
Copy !req
483. Got a question!
Copy !req
484. What did you ask?
Copy !req
485. Oh, a tough one:
Copy !req
486. "Who and what
is Tony Wilson?"
Copy !req
487. And what did it say?
Copy !req
488. It told me to mind
my own business.
Copy !req
489. That was my life.
Two boys, ages ten and twelve.
Copy !req
490. Successful
and indulgent husband.
Copy !req
491. A beautiful house,
complete with microwave oven...
Copy !req
492. intercom, station wagon,
et cetera, et cetera.
Copy !req
493. Ad infinitum.
Copy !req
494. Ad... absurdum.
Copy !req
495. And?
Copy !req
496. I made myself a cup of coffee,
dressed, and left.
Copy !req
497. - That was four years ago.
- And you never went back?
Copy !req
498. I've seen them
from time to time, but...
Copy !req
499. it's different now.
Copy !req
500. Maybe because I'm different.
Copy !req
501. I don't expect you
to understand.
Copy !req
502. I think I do.
Copy !req
503. You?
Copy !req
504. An artist?
Copy !req
505. Why should you understand?
Copy !req
506. You spent your whole life being.
Copy !req
507. You don't know anything
about me, really.
Copy !req
508. Oh, yes, I do.
Copy !req
509. It's all right there
in your face.
Copy !req
510. What is?
Copy !req
511. - Now you're fishing.
- No. Seriously.
Copy !req
512. This may hurt a little.
Copy !req
513. I agreed to take my chances.
Copy !req
514. Okay.
Copy !req
515. Madam Marcus
will read the leaves.
Copy !req
516. What kind of a man is he?
Copy !req
517. There's grace
in the line and color, but...
Copy !req
518. it doesn't emerge pure.
Copy !req
519. It pushes at the edge
of something still...
Copy !req
520. tentative...
Copy !req
521. unresolved, as if...
Copy !req
522. somewhere in the man...
Copy !req
523. there is still a key unturned.
Copy !req
524. That's quite an analysis.
Copy !req
525. Not really.
Copy !req
526. When you come to think of it,
it sort of fits everybody, doesn't it?
Copy !req
527. It's very nice here.
Copy !req
528. The good things
always happen with the rain.
Copy !req
529. When will I see you again?
Copy !req
530. I'm going to Santa Barbara tomorrow.
There's a kind of gathering.
Copy !req
531. Can I come?
Copy !req
532. It's going to be very wild.
Copy !req
533. Maybe that's part
of turning the key.
Copy !req
534. To the god Pan.
To the gods of this place.
Copy !req
535. Drink! See ye, ye gods.
Copy !req
536. March down
upon this procession...
Copy !req
537. and bless us all!
Copy !req
538. The queen of the wine!
Copy !req
539. Wine!
Copy !req
540. Wine!
Copy !req
541. The queen of the wine!
Copy !req
542. It's the queen!
Copy !req
543. Oh, the queen!
Copy !req
544. The queen of the wine!
Copy !req
545. Stomp those grapes!
Copy !req
546. Stomp those grapes!
Copy !req
547. Stomp those grapes!
Stomp those grapes!
Copy !req
548. Stomp those grapes!
Stomp those grapes!
Copy !req
549. Stomp those grapes!
Stomp those grapes!
Copy !req
550. Now the season ends,
and the old vines are buried deep.
Copy !req
551. Now, in dying,
Bacchus gives us his blood...
Copy !req
552. so we may be born again...
Copy !req
553. laughing, laughing.
Copy !req
554. - Come dance with me.
- Nora, I don't know any of these people.
Copy !req
555. - I don't think I -
- Don't "think" me, Tony. Don't.
Copy !req
556. I came here to feel, to be.
Copy !req
557. I'm dying,
and that's the world...
Copy !req
558. the whole bloody world!
Copy !req
559. Nora, it's not a question of dancing.
I'm not a part of this!
Copy !req
560. - I'm dying, and that's the world!
- I don't understand!
Copy !req
561. - The whole bloody...
- Nora, please!
Copy !req
562. - world!
- No! No! Nora! Nora!
Copy !req
563. Don't!
Copy !req
564. Nora! Nora!
Copy !req
565. Hey, Nora!
Copy !req
566. Nora!
Nora, come back here!
Copy !req
567. Get out of there!
Hey, wait a minute.
Copy !req
568. Get your hands off me.
Nora, get out of there!
Copy !req
569. Nora! No, please.
Copy !req
570. Please - Please don't!
Copy !req
571. Stomp those grapes!
Stomp those grapes!
Copy !req
572. Stomp those grapes!
Copy !req
573. Nora? Nora!
Copy !req
574. Nora.
Copy !req
575. Please!
Copy !req
576. Nora!
Copy !req
577. - Nora. Nora!
- Kiss me!
Copy !req
578. Yes. Yes!
Copy !req
579. Yes, yes, yes!
Copy !req
580. - Thank you, John.
- Oh, Mr. Wilson.
Copy !req
581. - May I present Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd?
- How do you do?
Copy !req
582. This is your host, Mr. Wilson.
Copy !req
583. - Mr. Filter, Mr. Wilson.
- Pleased to meet you.
Copy !req
584. How do you do, Tony?
Copy !req
585. - Hello, Mr. Wilson.
- You have seen Tony's paintings,
haven't you?
Copy !req
586. Cheers.
Copy !req
587. Mr. Wilson, may
I present Mr. Mayberry?
Copy !req
588. - Hi.
- Nice to meet you, Mr. Wilson.
Copy !req
589. Peekaboo.
Copy !req
590. - Honey, please slow down.
- Never!
Copy !req
591. Never!
Copy !req
592. Come. I'm taking you
to ze Casbah.
Copy !req
593. Not ze Casbah!
Copy !req
594. As soon as these people leave,
I'm going to attack you.
Copy !req
595. Why, Mr. Wilson, you dirty old man!
Copy !req
596. I really am.
Copy !req
597. I want you to know that.
Copy !req
598. I'm counting on it.
Copy !req
599. Miss Marcus, you shock me.
Copy !req
600. Tony, please ease up.
Copy !req
601. - Why?
- Because... it's not like you.
Copy !req
602. Oh, I know that.
Copy !req
603. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
604. Guess I just needed
the added strength.
Copy !req
605. Oh, that's silly.
Copy !req
606. They're all wonderful people.
Just give them a chance.
Copy !req
607. - Okay, okay.
- Give yourself a chance.
Copy !req
608. Okay.
Copy !req
609. Yes?
Copy !req
610. I promise. No more.
Copy !req
611. And I promise
to behave myself.
Copy !req
612. I'm sorry. Forgive me.
Copy !req
613. I've embarrassed you.
Copy !req
614. No, you haven't.
Copy !req
615. Tony...
Copy !req
616. I think I love you.
Copy !req
617. You're beautiful!
Copy !req
618. You're -
Copy !req
619. - You're an ocean.
- Let's go back.
Copy !req
620. The sooner we get rid
of those people...
Copy !req
621. the sooner we can be together.
Copy !req
622. - I'm going to hold you to your promise.
- Oh, God. You're evil!
Copy !req
623. - Yes!
- God, how evil you are!
Copy !req
624. Tony?
Copy !req
625. Henry Bushman, my husband.
Copy !req
626. - Nice to know you, Wilson.
- How do you do?
Copy !req
627. - Nora, you're staggering.
- Hank, that's a dirty lie.
Copy !req
628. Watch out for this character.
He's a lawyer.
Copy !req
629. Harvard, I want you to know.
Copy !req
630. - Really? Hey, that's a coincidence.
- Hold it!
Copy !req
631. - Thank you.
- Mm, me too. In fact, me too twice.
Copy !req
632. Hollow leg again?
Copy !req
633. Oh, will you listen? At home
he makes me look like a piker.
Copy !req
634. A veritable piker.
Copy !req
635. Henry,
you sneaking two-face, you.
Copy !req
636. - Private joke?
- No. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
637. Come on, Nora.
Let's ditch these two sots.
Copy !req
638. - Help, Tony! Rape!
- Wait a minute. You can't do that.
Copy !req
639. No, there's no way you'll get away.
You're gonna stay right here.
Copy !req
640. But that's my woman.
Hey. Hey!
Copy !req
641. Hey, that's funny.
That's very funny.
Copy !req
642. What's funny?
Copy !req
643. Is he really
a sneaky two-face?
Copy !req
644. Yes.
Copy !req
645. There's such a religious climate
out here. Don't you agree?
Copy !req
646. - Oh, I love the climate.
- Yes.
Copy !req
647. I belong
to a special kind of group.
Copy !req
648. Nothing subversive, I hope.
Copy !req
649. Oh, good heavens, no!
Copy !req
650. We change sects.
Copy !req
651. I beg your pardon?
Copy !req
652. Oh, no, no. Good heavens.
You thought I meant -
Copy !req
653. "Sects." S-E-C-T-S.
Copy !req
654. - Oh, sects!
- Yes.
Copy !req
655. Well, thank God!
Copy !req
656. We change every month.
Right now, we're in Aztec.
Copy !req
657. Huitzilopochtli, Quetzalcoatl,
virgin sacrifice and all.
Copy !req
658. I just love your paintings, Mr. Wilson.
Copy !req
659. How do you ever do it?
Copy !req
660. Well, you see...
Copy !req
661. it all began
with a big red ball...
Copy !req
662. and, uh -
Copy !req
663. No, no.
Copy !req
664. You see...
Copy !req
665. I paint naked, Mrs. Filter.
Copy !req
666. - It's the only way to get at the truth.
- How interesting.
Copy !req
667. Of course. You see, in this way,
my inner essence is revealed...
Copy !req
668. and I am presented
to the canvas...
Copy !req
669. in direct relationship
with my primeval state...
Copy !req
670. without its sociological
Copy !req
671. - Hey, watch it, will ya?
- Oh, look!
Copy !req
672. - Take it easy, Wilson!
- I'm sorry.
Copy !req
673. - I'm terribly sorry.
- You all right, hon?
Copy !req
674. John! John?
Copy !req
675. - That'll never come out. Never!
- I'm terribly sorry.
Copy !req
676. - Excuse me. Please forgive me.
- Just look at this mess!
Copy !req
677. It's all right, ma'am.
May I?
Copy !req
678. Let me take that.
Copy !req
679. I'm sure it won't stain badly.
Copy !req
680. Hey! You two heard
the one about the -
Copy !req
681. Yes, we have.
Copy !req
682. Well, I'm - Well, I'm sorry.
Copy !req
683. I - I didn't mean to interrupt.
Copy !req
684. Seems like I'm...
Copy !req
685. doing everything wrong lately.
Copy !req
686. Now, don't pout. Mama will
make everything better, okay?
Copy !req
687. Perfect. Say, Hank...
Copy !req
688. uh, I was thinking
about school just before...
Copy !req
689. and, uh,
your house at Harvard...
Copy !req
690. wasn't, by any chance,
Adams, was it?
Copy !req
691. - No, not exactly.
- Is anybody hungry?
Copy !req
692. Hey, I am.
Copy !req
693. Say, Hank?
Copy !req
694. Hank!
Copy !req
695. Hey, Hank. Here.
Copy !req
696. Hank, actually -
Copy !req
697. actually, I'm not
a Harvard alumnus either.
Copy !req
698. That is, I used to be,
but I'm not anymore.
Copy !req
699. - What do you mean?
Did you resign?
- Take it easy.
Copy !req
700. - Oh, that's priceless!
- No!
Copy !req
701. I did go to Harvard, you see...
Copy !req
702. and I was an alumnus...
Copy !req
703. but that was before
I became a painter...
Copy !req
704. and now I'm not anymore.
Copy !req
705. Come on, Hank!
Copy !req
706. Poor Eli's hopes we're dashing
Copy !req
707. Into blue obscurity
Copy !req
708. Resistless, our team
sweeps goalward
Copy !req
709. With the fury of ze blast
We'll fight
Copy !req
710. For the name of Harvard
Copy !req
711. Till the last white line is
Copy !req
712. Passed
Copy !req
713. That's wonderful!
Absolutely wonderful!
Copy !req
714. Truth is, I just stopped
being an alumnus.
Copy !req
715. Simple.
Copy !req
716. - Wilson!
- What?
Copy !req
717. You and I must play
golf sometime.
Copy !req
718. Golf? Golf?
Copy !req
719. Antiochus Wilson playing golf?
Copy !req
720. Huh? Now...
Copy !req
721. Arthur Hamilton -
Copy !req
722. Looks as if our host is in orbit.
Copy !req
723. Hey, wait a minute, you guys.
Copy !req
724. - Incoming! Good-bye!
- Bye!
Copy !req
725. Oh, isn't he wonderful?
Copy !req
726. - Put him down.
- Hey, wait a minute.
Copy !req
727. - Turn him around.
- Hey, Hank, listen.
Copy !req
728. Hey, Hank,
I got a nephew -
Copy !req
729. I got a nephew right -
right in Harvard right now!
Copy !req
730. - You don't have a nephew.
- What?
Copy !req
731. I don't have a nephew!
Copy !req
732. Okay, correct.
Copy !req
733. I don't have a nephew...
Copy !req
734. but he's there, all right.
Copy !req
735. He's there, all right.
Copy !req
736. My daughter...
Copy !req
737. she's married to a doctor...
Copy !req
738. and maybe by this time,
I'm a grandfather.
Copy !req
739. Believe me...
Copy !req
740. they'll never
drag it out of me.
Copy !req
741. I'll stand right here...
Copy !req
742. on my constitutional rights.
Copy !req
743. I'm not a grandfather.
Copy !req
744. I -
Copy !req
745. Why are you all
staring at me like that?
Copy !req
746. Hey, John?
Copy !req
747. Hey, John!
Why are they -
Copy !req
748. Hey, John. Hey, John...
Copy !req
749. why are they staring
at me like that?
Copy !req
750. They know.
Copy !req
751. They know what?
Copy !req
752. They're like you.
Copy !req
753. What do you mean?
Copy !req
754. Reborns.
Copy !req
755. Oh, Lord!
Copy !req
756. Shut up, you!
Shut up!
Copy !req
757. Shut up, damn you!
Just who the hell...
Copy !req
758. do you think you are?
Copy !req
759. Oh, no!
Copy !req
760. Oh, my God!
Copy !req
761. Yes?
Copy !req
762. It's me, buddy.
Now, listen to me. Arthur -
Copy !req
763. Charlie?
Copy !req
764. - Now, look, Arthur -
- Charlie.
Copy !req
765. - Arthur, listen to me!
- Is it really you?
Copy !req
766. Of course it is.
Copy !req
767. Do you realize how dangerous it is,
what you're doing? Do you?
Copy !req
768. I've got to get out of here.
You don't know
what they're doing to me.
Copy !req
769. Come on, now, buddy.
Calm down. Calm down.
Copy !req
770. - I've got to see you.
- That's impossible right now.
Copy !req
771. - Why?
- It just is!
Copy !req
772. You've got to get a hold
of yourself, fast. You'll be sorry -
Copy !req
773. - You know what they did?
- I can't explain, but you'll be -
Copy !req
774. There's this reborn, Nora.
Copy !req
775. She's not one of them.
Copy !req
776. She works for the company.
Copy !req
777. - What?
- That's right.
Copy !req
778. An employee.
Copy !req
779. But I -
Copy !req
780. Oh, no. She was so -
Copy !req
781. Why, Charlie? Why?
Copy !req
782. Your adjustment was bound to be
difficult in the first stages.
Copy !req
783. Don't you see?
The company simply provided -
Copy !req
784. An employee.
Copy !req
785. It means a lot to me personally, Arthur.
Now, I can't explain...
Copy !req
786. but we're sort of tied together,
you and me.
Copy !req
787. We're so close, Arthur.
Don't throw it away.
Copy !req
788. - How?
- Trust, please?
Copy !req
789. Promise to stay put
until we can get someone to you.
Copy !req
790. You've got to have some help right now.
Please, will you do it?
Copy !req
791. Will you stay there?
Copy !req
792. Yes?
Copy !req
793. - I'm Mr. Wilson.
- Yes, sir.
Copy !req
794. Come in, please.
I'll tell Mrs. Hamilton you're here.
Copy !req
795. Mr. Wilson?
Copy !req
796. I'm so glad
you were able to come.
Copy !req
797. - Thank you. I didn't mean to barge in.
- Oh, not at all.
Copy !req
798. It was very kind of you.
Copy !req
799. I must have sounded strange
over the phone, but...
Copy !req
800. you see,
Arthur never mentioned -
Copy !req
801. Well, I just met your late husband
last year, shortly before -
Copy !req
802. Yes. Um, please, sit down.
Copy !req
803. Mrs. Hamilton, I'm a painter -
an artist, actually.
Copy !req
804. - I admire your husband's watercolors.
- Really?
Copy !req
805. Not that he was professional...
Copy !req
806. but he did have something.
Copy !req
807. He mentioned some paintings
in a cupboard out in the garage.
Copy !req
808. That's the reason I -
Copy !req
809. Well, I was wondering
if I might...
Copy !req
810. pick one up as a memento.
Copy !req
811. I'm sorry, but the garage
has been cleaned out.
Copy !req
812. You threw them away?
Copy !req
813. No.
Copy !req
814. No, not exactly.
Copy !req
815. You have a lovely place here.
Copy !req
816. Oh, thank you.
Copy !req
817. This was the study,
wasn't it?
Copy !req
818. Yes, it was -
Copy !req
819. How did you know?
Copy !req
820. Your husband...
Copy !req
821. talked a lot about this house,
about his family.
Copy !req
822. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
823. I didn't mean to stir up
painful memories.
Copy !req
824. No. No, it's not that.
Copy !req
825. It's just that...
Copy !req
826. I never knew Arthur
to do that very much.
Copy !req
827. How do you mean?
Copy !req
828. - I don't want to bore you.
- No, please.
Copy !req
829. I'd like to know.
Copy !req
830. You see...
Copy !req
831. I knew him only for a short while.
Copy !req
832. I'd really like to know.
Copy !req
833. It's not just curiosity.
Copy !req
834. We, uh -
Copy !req
835. We shared an interest in art.
Copy !req
836. The last time I saw him, I -
Copy !req
837. I did some sketches.
Copy !req
838. Now I'd like to do a painting...
Copy !req
839. but all I have are lines... a face.
Copy !req
840. Posthumous portraiture, hmm?
Copy !req
841. I'm not joking, Mrs. Hamilton.
Copy !req
842. No, of course you're not.
I'm sorry. I -
Copy !req
843. You've set me quite a task.
Copy !req
844. He was a quiet man.
Copy !req
845. I think the thing I most
remember him for were his silences.
Copy !req
846. It was...
Copy !req
847. as if he were always listening
to something inside...
Copy !req
848. some voice.
Copy !req
849. He never talked about it,
so I never knew what it was.
Copy !req
850. Oh, he was a good man...
Copy !req
851. but he lived as if
he were a stranger here.
Copy !req
852. I mean, he never let
anything touch him.
Copy !req
853. He became absorbed in things -
his job, mostly.
Copy !req
854. He worked hard. He...
Copy !req
855. became more detached.
Copy !req
856. Always a look around his eyes
as if he were...
Copy !req
857. trying to say something.
Copy !req
858. I don't know what.
Copy !req
859. Protest against what
he'd surrendered his life to?
Copy !req
860. I never knew
what he wanted...
Copy !req
861. and I don't think
he ever knew.
Copy !req
862. He fought so hard
for what he'd been taught to want...
Copy !req
863. and when he got it,
he just grew more and more confused.
Copy !req
864. The silences grew longer.
Copy !req
865. We never talked about it.
Copy !req
866. We lived our lives in a polite...
Copy !req
867. celibate truce.
Copy !req
868. You see, Arthur had been dead
a long, long time...
Copy !req
869. before they found him
in that hotel room.
Copy !req
870. Well, I... guess
I can't tell you much more.
Copy !req
871. Enough?
Copy !req
872. Yes, it is.
Copy !req
873. I really should be going.
Copy !req
874. Well, I... hope
I've been some help.
Copy !req
875. Yes, you have.
Copy !req
876. Very much.
Copy !req
877. Mr. Wilson?
Copy !req
878. You said that you wanted
a memento.
Copy !req
879. It won't be a painting, I'm afraid,
but it's all I have.
Copy !req
880. I'm sorry, Mr. Wilson.
Copy !req
881. It doesn't matter.
Copy !req
882. - I want to go back.
- Of course, sir.
Copy !req
883. No, I don't mean to California.
Copy !req
884. To the company.
Copy !req
885. Start again, all over.
Copy !req
886. Antiochus Wilson can die,
can't he, John?
Copy !req
887. The company.
Copy !req
888. Is it possible?
Copy !req
889. I think so, sir.
Copy !req
890. Begin again.
Copy !req
891. Quite honestly...
Copy !req
892. I'm not the least bit sorry...
Copy !req
893. because there were certain mistakes
made in my case, and -
Copy !req
894. Of course, but before we go
into all that, let me ask you...
Copy !req
895. whether you can recommend
and sponsor a new client.
Copy !req
896. What?
Copy !req
897. Someone in
your acquaintance outside...
Copy !req
898. whom you feel would benefit
by the company's services.
Copy !req
899. You were sponsored yourself,
you know.
Copy !req
900. Oh, yes, of course.
Copy !req
901. A business associate, perhaps.
Someone down the street.
Copy !req
902. You don't have to be intimately
acquainted with a man to realize...
Copy !req
903. he'd be receptive to the sort
of opportunity we offer.
Copy !req
904. I'm sorry. Right now,
I just can't seem to -
Copy !req
905. What I mean is, I -
I'd like to think about it.
Copy !req
906. Well, that's all we ask.
Copy !req
907. As you can imagine...
Copy !req
908. our business is acquired
through present clients.
Copy !req
909. It's a word-of-mouth
operation, Wilson.
Copy !req
910. You don't suppose we can advertise
in magazines and newspapers.
Copy !req
911. No, of course not.
Copy !req
912. I think you'll come up
with something.
Copy !req
913. Hold it. Thank you.
Copy !req
914. Hold your arm up, please,
Mr. Wilson.
Copy !req
915. - Excuse me. I don't understand.
- That's it.
Copy !req
916. - Is all this really necessary?
- 131/2. Profile.
Copy !req
917. - Turn sideways.
- Wait a moment. Is this necessary for -
Copy !req
918. Hold it. That's it.
Copy !req
919. - Back view.
- What is this, preliminary for surgery?
Copy !req
920. Certainly, Mr. Wilson.
Copy !req
921. A year's gone by.
A lot happens to the human body.
Copy !req
922. This one is yours, sir.
Copy !req
923. Hello, Arthur.
Copy !req
924. - Excuse me. I don't believe I know you.
- It's me, buddy.
Copy !req
925. Fidelis eternis.
Copy !req
926. Charlie?
Copy !req
927. You're Charlie?
Copy !req
928. Guess I am, old buddy.
Copy !req
929. What are you doing here?
Copy !req
930. Same as yourself: waiting.
Copy !req
931. What's the matter?
Copy !req
932. Uh, nothing. I -
Copy !req
933. It's just that it's...
Copy !req
934. hard to recognize
somebody and...
Copy !req
935. not recognize them
at the same time.
Copy !req
936. How long have you been here?
Copy !req
937. Oh, a while.
Copy !req
938. When you phoned me,
you were here?
Copy !req
939. Even the first time?
Copy !req
940. But you sounded...
Copy !req
941. like the whole thing
was something tremendous...
Copy !req
942. this...
Copy !req
943. rebirth, everything, even when
you hadn't made a go of it.
Copy !req
944. I thought you'd have
a better chance.
Copy !req
945. Good God! How long does a man
have to wait to get into surgery?
Copy !req
946. Not long, usually.
Copy !req
947. I had to stay around
and telephone you, if necessary...
Copy !req
948. through your first adjustment,
but now -
Copy !req
949. That's what you meant
about our being... tied together.
Copy !req
950. I couldn't help it, Charlie.
Copy !req
951. I had to find out
where I went wrong.
Copy !req
952. The years I've spent...
Copy !req
953. trying to get all the things...
Copy !req
954. I was told were important...
Copy !req
955. that I was supposed to want!
Copy !req
956. Things!
Copy !req
957. Not people...
Copy !req
958. or meaning.
Copy !req
959. Just... things.
Copy !req
960. And California was the same.
Copy !req
961. They...
Copy !req
962. made the same decisions
for me all over again...
Copy !req
963. and they were
the same things, really.
Copy !req
964. It's gonna be different
from now on.
Copy !req
965. A new face, a new name.
Copy !req
966. I'll do the rest.
Copy !req
967. I know it's gonna be different.
Copy !req
968. I suppose you do too.
Copy !req
969. Good morning, gentlemen.
Copy !req
970. Mr. Carlson, please.
Copy !req
971. Charlie. You?
Copy !req
972. - Art, I -
- Mr. Carlson, please.
Copy !req
973. Charlie...
Copy !req
974. I have the feeling
you're gonna make it this time.
Copy !req
975. Sorry to disappoint
the rest of you.
Copy !req
976. Perhaps tomorrow.
Copy !req
977. You don't seem to understand
our problem, Mr. Wilson.
Copy !req
978. - I understand it perfectly.
- But you're not cooperating.
Copy !req
979. I've told you over and over again,
I cannot think of anyone.
Copy !req
980. - I can't believe that.
- I've been shuffled around long enough.
Copy !req
981. It's about time I had
the opportunity to start living...
Copy !req
982. some kind
of meaningful existence.
Copy !req
983. If I did sponsor someone...
Copy !req
984. wouldn't that delay
my trip to surgery...
Copy !req
985. in the event that I were
needed from time to time...
Copy !req
986. to, say, advise him?
Copy !req
987. No, that's not likely,
not if the selection is a good one.
Copy !req
988. I'm sorry. I don't seem to be able
to think of a single soul.
Copy !req
989. - You mean you deliberately won't.
- Have it your way.
Copy !req
990. Very well.
Copy !req
991. That'll be all, Mr. Wilson.
You can go back to the dayroom.
Copy !req
992. Processing, please.
Copy !req
993. This is Ruby.
Copy !req
994. On Wilson, 722...
Copy !req
995. I think we can go
to the next stage now.
Copy !req
996. Hello, son.
Copy !req
997. Oh, sir, I -
Copy !req
998. Ah, you know, I sure hoped you'd make it,
find your dream come true.
Copy !req
999. - What?
- I said, I sure hoped you'd make it...
Copy !req
1000. find your dream come true.
Copy !req
1001. I guess I -
Copy !req
1002. I guess I never had a dream.
Copy !req
1003. Maybe that's it.
Copy !req
1004. That - That sure
might have been it.
Copy !req
1005. If I did have one...
Copy !req
1006. it certainly wasn't...
Copy !req
1007. Antiochus Wilson.
Copy !req
1008. This time...
Copy !req
1009. I've got to be allowed, sir,
to make my own decision.
Copy !req
1010. You know, son...
Copy !req
1011. when I began this business,
I was a young man with an idea.
Copy !req
1012. I wasn't aiming to make
a lot of money, helping others...
Copy !req
1013. helping them to find
a little happiness.
Copy !req
1014. Oh, heck, just not the rich.
Copy !req
1015. I thought eventually -
Copy !req
1016. You see, I got tremendous comfort
in the thought that, in my small way...
Copy !req
1017. I was waging a battle
against human misery...
Copy !req
1018. and I was too.
Copy !req
1019. Except we do have
a high percentage of failures.
Copy !req
1020. I guess that's to be expected...
Copy !req
1021. but it hurts me.
Copy !req
1022. Some reborns
make a go of it.
Copy !req
1023. We're always working to find ways
to improve the system.
Copy !req
1024. Yeah, we make mistakes.
Copy !req
1025. Fact is, when our clients
first started coming back here...
Copy !req
1026. I just wanted to chuck
the whole thing, but I couldn't.
Copy !req
1027. The organization
was pretty big by then.
Copy !req
1028. Board of directors,
on a profit-sharing basis.
Copy !req
1029. All those people.
Copy !req
1030. You've no idea what a financial
responsibility it turned into.
Copy !req
1031. Heck, we make mistakes,
but we admit 'em...
Copy !req
1032. and go forward.
Copy !req
1033. I won't see it in my lifetime...
Copy !req
1034. but some of the younger execs
like Ruby may.
Copy !req
1035. Oh, you can call it
wishful thinking, son...
Copy !req
1036. but life is built on wishes.
Copy !req
1037. And you've got to just keep
plugging away at 'em.
Copy !req
1038. You can't give up...
Copy !req
1039. and you can't let
the mistakes...
Copy !req
1040. jeopardize the dream.
Copy !req
1041. Well, here's your transportation.
Copy !req
1042. - What?
- Surgery, sir.
Copy !req
1043. - But I've got to talk to you.
- We're on a very tight schedule. Please.
Copy !req
1044. Why, I - I didn't expect
so soon that -
Copy !req
1045. It's efficiency. You're lucky
we got a match so quick.
Copy !req
1046. Hop aboard, son.
Up there.
Copy !req
1047. The doctors are waiting.
Copy !req
1048. That's just so you won't fall off.
Copy !req
1049. But there's things we have
to talk about. I mean, my identity -
Copy !req
1050. We will. We will later.
Copy !req
1051. Just relax, son.
Everything's gonna be fine. Just fine.
Copy !req
1052. The thing about
doing it on my own.
Copy !req
1053. You see,
it's so important: choice.
Copy !req
1054. You've got to change.
We have to talk about it.
Copy !req
1055. We will.
I'll look into it personally.
Copy !req
1056. Just remember, son, we gotta
keep plugging away at the dream.
Copy !req
1057. The mistakes teach us how.
It wasn't wasted. Remember that.
Copy !req
1058. My name is Dr. Morris, sir.
Copy !req
1059. According to our records,
you were reared in the Protestant faith.
Copy !req
1060. Did you convert to any other
during your adjustment?
Copy !req
1061. No.
Copy !req
1062. Good. Good.
Copy !req
1063. That is, "good" in the sense
that we have a certain definition.
Copy !req
1064. Now, I am not suggesting
that being a Protestant...
Copy !req
1065. is any better than being
a Catholic or Jew.
Copy !req
1066. As a matter of fact, I am qualified to care
for you in either of those faiths as well.
Copy !req
1067. I was ordained in each:
rabbi, priest, and minister.
Copy !req
1068. I admit it unusual.
Uh, maybe even a bit advanced.
Copy !req
1069. Wait a minute.
What's happening?
Copy !req
1070. Well, my good sir,
when we have finished...
Copy !req
1071. - you will go on to the next stage.
- I don't mean that!
Copy !req
1072. Ultimately, Mr. Wilson,
ultimately we'll be called...
Copy !req
1073. to face the Creator
and render up our last account.
Copy !req
1074. It happens to all of us, sir.
Copy !req
1075. That's no answer! I want to know
what's happening to me now!
Copy !req
1076. Don't shout! Please!
Copy !req
1077. No!
Copy !req
1078. "Blessed shalt thou be
coming in...
Copy !req
1079. and blessed shalt thou be in going out.
Copy !req
1080. And he said,
'Thou canst not see my face...
Copy !req
1081. for no man
can see me and live."'
Copy !req
1082. "I am the resurrection and the life.
He that believeth in me...
Copy !req
1083. though he were dead,
yet shall he live.
Copy !req
1084. And the stranger shalt thou not oppress,
seeing ye yourselves were strangers."
Copy !req
1085. "He that loveth life shall lose it,
and he that hateth his life...
Copy !req
1086. in this world shall keep it
unto life eternal.
Copy !req
1087. Fear not thou them
which kill the body."
Copy !req
1088. "I am the door.
Copy !req
1089. By me if any man enter in...
Copy !req
1090. shall he be saved."
Copy !req
1091. God be with you, sir.
Copy !req
1092. What's his data?
Copy !req
1093. "Wilson, mesomorph, age 51...
Copy !req
1094. no current diseases.
Copy !req
1095. Requisitioned
from dayroom stock May 6.
Copy !req
1096. Released for cadaver use last night.
CPS number 722.
Copy !req
1097. death by automobile accident...
Copy !req
1098. caused by cerebral hemorrhage."
Copy !req
1099. - All right. Acid etch.
- Yes, sir.
Copy !req
1100. - What's the solution strength?
- Five percent at ten cc's.
Copy !req
1101. Timer.
Copy !req
1102. Five minutes.
Copy !req
1103. You were my best work,
Mr. Wilson.
Copy !req
1104. I'm sorry it all
has to end like this.
Copy !req
1105. All right, set him up.
Copy !req
1106. I think we'll put the hemorrhage
right under the left exoccipital...
Copy !req
1107. in the lingual gyrus.
Copy !req
1108. Put that light over here.
Copy !req
1109. All right.
Copy !req
1110. Relax, old friend.
Copy !req
1111. Cranial drill.
Copy !req