1. Zydrate.
Copy !req
2. Repo
Copy !req
3. Out from the night,
Copy !req
4. from the mist, steps the figure.
Copy !req
5. No one really knows his name for sure.
Copy !req
6. He stands at 6'6" head and shoulders.
Copy !req
7. Pray he never comes
knocking at your door.
Copy !req
8. Say that you once bought a heart
Copy !req
9. or new corneas,
Copy !req
10. but somehow never managed
to square away your debts?
Copy !req
11. He won't bother to write or to phone you.
Copy !req
12. He'll just rip the still-beating heart
from your chest!
Copy !req
13. Repo
Copy !req
14. Man
Copy !req
15. - Repo
- Hey, come on. Quick.
Copy !req
16. Man
Copy !req
17. Now, you could run.
Copy !req
18. You could hide. You could try to.
Copy !req
19. But he always has a way of finding you.
Copy !req
20. He will come at your weakest hour,
Copy !req
21. when no one is around
who might rescue you.
Copy !req
22. Repo man
Copy !req
23. Repo man
Copy !req
24. And none of us are free
from this horror,
Copy !req
25. for many years ago, we all fell in debt.
Copy !req
26. New body parts were needed
to perfect our image,
Copy !req
27. and until our debts are clear,
Copy !req
28. we will live in fear of the...
Copy !req
29. Repo man
Copy !req
30. Vote no on Prop 598
and keep repossessions legal.
Copy !req
31. If companies like GeneCo
couldn't repossess organs...
Copy !req
32. Vote no on Prop 598.
Copy !req
33. Tune in to tonight's Genetic Opera
Copy !req
34. to witness Mag's farewell performance.
Copy !req
35. Genetic Opera
Copy !req
36. to witness Mag's farewell...
Copy !req
37. What is this?
Copy !req
38. You disgust me.
Copy !req
39. I'm sorry, Mr. Largo.
Copy !req
40. I'm afraid... I'm afraid it's terminal.
Copy !req
41. You don't have much time.
Copy !req
42. It's spreading rapidly.
Copy !req
43. Things you see
Copy !req
44. In a graveyard
Copy !req
45. Things you see
Copy !req
46. In a graveyard
Copy !req
47. Maggots. Vermin.
Copy !req
48. You want the world for nothing.
Copy !req
49. Commence your groveling.
Copy !req
50. Rotti, your king, is dying.
Copy !req
51. Even Rotti Largo cannot
prevent this passing.
Copy !req
52. Who will inherit GeneCo?
Copy !req
53. I'll keep those vultures guessing.
Copy !req
54. Things you see
Copy !req
55. In a graveyard
Copy !req
56. I'll keep those vultures guessing.
Copy !req
57. Things you see
Copy !req
58. In a graveyard
Copy !req
59. I'll keep those vultures guessing.
Copy !req
60. Guessing, guessing, guessing.
Copy !req
61. This will be quick
Copy !req
62. It's in my sight
Copy !req
63. I'll capture it
Copy !req
64. Then run back inside
Copy !req
65. And be back home in time
Copy !req
66. Industrialization
Copy !req
67. Has crippled the globe
Copy !req
68. Enjoy GeneCo's day and nighttime
formulas of Zydrate.
Copy !req
69. Nature failed as technology spread
Copy !req
70. Ask a gentern if Zydrate is right for you.
Copy !req
71. And in this wake, a market erected
Copy !req
72. Buying Zydrate
from an unlicensed source is illegal.
Copy !req
73. An entire city
Copy !req
74. Built on top of the dead
Copy !req
75. And you can finance
Copy !req
76. Your bones
Copy !req
77. And your kidneys
Copy !req
78. For every market a submarket grows
Copy !req
79. No.
Copy !req
80. But best you be punctual
Copy !req
81. With making your payments
Copy !req
82. Lest it be you on the concrete below
Copy !req
83. It's quick
Copy !req
84. It's clean
Copy !req
85. It's pure
Copy !req
86. It could change your life
Copy !req
87. Rest assured
Copy !req
88. It's the 21st century cure
Copy !req
89. And it's my job
Copy !req
90. To steal and rob
Copy !req
91. Graves!
Copy !req
92. No! Please, please, stop!
Copy !req
93. Stop!
Copy !req
94. Grave robbers on 7 I
Copy !req
95. Oh, no! No...
Copy !req
96. Lockdown! Lockdown!
Copy !req
97. Grave robbers on...
Copy !req
98. Oh, no!
Copy !req
99. No, no, no, no!
Copy !req
100. It's locked!
Copy !req
101. This way, kid.
Copy !req
102. Wait! You're going to get us caught!
Copy !req
103. Wait! Wait!
Copy !req
104. Jackpot!
Copy !req
105. So why care for these
petty obsessions?
Copy !req
106. Your designer heart still
beats with common blood
Copy !req
107. And what if you could
have genetic perfection?
Copy !req
108. Would you change
who you are if you could?
Copy !req
109. 'Cause it's quick
Copy !req
110. It's clean
Copy !req
111. And it's pure
Copy !req
112. No. I shouldn't be here.
Copy !req
113. It could change your life
Copy !req
114. Rest assured
Copy !req
115. I have got to get home.
Copy !req
116. It's the 21st century
Copy !req
117. Cure!
Copy !req
118. This cannot be happening
Copy !req
119. And it's my job
Copy !req
120. To steal and rob
Copy !req
121. - Graves!
- No, no, no, please!
Copy !req
122. Grave robbers will be executed on sight.
Copy !req
123. Graves!
Copy !req
124. Let them go.
Copy !req
125. I didn't know. Please.
Copy !req
126. Hey!
Copy !req
127. I can't read.
Copy !req
128. I didn't know.
Copy !req
129. Blood pressure warning.
Copy !req
130. Blood pressure warning.
Copy !req
131. Medicate immediately.
Copy !req
132. Medicate immediately.
Copy !req
133. - Dad.
- Hey
Copy !req
134. It was a close one
Copy !req
135. Dad.
Copy !req
136. Too close
Copy !req
137. Dad, what happened?
Copy !req
138. You're gonna be all right
Copy !req
139. Now that's all that matters
Copy !req
140. Was I outside?
Copy !req
141. No, Shi
Copy !req
142. There were these bodies
Copy !req
143. You missed your medicine
Copy !req
144. And fell unconscious
Copy !req
145. - They were all dead.
- Nonsense.
Copy !req
146. Please be more cautious
Copy !req
147. You could go into shock
Copy !req
148. But it was real, Dad
Copy !req
149. I am the doctor, and I'm your father
Copy !req
150. I didn't imagine this
Copy !req
151. Please, Shilo, drop it
Copy !req
152. Couldn't have fathomed this
Copy !req
153. Please, Shilo, stop it.
Copy !req
154. Dad, I could smell the dead.
Copy !req
155. You could have died! You...
Copy !req
156. You scare me to death!
Copy !req
157. A blood disease
Copy !req
158. That took your dear mother from us
Copy !req
159. Passed from her and into your veins
Copy !req
160. I'd be lost if I were to lose you
Copy !req
161. I will stop at nothing to keep you safe
Copy !req
162. I'll take my meds, Dad
Copy !req
163. Don't you worry
Copy !req
164. Just until I find a cure
Copy !req
165. Your mother, rest her soul
Copy !req
166. Would be so proud of you
Copy !req
167. Though you cannot see her
Copy !req
168. She is here with you
Copy !req
169. We will always be there for you
Copy !req
170. In your time of need
Copy !req
171. Shilo, you're the world to me
Copy !req
172. Shilo, take your medicine.
Copy !req
173. I'm
Copy !req
174. Infected
Copy !req
175. I'm infected
Copy !req
176. By your genetics
Copy !req
177. Shilo, I'm the doctor
Copy !req
178. Shilo, I'm your father.
Copy !req
179. Oh, Shilo, that was close.
Copy !req
180. Take your medicine
Copy !req
181. I'm infected
Copy !req
182. By your genetics
Copy !req
183. I'm infected
Copy !req
184. By your genetics
Copy !req
185. And I don't think that I can be fixed
Copy !req
186. No, I don't think that I can be fixed
Copy !req
187. Tell me why, oh, why
Copy !req
188. Are my genetics such a bitch
Copy !req
189. It's this blood condition
Copy !req
190. Damn this blood condition
Copy !req
191. Mother, can you hear me?
Copy !req
192. Thanks for the disease
Copy !req
193. Now I am sequestered
Copy !req
194. Part of the collection
Copy !req
195. That's what is expected
when you are infected
Copy !req
196. That's what is expected
when you are infected
Copy !req
197. That's what is expected
when you are infected
Copy !req
198. How much of it's genetics?
Copy !req
199. How much of it is fate?
Copy !req
200. How much of it depends
Copy !req
201. On the choices that we make
Copy !req
202. He says I have a right to
Copy !req
203. I also inherit his shame
Copy !req
204. Is heredity the culprit?
Copy !req
205. Can I stop it, or am I a slave?
Copy !req
206. I want to go outside
Copy !req
207. Outside
Copy !req
208. I want to go
Copy !req
209. Outside
Copy !req
210. Outside
Copy !req
211. Ladies and gentlemen
Copy !req
212. Signore, signori
Copy !req
213. Don't you dare touch your TV
Copy !req
214. Tonight's genetic opera
is the place to be
Copy !req
215. That's right, friends!
Copy !req
216. Where did our daughter go?
Copy !req
217. It's me she must escape
Copy !req
218. My burdens I can't erase
Copy !req
219. The mother I might have saved
Copy !req
220. - Assassin
- Murder
Copy !req
221. Monster
Copy !req
222. Marni, I need you now
Copy !req
223. Look what I've become
Copy !req
224. The nightmare that she should fear
Copy !req
225. Is the father you left alone
Copy !req
226. The years roll by without you, Marni
Copy !req
227. 17 have come and gone
Copy !req
228. I raised our Shilo with the best intentions
Copy !req
229. But there is something I can't tell her
Copy !req
230. I'm lost without you here
Copy !req
231. I am only living out a lie
Copy !req
232. Shilo can never leave
Copy !req
233. She is my everything
Copy !req
234. Nothing can bring you back
Copy !req
235. Shilo is all I have
Copy !req
236. - Assassin
- Murder
Copy !req
237. Monster
Copy !req
238. Years roll by without you, Marni
Copy !req
239. 17 have come and gone
Copy !req
240. I raised our Shilo with the best intentions
Copy !req
241. There is something I can't tell her
Copy !req
242. I am lost without you here
Copy !req
243. I am only living out a lie
Copy !req
244. I'm the monster
Copy !req
245. Assassin
Copy !req
246. I'm the villain
Copy !req
247. Assassin
Copy !req
248. What perfection
Copy !req
249. Assassin
Copy !req
250. What precision
Copy !req
251. Assassin
Copy !req
252. Clean incisions I deliver
Copy !req
253. Unscathed organs I deliver
Copy !req
254. Repossessions I deliver
Copy !req
255. I'm the Repo
Copy !req
256. Legal assassin
Copy !req
257. The lungs and livers
Copy !req
258. And bladders and hearts
Copy !req
259. You always save a bundle
Copy !req
260. When you buy our GeneCo parts
Copy !req
261. Spleens, intestines,
and spines, and brains
Copy !req
262. All at warehouse prices
Copy !req
263. But our quality's the same
Copy !req
264. GeneCo
Copy !req
265. Mark it up
Copy !req
266. Mark it up
Copy !req
267. Mark it up
Copy !req
268. Mark it up
Copy !req
269. Where the fuck is Dad, brothers?
Copy !req
270. He left me in charge, sister!
Copy !req
271. I don't take lip from a
Copy !req
272. - Slut
- Cunt
Copy !req
273. My brother and sister should fuck
Copy !req
274. Pavi, shut the fuck up.
Copy !req
275. I'm the smartest and the toughest
Copy !req
276. I will find a hole and fuck it
Copy !req
277. If there ain't one, I will make one
Copy !req
278. Luigi don't take shit from no one
Copy !req
279. One brain, mark it up
Copy !req
280. Only I got brains enough
Copy !req
281. That's why Pop
will leave GeneCo to me
Copy !req
282. Me, me, me, me, me
Copy !req
283. Ask a gentern who they prefer
Copy !req
284. 10 out of 9 will say the Pavi
Copy !req
285. The most dashing, panty snatching
Copy !req
286. I will leave your diapers dripping
Copy !req
287. Two hearts, mark it up
Copy !req
288. Pavi steals all of the hearts
Copy !req
289. You ain't got the guts, brother
Copy !req
290. All bark but no lungs, brother.
Copy !req
291. Dad will leave GeneCo to me
Copy !req
292. You wait
Copy !req
293. Time will tell
Copy !req
294. - Pavi's face...
- Luigi's fists...
Copy !req
295. will rule you!
will woo them all.
Copy !req
296. - When I inherit...
- I'll inherit...
Copy !req
297. All this stuff
Copy !req
298. Take Dad's will and write you out
Copy !req
299. Take my cut and mark it up
Copy !req
300. Mark it up, mark it up
Copy !req
301. Hi. I'm Blind Mag.
Copy !req
302. Your treasured memories
don't have to fade with time.
Copy !req
303. Announcing GeneCo's Cornea Plus.
Copy !req
304. GeneCo's breakthrough
optical technology
Copy !req
305. where everything is digitally recorded
Copy !req
306. so you can relive
your favorite memories
Copy !req
307. again and again.
Copy !req
308. Don't miss out
on tonight's genetic opera.
Copy !req
309. Oh, a message.
Copy !req
310. from Rotti Largo.
Copy !req
311. Incoming message from Rotti Largo.
Copy !req
312. Shilo, you don't know me,
Copy !req
313. but your mother was once
very dear to me.
Copy !req
314. I can help you find your cure.
Copy !req
315. Meet me in your mother's tomb.
Copy !req
316. Ashes.
Copy !req
317. Dust.
Copy !req
318. My children were a bust.
Copy !req
319. They shall inherit nothing.
Copy !req
320. No, no.
Copy !req
321. My legacy is too great
Copy !req
322. to throw away on ingrates.
Copy !req
323. Nathan Wallace had potential
Copy !req
324. Till he stole my Marni away.
Copy !req
325. In denial, Nathan blamed himself
Copy !req
326. for Marni's sudden death,
Copy !req
327. and never once thought
Copy !req
328. to suspect the man
who wrote his checks.
Copy !req
329. I guess...
I'll take it to my death!
Copy !req
330. Things you see
Copy !req
331. In a graveyard
Copy !req
332. I'll take it to my death.
Copy !req
333. Marni, it's Rotti.
Copy !req
334. You never should have left me.
Copy !req
335. I would have given you the world.
Copy !req
336. It's been difficult to see you
Copy !req
337. after what you've
put me through.
Copy !req
338. You forced my hand and made me do...
Copy !req
339. Well, it looks like I'll be joining you.
Copy !req
340. It seems the man
who cured the globe
Copy !req
341. cannot stop his own extinction.
Copy !req
342. But I can go out with a bang!
Copy !req
343. No!
Copy !req
344. I can go out with a bang.
Copy !req
345. Things you see
Copy !req
346. - In a graveyard
- Blood pressure...
Copy !req
347. No, no, please!
I can't be outside.
Copy !req
348. I can't be outside!
Copy !req
349. Things you see
Copy !req
350. Blood pressure warning.
Copy !req
351. Medicate immediately.
Copy !req
352. Shilo, thanks for coming.
Copy !req
353. It's nice to see
Copy !req
354. Young talent blooming
Copy !req
355. My kids have been...
Copy !req
356. Well, disappointing.
Copy !req
357. I'm Rotti Largo.
Copy !req
358. I know.
Copy !req
359. I own GeneCo
Copy !req
360. Please let me go.
Copy !req
361. Sorry to be
Copy !req
362. So difficult
Copy !req
363. I had no choice
Copy !req
364. You're a tough one to find
Copy !req
365. Climbing through holes
Copy !req
366. Tell me, why do you hide...
Copy !req
367. - I'm not.
- Your pretty face?
Copy !req
368. I cannot be outside
Copy !req
369. I have a blood disease
Copy !req
370. But there is hope, an antidote
Copy !req
371. And you could be the first
Copy !req
372. To sample it, the GeneCo fix
Copy !req
373. To all blood diseases
Copy !req
374. And I can use someone like you
Copy !req
375. The poster child of progress
Copy !req
376. It's the cure you sought, Shilo
Copy !req
377. Your chance to see
the world, Shilo
Copy !req
378. In your grasp
Copy !req
379. I don't...
Copy !req
380. A function awaits.
Copy !req
381. Will you be my date?
Copy !req
382. I can't.
Copy !req
383. Blind Mag will be there.
Copy !req
384. - Mag?
- You two should meet
Copy !req
385. No.
Copy !req
386. I must leave
Copy !req
387. My dad will worry
Copy !req
388. Who says that Dad
Copy !req
389. Needs to know everything?
Copy !req
390. Repo man
Copy !req
391. I hate to do this
Copy !req
392. It's a thankless job
Copy !req
393. But somebody's got to do it
Copy !req
394. Penile tissue inch by inch
Copy !req
395. Skinnin' off the muscles slow
Copy !req
396. Harvesting the kidneys for the fall
Copy !req
397. Savin' up the livers in the fridge
Copy !req
398. No one ever thanks me
when I'm done
Copy !req
399. How self-absorbed people can be
Copy !req
400. With a slice
Copy !req
401. Or a snip
Copy !req
402. Eeny meeny miney moe
Copy !req
403. With a cut and a stitch
Copy !req
404. Returning organs good as new
Copy !req
405. It's a thankless job
Copy !req
406. But somebody's got to do it
Copy !req
407. Got to do it!
Copy !req
408. Like a mop!
Copy !req
409. Like a mop.
Copy !req
410. - And a broom.
- And a broom.
Copy !req
411. No one wants a thankless job
Copy !req
412. GeneCo's Digital Corneas
Copy !req
413. provide state-of-the-art resolution
Copy !req
414. and low density without sacrificing style.
Copy !req
415. Hi. I'm Blind Mag,
Copy !req
416. the Voice of GeneCo.
Copy !req
417. At GeneCo, an affordable
organ makeover
Copy !req
418. is just a simple financing away.
Copy !req
419. Take control of your life,
Copy !req
420. because it's what's
on the inside that counts.
Copy !req
421. Financed organs are subject
Copy !req
422. to all legal default remedies,
Copy !req
423. including new possession...
Copy !req
424. Sorry, folks. It'll be a long time
Copy !req
425. before GeneCo can
help you sing like Mag.
Copy !req
426. I don't know about you, Bob,
Copy !req
427. but I haven't been this excited
Copy !req
428. since my first elective surgery.
Copy !req
429. No doubt, Dick.
Excitement's in the air.
Copy !req
430. For one day a year only,
Copy !req
431. Sanitarian Square will open its gates
Copy !req
432. and welcome all of us
Copy !req
433. to its post-plague Italian Renaissance!
Copy !req
434. GeneCo's new Rome.
Copy !req
435. Ah, the cuisine, the music, the culture.
Copy !req
436. GeneCo provides the finest
Copy !req
437. in Italian-inspired body version.
Copy !req
438. Wow. This is turning into GeneCo's
Copy !req
439. most spectacular
and unpredictable event ever.
Copy !req
440. That's right, Dick.
Only a few short hours
Copy !req
441. until Blind Mag's final performance,
Copy !req
442. which is guaranteed to be talked about
Copy !req
443. for years and years to come.
Copy !req
444. Genterns
Copy !req
445. Genterns, they secure the finest skin graft
Copy !req
446. And stacked
Copy !req
447. Scalpel, needle, thread
Copy !req
448. That should do it
Copy !req
449. Okay, Mr. Largo,
want to see your new face?
Copy !req
450. Oh, it's so perfect!
Copy !req
451. Someone's going to hang
if I don't get my coffee!
Copy !req
452. Decaf?
Copy !req
453. I will shoot you in the face!
Copy !req
454. Sorry, Mr. Largo.
Here's a fresh cup for you.
Copy !req
455. What's this, rat piss?
Copy !req
456. Luigi, stop it
Copy !req
457. Who's gonna sing, then,
after you leave?
Copy !req
458. Amber, please, it's not my place
Copy !req
459. Someone must sing
Copy !req
460. Why can't it be me?
Copy !req
461. - Sister, please.
- Just shut your face!
Copy !req
462. Listen, you bitch
Copy !req
463. When I'm running GeneCo...
Copy !req
464. - In your dreams!
- Dad loves me
Copy !req
465. And they all love the Pavi
Copy !req
466. When the geezer croaks
Copy !req
467. You will all learn to respect me
Copy !req
468. That's enough!
Copy !req
469. - But she...
- But he...
Copy !req
470. Children, off!
Copy !req
471. Mag, there's someone
I'd like you to meet.
Copy !req
472. A daughter of an old friend.
Copy !req
473. A ghost from your past.
Copy !req
474. Seeing you two stirs memories
Copy !req
475. Mag was 19, not much older than you
Copy !req
476. I heard her sing
Copy !req
477. And at that moment knew
Copy !req
478. I'd help her see
Copy !req
479. And watch her talent bloom
Copy !req
480. I could help you, too
Copy !req
481. Will the Voice of GeneCo
please take the stage?
Copy !req
482. Blind Mag to the stage.
Copy !req
483. Please don't go
Copy !req
484. I must go
Copy !req
485. Don't say no
Copy !req
486. I must see
Copy !req
487. Technically, you belong to GeneCo
Copy !req
488. Of course, I joke.
Copy !req
489. Of course, you joke
Copy !req
490. You're free to go
Copy !req
491. I've got tonight
Copy !req
492. Tonight
Copy !req
493. Everybody, everybody,
line up, line up now.
Copy !req
494. We have to get supper tickets.
Copy !req
495. Don't be shy.
Copy !req
496. Let go.
Copy !req
497. How am I going
to find my way home?
Copy !req
498. GeneCo
Copy !req
499. Incoming message from Rotti Largo.
Copy !req
500. Collect on the Handleman
account at once.
Copy !req
501. His payment is past due.
Copy !req
502. Repossess GeneCo's property.
Copy !req
503. Oh, my God!
Copy !req
504. I'm sorry! I'll pay later!
Copy !req
505. Oh! Stop! No!
Copy !req
506. No, no! No! No!
Copy !req
507. No! No! No!
Copy !req
508. Medicine reminder.
Copy !req
509. Shilo.
Copy !req
510. Yes, Dad?
Copy !req
511. Did you take your medicine?
Copy !req
512. Yes.
Copy !req
513. for GeneCo!
Copy !req
514. What's that?
Copy !req
515. What's what?
Copy !req
516. That.
Copy !req
517. Oh. That.
Copy !req
518. My window, it's cracked
Copy !req
519. Then why aren't you
wearing your mask?
Copy !req
520. Should I head back?
Copy !req
521. No, I'm fine
Copy !req
522. I can be there in no time
Copy !req
523. That won't be needed
Copy !req
524. But, Shilo...
Copy !req
525. Your patients need you
Copy !req
526. Dad, who's that?
Copy !req
527. Oh, that?
Copy !req
528. One of my patients. He's sick.
Copy !req
529. - Will he live?
- It's looking grim
Copy !req
530. You should stay there for a while
Copy !req
531. I will rush home when I'm done
Copy !req
532. Take your time, nothing's wrong
Copy !req
533. I love you
Copy !req
534. - Daughter
- Father
Copy !req
535. Medicate immediately.
Copy !req
536. Blood pressure warning.
Copy !req
537. Zydrate
Copy !req
538. Get your fill of it
Copy !req
539. Zydrate
Copy !req
540. You're real?
Copy !req
541. Don't bother me.
Copy !req
542. - I'm sorry.
- You'll get me caught.
Copy !req
543. I must get home.
Copy !req
544. Follow me.
Copy !req
545. Where are we going?
Copy !req
546. Where are you taking me?
Copy !req
547. Mr. Largo, how are you?
Copy !req
548. The folks at home would like to know
your thoughts and views
Copy !req
549. about Zydrate use...
Copy !req
550. And its abuses
Copy !req
551. Would you care to comment, sir?
Copy !req
552. Well, thank you, sir.
Copy !req
553. Let me direct the matter
to my daughter
Copy !req
554. The mind behind
the Zydrate support network
Copy !req
555. Welcome Amber to the stage
Copy !req
556. Welcome Amber to the stage
Copy !req
557. How old are you?
Copy !req
558. 17.
Copy !req
559. I had my first surgery
when I was 13.
Copy !req
560. And thanks to Z,
Copy !req
561. I couldn't feel
or remember a thing.
Copy !req
562. A month later, I was turning tricks.
Copy !req
563. I'll keep a lock on it all
Copy !req
564. Drug market
Copy !req
565. Submarket
Copy !req
566. Sometimes I wonder
why I ever got in
Copy !req
567. Blood market
Copy !req
568. Love market
Copy !req
569. Sometimes I wonder
why they need me at all
Copy !req
570. Zydrate comes
in a little glass vial.
Copy !req
571. A little glass vial?
Copy !req
572. A little glass vial.
Copy !req
573. And the little glass vial
Copy !req
574. goes into the gun like a battery.
Copy !req
575. And the Zydrate gun
Copy !req
576. goes somewhere
against your anatomy.
Copy !req
577. And when the gun goes off, it sparks,
Copy !req
578. and you're ready for surgery.
Copy !req
579. Surgery.
Copy !req
580. Grave Robber
Copy !req
581. Grave Robber
Copy !req
582. Sometimes I wonder
why I even bother
Copy !req
583. Grave Robber
Copy !req
584. Grave Robber
Copy !req
585. Sometimes I wonder
why I need you at all
Copy !req
586. And Amber Sweet
is addicted to the knife.
Copy !req
587. Addicted to the knife?
Copy !req
588. Addicted to the knife?
Copy !req
589. And addicted to the knife,
Copy !req
590. she needs a little help with the agony.
Copy !req
591. Agony.
Copy !req
592. And a little help comes
in a little glass vial
Copy !req
593. in a gun pressed
against her anatomy.
Copy !req
594. And when the gun goes off,
Copy !req
595. Miss Sweet is ready
for surgery, surgery.
Copy !req
596. Grave Robber
Copy !req
597. Grave Robber
Copy !req
598. Sometimes I wonder
why I need you at all
Copy !req
599. It's clean, it's clear, it's pure.
Copy !req
600. - It's what?
- It's rare.
Copy !req
601. It takes you there.
Copy !req
602. It what?
Copy !req
603. It takes you there
Copy !req
604. It's clean, it's clear...
Copy !req
605. Before the cut
Copy !req
606. It's clean, it's clear...
Copy !req
607. I can do nothing at all
Copy !req
608. It's surgery, it's surgery.
Copy !req
609. It's surgery.
Copy !req
610. It's the way your friends
may change inside.
Copy !req
611. Feel alive
Copy !req
612. Hey, that's Blind Mag's song.
Copy !req
613. Who did that?
Copy !req
614. So you think you got heart
Copy !req
615. So you think you got balls
Copy !req
616. So you think Mag can sing
Copy !req
617. I don't think nothing at all
Copy !req
618. So you think Mag has pipes.
Copy !req
619. Well, it's my turn to shine.
Copy !req
620. When the Repo Man strikes!
Copy !req
621. What are you talking about?
Copy !req
622. Mag's contract's got
some mighty fine print.
Copy !req
623. Some mighty fine print?
Copy !req
624. Some mighty fine...
Copy !req
625. And that mighty fine print
Copy !req
626. puts Mag in a mighty fine predicament.
Copy !req
627. If Mag up and splits,
Copy !req
628. her eyes are forfeit.
Copy !req
629. And if GeneCo and Rotti so will it,
Copy !req
630. then a repo man will come,
Copy !req
631. and she'll pay for that surgery.
Copy !req
632. Surgery.
Copy !req
633. Surgery.
Copy !req
634. I can't feel nothing at all
Copy !req
635. Cleanin' up the city since 030
Copy !req
636. I can't feel nothing at all
Copy !req
637. Sir, we have Amber.
Copy !req
638. We're bringing her in.
Copy !req
639. Incoming message.
Copy !req
640. Incoming message.
Copy !req
641. Nathan Wallace, come to my office at once.
Copy !req
642. Honey?
Copy !req
643. Are you awake?
Copy !req
644. Well, who ordered pizza?
Copy !req
645. I could sure go for a slice!
Copy !req
646. Oh, never too pressed
for that dramatical entrance
Copy !req
647. You wanted to see me?
Copy !req
648. Thank you for coming
Copy !req
649. Have your new assignment
Copy !req
650. Hot off the meat truck!
Copy !req
651. Is there a reason why
Copy !req
652. You couldn't phone me this target?
Copy !req
653. This is a job of special importance.
Copy !req
654. It is involving a GeneCo employee,
Copy !req
655. a singer we all know.
Copy !req
656. That has-been soprano
Copy !req
657. A traitor to GeneCo
Copy !req
658. Tonight is her last show
Copy !req
659. I can't afford a scandal here
Copy !req
660. Please handle Mag as best you can.
Copy !req
661. Take her down
Copy !req
662. But Mag's eyes...
Copy !req
663. Are GeneCo's.
Copy !req
664. I know this may seem hard
Copy !req
665. Mag was Marni's best friend
Copy !req
666. You break my friggin' heart
Copy !req
667. You can reunite them.
Copy !req
668. I cannot do this job
Copy !req
669. Remember who you are.
Copy !req
670. Remember what you did to Marni.
Copy !req
671. Must I take you back there
Copy !req
672. Please don't take me back there
Copy !req
673. Why relive that moment?
Copy !req
674. I can't relive it
Copy !req
675. That dark, fateful night
Copy !req
676. When you murdered your wife
Copy !req
677. It's too painful
Copy !req
678. - Marni was past helping
- Marni was past helping
Copy !req
679. Shilo's life was slipping
Copy !req
680. Shilo was slipping
Copy !req
681. She needed her dad,
and I needed skilled hands
Copy !req
682. So I fixed things
Copy !req
683. We made an agreement
Copy !req
684. I will honor that agreement
Copy !req
685. - You'll do as you're told
- I'll do as I'm told
Copy !req
686. So Shilo never knows
Copy !req
687. About that dark and fateful night.
Copy !req
688. Or my secret repo life
Copy !req
689. Don't deny your repo life
Copy !req
690. Dear Marni, I am so sorry
Copy !req
691. Can you forgive me for this?
Copy !req
692. Not the death doctor
with the hungry scalpel
Copy !req
693. Here's my prognosis, will they live?
Copy !req
694. Doubtful.
Copy !req
695. You're the street physician
Copy !req
696. Carving rare sculptures
Copy !req
697. Paint your ass like a Rembrandt
Copy !req
698. Ha! You like that?
Copy !req
699. Better start praying
when you see him coming
Copy !req
700. For tonight, it's curtains
Copy !req
701. You're the night surgeon
Copy !req
702. I remember
Copy !req
703. Remember what you did to Marni
Copy !req
704. And who you are
Copy !req
705. I remember
Copy !req
706. Remember what you did
Copy !req
707. To your knife!
Copy !req
708. See it glide.
Copy !req
709. See it slice!
Copy !req
710. Who's your night surgeon?
Copy !req
711. I hope you have my money
Copy !req
712. Or it's "buon viaggi"
Copy !req
713. He'll do your ass like dishes
Copy !req
714. Amputation
Copy !req
715. Remember who you are
Copy !req
716. - Please, please, please!
- I remember
Copy !req
717. Remember what you did to Marni
Copy !req
718. Remember who you are
Copy !req
719. I remember
Copy !req
720. Remember what you did to her
Copy !req
721. Remember who you are
Copy !req
722. I remember
Copy !req
723. Remember what you did to Marni
Copy !req
724. Remember who you are
Copy !req
725. I remember
Copy !req
726. Remember what you did to her
Copy !req
727. I remember every dying whisper
Copy !req
728. Every desperate murmur
Copy !req
729. I remember when I gazed upon her
Copy !req
730. She looks just like you
Copy !req
731. I remember
Copy !req
732. I remember working every victim
Copy !req
733. With acute precision
Copy !req
734. I remember every time I hold you
Copy !req
735. My blunt companion
Copy !req
736. I remember
Copy !req
737. I dismember
Copy !req
738. 'Cause the claims medic gives no anesthetic
Copy !req
739. 90-day delinquent
gets you repo treatment
Copy !req
740. Remember horror
on your street corner
Copy !req
741. Make your mama boil you
Copy !req
742. I'm a night surgeon
Copy !req
743. I remember
Copy !req
744. Nathan!
Copy !req
745. I cannot do this job.
Copy !req
746. Find someone else.
Copy !req
747. No one walks away from me.
Copy !req
748. He wants out?
Then I will take him out.
Copy !req
749. Shilo? Is your name Shilo?
Copy !req
750. Can I talk to you?
Copy !req
751. Can you come down, please?
Copy !req
752. - Why?
- So we can speak.
Copy !req
753. I saw you at the show
Copy !req
754. I thought I'd seen a ghost
Copy !req
755. Your resemblance is striking.
Copy !req
756. You have your mother's eyes, her hair
Copy !req
757. I was told you died with her
Copy !req
758. All these years have come and gone
Copy !req
759. How do I put this?
Copy !req
760. I'm your god mom
Copy !req
761. State your business.
Copy !req
762. Business?
Copy !req
763. What do you want?
Copy !req
764. I want, I want
Copy !req
765. To finally meet you
Copy !req
766. Something real
to cling to, leave you
Copy !req
767. With the hope that you will go to
Copy !req
768. All you're meant to, all I failed to
Copy !req
769. In you is a world of promise
Copy !req
770. We have both been
kept in bondage
Copy !req
771. But you could learn
from all my failures.
Copy !req
772. I'm not supposed to talk to strangers.
Copy !req
773. Or let them through the gate?
Copy !req
774. That, either. A big risk.
Copy !req
775. - A big fence.
- A big mistake.
Copy !req
776. A new friend.
Copy !req
777. Oh, my God. Mom?
Copy !req
778. How'd you do that?
Copy !req
779. - Do what?
- That. That eye thing.
Copy !req
780. These eyes can do more than see.
Copy !req
781. I know. I mean, I've seen you sing.
Copy !req
782. - Where?
- From my window.
Copy !req
783. I can see the world from there.
Copy !req
784. Name the stars and constellations.
Copy !req
785. Count the cars
and watch the seasons.
Copy !req
786. I wish we could have watched together
Copy !req
787. I can't have guests.
Copy !req
788. - Never?
- Ever.
Copy !req
789. If Dad found out
that I'd been let out
Copy !req
790. or that you'd been let in...
Copy !req
791. I should go, then, before I do
Copy !req
792. - Promise me you won't
- Better that you don't.
Copy !req
793. Don't forget a sheltered rose
Copy !req
794. It's best if I resume my life
Copy !req
795. Needs a little room to bloom
outside her bedroom
Copy !req
796. Chase the morning
Copy !req
797. Yield for nothing
Copy !req
798. Chase the morning
Copy !req
799. Yield for nothing
Copy !req
800. Let your life be a dream
Copy !req
801. Integrity, honesty
Copy !req
802. It's too late for me
Copy !req
803. Don't look back
Copy !req
804. Till you're free
to chase the morning
Copy !req
805. Yield for nothing
Copy !req
806. Chase the morning
Copy !req
807. Yield for nothing
Copy !req
808. Yield for nothing
Copy !req
809. Hi, Nathan.
Copy !req
810. Mag.
Copy !req
811. How did you get in here?
Copy !req
812. Don't you have a show tonight?
Copy !req
813. - How are you, Nathan?
- Busy.
Copy !req
814. You never were
Copy !req
815. A man of many words, Nate
Copy !req
816. - You told me Shilo died
- Listen...
Copy !req
817. Nathan, I promised your late wife
Copy !req
818. I'd be present in Shilo's life
Copy !req
819. Please, Mag
Copy !req
820. Shilo's very ill
Copy !req
821. It's not safe
Copy !req
822. For her to see people
Copy !req
823. I need to give her, her medication.
Copy !req
824. Dad, let her stay in here
Copy !req
825. No, she's leaving
Copy !req
826. Please hide her here
Copy !req
827. - From what?
- She'll be dead
Copy !req
828. Look, I told her she was sick
Copy !req
829. Nathan, you are hurting me
Copy !req
830. - Dad!
- My daughter needs a rest
Copy !req
831. I'll be fine, Shilo, don't you fret
Copy !req
832. Repossessions are dangerous
Copy !req
833. You're not safe
Copy !req
834. - Dad, she's not safe
- Shilo, don't you fret
Copy !req
835. - Leave my daughter
- Your daughter's
Copy !req
836. She is sick
Copy !req
837. You've turned this house
Copy !req
838. - Into a zoo
- I can't have this
Copy !req
839. Marni wouldn't want this for you
Copy !req
840. Set her free
Copy !req
841. - Please don't leave
- Set her free
Copy !req
842. Come back
Copy !req
843. - Keep it down, Shi
- Come back!
Copy !req
844. It's your bedtime, it's late
Copy !req
845. - Dad, am I...
- Please
Copy !req
846. - She will die
- Nonsense
Copy !req
847. - It's arrived, Dad
- Nonsense
Copy !req
848. - It's a contract
- A contract?
Copy !req
849. - Come and see
- Nonsense
Copy !req
850. Come see
Copy !req
851. Mag's in trouble, Dad
Copy !req
852. Where'd you get this?
Copy !req
853. Read it, Dad, a repo man will come
Copy !req
854. and take Mag's eyes!
Copy !req
855. There are things in life
Copy !req
856. That we do best to leave alone
Copy !req
857. She'll die, you must help her, Dad
Copy !req
858. - That are beyond control
- You must stop her
Copy !req
859. That you don't want to know
Copy !req
860. Will you save Mag?
Copy !req
861. She will lose her eyes
Copy !req
862. Unless you stop this repo man
Copy !req
863. Shilo, this is senseless
Copy !req
864. - Dad, you have to try.
- Shilo
Copy !req
865. - This is pointless.
- You can't let her die!
Copy !req
866. Please, shut up!
Copy !req
867. Your mother's death
taught me to accept
Copy !req
868. That nothing ever lasts in this world
Copy !req
869. Foolish dreams
can destroy a grown man
Copy !req
870. What chance has a 17-year-old girl?
Copy !req
871. I don't know what I was thinking
Copy !req
872. There's no sense in girlish dreaming
Copy !req
873. I'm just 17, 17
Copy !req
874. And it's better than 40.
Copy !req
875. Mama drama's got to go
Copy !req
876. Nothing's gonna bring her back
Copy !req
877. Experiment with something living
Copy !req
878. Because I'm sweeter than 16
Copy !req
879. Hey, hey! Hey, hey!
Copy !req
880. I've always longed for true affection
Copy !req
881. But you compared me to a corpse!
Copy !req
882. Dead, with the dead
Copy !req
883. - I'm joining the living
- 17
Copy !req
884. Because I'm freer than 16
Copy !req
885. Hey, hey! Hey, hey!
Copy !req
886. Shilo.
Copy !req
887. Something's changing
Copy !req
888. I can feel it
Copy !req
889. 17 now
Copy !req
890. Why can't you see it?
Copy !req
891. 17 and you can't stop me
Copy !req
892. 17 and you won't boss me
Copy !req
893. You cannot control me, Father
Copy !req
894. Daddy's girl's a fucking monster
Copy !req
895. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
896. Shilo.
Copy !req
897. Listen, all!
Copy !req
898. I've never been
so surgically maimed
Copy !req
899. Amber, please, it's not that bad.
Copy !req
900. I'll be the laughingstock of the stage
Copy !req
901. Daughter, please, it's not that bad
Copy !req
902. This is your fault,
I asked you to help me
Copy !req
903. No, Amber, please
Copy !req
904. I warned you about this
Copy !req
905. Happiness is not a warm scalpel
Copy !req
906. I don't care! It's not fair!
Copy !req
907. Baby, baby, baby,
don't do this
Copy !req
908. I will never sing again
Copy !req
909. I gave you the life I wished I'd had
Copy !req
910. I look like a crime scene, Dad
Copy !req
911. All you ever do is take, take, take
Copy !req
912. All I ever do is give
Copy !req
913. That surgery was only 90 grand
Copy !req
914. I did not complain
Copy !req
915. When you changed your name
Copy !req
916. From Largo to Sweet
Copy !req
917. I need a stage name!
Copy !req
918. You are a disgrace
Copy !req
919. Your genes are not worthy of mine
Copy !req
920. Are you okay, Daddy?
Copy !req
921. I'll have one of my surgeons fix you up
Copy !req
922. so you can sing tonight.
Copy !req
923. Thanks, Daddy.
Copy !req
924. Flesh is weak.
Copy !req
925. Blood is cheap.
Copy !req
926. Inconsistent.
Copy !req
927. Consistently
Copy !req
928. Use your sense
Copy !req
929. Save your cents
Copy !req
930. The only thing with persistence is
Copy !req
931. Gold
Copy !req
932. It makes the world go round
Copy !req
933. Gold
Copy !req
934. It makes the world go round
Copy !req
935. But before I go
Copy !req
936. My kids will know
Copy !req
937. About the man they have crossed
Copy !req
938. As Marni did the day she fled
Copy !req
939. And became Nathan's wife
Copy !req
940. She forced my hand,
he dug her grave
Copy !req
941. I will not be betrayed
Copy !req
942. Empty the trash of all of them
Copy !req
943. And leave it all to the kid
Copy !req
944. Lay the bait
Copy !req
945. Shilo's fate
Copy !req
946. But only if
Copy !req
947. And will she appreciate
Copy !req
948. That gold
Copy !req
949. It makes the world go round
Copy !req
950. Gold
Copy !req
951. It makes the world go round
Copy !req
952. Gold
Copy !req
953. Shilo, I have your cure.
Copy !req
954. Tonight all will be revealed.
Copy !req
955. See you at the opera.
Copy !req
956. So Rotti thinks he can take Shilo.
Copy !req
957. Dad?
Copy !req
958. Nothing, Shilo, nothing
Copy !req
959. Go to bed
Copy !req
960. Why didn't you tell me
I had a godmother?
Copy !req
961. What?
Copy !req
962. What are you talking about, precious?
Copy !req
963. Lovely, Mag, sing
Copy !req
964. Attention, all GeneCo personnel.
Copy !req
965. Apprehend the Repo Man
Nathan Wallace at once.
Copy !req
966. Bring him to me.
Copy !req
967. I want Nathan Wallace taken out.
Copy !req
968. Shilo?
Copy !req
969. Come to the opera with me
Copy !req
970. Shilo!
Copy !req
971. Tonight we are betrayed
Copy !req
972. Keep Shilo safe
Copy !req
973. Make Rotti pay
Copy !req
974. I'll man his grave
Copy !req
975. At the opera...
Copy !req
976. tonight.
Copy !req
977. Shilo, this dress
Copy !req
978. once belonged to your mother.
Copy !req
979. I would be most honored
Copy !req
980. if you wore it to the opera.
Copy !req
981. I must be brave
Copy !req
982. Come, come what may
Copy !req
983. Can I be saved?
Copy !req
984. Is there a way at the opera tonight?
Copy !req
985. I've made my peace
Copy !req
986. No chance for peace
Copy !req
987. I hold no grudge
Copy !req
988. I'll end this grudge
Copy !req
989. I'm gonna sing
Copy !req
990. I'll stain the streets
Copy !req
991. - My final song
- They'll run with blood
Copy !req
992. At the opera tonight
Copy !req
993. One more hit for the show
Copy !req
994. - Make it fast
- Take it slow.
Copy !req
995. One more hit of the glow
Copy !req
996. Go get cut.
Copy !req
997. For tonight's show
Copy !req
998. Tonight I set the stage
Copy !req
999. Tonight we set the stage
Copy !req
1000. My greatest play
Copy !req
1001. My greatest face.
Copy !req
1002. I'll take the lead
Copy !req
1003. - My greatest rage!
- Pavi gets laid.
Copy !req
1004. All debts are paid
Copy !req
1005. At the opera tonight
Copy !req
1006. Repo man
Copy !req
1007. - Repo man
- Freeze!
Copy !req
1008. At the opera tonight
Copy !req
1009. Repo man, come take my hand
Copy !req
1010. At the opera tonight
Copy !req
1011. Repo Man
Copy !req
1012. My eyes
Copy !req
1013. Repo man, at the opera tonight
Copy !req
1014. Bloodbath
Copy !req
1015. It's gonna be a bloodbath
Copy !req
1016. 'Cause no one crosses GeneCo
Copy !req
1017. No, not even Repo
Copy !req
1018. Will Rotti clean house?
Copy !req
1019. Damn, we're gonna find out
Copy !req
1020. At the opera
Copy !req
1021. Stay tuned.
Copy !req
1022. The winner of this blood feud
Copy !req
1023. Will take GeneCo
Copy !req
1024. Tonight's opera
Copy !req
1025. is brought to you by rich Prosego.
Copy !req
1026. Ladies and gentlemen,
the Genetic Opera!
Copy !req
1027. Everybody, everybody
Copy !req
1028. Get down, get down now
Copy !req
1029. Stand up
Copy !req
1030. Don't be shy
Copy !req
1031. People, people, people
Copy !req
1032. Everybody, everybody
Copy !req
1033. Testify
Copy !req
1034. Everybody
Copy !req
1035. Get down, get down now
Copy !req
1036. Stand up, don't be shy
Copy !req
1037. People, people, people,
get up, get up, get up
Copy !req
1038. Everybody testify
Copy !req
1039. GeneCo helped me upgrade
my second-class heredity!
Copy !req
1040. Testify!
Copy !req
1041. My liver was wrecked,
Copy !req
1042. but now I can drink whatever I want!
Copy !req
1043. Testify!
Copy !req
1044. Before GeneCo,
Copy !req
1045. my anatomy was completely repressed!
Copy !req
1046. State your names!
Copy !req
1047. Genterns.
Copy !req
1048. Saved!
Copy !req
1049. Everybody, everybody
Copy !req
1050. Testify
Copy !req
1051. Stand up and don't be shy
Copy !req
1052. People, people, people,
get up, get up, get up
Copy !req
1053. Everybody, everybody, testify
Copy !req
1054. I needed a kidney
transplant desperately
Copy !req
1055. GeneCo showed this
single mom sympathy
Copy !req
1056. This makeover came
for a small added fee
Copy !req
1057. Now I look smashing on live TV
Copy !req
1058. - Be healed!
- GeneCo's got it.
Copy !req
1059. You know you want it, baby.
Copy !req
1060. GeneCo's got it.
Copy !req
1061. You know you want it, baby.
Copy !req
1062. GeneCo's got it.
Copy !req
1063. You know you want it, baby.
Copy !req
1064. Testify!
Copy !req
1065. Testify!
Copy !req
1066. Testify!
Copy !req
1067. Testify!
Copy !req
1068. Testify!
Copy !req
1069. Shilo, you've made it.
Copy !req
1070. You're close enough to taste it.
Copy !req
1071. Your cure, is waiting.
Copy !req
1072. There is but one thing pending.
Copy !req
1073. Help us catch him.
Copy !req
1074. This former GeneCo trainee
Copy !req
1075. who's lost his mind completely
Copy !req
1076. and managed to escape me.
Copy !req
1077. You saw him
Copy !req
1078. In the graveyard
Copy !req
1079. Thank God my guards responded.
Copy !req
1080. It seems this fiend has
set his teeth on you,
Copy !req
1081. so be on guard. He's coming.
Copy !req
1082. We'll use you as bait
Copy !req
1083. to draw this snake out of his hole,
Copy !req
1084. and I am sorry, Shilo, for that,
Copy !req
1085. but this is your defining moment.
Copy !req
1086. Will you let yourself be trapped,
Copy !req
1087. or will you use your trap to trap him?
Copy !req
1088. Put your hands together
Copy !req
1089. for GeneCo's favorite
and only daughter,
Copy !req
1090. Amber Sweet!
Copy !req
1091. Blame not my cheeks
Copy !req
1092. The pair with love they be
Copy !req
1093. Bring me Repo Man,
Copy !req
1094. and you will get your cure.
Copy !req
1095. And now, without further ado,
Copy !req
1096. the event you've all been waiting for.
Copy !req
1097. GeneCo proudly presents Blind Mag.
Copy !req
1098. Come take these eyes
Copy !req
1099. I would rather be blind
Copy !req
1100. Ladies and gentlemen, don't panic.
Copy !req
1101. Stay in your seats.
It's all part of the show.
Copy !req
1102. Stay tuned, folks
Copy !req
1103. You don't want to move, folks
Copy !req
1104. 'Cause there's more
excitement coming
Copy !req
1105. As an encore, GeneCo will cure
Copy !req
1106. A very sick and needy young girl
Copy !req
1107. She's been caged up like a monster
Copy !req
1108. By her overbearing father
Copy !req
1109. But tonight we're gonna set him right
Copy !req
1110. And for all your viewing pleasures
Copy !req
1111. Didn't I tell you not to go out?
Copy !req
1112. Didn't I?
Copy !req
1113. You did, you did
Copy !req
1114. Didn't I say the world was cruel?
Copy !req
1115. Didn't I?
Copy !req
1116. You did, you did
Copy !req
1117. Then tell me how this happened
Copy !req
1118. What I did wrong, tell me why
Copy !req
1119. Can't we just go home, Shi
Copy !req
1120. And forget this dreadful night?
Copy !req
1121. Didn't you say that you were different?
Copy !req
1122. Didn't you?
Copy !req
1123. I am, I am
Copy !req
1124. Say you aren't that person
Copy !req
1125. Say it
Copy !req
1126. I am, I am
Copy !req
1127. Then tell me how to act, Dad
Copy !req
1128. What to say, Dad, tell me why
Copy !req
1129. All you've ever told me
Copy !req
1130. Every word is a lie
Copy !req
1131. Didn't you say that you'd protect me?
Copy !req
1132. Didn't you?
Copy !req
1133. I tried, I tried
Copy !req
1134. Is that how you'd help me?
Copy !req
1135. Is it?
Copy !req
1136. I tried, I tried
Copy !req
1137. Don't help me anymore, Dad
Copy !req
1138. You are dead, Dad, in my eyes
Copy !req
1139. Someone has replaced you
Copy !req
1140. Dad, I hate you, go and die
Copy !req
1141. Didn't I build a house, a home?
Copy !req
1142. Didn't I?
Copy !req
1143. A cure is waiting.
Copy !req
1144. Didn't I raise her all alone?
Copy !req
1145. Didn't I?
Copy !req
1146. Then Rotti took her from me
Copy !req
1147. Stole my Shilo, he's to blame
Copy !req
1148. Have I failed my daughter?
Copy !req
1149. Then let the father die
Copy !req
1150. And let the monster run
Copy !req
1151. Repo Man
Copy !req
1152. Stop!
Copy !req
1153. You've exceeded all my plans
Copy !req
1154. More than you
could say for Amber
Copy !req
1155. More than I could say for you.
Copy !req
1156. What?
Copy !req
1157. Or your just-as-worthless brother
Copy !req
1158. I just want to get my cure
Copy !req
1159. And I promise to deliver
Copy !req
1160. Don't you lay a hand on her.
Copy !req
1161. Hold your tongue before an elder.
Copy !req
1162. Touch her, and I swear I'll kill you.
Copy !req
1163. Bring it on, you cheap imposter.
Copy !req
1164. Even though I'm terminally ill
Copy !req
1165. I'm dying, you idiots.
Copy !req
1166. Please don't say you're dying, Father.
Copy !req
1167. Please say you ain't dying, Father.
Copy !req
1168. So I planned my perfect end
Copy !req
1169. A tale befitting any opera
Copy !req
1170. And ending only I could spin
Copy !req
1171. Ending you will be my pleasure.
Copy !req
1172. I no longer trust you, Dad.
Copy !req
1173. You can never trust a monster.
Copy !req
1174. And there's more beneath his mask.
Copy !req
1175. Did you know he killed your mother?
Copy !req
1176. It was just an accident
Copy !req
1177. - Accidents can end in murder.
- Shilo, believe me
Copy !req
1178. And that's not his greatest fib
Copy !req
1179. Someone tell me what is going on
Copy !req
1180. Tell her, tell her
Copy !req
1181. Someone tell me what is going on
Copy !req
1182. - Let's leave
- Tell her, tell her
Copy !req
1183. - Let's leave
- Someone tell me what is going on
Copy !req
1184. - No more
- Tell me, tell me
Copy !req
1185. - Tell her, tell her
- Tell me
Copy !req
1186. No more.
Copy !req
1187. May I introduce you
Copy !req
1188. To the man who made you sick?
Copy !req
1189. He's poisoned all your medicine
Copy !req
1190. - I can't breathe
- You've got to fight through it.
Copy !req
1191. Someone, please,
please help my daughter
Copy !req
1192. This will pass.
You've got to fight through it.
Copy !req
1193. I've deceived the only one that matters
Copy !req
1194. - I need my pill.
- You need to know
Copy !req
1195. - You've got to fight.
- It's not your fault
Copy !req
1196. Believe me, Shilo.
Copy !req
1197. It's me who failed you
Copy !req
1198. My stomach.
Copy !req
1199. - It's his medicine
- My medicine
Copy !req
1200. It's your medicine?
Copy !req
1201. I'm the cause
Copy !req
1202. Of all your sickness
Copy !req
1203. Here's to the medi...
Copy !req
1204. That's all there is
Copy !req
1205. Thanks for coming.
Copy !req
1206. Your mother once
promised her love to me
Copy !req
1207. Had she never fled, you'd be mine.
Copy !req
1208. Deny your father now,
Copy !req
1209. for the world to see.
Copy !req
1210. Kill him.
Copy !req
1211. Kill him!
Copy !req
1212. No.
Copy !req
1213. And I'll leave you GeneCo
Copy !req
1214. - What?
- All of it?
Copy !req
1215. Oh, yes.
Copy !req
1216. Oh, no!
Copy !req
1217. So witness it, people.
Copy !req
1218. All I have to do is sign the paper
Copy !req
1219. All you have to do is pull the trigger
Copy !req
1220. - I want you to do what is right
- You want to pay me
Copy !req
1221. - to kill my father?
- This man killed your mother, your mother
Copy !req
1222. - Shilo
- He betrayed you both, he's a liar
Copy !req
1223. - And he poisoned you
- Force me to kill
Copy !req
1224. I am not a murderer
Copy !req
1225. But you share your dad's genetics
Copy !req
1226. What if he passed this to you?
Copy !req
1227. I don't have to share his choices
Copy !req
1228. Didn't you say you were infected?
Copy !req
1229. Didn't you, didn't you?
Copy !req
1230. I poisoned you
Copy !req
1231. I'm worse than Rotti, imprisoned you
Copy !req
1232. I couldn't lose you,
what have I done?
Copy !req
1233. Forgive me, Shilo,
I drugged your blood
Copy !req
1234. Oh, God, what have I done to you?
Copy !req
1235. You used my mother's death
to use my father
Copy !req
1236. You used my father's death
to use me, too
Copy !req
1237. Your dad deserved
whatever happened to him.
Copy !req
1238. He needed me, and so do you.
Copy !req
1239. I remember
Copy !req
1240. Remember my mistakes
Copy !req
1241. Remember you can change
Copy !req
1242. Remember that I love you
Copy !req
1243. I'm sorry that I failed you
Copy !req
1244. Remember that it's up to you
Copy !req
1245. To go and shape your life into
Copy !req
1246. One that's worthy of remembering
Copy !req
1247. No!
Copy !req
1248. Dad!
Copy !req
1249. Dad, no, please!
Copy !req
1250. Somebody!
Copy !req
1251. Somebody, please help.
Copy !req
1252. Money-grubbing beggars,
no better than I am.
Copy !req
1253. You! Don't come near me.
You're embarrassing.
Copy !req
1254. You're disgusting.
Copy !req
1255. You're not men. You're creatures.
Copy !req
1256. I'm embarrassed by you.
Copy !req
1257. Get away. I don't need you,
not either one of you.
Copy !req
1258. Go away!
Copy !req
1259. Don't show your face to me.
Copy !req
1260. You're disgusting.
Copy !req
1261. You're not my daughter.
Copy !req
1262. You're nothing.
Copy !req
1263. When I'm gone, GeneCo will crumble.
Copy !req
1264. I doubt the world will remember
Copy !req
1265. how lucky they were
to have Rotti Largo.
Copy !req
1266. Dad, be still
Copy !req
1267. There is nothing you need say
Copy !req
1268. It can wait
Copy !req
1269. Shi, your mother's calling me
Copy !req
1270. Sometimes I wanted to cry
Copy !req
1271. When the people on TV
Copy !req
1272. Were not quite the way we were
Copy !req
1273. Somehow I guess I just knew
Copy !req
1274. But I didn't know I love you so much
Copy !req
1275. I didn't know I love you so much
Copy !req
1276. I didn't know I love you so much
Copy !req
1277. But I do
Copy !req
1278. Sometimes I'd stay up all night
Copy !req
1279. Wishing to God
Copy !req
1280. That I was the one who died
Copy !req
1281. And sometimes there's
not enough time
Copy !req
1282. But I didn't know I love you so much
Copy !req
1283. I didn't know I love you so much
Copy !req
1284. I didn't know I love you so much
Copy !req
1285. But I do
Copy !req
1286. I didn't know I love you so much
Copy !req
1287. I didn't know I love you so much
Copy !req
1288. I didn't know I love you so much
Copy !req
1289. But I do
Copy !req
1290. Shilo, go
Copy !req
1291. Dad, I will not leave you here
Copy !req
1292. You will live
Copy !req
1293. But you've already saved me, dear
Copy !req
1294. Go and change the world for me
Copy !req
1295. And we will always have each other
Copy !req
1296. In our time of need
Copy !req
1297. - Daddy
- Shilo
Copy !req
1298. You're the world
Copy !req
1299. To me
Copy !req
1300. Oh, Daddy, please, no.
Copy !req
1301. Please, please.
Copy !req
1302. Please, get up.
Copy !req
1303. Please.
Copy !req
1304. Years
Copy !req
1305. It's been so many years
Copy !req
1306. Resenting the years
Copy !req
1307. And my heredity
Copy !req
1308. Oh, I have hated and loved you
Copy !req
1309. I have hidden behind you
Copy !req
1310. But I finally see
Copy !req
1311. You I've mistaken for destiny
Copy !req
1312. But the truth is my legacy
Copy !req
1313. Is not up to my genes
Copy !req
1314. True, though the imprint is deep in me
Copy !req
1315. It will always be up to me
Copy !req
1316. Up to me
Copy !req
1317. Free at last
Copy !req
1318. Free at last
Copy !req
1319. Goth opera
Copy !req
1320. Blood saga
Copy !req
1321. Sometimes I wonder
how we ever got here
Copy !req
1322. Old grudges
Copy !req
1323. Scorned lovers
Copy !req
1324. Sometimes I wonder
why we all don't move on
Copy !req
1325. 'Cause we all wind up
in a tiny pine box.
Copy !req
1326. A mighty small drop
and a mighty dark plot.
Copy !req
1327. And the mighty fine print
Copy !req
1328. hastens the trip to our epilogue.
Copy !req
1329. Epilogue?
Copy !req
1330. But the little girl fled,
Copy !req
1331. and the king is dead.
Copy !req
1332. And the castle is left for the taking.
Copy !req
1333. But GeneCo may survive
if it undergoes surgery,
Copy !req
1334. surgery.
Copy !req
1335. Surgery, surgery.
Copy !req
1336. - Surgery.
- Surgery.
Copy !req
1337. Repo Man.
Copy !req
1338. Out from the...
Copy !req
1339. Our heroes will not be forgotten.
Copy !req
1340. GeneCo will live on,
under new management.
Copy !req
1341. Me.
Copy !req
1342. Pray he never comes
knocking at your door.
Copy !req
1343. Say that you once bought a heart
Copy !req
1344. or a new cornea...
Copy !req
1345. Amber Sweet, ladies and gentlemen.
Copy !req
1346. Amber Sweet.
Copy !req
1347. I can't hear you.
Copy !req
1348. I can't fucking hear you,
you fucking peasants!
Copy !req
1349. You gonna start applauding?
Copy !req
1350. I'll kill you all, you fucking mice!
Copy !req
1351. Dad.
Copy !req
1352. Repo man
Copy !req
1353. Sweetheart, are you feeling closer?
Copy !req
1354. Close to the line hype of the sky?
Copy !req
1355. Or is it better from a distance
Copy !req
1356. To see it clear?
Copy !req
1357. To deal with your fear
Copy !req
1358. That you were inside
Copy !req
1359. Is the devil you see?
Copy !req
1360. Go, all the life you leave behind
Copy !req
1361. Still forcing yourself
Copy !req
1362. To bear your cross
Copy !req
1363. God bless you all
Copy !req
1364. Born the way you were
Copy !req
1365. Love death in life
Copy !req
1366. You come through
Copy !req
1367. A needle into a bug
Copy !req
1368. A needle
Copy !req
1369. Who's there? Stay back.
Copy !req
1370. Do you have my cure?
Copy !req
1371. Kid, is that you?
Copy !req
1372. I'm here to learn my cure
Copy !req
1373. Your cure?
Copy !req
1374. Is that what this is about?
Copy !req
1375. Sorry
Copy !req
1376. That fucking Amber cleaned me out
Copy !req
1377. But maybe later
Copy !req
1378. I'll look you up later
Copy !req
1379. Just help me down
Copy !req
1380. - The drug
- Yeah, the drug.
Copy !req
1381. - Yeah?
- The cure, it's...
Copy !req
1382. The drug
Copy !req
1383. Help me down. Ill score some.
Copy !req
1384. Help me shed some
Copy !req
1385. Kid, I'm out.
Copy !req
1386. - Some?
- I told you.
Copy !req
1387. Light on
Copy !req
1388. That's the situation
Copy !req
1389. The situation
Copy !req
1390. Into a bug a needle
Copy !req
1391. Into a bug a needle
Copy !req
1392. Into a bug a needle
Copy !req
1393. Into a bug a needle
Copy !req
1394. - How about...
- Yeah.
Copy !req
1395. She's right beside you
Copy !req
1396. - No, I needed Zydrate
- No, I'm out of Zydrate
Copy !req
1397. No, it's like a night light
Copy !req
1398. The beautiful
Copy !req
1399. - You don't mean...
- Yeah.
Copy !req
1400. - You need...
- So easy
Copy !req
1401. - I don't think...
- Don't think.
Copy !req
1402. - That I...
- Just smack it
Copy !req
1403. - I guess I see
- She won't
Copy !req
1404. You've got to smack it
Copy !req
1405. Is to score a needle
Copy !req
1406. Into a bug a needle
Copy !req
1407. Into a bug a needle
Copy !req
1408. Into a bug a needle
Copy !req
1409. Into a
Copy !req
1410. Bug
Copy !req
1411. Ladies, gentlemen, signore, signori
Copy !req
1412. Don't you dare touch your TV
Copy !req
1413. Tonight's Genetic Opera
is the place to be.
Copy !req
1414. - To the transplants!
- To the genterns!
Copy !req
1415. The Genetic Opera is this evening!
Copy !req
1416. You'll-a laugh, you'll-a cry.
Copy !req
1417. You'll-a...
Copy !req
1418. Sing
Copy !req
1419. The Genetic Opera is good
Copy !req
1420. It's good!
Copy !req
1421. The Genetic Opera is good
Copy !req
1422. I will flower
Copy !req
1423. As I stand to face myself
Copy !req
1424. In this final hour
Copy !req
1425. Bitter fate I accept
Copy !req
1426. This must be my, my aching hour
Copy !req
1427. This must be my aching hour
Copy !req
1428. This must be my, my aching hour
Copy !req
1429. This must be my aching hour
Copy !req
1430. Tonight I will settle all my debts
Copy !req
1431. Tonight I will sacrifice
Copy !req
1432. Tonight I am coming to collect
Copy !req
1433. Tonight
Copy !req
1434. I will save my life
Copy !req
1435. I've made my peace
Copy !req
1436. All debts are paid
Copy !req
1437. At the opera tonight
Copy !req
1438. ESiR
Copy !req