1. Hey, Lexi.
It's me, Mikey.
Copy !req
2. Mikey.
Copy !req
3. No, no, no, no.
Don't hang up.
Don't hang up.
Copy !req
4. I got
a big fucking surprise
for you.
Copy !req
5. Who is it?
I was cleaning...
Copy !req
6. Hey! Surprise!
Copy !req
7. Hey. Hey, Lil.
Copy !req
8. Oh, my shit.
Copy !req
9. Nice to see you, too,
Copy !req
10. How you been?
How you been?
Copy !req
11. Okay...
Copy !req
12. It's me, Mikey.
Remember me?I know.
Copy !req
13. I know.
What are you
doing here for?
Copy !req
14. Well, I just
came to see Lexi,
Copy !req
15. and, well, I came
to see you of course.
Copy !req
16. Both of you guys.
But is Lexi here
right now?
Copy !req
17. Lexi!
Copy !req
18. Thank you. What?
Copy !req
19. You won't believe
who's here.
Copy !req
20. Oh, my gosh.
Copy !req
21. Oh, my shit.
Copy !req
22. Surprise!
Copy !req
23. Oh, my God, what the...
What are you doing here?
Copy !req
24. Aw! It's good
to see you, too.
Copy !req
25. Why are you here?
Copy !req
26. Fuck. Oh, God damn it.
Where do I begin.
Uh, look...
Copy !req
27. No, you're not coming
in this house.
Copy !req
28. All beat up. That's right.
Copy !req
29. What... What the fuck? All right...
Copy !req
30. All right, well,
I'll tell you what's...
Copy !req
31. Yeah,
why are you here?
Copy !req
32. Yeah. Uh, well...
Copy !req
33. Why are you here?
Copy !req
34. Mom, Mom,
can you give me
a minute?
Copy !req
35. Lil, I just wanted
to come in,
Copy !req
36. and hang
for a couple of days.
Copy !req
37. No, you're not
coming in here.
Copy !req
38. You're not coming
in my house.
Copy !req
39. Mom, can you
just go inside and...
Copy !req
40. The fuck, Mikey?I... I know.
Copy !req
41. I know.
This is unexpected.
Copy !req
42. Oh, nothing with you
is unexpected.
Copy !req
43. You still got that sass!
Copy !req
44. Look, I don't know
what you want,
Copy !req
45. but I can't help you.
Copy !req
46. So it doesn't matter how
or why you're here.
Copy !req
47. Go away.
Copy !req
48. Hey, Lil.Ma!
Copy !req
49. God damn it. Look, I don't want
Copy !req
50. to be here, all right?
This is embarrassing.
Copy !req
51. Well, I don't
want you here either.
Copy !req
52. You think
I want to show up
like this?
Copy !req
53. I got my ass fuckin' kicked.
I just need a place to crash.
Copy !req
54. Why can't you be cool?What does it look like?
Copy !req
55. A hotel? Really? It's like that?
Copy !req
56. Can you get off
the property, please?
Copy !req
57. What, why... What are you
fucking going do? Really?
Copy !req
58. Well, you...
Oh, you want me
to call the cops?
Copy !req
59. I'll call the cops. Don't. Don't fucking...
Copy !req
60. No, I'm calling the cops. Fuck!
Copy !req
61. Nine, eight... God...
Copy !req
62. Seven... Faster!
Copy !req
63. I'm technically
off the property,
Copy !req
64. so you can't
call the cops,
Copy !req
65. because I'm on public land
respecting your boundaries!
Copy !req
66. Can you keep it down? Can you come over here
Copy !req
67. so I don't have
to project my voice,
Copy !req
68. Oh, fuck!
Copy !req
69. Seriously, I just need
a place to crash
for a couple of days.
Copy !req
70. What's the big deal?Mikey, go fuck yourself.
Copy !req
71. Oh, you don't even know
what I've been through.
Copy !req
72. Oh, right. Look at my fucking face!
Copy !req
73. I just was
on a bus for two days.
Copy !req
74. I had to walk here
from the bus station...
Copy !req
75. Why don't you stay
with your mama!
Copy !req
76. My mom's in a nursing home
in Le Marque.
Copy !req
77. A care home.
I can't sleep there.
Copy !req
78. Mikey,
what do you want?
Copy !req
79. My God, I just... What do you want?
Copy !req
80. I just fucking told you.
Copy !req
81. I just need to crash
for a couple days.
Copy !req
82. What, you want money,
right? Here.
Copy !req
83. I don't want
fucking money.I got 22 fucking dollars.
Copy !req
84. Here, come get it.
I can't come on
your property.
Copy !req
85. Come get your money.You should've called!
Copy !req
86. If I would've called,
you would've said "no."
Copy !req
87. I'm still saying "no,"
Copy !req
88. so you fucked yourself
by coming.
Copy !req
89. Oh, please, come on.
You know me.
Copy !req
90. Damn straight, I do.
Copy !req
91. You know me
and you know
Copy !req
92. I wouldn't be
literally begging
Copy !req
93. if I had
somewhere to go.
Copy !req
94. And if you don't
let me in,
Copy !req
95. I'm going to sleep
in Tarpey
fucking Park tonight,
Copy !req
96. is that what you want?
Copy !req
97. You said
you were never going
Copy !req
98. to step a foot
in Texas again.
Copy !req
99. And then
the world fucked me,
what can I say.
Copy !req
100. Peek-a-boo! Ma!
Copy !req
101. See, your mom's saying,
"Let him in.
Copy !req
102. "Let him in
and take a shower."
Copy !req
103. And the dog's like,
Copy !req
104. "Oh, he's a good man,
I can tell
by his nice energy."
Copy !req
105. Please let me take
a fucking shower.
Copy !req
106. The shit got
out of fucking control.
Copy !req
107. If I didn't see it
with my own eyes,
Copy !req
108. I wouldn't believe it.
Copy !req
109. The place turned
into a fucking trap house
Copy !req
110. right under my nose.
Copy !req
111. Fucking Speigler sends me
some scraggly bitch
from Ohio
Copy !req
112. that he promised
would be chill.
Copy !req
113. Her first night
in the house,
she gets in a fight,
Copy !req
114. knocks this
fucking bitch out.
Copy !req
115. Crack. Right in front of me.
I was like, "Holy shit!"
Copy !req
116. So, anyway, she bounced.
Copy !req
117. Now, I got to fill the room
so I don't lose the month
Copy !req
118. and her friend comes
and stays there
Copy !req
119. and gets high
the whole fucking time.
Copy !req
120. Why didn't you just
kick the bitch out?
Copy !req
121. Well, I had seven hoes
Copy !req
122. and they're letting MS-13
deal drugs the whole time.
Copy !req
123. Lil, MS13 is a gang
you don't want
to fuck with.
Copy !req
124. You're good? You're good?
Okay. You need any coffee?
Copy !req
125. All right. Sorry.
So, anyway.
Copy !req
126. Long story short.
I ended up
hiding out in my room,
Copy !req
127. because these dudes
were straight
fucking killers
Copy !req
128. and I didn't wanna
fucking get killed
Copy !req
129. so I played video games
the whole time.
Copy !req
130. Remember the house
in Chatsworth?
Copy !req
131. Mm-hmm. Well, this place was, like,
Copy !req
132. maybe five times bigger.
Beautiful house.
Copy !req
133. I had a two-year lease
Copy !req
134. with an option to buy it
at the end
of the lease, right?
Copy !req
135. Well...
As usual,
shit got fucking crazy.
Copy !req
136. I snapped, I got up
in one
of those cholos' faces
Copy !req
137. because I'm not
a little bitch.
Copy !req
138. I came this fucking close
to getting shot.
Copy !req
139. This fucking close.
Copy !req
140. So then I had to crash
with Kennedy.
Copy !req
141. You remember Kennedy?
Copy !req
142. Do you remember Kennedy?
Copy !req
143. Anyway, I had to crash
at Kennedy's
Copy !req
144. for, like, three weeks
until he kicked my ass out
Copy !req
145. 'cause someone left
his back door open
Copy !req
146. and his cute little cat
got out and got killed.
Copy !req
147. And it wasn't me,
Copy !req
148. it was some dumb cunt
that he fucked
the night before.
Copy !req
149. I'm sorry,
I don't mean to swear.
Copy !req
150. But I don't do that,
everyone blames me, like,
Copy !req
151. "Oh, Mikey's the bad guy."
Copy !req
152. It's, like, whatever,
it's bullshit.
Copy !req
153. So, anyway,
I had to crash
at his place.
Copy !req
154. He kicks me out,
Copy !req
155. for, like, three nights,
I slept
on the fucking street,
Copy !req
156. I slept in a alleyway.
Copy !req
157. I used my shoes
as a goddamn pillow.
Copy !req
158. It's fucking bullshit,
my neck was so sore,
Copy !req
159. I got beat up,
that's how
all this happened.
Copy !req
160. Two homeless fuckers
beat the shit out of me.
Copy !req
161. They took everything
except my phone
and my wallet.
Copy !req
162. And the only reason
they didn't get that
Copy !req
163. is the cop showed up
and arrested my ass!
Copy !req
164. Why'd you get arrested?
Copy !req
165. I have a feelin'
there's a whole lot more
to this story.
Copy !req
166. I'm sure there is.
Copy !req
167. It doesn't even matter.
Look, guys.
Copy !req
168. This could be fun,
this could be cool.
Copy !req
169. I got a plan.
While I was on the bus,
Copy !req
170. I thought about this,
I gave it
some serious thought.
Copy !req
171. Lil, you know
I'm not
a freeloader, right?
Copy !req
172. While I'm here... How long?
Copy !req
173. "How long" what?
Copy !req
174. How long do you plan
on staying?
Copy !req
175. Well, I mean,
that's up to you,
and Lexi of course,
Copy !req
176. but look, I saw some
hiring signs on the way in.
Copy !req
177. I'll go downtown tomorrow,
Copy !req
178. and I'll get a job
that pays cash.
Copy !req
179. I'll teach fucking karate
if I have to.
Copy !req
180. I just got my green belt.
Copy !req
181. I'll make cash
and I'll help out
around here.
Copy !req
182. You need a man
around the house. Okay?
Copy !req
183. I already see
shit's falling apart,
Copy !req
184. I can help out
with all that shit, right?
Copy !req
185. I want at least $200 a week.
Copy !req
186. Thank you, Lil,
you're not going
to regret this.
Copy !req
187. Seriously, thank you so much
for trusting me... I'll...
Copy !req
188. Let's give it
a couple of days
and see how it goes.
Copy !req
189. Yeah, whatever
you're comfortable with.
Copy !req
190. I don't want
to make you uncomfortable,
Copy !req
191. I'm here to help.
And look, before long,
Copy !req
192. it'll be
like we're still married.
Copy !req
193. We are still married.
Copy !req
194. Oh, my God,
the backyard's a mess.
Copy !req
195. See, you need a guy around...
Dude, there's a dragonfly.
Copy !req
196. find
out, when she called you...
Copy !req
197. Now, you traveled?
Copy !req
198. Yeah. WOMAN 1: How many days later?
Copy !req
199. Okay.
Copy !req
200. This was
about three days.
Copy !req
201. So,
she called you and said
Copy !req
202. they were
in a high speed chase...
Copy !req
203. She said
I was in a high speed chase,
Copy !req
204. with Dante... Mornin'.
Copy !req
205. Mornin'. She was chasing him.
Copy !req
206. He was in the car,
she pulled up,
Copy !req
207. somebody told her... I love this show.
Copy !req
208. I watch it everyday,
so get used to it.
Copy !req
209. And from what I was told,
Copy !req
210. they were doing like 80.
Copy !req
211. Down a main street.
Copy !req
212. She's trying to catch him,
and he hit a pole.
Copy !req
213. A fence pole.
Copy !req
214. What do
you say happened?
Copy !req
215. I was coming back
from the airport,
Copy !req
216. driving her off as she stated.
Copy !req
217. And when I was
at the stop sign,
Copy !req
218. I had the right
of way to... Excuse me.
Copy !req
219. They ran the stop sign
and t-boned the car almost.
Copy !req
220. Was this
your baby mother
in the other car?
Copy !req
221. No. WOMAN 1: When she calls you
Copy !req
222. and she tells you,
Copy !req
223. 'cause I believe
that conversation happened,
Copy !req
224. do you call him? WOMAN 2: Yes.
Copy !req
225. And what does he say? WOMAN 2: He like, "Man...
Copy !req
226. "You know that crazy broad.
It's not my fault.
Copy !req
227. "She crazy... I was tryna..."
Copy !req
228. He was in fear
for his safety
is what he told me.
Copy !req
229. Is that
what you said?
Copy !req
230. No. WOMAN 1:
I don't believe you.
Copy !req
231. Sir, you have a $500
Copy !req
232. for emotional distress.
Copy !req
233. I cannot wait to hear this.
Copy !req
234. Hey, Lil,
I'm going to borrow
Copy !req
235. some of your ground beef,
Copy !req
236. Okay.
Copy !req
237. Hey, Lexi?
Copy !req
238. Hello?
Copy !req
239. Yeah? Hey.
Copy !req
240. Uh, I'm not looking
too presentable,
Copy !req
241. so I'm going to let this
thing go down
Copy !req
242. before I go
on these interviews.
Copy !req
243. So, few more days, okay?
Copy !req
244. All right?
Copy !req
245. Sure. Thank you.
Copy !req
246. It was, before she started
Copy !req
247. getting into my business. WOMAN 1: Really?
Copy !req
248. So, that's what your
counter claim is about?
Copy !req
249. She has caused
you emotional distress.
Copy !req
250. Mm-hmm. WOMAN 1: Not baby mom...
Copy !req
251. Put some clothes on
for Christ's sake.
Copy !req
252. All of them do. WOMAN 1: Okay.
Copy !req
253. They all run together.
Copy !req
254. Your counterclaim
is dismissed, sir.
Copy !req
255. Judgment in this case
is for the plaintiff $2902.
Copy !req
256. Not even one men's shirt?
Copy !req
257. Beggars can't be
choosers, Mikey.
Copy !req
258. Your last job listed
Copy !req
259. is over 17 years ago.
Copy !req
260. That's quite a gap
in employment.
Copy !req
261. Well, you know,
I've worked
almost everyday
Copy !req
262. for the last 17 years.
Copy !req
263. It's just I've been
Copy !req
264. What line of work?Oh, mostly entertainment.
Copy !req
265. I've been living
in Los Angeles,
Copy !req
266. that's why I have
the 323 area code
right there,
Copy !req
267. in case you were wondering.
But, yeah.
Copy !req
268. Film, television,
music, entrepreneurship.
Copy !req
269. Okay, so why are you
interested in working here?
Copy !req
270. Well, I'm living here now. Okay.
Copy !req
271. We were estranged
for a while,
I'll be honest.
Copy !req
272. But, you know,
we're both from here.
Copy !req
273. And, you know, now that
we're back living here,
Copy !req
274. we decided
to make a run of it.
Copy !req
275. Well, we do require
some experience
Copy !req
276. or some previous training
in the service industry.
Copy !req
277. Mm. And at least one reference.
Copy !req
278. Uh, yeah.
That's going to be tricky.
Copy !req
279. But I did work
for CiCi's Pizza
from '99 and 2000.
Copy !req
280. I think that branch
that I worked for closed.
Copy !req
281. I put it on there.
Copy !req
282. But, yeah, you could
contact corporate
if you like.
Copy !req
283. Look,
if you were incarcerated,
that's okay.
Copy !req
284. I just need something
Copy !req
285. from your parole officer.
Copy !req
286. All right, look,
Copy !req
287. I'm going to be straight
with you, all right?
Copy !req
288. All right. Tell me.
I need that.
Copy !req
289. Okay. All right, look,
I'll just be honest
with you, man.
Copy !req
290. You don't recognize me,
do you?
Copy !req
291. I'm an adult film actor.
Copy !req
292. Excuse me?
Copy !req
293. A porn star.
I'm a porn star.
Copy !req
294. I know, I've been working
Copy !req
295. in the adult entertainment
Copy !req
296. since 2001 and, you know,
even though...
Copy !req
297. Did you say porn?
Copy !req
298. Hey, you know,
it was fun, I think.
Copy !req
299. I'm sure it was. Yeah, all the ladies...
Copy !req
300. Why don't you
just google me?
Copy !req
301. Look up "Mikey Saber."
Copy !req
302. Mikey... Saber.
Copy !req
303. S-A-B-E-R XXX. Go ahead.
Search it.
Copy !req
304. This is unbelievable.
Copy !req
305. Yeah,
that's what they say.
Copy !req
306. Yeah,
just pull down... Yep.
Copy !req
307. That's me right there,
younger me, but...
Copy !req
308. Oh, that certainly is you.Mm. Yeah.
Copy !req
309. 2,000 movies, six awards,
Copy !req
310. 13 nominations
and Hall of Fame, did that.
Copy !req
311. I want to, you know,
start fresh,
Copy !req
312. and really start
a new chapter, a new life
Copy !req
313. with you,
and your company, ma'am.
Copy !req
314. I'd really
like to help you,
Copy !req
315. but, um, my management,
they would not permit this.
Copy !req
316. I'm sorry,
but you're just simply
Copy !req
317. overqualified for this job.
Copy !req
318. I'm just not sure
our customers
Copy !req
319. would be comfortable
with you waiting on them.
Copy !req
320. They may have seen
one of your movies.
Copy !req
321. Later on,
when you get home,
Copy !req
322. google "Mikey Saber XXX"
Copy !req
323. and you'll see
what I'm talking about.
Copy !req
324. It's some good shit. Okay.
Copy !req
325. Yeah, yeah
I'll do that. Thanks, man.
Copy !req
326. Thanks, man.
Take care now. Okay.
Copy !req
327. Stripes, Food King,
Dollar General.
Copy !req
328. I even went
to fucking Luby's...
Copy !req
329. Nobody's hiring.
Copy !req
330. At least get your
assistance check.
Copy !req
331. Well, I may be able
to get you pay stubs
Copy !req
332. from Brazzers
or New Sensations,
Copy !req
333. but I had a falling out
with one of the guys
over there.
Copy !req
334. It's a long story.
Copy !req
335. Okay,
but you need to be
Copy !req
336. a Texas resident
to get benefits.
Copy !req
337. Oh, no,
I'm residing here.
Copy !req
338. I moved back in
with my wife last week.
Copy !req
339. In order
to be a resident,
Copy !req
340. you need to reside here
for at least 180 days.
Copy !req
341. So, why don't you
come back
Copy !req
342. when you can provide me
with a Texas State ID,
Copy !req
343. and a copy of your
marriage license, okay?
Copy !req
344. Yes, ma'am.
Copy !req
345. Also,
I'm a little confused,
Copy !req
346. is your last name
Davies or Saber?
Copy !req
347. During the Bill Kay Ford
Copy !req
348. auto show sale-a-thon,
Copy !req
349. get 0% APR
for 60 to 72 months,
Copy !req
350. plus auto show bonus cash...
Copy !req
351. Morning, Lil.
Copy !req
352. Mornin.'
Copy !req
353. This has been a test
Copy !req
354. of the emergency
warning system.
Copy !req
355. Damn.
Copy !req
356. Ernesto!
Copy !req
357. It's me, Mikey,
from high school.
Copy !req
358. Mikey? Oh.
Copy !req
359. Mikey. Okay. Okay.
Copy !req
360. Is your mom here?
Copy !req
361. Yeah, she's here.
Copy !req
362. Can I please speak
with her really quick?
Copy !req
363. Yeah, she's out
in the back. Okay.
Copy !req
364. Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Copy !req
365. Out back. That way?
Copy !req
366. Yeah, out back. Okay.
Copy !req
367. Thanks, big dog.
Copy !req
368. He retarded.
Copy !req
369. Don't worry about it,
you know the boy is slow.
Copy !req
370. That's why his head
is so big.
Don't talk about the boy.
Copy !req
371. I don't need him.
Copy !req
372. I'm just tellin' you
to calm down,
Copy !req
373. I'm gonna check his ass.
Copy !req
374. Pardon me,
Copy !req
375. Hey, it's me, Mikey.
Copy !req
376. Mikey.
Copy !req
377. Remember me?
Copy !req
378. It's okay,
it's been forever.
Copy !req
379. Lil's son in law. Mikey.
Copy !req
380. Mikey...
Copy !req
381. Yeah, it's good
to see you, ma'am.
Copy !req
382. What the hell
are you doing
around here?
Copy !req
383. Yeah, I'm back in town.
Copy !req
384. It's so good
to see you again,
ma'am, you look great.
Copy !req
385. Hey, I'm Mikey.My daughter, June.
Copy !req
386. Uh...
Copy !req
387. Oh, shit, June.
Copy !req
388. I haven't seen you since...
Copy !req
389. Last time I saw you,
you were up to my knee.
Copy !req
390. You've grown up.
Copy !req
391. Big girl now.
Copy !req
392. So, why you back,
Mr. Hollywood?
Copy !req
393. Oh, uh...
Copy !req
394. Well, me and the ol' lady
trying to give it another go.
Copy !req
395. Oh, really?
Copy !req
396. So you're telling me
Lil is letting you
stay there?
Copy !req
397. Well, yeah, yeah.
I mean, you know,
I'm helping out,
Copy !req
398. and chipping in
around the house.
Copy !req
399. Which is why I'm here.
Copy !req
400. So, I was wondering
Copy !req
401. if maybe I could move
some bud for you?
Copy !req
402. Like I did back in the day.
Copy !req
403. Hmm...
Copy !req
404. Speaking of
back in the day,
Copy !req
405. you sound brand new.
Copy !req
406. Oh, the accent?
Copy !req
407. Yeah, I had to lose it
for the biz, ma'am.
Copy !req
408. But y'all know I'm still
a Texas boy at heart.
Copy !req
409. Mm-hmm.
You helpin' Lil
with the rent?
Copy !req
410. Of course!
Copy !req
411. But, uh...
Copy !req
412. I'm kinda cash poor
at the moment,
Copy !req
413. do you think
you could put me
on Front Street?
Copy !req
414. Let's start
with an ounce.
Copy !req
415. Yeah, that'd be great.
Copy !req
416. Thank you. Hey, June. Hey, Le.
Copy !req
417. Hey darlin'.
How are you?
Copy !req
418. I'm good, how are you?Good, good, good.
Copy !req
419. Good, good, good. Everything is fine.
Copy !req
420. You're looking good.
I know. You're looking good.
Copy !req
421. You ladies have a nice day.
Copy !req
422. You, too, Mikey.
Copy !req
423. All right, girl...
Anyways, girl, so...
Copy !req
424. Yeah, so,
I kinda changed the...
Copy !req
425. I like the color. Girl, thank you.
Copy !req
426. Yeah, what color is that?
Copy !req
427. I bet you
any goddamn money,
Copy !req
428. his ass gonna
smoke that shit himself.
Copy !req
429. Well, I'm glad
I gave him
some Reggie Bush.
Copy !req
430. That's what
I'm talking about.
Copy !req
431. You're smart, baby girl.
Copy !req
432. A pipe. Okay.
Copy !req
433. And those baggies. Yeah.
Copy !req
434. And let me get
Dutch Masters.
Copy !req
435. Wait, no, no.
Yeah, those.
Copy !req
436. Those papers
right there. Oh, this one?
Copy !req
437. Yeah, yeah. Oh, okay.
Copy !req
438. I'm a patriotic boy.
Copy !req
439. but to do that,
Copy !req
440. we must break free
Copy !req
441. from the petty politics
of the past.
Copy !req
442. America is a nation
of believers, dreamers
Copy !req
443. and strivers
Copy !req
444. that is being led
Copy !req
445. by a group of censors,
critics and cynics.
Copy !req
446. You weren't
Copy !req
447. I don't bullshit.
Copy !req
448. Just please don't give me
that snicklefritz shit again,
Copy !req
449. or I won't get repeaters.
Copy !req
450. It's not
snicklefritz shit,
Copy !req
451. Much better.
Copy !req
452. Ladies.
Copy !req
453. Hey, Leo.
Copy !req
454. Hey, June.
How's it going? Hey, darlin'.
Copy !req
455. How are you?Good.
Copy !req
456. Okay, okay, okay, okay.
Copy !req
457. Yes.
Copy !req
458. Got 'em.
Copy !req
459. Hello, ma'am.
Copy !req
460. Hey,
how you doin' today,
Copy !req
461. Doin' good. You got
men's clothes, my size?
Copy !req
462. I got
a few over here
Copy !req
463. hangin' up. Oh.
Copy !req
464. I like this.
Copy !req
465. You think this is
a good color on me?
Copy !req
466. Oh, absolutely.
Copy !req
467. Let me get that.
Copy !req
468. You have a fitting room?
Or do I just have to risk it?
Copy !req
469. Yeah I think this shirt
will look real nice
on you, hon.
Copy !req
470. If I buy all those clothes,
throw this in for a dollar.
Copy !req
471. All right. Deal. Okay?
Copy !req
472. Deal.
Copy !req
473. Sold. Sold.
Copy !req
474. Sold!
Copy !req
475. Lil, as a token
of my appreciation,
Copy !req
476. step up from
your restaurant ashtray,
Copy !req
477. and okay...
Copy !req
478. This doesn't change anything,
but I do like it.
Copy !req
479. Damn, dope ride.
Copy !req
480. Uh, yeah, man.
Can I help you?
Copy !req
481. Wow.
Copy !req
482. I'm next door.
I'm living next door.
Copy !req
483. Oh, yeah?
Wait a second.
Copy !req
484. Shit, you're Mikey!
Copy !req
485. Yeah.
Copy !req
486. Yeah, man, it's...
Copy !req
487. It's me, man.
It's me, Lonnie!
Copy !req
488. Do I know you?
Copy !req
489. Well, I mean, kinda.
Copy !req
490. I mean, I live here,
Copy !req
491. And, uh...
Copy !req
492. No, Lexi, man.
Copy !req
493. Lexi used to babysit me
all the time.
Copy !req
494. Oh, yeah.
Copy !req
495. Yeah, my parents came home
one night,
Copy !req
496. y'all were humpin'
in their bedroom.
Copy !req
497. You jumped
out the window naked!
Copy !req
498. They called
the cops on you
and everything.
Copy !req
499. Yep, yep, now I remember.
Copy !req
500. Oh, shit, your mother
hates me.
Copy !req
501. Uh, well, I mean,
Copy !req
502. she hated you, man.
Uh, yeah, she died.
Copy !req
503. Oh. Damn,
sorry to hear that.
Copy !req
504. No, I mean, it's good, man.
Copy !req
505. I mean,
it happened over a year ago.
Copy !req
506. Bladder cancer.
Copy !req
507. Shit's a motherfucker. Ah, shit.
Copy !req
508. That sucks.
Copy !req
509. Hey, we should hang out
Copy !req
510. Take a spin in this bad boy.
Copy !req
511. Uh, yeah, man.
Copy !req
512. What are you even
doing back here?
Copy !req
513. Oh, it's a long story,
Copy !req
514. but do you think you could
take me downtown tomorrow?
Copy !req
515. We could catch up.
Copy !req
516. Yeah, dude.
I would love to.
I got nothin' else to do.
Copy !req
517. Hell, yeah.
Thanks, bro. Uh...
Copy !req
518. Hey, let's just get you
some shoes on this bitch.
Copy !req
519. You're good to go.
Copy !req
520. Yeah, man. I can't wait. All right.
Copy !req
521. And welcome back, dude!
Copy !req
522. Fuckin' Mikey, man. Shit.
Copy !req
523. Fuckin' Mikey.
Copy !req
524. Oh, you got to be
fucking kidding me.
Copy !req
525. Hey, great life choice,
guys, seriously.
Copy !req
526. So stupid.
Copy !req
527. Her doctor cut
Copy !req
528. her pain meds in half,
you fucking asshole.
Copy !req
529. Yeah, right.
Copy !req
530. Oh,
this is a pimp mobile
Copy !req
531. if I ever rode in one, Lonnie.
Copy !req
532. Man, I'm not gonna
lie to you, Mikey,
Copy !req
533. I never thought I'd see you
back in Texas City, brother.
Copy !req
534. Yeah, me neither.
Copy !req
535. God, I remember
when y'all left, man.
Copy !req
536. You all were like celebrities,
you know?
Copy !req
537. Fuckin' two porn stars,
the couple. Oh!
Copy !req
538. Yeah? That's cool.
Copy !req
539. Oh, dude,
they used to show
Lexi's fuckin' videos
Copy !req
540. at every one
of the high school parties.
Copy !req
541. And I got to brag, man,
Copy !req
542. because
she was my neighbor.
Copy !req
543. And babysitter.
Copy !req
544. Yeah, man.
And babysitter, man.
Copy !req
545. Look, man,
I've got 800,
Copy !req
546. almost 900 subscribers
on my Pornhub channel.
Copy !req
547. And I got
one of the highest ratings.
Copy !req
548. That's not just male talent,
that's overall.
Copy !req
549. I've got
an 81% positive click rate.
Copy !req
550. I was at this coffee shop
in the Valley,
and these people were like,
Copy !req
551. "Oh, shit,
that's Mikey Saber."
Copy !req
552. Right here, bro.
Go right, right, right.
Copy !req
553. Yeah, bro,
they recognized me.
Copy !req
554. They're like, "Oh,
that's Mikey Saber.
Copy !req
555. They took a picture of me,
tagged me on Instagram.
Copy !req
556. And next thing you know,
I had 100 new followers.
Copy !req
557. 100 followers? Yep.
Copy !req
558. I don't even have
Copy !req
559. Well,
if you stick with me,
Copy !req
560. I'll get
your followers up, baby.
Copy !req
561. Jenna Haze, man...
Copy !req
562. Huh? Jenna Haze, man...
Copy !req
563. Oh, yeah, Jenna.
Copy !req
564. Yeah, I did at least
three scenes with her, man.
Copy !req
565. She's a nasty bitch,
let me tell you.
Copy !req
566. Make it rain on that ass
Copy !req
567. if you want to see
that cash, right here.
Copy !req
568. Oh, yeah, if you'd like to see
what's in between,
Copy !req
569. come on and throw some
more green right here.
Copy !req
570. All night long.
Copy !req
571. She ran my bill
up to $1500 bucks.
Copy !req
572. It's like,
who you callin'
in Prague, bitch?
Copy !req
573. Fuck, if I know!
Copy !req
574. Shit, yeah.
But she's
a beautiful girl, man!
Copy !req
575. I can't hear you.I said,
Copy !req
576. "Yeah, but she's
a beautiful girl, man."
Copy !req
577. Oh, yeah, she's fuckin'
bangin', bro! She's bangin'.
Copy !req
578. Oh, God,
speaking of bangin'.
Copy !req
579. I need a minute.
Copy !req
580. Throw that green
right there for Diamond, guys.
Copy !req
581. If you love pussy, well, hey,
Copy !req
582. don't be shy to get topside,
right here, right now.
Copy !req
583. Tell your girls
there's more
where that came from.
Copy !req
584. Mm.
Copy !req
585. who you trust
Copy !req
586. to defend our freedom,
Copy !req
587. and to stay faithful
to the Constitution.
Copy !req
588. Psst!
Copy !req
589. Hey! Hey.
Copy !req
590. Whatcha doing?
Copy !req
591. I'm watching TV. Oh.
Copy !req
592. No way.
What are you watching?
Copy !req
593. None of your business.
Copy !req
594. I love that show. Oh, my God.
Copy !req
595. Hey, you, uh...
Copy !req
596. You wanna hang out
and stuff?
Copy !req
597. Do I want to hang out
and stuff?
Copy !req
598. Yeah.
Copy !req
599. What?
Copy !req
600. Do you want to hook up?
Copy !req
601. Do I want to hook up?
Copy !req
602. Do... Do you want to fuck?
Copy !req
603. Are you serious
right now, Mikey?
Copy !req
604. Yeah, I'm serious,
keep it down, your mom...
Copy !req
605. Come on. Okay, hurry.
Copy !req
606. Phew.
Copy !req
607. and no scratches. Look!
Burnt cheese...
Copy !req
608. Can I get a drag?
Copy !req
609. Can I get... Yeah.
Copy !req
610. Mm!
Copy !req
611. Your body looks good.
Copy !req
612. You been working out?
Copy !req
613. What? So...
Copy !req
614. We're done here.
Copy !req
615. What do you mean?
Copy !req
616. What? I can't sleep here?
Copy !req
617. No.
Copy !req
618. Really? Go back to the sofa.
Copy !req
619. Come on now.
Copy !req
620. Jesus. Oh, my God.
Copy !req
621. That was fun.
Copy !req
622. Sophie, I fucked your mom
last night.
Copy !req
623. Oh, my God,
can you keep it down?
Copy !req
624. Oh, stop. Shut your...
Copy !req
625. You love it.
Copy !req
626. Don't think this is going
to become a regular thing.
Copy !req
627. Think you can
cut the lawn today?
Copy !req
628. That's right,
I'm back,
I'm back in town,
Copy !req
629. you've seen me before.
Copy !req
630. Don't act
like you ain't seen me,
Copy !req
631. she recognized me.
Copy !req
632. You know, uh,
in high school,
Copy !req
633. I beat this guy's ass
Copy !req
634. like 25 years ago.No way.
Copy !req
635. We had a misunderstanding
on the basketball court
Copy !req
636. over a basketball game.
Copy !req
637. ♪ Happy birthday to you
Copy !req
638. And to many more!
Copy !req
639. Mom, we just want to say
happy birthday.
Copy !req
640. And we hope
you have many more.
Copy !req
641. Thank you, honey!
Copy !req
642. Yeah. This one.
Copy !req
643. I guess you can set it down,
thank you all for comin' out!
Copy !req
644. Zena. Zena Valentine. Yeah.
Copy !req
645. Zena. Melissa. Yeah.
Copy !req
646. Yeah, man, you were
in a bunch of her scenes.
Copy !req
647. Uh, she was in a bunch
of my scenes, technically.
Copy !req
648. But yeah,
that was my girl after Lexi.
Copy !req
649. Bitch goes and marries
Copy !req
650. some rich software dork
she met in Vegas.
Copy !req
651. I think they have a kid,
Copy !req
652. they live in Salt Lake
or something.
Copy !req
653. Boring fucking life.
Copy !req
654. Wow, man... Yeah.
Copy !req
655. Who do you think
discovered her?
Copy !req
656. I got her signed
to Renegade,
Copy !req
657. I taught her the pole.
Copy !req
658. I dealt with her crazy
Copy !req
659. drugged-out ass
for a year, man.
Copy !req
660. As soon as the bitch's head
gets big, they betray you.
Copy !req
661. That's what happened
with Lexi, you know?
Copy !req
662. Really? Lexi? Yep.
Copy !req
663. Jules Jordan bought her out
from under me for 10 grand
Copy !req
664. the first chance he got,
that fucker.
Copy !req
665. Wait, he bought her?
Copy !req
666. Yeah, he paid her
10 grand to betray me,
Copy !req
667. but the joke's
on Jules, though.
Copy !req
668. She went from doing roxies
to smokin' tar
Copy !req
669. the minute I wasn't there
to straighten her ass out.
Copy !req
670. We were together
for five years.
Copy !req
671. Five fuckin' years.
Copy !req
672. She won two AVNs
under my watch.
Copy !req
673. She leaves me,
bitch gets shot out
in nine months,
Copy !req
674. couldn't book shit.
Copy !req
675. And then she goes,
and moves in with mommy
Copy !req
676. exactly one year
after she left me
high and dry.
Copy !req
677. Shit. Yeah, shit is right.
Copy !req
678. Hey, is Whispers
in Galveston still open?
Copy !req
679. You're not leaving
that dirty glass
in the sink.
Copy !req
680. No, sir. Okay.
Copy !req
681. Clean it up.
Copy !req
682. Okay.
Copy !req
683. That's right,
we all do our share.
Copy !req
684. Mm-hmm. Okay.
Copy !req
685. Wait. Where do you think
you're going?
Copy !req
686. What about the others?
Copy !req
687. Those are yours, too. Lil, look. All right.
Copy !req
688. The last three houses
I lived in had dishwashers,
Copy !req
689. I'm not doing the dishes.
Copy !req
690. I don't do that shit, right? You do not live here.
Copy !req
691. This is my kitchen.
Copy !req
692. If you can't follow
the rules...
Copy !req
693. Out! Out! Out! Why are you talking to me
Copy !req
694. like a little kid.
Hey, Lexi!
Copy !req
695. Don't you disrespect
your mother-in-law!
Copy !req
696. Your mom's starting shit
with me.
Copy !req
697. Can you please inform her
I'm not a dick?
Copy !req
698. Why would I lie
to my mother?
Copy !req
699. Oh, you, too, huh?
Copy !req
700. You're just gonna
turn on me
like that, after...
Copy !req
701. I've been mowing
the fucking lawn.
Copy !req
702. Oh, my God. What?
Copy !req
703. You've been
mowing the lawn.
Copy !req
704. What? Yeah, I've been
mowing the lawn.
Copy !req
705. Jesus Christ, Mikey.You've been leaving
Copy !req
706. dirty dishes in the sink.
Copy !req
707. You haven't given me
a dime.
Copy !req
708. I know, but I'm going
to pay you guys,
Copy !req
709. but look,
I've been walkin' the dog.
Copy !req
710. I'm providing protection. She's an outside dog!
Copy !req
711. She doesn't need walkin',
Copy !req
712. I'm providing security.
I've been helpin' out.
Copy !req
713. We don't need security.
Do we need
a security guard, Mom?
Copy !req
714. Oh, come on.I didn't know
that we hired
Copy !req
715. a security guard.
Copy !req
716. Yeah, you...
You're safe now
because I'm here.
Copy !req
717. You're always
on my couch.
Copy !req
718. You've been drinking
all my Ensures.
Copy !req
719. Listen, I'm trying
to get a job.
Copy !req
720. You've been here
for three weeks now!
Copy !req
721. I've been looking
for a job the whole time.
Copy !req
722. I want you out of here now. Wait a minute,
wait a minute.
Copy !req
723. Wait, wait.
Listen, listen.
Copy !req
724. I know I said I'd help out
with the rent.
Copy !req
725. You did. You did.No, wait a minute.
Copy !req
726. Let me finish.
Copy !req
727. I know I said
I'd help out with the rent.
Copy !req
728. Yeah.So...
Copy !req
729. I'm not gonna
help out with the rent.
Copy !req
730. Well, get
the fuck out, then!
Copy !req
731. I'm gonna pay
the whole goddamn thing!
Copy !req
732. Now you're talkin'. Uh-huh.
Copy !req
733. August is on Mikey,
Copy !req
734. Yeah! Look
how your eyes light up
Copy !req
735. like a little
Christmas tree.
Copy !req
736. The whole month.
The whole month.
Copy !req
737. Yes,
the whole month. Okay.
Copy !req
738. So let's go get some
fuckin' donuts, on me,
Copy !req
739. 'cause I take care of shit
around here.
Copy !req
740. And whatever fuckin' donuts
you want, let's go.
Copy !req
741. I just wanted
to get you guys
taken care of, okay?
Copy !req
742. Thank you.You're welcome.
Copy !req
743. My favorite place.
Copy !req
744. I know, Lil.
You love this place.
Copy !req
745. Yes.
Copy !req
746. I might have one bite.
I don't know, I'll see.
Copy !req
747. You think it's too late
for me to get coffee?
Copy !req
748. You can get coffee
whenever you want.
Copy !req
749. I just don't think
it's gonna be
Copy !req
750. the best coffee
in the world, but...
Copy !req
751. Here, look. I even got
the door. I got the door.
Copy !req
752. I got the door. Thank you.
Copy !req
753. Here we are.Mom, come on.
Copy !req
754. Good evenin'. Hello.
Copy !req
755. Hello. Whatever these ladies want.
Copy !req
756. Okay.I want donut holes,
Copy !req
757. and jelly filled donut,
and a cappuccino.
Copy !req
758. There you go,
make it a large.
Copy !req
759. Give her
an extra-large cup. For here or to go?
Copy !req
760. What do you want,
for here?Yeah.
Copy !req
761. Do you want it here?What do you think?
Copy !req
762. We're just gonna go,
Copy !req
763. we're gonna eat it
just on the road?
Copy !req
764. Give her the largest
cappuccino that you got,
Copy !req
765. and whatever drink
she wants.I'll have a small coffee.
Copy !req
766. Give her a large.
Get a... Now's the time.
Get a large.
Copy !req
767. Yeah, I'll get
a large coffee, and...
Copy !req
768. And... With lots of cream.
Copy !req
769. Sure. And a little bit of sugar.
Copy !req
770. What other donuts
do you want?
Copy !req
771. Um, I wanna have... She wants a pink.
Copy !req
772. I want a pink...
Yeah, pink sparkle, please.
Copy !req
773. Give her the pink sparkles.
Whatever she wants.
Copy !req
774. And then I can get...
Copy !req
775. Ooh, can I get
a chocolate, too?
Can I get a chocolate?
Copy !req
776. Thank you. Whatever they want. Okay?
Copy !req
777. Donut holes, please.
Copy !req
778. Yeah,
get the donut holes.
Copy !req
779. Yeah, this is the day
to get everything you want.
Copy !req
780. This is the day
that the Lord hath made.
Copy !req
781. Mr. Moneybags here. Thank you.
Copy !req
782. Okay. All right.
Copy !req
783. Look at that, huh?
We got the holes,
you're good.
Copy !req
784. Is that enough
for you guys?
Copy !req
785. You should get it
while we're here
'cause this is it.
Copy !req
786. All right. There you go.
Copy !req
787. Is that one yours? Is that the cappuccino?
Copy !req
788. Okay, that's the cappuccino.
This one's...
Copy !req
789. That's the biggest one
they got.
Copy !req
790. I don't know what more
you want me to do.
All right.
Copy !req
791. Thank you.
Thank you so much.
Copy !req
792. You guys go ahead
and sit down.
Copy !req
793. I'll grab this.
How much is that?
Copy !req
794. $6:32.$6:32. All right.
Copy !req
795. Mm-hmm.Mm.
Copy !req
796. Can I get some napkins,
Copy !req
797. Thank you, yeah. All righty.
Copy !req
798. And here's your change.
Copy !req
799. Thank you, kindly.
Copy !req
800. Mm. I'm going
to save the pink sprinkle,
Copy !req
801. this one, for last.
Copy !req
802. This one, I don't know
what to do with.
Copy !req
803. I don't know what to do
with that one.
Copy !req
804. I don't know what to do
with that, Ma. Look.
Copy !req
805. All right, I'll have one. Don't you feel
like it? Okay.
Copy !req
806. Just tear me half.Eat the part that doesn't
Copy !req
807. have the sprinkle on it.I don't want the colored one,
Copy !req
808. just give me half of
one of the donut balls.
Copy !req
809. Half of a donut ball? Why do they call it a hole?
Copy !req
810. I don't understand
why it's a hole
if it's the...
Copy !req
811. The hole is in the middle.
Copy !req
812. That's where
it came out of.
Copy !req
813. Right. Okay,
that makes sense.
Copy !req
814. This one doesn't have
enough sprinkles on it.
Copy !req
815. See that?
Copy !req
816. What do you guys, uh...
Copy !req
817. Can you guys wrap this up?
We got to get out of here.
Copy !req
818. Okay. Excuse me...
Copy !req
819. What... No, Mom.
I am eating.
Copy !req
820. I am going to savor
every goddamn sparkle
on this donut.
Copy !req
821. Keep it down. What? She don't care.
Copy !req
822. I know but it's rude,
we just came in...
Copy !req
823. I don't know
why he's walkin' so fast.
Copy !req
824. Just hurry up. Must be a fire somewhere.
Copy !req
825. I'm full!
Copy !req
826. Come on,
we're full of donuts.
Copy !req
827. Okay, come on.I gotta pee.
Copy !req
828. Stop act...
You get so dramatic.
Copy !req
829. I'm not acting.
Copy !req
830. What, are you training
for a marathon?
Copy !req
831. Lil, will you tell
your daughter to...
Copy !req
832. Is this the Olympics?
Copy !req
833. Jesus fucking Christ! Are we going to a fire?
Copy !req
834. Fire? What do you mean?
We're going home.
Copy !req
835. I'm full!I can't run
Copy !req
836. in these shoes,
Mikey. All right.
Copy !req
837. I don't wanna
throw up my cookies!
Copy !req
838. Oh, shit, I forgot...
I forgot cigarettes.
Copy !req
839. Oh, I got a pack.
Copy !req
840. And I forgot rollin' papers.
I'll be right back.
Copy !req
841. All right. Yep.
Copy !req
842. All right.
Copy !req
843. Psst!
Copy !req
844. Hello?
Copy !req
845. Hi. May I help you?
Copy !req
846. Hi. Yeah. Uh, the ginger
that works here,
Copy !req
847. she works Tuesdays, no?
Copy !req
848. Ginger? Uh, red-haired girl.
Copy !req
849. Raylee. Raylee, yeah.
Copy !req
850. I called her ginger,
but Raylee. Yeah, Raylee.
Copy !req
851. Are you friend of hers? Very good friends with her,
Copy !req
852. I just wanted
to come say "hi."
Copy !req
853. I always get Tuesdays
and Wednesdays
mixed up. So...
Copy !req
854. Yeah, she doesn't
work Tuesdays.
Copy !req
855. Right, okay. Yeah,
I'll just give her a call
Copy !req
856. or a text or whatever.
Copy !req
857. But... But she does
work Wednesdays, right?
Copy !req
858. Yeah, she works Wednesdays. Okay. Okay.
Thought so, yeah.
Copy !req
859. You want a donut? Uh, how much?
Copy !req
860. Mm.
Copy !req
861. Top of the morning
to ya.
Copy !req
862. Good morning, sir.
What can I grab you?
Copy !req
863. Uh, it's Mikey, not sir.
I'm not that old.
Copy !req
864. All right,
pleased to meet you, Mikey.
Copy !req
865. What's your name?Uh, Raylee.
Copy !req
866. Raylee,
that's a beautiful name.
Copy !req
867. What do you recommend? Depends on what you like.
Copy !req
868. Um, custard one is good.Mm.
Copy !req
869. Jelly is sweet. Hmm.
Copy !req
870. Glazed is a favorite. Ooh, is that your favorite?
Copy !req
871. Mm-hmm. Oh, I might...
Copy !req
872. I might have
to try that one.
Copy !req
873. Uh, what did the donuts do
on their first date?
Copy !req
874. I beg your pardon?
Copy !req
875. What did the donuts do
on their first date?
Copy !req
876. I don't know.
Copy !req
877. They glazed
Copy !req
878. into each other's eyes.
Copy !req
879. That's so stupid.
Copy !req
880. But I can't believe
I haven't
heard that one before.
Copy !req
881. Well, I wrote it,
you couldn't have heard it.
Copy !req
882. I kinda write donut jokes
Copy !req
883. on the side.
It's one of my many talents.
Copy !req
884. Okay. Yeah. But I'm thinkin',
Copy !req
885. I don't know,
maybe I'll just go
with the chocolate,
Copy !req
886. and gotta get
some milk with...
Copy !req
887. Oh, you guys go ahead,
I'm gonna need a minute.
Copy !req
888. Thank you, buddy. Hey. What can I grab ya?
Copy !req
889. I would like
a large coffee, please.
Copy !req
890. Mm-hmm. Uh, one hazel cream,
Copy !req
891. and two chocolate donuts. Okay.
Copy !req
892. Help yourself
to the cream.
Copy !req
893. And what can I get
for you, sir?
Copy !req
894. I'll get a coffee black,
Copy !req
895. and a filled donut,
and that'll be it for me.
Copy !req
896. Sweet. Can they share
the same bag?
Copy !req
897. Yes, that's fine. All right.
Copy !req
898. Good to conserve.
Copy !req
899. All righty,
and your coffee
Copy !req
900. is coming
right up, sir.
Copy !req
901. Good morning. What's the damage?
Copy !req
902. Uh... $6.32.
Copy !req
903. Here you go. Out of ten.
Copy !req
904. Hey, Ms. Phan, can I get
some help out here?
Copy !req
905. Thank you. Oh!
Copy !req
906. Oh, there's your tip. Thank you.
Copy !req
907. Next customer, please.
Copy !req
908. Hey, when do things
slow down around here?
Copy !req
909. Uh, excuse me?What time does it wind down?
Copy !req
910. Uh, we are slammed
until, like, 2:00-ish.
Copy !req
911. I'll see you at 2:00.
Copy !req
912. Next customer, please. Okay.
Copy !req
913. I'm sorry about that.
Uh, what would you like?
Copy !req
914. I'm back,
just like I promised.
Copy !req
915. I'm a man of my word,
Copy !req
916. so, in the future,
you can always rely on me.
Copy !req
917. Mm. Back to tell
more donut jokes?
Copy !req
918. No, that was actually
the only donut joke I had,
Copy !req
919. and it took me a very
long time to write that one.
Copy !req
920. It's all I got.
Why, do you have any?
Copy !req
921. Actually, I do.
Copy !req
922. Um, what do you call
a Jamaican donut?
Copy !req
923. Hmm, I like
where this is going.
Give me a minute.
Copy !req
924. Uh, Jamaican donut, huh?
I'm stumped.
Copy !req
925. Cinnamaan.
Copy !req
926. I got to go.No.
Copy !req
927. No, no, seriously,
that was really...
Copy !req
928. That hurt my feelings,
that was terrible.
Copy !req
929. That's okay,
I forgive you.
Copy !req
930. So Raylee, I'm thinking... Call me Strawberry.
Copy !req
931. Call you what? Strawberry.
Copy !req
932. Strawberry? Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
933. Everybody calls me that.You're kidding.
Copy !req
934. Okay. How old are you?
Copy !req
935. Who's asking? Me.
Copy !req
936. Why? Come on.
Copy !req
937. I'm old enough. For what?
Copy !req
938. Oh, God. I'll be 18
in three weeks, okay?
Copy !req
939. I knew it,
you're too old for me.
Copy !req
940. Anyway, Strawberry.
Copy !req
941. I can't believe
that's your name
Copy !req
942. I don't know
what donut to get.
Copy !req
943. I need your help.
Copy !req
944. I really like the look
of those donut holes.
Copy !req
945. And those, you know...
Copy !req
946. Do you frost,
do you do the sprinkles,
do you do those?
Copy !req
947. How... Who makes them?
Copy !req
948. I do the sprinkles,
and I fill the cream.
Copy !req
949. You fill the cream. Yeah.
Copy !req
950. I just want the ones
that you make.
Copy !req
951. Okay. I want the ones
Copy !req
952. that you cream-filled.
Copy !req
953. Does that sound...
Oh, I don't want
to get you in trouble.
Copy !req
954. I'm thinking
maybe a chocolate round,
Copy !req
955. or maybe I'll get
a strawberry-filled.
Copy !req
956. No pun intended. Oh, God.
Copy !req
957. I don't think
she likes me very much.
Copy !req
958. I don't think
she likes anyone very much.
Copy !req
959. Yeah,
she's a mean boss.
Copy !req
960. Anyway, okay.
So, yes, I've decided.
Copy !req
961. Chocolate round.
Copy !req
962. Okay, but you want
chocolate sprinkles?
Copy !req
963. Chocolate cake?
Copy !req
964. Chocolate Bavarian cream?
Copy !req
965. There's all those
different chocolates?
Copy !req
966. Mm-hmm. Oh, no.
Copy !req
967. Now I got to stay here
Copy !req
968. for a few more hours
and decide.
Copy !req
969. Son of a bitch.
Copy !req
970. Are you trying
to keep me here?
Copy !req
971. 'Cause
I'll sit in the corner
Copy !req
972. and contemplate this
for a while
until you get off.
Copy !req
973. What time do you get off?
Copy !req
974. Oh, feels
so fucking good!
Copy !req
975. Oh, shit!
Fuck, yeah, babe!
Copy !req
976. Yeah,
you like that shit? Oh, yeah.
Copy !req
977. You like that big dick
inside of you,
Copy !req
978. you fucking little slut. God, I love this big dick.
Copy !req
979. Not bad, huh? No, not bad at all.
Copy !req
980. And I didn't even
have to take one
of my magic pills. Hmm.
Copy !req
981. Uh, I didn't know
you were usin' 'em.
Copy !req
982. Well, yeah. Oh.
Copy !req
983. You remember how hard it is
to keep wood on set all day.
Copy !req
984. Yeah.
Copy !req
985. Remember when Kristina Rose
almost broke it off?
Copy !req
986. I do. I do.
Copy !req
987. I'm surprised
it even works at all.
Copy !req
988. Oh, it sure works.
Copy !req
989. Oh, yeah.
Copy !req
990. Love the exterior
decorating, sir.
Copy !req
991. It's looking spiffy.
Copy !req
992. All right, Dad,
we'll be back around 5:00.
Copy !req
993. You think
he remembers me?
Copy !req
994. Man,
ever since my mom died,
Copy !req
995. all he cares about
is keeping
this place immaculate.
Copy !req
996. Matter of fact,
I've been screwed out
Copy !req
997. of Male Performer of the year
literally five times.
Copy !req
998. But you know what?
Copy !req
999. I don't say shit,
it's all good.
Copy !req
1000. I'm a team player.
Copy !req
1001. Almost every single girl
I did a scene with
Copy !req
1002. started fucking me
off-camera, right?
Copy !req
1003. But the agents hate that shit.
Copy !req
1004. But what do they expect?
You know?
Copy !req
1005. It's like, girl comes by
my model house,
Copy !req
1006. they see my Hall of Fame
trophy on the mantelpiece.
Copy !req
1007. They're like, "Oh, my God.
He's famous for fucking."
Copy !req
1008. Wait, you used
to have
your own model house?
Copy !req
1009. I had three
model houses, bro.
Copy !req
1010. And the last one...
Ooh, that was
a savage-ass house.
Copy !req
1011. Till I started letting
agents book
bottom bitches in there.
Copy !req
1012. Bottom bitches?
Copy !req
1013. Yeah, bottom bitches
Copy !req
1014. are technically
the best of the hookers,
Copy !req
1015. but they're
still the hookers,
Copy !req
1016. and that's what
they started sending me,
Copy !req
1017. was the fucking hookers.
Copy !req
1018. And that's when
everything went to shit.
Copy !req
1019. 'Cause see,
once a porn chick
gets a hooker mentality,
Copy !req
1020. they become
a fucking nightmare.
Copy !req
1021. A real pain in my ass.
Copy !req
1022. Oh, yeah? Yeah.
Copy !req
1023. Dude, I forgot how hot
Gulf Coast bitches are.
Copy !req
1024. I saw this girl
over by the donut shop
at the refinery.
Copy !req
1025. She works there,
smokin' hot.
Copy !req
1026. Gorgeous,
drop dead gorgeous.
Copy !req
1027. And get this,
17 years old.
Copy !req
1028. Legal as an eagle.
Copy !req
1029. Oh, yeah? Yeah.
Copy !req
1030. Hey, man, see that strip
of land over there?
Copy !req
1031. Yeah?
Copy !req
1032. Them's the Texas
Killing Fields, brother.
Copy !req
1033. Strawberry? Yeah?
Copy !req
1034. You blaze, right? Why, are you a cop?
Copy !req
1035. Let's go smoke one. Hmm.
Copy !req
1036. Hey, Ms. Phan.
Can I take my ten?
Copy !req
1037. So,
what do you do in LA?
Copy !req
1038. I'm in entertainment.I knew it.
Copy !req
1039. You have that Hollywood vibe.
Copy !req
1040. Yeah, you think? Yeah.
Copy !req
1041. Oh.
Copy !req
1042. So, what do you do
in entertainment?
Copy !req
1043. Manager
slash agent.
Copy !req
1044. Like, for actors?
Copy !req
1045. Yeah.
That weed is good, right?
Copy !req
1046. If you
or your friends want any,
Copy !req
1047. I can get a whole bunch more,
no problem.
Copy !req
1048. So...
Copy !req
1049. You live in Hollywood,
managing actors,
Copy !req
1050. but you're in Texas City,
riding a bike,
Copy !req
1051. sellin' weed, and hittin'
on high schoolers?
Copy !req
1052. Well, my Camaro is in LA.
Copy !req
1053. You know, I wasn't going
to drive all the way to Texas,
Copy !req
1054. it's like
a three-day drive.
Copy !req
1055. All right, look,
Copy !req
1056. I'm here taking care
of my mom.
Copy !req
1057. All right?
She's not doing too well.
Copy !req
1058. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
1059. It's all right.
Copy !req
1060. But you're a good son
Copy !req
1061. for being there
for your mom.I am.
Copy !req
1062. By the way,
who smokes joints anymore?
Copy !req
1063. That's so old man-y.
Copy !req
1064. That was fun, we should
do that again sometime.
Copy !req
1065. Yeah, I'll smoke
your weed anytime.
Copy !req
1066. Hey, by the way,
you can move
all your shit
Copy !req
1067. on the hardhats
from the refinery.
Copy !req
1068. I see them
at the end of their shift,
Copy !req
1069. and they want
to kill themselves.
Copy !req
1070. See you later, alligator.
Copy !req
1071. In a while, crocodile.
Copy !req
1072. Did the dress designer
Copy !req
1073. cause a prom queen
to be late for the ball?
Copy !req
1074. I went there,
all he had
Copy !req
1075. was the cut-out fabric
and the applique sewn on.
Copy !req
1076. That's all he had...
Copy !req
1077. Oh! Oh, shit! Oh, my gosh.
Copy !req
1078. I'm sorry!
Copy !req
1079. Sorry, Lil. Aw, man!
Copy !req
1080. I thought you found
my couch comfy.
Copy !req
1081. Oh, I do, I just...
I sleep au naturel.
Copy !req
1082. Cut the shit.My bad.
Copy !req
1083. Mikey.
Copy !req
1084. All seriousness.
Copy !req
1085. I appreciate you
taking care of the bills.
Copy !req
1086. That way it keeps Lexi
from being on
the Craigslist.
Copy !req
1087. Do you understand
what I'm saying?
Copy !req
1088. Yeah, I understand...
Copy !req
1089. So, I need to know,
are you in or out?
Copy !req
1090. If you're in,
Copy !req
1091. I welcome you here.
Copy !req
1092. All right, okay, great.
Copy !req
1093. 'Cause if you're out,
Copy !req
1094. don't let the door hit you
in the ass.
Copy !req
1095. No, no. I'm in. I'm in.
Copy !req
1096. Okay, fine.I'm paying
the fucking rent,
Copy !req
1097. I pay for groceries... This is about my baby.
Copy !req
1098. I don't want her
getting hurt anymore.
Copy !req
1099. I don't want her
doin' clients anymore.
Copy !req
1100. It's too dangerous.
Copy !req
1101. I never know
when she's coming home.
Copy !req
1102. So, it's up to you.
Copy !req
1103. I'm in.
Copy !req
1104. Okay? I'm in.
Copy !req
1105. Okay. Good, good. Good.I'm here, all right?
Copy !req
1106. Thank you.You're welcome.
Copy !req
1107. Anything else?
Am I good to go?
Copy !req
1108. Yes. As long as I don't see
your junk anymore.
Copy !req
1109. Deal.
Copy !req
1110. Your mom's still a trip.
Copy !req
1111. I know.
Copy !req
1112. In a good way. Yeah.
Copy !req
1113. She's a piece of work.
Copy !req
1114. That smoke stack,
Copy !req
1115. second one from the left,
is that new?
Copy !req
1116. Has that
always been there?
Copy !req
1117. No, that's always
been there.
Copy !req
1118. Really? Yeah.
Copy !req
1119. Don't remember.
Copy !req
1120. And Ma calls that one
ol' smokey.
Copy !req
1121. Oh.
Copy !req
1122. It's my ex's truck.
Copy !req
1123. He was supposed
to pick it up
two years ago.
Copy !req
1124. Still hasn't.
Copy !req
1125. Just needs new wheels.
Copy !req
1126. Well, I know
you guys get tested,
Copy !req
1127. which is why I got this,
synthetic piss.
Copy !req
1128. I'll throw it in free
with an ounce,
Copy !req
1129. other than that,
10 bucks a pop.
Copy !req
1130. But, yeah, I got you
if you guys ever need it.
Copy !req
1131. You know, I don't want you
guys getting fired and shit.
Copy !req
1132. Don't drink it.
Copy !req
1133. I mean...
Copy !req
1134. Unless you're into that
kind of shit, right?
Copy !req
1135. Good night, Ms. Phan!
Copy !req
1136. Good night. Good night.
Copy !req
1137. See you later, alligator.
Copy !req
1138. Do you want a ride home?
Copy !req
1139. No, I'm good. Throw it in the back.
Copy !req
1140. Uh, well...
Copy !req
1141. Yeah? Yeah.
Throw it in the back.
Copy !req
1142. Okay.
Copy !req
1143. Which way? Uh,
go left here. Go left.
Copy !req
1144. We're getting close.
Copy !req
1145. I really appreciate you
driving me home.
Copy !req
1146. Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
1147. It's a nice area, huh?
Copy !req
1148. Yeah, it's fancy.
Copy !req
1149. I just wanted
to buy my mom
Copy !req
1150. something nice
to retire in, you know?
Copy !req
1151. That's real sweet of you.
Copy !req
1152. Yeah.
Copy !req
1153. All right.
Yeah, it's right up here.
Copy !req
1154. Hey, we're getting... Yep.
Right up there. There it is.
Copy !req
1155. Maybe we'll...
Can you turn it down?
Copy !req
1156. 'Cause we don't...
I don't want to
wake up my mom.
Copy !req
1157. Yeah. Whoa,
this is fancy.
Copy !req
1158. Yeah, it's nice.
Copy !req
1159. I'd invite you in,
but like I said,
Copy !req
1160. you know,
my mom's feelin' sick
Copy !req
1161. and she don't take
too kindly to strangers.
Copy !req
1162. She's just not all there,
up there right now.
Copy !req
1163. No. Yeah.
Copy !req
1164. Probably not
a good idea, anyway.
Copy !req
1165. Yeah.
So thanks for the ride.
Copy !req
1166. Anytime.
I work on Wednesday.
Copy !req
1167. Oh, well,
I'll see you Wednesday.
Copy !req
1168. Okay. Okay.
Copy !req
1169. Look, I'm just glad
Copy !req
1170. weed is still illegal
in Texas.
Copy !req
1171. You guys have no idea
how hard it is
Copy !req
1172. to move flower
in Cali right now.
Copy !req
1173. I mean, yeah, you know,
Copy !req
1174. selling it to the bitches
at my model house,
Copy !req
1175. but besides that,
felons and illegals.
Copy !req
1176. Hey, don't mess
with big oil.
Copy !req
1177. TCPD kittens next
to those Valero guys.
Copy !req
1178. That goes without saying,
Copy !req
1179. but you know,
keeping it on the DL
Copy !req
1180. has been the secret
to my success
all these years.
Copy !req
1181. How do you think
I stayed out of prison?
Copy !req
1182. How do you think
I never got shot?
Copy !req
1183. Mom,
where's the hot sauce?
Copy !req
1184. Where the hell
it always been.
Copy !req
1185. No hot sauce, Mom.
I don't see it.
Copy !req
1186. Did you look
in your bedroom?
Copy !req
1187. You were
eatin' pizza there...
Copy !req
1188. Oh, my God, Mom... the other night.
Copy !req
1189. I don't... I can't...
Where's the hot sauce?
Copy !req
1190. Why would he take it
into his room?
Copy !req
1191. You're laughin',
but you were
eatin' pizza there.
Copy !req
1192. Mom, I've checked everywhere
in the kitchen!
Copy !req
1193. Where's the hot sauce?
Hey, man.
Copy !req
1194. What are you lookin' at?
This ain't got
nothin' to do
Copy !req
1195. with you. Fine.
Copy !req
1196. The world
would collapse
without me.
Copy !req
1197. Did you check
under your bed?
Copy !req
1198. Hey, yo. So, I heard
you do porn or something.
Copy !req
1199. Five AVNs.
Copy !req
1200. What? That's an STD?
Copy !req
1201. No, no, no.
It's the, uh...
Copy !req
1202. It's the Adult Film Awards,
Copy !req
1203. it's like the Academy Awards
for what I do.
Copy !req
1204. Okay, man.
That's what's up. Yep.
Copy !req
1205. Best Oral
three years in a row.
Copy !req
1206. Best oral? Yep!
Copy !req
1207. Just one question.
Copy !req
1208. Ain't that
about getting head?
Copy !req
1209. Well, I mean...
Copy !req
1210. Yeah, something like that.
Copy !req
1211. So, then what they got
to do with you?
Copy !req
1212. It's not like
you're the one
doing any work or anything.
Copy !req
1213. I'm not doing the work?
Copy !req
1214. Sister,
let me tell you somethin'.
Copy !req
1215. Hey, man,
don't call me sister.
Copy !req
1216. Oh, my bad.
June, right,
it's June?
Copy !req
1217. All right, June, look,
Copy !req
1218. if I won three years
in a row,
with three different girls,
Copy !req
1219. the chances of it
being the girl
is pretty limited.
Copy !req
1220. Think about it.
Copy !req
1221. No, seriously, look.
Copy !req
1222. I'm the one
guiding the girl
in the scene.
Copy !req
1223. Essentially
I'm face-fucking her.
Copy !req
1224. Pardon my language.
Copy !req
1225. So the female really has
nothing to do with it.
Copy !req
1226. You know, I'm the one
that's holding her head
Copy !req
1227. for like 15 or 20 minutes
while I'm force-fucking her,
Copy !req
1228. so how is that about her,
Copy !req
1229. I got it, man.No, seriously.
Copy !req
1230. Look, it's about
the shit I say,
Copy !req
1231. the way I hold her face
towards the camera
Copy !req
1232. while she spits,
and drools all over herself,
Copy !req
1233. and I pinch her nose
and make her gag.
Copy !req
1234. It's all technique.I said I got it.
Copy !req
1235. Thank you. Thank you.
Copy !req
1236. Thanks, D.
Copy !req
1237. Man, this place
is off the chain.
Copy !req
1238. Thank you so much
for hooking this up.
Copy !req
1239. My pleasure.
Copy !req
1240. So tell me more about LA.
Copy !req
1241. Maybe you should find out
for yourself.
Copy !req
1242. You think
I have the money to go?
Copy !req
1243. You got a truck,
you can go anytime you want.
Copy !req
1244. That's my mama's truck.
Copy !req
1245. She just let's me use it
'cause she works
from home.
Copy !req
1246. Well, when I left Texas City,
I didn't have a dime.
Copy !req
1247. I just said to myself,
Copy !req
1248. "Mikey, one day,
you're gonna own this town."
Copy !req
1249. And I just went for it,
you know?
Copy !req
1250. Mm.
Copy !req
1251. What is he doing
behind the counter?
Copy !req
1252. He's going to help me
with my SAT prep.
Copy !req
1253. No free donuts.
Copy !req
1254. Thank you.
Copy !req
1255. So you were saying
something about
just going for it.
Copy !req
1256. Are you trying
to get fired?
Copy !req
1257. I'm trying to get hired.
Copy !req
1258. Are you going to help me
score high on my SATs?
Copy !req
1259. You get 600 points
Copy !req
1260. just for signing your name,
you know?
Copy !req
1261. Oh, yeah? Yeah.
Copy !req
1262. Hiya! What can I
get for ya today?
Copy !req
1263. Hi, sweetie.
Can I get, uh, two...
Copy !req
1264. Two chocolate
covered donuts
and a medium coffee?
Copy !req
1265. All right.
Copy !req
1266. Good afternoon, sir.
Copy !req
1267. You're crazy,
you know that?
Copy !req
1268. You could have just
waited until now, you know?
Copy !req
1269. Where's the fun in that?
Copy !req
1270. Hmm.
Copy !req
1271. Come here.
Copy !req
1272. Yo, Lonnie!
Copy !req
1273. Wait up!
Copy !req
1274. What's up, man?
Copy !req
1275. What up, big dog,
where you going?
Copy !req
1276. Man, some errands.
I got to go to the mall,
Copy !req
1277. stuff like that.Mm.
Copy !req
1278. Cool. Cool.
I'm rolling with you.
Copy !req
1279. Uh, just warning you, man,
I'm gonna be gone all day.
Copy !req
1280. Just, uh...
So if you don't want to go,
Copy !req
1281. I mean... Whatever.
Copy !req
1282. I just got to get the fuck out
of here. Let's go.
Copy !req
1283. She's smokin' hot.
She made the first move.
Copy !req
1284. She's got no dad.
Copy !req
1285. And here's the kicker,
she lets me sell weed
Copy !req
1286. to the hardhats
at her work.
Copy !req
1287. I mean, does it get
any better than this?
Copy !req
1288. I didn't know you served.
Copy !req
1289. Uh... Oh, yeah.
Yeah, I did, man.
Copy !req
1290. Thank you
for your service.
Copy !req
1291. Yeah, man, no, uh...
No problem.
Copy !req
1292. Man, this place
ain't changed much
in 15 years, Lonnie.
Copy !req
1293. Yeah, I know,
for real, man.
Copy !req
1294. Hey, um...
Copy !req
1295. I think I'm going to be
hanging out over here
Copy !req
1296. for a while, okay? Okay.
Copy !req
1297. Yeah, I'll meet you
back here in 30,
all right?
Copy !req
1298. Thirty minutes? Yeah, thirty.
Copy !req
1299. All right, sounds good.
Copy !req
1300. Oh, shit!
Copy !req
1301. Ah...
Copy !req
1302. Oh!
Copy !req
1303. Whoo.
Copy !req
1304. Oh, come on...
Copy !req
1305. Whoo!
Copy !req
1306. So what's
this one, then?
Copy !req
1307. Uh, that's the one I got
when I was in Afghanistan.
Copy !req
1308. And, uh, that's for
my three tours in Iraq.
Copy !req
1309. Bullshit.
You're not even wearing
Copy !req
1310. the proper
infantry uniform.
Copy !req
1311. Well, yeah,
of course I am.
Copy !req
1312. What's
the Army Uniform Regulation?
Copy !req
1313. The code.
Copy !req
1314. Uh, to do my best,
Copy !req
1315. to do my duty
and to serve my country.
Copy !req
1316. You sure
it's not AR670-1?
Copy !req
1317. Uh, well,
as you guys know,
Copy !req
1318. there's a lot of different
codes in the military.
Copy !req
1319. Stolen valor
right here, folks.
Copy !req
1320. This man is not a veteran.
He's a fake and a fraud.
Copy !req
1321. Give me those back,
those are mine.
Copy !req
1322. Take your jacket off. This is bullshit,
Copy !req
1323. what do I have to do to
convince y'all this is from...
Copy !req
1324. Take it off
or I'm gonna
fucking kick your ass.
Copy !req
1325. Hey, man.
Copy !req
1326. Whiskey Tango Foxtrot.
Copy !req
1327. Wait, what?
Copy !req
1328. Really? I would think
someone in your position
Copy !req
1329. would know what that means.
Copy !req
1330. Oh, shit. Yeah, man,
I kinda had, like,
Copy !req
1331. a little bathroom mishap
in there.
Copy !req
1332. Oh, man,
little bathroom mishap.
Copy !req
1333. Oh, you sure you didn't
get pushed in the fountain?
Copy !req
1334. Shit.
Copy !req
1335. You fucking saw that, man?
Copy !req
1336. Dude, I saw the whole
fucking thing, bro!
Copy !req
1337. You think I'm stupid?
Copy !req
1338. I can't be associated
with that shit, bro!
Copy !req
1339. That's fucked up,
that you would let me
be a part
Copy !req
1340. of your fucking
bullshit scheme, dude!
Copy !req
1341. I'm fuckin' pissed!
Dude, what if someone
recognized me?
Copy !req
1342. People know
who the fuck I am,
dawg. That's wack.
Copy !req
1343. You need help, bro.
It's fucking
scandalous, dude.
Copy !req
1344. I'm sorry, man.
Shit, my bad.
Copy !req
1345. Wow. Yes!
Copy !req
1346. That dope sure makes
you guys religious, huh.
Copy !req
1347. Just a friend.
Copy !req
1348. Seems like
a very friendly friend.
Copy !req
1349. Yeah. It's whatever.
Copy !req
1350. So I blew him
at junior prom.
Copy !req
1351. At junior prom?
Copy !req
1352. No, not at, after.
You know what I mean.
Copy !req
1353. Anyways,
I blew him at junior prom
Copy !req
1354. and ever since then,
he's been clingy as fuck.
Copy !req
1355. Is he stalking you?
Copy !req
1356. No. No, we hang and shit.
Copy !req
1357. You fuckin' him? When I feel like it.
Copy !req
1358. It's not
like a real thing.
Copy !req
1359. This guy
thinks you're dating.
Copy !req
1360. No... Raylee,
Copy !req
1361. I need you inside! Okay!
Copy !req
1362. And I told you
not to smoke in front.
Copy !req
1363. Sorry.
Copy !req
1364. So you gonna
keep fucking him?
Copy !req
1365. That depends.
Copy !req
1366. Does he know that? Mm-mm!
Copy !req
1367. All right,
what's this guy's name?
Copy !req
1368. Nash.
Copy !req
1369. Nash?
Copy !req
1370. All right, look.
Copy !req
1371. I think it's time
Nash got it
Copy !req
1372. that you guys
aren't dating. Come on.
Copy !req
1373. Wait, what?
Copy !req
1374. God, this is crazy.
Copy !req
1375. This is crazy,
this is insane.
Copy !req
1376. I can't believe
we're doing this right now.
Copy !req
1377. Like...
Copy !req
1378. Like, maybe it's not
such a good idea, you know.
Copy !req
1379. It'll be quick and easy,
he'll get the message.
Copy !req
1380. Okay.
But no fightin', okay?
Copy !req
1381. I just wanna
talk to him.
Copy !req
1382. You promise? Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
1383. This is crazy.
Copy !req
1384. Now what? Is this the house?
Copy !req
1385. Yeah.Mm.
Copy !req
1386. Oh, my God!
Copy !req
1387. Wow, that's his mom?
Copy !req
1388. Hello, ma'am,
would you be so kind
Copy !req
1389. as to send
Nash out, please?
Copy !req
1390. MRS.Raylee? Hi, Mrs. Parker.
Copy !req
1391. Nice necklace.
Fucking dork.
Copy !req
1392. What is this?
What's going on?
Copy !req
1393. Hey, buddy, I hate to be
the bearer of bad news,
Copy !req
1394. but
you ain't with Strawberry,
Copy !req
1395. you never were,
she's with me now.
Copy !req
1396. You understand? Raylee, what is this?
Copy !req
1397. I've been trying
to tell you, Nash.
Copy !req
1398. All right, look, bro,
so you're not going
to call her,
Copy !req
1399. you're not going
to text her
Copy !req
1400. and you're not going
to go by
the Donut Hole anymore,
Copy !req
1401. you understand me?
Copy !req
1402. Raylee, come on,
I need to talk to you.
Copy !req
1403. Whoa, whoa, whoa, bro.
Hold on. Hold on.
Copy !req
1404. Whoa, hey,
no fightin', okay?
Copy !req
1405. You stay
in the car, babe.
Copy !req
1406. All right, come here.
Copy !req
1407. Google me, take out
your phone right now
Copy !req
1408. and google Mikey Saber.
Do it,
you got your phone on you?
Copy !req
1409. What the fuck
are you talking about?
Copy !req
1410. No fightin'! Babe, it's okay.
Copy !req
1411. 20.1 million views
on Pornhub, bro.
Copy !req
1412. I'm not fuckin'
with you.
Copy !req
1413. Strawberry's
in a different league now,
Copy !req
1414. do you understand me?
You can't compete
Copy !req
1415. with someone
that fucked 1,300 bitches,
Copy !req
1416. do you get
what I'm saying?
Copy !req
1417. Hey,
let's not cause a scene!
Copy !req
1418. What are you doing?
Who is this?
Copy !req
1419. Come on.I'm with him now.
Copy !req
1420. Yeah, you heard it
from her mouth,
she's with me.
Copy !req
1421. Are you serious?
Copy !req
1422. Come on.I'm sorry, dude.
Copy !req
1423. It was fun, though.It wasn't fun.
Copy !req
1424. Oh, my God!
Copy !req
1425. Ah...
Copy !req
1426. I'll see you tomorrow.
Copy !req
1427. Yeah, you will.
Copy !req
1428. Life's sweet, Sophie.
Life is sweet.
Copy !req
1429. X equals negative-b
Copy !req
1430. plus or minus the square root
of b-squared minus 4ac,
Copy !req
1431. all over 2a.
Copy !req
1432. Whoa.
That's geometry?
Copy !req
1433. Algebra.
Copy !req
1434. Shit.
Copy !req
1435. It's all right, relax.
Copy !req
1436. No, that's Nash.
Copy !req
1437. That's Nash? Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
1438. Shit.
Copy !req
1439. I think it's time
I had a man-to-man
with this kid.
Copy !req
1440. No fightin'.
Copy !req
1441. You know what,
I'm tired
of your fucking shit, bro.
Copy !req
1442. I'm not afraid
to fight you,
I don't give a fuck.
Copy !req
1443. Oh, what,
Copy !req
1444. this is your mommy
and daddy,
Copy !req
1445. you brought them
to the dance?
Copy !req
1446. You can't handle
your shit by yourself,
huh, tough guy?
Copy !req
1447. Sir, your son
is fucking
with my girlfriend.
Copy !req
1448. It ain't cool...
Copy !req
1449. You motherfucker!
Copy !req
1450. What the fuck!
Copy !req
1451. What the fuck, Nash,
what the fuck!
Copy !req
1452. I'm not with you
Copy !req
1453. Fuck you,
you cheated on me!
Copy !req
1454. No, I didn't,
we were never together!
No! No!
Copy !req
1455. You come to my home,
threaten my son,
Copy !req
1456. It took three of you
to fuck me up,
you're a pussy!
Copy !req
1457. MRS.
What are you talking about,
Copy !req
1458. what do you mean
you're not
with him anymore?
Copy !req
1459. From the start,
I fuckin' said
Copy !req
1460. I never wanted
to be with you.
Copy !req
1461. It was like
a casual fucking thing!
Copy !req
1462. Fuck that shit,
you wanted me.
Copy !req
1463. You're a little slut.
Copy !req
1464. You're a fucking slut!
Copy !req
1465. Hey, don't call
my mama that,
what the fuck?
Copy !req
1466. MRS.
You ain't got
nothin' to say?
Copy !req
1467. You come near
my house again,
Copy !req
1468. you'll be leaving
in a body bag, bitch!
Copy !req
1469. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
1470. He should
go to the hospital.
Copy !req
1471. Yeah, maybe you should
go to the hospital?
Copy !req
1472. No. It's not that bad,
Copy !req
1473. and plus I don't have
health insurance, anyway,
Copy !req
1474. but thank you,
Ms. Phan.
Copy !req
1475. Okay,
now stop movin'. All right.
Copy !req
1476. There's no fighting
in my parking lot.
Copy !req
1477. He flat-out
sucker-punched me.
Copy !req
1478. I would have 100%
out-cardio'd that guy.
Copy !req
1479. Fuck.
Sorry for swearing.
Copy !req
1480. Oh.
Oh, shit, be careful,
Copy !req
1481. that's where
he kicked me.I'm gonna come.
Copy !req
1482. That's right where
he kicked me.
Copy !req
1483. That fuckin'
little bitch. Oh.
Copy !req
1484. Oh, shit.
Ah, am I bleeding
out of my head?
Copy !req
1485. Fuck.
Copy !req
1486. We're both going to be
hurtin' tomorrow.
Copy !req
1487. Why is that?
Copy !req
1488. Let's just say
you're blessed.
Copy !req
1489. Uh-uh.
Copy !req
1490. Yeah, I can't believe
I'm attracted
to a ginger.
Copy !req
1491. You're not allowed
to use the G word.
Copy !req
1492. You have a type?
Copy !req
1493. Maybe.
Copy !req
1494. What's your type?
Copy !req
1495. Let's just say
Copy !req
1496. I like men, not boys.Mm.
Copy !req
1497. Oh. Um...
Copy !req
1498. I'm sorry, I think
I have the wrong house.
Copy !req
1499. Yeah, 'cause
I saw you parked
Copy !req
1500. in front of my house
last night, too.
Copy !req
1501. No, it's...
It's a simple mistake.
I'm new in town.
Copy !req
1502. If I see you around
here again...
Copy !req
1503. No, no, no. It's okay.
It's okay.
Copy !req
1504. Honestly,
if shit was different,
Copy !req
1505. I could take over
the industry with her.
Copy !req
1506. Think so?Yeah.
Copy !req
1507. Within six months,
I could see her nabbing
Best Newcomer.
Copy !req
1508. One year and she would
sweep the AVNs.
Copy !req
1509. Tori Black...
You know
who Tori Black is?
Copy !req
1510. Yeah, man, of course,
I know who Tori Black is.
Copy !req
1511. All right.
Well, uh, she won
Performer of the Year
Copy !req
1512. two years,
back to back,
Copy !req
1513. I think
that Strawberry's got
the potential.
Copy !req
1514. I'm not exaggerating,
Copy !req
1515. I really believe this. Okay.
Copy !req
1516. I think... I think she could
win three years in a row.
Copy !req
1517. With my guidance,
of course.
Copy !req
1518. Doesn't matter, I'm stuck
in this shithole anyway.
Copy !req
1519. Yeah, man, it's gonna be
kind of awkward anyway,
Copy !req
1520. she's gonna have to bang
Copy !req
1521. all those other fucking guys
on the scene.
Copy !req
1522. I don't give a fuck.
Copy !req
1523. I'll be fucking
other bitches, bro.
Copy !req
1524. Come on.
I think it's hot,
I don't care.
Copy !req
1525. Okay, man.
Copy !req
1526. I mean, seriously,
it's part of the game.
Copy !req
1527. That was nice.Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
1528. You want to explain
those bruises?
Copy !req
1529. I fell off my bike.
Copy !req
1530. Mm.
Copy !req
1531. Must've been
a hard fall.
Copy !req
1532. Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
1533. This is eight,
I need ten.
Copy !req
1534. I'm moving
a lot of weight
for you guys, huh?
Copy !req
1535. I like those gold teeth.
Copy !req
1536. I got one dia...
I got one diamond,
Copy !req
1537. I had my dentist in Cali
put it in. So...
Copy !req
1538. Yo, get your ass
out of here, man.
Copy !req
1539. All right, say hi
to your mom for me.
Copy !req
1540. These refinery boys
are the best.
Copy !req
1541. They buy way more weed
Copy !req
1542. than these
skaters and dancers
I got to deal with.
Copy !req
1543. Dancers? Yeah, from the titty bar.
Copy !req
1544. Oh, strippers.
Copy !req
1545. They prefer the term
"dancers," young lady.
Copy !req
1546. Show some respect. Okay.
Copy !req
1547. Topless dancers.
Copy !req
1548. Oh, bottomless, too.
They got it all.
Copy !req
1549. Really? Yeah, what,
you never been?
Copy !req
1550. Well, why would I have been?
Copy !req
1551. Plus, I'm not even
old enough
to get in.
Copy !req
1552. That's fine.
You want to go?
Copy !req
1553. Seriously?
Copy !req
1554. Strip club virgin!
Copy !req
1555. Hello. Hello.
Copy !req
1556. How old is she? Eighteen.
Copy !req
1557. Eighteen.
Copy !req
1558. Twenty bucks.
Copy !req
1559. You're hotter than
all these girls combined.
Copy !req
1560. If you worked here,
they'd be out of a job.
Copy !req
1561. You want to
give her a tip?
Copy !req
1562. Come on, let's go.
Let's give it to 'em.
Copy !req
1563. It's fun. Come on.
Copy !req
1564. Right here.
Right here.
Copy !req
1565. Here?Yeah, pull in there.
Copy !req
1566. I just gotta
get some milk.
Copy !req
1567. All right, well...
Copy !req
1568. Good night. Oh, I can...
Copy !req
1569. I can wait
and drive you
all the way home.
Copy !req
1570. Oh, no, it's okay.
Copy !req
1571. I like to ride my bike
at night.
Copy !req
1572. Okay.
Copy !req
1573. But, technically,
that was our first date.
Copy !req
1574. So you just brought me
to a strip joint
Copy !req
1575. for our first date.
Real classy.
Copy !req
1576. Ooh, snap.
Copy !req
1577. Mm. Well, I guess
we got to do it again.
Copy !req
1578. You want to go
to the pier
Friday night?
Copy !req
1579. Beats liver and onions
at Luby's.
Copy !req
1580. I love Luby's.
Copy !req
1581. So, friends,
Copy !req
1582. it is with humility,
Copy !req
1583. and boundless confidence
in America's promise...
Copy !req
1584. that I accept
your nomination
Copy !req
1585. for President
of the United States!
Copy !req
1586. All right,
Copy !req
1587. Rich Snarkey
is with us in Washington.
Copy !req
1588. Rich, what are
these new emails
Copy !req
1589. Yeah?
Copy !req
1590. Mm. Yeah?
Copy !req
1591. Daddy want to play?
Copy !req
1592. I don't know
if I'm feeling it.
Copy !req
1593. Oh, I can feel it. Mm.
Copy !req
1594. Nice and fast.
Copy !req
1595. I just don't think
it's happening today.
Copy !req
1596. Come on.
Copy !req
1597. Don't you want to
get in me?
Copy !req
1598. Don't you want
to get in this
tight little pussy.
Copy !req
1599. I don't feel it,
I'm sorry.
I'm just not feeling it.
Copy !req
1600. Jesus Christ.
Okay, okay.
Copy !req
1601. What? It's fine.
Copy !req
1602. Whatever.
I didn't want to,
Copy !req
1603. Lonnie!
Copy !req
1604. Lonnie!
Copy !req
1605. Lonnie! Lon...
Copy !req
1606. Hey!
Copy !req
1607. Don't be tied up
all day.
Copy !req
1608. Hey, Lonniekins.
Copy !req
1609. Hey, Lexi, what's up? Oh, not much.
Copy !req
1610. What are you doin'? Oh, you know,
Copy !req
1611. fartin' around
with the old man.
Copy !req
1612. Oh, yeah. Same shit,
different day.
Copy !req
1613. Oh, I know, I know.
Copy !req
1614. What are you doin'?
Copy !req
1615. I'm just, you know,
gettin' some air.
Copy !req
1616. Some sunshine.
Copy !req
1617. So you and Mikey
been hangin' out, huh?
Copy !req
1618. Yeah. It's been fun
having him in town.
Copy !req
1619. Oh, really? Yeah.
Copy !req
1620. Is he giving you money
for all those rides
you're giving him?
Copy !req
1621. Mm, no.
Copy !req
1622. I mean,
I don't mind,
we're buds.
Copy !req
1623. I know y'all don't
have a set of wheels
right now, so...
Copy !req
1624. No, we don't,
not right now.
Copy !req
1625. Yeah, you been working out?
Copy !req
1626. No.
Copy !req
1627. Oh. You look good. Thanks.
Copy !req
1628. You sure you haven't
been working out?
Copy !req
1629. I'm positive.
Copy !req
1630. Can't call you
"scrawny Lonnie"
no more,
Copy !req
1631. can I?
Copy !req
1632. You keep Mikey
out of trouble now,
you hear?
Copy !req
1633. I'll try.
Copy !req
1634. Okay, I know you will.
Copy !req
1635. Good seeing you.
Copy !req
1636. Good seeing you.
Take care.
Copy !req
1637. There's a lot of rides,
Copy !req
1638. we could do
the roller-coaster.
Copy !req
1639. Am I tall enough?
Copy !req
1640. I think it's, like,
48 inches
or whatever.
Copy !req
1641. I'll give you
48 inches
or whatever.
Copy !req
1642. I'm sorry.
That was too easy.
Copy !req
1643. But I got you. It's like,
Copy !req
1644. if you're scared,
just grab onto me, you know.
Copy !req
1645. I'll hold your hand.
Copy !req
1646. So, after this,
Copy !req
1647. are you gonna fuck me
under the boardwalk?
Copy !req
1648. You're such a little
you know that?
Copy !req
1649. Look who's talking.
Copy !req
1650. Wait, what do you mean?
Copy !req
1651. You know what I mean.
Copy !req
1652. Mr. Saber.
Copy !req
1653. Oh, my God!
Copy !req
1654. Mikey!
Copy !req
1655. The second I broke up
with Nash,
Copy !req
1656. my Facebook blew up
Copy !req
1657. with everyone
and their fucking grandma
Copy !req
1658. sending me links
to your videos.
Copy !req
1659. And you're cool
with it?
Copy !req
1660. Would I be here
if I gave a shit?
Copy !req
1661. I actually think
it's kinda dope.
Copy !req
1662. Hmm.
Copy !req
1663. I think it's cool
you just said,
Copy !req
1664. "Fuck it, I'm gonna get paid
Copy !req
1665. "for doing
the thing I love most."
Copy !req
1666. And as long
as you're not
hurtin' anybody,
Copy !req
1667. you do you, man.
Copy !req
1668. But if you give me something,
Copy !req
1669. I swear to fuckin' God...
Copy !req
1670. Us porn folk
Copy !req
1671. are the most tested people
on the whole planet.
Copy !req
1672. I mean, think about it,
Copy !req
1673. we got to get
tested to work,
you know?
Copy !req
1674. Maybe I gave you somethin'?
Copy !req
1675. Oh, don't even kid!
Copy !req
1676. I posted a nude
online once.
Copy !req
1677. I can never tell
if you're joking
or if you're serious.
Copy !req
1678. My friends and I
were messing around
Copy !req
1679. on that subreddit,
Gone Wild.
Copy !req
1680. We were just trying
to see how much
attention we could get.
Copy !req
1681. We weren't even naked,
we had,
Copy !req
1682. like, our stuffed animals
like that, you know?
Copy !req
1683. But this old guy
in Ohio
Copy !req
1684. propositioned us
to sell a nude pic.
Copy !req
1685. And I did,
and he Venmo'd me
60 bucks.
Copy !req
1686. Sixty bucks? Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
1687. You're a bad, bad girl.
Copy !req
1688. But 60 bucks ain't shit.
Copy !req
1689. You should get
at least double that.
Copy !req
1690. So were you planning
on ever telling me?
Copy !req
1691. Yeah.
Copy !req
1692. It's not something you drop
on a civilian.
Copy !req
1693. A civilian?
Is that what I am?
Copy !req
1694. Yeah.
Copy !req
1695. But you don't have to be.
Copy !req
1696. For reals?
Copy !req
1697. Look, I'm gonna
be straight with you.
Copy !req
1698. I've been in the business
almost 20 years,
Copy !req
1699. and nobody,
nobody comes close
to you.
Copy !req
1700. Straight up, you could be
a huge star,
I'm just saying.
Copy !req
1701. You're funny. Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
1702. Look,
Copy !req
1703. I'm already about to have
a very awkward senior year.
Copy !req
1704. Mm.
Copy !req
1705. I'm not about to have
a very awkward
rest of my life.
Copy !req
1706. Ah.
Copy !req
1707. but the second time
Copy !req
1708. I fell out of the tree,
Copy !req
1709. I fell straight down
on the ground
and broke my arm,
Copy !req
1710. so I had a leg broken
and an arm broken.
Copy !req
1711. And then Mom had
to wheel me around
in the shoppin' cart
Copy !req
1712. for, like, a month...
Copy !req
1713. And you loved that.
Copy !req
1714. It was so embarrassing.
Copy !req
1715. Aw. Hey!
Copy !req
1716. Hey, Mikey. Hmm.
Copy !req
1717. How you doing?
Copy !req
1718. I'm good.
What you doin' here?
Copy !req
1719. Just catchin' up
Copy !req
1720. with Lil and Lexi.Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
1721. Catching up
on some old stuff.
Copy !req
1722. Mm-hmm. Shootin' the breeze.
Copy !req
1723. Sounds like it. Yeah.
Copy !req
1724. You should let me know
next time,
Copy !req
1725. I'll make some steaks.
Hang out with you guys.
Copy !req
1726. Sounds great. Yeah.
Copy !req
1727. Sounds like a plan.Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
1728. Ladies,
I'mma get up outta here.
Copy !req
1729. It's getting late. Oh, no. Already?
Copy !req
1730. But your hospitality
was good,
Copy !req
1731. the conversation was boss.Aw.
Copy !req
1732. Okay, girls... So good to see you.
Copy !req
1733. Absolutely.
Copy !req
1734. So good
to see you again,
Copy !req
1735. You, too, my baby. Please come back.
Copy !req
1736. I will. I will. Don't be a stranger.
Copy !req
1737. You take care of yourself,
baby girl.
Copy !req
1738. You, too. All right?
Copy !req
1739. Be safe out there.
Copy !req
1740. Mikey, I'm sure
I'll see you soon.
Copy !req
1741. Yeah, you will.
Copy !req
1742. Thanks, Lele. Good night.
Copy !req
1743. Good night. God bless you.
Copy !req
1744. Did it come through?
Copy !req
1745. Yeah. Bullshit.
Copy !req
1746. You see her?
She's fuckin' smokin',
Copy !req
1747. You're not gonna
believe this, dude.
Copy !req
1748. Her name is Strawberry. What?
Copy !req
1749. Fucking Strawberry.
Copy !req
1750. You can't make
this shit up, man.
Copy !req
1751. Strawberry? Yeah. No, I...
Copy !req
1752. Has there even been
a Strawberry before?
Copy !req
1753. She's my way
back in, man,
I'm tellin' you.
Copy !req
1754. This is like a Jenna Jameson,
Sasha Grey-level find here.
Copy !req
1755. Aw, fuck, I'm blessed,
I'm so fucking blessed.
Copy !req
1756. See, this is my talent,
Copy !req
1757. I could be a badass scout.
Copy !req
1758. I got my finger on the pulse
of the next generation, baby.
Copy !req
1759. How do you know
she's gonna be
down for this, man?
Copy !req
1760. Oh, she's down,
trust me, she's down.
Copy !req
1761. Plus, she sucks on my fingers
while I'm fucking her, bro.
Copy !req
1762. Oh, yeah? That's cool.
Copy !req
1763. Yeah, it's cool.
You know what that means?
Copy !req
1764. She likes fingers?
Copy !req
1765. You're so cute.
Copy !req
1766. Means she likes
having a dick in her mouth
Copy !req
1767. while getting fucked.
It's a telltale sign, bro.
Copy !req
1768. Oh, yeah? Yeah.
Copy !req
1769. Any time a girl puts something
in her mouth while fucking,
Copy !req
1770. either they're familiar
with that scenario
Copy !req
1771. or they're intrigued
by that scenario.
Copy !req
1772. Think about it, man,
it's just logic.
Copy !req
1773. I never
thought about it
that way.
Copy !req
1774. Yeah, man,
no, that's what Lexi did.
Copy !req
1775. You know,
when we first started dating,
Copy !req
1776. Lexi would suck on my fingers
while I was fucking her.
Copy !req
1777. That's what schooled me
to the knowledge
Copy !req
1778. that she'd slept with
Copy !req
1779. more than one dude
at a time before.
Copy !req
1780. So when I proposed
a threesome, she was in.
Copy !req
1781. She didn't fight it,
she fucking loved it.
Copy !req
1782. Huh. Yeah.
Copy !req
1783. Well, what do you think
Copy !req
1784. Lexi is gonna think
about all of this, though?
Copy !req
1785. Dude, Lexi is the bane
of my fucking existence, man.
Copy !req
1786. Everything that has gone wrong
in my life the last 15 years
Copy !req
1787. pretty much
stems back to her.
Copy !req
1788. I've forgiven her
over and over again.
Copy !req
1789. I've overlooked so much shit
in the name of forgiveness,
Copy !req
1790. but it doesn't matter,
she always fucks me...
Copy !req
1791. Hey, how you doin', sir?
Copy !req
1792. Go look up the Lexi Lane,
Ashley Blue gangbang.
Copy !req
1793. At the end,
I'm fucking Ashley,
Copy !req
1794. so I wasn't paying attention.
Copy !req
1795. Lexi starts badmouthing me
to the male talent on camera.
Copy !req
1796. Saying that I'm limp dick
and shit,
Copy !req
1797. and that's
a total fucking lie.
Copy !req
1798. Of course
I can get it up, right?
Copy !req
1799. I didn't know this until
the fucking DVD came out.
Copy !req
1800. I wanted to knock
that bitch out.
Copy !req
1801. Anyway, don't say shit.
That stays between us.
Copy !req
1802. I got you, brother.You got the next set.
Copy !req
1803. Appreciate you. Thank you.
Copy !req
1804. So... I joined
your Pornhub page.
Copy !req
1805. You watching my scenes?
Copy !req
1806. Checked out a few.
Copy !req
1807. I watched the one
you won Best Oral for.
Copy !req
1808. Yeah? Yeah.
Copy !req
1809. Not that it's not hot
watchin' you,
but, like...
Copy !req
1810. Yeah?
Copy !req
1811. So the girl,
plus all the guys
she's blowin'...
Copy !req
1812. Hello, Mr. Mikey.
Copy !req
1813. Hey, Ms. Phan.
Copy !req
1814. Uh, I swept outside
and watered
the plants for you.
Copy !req
1815. Great.
Copy !req
1816. So the girl, plus
all the guys she's blowin',
win the award?
Copy !req
1817. Right.
Copy !req
1818. But we all share it,
the award.
Copy !req
1819. Okay. But, like,
Copy !req
1820. she's on her knees
blowing a line of guys,
Copy !req
1821. it's like her scene.
Copy !req
1822. Why are you winning
an award for it?
Copy !req
1823. Okay, well,
that's up for discussion.
Copy !req
1824. Anyway, you shouldn't
be watching that stuff.
Copy !req
1825. You know,
just pretend
it doesn't exist.
Copy !req
1826. Don't watch that stuff,
it's not good.
Copy !req
1827. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
1828. Did I hurt
your feelings? No. It's okay.
Copy !req
1829. Sorry, I should have asked
Copy !req
1830. if it was okay
if I watched.
Copy !req
1831. Hmm.
Copy !req
1832. Well,
if you do want
to watch one,
Copy !req
1833. check out The Fast
and the Furious parody
I did.
Copy !req
1834. Are you serious? Hell yeah.
Copy !req
1835. Fast and the Fury-ass.
Copy !req
1836. Yeah.I love it.
Copy !req
1837. Clever, right?
Copy !req
1838. I play Brian O'Conner,
that's Paul Walker's
Copy !req
1839. Man, my acting
was next level.
Copy !req
1840. I mean, my scenes
were miles above
the other scenes.
Copy !req
1841. To this day, people
will tweet me and be like,
Copy !req
1842. "Oh, you were
the perfect O'Conner."
Copy !req
1843. I was actually
even nominated
for that role.
Copy !req
1844. Best Supporting Actor
in a Parody.
Copy !req
1845. But I didn't win.
It was the big snub
of the night.
Copy !req
1846. There was boos
and everything.
It was crazy.
Copy !req
1847. And then Paul Walker goes
and gets himself killed,
Copy !req
1848. which is such a bummer
Copy !req
1849. because then
I'm fucked out
of the sequels.
Copy !req
1850. That sucks. Yeah.
Copy !req
1851. So...
Copy !req
1852. You want to come over
this weekend?
Copy !req
1853. Come over?
What, to your place?
Copy !req
1854. Yeah. We can spend
Saturday night there.
Copy !req
1855. Uh... Nah, nah,
I'm not into
Copy !req
1856. the whole
meet-the-parents thing.
Copy !req
1857. You think I'd introduce you
to my mom?
Copy !req
1858. Are you fucking kidding me?
No. God, no! No.
Copy !req
1859. She'll be out of town.
She got a new boyfriend,
Copy !req
1860. and they're going to Houston
to fuck themselves silly.
Copy !req
1861. So, we got the place
to our own,
Copy !req
1862. to fuck ourselves
even sillier.
Copy !req
1863. Ah!
Copy !req
1864. Mikey? Yeah?
Copy !req
1865. You haven't even asked
about Eric once.
Copy !req
1866. You got
my Facebook message
when it happened.
Copy !req
1867. We chatted.
Copy !req
1868. My heart goes out to you.
It was a terrible thing.
Copy !req
1869. So...
Copy !req
1870. Any word on you getting
custody or whatever?
Copy !req
1871. Yeah.
Copy !req
1872. Well, I was thinking...
Copy !req
1873. I have a meetin'
with CPS next week.
Copy !req
1874. And I was thinking
you could come with me
Copy !req
1875. and we could tell
the case worker...
Copy !req
1876. Her name is Mary-Anne,
Copy !req
1877. she's real nice
and she's trying
to help me out.
Copy !req
1878. And we can tell her
about how things
are going well here
Copy !req
1879. and, you know...
Copy !req
1880. Like you and me,
and all...
Copy !req
1881. 'Cause, I mean,
Copy !req
1882. if things are going well
with you and me and all,
Copy !req
1883. and I can get
a clean test...
Copy !req
1884. And that's gonna happen?
Copy !req
1885. No wonder they took him,
Copy !req
1886. you're right back
to where you were
in '08 all over again.
Copy !req
1887. Where's his dad
in all this shit anyway?
Copy !req
1888. Why doesn't he step
the fuck up? Seriously.
Copy !req
1889. Or better yet,
why doesn't Leondria
go with you,
Copy !req
1890. being that she's so concerned
with our fucking business.
Copy !req
1891. You know what,
fuck this place.
Copy !req
1892. I'm going to go watch TV
with your mom.
Copy !req
1893. Don't judge, okay?
Copy !req
1894. Why would I do that?
Copy !req
1895. You're talking to a boy
who grew up in Texas City,
Copy !req
1896. so I'm not going
to judge anything.
Copy !req
1897. This is it?Yeah.
Copy !req
1898. Oh.
Uh, I take it back,
this place is a shithole.
Copy !req
1899. Can you take me
home, please?
Copy !req
1900. All right, ta-da.
Copy !req
1901. Wow. Luxurious. Yeah.
Copy !req
1902. Can't smoke in here,
by the way,
Copy !req
1903. my mom's trying to quit. That's okay.
Copy !req
1904. Is this you?Yeah.
Copy !req
1905. That's the first selfie
I ever took.
Copy !req
1906. Mm. Vintage.
Copy !req
1907. You want a Coke? Yes.
Copy !req
1908. And that's your mom?
Copy !req
1909. Yep. And that's
my grandma,
and that's me.
Copy !req
1910. And that's me.
And that's me.
Copy !req
1911. Cute.
Copy !req
1912. What's back here?
Copy !req
1913. Ah, that's
my mom's room. Oh.
Copy !req
1914. I am right here.
Copy !req
1915. Wow. Wow.
Copy !req
1916. Pink.
Copy !req
1917. Pink.
Copy !req
1918. It's supposed to make you
happy or something.
Copy !req
1919. Yeah.
Copy !req
1920. Wow.
Copy !req
1921. So, tell your mom
I'm moving in.
Copy !req
1922. You feel the sunshine?
Copy !req
1923. By the way,
what sign are you?
Copy !req
1924. Why?
Copy !req
1925. Uh... I mean,
I don't even
believe in astrology,
Copy !req
1926. but I'm just asking.
Copy !req
1927. A bad sign.
Copy !req
1928. I don't believe
in that shit, either.
Copy !req
1929. Yeah.
Copy !req
1930. You know,
before this place
was about black gold,
Copy !req
1931. it was about black ivory.
Copy !req
1932. Oh, yeah? Yeah.
Copy !req
1933. I don't understand.
Copy !req
1934. Slave trade, silly. Oh.
Copy !req
1935. Slaves were sold here.
Copy !req
1936. Some, like, famous
French pirate ran the show.
Copy !req
1937. A French pirate?
I bet he had
really good style.
Copy !req
1938. I bet he dressed good.
Copy !req
1939. When I was little,
my mama would
take me out here
Copy !req
1940. and we'd go hunting
for pirate booty.
Copy !req
1941. Ooh.
Copy !req
1942. I love pirate booty. Ooh.
Copy !req
1943. Tell me more.
Copy !req
1944. I'm coming to get ya.
Copy !req
1945. Fuck!
Copy !req
1946. This is prime Texas beef
right here.
Copy !req
1947. This might be the one thing
this place has above LA.
Copy !req
1948. Besides you, of course.
Copy !req
1949. You're like
an extraterrestrial
around here.
Copy !req
1950. When I look at you,
I don't think Gulf Coast,
Copy !req
1951. you know...
Well, besides
the sexy drawl.
Copy !req
1952. You jerk.
It's not that bad.
Copy !req
1953. It's pretty bad.
Copy !req
1954. Stop makin' fun of me.
Copy !req
1955. I'm not.
I had one,
but I lost it,
Copy !req
1956. after living in LA
for a while,
you lose it.
Copy !req
1957. I remember being at work
when I first got there,
Copy !req
1958. these guys made fun of me
'cause I was like,
Copy !req
1959. "Hi, I'm Mikey."
Copy !req
1960. And they all said,
"You sound like
a dumb hick."
Copy !req
1961. So, yeah, just lost it.
Copy !req
1962. Well,
Copy !req
1963. another year or so
and I'm out of here.
Copy !req
1964. Why wait?I told you. Moolah.
Copy !req
1965. I didn't have any money
when I left.
Copy !req
1966. I have no friends.
No connections.
Copy !req
1967. I'll be your friend.
I'll be your connection.
Copy !req
1968. Don't fuck with me.
Copy !req
1969. I'm not.
Copy !req
1970. This is nice.Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
1971. Hold up.
I got an idea.
Copy !req
1972. Whoa,
what are you doing?
Copy !req
1973. Let's shoot a scene,
for us.
Just for us.
Copy !req
1974. All right, but if we do that,
we're using my phone.
Copy !req
1975. Why, you don't trust me?
Copy !req
1976. Well, you could lose
your phone, motherfucker.
Copy !req
1977. You could lose your phone,
Copy !req
1978. Well, then
it would be on me.Mm, true dat.
Copy !req
1979. Look at that,
look at that.
Copy !req
1980. You see that, you see
how good you look?
Copy !req
1981. You film here, take it.
Take it.
Copy !req
1982. Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
1983. Yeah.
Copy !req
1984. That's so hot.I know.
Copy !req
1985. You're telling me.
Copy !req
1986. Look at that,
look at that,
Copy !req
1987. you know how to play
to the camera
and everything.
Copy !req
1988. You see how you make sure
your face is always seen
Copy !req
1989. and you're aware
of the camera?
Copy !req
1990. That's skill right there.
That's crazy.
Copy !req
1991. If this doesn't show you
that you can be a star,
Copy !req
1992. I don't know what will.
Copy !req
1993. You really think so?I know so.
Copy !req
1994. Hmm.
Copy !req
1995. I'm not into
that swinger stuff
Copy !req
1996. Swinger stuff? Yeah.
Copy !req
1997. I like fucking you,
Copy !req
1998. and I don't want to fuck
anybody else.
Copy !req
1999. And I don't want to
think about you
fucking other girls.
Copy !req
2000. It'll be just us.
Copy !req
2001. It's called
"couple scenes."
Copy !req
2002. It'll be exclusive,
just me and you.
Copy !req
2003. Getting paid to do
what we just did.
Copy !req
2004. Shit, you would
have made $2,000
Copy !req
2005. for that video
right there.Mm.
Copy !req
2006. How many times
did you come? Three times.
Copy !req
2007. You would have been paid
two grand to come
three times.
Copy !req
2008. I'm not
that good at math,
Copy !req
2009. but that's
a really good deal.
Copy !req
2010. I have to
sleep on it,
Copy !req
2011. but it's not like
I don't already have
the porn star name.
Copy !req
2012. Right?
Copy !req
2013. You play?
Copy !req
2014. No, I eat off of it.
Copy !req
2015. You're such
a smart-ass. Yeah.
Copy !req
2016. Yeah, since I was six.
Copy !req
2017. You going
to play me something?
Copy !req
2018. Gonna make me?
Mm-hmm. Hmm.
Copy !req
2019. Okay.
Copy !req
2020. So...
Copy !req
2021. Where were you?
Copy !req
2022. I texted you.
I was gone for the weekend.
Copy !req
2023. I know.
Copy !req
2024. That's not my question.
Copy !req
2025. Where were you?
Copy !req
2026. You serious right now?
Copy !req
2027. Yeah,
I'm fuckin' serious.
Copy !req
2028. I was in this
cute little town
Copy !req
2029. called none of your
fuckin' business Texas.
Copy !req
2030. How about
that's where I was.
Copy !req
2031. Oh, were ya? Yeah.
Copy !req
2032. That sounds like
a lot of fun.
Copy !req
2033. I hope you had
a good fuckin' time!
Copy !req
2034. What the fuck
was that, huh?
Huh? Huh?
Copy !req
2035. Get your fuckin' hands
off me!
Copy !req
2036. Hey, Lil,
come get your daughter!
Copy !req
2037. Huh? Mikey, go fuck yourself!
Copy !req
2038. Okay. Look!
Look! Look! Look!
Copy !req
2039. I was makin' us
money, okay?
Copy !req
2040. I had to go down
to Corpus Christi
to pick up some shit.
Copy !req
2041. For us! Oh, I don't believe you!
Copy !req
2042. You don't believe me?I don't fuckin'
believe you!
Copy !req
2043. You don't believe me?
Copy !req
2044. Huh?
Copy !req
2045. Four weeks ago,
I had zip, huh.
Copy !req
2046. Now I got 3K!
Look at it!
Copy !req
2047. Give me a fucking break!
Copy !req
2048. When was the last time
you had money like that
Copy !req
2049. under your
fucking roof, huh?
Copy !req
2050. Now, if you want me to keep
paying for rent and food,
Copy !req
2051. shut the fuck up!
Copy !req
2052. And I'm not cleaning
that shit up, either!
Copy !req
2053. She's in, man.
She's fuckin' in!
Copy !req
2054. Yeah? She's in?Yeah.
Copy !req
2055. I'm still ironing out
the details, but guaranteed,
Copy !req
2056. I'll have her shooting scenes
by September, baby!
Copy !req
2057. That's pretty impressive
though, man.
Copy !req
2058. Three weeks, you convinced
a girl to do porn?
Copy !req
2059. Like, what the fuck.
Copy !req
2060. I couldn't convince
my first girlfriend
Copy !req
2061. to give me a blowjob
for three fucking years.
Copy !req
2062. Hey, man,
Copy !req
2063. what can I say, baby,
I'm good at what I do.
Copy !req
2064. So that means
you're going to be leaving?
Copy !req
2065. Yeah, I'm leaving.
Copy !req
2066. Well, when are you leaving?
Copy !req
2067. Basically,
I need enough to float us
Copy !req
2068. until she starts shootin'.
Copy !req
2069. I'm thinkin' I could have that
by the end of August, easy.
Copy !req
2070. Dude, it's going to suck
for you to go.
Copy !req
2071. I know, man,
it's going to suck
Copy !req
2072. not hanging with you,
anymore, Lonnie.
Copy !req
2073. You're my guy!
But, dude,
Copy !req
2074. I'm on top of my game
right now,
Copy !req
2075. on, like, every single
possible level.
Copy !req
2076. Physical stamina,
my mind is sharp.
Copy !req
2077. Now that I'm making money,
Copy !req
2078. I'm taking 5-HTP
for serotonin in my brain.
Copy !req
2079. Dude,
with my skill and ability
Copy !req
2080. and my eidetic memory shit,
Copy !req
2081. there's no denying
what I could do.
Copy !req
2082. The universe
is on my side, bro.
Copy !req
2083. Yeah?
Copy !req
2084. Saber Entertainment's
first signed contract girl.
Copy !req
2085. Strawberry!
Huh? You like that?
Copy !req
2086. I do, yeah.
Copy !req
2087. Just Strawberry.
No need for anything fancy,
Copy !req
2088. all the biggest celebrities
have one name.
Copy !req
2089. Cher. Prince. Madonna.
Copy !req
2090. Ooh, I'm getting a LLC
for Saber Entertainment.
Copy !req
2091. Yeah?I had a DBA for Mikey Saber,
Copy !req
2092. but, uh, I didn't pay
my annual fees,
so it expired,
Copy !req
2093. and I had a falling out
with my old business partner.
Copy !req
2094. But I do have
Mike Saber trademarked.
Copy !req
2095. That's cool. Yeah.
Copy !req
2096. Oh, it's going to be
a big announcement
at AdultCon, bro.
Copy !req
2097. Yeah? Yeah, dude.
Copy !req
2098. You know what,
this small-town life,
Copy !req
2099. it just ain't for me, man.
Copy !req
2100. No offense. But, like,
I'm a big-city guy, you know.
Copy !req
2101. Dude, if you want, I can
hook you up with Leondria
Copy !req
2102. so you can have
my clientele.
Copy !req
2103. Hell yeah! Yeah.
Copy !req
2104. I just don't want you
selling fuckin' flags
Copy !req
2105. for the rest of your life,
you know what I mean?
Copy !req
2106. Oh, here's the exit
right here, bro!
Copy !req
2107. Fuck! Shit!
What the fuck!
Copy !req
2108. Dude, we're fucked,
dude, we're fucked!
Copy !req
2109. I fuckin' know, man.
Copy !req
2110. We're fucked!
We're fucked!
Copy !req
2111. Oh, my God, Lonnie,
Copy !req
2112. why'd you fuckin' pull off
like that, man?
Copy !req
2113. I didn't do
anything, man,
Copy !req
2114. I just fuckin'
took the turn
Copy !req
2115. like you fuckin'
asked me to, man!
Copy !req
2116. Stop the car, man.
Stop the fucking car.
Copy !req
2117. Stop the fucking car!
Copy !req
2118. Where you going?
Copy !req
2119. Crap! Fuck!
Copy !req
2120. Listen. Listen!
Copy !req
2121. Asshole, look at me.
Copy !req
2122. I was never with you.
Copy !req
2123. You don't know me.
I don't know you.
Copy !req
2124. This never happened.
Are you listening to me?
Copy !req
2125. What are we going to do?
Copy !req
2126. "We"? You did this,
not me!
Copy !req
2127. Look at me,
you don't know me.
Say it. Say it.
Copy !req
2128. You don't know me, say it.
Copy !req
2129. I don't know you, man.
Copy !req
2130. Fuck!
Copy !req
2131. Jesus Christ!
What the fuck, Mikey!
Copy !req
2132. Fuck.
Copy !req
2133. Mikey?
Copy !req
2134. Yeah, no, I'm fine.You okay?
Copy !req
2135. Yeah, I'm okay,
Copy !req
2136. You scared
the shit out of me.
Copy !req
2137. I know.
I just don't feel good.
Copy !req
2138. Are you sure
you're okay? Yup, thank you.
Copy !req
2139. According to authorities,
Copy !req
2140. the 22-car pileup
was caused
Copy !req
2141. by a reckless driver
that fled the scene.
Copy !req
2142. I hope they find
who's responsible for this.
Copy !req
2143. Better not be
a drunk driver.
Copy !req
2144. Oh, they will find them.
Copy !req
2145. They'll do some kind
of CSIstuff.
Copy !req
2146. Can you guys
keep it down?
I can't hear.
Copy !req
2147. Oh, man. Geez, I'm sorry,
Copy !req
2148. Mikey gives a shit
about something...
Copy !req
2149. Shut up.
I can't hear
the announcer.
Copy !req
2150. I can't hear anything
'cause you're talking!
Copy !req
2151. Seriously, that's tragic shit,
you guys are joking around.
Copy !req
2152. Jesus Christ.
Copy !req
2153. Witnesses say...
Copy !req
2154. that the reckless driver
crossed from
the far left lane
Copy !req
2155. in front of a semitruck,
Copy !req
2156. causing the truck
to jackknife,
Copy !req
2157. resulting in
a chain-reaction crash
Copy !req
2158. that came out of nowhere.
Copy !req
2159. Hey.
Copy !req
2160. Hey. How you doing?
Copy !req
2161. Yeah. Everything's good.
Copy !req
2162. Uh... Yeah, we were
just watching the news.
Copy !req
2163. Shit's crazy, right?
Copy !req
2164. I know.
Copy !req
2165. Um, look,
some business stuff
came up,
Copy !req
2166. so I'm not sure
I can make it tonight.
Copy !req
2167. No, no, it's all good,
Copy !req
2168. just some business stuff
I got to take care of.
Copy !req
2169. Yeah.
Copy !req
2170. Okay. Okay, bye.
Copy !req
2171. Mikey! Mikey!
Copy !req
2172. Oh, my God,
there's fuckin' cops
Copy !req
2173. outside of fuckin' Lonnie's!
Copy !req
2174. Something's goin' down!
Copy !req
2175. What? Come quick,
Copy !req
2176. there's cops next door,
oh, my gosh!
Copy !req
2177. The sheriff's here, too!
Copy !req
2178. Holy shit.
Copy !req
2179. Those sarge
are gorgeous.
Copy !req
2180. This is fuckin' crazy.
Copy !req
2181. Oh, my God, Ma,
the news. Fucking news is...
Copy !req
2182. I'm gonna go
check it out. Wait...
Copy !req
2183. Come on.
Copy !req
2184. Mom, come on.
Copy !req
2185. Thank you, Nathan.
Copy !req
2186. Texas city resident,
Lonnifer Hill,
Copy !req
2187. is in custody
at the Galveston County Jail.
Copy !req
2188. He is scheduled to make
Copy !req
2189. his court appearance
this afternoon...
Copy !req
2190. Morning. Morning.
Copy !req
2191. According to his attorney,
Copy !req
2192. a bond is not being
considered at this time.
Copy !req
2193. Thank you, Lily.
Copy !req
2194. Of the 14 individuals
taken to hospitals,
Copy !req
2195. eight are still being treated.
Copy !req
2196. There will be
a lot of investigation
Copy !req
2197. into every action
that led to this.
Copy !req
2198. I'm gonna
get some milk.
Copy !req
2199. One of the State
Copy !req
2200. Okay. ... of this area,
Copy !req
2201. Blake Farenthold,
has told News 12...
Copy !req
2202. Hey, watch your bike
there, man.
Copy !req
2203. I mean, the cars just kept
coming and coming.
Copy !req
2204. De Leo made it out,
untouched, but shaken.
Copy !req
2205. That had to be
so scary for those drivers.
Copy !req
2206. Channel 5 spoke to
the neighbor
of the individual
Copy !req
2207. allegedly responsible
for the incident last night.
Copy !req
2208. It's shocking! I mean,
I've known him forever.
Copy !req
2209. They got him, man.
Son of a bitch!
Copy !req
2210. He's the sweetest guy... $3.
Copy !req
2211. always shy, but nice.
Great, great neighbor.
Copy !req
2212. Hey. They've been
playing my interview
all morning.
Copy !req
2213. I should have put on
some makeup.
Copy !req
2214. Looked like shit.
Copy !req
2215. Mr. Hill has
no prior convictions,
Copy !req
2216. however, this isn't
his first run-in
Copy !req
2217. with the Galveston County
District Attorney's Office.
Copy !req
2218. In 2014, Mr. Hill
had "stolen valor" charges
Copy !req
2219. filed against him
which were
subsequently dropped.
Copy !req
2220. That's all for now.
Copy !req
2221. Oh, Lonnie's fucked.
Copy !req
2222. State Highway 146
in Texas City remains closed
Copy !req
2223. while cleanup crews
continue to remove
Copy !req
2224. wreckage from
the southbound lanes.
Copy !req
2225. Mikey, I'm fixin'
to make supper,
Copy !req
2226. what would you like?
Copy !req
2227. Shit on a shingle
or chicken fried steak?
Copy !req
2228. I ain't hungry, Lil.
Copy !req
2229. Suit yourself.
Copy !req
2230. Uh-huh.
No, I, uh,
miss you, too.
Copy !req
2231. I'm just tied up at work
with a client
for a little bit,
Copy !req
2232. but, yeah, I should
be able to meet up soon.
Copy !req
2233. Three, two, one. Uh-huh.
Copy !req
2234. Okay.
This is the residence
Copy !req
2235. of Lonnie Hill,
the driver responsible
Copy !req
2236. for the chain-reaction crash
Copy !req
2237. that took place
on Highway 146,
Copy !req
2238. on Tuesday.
No, everything's fine.
Copy !req
2239. Okay. Uh, babe, I gotta go.
Let me hit you
right back.
Copy !req
2240. We have not received
any comments from his family
Copy !req
2241. at this time.
Copy !req
2242. Okay, let's do it again.
Copy !req
2243. Yo!
Copy !req
2244. Lonnie's lawyer's talking!
Copy !req
2245. My client, Lonnifer Hill,
Copy !req
2246. will remain in custody
for the time being,
Copy !req
2247. but he is cooperating fully
Copy !req
2248. with the Galveston County
Police Department.
Copy !req
2249. My client has prepared
a statement
Copy !req
2250. that I would like to read.
Copy !req
2251. "My error of judgement
Copy !req
2252. "has led to
irreversible ramifications,
Copy !req
2253. "and I am deeply sorry
to those
I've affected and hurt.
Copy !req
2254. "I panicked
Copy !req
2255. "and wrongfully left
a crash site.
Copy !req
2256. "I take full responsibility
for my actions
Copy !req
2257. "and will accept
the consequences.
Copy !req
2258. "Thank you."
Copy !req
2259. Three individuals
Copy !req
2260. who sustained
serious bodily injury
Copy !req
2261. remain under close observation
at John Sealy Hospital.
Copy !req
2262. Back to you in the studio.
Copy !req
2263. Sweet little Lonniekins.
Copy !req
2264. What did you do?
Copy !req
2265. has the latest
on the race for 2016.
Copy !req
2266. Within hours,
a new poll
Copy !req
2267. showing Hillary Clinton
with a solid lead
in the race
Copy !req
2268. for the White House,
Donald Trump
declares this.
Copy !req
2269. I'm afraid
Copy !req
2270. the election
is gonna be rigged.
I have to be honest.
Copy !req
2271. Thank you! Fuck!
Copy !req
2272. Oh, my God!
Oh, my God!
Oh, my God!
Copy !req
2273. Okay. Okay.
Copy !req
2274. Okay. Okay.
Copy !req
2275. Thank you.
Thank you. Thank...
Copy !req
2276. Yeah.
Copy !req
2277. All right.
Copy !req
2278. Strawberry,
our lives are about to...
Copy !req
2279. Hello, stranger.
Copy !req
2280. Oh. Sorry, guys.
Sorry, Ms. Phan.
Copy !req
2281. Strawberry, I need to talk
to you outside now. Come.
Copy !req
2282. Look. I've been doing
some real soul-searching.
Copy !req
2283. That pileup that happened
the other day,
Copy !req
2284. that shit affected me.
Life could change
on a dime.
Copy !req
2285. You could have been
Copy !req
2286. in one of those cars.
Copy !req
2287. I could have been
in one of those cars.
Copy !req
2288. Life would be
so different
right now.
Copy !req
2289. Look, I was gonna wait
a few weeks to ask you,
Copy !req
2290. but I'm not wasting
Copy !req
2291. any more time.
Copy !req
2292. Are you proposing
to me?What?
Copy !req
2293. Are you proposing to me?
Copy !req
2294. No! Here.
Copy !req
2295. Look, we gotta
get out of here.
Copy !req
2296. That shit
that happened on 146,
that was a sign.
Copy !req
2297. To do what makes
you happy today.
Copy !req
2298. Because there might
not be a tomorrow.
Copy !req
2299. Look, I want you
to celebrate
Copy !req
2300. your 18th birthday
in LA with me.
Copy !req
2301. I want you to
follow your destiny,
and I wanna be
Copy !req
2302. right there next to you
to help you follow it.
Copy !req
2303. So what do you say?
Copy !req
2304. Let's start
a new life together
Copy !req
2305. and get the fuck
outta this dead-end
shit-hole town, okay?
Copy !req
2306. Do you mean, like, now?
Copy !req
2307. Well, we'll leave tomorrow
Copy !req
2308. and we'll be in LA
by Monday, babe.
Copy !req
2309. Oh, my God! Mikey!
Copy !req
2310. I think I'm dreaming! Me, too!
Copy !req
2311. Ms. Phan,
I have to quit.
Copy !req
2312. I love you guys,
but I'm going to LA
with Mikey.
Copy !req
2313. Thank you for
all the free donuts,
Ms. Phan.
Copy !req
2314. So we're gonna leave
at 10:00 a.m., okay?
Copy !req
2315. I'm gonna get a car,
I'm gonna pick you up...
Copy !req
2316. You got a car?Oh, I mean get a taxi.
Copy !req
2317. I'm gonna have
a taxi pick us up
Copy !req
2318. and take us
to the station,
Copy !req
2319. and we're taking a bus
to Hollywood, baby.
Copy !req
2320. Okay.So just be packed
Copy !req
2321. and ready to go at 10:00,
but just bring one bag,
Copy !req
2322. 'cause when we get to LA,
Copy !req
2323. we're going to buy
all new shit.
Copy !req
2324. Mikey? Yeah?
Copy !req
2325. You make me so happy.
Copy !req
2326. Hey. Hey.
Copy !req
2327. Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
2328. Is Lil here? She's... She's sleeping.
Copy !req
2329. Uh...
Copy !req
2330. It's been
a crazy month, huh?
Copy !req
2331. Sure has.
Copy !req
2332. Poor Lonnie.
Copy !req
2333. Oh, God, so sad.So fucked up.
Copy !req
2334. I hope
he's all right. Yeah, me, too.
Copy !req
2335. Uh...
Copy !req
2336. Yeah, it's just
been so wild,
Copy !req
2337. we've been fighting
and all that stuff.
Copy !req
2338. Yeah.
Copy !req
2339. I'm not...
I'm not really
in the mood.
Copy !req
2340. Huh?
Copy !req
2341. I'm not really in the mood
to mess around.
Copy !req
2342. Oh.
Copy !req
2343. Yeah. Just saying.
Copy !req
2344. Okay. Okay.
Copy !req
2345. Just been fighting a lot,
Copy !req
2346. been a lot of drama
lately. And, uh...
Copy !req
2347. We don't want to fight,
you know what I mean.
Copy !req
2348. I know
you don't want that.
I don't want that.
Copy !req
2349. So...
Copy !req
2350. Yeah.
Copy !req
2351. Look, I'm...
Copy !req
2352. I'm just gonna tell ya,
Copy !req
2353. I'm going back
to California
in the morning.
Copy !req
2354. So...
Copy !req
2355. I mean...
You're going back
Copy !req
2356. to California. Yeah.
Copy !req
2357. I got some work,
Copy !req
2358. so that's good.
Copy !req
2359. Uh...
Copy !req
2360. You know,
this has not been
going good with us.
Copy !req
2361. It's so much drama,
throwing coffee pots.
Copy !req
2362. We don't need that,
you know. And...
Copy !req
2363. But this has been fun.
Copy !req
2364. You know, we had
some good times.
I know...
Copy !req
2365. Just feels like, uh...
Copy !req
2366. Just feels like
it's time to go,
you know?
Copy !req
2367. I'm sure Lil's ready
for me to go.
Copy !req
2368. Yeah.
Copy !req
2369. I don't want
to fight with you,
Copy !req
2370. you know what I mean,
Copy !req
2371. but we had good times,
as always.
Copy !req
2372. And thank you
for the hospitality.
Copy !req
2373. It's been great.
Copy !req
2374. You know,
I wanted to tell
you and Lil together,
Copy !req
2375. but I guess
I could just tell her
in the morning,
Copy !req
2376. before I go.
Or if I...
Copy !req
2377. I don't see her,
I can...
Copy !req
2378. I'll call her or something,
and thank her. But...
Copy !req
2379. So I'm gonna go to bed.
Copy !req
2380. Okay? We're good?
Copy !req
2381. You understand.
Copy !req
2382. Aw, look at
this cutie pie.
Copy !req
2383. Aw.
Copy !req
2384. Hey, yo, B,
hit the light.
Copy !req
2385. Wakey-wakey,
eggs and bakey!
Copy !req
2386. Yo! Ahh! Ah,
what the fuck!
Copy !req
2387. Oh, look out, it's me!
Copy !req
2388. Look at this scared
motherfucker, man.
Copy !req
2389. June?
Copy !req
2390. It's me, homeboy.
Copy !req
2391. What the fuck? That's right.
Copy !req
2392. What...
What are you doing here?
Copy !req
2393. Money. Weed.
Copy !req
2394. Get your shit
and get the fuck out!
Copy !req
2395. June, what the fuck,
I'm good with your mama.
Copy !req
2396. What are you talking about?
I'm not giving you shit.
Copy !req
2397. You good with my mama?
Yeah, nah. See...
Copy !req
2398. This is
your eviction notice,
Copy !req
2399. I don't think
you got the message.
Copy !req
2400. No, wait, what the fuck
are you talking about?
Copy !req
2401. I'm good with your mama... She sent us here.
Copy !req
2402. Give me my phone,
I'm calling Leondria.
Copy !req
2403. That shit's not an option.
Copy !req
2404. Where the hell
the money at?
Copy !req
2405. No, fuck you,
I'm not giving you shit!
Copy !req
2406. Fuck me?I'm not telling you
Copy !req
2407. where my fucking money is. Fuck me?
Copy !req
2408. It's under the mattress! Yo, go ahead.
Copy !req
2409. What the hell
are you doing?
Copy !req
2410. Damn! What the fuck!
Copy !req
2411. What are you doing, man?What the fuck, man!
Copy !req
2412. Motherfucker's naked!
Copy !req
2413. The money's
under the mattress!
Copy !req
2414. Shut the fuck up!
What are you doing? No!
Copy !req
2415. On the other side,
it's under the mattress.
Copy !req
2416. Go and get that, B.
Copy !req
2417. This motherfucker
is layin' on the bed.
Copy !req
2418. Get that money!
Get that money!
Copy !req
2419. What are you doing?
Copy !req
2420. I'm sorry, Mikey.
Copy !req
2421. Don't! Stop! Stop!
Copy !req
2422. That's my money!
Hey, that's my fuckin' money!
Copy !req
2423. What are you doing?
Copy !req
2424. Look, I was gonna
leave tomorrow,
Copy !req
2425. give me that shit back.
Come on, June. Be cool.
Copy !req
2426. I want you out tonight. Oh, fuck you, Lil!
Copy !req
2427. I don't give
a fuck about you!
Copy !req
2428. Yeah fuck you!I don't give a fuck
Copy !req
2429. about nothin' that
they got goin' on over here.
Copy !req
2430. I'm here
for a motherfuckin' job.
Copy !req
2431. Give me that shit back! Get your ass back!
Copy !req
2432. What are you doing? Thank you so much.
Copy !req
2433. Get dressed, man!
Copy !req
2434. I see, you bitches played me.
Copy !req
2435. Look at all this money...
Copy !req
2436. Oh, this is fuckin' great!
This is just great!
Copy !req
2437. Fuck you! So much fuckin' money!
Copy !req
2438. I can't believe
she called me over here
for this shit, man!
Copy !req
2439. Fuck you,
I paid for August rent!
Copy !req
2440. Give me some of that back!
Copy !req
2441. Now give me my mom weed,
Copy !req
2442. I'm not telling you
where the weed's at!
Copy !req
2443. I'mma fuck you up!
Copy !req
2444. You got my money,
you're not getting my weed!
Copy !req
2445. It's right over there
Copy !req
2446. You fuckin' bitch!
Copy !req
2447. Ernesto, you get...
Copy !req
2448. God... Oh, it's so hot
Copy !req
2449. in here. Ma, are you hot?
Oh, Ma, it's so hot.
Copy !req
2450. I'll fucking lunge kick
you and your mom!
Copy !req
2451. Oh, will you?
You got a green belt?
Copy !req
2452. You gonna do
some of those moves?
Copy !req
2453. Fuck you, bitch! Shut the fuck up!
Copy !req
2454. Relax, Ernesto! Get him out, guys.
Copy !req
2455. Now get your shit
and get out.
Copy !req
2456. That's right.
It's time to go.
Copy !req
2457. And don't even
think about stepping foot
Copy !req
2458. in Texas City again.
You got me?
Copy !req
2459. Ain't no lie, baby,
bye, bye, bye.
Copy !req
2460. Can I put my clothes on,
Copy !req
2461. can you just
give me some privacy
Copy !req
2462. so I can put
my clothes on, please?
Copy !req
2463. You got 30 motherfuckin'
seconds, homeboy.
Copy !req
2464. Thirty seconds
'cause you wasting my time.
Copy !req
2465. Okay.
Copy !req
2466. That's less
than a minute, Mikey.
Copy !req
2467. Yeah,
I'll give you
less than a minute.
Copy !req
2468. Less than
a motherfuckin' minute.
Copy !req
2469. I'll give you
less than a fuckin' minute.
Copy !req
2470. Thirty seconds
starts now.
Copy !req
2471. You hear me?
30 seconds. Yup.
Copy !req
2472. Thank you. All right,
let me get changed. Jesus.
Copy !req
2473. Motherfucker.
Copy !req
2474. Look at
all this money.
Copy !req
2475. Hurry the the fuck up,
you nasty bitch.
Copy !req
2476. One, two...
Copy !req
2477. three, four, five, six,
seven, eight,
Copy !req
2478. nine... Thirty!
Copy !req
2479. Oh, man.
Copy !req
2480. Mama's gonna kill me.
Copy !req
2481. Leondria!
Copy !req
2482. Shit. Open up!
Copy !req
2483. Whoa! Shit.
Copy !req
2484. Oh! Okay, sorry.
Copy !req
2485. Oh, fuck this!
What are you doing?
Copy !req
2486. We gotta talk. Where's June?
Copy !req
2487. What do you mean?
You sent... Wait! I don't...
Copy !req
2488. Listen.
Go in the back.
Copy !req
2489. Okay. Can...
Can I have a towel?
Copy !req
2490. Hell no!
Go that way.
Copy !req
2491. Fuck this.
Copy !req
2492. Cover that shit up, boy.
Copy !req
2493. Okay, look, yeah,
you want me to admit it,
Copy !req
2494. I was selling
to the hardhats.
Copy !req
2495. I know you told me not to,
but they're good customers.
Copy !req
2496. They're good guys.
Copy !req
2497. I... I...
You got their money.
Copy !req
2498. Yes?
Copy !req
2499. Yeah. Out back.
Copy !req
2500. You're persona non grata.
Copy !req
2501. You know what that means,
Mr. Hollywood?
Copy !req
2502. Yes. Yes, I know
what that means.
But why?
Copy !req
2503. I'm looking out for Lil.
Copy !req
2504. And that's all
you need to know.
Copy !req
2505. Goddamn sabotage.
Copy !req
2506. Okay. Whatever.
Copy !req
2507. Oh, great,
the goonette squad.
Copy !req
2508. Look at them go.
Copy !req
2509. All right, Ma,
man, this nigga
jumped out the window.
Copy !req
2510. Is Lil and Lexi okay?
Copy !req
2511. They're fine.
Copy !req
2512. Hey, man,
shut the fuck up.
Copy !req
2513. Look, that house is crazy.
Copy !req
2514. Everybody over there
screamin' and cryin',
Copy !req
2515. this motherfucker with
his junk swingin' everywhere.
Copy !req
2516. This lazy bastard
not doin' shit.
Copy !req
2517. Besides sittin'
on your ass. Shit, I do a lot.
Copy !req
2518. I showed up, man,
I'm the fuckin' muscle.
Copy !req
2519. And your lazy ass,
Copy !req
2520. all you did
was get the money.
Copy !req
2521. And then
you were just watchin'.
Copy !req
2522. Nobody told me
I was going to be draggin'
Copy !req
2523. a freakin' butt-naked dude
out the bed.
Copy !req
2524. Man, you ain't
even do shit, anyways.
Copy !req
2525. I don't need you
coming on no runs
with me.
Copy !req
2526. You ain't nothin'
but deadweight,
Copy !req
2527. Okay. That's cool.
It's all good.
Copy !req
2528. Mom, you gonna
let her talk to me like that?
Copy !req
2529. Hell yeah,
I'mma talk to you
like that.
Copy !req
2530. Listen... She can't save you.
Copy !req
2531. Time-out. Okay.
Copy !req
2532. Lazy motherfucker. Time the fuck out.
Copy !req
2533. Yeah, you guys
are on time-out.
Copy !req
2534. Shut up. Shut up, bro. Zip it.
Copy !req
2535. Mom...
Copy !req
2536. This incident
ruined my night.
Copy !req
2537. One of my buddies
had a party at Oceans,
Copy !req
2538. I could have been there.
Copy !req
2539. But I gotta come
and deal with this bullshit!
Copy !req
2540. You see?
Constant complaining.
Copy !req
2541. You were there
to protect your sister.
Copy !req
2542. He not coming
with me no more.
Copy !req
2543. A'ight,
well, I'm done
with this shit.
Copy !req
2544. You should've
stayed your ass at home.
Copy !req
2545. You know what?
Copy !req
2546. We havin' a family meeting
after this.
Copy !req
2547. Family meeting? Point-blank.
Copy !req
2548. You serious?
We need a meeting.
Copy !req
2549. You can take
that information
Copy !req
2550. and do what
you want with it.
Copy !req
2551. You ain't going
to that fucked-up club.
Copy !req
2552. You ain't goin' nowhere.
Copy !req
2553. Homeboy, you gon'
sit right here
and roll with us.
Copy !req
2554. We need a meeting.
Copy !req
2555. Now back to you.
Copy !req
2556. Yeah, yeah,
back to the sabotage.
Copy !req
2557. Whatever you wanna call it.
It's over with.
Copy !req
2558. That was between
me and Lexi. Seriously,
what the fuck.
Copy !req
2559. At the end of the day,
Copy !req
2560. it's about you getting up
out of Texas.
Copy !req
2561. It's time for you
to bounce.
Copy !req
2562. Yeah, I'm fixin' to,
Copy !req
2563. but I was gonna leave
in the morning,
Copy !req
2564. I need money
to do that.
Copy !req
2565. Well, maybe you could go sell
one of your fuck trophies.
Copy !req
2566. Hey, watch your mouth
in front of Mom.
Copy !req
2567. What's wrong with you?
Copy !req
2568. Did you give him his 200?
Copy !req
2569. I was,
but then his punk-ass
jumped out the window.
Copy !req
2570. Two hundred, that's it?
Copy !req
2571. That's enough
to get you a bus ticket
Copy !req
2572. far beyond the state line.
Copy !req
2573. After everything
I did for you.
Copy !req
2574. Two hundred. Wow.
Copy !req
2575. Be gone by midday.
Copy !req
2576. Thank your mom
for me.I sure will.
Copy !req
2577. Maybe you oughta
come by our house
Copy !req
2578. Yeah, that would be nice.
Copy !req
2579. Yeah, you and Lex,
y'all come on over,
Copy !req
2580. we can, you know, barbeque,
Copy !req
2581. drink some beer. Oh, that would be great.
Copy !req
2582. You know,
I should be taking
Copy !req
2583. the backpack
that you gave me,
Copy !req
2584. but, no, I'll take...
I'll use this.
Copy !req
2585. You want me
to walk down the street
Copy !req
2586. with a garbage bag? Fine.
Copy !req
2587. Yeah, you should.
Copy !req
2588. Fuckin' bullshit.Like a hobo.
Copy !req
2589. Threw my clothes in there
all fucked up,
Copy !req
2590. I'm gonna fold my clothes
Copy !req
2591. so when I leave,
they're not wrinkled.
Copy !req
2592. Me and him got in a fight
about 25 years ago.
Copy !req
2593. Really?
Copy !req
2594. I whupped his ass
in high school.
Copy !req
2595. I'm sure he deserved it. Yeah.
Copy !req
2596. I'm gonna take my time.
Copy !req
2597. Let's see
how you fold. Yeah, watch.
Copy !req
2598. Oh, look at that fold... Oh, my God.
Copy !req
2599. Oh, you should work
at the Gap.
Copy !req
2600. Man, y'all get tired
of this shit, man?
Copy !req
2601. No, I love it.Y'all get tired
of this shit?
Copy !req
2602. Lil, you're
a good woman, Lil.
Copy !req
2603. Thank you.You really are.
Copy !req
2604. Good seeing you again.
Copy !req
2605. Fuckin' dumb bitch.
All this...
Copy !req
2606. Man, hurry the fuck up! June, relax!
What the fuck!
Copy !req
2607. That's right, hurry up.
Thank you, June!
Copy !req
2608. All right! Jesus. Get your shit, come on.
Copy !req
2609. June!
Copy !req
2610. There's been
a lot of drama here.
Copy !req
2611. Oh, no, no, no,
you're not taking
big stripes!
Copy !req
2612. Your big stripes... No, no!
Copy !req
2613. I have the 64-ounce one!
Copy !req
2614. And I took favorite shirt,
fuck you.
Copy !req
2615. for you, in here,
Mikey, get the fuck...
Copy !req
2616. Come on! Go sit down!
Copy !req
2617. I'm taking my toothbrush!
Copy !req
2618. Don't pretend
you brush your teeth.
Copy !req
2619. Shut up!
Relax, June, damn. Oh, my God.
Copy !req
2620. All right, I'm going.
Copy !req
2621. Uh, Lil, seriously,
thank you so much
for letting me stay,
Copy !req
2622. I had an amazing time,
Copy !req
2623. and you and your daughter
are dumb bitches.
Copy !req
2624. Don't say that. Piece of shit.
Copy !req
2625. That is not right.
Copy !req
2626. Get the fuck out!I gotta get water
Copy !req
2627. before I leave
'cause I'm gonna be thirsty!
Copy !req
2628. You gotta go, man.
Copy !req
2629. I bought this.
I bought this ashtray!
Copy !req
2630. No,
I said when I got,
I can take it back.
Copy !req
2631. Hey, let's go.You did not!
Copy !req
2632. There's no take-backs! Fine. Fine.
Copy !req
2633. Get outta here, man.
Copy !req
2634. I should have beat your ass
in high school.
Copy !req
2635. Too bad
it was the other way
around, huh?
Copy !req
2636. Yeah.You want to go
another round?
Copy !req
2637. Nah. You know what?
Copy !req
2638. I got one last thing
to say to all you guys.
Copy !req
2639. Man, shut your
bitch-ass up. Shut up!
Copy !req
2640. Shut the fuck up. Leave.
Copy !req
2641. Not another word out
of your mouth!
Copy !req
2642. Now get the fuck out,
you suitcase pimp.
Copy !req
2643. What'd you say?
Copy !req
2644. You heard me.
Suitcase pimp.
Copy !req
2645. Say that shit again.
Copy !req
2646. Homeless suitcase pimp.
Copy !req
2647. Hmm.
Copy !req
2648. Just go ahead
and leave, dude.
Copy !req
2649. What the...
Copy !req
2650. He's outta here, babe. He's outta here.
Copy !req
2651. No more.
Copy !req
2652. Ah, that was
nothin' but trouble.
Copy !req