1. You're not queer.
Copy !req
2. Usually, if I get this far
with an American kid,
Copy !req
3. I can get the rest of the way,
but with you there's some...
Copy !req
4. obstacle.
Copy !req
5. Your mother wouldn't like it.
Copy !req
6. I had a friend, um,
Copy !req
7. a homosexual Jewish friend
who lived in Oklahoma City.
Copy !req
8. I asked him,
"Why do you live here?
Copy !req
9. "You have enough money,
Copy !req
10. "you could live
wherever you like."
Copy !req
11. You know what he told me?
Copy !req
12. "It would kill
my mother if I moved away."
Copy !req
13. Good luck, Lee.
Copy !req
14. - Gracias.
- Gracias.
Copy !req
15. Everything in this country
falls apart.
Copy !req
16. Wouldn't surprise me
Copy !req
17. if I picked up a boy
in the Alameda and his...
Copy !req
18. Someone stole my typewriter.
Copy !req
19. It was that Brazilian,
or whatever he is.
Copy !req
20. You know him. Maurice.
Copy !req
21. The wrestler?
Copy !req
22. You mean the gym instructor,
Copy !req
23. No, no, no.
That's another one.
Copy !req
24. No, Louie has decided
Copy !req
25. all that sort of thing
is very wrong,
Copy !req
26. and he tells me that I am
going to burn in hell
Copy !req
27. but he is going to heaven.
Copy !req
28. - Serious?
- Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
29. No,
Maurice is as queer as I am.
Copy !req
30. If not queerer...
Excuse me.
Copy !req
31. But he won't accept it.
Copy !req
32. I think stealing my typewriter
Copy !req
33. is a way he takes
to demonstrate to me
Copy !req
34. and to himself that he is just
in it for all he can get.
Copy !req
35. Uh-huh.
Copy !req
36. As a matter of fact,
he's so queer
Copy !req
37. I've lost interest in him.
Copy !req
38. Not completely though...
Copy !req
39. Hello.
Copy !req
40. Nazis.
Copy !req
41. I'll probably invite him
back to my apartment
Copy !req
42. instead of beating
the shit out of him
Copy !req
43. like I should.
Copy !req
44. think how much
it would cost you
Copy !req
45. to shoot a major
in the Mexican Army!
Copy !req
46. You know what?
I'm going to get a bottle.
Copy !req
47. Well, um, no.
Copy !req
48. You see, we're hoping
to work on the plans
Copy !req
49. for this boat
we're going to build.
Copy !req
50. A boat?
Copy !req
51. Yes. At Zihuatanejo.
Copy !req
52. All right. Well, how about
meeting me for a drink
Copy !req
53. tomorrow at the Rathskeller?
Say around five?
Copy !req
54. I expect
I'll be busy tomorrow.
Copy !req
55. Yes, but you have
to eat and drink.
Copy !req
56. Well, you see, this boat
is more important to me
Copy !req
57. than anything right now.
Copy !req
58. It will take up all my time.
Copy !req
59. Suit yourself.
Copy !req
60. Thanks for running
interference, Tom.
Copy !req
61. I hope he got the idea.
Copy !req
62. I like the guy, but I can't
stand to be alone with him.
Copy !req
63. He keeps trying
to go to bed with me.
Copy !req
64. That's what I don't
like about queers.
Copy !req
65. You can't keep
it on the basis of friendship.
Copy !req
66. One absinthe.
Copy !req
67. Hola, Lee.
Copy !req
68. Fuck you, Tom!
Copy !req
69. So touchy!
Copy !req
70. I don't take it personally.
Copy !req
71. Yup.
Copy !req
72. - Mezcal!
- Si, senor.
Copy !req
73. Why so sad?
Copy !req
74. I'm not sad.
Copy !req
75. Not really.
Copy !req
76. I'm okay.
Copy !req
77. You been aqui before? Mm?
Copy !req
78. - Yeah, of course, you have.
- I've been aqui.
Copy !req
79. Do you carry a pistol?
Copy !req
80. Yes, I carry a pistol.
Copy !req
81. I have to go.
Copy !req
82. There's a brawl out
of the Chimu.
Copy !req
83. I'm going there
to drink something.
Copy !req
84. - Adios.
- Adios.
Copy !req
85. Get a load of this.
Copy !req
86. "After he killed his wife
and three children,
Copy !req
87. "he takes a razor
and puts on a suicide act,
Copy !req
88. "but resulted
only in scratches
Copy !req
89. "that did not require
medical attention."
Copy !req
90. What a slobbish performance!
Copy !req
91. And on the subject of murder,
I'm going...
Copy !req
92. Sit down on your ass!
Copy !req
93. Or what's left of it after
four years in the Navy.
Copy !req
94. Lee.
Copy !req
95. I gotta go.
Copy !req
96. What are you, henpecked?
Copy !req
97. Yeah, no kidding.
Copy !req
98. I've been out too much lately,
Copy !req
99. Lola's, Ship Ahoy,
Copy !req
100. the other places...
Copy !req
101. My old lady says
Copy !req
102. I gotta be home
for dinner every night.
Copy !req
103. Fuck, Jim!
Copy !req
104. Lee, wait...
Copy !req
105. Hi!
Copy !req
106. Hi.
Copy !req
107. I just... Uh, I just wanted
to tell you that, um...
Copy !req
108. Mary was in Lola's
a little while ago.
Copy !req
109. And she asked me to tell you
Copy !req
110. that she'd be
in the Ship Ahoy later on,
Copy !req
111. around five.
Copy !req
112. Oh.
Copy !req
113. Thank you.
Copy !req
114. - Will you be around tonight?
- Yes, um...
Copy !req
115. I think so, yeah.
Copy !req
116. Who is he?
Copy !req
117. I have no idea.
Copy !req
118. - Tequila.
- Yeah.
Copy !req
119. Another.
Copy !req
120. Another.
Copy !req
121. You're
drinking so fast, Mr. Lee!
Copy !req
122. Two rum and cokes.
Copy !req
123. Come sit with us over there.
Copy !req
124. How did you check
the accuracy
Copy !req
125. of your information?
That... That doesn't...
Copy !req
126. - Actually, uh, we didn't.
- What?
Copy !req
127. So the Counter-Intelligence
Corps got sucked in
Copy !req
128. on a lot of phony deals
when I was in Germany.
Copy !req
129. And, of course,
we cross-checked
Copy !req
130. all information
with the other informants,
Copy !req
131. and we had our own
agents in the field.
Copy !req
132. Now, most of our informants,
Copy !req
133. they would come back
with some phony information,
Copy !req
134. but this one character,
he made it all up.
Copy !req
135. I mean, he had our agents out
looking out in the field
Copy !req
136. for a whole fictitious network
of Russian spies, right?
Copy !req
137. So, finally, reports came back
from Frankfurt...
Copy !req
138. - it's all a load of crap!
- Oh.
Copy !req
139. But instead of clearing...
Copy !req
140. Instead of clearing
out of town
Copy !req
141. before the information
could be checked,
Copy !req
142. - he came back with more.
- Oh.
Copy !req
143. You're here?
Copy !req
144. Yeah, I have a sack here.
Copy !req
145. Uh-huh.
Copy !req
146. Good night.
Copy !req
147. - Good night.
- Night.
Copy !req
148. - There she is!
- Yes.
Copy !req
149. The trouble with me is,
I like the type that robs me.
Copy !req
150. Where you make
your mistake is,
Copy !req
151. bringing them back
to your apartment.
Copy !req
152. That's what hotels are for.
Copy !req
153. Well, you're right there,
but half the time
Copy !req
154. I don't have
money for a hotel.
Copy !req
155. Besides, I like someone
Copy !req
156. around to cook breakfast
and sweep the place out.
Copy !req
157. Uh. You mean
clean the place out!
Copy !req
158. I don't mind the watch
and the radio,
Copy !req
159. but it really hurts
losing those boots.
Copy !req
160. They were a thing
of beauty and joy forever.
Copy !req
161. I don't know whether I ought
to say things like this
Copy !req
162. in front of Junior here.
Copy !req
163. - Go ahead.
- No offense, kid.
Copy !req
164. Did I tell you how I made
the cop on the beat?
Copy !req
165. He's a vigilante,
the watchman out where I live.
Copy !req
166. Every time he sees
the light on in my room,
Copy !req
167. he comes in for a shot of rum.
Copy !req
168. About five nights ago,
Copy !req
169. he caught me when I was drunk,
and stoned,
Copy !req
170. and horny.
Copy !req
171. Well, one thing led to another
Copy !req
172. and I ended up
showing him how the, uh...
Copy !req
173. cow ate the cabbage.
Copy !req
174. The night after I make him,
Copy !req
175. I'm walking by the beer joint
on the corner.
Copy !req
176. He comes out borracho
and says, "Have a drink."
Copy !req
177. I said,
"I don't want a drink."
Copy !req
178. So he takes out his pistola
and says, "Have a drink."
Copy !req
179. I proceeded to take
his pistola away from him.
Copy !req
180. He goes back
into the beer joint
Copy !req
181. to phone for reinforcements.
Copy !req
182. So I had to go in and rip
the phone off the wall.
Copy !req
183. Now, they're charging me
for the phone.
Copy !req
184. So, I get back to my room,
which is on the ground floor.
Copy !req
185. He'd written "El Puto Gringo"
on the window with soap.
Copy !req
186. I didn't wipe it off.
Copy !req
187. I left it there.
Copy !req
188. It pays to advertise.
Copy !req
189. Would you like more?
Copy !req
190. Yes.
Copy !req
191. Excuse me.
Copy !req
192. You think he's queer?
Copy !req
193. Now I've been seeing him
for a few weeks.
Copy !req
194. - Seeing him?
- Yeah, spending time with him.
Copy !req
195. Like... I can't tell.
Copy !req
196. You could always just ask.
Copy !req
197. No, no, no, no, no! No!
Copy !req
198. Well, he must be queer
if he's talking to him.
Copy !req
199. Dume's part of that little
clique of queers
Copy !req
200. who go to that beer joint
on Campeche,
Copy !req
201. - The Green Lantern.
- I know who he is.
Copy !req
202. He's the only one of those
Green Lantern boys
Copy !req
203. who'd be welcome
in a place like this.
Copy !req
204. The rest of them are just
a bunch of screaming fags.
Copy !req
205. Would you excuse me?
Copy !req
206. Hey. Tequila.
Copy !req
207. How do you
like this character?
Copy !req
208. He comes over and asks,
Copy !req
209. "I thought you were one
of the Green Lantern Boys."
Copy !req
210. I said, "Well, yes, I am."
Copy !req
211. He wants me to take him around
Copy !req
212. to some of the gay
places here.
Copy !req
213. Hmm.
Copy !req
214. Truth be told, I don't take
people to the Lantern.
Copy !req
215. I mean, either you're
going there or you're not.
Copy !req
216. Something about the way
he asked,
Copy !req
217. I just couldn't say no.
Copy !req
218. - You don't know him, do you?
- Mm?
Copy !req
219. He's always in here,
playing chess with the girl.
Copy !req
220. - Mary.
- Mary! That's right, yeah.
Copy !req
221. - She seems nice.
- I wouldn't know.
Copy !req
222. Supposing
she's his girlfriend,
Copy !req
223. then she's in for a bit
of a surprise. Right?
Copy !req
224. - What?
- Are you all right, Lee?
Copy !req
225. Yes, I'm fine.
Copy !req
226. Well, I just asked if you
knew the boy
Copy !req
227. and I'm still
waiting on an answer.
Copy !req
228. I... Yes, I...
Copy !req
229. I mean, no.
Copy !req
230. A little.
Copy !req
231. Thank you as always
Copy !req
232. for the enlightening
Copy !req
233. - Oh, Tom, darling.
- Yes, my dear.
Copy !req
234. Let's talk Puerto Vallarta.
Copy !req
235. - It's very nice.
- Okay.
Copy !req
236. A few of us are thinking
about going.
Copy !req
237. It's on the west coast,
there's a gorgeous climate.
Copy !req
238. - Yeah.
- Beautiful men.
Copy !req
239. I presume Dume told you
about my proclivities.
Copy !req
240. Yes.
Copy !req
241. A curse...
Copy !req
242. Been in our family
for generations.
Copy !req
243. The Lees have always
been perverts.
Copy !req
244. I shall never forget
the unspeakable horror
Copy !req
245. that froze the lymph
in my glands,
Copy !req
246. the lymph glands that is,
of course,
Copy !req
247. when that baneful word seared
my reeling brain.
Copy !req
248. Homosexual!
Copy !req
249. I thought of the painted,
simpering female impersonators
Copy !req
250. I had seen
in a Baltimore night club.
Copy !req
251. Could it be that I was one
of those subhuman things?
Copy !req
252. I walked the street in a daze,
Copy !req
253. like a man
with a light concussion.
Copy !req
254. I might well
have destroyed myself,
Copy !req
255. ending an existence
which seemed to offer
Copy !req
256. nothing but grotesque misery
and humiliation.
Copy !req
257. "Nobler," I thought,
Copy !req
258. "to die a man than to live
on a sex monster."
Copy !req
259. It was...
Copy !req
260. It was a wise old queen,
Copy !req
261. Bobo, we called her,
Copy !req
262. who taught me
that I had a duty to live
Copy !req
263. and to bear my burden proudly
for all to see,
Copy !req
264. you know, to conquer ignorance
and prejudice and hate
Copy !req
265. with knowledge,
and sincerity...
Copy !req
266. and love.
Copy !req
267. Hmm.
Copy !req
268. Bobo's words
came back to me from the tomb,
Copy !req
269. the sibilants cracking gently.
Copy !req
270. "No one is ever really alone.
Copy !req
271. "You are part of everything
that is alive."
Copy !req
272. The difficulty is to convince
Copy !req
273. someone else
he is really part of you.
Copy !req
274. So what the hell?
Copy !req
275. Us "parts"
ought to work together. Reet?
Copy !req
276. What I mean is, Allerton,
Copy !req
277. We're all parts
of a tremendous whole.
Copy !req
278. There's no use fighting it.
Copy !req
279. The queer bars here
don't compare
Copy !req
280. to the Stateside queer joints.
Copy !req
281. - I mean, that is depressing.
- Uh, I wouldn't know.
Copy !req
282. I've never been
to any queer joints
Copy !req
283. except those Dume took me to.
Copy !req
284. I guess there's
kicks and kicks.
Copy !req
285. You haven't? Really?
Copy !req
286. No.
Copy !req
287. Never.
Copy !req
Copy !req
289. there's a gorilla
in a cage...
Copy !req
290. After you.
Copy !req
291. masturbating, and, um...
Copy !req
292. Should we go back to my place?
Copy !req
293. I've got some Napoleon brandy.
Copy !req
294. - All right.
- Hmm.
Copy !req
295. - Hello!
- Hola.
Copy !req
296. Good evening.
Copy !req
297. Insurgentes, Monterrey.
Three pesos.
Copy !req
298. - Four pesos.
- Oh. Fuck off.
Copy !req
299. You fucking
gringo, son of a bitch!
Copy !req
300. Get in the car,
fucking gringo!
Copy !req
301. Son of a bitch!
Copy !req
302. I'm sorry, I can't hear you.
Copy !req
303. Fuck you, man!
Copy !req
304. Shit!
Copy !req
305. Fuck, man.
Copy !req
306. Sometimes I think
they don't like us.
Copy !req
307. Oh?
Copy !req
308. Let's walk, come on.
Copy !req
309. Welcome. Welcome.
Copy !req
310. - Oh.
- Yes! Yeah.
Copy !req
311. Well, uh, welcome. It's a...
Copy !req
312. I'll fix you a drink.
Copy !req
313. Ta-da!
Copy !req
314. Mm.
Copy !req
315. Oh, good Lord!
Copy !req
316. Napoleon must have
pissed in this one.
Copy !req
317. Oh, I was...
Copy !req
318. I was afraid of that,
an untutored palate!
Copy !req
319. Your generation has never
learned the pleasures
Copy !req
320. that a trained palate confers
on the disciplined few.
Copy !req
321. It is godawful.
Copy !req
322. Still, it's better
than a California brandy.
Copy !req
323. It does have a suggestion
of a cognac taste.
Copy !req
324. Oh, yeah.
Copy !req
325. Can I...
show you over the house?
Copy !req
326. This is the, uh...
Copy !req
327. bedroom.
Copy !req
328. I'll... I'll get you
some more brandy.
Copy !req
329. Oh, this is...
Copy !req
330. Sweet stuff, dearie.
Copy !req
331. This wasn't made in Mexico.
Copy !req
332. No, I bought it in Scotland.
Copy !req
333. Are you...
Copy !req
334. I wonder what
the matter could be.
Copy !req
335. You didn't...
Copy !req
336. You didn't drink that much.
Copy !req
337. - Are you okay now?
- Yes, I think so.
Copy !req
338. - Let's get this sweater off.
- Okay.
Copy !req
339. That rib's broken.
Copy !req
340. Do I smell like vomit?
Copy !req
341. No.
Copy !req
342. Wait, wait, wait.
Copy !req
343. Fuck!
Copy !req
344. I know
telepathy to be a fact
Copy !req
345. since I've
experienced it myself.
Copy !req
346. What interests me is
how I can use it, you know?
Copy !req
347. In South America,
Copy !req
348. at the headwaters
of the Amazon,
Copy !req
349. grows a plant called "yage"
Copy !req
350. which is supposed to increase
telepathic sensitivity.
Copy !req
351. Medicine men use
it in their work
Copy !req
352. and a Columbian scientist,
whose, um, name escapes me,
Copy !req
353. isolated from yage
a drug he calls "telepathine".
Copy !req
354. I read all this
in a magazine article.
Copy !req
355. Later, I see
in another article
Copy !req
356. the Russians are using yage
Copy !req
357. in experiments on slave labor.
Copy !req
358. It seems they want to induce
states of automatic obedience
Copy !req
359. and ultimately,
of course, thought control.
Copy !req
360. How about
the T-bone steak for two?
Copy !req
361. We're closing.
Copy !req
362. That's fine.
Copy !req
363. Oh, they list baked Alaska.
Copy !req
364. - Ever eat it?
- No.
Copy !req
365. Real good.
Copy !req
366. It's hot on the outside
Copy !req
367. and cold inside.
Copy !req
368. That's why they call
it "baked Alaska," I imagine.
Copy !req
369. You know...
I got an idea for a new dish.
Copy !req
370. You take a live pig and you
throw it into a very hot oven
Copy !req
371. so the pig is roasted outside
Copy !req
372. and when you cut into it,
Copy !req
373. it's still alive
and twitching inside.
Copy !req
374. Or, if we run
a dramatic joint,
Copy !req
375. a screaming pig
covered with burning brandy
Copy !req
376. runs out of the kitchen...
Copy !req
377. And dies right by the chair.
Copy !req
378. You just reach down,
Copy !req
379. you pull off the crispy,
crackly ears and...
Copy !req
380. eat them with your cocktails.
Copy !req
381. Well, if you insist...
Copy !req
382. - I want a rum and coke.
- Sure. Why not?
Copy !req
383. Let's go to the Ship Ahoy.
Come on.
Copy !req
384. Oh, yes.
Copy !req
385. I was treated, you know,
by the therapist in the Army.
Copy !req
386. What did he say?
Copy !req
387. He said I'm an Oedipus
and I love my mother.
Copy !req
388. Fuck.
Copy !req
389. Everybody loves
their mother, son.
Copy !req
390. I mean, I love her physically.
Copy !req
391. I don't believe that, son.
Copy !req
392. Lee, did you hear Jim Cochran
has gone back to the States?
Copy !req
393. - Mm-hmm.
- He plans to work in Alaska.
Copy !req
394. Oh, thank God
I am a gentleman
Copy !req
395. of independent means
Copy !req
396. and do not have
to expose myself
Copy !req
397. to the inclemencies
of near-Arctic conditions.
Copy !req
398. But never mind...
Copy !req
399. I've got bigger fish to fry.
Copy !req
400. What?
Copy !req
401. "Bigger fish" is right.
Copy !req
402. Cold...
Copy !req
403. slippery...
Copy !req
404. hard to catch.
Copy !req
405. How about dinner?
Copy !req
406. I think I'll work tonight.
Copy !req
407. Like the Wallace
Copy !req
408. I subsidize non-production.
Copy !req
409. I will pay you 20 pesos
not to work tonight.
Copy !req
410. Need a drink?
Copy !req
411. No, not now.
Copy !req
412. Anyway, I have to go.
Copy !req
413. Um...
Copy !req
414. I'll see you tomorrow.
Copy !req
415. Yes, good night.
Copy !req
416. Eugene...
Copy !req
417. There you are.
Copy !req
418. - Oh.
- Darling!
Copy !req
419. Look at that!
Copy !req
420. Oh.
Copy !req
421. Tall, handsome,
blissfully stupid...
Copy !req
422. Guys like us have to look out
for one another.
Copy !req
423. Yes!
Copy !req
424. Careful!
Copy !req
425. Apologies.
Copy !req
426. You guys all right?
Copy !req
427. Yes. Yeah.
Copy !req
428. I want to talk to you.
Copy !req
429. Without speaking.
Copy !req
430. And I wanna touch you...
Copy !req
431. like... like...
like the Russians...
Copy !req
432. Yeah.
Copy !req
433. Like the Mayans...
Copy !req
434. All right, Bill,
let's take it easy, huh?
Copy !req
435. Hey. Hey, Tom.
Copy !req
436. Come on. Yeah.
Copy !req
437. - You got a drink, Tom? Mm?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
438. - I could use a couple.
- A cup of water, maybe.
Copy !req
439. Aren't you queer?
Copy !req
440. I'm not queer.
Copy !req
441. I'm disembodied.
Copy !req
442. How are you?
Copy !req
443. Sleepy. I just got up.
Copy !req
444. See you.
Copy !req
445. I was thinking
about going down
Copy !req
446. to South America soon.
Copy !req
447. Why don't you come with me?
Copy !req
448. Won't cost you a cent.
Copy !req
449. Perhaps not in money.
Copy !req
450. I'm not a difficult man
to get along with.
Copy !req
451. We could reach some
satisfactory arrangement. Mm.
Copy !req
452. What you got to lose?
Copy !req
453. Independence.
Copy !req
454. Who's going to cut into
your independence?
Copy !req
455. Mm.
Copy !req
456. You can lay all the women
in South America,
Copy !req
457. if you want to.
Copy !req
458. All I'm asking is, um...
Copy !req
459. to be nice to me, say...
Copy !req
460. twice a week?
Copy !req
461. That isn't too excessive,
is it?
Copy !req
462. Besides, I'll, um...
Copy !req
463. I'll buy you
a round-trip ticket
Copy !req
464. so you can leave
at your discretion.
Copy !req
465. I'll think it over.
Copy !req
466. This newspaper job I'm doing
runs ten days more.
Copy !req
467. So, uh, I will give you
a definite answer
Copy !req
468. when the job folds.
Copy !req
469. Your job is...
Copy !req
470. All right.
Copy !req
471. Hello.
Copy !req
472. Oh!
Copy !req
473. Well, it's in the wrong place.
Copy !req
474. How was your trip
to Morelia?
Copy !req
475. Oh...
Copy !req
476. It was all right.
Copy !req
477. You know, I'm thinking about
Copy !req
478. buying a half interest
in this place.
Copy !req
479. Hmm.
Copy !req
480. You exist on
credit here, right?
Copy !req
481. Tom says you owe 400 pesos.
Copy !req
482. Maybe, if I was half owner
of the joint,
Copy !req
483. you wouldn't be
in a position to ignore me.
Copy !req
484. So how about this trip
to South America?
Copy !req
485. It's always nice to see places
you haven't seen before.
Copy !req
486. Can you leave anytime?
Copy !req
487. Anytime.
Copy !req
488. Come on, come on!
Copy !req
489. What did you say it was
Copy !req
490. that you are looking for
down here?
Copy !req
491. No, not here. In Ecuador.
Copy !req
492. Yage.
Copy !req
493. Never heard of that.
Copy !req
494. - You heard of H and C, right?
- Hmm.
Copy !req
495. Heroin and cocaine.
Copy !req
496. Ah.
Copy !req
497. You can get those in the city.
Copy !req
498. - Oh. Oh, okay.
- In Canal.
Copy !req
499. Adios.
Copy !req
500. Gracias, adios.
Copy !req
501. Oh!
Copy !req
502. Fuck you!
Copy !req
503. Fuck you!
Copy !req
504. It's not
that much further, all right?
Copy !req
505. Just a little bit up the road.
Copy !req
506. Are you awake, Gene?
Copy !req
507. Hmm?
Copy !req
508. Yes.
Copy !req
509. Cold? You cold?
Copy !req
510. No.
Copy !req
511. Can I... Can I come over...
over there with you?
Copy !req
512. All right.
Copy !req
513. You're twitching all over.
Copy !req
514. Yeah.
Copy !req
515. Christ almighty,
your hands are cold!
Copy !req
516. Love is...
Copy !req
517. Fucking stairs!
Copy !req
518. Stairs are fine,
Lee. They're fine.
Copy !req
519. - Take a seat.
- Thank you.
Copy !req
520. Just over here.
Copy !req
521. Oh, God...
Copy !req
522. Dysentery?
Copy !req
523. Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
524. Can you describe me
your symptoms?
Copy !req
525. Uh...
Copy !req
526. Bloody diarrhea,
cramps, and, um, vomiting...
Copy !req
527. High temperature.
Copy !req
528. Yeah, right,
high temperature.
Copy !req
529. Please.
Copy !req
530. Yeah, the, the...
Copy !req
531. The prescription
that works best is...
Copy !req
532. Paregoric with bismuth.
Copy !req
533. Tell the truth now.
Copy !req
534. Um, are you addicted
to opiates?
Copy !req
535. Better you tell me
or I cannot help you.
Copy !req
536. Yes.
Copy !req
537. Uh-huh.
Copy !req
538. And how long
has this addiction lasted?
Copy !req
539. Oh, just too long,
sir, too long.
Copy !req
540. Um...
It's why I left the States.
Copy !req
541. Um, my condition makes me
a criminal there.
Copy !req
542. You must stop this habit.
Copy !req
543. Better you should suffer now
than lose your life.
Copy !req
544. I want to stop.
Copy !req
545. It's just...
Copy !req
546. I... I need to get some sleep.
Copy !req
547. I'm going to the coast
tomorrow, to Manta, so I...
Copy !req
548. You must stop this habit.
Copy !req
549. I know.
Copy !req
550. Here.
Copy !req
551. Thank you.
Copy !req
552. Three CCs?
Copy !req
553. What the fuck am I supposed
to do with three CCs?
Copy !req
554. Maybe we'll convince them
Copy !req
555. to give you something else
at the pharmacy.
Copy !req
556. Yes, those ladies are
so nice, they'll understand...
Copy !req
557. Should we grab a drink?
Copy !req
558. Um... No, I'd rather
stay here and take pictures.
Copy !req
559. What's the matter?
Copy !req
560. I thought you were going
to run your hand down my ribs.
Copy !req
561. I wouldn't do that.
Copy !req
562. You think I'm queer
or something?
Copy !req
563. Frankly, yes.
Copy !req
564. Scooch over.
Copy !req
565. Do you...
Copy !req
566. Do you mind it?
Copy !req
567. Not terribly.
Copy !req
568. But you do...
Copy !req
569. enjoy it sometimes?
Copy !req
570. Hmm?
Copy !req
571. The whole deal, I mean.
Copy !req
572. Oh, yes.
Copy !req
573. Oh, yes.
Copy !req
574. Christ! Fuck!
Copy !req
575. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
576. I shouldn't have tried so soon
after last time.
Copy !req
577. It was a breach of contract.
Copy !req
578. I don't like people
who apologize at breakfast.
Copy !req
579. Really?
Copy !req
580. Hmm?
Copy !req
581. Aren't you taking
unfair advantage?
Copy !req
582. Hmm? Like someone was, um...
Copy !req
583. Like someone was junk sick
Copy !req
584. I don't use junk,
Copy !req
585. and I say, "Sick? Really?
Copy !req
586. "Why do you tell me about
your disgusting condition?
Copy !req
587. "You might at least have
the decency
Copy !req
588. "to keep it to yourself.
Copy !req
589. "You must realize
how distasteful it is
Copy !req
590. "to see you... you sneezing,
and coughing, and retching.
Copy !req
591. "Why don't you take it
someplace else
Copy !req
592. "so I don't have to
look at it? You know?
Copy !req
593. "I mean, have you any idea
how tiresome you are,
Copy !req
594. "or how repulsive?
Copy !req
595. "I mean, have you no pride?"
Copy !req
596. That is not fair at all.
Copy !req
597. Well, it isn't
supposed to be fair.
Copy !req
598. It's just a routine
for your amusement,
Copy !req
599. containing a modicum of truth.
Copy !req
600. Can you hurry up
and finish your breakfast
Copy !req
601. so you don't miss
the Salinas bus?
Copy !req
602. You're not coming?
Copy !req
603. No. I'm going to Quito, remember?
Copy !req
604. Oh... Oh, right.
Copy !req
605. Yage?
Copy !req
606. And why would you say
Copy !req
607. you were interested
in this plant, Mister...
Copy !req
608. Lee. I... I read about it
Copy !req
609. in a magazine.
Copy !req
610. It said that Yage increases
telepathic sensitivity and...
Copy !req
611. You know,
the Russians are using it
Copy !req
612. in thought control
experiments and...
Copy !req
613. And yeah,
probably by the CIA as well.
Copy !req
614. - Are you with the CIA?
- No.
Copy !req
615. And then why
would you be interested
Copy !req
616. in thought control
Copy !req
617. I'm not. I'm not.
Copy !req
618. I'm interested in telepathy.
Copy !req
619. - Telepathy? Why?
- Hmm.
Copy !req
620. Oh, I...
Copy !req
621. I suspected that it was
only a matter of time
Copy !req
622. before North Americans
like yourself
Copy !req
623. would start coming to Ecuador
seeking out Yage.
Copy !req
624. Well, yeah, yes...
Copy !req
625. You think it can fix things
for you.
Copy !req
626. It is not a drug in the sense
you understand it.
Copy !req
627. It is not recreational
like cocaine or heroin.
Copy !req
628. There is nothing
recreational about heroin.
Copy !req
629. My point is that Yage does not
provide a pleasant "trip."
Copy !req
630. It is not something
to be done casually,
Copy !req
631. without the proper
Copy !req
632. Well, can you provide me
with that supervision?
Copy !req
633. Do I look like an Indian
in the jungle?
Copy !req
634. No, but...
Copy !req
635. I'm sorry. I can't help you.
Copy !req
636. How much would I have
to pay you for a map?
Copy !req
637. I think you misunderstand
the nature of the telepathy
Copy !req
638. that can be achieved
with Yage.
Copy !req
639. Communication
without speaking,
Copy !req
640. on the level
of intuition, it's...
Copy !req
641. Who is it that you're trying
Copy !req
642. so desperately
to communicate with?
Copy !req
643. Your wife?
Copy !req
644. No.
Copy !req
645. There is an American botanist
Copy !req
646. living a few hours outside
of Puyo, deep in the jungle.
Copy !req
647. Her name is Cotter.
Copy !req
648. She's mad like you,
Copy !req
649. trying to develop
some medicine.
Copy !req
650. Perhaps if you pay her
a visit, she can help you.
Copy !req
651. I warn you, though.
Copy !req
652. Yage is not a portal
to some other place.
Copy !req
653. It is a mirror.
Copy !req
654. And when you look into it,
you may not like what you see.
Copy !req
655. By the time you realize
you are not ready,
Copy !req
656. it may be too late.
Copy !req
657. Come, I'll draw you the map.
Copy !req
658. Careful, careful!
Copy !req
659. Hello?
Copy !req
660. Hello?
Copy !req
661. You hear that?
Copy !req
662. Hello?
Copy !req
663. Hello?
Copy !req
664. Help! Help!
Copy !req
665. For the love of God, help us!
Copy !req
666. Announce yourselves,
Copy !req
667. or prepare to suffer
a fate worse
Copy !req
668. than whatever
that viper was gonna give you.
Copy !req
669. Right, I'm...
Copy !req
670. Right there is fine.
Copy !req
671. My name is, uh, William Lee.
This is, uh, um...
Copy !req
672. Get up! Get up.
Copy !req
673. Eugene Allerton.
Copy !req
674. We've come a long way
to talk to you.
Copy !req
675. Doctor Cotter...
Copy !req
676. I presume.
Copy !req
677. Mmm.
Copy !req
678. Mmm.
Copy !req
679. My apologies about the viper.
Copy !req
680. Oh, please, it was just...
No, no...
Copy !req
681. It is there for security,
of course.
Copy !req
682. Security? Why...
Why would you...
Copy !req
683. From prowlers.
Copy !req
684. Oh.
Copy !req
685. Coming after my research.
Copy !req
686. Hmm.
Copy !req
687. Why did you say
you boys came out here?
Copy !req
688. Oh, we wanted to ask you
about the, um...
Copy !req
689. The... The vegetation
in the area, um...
Copy !req
690. The...
Copy !req
691. The vegetation?
Copy !req
692. I would be the right person
to ask about that.
Copy !req
693. Uh-huh, yeah...
Copy !req
694. Those are all gifts
from the Shuar people.
Copy !req
695. Mmm.
Copy !req
696. My "tribe," so to speak.
Copy !req
697. Can I... Can I ask you
about the bowls?
Copy !req
698. Yeah.
Copy !req
699. They're for
a healing ceremony.
Copy !req
700. - Right. Mmm-hmm.
- Yeah.
Copy !req
701. Involving a brew
Copy !req
702. that's made from one
of the plants in the area.
Copy !req
703. Yage.
Copy !req
704. Maybe...
Copy !req
705. Maybe out here, it's, um,
it's called, um,
Copy !req
706. Ayahuasca?
Copy !req
707. I hear the...
Copy !req
708. The Russians and the Americans
Copy !req
709. are using it
for different experiments.
Copy !req
710. The truth is...
Copy !req
711. That's why we came out here.
Copy !req
712. I want to explore
the properties of this drug.
Copy !req
713. I'd be willing to take some.
Copy !req
714. As an experiment, you know?
Copy !req
715. We both would.
Copy !req
716. Yage...
Copy !req
717. is connected to brujeria.
Copy !req
718. Right.
Copy !req
719. - Witchcraft.
- Uh-huh.
Copy !req
720. To get some,
Copy !req
721. you'd have to develop
a relationship
Copy !req
722. with the local brujo.
Copy !req
723. - Yeah?
- Right.
Copy !req
724. It'd take years...
Copy !req
725. to gain his confidence.
Copy !req
726. Do you have that confidence?
Copy !req
727. Come here! Come here.
Copy !req
728. I've been out here
Copy !req
729. - a long time.
- Oh.
Copy !req
730. Yeah...
Copy !req
731. I think the boys
must be tired, no?
Copy !req
732. Yeah.
Copy !req
733. I expect they are!
Copy !req
734. Thank you again
for the supplies.
Copy !req
735. Oh, that's just... It's a...
Copy !req
736. Come on!
Copy !req
737. Yeah, come on, let me show you
where you'll sleep.
Copy !req
738. Okay.
Copy !req
739. - Thank you.
- Good night.
Copy !req
740. Mmm!
Copy !req
741. Your friend's already up
having coffee with hubby.
Copy !req
742. Here!
Copy !req
743. Why don't you take this...
Copy !req
744. and explore the area today?
Copy !req
745. Try and kill us something
we can eat tonight.
Copy !req
746. Huh?
Copy !req
747. I'm all right. Ah.
Copy !req
748. Cotter says...
Copy !req
749. Cotter says the Indians
have cleared
Copy !req
750. most of the game
out of the area.
Copy !req
751. They all have shotguns
from the money they made
Copy !req
752. - working for Annexia.
- Shh!
Copy !req
753. What's that?
Copy !req
754. I'm gonna go try and shoot it.
Copy !req
755. - What is it?
- What?
Copy !req
756. - What is it?
- How should I know?
Copy !req
757. It's alive, isn't it?
Copy !req
758. No! Oh, shit!
Copy !req
759. Gene! Gene!
Copy !req
760. Tell the truth now.
Copy !req
761. You boys really here
for the Yage?
Copy !req
762. I mean, I appreciate
the supplies you brought,
Copy !req
763. but if I find you trying
to run off with my research,
Copy !req
764. I'll kill you,
Copy !req
765. and dump you in the jungle.
Copy !req
766. No one will miss you out here.
Copy !req
767. Doc...
Copy !req
768. Doc, I... Ouch!
Copy !req
769. With, with...
Copy !req
770. With all due respect,
Copy !req
771. I couldn't give two shits
about your research.
Copy !req
772. I've already forgotten
Copy !req
773. you told me about it.
Copy !req
774. You know it doesn't
get you high, right?
Copy !req
775. Not like you're used to.
Copy !req
776. I'm a medical doctor.
Copy !req
777. I can spot a junkie
from a mile away.
Copy !req
778. I'm not interested
in getting high.
Copy !req
779. Mmm.
What are you interested in?
Copy !req
780. Telepathy.
Copy !req
781. He likes you.
Copy !req
782. - Usually, he bites.
- Hmm.
Copy !req
783. Hmm.
Copy !req
784. I'll help you.
Copy !req
785. You know where I can find it?
Copy !req
786. It's everywhere!
Copy !req
787. You tripped over it
in the jungle this afternoon.
Copy !req
788. Yeah.
Copy !req
789. Banisteriopsis caapi.
Copy !req
790. The Indians call it...
Copy !req
791. Yage.
Copy !req
792. Mmm.
Copy !req
793. You feel anything?
Copy !req
794. No.
Copy !req
795. - You?
- No.
Copy !req
796. I think we just drank a bunch
of leaves and twigs
Copy !req
797. from the ground.
Copy !req
798. There they are.
Copy !req
799. Come on over, boys!
Copy !req
800. There you go. I've got you.
Copy !req
801. Mmm.
Copy !req
802. Easy.
Copy !req
803. I'm not queer.
Copy !req
804. Lee...
Copy !req
805. I'm not queer.
Copy !req
806. I know.
Copy !req
807. I'm disembodied.
Copy !req
808. Gene...
Copy !req
809. Gene...
Copy !req
810. Go to sleep.
Copy !req
811. You boys should stay
a couple more days.
Copy !req
812. For most people,
Copy !req
813. the first time's
just an introduction,
Copy !req
814. the opening of a door.
Copy !req
815. But for you two...
Copy !req
816. it was something else.
Copy !req
817. It'd be a shame not to see
where it might take you.
Copy !req
818. I need to be getting back.
Copy !req
819. What are you so afraid of?
Copy !req
820. Hmm?
Copy !req
821. Door's already open.
Can't close it now.
Copy !req
822. All you can do is look away.
Copy !req
823. But why would you?
Copy !req
824. You should have
seen yourself last night.
Copy !req
825. Yeah.
Copy !req
826. Lee?
Copy !req
827. Hi, Joe.
Copy !req
828. Anybody else
you'd like to ask me about?
Copy !req
829. Mmm-mmm.
Copy !req
830. No one?
Copy !req
831. A kid named Allerton, maybe?
Copy !req
832. It's why you came back,
isn't it?
Copy !req
833. - I was getting around to it.
- Hmm.
Copy !req
834. He went down to South America
or some place.
Copy !req
835. With an army colonel.
Copy !req
836. How long ago?
Copy !req
837. About six months.
Copy !req
838. Allerton went along as guide.
Copy !req
839. They were going
to sell the car in Guatemala.
Copy !req
840. A '48 Cadillac.
Copy !req
841. I felt there was something
Copy !req
842. not quite right
about the deal,
Copy !req
843. but Allerton never said
anything definite.
Copy !req
844. - You know how he is.
- Hmm.
Copy !req
845. No one's heard from him
since he left.
Copy !req
846. He said something
about joining you down there.
Copy !req
847. He never said anything to you
about it?
Copy !req
848. When did you get this?
Copy !req
849. Oh, you know... You know...
Copy !req
850. You know what happened
to my camera, right?
Copy !req
851. - Stolen.
- Stolen by this
Copy !req
852. Colombian kid I was getting
acquainted with.
Copy !req
853. Took a bunch of my socks too,
the little bastard!
Copy !req
854. So what's the story?
Copy !req
855. You making it with anyone
these days?
Copy !req
856. Chimu's still here.
Copy !req
857. Why don't we go
check out the local nightlife?
Copy !req
858. - Please...
- Yes, I'm not really
Copy !req
859. feeling up for it either.
Copy !req
860. Green Lantern?
Copy !req
861. Those guys are still here?
Copy !req
862. All of them,
if you can believe it.
Copy !req
863. - All except Dume.
- Mmm.
Copy !req
864. He's, uh... He's gone.
Copy !req
865. - He died?
- Mmm.
Copy !req
866. No, he had to go
back to Virginia
Copy !req
867. to take care of his mother.
Copy !req
868. Oh.
Copy !req
869. It's funny thinking of him
having a mother.
Copy !req
870. Yes. Well,
he doesn't anymore. She died.
Copy !req
871. Right...
Copy !req
872. You look good, Lee.
Copy !req
873. - I do?
- No.
Copy !req
874. But it's good to see you.
Copy !req
875. - Yeah.
- Hmm.
Copy !req
876. You too.
Copy !req
877. Yeah.
Copy !req
878. Lee...
Copy !req