1. - Hey, Nolan! Can you see anything?
- Not even a great white flounder.
Copy !req
2. Shark's fin at ten o'clock!
And it's a whopper!
Copy !req
3. Keep it this side of the ship.
Sheer off at 200 yards.
Copy !req
4. Gus, pitch it something to eat.
Copy !req
5. - Keep off, there's a diver down!
- Paul, keep him to the portside.
Copy !req
6. - Look out!
- Paul, hard to port!
Copy !req
7. Any fella dumb enough to dive
when there's a great ...
Copy !req
8. Nice going, baby. You just cost us
a quarter of a million bucks.
Copy !req
9. It's true. We get 10,000 a foot
for a shark. He was at least 25.
Copy !req
10. - 50 foot he was ...
- He's coming back!
Copy !req
11. Climb aboard.
Copy !req
12. - Paul, pour on the coal!
- I'll come back to get you.
Copy !req
13. Fin at two o'clock.
Copy !req
14. - Look! That eejit's in the water.
- Ken, get back in the boat!
Copy !req
15. Only one creature in the world
can do that. A killer whale.
Copy !req
16. This is the most powerful animal
on the globe. The killer whale.
Copy !req
17. A mammal with warm blood,
found in every sea.
Copy !req
18. The Romans called it Orca Orcinus,
"the bringer of death".
Copy !req
19. His tapered form and muscular fin
make it the fastest moving whale.
Copy !req
20. The adult male measures
around 30 feet and weighs six tons, -
Copy !req
21. - though some run to 45 feet.
Copy !req
22. Here's a killer whale in familiar
tamed, on exhibition.
Copy !req
23. if treated with kindness,
there is no greater friend to man.
Copy !req
24. But if not ...
Copy !req
25. The orca has 48 teeth
set in two impressive rows.
Copy !req
26. Killer whales are better parents
than most human beings.
Copy !req
27. And like human beings,
they have an instinct for vengeance.
Copy !req
28. But the most amazing thing is neither
gentleness nor violence, -
Copy !req
29. - but their brains.
Slides please, Ken.
Copy !req
30. These brains are of a monkey,
a human being, and a killer whale.
Copy !req
31. We know little about its intelligence
except that it is powerful, -
Copy !req
32. - and in some respects
may even be superior to man.
Copy !req
33. A four-month-old foetus,
incredibly like that of a human.
Copy !req
34. It even has two hands,
with five fingers on each.
Copy !req
35. Whales talk.
They communicate -
Copy !req
36. - by sounds and
sonar echolocation.
Copy !req
37. These whale sounds
contain wavelengths -
Copy !req
38. - that can travel across an ocean,
but also around the world.
Copy !req
39. This was recorded under water
and analyzed by computers.
Copy !req
40. It contains 15 million pieces of
information. The Bible has 4 million.
Copy !req
41. What are they saying? Do they have
to say anything to communicate?
Copy !req
42. Their sonar is like X-ray vision.
if we could see in each other -
Copy !req
43. - if someone was happy or sad,
indifferent or aroused, -
Copy !req
44. - healthy or suffering from a tumor, -
Copy !req
45. - it would be meaningless to say,
"How are you?"
Copy !req
46. What we call language they might
call unnecessary, or retarded.
Copy !req
47. I noticed that my lectures gained
a new and attentive member: Nolan.
Copy !req
48. He began asking me
at odd hours about the orcas, -
Copy !req
49. - and occasionally about me.
His ignorance surprised me.
Copy !req
50. The fact that an experienced
fisherman knew so Iittle amazed me.
Copy !req
51. His curiosity made him seem
vulnerable, and even attractive.
Copy !req
52. Or I had been in Newfoundland
for too long.
Copy !req
53. Nothing interests fishermen unless
they want to catch it, or kill it.
Copy !req
54. You're not building a holding pen?
Copy !req
55. When you pumped me
about killer whales, -
Copy !req
56. - it wasn't to improve your mind,
if any.
Copy !req
57. The lucky lad will have a long
and happy life in some aquarium.
Copy !req
58. - How much will you get for him?
- Enough.
Copy !req
59. - Nolan, there's a word for you.
- I've been called it many times.
Copy !req
60. You plan to sell a creature like you?
A warm-blooded, intelligent mammal!
Copy !req
61. - He communicates.
- Does he now?
Copy !req
62. Look at me.
You think I'm pulling your leg?
Copy !req
63. No, but you're one hell of a girl to
sleep in a tent with a tape recorder.
Copy !req
64. Did I tell you that that animal
has a right to be left alone?
Copy !req
65. No, but I suppose you're about to.
Copy !req
66. These animals are too big and too
smart. They live in constant motion.
Copy !req
67. It's worse than a lion in a cage.
Not to be screwed around with.
Copy !req
68. That's a dangerous word to use
around a fellow like me.
Copy !req
69. You'll never catch a killer whale.
Copy !req
70. ls there any way
I can make you give up?
Copy !req
71. There's one you might try.
But I guess it's out of the question.
Copy !req
72. if that's what it takes ...
Copy !req
73. if you think I can't catch one,
why are you so upset?
Copy !req
74. You won't catch one, but you
might butcher a few in the attempt.
Copy !req
75. - That's not my style.
- So you refuse to quit?
Copy !req
76. That's not my style either. Especially
when a pretty girl tells me -
Copy !req
77. - that I'm dumber than a fish.
Copy !req
78. Lots of bad luck.
Copy !req
79. How many c cs in the harpoons?
Copy !req
80. A whale is twice the size of a shark,
so we use twice as much.
Copy !req
81. - Nolan?
- What?
Copy !req
82. - Killer whales are monogamous.
- What?
Copy !req
83. They stick with one mate.
We could bust up a happy family.
Copy !req
84. You continue what you're doing
and bring it up.
Copy !req
85. Killer whales ahead!
Copy !req
86. We're off to the races, boys!
Copy !req
87. Annie, bring up the doped heads.
Copy !req
88. Here, take over.
Copy !req
89. Oh boy, look at them!
Copy !req
90. Don't approach them
like a bull in a china shop.
Copy !req
91. Let me take over.
Copy !req
92. Merciful God, what's that?
Copy !req
93. You missed the male.
You hit the female.
Copy !req
94. - He sounds almost human.
- It's a her. You can tell by the fin.
Copy !req
95. Paul, astern!
Copy !req
96. Paul, full ahead!
Copy !req
97. She's coming back.
Copy !req
98. She's trying to kill herself.
Copy !req
99. Stop the engines. Novak!
Help me get this crazy fish on board.
Copy !req
100. - Sling's tight.
- Haul away, Paul.
Copy !req
101. When she's clear,
we'll swing her inboard.
Copy !req
102. - She's losing a lot of blood.
- I know.
Copy !req
103. - Get her off my ship!
- The cable has jammed the boom.
Copy !req
104. It's okay.
Copy !req
105. It's gone.
You flushed it over.
Copy !req
106. - What did we hit?
- I don't know.
Copy !req
107. Charts.
Copy !req
108. Paul, check the radar.
Copy !req
109. - Nothing.
- Check the depth.
Copy !req
110. 85 fathoms.
Copy !req
111. The chart says the same thing,
and there isn't a reef for five miles.
Copy !req
112. Help me check the bearing.
Copy !req
113. - You know what we hit?
- What?
Copy !req
114. We didn't hit anything, it hit us.
Copy !req
115. Novak, check the engine room.
Copy !req
116. Paul!
Is that whale still alive?
Copy !req
117. - She's breathing.
- Go back to the wheel.
Copy !req
118. - Novak! Help me get her overboard.
- To hell with her.
Copy !req
119. - One more hit and he'll sink us.
- That's why I want her overboard.
Copy !req
120. Climb the boom and cut the rope.
Copy !req
121. Okay, cut her.
Copy !req
122. Novak!
Copy !req
123. - Are you all right?
- I'm okay now.
Copy !req
124. Oh, my God.
Copy !req
125. Let's go. Come on.
Copy !req
126. You drive on, I'll walk.
Copy !req
127. Are you reading to the whale?
Copy !req
128. It's not your style
to butcher a whale by accident.
Copy !req
129. - What can I do?
- Don't look at me as if I'm crazy.
Copy !req
130. I must say I'm amazed she swam up
here against the wind and the tide.
Copy !req
131. She didn't swim.
Her mate pushed her.
Copy !req
132. He what?
Copy !req
133. - Didn't you anchor here last night?
- I did. Out there.
Copy !req
134. - He followed you.
- What?
Copy !req
135. He followed you.
Copy !req
136. She speaks the truth.
Copy !req
137. She knows from university,
I know it from my ancestors.
Copy !req
138. I'm delighted to hear that.
Who are you?
Copy !req
139. Jakob Umilak.
I'm a teacher up north.
Copy !req
140. - Nice to meet you.
- You're the man who did this?
Copy !req
141. Guilty ...
Well, I must be off now.
Copy !req
142. - Please, listen to him.
- Why?
Copy !req
143. Our fathers once tried to kill a whale
and only wounded it.
Copy !req
144. The whale capsized the boat
and chewed up both hunters.
Copy !req
145. These whales have great memory.
Even after many years -
Copy !req
146. - they remember the human being
who harmed them.
Copy !req
147. He saw you, Nolan.
Copy !req
148. He saw you on the boat.
Copy !req
149. if I were you,
I'd stay far from his territory.
Copy !req
150. - I mightjust do that.
- You give up?
Copy !req
151. I mightjust do that, too.
Copy !req
152. Bless him, oh Lord.
Copy !req
153. Let light perpetual shine upon him.
Copy !req
154. That was nice, Reverend.
Copy !req
155. Would you give this in his name
to the Seamen's Fund?
Copy !req
156. - He didn't have any family.
- Thank you.
Copy !req
157. There's something
I'd like to ask you.
Copy !req
158. Would you wait for me outside, Paul?
Copy !req
159. - You're lrish?
- Yes.
Copy !req
160. Can't lose the accent.
I've been here 16 years.
Copy !req
161. Laborers are a dime a dozen
at home.
Copy !req
162. I came over here to work
for my uncle in his boat.
Copy !req
163. He died and left me the boat.
And he left me Gus.
Copy !req
164. Dear old Gus.
Copy !req
165. He taught me everything I know.
Which is precious little.
Copy !req
166. I can understand
how badly you must feel.
Copy !req
167. Fishermen like to die at sea.
Copy !req
168. He had a fear of dying in a home,
with tubes sticking out of him.
Copy !req
169. But to die like this ...
Copy !req
170. Don't take it too much to heart.
What's done is done.
Copy !req
171. Right.
Copy !req
172. Reverend?
Copy !req
173. What I was meaning to ask you ...
Copy !req
174. Can you commit a sin
against an animal?
Copy !req
175. You can commit a sin against
a blade of grass.
Copy !req
176. Sins are really against oneself.
Copy !req
177. You understand?
Copy !req
178. I do.
Copy !req
179. Thank you, Reverend.
Copy !req
180. - Thanks for the tie.
- I'm glad the pants fit.
Copy !req
181. - Excuse me. Nolan, isn't it?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
182. - I'm Al Swain. I'm in charge here.
- Hello, Al.
Copy !req
183. - What do you mean by "in charge"?
- The Fishermen's Union and all that.
Copy !req
184. - We brought your boat in.
- Was that you? Thank you.
Copy !req
185. - Can I do anything in return?
- Nothing special.
Copy !req
186. South Harbor is a friendly place.
Everybody knows everybody.
Copy !req
187. Are you trying to catch
a big, live killer whale?
Copy !req
188. No ...
Copy !req
189. We were for a moment,
but I've changed my mind.
Copy !req
190. Just as well,
because people are superstitious.
Copy !req
191. What do you mean?
Copy !req
192. An orca drives our fish away.
It's our livelihood.
Copy !req
193. You understand?
Copy !req
194. Is that for me?
Copy !req
195. Thanks.
Copy !req
196. "Whales and Dolphins
in Science and ..."
Copy !req
197. "... Mythology."
Copy !req
198. In celebration of the world's least
known intelligence. So it's about me.
Copy !req
199. Herman Melville believed that God
would come back to Earth as a whale.
Copy !req
200. You can't really believe all this
stuff. Forgive me laughing.
Copy !req
201. I'm not laughing at you,
but it's a bit heavy for me.
Copy !req
202. - But thanks for the book.
- You're very welcome.
Copy !req
203. When we're finished burying
the whale, I'll buy you a drink.
Copy !req
204. Thanks.
Copy !req
205. - Nolan, you got a minute?
- What do you want?
Copy !req
206. You're in a big hurry
to bury that whale.
Copy !req
207. - You think so?
- I got some good news for you.
Copy !req
208. The boatyard will fix you up
first thing in the morning.
Copy !req
209. Would you like a drink? You
didn't come here just to say that.
Copy !req
210. - We figured you'd want to know.
- That's nice of you.
Copy !req
211. But I'm not in any great hurry
to sail from South Harbor at all.
Copy !req
212. You mean you're staying
until you kill that whale?
Copy !req
213. Not at all! I'm staying -
Copy !req
214. - because I've got a broken hull and
a crew member with a busted foot.
Copy !req
215. It's got nothing to do with the whale.
Copy !req
216. Did I say something wrong?
Copy !req
217. First two boats are sunk,
now the fish are vanishing.
Copy !req
218. - All because of your whale.
- My whale?
Copy !req
219. Forget about the whale. I have.
I'll bet you'll never see him again.
Copy !req
220. An hour ago a kid saw a fin
with a nick in it.
Copy !req
221. Stationary. It's just waiting.
Copy !req
222. - Don't go to the North Point.
- Why would l?
Copy !req
223. I said, "Why would l?"
Copy !req
224. - I'll see you tonight, right?
- Wrong.
Copy !req
225. We've called the Coast Guard,
the Canadian Fisheries Board, -
Copy !req
226. - even the US Marine Mammal
Commission. They won't do anything.
Copy !req
227. They say they don't have time.
Copy !req
228. And you know for damn sure
Nolan's not gonna do anything.
Copy !req
229. Can I help you?
Copy !req
230. The men all meet.
They talk of you, and they are angry.
Copy !req
231. I understand.
Copy !req
232. They say you're a coward for not
going out and killing the whale.
Copy !req
233. - I have my reasons.
- I believe you.
Copy !req
234. You do? Why?
Copy !req
235. I see in your face fear.
Not of anything alive, -
Copy !req
236. - it is of some spirit.
Copy !req
237. I've come to warn you.
It is best you hunt this devil.
Copy !req
238. if there's any more harm done
by your whale ...
Copy !req
239. Look ...
Thank you for the warning.
Copy !req
240. I know what my ancestors
would have done.
Copy !req
241. They had this shaman. A skin
whale stuffed with birds' livers.
Copy !req
242. They piss on it
and throw it into the sea.
Copy !req
243. if all is done right, the evil spirit
flies out of his mouth and he's dead.
Copy !req
244. - Maybe you should try it for me.
- The world has changed.
Copy !req
245. Even our gods dance
to a new song.
Copy !req
246. Thank you.
Copy !req
247. Where is that ...?
Copy !req
248. They communicate like humans.
That's exactly what she said.
Copy !req
249. Hey, Paul! It says in the book
that whales ...
Copy !req
250. It's a pretty good likeness.
Copy !req
251. - Especially the head.
- What are you doing down here?
Copy !req
252. I had to see what you wanted
my camping gear for.
Copy !req
253. Don't tell me that scarecrow
is going to keep him off.
Copy !req
254. No, I hope to bring him in.
Like last night.
Copy !req
255. You are the dumbest,
maddest man I've ever met.
Copy !req
256. That's what I get for my books.
Are you gonna hypnotise him?
Copy !req
257. No, not exactly.
Copy !req
258. I came down here to shoot him.
Copy !req
259. One through each eye.
Copy !req
260. But then I put myself
into his position ...
Copy !req
261. He won't show.
Copy !req
262. Why not?
Copy !req
263. Why do you think he sank
the other boats and not yours?
Copy !req
264. I must admit that puzzled me.
Copy !req
265. He left you your boat because
he wants to fight you on the sea.
Copy !req
266. I won't do that. I refuse.
Copy !req
267. - In fact, I won't fight him at all.
- You'll shoot him from the jetty.
Copy !req
268. You're an animal. Science should
be observing creatures like you.
Copy !req
269. Go somewhere else
for your excitement.
Copy !req
270. Excitement!
Is that all it means to you?
Copy !req
271. - I think more of that whale than you.
- With a gun?
Copy !req
272. I brought this gun
to shoot him, yes. I did.
Copy !req
273. But when I came to do it,
I knew I couldn't.
Copy !req
274. So I got to thinking.
Copy !req
275. if what you say is right
and whales can communicate, -
Copy !req
276. - then I thought
I'd look him right in the eye.
Copy !req
277. I'd tell him that the killing
of his wife and child -
Copy !req
278. - was a terrible accident.
That I didn't mean it.
Copy !req
279. I'd tell him I was sorry,
and hoped he'd forgive me.
Copy !req
280. I understand what that whale feels.
Copy !req
281. The same thing happened to me.
Copy !req
282. My wife was pregnant
and drove to the hospital.
Copy !req
283. A drunken driver hit her.
Copy !req
284. He killed her and my baby.
Copy !req
285. That's good enough,
now get that thing into the water.
Copy !req
286. The town's working hard
to fix your boat.
Copy !req
287. She'll be ready to sail on the tide
at 6:15.
Copy !req
288. - Who is this?
- You're not gone at dawn ...
Copy !req
289. Your girl's busted Ieg
won't seem like nothing.
Copy !req
290. - Is that you, Swain?
- Just take some good advice.
Copy !req
291. Well, that decides it.
Copy !req
292. Paul, come here!
Copy !req
293. - You're leaving.
- What about the boat?
Copy !req
294. I'll take care of that.
Copy !req
295. - What's the matter?
- I'll explain later.
Copy !req
296. Got any money?
Take that, fill her up with petrol.
Copy !req
297. I won't tell my mother
I was run out of town by a fish.
Copy !req
298. You can't blame them.
I'd feel exactly the same way.
Copy !req
299. Hello?
Copy !req
300. - I'm going after him.
- After whom? What time is it?
Copy !req
301. Him. The whale.
Are you awake?
Copy !req
302. - I am now.
- I just wanted to tell you.
Copy !req
303. - The village and the whale want it.
- The whale?
Copy !req
304. - Yes, it's what the whale wants.
- I should explain something to you.
Copy !req
305. You don't know what it wants.
I don't know, nor do the villagers.
Copy !req
306. if he's like a human, what he wants
isn't necessarily what he should have.
Copy !req
307. Forget what I said. I thought
you were an insensitive bore.
Copy !req
308. But you're a sensitive bore.
Copy !req
309. - I take that as a compliment.
- Take it any way you like.
Copy !req
310. I'll take it as a compliment.
See you, I'm off at dawn.
Copy !req
311. - Nolan! Don't hang up.
- What's the matter?
Copy !req
312. What about Paul?
What about Annie's leg?
Copy !req
313. - That's just the point.
- You mean you're going alone?
Copy !req
314. if I don't, I'm afraid of what they
might do to Paul and Annie.
Copy !req
315. - And it's me the animal wants.
- Nolan, you're crazy!
Copy !req
316. if you're right and a human being
were crazed with grief, -
Copy !req
317. - would you do anything he wanted?
Copy !req
318. No, you'd try to protect him
against himself.
Copy !req
319. And, Nolan, who do you think
you owe more to?
Copy !req
320. The villagers or that animal?
Copy !req
321. - All right, then I won't go.
- You mean that?
Copy !req
322. - I do.
- You'll call me in the morning?
Copy !req
323. I will.
Copy !req
324. - Promise?
- Promise.
Copy !req
325. Good night, then.
Copy !req
326. - Nolan? Are you going out too?
- I'm just going to pack some gear.
Copy !req
327. Take me with you.
Copy !req
328. What is it?
What's the matter?
Copy !req
329. Come on.
I'll tell you what ...
Copy !req
330. Come and sit over here.
Copy !req
331. Rest that leg.
Copy !req
332. You've got a long, bumpy ride.
Good girl.
Copy !req
333. Fill her up and check the hood,
I'll get the air.
Copy !req
334. - We're all out.
- Of air?
Copy !req
335. - Gas, oil, anything.
- You just put gas in that car!
Copy !req
336. - There are no bus tickets either.
- What's the idea?
Copy !req
337. Tell Nolan that he must accept
what he already knows in his heart.
Copy !req
338. There's no way out
but to the sea.
Copy !req
339. - The whale's gone.
- He's not gone.
Copy !req
340. He hides in a sea cave.
The monster's message is clear.
Copy !req
341. We must send him Nolan
or he will torment the village.
Copy !req
342. This town's loony!
Copy !req
343. Tell your captain
I'm not his enemy.
Copy !req
344. I would sail as one of the crew,
I could help him.
Copy !req
345. With me or without me,
he has no choice but to fight.
Copy !req
346. What's the matter?
Copy !req
347. I can't get up.
My leg ...
Copy !req
348. You all right?
Copy !req
349. - I can't move!
- Paul! Get the lamp by the door.
Copy !req
350. I can't hold on.
Copy !req
351. Catch this, Annie.
Copy !req
352. Pull, that's it!
Copy !req
353. You revengeful son-of-a-bitch!
Copy !req
354. You win.
Copy !req
355. You want revenge?
You'll have it!
Copy !req
356. I'm coming to get you!
I'll fight you!
Copy !req
357. You revengeful son-of-a-bitch!
Copy !req
358. You win! Do you hear me?
Copy !req
359. You win.
Copy !req
360. Nolan's effort to spare his crew
had failed.
Copy !req
361. The town and the orca saw to that.
Copy !req
362. I insisted on going with them.
I felt responsible for Nolan.
Copy !req
363. I had filled his head with notions
of whales being capable of grief, -
Copy !req
364. - which I believed,
but also of calculated actions, -
Copy !req
365. - which I doubted,
despite all that had happened.
Copy !req
366. Maybe I hoped I would interpret
the animal in a new way.
Copy !req
367. It seemed perverse to assume that,
because the whale was intelligent, -
Copy !req
368. - it would also have
our ugliest emotion: vengeance.
Copy !req
369. I was sure of one thing, though.
Copy !req
370. His grief had made the orca
unpredictable. I felt obliged-
Copy !req
371. - to protect both it and Nolan
from that insanity.
Copy !req
372. Nolan seemed sure of what would
happen. That frightened me.
Copy !req
373. He set our course for the exact
spot where he killed the female.
Copy !req
374. He was sure
the creature would come.
Copy !req
375. Excuse me ...
Shouldn't there be a look-out?
Copy !req
376. He's not ready yet.
Copy !req
377. That's your gun.
Oil the patch.
Copy !req
378. - I don't shoot whales.
- if he gets me, you'll have to.
Copy !req
379. - Do you really think he'll get you?
- No, I said "if'.
Copy !req
380. It's him!
Copy !req
381. - That's his first contact.
- How should I steer?
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382. - This is exactly what I thought.
- I'll go in the look-out.
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383. - Where are you going with that gun?
- What do you mean?
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384. It's me he wants to fight.
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385. Put down that gun.
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386. Steady as she goes.
Stand by for a depth charge.
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387. - You can't let off dynamite!
- Do you want me to dive overboard?
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388. - Don't!
- Hands off.
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389. Get your head in.
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390. Here he comes!
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391. What the hell is he up to?
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392. He wants us to follow him.
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393. Umilak! Change course.
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394. - Are you all right?
- Yes, I'm fine.
Copy !req
395. I don't know whether to scold you or
thank you, but what's done is done.
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396. Ken!
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397. What's he telling you?
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398. "You're me," he's saying.
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399. "I'm you."
Copy !req
400. "You're my drunk driver," he's saying.
Copy !req
401. They'll want us to turn back now.
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402. It's too late for me.
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403. I'll take over from Paul.
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404. Okay, Paul, I'll take her.
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405. I wouldn't have believed it,
hadn't I seen it.
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406. That course just threaded us
straight to the Gulf of St. Lawrence.
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407. - Like he had radar.
- Sonar, actually.
Copy !req
408. Did Nolan radio back
what happened to Ken?
Copy !req
409. I don't know.
Copy !req
410. if he did, we would have been
ordered back to the port.
Copy !req
411. You're getting as crazy
as he is, Rachel.
Copy !req
412. Turn in now, Paul.
Try not to dream.
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413. - It's dead on.
- On what?
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414. The Strait of Belle lsle.
The open sea.
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415. He's taking us out of the gulf,
to the coast of Labrador.
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416. I feel this is the last lap.
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417. - There's no way out north.
- lce can crush this boat in seconds.
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418. lce cuts both ways.
Copy !req
419. He'll have to crash up
through it -
Copy !req
420. - to find air.
Copy !req
421. This whale is not
as smart as I thought he was.
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422. - Come and ram us, you crazy fish!
- Take it easy.
Copy !req
423. You're doing exactly
what he wants you to do.
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424. He normally follows his victim
for two weeks before he hits it.
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425. Here, read it. Page 77.
He's trying to drive us crazy.
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426. He's already done it with you.
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427. I've checked the fuel.
There's not enough to take us home.
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428. We can pull up at a gas station.
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429. No more wisecracks.
We don't have enough to get home.
Copy !req
430. There's a radar station
northwest of Seahorse Point.
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431. You can send an SOS. They'll
lift you out with a helicopter.
Copy !req
432. Lift us out?
What about you?
Copy !req
433. Me?
Copy !req
434. With the growing cold
came a growing quiet.
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435. From the crew,
from Nolan, everything.
Copy !req
436. It was numbing like the chill,
and palpable.
Copy !req
437. The orca moved north,
and we followed.
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438. We didn't speak about Ken's death,
or about our plans.
Copy !req
439. All Nolan said was
that the orca was reeling us in.
Copy !req
440. But we were low on fuel, -
Copy !req
441. - and Nolan didn't seem to
give thought to fight or flight.
Copy !req
442. The creature led,
Nolan followed.
Copy !req
443. If there were a purpose to what
we were doing, only the orca knew.
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444. Engines astern!
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445. - What are you doing?
- I'm swinging the lifeboat out.
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446. - It can get carried away.
- We'll take that chance.
Copy !req
447. Get up here and swing that light,
and find me a clear way.
Copy !req
448. - Are you joking?
- Find me a passage!
Copy !req
449. Nolan ...
Copy !req
450. You're tired. Get some sleep.
I'll take care of him.
Copy !req
451. - I think Nolan's right.
- About what?
Copy !req
452. - The boat's more secure inboard.
- Well, that's what makes horseraces.
Copy !req
453. Come, I'll warm you.
Copy !req
454. Do you remember?
Copy !req
455. Some time ago,
you asked me -
Copy !req
456. - how much I'd make from
the whale. Do you remember that?
Copy !req
457. All I wanted was enough money -
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458. - to pay off the boat.
Copy !req
459. Go back to lreland.
Copy !req
460. America never suited me.
Copy !req
461. Now look what I've done.
Copy !req
462. Three people dead.
An innocent girl maimed for life.
Copy !req
463. God forgive me ...
Copy !req
464. Tomorrow will be the day.
Copy !req
465. He loved his family more
than I loved mine.
Copy !req
466. I won't be needing this.
Copy !req
467. It's going to be a fair fight
on equal terms.
Copy !req
468. I'm taking over.
We're going back.
Copy !req
469. Now!
Copy !req
470. There's an iceberg
coming towards us.
Copy !req
471. It's moving against the current.
Copy !req
472. Umilak, start the engines.
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473. Get me the harpoon.
He has to come up for air.
Copy !req
474. Go on.
Copy !req
475. SOS ...
We'll leave our signal on automatic.
Copy !req
476. Thank you.
Stand back now.
Copy !req
477. Behind you!
Copy !req
478. Here, catch!
Copy !req
479. What in hell are you?
Copy !req
480. Shoot!
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