1. This man is worth $500,
Copy !req
2. and this man's going to collect.
Copy !req
3. He's Jake Cahill,
Copy !req
4. and he lives by...
Copy !req
5. Bounty Law.
Copy !req
6. You don't ever bring them in alive, do you, Jake?
Copy !req
7. Not when there's three of them and one of me.
Copy !req
8. What are you looking at, bounty killer?
Copy !req
9. I'm looking at an ugly owl-hoot
about to get his jaw busted.
Copy !req
10. Amateurs try and take men in alive.
Copy !req
11. - Amateurs usually don't make it.
- Whether you're dead or alive,
Copy !req
12. you're just a dollar sign to Jake Cahill on Bounty Law.
Copy !req
13. Thursdays at 8:30, only on NBC.
Copy !req
14. Hello, everybody.
Copy !req
15. This is Allen Kincade on the set of the exciting hit NBC
and Screen Gems television series Bounty Law.
Copy !req
16. Now, if you think you're seeing double,
don't adjust your television sets
Copy !req
17. because, well, in a way, you are.
Copy !req
18. To my right is Bounty Law series lead
and Jake Cahill himself, Rick Dalton.
Copy !req
19. And to my left is Rick's stunt double, Cliff Booth.
Copy !req
20. Welcome, gentlemen,
and thanks for taking the time to visit with us.
Copy !req
21. Well, it's our pleasure, Allen.
Copy !req
22. So, Rick, explain to the audience
exactly what it is a stunt double does.
Copy !req
23. Well...
Copy !req
24. actors are required to do a lot of dangerous stuff.
Copy !req
25. Say Jake Cahill gets shot off his horse.
Copy !req
26. Now, can I fall off a horse?
Copy !req
27. Yes, I can, and, yes, I have.
Copy !req
28. But say I fall off wrong and I sprain my wrist
or I twist my ankle.
Copy !req
29. Now, that can put an undue burden on production
because now maybe I can't work for a week.
Copy !req
30. So Cliff here is meant to help carry the load.
Copy !req
31. Is that how you'd describe your job, Cliff?
Copy !req
32. What, carrying his load?
Copy !req
33. Yeah, that's about right.
Copy !req
34. Join me next week on the set of
The Dick Van Dyke Show,
Copy !req
35. where I'll be talking to those comical cutups,
Morey Amsterdam and Rose Marie.
Copy !req
36. Till then,
this is Allen Kincade signing off from Hollywood.
Copy !req
37. I missed you.
Copy !req
38. - The black one. And the flowers.
- Flowers, Ava, flowers.
Copy !req
39. - And there's the small one.
- Can I see your tickets?
Copy !req
40. Oh, good boy.
Copy !req
41. Gina, Gina, Gina.
Copy !req
42. The face in the misty light.
Copy !req
43. - Hello, Mr. Schwarz.
- Hello, Gina.
Copy !req
44. I... I have a meeting with a very handsome cowboy man.
Copy !req
45. He's waiting for you in the bar.
Copy !req
46. Well...
Copy !req
47. since I just finished watching
a Rick Dalton fucking film festival,
Copy !req
48. I think I know who you are. Put it there.
Copy !req
49. Well, it's my pleasure, Mr. Schwartz.
Copy !req
50. - And thank you for taking an interest.
- Schwarz, not Schwartz.
Copy !req
51. Goddamn it to hell. I'm sorry about that.
Copy !req
52. - It's my pleasure, Mr. Schwarz.
- Call me Marvin.
Copy !req
53. Marvin, call me Rick.
Copy !req
54. - Rick?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
55. - Oh, is that your son?
- My son?
Copy !req
56. No, that's my stunt double, Cliff Booth.
Copy !req
57. - Yeah.
- Good to meet you.
Copy !req
58. We've worked together
since the last two seasons of Bounty Law.
Copy !req
59. - Yeah?
- My car's in the shop, so he gave me a ride.
Copy !req
60. That's a big fucking lie.
Copy !req
61. Rick got his driver's license taken away
for too many drunk-driving tickets.
Copy !req
62. - Cliff drives him everywhere now.
- Oh, fuck.
Copy !req
63. - Well, sounds like a good friend.
- I try.
Copy !req
64. I wanna send you greetings from my wife,
Mary Alice Schwarz.
Copy !req
65. Oh, well, that's nice.
Copy !req
66. Thanks a lot.
Copy !req
67. We had a Rick Dalton double feature
in our screening room last night.
Copy !req
68. Oh, well, that's both flattering and embarrassing.
Copy !req
69. What'd you see?
Copy !req
70. Thirty-five mm prints of Tanner
and The Fourteen Fists of McCluskey.
Copy !req
71. I hope the Rick Dalton double feature
Copy !req
72. wasn't too painful for you and the— And the missus.
Copy !req
73. Oh, no. "Painful." Stop. What are you saying?
Copy !req
74. Mary Alice loves Westerns.
Our Whole courtship, we watched Westerns.
Copy !req
75. - Here you go.
- Thanks.
Copy !req
76. And we thoroughly enjoyed Tanner.
Copy !req
77. - Oh, that's nice.
- It's really good. And anyway, she goes to bed.
Copy !req
78. I open up a box of Havanas.
Copy !req
79. I light up, I pour myself a cognac and I watch...
Copy !req
80. The Fourteen Fists of McCluskey.
Copy !req
81. What a picture.
Copy !req
82. - What a picture.
- Good picture, yeah.
Copy !req
83. That is so much fun.
Copy !req
84. All the shooting.
Copy !req
85. - I love that stuff. You know, the killing.
- A lot of killing. Lot of killing, yeah.
Copy !req
86. Now, gentlemen, the plan is, we reverse our forces
Copy !req
87. and drive the Allies back into the sea!
Copy !req
88. - Genius.
- Panzer divisions come in,
Copy !req
89. and we drive them here to the ocean.
Copy !req
90. They'll be up against the wall.
Copy !req
91. - They will have nowhere to go.
- Yes.
Copy !req
92. This is the spot...
Copy !req
93. Hermann!
Copy !req
94. Open the curtains.
Copy !req
95. Anybody order fried sauerkraut?
Copy !req
96. Burn, you Nazi bastards!
Copy !req
97. That's you operating the flamethrower, isn't it?
Copy !req
98. Oh, you bet your sweet ass it was. Yeah, yeah.
Copy !req
99. - It was you?
- Yeah. And let me tell you,
Copy !req
100. that's one shit-fuck crazy weapon
you do not wanna be on the wrong side of.
Copy !req
101. Boy, oh, boy.
Copy !req
102. You know, I practiced with that dragon
Copy !req
103. three hours a day for two weeks.
Copy !req
104. Not just because I wanted to look good
in the picture, but because I was—
Copy !req
105. I was shit-scared of the damn thing, to be honest.
Copy !req
106. Mike fucking Lewis!
Copy !req
107. Crisping them Nazis to hell!
Copy !req
108. Oh, shit, that's...
Copy !req
109. All right, that's too hot.
Copy !req
110. Anything we can
do about that heat?
Copy !req
111. - Rick, it's a flamethrower.
- Yeah.
Copy !req
112. So I came to the office early today,
Copy !req
113. and I watched two episodes of Bounty Law on 16 mm.
Copy !req
114. Jody Janice,
Copy !req
115. wanted for cattle rustling in the state of Wyoming,
$425 dead or alive.
Copy !req
116. And you brought him here to collect.
Copy !req
117. I don't even know where here is.
Copy !req
118. It was just the closest place.
Copy !req
119. Caught up with him about five miles outside of town.
Copy !req
120. So, bounty killer,
Copy !req
121. the name of this town is Janicetown.
Copy !req
122. And that boy you killed...
Copy !req
123. was Jody Janice.
Copy !req
124. He was the baby boy of Major Nathin Maxwell Janice.
Copy !req
125. Who's Major Nathin Maxwell Janice?
Copy !req
126. Well, I'll be sure and introduce you
Copy !req
127. when he gets here.
Copy !req
128. Bounty Law.
Copy !req
129. Starring Rick Dalton.
Copy !req
130. Then a couple of the jokers over in archival sent over
a kinescope of a little treat featuring you.
Copy !req
131. There's an old piano
Copy !req
132. And they play it hot
Behind the green door
Copy !req
133. Don't know what they're doing
Copy !req
134. But they laugh a lot
Behind the green door
Copy !req
135. Wish they'd let me in
Copy !req
136. So I can find out
What's behind the green door
Copy !req
137. So you've been doing guest shots
Copy !req
138. on episodic TV shows the last couple of years?
Copy !req
139. Yeah. Yeah. I'm doing a pilot for CBS right now.
Copy !req
140. It's called— It's called Lancer. I play the heavy.
Copy !req
141. Did a Ron Ely Tarzan.
Copy !req
142. I did a Land of the Giants. Green Hornet.
Copy !req
143. I did that show...
Copy !req
144. Bingo Martin with that kid Scott Brown. Yeah.
Copy !req
145. And I got a F.B.I. that airs this Sunday.
Copy !req
146. You... You always play the bad guy on these shows?
Copy !req
147. - Yeah.
- Yeah.
Copy !req
148. So, and they have a fight scene at the end of them?
Copy !req
149. Well, not— Not— Not Land of the Giants or F.B.I.,
Copy !req
150. - but the rest, yeah. Yeah.
- And you lose in the fight?
Copy !req
151. Yeah. Yeah, of course. I'm— I'm the heavy.
Copy !req
152. Oh, that's an old trick pulled by the networks.
Copy !req
153. Now, you take Bingo Martin, for example. Right?
Copy !req
154. So you got a new guy like Scott Brown.
Copy !req
155. You wanna build up his bona fides, right?
Copy !req
156. So you hire a guy
from a canceled show to play the heavy.
Copy !req
157. Then at the end of the show, when they fight,
Copy !req
158. it's hero besting heavy.
Copy !req
159. But what the audience sees
Copy !req
160. is Bingo Martin whipping Jake Cahill's ass.
Copy !req
161. You see?
Copy !req
162. Then next week, it's Ron Ely.
Copy !req
163. And next week, it's Bob Conrad,
Copy !req
164. wearing his tight pants, kicking your ass.
Copy !req
165. Yeah.
Copy !req
166. In another couple of years, playing punching bag
to every swinging dick new to the network,
Copy !req
167. that's gonna have a psychological effect
on how the audience perceives you.
Copy !req
168. Right.
Copy !req
169. So, Rick,
Copy !req
170. who's gonna kick the shit out of you next week?
Copy !req
171. Mannix? The Man from U.N.C.L.E.?
Copy !req
172. The Girl from U.N.C.L.E.?
Copy !req
173. How about Batman and Robin?
Copy !req
174. Down goes you.
Copy !req
175. Down goes your career as a leading man.
Copy !req
176. Or do you go to Rome and star in Westerns
Copy !req
177. and win fucking fights?
Copy !req
178. Ticket, señor?
Copy !req
179. - All right, what's the matter, partner?
- Well...
Copy !req
180. it's official, old buddy.
Copy !req
181. - I'm a has-been.
- What are you talking about?
Copy !req
182. - What did that guy tell you?
- He told me the goddamn truth, is what he told me.
Copy !req
183. - Oh, shit.
- Hey.
Copy !req
184. - I'm sorry about that. I'm sorry about that.
- Here. Put these on.
Copy !req
185. - Don't cry in front of the Mexicans.
- Son of a bitch.
Copy !req
186. Now, what's got you so upset, man?
Copy !req
187. If coming face-to-face with the failure
that is your career ain't worth crying about,
Copy !req
188. - then I don't know what the fuck is.
- Right. That guy in there turn you down?
Copy !req
189. No. He wants to help me get into Italian movies.
Copy !req
190. - Then what's the problem?
- I gotta do Italian goddamn movies!
Copy !req
191. - That's the fucking problem!
- Come on.
Copy !req
192. Fucking bullshit!
It doesn't matter whether I cry in public.
Copy !req
193. Nobody remembers who the fuck I am anyway, huh?
Copy !req
194. at the Hall of Justice in town.
The defense will try to prove the killing
Copy !req
195. - of Kennedy was the product of a sick mind.
- Fuck!
Copy !req
196. - Thank you. Hey, let's go.
- Take me home, Cliff.
Copy !req
197. Come on, take me home.
Copy !req
198. as early as next Wednesday.
Copy !req
199. More than 1000 Communists dead are reported
in new, large-scale fighting in South Vietnam.
Copy !req
200. U. S. losses are said to be...
Copy !req
201. That's swell, man.
Copy !req
202. Fucking hippie motherfuckers.
Copy !req
203. and bases with rockets and mortar fire.
Copy !req
204. As President Nixon was flying to Europe,
he received details of that fighting by radio.
Copy !req
205. Always is always forever
Copy !req
206. As long as one is one
Copy !req
207. inside yourself for your father
Copy !req
208. All is one, all is one, all is one
Copy !req
209. It's time we put our love behind you
Copy !req
210. The illusion has been just a dream
Copy !req
211. The Valley of Death and I'll find you
Copy !req
212. Now is when on a sunshine beam
Copy !req
213. Hot dog buns!
Copy !req
214. For sure they shall surely see
Copy !req
215. No clothing, no tears, no hunger
Copy !req
216. You shall see, you shall see, you shall see
Copy !req
217. Always is always forever
Copy !req
218. As long as one is one
Copy !req
219. inside yourself for your father
Copy !req
220. All is one, all is one, all is one
Copy !req
221. Five years of ascent.
Copy !req
222. Ten years of treading water.
Copy !req
223. And now a race to the bottom.
Copy !req
224. Look, I never had much of a career to speak of,
Copy !req
225. so I can't say I really know how you feel.
Copy !req
226. What are you talking about?
Copy !req
227. You're my stunt double.
Copy !req
228. Come on, now. Shit.
Copy !req
229. Rick, I'm your driver, man. I'm your gofer.
Copy !req
230. I'm not complaining, man.
Copy !req
231. I like driving you around.
Copy !req
232. I like doing shit around the house
Copy !req
233. and house-sitting
in the Hollywood Hills when you're gone.
Copy !req
234. But I haven't been
a full-time stuntman for a while now,
Copy !req
235. and from where I'm standing,
going to Rome to star in movies does not sound
Copy !req
236. like the fate worse than death
that you seem to think it is.
Copy !req
237. Come on, now.
You ever seen an Italian Western, huh?
Copy !req
238. They're awful. It's a fucking farce.
Copy !req
239. Yeah, how many you seen? One? Two?
Copy !req
240. I've seen enough, all right?
Copy !req
241. Nobody likes Spaghetti Westerns.
Copy !req
242. Oh, hell, man, stay in L.A.
Give it what fer next pilot season.
Copy !req
243. Nah, nah. I'm— I'm—
Copy !req
244. I'm too insecure now to score come pilot season.
Copy !req
245. Besides, Screen Gems ain't gonna
have nothing good to say about me.
Copy !req
246. - You know that.
- Shit. You made Bounty Law.
Copy !req
247. Nobody's gonna forgive me
for that last season. No matter what I do,
Copy !req
248. I'm always gonna be the horse's ass
that got Bounty Law canceled
Copy !req
249. because I wanted some
fucking rinky-dink movie career.
Copy !req
250. Tom. My friend.
Copy !req
251. - I met him?
- No, you haven't met him.
Copy !req
252. You won't meet him because
I don't think you'd like him.
Copy !req
253. Why?
Copy !req
254. Well...
Copy !req
255. - Don't even joke.
- A joke? But they're scared.
Copy !req
256. Holy shit.
Copy !req
257. That was Polanski.
Copy !req
258. That was Roman Polanski.
Copy !req
259. He's lived there
for a month now.
Copy !req
260. First time I seen him.
Copy !req
261. Holy shit. Goddamn it.
Copy !req
262. What do I always say?
Most important thing in this town is,
Copy !req
263. when you're making money, you buy a house in town.
Copy !req
264. You don't rent. Eddie O'Brien taught me that.
Copy !req
265. Hollywood real estate means you live here.
Copy !req
266. You're not just visiting, not just passing through.
Copy !req
267. You fucking live here.
Copy !req
268. Here I am flat on my ass,
and who I got living next door to me?
Copy !req
269. The director of Rosemary's fucking Baby, that's who.
Copy !req
270. Polanski, the hottest director in town right now,
probably the world.
Copy !req
271. He's my next-door fucking neighbor.
Copy !req
272. I mean, shit.
I mean, who knows what could happen?
Copy !req
273. I could— I could be one pool party away
from starring in a new Polanski movie.
Copy !req
274. - So you're feeling better now?
- Yeah, yeah. Sorry about all that.
Copy !req
275. - Give me my glasses back.
- Oh, come get them, fucker. Come—
Copy !req
276. All right, all right, Audie Murphy, relax.
Copy !req
277. - There you go.
- You gonna need me for anything else?
Copy !req
278. Nah, nah, nah.
I got a lot of lines to learn for tomorrow.
Copy !req
279. - Shit. All right.
- All right.
Copy !req
280. - I'm gonna get my carcass on home.
- All right.
Copy !req
281. - All right, 7:15 AM.
- Seven-fifteen.
Copy !req
282. - Out the door.
- Out the door.
Copy !req
283. - In the car.
- All right, see you then.
Copy !req
284. Hello, coming in. Hello.
Copy !req
285. Hello, darling. Hello.
Copy !req
286. Come here.
Copy !req
287. Hello, sweetheart.
Copy !req
288. How was your day?
Copy !req
289. Wait till you see what I got for you.
Copy !req
290. Wait until you see what I got for you.
Copy !req
291. Look what I got for you.
Copy !req
292. Gonna blow your mind, man.
Copy !req
293. Come here. Come here.
Copy !req
294. Was that a whine?
Copy !req
295. What did I tell
you about whining?
Copy !req
296. You whine, you don't eat.
Copy !req
297. I will throw this
shit in the trash.
Copy !req
298. I don't wanna, but I will.
Copy !req
299. You understand?
Copy !req
300. All right.
Copy !req
301. I waited at the bar till closing time,
but he never came back.
Copy !req
302. Okay, Peggy, what happened?
Copy !req
303. I don't know. Everything was fine.
Copy !req
304. We had dinner at my house.
Copy !req
305. And afterwards, you know,
while I was doing the dishes,
Copy !req
306. he and Tobey played.
Copy !req
307. And then, at the club, Gabe was doing great.
Copy !req
308. Then, wham, a sudden change.
Copy !req
309. You know how musicians are.
Copy !req
310. They're temperamental cats.
Copy !req
311. - Who knows what got into him?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
312. Rick Dalton rehearsal tape starting in five, four,
Copy !req
313. three, two, one.
Copy !req
314. Pepe, get your behind behind that bar! I got a guest.
Copy !req
315. Johnny says...
Copy !req
316. Spanish, Spanish, Spanish.
Copy !req
317. - How's the beans?
- I've had worse.
Copy !req
318. Johnny says... Spanish.
Copy !req
319. A toast.
Copy !req
320. To my wife and all my sweethearts.
Copy !req
321. May they never meet.
Copy !req
322. Señor Madrid, care to join me at my table
where I entertain my guests?
Copy !req
323. I would be delighted, Monsieur Dakota.
Copy !req
324. Take the bottle with you.
Copy !req
325. And Pepe comes over.
Copy !req
326. Hey, where's that chili pepper daughter of yours
with the fiddle?
Copy !req
327. She's asleep.
Copy !req
328. Well, wake her the heck up, get her down here
with her fiddle and her bow, and entertain my guests.
Copy !req
329. Sí, señor,
but please don't hurt her this time, I beg you.
Copy !req
330. I ain't gonna hurt her.
Copy !req
331. Just want her to play the fiddle.
Copy !req
332. Fetch her and tell her I'll
give her a fat $5 gold piece,
Copy !req
333. she play her little chili pepper heart out.
Copy !req
334. So, Johnny, what else you heard about me?
Copy !req
335. I heard you're pushing Lancer pretty hard,
but Lancer has money.
Copy !req
336. At some point,
he's gonna hire some guns and push back.
Copy !req
337. - Oops, sorry.
- It's okay.
Copy !req
338. I'll open the door for you.
Copy !req
339. You look good.
Copy !req
340. - I think Steve's gonna be there too.
- Oh, yeah.
Copy !req
341. Oh, look. They're here.
Copy !req
342. Welcome to Playboy Mansion, Mr. Polanski.
Copy !req
343. Hey, how are you doing, baby?
Copy !req
344. Hey! How are you?
Copy !req
345. Oh, Cass!
Copy !req
346. Yeah!
Copy !req
347. Yeah, baby!
Copy !req
348. Yeah!
Copy !req
349. Oh, yeah.
Copy !req
350. I'm gonna tell you a story.
Copy !req
351. She was engaged to him.
Copy !req
352. Then she flew to the UK...
Copy !req
353. to make a film with him,
Copy !req
354. and broke off her engagement with him and married him.
Copy !req
355. Then they moved to Los Angeles,
Copy !req
356. and the three of them have been inseparable.
Copy !req
357. Really?
Copy !req
358. What's up?
Copy !req
359. Jay loves Sharon, that's what's up.
Copy !req
360. And he knows...
Copy !req
361. as sure as God made little green apples...
Copy !req
362. that one of these days,
that Polish prick's gonna fuck things up,
Copy !req
363. and when he does, Jay's gonna be there.
Copy !req
364. Well, one thing's for sure.
Copy !req
365. Yeah?
Copy !req
366. What's that?
Copy !req
367. Sharon absolutely has a type.
Copy !req
368. Cute, short,
talented guys who look like 12-year-old boys.
Copy !req
369. Yeah.
Copy !req
370. I never stood a chance.
Copy !req
371. Fuck you, Dr. Sapirstein.
Copy !req
372. Oh, here we are.
Copy !req
373. Tell transpo! Gonna need to move all that out!
Copy !req
374. Just a sec. Hold on, guys.
Copy !req
375. Go ahead.
Copy !req
376. - Maybe you can talk to him.
- Just talk to him.
Copy !req
377. - Get that set in place.
- Hey.
Copy !req
378. I think the wind blew down my TV antenna last night,
Copy !req
379. so while I piss-fart around with wardrobe,
you mind going home and fixing it?
Copy !req
380. I can.
Copy !req
381. Can you talk to the stunt gaffer about me today?
Copy !req
382. - That way I'll know if I'm working this week or not.
- Yeah.
Copy !req
383. I've been meaning to tell you.
Copy !req
384. The guy who gaffs this,
he's best friends with Randy,
Copy !req
385. the gaffer from The Green Hornet,
so there really ain't no point.
Copy !req
386. Well, if you don't need me, I'll pick you up at wrap.
Copy !req
387. I don't need you. Not today.
Copy !req
388. Go home, fix my antenna, do whatever.
Copy !req
389. See you at wrap.
Copy !req
390. Hey!
Copy !req
391. You're Rick fucking Dalton. Don't you forget it.
Copy !req
392. Hey, hey.
Copy !req
393. Hey, buddy, I'm Rick Dalton.
You know where I'm supposed to go?
Copy !req
394. - They're waiting for you in the makeup trailer.
- Where's the makeup trailer?
Copy !req
395. Straight back the way you came, hard right.
Copy !req
396. Oh, my God.
Copy !req
397. Rick Dalton.
Copy !req
398. Sam Wanamaker.
Copy !req
399. Hey, Sam. Sorry about the wet hand.
Copy !req
400. Oh, don't worry about it.
Copy !req
401. I'm used to it with Yul.
Copy !req
402. I just want you to know, I'm the one who cast you,
and I could not be more delighted you're doing this.
Copy !req
403. Oh, well, thank you, Sam.
I— I appreciate it. It's a good part.
Copy !req
404. Yeah, it is.
Copy !req
405. Have you met Jim Stacy, the series lead?
Copy !req
406. - Not yet, no. No.
- Well, you guys are going to be dynamite together.
Copy !req
407. Well, it sounds exciting.
Copy !req
408. Yeah, lightning in a bottle.
Copy !req
409. - Now, you met Sonya, makeup and hair?
- Hi.
Copy !req
410. - And this is Rebekka, who does costumes.
- Hello.
Copy !req
411. - Hi.
- Howdy.
Copy !req
412. I want a whole new look for Caleb.
Copy !req
413. I don't want this Western costumed
the way they costumed The Big Valley
Copy !req
414. and Bonanza for the last decade.
Copy !req
415. I want a zeitgeist flair to the costumes.
Copy !req
416. I mean, nothing anachronistic,
but where does 1869 and 1969 meet?
Copy !req
417. Especially when it comes to you, Caleb.
Copy !req
418. First off, I want to give him a mustache.
Copy !req
419. A big, droopy, Zapata-like mustache.
Copy !req
420. Now, about his jacket.
Copy !req
421. I want to give him a hippie jacket.
Copy !req
422. Something he could wear into the London Fog tonight
Copy !req
423. - and look like the hippest guy in the room.
- Far out.
Copy !req
424. We got a Custer jacket. Fringes all down the arm.
Copy !req
425. It's tan now, but I dye it dark brown,
he could hit the Strip in it tonight.
Copy !req
426. That's my girl.
Copy !req
427. - Now, Rick, about your hair.
- What about my hair?
Copy !req
428. I want to go with a different hairstyle.
Copy !req
429. - What?
- Something more hippie-ish.
Copy !req
430. You— You— You— You want me to look like a hippie?
Copy !req
431. Well, think less hippie, more...
Copy !req
432. Hells Angel!
Copy !req
433. - Right. Say, Sam—
- Get me the—
Copy !req
434. Sam. Sam...
Copy !req
435. if you got me covered up in all this...
Copy !req
436. This junk, how's the audience gonna know it's me?
Copy !req
437. I hope they don't.
Copy !req
438. I don't want them to see Jake Cahill.
Copy !req
439. I want them to see Caleb.
Copy !req
440. I hired you to be an actor, Rick.
Copy !req
441. Not a TV cowboy. You're better than that.
Copy !req
442. I've been meaning to tell you,
the guy who gaffs this,
Copy !req
443. he's best friends with Randy,
the gaffer from The Green Hornet,
Copy !req
444. so there really ain't no point.
Copy !req
445. Hey, Randy.
Copy !req
446. Cliff.
Copy !req
447. - So you're still with Rick, huh?
- Still here.
Copy !req
448. - He in there?
- Yeah. Just knock.
Copy !req
449. Look, just put him in the wardrobe, all right?
Copy !req
450. What's it gonna hurt?
Then if you need him, you got him, all right?
Copy !req
451. But then I gotta have a conversation
with that wardrobe assistant,
Copy !req
452. and, man, she's a fucking bitch.
Copy !req
453. I just don't— Please, I—
Copy !req
454. Look, Randy, I'm asking you to help me out, man.
Copy !req
455. If the answer's no,
the answer's no, not no with excuses.
Copy !req
456. Hey, man.
Copy !req
457. This ain't a fucking Andy McLaglen picture, you know?
Copy !req
458. I can't afford to hire
a bunch of guys to smoke cigarettes
Copy !req
459. and sit around talking to each other all day
on the chance that I might use them.
Copy !req
460. I got a four-man team here, Rick.
Copy !req
461. If I need more than that,
I gotta get it approved.
Copy !req
462. And, you know, I gotta look after my dudes.
Copy !req
463. Hey, and if your dudes were a better match for me,
Copy !req
464. I'd say, "Okay, you got me,"
but that's not the case, and you know it.
Copy !req
465. - He's a great fucking match for me.
- Yeah, no...
Copy !req
466. Hey, you could do anything you want to him.
Shit, throw him off a building, right?
Copy !req
467. Light him on fire.
Copy !req
468. Hit him with a fucking Lincoln, right?
Copy !req
469. Get creative. Do whatever you want.
He's just happy for the opportunity.
Copy !req
470. - Rick.
- Yeah?
Copy !req
471. I don't dig him.
Copy !req
472. And I don't dig the vibe he brings on a set.
Copy !req
473. What, is there some old beef between the two of you?
Copy !req
474. - Oh, come on, man.
- What? What?
Copy !req
475. The dude killed his fucking wife.
Copy !req
476. Come on, man.
You don't believe that old shit, do you?
Copy !req
477. Yes, Rick, I do.
Copy !req
478. And I work with my wife, and she believes it.
Copy !req
479. She doesn't want his creepy ass around.
Copy !req
480. You know,
this is probably the shittiest weather ever.
Copy !req
481. The shittiest weather on the shittiest boat
with the shittiest person.
Copy !req
482. Natalie, my sister, said,
"He's a loser. He's a loser."
Copy !req
483. They all said it, "He's a fucking loser,"
and I didn't believe them.
Copy !req
484. So I guess I'm the fucking idiot.
Copy !req
485. And now you're not gonna talk to me?
Copy !req
486. What, you don't feel like fighting?
Copy !req
487. Well, I feel like fucking fighting
Copy !req
488. because I've been up here by myself
for four hours on this fucking shithole of a boat.
Copy !req
489. Yeah.
Copy !req
490. He's a goddamn war hero. Fuck.
Copy !req
491. Yeah, appreciate it.
Copy !req
492. Okay, you fucking horse's ass.
Let's get you over to wardrobe.
Copy !req
493. Now, I'll put you in wardrobe,
but you don't stunt, I don't pay you.
Copy !req
494. Appreciate the opportunity, Randy.
Copy !req
495. I won't let you down.
Copy !req
496. - You know my wife Janet, don't you?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
497. Steer clear of her.
Copy !req
498. Now, I admire Cassius Clay, I do.
Copy !req
499. What I admire is, in his sport,
there's an element of true combat.
Copy !req
500. When Cassius Clay meets Sonny Liston in the ring,
that's not two athletes posturing.
Copy !req
501. That's combat.
Copy !req
502. Two men trying to kill each other right now.
Copy !req
503. If you don't beat him...
Copy !req
504. he kills you.
Copy !req
505. That's beyond athletics.
Copy !req
506. That's beyond Wide World of Sports, you know?
Copy !req
507. That's two warriors engaged in combat.
Copy !req
508. That's what I admire.
Copy !req
509. In martial arts tournaments,
Copy !req
510. they won't let you fight like that.
Copy !req
511. It's very frustrating.
Copy !req
512. You stand in front of a guy,
and you just wanna let him have it.
Copy !req
513. But you can't.
Copy !req
514. So you gotta do this playacting, patty-cake version.
Copy !req
515. Cassius Clay. Sonny Liston. Joe Louis.
Copy !req
516. The colored boxer,
not that white kickboxing asshole.
Copy !req
517. They do what they need to do to win.
Copy !req
518. They unleash as much punishment as they have to
to defeat the other guy.
Copy !req
519. But in martial arts tournaments,
I do to win what they do to win.
Copy !req
520. I unleash all my power.
Copy !req
521. I kill people.
Copy !req
522. If you fought Cassius Clay, who would win?
Copy !req
523. Well, that would never happen.
Copy !req
524. But if you did, what do you think would happen?
Copy !req
525. I'd make him a cripple.
Copy !req
526. Hey, you. What's your name?
Copy !req
527. - Me?
- Yeah, you.
Copy !req
528. My name's Cliff.
Copy !req
529. I'm Rick Dalton's stunt double.
Copy !req
530. - Stuntman?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
531. You know, you're kind of pretty for a stuntman.
Copy !req
532. That's what they tell me.
Copy !req
533. So did I say something funny, stuntman?
Copy !req
534. - Yeah, you kind of did.
- What's so funny?
Copy !req
535. Look, I don't want any trouble.
Copy !req
536. I'm just here to do a job.
Copy !req
537. But you're laughing at what I'm saying.
But I'm not saying anything funny.
Copy !req
538. So, what do you think is so funny?
Copy !req
539. What I think is...
Copy !req
540. you're a little man with a big mouth and a big chip,
Copy !req
541. and I think you should be embarrassed
Copy !req
542. to suggest you'd be anything more than a stain
on the seat of Cassius Clay's trunks.
Copy !req
543. Brother, you're the one with the big mouth.
Copy !req
544. And I would really enjoy closing it,
especially in front of all my friends.
Copy !req
545. But my hands are registered as lethal weapons.
Copy !req
546. That means, we get into a fight,
I accidentally kill you, I go to jail.
Copy !req
547. Anybody accidentally kills anybody in a fight,
they go to jail.
Copy !req
548. It's called manslaughter.
And I think all that "lethal weapon" horseshit
Copy !req
549. is just an excuse
so you dancers never have to get in a real fight.
Copy !req
550. Okay.
Copy !req
551. How about a friendly contest?
Copy !req
552. No punching in the face.
Copy !req
553. Two out of three.
Copy !req
554. Who puts who on the ground first?
Copy !req
555. Nobody tries to hurt nobody,
Copy !req
556. just who ends up on their butt?
Copy !req
557. That's a great Idea, Kato.
Copy !req
558. - You know, Bruce, that guy's kind of famous.
- That guy?
Copy !req
559. For what?
Copy !req
560. Killed his wife and got away with it.
Copy !req
561. That guy?
Copy !req
562. That guy.
Copy !req
563. Not bad, Kato.
Copy !req
564. Try that again.
Copy !req
565. What the fuck is going on here?
Copy !req
566. Hey, jackass, this is our series lead.
What the fuck are you thinking?
Copy !req
567. You're right, Janet. I'm sorry about that.
Copy !req
568. Don't fucking "Janet" me, you prick.
Copy !req
569. Hey. What's up, babe?
Copy !req
570. What's up, Randy, is that your loser asshole,
Copy !req
571. wife-killing buddy boy here was beating
the shit out of Bruce.
Copy !req
572. What?
Copy !req
573. - Hey, Randy.
- Cliff.
Copy !req
574. What the fuck, man?
Copy !req
575. Let me just say, nobody beat the shit out of Bruce.
Copy !req
576. It was a friendly contest. He barely touched me.
Copy !req
577. I think that dent in the car says something different.
Copy !req
578. Oh, my God!
Copy !req
579. What the fuck did you do to my car?
Copy !req
580. What the fuck did you do to her car?
Copy !req
581. I threw this little prick into it,
Copy !req
582. but I did not know it was her car.
Copy !req
583. Get the wardrobe off, get your shit, and get fucked!
Copy !req
584. - Janet!
- What?
Copy !req
585. - I will handle this.
- Then fucking handle it, Randy.
Copy !req
586. Cliff...
Copy !req
587. get the wardrobe off,
get your shit, and get off the lot.
Copy !req
588. Fair enough.
Copy !req
589. What's the matter?
Copy !req
590. Are you afraid I'll tell Jim Morrison you were dancing
to Paul Revere and the Raiders?
Copy !req
591. Are they not cool enough for you?
Copy !req
592. Who's this shaggy asshole?
Copy !req
593. Hello? Can I help you?
Copy !req
594. Oh, yeah. Hey, man. I'm looking for Terry.
Copy !req
595. I'm a friend of Terry's and Dennis Wilson's.
Copy !req
596. Well, Terry and Candy don't live here anymore.
This is the Polanski residence now.
Copy !req
597. Really? He moved?
Copy !req
598. Dang.
Copy !req
599. You know—? You know where?
Copy !req
600. I'm not sure, really, but the owner of the property,
Paul, might. He's in the guest house.
Copy !req
601. Who is it, Jay?
Copy !req
602. It's okay, honey. It's a friend of Terry's.
Copy !req
603. - Yeah, just take the back path.
- Thank you kindly.
Copy !req
604. Ma'am.
Copy !req
605. - All right, that's an hour!
- Hey, Rick.
Copy !req
606. I know they just broke for lunch,
Copy !req
607. but you need to wait at least
an hour before you can eat.
Copy !req
608. - Give that glue a chance to dry.
- Oh, no worries, honey.
Copy !req
609. I got my book.
Copy !req
610. Say, say, where's the bad-guy saloon?
Copy !req
611. You just go straight through the Western town,
take a right and a left, and you see it right there.
Copy !req
612. - Thanks, honey.
- Yeah, that's better. That's better. Yeah.
Copy !req
613. Can we move to number two?
Copy !req
614. How is his bounce?
Copy !req
615. Can I get a bounce there?
Copy !req
616. Just grab the crescent wrench, come right back.
Copy !req
617. Just make it a quick one.
Copy !req
618. - Tim!
- Looks great. Right there.
Copy !req
619. Hello.
Copy !req
620. Hello.
Copy !req
621. Hello.
Copy !req
622. Would it bother you if I sat next to you
and read my book too?
Copy !req
623. I don't know.
Copy !req
624. Would you bother me?
Copy !req
625. I'll try not to.
Copy !req
626. Sit.
Copy !req
627. Sorry. Sorry about that.
Copy !req
628. You don't eat lunch?
Copy !req
629. I've got a scene after lunch.
Copy !req
630. Yeah?
Copy !req
631. Eating lunch before I do a scene makes me sluggish.
Copy !req
632. I believe it's the job of an actor—
And I say "actor," not "actress,"
Copy !req
633. because the word "actress" is nonsensical.
Copy !req
634. It's the actor's job to avoid
impediments to their performance.
Copy !req
635. It's the actor's job
to strive for 100 percent effectiveness.
Copy !req
636. Naturally, we never succeed, but it's the pursuit...
Copy !req
637. that's meaningful.
Copy !req
638. - Who are you?
- You can call me Marabella.
Copy !req
639. Mar— Marabella what?
Copy !req
640. Marabella Lancer.
Copy !req
641. No, no, come on, come on. What's your real name?
Copy !req
642. When we're on set, I'd prefer to only be referred to
by my character's name.
Copy !req
643. It helps me invest in the reality of the story.
Copy !req
644. I've tried it both ways,
Copy !req
645. and I'm always just a tiny bit better
when I don't break character.
Copy !req
646. And if I can be a tiny bit better, I want to be.
Copy !req
647. You're the bad guy. Caleb DeCoteau.
Copy !req
648. I thought it was pronounced Caleb "Dakota."
Copy !req
649. I'm pretty sure it's "DeCoteau."
Copy !req
650. DeCoteau.
Copy !req
651. DeCoteau. DeCoteau.
Copy !req
652. What are you reading?
Copy !req
653. It's a biography on Walt Disney.
Copy !req
654. It's fascinating.
Copy !req
655. He's a genius, you know.
Copy !req
656. I mean,
a once-in-every-50-or-100-years kind of genius.
Copy !req
657. What are you, 12?
Copy !req
658. I'm 8.
Copy !req
659. What are you reading?
Copy !req
660. Just a Western.
Copy !req
661. What does that mean? Is it good?
Copy !req
662. - Pretty good.
- What's the story?
Copy !req
663. I haven't finished it yet.
Copy !req
664. I didn't ask for the whole story.
Copy !req
665. What's the idea of the story?
Copy !req
666. Well...
Copy !req
667. it's about this guy who's a bronco buster.
Copy !req
668. It's the story of his life.
Copy !req
669. Guy's name is Tom Breezy,
Copy !req
670. but everyone always calls him Easy Breezy.
Copy !req
671. Now, when Easy Breezy was in his 20s
Copy !req
672. and young and good-looking,
Copy !req
673. he could break any horse that you could throw at him.
Copy !req
674. Back then, he just had a way.
Copy !req
675. Now he's into his late 30s and he takes a bad fall,
and it messes up his hip.
Copy !req
676. He's not— He's not—
He's not crippled or anything like that, but—
Copy !req
677. But he's got spine problems he never had before,
and he spends...
Copy !req
678. more of his days in pain than he ever did before.
Copy !req
679. Jeepers, this sounds like a good novel.
Copy !req
680. Yeah, it's not bad.
Copy !req
681. Where are you in it?
Copy !req
682. About midway.
Copy !req
683. What's happening to Easy Breezy now?
Copy !req
684. He's... He...
Copy !req
685. He's not the best anymore.
Copy !req
686. In fact, far from it. And...
Copy !req
687. he's coming to terms with
what it's like to be slightly more...
Copy !req
688. use—
Copy !req
689. Slightly more useless each day.
Copy !req
690. It's okay, Caleb.
Copy !req
691. It's okay.
Copy !req
692. It sounds like a really sad book.
Copy !req
693. Poor Easy Breezy.
Copy !req
694. I'm practically crying and I haven't even read it.
Copy !req
695. - About 15 years, you'll be living it.
- What?
Copy !req
696. Nothing, pumpkin puss. I'm just...
Copy !req
697. I'm just teasing you.
Copy !req
698. You know something? You...
Copy !req
699. You might be right about this book.
Copy !req
700. I think it hits harder than I gave it credit for.
Copy !req
701. I don't like names like "pumpkin puss,"
Copy !req
702. but since you're upset,
we'll talk about that some other time.
Copy !req
703. - I'm only going as far as Westwood Village.
- Hey, beggars can't be choosers.
Copy !req
704. - Come on in.
- Thanks.
Copy !req
705. - Thank you so much.
- My pleasure.
Copy !req
706. - Good luck on your adventure.
- Thank you.
Copy !req
707. - Have a good time in Big Sur.
- Thank you so much.
Copy !req
708. - Take care.
- You too.
Copy !req
709. - Oh, hey.
- Hello.
Copy !req
710. How can I help you, young lady?
Copy !req
711. I'm here to pick up a first edition
of Thomas Hardy's Tess of the d'Urbervilles I ordered.
Copy !req
712. It's under Polanski.
Copy !req
713. - Yeah, you're talking books there, kid.
- Oh, I know.
Copy !req
714. - Isn't it wonderful?
- Yeah. Oh, man.
Copy !req
715. - I just read it.
- Yeah.
Copy !req
716. I'm getting it as a gift for my husband.
Copy !req
717. - Rick Dalton?
- You bet.
Copy !req
718. Jim Stacy. This is my show. Welcome aboard.
Copy !req
719. We're real glad to have a pro like you
playing the heavy on the pilot.
Copy !req
720. And I gotta tell you, I came damn close
to being in The Fourteen Fists of McCluskey.
Copy !req
721. - No kidding.
- Yeah.
Copy !req
722. Let me tell you, I—
Copy !req
723. I just got my part by sheer luck.
Copy !req
724. Up until two weeks before shooting,
Fabian was in the part.
Copy !req
725. Then he breaks his shoulder doing a Virginian.
That's how I got it, so...
Copy !req
726. Hey, Rick,
I gotta ask you something I heard about.
Copy !req
727. Was it true you almost got the McQueen part
in The Great Escape?
Copy !req
728. - Hilts, isn't it?
- Captain Hilts, actually.
Copy !req
729. - Seventeen escape attempts.
- Eighteen.
Copy !req
730. Never had an audition. Never had a meeting.
Never met John Sturges.
Copy !req
731. So, no, I don't think you could say I...
Copy !req
732. I almost got the part, but...
Copy !req
733. - Tunnel man, engineer.
- Flier.
Copy !req
734. I suppose what's called
in the American Army, a hotshot pilot.
Copy !req
735. But the story goes, for a brief moment,
Copy !req
736. McQueen almost passed on the movie,
and during that brief moment,
Copy !req
737. I, apparently, was on a list of four.
Copy !req
738. You have other plans?
Copy !req
739. I haven't seen Berlin yet
from the ground or from the air,
Copy !req
740. and I plan on doing both
before the war's over.
Copy !req
741. You and who?
Copy !req
742. - Me and— Me and three Georges.
- Which three Georges?
Copy !req
743. Peppard, Maharis and Chakiris.
Copy !req
744. - Oh, man.
- Yeah.
Copy !req
745. That's gotta hurt.
Copy !req
746. Yeah, well, I didn't get it,
Copy !req
747. McQueen did it,
Copy !req
748. and, frankly, I never had a chance.
Copy !req
749. Ten days isolation, Hilts.
Copy !req
750. Captain Hilts.
Copy !req
751. Twenty days.
Copy !req
752. Right.
Copy !req
753. Oh, you'll still be here when I get out?
Copy !req
754. Cooler.
Copy !req
755. - One, please.
- Seventy-five cents.
Copy !req
756. What if I'm in the movie?
Copy !req
757. What do you mean?
Copy !req
758. I mean, I'm in the movie.
Copy !req
759. I'm Sharon Tate.
Copy !req
760. You're in this?
Copy !req
761. I play Miss Carlson, the klutz.
Copy !req
762. That's me.
Copy !req
763. But that's the girl from Valley of the Dolls.
Copy !req
764. Well, that's me, the girl from Valley of the Dolls.
Copy !req
765. - Really?
- Really.
Copy !req
766. Hey, Rubin! Come out here.
Copy !req
767. This is the girl from Valley of the Dolls.
Copy !req
768. - Patty Duke?
- No, the other one.
Copy !req
769. - The girl from Peyton Place?
- No, the other one.
Copy !req
770. The one who ends up doing dirty movies.
Copy !req
771. - She's in this movie.
- Sharon Tate.
Copy !req
772. Well, welcome to the Bruin, Miss Tate.
Thank you for coming to our theater.
Copy !req
773. - Would you like to come in and see the show?
- Could I?
Copy !req
774. By all means.
Copy !req
775. Thank you.
Copy !req
776. - Hey, can I get a picture?
- Oh, sure.
Copy !req
777. Okay.
Copy !req
778. You know, why don't you stand over by the poster
so people will know who you are.
Copy !req
779. Okay. Could you?
Copy !req
780. Would you like some refreshments?
Copy !req
781. - Oh, I'm fine. Thank you.
- Enjoy the show.
Copy !req
782. - Can I ask you a personal question?
- I wish you would.
Copy !req
783. How did a nice boy like you get involved
with a group like the Heads?
Copy !req
784. I turned to them after I was rejected
by the Daughters of the American Revolution.
Copy !req
785. Very pleasant hotel here.
Copy !req
786. - Mr. Helm?
- Yes?
Copy !req
787. I'm Freya.
Copy !req
788. Welcome to Denmark, Mr. Helm.
Copy !req
789. These are for you.
Copy !req
790. Street maps, places of interest.
Copy !req
791. This is for you too.
Copy !req
792. - What year was that?
- 1949.
Copy !req
793. - Oh, that's a very good year.
- I'm here to help you in any way I can.
Copy !req
794. - That's very nice of you.
- Is there anything you'd like me to do?
Copy !req
795. - Yes, ma'am, a couple things.
- Yes, sir.
Copy !req
796. Would you mind getting off my camera case, please?
Copy !req
797. - Oh, I'm sorry.
- Oh, that's all right.
Copy !req
798. - I'm so sorry.
- That's okay.
Copy !req
799. I'm sorry about...
Copy !req
800. Welcome to Denmark.
Copy !req
801. This is some kind of hotel you've got here.
Copy !req
802. Half a bottle is better than none.
Copy !req
803. Morning, partner.
Copy !req
804. Probably come by to see you later.
Copy !req
805. That's far enough, jughead.
Copy !req
806. Name's not jughead.
Copy !req
807. What you doing around here, boy?
Copy !req
808. I'm thirsty. That's a saloon, ain't it?
Copy !req
809. Oh, yeah, that's a saloon.
Copy !req
810. - Only you can't come in.
- Mr. Gilbert.
Copy !req
811. Don't let me stop you from earning your money.
Copy !req
812. I know how bored and restless you get
when you run out of tamales.
Copy !req
813. But, Mr. Gilbert, if I was you,
Copy !req
814. I'd find out that jughead's name.
Copy !req
815. Allow me to introduce the two of you.
Copy !req
816. This here is Bob Gilbert.
Copy !req
817. The Businessman?
Copy !req
818. That's right.
Copy !req
819. Business Bob Gilbert. And who might he be, Caleb?
Copy !req
820. Well, that's a fella by the name of Madrid.
Copy !req
821. Johnny Madrid.
Copy !req
822. Who's Johnny Madrid?
Copy !req
823. He ain't from round here.
Copy !req
824. No, really.
Copy !req
825. Who is he, Caleb?
Copy !req
826. Oh, you're about to find out...
Copy !req
827. Businessman.
Copy !req
828. Ready when you are, Gilbert.
Copy !req
829. Johnny Madrid.
Copy !req
830. How long has it been?
Copy !req
831. Since that time in Juarez, about three years ago.
Copy !req
832. Well, come on in and have a drink.
Copy !req
833. Hell, in that case...
Copy !req
834. buy you a drink, Caleb?
Copy !req
835. Sure, Johnny.
Copy !req
836. How about some mezcal?
Copy !req
837. Like that time in Juárez.
Copy !req
838. A lot of people died that day.
Copy !req
839. Yes, they did.
Copy !req
840. But we had a good time.
Copy !req
841. Didn't we?
Copy !req
842. Yeah, we did.
Copy !req
843. After you, DeCoteau.
Copy !req
844. Pepe! Get your behind behind that bar.
Copy !req
845. I have a guest.
Copy !req
846. How's the beans?
Copy !req
847. I've had worse.
Copy !req
848. One dollar.
Copy !req
849. To my wife and all my sweethearts.
Copy !req
850. May they never meet.
Copy !req
851. Sefior Madrid, you care to join me at my table
where I entertain my guests?
Copy !req
852. I'd be delighted, Monsieur DeCoteau.
Copy !req
853. Take the bottle with you.
Copy !req
854. So, Johnny...
Copy !req
855. what brings you to Arroyo del Oro?
Copy !req
856. Oh, you know me, Caleb.
Copy !req
857. Money.
Copy !req
858. And who's paying around here?
Copy !req
859. I hope you.
Copy !req
860. And what have you heard about me?
Copy !req
861. I heard about the Lancer Ranch.
Copy !req
862. All the cattle you've appropriated.
Copy !req
863. A lot of land, a lot of cows,
a lot of money, no law to speak of,
Copy !req
864. and nothing but an old man
and some Mexican ranch hands to shoo you off.
Copy !req
865. Say, where's that chili pepper daughter of yours
with the fiddle?
Copy !req
866. She's asleep.
Copy !req
867. Wake her the heck up, get her down here
with her fiddle and her bow, and entertain my guest.
Copy !req
868. But, please, don't hurt her this time.
Copy !req
869. I ain't gonna hurt her.
Copy !req
870. I just want her to play the fiddle.
Copy !req
871. Line? "Go— Go fetch her and tell her" what?
Copy !req
872. "Go fetch her and tell her
I'll give her a fat $5 gold piece..."
Copy !req
873. Right. Go fetch her
and tell her I'll give her a fat $5 gold piece,
Copy !req
874. she play her little chili pepper heart out, right?
Copy !req
875. - Right.
- Got it.
Copy !req
876. I ain't gonna hurt her.
Copy !req
877. I just want her to play the fiddle.
Copy !req
878. Now, go fetch her and tell her
I'll give her a fat $5 gold piece,
Copy !req
879. she play her little chili pepper heart out.
Copy !req
880. Go on.
Copy !req
881. So, Johnny,
Copy !req
882. what else you heard?
Copy !req
883. I heard you're pushing Lancer pretty hard,
Copy !req
884. but Lancer's got money.
Copy !req
885. At some point,
Copy !req
886. he's gonna hire some guns
Copy !req
887. and push back.
Copy !req
888. - Line. Line. Line, line, line.
- "Maybe he already has."
Copy !req
889. Maybe...
Copy !req
890. - Goddamn it! I fucked this whole thing up, Sam.
- Keep going!
Copy !req
891. - I fucked this up.
- Fight through it.
Copy !req
892. Can we just go back? Please, can we just cut?
Copy !req
893. - No, really, just say the fucking line!
- No, really, Sam, please.
Copy !req
894. - "Maybe he already has."
- All right, all right!
Copy !req
895. - "Maybe he already has!"
- All right, goddamn it!
Copy !req
896. All right, all right!
Copy !req
897. You're a goddamn outlaw, Rick. Come on, now.
Copy !req
898. I got it. I got it.
Copy !req
899. Go back a bit, would you?
Copy !req
900. No, he's right. Back to one.
Copy !req
901. - Okay, now, use all that, baby.
- I'm gonna use it.
Copy !req
902. - Oh, I'm gonna use it.
- Put it all inside.
Copy !req
903. I'm gonna use it.
Copy !req
904. And...
Copy !req
905. action.
Copy !req
906. I heard you're pushing Lancer pretty hard,
Copy !req
907. but Lancer's got money.
Copy !req
908. At some point,
Copy !req
909. he's gonna hire some guns and push back.
Copy !req
910. Maybe he already has.
Copy !req
911. Maybe.
Copy !req
912. Maybe I don't like Lancer.
Copy !req
913. Maybe I don't like his boots.
Copy !req
914. Maybe I don't like the way
he uses those boots to step on people.
Copy !req
915. What the fuck was that?
Copy !req
916. Jesus Christ!
Copy !req
917. Fuck!
Copy !req
918. Piece of shit.
Copy !req
919. Fucking damn it, Rick, I swear to God.
Copy !req
920. Forgot your fucking lines,
embarrassed yourself like that
Copy !req
921. in front of all those goddamn people!
Copy !req
922. Well, you were drinking all night,
fucking drinking again,
Copy !req
923. eight goddamn fucking whiskey sours.
Copy !req
924. Fucking bullshit.
Copy !req
925. You're a fucking miserable drunk.
Copy !req
926. Not fucking remembering your fucking lines.
Copy !req
927. I practiced them,
and now I don't look like I goddamn practiced them!
Copy !req
928. You're sitting there like a fucking baboon!
Copy !req
929. Fuck! Eight fucking whiskey sours.
Copy !req
930. I couldn't stop at fucking three or four.
Copy !req
931. I have eight!
Copy !req
932. Why? You're a fucking alcoholic.
You fucking drink too much, huh?
Copy !req
933. Every fucking night. Every fucking night.
Copy !req
934. That's it, that's fucking it!
Copy !req
935. That's fucking it.
Copy !req
936. You stop drinking right now, all right?
Copy !req
937. Make a promise to yourself.
You're gonna stop fucking drinking.
Copy !req
938. Oh, fuck it.
Copy !req
939. Damn it!
Copy !req
940. You show that little fucking girl.
You're gonna show that goddamn Jim Stacy.
Copy !req
941. You're gonna show all of them
on that goddamn fucking set
Copy !req
942. who the fuck Rick Dalton is, all right?
Copy !req
943. Let me tell you something.
Copy !req
944. You don't get these lines right,
Copy !req
945. I'm gonna blow your fucking brains out tonight.
Copy !req
946. All right? Your brains are gonna be splattered
all over your goddamn pool.
Copy !req
947. I mean it, motherfucker.
Copy !req
948. Get your shit together.
Copy !req
949. - Better? Okay.
- It's great.
Copy !req
950. Hey!
Copy !req
951. Hi.
Copy !req
952. Shit.
Copy !req
953. Fuck you, you fucking pig!
Copy !req
954. Oh, no.
Copy !req
955. Hello, hot stuff.
Copy !req
956. Looks like third time's the charm.
Copy !req
957. How were those pickles?
Copy !req
958. Real good. They were the fancy kind.
Copy !req
959. Give me a lift?
Copy !req
960. Where are you going?
Copy !req
961. I'm going to Chatsworth.
Copy !req
962. Chatsworth?
Copy !req
963. You hitch up and down Burbank Boulevard all day
till someone says they'll drive you to Chatsworth?
Copy !req
964. Tourists love to drive me.
Copy !req
965. I'm their favorite part of their L.A. vacation.
Copy !req
966. They'll be telling stories
about the Hollywood hippie girl
Copy !req
967. that they gave a ride to the movie ranch
for the rest of their lives.
Copy !req
968. Wait, Spahn Movie Ranch?
Copy !req
969. - Yeah.
- That's where you're going? Spahn Movie Ranch?
Copy !req
970. Why you going there?
Copy !req
971. I live there.
Copy !req
972. - Alone?
- No.
Copy !req
973. Me and my friends.
Copy !req
974. So you and a bunch of friends like you all live
at Spahn Movie Ranch?
Copy !req
975. Yeah.
Copy !req
976. Well, hop in. I'll take you there.
Copy !req
977. Great!
Copy !req
978. - Go down here and get on the Hollywood Freeway.
- I know where it is.
Copy !req
979. Are you some old cowboy guy
that used to make movies there?
Copy !req
980. What?
Copy !req
981. I'm just surprised how accurate
that description of me really is.
Copy !req
982. Some old cowboy guy that used to shoot movies
at Spahn Ranch.
Copy !req
983. So you used to make Westerns at the ranch
back in the old-timey days?
Copy !req
984. Well, if by "the old-timey days,"
you mean television eight years ago, yeah.
Copy !req
985. Are you an actor?
Copy !req
986. No, I'm a stuntman.
Copy !req
987. You're a stuntman.
Copy !req
988. That's way better.
Copy !req
989. Why is that way better?
Copy !req
990. Actors are phony.
Copy !req
991. They just say lines that other people write
Copy !req
992. and pretend to murder people on their stupid TV shows.
Copy !req
993. Meanwhile, real people are being murdered
every day in Vietnam.
Copy !req
994. Want me to suck your cock while driving?
Copy !req
995. How old are you?
Copy !req
996. What?
Copy !req
997. How old are you?
Copy !req
998. Wow, man.
Copy !req
999. That's the first time
anybody asked that in a long time.
Copy !req
1000. What's the answer?
Copy !req
1001. Okay. We gonna play kiddie games?
Copy !req
1002. Eighteen. Feel better?
Copy !req
1003. You got some ID, you know,
like a driver's license or something?
Copy !req
1004. Are you joking?
Copy !req
1005. No, I'm not.
Copy !req
1006. I need to see something
official that verifies that you're 18,
Copy !req
1007. which you don't have
because you're not.
Copy !req
1008. Talk about a bring-down bummer, dude.
Copy !req
1009. That's you.
Copy !req
1010. Yeah.
Copy !req
1011. Obviously, I'm not too young to fuck you.
Copy !req
1012. But obviously, you are too old to fuck me.
Copy !req
1013. What I'm too old to do is go to jail for poontang.
Copy !req
1014. Prison's been trying to get me all my life.
Copy !req
1015. It ain't got me yet.
Copy !req
1016. The day it does,
Copy !req
1017. it won't be because of you.
Copy !req
1018. No offense.
Copy !req
1019. You all right, honey?
Copy !req
1020. She's just fine, ain't you, shorty?
Copy !req
1021. I'm fine, Scott.
Copy !req
1022. - They haven't hurt you?
- Camera's ready, Mr. Dalton.
Copy !req
1023. I'll be right out.
Copy !req
1024. The war.
Copy !req
1025. I rode with the British cavalry in Indi—
Copy !req
1026. Stand by, guys. We're going in five.
Copy !req
1027. Lancer's boys are here!
Copy !req
1028. The old man here?
Copy !req
1029. Nada.
Copy !req
1030. But the son is.
Copy !req
1031. The one from Boston.
Copy !req
1032. I don't know.
Copy !req
1033. You from Boston?
Copy !req
1034. Yes.
Copy !req
1035. It's the Boston one!
Copy !req
1036. Keep the others outside.
Copy !req
1037. Let the brother come in.
Copy !req
1038. You heard him, Boston.
Copy !req
1039. Come on in, Boston.
Copy !req
1040. See, honey?
Copy !req
1041. I told you they'd come to parlay.
Copy !req
1042. You all right, honey?
Copy !req
1043. Oh, she's just fine.
Copy !req
1044. Ain't you, shorty?
Copy !req
1045. I'm fine, Scott.
Copy !req
1046. They haven't hurt you?
Copy !req
1047. Not yet, I ain't.
Copy !req
1048. But that can all change...
Copy !req
1049. like that.
Copy !req
1050. Say...
Copy !req
1051. where'd you get that limp?
Copy !req
1052. From the war.
Copy !req
1053. Which side?
Copy !req
1054. I rode with the British cavalry in India.
Copy !req
1055. What'd they call that outfit?
Copy !req
1056. Bengal Lancers.
Copy !req
1057. Now, now, now, that is funny.
Copy !req
1058. - That is funny.
- That's not so funny.
Copy !req
1059. Don't you get it?
Copy !req
1060. "Bengal Lancer"?
Copy !req
1061. Oh, yeah.
Copy !req
1062. I get it now.
Copy !req
1063. - That is kind of funny.
- It is.
Copy !req
1064. You do know kidnapping is a hanging offense.
Copy !req
1065. So is blowing the heads off little girls.
Copy !req
1066. But they can only hang me once, right?
Copy !req
1067. So...
Copy !req
1068. you come down here for a—
Copy !req
1069. For a Boston social?
Copy !req
1070. - Or we gonna talk price?
- How much?
Copy !req
1071. I'd say $50,000 would buy me
Copy !req
1072. a whole lot of chicken mole in Mexico.
Copy !req
1073. That's a lot of money.
Copy !req
1074. Well, she's a lot of little girl.
Copy !req
1075. Or don't you agree?
Copy !req
1076. I agree.
Copy !req
1077. So, what's next?
Copy !req
1078. I'll send one of my boys out to your ranch
to fill you in on all the details...
Copy !req
1079. but the one detail
I'm gonna fill you in on right now is this:
Copy !req
1080. I don't want no beaner bronco buster
handing me that $50,000.
Copy !req
1081. I want the old man himself.
Copy !req
1082. Murdoch Lancer puts $50,000 in my lap...
Copy !req
1083. or I heave this little pitcher down a well!
Copy !req
1084. You got that, Boston?
Copy !req
1085. Yeah.
Copy !req
1086. All right, messenger boy.
Copy !req
1087. Deliver my message.
Copy !req
1088. Give me evil, sexy Hamlet.
Copy !req
1089. Settle into it.
Copy !req
1090. Enjoy it.
Copy !req
1091. And cut!
Copy !req
1092. Oh, boy.
Copy !req
1093. I didn't hurt you there,
Marabella, with that throw, did I?
Copy !req
1094. No, no, no. I'm good. I got pads on.
Copy !req
1095. And I throw myself on the floor just for fun,
even when I'm not getting paid.
Copy !req
1096. The gate's clean.
Copy !req
1097. Rick, Rick, Rick.
Copy !req
1098. Put her there.
Copy !req
1099. - That was it.
- Really?
Copy !req
1100. That was absolutely fantastic.
Copy !req
1101. - Oh, thank you.
- I loved it.
Copy !req
1102. Hey, and your idea about throwing the little girl
on the ground, that just worked like a charm.
Copy !req
1103. - I figured you said Shakespeare, so... Yeah.
- That's right. That was—
Copy !req
1104. That's what I mean by "scare me."
Copy !req
1105. - Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
- Evil Hamlet scares people.
Copy !req
1106. - All right.
- Oh, and by the way...
Copy !req
1107. - "Beaner bronco buster"?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
1108. - Where the hell did that come from?
- I don't know. Improv.
Copy !req
1109. That was wonderful. It was just—
That was a triple alliterative improv.
Copy !req
1110. You don't hear those too often.
Copy !req
1111. - Okay? We're good.
- All right. We don't—?
Copy !req
1112. - Don't need to go again?
- No, we're done. That was fantastic.
Copy !req
1113. - All right.
- Okay, moving on. We're in the bordello.
Copy !req
1114. Next setup!
Copy !req
1115. That was the best acting
I've ever seen in my whole life.
Copy !req
1116. Thank you.
Copy !req
1117. Rick fucking Dalton.
Copy !req
1118. That's a car.
Copy !req
1119. That's a strange car.
Copy !req
1120. Snake, go see who's outside.
Copy !req
1121. So who is it?
Copy !req
1122. I ain't for sure yet.
Copy !req
1123. It's a bitchin' yellow Coupe de Ville.
Copy !req
1124. Keep an eye on him.
Copy !req
1125. Come on.
Copy !req
1126. Where the hell is everybody?
Copy !req
1127. Hey, where's Gypsy?
Copy !req
1128. She's down by the chop shop.
Copy !req
1129. - Hey!
- Hello!
Copy !req
1130. Gypsy! I want you to come meet my new friend.
Copy !req
1131. Some old-looking dude in a Hawaiian shirt
who just gave Pussycat a ride home.
Copy !req
1132. He just gave her a lift?
Copy !req
1133. Nope. She's bringing him
down the ranch to meet everybody.
Copy !req
1134. Stay by the door.
Copy !req
1135. Tell me if he starts
coming this way.
Copy !req
1136. - Welcome to our community.
- Thanks for having me.
Copy !req
1137. And thank you for giving our
precious Pussy a ride home.
Copy !req
1138. Think nothing of it.
Copy !req
1139. We love Pussy.
Copy !req
1140. Yes, we do.
Copy !req
1141. Hey, where is everybody? Where's the children?
Copy !req
1142. Everybody left for Santa Barbara.
Copy !req
1143. Really?
Copy !req
1144. Charlie's gone? Everybody left?
Copy !req
1145. Well, not everybody-everybody, but mostly everybody.
Copy !req
1146. Drag.
Copy !req
1147. I really wanted Cliff to meet Charlie.
Copy !req
1148. I think Charlie's really gonna dig you.
Copy !req
1149. - Angel, hold up.
- Well, maybe next time.
Copy !req
1150. Yeah, you got to come back.
Copy !req
1151. - Yeah?
- Yeah, sure.
Copy !req
1152. So how's it all comparing to your glory days?
Copy !req
1153. Well, things have changed.
Copy !req
1154. Not a bad mount, Connie.
Copy !req
1155. I used to ride horses every day back in Tennessee.
Copy !req
1156. - Is that right?
- Every day?
Copy !req
1157. Well, every week.
Copy !req
1158. All right.
Copy !req
1159. Ain't she just darling?
Copy !req
1160. So my name is Lulu.
Copy !req
1161. This is Tex.
Copy !req
1162. We're gonna be leading you on a great trail ride
through the beautiful Santa Susana canyons.
Copy !req
1163. Now, Curt,
I hear you're already an experienced rider.
Copy !req
1164. - Yes.
- Yeah, and so are you, Connie?
Copy !req
1165. - Yes, I am.
- Hey, Tex?
Copy !req
1166. - Come here.
- So if you're both experienced riders,
Copy !req
1167. I guess we'll just make this ride about having fun.
Copy !req
1168. You ready to have some fun?
Copy !req
1169. So Pussycat brought back some guy with her.
Copy !req
1170. - Gypsy wants you to go give him a look-see.
- Yeah. Sure thing.
Copy !req
1171. Oh, and here's someone you absolutely have to meet.
Copy !req
1172. One of our most favorite sons.
Copy !req
1173. Tex, come on over here and say hi to Cliff.
Copy !req
1174. - Howdy, Cliff.
- Tex.
Copy !req
1175. - What part of Texas you from?
- Oh, a place you never heard of.
Copy !req
1176. Copeville.
Copy !req
1177. Ever been to Houston?
Copy !req
1178. Course I have.
Copy !req
1179. Yeah, I spent two weeks
once on a Houston chain gang.
Copy !req
1180. In August, no less.
Copy !req
1181. That doesn't sound like a whole lot of fun.
Copy !req
1182. It's the last cop's jaw I ever broke,
I can tell you that.
Copy !req
1183. Man...
Copy !req
1184. Charlie's gonna dig you.
Copy !req
1185. The Hawaiian guy seems to be okay.
Copy !req
1186. Everybody's talking all friendly.
Copy !req
1187. - Enjoy your day!
- Thank you.
Copy !req
1188. Tex checked him out, and now he's riding away.
Copy !req
1189. If he comes this way, let me know.
Copy !req
1190. Hey, does George Spahn still own this ranch?
Copy !req
1191. Yeah, George still owns it.
Copy !req
1192. - Does he still live here?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
1193. Does he still live right there?
Copy !req
1194. Yeah.
Copy !req
1195. Is he here now?
Copy !req
1196. I guess so.
Copy !req
1197. So George gave you all permission to be here?
Copy !req
1198. Course he did.
Copy !req
1199. And y'all take care of him?
Copy !req
1200. Oh, we take care of George.
Copy !req
1201. We love George.
Copy !req
1202. Is there anything wrong
with me saying hello to an old friend?
Copy !req
1203. You can't see him right now.
Copy !req
1204. Why can't I see him right now?
Copy !req
1205. Because he's napping.
Copy !req
1206. This is his nap time.
Copy !req
1207. Well, I think I'll just go see for myself.
Copy !req
1208. You never know.
Copy !req
1209. He might have just woke up.
Copy !req
1210. The old Hawaiian guy's coming this way.
Copy !req
1211. Okay, y'all, beat it.
Copy !req
1212. I'll handle this guy.
Copy !req
1213. Fine.
Copy !req
1214. You the mama bear?
Copy !req
1215. - Can I help you?
- I hope so.
Copy !req
1216. I'm an old friend of George's.
Copy !req
1217. Thought I'd stop and say hello.
Copy !req
1218. That's very nice of you,
but unfortunately, you picked the wrong time.
Copy !req
1219. George is taking a nap right now.
Copy !req
1220. Oh, that is unfortunate.
Copy !req
1221. Yes, it is.
Copy !req
1222. - What's your name?
- Cliff Booth.
Copy !req
1223. How do you know George?
Copy !req
1224. I used to shoot Westerns here at the ranch.
Copy !req
1225. When was the last time you saw George?
Copy !req
1226. Oh, I'd say about...
Copy !req
1227. eight years ago.
Copy !req
1228. I'm sorry. I didn't realize
the two of you were so close.
Copy !req
1229. When he wakes up, I'll let him know you came by.
Copy !req
1230. I'd really like to say
a quick hello now while I'm here.
Copy !req
1231. Came a long ways.
Copy !req
1232. Don't know when I'll get back this way again.
Copy !req
1233. Oh, I understand,
but I'm afraid that's impossible.
Copy !req
1234. Impossible?
Copy !req
1235. Why is that impossible?
Copy !req
1236. Because me and George like to watch TV
on Sunday night— FBI. and Bonanza.
Copy !req
1237. —But George finds it hard to keep awake that late,
so I make him take a nap now
Copy !req
1238. so I don't get gypped out of my George TV time.
Copy !req
1239. Well, look, Red, I'm coming in there.
Copy !req
1240. With my own two eyes,
I'm gonna get a good look at George.
Copy !req
1241. And this...
Copy !req
1242. ain't stopping me.
Copy !req
1243. Okay.
Copy !req
1244. Suit yourself.
Copy !req
1245. He back there?
Copy !req
1246. Door at the end of the hallway.
Copy !req
1247. You might have to shake him awake.
I fucked his brains out this morning.
Copy !req
1248. He may be tired.
Copy !req
1249. Oh, Mr. Eight Years Ago?
Copy !req
1250. George is blind,
so you'll probably have to tell him who you are.
Copy !req
1251. George, you awake?
Copy !req
1252. George?
Copy !req
1253. George?
Copy !req
1254. George?
Copy !req
1255. - George!
- Jesus.
Copy !req
1256. - Hi, George.
- Wait a minute.
Copy !req
1257. - What's going on?
- Everything's all right.
Copy !req
1258. - I'm sorry to disturb you.
- Who are you?
Copy !req
1259. It's Cliff Booth.
Copy !req
1260. Just stopped in to say hello
and see how you're doing.
Copy !req
1261. John Wilkes Booth?
Copy !req
1262. No, Cliff Booth.
Copy !req
1263. Who's that?
Copy !req
1264. I used to shoot Bounty Law here, George.
Copy !req
1265. I was Rick Dalton's stunt double.
Copy !req
1266. - Who?
- Rick Dalton.
Copy !req
1267. The Dalton Brothers?
Copy !req
1268. No, Rick Dalton.
Copy !req
1269. Who's that?
Copy !req
1270. He was the star of Bounty Law.
Copy !req
1271. And who are you?
Copy !req
1272. I was Rick's stunt double.
Copy !req
1273. Rick who?
Copy !req
1274. It don't matter, George.
Copy !req
1275. We were colleagues from the past,
and I just wanted to make sure you're doing okay.
Copy !req
1276. - I'm not doing okay.
- What's the matter?
Copy !req
1277. Can't see shit. Would you call that "the matter"?
Copy !req
1278. - The man can't see shit, okay?
- I know. I'm sorry about that. I was told.
Copy !req
1279. Squeaky sent me to bed.
Copy !req
1280. Would that be the little redhead out front?
Copy !req
1281. What the fuck is the matter with you?
Copy !req
1282. First you wake me up,
and now you're pretending that I didn't tell you
Copy !req
1283. I was fucking blind!
Copy !req
1284. How am I gonna know what the hell color the head
Copy !req
1285. of the girl is that's with me all the time?
Copy !req
1286. Oh, fair enough, George.
Copy !req
1287. - No. Jesus Christ.
- Come on, George. All right.
Copy !req
1288. Everyone don't need a stuntman.
Copy !req
1289. I don't know who you are...
Copy !req
1290. but you touched me today.
Copy !req
1291. You came to visit me.
Copy !req
1292. Now I got to go back to sleep.
Copy !req
1293. I got to watch F.B.I. tonight.
Copy !req
1294. I watch it with Squeaky.
Copy !req
1295. She gets all pissed off if I fall asleep.
Copy !req
1296. What happens when she gets pissed off, George?
Copy !req
1297. Nothing.
Copy !req
1298. I just don't like to disappoint her.
Copy !req
1299. So you gave all these hippies permission to be here?
Copy !req
1300. Just who the fuck are you?
Copy !req
1301. I'm Cliff Booth.
Copy !req
1302. I'm a stuntman. We used to work together, George.
Copy !req
1303. And I just want to make sure you're okay.
Copy !req
1304. And that all these hippies
aren't taking advantage of you.
Copy !req
1305. - Squeaky?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
1306. She loves me.
Copy !req
1307. So suck on that.
Copy !req
1308. You take care, George.
Copy !req
1309. Goddamn it.
Copy !req
1310. You embarrassed me.
Copy !req
1311. Yeah, sorry about that.
Copy !req
1312. How'd your little talk with George go?
Are we kidnapping him?
Copy !req
1313. Not the word I'd use.
Copy !req
1314. Now that you've talked to him,
do you believe everything's all right?
Copy !req
1315. Not exactly.
Copy !req
1316. - This was a mistake. You should leave.
- Way ahead of you.
Copy !req
1317. George isn't blind!
Copy !req
1318. You're the blind one!
Copy !req
1319. You do that?
Copy !req
1320. You know, that's not my car.
Copy !req
1321. That's my boss's car.
Copy !req
1322. And if something were to happen to my boss's car,
well, I'd get in trouble.
Copy !req
1323. Lucky for you, he's got a spare.
Copy !req
1324. Fix it.
Copy !req
1325. Fuck you.
Copy !req
1326. Ladies.
Copy !req
1327. Come one step closer and I will knock his teeth out.
Copy !req
1328. Fix it.
Copy !req
1329. Can I at least get a rag to wipe my face first?
Copy !req
1330. Nope.
Copy !req
1331. Tire first.
Copy !req
1332. - Sundance.
- Yeah.
Copy !req
1333. Get on a horse,
go get Tex and get his ass down here.
Copy !req
1334. Okay.
Copy !req
1335. I love you.
Copy !req
1336. Tex! Tex!
Copy !req
1337. That Hawaiian guy's back at the ranch
kicking Clem's face in.
Copy !req
1338. I'll take over for Tex.
Copy !req
1339. Right this way.
Copy !req
1340. Clem, you all right?
Copy !req
1341. How do?
Copy !req
1342. What a day. Shit, I almost lost my shit.
Copy !req
1343. You...
Copy !req
1344. You want to come in and watch my F.B.I.?
Copy !req
1345. Why, I just figured we would.
Copy !req
1346. I got a six-pack in the back.
Copy !req
1347. Thought we'd order a pizza.
Copy !req
1348. All right.
Copy !req
1349. All right.
Copy !req
1350. Eighteen miles to Pendleton, Willard.
Copy !req
1351. Any kind of luck, we'll be unloaded
Copy !req
1352. and back at El Toro before my kids go to bed.
Copy !req
1353. Hey, bought me an acid-dipped cigarette today.
Copy !req
1354. Oh, yeah?
Copy !req
1355. You want to buy a cigarette dipped in acid?
Copy !req
1356. Yeah.
Copy !req
1357. If I'm gonna trip, I want to trip here, man.
Walk in the woods. Not in my home.
Copy !req
1358. Just gonna stash it here.
Copy !req
1359. - Don't smoke it by mistake.
- Yeah.
Copy !req
1360. You want to smoke some,
smoke some.
Copy !req
1361. Just save me some.
Copy !req
1362. Nah, I don't need to trip out on no acid.
Copy !req
1363. My booze don't need no buddy.
Copy !req
1364. Here I come. Here I come.
Copy !req
1365. What's the trouble, corporal?
Copy !req
1366. There's a truck tailing us, sir.
Copy !req
1367. It might be a farmer in a hurry to get some place.
Copy !req
1368. Oh, fine.
Copy !req
1369. - Well, take it as fast as you can.
- Yes, sir.
Copy !req
1370. That PCH?
Copy !req
1371. Yeah, yeah. Malibu.
Copy !req
1372. Puerco Canyon or some shit. I don't know.
Copy !req
1373. Here comes trouble.
Copy !req
1374. Oh, man. Right in the face.
Copy !req
1375. That was a smooth leap.
Copy !req
1376. Thank you.
Copy !req
1377. Dead number two.
Copy !req
1378. I like that shot.
Copy !req
1379. That guy's a fucking prick.
Copy !req
1380. That's Bobby Hogan. Good guy.
Copy !req
1381. All right, get ready for my big F.B.I. moment.
Copy !req
1382. - They're all dead, babe.
- Good.
Copy !req
1383. "Michael Murtaugh."
Copy !req
1384. - The FBI.
- Michael Murtaugh.
Copy !req
1385. Buongiorno, Sergio.
Copy !req
1386. Turn on Channel 7.
Copy !req
1387. ABC.
Copy !req
1388. F.B.I.
Copy !req
1389. I'm watching your Nebraska Jim as we speak.
Copy !req
1390. —Philip Abbott, William Reynolds.
Copy !req
1391. With guest stars James Farentino,
Copy !req
1392. Rick Dalton...
Copy !req
1393. Like the chewing gum?
Copy !req
1394. - Norman Fell.
- Strong.
Copy !req
1395. Tonight's episode:
Copy !req
1396. - "All the Streets Are Silent."
- "All the Streets Are Silent."
Copy !req
1397. Except when Rick Dalton's got a fucking shotgun,
I'll tell you that.
Copy !req
1398. - You're goddamn right.
- ... the new Ford Cortina.
Copy !req
1399. - Well, that looks delicious. Thank you.
- Enjoy, sir.
Copy !req
1400. After that Musso & Frank's lunch meeting,
Copy !req
1401. Marvin did provide Rick job opportunities
in the Italian film industry.
Copy !req
1402. Rick Dalton, Marvin Schwarz here. Hold on.
Copy !req
1403. Hennessy X.O on the rocks.
Copy !req
1404. Yes, Mr. Schwarz.
Copy !req
1405. Two words.
Copy !req
1406. Nebraska Jim, Sergio Corbucci.
Copy !req
1407. Nebraska what?
Copy !req
1408. Sergio who?
Copy !req
1409. Sergio Corbucci.
Copy !req
1410. And who's that?
Copy !req
1411. The second-best director of Spaghetti Westerns
in the whole wide world.
Copy !req
1412. He's doing a new Western.
Copy !req
1413. It's called Nebraska Jim.
Copy !req
1414. And because of me, he's considering you.
Copy !req
1415. Well, Rick got Nebraska Jim.
Copy !req
1416. And Rick made a rather compelling Nebraska Jim,
Copy !req
1417. existing quite nicely within Sergio Corbucci's
rogues gallery of antiheroes.
Copy !req
1418. In Rome, Rick loved the paparazzi
and the fuss they made over him
Copy !req
1419. and his Nebraska Jim costar Daphna Ben-Cobo.
Copy !req
1420. All right there, paparazzos.
Copy !req
1421. All right. Take it easy.
Copy !req
1422. He loved the food so much that during his stay,
Rick gained almost 15 pounds.
Copy !req
1423. But he didn't love
the Italians' way of making movies.
Copy !req
1424. He thought the post-synced,
"every actor speaks their own language,"
Copy !req
1425. Tower of Babel shooting style
of European movies was ridiculous.
Copy !req
1426. While in Rome, Marvin plugged Rick
into three other Italian productions.
Copy !req
1427. His second Western was
Kill Me Quick, Ringo, Said the Gringo,
Copy !req
1428. also starring Joseph Cotten
and directed by Calvin Jackson Padget,
Copy !req
1429. pseudonym for Giorgio Ferroni.
Copy !req
1430. His third was an Italian/Spanish coproduction
Copy !req
1431. that paired him with Telly Savalas,
titled Red Blood, Red Skin,
Copy !req
1432. directed by Joaquin Romero Marchent
and based on the Floyd Raye Wilson novel,
Copy !req
1433. The Only Good Indian Is a Dead Indian.
Copy !req
1434. And his fourth, a Spaghetti secret agent,
Copy !req
1435. James Bond rip-off-type flick called
Operazione Dyn-O-Mite!
Copy !req
1436. directed by Antonio Margheriti.
Copy !req
1437. Ultimately making
Rick's six-month Italian sojourn fairly profitable,
Copy !req
1438. although his swank Roman apartment ate up
a big chunk of his earnings.
Copy !req
1439. So as Rick returns to Hollywood via Pan Am,
Copy !req
1440. he has four new movies under his belt,
some money in his pocket,
Copy !req
1441. and his brand-spanking-new Italian wife,
starlet Francesca Cappucci.
Copy !req
1442. Hurtling through the air towards a new life
and uncertain future,
Copy !req
1443. Rick was really not sure about
what lay ahead for him.
Copy !req
1444. Way back in coach,
working on his bottomless Bloody Mary,
Copy !req
1445. Cliff Booth returned to Los Angeles as well.
Copy !req
1446. He kept Rick company
during his entire six-month stay in Italy.
Copy !req
1447. However, as the two men return home,
they've come to an understanding.
Copy !req
1448. Well, here it goes now.
Copy !req
1449. With the...
Copy !req
1450. With the new wife, I...
Copy !req
1451. I just I can't afford you anymore, Cliff.
Copy !req
1452. You know?
Copy !req
1453. I can barely afford my
own house anymore.
Copy !req
1454. So I think the plan is to sell the house
Copy !req
1455. and buy a condo in Toluca Lake, bank the money.
Copy !req
1456. You know, live off it. That type of thing.
Copy !req
1457. Hopefully, I score come next pilot season.
Copy !req
1458. That's a good plan.
Copy !req
1459. Yeah.
Copy !req
1460. You know,
Copy !req
1461. by then, I'll know if I have a career or not,
Copy !req
1462. if I'm a solid Los Angeles citizen
like Eddie O'Brien says,
Copy !req
1463. or if I'm one step closer
to going back to Missouri.
Copy !req
1464. So when this whole European journey is over,
Copy !req
1465. I think we've...
Copy !req
1466. We've reached the end of the trail, Cliff.
Copy !req
1467. So these last four Italian flicks,
after nine years together,
Copy !req
1468. would be Rick and Cliff's final rodeo.
Copy !req
1469. Cliff doesn't have a clue what he's gonna do.
Copy !req
1470. The only thing the two men know of for sure:
Copy !req
1471. Tonight, Rick and Cliff
will have a good old-fashioned drunk.
Copy !req
1472. Both men know,
once the plane touches down in El Segundo,
Copy !req
1473. it'll be the end of an era for both of them.
Copy !req
1474. And when you come to
the end of the line with a buddy
Copy !req
1475. who is more than a brother
and a little less than a wife,
Copy !req
1476. getting blind drunk together
is really the only way to say farewell.
Copy !req
1477. Here it is, honey.
Copy !req
1478. - You like it?
- I love it.
Copy !req
1479. Where do you want it?
Copy !req
1480. Hello?
Copy !req
1481. Hey, it's Joanna and the baby.
Copy !req
1482. Hi! Come on up.
Copy !req
1483. Hi!
Copy !req
1484. Oh, honey. How are you?
Copy !req
1485. - Oh, my gosh, you're about to pop!
- I know!
Copy !req
1486. I know.
Copy !req
1487. And this is the nursery.
Copy !req
1488. - Oh, my God, Sharon. It's perfect.
- Do you love it?
Copy !req
1489. Little shoes!
Copy !req
1490. I know.
Copy !req
1491. I'm about to burst.
Copy !req
1492. - I think you're gonna be a wonderful mother.
- Thank you.
Copy !req
1493. - Thanks, Gillian.
- Bye!
Copy !req
1494. Bye, Brandy!
Copy !req
1495. Sharon had two friends move
into the Cielo Drive residence
Copy !req
1496. while Roman was in London
preparing his next movie:
Copy !req
1497. Voytek Frykowski,
an old friend of Roman's from Poland,
Copy !req
1498. and his girlfriend, social worker Abigail Folger,
Copy !req
1499. heiress to the vast Folger coffee empire.
Copy !req
1500. That night, Sharon, her two houseguests
and, naturally, Jay...
Copy !req
1501. all went to the West Hollywood Mexican restaurant
landmark El Coyote, on Beverly, for dinner.
Copy !req
1502. What's going on at the dirty movie place?
Copy !req
1503. Oh, they're having a premiere.
Copy !req
1504. Dirty movies have premieres?
Copy !req
1505. Yeah. They're fun.
Copy !req
1506. - This place is always so busy.
- I know.
Copy !req
1507. It's crazy in here.
Copy !req
1508. And right here for you.
Copy !req
1509. - Gentlemen.
- Thanks.
Copy !req
1510. While closer to 8:30, Rick and Cliff went
Copy !req
1511. to the Valley Mexican restaurant landmark
Casa Vega on Ventura.
Copy !req
1512. Hello. Welcome.
Copy !req
1513. You're welcome, sir.
Copy !req
1514. Well, well, well, if it ain't the cobra himself.
Copy !req
1515. - Hey, Doug. What's happening?
- Hey, Rick.
Copy !req
1516. - How you doing? It's good to see you.
- How's the wife doing?
Copy !req
1517. I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding.
Copy !req
1518. Brandy stayed behind at Rick's house,
Copy !req
1519. guarding the beautiful
Italian woman asleep in her bed
Copy !req
1520. and waiting for Cliff and Rick to come home...
Copy !req
1521. while jet-lagged Francesca slept.
Copy !req
1522. But you just get paid for the day
Copy !req
1523. - that you cut his hair, though, right?
- No, no, no.
Copy !req
1524. I get paid $1000 a day.
Copy !req
1525. I get paid $1000 the day I arrive.
Copy !req
1526. - I get paid $1000...
- At El Coyote,
Copy !req
1527. margaritas and good times were had by all,
except Sharon.
Copy !req
1528. Sharon was experiencing
a touch of pregnancy-induced melancholy.
Copy !req
1529. Not only that, it was later reported
that it was the hottest night of the year,
Copy !req
1530. and it made her feel especially pregnant
in all the worst ways.
Copy !req
1531. I don't want to party anymore. I am tired.
Copy !req
1532. Because he got it done.
Copy !req
1533. No, it's not—
It's not because he just got it done.
Copy !req
1534. He had just as much time
as all the rest of the goddamn directors.
Copy !req
1535. But it's what he did with that time—
That's what counted.
Copy !req
1536. At Casa Vega, Rick and Cliff drank so much that,
Copy !req
1537. when they left, they left the Cadillac there
and took a cab home.
Copy !req
1538. The greatest action director,
Copy !req
1539. underrated guy of all time.
Copy !req
1540. Around 10, Sharon and her friends left El Coyote
and arrived back at her house.
Copy !req
1541. You've had, like, 19 margaritas.
Copy !req
1542. The four of them hung out a little while longer,
with Abigail even playing the piano for them...
Copy !req
1543. Don't get me mad
Don't tell no lie
Copy !req
1544. Don't make me sad
Don't pass me by
Copy !req
1545. Baby, are you holding
Copy !req
1546. Holding anything but me?
Copy !req
1547. 'Cause I'm a real straight shooter
If you know what I mean
Copy !req
1548. You can bring me love
You can hang around
Copy !req
1549. You can bring me up
Copy !req
1550. Don't you bring me down
Copy !req
1551. until she returned to her room,
smoked a joint and read a book.
Copy !req
1552. That was around 11.
Copy !req
1553. At more or less the same time,
Voytek laid on the couch watching American television
Copy !req
1554. and thought about how much better it was
than Polish television, as he smoked a big joint.
Copy !req
1555. Somewhere around 11:10,
Sharon changed into her comfy house attire.
Copy !req
1556. Feel better?
Copy !req
1557. That is drastically better.
Copy !req
1558. It was after 11:45 by the time
the yellow cab dropped Rick and Cliff
Copy !req
1559. in front of the house.
Copy !req
1560. Thank you. Right here.
Copy !req
1561. All right. Grazie, amigo.
Copy !req
1562. - How much do I owe you?
- Three dollars.
Copy !req
1563. Brandy was glad to see them return.
Copy !req
1564. - Thank you, brother.
- Thanks.
Copy !req
1565. Andiamo. More margaritas.
Copy !req
1566. Around midnight,
a completely drunk Rick Dalton started making
Copy !req
1567. a blender of frozen margaritas.
Copy !req
1568. All right.
Copy !req
1569. We're walking.
Copy !req
1570. At the same time, Cliff was attaching a leash
to an excited Brandy's dog collar.
Copy !req
1571. I know.
Copy !req
1572. I remember you.
Copy !req
1573. - A cigarette dipped in acid. What's that do?
- You smoke it. It gets you high.
Copy !req
1574. - How much?
- Fifty cents.
Copy !req
1575. Fifty cents.
Copy !req
1576. Hippie girl, 50 cents.
Copy !req
1577. Tonight the night?
Copy !req
1578. Why not?
Copy !req
1579. And away we go.
Copy !req
1580. Our Polish friend said it was
the hottest day of the year.
Copy !req
1581. Despite the fact that he said it,
actually, it might be true.
Copy !req
1582. Goddamn.
Copy !req
1583. Fucking private road.
Copy !req
1584. Damn property taxes up the butt.
Copy !req
1585. Goddamn.
Copy !req
1586. Bunch of goddamn fucking hippies.
Copy !req
1587. What the fuck?
Copy !req
1588. Hey, you!
Copy !req
1589. Yeah, asshole, I'm talking to you!
Copy !req
1590. What the hell do you think you're doing
bringing that noisy hunk of shit
Copy !req
1591. around here at midnight?
Copy !req
1592. This is a private road, all right?
Copy !req
1593. Who are you? And who are you here to see?
Copy !req
1594. Nobody, sir.
Copy !req
1595. We just got lost and a little turned around.
Copy !req
1596. Horseshit.
Copy !req
1597. You fucking hippies came up here
to smoke dope on a dark road, huh?
Copy !req
1598. Next time you want to try that,
fix your fucking muffler.
Copy !req
1599. - Look, we're really sorry we disturbed you.
- Look, chief, you don't belong here.
Copy !req
1600. Now, take this mechanical asshole
and get it off my fucking street!
Copy !req
1601. Hey!
Copy !req
1602. Dennis Hopper! Move this fucking piece of shit!
Copy !req
1603. All right.
Just give me a moment to turn it around.
Copy !req
1604. Drive it backwards, numbnuts,
Copy !req
1605. - but fucking drive it, and drive it now!
- Okay. Okay. Stop yelling.
Copy !req
1606. Hold your horses. We're leaving.
Copy !req
1607. The hell are you looking at,
you little ginger-haired fucker?
Copy !req
1608. Hey, you come around here again,
I'm gonna call the fucking cops!
Copy !req
1609. Dirty fucking hippies.
Copy !req
1610. There in his fancy fucking house,
thinking he's handled it.
Copy !req
1611. But he's seen us. He's awake. He's alert.
Copy !req
1612. They're all awake.
Copy !req
1613. They're listening to fucking records.
Copy !req
1614. Everybody's fucking awake!
Copy !req
1615. Look!
Copy !req
1616. - What did Charlie say?
- He said:
Copy !req
1617. "Go to Terry's old house
and kill everybody in there."
Copy !req
1618. And you heard him yourself.
Copy !req
1619. He said, "Make it witchy."
Copy !req
1620. Now, he either said that,
Copy !req
1621. or I'm a liar.
Copy !req
1622. Now, are any one of you calling me a liar?
Copy !req
1623. How about you?
Copy !req
1624. Are you calling me a liar?
Copy !req
1625. No, of course not.
Copy !req
1626. Good.
Copy !req
1627. Hold it.
Copy !req
1628. - Was that Rick Dalton?
- Who?
Copy !req
1629. The guy from Bounty Law.
Copy !req
1630. - Who, Jake Cahill?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
1631. That guy in the robe was Jake Cahill.
Copy !req
1632. Wait a minute. That was fucking Jake Cahill
that just yelled at me?
Copy !req
1633. He was older, but, yeah, I think so.
Copy !req
1634. - So who's this Rick guy?
- Jesus Christ, Sadie, get it together.
Copy !req
1635. Rick Dalton played Jake Cahill on a cowboy show
in the '50s called Bounty Law.
Copy !req
1636. Fuck you, Katie.
Copy !req
1637. Sorry I don't know the name
of every fascist on TV in the '50s.
Copy !req
1638. I can't believe
that asshole in the robe was Jake Cahill.
Copy !req
1639. When I was a kid, I had a Bounty Law lunch box.
Copy !req
1640. That was my favorite of all my lunch boxes.
Copy !req
1641. Dig this!
Copy !req
1642. When we've been having our trip sessions,
I've been expanding on this one idea in my head.
Copy !req
1643. All right, dig it. We all grew up watching TV,
you know what I mean?
Copy !req
1644. And if you grew up watching TV,
that means you grew up watching murder.
Copy !req
1645. Every show on TV
that wasn't I Love Lucy was about murder.
Copy !req
1646. So my idea is...
Copy !req
1647. we kill the people who taught us to kill.
Copy !req
1648. I mean, where the fuck are we, man?
We are in fucking Hollywood, man.
Copy !req
1649. The people an entire generation grew up
watching kill people live here.
Copy !req
1650. And they live in pig-shit fucking luxury.
Copy !req
1651. I say fuck them.
Copy !req
1652. I say we cut their cocks off and make them eat it.
Copy !req
1653. That's a great idea, Sadie.
Copy !req
1654. You two ready to kill some piggies'?
Copy !req
1655. Wait a minute. Oh, shit.
Copy !req
1656. Sorry, I forgot my knife in the car. Can I go—?
Can I go back and get it?
Copy !req
1657. - Yeah, sure.
- Okay.
Copy !req
1658. Go on. Wait a minute.
Copy !req
1659. - What?
- I locked the car. You'll need keys to get in.
Copy !req
1660. Right. Thank you.
Copy !req
1661. - Okay. I'll be right back.
- Okay.
Copy !req
1662. - Just hurry up.
- Yeah, just a little minute.
Copy !req
1663. Oh, that fucking bitch!
Copy !req
1664. Calm down. There's a fucking house right there.
Copy !req
1665. - What do we do now?
- We do what we came to do.
Copy !req
1666. And when we're done, we split up and hitch home.
Copy !req
1667. Any more questions?
Copy !req
1668. Okay, pig killers, let's kill some piggies.
Copy !req
1669. All right.
Copy !req
1670. Oh, someone's hungry.
Copy !req
1671. All right.
Copy !req
1672. It's feeding time.
Copy !req
1673. Brandy, couch.
Copy !req
1674. And don't you mo—
Copy !req
1675. Oh, man.
Copy !req
1676. The train has left the station.
Copy !req
1677. Bad idea.
Copy !req
1678. Eighty men died
Copy !req
1679. On the countryside
Copy !req
1680. Ten, 20, 30, 40
Copy !req
1681. Fifty or more
Copy !req
1682. The bloody Red Baron
Was rollin' up the score
Copy !req
1683. You go around there,
see if there's a back entrance.
Copy !req
1684. All right? Go.
Copy !req
1685. Hey.
Copy !req
1686. I am doing the best I can under the circumstances.
Copy !req
1687. Now, I do not want to get into it tonight.
Copy !req
1688. Can I help you?
Copy !req
1689. Shit.
Copy !req
1690. How many other people are here?
Copy !req
1691. Oh, just the one sleeping in the back there.
Copy !req
1692. Go get him and bring him into the living room.
Copy !req
1693. - What if he says no?
- Don't take no for an answer.
Copy !req
1694. You're the one with the knife. Get him in here!
Copy !req
1695. Hey.
Copy !req
1696. You are real, right?
Copy !req
1697. I'm as real as a doughnut, motherfucker.
Copy !req
1698. What the fuck?
Copy !req
1699. - Go to the living room.
- What is going on, huh?
Copy !req
1700. - Go!
- Si, si.
Copy !req
1701. Who the fuck's that?
Copy !req
1702. I don't know.
Copy !req
1703. Francesca.
Copy !req
1704. What—?
Copy !req
1705. Oh, I know you.
Copy !req
1706. I know all three of you.
Copy !req
1707. Yeah. Spahn Ranch.
Copy !req
1708. Spahn Ranch. Yeah.
Copy !req
1709. I don't know your name, but I remember that hair.
Copy !req
1710. And you, I remember your white little face.
Copy !req
1711. And you were on a horsie.
Copy !req
1712. Yeah.
Copy !req
1713. You are...?
Copy !req
1714. I'm the devil,
Copy !req
1715. and I'm here to do the devil's business.
Copy !req
1716. Nah, it was dumber than that.
Copy !req
1717. Something like... Rex.
Copy !req
1718. - God, shoot him, Tex!
- Tex.
Copy !req
1719. Fuck!
Copy !req
1720. Son of a bitch!
Copy !req
1721. Hey, you.
Copy !req
1722. How dare you come into my house, motherfucker!
Copy !req
1723. Wow, man.
Copy !req
1724. What the fuck?
Copy !req
1725. Jesus Christ.
Copy !req
1726. Holy shit.
Copy !req
1727. Francesca! Francesca, honey!
Copy !req
1728. - 10,000 block, Cielo Drive.
- Sir, around what time was it
Copy !req
1729. when you confronted the intruder?
Copy !req
1730. It was about midnight.
Copy !req
1731. - Around midnight?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
1732. How do you know it was midnight?
Copy !req
1733. Well, I was in the kitchen.
Copy !req
1734. You know, I was making margaritas, and...
Copy !req
1735. I heard the sound of a noisy muffler.
Copy !req
1736. I looked up at the clock.
Copy !req
1737. It said... The kitchen clock said midnight.
Copy !req
1738. - Twelve o'clock exactly?
- I mean, it could have been 12:05.
Copy !req
1739. - Something like that.
- And you didn't see them again
Copy !req
1740. until the woman attacked you in the pool.
Copy !req
1741. No, no.
Copy !req
1742. So, what did these perpetrators do?
Copy !req
1743. Perpetrators? They were hippie assholes.
Copy !req
1744. Two of them burst through the front door there,
Copy !req
1745. and the guy hippie said he was the devil.
Copy !req
1746. And he said, "I'm here to..."
Copy !req
1747. "do some devil shit."
Copy !req
1748. Or... That's not verbatim, but...
Copy !req
1749. - "Some devil shit"?
- Yeah, "devil shit."
Copy !req
1750. And away we go.
Copy !req
1751. Hey. Wait a minute. Wait a minute.
Copy !req
1752. What hospital you going to, Cliff?
Copy !req
1753. I'll meet you there, huh?
Copy !req
1754. You don't want to meet me in no hospital.
Copy !req
1755. Why don't you go take care of your lady.
Copy !req
1756. Hey, she just took five fucking sleeping pills.
Copy !req
1757. She'll be asleep till Columbus Day.
Copy !req
1758. These guys will probably have to come out here again
just to wake her ass up.
Copy !req
1759. Hey, I'm not gonna die.
I may get a limp, but I ain't gonna die.
Copy !req
1760. - It's not my time yet, man.
- All right.
Copy !req
1761. So no use waiting in some waiting room.
Why don't you go lie naked with that fine creature.
Copy !req
1762. Come visit me tomorrow.
Copy !req
1763. Bring bagels.
Copy !req
1764. You want to do something for me, check on Brandy.
Copy !req
1765. She may be a little shook up after that.
She may want to sleep with you.
Copy !req
1766. Are you kidding me?
She's sleeping with Francesca right now.
Copy !req
1767. You might never get her back.
Copy !req
1768. - We got to go.
- All right, then, Cliff.
Copy !req
1769. I'll see you tomorrow, then.
Copy !req
1770. Hey. Hey.
Copy !req
1771. You're a good friend, Cliff.
Copy !req
1772. I try.
Copy !req
1773. Hello?
Copy !req
1774. Hey.
Copy !req
1775. I'm Jay Sebring. I'm a friend of the Polanskis.
Copy !req
1776. You're Rick Dalton, right?
Copy !req
1777. Yeah. Yeah. I'm Rick Dalton.
Copy !req
1778. - Live next door.
- Oh, I know.
Copy !req
1779. I tease Sharon that she
lives next door to Jake Cahill.
Copy !req
1780. If she ever wants to put a bounty on Roman's head,
she just has to go next door, right?
Copy !req
1781. No shit.
Copy !req
1782. What the fuck happened?
Copy !req
1783. Oh, these fucking hippie weirdos,
Copy !req
1784. they broke into my house.
Copy !req
1785. What do you mean, like, trying to rob you?
Copy !req
1786. We don't know what the fuck they wanted.
Copy !req
1787. Were they robbing me? I don't know.
Were they freaking out on some bummer trip?
Copy !req
1788. Who knows?
But they tried to kill my wife and my buddy.
Copy !req
1789. - Jesus Christ. Are you serious?
- Yeah, I'm fucking serious.
Copy !req
1790. Now, my buddy and his dog killed two of them, and then...
Copy !req
1791. Well, shit. I torched the last one.
Copy !req
1792. "Torched"?
Copy !req
1793. Yeah. I burnt her ass to a crisp.
Copy !req
1794. - How'd you do that?
- Well, believe it or not, I—
Copy !req
1795. - I got a flamethrower in my toolshed.
- Oh, from The Fourteen Fists of McCluskey.
Copy !req
1796. Yeah!
Copy !req
1797. Yeah. Yeah.
Copy !req
1798. That's the one.
Copy !req
1799. Yeah, it still works too. Thank God.
Copy !req
1800. Is everybody okay?
Copy !req
1801. Well, the fucking hippies aren't,
that's for goddamn sure.
Copy !req
1802. Yeah. But I'm fine.
Copy !req
1803. You know, my wife's fine.
Copy !req
1804. - We're just a little shook up, is all.
- Oh, my God, that's terrifying.
Copy !req
1805. Yeah.
Copy !req
1806. Jay, honey, is everything all right?
Copy !req
1807. Everything's okay now, honey.
Copy !req
1808. But some hippies broke into the house next door.
Copy !req
1809. Oh, my God.
Copy !req
1810. Oh, that's terrifying.
Copy !req
1811. Is everybody okay?
Copy !req
1812. I'm talking to your
next-door neighbor about it right now.
Copy !req
1813. Rick Dalton?
Copy !req
1814. Yeah, that's me.
Copy !req
1815. Well, hello, neighbor.
Copy !req
1816. Is everybody okay?
Copy !req
1817. Yes, Sharon, everybody's fine.
Copy !req
1818. Are you okay?
Copy !req
1819. Well, yes, I am. Thank you for asking that.
Copy !req
1820. Rick, would you like to come up to the house
for a drink and meet my other friends?
Copy !req
1821. Yeah, sure.
Copy !req
1822. Thank you.
Copy !req
1823. Great. I'll buzz you up.
Copy !req
1824. Come on.
Copy !req
1825. - Hey, nice to meet you, huh?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
1826. - Jay Sebring.
- Hey, pleasure.
Copy !req
1827. - Yeah.
- Pleasure, Jay. Pleasure's all mine.
Copy !req
1828. Sounds like you had a hell of a night.
Copy !req
1829. Hi. This is Rick Dalton,
better known as bounty hunter Jake Cahill,
Copy !req
1830. speaking on behalf of Red Apple cigarettes.
Copy !req
1831. Now, I smoke Red Apples. Been smoking them for years.
Copy !req
1832. But since the Red Apple tobacco company's
been around since 1862,
Copy !req
1833. you'll see Jake Cahill smoke Red Apple too.
Copy !req
1834. Now, back in Jake's day, Red Apple came in a pouch,
and he had to roll his own.
Copy !req
1835. But today, Red Apple comes factory-rolled.
Copy !req
1836. For the best drag with the best tobacco flavor,
Copy !req
1837. with less burn on your throat
than any other non-filtered cigarette.
Copy !req
1838. Now, that's the way a cigarette should taste.
Copy !req
1839. Better drag, more flavor,
Copy !req
1840. less throat burn.
Copy !req
1841. That's the Red Apple way.
Copy !req
1842. So, look for this life-size standee of me, Jake Cahill,
Copy !req
1843. wherever fine Red Apple tobacco products are sold.
Copy !req
1844. Take a bite and feel all right.
Copy !req
1845. Take a bite of a Red Apple.
Copy !req
1846. Tell them Jake sent you.
Copy !req
1847. - And cut.
- All right, this cigarette tastes like fucking shit.
Copy !req
1848. And, by the way, who chose this photo?
I have a double chin. All right?
Copy !req
1849. Nobody notices that crap?
Copy !req