1. Forgive me.
Copy !req
2. Which of you nuns
violated my first commandment?
Copy !req
3. You do not steal from Chavo.
Copy !req
4. Did you steal from Chavo?
Copy !req
5. You can tell me, mother.
Copy !req
6. I will hear you.
Copy !req
7. Yes or no?
Copy !req
8. No.
Copy !req
9. Now, you!
Copy !req
10. Did you steal from Chavo?
No? You lie to me?
Copy !req
11. - You lie to Chavo?
- No.
Copy !req
12. Where d'you go?
Copy !req
13. Where are you going?
Come here.
Copy !req
14. Take her.
Copy !req
15. WHo your trouble
Copy !req
16. Thank you.
Let's go.
Copy !req
17. From Father Bernardo.
Copy !req
18. Nice.
Copy !req
19. Go ahead. Pick the one you want.
It's on the house.
Copy !req
20. You want the special?
Copy !req
21. Very good.
Copy !req
22. I go and get her ready for you.
Copy !req
23. Faster. Do I have to dick this bitch?
going to pay triple for that holly piece of ass.
Copy !req
24. - You knew nun pussy was in such demand, hey.
- I told you for the last time.
Copy !req
25. She cant handle anymore.
Copy !req
26. - Use another girl.
- No, no, no.
Copy !req
27. They need to know it's a real nun.
There are no dirty whore. Do not like it.
Copy !req
28. - I can help you.
- Damn quacks.
Copy !req
29. You got money to do this.
So do it.
Copy !req
30. I may be a lot of things
but I'm no Murderer.
Copy !req
31. Well.
I'll do it.
Copy !req
32. Get older.
Copy !req
33. Mother fucker Padre Bernardo Damn.
Copy !req
34. God bless him.
Copy !req
35. You think that's funny?
Come, laugh with me.
Copy !req
36. Damn!
Another one.
Copy !req
37. You don't care how much You pay for a nun.
Copy !req
38. There ...
Copy !req
39. spoil ...
Copy !req
40. merchandise.
Copy !req
41. Vraciu!
Get your ass here.
Copy !req
42. Get rid of them. Now.
Copy !req
43. I was certain God came to me.
Copy !req
44. He said: have a better purpose in life.
Copy !req
45. God didn't talk to you.
Copy !req
46. It was just a bad reaction
about that shit in your body.
Copy !req
47. - What did God tell you.
- He told me to kill.
Copy !req
48. - To kill who?
- All who sin against him.
Copy !req
49. God told you to start going around
killing people?
Copy !req
50. Shit.
You must have been tripping badly..
Copy !req
51. Because ... I gave you the good stuff.
Copy !req
52. He wanted me to go away.
Copy !req
53. To purify my mind
only with his words.
Copy !req
54. Only then could I be prepared
to do his vengeance
Copy !req
55. Forget it.
Copy !req
56. For you.
Copy !req
57. If you're going to be doing the Lord's work..
Copy !req
58. you'll need the god's tools.
Copy !req
59. Carefull, hey, they are loaded.
Copy !req
60. What else did God tell you?
Copy !req
61. He told me He was going to test me.
Copy !req
62. To see if I was worthy
to take on his mission.
Copy !req
63. - What kind of test?
- I w'ld have to show no mercy.
Copy !req
64. even to someone who show mercy on me.
Copy !req
65. Prigo?
Copy !req
66. Take care of my drugs.
Copy !req
67. - Thank you, Father.
- Bon voyage, my son.
Copy !req
68. Goodbye, Carlitos.
Copy !req
69. Bueno Suerte.
Copy !req
70. Carlitos!
Copy !req
71. You have a customer over here.
Copy !req
72. Carlitos?
Copy !req
73. Let God, who has enlightened every heart
Copy !req
74. teach you to know your sins
and trust in his mercy.
Copy !req
75. Bless me, Father, for I have sinned.
It's been one day since my last confession.
Copy !req
76. What sins troubles you so much
that you must return after one day?
Copy !req
77. Just business as usual at our monastery.
Copy !req
78. The nuns carried the dope.
Our cousin priests were counting the money.
Copy !req
79. I just did not know that death was about to make
an appeareance in this house of God.
Copy !req
80. Stranger killed the priest?
Copy !req
81. Patience, padre, I'm getting to the good part.
Copy !req
82. The stranger leaned in and whispered into his ear.
Copy !req
83. This must have put the fear of God into him,
Copy !req
84. because all he could say was,
Copy !req
85. And that's all the stranger needed to hear.
Copy !req
86. The stranger pushed the priest into his chair..
Copy !req
87. .. turned and walked away.
Copy !req
88. But the priest had one more hail near the officery
Copy !req
89. He reached for a gun... Bang! Bang, Bang!
Copy !req
90. - Priest killed the stranger?
- No.
Copy !req
91. Stranger killed the priest?
Copy !req
92. What happened to the priest?
Copy !req
93. Four shots.
Copy !req
94. Forehead ...
Copy !req
95. sternum ...
Copy !req
96. shoulder ...
Copy !req
97. shoulder.
Copy !req
98. Sign of the Cross.
Copy !req
99. What happened to the stranger?
Copy !req
100. He came in as a vilain
and managed like an angel.
Copy !req
101. Bullshit. I've heard nothing of this.
How do I know it's even true?
Copy !req
102. Who the fuck are you?
Who sent you? Talk to me!
Copy !req
103. Who the hell ...
A fucking liar yelper.
Copy !req
104. So Natcha is running around wacking priests left in, right?
Copy !req
105. Why the hell am I paying protection every month
for you people care to protect the one damned thing?
Copy !req
106. Stop your worrying.
You are still alive, aren't you?
Copy !req
107. Don't give me that. I fucked used my men, for Christ's sake.
Copy !req
108. - How do I know I'm not next on his list?
- I said we take care of it.
Copy !req
109. Hello? Hello?
Copy !req
110. Bullshit! Ther's a goddamned vigilante
running around wacking priests...
Copy !req
111. and all they can tell me is they'll take care of it?
Copy !req
112. Take care of it how?
like they took care of Father Bernardo?
Copy !req
113. Where is the world coming to when a man
of the clerck can't even do God's work?
Copy !req
114. It's a God dammned shame.
Bernardo was a good earner.
Copy !req
115. May God have mercy on his soul.
Copy !req
116. - Hello. How are you?
- There's something wrong. You can look at it, please?
Copy !req
117. - What a shit hole!
- Penny, watch your mouth!
Copy !req
118. - But it is.
- Come here.
Copy !req
119. What?
Copy !req
120. - That's for the attitude, young missy.
- Dad!
Copy !req
121. I can fit my finger in your radiator.
It's rusted.
Copy !req
122. Hey man, let's take a little bit of this.
They won't miss it.
Copy !req
123. That's how people get killed.
Copy !req
124. Just kidding, anyway.
I'm going to see what guys doin.
Copy !req
125. You do that.
Copy !req
126. Just miss my friends, you know.
I could be on the beach, at the ocean ...
Copy !req
127. - Look at all you ...
- Dude!
Copy !req
128. What?
Copy !req
129. Come check this shit out.
Copy !req
130. - Do not look at them.
- Where's Dad?
Copy !req
131. - Ladies!
- Get your hands off her!
Copy !req
132. Stanley!
Copy !req
133. - What happened?
- I was just fucking around with my buddy.
Copy !req
134. Your buddy?
Copy !req
135. Why are you crying?
It's okay. Come.
Copy !req
136. Come, come.
Copy !req
137. - We do not want any trouble
- Trouble? Do we look like trouble?
Copy !req
138. - So you are a bunch of nice guys.
- Yes, yes. We are very very nice guys.
Copy !req
139. But ... we do have a problem
Copy !req
140. when people come to our establishment
and they don't want to pay respect.
Copy !req
141. I do pay respect.
Copy !req
142. Do I look a puta?
Copy !req
143. - No!
- You called me puta, no?
Copy !req
144. Are you trying to pay me with puta money?
Copy !req
145. Want to see the puta?
Here she is.
Copy !req
146. Show him a puta guys.
Copy !req
147. You good, took it... with courage.
Copy !req
148. Be a man.
Go ahead and save her from the bankin.
Copy !req
149. I'll stop. I promise.
Come on, you can do it. Go!
Copy !req
150. Be a man.
Go! Save her!
Copy !req
151. Hello.
Copy !req
152. I'm sorry about your daddy.
I think I'll have to be play the role of Papa.
Copy !req
153. You're cute.
Copy !req
154. - Chavo on the phone.
- Who?
Copy !req
155. - It's him.
- Damn! What does he want?
Copy !req
156. He wants to talk to you.
Copy !req
157. - How does he sound?
- He sounds serious.
Copy !req
158. I come back for you, Momy.
Copy !req
159. Chavez's repair.
You're welcome, we don't give a shit.
Copy !req
160. Father Bernardo is dead.
And so are Lobo and Chinaco.
Copy !req
161. It was a godamned massacre.
Copy !req
162. They took nothing. No money, no drugs.
It was strictly personal.
Copy !req
163. Fucking.
Copy !req
164. Round up your men and get the word out.
Copy !req
165. Ole Cheffe, we have a surprise for you.
Copy !req
166. Isn't she sweet? You check.
Isn't that right Kick Stand?
Copy !req
167. Sure No.
Copy !req
168. - Do you like to pop her cherry?
- Yes.
Copy !req
169. But I can't.
We have work to do.
Copy !req
170. Muchachos ... We are in the middle of a holy war.
Copy !req
171. In fact, my maman did say to me:
Copy !req
172. "If you want a sweet nice ripe peach,
Copy !req
173. you have to wait a while, fallin under the tree. "
Copy !req
174. I like it ripe and nice and juicy this way.
Here Ramon.
Copy !req
175. My papa said:
"Acre or sweet, we need to chew."
Copy !req
176. That's what he said. Hey.
Chavo? Where are you going?
Copy !req
177. You're talking about my mamma to say
and how much about your dirty stinking fucking father?
Copy !req
178. I said nothing.
Copy !req
179. If we talk of mother
gonna fly eggs.
Copy !req
180. - Chavo!
- Let's not talk about my mother.
Copy !req
181. If anybody else wants to talk about my mama,
Copy !req
182. be prepared to get a few punches.
Copy !req
183. - Rigo!
- Yes.
Copy !req
184. - Do you like this one?
- Yes.
Copy !req
185. Do you want me to give her to you?
Copy !req
186. - Yes.
- Okay.
Copy !req
187. Give her to him.
Copy !req
188. Not now. Go away. Leave me alone.
Copy !req
189. Shit!
Copy !req
190. Hello, Chavo.
Copy !req
191. You done a great job
taking care of my place.
Copy !req
192. I am I made you a lot of money.
Copy !req
193. Listen up.
Copy !req
194. There's a vigilante on the streets.
going around and killing the bad guys.
Copy !req
195. In case you guys forgot, we are the bad guys.
Copy !req
196. alright.
Anybody comes through that door,I want to know about it.
Copy !req
197. Understand?
Copy !req
198. Go! Go!
Copy !req
199. alright alright, I'm on it!
Copy !req
200. My hat.
Copy !req
201. In witness pleasuring one another in God's house.
Copy !req
202. That kind of blasphemy will not be tolerated
in my church.
Copy !req
203. - Fr Carlitos there. And he is scared.
- Okay.
Copy !req
204. Why don't we just call the police
and let's them take care of it?
Copy !req
205. Jews have called for help.
Copy !req
206. When Moses came down from the mountain,
did not ask who is on their side.
Copy !req
207. They responded by taking arms
the name of the Lord
Copy !req
208. slay all who oppose the Lord.
Copy !req
209. Spared no one.
Copy !req
210. Are you ready for this?
Copy !req
211. Are you ready going with xxx bleeding
Copy !req
212. and shooting of a short and killing more priests?
I am not ready for this.
Copy !req
213. You know what they did to us?
you know they will continue to do to all like us.
Copy !req
214. They must be punished, Angelina.
be punished on behalf of true believers.
Copy !req
215. Look at me.
Copy !req
216. How am I supposed to be the hand of God,
If I can't even hold my own hands still?
Copy !req
217. All I can think is going back
at the monastery, in my filthy cell,
Copy !req
218. Where they can stick needles in my arm
and I can forget.
Copy !req
219. Mother Magda told me to die.
Copy !req
220. deep die.
Copy !req
221. I was there.
Copy !req
222. When I was in his arms
Lord spoke to me.
Copy !req
223. giving me his calling.
Copy !req
224. One, I was agreeing for.
Copy !req
225. One I'll have to prepare for.
Copy !req
226. - What did the Lord say?
- It wasn't words.
Copy !req
227. It was intense emotion of being alive
one that spoke to me.
Copy !req
228. How did you escape them?
Copy !req
229. Lord sent an angel to guide me back to his kingdom
to protect me.
Copy !req
230. - like doing your protecting me now?
- Yes.
Copy !req
231. Now that we found each other,
We will be whole again.
Copy !req
232. Ther is no easy road to become a nun.
Copy !req
233. It is not a life of refuge from the outside world,
Copy !req
234. It is a life of sacrifice.
Copy !req
235. When times become unbearable,
we take comfort in knowing...
Copy !req
236. that the sacrifice that we make
is the name of our Lord
Copy !req
237. Jesus Christ.
Copy !req
238. When you pass through those doors,
you will be born into a new life.
Copy !req
239. You'll enter with nothing and you will be
absolved of sins without questions.
Copy !req
240. We do not ask nor do we speak
of our past lifes upon entry.
Copy !req
241. To make a closer union with the crucified Lord,
Copy !req
242. You will be submitted to...
Copy !req
243. exercises in tasks
and humility.
Copy !req
244. If you question this trial,
you do not belong with us.
Copy !req
245. To be obedient in all things until death
Copy !req
246. with the love of God.
Copy !req
247. Is to be perfect nun.
Copy !req
248. You want me to take care of it?
Copy !req
249. No.
I am in the mood for a good jerk-off story.
Copy !req
250. - I'm on it.
- It Could be the priests's killer.
Copy !req
251. The Good Book is all the protection I need.
Copy !req
252. May God who has enlightened every soul..
Copy !req
253. .. teach you to know your sins
and trust in his mercy.
Copy !req
254. Forgive me, Lord,
for I'm about to sin.
Copy !req
255. I'm not the Lord, he only works through me.
Copy !req
256. Now tell me what is so heavy on your heart..
Copy !req
257. ..you must come to confession
at this unearthy hour?
Copy !req
258. I'm not here to confess any sins.
I'm here to commit them.
Copy !req
259. You must have Balls in steel to come to my house.
Copy !req
260. Do you know who your dealing with?
How much money comes through this church?
Copy !req
261. Kiilling a couple of thugs and a priest
is not going to stop anything.
Copy !req
262. - You have no idea what you're out against fuck.
- Just tell me who you work for.
Copy !req
263. and you won't have to suffer the same fate as your brothers.
Copy !req
264. I work for the Lord.
He is my sheperd.
Copy !req
265. Make yourself comfortable.
Copy !req
266. Fuck.
Copy !req
267. Is always the same.
Copy !req
268. Fuck. Passing.
Copy !req
269. There is nothing sacred any more.
Copy !req
270. Dont coverup. It's alright.
Its a minute.
Copy !req
271. - I need a room.
- By the hour or by the night?
Copy !req
272. - By the night.
- That will be 30 dollars, cash.
Copy !req
273. Lucky Room number seven.
Copy !req
274. Halfbreed.
Copy !req
275. These guys, they're yours.
Copy !req
276. - You good?
- Yah.
Copy !req
277. How can you get to count everybody's money,
including your own?
Copy !req
278. What's your problem?
You want to count my money?
Copy !req
279. - I'd like to see them.
- Count me.
Copy !req
280. - Count me.
- No, that's alright. It's good.
Copy !req
281. Rigo.
Copy !req
282. Go ahead to your business, man.
Copy !req
283. - Chavo's workshop, Rigo.
- Get me Chavo on the phone. Now!
Copy !req
284. OK. Ok.
Copy !req
285. - Carlitos, who?
- The one bastards killed him in his own church.
Copy !req
286. - He should have prayed harder.
- You need to put an end to this, right now.
Copy !req
287. OK.
Copy !req
288. You want us to track down this little eraser its going
to be double the regular price.
Copy !req
289. - I don't have that kind of money.
- Hey, Padre, don't fuck with me.
Copy !req
290. We've already lost two men
in your holy war.
Copy !req
291. In fact, I know Jesus has deep pockets
for this kind of shit.
Copy !req
292. If you won't double the pay,
Then I won't all this done in half the time.
Copy !req
293. Meet Mother Magda at Carlitos his church.
She is expecting you.
Copy !req
294. Carlitos ...
Copy !req
295. It sounds good.
Copy !req
296. This way.
Copy !req
297. You guys stay here and make sure
we don't have any unwanted visitors.
Copy !req
298. - What do you think?
- I'm dead alright.
Copy !req
299. You can stop them. Make them pay.
Copy !req
300. You know, you're not exactly the forgiving type, Magda.
Copy !req
301. You know, turn the other cheek, love thy enemy ...
.. and All the bullshit you preach.
Copy !req
302. Listen, They called me up from my monastery
to fix this.
Copy !req
303. And I expect it to be resolved
as soon as possible.
Copy !req
304. I heard you the first time, OK?
I know, I know you want it fast.
Copy !req
305. You want a miracle.
Copy !req
306. That's your business.
Copy !req
307. But by the looks of things,
Your businesss not doing very well.
Copy !req
308. Now. Are here any witnesses?
Copy !req
309. Sister Mary was the first one
to alert us of the situation.
Copy !req
310. - Then get her ass in here.
- This won't do any good.
Copy !req
311. Sister Marytook a vow of silence 20 years ago.
Copy !req
312. I keep her around just because she knows
how to keep a big mouth shut.
Copy !req
313. We'll see about that. Bring her.
Copy !req
314. Who did this?
Copy !req
315. Who killed these men?
Copy !req
316. OK.
I am going to ask you one more time nicely.
Copy !req
317. If you do not want to talk, I'm going to let
Kick Stand take over the questioning.
Copy !req
318. Who killed these men?
Copy !req
319. OK. It's your choice.
Copy !req
320. I'll be right back.
Copy !req
321. Mary, tell me what you saw now.
Copy !req
322. Mary what did you see?
Copy !req
323. It's alright. You can talk.
I won't tell anyone.
Copy !req
324. Just between us.
Copy !req
325. Mary, they are going to come back here..
Copy !req
326. then I can not stop them.
Copy !req
327. What did you see?
Copy !req
328. Kick Stand, get your dick over here.
Copy !req
329. Who killed them, Mary?
Copy !req
330. You know who it was, don't you?
Copy !req
331. You've seen them before, Haven't you?
What did they look like?
Copy !req
332. Kick Stand, go to work.
Copy !req
333. I'll nail your arse as they
nailed Jesus to the cross.
Copy !req
334. Kick Stand, enough.
Copy !req
335. It was a nun.
Copy !req
336. - It was God's hands.
- A nun?
Copy !req
337. It's like one of your penguins is to recoup, Magda.
Copy !req
338. - What kind of gun did she have?
- Big guns.
Copy !req
339. I looked into her eyes
and saw the devil in them.
Copy !req
340. - What to do now, boss?
- First, w're going to handle the troops and then ...
Copy !req
341. we are going nun-hunting
Copy !req
342. Halfbreed quit fucking around, get up here.
Copy !req
343. We're looking for a nun.
Copy !req
344. A nun with big guns.
Copy !req
345. You mean, "big guns" like in "Big Tits"?
Copy !req
346. I said guns.
I'm surrounded by idiots.
Copy !req
347. Pull yourself together, or you'll end up here
in a pine box.
Copy !req
348. Spread the rumor on the streets.
Copy !req
349. Fix that. Go check that out.
Copy !req
350. What about her?
She is a nun.
Copy !req
351. Yes she is.
Copy !req
352. Are you a killer?
Copy !req
353. No, no, no. Not this one, hey. Ouhh.
Copy !req
354. I don't think she can even hold a gun
much less shoot one.
Copy !req
355. Let's go.
Copy !req
356. back for you later.
Copy !req
357. S back errant daughter.
Copy !req
358. When they didn't find your body in Valambrosa
I thought even it was you causing all this trouble.
Copy !req
359. And now that you sit before me
I know I know my words are true.
Copy !req
360. The only thing worse is resting in your arms.
Copy !req
361. I know you would not last a week outside of here.
Copy !req
362. Are you looking for someone?
Well, take a good look at him.
Copy !req
363. God punishes those
Why I serve Satan.
Copy !req
364. Let me go.
Copy !req
365. - A delivery from Magda.
- What should I do with her?
Copy !req
366. I thought w're done with this nun bullshit.
Copy !req
367. Magda said to give her to Chavo and when he
is finished with her just throw out the rest of the trash.
Copy !req
368. - Put it in that booth.
- Alright.
Copy !req
369. Nice rack.
Copy !req
370. - Hi, Chavo.
- Hello, love.
Copy !req
371. Go Tell Beverly to bring me some beer, please.
Copy !req
372. Come with me.
Copy !req
373. Just like I remember heyy.
Copy !req
374. - Dance for me, Mamasicu?
- Of course.
Copy !req
375. Come on, come here.
Copy !req
376. Thanks, Beverly.
Copy !req
377. Listen, if you see a crazy chick like that
youshoot first and ask questions later
Copy !req
378. That's Chavo's orders.
Copy !req
379. - Halfbreed, would you like a beer?
- What the fuck you think, bitch? Yeah.
Copy !req
380. I think God is trying to tell me something.
everywhere I go, I see nuns.
Copy !req
381. What the fuck you said earlier, honey?
Copy !req
382. The girl in the picture. I saw one checking in
at the Palms Hotel, last night.
Copy !req
383. Really dirty looking one too.
She mihgt have, don't know, a drinking problem.
Copy !req
384. You saw this chick, a nun
checking in a piece-of-shit motel last night?
Copy !req
385. I was with Butch.
Ask her, sh'll tell you the same thing.
Copy !req
386. If you're wrong about this, Beverly,
God fucking help you.
Copy !req
387. - What do you want? I'm in the middle of something.
- I need you to wake the fuck up and pay attention.
Copy !req
388. Yes, now you got my undivided attention.
Copy !req
389. What the fuck is so important you need
to wake me up in the middle of the morning?
Copy !req
390. It's four o'clock in the afternoon, you stupid bitch.
Copy !req
391. - Did you checked in a nun, last night?
- No.
Copy !req
392. Beverly, you fucking cunt, I'll rip your fuckin' ass
when I get off the phone.
Copy !req
393. Leave her the fuck alone, Jesus.
Copy !req
394. It didn't checked her in last night.
I checked her in this morning at 2AM.
Copy !req
395. Butch, no is not the time to fuck with me.
Copy !req
396. Room seven.
I checked her in myself.
Copy !req
397. Don't let that fuckin' bitch leave.
We are on our way.
Copy !req
398. We got irresponsible heterosexuality.
Copy !req
399. We lesbianism, homosexuality
Copy !req
400. multi sexuality. All sexuality.
Copy !req
401. it's just sin.
We got lesbians ...
Copy !req
402. Is she dead?
Copy !req
403. No, but Beverly saw a nun
checkin'in to the motel last night.
Copy !req
404. I want to see this little heroine.
Kick Stand, you get over there.
Copy !req
405. Put it on back to me, alive
Copy !req
406. Let me leave now.
I'll have to kill you.
Copy !req
407. If you have not noticed,
I'm the one with the gun.
Copy !req
408. You do not have to go through this.
Copy !req
409. I know that God forgives sins.
Copy !req
410. - You just do ask for his forgiveness.
- What do you know about sin?
Copy !req
411. Are you even some real nun
or just some poor plain dressed-up?
Copy !req
412. I've taken my vows
at my church, in the name of the Lord.
Copy !req
413. You think you're so High mighty.
Who are you to preach?
Copy !req
414. What do you know about half the sins
you condemn?
Copy !req
415. - I too am a sinner.
- What are your sins, my precious sister?
Copy !req
416. - I am a fornicator
- Big fucking deal.
Copy !req
417. Half of you pinguins are being poached
By the preachers
Copy !req
418. That may be true.
Copy !req
419. My sins of the flesh.
Copy !req
420. are that of the fair sex.
Copy !req
421. Get back on the bed, bitch.
Copy !req
422. We sin today.
Copy !req
423. And ask forgiveness tomorrow.
Copy !req
424. Such is the beauty of devine.
Copy !req
425. - Who the hell are you?
- You thought, you thought, you thought wrong.
Copy !req
426. - You said I can be forgiven.
- Want to be forgiven? Ask for it. Come on..
Copy !req
427. Please ... please.
Copy !req
428. Please ...
Copy !req
429. I absolve you.
Copy !req
430. I absolve you..
Copy !req
431. of all your sins.
Copy !req
432. But there isno penance
for the hell bounds.
Copy !req
433. Where the fuck have you been all day?
At Tity Fucker?
Copy !req
434. They got this new girl over there.
Man, I'm telling you: She-is-it!
Copy !req
435. She is dressed up in nun
put down yur pants.
Copy !req
436. You've seen a nun
at the Tita club?
Copy !req
437. - How long has she been there, asshole?
- Papa said she just stopped there.
Copy !req
438. Get th efuck out of my face.
Copy !req
439. - What now?
- Butch is dead.
Copy !req
440. That nun worked over real good.
Copy !req
441. Chavo I sgoing to be pissed.
Copy !req
442. Sorry, boss. But I have bad news.
Butch is dead.
Copy !req
443. - Bloody messover there, man.
- Mutt, this is crazy.
Copy !req
444. Prospect said there's a nun
over the Tity Fucker right now.
Copy !req
445. Come on.
Copy !req
446. - Tity Fucker's.
- Hey, man, it's Halfbreed.
Copy !req
447. - I bet that you're looking for that nun.
- Tell Pope that Chavo is on his way.
Copy !req
448. Yes, I get that bitch cleaned up.
Copy !req
449. - Now what?
- Chavo is on his way.
Copy !req
450. Ann, Get that bitch out of the boot
and clean her up before he gets here.
Copy !req
451. What happens Halfbreed?
Copy !req
452. Not now, bitch.
Copy !req
453. Wake up!
And put your clothes back on.
Copy !req
454. my heart will not allow me to wait any longer.
Copy !req
455. I pray to the Lord. He will save me
and reunite us.
Copy !req
456. If not in this world
then in heaven above.
Copy !req
457. Take your stuffy hands off me.
Copy !req
458. Where's Angelina?
Copy !req
459. She is just playing at the Tity Fucker theater
with some old friends of yours.
Copy !req
460. Going mean is not going to make things right.
Copy !req
461. Kick Stand, tell Pope
to bring in a nun.
Copy !req
462. Hi again, killer.
Copy !req
463. I know you are not the man I'm looking for.
Copy !req
464. I do believe you have something to do.
Copy !req
465. - Pope, leave us alone for a while.
- to get dumped anyway.
Copy !req
466. I'll also give.
Copy !req
467. Nun.
Copy !req
468. Put the gun down, nuts and small.
Copy !req
469. Who the hell are you?
Copy !req
470. Fucking bitch!
Copy !req
471. Who the hell are you?
Copy !req
472. No, no, no, calm down.
Copy !req
473. Yes, yes.
Copy !req
474. Do not touch anything. It's okay.
Copy !req
475. Come, go.
Copy !req
476. Are you okay?
Copy !req
477. - I will.
- No, no, no ...
Copy !req
478. No, no.
Copy !req
479. No! No, no, no.
Copy !req
480. Everyone?
Copy !req
481. No. I'll take care of it myself.
Copy !req
482. Father ...
Copy !req
483. are you ready to take on this new mission
in the name of our Lord?
Copy !req