1. How long will he be unconscious?
Copy !req
2. He'll be waking up soon.
Copy !req
3. We've had him under sedation.
Copy !req
4. It was my advice.
Copy !req
5. It was an extreme shock when
your men brought him in.
Copy !req
6. Shock and pain.
Copy !req
7. His face is horribly mutilated.
Copy !req
8. Most of the skin has been burned away.
Copy !req
9. - Hmm.
Copy !req
10. You said on the phone that
he'd be able to talk today.
Copy !req
11. I would like to ask him some questions.
Copy !req
12. - Oh, he'll be quite able
to answer your questions.
Copy !req
13. However, Dr. Paxton and
I aren't sure you'll
Copy !req
14. be able to make much sense
out of what he has to say.
Copy !req
15. - Did he say anything
Copy !req
16. about the five students that are missing?
Copy !req
17. - Yes, a great deal.
Copy !req
18. - That's an improvement.
Copy !req
19. He was incoherent when he
was found in the forest.
Copy !req
20. - Well, he's not incoherent now.
Copy !req
21. He's telling us the same
story over and over again,
Copy !req
22. and he's thoroughly convinced
Copy !req
23. that he's telling us the truth.
Copy !req
24. Ow.
Copy !req
25. - Professor nugent.
Copy !req
26. Professor nugent.
Copy !req
27. Dr. Harris?
Copy !req
28. - Inspector slack from the
sheriff's department is here.
Copy !req
29. He has some questions
he'd like to ask you.
Copy !req
30. He'd like to know what happened
to you and your students.
Copy !req
31. Oh, yes.
Copy !req
32. I want to tell him.
Copy !req
33. I want to tell everyone what's
going on in that forest.
Copy !req
34. Inspector, those stories,
those horror stories
Copy !req
35. you heard about in the forest?
Copy !req
36. They're true.
Copy !req
37. They're all true.
Copy !req
38. There is a demon, a creature.
Copy !req
39. - Perhaps it would be in
everyone's best interest,
Copy !req
40. professor, if you were to begin
Copy !req
41. at the beginning of your story.
Copy !req
42. Oh, yes.
Copy !req
43. Inspector, do you remember reading
Copy !req
44. about that fisherman that was brutally
Copy !req
45. murdered not too long ago?
Copy !req
46. - Yes.
Copy !req
47. His daughter came
to my anthropology class
Copy !req
48. at the university.
Copy !req
49. She wanted to join our field
trip, which was heading out
Copy !req
50. into the forest to find evidence of where
Copy !req
51. the creature was sighted.
Copy !req
52. She had hoped to find out
what happened to her father.
Copy !req
53. His body was found horribly mutilated.
Copy !req
54. Apparently he had set up camp
and wanted to go fishing.
Copy !req
55. Okay, class.
Copy !req
56. Pay attention now.
Copy !req
57. Officials found a camera
with this film in it
Copy !req
58. but no trace of the people.
Copy !req
59. - What happened to the people?
Copy !req
60. - Well, if it was a bear, it
sure didn't move like one.
Copy !req
61. - Was this the same area?
Copy !req
62. - I remember that.
Copy !req
63. About three years ago they
found tracks, footprints
Copy !req
64. by the camera.
Copy !req
65. That's right, but
they never found the people.
Copy !req
66. - But then didn't they
decide that was a hoax.
Copy !req
67. - Officially, yes.
Copy !req
68. Except that this is now
being called a hoax.
Copy !req
69. Hey, why don't you pass these back.
Copy !req
70. Same area, circumstances nearly identical.
Copy !req
71. But what do we do with the evidence?
Copy !req
72. Carla, I know it's been a trial.
Copy !req
73. Do you feel like talking about it?
Copy !req
74. Good.
Copy !req
75. Class, this is Carla Thomas.
Copy !req
76. She has a special interest in our project,
Copy !req
77. and I think you may see why we have
Copy !req
78. a chance of finding something.
Copy !req
79. - So what's this now?
Copy !req
80. - He was my father.
Copy !req
81. Dr. Nugent came to talk to
me after he heard about it,
Copy !req
82. because apparently
there have been a number
Copy !req
83. of similar things
Copy !req
84. but somehow all turn out to be fakes
Copy !req
85. of fanatic's imaginations.
Copy !req
86. Well, that footprint in the newspaper
Copy !req
87. was taken by a deputy, except
the negative is now lost.
Copy !req
88. And I sat right at the
hearing and listened
Copy !req
89. to the same deputy
Copy !req
90. deny there was ever such a thing.
Copy !req
91. Other killings have taken
place in the same area
Copy !req
92. where my father was killed.
Copy !req
93. Ayoung girl saw her
boyfriend brutally murdered.
Copy !req
94. They were in a Van parked
on an isolated road.
Copy !req
95. Hi honey.
Copy !req
96. - The meatloaf is in the refrigerator.
Copy !req
97. I finally put it away.
Copy !req
98. It's probably still warm
though if you want some.
Copy !req
99. - Had a bite with the kids.
- Mm, mm.
Copy !req
100. You did, huh?
Copy !req
101. - I didn't intend to stay this late,
Copy !req
102. but we had a change of plans.
Copy !req
103. - You're not going.
- There'll just
Copy !req
104. be a few of us.
Copy !req
105. The college withdrew
there sanctions so we're
Copy !req
106. going to have to go on our own.
Copy !req
107. - Well, maybe you shouldn't go at all.
Copy !req
108. After all our preparation?
Copy !req
109. - Well, maybe you're getting
involved in something
Copy !req
110. you don't know anything about.
Copy !req
111. You know, what's her name?
Carla's father and all that?
Copy !req
112. Right.
Copy !req
113. It's strictly to see those footprints,
Copy !req
114. because if they exist,
it's important to know now.
Copy !req
115. Some creature surviving up in the forest,
Copy !req
116. he won't be much longer.
Copy !req
117. Some asshole's gonna kill him.
Copy !req
118. You know that.
Copy !req
119. - Are you sure it's not just an excuse
Copy !req
120. to be alone in the woods
Copy !req
121. with some student femme fatale?
Copy !req
122. - A student femme fatale?
Copy !req
123. That would be more of an anthropological
Copy !req
124. find than bigfoot.
Copy !req
125. - Well, I know this doesn't
sound very scientific,
Copy !req
126. but somehow it bothers me.
Copy !req
127. I've had bad feelings about this all day.
Copy !req
128. - Bad feelings?
Copy !req
129. Where?
Copy !req
130. - Show me.
- Stop.
Copy !req
131. It's an old home remedy.
Copy !req
132. Good for temporary relief
of-oh, the instant relief.
Copy !req
133. - This is it.
Copy !req
134. I remember this part of the river.
Copy !req
135. It was only a few miles back in there
Copy !req
136. where my father was killed.
Copy !req
137. Well, we're only
about another 20 minutes
Copy !req
138. from the town.
Copy !req
139. There.
Copy !req
140. There's a dock.
Copy !req
141. That must be Lou Carlson's.
Copy !req
142. - There's someone in there.
Copy !req
143. - How do you know?
Copy !req
144. - I saw him.
Copy !req
145. - Are you sure?
Copy !req
146. - Oh.
Copy !req
147. - Are you all right in there, Mr. Carlson?
Copy !req
148. - What do you want?
Copy !req
149. - Are you Lou Carlson?
Copy !req
150. I'm professor nugent.
Copy !req
151. These are some of my students and friends.
Copy !req
152. - Oh?
Copy !req
153. Could we talk for a few minutes?
Copy !req
154. - Well, I wish I had more time.
Copy !req
155. Well, no, it would
just take a few minutes.
Copy !req
156. I mean, we could make
it at your convenience.
Copy !req
157. - I'm going to go hunting right now.
Copy !req
158. - What do we do now?
Copy !req
159. You think he's the one
Copy !req
160. who sent Dr. Clifford
those news clippings?
Copy !req
161. - I don't know.
Copy !req
162. But he's our only good contact.
Copy !req
163. We have to talk to him.
Copy !req
164. - He sure wasn't planning to go hunting.
Copy !req
165. He wasn't carrying any
supplies, nothing, only the gun.
Copy !req
166. - You know, it's funny his attitude
Copy !req
167. changed so much after
writing all those letters.
Copy !req
168. - Hey, we might as well set up camp here.
Copy !req
169. He's got to come back tonight.
Copy !req
170. - What time is it?
- Almost five.
Copy !req
171. - He can't be gone much longer.
Copy !req
172. The sun'ii be down.
Copy !req
173. - Now, according to his letters,
the location of the site
Copy !req
174. is about 13 miles east of here.
Copy !req
175. No roads leading in at all.
Copy !req
176. And remember, he did mention that someone
Copy !req
177. else looked back in there.
Copy !req
178. - I think there's someone in there.
Copy !req
179. - Typical.
Copy !req
180. We stand here like a bunch of idiots.
Copy !req
181. He probably crawled in
the back window hours ago.
Copy !req
182. - Yeah.
Copy !req
183. - Who wants to dance?
Copy !req
184. - You promised to cook and
scrub if we let you come.
Copy !req
185. - I lied.
Copy !req
186. - After the dishes are done.
Copy !req
187. - Oh, all right.
- Hi, Mr. Carlson.
Copy !req
188. Any luck?
Copy !req
189. - Nope.
Copy !req
190. - Hope you don't mind our camping here,
Copy !req
191. but I thought the forest wouldn't
Copy !req
192. be such a good idea since we're
not familiar with the area.
Copy !req
193. I'll make sure to clean up
real good in the morning.
Copy !req
194. - Yeah, personally.
Copy !req
195. Would you like some
scrambled eggs or something?
Copy !req
196. - No, thanks.
Copy !req
197. How long do you plan to be here?
Copy !req
198. - You know, Mr. Carlson, your letter
Copy !req
199. is one of the major factors
that brought us here.
Copy !req
200. Now, it's plain you're not
very enthusiastic about it,
Copy !req
201. so if we could just
talk for a few minutes,
Copy !req
202. find out what we need to know,
we'll be out of your way.
Copy !req
203. - Yeah, well, uh, in the morning.
Copy !req
204. - It shouldn't take
more than a few minutes.
Copy !req
205. It won't.
Copy !req
206. - Just a little bundle of charm, isn't he?
Copy !req
207. I wonder if he ever thought of show biz?
Copy !req
208. - I wonder where he was all this time.
Copy !req
209. He sure wasn't hunting.
Copy !req
210. - There's nothing up on
that direction of the map.
Copy !req
211. Anyway, let's not stand here.
Copy !req
212. I think we're being watched.
Copy !req
213. - I don't mean to bother you
again, because we're already
Copy !req
214. an imposition, but I wanted you to have
Copy !req
215. this to let you know that we appreciate
Copy !req
216. you letting us camp here.
Copy !req
217. - Uh, I'll uh,
Copy !req
218. come in, come in.
Copy !req
219. That's mighty nice of you.
Copy !req
220. - You've got a nice little place here.
Copy !req
221. - I guess.
Copy !req
222. Say, uh, how about a drink yourself?
Copy !req
223. - Oh, sure.
Copy !req
224. Thanks.
Copy !req
225. - And by the way, I'm Roy.
- Yeah.
Copy !req
226. - Well, I guess it must get
lonely sometimes, though,
Copy !req
227. being here by yourself all the time?
Copy !req
228. - Well, it was better
when my wife was alive.
Copy !req
229. I guess it was rougher
on her than it was me.
Copy !req
230. Women, you know, they like convenience.
Copy !req
231. - Well, thank you.
Copy !req
232. Cheers.
Copy !req
233. Cigarette?
Copy !req
234. - No, thanks.
Copy !req
235. I had to give that up when the
old pump started acting up.
Copy !req
236. - So, uh, where you from originally?
Copy !req
237. - Sacramento.
Copy !req
238. Just got tired of the rat race.
Copy !req
239. Been up here nearly 20 years.
Copy !req
240. - Hardly any place to
get away from it anymore.
Copy !req
241. I wish we could just go fishing
Copy !req
242. and forget all this bullshit.
Copy !req
243. But I need the extra
credit, so we've got to keep
Copy !req
244. humoring old man nugent.
Copy !req
245. But don't let him get to you.
Copy !req
246. He's really a pretty good old dude.
Copy !req
247. He's just a sucker on the
subject of, uh, bigfoot.
Copy !req
248. He just wants to believe it so bad,
Copy !req
249. he'll listen to anything.
Copy !req
250. And you can't blame people for telling
Copy !req
251. tales if it makes their
lives seem more interesting.
Copy !req
252. Who cares?
Copy !req
253. - Give you some good advice, son.
Copy !req
254. Don't be too quick to
poke fun at something
Copy !req
255. you know nothing about.
Copy !req
256. - I agree.
Copy !req
257. But there's one thing I do know.
Copy !req
258. There never was any bigfoot walking
Copy !req
259. around here or anywhere else.
Copy !req
260. It's just another version
of the Loch Ness monster.
Copy !req
261. - You're pretty sure of that, are you?
Copy !req
262. What would you say
Copy !req
263. if I told you there's somebody living back
Copy !req
264. there that's not even-not
only seen the footprints,
Copy !req
265. they say she's even-
Copy !req
266. - they call her crazy Wanda.
Copy !req
267. She lives by herself
somewhere back in the forest,
Copy !req
268. but it's hard to get to.
Copy !req
269. - It must be the same area he
talked about in his letters.
Copy !req
270. - According to Carlson,
she can't talk or won't.
Copy !req
271. He didn't elaborate, and I
didn't want to provoke him.
Copy !req
272. But it sounded like it had something
Copy !req
273. to do with seeing the bigfoot.
Copy !req
274. - Jesus, you don't suppose
Copy !req
275. she saw Carla's father get killed?
Copy !req
276. - No, it was long before that.
Copy !req
277. Oh, look at these.
Copy !req
278. Smoked today and Carlson doesn't smoke.
Copy !req
279. Somebody was in there.
Copy !req
280. - Christ, and probably listening
Copy !req
281. to every word we said all day.
Copy !req
282. That's all we need.
Copy !req
283. - What else did he say?
Copy !req
284. - Nothing.
Copy !req
285. I think he wanted to, but he was afraid.
Copy !req
286. He seemed real nervous.
Copy !req
287. He downed four shots of
whiskey before I left.
Copy !req
288. - That would explain everything,
Copy !req
289. why he changed his mind.
Copy !req
290. I mean, if somebody's leaning on him.
Copy !req
291. - What now?
Copy !req
292. - Well, the next logical
thing would be to go
Copy !req
293. to herb's general store.
Copy !req
294. Okay, this is what we'll do.
Copy !req
295. We'll go into town
tomorrow as soon as we can.
Copy !req
296. I'll talk to herb at the store.
Copy !req
297. The rest of you split up,
talk to people around town,
Copy !req
298. find out all you can about,
Copy !req
299. what's her name again?
Copy !req
300. Crazy Wanda.
Copy !req
301. - Yeah, she shows up once
in a while, poor thing.
Copy !req
302. All she ever buys is candy.
Copy !req
303. - Really?
Copy !req
304. Why don't you put in a couple for me, huh?
Copy !req
305. You know what I'd really like to find out
Copy !req
306. is how to get to her place.
Copy !req
307. - No.
Copy !req
308. Nobody can find his
way in there, only her.
Copy !req
309. Mcginty saw to that.
Copy !req
310. - Mcginty.
Copy !req
311. Who's he?
Copy !req
312. - Father.
Copy !req
313. Preacher.
Copy !req
314. Been dead about nine years.
Copy !req
315. Left her all alone out there.
Copy !req
316. She doesn't talk, you know.
Copy !req
317. - Oh, yeah?
Copy !req
318. How come?
Copy !req
319. - Had a baby, affected her speech.
Copy !req
320. That'll be $6.24.
Copy !req
321. How much is this postcard?
Copy !req
322. - 10 cents.
Copy !req
323. - No family at all, huh?
- Nah.
Copy !req
324. Her mother's around, but
she don't count for family.
Copy !req
325. Don't think she and crazy Wanda ever met.
Copy !req
326. Mcginty saw to that too.
Copy !req
327. What do you want to know for?
Copy !req
328. - Oh, I,
Copy !req
329. I just thought I'd get completely away
Copy !req
330. from civilization for a while.
Copy !req
331. Thought it would be a good opportunity.
Copy !req
332. - Ain't such a good idea.
Copy !req
333. Besides, you'll see enough
nature out alongside the road.
Copy !req
334. - I don't know anyone who
goes back in there anymore.
Copy !req
335. Old mcginty planned it pretty well.
Copy !req
336. Even the rangers don't
go back in there much.
Copy !req
337. But that's been like nine
years since mcginty died.
Copy !req
338. That's a long time, and Wanda still
Copy !req
339. seems to come up with money.
Copy !req
340. Where does she get it?
Copy !req
341. Somebody else must be
living back in there too.
Copy !req
342. She can't be entirely alone.
Copy !req
343. - Some of his followers, but
they live in total isolation.
Copy !req
344. - Yeah, some people who live up the river.
Copy !req
345. But we don't talk to them.
Copy !req
346. We're not allowed.
Copy !req
347. I don't think they
speak the same language.
Copy !req
348. - There are no records
here, because Wanda never
Copy !req
349. attended our school at all.
Copy !req
350. - Someone claimed she had a baby.
Copy !req
351. - Yes.
Copy !req
352. I heard that.
Copy !req
353. Illegitimate.
Copy !req
354. But it died at birth.
Copy !req
355. A blessing.
Copy !req
356. - Why?
Copy !req
357. - Well, it's only a story.
Copy !req
358. They say it was awful to look at.
Copy !req
359. Deformed, you know, mongoloid.
Copy !req
360. Could have been from
malnutrition living like that.
Copy !req
361. - It doesn't seem as if
that would be enough to make
Copy !req
362. someone stop talking.
Copy !req
363. - I don't know.
Copy !req
364. Those people are strange.
Copy !req
365. Reverend mcginty took a
for a sign of the devil,
Copy !req
366. committed suicide.
Copy !req
367. - Crackpot set himself
on fire is what he did.
Copy !req
368. Thought he'd seen the devil.
Copy !req
369. He probably did.
Copy !req
370. They'd have been a good match.
Copy !req
371. - What about the rest of his followers?
Copy !req
372. - All fanatics.
Copy !req
373. Just went wild, living like animals.
Copy !req
374. There's been hunters come out of there,
Copy !req
375. swear they have human sacrifice.
Copy !req
376. Cannibals.
Copy !req
377. - Really?
- Yep.
Copy !req
378. I mean, anybody
you know actually see it?
Copy !req
379. - No.
Copy !req
380. But I wouldn't put it past them.
Copy !req
381. All of them.
Copy !req
382. Crazy.
Copy !req
383. - It's hard to tell how much is fact
Copy !req
384. and how much is fantasy.
Copy !req
385. But at least we've got something to go on.
Copy !req
386. - You think it might have
been those forest people
Copy !req
387. that killed Carla's father?
Copy !req
388. Maybe trying to scare other people away?
Copy !req
389. They might be inbred
and just crazy enough.
Copy !req
390. - It would be easy enough
to fake those footprints.
Copy !req
391. I mean, no experts even seen 'em.
Copy !req
392. - Nah, they'd have to
be pretty out of touch
Copy !req
393. not to realize it would
only intrigue more people
Copy !req
394. to come looking for the thing.
Copy !req
395. - Now I wish we had
grabbed more than two guns.
Copy !req
396. - Yeah.
Copy !req
397. Well, here we are,
Copy !req
398. - wherever this is.
- Got to be the right place,
Copy !req
399. - the end of the river.
- Doesn't look like
Copy !req
400. there's much of a trail.
Copy !req
401. Well, we can
always drop bread crumbs.
Copy !req
402. I pulled the boat up on the front.
Copy !req
403. - Let's hurry up, get this set up.
Copy !req
404. I don't want to be camping
out here in the dark.
Copy !req
405. Now, wherever we go from here, I'm leaving
Copy !req
406. it up to you to plot it out.
Copy !req
407. Now, obviously it won't be accurate,
Copy !req
408. but at least we'll have some orientation.
Copy !req
409. - Yeah.
Copy !req
410. I can make note of anything
recognizable for landmarks too.
Copy !req
411. - I can climb some high
tree when it gets light.
Copy !req
412. Might save us some mileage.
Copy !req
413. - Good thinking.
Copy !req
414. Take a geographical picture of this area
Copy !req
415. too where we're leaving the boat.
Copy !req
416. - We couldn't put anymore on this fire
Copy !req
417. here unless someone can
stay up and watch it.
Copy !req
418. - Oh, yeah.
Copy !req
419. Linda's going to stay up and watch it.
Copy !req
420. It's part of herjob.
Copy !req
421. - What?
Copy !req
422. - Well, I'm afraid
after tonight someone is
Copy !req
423. going to have to stand guard.
Copy !req
424. We're already in bigfoot territory
Copy !req
425. where all those people were killed.
Copy !req
426. Not far from here, a
motorcyclist was found.
Copy !req
427. Apparently he'd been riding along
Copy !req
428. and stopped for a moment
at the side of the path.
Copy !req
429. - Oh, oh my god.
Copy !req
430. - By the time they found
him, he bled to death.
Copy !req
431. Well, we better get some sleep.
Copy !req
432. I want to get a fresh
start in the morning.
Copy !req
433. - Bill, hey.
Copy !req
434. Ssh.
Copy !req
435. Come on out.
Copy !req
436. Wait a second.
Copy !req
437. - Should we go see?
Copy !req
438. - Yeah.
Copy !req
439. - Come forth now this man your power.
Copy !req
440. Through him, mighty moloch,
implant your seeds in the body
Copy !req
441. of your unholy bride.
Copy !req
442. Nurture those seeds within her
to produce your demon child.
Copy !req
443. Infuse him with your strength.
Copy !req
444. Let your seeds of hell
grow deep within her.
Copy !req
445. - I can't believe I'm seeing this.
Copy !req
446. That could start a forest fire.
Copy !req
447. - Ah, never mind.
Copy !req
448. We're not equipped to take care of it.
Copy !req
449. Let them handle it.
Copy !req
450. They live in these woods.
Copy !req
451. At least it'll keep them busy
for the rest of the night.
Copy !req
452. - Yeah.
Copy !req
453. - Let's get back to the kids.
Copy !req
454. They must be frantic.
Copy !req
455. - I think we should go find them.
Copy !req
456. - Do you want to get lost
out there in the woods?
Copy !req
457. - Where have you been?
Copy !req
458. We were ready to tear this place apart.
Copy !req
459. - What the hell is going on?
- Just a little
Copy !req
460. country entertainment.
Copy !req
461. - For example.
Copy !req
462. - It looked like a
woman was getting raped.
Copy !req
463. So we fired a few rounds
and scared them off.
Copy !req
464. - Them?
Copy !req
465. How many were there?
Copy !req
466. - Just the basic act.
Copy !req
467. It was some kind of ceremony.
Copy !req
468. But what's really interesting
as far as we're concerned,
Copy !req
469. is the whole thing was centered around a
Copy !req
470. huge anthropoid-looking effigy.
Copy !req
471. - Bigfoot.
- Yeah.
Copy !req
472. You think
it's safe to stay here?
Copy !req
473. Well, it beats
walking around in the dark.
Copy !req
474. I suggest you keep your ears open.
Copy !req
475. - Come quick. Come quick.
Copy !req
476. - What is it? What's the matter?
Copy !req
477. - Just come quick.
- What is it?
Copy !req
478. - The boat's gone.
Copy !req
479. The post was completely
pulled out of the ground.
Copy !req
480. Now, what could have done that?
Copy !req
481. - Something huge like an elephant.
Copy !req
482. - Maybe whatever it was is
still around here somewhere.
Copy !req
483. Oh, my god.
Copy !req
484. My god.
Copy !req
485. What are we going to do?
Copy !req
486. Hey, everybody.
Copy !req
487. Look at this.
Copy !req
488. Exactly the same.
Copy !req
489. - Exactly.
- You think it could be real?
Copy !req
490. Everyone keep a watch.
Copy !req
491. Roy, make a plaster cast of this, okay?
Copy !req
492. Right.
Copy !req
493. You look around
for some more footprints.
Copy !req
494. - It looks like it comes up and then
Copy !req
495. goes back down into the water.
Copy !req
496. - Maybe so we couldn't follow it.
Copy !req
497. - You think it could be that smart?
Copy !req
498. - It just not some of those people.
Copy !req
499. - Well, it certainly
makes for mixed emotions.
Copy !req
500. But so far, this thing looks authentic.
Copy !req
501. - So we're stuck, right?
Copy !req
502. - Well, we can always build a raft
Copy !req
503. and go back down the river.
Copy !req
504. Losing the extra supplies
is going to hurt.
Copy !req
505. - So what are we going to do?
Copy !req
506. - Well, we've come this far to find Wanda.
Copy !req
507. I say we go ahead and
make the extra effort.
Copy !req
508. - Oh, no.
Copy !req
509. You know what I just realized?
Copy !req
510. Our radio and ammunition are gone.
Copy !req
511. - Wanda.
Copy !req
512. You want to avoid any trouble.
Copy !req
513. So if you see anybody,
especially after crashing
Copy !req
514. that party last night... yeah.
Copy !req
515. Get off into the bushes
Copy !req
516. until we find out who it is.
Copy !req
517. - Well, what if it's in the bushes?
Copy !req
518. Run like hell.
Copy !req
519. - One thing we can't deny, the heel
Copy !req
520. is certainly more humanoid than ape.
Copy !req
521. Aside from the gross size difference,
Copy !req
522. the metatarsals have
the same configuration,
Copy !req
523. - don't you think?
- Mm-hm.
Copy !req
524. Jackie.
Copy !req
525. - Charming, good hearted
and maybe even insatiable.
Copy !req
526. Now, not only that, but
look at it from the side.
Copy !req
527. See how the pressure points
are distributed equally?
Copy !req
528. I can't imagine a fake foot being
Copy !req
529. constructed so accurately.
Copy !req
530. Look how the weight is
distributed from the heel
Copy !req
531. to the ball of the foot.
Copy !req
532. Even the tendon is stretched.
Copy !req
533. - Why don't you move down to la?
Copy !req
534. An accountant can always get a job there.
Copy !req
535. - I've thought about it,
but I've already got four
Copy !req
536. years' seniority where I am.
Copy !req
537. - Doesn't matter.
Copy !req
538. You get a vacation?
Copy !req
539. - Uh-huh.
Copy !req
540. Sometime in June or July.
Copy !req
541. - See, perfect.
Copy !req
542. I graduate in June.
Copy !req
543. I figure I'll take about a month,
Copy !req
544. maybe two before I settle
down to anything full time.
Copy !req
545. You ever been to Hawaii?
Copy !req
546. - Oh, yes.
Copy !req
547. It's fantastic.
Copy !req
548. - So come be my guide.
Copy !req
549. - Are you serious?
- Of course.
Copy !req
550. You do that, I'll jump you.
Copy !req
551. - Are you talking about this or Hawaii?
Copy !req
552. Both.
Copy !req
553. - Jeez.
Copy !req
554. - Oh, Christ.
Copy !req
555. Get something for his back.
Copy !req
556. - Are you all right, Linda?
Copy !req
557. Gary.
Copy !req
558. - Oh, my god.
Copy !req
559. Look at those marks.
Copy !req
560. - Just wrap him up, Roy.
Copy !req
561. Just -hem.
Copy !req
562. I'll take care of her.
Copy !req
563. I think she's okay.
Copy !req
564. You help him.
Copy !req
565. - Okay.
Copy !req
566. Grab the corner of the sleeping bag.
Copy !req
567. - We'll carry him that way.
Copy !req
568. Okay.
Copy !req
569. - Come on, come on now.
Copy !req
570. Get you all warmed up by the fire.
Copy !req
571. - Well, it's not as deep as I thought.
Copy !req
572. But you're in for quite
a hefty backache there.
Copy !req
573. Do you know what happened?
Copy !req
574. - I saw,
Copy !req
575. I saw this terrible,
terrible face right over us.
Copy !req
576. You want to tell
us what it looked like?
Copy !req
577. - I don't,
Copy !req
578. I don't know.
Copy !req
579. - Hey, it must have gone off this way.
Copy !req
580. The weeds are all squashed.
Copy !req
581. - Hey, hey, hey.
Copy !req
582. Don't go too far into there.
Copy !req
583. That thing was huge, by the
size of the branches it broke.
Copy !req
584. - It's got to be the same
thing that got the boat.
Copy !req
585. - An intelligent animal, whatever it was.
Copy !req
586. - Could have killed Gary with
one stroke or both of them,
Copy !req
587. for that matter.
Copy !req
588. But it didn't.
Copy !req
589. Why is what we have to find out.
Copy !req
590. - And why didn't it attack
us when it took the boat?
Copy !req
591. - Well, that could have
been just because there
Copy !req
592. were more of us together.
Copy !req
593. - I have a feeling it was
protecting its territory.
Copy !req
594. - Maybe that has some connection
with why these people back
Copy !req
595. here treat it like a deity.
Copy !req
596. Maybe in a way it's protecting them too.
Copy !req
597. - Well, if it isn't trying to kill us,
Copy !req
598. it's sure trying to scare us.
Copy !req
599. - Well, if that's the case,
why did it kill Carla's father?
Copy !req
600. - Let's get back to the
others and go look for Wanda.
Copy !req
601. I have a feeling she's
at the root of all this.
Copy !req
602. That's got to be it.
Copy !req
603. Mcginty's cabin.
Copy !req
604. - What a spooky place.
- I wonder what the bars
Copy !req
605. - are for.
- Don't ask.
Copy !req
606. - Shall we?
Copy !req
607. Hello.
Copy !req
608. I'm looking for miss Wanda mcginty.
Copy !req
609. My friends and I are
doing some research work,
Copy !req
610. and we heard that she might
be able to give us some help.
Copy !req
611. Also a friend of ours is injured,
Copy !req
612. and we'd appreciate if we could rest here
Copy !req
613. for a couple hours.
Copy !req
614. My name's bill nugent.
Copy !req
615. I'm a professor.
Copy !req
616. Are you Wanda mcginty?
Copy !req
617. Been nice chatting.
Copy !req
618. - What now?
Copy !req
619. - Would you mind if we came
in a minute and talked?
Copy !req
620. - Same woman we told you about that
Copy !req
621. was going to get raped in that ceremony.
Copy !req
622. - Wanda?
Copy !req
623. We appreciate it.
Copy !req
624. Got a nice little place here.
Copy !req
625. Spent several days hiking
just trying to find it.
Copy !req
626. Linda.
Copy !req
627. Let's open the curtains.
Copy !req
628. - I'll tell you why your help
is so important to us, Wanda.
Copy !req
629. We know that people
living back in this area
Copy !req
630. are able to see things that average people
Copy !req
631. would never have a chance to.
Copy !req
632. We believe that there is a creature living
Copy !req
633. in these mountains that's
on the verge of extinction
Copy !req
634. and possibly a close relative to man.
Copy !req
635. All we're interested in doing is finding
Copy !req
636. out what it is for certain.
Copy !req
637. Some of the stories go
back to the Indians,
Copy !req
638. centuries-about a large
ape-like creature they
Copy !req
639. called sasquatch.
Copy !req
640. - Damn, I'm sorry.
- Wanda, just go get-
Copy !req
641. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
642. I should know better.
Copy !req
643. - Never mind.
Copy !req
644. Just go outside.
Copy !req
645. There's too many of us in here.
Copy !req
646. - Maybe I can help.
Copy !req
647. - I'll talk to her and then we'll see.
Copy !req
648. - Well, there's nothing
wrong with her voice.
Copy !req
649. - She sure knows what that footprint is.
Copy !req
650. - I just hope she's all right.
Copy !req
651. - She needs care, that poor woman.
Copy !req
652. - And not the type she gets back here.
Copy !req
653. - You see those graves?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
654. I wonder if she saw her
father burn to death?
Copy !req
655. Oh, it just makes me sick.
Copy !req
656. - Maybe tomorrow she'll be calmed down.
Copy !req
657. I have a feeling she can
talk if she wants to.
Copy !req
658. - Stop worrying.
Copy !req
659. Why don't you fix the radio for us?
Copy !req
660. - Oh, I'm not in the mood.
Copy !req
661. - It's not your fault.
Copy !req
662. Nobody knew she'd react that way.
Copy !req
663. - It was just a dumb thing to do.
Copy !req
664. - How's your back feel now, Gary?
Copy !req
665. - It's all right.
Copy !req
666. It'll be better when I've had some sleep.
Copy !req
667. - He's got a bit of a fever.
Copy !req
668. I sure hope Wanda can help
us find our way out of here.
Copy !req
669. We're supposed to be on
our way back tomorrow.
Copy !req
670. - There's no doubt we're
in the same territory
Copy !req
671. where hunters disappear
and people are killed.
Copy !req
672. It wasn't far from here
where the body of a woodsman
Copy !req
673. was found.
Copy !req
674. It was horribly mutilated.
Copy !req
675. The skull had been
crushed with his own ax.
Copy !req
676. And it was in the same area
Copy !req
677. that two girl scouts disappeared.
Copy !req
678. Apparently they had wandered
off the main hiking trail
Copy !req
679. and were plotting a new path
for the rest of the group.
Copy !req
680. - I think we've come a bit too far.
Copy !req
681. - Yeah, it's too hilly, and there's
Copy !req
682. too many rocks for climbing.
Copy !req
683. Let's go back to the main trail and take
Copy !req
684. off in a different direction.
Copy !req
685. - It's so quiet.
Copy !req
686. Their bodies were found a few days later.
Copy !req
687. But there was no trace of
the thing that killed them.
Copy !req
688. Now, bigfoot's not playing games anymore.
Copy !req
689. Maybe the next time he won't
be happyjust to scare us.
Copy !req
690. So someone's going to have
to start standing guard.
Copy !req
691. So you, Pete, and I will
start taking shifts.
Copy !req
692. - I can stand guard
just as well as anyone.
Copy !req
693. - All right.
Copy !req
694. That'll shorten the shifts.
Copy !req
695. I've got a police whistle we can use too.
Copy !req
696. - Hey, do you think we could take a chance
Copy !req
697. on that old shotgun in there?
Copy !req
698. - Are you kidding?
Copy !req
699. Probably blow up in your face.
Copy !req
700. - Well, if we clean it up a little bit.
Copy !req
701. - Well, we could take a
look at it, I suppose.
Copy !req
702. - Beats having two guns and no ammunition.
Copy !req
703. Hey, did you leave the door unlocked?
Copy !req
704. - Yeah.
Copy !req
705. - Well, I'll go get them.
Copy !req
706. I'll be right back.
Copy !req
707. - Pete.
Copy !req
708. Pete, where are you?
Copy !req
709. - Something over here.
- Quick.
Copy !req
710. Where's the other gun?
Copy !req
711. Oh, Jesus.
Copy !req
712. Pete.
Copy !req
713. Answer us.
Copy !req
714. - Oh, god.
- What?
Copy !req
715. - Something's happened to Pete.
Copy !req
716. - Hurry.
Copy !req
717. I heard something over here.
Copy !req
718. - Grab the flashlights.
Copy !req
719. - Pete.
Copy !req
720. Here.
Copy !req
721. Get back to the others.
Copy !req
722. Follow me.
Copy !req
723. - We've got to get out
of here before something
Copy !req
724. happens to the rest of us.
Copy !req
725. All we've got is that
crazy in there to help us.
Copy !req
726. - Hey, we don't know
anything for sure yet.
Copy !req
727. Maybe he's-maybe he's still out there.
Copy !req
728. I know he's dead.
Copy !req
729. - There were tracks for a ways.
Copy !req
730. It was the creature, but we lost him.
Copy !req
731. - I want to start back right now.
Copy !req
732. - Yeah.
Copy !req
733. I better go talk to Wanda.
Copy !req
734. Has she come out or anything?
Copy !req
735. - No.
Copy !req
736. - You know, I was thinking
about something on the way back.
Copy !req
737. Oh, it won't hurt to try.
Copy !req
738. All of you, inside.
Copy !req
739. Keep watching the key, Wanda.
Copy !req
740. Concentrate.
Copy !req
741. Try to relax.
Copy !req
742. Damn.
Copy !req
743. Well, she's probably
been in this state too long.
Copy !req
744. There still
should be some reaction.
Copy !req
745. We need something vital to her.
Copy !req
746. - Look at this.
Copy !req
747. Nobody's touched this lock in years.
Copy !req
748. Almost solidified.
Copy !req
749. Yeah, you're onto something.
Copy !req
750. - Yeah, it's good.
Copy !req
751. Just stand back a little.
Copy !req
752. What's in here, Wanda?
Copy !req
753. Is it a storeroom?
Copy !req
754. How come you never use it?
Copy !req
755. Is something important in there?
Copy !req
756. Is that why you keep it locked?
Copy !req
757. Or something you don't like?
Copy !req
758. Screwdriver.
Copy !req
759. Let me just try something, okay Wanda?
Copy !req
760. You may have to hold her.
Copy !req
761. Oh, all this stuff.
Copy !req
762. You need a gas mask.
Copy !req
763. Holy mother of god.
Copy !req
764. Mcginty's little shrine.
Copy !req
765. My baby.
Copy !req
766. My baby.
Copy !req
767. My baby.
Copy !req
768. - I think she's under.
Copy !req
769. Wanda?
Copy !req
770. You can speak now.
Copy !req
771. Can you understand me?
Copy !req
772. If you can understand me,
I'd like you to say yes.
Copy !req
773. Say yes.
Copy !req
774. - Yes.
Copy !req
775. - Good.
Copy !req
776. Now, I want you to remember a long time
Copy !req
777. ago when you were just a young girl,
Copy !req
778. when you were about 15 years old.
Copy !req
779. Can you remember that?
Copy !req
780. - Yes.
Copy !req
781. Good.
Copy !req
782. Remember exactly how that young girl felt.
Copy !req
783. You are that young girl, Wanda.
Copy !req
784. You are 15 years old.
Copy !req
785. - Lying bitch.
Copy !req
786. Stinking lying whore.
Copy !req
787. I bring you to the lord.
Copy !req
788. This is the thanks I get.
Copy !req
789. My own daughter, you disgraced me.
Copy !req
790. You disgraced me.
Copy !req
791. - Papa, please.
Copy !req
792. I didn't do nothing, I swear.
Copy !req
793. I swear, papa.
Copy !req
794. - You laid with him.
Copy !req
795. You betrayed me in the sight of god.
Copy !req
796. - Papa, please don't hit me again.
Copy !req
797. I can't stand it.
Copy !req
798. I didn't do nothing.
Copy !req
799. I swear.
Copy !req
800. - I'm saving your soul,
you ungrateful bitch.
Copy !req
801. I'm saving your from burning in hell,
Copy !req
802. just like your retched mother.
Copy !req
803. - Blessed mother, please
forgive me for what I done.
Copy !req
804. My papa says I done it,
but I don't remember.
Copy !req
805. Don't let me burn in hell, please.
Copy !req
806. And help me not to be
ungrateful for the beating
Copy !req
807. he done for my sake.
Copy !req
808. I repent myself and beg your forgiveness.
Copy !req
809. In the name of the lord, the father,
Copy !req
810. the son, and the holy spirit.
Copy !req
811. Amen.
Copy !req
812. - Get out.
Copy !req
813. Get out of this holy place.
Copy !req
814. You defile the ground you walk on.
Copy !req
815. Get out.
Copy !req
816. - Papa, help me.
Copy !req
817. Papa, help me.
Copy !req
818. Papa.
Copy !req
819. Help.
Copy !req
820. You did this, papa.
Copy !req
821. - Lord, lord, lord.
Copy !req
822. You confound me.
Copy !req
823. You deserved it.
Copy !req
824. Thou has cursed me with an evil daughter,
Copy !req
825. dispatched a devil into my house.
Copy !req
826. Mercy, oh great god almighty.
Copy !req
827. Save me, they faithful servant.
Copy !req
828. I will obey thy every command.
Copy !req
829. Cast it out of her.
Copy !req
830. Burst her belly with fire.
Copy !req
831. Lord, lord, give me the strength
Copy !req
832. to bear up under this horror
Copy !req
833. that's squirming in her belly.
Copy !req
834. Give me strength merciful father
Copy !req
835. to force my daughter of hell
Copy !req
836. to drink the medicine that will kill
Copy !req
837. the demon child inside her.
Copy !req
838. Oh, lord, what sins could I have committed
Copy !req
839. that would cause you
Copy !req
840. to curse my house like this?
Copy !req
841. I can hear the demon devil
that did this to her.
Copy !req
842. Lurking in the forest, it
watches her every move.
Copy !req
843. Ihearh.
Copy !req
844. I hear the thing prowling
around, waiting waiting
Copy !req
845. for the birth of its damnable offspring
Copy !req
846. from my unholy daughter.
Copy !req
847. Kill that evil thing growing inside her,
Copy !req
848. and take the girl too, if it by thy will.
Copy !req
849. Lord god.
Copy !req
850. - No, no, don't kill it.
Copy !req
851. Oh my god, my baby.
Copy !req
852. - Wanda, it's all over.
Copy !req
853. - Papa, don't kill it.
- It's all past now.
Copy !req
854. It was a long time ago.
Copy !req
855. Calm down.
Copy !req
856. Relax.
Copy !req
857. That's the way.
Copy !req
858. That's good.
Copy !req
859. Be very quiet and very relaxed.
Copy !req
860. When I ask you to open your
eyes, you will be awake.
Copy !req
861. You will feel fine.
Copy !req
862. And you'll be able to speak again.
Copy !req
863. Do you understand me, Wanda?
Copy !req
864. Good.
Copy !req
865. Now, open your eyes.
Copy !req
866. How do you feel?
Copy !req
867. - Mcginty killed that baby.
Copy !req
868. - Well, she's crazier than a loon.
Copy !req
869. - Well, she told us what she believes.
Copy !req
870. - Yeah.
Copy !req
871. But the baby's father could have been
Copy !req
872. that boy she spoke of first.
Copy !req
873. - Probably, as a matter of fact.
Copy !req
874. Some species are able to interbreed
Copy !req
875. like the horse and the donkey.
Copy !req
876. Usually, if offspring are possible,
Copy !req
877. they're usually all deformed.
Copy !req
878. - Hey, wait a minute.
Copy !req
879. Miss tarbell, that schoolteacher.
Copy !req
880. She told me Wanda's baby was
horribly deformed, remember?
Copy !req
881. - That's right.
Copy !req
882. - Oh, it's just another story.
Copy !req
883. If mcginty killed it
the minute it was born,
Copy !req
884. how would anyone know?
Copy !req
885. - Well, there's one way to find out.
Copy !req
886. - You don't really think
we're going to find anything,
Copy !req
887. do you?
Copy !req
888. - The point is, there
is something human-like
Copy !req
889. running around this forest.
Copy !req
890. Gary's back is getting
worse, and he needs a doctor.
Copy !req
891. We could leave right now if we just
Copy !req
892. knew how to get back to town.
Copy !req
893. Wanda, would you show us
how to get out of here?
Copy !req
894. I know.
Copy !req
895. She seems just like she was before.
Copy !req
896. I'm going to go boil some
water and see if I can
Copy !req
897. fix your back a little better.
Copy !req
898. - That's it.
Copy !req
899. - Oh, I hope I don't get sick.
Copy !req
900. - Also, in the way it was killed,
Copy !req
901. it may have looked deformed.
Copy !req
902. But we'll see by the skeleton.
Copy !req
903. Oh, my god.
Copy !req
904. Wanda was telling the truth.
Copy !req
905. And it is the bigfoot.
Copy !req
906. - Come hold the door.
Copy !req
907. - Jesus Christ, you
nearly killed all of us.
Copy !req
908. - She pulled my arm.
- Never mind.
Copy !req
909. Hold the door.
Copy !req
910. - Hang on.
Copy !req
911. I'll load it again.
Copy !req
912. - There aren't any more shells.
Copy !req
913. Ilooked.
Copy !req
914. - We've got to get out of here.
Copy !req
915. Wanda.
Copy !req
916. - Control yourself.
Copy !req
917. - Now's the chance.
Copy !req
918. - Frighten her and we'll
never get out of here.
Copy !req
919. It's dark now.
Copy !req
920. You want to spend the
evening out in the woods?
Copy !req
921. - Okay.
Copy !req
922. The water's boiling in the kitchen.
Copy !req
923. Let me fix your back.
Copy !req
924. They're presents.
Copy !req
925. Brings me presents.
Copy !req
926. Leaves them outside by the door.
Copy !req
927. - What do you do with them?
Copy !req
928. - Nothing.
Copy !req
929. - What do you give him?
Copy !req
930. I mean, when he brings these things?
Copy !req
931. - He likes me.
Copy !req
932. - That's incredible.
Copy !req
933. That is incredible.
Copy !req
934. - He knew that dead baby was his.
Copy !req
935. You could tell.
Copy !req
936. - Like a last desperate
act to save his species
Copy !req
937. from extinction, to
produce one more offspring,
Copy !req
938. even if it's half of something else.
Copy !req
939. That's mind boggling.
Copy !req
940. - It probably feels that she's its mate.
Copy !req
941. - If you're not afraid of it,
Copy !req
942. why do you have bars on the window?
Copy !req
943. - Papa put them there.
Copy !req
944. - What about those fanatics,
those people who used
Copy !req
945. to be your father's followers?
Copy !req
946. - They're crazy.
Copy !req
947. - Aren't you afraid of them?
Copy !req
948. - What do you do about it?
Copy !req
949. - Nothing.
Copy !req
950. - But they're using you.
Copy !req
951. - Why do they worship the creature?
Copy !req
952. Is it because of what
your father told them?
Copy !req
953. I mean, he thought it was a demon.
Copy !req
954. That's why he burned himself to death.
Copy !req
955. That doesn't make sense.
Copy !req
956. - I burned him.
Copy !req
957. I burned him because he killed my baby.
Copy !req
958. No.
Copy !req
959. No, Wanda.
Copy !req
960. Wanda, let me out.
Copy !req
961. Let me out.
Copy !req
962. Lord.
Copy !req
963. Lord, preserve me.
Copy !req
964. Lord, don't abandon me.
Copy !req
965. Save me.
Copy !req
966. Save me.
Copy !req
967. Don't let me burn.
Copy !req
968. Don't let me burn.
Copy !req
969. Lord in heaven help me.
Copy !req
970. Help me.
Copy !req
971. God.
Copy !req
972. - I burned him because he killed my baby
Copy !req
973. and to save its father.
Copy !req
974. - As soon as morning
comes, you've got to insist
Copy !req
975. on us starting right back.
Copy !req
976. I'll keep this as clean as I can,
Copy !req
977. but it's got to be taken care of.
Copy !req
978. It's, it's getting festered.
Copy !req
979. - The wind.
Copy !req
980. Dr. Nugent!
Copy !req
981. - Here, you take this.
Copy !req
982. Cut him down.
Copy !req
983. - Oh, god.
Copy !req
984. Oh, god.
Copy !req
985. Why do you think he did it?
Copy !req
986. A trade for Wanda or what?
Copy !req
987. - Out of the question.
Copy !req
988. - He got you good.
Copy !req
989. I have to tie this thing up.
Copy !req
990. - Be careful.
- Wait.
Copy !req
991. Let me take it off.
Copy !req
992. - Roy, watch it, he's still out there.
Copy !req
993. Those bars aren't going to hold.
Copy !req
994. Go on.
Copy !req
995. I can take care of this.
Copy !req
996. Get out of the way.
Copy !req
997. Clear the door.
Copy !req
998. - Did you get him?
- I don't know.
Copy !req
999. Either I stuck it or it grabbed the poker.
Copy !req
1000. Just lie still, it's broke.
Don't move.
Copy !req
1001. Mary, get me the camera.
Copy !req
1002. I've got to get some
pictures of that thing.
Copy !req
1003. - Watch out, the window.
Copy !req
1004. He can't with the bars on.
Copy !req
1005. The ax.
Copy !req
1006. - No, let me go, let me go.
Copy !req
1007. Let me go, let me go.
Copy !req
1008. No, no!
Copy !req
1009. I became aware of wandering in the forest.
Copy !req
1010. The next thing I knew, I
was in this hospital room.
Copy !req
1011. Inspector, what I'm
telling you is the truth.
Copy !req
1012. There is a creature out
there in the forest.
Copy !req
1013. Find crazy Wanda.
Copy !req
1014. She'll tell you. Make
her talk. She knows.
Copy !req
1015. - And all the students were killed.
Copy !req
1016. Yes.
Copy !req
1017. And others will be
killed if that creature's
Copy !req
1018. not found and destroyed.
Copy !req
1019. - Professor nugent, please, please.
Copy !req
1020. - Here, this will help you rest easier.
Copy !req
1021. Please, inspector.
Copy !req
1022. You must find that creature.
Copy !req
1023. It must be destroyed.
Copy !req
1024. - What do you think, inspector?
Copy !req
1025. - I don't know.
Copy !req
1026. You're the psychiatrist.
Copy !req
1027. What do you think?
Copy !req
1028. - Well, he fully believes
he's telling us the truth
Copy !req
1029. but such an incredible story.
Copy !req
1030. - Yeah.
Copy !req
1031. And I've still got five missing students.
Copy !req
1032. - Under the circumstances,
I don't feel we can release
Copy !req
1033. him from the psychiatric ward.
Copy !req
1034. - Of course not.
Copy !req
1035. There will be a full investigation
Copy !req
1036. and hearing on his sanity.
Copy !req
1037. I suppose we will require
your testimony, Dr. Paxton.
Copy !req
1038. - Of course.
Copy !req
1039. I can tell you now.
Copy !req
1040. Unless his concept of reality changes,
Copy !req
1041. my first diagnosis will stand.
Copy !req
1042. I have no alternative but to certify
Copy !req
1043. this man as criminally insane.
Copy !req