1. After millennia of nurturing,
the spiritual energies of heaven and eart
Copy !req
2. produced the Chaos Pearl.
Copy !req
3. It gluttonously siphoned
the essence of the sun and the moon
Copy !req
4. and its power continued to grow.
Copy !req
5. But the energy it absorbed
varied too greatly.
Copy !req
6. Its immortal and demon energies
blended together,
Copy !req
7. blurring the line between good and evil.
Copy !req
8. My master sent me and a fellow disciple
Copy !req
9. to subdue it.
Copy !req
10. Yes, that's me,
Copy !req
11. the revered Taiyi Zhenren.
Copy !req
12. I may have a bit of baby fat,
Copy !req
13. but that doesn't hide
my stunning handsomeness.
Copy !req
14. Chaos Pearl.
Copy !req
15. You can never escape,
even if you have wings.
Copy !req
16. No, don't scare it.
Copy !req
17. Good pearl, come to me.
Copy !req
18. You'll die now!
Copy !req
19. You're absorbing my energy?
Copy !req
20. Blasted child, how dare you
ruin my handsome face?
Copy !req
21. Hit me with your best shot. Come on!
Copy !req
22. Not the face, okay?
Copy !req
23. - Master!
- Master!
Copy !req
24. I have refined this Chaos Pearl
Copy !req
25. into the Spirit Pearl and Demon Pill.
Copy !req
26. The Demon Pill's primordial spirit
is indestructible.
Copy !req
27. I have cast a curse
of heavenly tribulation
Copy !req
28. that will destroy the Demon Pill
three years from now
Copy !req
29. in a rain of lightning.
Copy !req
30. You will need to watch over it
before that time comes.
Copy !req
31. Li Jing has been chosen by Heaven.
Copy !req
32. The Spirit Pearl will be reincarnated
as his third son.
Copy !req
33. I appoint this task...
Copy !req
34. to you.
Copy !req
35. I have found 11 of my 12
Golden Immortals of Kunlun.
Copy !req
36. If you can nurture
the Spirit Pearl to greatness,
Copy !req
37. the last spot...
Copy !req
38. - will be yours.
- Thank you, Master!
Copy !req
39. Thank you, Master!
Copy !req
40. Once the Spirit Pearl is born,
Copy !req
41. he shall be named
Copy !req
42. Nezha.
Copy !req
43. These festive occasions are such a deligh
Copy !req
44. Here, have a drink with me.
Copy !req
45. No need.
Copy !req
46. Be careful.
Copy !req
47. My lady, you should worship as well.
Copy !req
48. Worship? I've done so for three years.
Copy !req
49. If the baby doesn't come out,
I'll smash this temple to bits!
Copy !req
50. I hail from the Cave of Golden Light
on Mount Qianyuan.
Copy !req
51. I am Taiyi—
Copy !req
52. Zhenren.
Copy !req
53. Wait for me!
Copy !req
54. - Hurry!
- Hurry!
Copy !req
55. - We won't make it.
- Hurry.
Copy !req
56. I'm sure it'll be a son, Lord Li!
Copy !req
57. Chamberlain Li, I'm here to be
the boy's matchmaker.
Copy !req
58. We have composed a new tune
called "The Spirit Pearl Comes".
Copy !req
59. Thank you.
Copy !req
60. Thank you for your concern, friends.
Copy !req
61. Everyone, please remain calm and quiet.
Copy !req
62. Please wait for the good news.
Copy !req
63. Wait for the good news!
Copy !req
64. This pain is unbearable!
Copy !req
65. The time draws near.
Copy !req
66. Master Immortal,
I heard that you liked to drink.
Copy !req
67. This isn't the time!
I can't drink right now!
Copy !req
68. I'll just leave it here.
Copy !req
69. I don't have time for that. Take it away.
Copy !req
70. Unbelievable.
Copy !req
71. Well, I'll just take a tiny sip!
Copy !req
72. It shouldn't go to waste after all.
Copy !req
73. Good stuff.
Copy !req
74. There's no point in leaving a few drops.
Copy !req
75. Bottoms up!
Copy !req
76. There are enough drugs in that
to make you sleep for three days.
Copy !req
77. Curses! The Supreme Lord has cast a spell,
Copy !req
78. so only Taiyi can touch it.
Copy !req
79. My lord, is the Immortal
casting the spell yet?
Copy !req
80. Master Immortal, is it time yet?
Copy !req
81. What's wrong?
Copy !req
82. The Immortal is drunk.
I'm trying to wake him up.
Copy !req
83. Drunk?
Copy !req
84. I just have to force the liquor out.
Copy !req
85. How can you do that?
Copy !req
86. This goes against all rules of etiquette.
Copy !req
87. My lord, the lady can't hold on
much longer.
Copy !req
88. Let me try.
Copy !req
89. Wake up!
Copy !req
90. Take this!
Copy !req
91. I think I just had a nightmare.
Copy !req
92. Master Immortal, open the lotus flower.
Copy !req
93. Yes! I'll do that right away.
Copy !req
94. What are you waiting for?
Copy !req
95. I can't remember the password.
Copy !req
96. That liquor was too strong.
I can't think clearly.
Copy !req
97. I think it was...
Copy !req
98. Don't worry, I have four more tries.
Copy !req
99. This can't be.
Copy !req
100. What if the fifth try is wrong as well?
Copy !req
101. The lotus will lock itself
Copy !req
102. and we will have to try again
in ten years.
Copy !req
103. My lord, the lady has fainted!
Copy !req
104. - Let me try again!
- Master Immortal!
Copy !req
105. No, damn fatty!
Copy !req
106. I remember now.
Copy !req
107. I can use my fingerprint as verification
if I forget the password.
Copy !req
108. Half off for the tavern's grand opening!
Copy !req
109. I thought you were acting strange.
Copy !req
110. It's a Puppet Talisman!
Copy !req
111. She's being controlled too!
Copy !req
112. You want it so badly?
Copy !req
113. Then I'll give you one back.
Copy !req
114. Stop!
Copy !req
115. Crap.
Copy !req
116. My lord, look!
Copy !req
117. What...
Copy !req
118. How terrifying!
Copy !req
119. I got you!
Copy !req
120. You're not going anywhere...
Copy !req
121. Stop!
Copy !req
122. He's getting away!
Copy !req
123. Power of the cosmos,
weight of a thousand souls,
Copy !req
124. boundless span of the earth,
Qiankun Hoop, obey my command!
Copy !req
125. Hold!
Copy !req
126. He has become a demon!
Copy !req
127. There's no saving him!
Copy !req
128. Master Immortal!
Copy !req
129. This is a reincarnation of the Demon Pill.
Copy !req
130. The Qiankun Hoop is suppressing
his demonic nature.
Copy !req
131. If he were to turn fully demonic,
Copy !req
132. there will be a bloodbath
and many lives will be destroyed!
Copy !req
133. Enough of this savagery!
Copy !req
134. No!
Copy !req
135. My lady!
Copy !req
136. Don't hurt my child!
Copy !req
137. Don't hurt my child!
Copy !req
138. This...
Copy !req
139. Lord Li!
Copy !req
140. Chentang Pass has stood against
demons for generations.
Copy !req
141. The people in this village
wont tolerate a demon in their midst.
Copy !req
142. As the matter stands,
Copy !req
143. I hope that you can
consider the greater good
Copy !req
144. and lead by example
for the military and people.
Copy !req
145. Wrong direction.
Copy !req
146. Look!
Copy !req
147. Don't be scared. Mother's here.
Copy !req
148. Master Immortal. Everyone.
Copy !req
149. My family is unfortunate
to have such a son,
Copy !req
150. but the child is innocent.
Copy !req
151. He is a victim too.
Copy !req
152. I find it hard to kill so mercilessly.
Copy !req
153. I will teach Nezha carefully
Copy !req
154. and won't allow him
to set foot outside our home.
Copy !req
155. If he causes any trouble,
I will ensure justice for you,
Copy !req
156. even if it means forfeiting my life.
Copy !req
157. Even if he is spared now,
he won't live more than three years.
Copy !req
158. The Supreme Lord has casted
a heavenly curse on the Demon Pill.
Copy !req
159. On this day three years from now,
Copy !req
160. lightning will descend from the skies
to take his life.
Copy !req
161. I cannot undo the curse.
Copy !req
162. Then I will ask the Supreme Lord
to lift the curse.
Copy !req
163. Don't worry. As long as I'm here,
our child will be safe.
Copy !req
164. You're here.
Copy !req
165. Is that the Spirit Pearl?
Copy !req
166. If it is infused into my egg,
Copy !req
167. will my son have unparalleled powers
Copy !req
168. and a chance
to ascend to Heaven as a deity?
Copy !req
169. You're...
Copy !req
170. Wrong?
Copy !req
171. You're right!
Copy !req
172. Good.
Copy !req
173. This is my son, Ao Bing.
Copy !req
174. As per our agreement,
Copy !req
175. you will be his master,
Copy !req
176. but you must help him escape
this underwater purgatory
Copy !req
177. and ascend to Heaven.
Copy !req
178. I will die...
Copy !req
179. You'll die?
Copy !req
180. I will die trying!
Copy !req
181. I'll prove that I'm the best candidate
for the 12 Golden Immortals.
Copy !req
182. Just nod next time.
Copy !req
183. This is the Void Portal.
Copy !req
184. My master is beyond the three realms
Copy !req
185. and can only be found through this portal.
Copy !req
186. Supreme Lord, your disciple,
Taiyi seeks an audience.
Copy !req
187. Taiyi, do you know
what you have done wrong?
Copy !req
188. Yes, I know I was wrong.
Copy !req
189. But if it wasn't for a demon
trying to steal—
Copy !req
190. No excuses!
Copy !req
191. How many years has it been
since your last visit?
Copy !req
192. I was bored to death!
Copy !req
193. I knew it was you!
Copy !req
194. This is Chang Shengyun,
the one that carries the Void Portal.
Copy !req
195. We all call it Little Cloud.
Copy !req
196. Fatty, what did you call me?
Copy !req
197. Who is this?
Copy !req
198. Shut up! Call me Taiyi Zhenren.
Copy !req
199. This is Commander Li Jing
of Chentang Pass.
Copy !req
200. Pleased to meet you.
Copy !req
201. With your company,
I will be lonely no more!
Copy !req
202. Come! Have some tea.
Copy !req
203. Carrying this gate day after day
is no easy feat!
Copy !req
204. I haven't spoken to anyone in decades.
Copy !req
205. I'm going mad!
Copy !req
206. We seek an audience with the Supreme Lord.
Copy !req
207. Please inform him of our arrival.
Copy !req
208. Well, you're out of luck.
Copy !req
209. He has entered the Void Portal
Copy !req
210. with the Lord of Lingbao
and the Lord of Daode.
Copy !req
211. They're compiling
the Investiture of the Gods or something
Copy !req
212. Why do you need to see
the Supreme Lord? Tell me!
Copy !req
213. I want to ask for the removal
of a curse of heavenly tribulation.
Copy !req
214. Curse of heavenly tribulation?
Copy !req
215. Seeing the Supreme Lord won't help.
Copy !req
216. This curse is unbreakable.
Copy !req
217. One day in heaven is one year on earth.
Copy !req
218. Much time has passed in Chentang Pass
Copy !req
219. in the time we have lingered here.
Copy !req
220. We should hurry back
Copy !req
221. and see if there's anything
we can do for the child.
Copy !req
222. Locked in this place with nothing to do,
Copy !req
223. I've smashed these urns,
and so high I've flown.
Copy !req
224. Thousands of times, there's nothing new.
Copy !req
225. Boy, am I weary of it too.
Copy !req
226. Nezha, what are you doing up on the wall?
Copy !req
227. I can't go outside
and nobody will play with me.
Copy !req
228. What else can I do
besides look at the scenery?
Copy !req
229. Then tell me what you see.
Copy !req
230. Mountains, trees, flowers, and grass.
Copy !req
231. What did you expect, a streaker?
Copy !req
232. You're always joking.
Copy !req
233. Why don't I play with you?
Copy !req
234. Oh, come on.
Copy !req
235. You're always off killing monsters
and banishing demons.
Copy !req
236. I'm lucky just to be able
to see you today.
Copy !req
237. You wouldn't have time
to play with a kid like me.
Copy !req
238. Yes, that was wrong of me.
Copy !req
239. I want to spend more time with you,
Copy !req
240. but I am responsible
for protecting the fortress.
Copy !req
241. I can't be in two places at once.
Copy !req
242. But the world is at peace today!
Copy !req
243. Why don't we kick this shuttlecock around?
Copy !req
244. Since you're so bored,
I guess I can play with you.
Copy !req
245. Here, son!
Copy !req
246. My lady, perhaps you should
put your armor on.
Copy !req
247. You must be joking!
Copy !req
248. Wear armor while playing with my son?
Copy !req
249. Nobody dies from kicking a shuttlecock!
Copy !req
250. Catch this, Mother!
Copy !req
251. All right!
Copy !req
252. Are you okay, Mother?
Copy !req
253. I'm fine!
Copy !req
254. Good kick!
Copy !req
255. Give me my armor.
Copy !req
256. I'll hold back next time.
Copy !req
257. No, give it your all!
Copy !req
258. Why don't you join in?
Copy !req
259. You should rest, my lady.
Copy !req
260. No need.
Copy !req
261. I'm fine.
Copy !req
262. Look at how much fun Nezha is having.
Copy !req
263. I haven't seen him so happy
in a long time.
Copy !req
264. - But we can't take it anymore.
- But we can't take it anymore.
Copy !req
265. Report!
Copy !req
266. An eel spirit appeared
in a fishing village
Copy !req
267. and has injured dozens.
Copy !req
268. We request reinforcement.
Copy !req
269. Catch, Mother!
Copy !req
270. Son, I think we'll have
to stop playing now.
Copy !req
271. I promise you.
Copy !req
272. Next time, I'll play with you
for as long as you want.
Copy !req
273. All right?
Copy !req
274. That's what you say every time.
Copy !req
275. I got used to it a long time ago.
Copy !req
276. I'll cook something delicious
when I come home tonight.
Copy !req
277. You two.
Copy !req
278. Master Immortal Taiyi brought you here
to guard the barrier,
Copy !req
279. not for you to be mascots.
Copy !req
280. Don't let Nezha out
to cause trouble again.
Copy !req
281. Don't worry, my lady.
I guard the southern boundary.
Copy !req
282. Nezha must have escaped
from the northern boundary.
Copy !req
283. Bullshit!
Copy !req
284. I had the northern side closely guarded.
Copy !req
285. If he got out,
it could only have been from the south.
Copy !req
286. So you're saying I did it.
Copy !req
287. Once Taiyi Zhenren returns, I'll tell him
you blamed your negligence on me!
Copy !req
288. All you know is to tattle.
Copy !req
289. I can't stand you! Fight me if you dare!
Copy !req
290. Fine! I'm not scared of you!
Copy !req
291. - Come on!
- Come on!
Copy !req
292. - Come on!
- You two.
Copy !req
293. - Come on!
- You two!
Copy !req
294. Come on!
Copy !req
295. What are you looking at?
Copy !req
296. You son of a—
Copy !req
297. Body Slam!
Copy !req
298. Dragon Whip!
Copy !req
299. Scouring the Sea!
Copy !req
300. Immortal Picking Grapes!
Copy !req
301. One...
Copy !req
302. Two...
Copy !req
303. He's out again!
Copy !req
304. Three...
Copy !req
305. Four...
Copy !req
306. Five...
Copy !req
307. Six...
Copy !req
308. Seven...
Copy !req
309. Eight...
Copy !req
310. Nine...
Copy !req
311. Ten.
Copy !req
312. Are you done hiding?
Copy !req
313. I've had enough. We need to fight back!
Copy !req
314. But we can't beat Nezha.
Copy !req
315. Bulishit!
Copy !req
316. Master Taiyi brought you here
to guard the barrier,
Copy !req
317. Nobody's going home
until we figure out a way!
Copy !req
318. I have an idea!
Copy !req
319. I told you to keep watch outside.
Why did you come in?
Copy !req
320. We can set some traps.
Copy !req
321. Set traps?
Copy !req
322. Look!
Copy !req
323. I sawed the planks on the bridge.
Copy !req
324. Nezha will fall through
when he crosses it.
Copy !req
325. His fall will trigger a second trap
Copy !req
326. and a bucket overhead will spill.
Copy !req
327. He will try to shield himself
with a wok lying nearby,
Copy !req
328. but he'll never expect it
to also be a trap.
Copy !req
329. He will be running for his life
Copy !req
330. when he spots a cranny at the side
and slips right in without a thought.
Copy !req
331. Then...
Copy !req
332. I placed a venomous snake on the tree.
Copy !req
333. Hell climb the nearby rope ladder,
Copy !req
334. but he won't know that
the ladder is tied to a hornet's nest.
Copy !req
335. If he doesn't want to be stung,
Copy !req
336. he'll have to dive into this mud pit.
Copy !req
337. When he crawls out,
Copy !req
338. he'll be scared out of his wits
and have steam coming out of his ears!
Copy !req
339. I never noticed how clever you were.
Copy !req
340. How else could I be of help
to someone as handsome as you?
Copy !req
341. I love hearing the truth.
Copy !req
342. But this isn't harsh enough for Nezha.
Copy !req
343. Let's add things to the mud pit.
Copy !req
344. Throw in some sea urchins
to prick him to death.
Copy !req
345. And add some pee for nourishment.
Copy !req
346. Maybe that's a little too mean.
Copy !req
347. Mean? He always beats us up.
Copy !req
348. If there's a chance to mess him up,
we shouldn't hold back!
Copy !req
349. - That's right!
- Mess him up!
Copy !req
350. All right, if you insist, I won't object.
Copy !req
351. Hold on. There's a problem with the plan.
Copy !req
352. What problem?
Copy !req
353. How can we get Nezha to cross the bridge?
Copy !req
354. That's easy!
Copy !req
355. Just scare him onto the bridge.
Copy !req
356. How?
Copy !req
357. Like this!
Copy !req
358. Isn't that pee nourishing?
Copy !req
359. Don't you feel refreshed?
Copy !req
360. Achou!
Copy !req
361. He knocked me unconscious
and stole my clothes!
Copy !req
362. Today was really fun.
Copy !req
363. I'll be back to play again.
Copy !req
364. You demon!
Copy !req
365. Die!
Copy !req
366. What did you just call me?
Copy !req
367. - You are a demon!
- No!
Copy !req
368. Nezha!
Copy !req
369. That's enough of your impertinence!
Copy !req
370. - Boundary Beasts!
- We're here!
Copy !req
371. Tighten the barrier boundaries.
Copy !req
372. Nezha isn't allowed to set foot
outside this room.
Copy !req
373. - Yes, my lord!
- Yes, my lord!
Copy !req
374. Say no more.
Copy !req
375. We knew this was a possibility.
Copy !req
376. We've done all we can.
Copy !req
377. Perhaps this is Nezha's fate.
Copy !req
378. I forbade everyone in Chentang Pass
from mentioning the word "demon"
Copy !req
379. but the people will always
be wary of Nezha.
Copy !req
380. Every day, I'm busy banishing demons
and assuring the people
Copy !req
381. in hopes of gaining virtue
on Nezha's behalf.
Copy !req
382. That has cost me time with him.
Copy !req
383. Nezha only has two more years left.
Copy !req
384. We should resign from our posts
and leave this place
Copy !req
385. to travel the world
and spend our days with him...
Copy !req
386. until the very end.
Copy !req
387. I am also partially responsible for Nezha.
Copy !req
388. I've decided to make him my disciple
and train him
Copy !req
389. to change the wicked nature
of the Demon Pill
Copy !req
390. and become a true warrior of justice
that banishes demons.
Copy !req
391. But...
Copy !req
392. Is it really necessary to do all that?
Copy !req
393. Wouldn't it be better to let him
be happy in his final days?
Copy !req
394. I don't want him to spend his whole life
not realizing his potential.
Copy !req
395. You don't want Nezha
to be remembered as a demon, do you?
Copy !req
396. Young Master, time for breakfast!
Copy !req
397. This is bad! The young master is gone!
Copy !req
398. - What? He escaped again?
- What? He escaped again?
Copy !req
399. Inconceivable.
Copy !req
400. It defies all reason.
Copy !req
401. Report this to Lord Li!
Copy !req
402. - Right away!
- Right away!
Copy !req
403. There isn't a person alive
Copy !req
404. who can keep me locked up.
Copy !req
405. This is the world inside the painting
of Mountains and Rivers.
Copy !req
406. - Is that you, Fatty?
- Quiet!
Copy !req
407. Call me Master.
Copy !req
408. Let me show you something neat.
Copy !req
409. With a stroke of this Landscape Brush,
Copy !req
410. you can change whatever you want
in the painting!
Copy !req
411. What are you playing at?
Copy !req
412. Experience this retention program
that I meticulously designed,
Copy !req
413. Roaming Through Paradise!
Copy !req
414. Allow me to expand your horizons!
Copy !req
415. Isn't this fun?
Copy !req
416. From this day forth,
Copy !req
417. I will teach you Kunlun's
immortal techniques here.
Copy !req
418. Aren't you going to call me your master?
Copy !req
419. Master?
Copy !req
420. What do you know?
Copy !req
421. Fine, I'll have to put you in your place.
Copy !req
422. By the magic of the infinite universe,
hear my command!
Copy !req
423. Transform!
Copy !req
424. Transform!
Copy !req
425. Transform!
Copy !req
426. This immortal technique is called
the Disguising Spell.
Copy !req
427. Do you want to learn it?
Copy !req
428. That's not bad.
Copy !req
429. Can you make me look more fearsome?
Copy !req
430. Disguising a living creature?
That's an advanced spell.
Copy !req
431. Even I can't do it.
Copy !req
432. You should learn the basics first.
Copy !req
433. Come, I will teach you.
Copy !req
434. That's simple. Teach me something else.
Copy !req
435. The Disguising Spell is
the most basic of the basics.
Copy !req
436. If you can't master that,
don't bother trying anything else.
Copy !req
437. Fine, it'll only take me
a minute to master.
Copy !req
438. Hear my command! Transform!
Copy !req
439. Transform!
Copy !req
440. Transform!
Copy !req
441. The Disguising Spell is far from basic.
Copy !req
442. It took me six months to grasp.
It's an advanced spell.
Copy !req
443. Take your time practicing.
Copy !req
444. Master?
Copy !req
445. What are you doing here, Lady Yin?
Copy !req
446. I'm here to check on Nezha.
Copy !req
447. I'm teaching him immortal techniques.
Copy !req
448. Where is he?
Copy !req
449. Over there.
Copy !req
450. Where did he go?
Copy !req
451. Master, what is that?
Copy !req
452. What happened, child?
Copy !req
453. My son, what happened?
Copy !req
454. What is this?
Copy !req
455. I didn't do that! I absolutely didn't!
Copy !req
456. What's wrong with him?
Copy !req
457. Yes, he still has a pulse.
Copy !req
458. Crap, it's venomous!
Copy !req
459. Little punk, it was you!
Copy !req
460. How did you master the Disguising Spell?
Copy !req
461. I practiced and got the knack of it.
Copy !req
462. Good lord, he mastered it in one day?
Copy !req
463. He must be a genius.
Copy !req
464. Can you tell me the trick?
Copy !req
465. Teach me more immortal techniques
and I'll tell you.
Copy !req
466. All right, you have a deal!
Copy !req
467. Your element is fire,
Copy !req
468. so I will teach you
the Fire Control Magic.
Copy !req
469. Three solid for Qian, three broken for Kun
Copy !req
470. Li for fire, imbued with the three,
Copy !req
471. hear my command!
Copy !req
472. Are you commanding fire or your farts?
Copy !req
473. My tongue won't listen to me.
I can't say the spell properly.
Copy !req
474. Luckily, I have a Detoxification Pill
in my pants.
Copy !req
475. Child, I can't reach it.
Copy !req
476. Can you get it for me?
Copy !req
477. No problem.
Copy !req
478. You have so many treasures stashed here!
Copy !req
479. What is this thing that looks like a mop?
Copy !req
480. That is my fly whisk.
Copy !req
481. What about this shiny golden thing?
Copy !req
482. That's the Fire-tipped Spear.
Copy !req
483. Fire-tipped Spear?
Copy !req
484. Be careful, don't touch the switch.
Copy !req
485. This switch?
Copy !req
486. It burns!
Copy !req
487. - Goodness!
- Nezha!
Copy !req
488. Are you causing trouble again?
Copy !req
489. Master, are you all right?
Copy !req
490. I'm an immortal. That can't hurt me.
Copy !req
491. Nezha, do you still refuse
to call me your master?
Copy !req
492. I'll teach you immortal techniques
Copy !req
493. so you can slay monsters, banish demons,
Copy !req
494. and improve the lives of the people!
Copy !req
495. What? Slay monsters, banish demons,
and improve the lives of the people?
Copy !req
496. To hell with that!
I don't want to learn anything.
Copy !req
497. Where's the exit?
Copy !req
498. If you wish to leave this painting,
Copy !req
499. you will have to use this Landscape Brush.
Copy !req
500. I get it now.
Copy !req
501. You want to imprison me
in this painting, is that it?
Copy !req
502. Nonsense!
Copy !req
503. How can this paradise be called a prison?
Copy !req
504. This is focused training
behind closed doors.
Copy !req
505. If I train, I'll have to kiss up
to those stinking idiots.
Copy !req
506. I would be better off napping here.
Copy !req
507. Nezha.
Copy !req
508. You can't fool me.
Copy !req
509. Actually, you want to be accepted
by others, don't you?
Copy !req
510. But you have suffered
because of their prejudice against you.
Copy !req
511. That's why you hate them.
Copy !req
512. That's not it!
Copy !req
513. Young Master!
Copy !req
514. How did he escape again?
Copy !req
515. Young Master!
Copy !req
516. Do you want to play?
Copy !req
517. Nezha!
Copy !req
518. Wasn't he locked in his house?
Copy !req
519. Why did they let him out?
Copy !req
520. Run!
Copy !req
521. Go to hell, demon! Leave Chentang Pass!
Copy !req
522. - Die, demon!
- Die!
Copy !req
523. - Get out of here!
- Demon!
Copy !req
524. - Monster!
- Leave us!
Copy !req
525. There, there.
Copy !req
526. Don't despair.
Copy !req
527. Once you have completed your training,
Copy !req
528. you can slay monsters and banish demons
with me and your father
Copy !req
529. and get rid of evil for the people.
Copy !req
530. Slay monsters for the people?
Copy !req
531. In their dreams!
Copy !req
532. Since they think of me as a demon,
Copy !req
533. then I'll show them
what a real demon looks like!
Copy !req
534. Nezha, you...
Copy !req
535. Looks like I'll have to tell you today.
Copy !req
536. Do you know why everyone is afraid of you?
Copy !req
537. Your true identity...
Copy !req
538. is actually...
Copy !req
539. The Spirit Pearl reincarnate?
Copy !req
540. Yes, the Spirit Pearl reincarnate!
Copy !req
541. That's why you were born
with divine strength
Copy !req
542. and people think you're different.
Copy !req
543. Are you lying to me?
Copy !req
544. Think about it!
Copy !req
545. Your father and I are both humans.
Copy !req
546. How could we give birth to a demon?
Copy !req
547. Then why haven't you told everyone
that I'm the Spirit Pearl reincarnate?
Copy !req
548. The Spirit Pearl is a secret weapon
Copy !req
549. the Supreme Lord sent down to the mortals.
Copy !req
550. In the future, you will have the duty
of exacting justice on Heaven's behalf.
Copy !req
551. Heaven's secrets must not be revealed.
Copy !req
552. Spirit Pearl?
Copy !req
553. All humans feel sympathy.
Copy !req
554. If you treat the people
like your own family
Copy !req
555. and use your power
to banish demons for them,
Copy !req
556. would they treat you like a demon?
Copy !req
557. No one can take my beatings.
Copy !req
558. Impulsive, too impulsive!
Copy !req
559. Show him.
Copy !req
560. Look over here!
Copy !req
561. I want meat!
Copy !req
562. Over here!
Copy !req
563. Now over here!
Copy !req
564. Look at you.
Copy !req
565. You harmed so many innocent civilians
just to destroy a skeleton demon.
Copy !req
566. They aren't real people anyway.
Copy !req
567. What's with all the fuss?
Copy !req
568. From the training sessions, it is clear
Copy !req
569. that you are too ruthless,
flippant, and quick to anger.
Copy !req
570. Master, take away his Red Armillary Sash
and Fire-tipped Spear.
Copy !req
571. Before he learns to control his emotions,
Copy !req
572. he can't be permitted to use
such powerful weapons.
Copy !req
573. Like I care! You can have them back.
Copy !req
574. I've learned all your immortal techniques.
Copy !req
575. Now I can go and slay monsters, right?
Copy !req
576. No.
Copy !req
577. From this day forth,
you are to meditate with your master
Copy !req
578. and learn how to calm
and cultivate your mind.
Copy !req
579. What?
Copy !req
580. You wanted me to learn
how to slay monsters!
Copy !req
581. I know how now!
Copy !req
582. Why won't you let me out?
Copy !req
583. You aren't getting out
without my approval.
Copy !req
584. I have feet. Who can stop me?
Copy !req
585. - My brush!
- Nezha!
Copy !req
586. I'll change how everyone sees me.
Copy !req
587. You'll see!
Copy !req
588. I'm sick of seafood.
Copy !req
589. Sometimes, you have to switch it up
for a balanced diet.
Copy !req
590. Demon, let go of that dog!
Copy !req
591. - Where did this little brat come from?
- Let's cut to the chase!
Copy !req
592. I...
Copy !req
593. Don't you run!
Copy !req
594. Come out!
Copy !req
595. Get out here!
Copy !req
596. - What's going on?
- What's happening?
Copy !req
597. Nezha!
Copy !req
598. Hold on!
Copy !req
599. Stand there with your eyes wide open!
Copy !req
600. Come out! Come out now!
Copy !req
601. You're still hiding?
Copy !req
602. Fire Control Magic!
Copy !req
603. Fire!
Copy !req
604. Nezha has gone mad!
Copy !req
605. Where are you running to?
Copy !req
606. Girl, catch this.
Copy !req
607. Nezha kidnapped her!
Copy !req
608. Nobody can catch me in the sea!
Copy !req
609. I've frozen the sea half a mile out.
Copy !req
610. You can't escape.
Copy !req
611. Demon, let that girl go.
Copy !req
612. Who are you?
Copy !req
613. Stay back, child. I'll save your sister.
Copy !req
614. Screw you!
Copy !req
615. Aren't you going to surrender?
Copy !req
616. Feeling regretful yet?
Copy !req
617. I saw this demon first! Get in line!
Copy !req
618. Little rascal, what are you doing?
Copy !req
619. Stand aside. I'll deal with you
once I'm done with him.
Copy !req
620. Where did you come from, little punk?
Copy !req
621. No one can be cooler than me
when I'm around.
Copy !req
622. Demon!
Copy !req
623. Let the girl go!
Copy !req
624. Looks like you're no ordinary child.
Copy !req
625. Try again.
Copy !req
626. Let go!
Copy !req
627. I said, let go!
Copy !req
628. You have horns?
Copy !req
629. What is this?
Copy !req
630. What's happening?
Copy !req
631. Look around you.
Copy !req
632. Thank you for giving me time
to unleash my full potential.
Copy !req
633. Didn't you want to play the hero?
Copy !req
634. Weren't you going to slay me?
Copy !req
635. I'll eat her right now!
Copy !req
636. Damn you!
Copy !req
637. Fight me 800 times if you dare!
Copy !req
638. You're done for.
Copy !req
639. It's my saliva that makes those bubbles.
Copy !req
640. Naturally, it will petrify you too.
Copy !req
641. Maybe you shouldn't be so nosy
in your next life!
Copy !req
642. Come if you dare!
Copy !req
643. Spare me, young warrior!
Copy !req
644. I'll give you the antidote!
Copy !req
645. Antidote?
Copy !req
646. Don't worry, this will be enough.
Copy !req
647. It tastes like garlic!
Copy !req
648. I'm better already.
Copy !req
649. What about them?
They can't open their mouths.
Copy !req
650. It works the same,
taken internally or applied externally.
Copy !req
651. What?
Copy !req
652. Why didn't you say so earlier?
Copy !req
653. You didn't ask.
Copy !req
654. It doesn't need to go on too thick.
Copy !req
655. Right, spread it evenly.
Copy !req
656. Massage gently and pat in
for faster absorption.
Copy !req
657. It even makes the skin smooth and supple.
Copy !req
658. Wait.
Copy !req
659. Please spare me!
Copy !req
660. I came to shore just to take a dog.
Copy !req
661. I didn't eat a single person.
Copy !req
662. You've given up the antidote,
so I won't hurt you.
Copy !req
663. But if you ever do harm in the future,
Copy !req
664. I wont spare you again.
Copy !req
665. I wont.
Copy !req
666. Hey, little rascal.
Copy !req
667. What? Do you want to fight again?
Copy !req
668. - You're no match for me.
- What?
Copy !req
669. I'm no match for you?
Copy !req
670. Come, then. Let's go again.
Copy !req
671. Thank you for saving my life.
Copy !req
672. And thank you for saving this girl.
Copy !req
673. I know kindness from hatred.
Copy !req
674. I will repay the kindness
you showed me today.
Copy !req
675. It was nothing.
Copy !req
676. I was just following the will of Heaven.
Copy !req
677. I'm the best at slaying monsters.
Copy !req
678. Aren't you afraid of me?
Copy !req
679. You beat up that demon.
Copy !req
680. What's wrong?
Copy !req
681. Nothing. I just got eyes in my sand.
Copy !req
682. You mean you've got sand in your eye.
Copy !req
683. Let me see. I'll blow it out for you.
Copy !req
684. This is so embarrassing!
Copy !req
685. Fine, I admit it.
Copy !req
686. This is the first time
anyone has played with me
Copy !req
687. besides my mother.
Copy !req
688. So I got emotional! Go ahead, laugh.
Copy !req
689. We're friends now.
Copy !req
690. If you want to play,
just come to the beach to find me.
Copy !req
691. When I hear the sound of this conch,
I will come from wherever I am.
Copy !req
692. Right, my name is Ao Bing.
What's your name?
Copy !req
693. My name is Nezha.
Copy !req
694. Someone's coming.
Copy !req
695. What?
Copy !req
696. Nezha was the one who kidnapped my sister!
Copy !req
697. Girl!
Copy !req
698. - Girl, are you all right?
- My girl.
Copy !req
699. He hit and hit and hit
Copy !req
700. and the demon went boom!
Copy !req
701. Nezha, why did you kidnap my sister?
Copy !req
702. Nonsense!
Copy !req
703. If I hadn't defeated the demon,
she would've been eaten.
Copy !req
704. Where is the demon?
Copy !req
705. Did you see it?
Copy !req
706. Are you insulting our intelligence?
Copy !req
707. - Yes!
- We'll tell Commander Li
Copy !req
708. - and see what he thinks!
- You won't get away with this!
Copy !req
709. You should be locked up
so you can't do any more evil!
Copy !req
710. Fine.
Copy !req
711. Run back home, demon!
Copy !req
712. You want to say that again?
Copy !req
713. Achou!
Copy !req
714. The demon is attacking!
Copy !req
715. We'll kill you, demon!
Copy !req
716. Your master is here.
Copy !req
717. Do not hurt others.
Copy !req
718. That hurts!
Copy !req
719. Nezha!
Copy !req
720. Lord Li!
Copy !req
721. Nezha burned down the village,
Copy !req
722. kidnapped a child,
and beat up the villagers.
Copy !req
723. You must be the judge for us!
Copy !req
724. Bulishit! I'll teach you to spout lies!
Copy !req
725. Nezha, no!
Copy !req
726. Lord Li, you have to lock him up.
Copy !req
727. You can't let him out again.
Copy !req
728. Have him locked up until the day he dies!
Copy !req
729. - That's right!
- Lord Li, you have to control him.
Copy !req
730. Father. Master.
Copy !req
731. How was today's assignment?
Copy !req
732. I made seven lesser revolutions
and four greater revolutions.
Copy !req
733. I learned to make icy rivers,
cliffside springs, frost, and snow.
Copy !req
734. I have reached the seventh level
of Ninth Heaven Ice Jade.
Copy !req
735. Also, I made a friend on the beach.
Copy !req
736. What? A friend?
Copy !req
737. You know that
you can't reveal your identity yet!
Copy !req
738. He is human,
Copy !req
739. but he doesn't care who I am
and thinks of me as a friend.
Copy !req
740. Who is this person?
Copy !req
741. His name is Nezha.
Copy !req
742. What a small world.
Copy !req
743. You actually met the Demon Pill.
Copy !req
744. You mean...
Copy !req
745. Nezha is the Demon Pill.
Copy !req
746. We have waited for three years.
Copy !req
747. The day the heavenly tribulation occurs
Copy !req
748. and the Demon Pill begins a massacre
Copy !req
749. will be the day you save Chentang Pass
Copy !req
750. and be rightfully known
as the Spirit Pearl.
Copy !req
751. Is the Demon Pill
truly wicked beyond redemption?
Copy !req
752. In times of antiquity,
Copy !req
753. the almighty Dragon Clan
once ruled over all sea creatures.
Copy !req
754. At the Heavenly Court's request,
Copy !req
755. we subdued countless demon beasts
in the ocean,
Copy !req
756. and I was bestowed the title
of the Dragon King.
Copy !req
757. Do you know what this place is?
Copy !req
758. The Dragon Palace.
Copy !req
759. Beneath the magma of this volcano
Copy !req
760. are all the underwater beasts that
we helped the Heavenly Court defeat.
Copy !req
761. The name Dragon Palace may sound nice,
Copy !req
762. but in reality, it is a prison.
Copy !req
763. If we were to leave this place,
Copy !req
764. all the monsters would be free
from divine supervision and escape.
Copy !req
765. We can't set foot outside this palace.
Copy !req
766. Dragons were born from monsters after all,
Copy !req
767. and couldn't possibly gain
the Heavenly Court's trust.
Copy !req
768. This position as Dragon King
Copy !req
769. doesn't just keep
the ocean monsters imprisoned.
Copy !req
770. Our kind is also eternally imprisoned
in this heavenly jail.
Copy !req
771. Son.
Copy !req
772. Our kind has waited a millennium
for a chance like the Spirit Pearl.
Copy !req
773. In another year,
Copy !req
774. I will be able to completely remove
your horns from your head
Copy !req
775. and hide your identity
as one of the dragons.
Copy !req
776. Only by achieving great deeds
in the Battle of the Gods,
Copy !req
777. being deified and ascending to Heaven,
Copy !req
778. will you have a chance to free the dragons
from this underwater purgatory.
Copy !req
779. The fate of our clan
depends on your success.
Copy !req
780. Don't let yourself be fooled
by an illusion.
Copy !req
781. I am a demon,
Copy !req
782. a roaming and free one.
Copy !req
783. I kill without blinking
Copy !req
784. and eat people without thinking.
Copy !req
785. I eat eight at a time
Copy !req
786. until my belly is as round as a lime.
Copy !req
787. I sit on the crapper,
Copy !req
788. but I forget the toilet paper.
Copy !req
789. Young Master,
you haven't eaten in three days.
Copy !req
790. Nezha, how long will you keep this up?
Copy !req
791. Leave me alone.
Copy !req
792. Let me die in peace alone.
Copy !req
793. I'm nothing but a burden to you.
Copy !req
794. Why don't we play your favorite game?
Copy !req
795. Being alive just makes me blue.
Copy !req
796. The more I try, the more goes awry.
Copy !req
797. I designed a new project
Copy !req
798. - It all looks bleak the more I seek.
- called Riding the Clouds.
Copy !req
799. - The struggle is so weary,
- Come try it out.
Copy !req
800. I might as well just stay asleep.
Copy !req
801. Nezha, your third birthday is in ten days.
Copy !req
802. The people of Chentang Pass
want to celebrate with you.
Copy !req
803. What?
Copy !req
804. I believe they would celebrate my death.
Copy !req
805. But my birthday?
Copy !req
806. The Sea Yaksha is strong
and adept at fleeing by water.
Copy !req
807. Its saliva can petrify
and is most difficult to deal with.
Copy !req
808. The misunderstanding has been cleared.
Copy !req
809. They know you drove off that demon.
Copy !req
810. That's right!
Copy !req
811. Everybody wants to thank you
for defeating the Sea Yaksha.
Copy !req
812. Yes! Great teachers produce
brilliant students.
Copy !req
813. Those morons finally get it.
Copy !req
814. I can't be bothered with them.
Copy !req
815. Make sure you're ready.
Copy !req
816. You're so annoying!
Copy !req
817. Why did you bring up
his birthday celebration?
Copy !req
818. Ever since you lied to him
and said he was the Spirit Pearl,
Copy !req
819. he has been happy for two years.
Copy !req
820. As long as he can be happy
in his final days,
Copy !req
821. I don't care if we have to lie.
Copy !req
822. But...
Copy !req
823. The commoners want to lock Nezha up.
Copy !req
824. Will they come to the celebration?
Copy !req
825. Let me handle that.
Copy !req
826. The slime I saw on his hands
really was from the Yaksha.
Copy !req
827. I will clear Nezha's name
at the celebration.
Copy !req
828. But...
Copy !req
829. I have been commander
of Chentang Pass for years.
Copy !req
830. Some people owe me favors.
Copy !req
831. I'll get them to come,
even if I have to grovel.
Copy !req
832. Don't worry.
Copy !req
833. What do you need?
Copy !req
834. You always pop up out of nowhere.
Copy !req
835. My birthday party is in ten days.
Copy !req
836. Everyone in Chentang Pass
will be celebrating with me.
Copy !req
837. Look, I drew you a map
so you wouldn't get lost.
Copy !req
838. The Li residence is easy to find.
Copy !req
839. That's true. You'll come, right?
Copy !req
840. - I...
- Why are you hesitating?
Copy !req
841. I don't care if nobody else comes,
but you have to come!
Copy !req
842. Why?
Copy !req
843. Because you're my only friend.
Copy !req
844. You're also my only friend.
Copy !req
845. Do you have any other wishes?
Copy !req
846. You saved my life,
Copy !req
847. so I will do everything I can
to make them come true.
Copy !req
848. Wishes?
Copy !req
849. My wish is for you to come
to my birthday party!
Copy !req
850. All right.
Copy !req
851. It's a deal! I'll be waiting for you.
Copy !req
852. Don't forget!
Copy !req
853. I wont.
Copy !req
854. Ao Bing.
Copy !req
855. It's time to go.
Copy !req
856. Wait.
Copy !req
857. Father!
Copy !req
858. Father, what are you doing?
Copy !req
859. Son,
Copy !req
860. all the dragons
Copy !req
861. have plucked off
their toughest scales for you.
Copy !req
862. This Dragon Scale Armor is impenetrable.
Copy !req
863. It's all up to you now.
Copy !req
864. This Dragon Scale Armor is impenetrable.
Copy !req
865. It's all up to you now.
Copy !req
866. Are you playing for a funeral?
Copy !req
867. When does Lord Li want us to go outside?
Copy !req
868. Wait for the signal.
Copy !req
869. Okay.
Copy !req
870. A cape adds more style.
Copy !req
871. Stunning!
Copy !req
872. It's a good shroud for a corpse.
Copy !req
873. Who's there?
Copy !req
874. I'm your—
Copy !req
875. Where did you come from, demon?
Copy !req
876. Stop!
Copy !req
877. I'm your master's peer.
Copy !req
878. Your name is Shen something, right?
Copy !req
879. Shen Gong...
Copy !req
880. What are you doing here, Shen Gonggong?
Copy !req
881. It's Shen Gongbao!
Copy !req
882. I'm here to tell you
about your true identity.
Copy !req
883. My identity?
Copy !req
884. To this day,
Copy !req
885. you have been kept in the dark.
Copy !req
886. Let's welcome the birthday boy!
Copy !req
887. Nezha!
Copy !req
888. Nezha, its your birthday.
Copy !req
889. Guess what gifts I got you.
Copy !req
890. Fire-tipped Spear and Red Armillary Sash!
Copy !req
891. I hereby pass these on to you.
Copy !req
892. There's one more important gift.
Copy !req
893. This shall be your mount.
Copy !req
894. Here, touch it.
Copy !req
895. This is my most cherished treasure.
Copy !req
896. It can turn into different mounts
based on its owner's characteristics.
Copy !req
897. With you, it turns into
Wind and Fire Wheels!
Copy !req
898. So why is it a pig with you?
Copy !req
899. You little devil,
three years have gone by so fast.
Copy !req
900. Back then, you were just
a lumpy meatball in my belly.
Copy !req
901. Now you've become a little man.
Copy !req
902. I really want to watch you grow up.
Copy !req
903. Why are you saying that?
This should be a joyous day.
Copy !req
904. I'm giving you a protection charm
to keep you safe from harm.
Copy !req
905. I've always been strict with you.
Copy !req
906. I know you're angry about that,
but it couldn't be helped.
Copy !req
907. Son, you still have a long path ahead.
Copy !req
908. Don't be concerned with
how others see you.
Copy !req
909. You are the only one
who controls what you become.
Copy !req
910. Never give up.
Copy !req
911. A long path?
Copy !req
912. Do I even have a path?
Copy !req
913. Nezha, what are you saying?
Copy !req
914. The Demon Pill
and the heavenly tribulation.
Copy !req
915. I know everything.
Copy !req
916. You lied that I was the Spirit Pearl
and kept me in the painting to train.
Copy !req
917. But you were really just
keeping me locked up until I died,
Copy !req
918. so you could make those morons feel better
Copy !req
919. and maintain your reputation
as a commander!
Copy !req
920. Foolish disciple,
what are you raving on about?
Copy !req
921. You're acting so paranoid.
Copy !req
922. Come, let the banquet begin!
Copy !req
923. Eat and drink your fill!
Copy !req
924. You're too scared to admit it, aren't you?
Copy !req
925. Fine, I'll see how much longer
you can pretend.
Copy !req
926. Power of the cosmos,
weight of a thousand souls,
Copy !req
927. - boundless span of the earth,
- Who taught you that spell?
Copy !req
928. Qiankun Hoop, hear my command!
Copy !req
929. Run!
Copy !req
930. Demon, I'll fight you to the death!
Copy !req
931. Nezha, have you lost your mind?
Copy !req
932. He has turned demonic, he isn't himself!
Copy !req
933. Only the Qiankun Hoop
can bring him back to his senses!
Copy !req
934. Hurry, find it!
Copy !req
935. - Quick, find it!
- Go, search!
Copy !req
936. Don't waste your time.
Copy !req
937. I have the Qiankun Hoop.
Copy !req
938. Only the heavenly tribulation
can destroy the Demon Pill.
Copy !req
939. Once Nezha has killed
Taiyi and his parents,
Copy !req
940. you'll stall him
until the heavenly tribulation comes.
Copy !req
941. The people will call you
the savior of the world.
Copy !req
942. From that point on,
you will have every right to forge ahead.
Copy !req
943. Taiyi, Li Jing, and Lady Yin are innocent.
Copy !req
944. If the Qiankun Hoop hadn't been removed,
Copy !req
945. Nezha might not have turned
completely evil.
Copy !req
946. What do you care if he's good or evil?
Copy !req
947. Hell die anyway
when the heavenly lightning strikes.
Copy !req
948. If Taiyi, Li Jing, and Lady Yin don't die,
Copy !req
949. how will I sell the lie
to the Supreme Lord?
Copy !req
950. Of all of the Supreme Lord's disciples,
Copy !req
951. I have worked the hardest.
Copy !req
952. I have trained diligently
for a hundred years,
Copy !req
953. never letting up in the least.
Copy !req
954. But my master has never valued me.
Copy !req
955. You must know why.
Copy !req
956. I don't.
Copy !req
957. Because I was a leopard spirit
that gained a human form,
Copy !req
958. so I'm the only odd one out
among my master's disciples!
Copy !req
959. Like you, I am also a demon.
Copy !req
960. Humans have enough prejudice
to build a mountain.
Copy !req
961. One that remains immovable
no matter how hard you try.
Copy !req
962. There aren't many chances in life
to change one's fate.
Copy !req
963. Master, Nezha once saved my life.
Copy !req
964. I might not be able to save him,
Copy !req
965. but please let me save
his parents and master
Copy !req
966. to repay my debt to him.
Copy !req
967. All right!
Copy !req
968. Go on, then!
Copy !req
969. If...
Copy !req
970. If you go, don't come back!
Copy !req
971. Don't say I didn't warn you.
Copy !req
972. If your identity is revealed,
Copy !req
973. then more than four people will die.
Copy !req
974. Where did he go?
Copy !req
975. Curses!
Copy !req
976. That's your father, Nezha!
Copy !req
977. He's so cool.
Copy !req
978. It sure sounds fun out there.
Copy !req
979. Can we go out yet?
Copy !req
980. Settle down. Wait for the signal.
Copy !req
981. Use the Qiankun Hoop!
Copy !req
982. Power of the cosmos,
weight of a thousand souls,
Copy !req
983. boundless span of the earth,
Qiankun Hoop, obey my command!
Copy !req
984. Hold!
Copy !req
985. Nezha!
Copy !req
986. Nezha!
Copy !req
987. Son, how do you feel?
Copy !req
988. Nezha!
Copy !req
989. Please wait.
Copy !req
990. Thank you for helping us.
Copy !req
991. May I have your name, friend?
Copy !req
992. My name isn't worthy enough
to grace your lips.
Copy !req
993. Still, I must make a toast to you
to express my gratitude.
Copy !req
994. I still have an important task.
I can't linger.
Copy !req
995. I'm sorry, let me brush that off for you.
Copy !req
996. No need.
Copy !req
997. A dragon!
Copy !req
998. Aren't they imprisoned
at the bottom of the Eastern Sea?
Copy !req
999. How did he get out?
Copy !req
1000. As soon as I saw you,
I felt a familiar aura.
Copy !req
1001. Seeing that mark on your forehead,
I am even more certain.
Copy !req
1002. The Spirit Pearl's sigil!
Copy !req
1003. So it was the dragons
who stole the Spirit Pearl!
Copy !req
1004. You can run, but you can't hide!
Copy !req
1005. I'll report to the Supreme Lord
and the Heavenly Court
Copy !req
1006. and expose the crimes of the dragons!
Copy !req
1007. Demons are demons.
They can't change their nature.
Copy !req
1008. So the dragons were the thieves.
Copy !req
1009. The Heavenly Court
shouldn't have let them live.
Copy !req
1010. Look at this mess.
Copy !req
1011. Shen Gongbao!
Copy !req
1012. Originally, this would've ended
with four people dying.
Copy !req
1013. Now look.
Copy !req
1014. Everybody knows now.
Copy !req
1015. Nobody here can be left alive.
Copy !req
1016. You're involved in this too?
Copy !req
1017. I'm not going to lie to you anymore.
Copy !req
1018. I stole the Spirit Pearl!
Copy !req
1019. Ao Bing is my disciple!
Copy !req
1020. Have you gone mad?
Copy !req
1021. Aren't you afraid the Supreme Lord
will punish you?
Copy !req
1022. What is there to be afraid of?
Copy !req
1023. If you're all dead,
there will be no one to tell him.
Copy !req
1024. Ao Bing, now that things
have come to this,
Copy !req
1025. nothing more can be done.
Copy !req
1026. The survival of the dragons
depends on the decision you make.
Copy !req
1027. Son. Our kind has waited a millennium
for a chance like the Spirit Pearl.
Copy !req
1028. Our clan's future depends on you.
Copy !req
1029. What is he trying to do?
Copy !req
1030. He's going to bury all of Chentang Pass!
Copy !req
1031. Much time has passed in Chentang Pass.
Copy !req
1032. We should hurry back
Copy !req
1033. and see if there's anything
we can do for the child.
Copy !req
1034. Why are you leaving so soon?
Copy !req
1035. - Stay and chat with me!
- I don't have time for you.
Copy !req
1036. The heavenly curse can't be broken,
Copy !req
1037. but there are other ways.
Copy !req
1038. A transplant spell, for example.
Copy !req
1039. He's just a cloud. What does he know?
He's just making things up.
Copy !req
1040. I was our master's student
centuries before you,
Copy !req
1041. so I'm your senior!
Copy !req
1042. I understand everything you don't.
Copy !req
1043. I'll show you what I'm capable of.
Copy !req
1044. Little Cloud, you damn—
Copy !req
1045. These are Fate-swapping Talismans.
Copy !req
1046. Find a relative willing to sacrifice
their life for the cursed one.
Copy !req
1047. When the heavenly tribulation occurs,
stick a talisman on the cursed one
Copy !req
1048. and the other on the relative.
Copy !req
1049. The heavenly lightning will change course
to the relative instead.
Copy !req
1050. What are you doing, Commander Li?
Copy !req
1051. I've decided to swap my life for Nezha's.
Copy !req
1052. Please keep this secret for me,
Master Immortal.
Copy !req
1053. Don't let my wife know about this.
Copy !req
1054. My lord, you can save him this time,
but you can't protect him forever.
Copy !req
1055. The Demon Pill will bring disaster
to humankind,
Copy !req
1056. and once the Supreme Lord returns,
he won't spare Nezha.
Copy !req
1057. What is the Demon Pill?
Copy !req
1058. I will use the remaining two years
to guide Nezha onto the right path,
Copy !req
1059. so that the world accepts him.
Copy !req
1060. No, I won't allow it.
Copy !req
1061. If you wont allow it,
Copy !req
1062. then I shall die with Nezha
when the lightning strikes.
Copy !req
1063. How can I let that happen?
Copy !req
1064. Who is Nezha to you?
Copy !req
1065. He is my son.
Copy !req
1066. Stop!
Copy !req
1067. - What strong armor!
- Aim for the head!
Copy !req
1068. Ao Bing?
Copy !req
1069. Don't waste your breath with him!
Copy !req
1070. What are you doing here, Shen Gonggong?
Copy !req
1071. It's Shen Gongbao!
Copy !req
1072. It was Shen Gongbao
who stole the Spirit Pearl
Copy !req
1073. and put it in Ao Bing.
Copy !req
1074. He wants to bury Chentang Pass!
Copy !req
1075. Stop!
Copy !req
1076. Your power is being reduced
by the Qiankun Hoop.
Copy !req
1077. You can't defeat me.
Copy !req
1078. Enough talk! You're not doing anything
while I'm around!
Copy !req
1079. Don't make me!
Copy !req
1080. You can't hit me!
Copy !req
1081. Fine, I'll make it so that
you have nowhere to hide!
Copy !req
1082. Stop, Ao Bing!
Copy !req
1083. I'm sorry, Master!
Copy !req
1084. Nezha!
Copy !req
1085. What are you wearing?
Even my Fire-tipped Spear can't pierce it!
Copy !req
1086. Transformation technique?
Copy !req
1087. Come get me! Come on!
Copy !req
1088. Demon, only one of us can live!
Copy !req
1089. Don't cross the line, Shen Gongbao!
Copy !req
1090. I'm going easy on you
because I'm your senior.
Copy !req
1091. Damn Fatty,
you're not more powerful than me.
Copy !req
1092. I am the best candidate to be
one of the 12 Golden Immortals!
Copy !req
1093. Unbelievable.
Copy !req
1094. Master even gave you Mountains and Rivers
Copy !req
1095. Why don't you surrender?
Copy !req
1096. Your artifact may be powerful,
but it depends on who is using it!
Copy !req
1097. Take this!
Copy !req
1098. Don't you run!
Copy !req
1099. I got you!
Copy !req
1100. Brat, I am your master!
Copy !req
1101. Shut up! Don't you know that
the devil is in the details?
Copy !req
1102. I'm coming to your aid, Ao Bing!
Copy !req
1103. That'll teach you!
Copy !req
1104. Well done, Ao Bing!
Copy !req
1105. You're too kind, Master.
Copy !req
1106. That's your reward!
Copy !req
1107. Master!
Copy !req
1108. My hard work has paid off!
Copy !req
1109. No!
Copy !req
1110. Who are you?
Copy !req
1111. I am your master!
Copy !req
1112. Master, it's me, Nezha!
Copy !req
1113. It's you! Let's get out of here.
Copy !req
1114. Only that brush can get us out of here.
Copy !req
1115. Get it!
Copy !req
1116. Ao Bing, get the brush!
Copy !req
1117. Nezha, I'll help you get the brush!
Copy !req
1118. We'll see how much you have left.
Copy !req
1119. I have an endless supply of ammunition.
Copy !req
1120. I still have a bit left.
Copy !req
1121. Watch this!
Copy !req
1122. Don't you know how to draw, fool?
Copy !req
1123. You try drawing with your feet!
Copy !req
1124. - Nezha!
- Nezha!
Copy !req
1125. Power of the cosmos,
weight of a thousand souls,
Copy !req
1126. boundless span of the earth,
Qiankun Hoop, obey my command!
Copy !req
1127. I mustn't release my full power
or I'll lose awareness.
Copy !req
1128. Stop struggling.
Copy !req
1129. You were born from the Demon Pill.
Copy !req
1130. This is your fate!
Copy !req
1131. Screw you!
Copy !req
1132. I am the master of my fate!
Copy !req
1133. I'm the one who decides
Copy !req
1134. whether I'm an immortal or a demon!
Copy !req
1135. Why didn't you stab me?
Copy !req
1136. I told you.
Copy !req
1137. You are my only friend.
Copy !req
1138. Looks like my time is up.
Copy !req
1139. You should leave.
Copy !req
1140. Aren't you worried I'll...
Copy !req
1141. Are you the Spirit Pearl or not?
Copy !req
1142. I'm more of a man than you are
and I'm the Demon Pill.
Copy !req
1143. Could you be any more of a wuss?
Copy !req
1144. I am a demon.
Copy !req
1145. My fate was sealed the moment I was born.
Copy !req
1146. Bullshit!
Copy !req
1147. Other people's opinions are bullshit!
Copy !req
1148. You are the only one
who controls what you become.
Copy !req
1149. That's what my father taught me!
Copy !req
1150. If you don't like your fate,
fight it until the bitter end.
Copy !req
1151. Nezha!
Copy !req
1152. - You...
- What are you doing, Nezha?
Copy !req
1153. I will bear my own fate.
Copy !req
1154. I wont burden anyone else.
Copy !req
1155. No! Nezha, stop!
Copy !req
1156. It's no big deal.
Copy !req
1157. Three years might not be a long time,
Copy !req
1158. but I had a lot of fun.
Copy !req
1159. My only regret
Copy !req
1160. is that I never got to kick
the shuttlecock with you.
Copy !req
1161. Today is my birthday,
so nobody is allowed to cry!
Copy !req
1162. How embarrassing.
Copy !req
1163. Father, Mother.
Copy !req
1164. Thank you.
Copy !req
1165. - Nezha!
- Nezha!
Copy !req
1166. Nezha!
Copy !req
1167. - Nezha!
- Nezha!
Copy !req
1168. Do you want to die?
Copy !req
1169. You're mad, Ao Bing!
Copy !req
1170. Dragon Scale Armor!
Copy !req
1171. Idiot, everything is ruined.
Copy !req
1172. I'll see you around, Taiyi!
Copy !req
1173. You're sacrificing yourself for no reason.
You're a fool!
Copy !req
1174. Only a fool would be your friend!
Copy !req
1175. The Chaos Pearl has the ability
to absorb energy.
Copy !req
1176. The Spirit Pearl and Demon Pill combined
can do the same!
Copy !req
1177. I can't absorb any more!
I'm about to explode!
Copy !req
1178. If it's too much,
Copy !req
1179. then send it back!
Copy !req
1180. Right!
Copy !req
1181. I can't hold on!
Copy !req
1182. Nezha!
Copy !req
1183. I can't believe they're still holding on.
Copy !req
1184. If I jump in,
Copy !req
1185. I wonder if they'll survive.
Copy !req
1186. Open!
Copy !req
1187. Nezha!
Copy !req
1188. - How did this happen?
- I didn't die!
Copy !req
1189. Wrong! You're both dead!
Copy !req
1190. The Prismatic Lotus couldn't
save your mortal bodies,
Copy !req
1191. but it kept your souls intact.
Copy !req
1192. Unfortunately, the lightning shaved away
my immortal development,
Copy !req
1193. costing me centuries of cultivation!
Copy !req
1194. You little devil,
Copy !req
1195. you scared me half to death!
Copy !req
1196. If you asked me
if a person can change their fate...
Copy !req
1197. Well, I don't know.
Copy !req
1198. But I do know
Copy !req
1199. that it is Nezha's fate
Copy !req
1200. to defy his.
Copy !req
1201. Are we still not allowed to go out yet?
Copy !req
1202. We haven't heard the signal yet!
Copy !req
1203. What is the signal?
Copy !req
1204. Right.
Copy !req
1205. What is the signal?
Copy !req
1206. DON'T LEAVE!
Copy !req
1207. My son, Ao Bing!
Copy !req
1208. The dragons have waited a millennium
for this chance!
Copy !req
1209. Chentang Pass will pay in blood!
Copy !req
1210. Come on, louder!
Copy !req
1211. Maybe you can kill your enemies
with the sound of your voice.
Copy !req
1212. What's the use of acting all tough
when you can't even leave this prison?
Copy !req
1213. Would you like to make a deal,
Copy !req
1214. my brother?
Copy !req
Copy !req
1216. Jiang Ziya.
Copy !req
1217. Do you know your sins?
Copy !req
Copy !req