1. Diablos!
Copy !req
2. Whoa, whoa, whoa!
Copy !req
3. Falcon Main, this is Bravo Team.
Copy !req
4. Falcon Main, this is Bravo Team.
Do you copy?
Copy !req
5. Storm incoming. Zero visibility.
Request immediate support.
Copy !req
6. Falcon Main, something's in here with us.
Send immediate support.
Copy !req
7. Falcon Main, this is Bravo Team.
Send immediate support.
Copy !req
8. [man 2] Ma'am. Ma'am.
Copy !req
9. - Marshall.
- Link found something half a klick ahead.
Copy !req
10. - Bravo Team?
- Think so.
Copy !req
11. Axe.
Copy !req
12. - With Steeler. Man the 50.
Yes, boss.
Copy !req
13. All right, ladies.
Copy !req
14. Saddle up.
Copy !req
15. She's a woman, but she still manages
to make that sound like an insult.
Copy !req
16. Get used to it.
Copy !req
17. Captain.
Copy !req
18. - You see those markers?
- Yeah, I see them.
Copy !req
19. Do you have any idea what they are?
Copy !req
20. Sergeant Davis, I'm a Ranger,
not an archeologist.
Copy !req
21. Copy that.
Copy !req
22. - Axe!
- What?
Copy !req
23. - What are you listening to?
- George Jones.
Copy !req
24. Who the hell's that?
Copy !req
25. You're a philistine, Steeler.
Copy !req
26. Yes. Yes, I am.
Copy !req
27. Damn, Marshall. You got hella reflexes.
Copy !req
28. Fifteenth casualty today.
Copy !req
29. - Killing them.
- Take no prisoners, Davis.
Copy !req
30. - Link, what'd you find?
- It's definitely Bravo Team.
Copy !req
31. But the tracks end here.
Copy !req
32. - What were Bravo Team traveling in?
- Up-armored Humvee and a M-ATV.
Copy !req
33. That's ten tons of armored vehicle.
They don't just disappear.
Copy !req
34. Boss, we've got something.
Copy !req
35. Incoming. On your 12.
Copy !req
36. - Where did that come from?
- Came out of nowhere.
Copy !req
37. Bravo Team reported a storm
in their last transmission.
Copy !req
38. - Hostiles using it for cover?
- An ambush. Like in Helmand?
Copy !req
39. Let's not find out.
Copy !req
40. REDCON-1.
Copy !req
41. If there are hostiles hiding
behind that storm,
Copy !req
42. things might get kinetic.
Copy !req
43. Copy that.
Copy !req
44. Marshall, what are you doing, bro?
Copy !req
45. In case I get my head blown off,
they can still tell who I am.
Copy !req
46. Hardcore shit, cabron.
Copy !req
47. Damn!
Copy !req
48. Goddamn, that shit's close.
Copy !req
49. Link, you ever seen lightning
like this before?
Copy !req
50. No. Never.
Copy !req
51. But I feel pretty secure here
in this big steel box,
Copy !req
52. holding my metal gun.
Copy !req
53. Dash, on your 12!
Copy !req
54. Look at those markers!
Copy !req
55. What the hell is that?
Copy !req
56. - Watch out!
- Damn it!
Copy !req
57. Brace yourselves!
Copy !req
58. Shit!
Copy !req
59. Where the hell are we?
Copy !req
60. And what happened to the storm?
Copy !req
61. What the hell just happened?
Copy !req
62. {Artemis-J Hey!
Copy !req
63. You Okay?
Copy !req
64. I'll survive.
- Did we just get hit by lightning?
Copy !req
65. - Steeler, you good?
- Never better.
Copy !req
66. Where did all this sand come from?
Copy !req
67. This isn't right, none of it.
Copy !req
68. - What the hell is that?
Copy !req
69. I don't see any structures or mountains
marked on this map.
Copy !req
70. According to this,
the nearest sand dune is 20 klicks away.
Copy !req
71. - How's that possible?
Where the hell are we?
Copy !req
72. - How did we get so far from the road?
- I don't know.
Copy !req
73. Axe, get on one of those dunes
Copy !req
74. - and set up an observation point.
- Yes, boss.
Copy !req
75. Steeler!
- DPV will run. She's had worse.
Copy !req
76. - Marshall?
- GPS is fried, boss.
Copy !req
77. Radio and sat. All I get is static.
Copy !req
78. Even the compass is screwed up.
Must have been the lightning.
Copy !req
79. Well, what do you wanna do?
Copy !req
80. Go analog. Navigate by the sun.
Copy !req
81. Make it back to base.
We hoof it if we have to.
Copy !req
82. Boss, that's a long hike.
Copy !req
83. Yeah, well,
we keep going till we get comms.
Copy !req
84. Then AWACS will call in support.
They'll send helos, maybe armor.
Copy !req
85. - Nice.
- Back in business.
Copy !req
86. Boss.
- Send it.
Copy !req
87. There's something you gotta see.
Copy !req
88. Up-armored DPV and a M-ATV.
Copy !req
89. It's Bravo Team.
Copy !req
90. V-formation. Move out.
Copy !req
91. What do we do about them?
Copy !req
92. When we get comms, we'll call in
recovery assets to retrieve the bodies.
Copy !req
93. - What happened to them?
- Flamethrowers.
Copy !req
94. I don't think so.
Copy !req
95. Never seen a flamethrower
do this to a man.
Copy !req
96. - Not even napalm burns that hot.
- Ma'am?
Copy !req
97. It's glass.
Copy !req
98. Glass?
Copy !req
99. When sand melts, it turns to glass.
Copy !req
100. How do you melt sand?
Copy !req
101. I don't know.
Copy !req
102. This shit is officially above
my pay grade.
Copy !req
103. Looks like they made a stand.
Copy !req
104. - Let off a lot of rounds.
- They didn't hit anything.
Copy !req
105. There's no bodies.
Copy !req
106. Maybe they took the bodies with them?
Copy !req
107. - I've seen that before.
Copy !req
108. - Well, that's just the thing.
- What do you see, Link?
Copy !req
109. Nothing.
Copy !req
110. No tracks anywhere.
Copy !req
111. Whoever did this,
they didn't leave a mark.
Copy !req
112. We need to get moving. Move out!
Copy !req
113. Dark Star to Falcon.
Dark Star to Falcon, over.
Copy !req
114. Damn it. Lightning really messed up
the electronics, huh?
Copy !req
115. Not just electronics.
Copy !req
116. - What do you mean?
- This isn't right.
Copy !req
117. Nothing about this is right.
Copy !req
118. That lightning, it did something to us.
Copy !req
119. Captain knows what she's doing, all right?
Copy !req
120. Jesus.
Copy !req
121. - It has to be a dinosaur, right?
- Saw a dinosaur in a museum one time.
Copy !req
122. It wasn't that big.
Copy !req
123. Hostile, 12 o'clock, 300 meters!
Copy !req
124. Cease fire! Cease fire!
Copy !req
125. - What's going on?
- It's just chalk.
Copy !req
126. Chief?
Copy !req
127. Diablos.
Copy !req
128. On our 6!
Copy !req
129. What the hell is that?
Copy !req
130. Link, back in the vehicle.
Copy !req
131. - Dash, Steeler, move, move, move!
Copy !req
132. Fire!
Copy !req
133. It's gaining on us!
Copy !req
134. You're caught.
Copy !req
135. - Come on, get out of here!
- No way!
Copy !req
136. - One...
- Holy—
Copy !req
137. two, three!
Copy !req
138. Fire!
Copy !req
139. Give me your hand. Come on!
Copy !req
140. Dash! Come on!
Copy !req
141. I'm trying!
Copy !req
142. Steeler!
Copy !req
143. - Got it, got it, got it!
- Marshall, get in!
Copy !req
144. Let's go, big boy!
Copy !req
145. Give me your hand!
Copy !req
146. Get inside!
Copy !req
147. Link, get the RPG!
Copy !req
148. Oh, my God.
Copy !req
149. Fall back! Fall back!
Copy !req
150. Run for cover!
Copy !req
151. Captain.
Copy !req
152. Come on!
Copy !req
153. - Come on, boss!
{continues roaring]
Copy !req
154. I got it, I got it! Move, move!
Copy !req
155. Reloading!
Copy !req
156. What was that thing? What is that?
Copy !req
157. I told you. I told you.
That light, it took us somewhere.
Copy !req
158. We need to get back.
We need to get back home.
Copy !req
159. - Stow it, Sergeant Davis.
- Oh, my God. We're gonna die here.
Copy !req
160. Shut that shit up right now, soldier.
That's an order.
Copy !req
161. - You see what it did to Steeler and Axe?
- Dash, hey.
Copy !req
162. I got three. You?
Copy !req
163. - What?
- Three mags left.
Copy !req
164. What does it matter? Did you see that?
Copy !req
165. It matters because we're soldiers.
And this is what we do. We fight.
Copy !req
166. - Am I right?
Rangers lead the way.
Copy !req
167. - You with me?
- Always, boss.
Copy !req
168. You're all crazy.
Copy !req
169. You know, I don't care
what the hell that thing is.
Copy !req
170. We do what we do best.
We fight and we survive.
Copy !req
171. No matter what the odds. You got it?
Copy !req
172. Yes, ma'am.
Copy !req
173. You got it?
Copy !req
174. Loud and clear, ma'am.
Copy !req
175. Now, I got three left. What about you?
Copy !req
176. Med pack!
Copy !req
177. - CPR, Marshall.
On it.
Copy !req
178. It's too late.
- Bullshit!
Copy !req
179. Don't die on me, Ranger. Come on.
Copy !req
180. - Lack of pulse.
- Unacceptable. Try it again.
Copy !req
181. - I'm sorry.
- Shit! There's more of them!
Copy !req
182. Come on! We have to go!
Copy !req
183. They're everywhere!
Copy !req
184. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
185. Master sergeant!
Copy !req
186. - Link!
- All right, on me!
Copy !req
187. Let's move out!
Copy !req
188. Fall back!
Copy !req
189. Dash!
Copy !req
190. Come on! Keep moving!
Copy !req
191. - Marshall!
Copy !req
192. Go, go, go!
Copy !req
193. No!
Copy !req
194. Link.
Copy !req
195. Dash.
Copy !req
196. Dash.
Copy !req
197. Dash.
Copy !req
198. Come on.
Copy !req
199. You're alive.
- Link.
Copy !req
200. - What is it? What is it?
Copy !req
201. Pain in my chest!
Copy !req
202. I can't feel my arm.
Copy !req
203. Some sort of poison.
Copy !req
204. You just gotta work through it.
Come on. Let's move. Come on.
Copy !req
205. All right.
Copy !req
206. Oh, God.
Copy !req
207. Oh, no.
Copy !req
208. Captain.
Copy !req
209. All right, it's just
a little further. Let's go.
Copy !req
210. I can't move.
Copy !req
211. Okay, let me see.
Copy !req
212. Let me see what it is.
Copy !req
213. Go!
Copy !req
214. Oh, my God!
Copy !req
215. God, Link! No!
Copy !req
216. You gotta go!
Copy !req
217. Link!
Copy !req
218. Damn you.
Copy !req
219. Damn you!
Copy !req
220. But I'm coming home.
Copy !req
221. Nerscylla.
Copy !req
222. - Nerscylla!
- Get off me.
Copy !req
223. - Nice life you've—
Copy !req
224. Shh.
Copy !req
225. See how you like it.
Copy !req
226. Cheers.
Copy !req
227. Oh...
Copy !req
228. - Oh, you spiteful little bastard.
Copy !req
229. Hey. How about that?
Copy !req
230. Yeah. You don't like that, huh?
Not so funny now, huh?
Copy !req
231. I'll kill you.
Copy !req
232. Come on!
Copy !req
233. Push! Push!
Copy !req
234. Here.
Copy !req
235. I'm not your enemy.
Copy !req
236. Wait, wait. Wait.
Copy !req
237. One second. Look. Look.
Copy !req
238. Here.
Copy !req
239. Food.
Copy !req
240. Food. Here. Take it.
Copy !req
241. Here, give it to me.
Copy !req
242. Look, look.
Copy !req
243. Mm. Mm.
Copy !req
244. So good.
Copy !req
245. Mm.
Copy !req
246. Mm.
Copy !req
247. Mm.
Copy !req
248. It's good, right?
Copy !req
249. Oh, wow.
Copy !req
250. Slow down. Okay, it's good.
Copy !req
251. - It's chocolate.
- Hm?
Copy !req
252. - Chocolate.
- Chocolate.
Copy !req
253. Yeah, chocolate.
Copy !req
254. Chocolate.
Copy !req
255. Chocolate.
Copy !req
256. - Choco—
- Chocolate!
Copy !req
257. - Chocolate!
- I don't have any more.
Copy !req
258. No, no more, no more, no more.
Look, look. Nothing.
Copy !req
259. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
260. Oh, my God. Thank you so much.
Oh, my God.
Copy !req
261. Thank you.
Copy !req
262. Hey.
Copy !req
263. Wait! Where are you going?
Copy !req
264. Wait!
Copy !req
265. - Me and you go out there?
Copy !req
266. Yes. That lightning,
I think that's what brought me here.
Copy !req
267. I need to go there. I need to get home.
Copy !req
268. That thing is still out there.
Copy !req
269. - Diablos.
- Diablos.
Copy !req
270. Hey, over there...
Copy !req
271. I have weapons.
Copy !req
272. Uh...
Copy !req
273. Diablos... Kssh!
Copy !req
274. What?
Copy !req
275. Ni trovi Nerscylla.
Copy !req
276. - What?
- Nerscylla.
Copy !req
277. No. We don't need to go back in there.
Copy !req
278. We need to go out there. Diablos.
Copy !req
279. Diablos.
Copy !req
280. Diablos.
Copy !req
281. Nerscylla.
Copy !req
282. We poison it.
Copy !req
283. Smart.
Copy !req
284. To kill a monster, you need a monster.
Copy !req
285. But how are we gonna get
one of those things?
Copy !req
286. What?
Copy !req
287. Come on!
Copy !req
288. Yes! Got it!
Copy !req
289. Next time, you're bait!
Copy !req
290. "Ranger."
Copy !req
291. That's me.
Copy !req
292. Ranger.
Copy !req
293. Yeah. Yeah.
Copy !req
294. Hunter.
Copy !req
295. Hunter. Ranger.
Copy !req
296. - Yeah. Yes.
- Hunter?
Copy !req
297. Velcro.
Copy !req
298. Velcro.
Copy !req
299. Yeah.
Copy !req
300. Velcro. Velcro.
Copy !req
301. Okay. All right, all right.
That's enough. That's enough.
Copy !req
302. Oh, man.
Copy !req
303. Really trying to get in here, huh?
Copy !req
304. Is that your family?
Copy !req
305. Are you gonna see them?
Are you gonna go home?
Copy !req
306. Home?
Copy !req
307. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
308. Rathalos.
Copy !req
309. Let's do this.
Copy !req
310. Hm?
Copy !req
311. Never mind. Let's go.
Copy !req
312. Ready!
Copy !req
313. Wow!
Copy !req
314. - Yeah!
- Wow.
Copy !req
315. Ahh...
Copy !req
316. What is that?
You gotta tell me about that.
Copy !req
317. - You can't just do that to somebody.
Copy !req
318. Any second now.
Copy !req
319. Stop!
Copy !req
320. Bait!
Copy !req
321. Shit!
Copy !req
322. Come on!
Copy !req
323. Watch over him!
Copy !req
324. You're welcome.
Copy !req
325. Wow.
Copy !req
326. Apceros.
Copy !req
327. Apceros.
Copy !req
328. - Apceros.
- Yeah.
Copy !req
329. Okay. Okay. They eat grass.
Copy !req
330. Water. Water.
Copy !req
331. Bait.
Copy !req
332. Bait?
Copy !req
333. You're funny.
Copy !req
334. Know what I'm gonna do
next time you're dying in the desert?
Copy !req
335. - Nothing.
Copy !req
336. That smells good.
Copy !req
337. - Catch Cephalos.
- I'll eat anything at this point.
Copy !req
338. Home.
Copy !req
339. Yeah. My way home.
Copy !req
340. I hope.
Copy !req
341. Chocolate.
Copy !req
342. Mm.
Copy !req
343. Mm, chocolate.
Copy !req
344. Mm.
Copy !req
345. Mm...
Copy !req
346. So good.
Copy !req
347. Mmm...
Copy !req
348. What's that?
Copy !req
349. Whoo!
Copy !req
350. All right.
Copy !req
351. Mm-mm, uh-uh.
Copy !req
352. Whoo!
Copy !req
353. - Chocolate.
- Whoo!
Copy !req
354. No, no, no.
Copy !req
355. - Chocolate.
- Not chocolate.
Copy !req
356. - What's going on?
- Rathalos.
Copy !req
357. You said that before.
What the hell is a Rathalos?
Copy !req
358. Thank you.
Copy !req
359. Thank you.
Copy !req
360. Don't thank me yet.
Copy !req
361. Enjoying the show?
Copy !req
362. Whoo!
Copy !req
363. This one must have come from the sky.
Copy !req
364. What?
Copy !req
365. What is that?
Copy !req
366. Palico.
Copy !req
367. My friend tells me I misjudged you.
Copy !req
368. That I might even owe you an apology.
Copy !req
369. Just don't hold your breath.
Copy !req
370. Why did you put me in chains?
Copy !req
371. What are you so afraid of?
Copy !req
372. Your world...
Copy !req
373. and what it could do to mine.
Copy !req
374. You aren't the first to cross over
from your world. There were others.
Copy !req
375. Long time ago.
Copy !req
376. That's how you speak my language?
Copy !req
377. - Mm. I made a study of it.
- What happened to me?
Copy !req
378. How did I get here?
Copy !req
379. I believe that the answers
we both seek lie here.
Copy !req
380. At the peak of that mountain
lies the Sky Tower.
Copy !req
381. Remnants of an ancient civilization.
Copy !req
382. Very advanced. Very dangerous.
Copy !req
383. It is said that the Ancients knew
how to travel between both worlds.
Copy !req
384. I believe that is the purpose
of the Sky Tower.
Copy !req
385. That is what brought you here.
Copy !req
386. What happened
to this ancient civilization?
Copy !req
387. They destroyed themselves.
Their technology turned on them.
Copy !req
388. You think my world
had something to do with it.
Copy !req
389. I suspect. But an open gateway
between our two worlds
Copy !req
390. was catastrophic once.
Copy !req
391. I intend to make sure
that doesn't happen again.
Copy !req
392. We were on our way
to investigate the Sky Tower
Copy !req
393. when we strayed into the Diablos.
Copy !req
394. That's where I lost my friend here.
Copy !req
395. Tending to the wounded and
repairing the ship was our first priority.
Copy !req
396. But now we resume our mission.
Copy !req
397. The Ancients would guard their technology
with the most fearsome of creatures,
Copy !req
398. a Rathalos.
Copy !req
399. Almost impossible to kill.
Copy !req
400. Their only weakness
is just before they breathe fire.
Copy !req
401. You help us with the battle ahead,
perhaps we can help you get home.
Copy !req
402. What's the matter?
Copy !req
403. You don't have cats in your world?
Copy !req
404. Hey!
Copy !req
405. You been drinking from my mug again?
Copy !req
406. We leave at dawn.
Copy !req
407. And don't keep me waiting.
Copy !req
408. I hate waiting.
Copy !req
409. So? You ready?
Copy !req
410. We got a hard climb ahead of us.
Copy !req
411. Come on!
Copy !req
412. We believe that the lava
powers the machinery within the tower.
Copy !req
413. It's controlling the storm.
Copy !req
414. Exactly.
Copy !req
415. It's creating a gateway to your world,
but it looks unstable.
Copy !req
416. Let's go.
Copy !req
417. It's glass.
Copy !req
418. Estas bone Rathalos.
Copy !req
419. Rathalos.
Copy !req
420. Prepare yourself. Remember, they're weak
just before they breathe fire.
Copy !req
421. - Shh.
Copy !req
422. Hey, ugly!
Copy !req
423. It's okay! It's okay. You're safe now!
Get the medic!
Copy !req
424. Captain Artemis?
Copy !req
425. Let's get her inside! Up!
Copy !req
426. Let's go! Let's go!
Copy !req
427. Captain, we've been searching for you.
Copy !req
428. What the hell is she wearing?
Copy !req
429. Falcon Main, this is Red Wolf.
Copy !req
430. We've made contact with Dark Star.
Copy !req
431. We have a lone survivor.
Copy !req
432. I say again, a lone survivor.
Ground forces are securing the area.
Copy !req
433. Copy that, Red Wolf.
Copy !req
434. Captain.
Copy !req
435. Can you hear me?
Copy !req
436. Can you hear me?
Copy !req
437. Captain?
Copy !req
438. Captain Artemis?
Copy !req
439. Where are the rest of your men?
Copy !req
440. - My men?
- Yes.
Copy !req
441. Where are the rest of Alpha Team?
Copy !req
442. Copy that.
Copy !req
443. We're under attack!
Copy !req
444. Aim for the belly!
Copy !req
445. A Rathalos.
Copy !req
446. Load!
Copy !req
447. Fire!
Copy !req
448. Huh?
Copy !req
449. No! No!
Copy !req
450. No!
Copy !req
451. It's coming right for us!
Copy !req
452. Evade!
Copy !req
453. We're on Channel 5. Interference is...
Copy !req
454. My God.
Copy !req
455. Come on!
Copy !req
456. I got you.
Copy !req
457. My friend.
Copy !req
458. Thought you might need a little help.
Copy !req
459. Yeah, I...
Copy !req
460. still don't understand you, man.
Copy !req
461. Oh, yeah.
Copy !req
462. Friends.
Copy !req
463. Yeah, thank you.
Copy !req
464. Min misa chocolate?
Copy !req
465. I don't have
any more chocolate.
Copy !req
466. Think fast.
Copy !req
467. - You're here.
We came to help.
Copy !req
468. We can't have monsters from my world
attacking yours.
Copy !req
469. It's starting again.
Copy !req
470. We don't have much time.
Copy !req
471. There's going to be another attack.
Copy !req
472. We have to get back.
Copy !req
473. We have to shut the Sky Tower down.
Copy !req
474. - Let's try to live through this first.
- Copy that.
Copy !req
475. - Yeah!
Copy !req