1. Our American republic
Copy !req
2. is not all that different
from old Rome.
Copy !req
3. Can we preserve our past
and all its wondrous heritage?
Copy !req
4. Or will we too fall victim,
like old Rome,
Copy !req
5. to the insatiable appetite
for power of a few men.
Copy !req
6. Time, stop!
Copy !req
7. I sing of Colossus,
and the history of Man.
Copy !req
8. Let us go whither
the omens of the Gods
Copy !req
9. and the iniquity
of our enemies calls us.
Copy !req
10. The die is now cast.
Copy !req
11. whether or not
their president is a crook.
Copy !req
12. Watch it!
Copy !req
13. - Come on. Hey.
- Please.
Copy !req
14. We're gonna go out again.
Copy !req
15. Call me. Call me later.
Like, for breakfast.
Copy !req
16. Ugh. Whoops!
Copy !req
17. I hate and I love, why do I so,
Copy !req
18. perhaps you ask?
Copy !req
19. - All right, let's go.
- You think so?
Copy !req
20. Julia, get in the car.
Copy !req
21. All right. Bye, Clodio.
Copy !req
22. Goodbye, my love.
Copy !req
23. You're not mad at me?
You're going to tell my dad?
Copy !req
24. Let's go.
Copy !req
25. Mayor Cicero's
financial problems are so huge
Copy !req
26. that only a federal bailout
can solve them.
Copy !req
27. Julia...
Copy !req
28. Attention, attention!
Copy !req
29. Detonation imminent.
Copy !req
30. Clear the area!
Repeat, clear the area!
Copy !req
31. Explosion imminent.
Copy !req
32. Wait.
Copy !req
33. Go.
Copy !req
34. Wait.
Copy !req
35. Go.
Copy !req
36. This time,
you've gone too far, Catilina.
Copy !req
37. This site is under
Design Authority jurisdiction.
Copy !req
38. And what happens
if you've overstepped your mandate?
Copy !req
39. We'll apologise.
Copy !req
40. Apologise?
After the building's down?
Copy !req
41. Mayor Cicero will be pissed!
Copy !req
42. Yes!
Copy !req
43. Recently elected
Copy !req
44. New Rome Mayor Cicero's
poll numbers continue to drop.
Copy !req
45. Cesar Catilina,
of the blue-blood Crassus family,
Copy !req
46. wins a Nobel Prize
for invention of the Megalon,
Copy !req
47. a miracle building material.
Copy !req
48. When does an empire die?
Copy !req
49. Does it collapse
in one terrible moment?
Copy !req
50. No.
Copy !req
51. No, but there comes a time
Copy !req
52. when its people
no longer believe in it.
Copy !req
53. Then does an empire begin to die.
Copy !req
54. Our new mayor
Franklyn Cicero
Copy !req
55. has inherited
a nasty fiscal situation,
Copy !req
56. so now he is blamed for the
Copy !req
57. firing of teachers, police...
Copy !req
58. Design Authority office.
Copy !req
59. - Put Cesar on the phone.
- Hold, please.
Copy !req
60. budget. Uh-oh.
Copy !req
61. In hot financial news today,
Copy !req
62. Crassus National
is down seven points...
Copy !req
63. I'm sorry, Miss Wow,
Mr Cesar is unavailable just now.
Copy !req
64. I know he's there.
Copy !req
65. I'll let him know. Goodbye.
Copy !req
66. Wow Platinum,
your very own Money Bunny,
Copy !req
67. giving you the score
from the trading room floor.
Copy !req
68. Cesar gained to his side
history's richest man,
Copy !req
69. his uncle, Crassus,
Copy !req
70. who was here to support
Cesar's vision of New Rome,
Copy !req
71. which was displeasing to Mayor Cicero,
Copy !req
72. Cesar's bitter rival.
Copy !req
73. Hello, gentlemen.
Copy !req
74. Welcome. Good to see you.
Copy !req
75. Good to see you all.
Copy !req
76. Here we are, waiting above
this model of the city,
Copy !req
77. over the Design Authority's
newly demolished site,
Copy !req
78. which everyone
is now claiming as their own.
Copy !req
79. Hey, Mr Crassus, over here!
Copy !req
80. Hey, Mr Crassus! Over here.
Copy !req
81. Let me ask you a real question, okay?
Copy !req
82. Turn the cameras off.
Let's have some fun.
Copy !req
83. Fuck the cards.
What is it like being rich?
Copy !req
84. - What's it like?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
85. Well, you can scare people.
Copy !req
86. You like to scare people?
Copy !req
87. Sleighboy, Strayboy, Playboy...
Copy !req
88. Gay boy?
Copy !req
89. No, sir,
that's my sisters you're thinking of.
Copy !req
90. Word has it, you're doing a little
hanky-panky with your sisters.
Copy !req
91. If it's true, stop it.
Copy !req
92. Rumours, Grandpa, rumours. Rumour.
Copy !req
93. You could be the next male heir...
Could be.
Copy !req
94. Clodio Crassus Pulcher the Third.
Copy !req
95. But you never know.
Copy !req
96. - Running a bank is no joke!
- ... is no joke!
Copy !req
97. Claude, protect our family name!
Copy !req
98. Whoo!
Copy !req
99. Hi.
Copy !req
100. Hello. Hello.
Copy !req
101. Welcome. Welcome.
Welcome, thank you. Thank you.
Copy !req
102. The heartbeat
of our golden city on a hill.
Copy !req
103. Envision what could be...
Copy !req
104. A fun casino,
Copy !req
105. the latest in electronic gaming.
Copy !req
106. And no construction delays
of any kind,
Copy !req
107. or trouble from the unions
or the waterfront,
Copy !req
108. thanks to the Mayor.
Copy !req
109. It's really neat,
when you run concrete.
Copy !req
110. Aw, come on.
Copy !req
111. - Come on! No?
- Whoo!
Copy !req
112. Let's go.
Copy !req
113. "To be or not to be,
that is the question.
Copy !req
114. "Whether 'tis nobler
in the mind to suffer
Copy !req
115. "the slings and arrows
of outrageous fortune
Copy !req
116. "or to take arms against
a sea of troubles
Copy !req
117. "and by opposing end them.
Copy !req
118. "To die, to sleep no more...
Copy !req
119. "and by a sleep
to say we end the heartache,
Copy !req
120. "and the thousand natural shocks
that flesh is heir to,
Copy !req
121. "'tis a consummation
devoutly to be wish'd.
Copy !req
122. "To die, to sleep...
Copy !req
123. "To sleep,
Copy !req
124. "perchance to dream,
Copy !req
125. "ay, there's the rub:
Copy !req
126. "For in that sleep of death
what dreams may come,
Copy !req
127. "when we have shuffled off
this mortal coil,
Copy !req
128. "must give us pause."
Copy !req
129. "There's the respect
Copy !req
130. "that makes calamity
of so long life..."
Copy !req
131. Nush,
what do you think we do here?
Copy !req
132. Wait it out.
Copy !req
133. "Who would bear the whips
and scorns of time,
Copy !req
134. "th'oppressor's wrong,
the proud man's contumely,
Copy !req
135. "the pangs of dispriz'd love,
the law's delay.
Copy !req
136. "The insolence of office,
Copy !req
137. "and the spurns that patient
merit of th'unworthy takes,
Copy !req
138. "when he himself might in his quietus
Copy !req
139. "make with a bare bodkin?"
Copy !req
140. Where's my bodkin?
Copy !req
141. As Chairman of the Design Authority,
Copy !req
142. my jurisdiction
covers parks and fairs...
Copy !req
143. Please don't take a picture of that.
Copy !req
144. Thank you.
Copy !req
145. Come out with me.
Copy !req
146. - I can't. I'm sorry.
- Why?
Copy !req
147. My jurisdiction
covers parks and fairs,
Copy !req
148. and we've already issued
the necessary bonds
Copy !req
149. to develop this site.
Copy !req
150. The Mayor's show for the honchos
Copy !req
151. has become a battle
for their attention,
Copy !req
152. especially with Cesar Catilina,
Copy !req
153. whom I am acquainted,
Copy !req
154. denying my requests for a comment.
Copy !req
155. I cleared this site
to create something to inspire people.
Copy !req
156. People? Oh, wha...
Copy !req
157. When have you ever even cared
about people, Catilina?
Copy !req
158. Here is my plan:
Copy !req
159. a city that people can dream about.
Copy !req
160. People don't need dreams.
Copy !req
161. They need teachers, sanitation, jobs.
Copy !req
162. The "need" is to create something
Copy !req
163. that lives on
after a City Fair, Mayor.
Copy !req
164. Which is why Megalopolis will be built
entirely out of the Megalon,
Copy !req
165. which is imperishable.
Copy !req
166. The Megalon is unsafe!
Copy !req
167. Concrete, concrete, concrete,
Copy !req
168. and steel, steel, steel is safe!
Copy !req
169. Imagine today's society
Copy !req
170. a branch of civilisation
about to reach a dead-end...
Copy !req
171. Humanity as an old tree
Copy !req
172. with one misguided branch
called "civilisation..."
Copy !req
173. going nowhere.
Copy !req
174. I like trees as much as the next guy,
Copy !req
175. but we're not here to discuss trees.
Copy !req
176. People need help,
and they need it now!
Copy !req
177. No. Don't let the now
destroy the forever.
Copy !req
178. We are talking about people.
Copy !req
179. People, Catilina,
Copy !req
180. and how they live now.
Copy !req
181. No time to talk of
people's future?
Copy !req
182. Yet there's always time
to convince them
Copy !req
183. to use money they don't have,
Copy !req
184. to buy things they don't need,
Copy !req
185. to imitate people they don't like.
Copy !req
186. Which makes you the chief slumlord
Copy !req
187. and the Mayor of the city of nothing.
Copy !req
188. You call me that again,
and I will smash your face.
Copy !req
189. Easy, gentlemen.
Copy !req
190. Were you so cool and collected
Copy !req
191. when you poisoned your wife
and her body disappeared?
Copy !req
192. Is Megalon, your miracle method,
Copy !req
193. made from her body?
Copy !req
194. Is your poor Sunny Hope
a plastic girder somewhere?
Copy !req
195. A wall panel?
Copy !req
196. What really happened?
Copy !req
197. Well, you were the prosecuting DA,
Copy !req
198. so you know I was acquitted.
Copy !req
199. - And you're still a slumlord.
- I am not a slumlord!
Copy !req
200. You will not stand here
Copy !req
201. - and call me a slumlord.
- No, no, no.
Copy !req
202. No. No, no,
I am not a slumlord!
Copy !req
203. - Stop. I'm...
- You will never call me that!
Copy !req
204. Easy. Easy, Frank, calm down!
Copy !req
205. - No! No!
- Hold him.
Copy !req
206. I'm so sorry.
Copy !req
207. Is that what we're playing?
Copy !req
208. Three-year-old games.
Copy !req
209. Thank you.
Copy !req
210. Hit it, Jerry!
Copy !req
211. I'm Wow Platinum,
and that is the score
Copy !req
212. Come for me on the trading room floor
Copy !req
213. Every weekday at 9:00 am.
Copy !req
214. Mwah!
Copy !req
215. The great ladies of Rome
Copy !req
216. obsessed over fashion
while having intimate dealings
Copy !req
217. with the scum
of the gladiatorial shows,
Copy !req
218. poisoners, and blackmailers.
Copy !req
219. I really want to take him down
for being so nasty to my father.
Copy !req
220. Oh!
Yeah, right?
Copy !req
221. Okay, we're gonna write him
a poison-pen letter.
Copy !req
222. I'm very, very good at those.
Copy !req
223. Oh. Let's kick his ass.
Copy !req
224. - A devil?
- Oh, yeah.
Copy !req
225. - Give him a little moustache.
- Mm. Mm.
Copy !req
226. He's still kind of hot though.
Copy !req
227. - Who?
- It's your cousin.
Copy !req
228. My cousin? Really?
Copy !req
229. You're bad.
Copy !req
230. - You should wear that.
- Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
231. Fucking clown.
Copy !req
232. - I think I hate your brother.
- I do too.
Copy !req
233. Oh, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.
Copy !req
234. Oh, my God. Oh, my fucking God.
Copy !req
235. Yeah, I will, I fucking will.
Copy !req
236. Yes, we do.
Copy !req
237. When you were 22,
your buildings created the future.
Copy !req
238. But now your nephew, this genius,
he says they are obsolete.
Copy !req
239. I still have
some powder in my pistol, I must say.
Copy !req
240. Is that right?
Copy !req
241. Have you no concept of time?
Copy !req
242. Oh, for God's sake, turn yourself off.
Copy !req
243. Like most geniuses,
he can be...
Copy !req
244. You were in that car
and you didn't take my call.
Copy !req
245. I waited till I had
good news to share.
Copy !req
246. Fuck your stupid Megalopolis!
Copy !req
247. Wow, it's the beginning
of the discussions.
Copy !req
248. It means more to you than I do.
Copy !req
249. Conversation, it isn't enough.
Copy !req
250. It's the questions
that lead it to the next step,
Copy !req
251. but initially you have
to have a conversation.
Copy !req
252. Mm-hmm-hmm.
Copy !req
253. The city itself is immaterial,
Copy !req
254. but they're talking about it,
for the first time.
Copy !req
255. And it's not just about us
talking about it,
Copy !req
256. it's the need to talk about it.
Copy !req
257. It's as urgent to us as air,
and water, and...
Copy !req
258. Is it getting messier in here?
Copy !req
259. Mess? What mess?
Copy !req
260. Come on,
Copy !req
261. you're an obsessive-compulsive
wacko, Cesar.
Copy !req
262. You're anal as hell.
Copy !req
263. I, on the other hand,
Copy !req
264. am oral as hell.
Copy !req
265. What about your bad habits?
Copy !req
266. I'm trying to improve.
Copy !req
267. Well, I'm bored being your mistress.
Copy !req
268. I need to be half of a power couple.
Copy !req
269. Which half?
Copy !req
270. Whichever half you want
to put your giant foot on.
Copy !req
271. My career is beginning to slump,
Copy !req
272. my ratings are down,
Copy !req
273. and now
Copy !req
274. I need more.
Copy !req
275. Cesar. Cesar.
Copy !req
276. I love you.
Copy !req
277. I love you with all my heart.
Copy !req
278. Really, I do.
Copy !req
279. Never marry for love.
Copy !req
280. Cesar...
Copy !req
281. Why would
you say such a thing?
Copy !req
282. Are you trying to deflect
from my amorous behaviour?
Copy !req
283. No, I'm just trying to do
a goddamn interview, come on.
Copy !req
284. Is there anything that you don't have?
Copy !req
285. There certainly is, young lady.
Copy !req
286. There certainly is.
Copy !req
287. I'd like to see Dr Catilina.
Copy !req
288. About what?
Copy !req
289. The future of the world.
Copy !req
290. Oh, that.
Copy !req
291. Boss,
some sixth grader is here...
Copy !req
292. And did she say I was tall?
Copy !req
293. She remembers you talked to her class
because it got them out of gym.
Copy !req
294. I know the one.
Okay, go ahead and send her up.
Copy !req
295. What if what connects power
also stores it?
Copy !req
296. Good idea.
Copy !req
297. Thank you.
Copy !req
298. I like that idea myself.
Copy !req
299. She's on her way up, Chief.
She ain't what you expected.
Copy !req
300. - My great expectations?
- Oh, no.
Copy !req
301. Holy Jesus Christ.
Copy !req
302. Aren't you a bit big
for a sixth grader?
Copy !req
303. I sent a letter to you last night.
Copy !req
304. A, uh, childish letter,
and I want it back before you read it.
Copy !req
305. Childish...
Copy !req
306. No.
Copy !req
307. - That one.
- Uh-huh.
Copy !req
308. May I have it, please?
Copy !req
309. Unfortunately, I have already read it.
Copy !req
310. And yes, it was childish.
Copy !req
311. I had help,
and we weren't in our right minds.
Copy !req
312. But witty, I'd say,
in a cruel and insulting way.
Copy !req
313. Well, I think the way
you treat the mayor
Copy !req
314. is cruel and insulting.
Copy !req
315. Defending your father
is admirable, Julia Cicero,
Copy !req
316. as delinquent as usual.
Copy !req
317. I'm turning over a new leaf,
don't mess with me.
Copy !req
318. I'm not messing,
you're the one who came in disguise.
Copy !req
319. I finished a year of medical school.
Copy !req
320. One year of medical school.
Were you kicked out?
Copy !req
321. I was not. I dropped out.
Copy !req
322. I wonder why.
Copy !req
323. I guess you could say
my love of science
Copy !req
324. bumped up against a brick wall of...
Copy !req
325. intellectual vigour
Copy !req
326. - on the subject of jellyfish.
- Mm.
Copy !req
327. Their mesoglea material
is a flexible skeleton, unique...
Copy !req
328. until encountering something higher,
almost spiritual...
Copy !req
329. like the Megalon.
Copy !req
330. Look, a real Nobel Prize.
Copy !req
331. Expired?
Copy !req
332. Nobel Prizes don't expire.
Copy !req
333. I meant your medication.
Copy !req
334. What I'm curious about
is the Mayor's take
Copy !req
335. on your absurd behaviour.
Copy !req
336. You ask my father
about people living as I do,
Copy !req
337. and he's shocked.
Copy !req
338. What's shocking about you?
Copy !req
339. I want to be the Statue of Liberty!
Copy !req
340. I see.
Copy !req
341. The gossip columns say that you...
Copy !req
342. Ooh, you read gossip columns.
Copy !req
343. Whatever for?
Copy !req
344. To waste time.
Copy !req
345. You have so much of it
you can waste it?
Copy !req
346. Sometime.
Copy !req
347. Hmm.
Copy !req
348. Oh, dear.
Copy !req
349. Lots of empty bottles.
Copy !req
350. You know, I was reading
about you last night, where you said,
Copy !req
351. "In order to understand time,
consciousness, courage,
Copy !req
352. "you must identify it in yourself".
Copy !req
353. You really must have been
a rude and spoiled child.
Copy !req
354. As you are now?
Copy !req
355. So, do you still have
your med school microscope?
Copy !req
356. No, I sold it when I dropped out,
Copy !req
357. to buy drugs.
Copy !req
358. Psilocybin, of course.
Copy !req
359. And who supports your lifestyle now,
Copy !req
360. Daddy?
Copy !req
361. I hope I didn't ruin your breakfast.
Copy !req
362. - Come back.
- What for?
Copy !req
363. Well, for laughs, of course.
Copy !req
364. What else did you come here for?
Copy !req
365. I was trying to be a go-between.
Copy !req
366. Oh. You want to help me.
Copy !req
367. Yeah. And, well, I...
Copy !req
368. Well, I want to learn.
Copy !req
369. And you think one year
of medical school
Copy !req
370. entitles you to plough
through the riches
Copy !req
371. of my Emersonian mind?
Copy !req
372. - Entitles me?
- Yes.
Copy !req
373. - Entitles me?
- Yes.
Copy !req
374. You have no idea about me.
Copy !req
375. You think I'm nothing,
just a socialite...
Copy !req
376. No, not nothing,
Copy !req
377. but I reserve my time
for people who can think.
Copy !req
378. About science and literature
and architecture and art.
Copy !req
379. You find me cruel,
selfish and unfeeling? I am.
Copy !req
380. I work without caring
what happens to either of us.
Copy !req
381. So go back to the club, "bare it all",
Copy !req
382. and stalk the kind of people
that you enjoy.
Copy !req
383. Fine. I will!
Copy !req
384. Come back
when you have more time.
Copy !req
385. Yes.
Copy !req
386. I saw you change the laws of physics.
Copy !req
387. Could it be the great Cesar Catilina
Copy !req
388. doesn't obey anything,
not even T-symmetry?
Copy !req
389. What did you see?
Copy !req
390. I was hoping you'd tell me.
Copy !req
391. Interesting.
Copy !req
392. Follow me.
Copy !req
393. It is the daughter
of his rival Cicero standing here,
Copy !req
394. the offspring of Cesar's opposition.
And yet...
Copy !req
395. I like her.
Copy !req
396. This is it?
Copy !req
397. Walk into the future.
Copy !req
398. With your eyes closed.
Copy !req
399. And tell me what you see.
Copy !req
400. Um...
Copy !req
401. I see everyone,
in their neighbourhood.
Copy !req
402. Creating together,
learning together...
Copy !req
403. perfecting body and mind...
Copy !req
404. And they're celebrating.
Copy !req
405. Uh! They're...
Copy !req
406. They created shelter.
Copy !req
407. Oh!
Copy !req
408. Because of the rain.
Copy !req
409. Just came right above me.
Copy !req
410. It's a perfect school-city
for its people,
Copy !req
411. able to grow along with them,
Copy !req
412. just like great cities
have always done.
Copy !req
413. What about those standing in your way,
Copy !req
414. who like it the way it is?
Copy !req
415. Like your father?
Copy !req
416. What, him? You're working for him?
Copy !req
417. My daughter, a traitor?
Copy !req
418. Daddy, please!
Copy !req
419. You taught me to be true to myself.
Copy !req
420. You can't keep living
in the Middle Ages.
Copy !req
421. That man is a megalomaniac!
Copy !req
422. He lures young beautiful girls
like you with his bullshit genius.
Copy !req
423. He destroys innocence,
loveliness, and asks of them
Copy !req
424. what Pygmalion asked of marble!
Copy !req
425. Daddy, he's not as evil as you think.
Copy !req
426. But there's... there's something.
Copy !req
427. Something almost magical.
Copy !req
428. Hey, ladies!
Copy !req
429. Hi.
Copy !req
430. - Hold up, sir.
- What?
Copy !req
431. You're going to stop
the Mayor's parade?
Copy !req
432. You gotta be fucking kidding me.
Copy !req
433. This man is the bane of my existence.
Copy !req
434. - I want him out of my life.
- Yes.
Copy !req
435. He actually made sure
I was here on time.
Copy !req
436. He dropped you off?
Copy !req
437. Smile. Smile. Smile.
Copy !req
438. "... Soviet satellite
falling out of orbit in space..."
Copy !req
439. "... and its nuclear fuel
Copy !req
440. "will scatter harmlessly
over Labrador..."
Copy !req
441. Hi!
Copy !req
442. - "... an earth-orbiting..."
- And you!
Copy !req
443. "... nuclear-powered Soviet satellite
Copy !req
444. "will plunge through earth's dense..."
Copy !req
445. - Hi.
- Hello.
Copy !req
446. - What's your name?
- How do you do?
Copy !req
447. - Huey.
- Huey.
Copy !req
448. - Great to meet you.
- Claudine. Claudette.
Copy !req
449. "... combust...
Copy !req
450. "... in the residual atmosphere,
Copy !req
451. of the satellite's
nuclear fuel cells..."
Copy !req
452. Yeah,
welcome to the magic carpet ride.
Copy !req
453. "... emergency management discerned."
Copy !req
454. Which way did Huey go?
Copy !req
455. That way.
Copy !req
456. Well, let's all go this way, then.
Copy !req
457. Cesar...
Copy !req
458. Cesar, my darling.
Copy !req
459. May 12th.
Copy !req
460. Reviewing District Attorney
Cicero's files
Copy !req
461. regarding Catilina murder case.
Copy !req
462. Hmm.
Copy !req
463. Any place in particular, Chief?
Copy !req
464. Uptown, downtown, heaven, or hell?
Copy !req
465. Purgatory.
Copy !req
466. Copy that.
Copy !req
467. You like ruins...
Copy !req
468. You like going to Atlantic City?
We got time.
Copy !req
469. Well, we've always got time,
Copy !req
470. even if I don't understand it.
Copy !req
471. Time's a funny thing to understand.
Copy !req
472. Passing the time,
Copy !req
473. finding time, losing time.
Copy !req
474. Time that flies.
Copy !req
475. I don't get it.
How is spying being ethical?
Copy !req
476. It's not spying, it's research.
Copy !req
477. His wife's body completely vanished.
How? Why?
Copy !req
478. To where?
Copy !req
479. Julia.
Copy !req
480. I love you, Julia.
Copy !req
481. You can't cheat time
and you can't beat time.
Copy !req
482. You can't touch it,
taste it, see it, smell it.
Copy !req
483. Time stops for nobody.
Copy !req
484. And I mean nobody.
Copy !req
485. Cesar.
Copy !req
486. You piece of shit.
Copy !req
487. Pull, pull, pull, pull,
pull, pull around!
Copy !req
488. Hey, honey.
Copy !req
489. Surrounded by injustice...
Copy !req
490. so much suffering.
Copy !req
491. Stop, stop.
Copy !req
492. This doesn't make sense.
Copy !req
493. Cesar buys flowers.
Copy !req
494. But for who?
Copy !req
495. Okay, stop, stop.
Copy !req
496. My heart breaks for you, Chief.
Copy !req
497. Evening, Mr Catilina.
Copy !req
498. All right, wait for me, okay?
Copy !req
499. He still loves her.
Copy !req
500. He still loves...
Copy !req
501. We should go.
Copy !req
502. Such are the mysteries
of the human heart,
Copy !req
503. making it difficult
for this historian...
Copy !req
504. to understand.
Copy !req
505. What goes there?
A small stadium.
Copy !req
506. With a roof like gold tissue.
Copy !req
507. Tell me,
Copy !req
508. of all the institutions
your utopia will preserve,
Copy !req
509. which is the most important to you?
Copy !req
510. Marriage.
Copy !req
511. The wind blows
across the Aegean,
Copy !req
512. bringing what the ancients
learned from their ancients,
Copy !req
513. the poetry of Sappho.
Copy !req
514. "Some say cavalry
Copy !req
515. "and others claim infantry
and a fleet of long oars
Copy !req
516. "is the supreme sight
on the black earth.
Copy !req
517. "I say...
Copy !req
518. "it is the one you love."
Copy !req
519. They're so happy to see you.
Copy !req
520. Where stands the Colosseum,
so stands Rome.
Copy !req
521. When the Colosseum falls,
then Rome falls too.
Copy !req
522. And when Rome falls,
the world falls with it.
Copy !req
523. - Yes.
- My wedding gift to you.
Copy !req
524. Wow!
Copy !req
525. Oh, this is it, huh?
Copy !req
526. God damn it, Jerry!
Copy !req
527. "Greed is but a word...
Copy !req
528. "jealous men inflict
upon the ambitious."
Copy !req
529. Now you have
everything you always wanted.
Copy !req
530. Wow!
Copy !req
531. Here, folks,
are the richest grandkids,
Copy !req
532. the notorious Claudettes:
Copy !req
533. Clodia, Claudine, and Claudette,
along with their tagalong brother,
Copy !req
534. Claude Crassus Pulcher.
Copy !req
535. Banker Hamilton Crassus's
snotty trust fund grandkids
Copy !req
536. show up everywhere in the city.
Copy !req
537. The richest kids in the world.
Copy !req
538. And rumour has it,
they're sleeping with each other too.
Copy !req
539. Thank you, Jake.
Copy !req
540. Cesar!
Copy !req
541. Cesar!
Copy !req
542. Right here!
Copy !req
543. Okay.
Copy !req
544. Julia!
Copy !req
545. Hold on, hold this.
Copy !req
546. There's more here.
Copy !req
547. You see this?
Copy !req
548. We understand Megalon is not safe,
do you have any comment on that?
Copy !req
549. No, it is not safe,
it is incredibly dangerous.
Copy !req
550. What's your plan
for Megalopolis?
Copy !req
551. We all should run! No, it's very safe.
Copy !req
552. Best question anyone's ever asked.
What kind of pizza places?
Copy !req
553. Just a couple questions.
Just a quick statement.
Copy !req
554. How do you feel about your
father bankrupting the city, Julia?
Copy !req
555. I am not here representing the Mayor.
Copy !req
556. Cesar, do you plan
on staying out all night partying?
Copy !req
557. - Always. Always.
- Thank you for your question.
Copy !req
558. Julia,
do you still prefer girls?
Copy !req
559. - Questions?
- Do you want to dispel any rumours
Copy !req
560. - about your lifestyle?
- Who doesn't prefer girls?
Copy !req
561. Who doesn't prefer girls?
Everyone prefers girls.
Copy !req
562. Thank you for your questions,
have a great night.
Copy !req
563. Okay, we just head this way.
Copy !req
564. There's one more here,
you need to talk about the dress.
Copy !req
565. Tell us more about Megalon.
Copy !req
566. Hired help.
Copy !req
567. - Vesta, over here!
- Hi!
Copy !req
568. I can never get used to this. Hi!
Copy !req
569. Vesta!
Copy !req
570. Ladies and gentlemen,
ladies and gentlemen,
Copy !req
571. ladies and gentlemen,
Vesta Sweetwater.
Copy !req
572. Is it true, Vesta,
is your dress made of Megalon?
Copy !req
573. Yes, the first one ever.
Copy !req
574. Designed by Cesar Catilina
just for little ol' me!
Copy !req
575. Vesta, over here!
Copy !req
576. Looking absolutely gorgeous tonight!
Copy !req
577. Millions of tiny cell cameras transmit
what they see
Copy !req
578. through to the other side.
Copy !req
579. I'm invisible!
Copy !req
580. Hello, would you like to buy
a military college cadet uniform?
Copy !req
581. Patches, golden buttons, everything...
Copy !req
582. What a disgrace.
Copy !req
583. He used to be an Academy cadet,
Copy !req
584. now he's selling the fucking thing.
Copy !req
585. Ladies and gentlemen,
and children of all ages.
Copy !req
586. Welcome to this wonderful gathering
Copy !req
587. in celebration of the marriage
Copy !req
588. of our brother Crassus
and his Wow of a bride.
Copy !req
589. Crassus Bank is saving our city
from debt.
Copy !req
590. Did you get
a prenuptial agreement?
Copy !req
591. Oh, it's you.
Copy !req
592. What are you up to with this...
Copy !req
593. - Fraternity prank.
- Oh.
Copy !req
594. Did you get a prenup?
Copy !req
595. Well, I may be old
but I'm not stupid, you know.
Copy !req
596. Well, then
why are you marrying her?
Copy !req
597. She's my gift to myself.
Copy !req
598. She cures my headaches,
and she keeps me young.
Copy !req
599. I might even live forever.
Copy !req
600. - Huh!
- Excuse me.
Copy !req
601. Whoop-de-do for the heir!
Copy !req
602. There he is!
Copy !req
603. - Hello, genius cousin.
- My congratulations, Uncle,
Copy !req
604. - you've chosen well.
- Well, you would know.
Copy !req
605. - I'd like to propose a toast.
- Oh.
Copy !req
606. To Wow Platinum
and my dear Uncle Hamilton.
Copy !req
607. Together they represent the big three:
Copy !req
608. - economics, journalism...
- Oh.
Copy !req
609. and sex appeal.
Copy !req
610. - That's a good one, I like it.
- To the future of our family.
Copy !req
611. To the future of our family!
Copy !req
612. future of our family.
Copy !req
613. They say the only thing bigger
than Hamilton Crassus's bank account
Copy !req
614. is his prick.
Copy !req
615. Good evening, Mother.
Copy !req
616. Don't drink too much.
Copy !req
617. I think maybe alligators
have the right idea.
Copy !req
618. What's that?
Copy !req
619. They eat their young.
Copy !req
620. It's what I'm gonna do.
Copy !req
621. This is my wedding.
It's your wedding.
Copy !req
622. - That's why...
- My wedding...
Copy !req
623. - It's your wedding too.
- It's our...
Copy !req
624. How did you get the name Wow Platinum?
Copy !req
625. Is it Greek?
Copy !req
626. I picked it up at Penn Station
on my way to an employment agency.
Copy !req
627. - Holy... See, that's a lie.
- Wow!
Copy !req
628. She told me
it was from a Cracker Jack box.
Copy !req
629. Jesus, you can't trust what she says.
Copy !req
630. And let's give
a round of applause
Copy !req
631. for our reigning champion,
Copy !req
632. Gaius Metalus!
Copy !req
633. Hyah! Hyah!
Copy !req
634. These are his.
Copy !req
635. Oh!
Copy !req
636. Byfavo remimazolam. Yummy!
Copy !req
637. Reporting for duty.
Copy !req
638. Listen, you're an aide-de-camp,
not a minder.
Copy !req
639. But once I cut loose,
don't worry, you're off the clock.
Copy !req
640. You're absolved. Have a punch.
Copy !req
641. Why do you pretend you're so bad?
Copy !req
642. Well, if you pretend to be good,
the world won't take you seriously.
Copy !req
643. But if you pretend to be bad...
Copy !req
644. they kill you.
Copy !req
645. Are the wrestlers coming?
Copy !req
646. Oh, there's Gargantua!
Gargantua's here!
Copy !req
647. Hi, I'm Leah Arpelles,
from my school's newspaper,
Copy !req
648. it's called the Dingbat News.
Copy !req
649. Is it better to look good,
or is it better to smell good?
Copy !req
650. I think both.
Copy !req
651. Amazonia!
Copy !req
652. Big-time hunks!
Copy !req
653. Is Cesar Catilina sexy?
Copy !req
654. That... is a big question.
Copy !req
655. I'm so jealous.
Copy !req
656. We call them C-notes,
I've got my cell phone number on them.
Copy !req
657. Okay, don't grab.
Copy !req
658. When did you smoke your first joint?
Copy !req
659. Never.
Copy !req
660. Your father hates Cesar.
Why work for him?
Copy !req
661. Is he your boss,
Copy !req
662. or is he your boyfriend?
Copy !req
663. Uh...
Copy !req
664. Thank you very much,
Your Majesty, Your Highness, King.
Copy !req
665. Here we are in Sweden.
Copy !req
666. Thank you very much for having me.
Copy !req
667. From what I understand,
there's a buffet after this.
Copy !req
668. So, the faster I can say my speech,
Copy !req
669. the faster we can all eat.
Copy !req
670. What I like are those little hot dogs
wrapped in the pastry.
Copy !req
671. I think they're...
Copy !req
672. I can't remember the name
of them right now...
Copy !req
673. Pigs in a blanket,
that's what they're called.
Copy !req
674. Really, the Nobel Prize should be
for the person who invented those.
Copy !req
675. Cesar! Cesar! Cesar!
Copy !req
676. Make no mistake,
this discovery will change the world.
Copy !req
677. Nice jacket, Cesar.
Copy !req
678. Is that Baratha from Savile Row?
Copy !req
679. May I touch it?
Copy !req
680. 10:17 pm. Drunk and stoned,
Copy !req
681. Cesar doesn't know
who he is for a few hours.
Copy !req
682. A moment of grace, perhaps?
Copy !req
683. - Are they together?
- No.
Copy !req
684. And with that womaniser?
Copy !req
685. "Womaniser",
that's an awful word.
Copy !req
686. As if the woman
had nothing to do with it.
Copy !req
687. Look at that.
Copy !req
688. When you leap into the unknown,
you prove that you are free.
Copy !req
689. When we leap into the unknown,
we prove we are free.
Copy !req
690. we prove that we are free.
Copy !req
691. When we leap into the unknown,
we prove that we are free.
Copy !req
692. Follow me, I'll show you.
Copy !req
693. But if it's our mind
that can invent gods,
Copy !req
694. and if from them flows such power,
Copy !req
695. why can't we apply
that power directly?
Copy !req
696. From this moment forward,
we perform without a net.
Copy !req
697. Oh, my God!
Copy !req
698. Look at that!
Copy !req
699. But if it's our mind
that can invent gods...
Copy !req
700. that can invent gods...
Copy !req
701. His pleasantness,
his beautiful skin,
Copy !req
702. middle-aged women scream for him
Copy !req
703. as girls scream for rock stars.
Copy !req
704. But if it's our mind
that can invent gods,
Copy !req
705. and if from them flows such power...
Copy !req
706. Cesar...
Copy !req
707. prove that we are free.
Copy !req
708. You fooled me!
Copy !req
709. When we leap into the unknown,
we prove we are free.
Copy !req
710. When we leap into the unknown,
we prove we are free.
Copy !req
711. When we leap into the unknown,
we prove we are free.
Copy !req
712. But if it's our mind
that can invent gods,
Copy !req
713. and if from them flows such power,
Copy !req
714. why can't we apply
that power directly?
Copy !req
715. But if it's our mind
that can invent gods,
Copy !req
716. and if from them flows such power,
Copy !req
717. why can't we apply
that power directly?
Copy !req
718. But if it's our mind
that can invent gods,
Copy !req
719. and if from them flows such power,
Copy !req
720. why can't we apply
that power directly?
Copy !req
721. Cesar.
Copy !req
722. But if it's our mind
that can invent gods,
Copy !req
723. and if from them flows such power...
Copy !req
724. Mr Crassus?
Copy !req
725. Who's in charge?
Right here, Mr Crassus.
Copy !req
726. Well, hello,
Copy !req
727. Mr Boss Man.
Copy !req
728. Play this for my grand finale.
Copy !req
729. Listen, do what he says.
Copy !req
730. - The bank is his.
- Absolutely free.
Copy !req
731. So everyone can see!
Copy !req
732. For your time, putz.
Copy !req
733. Widen out, camera 3.
Camera 4, punch in.
Copy !req
734. We did it!
Copy !req
735. Whoo!
Copy !req
736. Hey, get outta here, bozo!
Copy !req
737. Enjoy the show.
Copy !req
738. The vestal virgins
assured the success
Copy !req
739. and sanctity of ancient Rome.
Copy !req
740. Dedicated to Vesta,
goddess of the hearth,
Copy !req
741. whom Ovid calls "custos flammai",
Copy !req
742. or "keeper of the flame".
Copy !req
743. Ladies and gentlemen,
Copy !req
744. a vision of virginal veracity...
Copy !req
745. She took the "Pure Love Pledge".
Copy !req
746. I present to you
our own virgin sweetheart,
Copy !req
747. Vesta Sweetwater!
Copy !req
748. Okay, girls, come here.
Copy !req
749. Grab that and go in front.
You go in the front.
Copy !req
750. I always thought
that it wasn't true
Copy !req
751. That in the darkness,
the light came through
Copy !req
752. And then I found it, the missing key
Copy !req
753. Right there inside me, God's purity
Copy !req
754. I'm reachin' out
See through the clouds
Copy !req
755. Stand with me now, and lose all doubt
Copy !req
756. - I'm reachin' out
- 'Cause I'm here now
Copy !req
757. See through the clouds
Copy !req
758. - You have my vow
- Stand with me now
Copy !req
759. - Serenity is fine with me
- Foreplay...
Copy !req
760. I'll stand under the sun
Copy !req
761. Hear my song and hear my prayer
Copy !req
762. I'll pledge my purity
Copy !req
763. - It's my promise, it's my swear...
- I want each of you
Copy !req
764. to look into your heart
and give generously
Copy !req
765. to support her virgin pledge.
Copy !req
766. Uh-uh.
Copy !req
767. Which of you will pledge
a hundred thousand?
Copy !req
768. One hundred thousand.
Copy !req
769. Two hundred thousand?
Copy !req
770. 'Cause I'm here now
Copy !req
771. You have my vow...
Copy !req
772. Five hundred thousand!
Copy !req
773. I know you, I feel you,
I see you, I hear you...
Copy !req
774. Remember,
her pledge to marry as a virgin,
Copy !req
775. that is money to the city!
Copy !req
776. And your pledge, joined with hers,
Copy !req
777. is helping our city 10, 12, 20 fold!
Copy !req
778. Been down the roads you've been down
Copy !req
779. 'Cause I am you I know...
Copy !req
780. $1 million!
Copy !req
781. Just reach into your pockets and give!
Copy !req
782. We can make the difference!
Copy !req
783. That's it, that's it,
you see that?
Copy !req
784. There's some big money up here!
Copy !req
785. We can make
the numbers board go up, up, up!
Copy !req
786. $10 million!
Copy !req
787. We are going to do it!
We can do it!
Copy !req
788. Do I hear $100 million?
Copy !req
789. $100 million!
Copy !req
790. Thank you, Nush Berman,
for your generous pledge!
Copy !req
791. Under the sun, hear my song
And hear my prayer
Copy !req
792. I'll pledge my purity
Copy !req
793. It's my promise, it's my swear
Copy !req
794. You can see right through me!
Copy !req
795. That's good, stay with that.
Stay with that, camera 3.
Copy !req
796. It's Cesar!
Copy !req
797. Liar, liar!
Copy !req
798. Rather than
just design the form
Copy !req
799. or shape of an object,
Copy !req
800. you can actually design
at the cellular level.
Copy !req
801. you can actually design
at the cellular level.
Copy !req
802. Ladies and gentlemen,
stay calm!
Copy !req
803. Ladies and gentlemen...
Copy !req
804. Wait, ladies and...
Copy !req
805. Ladies and gentlemen!
Copy !req
806. Hey! Can you bring me down?
Bring me down!
Copy !req
807. Ladies and gentlemen!
Wait, ladies and gent...
Copy !req
808. Testing, testing. One, two, three.
Copy !req
809. Testing, testing.
Copy !req
810. In heaven's name,
Copy !req
811. Catilina,
Copy !req
812. how long will you try our patience?
Copy !req
813. How long will this madness
of yours mock us?
Copy !req
814. Hey, buddy,
don't look at your nose in the mirror
Copy !req
815. 'cause it's not where it used to be.
Copy !req
816. To what depths of devastation
Copy !req
817. will your unbridled audacity
hurl this city?
Copy !req
818. Your sordid life
Copy !req
819. is marked
with every sort of scandalous blot,
Copy !req
820. every dishonour
Copy !req
821. and wicked stain
Copy !req
822. our human imagination can conceive.
Copy !req
823. Oh, what times!
Copy !req
824. Within this city...
Copy !req
825. there is nothing that can
give you satisfaction any more.
Copy !req
826. Apart from your own
degraded band of hangers-on,
Copy !req
827. does not the alarm of the people
Copy !req
828. have any effect upon you?
Copy !req
829. No man exists
Copy !req
830. who does not hold you in detestation.
Copy !req
831. I hold you in detestation,
whatever the hell that man means.
Copy !req
832. Resign in disgrace, Catilina.
Copy !req
833. It is your only choice, step down now!
Copy !req
834. Huey, anyone can own this city.
Copy !req
835. There's a big sign nailed to it,
Copy !req
836. "City for Sale".
Copy !req
837. Catilina stumbles
into the night, broken and dazed,
Copy !req
838. but there is no softness
in his degeneration.
Copy !req
839. This breakout
was long overdue, Miss Julia.
Copy !req
840. Oh, Lord.
Copy !req
841. Wait, what's happening?
Copy !req
842. Hands where I can see them!
Hands where you can see them.
Copy !req
843. Cesar Catilina,
open the door.
Copy !req
844. He's asleep.
Copy !req
845. Hey, Cesar.
Copy !req
846. I don't care if he's asleep,
get him up!
Copy !req
847. He's sleeping!
Get him up right now.
Copy !req
848. He's sleeping! Excuse... Hey! Hey!
Copy !req
849. - Hey, no!
- Let go!
Copy !req
850. This is not...
Stop resisting!
Copy !req
851. - Stop it!
- Commissioner.
Copy !req
852. - Fundi, take it easy. Take it easy.
- What's going on?
Copy !req
853. - Mr Catilina is under arrest.
- What are the charges?
Copy !req
854. Unlawful intercourse with a minor,
statutory rape, and more coming.
Copy !req
855. - What are you talking about?
- No. No. No. It was a setup, okay?
Copy !req
856. - Get your hands off him!
- Give me your hand!
Copy !req
857. Fuck you!
Julia. Julia,
Copy !req
858. please get back in the car.
Copy !req
859. No, he's not... No.
Copy !req
860. Okay, no.
Copy !req
861. - This is not right.
- Please, Julia.
Copy !req
862. - Wait! It's not...
- Julia!
Copy !req
863. Fuck you!
Copy !req
864. This is not right!
Julia, don't make it any worse.
Copy !req
865. This is wrong. No!
Copy !req
866. - Would you get back in the car?
- You're wrong.
Copy !req
867. Until he can
understand his rights,
Copy !req
868. we'll call it "protective custody".
Copy !req
869. Come on, Miss Julia,
let's get you home.
Copy !req
870. Revenge tastes best
while wearing a dress.
Copy !req
871. Time,
Copy !req
872. stop.
Copy !req
873. Vesta,
not a single thing on her.
Copy !req
874. Yeah.
Copy !req
875. I don't trust her.
Copy !req
876. Wait, what's this over here?
Copy !req
877. - Got it?
- Yeah...
Copy !req
878. - Oh.
- Oh!
Copy !req
879. Here it is. Oh.
Copy !req
880. Bingo. Vesta.
Copy !req
881. Oh, my God.
Copy !req
882. - Got it.
- She wasn't even born here.
Copy !req
883. She was born in Indonesia.
Copy !req
884. Huh?
Copy !req
885. She came here when she was six.
Copy !req
886. Lying little slut.
Copy !req
887. Good job. Nailed it.
Copy !req
888. Okay, let's go.
Quick, quick, quick.
Copy !req
889. You can sit down.
Copy !req
890. Mm.
Copy !req
891. It makes me very happy
that you came to me ahead of Cesar.
Copy !req
892. A father matters, yes?
Copy !req
893. Always father.
Copy !req
894. Always your faithful daughter.
Copy !req
895. Exactly
who else knows about this?
Copy !req
896. Come on, Daddy. She's 23 years old.
Copy !req
897. Clodio faked that video.
Copy !req
898. Catilina is
the guiltiest man unhanged.
Copy !req
899. But that's Vesta's birth certificate.
Copy !req
900. It exonerates him.
Copy !req
901. Legally, yes.
Copy !req
902. But not morally.
Copy !req
903. I can get another one.
Copy !req
904. Don't.
Copy !req
905. Julia.
Copy !req
906. I'm going to Hamilton Crassus.
Copy !req
907. Julia?
Copy !req
908. All the money in Rome
Copy !req
909. couldn't get me to change my mind.
Copy !req
910. - Julia.
- Hi.
Copy !req
911. Come in, come in, come in.
Copy !req
912. I had hoped to speak
with Mr Crassus.
Copy !req
913. Oh! I love that sound.
Copy !req
914. Listen, bitch.
Copy !req
915. You and I ought to have
an understanding.
Copy !req
916. You're on my territory now,
Copy !req
917. and you're going to play by my rules!
Copy !req
918. Okay?
Copy !req
919. One, Crassus is mine.
Copy !req
920. Two, the bank is mine.
Copy !req
921. And three, and this may come
as a little surprise to you...
Copy !req
922. Right.
Copy !req
923. Cesar's mine.
Copy !req
924. And he has been, for a long time.
Copy !req
925. Romans ruled the world,
Copy !req
926. but their wives ruled at home.
Copy !req
927. I'll be Robin Hood for Saturnalia.
Copy !req
928. Tra la la! Beautiful.
Copy !req
929. It's all great, and the shoes?
Copy !req
930. I can't trust you.
Copy !req
931. Why not?
Copy !req
932. You've been attacking your cousin
since you were six years old,
Copy !req
933. and I only hope you had
nothing to do with that shit.
Copy !req
934. Of course not. How...
Copy !req
935. How could you say that?
Copy !req
936. So what happens now?
Copy !req
937. Am I off the list?
Copy !req
938. What list?
Copy !req
939. Your list of heirs.
Copy !req
940. You're going to have
to prove yourself to me, son.
Copy !req
941. And cut your hair!
Copy !req
942. Teen singing sensation
Vesta Sweetwater,
Copy !req
943. who had marketed herself
as being a 16-year-old,
Copy !req
944. and the city's "Virgin Sweetheart",
Copy !req
945. is actually 23 years old,
Copy !req
946. the New Rome district attorney
announced today.
Copy !req
947. Forensic examination
of the photos of sexual acts
Copy !req
948. revealed that they were doctored
and not authentic.
Copy !req
949. There goes the dream
that you had for me
Copy !req
950. I guess I'm burning it down
Copy !req
951. It's all fucked
Copy !req
952. And there's no turning around
Copy !req
953. Hello!
Copy !req
954. How do you feel today?
Copy !req
955. What great new ideas do you have?
Copy !req
956. I bet there's at least 50 of them!
Copy !req
957. Addiction, Disgrace, Scandal,
Copy !req
958. and Murder.
Copy !req
959. The charges against you were dropped!
Copy !req
960. I've lost my power.
Copy !req
961. I can't control time any more.
Copy !req
962. Artists can never lose
their control of time.
Copy !req
963. You taught me that,
Copy !req
964. how painters stop time,
Copy !req
965. how architecture is frozen music,
Copy !req
966. how dancers combine time and space,
Copy !req
967. musicians rhythmatise it,
poets sing it.
Copy !req
968. I didn't murder my wife...
Copy !req
969. but my moods...
Copy !req
970. my mania...
Copy !req
971. they drove her to, uh...
Copy !req
972. I'm sure she was proud
to be your wife.
Copy !req
973. Now, time,
Copy !req
974. stop!
Copy !req
975. Do it for me.
Copy !req
976. Try.
Copy !req
977. Stop time, for me.
Copy !req
978. Try it.
Copy !req
979. Oh, hear me, time.
Copy !req
980. For Julia...
Copy !req
981. Just try.
Copy !req
982. Hear me, time, stop now.
Copy !req
983. We seem to have done it.
Copy !req
984. Dream?
Copy !req
985. The omens are bad, my love.
Copy !req
986. I was looking at the full moon,
Copy !req
987. when a cloud
that looked like a hand grabbed it.
Copy !req
988. Only those in a nightmare
are capable of praising the moonlight.
Copy !req
989. Poor Chippy
broke his leg in the door.
Copy !req
990. First Megalon splint, by Julia!
Copy !req
991. Chippy! Aw, what happened?
Copy !req
992. Her leg tissue will be fused
with the Megalon in just a few weeks.
Copy !req
993. Make an interesting shape,
but try not to break the structure.
Copy !req
994. Within five minutes,
Copy !req
995. we should be able to get to
a hospital, to a theatre.
Copy !req
996. All within five minutes.
Copy !req
997. This is what I'm talking about,
we need to be interconnected.
Copy !req
998. Let's take things from nature.
Copy !req
999. These are legs, faces, heads...
Copy !req
1000. The fastest way is through
a straight line to a point.
Copy !req
1001. Okay, next.
Copy !req
1002. Look at that model again
and explain it to me one more time.
Copy !req
1003. What's this?
Copy !req
1004. Look just below the top.
That's gotta go.
Copy !req
1005. Try to maintain the shape.
Copy !req
1006. I remember,
Copy !req
1007. they rushed me to the hospital
because I had a terrible stomachache.
Copy !req
1008. Instead... what I had was you.
Copy !req
1009. A genius son.
Copy !req
1010. Mom, this is... this is Julia.
Copy !req
1011. Oh.
Copy !req
1012. I wish I could have had a girl.
Copy !req
1013. We could have gone shopping,
we could have had lunch...
Copy !req
1014. Mom, Julia's a girl.
Copy !req
1015. Instead, you were my great surprise...
Copy !req
1016. And you go on and on and on and on
surprising everyone.
Copy !req
1017. - Ah. Ah.
- I don't...
Copy !req
1018. Despite what you think, I'm not crazy.
Copy !req
1019. My voices say I'm sane.
Copy !req
1020. Ah, well.
Copy !req
1021. Without that girl's love,
Copy !req
1022. you're going to be
a has-been and a fake,
Copy !req
1023. like your father.
Copy !req
1024. Do you know
that there is string theory?
Copy !req
1025. Do you know what that means?
That there are 11, 11 dimensions.
Copy !req
1026. It hasn't been proven yet,
but that's what they think.
Copy !req
1027. It's all just strings, you know...
Copy !req
1028. that interesting?
Copy !req
1029. You know,
when you got that Nobel Prize,
Copy !req
1030. why didn't you mention my name?
Copy !req
1031. You could have gotten up,
Copy !req
1032. and you could have said,
"To my mother".
Copy !req
1033. - I was very sick.
- You could have said...
Copy !req
1034. I forgot.
Copy !req
1035. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
1036. I don't think so.
Copy !req
1037. They don't know I'm your mother.
Copy !req
1038. When you're with her...
Copy !req
1039. you're finally able to forget me.
Copy !req
1040. - No, no.
- No?
Copy !req
1041. No.
Copy !req
1042. That hurt.
Copy !req
1043. He hurt me.
Copy !req
1044. You hurt me.
Copy !req
1045. I was kissing you, Mother.
Copy !req
1046. What a diff'rence a day made
Copy !req
1047. Twenty-four little hours
Copy !req
1048. Brought the sun and the flowers
Copy !req
1049. Where there used to be rain
Copy !req
1050. Ow!
Copy !req
1051. That's it. Faster.
Copy !req
1052. No, you were doing it.
Copy !req
1053. - You were doing it.
- I'm just doing a solo.
Copy !req
1054. You've taken my life and turned it
into something really beautiful,
Copy !req
1055. and I can't create anything
without you next to me.
Copy !req
1056. No, I mean it.
Copy !req
1057. You're the driving force
behind everything.
Copy !req
1058. My inspiration comes from you,
my clarity comes from you,
Copy !req
1059. my patience comes from you.
Copy !req
1060. If I can imitate just 10%
of how you are in the world,
Copy !req
1061. it would be a success.
Copy !req
1062. I've never loved anybody like you.
Copy !req
1063. Love you. I love you. I love you.
Copy !req
1064. Go to hell, Cesar!
Copy !req
1065. Excuse me.
Copy !req
1066. What is this about?
Copy !req
1067. Catilina levelled
their fucking neighbourhood
Copy !req
1068. for his stupid Megalopolis.
Copy !req
1069. He's an unelected monster!
Copy !req
1070. He tore down our house,
ripped off the roof,
Copy !req
1071. now we got no food, we got nothing!
Copy !req
1072. - Fucking disgusting.
- Give them some money.
Copy !req
1073. - Here. Here, take it.
- Hey, you guys okay?
Copy !req
1074. Just look at them... I'm not sure...
Copy !req
1075. See, this...
Copy !req
1076. this is power,
this is where you find it.
Copy !req
1077. You want power, you go public,
that's where the real power is.
Copy !req
1078. Then you'd be giving the city
to a bunch of mongrels.
Copy !req
1079. - I mean, look at them, look at them.
- Not mongrels, immigrants.
Copy !req
1080. They're citizens these people,
they believe in voting, understand?
Copy !req
1081. They hate Cesar, okay?
Copy !req
1082. This is my chance to tear down
this bullshit Megalopolis.
Copy !req
1083. I'm a citizen, you're a citizen.
These people are just human garbage.
Copy !req
1084. Okay, okay, give me my money,
and get me to the front of them,
Copy !req
1085. that's what you're doing. Yes?
Copy !req
1086. Make way for Clodio!
Copy !req
1087. All hail, Clodio!
Hail, Clodio! Make way!
Copy !req
1088. Power to the people.
Copy !req
1089. Yeah?
Copy !req
1090. Get that for me. Buy that.
Copy !req
1091. - Hey, here, give him the mic.
- I'll give it back to you.
Copy !req
1092. Power to the people.
Copy !req
1093. I care.
Copy !req
1094. Hand this out. Hand this out.
Copy !req
1095. - I care. I see you.
- Fuck Catilina.
Copy !req
1096. - Where the hell is Cesar?
- I see you.
Copy !req
1097. Power to the people!
Power to the people!
Copy !req
1098. Power to the people!
I care.
Copy !req
1099. - Power to the people!
- I care about you
Copy !req
1100. and I'm here and I see you!
Copy !req
1101. - Hands off our homes!
- Hands off our homes!
Copy !req
1102. Hands off our homes!
Hands off our homes!
Copy !req
1103. Sorry.
What is it?
Copy !req
1104. Mr Nush Berman is here,
he'd like a minute of your time.
Copy !req
1105. I'll... I...
Copy !req
1106. Not in the residence.
I'll see him in the banquet hall.
Copy !req
1107. Excuse me just one moment,
I'll return soon.
Copy !req
1108. Come back soon, Frankie.
Copy !req
1109. So we're going to go slow,
Copy !req
1110. quick quick slow, quick quick slow...
Copy !req
1111. Slow, quick quick slow...
Copy !req
1112. I'm aware that this kid Clodio
Copy !req
1113. is a close friend of your,
uh, your daughter Julia?
Copy !req
1114. He's no friend of Julia's,
he's an acquaintance,
Copy !req
1115. and a bad influence.
Copy !req
1116. He faked that video
of Catilina somehow.
Copy !req
1117. He's picking up
a large popular constituency.
Copy !req
1118. He's some kind of genius,
he can talk everything.
Copy !req
1119. You handle this, Nush.
Copy !req
1120. Okay. I'll fix it.
Copy !req
1121. Just wanted to check with you first
Copy !req
1122. because, you know, uh...
Copy !req
1123. Julia?
Copy !req
1124. I don't mind the lightning,
Copy !req
1125. but the thunder scares
the shit out of me.
Copy !req
1126. - And...
- Your Honour,
Copy !req
1127. - you're never going to believe this.
- What?
Copy !req
1128. You know that satellite
that's coming down over Labrador?
Copy !req
1129. - Yes?
- Well,
Copy !req
1130. it's not coming down over Labrador.
Copy !req
1131. How... How do they know?
Copy !req
1132. Well, that's just it, sir,
they don't know, not exactly.
Copy !req
1133. Well, when will we know, when it hits?
Copy !req
1134. - Yes, Your Honour.
- That's too late.
Copy !req
1135. I'm aware of that.
Copy !req
1136. What do we do?
Copy !req
1137. Mr Catilina,
you've said that,
Copy !req
1138. as we jump into the future,
Copy !req
1139. we should do so unafraid.
Copy !req
1140. But what if
when we do jump into the future,
Copy !req
1141. there is something to be afraid of?
Copy !req
1142. Well, there's nothing to be afraid of
if you love.
Copy !req
1143. Or have loved.
Copy !req
1144. It's an unstoppable force.
It's unbreakable.
Copy !req
1145. It has no limits,
Copy !req
1146. it's within us, it's around us,
Copy !req
1147. and it's stretched throughout time.
Copy !req
1148. It's nothing you can touch,
Copy !req
1149. yet it guides every decision
that we make.
Copy !req
1150. But we do have
the obligation to each other
Copy !req
1151. to ask questions of one another.
Copy !req
1152. What can we do?
Copy !req
1153. Is this society,
is this way we're living,
Copy !req
1154. the only one that's available to us?
Copy !req
1155. And when we ask these questions,
Copy !req
1156. when there's a dialogue about them,
Copy !req
1157. that basically is a utopia.
Copy !req
1158. Ralph Waldo Emerson said,
Copy !req
1159. "The end of the human race will be
Copy !req
1160. "that it will eventually die
of civilisation".
Copy !req
1161. But trend is not destiny.
Copy !req
1162. Time,
Copy !req
1163. show me the future.
Copy !req
1164. Together, we'll discover new paths,
Copy !req
1165. which lead to the unknown
world ahead of us.
Copy !req
1166. You found me.
I have good news.
Copy !req
1167. What's that,
what's your good news?
Copy !req
1168. Those cigarettes, Cesar...
Copy !req
1169. Why is there lipstick
on the cigarettes?
Copy !req
1170. Are you really asking me
Copy !req
1171. - why there's lipstick...
- Who's been in our home again?
Copy !req
1172. I was at home
and not on a jury stand...
Copy !req
1173. - Why do you do this?
- ... where the judge is asking...
Copy !req
1174. - You use that great brain of yours.
- Why do I do what?
Copy !req
1175. You manipulate. You blame.
Copy !req
1176. Why do I use my brain
to find logical things...
Copy !req
1177. And try to make me
feel like I'm the crazy one.
Copy !req
1178. as opposed to
hypothetical situations?
Copy !req
1179. But I'm not the crazy one here.
Copy !req
1180. I'm not trying to
tell you you're crazy,
Copy !req
1181. - but you're trying...
- You are, you are.
Copy !req
1182. How are you
not trying to tell me I'm crazy?
Copy !req
1183. You make me feel
that I'm imagining.
Copy !req
1184. - It's not my imagination!
- It's so convenient...
Copy !req
1185. I'm so prepared, all I do...
Copy !req
1186. Save your dreaded heart,
our family together.
Copy !req
1187. How long
will this madness of yours mock us?
Copy !req
1188. A man of the future
so possessed by the past...
Copy !req
1189. Which is important now,
more than ever before.
Copy !req
1190. Why now?
Copy !req
1191. Can't you even guess?
Copy !req
1192. No.
Copy !req
1193. Can't you see it in my eyes?
Copy !req
1194. The result of all our drunken
messing around?
Copy !req
1195. A baby?
Copy !req
1196. - Yeah.
- A baby?
Copy !req
1197. A baby.
Copy !req
1198. Let's get married.
Copy !req
1199. Married? What is that?
We can't get married.
Copy !req
1200. Why not? Of course we can. A baby!
Copy !req
1201. No, Cesar, you're in a moral pickle
of your own conscience.
Copy !req
1202. You're already married.
Copy !req
1203. Why didn't you and Sunny
have children?
Copy !req
1204. We were trying.
Copy !req
1205. Sorry.
Copy !req
1206. Anywhere in Megalopolis,
Copy !req
1207. you'll be able to ride
one of these to a park
Copy !req
1208. in less than five minutes.
Copy !req
1209. - Would you like to try?
- I would love to try.
Copy !req
1210. Would you... Thank you.
Copy !req
1211. All this is just
an exhibit, of course.
Copy !req
1212. Frankie, come on.
Copy !req
1213. Stick in the mud.
Copy !req
1214. I mean, he comes up with magic
Copy !req
1215. whenever he needs to sell something
to the people.
Copy !req
1216. Frankie, come on, I'm floating.
Copy !req
1217. Don't get it.
Copy !req
1218. You will.
Copy !req
1219. Plus, every adult,
Copy !req
1220. every single adult will have
a private beautiful garden.
Copy !req
1221. And I'll put this in, uh, the kitchen.
Copy !req
1222. Welcome to our home.
Copy !req
1223. Oh.
Copy !req
1224. Cards, what fun.
Copy !req
1225. What should it be, poker?
Copy !req
1226. Uh, nickel-dime.
I've put beans on the table.
Copy !req
1227. Utopias offer no ready-made solutions.
Copy !req
1228. Well, they're not meant to
offer solutions,
Copy !req
1229. they're meant to
ask the right questions.
Copy !req
1230. Yes, but...
utopias turn into dystopias.
Copy !req
1231. So, we should just accept this
endless conflict that we live in now?
Copy !req
1232. Wasn't it human friendliness
Copy !req
1233. that stimulated our brains
by "learning",
Copy !req
1234. and enabled us to out-compete
all the other species on earth?
Copy !req
1235. Oh, dear. Blah blah blah.
Copy !req
1236. It's a nice picture,
but how do we know?
Copy !req
1237. Well, there's no other way.
Copy !req
1238. How else could such
a slow-maturing species
Copy !req
1239. make it through the Ice Age?
Copy !req
1240. - Now, boys...
- How could such few,
Copy !req
1241. weak, bipedal apes
Copy !req
1242. evolve more costly brains,
Copy !req
1243. smarter brains than other apes,
Copy !req
1244. and do it without reproducing
so slowly they'd go extinct?
Copy !req
1245. We were fierce, aggressive, war-like
Copy !req
1246. as our closest ancestors, chimpanzees.
Copy !req
1247. Yes, yes, but there were so few of us,
Copy !req
1248. and scattered across a vast continent,
Copy !req
1249. so... no.
Copy !req
1250. In or out,
Copy !req
1251. are we playing cards
or reinventing history?
Copy !req
1252. Where were we?
This is an enormous pot.
Copy !req
1253. Cesar is winning.
Copy !req
1254. "Civilisation itself remains
the great enemy of mankind."
Copy !req
1255. Rousseau.
Copy !req
1256. You're quoting Petrarch,
Copy !req
1257. to be accurate, misquoting him.
Copy !req
1258. Julia can quote anyone.
Copy !req
1259. - I...
- Humour me, please.
Copy !req
1260. Daddy.
Copy !req
1261. - You remember. Mm-hmm.
- I do, I remember.
Copy !req
1262. Poise... Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
1263. "It is the responsibility
of leadership
Copy !req
1264. "to work intelligently
with what is given,
Copy !req
1265. "and not waste time
fantasising about a world
Copy !req
1266. "of flawless people
and perfect choices."
Copy !req
1267. - Marcus Aurelius.
- Hear, hear.
Copy !req
1268. Excellent.
Copy !req
1269. Don't say your philosophy, Daddy,
Copy !req
1270. embody it.
Copy !req
1271. "The object of life is not to be
on the side of the majority,
Copy !req
1272. "but to escape finding yourself
Copy !req
1273. "in the ranks of the insane."
Copy !req
1274. - Marcus Aurelius.
- Ah.
Copy !req
1275. "The universe is change,
Copy !req
1276. "our life is what
our thoughts make it."
Copy !req
1277. Marcus Aurelius.
Copy !req
1278. Oh, Julia,
Copy !req
1279. there is no one like you,
Copy !req
1280. having such beautiful things
in your home.
Copy !req
1281. And I understand
it can expand as needed?
Copy !req
1282. Well, yes.
Copy !req
1283. Now that we're going to have a baby.
Copy !req
1284. - What?
- Oh, darling!
Copy !req
1285. If it's a girl,
she'll be given the name "Sunny Hope".
Copy !req
1286. And if it's a boy,
Copy !req
1287. he'll be named Francis.
Copy !req
1288. Oh, Julia.
Copy !req
1289. Daddy. Daddy, please.
Copy !req
1290. Daddy, look at me.
Copy !req
1291. In my eyes. It's me.
Copy !req
1292. Could I love someone evil?
Copy !req
1293. Frankie...
Copy !req
1294. Amor?
Copy !req
1295. Daddy?
Copy !req
1296. Daddy.
Copy !req
1297. We fight for what we love.
Copy !req
1298. But we don't always win.
Copy !req
1299. Julia.
Copy !req
1300. Cesar, I...
Copy !req
1301. I just...
Copy !req
1302. I'm breaking his heart.
Copy !req
1303. So what do you want to do,
do you want to leave?
Copy !req
1304. No.
Copy !req
1305. It was a time
of excess and greed.
Copy !req
1306. No one was satisfied with the senate
Copy !req
1307. and practically everyone contemplated
the idea of change with pleasure.
Copy !req
1308. Hi, Channel 4!
What do you say?
Copy !req
1309. Hi, Crosstalk.
Copy !req
1310. Hi, TV, New Rome.
Copy !req
1311. Hi, all news.
Copy !req
1312. He has no boundaries.
And that's how you get into...
Copy !req
1313. that makes a political leader.
Copy !req
1314. A little crazy, no boundaries,
Copy !req
1315. - and he's an entertainer.
- Say, "Hi, all news".
Copy !req
1316. That old fool Nush tried to muscle you
out of politics.
Copy !req
1317. Yeah, well, he dropped dead,
and I won.
Copy !req
1318. Don't you see what we built?
Copy !req
1319. This is the dream, the unwanted,
the unneeded, the uneducated,
Copy !req
1320. we're all together now.
Power to the people.
Copy !req
1321. - Power to the people!
- Power to the people!
Copy !req
1322. Pulcher for the culture!
Copy !req
1323. Pulcher for the culture!
Copy !req
1324. - Cesar's not a pleaser!
- Cesar's not a pleaser!
Copy !req
1325. Pulcher for Alderman,
it's only me, no one else!
Copy !req
1326. You can't name anyone else!
Copy !req
1327. - It's just...
- Cesar Catilina!
Copy !req
1328. Who said that?
Copy !req
1329. Cesar Catilina!
Copy !req
1330. You shut the fuck up!
Copy !req
1331. Will no one rid me
of this fucking cousin?
Copy !req
1332. Stop. Go film them.
Copy !req
1333. Fuck Cesar!
Copy !req
1334. Catilina.
Copy !req
1335. This is an unexpected visit, Cicero.
Copy !req
1336. Call me Frank.
Copy !req
1337. It's not Franklyn, but really Frank.
Copy !req
1338. You know, like Sinatra, Francis.
Copy !req
1339. Francis. Is this
Design Authority business?
Copy !req
1340. There's something I need to say.
Copy !req
1341. It's difficult.
Copy !req
1342. May I?
Copy !req
1343. Sure. Go on.
Copy !req
1344. Please. I know I've attacked you,
Copy !req
1345. prosecuted you,
Copy !req
1346. but you can't begin to know
what Julia means to me.
Copy !req
1347. Oh.
Copy !req
1348. I'll give up everything.
Copy !req
1349. Please, pass her by.
Copy !req
1350. We both know what's best
for her and the child.
Copy !req
1351. Let Julia go. Think of her.
Copy !req
1352. If you could make her feel
you no longer love her...
Copy !req
1353. I would put this in your hands.
Copy !req
1354. It's my signed confession.
Copy !req
1355. Evidence about your wife's body.
Copy !req
1356. Now that Nush Berman is dead,
I can say it.
Copy !req
1357. I was dishonest
in my prosecution of you.
Copy !req
1358. Now, I can survive anything,
Copy !req
1359. just not her
Copy !req
1360. to know my complicity.
Copy !req
1361. This is your insurance policy.
Copy !req
1362. Although I don't understand
what you're doing,
Copy !req
1363. I will support you.
Copy !req
1364. Privately
Copy !req
1365. and publicly.
Copy !req
1366. If you can do this for my family,
Copy !req
1367. we will always be grateful.
Copy !req
1368. I'll wait three days to hear from you.
Copy !req
1369. Oh, Cicero.
Copy !req
1370. There are only two things
impossible to stare at very long,
Copy !req
1371. the sun
Copy !req
1372. and your own soul.
Copy !req
1373. Wow, where's your coat?
Copy !req
1374. I waited with no coat
because I knew you'd give me yours.
Copy !req
1375. And it would be warm.
Copy !req
1376. Oh. Oh.
Copy !req
1377. It smells of you.
Copy !req
1378. Sandalwood... citrus...
Copy !req
1379. sweet male memories.
Copy !req
1380. It can still all be yours, Cesar,
Copy !req
1381. me and Crassus's bank,
Copy !req
1382. which I'll steal
so I can give it to you.
Copy !req
1383. Wow.
Copy !req
1384. I should really learn
more about banking, dear.
Copy !req
1385. I'm so bored all day.
Copy !req
1386. That's no good.
Copy !req
1387. And you want me to, right, darling?
Copy !req
1388. Oh.
Copy !req
1389. You want me to take over?
Copy !req
1390. - Yes.
- Yes.
Copy !req
1391. I'll start with Cesar's accounts.
Copy !req
1392. Tonight on Crosstalk.
Copy !req
1393. Is Megalon
the path to a better life
Copy !req
1394. for you and your family?
Copy !req
1395. Or is it the dream of an eccentric
mad scientist that could kill us all?
Copy !req
1396. On Crosstalk.
Copy !req
1397. Megalon is from outer space.
Copy !req
1398. Open your window, man,
Copy !req
1399. look at what's happening
in the streets.
Copy !req
1400. The new revolution, man!
Sex, drugs, and Megalon!
Copy !req
1401. "Megalopolis Doesn't Fit Together!"
Copy !req
1402. "Megalon Deemed Unsafe by Experts."
Copy !req
1403. - What are you doing?
- What bullshit.
Copy !req
1404. What are you doing?
You can't park here.
Copy !req
1405. This is a construction site.
Copy !req
1406. You can't park here. Look!
Copy !req
1407. You don't...
Oh, you don't understand. Okay.
Copy !req
1408. - Okay. Okay.
- You got it.
Copy !req
1409. I have to get home soon
to make dinner.
Copy !req
1410. You have to move.
You have to move.
Copy !req
1411. I'm just going to go say hi.
Copy !req
1412. I'll deal with this guy.
Copy !req
1413. You, get in your car,
you don't understand me?
Copy !req
1414. Move! I said, get in your car
and move it. Let's go.
Copy !req
1415. Let's go. Let's go!
Copy !req
1416. Get in. Let's go!
Copy !req
1417. - The mayor's waiting.
- Let's go. Let's go!
Copy !req
1418. - Can I have your autograph?
- Of course you can.
Copy !req
1419. - What's your name?
- Sam.
Copy !req
1420. Sam. I love that name Sam,
it's to the point.
Copy !req
1421. Cesar will never say no to a child.
Copy !req
1422. "To Sam..." How old are you, Sam?
Copy !req
1423. - I'm 12.
- Twelve.
Copy !req
1424. I used to be 12,
you believe it or not.
Copy !req
1425. - Do I look 12 now?
- No.
Copy !req
1426. Thank you, Sam.
Copy !req
1427. All right, there you are, Sam.
Copy !req
1428. Nice to meet you.
Copy !req
1429. Nice to meet you too.
Copy !req
1430. No!
Copy !req
1431. Boss!
Copy !req
1432. Hey! Hey, stop!
Copy !req
1433. Help him! Help him!
Copy !req
1434. Come on.
Copy !req
1435. I will not let time
have dominion over my thoughts.
Copy !req
1436. have dominion over my thoughts.
Copy !req
1437. I will not let time
Copy !req
1438. have dominion over my thoughts!
Copy !req
1439. I will not let time
have dominion over my thoughts.
Copy !req
1440. I will not let time have...
Copy !req
1441. I will not let time have dominion...
my thoughts.
Copy !req
1442. let time... I will not let time
have dominion over my thoughts.
Copy !req
1443. my thoughts...
Copy !req
1444. I will not let time
have dominion over my thoughts.
Copy !req
1445. Time, stop!
Copy !req
1446. I'm here, my love.
I'm here, my love.
Copy !req
1447. Megalon has no delineation,
Copy !req
1448. knows no boundaries...
Copy !req
1449. Megalon will activate
some of the signals
Copy !req
1450. that will express genes,
Copy !req
1451. sub-atomic particles, atoms,
molecules, human connection...
Copy !req
1452. Cesar.
Copy !req
1453. Megalon fuses all forces...
Copy !req
1454. will activate some of the signals
that will express genes...
Copy !req
1455. enabling Cesar to grow his face
like a second skin.
Copy !req
1456. Do you have the cells?
Copy !req
1457. It is a language.
Copy !req
1458. Sunny's hair.
Copy !req
1459. We found
a sample of Sunny's hair.
Copy !req
1460. The first of its kind
Copy !req
1461. A living material
Copy !req
1462. combining man-made
and nature-grown tissues.
Copy !req
1463. The Megalon is the connection,
the signal.
Copy !req
1464. You think this is a joke?
Copy !req
1465. You've made him a martyr,
you fucking idiot.
Copy !req
1466. It's bad enough he won the Nobel,
now you've made him a martyr.
Copy !req
1467. You're an ignoramus.
Copy !req
1468. Sic semper tyrannis!
Copy !req
1469. Sunny...
Copy !req
1470. I'm here, honey.
Copy !req
1471. I was desperate.
Copy !req
1472. It's okay.
Copy !req
1473. I discovered the principle of Megalon
Copy !req
1474. trying to save her life.
Copy !req
1475. The red envelope...
Copy !req
1476. Cicero.
Copy !req
1477. Something never disclosed.
Copy !req
1478. The embodiment
of all my desires and regrets
Copy !req
1479. were named Jane Doe.
Copy !req
1480. My mania,
Copy !req
1481. my obsessions,
Copy !req
1482. my greatest loss,
Copy !req
1483. Jane Doe.
Copy !req
1484. Condemned with the truth.
Copy !req
1485. Truths, found in the coldest,
darkest morgue of our heart.
Copy !req
1486. Be with her.
Copy !req
1487. She came home with good news,
Copy !req
1488. but saw something
that enraged her jealousy.
Copy !req
1489. I followed, but I saw her
drive over the bridge,
Copy !req
1490. and into the icy water.
Copy !req
1491. And in that madness, it came to me.
Copy !req
1492. I discovered the principle of Megalon
trying to save her life.
Copy !req
1493. She said she had good news...
Copy !req
1494. her secret.
Copy !req
1495. And then all was lost to me forever.
Copy !req
1496. This is my heart.
Copy !req
1497. No, no, no, no, no,
Copy !req
1498. no, no, no, no! No, no!
Copy !req
1499. We're here to see Crassus.
Copy !req
1500. Someone froze our accounts.
Copy !req
1501. - Someone's messing with the...
- No, no, no, no, no!
Copy !req
1502. I'll be in the car
if you need me, okay?
Copy !req
1503. What...
Copy !req
1504. You know, when I heard you were shot,
I was pissed...
Copy !req
1505. that I didn't get to do it myself.
Copy !req
1506. Ah... It's a joke.
Copy !req
1507. But you never had a sense of humour.
Copy !req
1508. I have a sense of humour.
Copy !req
1509. And I have everything else
that you have.
Copy !req
1510. Brains, family,
Copy !req
1511. name, talent.
Copy !req
1512. It's injected the wrong way,
but I share your passions.
Copy !req
1513. creation...
Copy !req
1514. Creation...
Copy !req
1515. destruction.
Copy !req
1516. You know, your way,
Copy !req
1517. it's meticulous and it's hygienic,
Copy !req
1518. but it's fucking soulless.
Copy !req
1519. And my way is real, and I want it.
Copy !req
1520. I want it all. I want the moon.
Copy !req
1521. And I'm going to have it.
Copy !req
1522. Clodio.
Copy !req
1523. Creation...
Copy !req
1524. No, no, no, no, no, no, no!
Copy !req
1525. No, no, no, no, no, no, no!
Copy !req
1526. Darling, what is it?
Copy !req
1527. Our accounts are frozen.
Copy !req
1528. I'm in a position where I can do
all kinds of things on my own, Cesar.
Copy !req
1529. Oh, my God...
Copy !req
1530. It can all be yours, Cesar,
Copy !req
1531. everything.
Copy !req
1532. These diamonds mean nothing to me.
Copy !req
1533. Take me.
Copy !req
1534. Take my love.
Copy !req
1535. Cesar!
Copy !req
1536. Come in. Come in, Cesar.
Copy !req
1537. You got to be careful, huh?
Copy !req
1538. Yeah. Okay.
Copy !req
1539. You just sit right here.
Copy !req
1540. Here. Here.
Copy !req
1541. Oh, let me just see...
Copy !req
1542. I came to ask why...
Copy !req
1543. our accounts are frozen.
Copy !req
1544. Frozen?
Copy !req
1545. Must be a mistake, son.
Copy !req
1546. - Wow, do you know anything about this?
- "Moxie".
Copy !req
1547. - Uncle...
- Yes.
Copy !req
1548. Be remembered...
Copy !req
1549. for your generosity.
Copy !req
1550. Remembered?
Copy !req
1551. I'm not going anywhere.
Copy !req
1552. What's a seven-letter word
for "God's revenge on mankind"?
Copy !req
1553. Pandora.
Copy !req
1554. Bingo.
Copy !req
1555. Huey.
Copy !req
1556. - Pick up my hat.
- Pick up my hat.
Copy !req
1557. Pick up my hat.
Copy !req
1558. Going up.
Copy !req
1559. Yes, we are.
Copy !req
1560. We are going up,
and they are going down.
Copy !req
1561. We just have to get
our affairs in order,
Copy !req
1562. tell all the little boys what to do.
Copy !req
1563. One, two, three, yippee yay.
Copy !req
1564. Hello.
Copy !req
1565. Do you like my outfit?
Copy !req
1566. Yes, it's beautiful, Wow.
Copy !req
1567. Yes, Auntie Wow.
Copy !req
1568. Yes,
it's beautiful, Auntie Wow.
Copy !req
1569. Does it make my ass look good?
Copy !req
1570. I can't see it.
Copy !req
1571. Yes, it's beautiful, Auntie Wow.
Copy !req
1572. Kiss it.
Copy !req
1573. Grandpa Crassus is beginning to doubt
Copy !req
1574. that you're giving up on politics.
Copy !req
1575. You are a very bad, bad boy.
Copy !req
1576. But you're lucky,
Copy !req
1577. because Auntie Wow
has come here to help you.
Copy !req
1578. - Are you lucky?
- Yes.
Copy !req
1579. - Yes what?
- Yes, Auntie Wow.
Copy !req
1580. - What's that?
- That's your pussy.
Copy !req
1581. I said, what is that?
Copy !req
1582. That's Cesar's Megalopolis
using up the city's power.
Copy !req
1583. Think it's all over the city?
Copy !req
1584. - It's all over the city.
- Do you want to fuck me?
Copy !req
1585. I want to fuck you so bad, Auntie Wow.
Copy !req
1586. Then take your pants off
and get on the table.
Copy !req
1587. Yes, Auntie Wow.
Copy !req
1588. Now,
Copy !req
1589. your grandfather insisted
on a prenuptial agreement
Copy !req
1590. so that I can't inherit his bank.
Copy !req
1591. Therefore...
Copy !req
1592. you and I are going to do a takeover.
Copy !req
1593. You and your Auntie Wow,
Copy !req
1594. and she knows how.
Copy !req
1595. Mm.
Copy !req
1596. Yes, Auntie Wow.
Copy !req
1597. - One, you will suggest to Crassus...
- Yes.
Copy !req
1598. that you become interim CEO
of his bank,
Copy !req
1599. that they draft up a memo
of his support
Copy !req
1600. - and that you two work...
- Oh, fuck!
Copy !req
1601. on a "term sheet" together.
Copy !req
1602. - We're gonna work on a term sheet...
- Yeah.
Copy !req
1603. - ... Auntie Wow.
- You understand?
Copy !req
1604. - Now, he'll think...
- Yes.
Copy !req
1605. that he's going to remain
Chairman and CEO...
Copy !req
1606. But he won't.
Copy !req
1607. and keep you as interim CEO.
Copy !req
1608. - Two, when he does that...
- Two.
Copy !req
1609. Yes.
Copy !req
1610. you're going to refuse, okay?
Copy !req
1611. I'll say, "No, no!"
Copy !req
1612. And then all the friendly talks
are going to fall apart.
Copy !req
1613. Okay.
Copy !req
1614. - You like obeying me, don't you?
- Yes.
Copy !req
1615. I've come to ask
if you'd consider saying
Copy !req
1616. you support my becoming interim CEO.
Copy !req
1617. You cut your hair.
I did.
Copy !req
1618. You're making an effort, good!
Copy !req
1619. Well, what I would need is,
Copy !req
1620. I would need a memo
from the board, Grandpa,
Copy !req
1621. saying you support
my becoming interim CEO.
Copy !req
1622. You're a banker now.
Copy !req
1623. I'm proud of you.
Copy !req
1624. Yeah, I'll give you a title,
Copy !req
1625. teach you the game.
Copy !req
1626. Wait,
Copy !req
1627. this term sheet says
Copy !req
1628. that you would be
interim CEO and Chairman.
Copy !req
1629. Well, yeah. I mean, I don't know.
Copy !req
1630. Interim CEO... Huh.
Copy !req
1631. And I would retire.
Copy !req
1632. It's not friendly.
Copy !req
1633. This is hostile. This is treacherous!
Copy !req
1634. - I didn't mean...
- Villainous!
Copy !req
1635. I didn't mean it to be hostile!
Copy !req
1636. Whose name is this?
Copy !req
1637. I thought it was inevitable.
Copy !req
1638. - Who signed this?
- Just stay still, please.
Copy !req
1639. I did what you asked.
Copy !req
1640. - Yes, indeed. Grandpa, please.
- No! No!
Copy !req
1641. - Get away from me! No!
- Please, you have to lie down!
Copy !req
1642. I can't...
Copy !req
1643. Mr Crassus!
Copy !req
1644. God, it was you
who gave me my fortune.
Copy !req
1645. And It will be the will of Chronos
Copy !req
1646. to seek our revenge.
Copy !req
1647. "Let us fall in love again
Copy !req
1648. "and scatter gold dust
all over the world.
Copy !req
1649. "Let us become a new spring
Copy !req
1650. "and feel the breeze
drift in heaven's scent.
Copy !req
1651. "Let us dress the earth in green
and like the sap of a young tree,
Copy !req
1652. "let the grace from within sustain us.
Copy !req
1653. "Let us carve gems
out of our stony hearts
Copy !req
1654. "and let them light our path to Love.
Copy !req
1655. "The glance of Love is crystal clear
Copy !req
1656. "and we are blessed by it."
Copy !req
1657. I now pronounce you husband and wife.
Copy !req
1658. Happy Saturnalia to you!
Copy !req
1659. Happy Saturnalia to everyone!
Copy !req
1660. Happy Saturnalia to you!
Copy !req
1661. Okay, gentlemen,
Copy !req
1662. deliver.
Copy !req
1663. This is an inside takeover.
Copy !req
1664. Begin.
Copy !req
1665. O beautiful
for spacious skies
Copy !req
1666. For amber waves of grain
Copy !req
1667. For purple mountain...
Copy !req
1668. Doesn't that feel good?
Copy !req
1669. Cause for celebration.
Copy !req
1670. Now get the fuck out of my car.
Copy !req
1671. America! America!
Copy !req
1672. The move is final
as of 11:00 pm, Eastern Standard Time.
Copy !req
1673. And crown thy good with brotherhood
Copy !req
1674. From sea to shining sea!
Copy !req
1675. Now that
the new board is installed,
Copy !req
1676. and has voted...
Copy !req
1677. Speak louder, I'm hard of hearing!
Copy !req
1678. The board has voted
to remove Hamilton Crassus
Copy !req
1679. from the office of CEO
of Crassus National Bank.
Copy !req
1680. Arigato.
Copy !req
1681. Thank you very much.
Copy !req
1682. We got the bank,
Copy !req
1683. now unleash the mob.
Copy !req
1684. Nam si violandum est jus,
Copy !req
1685. aliis rebus pietatem colas.
Copy !req
1686. Be just,
Copy !req
1687. unless a kingdom tempts
to break the laws,
Copy !req
1688. for sovereign power alone
can justify the cause.
Copy !req
1689. Where is Cesar now?
Where is his Megalopolis?
Copy !req
1690. We've waited long enough, no?
Copy !req
1691. If you don't fight like hell,
we're gonna lose the city.
Copy !req
1692. Keep what's ours.
Copy !req
1693. Cesar has failed,
Copy !req
1694. Cicero has failed.
Copy !req
1695. The city is ours!
Copy !req
1696. Attention, attention.
Copy !req
1697. Murder and violence
stalk our streets...
Copy !req
1698. We are here,
Copy !req
1699. we are powerful,
Copy !req
1700. and we are taking our country back!
Copy !req
1701. Pulcher for the culture!
Copy !req
1702. We are threatened by evil men.
Copy !req
1703. New Rome, the greatest country
Copy !req
1704. the world has ever known,
is threatened
Copy !req
1705. by those men
who propose to take charge
Copy !req
1706. of the affairs of the government.
Copy !req
1707. Fuck Cesar!
Copy !req
1708. Fuck the Mayor, and fuck City Hall!
Copy !req
1709. Back away
from the gate of City Hall.
Copy !req
1710. Commissioner?
Over here, the train's coming.
Copy !req
1711. This is an illegal gathering.
Copy !req
1712. What have you done
with Megalopolis?
Copy !req
1713. Where's Megalopolis?
Copy !req
1714. Hold the line!
Hold the line!
Copy !req
1715. Mayor Cicero?
Copy !req
1716. There's another car coming, guys.
Copy !req
1717. The mayor's extraction
is underway. Over.
Copy !req
1718. Hi...
Copy !req
1719. Hi.
Copy !req
1720. May... May I hold her?
Copy !req
1721. Yeah. It's your grandpa.
Copy !req
1722. Hi...
Copy !req
1723. - Who's that?
- Hi...
Copy !req
1724. Oh...
Copy !req
1725. Oh, I used to hold you like this.
Copy !req
1726. - Oh, look at you.
- Look, she likes you.
Copy !req
1727. Yeah.
Copy !req
1728. You're holding the future
in your hands.
Copy !req
1729. Don't you want a better world for her?
Copy !req
1730. Cesar is a reckless dreamer
who will destroy the world
Copy !req
1731. sooner than he can build a better one.
Copy !req
1732. Can't you and I
be like we were before?
Copy !req
1733. Could we?
Copy !req
1734. Can't we, Julia?
Copy !req
1735. My little girl, my angel?
Copy !req
1736. Trust us.
Copy !req
1737. Trust me, Daddy.
Copy !req
1738. There's been some news.
Copy !req
1739. The rioters have been pushed back,
Copy !req
1740. and the road's cleared.
Copy !req
1741. Thank God.
Copy !req
1742. earlier today has devolved
Copy !req
1743. - into a scene of violence.
- America,
Copy !req
1744. master of the known world,
is now kaput.
Copy !req
1745. Be quiet for once
and follow my lead.
Copy !req
1746. Our poor Robin Hood.
Copy !req
1747. He doesn't have much time left,
Copy !req
1748. but he wanted to see you.
Copy !req
1749. Well, he's not one
to give up on things.
Copy !req
1750. He can barely speak.
Copy !req
1751. We came to pay our respects, Grandpa.
Copy !req
1752. What do you think of this boner I got?
Copy !req
1753. One look at her and I'm up...
Copy !req
1754. If it wasn't for this,
Copy !req
1755. I would have been
able to out-spend you
Copy !req
1756. in the end.
Copy !req
1757. But I will
Copy !req
1758. outlive you.
Copy !req
1759. Wow,
Copy !req
1760. you Wall Street slut,
this is your closing bell.
Copy !req
1761. What?
Copy !req
1762. No.
Copy !req
1763. No, Auntie Wow.
Copy !req
1764. No, no, no.
Copy !req
1765. Fuck!
Copy !req
1766. The gods have decreed
that history teach us,
Copy !req
1767. all that is needed is a slight push
to send our republic toppling.
Copy !req
1768. For it is in the power
of any daring man
Copy !req
1769. to overturn a sickly commonwealth.
Copy !req
1770. You are here illegally.
Copy !req
1771. Go home or you will be arrested.
Copy !req
1772. Put down your weapons
and go back to your homes, please.
Copy !req
1773. Cesar is alive!
Copy !req
1774. We need you to stop!
Copy !req
1775. Man.
Copy !req
1776. What is that?
Copy !req
1777. What do we know of him?
Copy !req
1778. His gods?
Copy !req
1779. Liberty...
Copy !req
1780. love...
Copy !req
1781. kindness,
Copy !req
1782. mind,
Copy !req
1783. death,
Copy !req
1784. destiny.
Copy !req
1785. Destiny.
Copy !req
1786. I'm not concerned
with my place in history.
Copy !req
1787. What I am concerned about is time,
Copy !req
1788. consciousness, and courage.
Copy !req
1789. But what is time,
Copy !req
1790. except a curve
of past and future around us?
Copy !req
1791. What is consciousness,
Copy !req
1792. except a burst of the soul
from inside?
Copy !req
1793. And what is courage,
Copy !req
1794. but the beginning
of a vital conversation?
Copy !req
1795. We're in need of a great debate
about the future!
Copy !req
1796. We want every person in the world
to take part in that debate.
Copy !req
1797. This city is threatened by unusual
Copy !req
1798. - and dire circumstances...
- Wait, Your Honour.
Copy !req
1799. - ... we have...
- Your Honour, listen.
Copy !req
1800. He's incriminating himself.
Copy !req
1801. Tear down debt!
Copy !req
1802. Tear down the world
of ready-made slums
Copy !req
1803. that those families that run the world
shove you into.
Copy !req
1804. You were born with the option
to be what you want to be,
Copy !req
1805. and must!
Copy !req
1806. Cesar! Cesar Catilina!
Copy !req
1807. Let it not be said that
we reduced ourselves to be brutes
Copy !req
1808. and mindless beasts of burden.
Copy !req
1809. The human being shall rightly
be called a great miracle,
Copy !req
1810. and a living creature
for all to admire!
Copy !req
1811. We are such stuff
as dreams are made of.
Copy !req
1812. Yes!
Copy !req
1813. Catilina!
Copy !req
1814. Hail, New Rome!
Hail, Megalopolis!
Copy !req
1815. Our Mother Earth
gave us the genius
Copy !req
1816. to see a future so beautiful
Copy !req
1817. that we can't let it be denied.
Copy !req
1818. The gates of Megalopolis are open!
Copy !req
1819. Go now, and know
our world is changed forever!
Copy !req
1820. Evoke the contingency clause.
Copy !req
1821. I'm going to leave
the patents to Megalon,
Copy !req
1822. the bank, my entire fortune,
Copy !req
1823. to Cesar's Garden of Eden,
to Megalopolis!
Copy !req
1824. I'll be known as
"Crassus the Generous",
Copy !req
1825. loved for eternity!
Copy !req
1826. Yeah, go, go.
Copy !req
1827. - One more.
- Wait!
Copy !req
1828. All right.
Copy !req
1829. - One more.
- Okay.
Copy !req
1830. - Ready, and pull!
- Yeah, go, go, go.
Copy !req
1831. You threw us under the bus,
you piece of shit.
Copy !req
1832. - Yeah?
- Where'd all the money go?
Copy !req
1833. - The team!
- You double-crossed us.
Copy !req
1834. "Don't tread on me!"
Copy !req
1835. - You double-crossed us!
- You own the bank?
Copy !req
1836. You used us.
Copy !req
1837. So much for your loyal base, asshole,
what'd I tell you!
Copy !req
1838. "No crutches, no crosses!"
Copy !req
1839. Tie him up!
Copy !req
1840. Wait, wait, wait! Wait!
Copy !req
1841. Help!
Copy !req
1842. Help me, Grandpa!
Copy !req
1843. Thank you.
Copy !req
1844. Come on.
Copy !req
1845. Please.
Copy !req
1846. Come on, Frankie.
Copy !req
1847. Teri...
Copy !req
1848. Darling.
Copy !req
1849. Happy New Year!
Copy !req
1850. Good to see you! Good to see you!
Copy !req
1851. Happy New Year!
Copy !req
1852. Happy New Year!
Copy !req
1853. Happy New Year, everybody!
Copy !req
1854. Happy New Year!
Copy !req
1855. Oh, we've got a new year...
Copy !req
1856. - Happy New Year!
- Mwah!
Copy !req
1857. Happy New Year!
Copy !req
1858. - Happy New Year!
- Happy New Year!
Copy !req
1859. Mother.
Copy !req
1860. While I'm here, can I just have one?
Copy !req
1861. There's still so much to accomplish...
Copy !req
1862. but is there time?
Copy !req
1863. Promise me, you will build nobly.
Copy !req
1864. Yes, Dad. We promise.
Copy !req
1865. Oh, yes,
Copy !req
1866. be assured.
Copy !req
1867. Build a future for her.
Copy !req
1868. - Julia...
- Ten, nine...
Copy !req
1869. - ... stop time.
- ... eight, seven, six,
Copy !req
1870. - five, four...
- Now, time, stop!
Copy !req
1871. I pledge allegiance
to our human family,
Copy !req
1872. and to all the species
that we protect.
Copy !req
1873. One earth, indivisible,
with long life,
Copy !req
1874. education and justice for all.
Copy !req
1875. education
and justice for all.
Copy !req
1876. One, two, three, four.
Copy !req
1877. Planet Earth is slowing down
Copy !req
1878. Overseas, underground
Copy !req
1879. Wherever you look around
Copy !req
1880. Lord, take me by the hand
Copy !req
1881. Lead me through these desert sands
Copy !req
1882. To the shores of a promised land
Copy !req
1883. You make me cry
Copy !req
1884. When you look into my eyes
Copy !req
1885. And see me for who I really am
Copy !req
1886. If you can't change the world
Copy !req
1887. Change yourself
Copy !req
1888. If you can't change the world
Copy !req
1889. Change yourself
Copy !req
1890. If you can't change the world
Copy !req
1891. Change yourself
Copy !req
1892. If you can't change the world
Copy !req
1893. Change yourself
Copy !req
1894. If you can't change the world
Copy !req
1895. Change yourself
Copy !req
1896. And if you can't change yourself
Copy !req
1897. Then change your world
Copy !req
1898. The world's too big
Copy !req
1899. And life's too short
Copy !req
1900. To be alone
Copy !req
1901. To be alone
Copy !req