1. You must be my lucky star
Copy !req
2. 'Cause you shine on me
Wherever you are
Copy !req
3. I just think of you
And I start to glow
Copy !req
4. And I need your light
And baby you know
Copy !req
5. - Uh-huh. And look to camera.
- Starlight, starbright…
Copy !req
6. Work it and work it.
Copy !req
7. Lucky leprechaun coming in for the chorus.
Copy !req
8. Starlight, starbright
First star I see tonight
Copy !req
9. And hup, and hup, and double to the left.
Copy !req
10. You got it!
Copy !req
11. Oh, my goodness.
Copy !req
12. Cut.
Copy !req
13. You sure have bad luck, Sam Greenfield.
Copy !req
14. Who, me?
Copy !req
15. Sorry, Sam.
Copy !req
16. Before we go again,
we gotta get you some good luck.
Copy !req
17. Come on.
Copy !req
18. Maybe one of these will help.
Copy !req
19. I see you've added to your collection.
Copy !req
20. - Yep. My lucky crane…
- Nice.
Copy !req
21. …lucky German pig.
Copy !req
22. My Japanese waving cat.
Copy !req
23. - That one's super lucky.
- Cool.
Copy !req
24. My doll horse from Sweden.
I put all my good luck charms together
Copy !req
25. so that my weekend visit
will go just right.
Copy !req
26. Smart thinking.
Copy !req
27. - They're picking you up on Friday, right?
- Yep.
Copy !req
28. And I see you've got
your lucky penny spot ready to go.
Copy !req
29. Yeah! It's the last one I need.
Copy !req
30. Find a penny, pick it up…
Copy !req
31. and all day long, you'll have good luck.
Copy !req
32. Let's go finish the video.
Copy !req
33. - Let's do it.
- Sam? There you are.
Copy !req
34. The social worker's waiting for you.
Copy !req
35. Bye, Sam. Good luck!
Copy !req
36. Where's she going?
Copy !req
37. She's aging out.
Copy !req
38. Well,
we're all gonna miss you around here.
Copy !req
39. What if I just stayed a couple more days?
Copy !req
40. - Sam, we talked about this, and—
- I know.
Copy !req
41. I just thought, for Hazel's sake,
Copy !req
42. maybe I could stick around here
a bit longer, see her off for her visit.
Copy !req
43. If it were up to me, yes,
but you're 18 now.
Copy !req
44. - This is how it works.
- Just two more days.
Copy !req
45. I know you're nervous,
but you're moving into your own place.
Copy !req
46. It is gonna be great.
Copy !req
47. And you can come back
Friday for visiting hours,
Copy !req
48. see Hazel before she goes.
Copy !req
49. Yeah, okay.
Copy !req
50. I'll see you downstairs.
Copy !req
51. Not sure I'm ready for this.
Copy !req
52. I love hugs.
Copy !req
53. I know.
Copy !req
54. Don't think my leaving means
we won't finish that video.
Copy !req
55. In the meantime,
I'll keep practicing those dance moves.
Copy !req
56. I'll see you Friday before your visit.
Copy !req
57. And if you find a lucky penny?
Copy !req
58. I'll bring it for sure.
Copy !req
59. Hi, Samantha. Big day.
Copy !req
60. Those are your records.
Copy !req
61. My life in a box.
Copy !req
62. - All set?
- All set.
Copy !req
63. I guess we weren't lucky
enough to find you that forever family.
Copy !req
64. Yeah, sure missed the boat on that one.
Copy !req
65. On the upside,
now I can put all that hoping behind me.
Copy !req
66. Well, I hope you like your new place.
Copy !req
67. You have to be in school or working
full-time to keep the apartment.
Copy !req
68. I started my online classes last week,
Copy !req
69. and I start my new job
tomorrow at 8:00 a.m.
Copy !req
70. Excellent.
Copy !req
71. I suppose you'll be needing these.
Copy !req
72. Thank you.
Copy !req
73. I guess that's why Ms. Rivera suggested
I bring a spare.
Copy !req
74. This is probably safer.
Copy !req
75. So, will you be checking in
on me weekly, or…
Copy !req
76. Someone from the agency
will call you next month,
Copy !req
77. but otherwise you are
officially on your own.
Copy !req
78. Thanks.
Copy !req
79. Good luck.
Copy !req
80. "Don't be late."
Copy !req
81. Okay, universe, think you're pretty tough?
Copy !req
82. Take that, universe.
Copy !req
83. Thanks, Bill.
Did you remember to water the daffodils?
Copy !req
84. And if you could,
Copy !req
85. unbox the unicorn night-lights
and restock the birthday balloons.
Copy !req
86. Lastly, I promise you this is it.
Copy !req
87. Go to the bathrooms and give it
a once-over before we open.
Copy !req
88. Just keep making my store look pretty.
Copy !req
89. Good morning, Mr. Hammond— Harmon.
Copy !req
90. Sam! Right on time. I love that.
Copy !req
91. I hope you're taking notes, Bill.
Copy !req
92. And, please, just call me Marv.
Copy !req
93. Marv, got it.
Copy !req
94. You may be the best decision I ever made.
Copy !req
95. Hi, Marv.
Copy !req
96. Hey, Sam, you never mentioned that…
Copy !req
97. you had circus skills on your résumé.
Copy !req
98. Unless I read past that or something.
Copy !req
99. Sorry to bother you.
Copy !req
100. How did it get on your—
Copy !req
101. You know something?
Copy !req
102. Don't sweat it.
I got the perfect task for you.
Copy !req
103. Here we go, Sam.
A job you can do outside.
Copy !req
104. Cart patrol.
Copy !req
105. Yay!
Copy !req
106. You'll have better luck tomorrow.
I'm sure of it.
Copy !req
107. I keep hoping, Marv.
Copy !req
108. I'm really glad you're here.
Copy !req
109. - Did something happen?
- Her weekend visit just got canceled.
Copy !req
110. Oh, no.
Copy !req
111. Yeah, she was waiting on the porch
when they called.
Copy !req
112. Did they reschedule?
Copy !req
113. No, but there's a couple who wants to come
for a first visit on Sunday afternoon.
Copy !req
114. Hey, you.
Copy !req
115. They're not coming.
Copy !req
116. I know. I'm so sorry, Hazel.
Copy !req
117. What if I never find a forever family?
Copy !req
118. This was just a little bad luck.
Copy !req
119. Of course you will.
Copy !req
120. You didn't.
Copy !req
121. Yeah, but you're not me.
Copy !req
122. You're the lucky leprechaun, remember?
Copy !req
123. You always find the pot of gold,
and this will be no different.
Copy !req
124. You'll find your forever family too.
Copy !req
125. Who knows?
Copy !req
126. Maybe the couple coming on Sunday.
Copy !req
127. Maybe it'll be them.
Copy !req
128. Yeah, maybe.
Copy !req
129. And maybe you'll find me
a lucky penny before then.
Copy !req
130. Beat it, cat. Take your bad luck with ya.
Copy !req
131. And now it's a table for two.
Copy !req
132. Why couldn't it have just worked out?
Copy !req
133. Sorry, I didn't tell you the first part.
Copy !req
134. My friend Hazel could have been
one step closer to getting adopted today,
Copy !req
135. but it didn't happen.
Copy !req
136. Her weekend visit got canceled,
Copy !req
137. which probably doesn't sound
like a big deal,
Copy !req
138. but believe me, it is.
Copy !req
139. You only get so many chances
to find a forever family,
Copy !req
140. and the older you get, the harder it is.
Copy !req
141. She's meeting a new couple on Sunday.
Copy !req
142. If I could just give her
a little good luck…
Copy !req
143. But you can't give someone
something you've never had.
Copy !req
144. Still, if I could,
Copy !req
145. and if good luck was something
you could actually hold in your hand,
Copy !req
146. I'd give it all to Hazel.
Copy !req
147. So that maybe she could find
her forever family
Copy !req
148. and not end up alone like me,
Copy !req
149. sitting on a curb,
Copy !req
150. talking to a cat.
Copy !req
151. You're welcome!
Copy !req
152. Well, what do you know, Hazel.
Copy !req
153. Find a penny, pick it up,
and all day long, you'll have good luck.
Copy !req
154. Lucky pennies are real.
Copy !req
155. Ms. Rivera, hi.
Is it okay if I stop by after work later?
Copy !req
156. I have something special
for Hazel for her visit tomorrow.
Copy !req
157. Great.
Copy !req
158. And please don't tell her.
I want it to be a surprise.
Copy !req
159. Yes!
Copy !req
160. Winner, winner, chicken dinner.
Copy !req
161. Hi, Marv.
Copy !req
162. Well, somebody found their groove.
Copy !req
163. No cart patrol for you tomorrow.
Copy !req
164. I got a pallet of glassware
with your name on it.
Copy !req
165. - Sounds great.
- Have a nice night.
Copy !req
166. Thanks. I will.
I'm off to surprise my friend Hazel.
Copy !req
167. My stupid bad luck.
Copy !req
168. You're back.
Copy !req
169. So, remember I told you
I wanted good luck for my friend Hazel
Copy !req
170. for her visit tomorrow?
Copy !req
171. Well, guess what?
Copy !req
172. After you left last night, I found some.
Copy !req
173. That's right.
I found an actual lucky penny.
Copy !req
174. And what did I do?
I flushed it down the toilet.
Copy !req
175. You did what?
Copy !req
176. You flushed my penny down the toilet?
Copy !req
177. What did you do that for?
Copy !req
178. You just talked.
Copy !req
179. It was you.
Copy !req
180. You gave me that lucky penny.
Copy !req
181. Please, I just need one more.
Copy !req
182. Wait!
Copy !req
183. Wait! Come back!
Copy !req
184. Huh?
Copy !req
185. I just need a penny for my friend Hazel.
Copy !req
186. Huh?
Copy !req
187. How was my day? It was lovely!
Thank you. Just brilliant.
Copy !req
188. Lost my travel penny
and was chased across the city
Copy !req
189. by an unrelenting human zombie.
Copy !req
190. Always with the obnoxiously long password.
Copy !req
191. Got it.
Copy !req
192. Now, about that penny problem.
Why you talking to yourself, Bob?
Copy !req
193. Just practicing so when I'm banished
forever, I'll have someone to talk to—
Copy !req
194. No.
Copy !req
195. What manner of crazy human are you?
Copy !req
196. What kind of a crazy talking cat are you?
Copy !req
197. A lucky Scottish one, obviously.
Copy !req
198. But black cats aren't lucky.
Copy !req
199. In Scotland, black cats are considered
very lucky, thank you very much.
Copy !req
200. - Is this Scotland?
- No!
Copy !req
201. And humans cannot be here.
Copy !req
202. - Where's "here"?
- You need to leave. Now.
Copy !req
203. I'll leave, no problem,
Copy !req
204. as soon as you give me
another lucky penny.
Copy !req
205. I did not give you a penny.
Copy !req
206. It fell out of my collar when you lured me
over with that tasty meat bread.
Copy !req
207. It's called a panini.
Copy !req
208. Whatever. It was all just a ploy
to steal my travel penny.
Copy !req
209. Travel penny?
Copy !req
210. We creatures from the Land of Luck
aren't lucky in your world,
Copy !req
211. so we carry some with us just to be safe.
Copy !req
212. Did you just say, "Land of Luck"?
Copy !req
213. Hide!
Copy !req
214. Good afternoon, gentlemen.
Copy !req
215. Welcome back, Bob. Arrived back
18 hundred hours and six minutes.
Copy !req
216. Leprechauns?
Copy !req
217. Anything unusual happen on the other side?
Copy !req
218. Nope.
Copy !req
219. I see you located one blocked luck line.
Copy !req
220. That construction site. No wonder.
Copy !req
221. Yep, looks like Paulie's popcorn pop-up
is putting down roots.
Copy !req
222. Not a problem.
Two ticks and around she goes.
Copy !req
223. I'd wager three might do the trick.
Copy !req
224. Right you are, Quinn.
Copy !req
225. Luck flowing freely once again.
Copy !req
226. Say, you guys seen Gerry around?
He's usually here to check me in.
Copy !req
227. He's down at the Penny Depot.
They needed an extra hand.
Copy !req
228. Penny Depot?
Copy !req
229. So we're covering his line cat returns.
Copy !req
230. And Gerry said he always turns in
your travel penny for ya,
Copy !req
231. so we'll be taking that now.
Copy !req
232. Uh-oh.
Copy !req
233. You know what,
I'll just turn it in myself today.
Copy !req
234. If you say so, Bob. Good luck with that.
Copy !req
235. Yeah. Say hi to the Captain for us.
We know how much she loves you.
Copy !req
236. But she doesn't love him.
Copy !req
237. - I was being ironical.
- You're so clever.
Copy !req
238. What have I done?
Copy !req
239. I wasn't supposed to stop
and eat human food.
Copy !req
240. I definitely wasn't supposed to talk
in front of a human.
Copy !req
241. And I sure as heck wasn't supposed to let
the human who lost my travel penny
Copy !req
242. follow me through the portal!
Copy !req
243. Okay, but those leprechauns just said
something about a Penny Depot.
Copy !req
244. Maybe we could get one there.
Copy !req
245. Only leprechauns are allowed inside,
and you are not a leprechaun!
Copy !req
246. But maybe I could be.
Copy !req
247. What?
Copy !req
248. You think you're just gonna march
down to the leprechaun locker room
Copy !req
249. and borrow some clothes?
Copy !req
250. - Brilliant idea. Let's go.
- No, wait. Stop!
Copy !req
251. Just stop!
Copy !req
252. Hey, Bob. Everything okay?
Copy !req
253. Aye, just stretching my legs.
Copy !req
254. Okeydokey.
Copy !req
255. Even if you could masquerade as
some freakishly big leprechaun,
Copy !req
256. I can't get past the Captain
without turning in a penny.
Copy !req
257. What if you turned in this?
Copy !req
258. This is a button.
Copy !req
259. And at some point, they will discover it,
Copy !req
260. and if I don't have a lucky penny in hand
when they do, I'll be banished.
Copy !req
261. Okay,
but maybe the button buys us a little time
Copy !req
262. until we get a lucky penny
from the Penny Depot.
Copy !req
263. - Then I'll borrow it for my frie—
- For your friend Hazel.
Copy !req
264. Yes, I've got that part.
Copy !req
265. What? You said it, like, a hundred times.
Copy !req
266. We'll go to the Penny Depot
to get one penny.
Copy !req
267. I use it first, and then it's all yours.
Copy !req
268. And then I'll leave.
Copy !req
269. You'll never see my face again.
Copy !req
270. Great. I'm Sam, by the way.
Copy !req
271. This is strictly business.
Names are unimportant.
Copy !req
272. But I already heard them call you Bob.
Copy !req
273. Fine. Yes, it's Bob.
Copy !req
274. Welcome back, line cats.
Now, drop your pennies and move along.
Copy !req
275. That's it. Let's go, kitty cats.
Copy !req
276. Drop your travel pennies.
Copy !req
277. Keep it moving.
Copy !req
278. Sector 64 today, Joanie.
Copy !req
279. Nigeria.
Copy !req
280. Catch you on the flip side, Cap.
Copy !req
281. - That's the Captain?
- Aye, that's her.
Copy !req
282. She really doesn't like me.
Copy !req
283. Maybe she's not a cat person.
Copy !req
284. Well, she likes the other cats just fine.
Copy !req
285. So, what's the plan?
Copy !req
286. Right. You sneak out that door over there.
I'll keep the Captain busy.
Copy !req
287. When you're clear, I'll drop in the button
and meet you on the other side.
Copy !req
288. Simple. Good luck to us both.
Copy !req
289. The sweet clankety-clack of lucky pennies.
Copy !req
290. There's no better sound in the world.
Copy !req
291. Bob, what are you waiting for?
Drop your penny.
Copy !req
292. Aye, I got it right here, Cap.
Copy !req
293. But first, how's your day been so far?
Copy !req
294. Okay, Bob, what are you up to?
Copy !req
295. Why can't a cat ask
how his boss's day is going?
Copy !req
296. Because it's weird, Bob.
Copy !req
297. Because you never have asked me
anything, Bob.
Copy !req
298. Because we don't even like
each other, Bob.
Copy !req
299. Because you give me the heebie-jeebies,
and you always have, Bob.
Copy !req
300. Is that all? All righty then.
Copy !req
301. Say, Captain, do you like jokes?
Copy !req
302. Only the funny ones, Bob.
Copy !req
303. Right. Well, then you'll love this one.
Copy !req
304. Why did the penny arrest the nickel?
Copy !req
305. I don't know, Bob. Why?
Copy !req
306. Because she was a copper.
Copy !req
307. Wasn't funny.
Copy !req
308. Yeah, not my best.
Copy !req
309. - Catch you later, Cap.
- Not if I catch you first, Bob.
Copy !req
310. Leprechaun locker room, here we come.
Copy !req
311. Welcome back, Shirley. Keep it moving.
Copy !req
312. Not to pry, but do you have fingers?
Copy !req
313. Thumbs. I'm polydactyl.
Copy !req
314. "Gerry." That's your friend, right?
Copy !req
315. He's more like my assistant.
Copy !req
316. You sure he won't mind?
Copy !req
317. Gerry never minds.
Copy !req
318. And enough with the questions.
Copy !req
319. Strictly business, remember?
We don't need to get to know each other.
Copy !req
320. Yeah, okay.
Copy !req
321. Then he says, "Are you a River dancer?"
Copy !req
322. We forgot to check the lavvy.
Copy !req
323. Hurry, before somebody sees.
Copy !req
324. - And then he did a little jig.
- A jig? No. You have to show—
Copy !req
325. Good afternoon, ladies.
Copy !req
326. What are you doing in here, Bob?
Copy !req
327. Aye, line cats have their own locker room.
Copy !req
328. I was just— Well, I was—
Copy !req
329. - You know—
- He was helping me.
Copy !req
330. He's my Land of Luck
leprechaun orientation guide.
Copy !req
331. - Deary me, you're a big lass.
- Aye.
Copy !req
332. I'm Sam.
Copy !req
333. Where ya from?
Copy !req
334. She's from— You know—
Copy !req
335. Latvia! That's right. She's from Latvia.
Copy !req
336. Hey, Saoirse, didn't Clodagh say she met
a Latvian guy down at the Hairy Lemon,
Copy !req
337. and that he was a real big fella too?
Copy !req
338. Aye, she did.
Copy !req
339. Well, cheers to Latvia
for growing 'em big.
Copy !req
340. Guess not all lucky creatures are
teeny-toaty like us, eh?
Copy !req
341. - Nice meeting you.
- Enjoy the rest of your tour.
Copy !req
342. - Don't do anything we wouldn't do.
- You're shameless.
Copy !req
343. They were so sweet and tiny.
Copy !req
344. And surprisingly less clever than usual.
Copy !req
345. They totally bought it.
Copy !req
346. Next stop, lucky penny.
Copy !req
347. - Right.
- And then, you leave.
Copy !req
348. - Right.
- Say it with me.
Copy !req
349. - And then you leave.
- No, you leave.
Copy !req
350. Yeah, I know. It was a joke.
Copy !req
351. Welcome to the Land of Luck.
Copy !req
352. Incredible.
Copy !req
353. Hey, there.
Copy !req
354. Uh-huh.
Copy !req
355. Morning.
Copy !req
356. This way.
We'll be at the Penny Depot in no time.
Copy !req
357. - Follow me right onto the disc.
- Okay.
Copy !req
358. Here we go.
Copy !req
359. Just smile and wave.
Copy !req
360. - Hey, Bob. Lunch this week?
- Aye, let's do it.
Copy !req
361. Okay, it's transfer time.
Copy !req
362. - Morning, Bob.
- Hi, Betty.
Copy !req
363. So far, so good, Sam.
No one's even noticed ya.
Copy !req
364. Sam?
Copy !req
365. Sam!
Copy !req
366. You hear about Joe?
He just joined the luck makers' union.
Copy !req
367. That's great. He's hilarious.
Copy !req
368. Just how unlucky are you?
Copy !req
369. Yeah, super-duper unlucky.
Copy !req
370. Well, I wish you would have made that
clear before we shook on our little deal.
Copy !req
371. Hi, guys. Hi, there.
Copy !req
372. Just checking on the rail grips.
Copy !req
373. There is no unlucky here.
Copy !req
374. So if you want that lucky penny for your
wee friend, you best start blending in.
Copy !req
375. That's what I was trying to do.
Copy !req
376. Well, that was your first mistake.
Copy !req
377. Lucky creatures don't try.
Copy !req
378. They don't have to.
Copy !req
379. And stop sweating.
They don't do that either.
Copy !req
380. Right, okay.
Copy !req
381. - I'll try my best.
- Uh-uh.
Copy !req
382. I mean,
I'll try to act like I'm not trying.
Copy !req
383. Good answer.
Copy !req
384. We've got to find Gerry.
Copy !req
385. He'll know
how all this penny business works.
Copy !req
386. He'll be the super cheery one in green.
Copy !req
387. They all look like that.
Copy !req
388. Slainte, friends. What is the story?
Copy !req
389. There he is.
Copy !req
390. O'Neill!
Copy !req
391. O'Reilly, O'Donoghue.
Copy !req
392. Barry.
Copy !req
393. And I didn't forget you, Clarisse.
Copy !req
394. - I've got your microbrew right here.
- Thanks, Gerry!
Copy !req
395. - Is he thoughtful or what?
- Gerry!
Copy !req
396. Sam, Gerry.
Copy !req
397. You're grand.
Copy !req
398. Are those my clothes?
Copy !req
399. Sorry, Bob said you wouldn't mind.
Copy !req
400. Sam's visiting from Latvia. Her
clothes got all messed up on arrival and—
Copy !req
401. So, you live in the human world?
Copy !req
402. Usually.
Copy !req
403. Oh, man!
Have you ever tried grilled cheese?
Copy !req
404. I have.
Copy !req
405. Right. So, Ger, as you know,
cats aren't allowed inside the Depot,
Copy !req
406. and Sam's a wee bit nervous
about her first shift.
Copy !req
407. So I was thinking maybe you could escort
her in and, you know, show her the ropes.
Copy !req
408. Lucky me. Of course.
Copy !req
409. So, it's super easy.
Copy !req
410. You sit in the chair,
the penny comes to you,
Copy !req
411. you polish it up and send it on its way.
Copy !req
412. Sounds like something I can handle.
Copy !req
413. Of course you can.
Copy !req
414. Lucky leprechauns were made
for this kind of work.
Copy !req
415. That's us.
Copy !req
416. - Uh-uh.
- Go ahead. I'll catch up.
Copy !req
417. Okeydoke.
Copy !req
418. I think we should abort.
Copy !req
419. What, why?
Copy !req
420. You're not a lucky leprechaun, Sam.
Copy !req
421. You're an insanely unlucky human.
Copy !req
422. - Or maybe you've forgotten.
- Trust me. I haven't.
Copy !req
423. You'll cause a disaster.
Copy !req
424. Maybe not. Gerry said we sit
in chairs and polish pennies.
Copy !req
425. And I imagine to polish a penny,
you need to hold a penny.
Copy !req
426. And if I'm holding a lucky penny—
Copy !req
427. I get it. You'll be lucky.
Copy !req
428. Pocket one penny. How hard could it be?
Copy !req
429. Sam, over here.
Copy !req
430. - You'll sit right next to me.
- Thanks, Gerry.
Copy !req
431. Okay, leprechauns,
let's get these pennies in tip-top shape.
Copy !req
432. The Captain is depending on us.
Copy !req
433. It's penny time!
Copy !req
434. Remember, there is nothing to it.
Just stay in your chair.
Copy !req
435. Grab a penny, Sam.
Copy !req
436. Don't panic.
Copy !req
437. You think it was
a bad luck speck that did it?
Copy !req
438. More like a whole boot full.
Copy !req
439. Sam!
Copy !req
440. I told you this would be a disaster.
Copy !req
441. Well, I didn't expect to get the button.
You saw that, right?
Copy !req
442. Oh, yes, I saw it.
Copy !req
443. And now that button's headed
straight back to Arrivals and Departures,
Copy !req
444. where the Captain will see it for sure.
Copy !req
445. So, where are we gonna find a penny now?
Copy !req
446. We're not!
Copy !req
447. This was it, our one chance.
Copy !req
448. And now you leave.
Copy !req
449. No.
The deal was I leave after we get a penny.
Copy !req
450. The deal is off.
There's nowhere else to get a penny.
Copy !req
451. Someone need a penny?
Copy !req
452. Bob does.
Copy !req
453. He lost his,
and then I flushed it down the toilet—
Copy !req
454. - Sam!
- What? He's your friend.
Copy !req
455. - Assistant.
- This is terrible, Bob.
Copy !req
456. You stopped to eat human food again,
didn't you?
Copy !req
457. - Yeah. My human food.
- Sam!
Copy !req
458. What do you mean, your human food?
Copy !req
459. I'm not a Latvian leprechaun, Gerry.
I'm a human.
Copy !req
460. Humans cannot be here!
Copy !req
461. Yeah, Bob mentioned that.
Copy !req
462. So, you lost your travel penny
and brought a human through the portal.
Copy !req
463. The Captain is not gonna like this.
Copy !req
464. And if she finds out,
you'll be banished to Bad Luck!
Copy !req
465. Wait. There's a Bad Luck here too?
Copy !req
466. Well, not here, here,
but down there, here, yeah.
Copy !req
467. It's the other half of our world.
Copy !req
468. Good Luck on top
and Bad Luck on the bottom,
Copy !req
469. only their half isn't so nice.
Copy !req
470. Of course, it isn't.
Bad luck ruins everything it touches.
Copy !req
471. Why didn't you tell me that's
where you'll be banished, Bob?
Copy !req
472. - You never asked.
- Because you said no more questions.
Copy !req
473. They called in the hazmats.
Copy !req
474. It's the Captain. Quick, hide.
Copy !req
475. That might be tough.
Copy !req
476. All right, everyone, clear out.
Copy !req
477. Evacuate the area
so the rabbits can do their work.
Copy !req
478. Bob, is that you?
Copy !req
479. No, Cap.
Copy !req
480. It's me, Gerry,
from Arrivals and Departures, remember?
Copy !req
481. - I've been working for you for 100 years—
- Gerry. When did you grow a tail?
Copy !req
482. - Is there a tail there?
- Captain, what a delight!
Copy !req
483. And so soon. Lucky me.
Copy !req
484. What are you doing down here?
Copy !req
485. Just visiting my leprechaun friends.
Copy !req
486. You don't have friends, Bob.
Copy !req
487. They've scanned the crime scene, Captain,
and found no bad luck specks.
Copy !req
488. Scan it again.
Copy !req
489. One speck can de-luckify
an entire pile of lucky pennies.
Copy !req
490. Let's get outta here.
Copy !req
491. So, there's really no other place
to get a penny?
Copy !req
492. No!
Copy !req
493. What about the ones like Bob's
that go missing in the human world?
Copy !req
494. If they're so valuable,
why don't you go retrieve them?
Copy !req
495. - We do.
- We do?
Copy !req
496. Well, we used to.
Copy !req
497. But not one has been lost
since the Captain took over security.
Copy !req
498. The old days, if a travel penny
went missing in the human world,
Copy !req
499. - we'd send in the bunny drone.
- "Bunny drone"?
Copy !req
500. Yeah. Clever little robot.
They keep it at Arrivals and Departures.
Copy !req
501. So, let's go get it.
Copy !req
502. Okay! But it hasn't been used in a decade.
Copy !req
503. So, first, we'll have to grab
a good luck crystal to power it.
Copy !req
504. - And where do we get one of those?
- The Luck Floor!
Copy !req
505. Hold up a minute.
Copy !req
506. I'll head to Arrivals and Departures
and fire up the bunny drone
Copy !req
507. while you two sneak into Mission Control.
Copy !req
508. Wait. Why?
Copy !req
509. That's where they keep the joystick
that controls the drone.
Copy !req
510. Great! But crystal first.
Copy !req
511. So, Luck Floor, here we come.
Copy !req
512. But the crystals are up high.
We'll need someone tall to reach it.
Copy !req
513. - I'm tall.
- Not a chance.
Copy !req
514. - She's way too unlucky.
- It's true.
Copy !req
515. She only has to grab one.
I think she can do it.
Copy !req
516. Fine. I mean, what could go wrong?
Copy !req
517. That's the spirit, boss.
Copy !req
518. Sounds like our little deal
is back on, Bob.
Copy !req
519. - Yes, and then you'll leave.
- True to my word.
Copy !req
520. So, where do we get the luck crystal?
Copy !req
521. We'll just walk down the hall
and snag one.
Copy !req
522. Piece of cake.
Copy !req
523. They're all staring right at Sam.
What do we do, boss?
Copy !req
524. She's from Latvia. Tallest leprechauns
in the world come from Latvia.
Copy !req
525. And we're her Land of Luck
leprechaun orientation guides.
Copy !req
526. Lead on, Gerry.
Copy !req
527. Right!
Copy !req
528. So, this is Good Luck R and D,
where good luck is created.
Copy !req
529. Finding your lost wedding ring
in the brownies?
Copy !req
530. Shirley always comes up
with the best stuff.
Copy !req
531. Wait. They actually think up
the good luck?
Copy !req
532. Yeah. Those two work in Happy Accidents,
Copy !req
533. one of the many Good Luck departments
like Lucky in Love,
Copy !req
534. Front Row Parking Spot!
Right Place, Right Time.
Copy !req
535. You humans love that one.
Copy !req
536. And by "humans," you mean
the ones who live in the human world,
Copy !req
537. don't ya, Ger?
Copy !req
538. Exactly right.
Copy !req
539. Next, the lucky ideas are
stamped onto an idea leaf,
Copy !req
540. and then sent to the Luck Floor.
Copy !req
541. And luck passing through
in five, four, three, two…
Copy !req
542. Let's take this tour
to the upper level, shall we?
Copy !req
543. The ladybugs deliver the leaves
to the Pig Foreman.
Copy !req
544. And he makes the crystals?
Copy !req
545. Nah, they do.
Copy !req
546. Latvia. She's from Latvia. Latvia.
Copy !req
547. For the crystal.
Janice said I could borrow it.
Copy !req
548. All right, luck makers!
Copy !req
549. We've got a full docket today!
Copy !req
550. Good morning, magical swine!
Copy !req
551. A dragon?
Copy !req
552. Yeah, she's the CEO of Good Luck.
Copy !req
553. And the only creature
that can sniff out bad luck specks.
Copy !req
554. Probably why she's here.
Copy !req
555. She must've heard what happened
at the Penny Depot.
Copy !req
556. With your luck, I wouldnae get too close.
Copy !req
557. There's not a speck of bad luck here.
Copy !req
558. Which means it's that time again.
Copy !req
559. Time to open your hearts
to do what only you can do.
Copy !req
560. - Let me hear it!
- Bring hope and joy to the world!
Copy !req
561. That's what good luck does.
Copy !req
562. The luck you create today
could change a life tomorrow.
Copy !req
563. Have a lucky day, Phil.
Copy !req
564. You too, Boss.
Copy !req
565. Okay, you heard her!
Copy !req
566. Let's make some good luck,
you prosperity-making wonder pigs!
Copy !req
567. Duck down!
Copy !req
568. They're doing it.
They're making the crystals.
Copy !req
569. And we just need one for the bunny drone.
Copy !req
570. - This is it, Sam. Get ready.
- Ready.
Copy !req
571. Now, Sam! Grab one!
Copy !req
572. I can't quite reach.
Copy !req
573. - Jump!
- No, she's too unlucky!
Copy !req
574. Nice move, Bob!
Copy !req
575. Way to go, team!
Copy !req
576. I'll go to Arrivals and Departures
and find the drone.
Copy !req
577. You guys head straight to Mission Control.
Copy !req
578. Because of you, Bob has a real chance.
Copy !req
579. You can keep my jacket if you want!
Copy !req
580. You have nice friends.
Copy !req
581. Yeah, like I said, he's just my assistant.
Copy !req
582. I know we'd still need
to get you a lucky penny,
Copy !req
583. but why couldn't I just take Hazel
one of those?
Copy !req
584. It doesn't work that way.
Copy !req
585. The good luck idea is stored
inside the crystal until it's released,
Copy !req
586. and there's only one thing
that can release it.
Copy !req
587. - What's that?
- The Randomizer.
Copy !req
588. It smashes the crystals into lucky dust,
Copy !req
589. then sends it randomly
through the luck lines into your world.
Copy !req
590. Wait. You're saying luck is random?
Copy !req
591. Aye. Hence the name, Randomizer.
Copy !req
592. Look, it's happening right now.
Copy !req
593. - What are those?
- The ancient luck stones.
Copy !req
594. Like the batteries
that keep the arms spinning.
Copy !req
595. The good luck stone draws in
the good luck from above,
Copy !req
596. and the bad luck stone draws in
the bad luck from below.
Copy !req
597. And those must be the luck lines.
Copy !req
598. Aye, that's them.
Copy !req
599. Like the power cords
connecting our worlds.
Copy !req
600. So, who makes the bad luck?
Copy !req
601. Roots and goblins, mainly.
Copy !req
602. Roots and goblins?
Copy !req
603. I should have known it would be monsters.
Copy !req
604. Gerry, are ya there?
Copy !req
605. 10-4.
Reading you loud and clear, boss.
Copy !req
606. Where are you?
Copy !req
607. Entering
Arrivals and Departures right now.
Copy !req
608. Good. Make it quick.
Copy !req
609. - Hey, Gerry.
- Gael. Quinn.
Copy !req
610. - I found the drone.
- Good. We're here.
Copy !req
611. - Mission Control.
- Great.
Copy !req
612. - All the bunny desks have a joystick.
- Perfect!
Copy !req
613. We'll use that back one.
That way no one can see my screen.
Copy !req
614. But how are we gonna distract the bunny?
Copy !req
615. - Maybe I could try—
- Uh-uh!
Copy !req
616. No trying, remember?
We've seen what happens when you do.
Copy !req
617. Okay.
Copy !req
618. I've got this one covered.
You wait right here.
Copy !req
619. I mean it. Don't move a muscle.
Copy !req
620. They're tracking luck all over the world.
Copy !req
621. That's one lucky grandma.
Copy !req
622. Now, that looks familiar.
Copy !req
623. It doesn't feel random, does it?
Copy !req
624. So, how's your day so far?
Copy !req
625. Good.
Copy !req
626. Carrot.
Copy !req
627. Dropped your keyboard.
Copy !req
628. Guess you better run off to IT
and grab a new one.
Copy !req
629. Joystick activated, Gerry.
Copy !req
630. We're nearly there.
Copy !req
631. I'm putting in the crystal.
Copy !req
632. She's ready for takeoff, boss.
Copy !req
633. Brilliant! The target's been located.
Copy !req
634. Let's get that bunny in the air.
Copy !req
635. Operation "lucky penny" is a go!
Copy !req
636. She's all yours.
Copy !req
637. Yes!
Copy !req
638. Just get her
within striking distance of the target.
Copy !req
639. When she's close enough,
she'll lock onto it.
Copy !req
640. I'll open the portal.
Copy !req
641. Oh, no! Bob, look up. Look up. Bob.
Copy !req
642. Oh, you must be my lucky star
Copy !req
643. 'Cause you shine on me
Wherever you are
Copy !req
644. I just think of you
And I start to glow
Copy !req
645. And I need your love so baby you know
Copy !req
646. Starlight, starbright
First star I see tonight
Copy !req
647. Starlight, starbright
Make everything all right
Copy !req
648. Starlight, starbright
First star I see tonight
Copy !req
649. Starlight, starbright
Ooh, yeah!
Copy !req
650. Come on!
Copy !req
651. Let's go!
Copy !req
652. Yeah!
Copy !req
653. Ooh!
Copy !req
654. It's flashing!
That means she's located the penny.
Copy !req
655. How will we know when she's got it?
Copy !req
656. She'll do a little dance.
Bunnies love to dance.
Copy !req
657. You don't say.
Copy !req
658. Shine your heavenly body tonight…
Copy !req
659. She's dancing! She's got the penny!
Copy !req
660. 'Cause I know…
Copy !req
661. Now, press the "home" button.
Copy !req
662. …you're gonna make everything
All right
Copy !req
663. I'll wait for the penny.
You get out of there.
Copy !req
664. You may be my lucky star
Copy !req
665. Oh, what you do to me, baby?
Oh, come on
Copy !req
666. I'm the luckiest by far
Copy !req
667. Why didn't you tell me you could sing?
Copy !req
668. You never asked. No questions, remember?
Copy !req
669. Right, because we don't need
to get to know each other.
Copy !req
670. Attention, all citizens.
Copy !req
671. A very suspicious item was turned in
to the penny drop.
Copy !req
672. A button.
Copy !req
673. A line cat used this button,
thinking it was a lucky penny,
Copy !req
674. and was run over by a tricycle
in the human world.
Copy !req
675. Don't worry.
Copy !req
676. Magical creatures heal
at the speed of light.
Copy !req
677. See?
Copy !req
678. Whoever turned in this button
did not turn in their travel penny,
Copy !req
679. which means there is
a penny thief amongst us.
Copy !req
680. Crikey, I didnae steal it. I just lost it.
Copy !req
681. And the culprit is
one of these three cats.
Copy !req
682. Uh-oh.
Copy !req
683. Everyone knows the punishment
for stealing good luck,
Copy !req
684. is banishment to Bad Luck.
Copy !req
685. So I'm coming for you, penny thief.
Copy !req
686. And, Bob, if it turns out to be you,
Copy !req
687. I'm really going to enjoy this.
Copy !req
688. We gotta turn in that penny.
Copy !req
689. - The drone's back!
- Does she have the penny?
Copy !req
690. Do you see the penny, Gerry?
Copy !req
691. Yeah, I see it.
Copy !req
692. Grab it, Gerry! Grab it!
Copy !req
693. I just gotta get my gloves.
Copy !req
694. What? No! What you doin'?
Copy !req
695. Get in there and grab it
before the vacuums turn on.
Copy !req
696. Did you get it, Gerry?
Copy !req
697. - Are you on mute, Gerry?
- No.
Copy !req
698. I'm here but the penny is gone.
Copy !req
699. - What?
- The whole drone got sucked right out.
Copy !req
700. I'm sorry, boss. You were right.
I should've just grabbed it.
Copy !req
701. But you could still get it
from the In Between.
Copy !req
702. - "In Between"?
- Where the human debris goes.
Copy !req
703. Exactly! The drone will be in bin six.
Copy !req
704. You just gotta get to it before Jeff does.
Copy !req
705. Who's Jeff?
Copy !req
706. Hopefully, you won't have to find out.
Come on.
Copy !req
707. So, why do they call it the In Between?
Copy !req
708. It's the space between the lands
of Good and Bad Luck.
Copy !req
709. Kinda like a basement.
Copy !req
710. Now we're talking.
Copy !req
711. Hit the button, would ya?
Copy !req
712. What button did you press?
Copy !req
713. BL, basement level. Why?
Copy !req
714. I said it was like a basement.
You're supposed to push IB, In Between.
Copy !req
715. So then, what's BL stand for?
Copy !req
716. Bad Luck! And thanks to you,
we're headed there right now.
Copy !req
717. What's happening?
Copy !req
718. Gravity shift. Bad Luck's gravity works
the opposite way of ours. Climb the wall!
Copy !req
719. - What?
- Now!
Copy !req
720. Sam, hurry. Get back in the lift.
Copy !req
721. Yes, please.
Copy !req
722. No!
Copy !req
723. If the lift takes off,
just meet me in the In Between.
Copy !req
724. What? Oh, no you don't.
You are not leaving me down here.
Copy !req
725. There's a tiny door.
You just have to find it.
Copy !req
726. Go to Luck Tower 13,
right past the Lost Sock Dispensary.
Copy !req
727. - What are you talking about?
- Listen to me.
Copy !req
728. Tower 13 to the Dog Poop Research Center,
then find the purple light.
Copy !req
729. Tiny door will be there,
Copy !req
730. somewhere between "Stepped in It"
and "Tracked It in the House."
Copy !req
731. Piece of cake.
Copy !req
732. But I'm not from here.
Copy !req
733. Right. Okay, this will really help.
The Bad Luck world is a mirror—
Copy !req
734. Great. Okay, Tower 13, Dog Poop
Research Center, purple light, tiny door.
Copy !req
735. Hey! Leprechaun. What are you doing here?
Copy !req
736. Tower 13.
Copy !req
737. Okay, he said it was somewhere between
Copy !req
738. "Stepped in It"
and "Tracked It in the House."
Copy !req
739. Three stories?
Copy !req
740. That's a lot of dog poop research.
Copy !req
741. "Slipped on it.
Smell it but can't find it."
Copy !req
742. "Left the house without a poop bag.
Torn poop bag."
Copy !req
743. "It's a wet one." Gross.
Copy !req
744. "Stepped in It."
Copy !req
745. And "Tracked It in the House."
Purple light!
Copy !req
746. Bob?
Copy !req
747. I can do this. I'm almost there!
Copy !req
748. Oh, no.
Copy !req
749. Huh?
Copy !req
750. Bob? Is that you?
Copy !req
751. It is you.
Copy !req
752. Bob! Hey, it's me. It's Sam.
Look down here.
Copy !req
753. Sam, you made it!
Copy !req
754. - Yeah.
- Watch out.
Copy !req
755. Okay, so now jump.
Copy !req
756. What?
Copy !req
757. Bad Luck gravity works the opposite
of ours, remember?
Copy !req
758. Right.
Copy !req
759. Down to go up, that's just weird.
Copy !req
760. - So, how did you know?
- Know what?
Copy !req
761. How to get here through Bad Luck?
Copy !req
762. Well, simple.
Bad Luck is a mirror image of Good Luck.
Copy !req
763. - And this is the In Between?
- Not quite.
Copy !req
764. Come on, give me a hand.
Copy !req
765. This is the In Between.
Copy !req
766. Gerry said the drone would be in bin six.
Copy !req
767. Bad Luck dust!
Copy !req
768. Shake it off.
Copy !req
769. It's Jeff.
Copy !req
770. Forget that! Hide!
Copy !req
771. He is a total blabbermouth.
Copy !req
772. If he sees us, we'll never have a chance
to find the penny.
Copy !req
773. Jeff's a unicorn?
Copy !req
774. Warming up the muscles.
Copy !req
775. Heiliger Strohsack.
Copy !req
776. It's like a strasse of bad luck.
Copy !req
777. What's happening, guys?
Copy !req
778. Hello.
Copy !req
779. You surprise my heart to stop.
Copy !req
780. Mighty leprechaun Fräulein!
Okay. Well done, nature.
Copy !req
781. Yep.
Copy !req
782. Robert, is that you?
Copy !req
783. Hi, Jeff.
Copy !req
784. Guten Tag.
Copy !req
785. So you two are friends?
Copy !req
786. Robert doesn't want friends,
Copy !req
787. but lucky for him,
I wouldn't take nein for an answer.
Copy !req
788. Zip, zip, zip and whisk, whisk, whisk.
They are stuck to your shoesy.
Copy !req
789. Sometimes a little goes… ja?
From my homemade bad luck apparat.
Copy !req
790. It's my one-of-a-kind mixer machine
Copy !req
791. that feeds the bad luck
straight into das Randomizer.
Copy !req
792. - Will you show me how it works?
- Ja, komm.
Copy !req
793. Es ist sehr exciting to have visitors.
I'm excited. I can't hide it.
Copy !req
794. I'll catch up. I need to
find some kitty litter.
Copy !req
795. Sounds gross, Robert. Bye.
Copy !req
796. So the thing is,
the bad luck sticks to itself
Copy !req
797. like the butter of nuts
to the roof of your mouth.
Copy !req
798. So, you're saying bad luck
attracts more bad luck?
Copy !req
799. - 'Cause that would explain a lot.
- Ja.
Copy !req
800. Like glue. See?
That's what used to happen.
Copy !req
801. So I made eine mixing machine,
and voilà! No more clogs.
Copy !req
802. The bad luck flows right
to das Randomizer.
Copy !req
803. - That's some top-notch engineering, Jeff.
- Danke schön.
Copy !req
804. And I no longer go by Jeff.
Copy !req
805. Ja, recently I have reverted
to my birth name, Heimdall!
Copy !req
806. Heim-dall. Like, you know, the little doll
but first with a "Heim" in front.
Copy !req
807. Okay, ja, sure, the name fit better
when I was younger.
Copy !req
808. I get it. You don't have to say it.
Copy !req
809. Is that the Dragon?
Copy !req
810. Ja, that's her. Meine one true love.
Copy !req
811. She smelted me this locket,
and she saved my life.
Copy !req
812. What happened?
Copy !req
813. Before my mixing machine, I had to clean
out the bad luck clogs by hand.
Copy !req
814. And one day the pipe, it plätzen!
And gesprüht bad luck dust all over me.
Copy !req
815. The Dragon heard and sent for me sofort.
It was love at first look.
Copy !req
816. She borrowed me a lucky penny
to counteract the bad luck.
Copy !req
817. But bad luck can really linger.
Copy !req
818. It took four months to recover, but they
were the beste four months of my life.
Copy !req
819. And then she broke my heart.
Copy !req
820. Why?
Copy !req
821. Well, sometimes I would track
a little bad luck into Good Luck
Copy !req
822. on my shoesies.
Copy !req
823. She was so terrified of what bad luck
might do to her creatures and her world,
Copy !req
824. so she broke it off.
Copy !req
825. And now we're both alone.
Copy !req
826. How sad.
Copy !req
827. If I could leave meine work, I would.
Copy !req
828. But we einhorn have cared for
the Randomizer since the buttocks of dawn.
Copy !req
829. Goody! A delivery!
Copy !req
830. Da bist du, Robert!
Copy !req
831. Guess what? Earlier,
I found a bunny drone in the pile.
Copy !req
832. Ja, just one. Ja, I wanted a set of six.
Copy !req
833. Do you still have it?
Copy !req
834. Und here she is.
Copy !req
835. - Was there a penny?
- Ja, Robert.
Copy !req
836. But it was so stinky,
so I sent it up to the Penny Depot
Copy !req
837. to be disinfected
and put back into circulation.
Copy !req
838. I heard the Captain interrogated poor Edna
for hours about that penny.
Copy !req
839. She was clean as a whistle, of course.
Copy !req
840. So now it's down to just two cats,
Ernie and Bob.
Copy !req
841. I'm doomed.
Copy !req
842. Maybe not. You lay low.
I'm going to see the Dragon.
Copy !req
843. You can't, Sam.
She'll sniff out your bad luck.
Copy !req
844. That's exactly what I want her to do.
And I'm not taking any chances.
Copy !req
845. If the Dragon helped an engineer unicorn,
Copy !req
846. maybe she'll help
an unlucky leprechaun too.
Copy !req
847. If she discovers you're a human,
she'll never let you go home.
Copy !req
848. I have to risk it.
Copy !req
849. I can't give up on Hazel. Or you, Bob.
Copy !req
850. Don't go far.
Copy !req
851. If I get a penny, we're back in business.
Copy !req
852. Good afternoon,
I'm here to see the Dragon.
Copy !req
853. Leapin' rabbits! It's the tall leprechaun.
Copy !req
854. Send her in, Hopsberg.
Copy !req
855. And the memos too.
Copy !req
856. Twice in one day.
Copy !req
857. You were on the Luck Floor this morning,
Copy !req
858. Yes, that was me.
Copy !req
859. I thought so.
Copy !req
860. Luck levels looking excellent as usual.
Copy !req
861. See you next week.
Copy !req
862. I'm so happy.
Copy !req
863. There are so few creatures
here I can actually look in the eye.
Copy !req
864. We lucky ladies of stature
oughta stick together, don't you think?
Copy !req
865. Yeah.
Copy !req
866. What's this?
Copy !req
867. Rabbits!
Copy !req
868. Under the shoe.
Copy !req
869. Hurry!
Copy !req
870. Much better.
Copy !req
871. You see, the tiniest amount of bad luck
can shut down our entire operation.
Copy !req
872. We work so hard to keep it out,
but, you know,
Copy !req
873. every so often,
bad luck manages to find its way in.
Copy !req
874. I'm really sorry. I didn't mean
to upset you. I just—
Copy !req
875. It's not you, dear. Oh, no. It's bad luck.
Copy !req
876. It's a cruel, corrosive agent of sadness
and destruction that—
Copy !req
877. I agree. And it explains a lot.
Copy !req
878. Why it all went haywire
at the Penny Depot for one.
Copy !req
879. So that was you.
Copy !req
880. Yeah. It's been a bit of a day.
Copy !req
881. Poor, innocent leprechaun.
Copy !req
882. I'm so sorry you had to go through that.
And you only experienced one speck.
Copy !req
883. Think of the poor souls in the Land of
the Unlucky tasked with making the stuff.
Copy !req
884. Can you imagine dealing with bad luck
every single day of your life?
Copy !req
885. - A truly miserable existence.
- Yeah.
Copy !req
886. And I don't suppose it's much fun
for the humans who receive it either.
Copy !req
887. It isn't.
Copy !req
888. I've seen them when I'm out leprechauning.
Copy !req
889. These unlucky humans, who,
no matter how hard they try,
Copy !req
890. bad luck always shows up just
to beat them down and make them feel so…
Copy !req
891. Alone.
Copy !req
892. Exactly.
Copy !req
893. Which is why
we make the good kind of luck,
Copy !req
894. and as much as we possibly can.
Copy !req
895. Yeah.
Copy !req
896. 'Cause when you have good luck,
it feels like anything is possible.
Copy !req
897. - I guess it's because—
- Good luck is joy.
Copy !req
898. Yes.
Copy !req
899. And hope. It's like you said,
it's the good kind of luck.
Copy !req
900. And were I the queen of the universe,
and I suspect it's a job I would excel at,
Copy !req
901. I'd rid the world of bad luck altogether!
Copy !req
902. Eradicate it completely.
Copy !req
903. Good luck all the time,
what could be better?
Copy !req
904. Not a single thing.
Copy !req
905. And you can bet
those humans would like it too.
Copy !req
906. Yeah.
Then their world could look like this.
Copy !req
907. They should be so lucky.
Copy !req
908. You did the right thing coming to see me.
You— What was your name?
Copy !req
909. Sam. My name is Sam.
Copy !req
910. Sam. Call me Babe.
Copy !req
911. You know a lot of creatures
are intimidated by tall women, Sam.
Copy !req
912. Carry it for a few days. You'll be back
to your lucky self in no time.
Copy !req
913. The last creature I helped
needed four months with a penny
Copy !req
914. until his bad luck was gone.
Copy !req
915. I've heard it can really linger.
Copy !req
916. They were the best four months of my life.
Copy !req
917. Thank you, Babe.
Copy !req
918. Just return it to the Depot
when you're done.
Copy !req
919. I will.
Copy !req
920. You're about to make
a little girl and a lucky cat so happy.
Copy !req
921. Take it easy!
Copy !req
922. Get off me.
I won't be cat-handled like this.
Copy !req
923. We traced the missing penny
back to you, Bob.
Copy !req
924. You have no proof.
Copy !req
925. This button is all the proof we need.
Copy !req
926. It's got your polydactyl paw prints
all over it.
Copy !req
927. - I can explain.
- It's too late.
Copy !req
928. You'll be banished
to Bad Luck where you belong.
Copy !req
929. Obstructing justice?
I oughta arrest you too.
Copy !req
930. I was just catching up to Bob
to give him this.
Copy !req
931. You got it.
Copy !req
932. Yes, Bob. I did.
Copy !req
933. Must've fallen right out of his collar.
Copy !req
934. Maybe when you stopped
to try that tasty meat bread.
Copy !req
935. And you're absolutely sure
this one is mine?
Copy !req
936. I'm sure.
Copy !req
937. She's a real lifesaver, this one.
Copy !req
938. If you had your travel penny,
why did you turn in the button, Bob?
Copy !req
939. Silly mistake.
I just threw the wrong one into the drop.
Copy !req
940. When I discovered the mix-up,
Copy !req
941. I was heading
straight back to Decon to turn it in,
Copy !req
942. and then I guess that's
when the little bugger just slipped out.
Copy !req
943. Just like that, no travel penny.
Copy !req
944. You know,
Copy !req
945. I'm starting to think that maybe the
equipment rabbits issued me a bum collar.
Copy !req
946. This isn't the first time
it's got loose, you know.
Copy !req
947. I see.
Copy !req
948. Well, faulty equipment is unacceptable,
Bob. You're right.
Copy !req
949. Aye, it most certainly is.
Copy !req
950. Here you go, Captain.
Copy !req
951. I can't believe you just did that.
I mean, thank you, like, a lot,
Copy !req
952. but you could've taken that penny
straight to your friend Hazel.
Copy !req
953. Her first, then me, that was the deal.
Copy !req
954. I could never let you be sent to Bad Luck
so that Hazel could have good luck.
Copy !req
955. - It doesn't work like that.
- Well, how does it work?
Copy !req
956. Because I don't want you to go home
and leave me here feeling guilty
Copy !req
957. that she doesn't get
to use a lucky penny now.
Copy !req
958. You think I'm going home?
Copy !req
959. Wait. You're not?
Copy !req
960. I came here to help Hazel,
Copy !req
961. and I only have one hour left to do it
before her visit.
Copy !req
962. If you're actually feeling guilty,
then you can help me.
Copy !req
963. But there's no way to get another penny.
Copy !req
964. For what we're doing,
we won't need a penny.
Copy !req
965. What are we gonna do?
Copy !req
966. We're gonna turn off bad luck.
Copy !req
967. If we shut down Jeff's mixer machine,
Copy !req
968. the bad luck should stick to itself
and clog up the pipe
Copy !req
969. so it can't travel to the Randomizer.
Copy !req
970. And if no bad luck gets to the Randomizer…
Copy !req
971. No bad luck gets to the human world.
Copy !req
972. Wait. What about Jeff?
Copy !req
973. Und schneller. Und schneller.
Und steil. Ja, steil.
Copy !req
974. Go down that berg.
Copy !req
975. I have no words.
Copy !req
976. Yeah, I think we're good for a bit.
Copy !req
977. You know we can't do this permanently,
Copy !req
978. Of course not. That's where you come in.
Copy !req
979. I'm gonna turn it back on.
Copy !req
980. All Hazel needs is two hours tops.
Copy !req
981. And then I flip the switch. And that's it.
Copy !req
982. We're even. Fini, complet.
Case closed. Deal done.
Copy !req
983. You'll never see my face again.
Copy !req
984. Great. Here goes.
Copy !req
985. Look at that.
Copy !req
986. It's starting to stick.
Copy !req
987. It's working.
Copy !req
988. I wish I could see Hazel.
Copy !req
989. I think I can handle that.
Copy !req
990. Really?
She lives two miles east of the café.
Copy !req
991. Tell me again
why she needs good luck so badly.
Copy !req
992. If her visit goes well,
she could find her forever family.
Copy !req
993. Which is what exactly?
Copy !req
994. It's the people who are always there
for you, no matter what happens.
Copy !req
995. The ones who don't leave, they stick.
Copy !req
996. There.
Copy !req
997. - Is that her?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
998. It looks like the couple will be there
any minute. It's all I hoped for,
Copy !req
999. a little good luck for Hazel,
and we did it, Bob.
Copy !req
1000. I swear I could hug you right now.
Copy !req
1001. Cats aren't really huggers.
Copy !req
1002. Well, I love hugs.
Copy !req
1003. So, that's it then. Deal finally done.
Copy !req
1004. Please thank Gerry for me.
Copy !req
1005. And I'm sorry I stretched out his clothes.
Copy !req
1006. Hey, Sam. I'm curious.
What do you hope for now?
Copy !req
1007. Are you asking me questions, Bob?
Copy !req
1008. Now that you're finally leaving,
Copy !req
1009. it seemed like a good time
to get to know you better.
Copy !req
1010. In that case,
Copy !req
1011. I guess I just hope
I can do something good with my life.
Copy !req
1012. That my bad luck won't
get in the way, you know?
Copy !req
1013. Aye. I think I do.
Copy !req
1014. Right. Well, that's us.
Copy !req
1015. Huh?
Copy !req
1016. It's coming from the In Between.
There must be something wrong.
Copy !req
1017. I didn't think that was possible.
Copy !req
1018. Oh, no. Hazel!
Copy !req
1019. Hazel. No.
Copy !req
1020. No.
Copy !req
1021. The good luck stone!
Copy !req
1022. This can't be happening.
I need good luck to forge a new one.
Copy !req
1023. The clovers are shriveled.
The pigs cannot create good luck.
Copy !req
1024. What about the pennies?
Copy !req
1025. Just one lucky penny would be enough.
Copy !req
1026. They're all contaminated!
Copy !req
1027. Try this one.
Copy !req
1028. Is it lucky or not?
Copy !req
1029. Not.
Copy !req
1030. Wait. Why do you have that, boss?
Copy !req
1031. Does this mean you're not lucky?
Copy !req
1032. I was right all along.
Copy !req
1033. You're a liar and a thief.
I bet you're not even Scottish.
Copy !req
1034. I'm not.
Copy !req
1035. I'm English, actually.
Copy !req
1036. And I lived eight lives in bad luck
before I found that penny.
Copy !req
1037. It was the penny that made you lucky.
Copy !req
1038. Yes.
Copy !req
1039. I'm a bad luck black cat.
Copy !req
1040. And I always will be.
Copy !req
1041. What does that mean?
Copy !req
1042. The connection between the human world
and the luck world
Copy !req
1043. has been severed for good.
Copy !req
1044. But there must be a way to fix it!
To reconnect.
Copy !req
1045. Without good luck, there is no way.
Copy !req
1046. But I have to get to Hazel!
I have to go home.
Copy !req
1047. You're a human?
Copy !req
1048. Yes. And I have to go home.
Copy !req
1049. And what about our home, Sam?
Copy !req
1050. We exist to make luck for your world.
What will happen to us now?
Copy !req
1051. You should never have come here.
Copy !req
1052. She was only following me.
Copy !req
1053. I'm so sorry.
I never meant for any of this.
Copy !req
1054. I was just trying to help my friend.
Copy !req
1055. And instead, you've made sure that she
Copy !req
1056. and no other humans
will ever experience luck again.
Copy !req
1057. We should just banish both
of them to Bad Luck.
Copy !req
1058. What does it matter?
It's all bad luck now.
Copy !req
1059. See, I knew there was something
off about you, Bob.
Copy !req
1060. I knew it deep in my soul.
Copy !req
1061. Only, I didn't stop you in time.
Copy !req
1062. And I have to live
with that for the rest of my life.
Copy !req
1063. I should've been better, Sam.
Copy !req
1064. I should've given you the penny
for your friend.
Copy !req
1065. If I had, none of this would've happened.
Copy !req
1066. But you were afraid I'd lose it
or flush it down another toilet.
Copy !req
1067. I was afraid to lose my lucky life.
Copy !req
1068. And too selfish to risk it.
Copy !req
1069. Well, you made the right choice.
Copy !req
1070. - I make things worse. It's what I do.
- Sam—
Copy !req
1071. You'd think
I would have learned my lesson by now.
Copy !req
1072. To just lay down for once,
Copy !req
1073. stop trying so hard,
stop sweating, like you said.
Copy !req
1074. I should never have said that.
Copy !req
1075. It's true.
Copy !req
1076. Even here, in the luckiest place
in the universe,
Copy !req
1077. I still found a way to screw it all up.
Copy !req
1078. And that's how I know.
Copy !req
1079. Know what?
Copy !req
1080. That it's not my bad luck
that's the problem. It's just me.
Copy !req
1081. And there's no amount of good luck
that can ever fix it.
Copy !req
1082. I don't believe that.
Copy !req
1083. Well you should.
Copy !req
1084. Not only did I doom Hazel, and you, and—
Copy !req
1085. and everyone else to a life of bad luck,
but now I can't get back to her.
Copy !req
1086. I'm just another adult
who broke another promise.
Copy !req
1087. The kind that leaves and doesn't stick.
Copy !req
1088. I swear,
she'd be better off if she never met me.
Copy !req
1089. Well, I wouldn't be better off.
Copy !req
1090. You're not bad, Sam.
Copy !req
1091. You're the opposite of bad,
Copy !req
1092. like some kind of pure goodness
I didn't think was possible for a human.
Copy !req
1093. Your first instinct is to share,
like the tasty meat bread.
Copy !req
1094. Or to help, even if helping might stop you
from getting what you want the most.
Copy !req
1095. And what's crazier is what you want
the most isn't even for you.
Copy !req
1096. You want good things for others in a way
that I can't comprehend,
Copy !req
1097. and you'll endure the worst bad luck ever
to make it happen.
Copy !req
1098. I was wrong to ever tell you not
to try because every time you do,
Copy !req
1099. you make things better.
And that's how I know.
Copy !req
1100. Know what?
Copy !req
1101. That your friend Hazel
doesn't need good luck.
Copy !req
1102. She's already the luckiest girl
in the world 'cause she has you.
Copy !req
1103. You said you wanted
to do something good with your life.
Copy !req
1104. You already have.
Copy !req
1105. I didn't mean to make you cry.
Copy !req
1106. Don't worry, Bob. It's a happy cry.
Copy !req
1107. Humans are so weird.
Copy !req
1108. There's gotta be a way to fix this!
Copy !req
1109. Yes, and get you back to Hazel.
Copy !req
1110. But fat chance of that happening.
Copy !req
1111. Unless you have some good luck hidden
in there, which—
Copy !req
1112. Wait. What did you say?
Copy !req
1113. "Unless you have some good luck hidden
in there"?
Copy !req
1114. - That's it.
- What is?
Copy !req
1115. There's good luck down in Bad Luck.
Copy !req
1116. How do you know that?
Copy !req
1117. Because I've seen it!
Copy !req
1118. And you're planning to go right back
down to Bad Luck and fetch it?
Copy !req
1119. - That's your plan?
- Bingo.
Copy !req
1120. Welcome back to the Land of Bad Luck.
Copy !req
1121. It's like I never left.
Copy !req
1122. The good luck is somewhere
between here in Dog Poop and the elevator.
Copy !req
1123. Okay, describe what you saw exactly.
Copy !req
1124. Monsters were gathered around
this green light that had to be good luck.
Copy !req
1125. And then a bell would ding,
Copy !req
1126. and they'd start shouting,
and there was fire and—
Copy !req
1127. - Fire?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
1128. It could only be one place.
Copy !req
1129. I must have come
in the back door last time.
Copy !req
1130. Wait! Don't go in yet!
Copy !req
1131. Bob.
Copy !req
1132. Hi.
Copy !req
1133. This is it.
Copy !req
1134. Bob? Is that you?
Copy !req
1135. Where the heck you been, brother?
Copy !req
1136. Hey, Rootie, how's it going?
Copy !req
1137. - It's Bob.
- Long time, no see.
Copy !req
1138. - Monsters, huh?
- You said monsters.
Copy !req
1139. I said roots and goblins, which they are.
Copy !req
1140. Hey, Bob.
Copy !req
1141. - And goats.
- How do they know you?
Copy !req
1142. I spent a couple of hours here.
Copy !req
1143. Yeah, try eight lifetimes.
Copy !req
1144. Just sitting here sipping
my famous tangerine tornado
Copy !req
1145. and talking about how if he could
just find a little good luck,
Copy !req
1146. he could finally be happy.
Copy !req
1147. We thought you were dead, Bob.
Copy !req
1148. Yeah, Rootie even retired your barstool.
Copy !req
1149. Wow, that's— Thanks.
Copy !req
1150. But, yeah, not dead.
Copy !req
1151. Just looking for a little good luck,
like Rootie said.
Copy !req
1152. Where are my manners?
Copy !req
1153. I'm Rootie, the proprietor
of this tropical juice bar
Copy !req
1154. and the self-appointed mayor of Bad Luck.
Copy !req
1155. Nice to meet you, Rootie. I'm Sam.
Copy !req
1156. Hey, you're that leprechaun
who broke the elevator.
Copy !req
1157. Human actually, and yeah.
Sorry about that.
Copy !req
1158. Human, huh? Well, that's a first.
Copy !req
1159. Hey, Bob.
We'll get your stool down for ya.
Copy !req
1160. Duct tape, flying in!
Copy !req
1161. Don't worry about it, guys.
We can't stick around.
Copy !req
1162. - We need your help.
- Name it. What's going on?
Copy !req
1163. Well, the luck lines have detached,
the Randomizer is broken,
Copy !req
1164. and we're floating off into the void
with no real purpose to exist.
Copy !req
1165. We thought we just short-circuited a wire.
Copy !req
1166. We didn't realize we had broken
the whole world.
Copy !req
1167. It wasn't you guys. It was us.
Copy !req
1168. Something broke, and it wasn't our fault?
Amen, brother.
Copy !req
1169. But there might still be a way to fix it.
Copy !req
1170. When I was here before,
I saw a green light,
Copy !req
1171. which I'm really hoping is good luck.
Copy !req
1172. Oh, yeah, we've got some.
It's in the Lucky Shot.
Copy !req
1173. Lucky Shot?
Copy !req
1174. Yeah! Way to go, Stinky!
Copy !req
1175. All right, follow me.
Copy !req
1176. Happened after you left, Bob.
Copy !req
1177. I was out fixing cracks
when I backed into this pipe
Copy !req
1178. and a little good luck floated out.
Copy !req
1179. So I gathered it up and dropped it
straight into the Lucky Shot.
Copy !req
1180. Figured that way everybody
could experience a little good luck.
Copy !req
1181. - You know what I mean?
- But what about them?
Copy !req
1182. You're kidding?
Copy !req
1183. They'll just find
something else to rally around.
Copy !req
1184. It's one of the benefits of bad luck.
It teaches you to pivot.
Copy !req
1185. I never really thought about it that way.
Copy !req
1186. - Come on!
- Something must be broken.
Copy !req
1187. Bummer.
Copy !req
1188. Okay. Frisbee golf, anyone?
Copy !req
1189. See what I'm saying?
Copy !req
1190. And once you've fixed the Randomizer,
Copy !req
1191. I have no doubt, one day,
I'll find some more.
Copy !req
1192. Thank you, Rootie.
And we'll need some bad luck dust too.
Copy !req
1193. Have at it. Plenty of that around.
Copy !req
1194. And if you could use our help up there,
just say the word.
Copy !req
1195. Word.
Copy !req
1196. Well, giddy up!
Copy !req
1197. We gotta get this to the Dragon.
Copy !req
1198. She won't be happy to see us.
We just wrecked her world.
Copy !req
1199. I think we know someone
she will be happy to see.
Copy !req
1200. How could I miss that she was a human?
Copy !req
1201. A tall leprechaun?
Copy !req
1202. How dare they show up here?
Copy !req
1203. Who is it?
Copy !req
1204. It's Bob, the girl and a unicorn.
Copy !req
1205. Jeff?
Copy !req
1206. Guter Kummer,
I don't remember it being that tough.
Copy !req
1207. Of course, last time I was a stallion.
Copy !req
1208. It has been a hundred years.
Copy !req
1209. Schön dich zu sehen, Babe.
Copy !req
1210. Heimdall.
Copy !req
1211. You got a lot of nerve coming here.
Copy !req
1212. Hear them out, Babe.
Copy !req
1213. A little good luck.
It might be enough to fix the Randomizer.
Copy !req
1214. Where did it come from?
Copy !req
1215. Bad Luck.
Copy !req
1216. Somehow it made its way down there,
and they were kind enough to share.
Copy !req
1217. We need you to forge two new stones.
Copy !req
1218. Just like when you made this.
Copy !req
1219. You still have it.
Copy !req
1220. I never took it off.
Copy !req
1221. Your ancient dragon flames
have the power, Babe.
Copy !req
1222. I trust you remember how
to wield your burning hot Feuer?
Copy !req
1223. Was that a dare?
Copy !req
1224. Let's see if I've still got it.
Copy !req
1225. Was ist das?
Copy !req
1226. You said you needed two stones. Voilà!
Copy !req
1227. But you made three.
Copy !req
1228. The bad luck stone was just a warm-up.
Copy !req
1229. And these are for the Randomizer.
Copy !req
1230. Have you lost your brain marbles, Babe?
Copy !req
1231. Because you know very well
that das Randomizer needs a good luck
Copy !req
1232. and a bad luck stone.
Copy !req
1233. Does it though? Two stones, sure.
Copy !req
1234. But show me where it says
they can't both be lucky.
Copy !req
1235. This is the moment
we've all been waiting for.
Copy !req
1236. With these two stones,
we can eliminate bad luck
Copy !req
1237. and all that goes with it.
The frustration, the loneliness, the—
Copy !req
1238. - Wait. But—
- You said it yourself, Sam.
Copy !req
1239. Without bad luck,
your world could look just like ours.
Copy !req
1240. Toodle-oo!
Copy !req
1241. Down to go up.
Copy !req
1242. I can't let you
place two good luck stones.
Copy !req
1243. Nonsense.
Good luck for everyone all the time.
Copy !req
1244. We can make that happen, Sam.
Copy !req
1245. You, of all people, should want that.
Copy !req
1246. I know bad luck can be terrible,
especially when it keeps coming.
Copy !req
1247. - But we still need it.
- Need it?
Copy !req
1248. The only thing bad luck ever did for me
was break my world and break my heart.
Copy !req
1249. No. It was me who broke your world.
Copy !req
1250. It's Bad Luck that's here
helping put it back together.
Copy !req
1251. - Hey, these things happen.
- Not here.
Copy !req
1252. - There we go.
- Don't worry.
Copy !req
1253. I know you're afraid to let bad luck in.
Copy !req
1254. You think it's the reason you're alone.
I did too.
Copy !req
1255. I blamed bad luck for everything
that went wrong in my life.
Copy !req
1256. But coming here, I realized that
it also made some things go very right.
Copy !req
1257. Without my bad luck,
I wouldn't have met Hazel or Bob.
Copy !req
1258. And you would've never met
the love of your life.
Copy !req
1259. What are you talking about?
Copy !req
1260. You only met Jeff
because he'd been doused by bad luck.
Copy !req
1261. Which means, it didn't tear you apart.
Copy !req
1262. Bad luck brought you together
in the first place.
Copy !req
1263. You think your creatures
can't endure bad luck,
Copy !req
1264. but they can, and they will.
Copy !req
1265. And so can you.
Copy !req
1266. You don't have to fear bad luck
because you have each other.
Copy !req
1267. And that makes you
the luckiest creatures I know.
Copy !req
1268. Why, if good and bad luck can
at long last live side by side,
Copy !req
1269. then I would love nothing more.
Copy !req
1270. Far be it from me
to take all the mystery out of life.
Copy !req
1271. Both it is.
Copy !req
1272. Sam!
Copy !req
1273. We lucky ladies of stature
oughta stick together, don't you think?
Copy !req
1274. Oh, yes.
Copy !req
1275. Thank you, Sam.
Copy !req
1276. All right!
One bad-break banana banshee coming down.
Copy !req
1277. Sorry, Root.
Copy !req
1278. No problem, Fred.
You know I always make two, just in case.
Copy !req
1279. What was that?
Copy !req
1280. We miss you already.
Copy !req
1281. - "We"?
- Sam!
Copy !req
1282. - Sam. Bob.
- Hey, Rootie.
Copy !req
1283. - Good Luck in Bad Luck.
- And Hairy Lemon.
Copy !req
1284. Now, this is a good-looking juice bar.
Copy !req
1285. Yeah. First tropical juice bar
in the Land of Luck.
Copy !req
1286. We come bearing gifts.
Or, well, gift rather.
Copy !req
1287. It's for the Lucky Shot.
Copy !req
1288. She sure is a beauty.
Copy !req
1289. It's a small token of thanks
for coming to our aid.
Copy !req
1290. It was our pleasure, Ms. The Dragon.
Copy !req
1291. And we sure do appreciate you dropping
in for a visit.
Copy !req
1292. I should have come long ago.
Copy !req
1293. Und we have our unlucky Freund Sam
to thank for bringing us all together.
Copy !req
1294. Way to go, Latvia!
Copy !req
1295. Latvia!
Copy !req
1296. Sam!
Copy !req
1297. Speaking of my bad luck,
Copy !req
1298. I'd like to thank you guys
for sending it all my way.
Copy !req
1299. The flat tires, the toast jam-side-down,
the keys in the sewer.
Copy !req
1300. Hey, that was me!
Copy !req
1301. It wasn't all fun,
but I wouldn't change a single thing.
Copy !req
1302. Fire her up. What do you say, Sam?
Copy !req
1303. - Take a shot, Bob.
- Come on, Bob!
Copy !req
1304. Hey! So, what do you say, Bob?
Ready to come home?
Copy !req
1305. Sounds like the guys
got your barstool fixed
Copy !req
1306. and ready for your little cat butt.
Copy !req
1307. Thanks, guys.
Copy !req
1308. Well, we were actually hoping
Bob might stay in Good Luck.
Copy !req
1309. The Captain said
you could have your job back.
Copy !req
1310. Yeah, despite your growing rap sheet,
Gerry claims you're a good line cat.
Copy !req
1311. So, come on back.
Copy !req
1312. And we made you this,
your very own lucky penny.
Copy !req
1313. Wow.
Copy !req
1314. A lucky life
just like you always wanted, Bob.
Copy !req
1315. I'm so happy for you.
Copy !req
1316. Good for you, Bob.
Copy !req
1317. Thanks, Captain, but I can't accept.
Copy !req
1318. - Boss?
- Bob?
Copy !req
1319. You're all better friends than I deserve.
Copy !req
1320. Well, that's true.
Copy !req
1321. Especially you, Gerry.
And friends we will stay.
Copy !req
1322. But as for where I live out
the rest of my days—
Copy !req
1323. If I can, I'd like to spend them with Sam,
in her world.
Copy !req
1324. Be your forever family?
Copy !req
1325. Me and you, a forever family?
Copy !req
1326. I'd really love that.
Copy !req
1327. You realize you're hugging me, right?
Copy !req
1328. Yes. And you better get used to it.
Copy !req
1329. Juice drinks on the house!
Copy !req
1330. Yes, ma'am. Heat it up.
We're gonna call that the Lucky Dragon.
Copy !req
1331. Mini palm tree. Some bulk beans.
Copy !req
1332. I'm making bean bags,
Copy !req
1333. and I thought a mix might be nice,
you know, in your hand.
Copy !req
1334. And one soap-on-a-rope
brings your total to $13.57.
Copy !req
1335. Let me just find my credit card.
Copy !req
1336. - Found my card!
- Great.
Copy !req
1337. Here you go, Ms. Charles.
Copy !req
1338. Hey, I got this,
Sam the manager.
Copy !req
1339. Bless you, Marvin.
Copy !req
1340. - Have a great time!
- See you Monday!
Copy !req
1341. I should never
have gotten you a cell phone.
Copy !req
1342. I can't stop. I'm sorry. I have a problem.
I was born to thumb-type.
Copy !req
1343. Map says nine minutes,
but we'll take the shortcut.
Copy !req
1344. They're here!
Copy !req
1345. Sam!
Copy !req
1346. - Come here, Bob.
- I say, Hazel. This is a tight one.
Copy !req
1347. Hi, Sam. Hi, Bob.
Copy !req
1348. Sit.
Copy !req
1349. Good work, Bingo. Who's your master?
Copy !req
1350. Who's your master? That's right.
Bob is. Bob is your master.
Copy !req
1351. Bye, Mom. Bye, Dad.
Copy !req
1352. She's just a little excited.
Copy !req
1353. Yeah, me too.
Copy !req
1354. Hazel's really lucky she found you guys.
Copy !req
1355. I'm pretty sure we're the lucky ones.
Copy !req
1356. And we'll see you here
for dinner on Sunday! Five o'clock.
Copy !req
1357. We're having Bob's favorite.
Copy !req
1358. We'll be here.
Copy !req
1359. You hear that, Bob? Paninis on Sunday.
Copy !req
1360. Tasty meat bread.
Copy !req
1361. Bingo.
Copy !req
1362. Not you!
Copy !req
1363. My new life is nothing
like the one I pictured.
Copy !req
1364. It's better.
Copy !req
1365. Things don't always go as planned,
of course.
Copy !req
1366. Unless, well, you plan for them.
Copy !req
1367. In the end, you might say that bad luck
led me to the luckiest thing in the world.
Copy !req
1368. Or was it good luck?
Copy !req
1369. Whatever it was,
I found my forever family.
Copy !req
1370. The kind that doesn't leave. They stick.
Copy !req
1371. And I'd do it all over again to get here.
Copy !req