1. "Beijing Joy Leader Communication Co., Ltd.
and Beijing Enlight Pictures Co., Ltd."
Copy !req
2. "Beijing Joy Leader Communication Co., Ltd.
and Beijing Enlight Pictures Co., Ltd."
Copy !req
3. "Executive Producers: Wang Chang Tian,
Liu Rui Fang, and Wei Qi Yang"
Copy !req
4. "Liu Liu and Li Xiao Ping"
Copy !req
5. Van Gogh
Copy !req
6. uses expressive brushstrokes
Copy !req
7. to create
Copy !req
8. an explosion of color
Copy !req
9. It's poetry
Copy !req
10. It's fantasy
Copy !req
11. It's a religion
Copy !req
12. I wish I could sow a seed in the art world...
Copy !req
13. and this painting, The Sower,
is why I want to be a painter
Copy !req
14. Of course,
Copy !req
15. I dream that one day...
Copy !req
16. me and my loved one can go to
the place in the painting,
Copy !req
17. Arles in the Provence...
Copy !req
18. Open a studio,
Copy !req
19. create art together,
Copy !req
20. and bear testimony to love
Copy !req
21. Students,
Copy !req
22. don't be so narrow-minded
Copy !req
23. These are words well-spoken
Copy !req
24. Your experiences in life...
Copy !req
25. are the foundation of your creative works
Copy !req
26. So poetic
Copy !req
27. What?
Copy !req
28. I think you're very poetic
Copy !req
29. Xu Lai, like:
"Therefore I lie with her and she with me"
Copy !req
30. The next student is:
Copy !req
31. Yang Yi
Copy !req
32. That was some deep stuff
Copy !req
33. Thank you
Copy !req
34. Andy Warhol...
Copy !req
35. created art that really challenged traditional,
Copy !req
36. commercial and consumerist art around the world
Copy !req
37. Your zipper seems to be broken
Copy !req
38. I can see your red underwear
Copy !req
39. He is the leader of pop art
Copy !req
40. Has it been open all this time?
Copy !req
41. The entire department has seen it
Copy !req
42. Which... which class are you in?
Copy !req
43. The Department of Management.
I'm Cai Bo, my friends call me Spinach.
Copy !req
44. What are you doing in
the Department of Oil Painting?
Copy !req
45. My dad asked me to come
Copy !req
46. He owns a clothing business,
Copy !req
47. and wants me to scout...
Copy !req
48. for talented designers here
Copy !req
49. Have you ever heard...
Copy !req
50. of Dadi Underwear?
Copy !req
51. What?
Copy !req
52. Brassieres
Copy !req
53. They specialize in making brassieres
Copy !req
54. and other underwear
Copy !req
55. Shhh...
Copy !req
56. So, I want to be a painter and make a change
Copy !req
57. Yang Yi, wait!
Copy !req
58. What do you like about Van Gogh?
Copy !req
59. He lived life with passion
Copy !req
60. It's not enough to just love art
Copy !req
61. True. Do you like Andy Warhol?
Copy !req
62. I don't like Andy Warhol
Copy !req
63. Don't you like his work?
Copy !req
64. I don't like his work
Copy !req
65. But I like the way he worked
Copy !req
66. What do you mean?
Copy !req
67. You wouldn't understand
Copy !req
68. But they're painters!
Copy !req
69. We'll talk when I get home
Copy !req
70. Miss Liu asked me to make a movie poster
in the auditorium
Copy !req
71. Would you like to join me?
Copy !req
72. Huh?
Copy !req
73. I'm just asking you once.
Copy !req
74. Wait for me!
Copy !req
75. Oh...
Copy !req
76. Such a handsome couple!
Copy !req
77. "I can't shake the melancholy,
I can't get rid of the anguish"
Copy !req
78. "Why is there only emptiness in my heart?"
Copy !req
79. "The feelings are gone, everything is gone"
Copy !req
80. "The sorrow in my heart can't be erased"
Copy !req
81. "Why do you always speak those words?"
Copy !req
82. "Why won't my heart die?"
Copy !req
83. "I realize the love is gone, everything feels wrong"
Copy !req
84. "Why, then, do I still love you?"
Copy !req
85. "Love is a burden, it's like a punishment"
Copy !req
86. "Now my heart is full of bitter tears
Copy !req
87. "I'm drunk on feelings of our old love,
afraid to pursue it once more"
Copy !req
88. "My foolish heart wants to see you"
Copy !req
89. "Why does my heart think of the past
every waking moment?"
Copy !req
90. "Why don't you think of it at all?"
Copy !req
91. "The bond is broken, your love is gone"
Copy !req
92. "Why, then, do I still love you?"
Copy !req
93. Dad
Copy !req
94. "The Chinese University of
Hong Kong's Art Exchange Program"
Copy !req
95. "Love is a burden, it's like a punishment"
Copy !req
96. "Now my heart is full of bitter tears"
Copy !req
97. "I'm drunk on feelings of our old love,
afraid to pursue it once more"
Copy !req
98. "My foolish heart wants to see you"
Copy !req
99. "The bond is broken, your love is gone"
Copy !req
100. "Why, then, do I still love you?"
Copy !req
101. "I once said"
Copy !req
102. "That I won't love you in this life"
Copy !req
103. "That we weren't meant to be"
Copy !req
104. "You were the one"
Copy !req
105. "Who was crazy in love"
Copy !req
106. "You have put"
Copy !req
107. "Your love in my heart"
Copy !req
108. "So now"
Copy !req
109. "My heart unexpectedly turned"
Copy !req
110. "That love"
Copy !req
111. "Is inexhaustible, endless"
Copy !req
112. "And now you..."
Copy !req
113. "Do not heed"
Copy !req
114. "The love in my heart"
Copy !req
115. "Can one change"
Copy !req
116. "What has gone up in smoke?"
Copy !req
117. "I still want to wait"
Copy !req
118. "As this love can't be erased"
Copy !req
119. "But you"
Copy !req
120. "Turned around"
Copy !req
121. "Breaking my heart"
Copy !req
122. "My tears rendered me speechless"
Copy !req
123. "The feelings have gone entirely"
Copy !req
124. Fellow students of the Department of Oil Painting:
Copy !req
125. Today
Copy !req
126. is the first time we're having
a reunion on such a big scale...
Copy !req
127. of our class of '94
Copy !req
128. In the past twenty years,
Copy !req
129. our class lost a painting genius
Copy !req
130. However, we gained...
Copy !req
131. a friend to women
Copy !req
132. How many of the women...
Copy !req
133. gathered here today...
Copy !req
134. wear underwear designed by Xu Lai?
Copy !req
135. Isn't it true...
Copy !req
136. that Xixi frequently wears your underwear?
Copy !req
137. "Come to my exhibition on October 17"
Copy !req
138. "in Victoria Harbor in Hong Kong."
Copy !req
139. Why didn't Yang Yi come?
Copy !req
140. She is holding her own exhibition in Hong Kong
Copy !req
141. "I've fallen for you, and will give you my all"
Copy !req
142. "Please treasure this love"
Copy !req
143. "I have never shared my secrets"
Copy !req
144. "For the first time in my life,
I let my heart speak"
Copy !req
145. "Zhao Wei, Xu Zheng, and Bao Ber'er"
Copy !req
146. "Du Juan, Sam Lee, and Eric Kot Man Fai"
Copy !req
147. "Written and Produced by Xu Zheng"
Copy !req
148. "Directed by Xu Zheng"
Copy !req
149. Good morning
Copy !req
150. What are you doing?
Copy !req
151. I've told you several times already:
Copy !req
152. Don't wear such tight underwear
Copy !req
153. I bought you some big, loose-fitting ones...
Copy !req
154. how come you're not wearing them?
Copy !req
155. When did you take off my underwear?
Copy !req
156. You did pretty well today
Copy !req
157. Your little friend got up before you did!
Copy !req
158. I want to discuss something with you
Copy !req
159. Can we do this some other time?
Copy !req
160. No, it has to be today
Copy !req
161. According to my ovulation test,
Copy !req
162. you'd better get ready to rumble!
Copy !req
163. I'm suffering from constipation
Copy !req
164. Shut up
Copy !req
165. Just do it
Copy !req
166. Let's take a deep breath together. Relax...
Copy !req
167. Breathe in...
Copy !req
168. and out...
Copy !req
169. Faster!
Copy !req
170. Get ready for lift-off!
Copy !req
171. Breathe, come on!
Copy !req
172. Lift-off in:
Copy !req
173. one... two... three... four...
Copy !req
174. Come on!
Copy !req
175. Get ready for lift-off!
Copy !req
176. - Bo Cai...
- Hold it!
Copy !req
177. - Ah...
- Hold it!
Copy !req
178. - Ah... Ah!
- Hold it!
Copy !req
179. - Hold it
- Ah!
Copy !req
180. Quick, get me a pillow
Copy !req
181. Help prop me up
Copy !req
182. How come you're so distracted?
Copy !req
183. Ugh!
Copy !req
184. You're taking advantage of me in my sleep
Copy !req
185. - This is theft!
- I'm merely claiming what's mine
Copy !req
186. You may have thousands of
little swimmers each second
Copy !req
187. but only once a month do
I have a pearl for them to dive to!
Copy !req
188. Xu Lai, I've tried to call you
but you didn't answer
Copy !req
189. Are you coming to my exhibition?
Copy !req
190. When do we meet?
Copy !req
191. In Victoria Square
Copy !req
192. I'll wait for you, Xu Lai
Copy !req
193. Don't worry
Copy !req
194. I won't start without you
Copy !req
195. Be there!
Copy !req
196. Xu Lai, Xu Lai!
Copy !req
197. Don't worry, I'll definitely be there
Copy !req
198. What is this?
Copy !req
199. Detox juice
Copy !req
200. It's good for your health
Copy !req
201. It might give you the runs, though
Copy !req
202. Didn't you say you're constipated?
Copy !req
203. Remember to take your pills
Copy !req
204. What is this?
Copy !req
205. This medicine box plays a recording
Copy !req
206. as a reminder to take your medicine
Copy !req
207. It will cure your cough
Copy !req
208. There's that saying about...
Copy !req
209. curing winter diseases in summer
Copy !req
210. It's said that a cough in winter
Copy !req
211. comes from grievances in summer
Copy !req
212. Are you feeling aggrieved?
Copy !req
213. Help me straighten my legs
Copy !req
214. All right
Copy !req
215. We've been in Hong Kong for seven days,
Copy !req
216. tomorrow is the last day
Copy !req
217. Our Hong Kong and Macau visas will expire
Copy !req
218. Can we please not buy milk power today...
Copy !req
219. and just be aggrieved at home?
Copy !req
220. Sister, brother-in-law,
Copy !req
221. no wonder you never got pregnant...
Copy !req
222. you won't conceive like this!
Copy !req
223. Mind your own business!
Copy !req
224. I'm trying to help his swimmers reach their target
Copy !req
225. When did you come in?
Copy !req
226. Have you seen the movie
Copy !req
227. "Basic Instinct"?
Copy !req
228. No. We locked the door! How did you get in?
Copy !req
229. Have you read any books
Copy !req
230. on how to get pregnant?
Copy !req
231. Did you not hear my question?
Copy !req
232. Our rooms are connected...
Copy !req
233. and the connecting door wasn't locked
Copy !req
234. You can go out the same way!
Copy !req
235. Leopard print
Copy !req
236. Brother-in-law, you look cheap!
Copy !req
237. You've been filming everything for two weeks
Copy !req
238. Do you think it's appropriate to
film me dressed like this?
Copy !req
239. I never interfere with the objectivity of
my subjects
Copy !req
240. That's what Paul Flaherty says
Copy !req
241. Who is Paul Flaherty?
Copy !req
242. My father
Copy !req
243. I thought Cai Youliang was your father?
Copy !req
244. Cai Youliang is my dad
Copy !req
245. So who's Paul Flaherty, then?
Copy !req
246. The "father of documentary film"
Copy !req
247. So your mother isn't Pan Tongtong, then?
Copy !req
248. Pan Tongong is my mom...
Copy !req
249. But my mother is Dizga Vertov,
have you heard of her?
Copy !req
250. The "mother of documentary film"
Copy !req
251. Brother-in-law, you're so smart!
Copy !req
252. My mother said that if you want
to capture a person's character,
Copy !req
253. you have to peel off the layer
of conventional ethics
Copy !req
254. You've already seen
the "peeled off" version of me
Copy !req
255. I filmed you in your daily life,
Copy !req
256. and I have all the interviews...
Copy !req
257. except yours
Copy !req
258. Do you have three hours for me today?
Copy !req
259. What interview?
Copy !req
260. Regarding your true feelings about our family
Copy !req
261. Have you seen “Meet the Fockers“?
Copy !req
262. Don't act all wronged
Copy !req
263. Be more supportive of his documentary
Copy !req
264. Well, if it gets him off the
streets selling pirated DVDs...
Copy !req
265. That is why you should be his coach
Copy !req
266. You should turn your seat for him
Copy !req
267. Pick me! Pick me!
Copy !req
268. I have family!
Copy !req
269. But does it have to be today?
Copy !req
270. I want to submit it to
the Japan Documentary Film Festival
Copy !req
271. You want to show the documentary in public?
Copy !req
272. That's right, and in Hong Kong too
Copy !req
273. Mom
Copy !req
274. In the teahouse? We're on our way
Copy !req
275. We're stuck in traffic
Copy !req
276. Do you really have to film me change clothes?
Copy !req
277. Can't you film something a bit more romantic?
Copy !req
278. I can feel my bowels churning
Copy !req
279. - Hold it in
- Huh?
Copy !req
280. Hold it in
Copy !req
281. Give it a polish
Copy !req
282. How are you this perverted and not pregnant yet?
Copy !req
283. Get out
Copy !req
284. Turn that thing off
Copy !req
285. I can't interfere with
the objectivity of my filmed subject
Copy !req
286. Do you want to film me defecating as well?
Copy !req
287. I want to expose the raw realities of life
Copy !req
288. Go ahead
Copy !req
289. The quality is bad. Feel this
Copy !req
290. It's five hundred, fixed price
Copy !req
291. I'll send you the picture
with the sunglasses in a bit
Copy !req
292. It looks great! Bye, thank you!
Copy !req
293. Put it down, it's not edible
Copy !req
294. Dad, mom...
Copy !req
295. I'm here
Copy !req
296. Finally!
Copy !req
297. Where are you going today?
Copy !req
298. I'm meeting a client
Copy !req
299. Don't go-
Copy !req
300. Come join me for the horse race
Copy !req
301. It will be like the TV show
"Dad, where are we going?"
Copy !req
302. No, dad
Copy !req
303. I promised Lala an interview
Copy !req
304. You promised!
Copy !req
305. He interviews like Wang Feng
from "The Voice of China"
Copy !req
306. he'll ask about your "dreams"
Copy !req
307. your "biggest dream"
Copy !req
308. Don't be so cynical
Copy !req
309. It'll be interesting to watch a few years from now
Copy !req
310. That's right, it will be very interesting
Copy !req
311. What will you do today?
Copy !req
312. I have a date
Copy !req
313. Does that worry you?
Copy !req
314. Why would it?
Copy !req
315. You guys got here so late today
Copy !req
316. Were you two at it again?
Copy !req
317. No
Copy !req
318. I've got to take a call
Copy !req
319. - Let's order
- Hello?
Copy !req
320. Waiter!
Copy !req
321. The menu, please
Copy !req
322. Are you malfunctioning?
Copy !req
323. What do you mean, malfunctioning?
Copy !req
324. If there's something wrong, get it checked out
Copy !req
325. it's nothing to be embarrassed about
Copy !req
326. There's nothing wrong with me
Copy !req
327. So can't you,
Copy !req
328. or won't you have children with my sister?
Copy !req
329. You'd better change your eating habits
Copy !req
330. Many foods are spermicidal
Copy !req
331. If it's killed off then that's that
Copy !req
332. If it's only half dead,
Copy !req
333. she'll give birth to some freak
Copy !req
334. It's no coincidence that you two can't have kids
Copy !req
335. Really
Copy !req
336. I asked the Taoist master Yun Kai
Copy !req
337. He said it's your name
Copy !req
338. Xu Lai. It sounds like sly
Copy !req
339. Your sperm is slyly evading the target. Change it
Copy !req
340. Change it?
Copy !req
341. Into what?
Copy !req
342. Xu-perman
Copy !req
343. - Xu-perman
- What are you talking about?
Copy !req
344. That's not even a name
Copy !req
345. Or just Xu-perm
Copy !req
346. Xu-per fast
Copy !req
347. Xu-percalifragilisticexpialidocious
Copy !req
348. Xu-woosh
Copy !req
349. Xu-mooch!
Copy !req
350. "Xu Lightning" would work too
Copy !req
351. "Come With Xu Wind"
Copy !req
352. "Fed-Exu"
Copy !req
353. For a fast and safe delivery
Copy !req
354. Can't we just change "Xu" instead?
Copy !req
355. Shut up, son
Copy !req
356. My name is Xu Lai
Copy !req
357. There are easy solutions to this problem
Copy !req
358. You could use a surrogate mother
Copy !req
359. The Portuguese in neighboring
Macau are good-looking
Copy !req
360. They have pretty eyes and noses
Copy !req
361. But when the baby is born,
Copy !req
362. you'll find that
Copy !req
363. he has no hair on his head...
Copy !req
364. but he'll have hair on his chest!
Copy !req
365. Hello
Copy !req
366. I couldn't wait to see you
Copy !req
367. Didn't we settle on where to meet already?
Copy !req
368. Here
Copy !req
369. Whoa!
Copy !req
370. Are you excited?
Copy !req
371. Of course! Very excited
Copy !req
372. - Get in the car
- Let's go
Copy !req
373. - Don't forget to keep your cellphones on!
- Have fun!
Copy !req
374. - Let's keep in touch
- Yes, yes
Copy !req
375. Thank you for agreeing to this interview
Copy !req
376. Mister Xu-perman
Copy !req
377. How many questions do you have?
Copy !req
378. It won't take long
Copy !req
379. Xu Lai...
Copy !req
380. will be there xu-per fast
Copy !req
381. You're wearing aftershave
Copy !req
382. How long have you been standing there?
Copy !req
383. You're getting all dolled up!
Copy !req
384. I didn't expect you to take my
interview this seriously
Copy !req
385. Where do I sit?
Copy !req
386. Sit here
Copy !req
387. Okay, let's start
Copy !req
388. Interview with my brother-in-law
Copy !req
389. One take
Copy !req
390. Hurry up!
Copy !req
391. Action!
Copy !req
392. Your face looks too dark...
Copy !req
393. Cut!
Copy !req
394. I'll adjust the lighting
Copy !req
395. Can you hurry up?
Copy !req
396. Yeah yeah, I'm on it
Copy !req
397. A documentary...
Copy !req
398. needs to be filmed right
Copy !req
399. Can you turn down the light a little?
It's too bright
Copy !req
400. Okay
Copy !req
401. Take two: Action!
Copy !req
402. My questions could expose the inner you
Copy !req
403. But I'd like you to answer them truthfully
Copy !req
404. Look over here
Copy !req
405. Go ahead
Copy !req
406. Please state your sex
Copy !req
407. Male
Copy !req
408. Tell me...
Copy !req
409. Who was your first?
Copy !req
410. Can I not answer that?
Copy !req
411. Okay, who was your second?
Copy !req
412. Have you ever cheated on anyone?
Copy !req
413. What kind of questions are these?
Copy !req
414. These are matters that interest me personally
Copy !req
415. The first three questions don't count. Please sit
Copy !req
416. Let's start over
Copy !req
417. Tell me...
Copy !req
418. What's your dream?
Copy !req
419. I don't have any
Copy !req
420. How can a man not have dreams?
Copy !req
421. My dream used to be to become a painter
Copy !req
422. Now... it's to be good at my job
Copy !req
423. Which is making brassieres!
Copy !req
424. You're our family's backbone,
Copy !req
425. you're a senior member of our family
Copy !req
426. Are you satisfied with your life?
Copy !req
427. I'm very satisfied
Copy !req
428. Why have you and my sister not had children yet?
Copy !req
429. Do you have psychological issues?
Copy !req
430. I don't have psychological issues
Copy !req
431. Physiological problems then?
Copy !req
432. I don't have any physiological problems either
Copy !req
433. Why are you bald then?
Copy !req
434. I'm just at that age
Copy !req
435. How come other men your age still have hair?
Copy !req
436. How should I know?
Copy !req
437. Do you come prematurely?
Copy !req
438. What the hell is this?
Copy !req
439. Why are you so agitated?
Copy !req
440. I'm not agitated
Copy !req
441. You're agitated
Copy !req
442. I am not agitated
Copy !req
443. Well then, sit down and we'll continue
Copy !req
444. Please sit down
Copy !req
445. Look over here
Copy !req
446. Why are you premature?
Copy !req
447. What?
Copy !req
448. I told you: I'm not premature!
Copy !req
449. My bad. So why are you going bald?
Copy !req
450. I already answered that question
Copy !req
451. See, you're obviously agitated
Copy !req
452. And I've already exposed the inner you
Copy !req
453. I am not agitated
Copy !req
454. And you didn't expose the inner me
Copy !req
455. Okay, you're not agitated
Copy !req
456. But you are anxious
Copy !req
457. Do you have any other questions?
Copy !req
458. Are you premature?
Copy !req
459. What's so funny?
Copy !req
460. I just remembered that name:
Copy !req
461. "Xu-mooch!"
Copy !req
462. "Therefore I smooch with her and she with me"
Copy !req
463. Let me reply to a message from your sister
Copy !req
464. We're not done yet
Copy !req
465. Xu-perman, come back here
Copy !req
466. I believe...
Copy !req
467. that my sister and my brother-in-law
can't make a baby...
Copy !req
468. because my brother-in-law is...
Copy !req
469. anxious...
Copy !req
470. agitated...
Copy !req
471. These are psychological issues
Copy !req
472. I've exposed his inner self
Copy !req
473. and now
Copy !req
474. I'll expose the truth
Copy !req
475. Brother-in-law?
Copy !req
476. Ma'am, do you have a list of people
on the 19th floor?
Copy !req
477. - Okay, wait a moment
- Thank you
Copy !req
478. Mister Xu
Copy !req
479. Will you be checking out of Room 1988 tomorrow?
Copy !req
480. Yes
Copy !req
481. Sir
Copy !req
482. Can we talk to you for a minute?
Copy !req
483. West Kowloon homicide squad
Copy !req
484. Your room's on the 19th floor?
Copy !req
485. Yes
Copy !req
486. What are you doing in Hong Kong?
Copy !req
487. I'm here as a tourist
Copy !req
488. There's been a homicide
Copy !req
489. Someone fell from the building opposite us
Copy !req
490. We're looking for eyewitnesses
Copy !req
491. - I didn't see anything
- Sorry
Copy !req
492. His Chinese isn't that good
Copy !req
493. Have you seen anything unusual?
Copy !req
494. No
Copy !req
495. Have you seen any suspicious individuals?
Copy !req
496. There's a very suspicious guy on the 19th floor
Copy !req
497. He just came out of the elevator
Copy !req
498. Hello sir, these are Edaxiang Condoms
Copy !req
499. Hello, sir
Copy !req
500. West Kowloon homicide squad
Copy !req
501. Here's my card
Copy !req
502. What?
Copy !req
503. Edaxiang with the elephant logo:
made for your trunk!
Copy !req
504. I'll speak your language then:
Copy !req
505. What's yer name, bro?
Copy !req
506. Cai Lala
Copy !req
507. When you're in the heat of the moment,
Copy !req
508. these can conveniently
Copy !req
509. be popped open
Copy !req
510. with one hand!
Copy !req
511. Someone fell from the top of the opposite building
Copy !req
512. We're looking for eyewitnesses
Copy !req
513. They can be opened with one hand
Copy !req
514. They're very sturdy
Copy !req
515. Have you seen
Copy !req
516. any suspicious individuals?
Copy !req
517. Did that bald guy tell you to stop me?
Copy !req
518. You know each other?
Copy !req
519. Take one
Copy !req
520. Is that a condom?
Copy !req
521. They're free!
Copy !req
522. What are you talking about?
Copy !req
523. He snuck out on me and took a condom!
Copy !req
524. Excuse me
Copy !req
525. I need to catch a plane
Copy !req
526. He took a condom and snuck out on me...
Copy !req
527. I'll contact you later!
Copy !req
528. I didn't realize they're a couple
Copy !req
529. I have a plane to catch!
Copy !req
530. Coming through
Copy !req
531. Hurry up!
Copy !req
532. To Victoria Harbor. Hurry!
Copy !req
533. Wait!
Copy !req
534. Brother-in-law!
Copy !req
535. Stop!
Copy !req
536. Hold on!
Copy !req
537. Brother-in-law!
Copy !req
538. Miss
Copy !req
539. Are those men sharing a room?
Copy !req
540. Let me check for you
Copy !req
541. Thank you
Copy !req
542. We waited twenty years already...
Copy !req
543. What's another twenty minutes?
Copy !req
544. Hello? Get over here, fast!
Copy !req
545. I'm sorry
Copy !req
546. What's wrong now?
Copy !req
547. Another roadblock
Copy !req
548. They're shooting a movie
Copy !req
549. CGI has gotten so advanced...
Copy !req
550. yet they still need to block the road
Copy !req
551. Alternative route found
Copy !req
552. How long are you going to pant for?
Copy !req
553. How could you treat me this way?
Copy !req
554. What Way?
Copy !req
555. Why did you take a condom?
Copy !req
556. Lovebirds...
Copy !req
557. Calm down
Copy !req
558. Keep the change
Copy !req
559. You haven't answered my question
Copy !req
560. What question?
Copy !req
561. Why did you suddenly leave?
Copy !req
562. I have to see a client
Copy !req
563. A female client, that's why you took the condom
Copy !req
564. They gave it to me
Copy !req
565. I'm starting to see that you're
an interesting character
Copy !req
566. There are many little secrets
buried deep inside you
Copy !req
567. You didn't answer my question!
Copy !req
568. What question?
Copy !req
569. Why did you suddenly leave the interview?
Copy !req
570. I'm meeting a client, what about it?
Copy !req
571. A female client, right?
Copy !req
572. That's why you took a condom!
Copy !req
573. They gave it to me!
Copy !req
574. I discovered you're very interesting!
Copy !req
575. There are many little secrets
buried deep inside you
Copy !req
576. Hey... we've...
Copy !req
577. We've gone over this already
Copy !req
578. Your father, Flaherty, did he tell you
Copy !req
579. to shut up when you're filming?
Copy !req
580. Krakoff said that
Copy !req
581. And who's that? Your "uncle"?
Copy !req
582. "Gangsters vs Ironheads"
Copy !req
583. Hey!
Copy !req
584. You two smoking, scram!
Copy !req
585. How are we supposed to shoot
with you in the shot?
Copy !req
586. Is that Wang Jing?
Copy !req
587. Yes
Copy !req
588. Is it the real Wang Jing?
Copy !req
589. Of course it's the real Wang Jing
Copy !req
590. They're shooting a movie
Copy !req
591. I think you should film this
Copy !req
592. Will they let me film?
Copy !req
593. You really should capture this
Copy !req
594. It's a once in a lifetime opportunity
Copy !req
595. I don't think it's appropriate
Copy !req
596. You'll win an Oscar if you film this
Copy !req
597. Quick! Get closer!
Copy !req
598. Get closer!
Copy !req
599. Won't we get in trouble?
Copy !req
600. In a moment the camera will film the gangsters
Copy !req
601. This camera will shoot the Ironheads
Copy !req
602. We have to hurry! We're running out of time!
Copy !req
603. If we don't finish today no one is getting paid!
Copy !req
604. That's right. Director...
Copy !req
605. Mr. Jing, we could film it like this...
Copy !req
606. Get out, get out!
Copy !req
607. Brother-in-law...
Copy !req
608. Look at this prop
Copy !req
609. Look...
Copy !req
610. It's really well-made
Copy !req
611. Look at this
Copy !req
612. What is this?
Copy !req
613. Hey!
Copy !req
614. What are you doing loitering about?
Copy !req
615. Are you going to work or not?
Copy !req
616. Hurry up, everybody is waiting for you!
Copy !req
617. Hurry up!
Copy !req
618. They think you're an actor!
Copy !req
619. Help me take this off, you hear me?
Copy !req
620. Hey! Are you two wasting my time here?
Copy !req
621. Are you waiting until the cops get here?
Copy !req
622. Okay Wang Jing, we're coming
Copy !req
623. Move!
Copy !req
624. Wang Jing just talked to us
Copy !req
625. Have you lost your mind?
Copy !req
626. Don't you see? Just play along, it's a rare opportunity
Copy !req
627. I don't give a rat's ass!
Copy !req
628. Brother-in-law, I beg you
Copy !req
629. You said that my documentary would
win awards if I film this!
Copy !req
630. It's making you lose your head instead
Copy !req
631. If you don't play along,
Copy !req
632. I'll tell my sister you took the condom
Copy !req
633. Are you threatening me?
Copy !req
634. Just let me film one shot,
Copy !req
635. and I won't follow you anymore
Copy !req
636. Hey!
Copy !req
637. Change into your costume!
Copy !req
638. Okay
Copy !req
639. Everyone, listen up
Copy !req
640. After the cameras start rolling,
Copy !req
641. the gangsters will be over here
Copy !req
642. After that,
Copy !req
643. I'll call a group of Ironheads,
Copy !req
644. and that group will come out
Copy !req
645. When they've come out,
the two groups start to fight
Copy !req
646. During the fight, our explosion man
will press a button
Copy !req
647. which will make the iron heads explode
Copy !req
648. But there won't be any sound
Copy !req
649. There will be some smoke and that's it
Copy !req
650. Got it?
Copy !req
651. There's no reason to be afraid
Copy !req
652. What the hell...
Copy !req
653. What are we waiting for? It's almost dark
Copy !req
654. - Yes, Mr. Jing
- Get a move on!
Copy !req
655. Hurry, Wang Jing is about to explode
Copy !req
656. Everyone back in position!
Copy !req
657. Sir, what are you doing?
Copy !req
658. Don't talk to me!
Copy !req
659. I'm actually a director as well
Copy !req
660. I'm shooting a documentary
Copy !req
661. Scram!
Copy !req
662. All right, all right
Copy !req
663. Ready?
Copy !req
664. Stop messing around!
Copy !req
665. Can you not be so nervous?
Copy !req
666. Can you not be such a pain in the ass?
Copy !req
667. Can you guys shut up?
Copy !req
668. Scene 42A, take one
Copy !req
669. Action!
Copy !req
670. Shouldn't we go up there?
Copy !req
671. The cameras are rolling
Copy !req
672. We should go up
Copy !req
673. Our scene has already started
Copy !req
674. Stop bothering me!
Copy !req
675. All the extras are in the scene
Copy !req
676. Get out of the way!
Copy !req
677. Damn you!
Copy !req
678. What the hell?
Copy !req
679. Explosion department?
Copy !req
680. Explosion master!
Copy !req
681. Coming, coming!
Copy !req
682. Hurry up, it's bad!
Copy !req
683. Hurry, over here!
Copy !req
684. He's bleeding
Copy !req
685. It's all right people, don't panic!
Copy !req
686. It's just fake blood
Copy !req
687. I didn't ask you to blow them up!
Copy !req
688. No, director...
Copy !req
689. All these things are imported from Hollywood
Copy !req
690. Hollywood my ass!
Copy !req
691. Director, what's the matter?
Copy !req
692. These props are terrible,
they're exploding spontaneously
Copy !req
693. What are you doing?
Copy !req
694. Helping you break open the helmet
Copy !req
695. Break open the helmet?
Copy !req
696. Right, break open the helmet
Copy !req
697. You'll blow up my head!
Copy !req
698. It won't necessarily explode
at the same time as you
Copy !req
699. I can't have this face get messed up today
Copy !req
700. Not a single hair can be out of place
Copy !req
701. You don't have any hair
Copy !req
702. Give it to me
Copy !req
703. Let's try it
Copy !req
704. Quick, give it here
Copy !req
705. You've tried everything.
Copy !req
706. Nothing's working
Copy !req
707. Just try it
Copy !req
708. Hand it over
Copy !req
709. Here-
Copy !req
710. Give it to me
Copy !req
711. It's dangerous, don't touch it
Copy !req
712. - Give it here
- Don't touch it
Copy !req
713. Don't worry, it's safe
Copy !req
714. What the hell is this crap?
Copy !req
715. You're committing a crime!
Copy !req
716. Mr. Jing, the police are coming!
Copy !req
717. Let's go back and change the script
Copy !req
718. - Hello?
- Xu Lai, where are you?
Copy !req
719. I'm about to start, everyone's here
Copy !req
720. Hurry up!
Copy !req
721. Sorry, there have been some complications
Copy !req
722. Hold on a bit longer. Sorry!
Copy !req
723. Is this your female client?
Copy !req
724. - So?
- So you took a condom
Copy !req
725. They gave it to me!
Copy !req
726. There are many little secrets
buried deep inside you!
Copy !req
727. You've told me this already
Copy !req
728. Are you going on a booty call?
Copy !req
729. I'm going to the mall
Copy !req
730. Does anyone meet for a booty call in a mall?
Copy !req
731. So what will you do now?
Copy !req
732. We're done talking, don't follow me!
Copy !req
733. Stay far away from me!
Copy !req
734. Someone open this helmet!
Copy !req
735. I need this opened!
Copy !req
736. "No matter if you fail or succeed, you must strive"
Copy !req
737. "If you have ambition, it's never too late"
Copy !req
738. "Regardless of who you are or what you do"
Copy !req
739. "Success depends on true skill"
Copy !req
740. "To become a real man"
Copy !req
741. "One must suffer; we all die eventually"
Copy !req
742. "This much is certain"
Copy !req
743. "Perhaps a hero is a maniac"
Copy !req
744. "And a warrior at the same time"
Copy !req
745. "Who is willing to hew out a path for himself"
Copy !req
746. "Build his own story with his own two hands"
Copy !req
747. "Doesn't hesitate to face success
as well as failure"
Copy !req
748. "Use an honest heart and true intentions"
Copy !req
749. "To pursue his goals, with a fighting spirit"
Copy !req
750. "Only then, life has"
Copy !req
751. "True meaning"
Copy !req
752. "Only then can you turn your luck around"
Copy !req
753. What's wrong?
Copy !req
754. The laxatives your sister gave me
are starting to kick in
Copy !req
755. Do you want to fix the head or
the stomach situation first?
Copy !req
756. the Unlock King!
Copy !req
757. Hi kiddo
Copy !req
758. He's not here, he went out to open someone's lock
Copy !req
759. Where did your dad go?
Copy !req
760. Up there. Building 21, Floor 2B
Copy !req
761. Pervert
Copy !req
762. What?
Copy !req
763. He called you a pervert
Copy !req
764. He called you a pervert!
Copy !req
765. Leave me alone!
Copy !req
766. Brother-in-law...
Copy !req
767. I'm sorry
Copy !req
768. I hope you will remember...
Copy !req
769. that I'm wearing this iron helmet...
Copy !req
770. for the sake of your dream
Copy !req
771. - I won't forget
- Don't interrupt me
Copy !req
772. - But...
- Stop talking
Copy !req
773. - You...
- Shut up!
Copy !req
774. Don't treat me like family,
Copy !req
775. and maybe we can still be friends
Copy !req
776. Keep quiet for a minute,
Copy !req
777. because you and I will remember this minute
Copy !req
778. Maybe...
Copy !req
779. We can be one-minute friends
Copy !req
780. Did you fart?
Copy !req
781. Do you have tissues?
Copy !req
782. What do we have here?
Copy !req
783. Darth Vader or something?
Copy !req
784. Don't move
Copy !req
785. Damn you!
Copy !req
786. So many handcuffs here...
Copy !req
787. yet you had to bring your own
and forget the keys
Copy !req
788. You like handcuffs so much?
Go home and cuff your mom!
Copy !req
789. Well, if business is slow
Copy !req
790. we have to work together
Copy !req
791. - Sir
- Wow
Copy !req
792. Robocop!
Copy !req
793. Did you come to fight Chibi Maruko?
Copy !req
794. I came to get this helmet opened
Copy !req
795. Can you open it?
Copy !req
796. I've opened the safe of the richest person
in Hong Kong,
Copy !req
797. this should be nothing
Copy !req
798. I have something urgent,
can you open this helmet first?
Copy !req
799. Yet you had time to engage in a little S&M?
Copy !req
800. Go wait outside
Copy !req
801. - Sorry
- Someone's in here
Copy !req
802. Can't you see someone's in here? Wait your turn!
Copy !req
803. Do you really...
Copy !req
804. You're filming? Do you have a death wish?
Copy !req
805. Can we leave now?
Copy !req
806. No, I need to use the bathroom
Copy !req
807. The bathroom?
Copy !req
808. There's a bathroom inside
Copy !req
809. - Hurry up, I'll be downstairs
- Okay
Copy !req
810. Hey!
Copy !req
811. You opened the door...
Copy !req
812. you have to pay for watching the show
Copy !req
813. That's 90,000
Copy !req
814. This isn't what I'd call sexy!
Copy !req
815. This is from the anime "Sailor Moon"
Copy !req
816. I'm Chibi Maruko, from the cartoon.
Copy !req
817. Everything about her is big
Copy !req
818. So big breasts only come in big packages?
Copy !req
819. What cup size would you prefer?
Copy !req
820. I want a pretty face and a smoking body
Copy !req
821. Sakanamon!
Copy !req
822. Remember to take your pills!
Copy !req
823. What are you doing?
Copy !req
824. Hey!
Copy !req
825. What are you doing?
Copy !req
826. I...
Copy !req
827. I'm a director
Copy !req
828. I'm working on an artistic production
Copy !req
829. What are you filming?
Copy !req
830. I'm making a documentary
Copy !req
831. I'm a director
Copy !req
832. I really am a director!
Copy !req
833. Can you guys calm down and listen to me?
Copy !req
834. Dad!
Copy !req
835. Sorry
Copy !req
836. Sorry!
Copy !req
837. Sorry
Copy !req
838. It's not my fault!
Copy !req
839. Boss, what should we do?
Copy !req
840. Chop him into pieces!
Copy !req
841. Brother-in-law, run!
Copy !req
842. Stop!
Copy !req
843. Oh my God!
Copy !req
844. What the...
Copy !req
845. Hey! What are you doing?
Copy !req
846. Oh no...
Copy !req
847. Stop!
Copy !req
848. Call the police!
Copy !req
849. Come on, go!
Copy !req
850. - Come back! We won't hurt you
- Anybody here?
Copy !req
851. Don't go!
Copy !req
852. Stop running!
Copy !req
853. Come back!
Copy !req
854. My face can't get messed up
Copy !req
855. Let's talk about it!
Copy !req
856. Yes, I have something to report
Copy !req
857. I'm being chased by a lot of people,
Copy !req
858. a bunch of gangsters...
Copy !req
859. Get over here, quick!
Copy !req
860. Sir...
Copy !req
861. He just called
Copy !req
862. What's wrong?
Copy !req
863. He's at the Paradise Mansions
Copy !req
864. The Paradise Mansions?
Copy !req
865. The local and Mexican gangsters
Copy !req
866. are all after him
Copy !req
867. Hello!
Copy !req
868. Sorry, excuse me
Copy !req
869. Here!
Copy !req
870. Don't go!
Copy !req
871. Hurry up!
Copy !req
872. Excuse me!
Copy !req
873. Stop!
Copy !req
874. Coming through...
Copy !req
875. Brother-in-law...
Copy !req
876. Lala, what are you doing?
Copy !req
877. I can't hold on any longer, give me a hand!
Copy !req
878. Hurry!
Copy !req
879. Quick, push me up!
Copy !req
880. Brother-in-law...
Copy !req
881. I'm not dead!
Copy !req
882. Brother-in-law!
Copy !req
883. The camera!
Copy !req
884. The camera!
Copy !req
885. Where is he?
Copy !req
886. Hey, stop!
Copy !req
887. If I catch you, you're dead!
Copy !req
888. Brother-in-law,
Copy !req
889. give me the camera
Copy !req
890. Take your stupid camera
Copy !req
891. Thank you so much, brother-in-law!
Copy !req
892. Please stay away from me
Copy !req
893. But... We're one-minute friends!
Copy !req
894. The minute's up!
Copy !req
895. Don't follow me!
Copy !req
896. Are you on duty?
Copy !req
897. No weirdos allowed in my car
Copy !req
898. Get out!
Copy !req
899. That has nothing to do with me
Copy !req
900. It was that Robocop, he hit him!
Copy !req
901. There is another guy,
Copy !req
902. dressed like a gangster
Copy !req
903. Actually, he's a paparazzo
Copy !req
904. He secretly films stuff
Copy !req
905. We can't have him
Copy !req
906. scaring off customers
Copy !req
907. Okay, okay
Copy !req
908. Give me some time, my colleague
will help you settle this
Copy !req
909. Why do you keep scratching?
Copy !req
910. All journalists can ask Yang Yi questions shortly
Copy !req
911. Thank you
Copy !req
912. Dear guests,
Copy !req
913. Yang Yi's solo exhibition,
Copy !req
914. "Impressions,"
Copy !req
915. is hereby extended to an open-ended run!
Copy !req
916. Please welcome: Yang Yi!
Copy !req
917. Hello, Yang Yi
Copy !req
918. Hello Dan
Copy !req
919. Why did you choose "The Sower" as
the inspiration for your work?
Copy !req
920. What meaning does it hold for you?
Copy !req
921. When I see this painting,
Copy !req
922. it reminds me of my student life
Copy !req
923. It's about youth,
Copy !req
924. about reminiscence,
Copy !req
925. There is something in it that is...
Copy !req
926. pure and simple
Copy !req
927. This is something we need to cherish
Copy !req
928. What will your next series be about?
Copy !req
929. My next series will still be about
Copy !req
930. people crossing paths
Copy !req
931. As for the specifics...
Copy !req
932. I will have to keep you all in suspense
Copy !req
933. We can't wait!
Copy !req
934. Yang Yi,
Copy !req
935. I can't begin to tell you what happened today...
Copy !req
936. I'm thinking that maybe...
Copy !req
937. it wasn't meant to be
Copy !req
938. It's fate,
Copy !req
939. that we should never meet again
Copy !req
940. I don't want our feelings
Copy !req
941. to expire like those canned pineapples
in "Chungking Express"
Copy !req
942. I will safeguard those wonderful longings
Copy !req
943. You shouldn't
Copy !req
944. look me up ever again
Copy !req
945. See you, then
Copy !req
946. Although I won't see you again
Copy !req
947. Let me tell you something...
Copy !req
948. We may have never finished that kiss,
Copy !req
949. but...
Copy !req
950. I don't regret anything
Copy !req
951. We've shared that kiss so many times...
Copy !req
952. in my dreams
Copy !req
953. Is the man in the painting the man of your dreams?
Copy !req
954. I never said the woman in the painting was me
Copy !req
955. Hello, sir?
Copy !req
956. Can you do me a favor?
Copy !req
957. Do you want me to fly it steady,
Copy !req
958. or should I make some loops?
Copy !req
959. I could make a show of it!
Copy !req
960. Steady is fine. Thanks
Copy !req
961. What are you doing here?
Copy !req
962. Look who I brought-
Copy !req
963. The Unlock King!
Copy !req
964. Payment up front
Copy !req
965. What's family for?
Copy !req
966. This is what family is for!
Copy !req
967. Hurry, lower it down
Copy !req
968. Quick, fly it down
Copy !req
969. Fly it back
Copy !req
970. Turn back
Copy !req
971. Don't touch that part, use this
Copy !req
972. Make it come back
Copy !req
973. It's okay
Copy !req
974. Got it?
Copy !req
975. Don't worry
Copy !req
976. Something wrong?
Copy !req
977. It's fine
Copy !req
978. What's going on?
Copy !req
979. What are you doing?
Copy !req
980. Why are you climbing up there?
Copy !req
981. Get down, it's dangerous!
Copy !req
982. Fly it there!
Copy !req
983. So that's why you wanted to catch that plane...
Copy !req
984. Give me the drawing tube
Copy !req
985. The woman downstairs is your client
Copy !req
986. She's the reason you took the condom
Copy !req
987. She was my first love
Copy !req
988. We didn't do anything
Copy !req
989. I won't let you talk about her like that!
Copy !req
990. So this is your little secret
Copy !req
991. I finally see why my sister never got pregnant
Copy !req
992. I'm telling my sister about your little affair
Copy !req
993. If you tell her,
Copy !req
994. I'll strangle you!
Copy !req
995. You're a player!
Copy !req
996. Damn you!
Copy !req
997. My father used to be even bigger than me
Copy !req
998. Now look what's left of him!
Copy !req
999. I'm sorry for your loss
Copy !req
1000. Sir, it's Lala
Copy !req
1001. Where are you guys?
Copy !req
1002. Stop playing games
Copy !req
1003. I'm in Victoria Harbor
Copy !req
1004. I recorded everything,
Copy !req
1005. the killer is my brother-in-law
Copy !req
1006. He's an adulterer
Copy !req
1007. Sir,
Copy !req
1008. what's he saying?
Copy !req
1009. "The murderer is an adulterer
Copy !req
1010. He is my brother-in-law"
Copy !req
1011. Don't run off, stay where you are
Copy !req
1012. I heard that you struggled
Copy !req
1013. to get the color right,
Copy !req
1014. is that true?
Copy !req
1015. The color of this painting needs
to be highly saturated
Copy !req
1016. What's scheduled after the opening?
Copy !req
1017. There will be a press conference
at the Intercontinental later on
Copy !req
1018. Keep dreaming!
Copy !req
1019. Hi
Copy !req
1020. Hello
Copy !req
1021. Who are you?
Copy !req
1022. Are you looking for me?
Copy !req
1023. Hey
Copy !req
1024. Can you hear me?
Copy !req
1025. What's the matter?
Copy !req
1026. Get out of the way!
Copy !req
1027. Out of the way!
Copy !req
1028. Open this helmet for me!
Copy !req
1029. You going on a date?
Copy !req
1030. Give me the remote control!
Copy !req
1031. Your head will explode!
Copy !req
1032. Okay, I confess!
Copy !req
1033. Shame on you!
Copy !req
1034. Give me the camera!
Copy !req
1035. My camera!
Copy !req
1036. Are you from mainland China?
Copy !req
1037. Yes
Copy !req
1038. Traveling?
Copy !req
1039. Yes
Copy !req
1040. Why are you wearing this?
Copy !req
1041. I'm not telling you!
Copy !req
1042. The next floor is the overhead passage
Copy !req
1043. There!
Copy !req
1044. Remember to take your pills!
Copy !req
1045. Is this how mainlanders
Copy !req
1046. smuggle milk powder out nowadays?
Copy !req
1047. Don't go!
Copy !req
1048. That girl sent you a message
Copy !req
1049. If you go, I'll throw away your phone
Copy !req
1050. "Xu Lai,"
Copy !req
1051. "I knew you were here"
Copy !req
1052. "I'm going to the Intercontinental"
Copy !req
1053. "You can find me in Room 2046"
Copy !req
1054. Hah!
Copy !req
1055. And you claim this isn't a booty call?
Copy !req
1056. I'll definitely come
Copy !req
1057. Please wait for me! Please...
Copy !req
1058. Right in front of me!
Copy !req
1059. Yes
Copy !req
1060. That's right
Copy !req
1061. I'm a very tolerant person,
Copy !req
1062. but I've reached my limit!
Copy !req
1063. Give me my camera!
Copy !req
1064. Give it to me!
Copy !req
1065. Let go!
Copy !req
1066. Hand it over!
Copy !req
1067. Let him go!
Copy !req
1068. Don't move!
Copy !req
1069. Give me the camera!
Copy !req
1070. You maniac!
Copy !req
1071. You're crazy!
Copy !req
1072. Here, the key
Copy !req
1073. I can't open it,
Copy !req
1074. he will die if I do
Copy !req
1075. My hand!
Copy !req
1076. Stop wriggling!
Copy !req
1077. What are you trying to do?
Copy !req
1078. Idiot!
Copy !req
1079. You think you're Bruce Lee?
Copy !req
1080. Damn it!
Copy !req
1081. These two think they're Jackie Chan
Copy !req
1082. You go after them. I'll wait for you
at the Intercontinental
Copy !req
1083. Careful!
Copy !req
1084. They're maniacs!
Copy !req
1085. You fool, do you want to die?
Copy !req
1086. How dare you throw away my camera!
Copy !req
1087. This is my documentary, my dream!
Copy !req
1088. Your dream... What about my dream?
Copy !req
1089. Your dream is to get jiggy with the person
in Room 2046
Copy !req
1090. I'll record everything
Copy !req
1091. - Go ahead!
- Okay
Copy !req
1092. - Go ahead!
- I will
Copy !req
1093. Bring your mother, father,
Copy !req
1094. Flaherty and everyone along!
Copy !req
1095. I'm hitting record. I'm filming!
Copy !req
1096. I'll tell you everything
Copy !req
1097. Her name is Yang Yi
Copy !req
1098. She was my classmate at university,
Copy !req
1099. and my first love
Copy !req
1100. We read poetry together,
Copy !req
1101. painted together,
Copy !req
1102. watched movies together,
Copy !req
1103. laughed and cried together
Copy !req
1104. We spent our youth together
Copy !req
1105. Not once...
Copy !req
1106. did we manage to kiss each other
Copy !req
1107. Disaster struck every time we were about to touch
Copy !req
1108. I have waited 20 years for this
Copy !req
1109. Not to prove myself,
Copy !req
1110. but to convince myself...
Copy !req
1111. that once...
Copy !req
1112. I was actually young!
Copy !req
1113. Brother-in-law...
Copy !req
1114. I... forgive you, okay?
Copy !req
1115. Give me your hand!
Copy !req
1116. Let go of the umbrella!
Copy !req
1117. Take my hand!
Copy !req
1118. I have my hands full, you idiot!
Copy !req
1119. Give me your hand on the count of three
Copy !req
1120. Come on. One... two...
Copy !req
1121. You're even more stupid than I thought!
Copy !req
1122. Can't you just get him to stop the bus?
Copy !req
1123. Move over
Copy !req
1124. Stop the bus!
Copy !req
1125. Stop the bus!
Copy !req
1126. Stop the bus!
Copy !req
1127. Someone about to fall off!
Copy !req
1128. Xu Lai!
Copy !req
1129. Are you still going?
Copy !req
1130. No
Copy !req
1131. You should go
Copy !req
1132. I'll let you
Copy !req
1133. I'm not going anymore
Copy !req
1134. I will die on the way
Copy !req
1135. As long as there's no frolicking, I won't stop you
Copy !req
1136. It's not you stopping me...
Copy !req
1137. It's fate stopping me
Copy !req
1138. Hello?
Copy !req
1139. We're together
Copy !req
1140. What...?
Copy !req
1141. My sister was in a car accident!
Copy !req
1142. Do you know
Copy !req
1143. why they call me Lala?
Copy !req
1144. When I was small, I'd skip class to go to the movies
Copy !req
1145. Every time, my sister would write
an absentee note for me
Copy !req
1146. Every time she'd say I had an anal fistula
Copy !req
1147. And when my classmates started
calling me "Fistula" and "Lala,"
Copy !req
1148. she stood up for me
Copy !req
1149. When I said I wanted to be a director,
she bought me this camera
Copy !req
1150. She's like that with everyone
Copy !req
1151. What do you think?
Copy !req
1152. I can't interfere with the objectivity of my subject
Copy !req
1153. Just speak your mind
Copy !req
1154. Where are you?
Copy !req
1155. My sister's been in an accident
Copy !req
1156. We're on our way to the hospital
Copy !req
1157. Which hospital?
Copy !req
1158. Ming Xin De Ji Hospital
Copy !req
1159. What about my Spinach?
Copy !req
1160. How is she?
Copy !req
1161. Surprise!
Copy !req
1162. Surprise!
Copy !req
1163. We surprised him, all right!
Copy !req
1164. Look at his face!
Copy !req
1165. Say cheese!
Copy !req
1166. Doctor Chen Zhihe is a fertility expert
Copy !req
1167. He's only in Hong Kong twice a year
Copy !req
1168. Even superstars can't get an appointment with him
Copy !req
1169. I made the appointment 3 months ago
Copy !req
1170. It got confirmed today!
Copy !req
1171. It's fate!
Copy !req
1172. Don't just stand there, we've been waiting for you
Copy !req
1173. The doctor is ready for you
Copy !req
1174. Hurry!
Copy !req
1175. This will work!
Copy !req
1176. - It will work
- Relax
Copy !req
1177. Mr. Xu,
Copy !req
1178. I'm Chen Zhihe. Please come in
Copy !req
1179. You look a bit nervous
Copy !req
1180. I'm not nervous
Copy !req
1181. Then we're fine
Copy !req
1182. Lie down here, please
Copy !req
1183. What?
Copy !req
1184. Lie down
Copy !req
1185. No need to take off your pants
Copy !req
1186. Just lie down
Copy !req
1187. Doctor, I'm not sick
Copy !req
1188. I'm not here to cure some illness,
Copy !req
1189. I'm here to help you reconnect with yourself
Copy !req
1190. What does that mean? Am I getting a massage?
Copy !req
1191. It's better than a massage
Copy !req
1192. 80% of all men suffer from impotence
Copy !req
1193. Reproduction malfunction
Copy !req
1194. is caused by psychological issues
Copy !req
1195. So you have to learn to open yourself up
Copy !req
1196. Now, let me help you open up
Copy !req
1197. You have to remember...
Copy !req
1198. to keep an open mind
Copy !req
1199. Is everyone here?
Copy !req
1200. Yes
Copy !req
1201. All right. When the patient extracts
his own specimen,
Copy !req
1202. anxiety can raise his body temperature.
Copy !req
1203. It's as if the sperm has a fever
Copy !req
1204. So the sperm is...
Copy !req
1205. unhappy!
Copy !req
1206. That's right
Copy !req
1207. However, a method based on Chinese acupuncture,
Copy !req
1208. "Acupunctural Ejaculation,"
Copy !req
1209. helps us resolve this issue
Copy !req
1210. Press down here
Copy !req
1211. Okay...
Copy !req
1212. First,
Copy !req
1213. five 50 mm needles, to be injected
Copy !req
1214. into his groin area
Copy !req
1215. Then, I press down here,
Copy !req
1216. and insert six 50 mm needles, three on each side
Copy !req
1217. - Don't!
- Insert!
Copy !req
1218. The last two:
Copy !req
1219. 100 mm needles; the longest ones
Copy !req
1220. Okay. I will insert here
Copy !req
1221. and push down here
Copy !req
1222. Before inserting, please make sure
Copy !req
1223. this position is maintained
Copy !req
1224. I will keep pressing here,
Copy !req
1225. If I don't press here...
Copy !req
1226. his manhood will explode
Copy !req
1227. Look here
Copy !req
1228. I'm going to insert
Copy !req
1229. Inserting!
Copy !req
1230. What's happening?
Copy !req
1231. Are these cries of excitement or pain?
Copy !req
1232. I don't know
Copy !req
1233. He's coming out
Copy !req
1234. How do you feel?
Copy !req
1235. How are you feeling?
Copy !req
1236. Was it good?
Copy !req
1237. Mom
Copy !req
1238. I can understand
Copy !req
1239. that you want your daughter to have grandchildren
Copy !req
1240. But maybe it's a bit much to ask
Copy !req
1241. if it "was good"?
Copy !req
1242. What do you mean?
Copy !req
1243. Didn't you want to capture
Copy !req
1244. how I feel about this family?
Copy !req
1245. I'll tell you my thoughts
Copy !req
1246. You concern yourself with my little tadpoles,
Copy !req
1247. invade my life,
Copy !req
1248. my privacy!
Copy !req
1249. What are you talking about?
Copy !req
1250. We've done all this for you!
Copy !req
1251. Exactly
Copy !req
1252. That's the worst part
Copy !req
1253. We tend to hold others hostage out of love
Copy !req
1254. Out of love...
Copy !req
1255. you've turned me into a contractor for this family
Copy !req
1256. Do you think I enjoy designing bras all day?
Copy !req
1257. A breast popping out of a bra here...
Copy !req
1258. a cup not properly filled there...
Copy !req
1259. One part is too big,
Copy !req
1260. another part is too small!
Copy !req
1261. If it weren't for this, what would you be doing?
Copy !req
1262. Right!
Copy !req
1263. You gave me everything
Copy !req
1264. So I have to be of service to you
Copy !req
1265. But do you really think I enjoy making bras? Well?
Copy !req
1266. Did you think I'd feel fulfilled,
Copy !req
1267. wrapping up meat like a butcher?
Copy !req
1268. I wanted to be a painter!
Copy !req
1269. Dad, why are you leaving?
Copy !req
1270. Didn't you dream of becoming a pilot?
Copy !req
1271. "I dream of D-cups, while my life"
Copy !req
1272. "has become the terminal"
Copy !req
1273. Were those not your words?
Copy !req
1274. Why do you make me live the same tragedy?
Copy !req
1275. You're crossing the line!
Copy !req
1276. Yes
Copy !req
1277. You women make it your job to
Copy !req
1278. destroy a man's dream
Copy !req
1279. You should be more consistent in your "job":
Copy !req
1280. You are making this loser
Copy !req
1281. believe he can be a great artist!
Copy !req
1282. Bo Cai has made the greatest contribution
of all to this family
Copy !req
1283. How come you let Cai Xin profit
from her sister's labor?
Copy !req
1284. Xu Lai...
Copy !req
1285. You've said enough
Copy !req
1286. This is too much!
Copy !req
1287. How come this family doesn't work,
Copy !req
1288. and reaps what others have sown?
Copy !req
1289. Help me understand something...
Copy !req
1290. You make a lot of money selling bags online,
Copy !req
1291. yet every time you go to a hotel,
Copy !req
1292. you still take all these shampoo bottles
and slippers
Copy !req
1293. I put up the money for the house
Copy !req
1294. I put up the money for the tutor
Copy !req
1295. I paid for that boob job in Korea
Copy !req
1296. And you still put the porn you watch
Copy !req
1297. on my tab!
Copy !req
1298. I knew they were fake!
Copy !req
1299. Oh, you!
Copy !req
1300. Me? What about you?
Copy !req
1301. I've been squeezing silicon for 5 months!
Copy !req
1302. I got those out of love!
Copy !req
1303. It's still silicon
Copy !req
1304. She's gotten her ass done, too
Copy !req
1305. What?
Copy !req
1306. Damn you!
Copy !req
1307. The most annoying thing of all...
Copy !req
1308. are all the pictures you post
Copy !req
1309. trips, food,
Copy !req
1310. spiritual stuff,
Copy !req
1311. selfies of you basking in happiness,
Copy !req
1312. when I'm making long days working my ass off,
Copy !req
1313. after which you expect me to "like" your posts!
Copy !req
1314. Why don't you ever like anything I do?
Copy !req
1315. Wiping your boogers on your grandmother's food
Copy !req
1316. is truly likeable!
Copy !req
1317. It's absurd!
Copy !req
1318. And another thing:
Copy !req
1319. In this life my name is Xu Lai, period
Copy !req
1320. I hate Xu Lai
Copy !req
1321. As in: "Therefore I lie with her and she with me"!
Copy !req
1322. So... you never believed I could
Copy !req
1323. make a documentary?
Copy !req
1324. That's right
Copy !req
1325. And your encouragement was fake, as well?
Copy !req
1326. Yes
Copy !req
1327. Your dream is nothing but a joke
Copy !req
1328. I envy you...
Copy !req
1329. I envy you because even though you have no talent,
you still run amok
Copy !req
1330. I've wanted to say this for a long time-
Copy !req
1331. Stop trying to be a director, it's pathetic
Copy !req
1332. Stop trying to be a director, it's pathetic
Copy !req
1333. So how do you feel about my sister?
Copy !req
1334. I feel sorry for her
Copy !req
1335. There's a knot in my heart
Copy !req
1336. that makes my sperm unwilling
Copy !req
1337. I thought that...
Copy !req
1338. our family was full of love...
Copy !req
1339. but I see I was wrong!
Copy !req
1340. Just go
Copy !req
1341. This will be the last shot
Copy !req
1342. "On the path of life"
Copy !req
1343. "A dream is like a long road"
Copy !req
1344. "The snow that covers it"
Copy !req
1345. "May freeze your limbs"
Copy !req
1346. "In this world"
Copy !req
1347. "A dream has many directions"
Copy !req
1348. "Find your love in a fantasy"
Copy !req
1349. "The road is endless and unknown"
Copy !req
1350. What have you guys been up to today?
Copy !req
1351. Why is Xu Lai so bitter?
Copy !req
1352. You've been filming! What did you film?
Copy !req
1353. Let me see
Copy !req
1354. We were shooting a movie
Copy !req
1355. He played an asshole
Copy !req
1356. He doesn't need to act,
Copy !req
1357. - he is an asshole
- That's right!
Copy !req
1358. How can any of us ever be nice to him again?
Copy !req
1359. He's a real douchebag
Copy !req
1360. I'm here!
Copy !req
1361. I'm here!
Copy !req
1362. What about Xu Lai?
Copy !req
1363. Where is Xu Lai?
Copy !req
1364. Where is Xu Lai?
Copy !req
1365. Is he still in there?
Copy !req
1366. - Let me go in and see him
- Oh, no no no!
Copy !req
1367. They're finished, he'll come out soon
Copy !req
1368. Yes, he's just pulling up his pants
Copy !req
1369. Film me!
Copy !req
1370. Film me!
Copy !req
1371. Xu Lai,
Copy !req
1372. I've got a big present for you
Copy !req
1373. Remember last year, we went to the south of France
Copy !req
1374. Do you remember Nikola?
Copy !req
1375. At his farm
Copy !req
1376. you saw a warehouse
Copy !req
1377. in a field of lavender,
Copy !req
1378. and you said you dreamed of making it
into a studio
Copy !req
1379. Well... I bought it.
Copy !req
1380. For you!
Copy !req
1381. Are you happy?
Copy !req
1382. You don't seem excited...
Copy !req
1383. It's not that...
Copy !req
1384. What is it?
Copy !req
1385. I... I forgot to turn it on
Copy !req
1386. We'll have to do it again
Copy !req
1387. What...?
Copy !req
1388. Lala?
Copy !req
1389. Where are you going, Lala?
Copy !req
1390. - Lala?
- I'm going to find my brother-in-law
Copy !req
1391. I'll bring him back
Copy !req
1392. - Keep her here
- Huh?
Copy !req
1393. We've got a big enough mess on our hands as it is
Copy !req
1394. I trust you'll delete any sensitive material
Copy !req
1395. You're here, excellent
Copy !req
1396. Take me to the Intercontinental
Copy !req
1397. Are you thinking I'm a cab driver?
Copy !req
1398. You're going to the police station with me
Copy !req
1399. What about Xu Lai?
Copy !req
1400. He's at the Intercontinental
Copy !req
1401. I filmed something important
Copy !req
1402. I'm bringing him back
Copy !req
1403. Hurry!
Copy !req
1404. Lala, don't tell him anything
Copy !req
1405. Delete everything on your camera
Copy !req
1406. - Got it
- Whatever you do, don't let your sister see it
Copy !req
1407. Who are you looking for?
Copy !req
1408. Yang Yi
Copy !req
1409. We were classmates
Copy !req
1410. Right. Come in
Copy !req
1411. Take a seat. I'll tell her you're here
Copy !req
1412. Thank you
Copy !req
1413. Xu Lai?
Copy !req
1414. What happened to your face?
Copy !req
1415. It's nothing
Copy !req
1416. Finally, seeing each other...
Copy !req
1417. I'm glad
Copy !req
1418. that's right!
Copy !req
1419. Have you gained weight?
Copy !req
1420. Yeah, a lot
Copy !req
1421. - Sit down
- Right
Copy !req
1422. What happened to your hair?
Copy !req
1423. It's all gone
Copy !req
1424. But... that works, too
Copy !req
1425. Was that you in Victoria Square?
Copy !req
1426. Yes
Copy !req
1427. No
Copy !req
1428. It's a long story
Copy !req
1429. Did you get the poster I sent you?
Copy !req
1430. I did
Copy !req
1431. I was touched
Copy !req
1432. When I saw you'd added a person to "The Sower,"
Copy !req
1433. I was moved as well
Copy !req
1434. I remember you once said
Copy !req
1435. this was your favorite Van Gogh painting
Copy !req
1436. Isn't it?
Copy !req
1437. It is
Copy !req
1438. How have you been?
Copy !req
1439. Are you well?
Copy !req
1440. Very well
Copy !req
1441. You?
Copy !req
1442. Same old,
Copy !req
1443. always painting
Copy !req
1444. Are you married?
Copy !req
1445. No
Copy !req
1446. I travelled a lot
Copy !req
1447. I started in Europe,
Copy !req
1448. I trained with my mentor for five years-
Copy !req
1449. After that, I learned how to sail
Copy !req
1450. and then to make music
Copy !req
1451. I lived in Tibet for three years
Copy !req
1452. I just came back from India
Copy !req
1453. I shouldn't smoke
Copy !req
1454. What's that?
Copy !req
1455. This...
Copy !req
1456. is part of my new series
Copy !req
1457. You've been an artist all this time
Copy !req
1458. Do you still paint?
Copy !req
1459. No. I make underwear
Copy !req
1460. What?
Copy !req
1461. I design brassieres
Copy !req
1462. I'm an expert
Copy !req
1463. I can tell the cup size
Copy !req
1464. of any woman standing in front of me
Copy !req
1465. Seriously?
Copy !req
1466. Yes
Copy !req
1467. I've been doing this for more than ten years
Copy !req
1468. So...
Copy !req
1469. you'll never paint again?
Copy !req
1470. No. I've sold all my palettes
Copy !req
1471. I see
Copy !req
1472. Well...
Copy !req
1473. you were a mediocre painter anyway
Copy !req
1474. Do you remember...
Copy !req
1475. that big dog in the canteen?
Copy !req
1476. Would you like to kiss once more?
Copy !req
1477. What?
Copy !req
1478. What, "what"?
Copy !req
1479. You were saying?
Copy !req
1480. I didn't say anything
Copy !req
1481. No, I...
Copy !req
1482. I was talking about the big dog
Copy !req
1483. What I meant was... we never managed...
Copy !req
1484. to actually do it
Copy !req
1485. Do you mean right now?
Copy !req
1486. Do what, now?
Copy !req
1487. Sorry for interrupting...
Copy !req
1488. Do you have a minute for the gallery owners?
Copy !req
1489. Okay
Copy !req
1490. I'm sorry...
Copy !req
1491. I'll have to go out for a sec
Copy !req
1492. No problem
Copy !req
1493. Are you aware...
Copy !req
1494. that you smell like durian?
Copy !req
1495. Would you like to go upstairs and take a shower?
Copy !req
1496. Just take a shower,
Copy !req
1497. I'll be right back
Copy !req
1498. I really was that young once!
Copy !req
1499. What the hell are you doing?
Copy !req
1500. Deleting some footage
Copy !req
1501. What footage?
Copy !req
1502. A domestic dispute
Copy !req
1503. I don't have a dream
Copy !req
1504. Give me that camera
Copy !req
1505. No.56
Copy !req
1506. Her next series...
Copy !req
1507. Have you seen "A Better Tomorrow"?
Copy !req
1508. What?
Copy !req
1509. There's a classic Chow Yun-fat quote in there
Copy !req
1510. Huh?
Copy !req
1511. "I swear..."
Copy !req
1512. "in this life, I will not let anyone..."
Copy !req
1513. point a gun..."
Copy !req
1514. at my head!"
Copy !req
1515. Ready?
Copy !req
1516. Action!
Copy !req
1517. Sorry!
Copy !req
1518. Sorry
Copy !req
1519. I got rid of them as fast as I could
Copy !req
1520. Everything okay?
Copy !req
1521. Would you like something to drink?
Copy !req
1522. I saw your next series
Copy !req
1523. So?
Copy !req
1524. What number am I?
Copy !req
1525. No, those are just people whose
paths crossed mine,
Copy !req
1526. they were never my boyfriends
Copy !req
1527. You misunderstood
Copy !req
1528. Do you know what I had to go through to get here?
Copy !req
1529. Do you know how long I've waited for this day?
Copy !req
1530. We haven't seen each other in such a long time...
Copy !req
1531. do you really want to pick a fight?
Copy !req
1532. I'm sorry
Copy !req
1533. Xu Lai...
Copy !req
1534. Don't be like this,
Copy !req
1535. it makes me sad
Copy !req
1536. You're already here, aren't you?
Copy !req
1537. Sorry
Copy !req
1538. You've got a press conference in a minute
Copy !req
1539. I'm sorry
Copy !req
1540. Huh?
Copy !req
1541. - Are you all right?
- It's okay.
Copy !req
1542. I can't kiss you
Copy !req
1543. Are you okay?
Copy !req
1544. I'm fine
Copy !req
1545. Does it hurt?
Copy !req
1546. Sorry, I can't kiss you
Copy !req
1547. What's the matter?
Copy !req
1548. Why is it like this?
Copy !req
1549. Like what?
Copy !req
1550. I can't seem to be able to kiss you
Copy !req
1551. Do you not want to kiss me?
Copy !req
1552. I don't want to kiss you
Copy !req
1553. Do you want to kiss me?
Copy !req
1554. Do you want to kiss me?
Copy !req
1555. I don't want to kiss you
Copy !req
1556. How come?
Copy !req
1557. I guess...
Copy !req
1558. it shouldn't be like that between us
Copy !req
1559. It shouldn't
Copy !req
1560. Actually...
Copy !req
1561. You don't really want to kiss me either
Copy !req
1562. You just want to finish that
unfinished kiss of ours
Copy !req
1563. Why else...
Copy !req
1564. would you suddenly stop...
Copy !req
1565. when we were inches away from each other?
Copy !req
1566. What were you thinking about?
Copy !req
1567. I could only think of Spinach
Copy !req
1568. Huh?
Copy !req
1569. Spinach is all I could think about
Copy !req
1570. Are you hungry, Mister Popeye?
Copy !req
1571. I'm not hungry
Copy !req
1572. Spinach, Bo Cai, is my wife
Copy !req
1573. Well, I think that shows...
Copy !req
1574. you love your wife very much
Copy !req
1575. Actually, I really do love her
Copy !req
1576. Then...
Copy !req
1577. what about you and me?
Copy !req
1578. I think...
Copy !req
1579. we should leave it like this
Copy !req
1580. Xu Lai,
Copy !req
1581. it's time we said goodbye to the past
Copy !req
1582. Are you feeling better?
Copy !req
1583. Much better
Copy !req
1584. Thank you
Copy !req
1585. Wait a second-
Copy !req
1586. What should we do?
Copy !req
1587. What should we tell Bo Cai?
Copy !req
1588. Tell her?
Copy !req
1589. Nobody can tell her anything!
Copy !req
1590. We'll just let Bo Cai take her test
Copy !req
1591. We've already extracted the husband's sperm,
Copy !req
1592. what about the wife?
Copy !req
1593. She's here!
Copy !req
1594. What's wrong?
Copy !req
1595. Move over there!
Copy !req
1596. It's just a date!
Copy !req
1597. Can everyone just leave me alone?
Copy !req
1598. Shut up
Copy !req
1599. Don't think I'm just some rookie
Copy !req
1600. A rookie cop is still a cop
Copy !req
1601. You look at Clark Kent...
Copy !req
1602. and only see a journalist
Copy !req
1603. Finally, I get to say this:
Copy !req
1604. You have the right to remain silent...
Copy !req
1605. Lala!
Copy !req
1606. They're dirty cops!
Copy !req
1607. Play back the footage
Copy !req
1608. See for yourself
Copy !req
1609. Are you done? I've been standing here for ages
Copy !req
1610. Yes
Copy !req
1611. Cai Bo?
Copy !req
1612. Do you know her?
Copy !req
1613. So that's why you were talking about spinach
Copy !req
1614. Wasn't she from our year's
Department of Management?
Copy !req
1615. That year, Hong Kong Chinese University
accepted two people
Copy !req
1616. She was the other one
Copy !req
1617. I never knew why she gave up her place...
Copy !req
1618. but now I see you two got married
Copy !req
1619. Xu Lai,
Copy !req
1620. Remember when we went to the French countryside?
Copy !req
1621. At Nikola's farm
Copy !req
1622. we walked through a field of lavender,
Copy !req
1623. and you said you dreamed of turning
Copy !req
1624. the warehouse into your studio
Copy !req
1625. So...
Copy !req
1626. I bought it!
Copy !req
1627. Are you happy?
Copy !req
1628. I'm happy
Copy !req
1629. Are you happy, too?
Copy !req
1630. Let's do one more take
Copy !req
1631. Remember to take your pills!
Copy !req
1632. Remember to take your pills!
Copy !req
1633. Don't move!
Copy !req
1634. - Hello?
- Let's call the police!
Copy !req
1635. We can't
Copy !req
1636. Xu Lai,
Copy !req
1637. that cop says he has Bo Cai!
Copy !req
1638. Hello?
Copy !req
1639. Where is my wife?
Copy !req
1640. Where are you?
Copy !req
1641. - Bo Cai!
- Sister!
Copy !req
1642. Xu Lai!
Copy !req
1643. Xu Lai, help me!
Copy !req
1644. Give me the camera
Copy !req
1645. Let her go first!
Copy !req
1646. You don't get to make demands here
Copy !req
1647. We have a hostage of our own!
Copy !req
1648. A life for a life!
Copy !req
1649. Do you think we operate together?
Copy !req
1650. How can rookies like him
Copy !req
1651. understand what it's like to
work hard your entire life
Copy !req
1652. and still not afford to buy a house?
Copy !req
1653. Pushing someone off some building...
Copy !req
1654. makes more money than in
twenty years of hard work
Copy !req
1655. Give me the gun!
Copy !req
1656. Give me the camera
Copy !req
1657. Don't!
Copy !req
1658. Bo Cai!
Copy !req
1659. Sister!
Copy !req
1660. Here
Copy !req
1661. Now, let them go!
Copy !req
1662. Don't move!
Copy !req
1663. I finally know where you went
Copy !req
1664. You're very pretty
Copy !req
1665. I might as well be dead!
Copy !req
1666. No no, nothing happened between us
Copy !req
1667. You two even speak at the same time...
Copy !req
1668. Bo Cai, give me your hand
Copy !req
1669. I'm afraid to move!
Copy !req
1670. You, get up there too!
Copy !req
1671. I gave you the camera!
Copy !req
1672. You expect me to believe you don't have a copy?
Copy !req
1673. I don't
Copy !req
1674. Get up there
Copy !req
1675. There are too many people on there!
Copy !req
1676. Get up there
Copy !req
1677. Hey,
Copy !req
1678. tomorrow
Copy !req
1679. people will read in the papers...
Copy !req
1680. about how a cop colluded with the underworld...
Copy !req
1681. and planned to kill witnesses
Copy !req
1682. He didn't know everything was captured on film,
Copy !req
1683. so he had to kill everyone
Copy !req
1684. In the end, I shot him
Copy !req
1685. I never imagined that I'd get
Copy !req
1686. a medal before my retirement
Copy !req
1687. Could you speak Mandarin, please?
Copy !req
1688. Go to hell!
Copy !req
1689. Sister!
Copy !req
1690. Bo Cai, pull yourself up!
Copy !req
1691. Sister!
Copy !req
1692. Hurry!
Copy !req
1693. Lala!
Copy !req
1694. You get up first, on the count of three
Copy !req
1695. Okay
Copy !req
1696. Yang Yi,
Copy !req
1697. you move over there
Copy !req
1698. One...
Copy !req
1699. two...
Copy !req
1700. three!
Copy !req
1701. Come on!
Copy !req
1702. Both of you! Get close to me!
Copy !req
1703. You love her, don't you?
Copy !req
1704. I can let go
Copy !req
1705. No no,
Copy !req
1706. It's not what you think!
Copy !req
1707. I tried today...
Copy !req
1708. What?
Copy !req
1709. You tried?
Copy !req
1710. No no, I didn't try all the way!
Copy !req
1711. So you tried halfway?
Copy !req
1712. No, it wasn't like that!
Copy !req
1713. Let me explain-
Copy !req
1714. It was like having a fishbone stuck in your throat
Copy !req
1715. Excuse me?
Copy !req
1716. The fishbone of youth
Copy !req
1717. This wonderful fishbone
Copy !req
1718. If that bone is so pretty and wonderful,
Copy !req
1719. don't take it out,
Copy !req
1720. just leave it in as a calcium supplement
Copy !req
1721. It doesn't need to be taken out,
Copy !req
1722. I swallowed it
Copy !req
1723. What?
Copy !req
1724. It's out of my system
Copy !req
1725. I realized that unfulfilled wishes
Copy !req
1726. have a tremendous power...
Copy !req
1727. almost magical...
Copy !req
1728. and they've led me to this point,
one step at a time
Copy !req
1729. Your wish was fulfilled today?
Copy !req
1730. It doesn't need to be fulfilled
Copy !req
1731. I understand now...
Copy !req
1732. that I have to learn to accept my losses
Copy !req
1733. We should be like we are now, right?
Copy !req
1734. Right!
Copy !req
1735. Like this is best
Copy !req
1736. Lala is right:
Copy !req
1737. You need to be objective
Copy !req
1738. Flaherty said that!
Copy !req
1739. Can you guys discuss this up here?
Copy !req
1740. I've always known...
Copy !req
1741. you've never forgotten her
Copy !req
1742. You guys can move closer to one another,
Copy !req
1743. I just need to step back a little
Copy !req
1744. No, Bo Cai, don't move!
Copy !req
1745. I wasn't happy with my life
Copy !req
1746. I've always thought you were holding me back...
Copy !req
1747. but today I found out
Copy !req
1748. that you bought me a study
Copy !req
1749. I didn't buy you a study
Copy !req
1750. Sorry, I meant:
Copy !req
1751. Studio
Copy !req
1752. However, I don't think I can become an artist
Copy !req
1753. You paint like crap
Copy !req
1754. I like his paintings!
Copy !req
1755. That's right! I'm only an artist in your eyes
Copy !req
1756. To hell with art, I only want you!
Copy !req
1757. Can you guys discuss this up here?
Copy !req
1758. Bo Cai!
Copy !req
1759. Give me your hand
Copy !req
1760. Help her first
Copy !req
1761. No, he should help you first
Copy !req
1762. You have to choose one of us
Copy !req
1763. Xu Lai, have you decided yet?
Copy !req
1764. Yang Yi, stand up
Copy !req
1765. What are you doing?
Copy !req
1766. Xu Lai...
Copy !req
1767. Yang Yi, get up
Copy !req
1768. How could you...?
Copy !req
1769. Bo Cai!
Copy !req
1770. If this thing falls down,
Copy !req
1771. I want us to die together
Copy !req
1772. Stand up
Copy !req
1773. Slowly
Copy !req
1774. This has been bugging me all day...
Copy !req
1775. But it hasn't been in vain
Copy !req
1776. One more step
Copy !req
1777. Careful!
Copy !req
1778. What are you doing!
Copy !req
1779. Bo Cai!
Copy !req
1780. Listen to me,
Copy !req
1781. on the count of three...
Copy !req
1782. you get up first
Copy !req
1783. No! I don't want to leave you!
Copy !req
1784. - Trust me
- I want to be with you
Copy !req
1785. Bo Cai, trust me
Copy !req
1786. Bo Cai, listen to me
Copy !req
1787. Look into my eyes and walk backward
Copy !req
1788. I promise I'll get up too
Copy !req
1789. If I'm lying,
Copy !req
1790. may the glass crack right now!
Copy !req
1791. You're lying!
Copy !req
1792. I wasn't lying!
Copy !req
1793. Bo Cai, I wasn't lying
Copy !req
1794. Do you trust me?
Copy !req
1795. I trust you.
Copy !req
1796. I always have, and I always will
Copy !req
1797. Look into my eyes...
Copy !req
1798. Slowly walk backward
Copy !req
1799. Come on
Copy !req
1800. Bo Cai, look at me
Copy !req
1801. Look at me
Copy !req
1802. Take one step back
Copy !req
1803. One more step
Copy !req
1804. You have the right to remain silent...
Copy !req
1805. Everything you say can and will be used
against you in a court of law
Copy !req
1806. Hello, sir? I need help here
Copy !req
1807. Xu Lai!
Copy !req
1808. Bo Cai!
Copy !req
1809. Bo Cai!
Copy !req
1810. Xu Lai
Copy !req
1811. Is there anything else you want to tell me?
Copy !req
1812. Once, true love was right in front of me...
Copy !req
1813. but I took it for granted
Copy !req
1814. This is going to take forever!
Copy !req
1815. My swimmers have always found their way home...
Copy !req
1816. I just didn't know it yet
Copy !req
1817. "I hope you didn't shed a tear
in the dark over me again"
Copy !req
1818. "I don't want to leave"
Copy !req
1819. "Your heart with emptiness"
Copy !req
1820. "I hope you won't put that big
a guilt trip on me again"
Copy !req
1821. "My heart is still as water"
Copy !req
1822. "You don't need to be passionate"
Copy !req
1823. "You know I don't want to go"
Copy !req
1824. "Something stands between us"
Copy !req
1825. You've made such a big sacrifice
Copy !req
1826. when you gave up your study for me
Copy !req
1827. Don't you regret it?
Copy !req
1828. I don't
Copy !req
1829. It was my choice
Copy !req
1830. I also wanted to go to Arles,
Copy !req
1831. but now, it feels like I'm already there
Copy !req
1832. At their closest moment,
Copy !req
1833. the distance between them
was less than a centimeter
Copy !req
1834. But they had no idea,
Copy !req
1835. that that morning...
Copy !req
1836. they conceived their child
Copy !req
1837. After spending twelve hours in Hong Kong,
Copy !req
1838. they fell in love with each other all over again
Copy !req
1839. Director Cai Lala's directorial debut,
Copy !req
1840. was supposed to be a regular documentary
Copy !req
1841. Everything all right?
Copy !req
1842. I want to tell you something
Copy !req
1843. What is it?
Copy !req
1844. Zip up your pants
Copy !req
1845. but the plot is so theatrical and complex
Copy !req
1846. that the judges unanimously decided
Copy !req
1847. it should be nominated
in the Feature Film category...
Copy !req
1848. Let's take a selfie
Copy !req
1849. Okay
Copy !req
1850. Stop talking for a moment!
Copy !req
1851. This year's Best New Director is:
Copy !req
1852. Cai Lala!
Copy !req