1. I hope to become
Copy !req
2. a lady with a little spice.
Copy !req
3. A housewife, mother,
and good friend
Copy !req
4. to all of my acquaintances.
Copy !req
5. But whatever I endeavor, I
shall try to make a go of it.
Copy !req
6. Because if there is anything
that leaves a sour taste
Copy !req
7. in my mouth, it's failure.
Copy !req
8. In
Sarasota, Florida today,
Copy !req
9. a 29 year old talk show
hostess shot herself
Copy !req
10. in the head live on television.
Copy !req
11. The woman, Christine Chubbuck,
Copy !req
12. was taken to the hospital
in critical condition.
Copy !req
13. Ms. Chubbuck wrote and
starred in a half hour
Copy !req
14. daily show called the Suncoast
Digest on station WXLT-TV.
Copy !req
15. This morning she said, in
keeping with channel 40's
Copy !req
16. policy of bringing you the
latest in blood and guts,
Copy !req
17. you're going to see another
first, an attempted suicide.
Copy !req
18. Then she drew a gun from beneath
her desk and shot herself.
Copy !req
19. The screen went
black within seconds
Copy !req
20. and public service
programming went on later.
Copy !req
21. Among many areas of
conflict in the U.S. today,
Copy !req
22. one involves the
strict old morality
Copy !req
23. and the easy new morality.
Copy !req
24. But a Coral Gables, Florida...
Copy !req
25. Behold this beauty,
Copy !req
26. as our story unfolds.
Copy !req
27. - Should I say my name again?
Copy !req
28. Sure.
Copy !req
29. - My name's Kate and I'm
auditioning for a party person.
Copy !req
30. And Anita.
Copy !req
31. - And Anita.
Copy !req
32. I haven't been to a party in
a really long time though.
Copy !req
33. Alright, go for it Kate.
Copy !req
34. I've
always wanted to be an actor,
Copy !req
35. I guess since I
was nine years old.
Copy !req
36. I always felt relatively unseen
by people when I was a kid.
Copy !req
37. Cause I was probably too shy
to offer very much of myself.
Copy !req
38. Relax.
Copy !req
39. - She's driving me crazy.
Copy !req
40. Acting somehow became
Copy !req
41. this outlet for me to be seen.
Copy !req
42. I've quit a number of times,
Copy !req
43. but I continually go back to it.
Copy !req
44. I can't seem to stop.
Copy !req
45. It seems, to me, to be somewhat
compulsive at this point.
Copy !req
46. I do worry, though,
that the impulse
Copy !req
47. is perhaps an unhealthy one.
Copy !req
48. The woman host
Copy !req
49. of a local television broadcast
Copy !req
50. in Sarasota Florida,
this morning,
Copy !req
51. pulled out a gun and
shot herself in the head
Copy !req
52. while the program
was on the air.
Copy !req
53. Family members said miss
Chubbuck had been depressed
Copy !req
54. and had talked of
suicide during the weekend.
Copy !req
55. So first things first,
Copy !req
56. let's try to
recreate the one look
Copy !req
57. that we have of her.
- Sure. Yeah.
Copy !req
58. So I like the—
Copy !req
59. - I like the scoop of it,
Copy !req
60. it's like the right,
- I like the scoop.
Copy !req
61. - It's exactly the right shape.
Copy !req
62. Yeah.
Copy !req
63. Let's give it a shot.
Copy !req
64. - I wonder if even like, the
shoulder seams are too big?
Copy !req
65. Yeah,
because some of these tops
Copy !req
66. like that are so narrow
in the shoulders.
Copy !req
67. Yeah.
Copy !req
68. If we just took it in?
Copy !req
69. Right.
Copy !req
70. It's not bad.
Copy !req
71. The
shoulder seams aren't that bad.
Copy !req
72. I could build one and mail it.
Copy !req
73. - Oh my God.
Copy !req
74. - But I don't know when
you'd be shooting this.
Copy !req
75. It could totally go—
Copy !req
76. Well one thing
to keep in mind is,
Copy !req
77. I think the context in which
we see her most of the time—
Copy !req
78. - Yeah.
Copy !req
79. Is like very
professional, you know?
Copy !req
80. - Right.
Copy !req
81. - My first reaction
was definitely,
Copy !req
82. man, I gotta see this footage,
Copy !req
83. and then, do I even
wanna see the footage,
Copy !req
84. and then realizing I
couldn't see the footage,
Copy !req
85. and then that made me want
to see it even more, kind of.
Copy !req
86. I have a lot of friends
down in Sarasota,
Copy !req
87. I asked them all about it,
they had never heard of her.
Copy !req
88. Yeah.
Copy !req
89. Which
is like, fascinating to me.
Copy !req
90. - I mean I guess we just don't
have enough images of her
Copy !req
91. to know for sure
but it seems like
Copy !req
92. she was a person who veered
more on the side of pants,
Copy !req
93. or, like a more
masculine style, perhaps,
Copy !req
94. but so to choose a dress
for the actual day,
Copy !req
95. it's such an intentional thing.
Copy !req
96. She had a tan.
Copy !req
97. Her waist-length black
hair was clean and shiny,
Copy !req
98. and her black and
white print dress
Copy !req
99. complimented her
long, slim figure.
Copy !req
100. - You know, I mean, often
times as a costume designer,
Copy !req
101. you have to pick clothes
that people die in,
Copy !req
102. but you don't often have to
pick clothes that people—
Copy !req
103. Chose to die in.
Copy !req
104. - Choose to die in, yeah.
Copy !req
105. - Hey dad, how are you?
Copy !req
106. No, I'm going to Sarasota
tomorrow to work on a movie.
Copy !req
107. Yeah.
Copy !req
108. It's the movie about
Christine Chubbuck.
Copy !req
109. Right, I know, blood and
guts television, yeah.
Copy !req
110. Yeah, that network was
loosely based on her story.
Copy !req
111. Yeah, but the crazy
thing is that, like,
Copy !req
112. the guy who wrote Network
took this depressed woman,
Copy !req
113. and turned her into
this macho, angry man.
Copy !req
114. Well I know, exactly, she
was frustrated being a woman
Copy !req
115. in television and also it's
men who are making the movie,
Copy !req
116. so I feel a little bit,
that it's my responsibility
Copy !req
117. to represent her
in some way, yeah.
Copy !req
118. Well, I'm excited because
they're trying to do
Copy !req
119. this sort of stylized seventies
soap opera sort of thing,
Copy !req
120. which is very intriguing to me,
Copy !req
121. especially because its something
Copy !req
122. that I don't get asked
to do very often.
Copy !req
123. Like, character
work, which is like,
Copy !req
124. if a performance of mine is
called subtle one more time,
Copy !req
125. I think I might lose
my mind, but I do worry
Copy !req
126. that it will be a very
difficult tone to find,
Copy !req
127. especially because
she was a real woman.
Copy !req
128. but I think we can do it.
Copy !req
129. I mean I guess my
interest in her,
Copy !req
130. at first, was like
pretty superficial,
Copy !req
131. it's just she's the first person
who killed herself on air,
Copy !req
132. and that's like, a
remarkable moment.
Copy !req
133. But it does seem that the story
has been largely forgotten.
Copy !req
134. I mean, in terms of
availability of information,
Copy !req
135. that's very frustrating, and
it's also just kind of sad.
Copy !req
136. So I have to learn as much about
Copy !req
137. Christine Chubbuck
as I possibly can,
Copy !req
138. but I also have to
try and understand,
Copy !req
139. the mind of a person
who would kill herself.
Copy !req
140. Hi, my name is Kate, and I'm
an actor who is preparing
Copy !req
141. to work on a film about
Christine Chubbuck,
Copy !req
142. who was a journalist on
Channel 40 in the seventies,
Copy !req
143. and I was wondering, I know
that Channel 40 was folded
Copy !req
144. into ABC, and I was
wondering if you might have
Copy !req
145. any footage of her
in your archives?
Copy !req
146. I have, yes, I've
looked at everything
Copy !req
147. that's available on
the internet, yeah.
Copy !req
148. - It's just interesting,
I had heard of this story,
Copy !req
149. but I never knew if it was
an urban legend or not,
Copy !req
150. and having lived in
Sarasota for 10 years,
Copy !req
151. I never made the connection
that it was actually an event
Copy !req
152. that took place here,
so I was pretty shocked
Copy !req
153. when you brought the
article to our attention,
Copy !req
154. so I'd be happy to
help you find that.
Copy !req
155. - Thank you.
Copy !req
156. So this is the original
Washington Post article
Copy !req
157. written by Sally Quinn.
Copy !req
158. Christine Chubbuck,
29, good looking,
Copy !req
159. educated, television
personality, dead,
live and in color.
Copy !req
160. Christine Chubbuck flicked
her long dark hair back away
Copy !req
161. from her face, swallowed,
twitched her lips only slightly,
Copy !req
162. and reached her
left hands to the,
Copy !req
163. to turn the next
page of her script.
Copy !req
164. Looking down on the anchor
desk, she began to read.
Copy !req
165. In keeping with
Channel 40's policy
Copy !req
166. of bringing you the latest in,
Copy !req
167. she looked up from the script,
Copy !req
168. directly into the camera,
and smiled a tentative smile.
Copy !req
169. So she smiled.
Copy !req
170. Her voice took on a sarcastic
tone as she emphasized,
Copy !req
171. blood and guts and
in living color.
Copy !req
172. She looked back
down at her script,
Copy !req
173. her left hand shook
almost unnoticeably.
Copy !req
174. Unnoticeably, that's
funny, the first time
Copy !req
175. I read it, I thought
it said noticeably.
Copy !req
176. Her right arm stiffened,
we bring you another first.
Copy !req
177. Her voice was steady, she
looked up again into the camera.
Copy !req
178. Her eyes were dark,
direct, and challenging.
Copy !req
179. An attempted suicide.
Copy !req
180. Her right hand came up
from under the anchor desk,
Copy !req
181. and it was a 38
caliber revolver.
Copy !req
182. She pointed it at the
lower back of her head,
Copy !req
183. and pulled the trigger.
Copy !req
184. A loud crack was heard,
a puff of smoke blew out
Copy !req
185. from the gun and her hair
flew up around her face,
Copy !req
186. as though a sudden gust
of wind had caught it.
Copy !req
187. Her mouth wrenched
downward, her head shook,
Copy !req
188. and then her body fell forward
Copy !req
189. with a resounding thud
against the anchor desk
Copy !req
190. and slowly slipped out of sight.
Copy !req
191. On the desk, after Chris had
been rushed to the hospital,
Copy !req
192. a blood-soaked news
story was found.
Copy !req
193. It was the story of her
own suicide attempt,
Copy !req
194. written in long-hand.
Copy !req
195. Okay, so she typed
out the news copy
Copy !req
196. that she was going to read
that she had hand-written,
Copy !req
197. which she wanted them
to read after, earlier.
Copy !req
198. It described the attempt,
Copy !req
199. how she was taken to
Sarasota Memorial Hospital,
Copy !req
200. and it listed her in
critical condition.
Copy !req
201. Whoa.
Copy !req
202. Chris would have been
30 on August 24th,
Copy !req
203. and she was still a virgin,
it bothered her like hell.
Copy !req
204. If you look at it on
paper, said her mother,
Copy !req
205. her suicide was simply because
Copy !req
206. her personal life
was not enough.
Copy !req
207. There was a haunting melody in
Chris, said Ms. Chubbuck.
Copy !req
208. It's almost like her life
was a little out of gear
Copy !req
209. with other people.
Copy !req
210. Last summer, she had
had an ovary removed.
Copy !req
211. The doctors told her then that
if she didn't have children
Copy !req
212. within the next
two or three years,
Copy !req
213. she probably never would,
Copy !req
214. and of course, there
were no prospects.
Copy !req
215. She had worked for nearly a year
Copy !req
216. with a young man named
George Peter Ryan,
Copy !req
217. a tall, handsome,
blond stockbroker,
Copy !req
218. who read the stock reports
on the local news show.
Copy !req
219. George, gorgeous George
to some of his friends,
Copy !req
220. was divorced and had
some personal problems.
Copy !req
221. Chris developed a crush on him,
Copy !req
222. in fact, she confided
to one of her friends
Copy !req
223. that she had decided George
was the perfect person
Copy !req
224. to help her solve her problems.
Copy !req
225. She went to George on his
30th birthday in late June
Copy !req
226. with a cake, and later,
at a press party,
Copy !req
227. she made it clear to
him in a subtle way
Copy !req
228. that she was available.
Copy !req
229. He rejected her.
Copy !req
230. She was saying I was
here, not just Sarasota,
Copy !req
231. but I was here, world.
Copy !req
232. She committed a
grossly public act,
Copy !req
233. one that, in its way,
reverberated around the world
Copy !req
234. and left those behind to
deal with the reason why.
Copy !req
235. Hi, may I speak to
Mr. LaHurd please?
Copy !req
236. I was calling because I found
your number on the internet,
Copy !req
237. I saw that you are sort of the
preeminent Sarasota historian
Copy !req
238. and I'm here researching a role.
Copy !req
239. - Okay, come on in.
Copy !req
240. - Hi, how are you?
Copy !req
241. - Jeff LaHurd.
Copy !req
242. - Yeah, nice to meet you.
Copy !req
243. Do you find that people still
talk about Christine Chubbuck?
Copy !req
244. - Not at all.
Copy !req
245. - No?
Copy !req
246. - No, just by definition
of people moving in,
Copy !req
247. people moving out,
people are gonna forget
Copy !req
248. that type of thing,
forget anything.
Copy !req
249. I really love history, I mean,
Copy !req
250. I love Sarasota
history in particular,
Copy !req
251. but I love world
history as well,
Copy !req
252. but I remember somebody
said to me one time,
Copy !req
253. you die two times, you
die when you pass away,
Copy !req
254. and then you die the
second time the last time
Copy !req
255. somebody mentions your name.
Copy !req
256. Hi Monica, my name is Kate,
and I got your information
Copy !req
257. from Jeff LaHurd, I'm
here in Sarasota working
Copy !req
258. on a film project about a
woman named Christine Chubbuck,
Copy !req
259. who was a journalist in
Sarasota in the seventies,
Copy !req
260. and we've heard that
she may have come in
Copy !req
261. to the Crescent Club back then,
Copy !req
262. and I just wanted
to speak to you
Copy !req
263. and see if you may have
any memories of her?
Copy !req
264. Really?
Copy !req
265. And no Christines?
Copy !req
266. Thank you, thank you so much.
Copy !req
267. So when exactly is the
last time you were here?
Copy !req
268. - Probably down
about 35 years ago.
Copy !req
269. - Oh my goodness.
Copy !req
270. I promise you, I promise you,
if that bar is still there
Copy !req
271. 35 years from now, I
will go, I will go.
Copy !req
272. How common
is the problem with suicide?
Copy !req
273. To mention the known statistics,
Copy !req
274. the reported statistics
for a moment,
Copy !req
275. we can say something like this:
Copy !req
276. that suicide ranks
among the first 10
Copy !req
277. in the causes of
death among adults.
Copy !req
278. In some states—
Copy !req
279. I'm
very afraid of suicide.
Copy !req
280. Even when I really
start to think of it,
Copy !req
281. it just doesn't, it scares me.
Copy !req
282. When I try and get
myself into a place where
Copy !req
283. I could imagine what
it would be like
Copy !req
284. to want to do that,
it makes me afraid.
Copy !req
285. Police
have this area locked down,
Copy !req
286. at least in this immediate area.
Copy !req
287. If you take a look, Gauthier
Boulevard is shut down,
Copy !req
288. police are making sure
they're going through,
Copy !req
289. they have everything that
they are looking for here.
Copy !req
290. Now there are three
different locations—
Copy !req
291. - Hi.
Copy !req
292. - Hi.
- Oh, hi, you're all set?
Copy !req
293. - I am.
Copy !req
294. - Come on over, and I'll
show you how to use the bed.
Copy !req
295. When you're ready,
you're just gonna turn—
Copy !req
296. I push the blue button?
Copy !req
297. - When you're ready, yeah.
Copy !req
298. I get in the bed.
Copy !req
299. - Yeah.
Copy !req
300. Close it, and I'm set.
Copy !req
301. - Then you will be all set.
Copy !req
302. Okay,
sorry I'm so pale.
Copy !req
303. - Oh, don't you worry.
Copy !req
304. Are you kidding, that's
why people come here, so.
Copy !req
305. - It's gonna take a lot of work.
Copy !req
306. Yeah,
Copy !req
307. we will take it one
minute at a time.
Copy !req
308. - Together, we can do it.
Copy !req
309. - When you have it like this,
pull it all the way down
Copy !req
310. on your neck and then
get hold of this part.
Copy !req
311. How long have
you been making wigs for?
Copy !req
312. Too long.
Copy !req
313. Too long.
Copy !req
314. I
was licensed in 1963.
Copy !req
315. Whoa.
Copy !req
316. - Okay you're going to
slide on, put the cap on.
Copy !req
317. - Yeah, sure.
Copy !req
318. Whoa, sorry.
Copy !req
319. Should I
get the wig out of the—
Copy !req
320. Sure.
Copy !req
321. Okay.
Copy !req
322. Let me just try to
just get hold of it.
Copy !req
323. - Okay.
Copy !req
324. I have
two clips on each side.
Copy !req
325. - Sure.
Copy !req
326. - You want the two
ends to lock down.
Copy !req
327. It should follow the
contour of your hair.
Copy !req
328. Push this a little more back.
Copy !req
329. And this part is forward,
and this one is kinda...
Copy !req
330. She's so somber, so—
Copy !req
331. I know.
Copy !req
332. - Sad looking, its heartbreaking
when you look at her.
Copy !req
333. Except you're
prettier than she was.
Copy !req
334. Oh my gosh,
that's very sweet of you.
Copy !req
335. - I mean it.
Copy !req
336. I'm just worried about
how you're gonna be able
Copy !req
337. to be so sad and so,
like the whole world fell
Copy !req
338. on your head or on your back.
Copy !req
339. - Yeah.
Copy !req
340. - I don't think I
can be that sad.
Copy !req
341. Yeah.
Copy !req
342. I think you can become
a little desperate—
Copy !req
343. - But I mean to become 29
years old and have no friends,
Copy !req
344. and have no boyfriend, God,
by 29, without any boyfriends.
Copy !req
345. Put that liner inside the wig.
Copy !req
346. Yeah, great, thank you.
Copy !req
347. - Gotta think of something
morbid so you can look like her.
Copy !req
348. Okay.
Copy !req
349. - I don't think that'll
be easy for you.
Copy !req
350. Yeah, I'd have to
think of my husband.
Copy !req
351. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
352. - When I think of him,
I can cry, cry, cry.
Copy !req
353. Oh, I'm sorry.
Copy !req
354. So how long have
you been working
Copy !req
355. with Herald & Review,
when did you begin?
Copy !req
356. - According to the calendars,
Copy !req
357. I started here forty
and a half years ago
Copy !req
358. with the Herald Tribune's
afternoon newspaper,
Copy !req
359. the Sarasota Journal in
June of 1974 as an intern.
Copy !req
360. - So then a month
and a half later,
Copy !req
361. Christine Chubbuck
committed suicide?
Copy !req
362. Yes, yeah, yeah.
Copy !req
363. - What is your
memory of that day?
Copy !req
364. - The word spread like, through
the grapevine, you know?
Copy !req
365. I mean, it wasn't tweeted
or emailed, you know,
Copy !req
366. it was telephone calls and
hey, did you see what happened
Copy !req
367. on Channel 40, and people
in restaurants, you know,
Copy !req
368. would spread the word
the old-fashioned way,
Copy !req
369. you know, person to person.
Copy !req
370. I seem to remember there might,
Copy !req
371. you know, people thought maybe
Copy !req
372. she had boyfriend problems
or something like that.
Copy !req
373. Maybe there's just a lot of
pressure trying to make it
Copy !req
374. with this little TV station
that was just finding it's feet.
Copy !req
375. I just thought she was
kind of edgy, you know?
Copy !req
376. My recollection was that she
had kind of a hard edge to her,
Copy !req
377. you know, that you
don't have, you know,
Copy !req
378. you're very soft and, you
know, pleasant looking,
Copy !req
379. and she looked, you
know, kind of like tough.
Copy !req
380. She looked tough
to me, you know.
Copy !req
381. So if you're gonna
play this role,
Copy !req
382. I would recommend you
would need to have
Copy !req
383. like a simmering
undercurrent of some kind
Copy !req
384. of resentment or
personal turmoil,
Copy !req
385. and you need to have this
intensity and, you know,
Copy !req
386. there's nothing placid
about Christine Chubbuck,
Copy !req
387. you know, when you come
down to it, she proved it.
Copy !req
388. The fact that she asked for
her show to be video-taped
Copy !req
389. that day, indicates
to me pre-meditation.
Copy !req
390. You are somebody who's
plotting something.
Copy !req
391. And there's gonna be a victim,
Copy !req
392. and its not gonna end well,
and you're the victim.
Copy !req
393. - I am attracted to
those sort of women
Copy !req
394. on the verge of a
psychotic breakdown roles,
Copy !req
395. but I was very attracted
to those stories
Copy !req
396. with a certain level of remove
Copy !req
397. when I was a little bit younger,
Copy !req
398. and now I feel a
greater responsibility
Copy !req
399. to not fetishize
the crazy woman.
Copy !req
400. I want to pay respect
to Christine Chubbuck,
Copy !req
401. and of course,
empathize with her,
Copy !req
402. which I already do as
much as I possibly can,
Copy !req
403. but also, I don't want
there to be anything sexy
Copy !req
404. or glorified about a person
taking their own life
Copy !req
405. because it's just sad, and
its a little bit difficult
Copy !req
406. because I have never
seen the tape of her,
Copy !req
407. so it's just hard to
figure out, you know,
Copy !req
408. when I haven't heard her
voice, haven't seen her move,
Copy !req
409. to figure out what she
might have been like.
Copy !req
410. - Alright, in three, two, one.
Copy !req
411. And good morning everyone.
Copy !req
412. Sorry, afternoon,
it's the afternoon.
Copy !req
413. That's twice, that's two,
I'm really not bad at this.
Copy !req
414. It's all good.
Copy !req
415. - Here we go, in
three, two, one.
Copy !req
416. And good Tuesday
afternoon everybody,
Copy !req
417. it's another warm
day on the sun coast,
Copy !req
418. and a day to keep an eye out
for those scattered showers
Copy !req
419. and storms—
Copy !req
420. Hi, I'm Kate.
Copy !req
421. - Kate, John Hill,
very nice to meet you,
Copy !req
422. welcome to Sarasota, Florida.
Copy !req
423. - Thank you very much.
Copy !req
424. You are an anchor here at SNN?
Copy !req
425. - Yes, I've been
working here at SNN,
Copy !req
426. with the 24 hour cable company,
Copy !req
427. which kind of competes
with CNN a little bit,
Copy !req
428. for local news,
that's what we do.
Copy !req
429. I've been here at
SNN for 10 years.
Copy !req
430. I was at another TV
station here, WWSB,
Copy !req
431. for Channel 40 for 10
years prior to that.
Copy !req
432. - Hi, I'm Tony, chief
engineer at WSNN.
Copy !req
433. Before I was at Channel
40, which was originally
Copy !req
434. the station that it happened at.
Copy !req
435. - Right.
Copy !req
436. Do you have any memory of
Christine Chubbuck, her story?
Copy !req
437. - I have only heard
stories, I had no insight
Copy !req
438. into Christine in any
way, shape or form,
Copy !req
439. other than, when things
would go wrong at WWSB,
Copy !req
440. we'd say Christine's
acting up again.
Copy !req
441. Really?
Copy !req
442. - Yes, we'd blame
it on Christine.
Copy !req
443. - I had a few engineers,
friends of mine,
Copy !req
444. say that they would be
working in Master Control
Copy !req
445. and feel like a breeze come up
Copy !req
446. across the back of their necks,
Copy !req
447. or hear voices in the background
Copy !req
448. when nobody was in the studio.
Copy !req
449. - As far as what Christine did,
Copy !req
450. that afternoon, it was
a total waste of time,
Copy !req
451. total waste of one good bullet,
Copy !req
452. and total waste of the people
that continue to talk about it
Copy !req
453. because it accomplished nothing.
Copy !req
454. It didn't help her
with her depression,
Copy !req
455. it didn't help reset
anything with women
Copy !req
456. in this business, it
didn't help anything,
Copy !req
457. other than make a
sensational statement that,
Copy !req
458. who remembers
yesterday's headline?
Copy !req
459. - It's very rare for anybody
to talk about it in town
Copy !req
460. because it was something
that most people didn't see.
Copy !req
461. I heard that there
was a tape that exists.
Copy !req
462. Some say that it's
property of ABC7 today.
Copy !req
463. There is a safe in the
controller's office,
Copy !req
464. but I don't know if
there's any tapes in it.
Copy !req
465. - When I was at
WWSB, people talked
Copy !req
466. about a tape, that
there was a tape.
Copy !req
467. I have no personal
knowledge of it,
Copy !req
468. to me it's a rumor, but
I've heard a tape did exist.
Copy !req
469. - Basically, the new regime
doesn't even mention it.
Copy !req
470. The facility, when I
started working there,
Copy !req
471. was the new facility
built in 2000.
Copy !req
472. The old facility out on
Clark road is still there.
Copy !req
473. I think it's a dance studio now.
Copy !req
474. That's it there
with the people out front?
Copy !req
475. They sold the
station 90 something,
Copy !req
476. and moved downtown to
the new ABC building,
Copy !req
477. and then it was a radio station
right after the TV station,
Copy !req
478. then that shut down, then
it became Club River Pilates
Copy !req
479. and then it was vacant
for years and years,
Copy !req
480. until, recently,
somebody else bought it,
Copy !req
481. it's an office
building of some sort.
Copy !req
482. - Okay.
Copy !req
483. - I'm hoping to find a
tape of Christine Chubbuck.
Copy !req
484. No, no, no, no, not the
tape of her suicide,
Copy !req
485. but anything at
all, any sort of,
Copy !req
486. anything that you have
archived of her out.
Copy !req
487. Sure.
Copy !req
488. We're going to The Bullet Hole,
Copy !req
489. which is the new location,
the same business,
Copy !req
490. from which Christine
bought the gun.
Copy !req
491. I feel frustrated
cause I don't know,
Copy !req
492. I haven't been able
to find out very much.
Copy !req
493. A lot of people have
opinions about her,
Copy !req
494. a few people remember the story,
Copy !req
495. but no one's had any
real particular insight.
Copy !req
496. These people are like,
six degrees removed,
Copy !req
497. but have opinions about what
might have driven her to do it.
Copy !req
498. I don't know, I'm just
shooting in the dark.
Copy !req
499. - Alright, thank you.
Copy !req
500. How you doing today?
- Hi, how are you?
Copy !req
501. I'm good, how are you?
Copy !req
502. - Great, how can
I help you today?
Copy !req
503. - I just wanted to ask
you a few questions.
Copy !req
504. How long have you
guys been here?
Copy !req
505. - We're in this location
for about two years,
Copy !req
506. two years and a week.
Copy !req
507. Okay.
Copy !req
508. - We were on Main
street for 67 years.
Copy !req
509. Whoa.
Copy !req
510. - There's a whole little
story back out there about us,
Copy !req
511. they've done the Scene Magazine.
Copy !req
512. Cool.
Copy !req
513. There you are.
Copy !req
514. - That's me!
Copy !req
515. Alright, what I'm
gonna recommend for
you as a beginner—
Copy !req
516. Yes.
Copy !req
517. - Okay, would be a revolver.
Copy !req
518. Revolver's the safest, most
reliable gun you could ever own.
Copy !req
519. It's just point and shoot.
Copy !req
520. One of the popular ones is
this Smith & Wesson, model 642.
Copy !req
521. Do you mind if
I ask you a little bit
Copy !req
522. about what the process
of buying a gun
Copy !req
523. would have been like
in the seventies?
Copy !req
524. - Years ago, it was a one
single sheet of paper.
Copy !req
525. Wanted to know your name, your
address, your phone number,
Copy !req
526. what you use for ID, how
you identified yourself.
Copy !req
527. Then you answered questions
that were pretty much like
Copy !req
528. they are in here, then
you answer them yes or no.
Copy !req
529. If you answer yes to a wrong one
Copy !req
530. or no to a wrong one, I
don't sell you the gun.
Copy !req
531. Alright, so let's suppose
you're gonna do this one.
Copy !req
532. Always check it for empty.
Copy !req
533. Yes.
Copy !req
534. When you
grip the firearm—
Copy !req
535. So if there is a
history of mental instability,
Copy !req
536. back then, would it be
checked against anything?
Copy !req
537. Do you know?
Copy !req
538. - Well they didn't really do
background checks back then,
Copy !req
539. and so, there would be no
way that they would know.
Copy !req
540. Yeah, that would be
a tough situation,
Copy !req
541. that's just like
going to a gun show.
Copy !req
542. Yeah
Copy !req
543. - You could walk
into a gun show,
Copy !req
544. put the money down,
pick up a gun,
Copy !req
545. and they know nothing about ya.
Copy !req
546. I mean, I have no way
of knowing your history.
Copy !req
547. You could be the biggest
nut in the world,
Copy !req
548. you walk in here and
you look like you look,
Copy !req
549. and you say hello
to you, and you say,
Copy !req
550. okay, fine, I don't have
a degree in psychology,
Copy !req
551. so I wouldn't know whether
your eyes are supposed
Copy !req
552. to be one this
way, one that way.
Copy !req
553. But, in either case,
Copy !req
554. If you look proper and you do
everything you're supposed to,
Copy !req
555. and you answer the
questions properly,
Copy !req
556. you have the right to buy a gun.
Copy !req
557. - So what I'm
researching, specifically,
Copy !req
558. is a journalist who
lived here in Sarasota
Copy !req
559. in the seventies named
Christine Chubbuck.
Copy !req
560. - What's her name?
Copy !req
561. - Christine Chubbuck.
Copy !req
562. - I don't know her.
Copy !req
563. - Do you remember, she
was a news reporter
Copy !req
564. who killed herself
on air in 1974?
Copy !req
565. - That's long before me, I
didn't get here until '82.
Copy !req
566. - Yep, but apparently she,
in this previous location,
Copy !req
567. was where she purchased the gun.
Copy !req
568. - Was where?
Copy !req
569. - Was where she
purchased the gun.
Copy !req
570. To kill herself.
Copy !req
571. - At The Bullet Hole?
Copy !req
572. - At The Bullet Hole.
Copy !req
573. - Yeah, that was back, like
I said, it opened in '47.
Copy !req
574. If I do everything in my
power to do it properly,
Copy !req
575. I feel bad about loss of life,
Copy !req
576. but I don't feel
responsible for it.
Copy !req
577. What else can I
do for you today?
Copy !req
578. Hi.
Copy !req
579. - How can I help you today?
Copy !req
580. - I'm looking to
purchase a handgun.
Copy !req
581. - Okay, alright, did
you have any experience
Copy !req
582. at all with a firearm?
Copy !req
583. - No, not much.
Copy !req
584. - None whatsoever.
Copy !req
585. - But I'm learning.
Copy !req
586. - I'm gonna highly recommend
a revolver for you,
Copy !req
587. cause its the simplest
and the safest gun
Copy !req
588. you can own, so I'm
gonna start with this.
Copy !req
589. Okay.
Copy !req
590. Thank you.
Copy !req
591. You want
this for hunting,
Copy !req
592. or home protection, or what?
Copy !req
593. Home protection.
Copy !req
594. Protection, alright.
Copy !req
595. Yeah.
Copy !req
596. Feels good.
Copy !req
597. I've noticed
a large increase
Copy !req
598. of female sales in the area.
Copy !req
599. - Is that right?
Copy !req
600. - Yeah, women are starting
to buy more and more guns.
Copy !req
601. So that's the red one?
Copy !req
602. Yeah.
Copy !req
603. - Oh my God.
Copy !req
604. - Hi, sorry, no, no, it's fine.
Copy !req
605. You were off,
you were so still
Copy !req
606. that I thought that you
were like a manikin.
Copy !req
607. - Oh, Jesus, sorry to scare you.
Copy !req
608. - This way.
Copy !req
609. Is your mic on?
Copy !req
610. Oh my God.
Copy !req
611. Oh my God.
Copy !req
612. She is so sweet.
Copy !req
613. You know what's
better is that though.
Copy !req
614. This is awesome.
Copy !req
615. Is she a—
Copy !req
616. Can she play the part?
Copy !req
617. - Like, where do you live?
Copy !req
618. - New York.
- I live in New York.
Copy !req
619. And it's hot, but it's like—
Copy !req
620. It's super hot.
Copy !req
621. - Cause we're shooting a—
Copy !req
622. What
is going on right now?
Copy !req
623. She plays Christine.
Copy !req
624. Yeah, I
think my ship will sail,
Copy !req
625. I'm like 33, I think
my ship will sail.
Copy !req
626. - I was 31.
Copy !req
627. Was
your birthday just now?
Copy !req
628. I know.
Copy !req
629. - You're 31?
Copy !req
630. 31.
Copy !req
631. - No one's gonna want
you anymore, you're done.
Copy !req
632. They're already done?
Copy !req
633. - Yeah, don't start.
Copy !req
634. I'm five two, barely.
Copy !req
635. I got this, I got this.
Copy !req
636. - We got it, we got it.
Copy !req
637. Okay.
Copy !req
638. Good shooting.
Copy !req
639. Thank you.
Copy !req
640. You're
doing really good.
Copy !req
641. Bull's-eye.
Copy !req
642. - Amazing.
Copy !req
643. Thank you.
- You did really good.
Copy !req
644. - Thank you for your help.
Copy !req
645. - Any questions?
Copy !req
646. You can take your ears off now.
Copy !req
647. Oh, thanks.
Copy !req
648. I don't have any questions.
Copy !req
649. Right now.
Copy !req
650. - Well you're a natural.
Copy !req
651. - Thank you.
Copy !req
652. Thank you.
Copy !req
653. So this
is from her autobiography,
Copy !req
654. that she wrote when she was 15.
Copy !req
655. I hope to be able to become
a lady with a little spice.
Copy !req
656. A housewife, a mother,
and a good friend
Copy !req
657. to all of my acquaintances,
but whatever I endeavor,
Copy !req
658. I shall try to make a go of it,
because if there is anything
Copy !req
659. that leaves a sour taste
in my mouth, it's failure.
Copy !req
660. I never wanted to
be a housewife.
Copy !req
661. I've never particularly
wanted kids until recently.
Copy !req
662. In high school,
she started a club
Copy !req
663. called the dateless wonder club.
Copy !req
664. I didn't date anybody
until I was 21 years old.
Copy !req
665. Fuck!
Copy !req
666. Ahhh, fuck.
Copy !req
667. - The part of that
Washington Post article
Copy !req
668. where she's described
as being man-ish,
Copy !req
669. this seems like a
seventies thing to me,
Copy !req
670. but I have also been described
Copy !req
671. as having a masculine quality.
Copy !req
672. She just wanted a
relationship, any relationship,
Copy !req
673. regardless of how the
man were to treat her,
Copy !req
674. and I remember saying
something similar
Copy !req
675. when I was a teenager
to a friend of mine.
Copy !req
676. At a movie theater, I have
a very clear recollection.
Copy !req
677. The way I would do
this, as an actor,
Copy !req
678. is to be sitting at that table,
Copy !req
679. writing down these differences
and internalizing them,
Copy !req
680. rather than delivering
them to you in a monologue.
Copy !req
681. Until I make all of this stuff,
this wig, and this makeup,
Copy !req
682. and the clothes feel
as natural as possible,
Copy !req
683. I just, I feel like
I'm playing dress-up.
Copy !req
684. It makes me feel
really uncomfortable.
Copy !req
685. Kate?
Copy !req
686. - Hey.
- Hi, how are you?
Copy !req
687. Alright,
go ahead and sit back.
Copy !req
688. You are coming in today
for a contact lens today?
Copy !req
689. - I just need colored contacts,
Copy !req
690. I'm trying to look like I
have brown eyes for something.
Copy !req
691. Okay.
Copy !req
692. And
then one more here.
Copy !req
693. - Okay.
Copy !req
694. Perfect,
here's the tipping point.
Copy !req
695. - Okay, thank you.
Copy !req
696. Now, they'll
also be doing that,
Copy !req
697. I remember an old, one
of the old-timers here,
Copy !req
698. telling me a story before
they had the radios,
Copy !req
699. and some of the—
Copy !req
700. A lot of times before
a storm's coming,
Copy !req
701. if that storm's coming for them,
Copy !req
702. they'll all get up in the
air, so that could possibly be
Copy !req
703. what they're doing right now.
Copy !req
704. They'll all ride up in
the air cause naturally,
Copy !req
705. that's what they do, they
ride the air currents,
Copy !req
706. so they use anything
to their advantage.
Copy !req
707. If they have a storm
coming, they'll use
Copy !req
708. that so they can travel.
Copy !req
709. Okay, look up.
Copy !req
710. Perfect.
Copy !req
711. Good job.
Copy !req
712. - Is it in there?
Copy !req
713. Yeah,
and it looks really good.
Copy !req
714. Cool.
Copy !req
715. That
looks really natural.
Copy !req
716. Okay, look up.
Copy !req
717. To the left.
Copy !req
718. Perfect, great job.
Copy !req
719. Good job.
Copy !req
720. Never know you have blue eyes.
Copy !req
721. Looks good.
Copy !req
722. - That is very strange.
Copy !req
723. That's really good.
Copy !req
724. So
this is your first spray tan?
Copy !req
725. This is my
first ever spray tan.
Copy !req
726. - Yeah, you're gonna love it.
Copy !req
727. Oh, it's cold
- Is it cold?
Copy !req
728. It's cold, and it's loud.
Copy !req
729. Sorry.
Copy !req
730. It's okay.
Copy !req
731. Other side.
Copy !req
732. - Hi, I'm Christine Chubbuck,
Copy !req
733. and welcome to suncoast digest.
Copy !req
734. Today, we'll be speaking
with Melissa Melloy,
Copy !req
735. owner of the Creative
Joy Playshop.
Copy !req
736. Thank you for being
with us today.
Copy !req
737. - My pleasure.
Copy !req
738. - Can you tell me a
bit about the business?
Copy !req
739. - Sure.
Copy !req
740. It's brand new, I've
pretty much taken
Copy !req
741. an open studio art environment,
Copy !req
742. and added some
inspirational brainstorming
Copy !req
743. and a lot of people have found
Copy !req
744. that it's a really
kind of zen space
Copy !req
745. to come and hang out and play.
Copy !req
746. - That's amazing.
Copy !req
747. I hear that you and I
have a common interest.
Copy !req
748. Tell me.
Copy !req
749. - Puppetry.
Copy !req
750. - Oh, that's true, absolutely.
Copy !req
751. I was for, I think four
years, the face puppeteer
Copy !req
752. in Sarasota county schools, so—
Copy !req
753. Whoa.
Copy !req
754. - I took a two-tiered
stage, and individually went
Copy !req
755. with like, I think
we had six puppets
Copy !req
756. in one of the
shows, and I was...
Copy !req
757. Talk to us about
how you think that went.
Copy !req
758. - I mean, for me, very badly
because I'm not prepared.
Copy !req
759. One of the things that
we know about her is that
Copy !req
760. she was good at her job,
that she really cared
Copy !req
761. and really, really,
really worked hard,
Copy !req
762. and that was one of the things
that meant the most to her.
Copy !req
763. To be midway through
the preparation process
Copy !req
764. and to be improvising,
Copy !req
765. and not only improvising
personal stuff,
Copy !req
766. or private moments, but
improvising her at work,
Copy !req
767. is like a very frustrating
thing because I wasn't good.
Copy !req
768. The particular role that I have
Copy !req
769. in the making of this film
is difficult enough as it is,
Copy !req
770. so I have to look at
those reenacted scenes
Copy !req
771. as just me trying to
play Christine Chubbuck,
Copy !req
772. and today, in doing that,
I think that I failed.
Copy !req
773. I hate it, I hate
the way that feels.
Copy !req
774. Good
afternoon, how are you?
Copy !req
775. - Hi, how are you?
Copy !req
776. - I'm good, can I show you
anything special today?
Copy !req
777. - I'm just looking for
now, thank you though.
Copy !req
778. The woman, I was
reading up on the woman
Copy !req
779. that I'm going to play,
and she's 29 years old,
Copy !req
780. but she sort of dressed her room
Copy !req
781. in a somewhat childlike manner.
Copy !req
782. Oh.
Copy !req
783. She had stuffed animals
Copy !req
784. and sort of a frilly bedspread.
Copy !req
785. And you're
hoping you can replicate it?
Copy !req
786. Sort of re-create it.
Copy !req
787. - Uh huh, well that
sounds interesting.
Copy !req
788. - Just to feel for how
she lived her life.
Copy !req
789. - Will you stay
in Sarasota then?
Copy !req
790. - Yeah, I am
staying in Sarasota.
Copy !req
791. - Great, great, well
welcome to Sarasota.
Copy !req
792. - You have been thinking
this way for a long time.
Copy !req
793. And, it's not that
we're done listening,
Copy !req
794. it's just that we've
run out of ideas.
Copy !req
795. - I haven't run out of ideas.
Copy !req
796. I just think that you should
take some time and relax.
Copy !req
797. Yeah.
Copy !req
798. - Take some time to calm down.
Copy !req
799. Life is hard, and
it's okay that sometimes—
Copy !req
800. - No, I know that life is hard,
Copy !req
801. it just, it does make me mad
sometimes, but it's okay.
Copy !req
802. If life gets too hard,
I'll just get out.
Copy !req
803. If I can't handle
it, I'll leave.
Copy !req
804. She
had left a small town
Copy !req
805. in Ohio several
years ago, and moved
Copy !req
806. into her family's summer
home on Siesta Key.
Copy !req
807. Two years later, her
parents were divorced
Copy !req
808. and her mother moved down.
Copy !req
809. Chris' brother Timothy
is artistic and creative,
Copy !req
810. and it was Timothy who decorated
the house they live in,
Copy !req
811. all very tasteful in house and
garden in pinks and greens.
Copy !req
812. He helped Chris
with her bedroom,
Copy !req
813. a yellow and white checked room
Copy !req
814. with a single bed in the corner,
Copy !req
815. with ruffled curtains
around her bedposts.
Copy !req
816. They looked more like the
room of a nine year old girl
Copy !req
817. than a 30 year old,
five foot nine woman.
Copy !req
818. I think
your mugs are magical.
Copy !req
819. - Thanks.
Copy !req
820. - I like your glasses.
Copy !req
821. Oh really,
you wanna try 'em on?
Copy !req
822. They look good.
Copy !req
823. I don't have
to tell you things are bad.
Copy !req
824. Everybody knows things are bad.
Copy !req
825. I want you to get up now.
- Up now.
Copy !req
826. I want all of you
Copy !req
827. to get up out of your chairs
- Get up out of your chairs.
Copy !req
828. Up right now
- I want you get up right now,
Copy !req
829. and go to the window
- The window
Copy !req
830. open it,
- Open it,
Copy !req
831. then stick your head out
- Stick your head out,
Copy !req
832. and yell
- And yell,
Copy !req
833. I was mad as hell
- I was mad as hell,
Copy !req
834. but I'm not gonna
- But I'm not gonna
Copy !req
835. take this anymore!
- Take this anymore!
Copy !req
836. - So I think it goes like this.
Copy !req
837. That's what I think.
Copy !req
838. - It comes this way?
Copy !req
839. - That's what it's like, this.
Copy !req
840. I
find that the parts
Copy !req
841. that I play have
lingering effects,
Copy !req
842. that maybe I am
more deeply invested
Copy !req
843. than I realize that I am.
Copy !req
844. I have this sadness,
or depression,
Copy !req
845. that I find inexplicable until
Copy !req
846. I remember the incredibly
obvious explanation,
Copy !req
847. that I had just spent
however many weeks or months
Copy !req
848. digging up painful experiences
Copy !req
849. from my own life to try
and play the character.
Copy !req
850. Sometimes, acting
makes me very happy,
Copy !req
851. sometimes I feel like
I've discovered something
Copy !req
852. or gotten closer to something,
Copy !req
853. but sometimes it's a
very frustrating thing
Copy !req
854. trying to capture
something I find wrong,
Copy !req
855. then show it to people,
but it's also difficult
Copy !req
856. for me to talk about
how it's hard to do
Copy !req
857. because who fucking
cares, but it is.
Copy !req
858. It's hard to do it well.
Copy !req
859. Then if you're chosen to do it,
Copy !req
860. then it's unconscionable
to do it without trying
Copy !req
861. to do it as well as
you possibly can,
Copy !req
862. and so then there's a very
large margin for error.
Copy !req
863. - I'm Marty Stonerock, and
I live in Orlando, Florida.
Copy !req
864. My husband's really
sick right now,
Copy !req
865. so I stopped
auditioning, you know.
Copy !req
866. I stopped at least going
up to Georgia, you know,
Copy !req
867. and trying to just
stay in Orlando.
Copy !req
868. Start doing theater
so I could stay home
Copy !req
869. and take care of Bob,
and when I got the call,
Copy !req
870. my daughter said, you
know, go on mom, you know,
Copy !req
871. read for it and nothing
ventured nothing gained,
Copy !req
872. at least have fun auditioning
for the day, you know?
Copy !req
873. And then when I got
it, again, my daughter,
Copy !req
874. you know, stepped up and
so that was really nice,
Copy !req
875. it was nice to have a day
to practice your craft
Copy !req
876. and tell a story, and
get out of the house.
Copy !req
877. I thought it was just
so incredibly sad
Copy !req
878. and so myopic on her
side that it was like
Copy !req
879. you just couldn't get
to the other side of her
Copy !req
880. and saying, you know, maybe
things will get better.
Copy !req
881. I think we struggle for
those answers because,
Copy !req
882. it goes against our grain
to wanna snuff out our life.
Copy !req
883. I'd like to think that we
all have some kinda hope.
Copy !req
884. You know, right now my husband
is fighting for his life,
Copy !req
885. and he'll take a
shitty day over no day.
Copy !req
886. You know?
Copy !req
887. Maybe if she just
lived the next day,
Copy !req
888. it would've gotten
a little bit better.
Copy !req
889. - My name is Rick Ver Helst,
I'm a clinical psychologist,
Copy !req
890. and I'm the chief
operating officer
Copy !req
891. at Costal Behavioral Health
Care here in Sarasota.
Copy !req
892. Depression can wax and wane,
but in a case like that,
Copy !req
893. it sounds like this
was an individual
Copy !req
894. who was likely depressed
pretty consistently
Copy !req
895. for quite some time.
Copy !req
896. People just didn't
talk about those things
Copy !req
897. back in that time, even
the term depression
Copy !req
898. would not have been used all
that much in the seventies.
Copy !req
899. You would hear people talk
Copy !req
900. about people having
a nervous breakdown.
Copy !req
901. And what
about the public nature
Copy !req
902. of her suicide, it
seems slightly unusual.
Copy !req
903. - That is an interesting
feature to this.
Copy !req
904. If I had to guess, I would
say that it probably has to do
Copy !req
905. with her selecting
journalism as a profession.
Copy !req
906. Journalists are all
about giving information
Copy !req
907. to the public, and, you
know, perhaps this was,
Copy !req
908. in her own, distorted way,
giving the kind of message
Copy !req
909. to the public that she'd
doing as a journalist.
Copy !req
910. - Hey.
Copy !req
911. Yeah.
Copy !req
912. - I got a story for ya Bob.
Copy !req
913. Okay?
Copy !req
914. - I wanna do a piece on suicide.
Copy !req
915. - Well you're gonna do whatever
it is you wanna do anyway.
Copy !req
916. - Thanks Bob.
Copy !req
917. Several
weeks before she died,
Copy !req
918. she called the local
police department
Copy !req
919. and discussed methods of suicide
with one of the officers.
Copy !req
920. When Chris Chubbuck
killed herself,
Copy !req
921. she followed those instructions.
Copy !req
922. There were some
who were confused
Copy !req
923. by the word attempted
suicide in her script,
Copy !req
924. but those who worked with
her had a ready explanation.
Copy !req
925. Chris was too good a newswoman
Copy !req
926. to write suicide when
it might have failed.
Copy !req
927. What do you find is the
most effective method
Copy !req
928. for committing suicide?
Copy !req
929. You do it
right, they all work, right?
Copy !req
930. Slit your wrists, hanging,
pills, very common,
Copy !req
931. especially with the
women, it's neater.
Copy !req
932. Men seem to prefer the gunshots,
Copy !req
933. you don't wanna eat the
gun, or go to the temple,
Copy !req
934. you wanna go right to the base
Copy !req
935. of the skull, right around here,
Copy !req
936. that way the bullet doesn't
have to leave the skull.
Copy !req
937. So once it gets in
there, you're done.
Copy !req
938. - Alright, well I think
those are all the questions
Copy !req
939. that we have for you today,
thank you for speaking with us.
Copy !req
940. Sure.
Copy !req
941. Chris' closest friend,
Copy !req
942. if she had one,
was Andrea Kirby.
Copy !req
943. It was Andrea to
whom Chris confided
Copy !req
944. her plan to proposition George.
Copy !req
945. Andrea had no patience
with Chris' tendency
Copy !req
946. to feel sorry for herself.
Copy !req
947. Occasionally she would
say, that's right Chris,
Copy !req
948. just kick yourself in the
ass, what she didn't say
Copy !req
949. was that she and George were
already seeing each other.
Copy !req
950. I just wish for one week I
could have someone who loved me
Copy !req
951. and I could love them back.
Copy !req
952. - That's right Christine,
just kick yourself in the ass.
Copy !req
953. Woe is me, I'm Chris Chubbuck,
Copy !req
954. and the whole world
is on my head.
Copy !req
955. Darling, you really need
to just brush yourself off
Copy !req
956. and quit with the whole routine.
Copy !req
957. - You know four years ago,
I tried to kill myself,
Copy !req
958. with pills cause I was so
desperately lonely and unhappy.
Copy !req
959. So I don't really think
that I'm blowing smoke,
Copy !req
960. but thank you for
listening to me.
Copy !req
961. You know, I think I
have a crush George.
Copy !req
962. I was gonna bake him a cake
and go to his birthday party.
Copy !req
963. Put on a good face, make
things a little interesting.
Copy !req
964. What do you think?
Copy !req
965. - Chris, I had no idea.
Copy !req
966. - Oh, I hear miss Florida
is the new weather girl.
Copy !req
967. She's probably
gunning for my job.
Copy !req
968. They'll probably give it to her.
Copy !req
969. - My name's Stephanie
Coatney, and I'm from Florida.
Copy !req
970. Acting's been a great
way for me to deal
Copy !req
971. with all of the
different personalities
Copy !req
972. that you have in your
head, and it's one way
Copy !req
973. that I've been able
to cope, I guess.
Copy !req
974. I look like I had
a perfect life,
Copy !req
975. and I think a lot of people
assumed that growing up,
Copy !req
976. but it was quite dark
in those times, so.
Copy !req
977. I think it was really
bold what she did.
Copy !req
978. I feel like media shows us
what people want to see,
Copy !req
979. and that got ratings, and
that's what this is about,
Copy !req
980. you know, that all this
horror got, brought attention,
Copy !req
981. it brought ratings,
but for what?
Copy !req
982. And she put it out
there, you know,
Copy !req
983. this isn't right, you
wanna see it, here it is.
Copy !req
984. You wanna see how
disturbed America is?
Copy !req
985. Here you go, I'm a
successful, beautiful woman,
Copy !req
986. but I am still not
happy, here you go.
Copy !req
987. - Chris, you're a
good journalist,
Copy !req
988. but you gotta remember
that this is my station.
Copy !req
989. - You cannot continue
to bump my stories
Copy !req
990. week after week for things
like housing awards.
Copy !req
991. Do you wanna run a news station?
Copy !req
992. - How many times do I have to
listen to you come in here?
Copy !req
993. How many times do I have
to have you griping at me
Copy !req
994. when I'm doing the best I can
to keep this station afloat?
Copy !req
995. So you can go on and rant
and rave all you want—
Copy !req
996. - Don't do that to me,
do not belittle me,
Copy !req
997. and do not do that to me, Bob.
Copy !req
998. You know that I
know what I'm doing.
Copy !req
999. You know how hard I work.
Copy !req
1000. Do not speak to me that way.
- I already told you once—
Copy !req
1001. - Do not speak to me that way!
Copy !req
1002. - Well, my name is
Michael Ray Davis,
Copy !req
1003. and I live in Orlando, Florida.
Copy !req
1004. I've been an actor for about
25 years if you count radio.
Copy !req
1005. I had never heard of
Christine Chubbuck
Copy !req
1006. before reading for the project,
Copy !req
1007. and I was deeply moved
because I understand,
Copy !req
1008. I think, how someone
could be that depressed.
Copy !req
1009. If you're in the
business I'm in,
Copy !req
1010. the constant rejection
is very depressing,
Copy !req
1011. and, to be honest with
you, I think that anybody
Copy !req
1012. hasn't even thought
about committing suicide,
Copy !req
1013. hasn't really been
paying attention,
Copy !req
1014. but we don't think about it
and then follow through on it,
Copy !req
1015. cause, it's just one of
those things in life.
Copy !req
1016. You go to five
interviews for a job
Copy !req
1017. and everybody says that
you're a pile of crap,
Copy !req
1018. you have to get those
feelings of rejection
Copy !req
1019. just like we get in
the acting business.
Copy !req
1020. She was completely
fed up with everything
Copy !req
1021. and she wanted to
tell the station owner
Copy !req
1022. that she understood
how to get ratings.
Copy !req
1023. I hate to use an old cliché,
but she was just mad as hell,
Copy !req
1024. and wasn't gonna
take it anymore.
Copy !req
1025. Seconds
before shooting herself,
Copy !req
1026. miss Chubbuck told WXLT
TV viewers, in keeping
Copy !req
1027. with Channel 40's policy
of bringing you the latest
Copy !req
1028. in blood and guts
and in living color,
Copy !req
1029. you're going to see another
first, attempted suicide.
Copy !req
1030. - Well I think there
are a number of reasons
Copy !req
1031. why you might get into a
career that has you standing
Copy !req
1032. in front of a camera,
but a desire to be seen
Copy !req
1033. and recognized is
certainly one of them
Copy !req
1034. that I can relate to.
Copy !req
1035. I mean, I think that she
probably was seen and noticed,
Copy !req
1036. but that she had an
inability to feel that.
Copy !req
1037. Her suicidal
tendency was genuine,
Copy !req
1038. and came from a place of
extreme and chronic depression,
Copy !req
1039. but I also do think that she
wanted to spark a conversation
Copy !req
1040. about depression
and about suicide.
Copy !req
1041. - Step inside for a little bit,
Copy !req
1042. eventually the shower
or storm will—
Copy !req
1043. Hi, I'm Craig Burdick.
Copy !req
1044. - Kate.
Copy !req
1045. - Kate, what's your last name?
Copy !req
1046. - Shiel.
Copy !req
1047. - Shiel, and what do you do?
- Yes.
Copy !req
1048. - I'm an actor.
Copy !req
1049. - Oh, very good.
Copy !req
1050. Certainly we all remember
the movie Network,
Copy !req
1051. but I know nothing
about it to speak of,
Copy !req
1052. other than what I have heard
from a few people here,
Copy !req
1053. who worked in the
market back then.
Copy !req
1054. I mean, it's astonishing,
it really is.
Copy !req
1055. - Right before Christine
Chubbuck killed herself
Copy !req
1056. on air, she delivered
a brief speech
Copy !req
1057. where she sort of railed
against the news station
Copy !req
1058. for moving in the direction
of blood and guts television.
Copy !req
1059. I was wondering if you
had any thoughts on that?
Copy !req
1060. - We are, lets face it,
we are a society sometimes
Copy !req
1061. of gawkers, I mean, we want
to see the train accident,
Copy !req
1062. we wanna see the
exploding flames.
Copy !req
1063. So I sometimes have a
problem with this idea
Copy !req
1064. that television news
is all blood and guts.
Copy !req
1065. Television stations
are pretty much
Copy !req
1066. going to do what
viewers want them to do,
Copy !req
1067. and sometimes we
think long and hard
Copy !req
1068. about how we do some
of these stories.
Copy !req
1069. You know, we don't
do suicides...
Copy !req
1070. - Why not?
Copy !req
1071. - Because it's so personal
for someone to decide
Copy !req
1072. to do that on their own, or
because they're despondent,
Copy !req
1073. or whatever, it's just
one of those things
Copy !req
1074. that television just doesn't do.
Copy !req
1075. It was
based near Washington.
Copy !req
1076. The presidential party
flew in from Cincinnati
Copy !req
1077. on a small government jet—
Copy !req
1078. - Hi Chris, I don't
have time for this.
Copy !req
1079. - Look, just hear me out, okay?
Copy !req
1080. Last week a plane
went down in Paris,
Copy !req
1081. and nearly four hundred
people died, meanwhile,
Copy !req
1082. my story's getting pushed
for another shootout.
Copy !req
1083. Mike, look, I know, I know
Copy !req
1084. you are just trying
to do your job.
Copy !req
1085. - Are you telling me
a shootout isn't news?
Copy !req
1086. - Yes, I am saying
that an old man
Copy !req
1087. and a kid who were
in the wrong place
Copy !req
1088. at the wrong time is not news,
Copy !req
1089. there is nothing that the
public could possibly learn
Copy !req
1090. from us reporting
on that, meanwhile,
Copy !req
1091. planes are dropping out of
the sky and no one knows why.
Copy !req
1092. - Ever hear of gravity?
Copy !req
1093. A shootout is news.
Copy !req
1094. Sarasotans hear about it,
and they wanna see it.
Copy !req
1095. You did a good story,
but news happens,
Copy !req
1096. and I have to get back to work.
Copy !req
1097. My
name's Holland Hayes,
Copy !req
1098. and I live in Orlando, Florida.
Copy !req
1099. - This is totally unacceptable.
Copy !req
1100. - You know, I googled
Christine Chubbuck,
Copy !req
1101. and I thought, well
there's videos somewhere,
Copy !req
1102. and I kept looking and
there's no video anywhere.
Copy !req
1103. If she wanted us
to see the video
Copy !req
1104. and we can't see the video,
and there's so much stuff
Copy !req
1105. out there that you
can get your hands on
Copy !req
1106. that we probably shouldn't see
Copy !req
1107. or people don't want us to
see, and it's all out there.
Copy !req
1108. - So you're gonna
talk about why you cut
Copy !req
1109. your fingernails, your career
in the circus, how long you—
Copy !req
1110. How's that?
Copy !req
1111. - What is this?
Copy !req
1112. - What, flowers.
Copy !req
1113. - I don't want these
goddamn things in my studio.
Copy !req
1114. I don't want these damn
things in my studio.
Copy !req
1115. I don't want these damn
things in my studio.
Copy !req
1116. Sorry.
- On the Friday night
Copy !req
1117. before Chris killed herself,
she had a terrible fight
Copy !req
1118. with Mike Simmons,
the news director,
Copy !req
1119. about her story being cut
in favor of a shootout.
Copy !req
1120. She was very emotional, and
would get unusually upset
Copy !req
1121. about these things,
said Simmons.
Copy !req
1122. A week earlier, she had
thrown a terrible tantrum.
Copy !req
1123. This language is
slightly infuriating,
Copy !req
1124. but also, maybe it's
accurate, or maybe,
Copy !req
1125. she was just upset and
expressing herself.
Copy !req
1126. It's just so hard,
because, I mean,
Copy !req
1127. I have never even heard
this woman's voice,
Copy !req
1128. like I don't know,
I can only imagine
Copy !req
1129. how people might describe me.
Copy !req
1130. So many people that we've
spoken to try and rationalize
Copy !req
1131. her suicide in this way
that has very little to do
Copy !req
1132. with who she was as a person,
and really simplifies her.
Copy !req
1133. - It was interesting
after the last time
Copy !req
1134. that you and I talked,
I've been thinking about,
Copy !req
1135. why would you do this on
television in such a public way,
Copy !req
1136. and it woke me up in
the middle of the night,
Copy !req
1137. I just had a thought that
I hadn't thought of before.
Copy !req
1138. Often times, folks
who are depressed,
Copy !req
1139. there's often times
a lot of anger
Copy !req
1140. along with the
depression, you know,
Copy !req
1141. if you feel all this pain and
you have some anger towards
Copy !req
1142. those folks that you feel
caused a lot of this pain
Copy !req
1143. that you have, and you
go home to your bedroom
Copy !req
1144. and you commit suicide,
it really doesn't
touch many of them
Copy !req
1145. in the way that you may
want it to touch them.
Copy !req
1146. And so, it could be that, you
know, getting on television
Copy !req
1147. and committing suicide
was a way of saying,
Copy !req
1148. it's easier to commit
suicide than to live
Copy !req
1149. with the pain that you cause me.
Copy !req
1150. - Is it okay if like, I
shouldn't cock it, okay.
Copy !req
1151. - It always goes whoa.
Copy !req
1152. Suicide is such an awful,
Copy !req
1153. destructive thing.
Copy !req
1154. It is a total loss.
Copy !req
1155. So unless we get to
the heart of that,
Copy !req
1156. then I think we've failed.
Copy !req
1157. - How 'bout like, try
putting it to your neck.
Copy !req
1158. - I just need a hole in there.
Copy !req
1159. - That'll, do you
know where exactly
Copy !req
1160. she wants to hold it, to do it?
Copy !req
1161. Try to pull it.
Copy !req
1162. - I'm gonna save it.
Copy !req
1163. I think I can do it.
Copy !req
1164. - Okay, cause like a one-shot
round you can feel good about.
Copy !req
1165. - Sure.
Copy !req
1166. So how did you know Tim
and the Chubbuck family?
Copy !req
1167. - Tim was a co-worker.
Copy !req
1168. I was a kid going to
school, and I worked there,
Copy !req
1169. in his interior design studio.
Copy !req
1170. I was young and impressionable,
Copy !req
1171. and just thought he was
brilliant and sophisticated,
Copy !req
1172. and handsome and tall, and
Christine was like him,
Copy !req
1173. the few times that I met her.
Copy !req
1174. Very attractive, she had a
very sophisticated demeanor,
Copy !req
1175. she carried herself with a
lot of poise, a lot of grace.
Copy !req
1176. They had an amazing background,
I remember Tim telling me,
Copy !req
1177. and again, some of it might
have been exaggeration,
Copy !req
1178. but he told me that
they spent their summers
Copy !req
1179. at Pickfair, which was the
estate of Douglas Fairbank's,
Copy !req
1180. and Mary Pickford, the
silent movie stars,
Copy !req
1181. and that those
were grandparents,
Copy !req
1182. or great-grandparents,
grandparents I believe,
Copy !req
1183. and that, I'd never met
anyone that was the grandchild
Copy !req
1184. of a movie star, and when
you're, I don't know,
Copy !req
1185. 17 years old or something,
and you see these people
Copy !req
1186. that are elegant and
smart and poised,
Copy !req
1187. and you admire
them and you think,
Copy !req
1188. all the things that
they are, you're not,
Copy !req
1189. and you don't realize
they have problems.
Copy !req
1190. Sorry to make you—
Copy !req
1191. - It's alright, it's
been a long time.
Copy !req
1192. Do you wanna
take a break or are you—
Copy !req
1193. - No, I'm fine.
Copy !req
1194. Didn't expect that, but...
Copy !req
1195. Thank you.
Copy !req
1196. I'm trying to
remember his mother.
Copy !req
1197. I don't recall her
being tall and live,
Copy !req
1198. and winsome like
Tim and Chris were.
Copy !req
1199. They were a close family
from what I could see.
Copy !req
1200. And, you know, Tim died too,
Copy !req
1201. it was a family with
a lot of tragedy.
Copy !req
1202. I don't know where his mom went,
Copy !req
1203. or where his brother Greg
and Greg's family went,
Copy !req
1204. but I'm sure that's something
Copy !req
1205. that they've never gotten over.
Copy !req
1206. Look, I'm
terribly depressed,
Copy !req
1207. and I'm thinking
about killing myself.
Copy !req
1208. - Do you wanna talk about it?
Copy !req
1209. No, I don't.
Copy !req
1210. Let's talk about it tomorrow.
Copy !req
1211. - Besides it being terrible,
I could identify with it,
Copy !req
1212. you know, wanting to
make some kind of mark
Copy !req
1213. in an environment where you
thought you really hadn't,
Copy !req
1214. you know, you hadn't
had any opportunity
Copy !req
1215. to have your voice heard.
Copy !req
1216. I think that's,
besides just seeing
Copy !req
1217. that in other people,
I've seen that in myself.
Copy !req
1218. It's just kind of a unique
backdrop to the fact
Copy !req
1219. that it happened where most
people come to vacation,
Copy !req
1220. you know, where
they come to relax.
Copy !req
1221. You know, it's like
the image of like,
Copy !req
1222. trouble in paradise, you know?
Copy !req
1223. Do you feel any
closer to Christine Chubbuck
Copy !req
1224. right now than you
did when we started?
Copy !req
1225. - Yes, I feel closer.
Copy !req
1226. I think the frustration
is that I want to feel
Copy !req
1227. even closer than I do,
but yes, I feel closer.
Copy !req
1228. Though virtually no one seemed
shocked by the fact that
Copy !req
1229. Christine Chubbuck decided
to take her own life,
Copy !req
1230. there were many who were
stunned by the method she used
Copy !req
1231. to take it,
including her mother.
Copy !req
1232. I would have thought
she would've swum out
Copy !req
1233. into the ocean as
far as she could go.
Copy !req
1234. She was an extraordinarily
strong swimmer.
Copy !req
1235. - She was an
extraordinary swimmer,
Copy !req
1236. she could swim
three, four miles.
Copy !req
1237. The water was her friend, and,
Copy !req
1238. could've easily been
her final resting place.
Copy !req
1239. - I am a terrible swimmer.
Copy !req
1240. I have never, I
never took lessons,
Copy !req
1241. we would go to the beach
in the summer time,
Copy !req
1242. cause my grandmother
lived by the beach,
Copy !req
1243. but I've never been a
strong swimmer at all.
Copy !req
1244. - I think it's just like, I try,
Copy !req
1245. I try to be cool but,
I think it's more,
Copy !req
1246. I don't know if this is
like schoolgirl anger?
Copy !req
1247. - Fuck.
Copy !req
1248. I try.
Copy !req
1249. I try to meet people.
Copy !req
1250. - You know baby girl,
you want wine and roses,
Copy !req
1251. and some man
- I don't want wine and roses.
Copy !req
1252. I don't want wine and roses
- to call you up,
Copy !req
1253. and take you to a fancy dinner.
Copy !req
1254. - I want...
Copy !req
1255. I want you to listen to
me, and to understand
Copy !req
1256. that the reality
of the situation is
that no one wants me.
Copy !req
1257. That's true.
Copy !req
1258. That's true, that's,
this is not, this is not,
Copy !req
1259. I don't know, I don't
know what to do Robert,
Copy !req
1260. I don't know what to do, I
don't know what this scene is,
Copy !req
1261. I don't know, here,
let's go again,
Copy !req
1262. just go again.
Copy !req
1263. Go, please, one sec.
Copy !req
1264. I try okay, I try.
Copy !req
1265. I don't want wine
and roses, mom.
Copy !req
1266. That's—
Copy !req
1267. - That might be right
around the corner, honey—
Copy !req
1268. - It's not fucking
right around the corner,
Copy !req
1269. what in the fuck are
you talking abou...
Copy !req
1270. It doesn't work,
and no one loves me.
Copy !req
1271. And that's fine, that's fine.
Copy !req
1272. You can't give up hope.
Copy !req
1273. - I can do whatever
the fuck I want.
Copy !req
1274. You're
getting bad vibes.
Copy !req
1275. Okay.
Copy !req
1276. Cause they were, you
know, best friends,
Copy !req
1277. they were, you
know, they say that.
Copy !req
1278. Yeah.
Copy !req
1279. Well I just
screamed at everyone.
Copy !req
1280. What do you mean?
Copy !req
1281. I screamed at everyone.
Copy !req
1282. About what?
Copy !req
1283. We had Robert
tell everyone to leave,
Copy !req
1284. and then, we were doing a
take and then I screamed.
Copy !req
1285. I don't know what
this fucking scene is,
Copy !req
1286. I don't know what I'm
doing, I feel bad.
Copy !req
1287. Did the right thing.
Copy !req
1288. You're projecting yourself.
Copy !req
1289. - Miss Chubbuck, after this
procedure, as you well know,
Copy !req
1290. it may be difficult for you to
have a family in the future.
Copy !req
1291. So, if you wanna have children,
Copy !req
1292. I would do that in
the next few years,
Copy !req
1293. but it's not impossible,
you'll be fine.
Copy !req
1294. It's been done, you'll be fine.
Copy !req
1295. But, it's not impossible,
it's been done.
Copy !req
1296. You'll be fine.
Copy !req
1297. And then
you say something,
Copy !req
1298. almost like you're
expecting to say,
Copy !req
1299. you're rooting for them,
like what's message?
Copy !req
1300. And she just doesn't—
Copy !req
1301. Chris.
Copy !req
1302. - What?
Copy !req
1303. - Chris—
Copy !req
1304. - Chris, Chris, what happened?
Copy !req
1305. - Please, I'm sorry,
I have to start again.
Copy !req
1306. I don't know, sorry,
sorry about that.
Copy !req
1307. - Chris?
Copy !req
1308. Chris, what happened?
Copy !req
1309. - He rejected me.
Copy !req
1310. This, come on, I don't
know what this is,
Copy !req
1311. I don't, like, people don't,
who admits that someone,
Copy !req
1312. Okay, alright, okay.
Copy !req
1313. Alright, excuse me,
excuse me, excuse me.
Copy !req
1314. People liked the cake though,
pineapple upside-down—
Copy !req
1315. - Oh, Chris.
Copy !req
1316. - Well people liked
the cake, so that's—
Copy !req
1317. Shit!
Copy !req
1318. Shit!
Copy !req
1319. Chris?
Copy !req
1320. Chris, what happened?
Copy !req
1321. - He rejected me.
Copy !req
1322. Chris, I'm so sorry.
Copy !req
1323. - People liked the cake
though, so that's good.
Copy !req
1324. - We're all relating on
something that's really awful
Copy !req
1325. and I think she was
just tired of it,
Copy !req
1326. she was completely
engulfed by it.
Copy !req
1327. Its not easy to be able to
come in and out of that either.
Copy !req
1328. I have to come in
to Kate on that,
Copy !req
1329. I'm sure it's very challenging
for her especially.
Copy !req
1330. You're a strong man.
Copy !req
1331. - Oh yeah?
Copy !req
1332. - Yeah, I was thinking
about you all day.
Copy !req
1333. - Were you?
Copy !req
1334. Are you okay?
Copy !req
1335. Uh-hun.
Copy !req
1336. - Okay.
Copy !req
1337. You can give in
to the depression,
Copy !req
1338. you can give in to
the dark thoughts.
Copy !req
1339. I think anybody who says that
Copy !req
1340. they haven't considered
suicide is lying.
Copy !req
1341. I just realized recently,
it occurred to me that,
Copy !req
1342. as I was driving,
there was a place
Copy !req
1343. that I had thought
about it before,
Copy !req
1344. and I thought how I would do it
Copy !req
1345. and how I would make it seem
like it was an accident.
Copy !req
1346. The reason I considered
doing it in a way
Copy !req
1347. that nobody would know is
because I didn't want anybody
Copy !req
1348. to know that I
was in that place,
Copy !req
1349. and I didn't want them to know,
Copy !req
1350. I didn't want them to
be hurt any more by it
Copy !req
1351. than they possibly
could, you know?
Copy !req
1352. If it's a car accident,
then it's just an accident,
Copy !req
1353. it's a tragedy, if
it's a suicide, it's,
Copy !req
1354. that makes every
person that's connected
Copy !req
1355. to that person wonder,
could I have said something,
Copy !req
1356. could I have done something,
Copy !req
1357. and it's not about external
things, it's internal.
Copy !req
1358. Today
is the 41st anniversary
Copy !req
1359. of her death.
Copy !req
1360. Right around now, she
drove to the station.
Copy !req
1361. And she shot
herself in the head.
Copy !req
1362. What do you think
Copy !req
1363. about us reenacting
your suicide?
Copy !req
1364. What?
Copy !req
1365. What do you think
Copy !req
1366. about us reenacting
your suicide?
Copy !req
1367. - I feel weird about it.
Copy !req
1368. I feel weird about it.
Copy !req
1369. I think we're doing
the best we can,
Copy !req
1370. but I feel weird about
reenacting her suicide.
Copy !req
1371. I don't know what
to say about it,
Copy !req
1372. its just, I'm trying to get
as close to it as I can.
Copy !req
1373. I'm trying to get
to a place where
Copy !req
1374. I feel like it's not
irresponsible to do it.
Copy !req
1375. Okay, moving on.
Copy !req
1376. - Hey Mike?
Copy !req
1377. - Chris?
Copy !req
1378. - I bought myself a gun.
Copy !req
1379. - Why?
Copy !req
1380. - Well, I thought it would
be a nifty idea if I went
Copy !req
1381. on air live and
blew myself away.
Copy !req
1382. What do you
got on that Crade story?
Copy !req
1383. - It's coming along.
Copy !req
1384. Good, okay.
Copy !req
1385. Okay.
Copy !req
1386. We'll talk.
Copy !req
1387. - See ya Mike.
Copy !req
1388. Just playing
it back, okay, okay.
Copy !req
1389. Yeah, it's recorded.
Copy !req
1390. Okay, go,
okay, that's great.
Copy !req
1391. - Hi Kate, I'm Steve Newman,
Copy !req
1392. nice to meet you.
- It's very nice to meet you.
Copy !req
1393. Yeah, thank you.
Copy !req
1394. - I worked with Christine back
Copy !req
1395. in the early seventies
at Channel 40.
Copy !req
1396. Kate, I'd like to introduce you
Copy !req
1397. to Gordon Galbraith,
who was actually there
Copy !req
1398. on the fateful day.
- Oh, I'm so sorry, hi.
Copy !req
1399. How are you?
- Gordon was a reporter,
Copy !req
1400. and he was in the newsroom
when this came down,
Copy !req
1401. and he worked very
closely with Christine,
Copy !req
1402. and I think he might
have some insights.
Copy !req
1403. Sure.
Copy !req
1404. - Well, now on that morning,
she comes in with a bag,
Copy !req
1405. which I later learned had
puppets in it and the gun,
Copy !req
1406. and asked me to spool up just
the film from the night before
Copy !req
1407. of the raid at the
bar, which I did,
Copy !req
1408. handed it to her, and she
took it into the control room.
Copy !req
1409. And, this is what's haunted
me for 41 years now,
Copy !req
1410. is that film, as she
introduced it, you know,
Copy !req
1411. here's Channel 40's Bob Peterson
Copy !req
1412. who gives us a story,
the film jammed.
Copy !req
1413. And I'm thinking, uh-oh,
you know, did I do this?
Copy !req
1414. And I looked up at my
monitor, I had a live monitor,
Copy !req
1415. in other words, I had a monitor
Copy !req
1416. that showed exactly what
was happening in the studio.
Copy !req
1417. She looked up and
she just looked,
Copy !req
1418. a combination of
perplexed and angry,
Copy !req
1419. and at that second, and
this didn't come out
Copy !req
1420. in any other stories
that I know of,
Copy !req
1421. at that second she said, well,
Copy !req
1422. in keeping with
Channel 40's policy
Copy !req
1423. of bringing you the latest
in blood and guts news,
Copy !req
1424. we're gonna bring you a
first, an on-the-air suicide,
Copy !req
1425. and just like the director, and
just like the camera person,
Copy !req
1426. I said, no, no Christine,
no, don't do that,
Copy !req
1427. and then all of a sudden, by
the way that her head moved,
Copy !req
1428. this was not a joke, and that
show was almost never taped,
Copy !req
1429. and she just requested
that particular morning
Copy !req
1430. to tape the show and
nobody knew exactly why,
Copy !req
1431. but it was not a big deal at
the station to grab a roll,
Copy !req
1432. if it was a two-inch
wide Ampex tape,
Copy !req
1433. and pop it up on one
of the recorders.
Copy !req
1434. There was a big, the
biggest discussion was,
Copy !req
1435. what do we do with this?
Copy !req
1436. Finally, the station
owner called and said
that the lawyers,
Copy !req
1437. they had a bag of lawyers
based in Washington DC,
Copy !req
1438. they said, do not, under any
circumstances, show the tape.
Copy !req
1439. - There is only one
copy of that videotape
Copy !req
1440. of that last day that exists.
Copy !req
1441. Nobody copied it.
Copy !req
1442. Bob Nelson's son, the
owner of the station,
Copy !req
1443. was trying to sell it, he
was on the phone trying
Copy !req
1444. to sell it to someone
and his father came in
Copy !req
1445. and snatched it from
his hand and said no,
Copy !req
1446. this is not going anywhere,
and Bob kept that tape
Copy !req
1447. in his possession to the
end, I know this to be true.
Copy !req
1448. From him and from his wife.
Copy !req
1449. No copy was made, there's
not a copy at ABC7.
Copy !req
1450. There's not one at New York.
Copy !req
1451. There's not one at
the network anywhere.
Copy !req
1452. That one copy, and
it's probably oxidized,
Copy !req
1453. and if it's not dubbed off soon,
Copy !req
1454. no one will ever see the images,
cause it's disintegrating.
Copy !req
1455. I know that, because at the end,
Copy !req
1456. this is the 40th
anniversary of Channel 40,
Copy !req
1457. and there is the
owner at the time
Copy !req
1458. that Christine and
I worked there,
Copy !req
1459. Bob Nelson, with his wife,
with the test pattern
Copy !req
1460. that I kept after
all those years.
Copy !req
1461. It was in 2011, and he told
me that he had the only tape,
Copy !req
1462. and after he was gone,
his widow, Molly,
Copy !req
1463. told me just last year that
she still has the tape,
Copy !req
1464. and she wants to
throw it in the Bay,
Copy !req
1465. and I said, don't do that,
give it to the museum,
Copy !req
1466. or Columbia School of
Journalism, or something,
Copy !req
1467. for safekeeping
because it is history,
Copy !req
1468. as unfortunate as
the history is,
Copy !req
1469. but I don't think that you need
Copy !req
1470. to look any further
for that tape.
Copy !req
1471. Have you ever seen anything?
Copy !req
1472. - No, I mean,
pictures obviously,
Copy !req
1473. but I've never seen footage,
I've never heard her voice.
Copy !req
1474. - I don't know the exact date
Copy !req
1475. of what you're gonna
see from Christine,
Copy !req
1476. but I would imagine it would
be late 1972, early 1973.
Copy !req
1477. But let's just roll it.
Copy !req
1478. The thing about
Christine's video here is,
Copy !req
1479. she wasn't the
greatest interviewer,
Copy !req
1480. I mean, she would
just ask a question,
Copy !req
1481. and the people would talk,
and she wouldn't engage them,
Copy !req
1482. and second-question
them or follow up,
Copy !req
1483. so you just see her
talk for a little bit,
Copy !req
1484. and you've got six or seven
minutes of people talking,
Copy !req
1485. and then she'll chime in again,
Copy !req
1486. and another five minutes
of people talking,
Copy !req
1487. so it's kinda hard to capture—
Copy !req
1488. - Yeah.
Copy !req
1489. - Her spirit, but—
Copy !req
1490. - No, I'm
Copy !req
1491. very happy.
- Would you like to sit there.
Copy !req
1492. - Yes, I would like to,
Copy !req
1493. thank you.
- Here you go.
Copy !req
1494. This is
Channel 40 Newswatch,
Copy !req
1495. with anchor man Bob Keen,
weather analyst Leslie Green,
Copy !req
1496. and sportscaster Ron Jackson.
Copy !req
1497. - The old Sarasota,
that I grew up in.
Copy !req
1498. Picture quality's
not the greatest,
Copy !req
1499. but you should be able to see.
Copy !req
1500. - In the next county down,
there was St. Joe's Hospital.
Copy !req
1501. Sarasota Memorial Hospital,
Copy !req
1502. through the Public
Hospital Board,
Copy !req
1503. has a site in Warm
Mineral Springs.
Copy !req
1504. Aren't these enough,
is it really necessary
Copy !req
1505. to have another hospital?
Copy !req
1506. For the time-being,
Copy !req
1507. or at least up
until this time...
Copy !req
1508. - Manor General is really
the end of the line
Copy !req
1509. of Sarasota County,
which North Board is.
Copy !req
1510. What are the needs of
your community now,
Copy !req
1511. not two years from
now, but right now?
Copy !req
1512. - People have bugged
me to see video,
Copy !req
1513. to see this video of Christine
on my YouTube channel,
Copy !req
1514. cause I have some of my
weather casts from that period
Copy !req
1515. and they'd say, well
your from Channel—
Copy !req
1516. Because of
the facilities that these—
Copy !req
1517. - You're from Channel 40, you
must have some of Christine,
Copy !req
1518. and I say, well the only
reason that you're interested
Copy !req
1519. in seeing her is not
because of her life
Copy !req
1520. or who she was but
because of how it ended,
Copy !req
1521. and I'm not gonna do that.
Copy !req
1522. Right.
Copy !req
1523. That is not our interest to
romanticize the way that—
Copy !req
1524. - But, again, we
wouldn't be here
Copy !req
1525. if it weren't for the
way she ended her life.
Copy !req
1526. Sure.
Copy !req
1527. - She didn't have an
extraordinary career,
Copy !req
1528. she wasn't an
extraordinary person,
Copy !req
1529. she was extremely
nice and I loved her,
Copy !req
1530. but, it's the blood
and gore aspect of it,
Copy !req
1531. the violent nature of her end,
Copy !req
1532. and the public nature of
her end that is the hook.
Copy !req
1533. That's why you're here,
talking to me now.
Copy !req
1534. That's fair.
Copy !req
1535. - It's digging it
up out of history,
Copy !req
1536. and it's Christine's
biggest beef
Copy !req
1537. with local news was it was
turning to blood and guts.
Copy !req
1538. So the very thing that she
hated the most is the motivation
Copy !req
1539. between resurrecting this
video and her life again,
Copy !req
1540. and highlighting it,
and I can live with it,
Copy !req
1541. but I don't necessarily like it.
Copy !req
1542. - I think that that
is a fair observation,
Copy !req
1543. but it is sort of a
shock to the system
Copy !req
1544. to see her, in living color.
Copy !req
1545. - So this brings
her alive to you?
Copy !req
1546. - Yes, yes.
Copy !req
1547. I don't know
what this means as far as a...
Copy !req
1548. Doctor Miller should
Lennar Bay be teared down
Copy !req
1549. in its zoning petitions,
and the whole thing
Copy !req
1550. is sort of scotched as it were.
Copy !req
1551. It's been obvious,
through the effort of—
Copy !req
1552. I was 19
when I worked with her,
Copy !req
1553. and it really broke my heart,
along with everybody else.
Copy !req
1554. Yeah.
Copy !req
1555. - When she ended her
life, and I just wonder
Copy !req
1556. what she was thinking,
did she not think
Copy !req
1557. that there would be
children watching TV?
Copy !req
1558. No, I know.
Copy !req
1559. - People with emotional problems
it would profoundly impact?
Copy !req
1560. Suicide is a very
selfish act, I guess.
Copy !req
1561. And if you're compelled to
do it, as a mental illness,
Copy !req
1562. you're compelled to do
it, that's the only way
Copy !req
1563. I've been able to resolve this.
Copy !req
1564. - Supposedly according
to psychologists,
Copy !req
1565. the fact that she was so
much happier that morning
Copy !req
1566. than she'd been other
mornings I had seen her,
Copy !req
1567. was an indication that
she had made the decision.
Copy !req
1568. Being right with her,
five minutes before,
Copy !req
1569. and her joking with
me, will probably live
Copy !req
1570. with me for the rest of my life.
Copy !req
1571. She was one of those
people you could, you know,
Copy !req
1572. you could tell any joke to—
Copy !req
1573. - That's true.
Copy !req
1574. And I came out to her being gay,
Copy !req
1575. and it was like, no big
deal, my brother's gay,
Copy !req
1576. so I had someone to confide in.
Copy !req
1577. This is our new studio.
Copy !req
1578. - Oh, whoa.
Copy !req
1579. - That's me behind
the camera before
Copy !req
1580. I got to go in
front of the camera.
Copy !req
1581. With the tight trousers.
Copy !req
1582. - Yes.
Copy !req
1583. To see this video
where she's speaking
Copy !req
1584. and moving, and it's
not just a still image,
Copy !req
1585. it, it's just, it
changes everything,
Copy !req
1586. and it really does make her
feel so much more real to me,
Copy !req
1587. which is, I can't
tell you how much I,
Copy !req
1588. and we, appreciate
your talking to us.
Copy !req
1589. - How do you feel
about the final scene?
Copy !req
1590. About—
Copy !req
1591. - Well, I—
Copy !req
1592. - Are you gonna be able
to pull the trigger?
Copy !req
1593. - I don't know.
Copy !req
1594. Of course I feel
protective of her.
Copy !req
1595. She was so sad that
she killed herself,
Copy !req
1596. of course I feel
protective of her.
Copy !req
1597. Do you feel this
way generally about roles
Copy !req
1598. you play, or is this different?
Copy !req
1599. - Yeah, I always, I
mean, you have to,
Copy !req
1600. but this is different.
Copy !req
1601. It's different cause she's real.
Copy !req
1602. If she weren't so real to me,
Copy !req
1603. it wouldn't seem
so presumptuous.
Copy !req
1604. Seven one three two
Point of Rock Circle.
Copy !req
1605. Okay, be there soon.
Copy !req
1606. We're going to her house.
Copy !req
1607. Right here, I've got you.
Copy !req
1608. - So this is where her
memorial service was.
Copy !req
1609. This is where the reverend
was standing, facing that way.
Copy !req
1610. Lasted for half an hour.
Copy !req
1611. Her parents were standing
to the right, so here.
Copy !req
1612. And her two brothers.
Copy !req
1613. So we suffer at
our sense of loss,
Copy !req
1614. we are frightened by her rage.
Copy !req
1615. We are guilty in the
face of her rejection.
Copy !req
1616. We are hurt
Copy !req
1617. by her choice of isolation,
Copy !req
1618. and we are confused
by her message.
Copy !req
1619. Somewhere
they cannot get wet,
Copy !req
1620. cause it is about to pour.
Copy !req
1621. - We all know things are bad.
Copy !req
1622. Worse than bad, they're crazy.
Copy !req
1623. Its like everything
everywhere is going crazy.
Copy !req
1624. So we don't go out anymore.
Copy !req
1625. We sit in our house,
and slowly the world
Copy !req
1626. we're living in is growing
smaller, and all we say is,
Copy !req
1627. please at least leave us
alone in our living room.
Copy !req
1628. But I'm not going
to leave you alone.
Copy !req
1629. I want you to get mad.
Copy !req
1630. I don't want you to
protest or riot or write
Copy !req
1631. to your congressmen
cause I wouldn't know
Copy !req
1632. what to tell you to write.
Copy !req
1633. I don't know what to
do about the depression
Copy !req
1634. and the inflation
and the Russians
Copy !req
1635. and the crime in the
street, all I know is
Copy !req
1636. that first, you've
got to get mad.
Copy !req
1637. You've got to say
I'm a human being,
Copy !req
1638. goddammit, my life has value.
Copy !req
1639. Can you put the dog out?
Copy !req
1640. - Okay.
Copy !req
1641. I'll be back at 10:45.
Copy !req
1642. Okay.
Copy !req
1643. - Many different
types of security,
Copy !req
1644. both uniformed, armed, unarmed,
and executive protection.
Copy !req
1645. We also do investigations and—
Copy !req
1646. - Good morning.
Copy !req
1647. Oh hi.
Copy !req
1648. Good morning.
- Oh hi, how are you?
Copy !req
1649. I'm Rebecca,
nice to meet you.
Copy !req
1650. - Nice to meet ya, Troy.
- Hi, Christine.
Copy !req
1651. Pleasure, Christine.
Copy !req
1652. - Thank you for being here.
Copy !req
1653. Hey, I'm gonna start
with news today.
Copy !req
1654. Oh, okay Chris.
Copy !req
1655. Hi.
Copy !req
1656. Hello.
Copy !req
1657. - I'm gonna start with
three items of news
Copy !req
1658. and then roll into
the interview.
Copy !req
1659. - Okay, thank you.
Copy !req
1660. - Did you have a good weekend?
Copy !req
1661. Yes, how
about yourself?
Copy !req
1662. - Yeah.
Copy !req
1663. - Alright, in three...
Copy !req
1664. - Welcome to suncoast digest.
Copy !req
1665. I'm Christine Chubbuck.
Copy !req
1666. In Washington DC,
senior democrats
Copy !req
1667. on the House Judiciary Committee
Copy !req
1668. began tentative preparations
to impose five articles
Copy !req
1669. of impeachment on embattled
president Richard Nixon.
Copy !req
1670. In the latest developments...
Copy !req
1671. Also in Washington,
Copy !req
1672. two armed convicts
holding seven hostages
Copy !req
1673. in the United States
District Courthouse
Copy !req
1674. dropped their demands for safe
passage out of the country.
Copy !req
1675. It's just that the testing
and fallout problem
Copy !req
1676. seems small now compared to
the possibility of one country
Copy !req
1677. using nuclear weapons
against another country.
Copy !req
1678. In Sarasota yesterday, a
local man was shot and killed
Copy !req
1679. by an unknown assailant
after an attempted robbery.
Copy !req
1680. Channel 40's Bob Peterson
was live on the scene.
Copy !req
1681. Chris, the
film's not gonna roll.
Copy !req
1682. - It's not gonna roll?
Copy !req
1683. In keeping with
Channel 40's policy
Copy !req
1684. of bringing you the latest in...
Copy !req
1685. Blood and guts and
in living color,
Copy !req
1686. you're going to
see another first.
Copy !req
1687. An attempted, sorry, start
again, attempted, not an.
Copy !req
1688. Start again.
Copy !req
1689. Yep.
Copy !req
1690. Keep running please.
Copy !req
1691. - One country using nuclear
weapons against another country.
Copy !req
1692. In Sarasota yesterday, a
local man was shot and killed
Copy !req
1693. by an unknown assailant
after an attempted robbery.
Copy !req
1694. Channel 40's Bob Peterson
was live on the scene.
Copy !req
1695. Chris, the
film's not gonna roll.
Copy !req
1696. - It's not gonna roll?
Copy !req
1697. In keeping with
Channel 40's policy
Copy !req
1698. of bring you the latest in...
Copy !req
1699. Blood and guts and
in living color,
Copy !req
1700. you're going to
see another first.
Copy !req
1701. Attempted suicide.
Copy !req
1702. I don't think I can do it.
Copy !req
1703. I can't fuc...
Copy !req
1704. Can we start again?
Copy !req
1705. Still on.
Copy !req
1706. Still rolling.
Copy !req
1707. - The possibility of one country
Copy !req
1708. using nuclear weapons
against another country.
Copy !req
1709. In Sarasota yesterday, a
local man was shot and killed
Copy !req
1710. by an unknown assailant
after an attempted robbery.
Copy !req
1711. Channel 40's Bob Peterson
was live at the scene.
Copy !req
1712. Chris, the
film's not gonna roll.
Copy !req
1713. - It's not gonna roll?
Copy !req
1714. In keeping with
Channel 40's policy
Copy !req
1715. of bring you the latest in...
Copy !req
1716. Blood and guts and
in living color,
Copy !req
1717. you're going to
see another first.
Copy !req
1718. Attempted suicide.
Copy !req
1719. I can't do it.
Copy !req
1720. I can't do it, I'm sorry.
Copy !req
1721. You have to tell me
why you wanna see it.
Copy !req
1722. If you want me to do it,
you have to tell me why
Copy !req
1723. you wanna see it cause I
keep looking for a reason.
Copy !req
1724. I keep looking for something
to make this worth watching,
Copy !req
1725. and I can't, I can't
think of anything.
Copy !req
1726. I keep trying to
turn her into a hero,
Copy !req
1727. but she wasn't, she
was just one sad,
Copy !req
1728. lonely, pathetic
woman and so am I,
Copy !req
1729. but at least I'm still
alive, so if you want
Copy !req
1730. to see me do this, you have to
tell me why you wanna see it.
Copy !req
1731. I keep looking for
an angle to make
Copy !req
1732. her death worth
more than her life,
Copy !req
1733. and there just isn't one,
there just isn't one.
Copy !req
1734. So if you wanna see me do
it, you have to tell me why!
Copy !req
1735. Give me a fucking reason!
Copy !req
1736. Fuck it, it's all
bullshit anyway.
Copy !req
1737. Are you happy now?
Copy !req
1738. You're all a bunch
of fucking sadists.
Copy !req