1. But we can no longer risk
Copy !req
2. emergency improvisation
of national defense.
Copy !req
3. We have been compelled to create
Copy !req
4. a permanent armaments industry
Copy !req
5. of vast proportions.
Copy !req
6. Added to this...
Copy !req
7. three and a half million men and women
Copy !req
8. are directly engaged
Copy !req
9. in the defense establishment.
Copy !req
10. We annually spend on military
security alone...
Copy !req
11. - January 1961.
Copy !req
12. President Dwight D. Eisenhower's
Farewell Address to the nation.
Copy !req
13. Now this conjunction...
Copy !req
14. of an immense military establishment
Copy !req
15. and a large arms industry
Copy !req
16. is new...
Copy !req
17. in the American experience.
Copy !req
18. The total influence...
Copy !req
19. economic, political, even spiritual,
Copy !req
20. is felt in every city,
Copy !req
21. every state house,
Copy !req
22. every office of the federal government.
Copy !req
23. - We must guard against the acquisition
Copy !req
24. of unwarranted influence,
Copy !req
25. whether sought or unsought,
Copy !req
26. by the military-industrial complex.
Copy !req
27. We must never let the weight
Copy !req
28. of this combination
Copy !req
29. endanger our liberties,
Copy !req
30. or democratic processes.
Copy !req
31. November, 1960.
Copy !req
32. Senator John Fitzgerald Kennedy,
Copy !req
33. of Massachusetts,
Copy !req
34. wins one of the narrowest
Copy !req
35. election victories in American history
Copy !req
36. over the vice president,
Copy !req
37. Richard Nixon,
Copy !req
38. by a little more than 100,000 votes.
Copy !req
39. Alongside his beautiful
Copy !req
40. and elegant wife, Jacqueline Bouvier,
Copy !req
41. Kennedy is the symbol
Copy !req
42. of the new freedom of the 1960s,
Copy !req
43. signifying change and upheaval
Copy !req
44. to the American public.
Copy !req
45. That all men are created equal.
Copy !req
46. Every degree of mind and spirit
Copy !req
47. that I possess...
Copy !req
48. will be devoted to the cause of
freedom around the world.
Copy !req
49. Today, the proudest boast is...
Copy !req
50. "Ich bin ein Berliner!"
Copy !req
51. He inherits a secret war
Copy !req
52. - against the communist Castro dictatorship
Copy !req
53. in Cuba, a war run by the CIA
Copy !req
54. and angry Cuban exiles.
Copy !req
55. Castro is a successful revolutionary,
Copy !req
56. frightening to American business interests
Copy !req
57. in Latin America.
Copy !req
58. This war culminates
Copy !req
59. in the disastrous Bay of Pigs invasion
Copy !req
60. in April 1961,
Copy !req
61. when Kennedy refuses to provide air cover
Copy !req
62. for the exiled Cuban brigade.
Copy !req
63. - Kennedy, taking public responsibility
Copy !req
64. for the failure,
Copy !req
65. privately claims the CIA lied to him
Copy !req
66. and tried to manipulate him
Copy !req
67. into ordering an all-out American invasion
Copy !req
68. of Cuba.
Copy !req
69. In October 1962, the world comes
Copy !req
70. to the brink of nuclear war,
Copy !req
71. when Kennedy quarantines Cuba
Copy !req
72. after announcing the presence of offensive
Copy !req
73. - Soviet nuclear missiles
Copy !req
74. 90 miles off American shores.
Copy !req
75. Soviet ships with more missiles
Copy !req
76. sail towards the island,
Copy !req
77. but at the last moment,
Copy !req
78. they turn back.
Copy !req
79. - The world breathes with relief.
Copy !req
80. In Washington, rumors abound that JFK
Copy !req
81. has cut a secret deal
Copy !req
82. with Russian Premier Khrushchev
Copy !req
83. - ...no wish to war with Soviet Union...
- not to invade Cuba
Copy !req
84. in return for a Russian withdrawal
Copy !req
85. of missiles.
Copy !req
86. Suspicions abound
Copy !req
87. that Kennedy is soft on communism.
Copy !req
88. Kennedy also finds himself embroiled
Copy !req
89. in Laos and Vietnam.
Copy !req
90. We've got our difficulties there,
Copy !req
91. quite obviously.
Copy !req
92. Unless a greater effort is made
by the government,
Copy !req
93. to win popular support, I don't think that
Copy !req
94. the war can be won out there.
Copy !req
95. And the final analysis...
Copy !req
96. it's their war.
Copy !req
97. They're the ones who have to win it
or lose it.
Copy !req
98. Early that fateful summer,
Copy !req
99. Kennedy speaks of his new vision
Copy !req
100. at the American University in Washington.
Copy !req
101. What kind of a peace do I mean?
Copy !req
102. And what kind of a peace
do we seek?
Copy !req
103. Not a Pax Americana,
Copy !req
104. enforced on the world
Copy !req
105. by American weapons of war.
Copy !req
106. We must reexamine our own attitudes
Copy !req
107. towards the Soviet Union.
Copy !req
108. Our most basic, common link
Copy !req
109. is that we all inhabit
Copy !req
110. this small planet.
Copy !req
111. We all breathe the same air.
Copy !req
112. We all cherish our children's futures.
Copy !req
113. And we are all mortal.
Copy !req
114. You fucking asshole!
Copy !req
115. You come back here!
Copy !req
116. Don't leave me here!
Copy !req
117. They're going up to Dallas.
Copy !req
118. Friday.
Copy !req
119. They're gonna...kill...Kennedy.
Copy !req
120. Call somebody...
Copy !req
121. And stop them.
Copy !req
122. These are serious fucking guys!
Copy !req
123. She's high as a kite
on something.
Copy !req
124. - Been that way since they brought her in.
- Please help!
Copy !req
125. Please!
Copy !req
126. In Dallas, Texas,
Copy !req
127. three shots were fired
Copy !req
128. at President Kennedy's motorcade
Copy !req
129. in Downtown Dallas.
Copy !req
130. The first reports say that
Copy !req
131. President Kennedy has been
seriously wounded
Copy !req
132. by this shooting.
Copy !req
133. What's wrong, Lou?
Copy !req
134. Boss,
the president's been shot.
Copy !req
135. In Dallas. Five minutes ago.
Copy !req
136. Oh, no.
Copy !req
137. How bad?
Copy !req
138. There's no word yet,
Copy !req
139. but they think it's in the head.
Copy !req
140. Come on.
Copy !req
141. Napoleon's has a TV set.
Copy !req
142. Apparently, three bullets were found.
Copy !req
143. Governor Connally also appeared to
have been hit.
Copy !req
144. The President was rushed
by Secret Service
Copy !req
145. to Parkland Memorial Hospital,
Copy !req
146. four miles from Dealey Plaza.
Copy !req
147. We are told a bullet entered
the base of the throat,
Copy !req
148. and came out of the backside,
Copy !req
149. but there is no confirmation.
Copy !req
150. Blood transfusions are being given.
Copy !req
151. A priest has administered
the last rites.
Copy !req
152. There's still a chance,
Copy !req
153. Come on, Jack.
Pull through.
Copy !req
154. From Dallas, Texas.
Copy !req
155. The flash, apparently official.
Copy !req
156. President Kennedy died
Copy !req
157. - at 1:00 p.m. Central Standard Time.
Copy !req
158. 2:00 Eastern Standard Time.
Copy !req
159. Some 38 minutes ago.
Copy !req
160. Vice President Lyndon Johnson
Copy !req
161. has left the hospital.
Copy !req
162. Presumably, he will be taking
the oath of office shortly
Copy !req
163. and become the 36th President
of the United States.
Copy !req
164. He did so much for this country,
Copy !req
165. for colored people.
Copy !req
166. Why?
Copy !req
167. Why?
Copy !req
168. He's dirty!
Copy !req
169. Goodbye,
you sorry bastard!
Copy !req
170. Die!
Copy !req
171. - Hey, shut the fuck up!
Copy !req
172. God, I'm ashamed to be an
American today.
Copy !req
173. The President of the United States...
Copy !req
174. is dead.
Copy !req
175. I have just talked to Father
Oscar Hubert,
Copy !req
176. of the Holy Trinity
Catholic Church.
Copy !req
177. He and another priest
tell me that the pair of men
Copy !req
178. had just administered
the last rites
Copy !req
179. to President Kennedy.
Copy !req
180. Shortly after 12:30,
Copy !req
181. as the president's motorcade
near the freeway entrance
Copy !req
182. near the park in the westside
of Downtown Dallas,
Copy !req
183. those terrible shots rang out.
Copy !req
184. The president is dead.
Copy !req
185. Bullets were coming up
over our heads...
Copy !req
186. from that fence up on
the knoll.
Copy !req
187. - I seen his face when it hit. He just...
Copy !req
188. His ear blew off...
Copy !req
189. and he turns this real white.
Copy !req
190. He kind of flopped over
on his stomach...
Copy !req
191. And um...
Copy !req
192. with his foot sticking out.
Copy !req
193. Excuse me.
Copy !req
194. None of us thought it could
happen in America
Copy !req
195. - or any place else, and yet...
Copy !req
196. All this blubbering over that no-count
son of a bitch.
Copy !req
197. They're bawling
like they knew the man.
Copy !req
198. Makes me want to puke.
Copy !req
199. For God's sake,
chief, the president was shot.
Copy !req
200. A bullshit president.
Copy !req
201. I don't see anybody crying
for all those thousands of Cubans
Copy !req
202. that bastard condemned to death
and torture at Bay of Pigs.
Copy !req
203. Goddamn peace treaties.
Copy !req
204. I heard shots from over there.
Copy !req
205. Well, I heard some shots
from right over there.
Copy !req
206. - How many shots?
- Uh, I can't...
Copy !req
207. That's what happens when
you let the niggers vote.
Copy !req
208. They get together with the Jews
and the Catholics...
Copy !req
209. and elect an Irish bleeding heart.
Copy !req
210. Uh, chief, maybe you had a little
too much to drink.
Copy !req
211. Bullshit.
Copy !req
212. Here's to the New Frontier.
Copy !req
213. Camelot in smithereens.
Copy !req
214. I'll drink to that.
Copy !req
215. A flash bulletin.
Copy !req
216. Dallas police have just announced
that they have a suspect
Copy !req
217. in the killing of a Dallas police officer,
a J. D. Tippit,
Copy !req
218. who was shot at 1:15 in Oak Cliff.
Copy !req
219. That's a suburb of Dallas.
Copy !req
220. Police are saying there could be
a tie-in, here,
Copy !req
221. - to the murder of the president.
Copy !req
222. The suspect, identified as
Lee Harvey Oswald,
Copy !req
223. was arrested by more than
a dozen police officers,
Copy !req
224. after a short scuffle at the Texas
movie theater in Oak CIiff.
Copy !req
225. Officer Tippit
was killed apparently...
Copy !req
226. ...by a revolver,
which was found on Oswald.
Copy !req
227. There is apparently...
Copy !req
228. They oughta just shoot
the bastard!
Copy !req
229. They should give him a medal
for shooting Kennedy!
Copy !req
230. - Oswald!
Copy !req
231. Oswald,
did you fire that rifle?
Copy !req
232. No, sir, I didn't.
Copy !req
233. I don't know what I am
charged with,
Copy !req
234. - but I emphatically deny these charges.
Copy !req
235. Well, the kid must've gone
nuts, right?
Copy !req
236. - I said, Oswald must've flipped.
- Yeah.
Copy !req
237. - Right?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
238. Just went ahead and did this crazy thing
before anybody could stop him.
Copy !req
239. I think I'll get out of here.
I've got to get home, chief.
Copy !req
240. What the hell
are you talking about?
Copy !req
241. Yeah,
who would ever have thought
Copy !req
242. that goofy Oswald kid would pull a stunt
like an assassination.
Copy !req
243. Just goes to show, you never can know
about some people.
Copy !req
244. - Am I right, Jack?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
245. - Am I right, Jack?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
246. - Well, bless my soul.
- Huh?
Copy !req
247. Yeah, all these years I thought
you were on my team.
Copy !req
248. Sometimes, I don't know.
Are you kidding?
Copy !req
249. I couldn't be more serious,
Copy !req
250. The little red eyes of yours have me
wondering about your loyalty.
Copy !req
251. Look at that.
Look at that lightning.
Copy !req
252. - Who's been going through my files?
- Huh?
Copy !req
253. You've been going through my files,
haven't you?
Copy !req
254. You little weasel.
Copy !req
255. You're starting to get paranoid.
Copy !req
256. You really are!
Copy !req
257. You were going through
all my files.
Copy !req
258. You're a goddamn spy.
Copy !req
259. Why the hell would I want to look
through your files, chief?
Copy !req
260. I've seen enough here this summer
already to write a book.
Copy !req
261. I always lock my files!
Copy !req
262. You're the only one here today.
Copy !req
263. - What do you mean, you bastard?
- Huh?
Copy !req
264. What do you mean,
you're going to write a book?
Copy !req
265. What? No, I mean,
well, you know what I mean.
Copy !req
266. I've seen a lot of strange things here.
Copy !req
267. Strange people.
Copy !req
268. You didn't see a goddamn thing!
Copy !req
269. - Goddamn you.
Copy !req
270. You didn't see a goddamn thing,
Copy !req
271. you hear me,
you little weasel?
Copy !req
272. - You didn't see a goddamn thing!
Copy !req
273. Full name is Lee Harvey Oswald.
Copy !req
274. O-S-W-A-L-D.
Copy !req
275. - Stand back, please.
- Did you shoot the president?
Copy !req
276. I didn't shoot anybody, no, sir.
Copy !req
277. They have taken me in
because of the fact
Copy !req
278. I have lived in the Soviet Union.
Copy !req
279. I'm just a patsy!
Copy !req
280. God,
he sure looks like a creep.
Copy !req
281. I protested at that time I was
not allowed legal representation...
Copy !req
282. during that very short and sweet
Copy !req
283. I really don't know
what this situation is about.
Copy !req
284. Nobody has told me anything,
except that I am accused of
Copy !req
285. murdering a policeman.
Copy !req
286. I know nothing more than that,
and I do request
Copy !req
287. someone to come forward to give me
legal assistance.
Copy !req
288. Were you ever in
the Free Cuba movement
Copy !req
289. or whatever that it's called?
Copy !req
290. That's the Fair Play for
Cuba Committee.
Copy !req
291. What did you do in Russia?
Copy !req
292. And what happened to your eye?
Copy !req
293. He seems pretty cool to me
for a man under pressure like that.
Copy !req
294. - A policeman hit me.
Copy !req
295. Gives me the willies.
Copy !req
296. Okay, come on, sugarplums,
it's past your bedtimes.
Copy !req
297. Oh, Mattie, honey.
Copy !req
298. - Get a hold of yourself.
Copy !req
299. Why, Mr. Jim?
Copy !req
300. He was a fine man.
Copy !req
301. Lee Harvey Oswald...
Copy !req
302. - A fine man.
- After a stint in the marines,
Copy !req
303. he apparently became fascinated
Copy !req
304. by communism.
Copy !req
305. He is still believed
to be a dedicated Marxist
Copy !req
306. and a fanatical supporter of Fidel Castro
Copy !req
307. and ultra left-wing causes.
Copy !req
308. He spent last summer in New Orleans
Copy !req
309. and was arrested there in a brawl
Copy !req
310. with anti-Castro Cuban exiles.
Copy !req
311. And apparently, Bob,
Oswald has been passing out...
Copy !req
312. - Hello, Lou?
Copy !req
313. Yeah, sorry to disturb you this late.
Copy !req
314. It's all right, I'm watching it, too.
Copy !req
315. Yeah, a matter of routine,
Copy !req
316. but we better get on this Oswald
connection to New Orleans right away.
Copy !req
317. - Mm-hmm.
- I want you to check out his record.
Copy !req
318. Find any friends or associates
from last summer.
Copy !req
319. Let's meet with the senior assistants
and investigators
Copy !req
320. day after tomorrow, all right?
Copy !req
321. That'd be on Sunday?
Copy !req
322. Sunday, yeah, at 11:00.
Copy !req
323. - All right.
- All right. Thanks, Lou.
Copy !req
324. I would say that, without any doubt,
Copy !req
325. he is the killer.
Copy !req
326. The law says beyond a reasonable doubt
Copy !req
327. and to a moral certainty.
Copy !req
328. I thought it was a motorcycle backfire,
Copy !req
329. and I looked over to my left
Copy !req
330. and a second shot hit him in the face.
Copy !req
331. Police say the rifle,
Copy !req
332. a cheap World War II,
Italian-made Mannlicher-Carcano...
Copy !req
333. was ordered from a Chicago
mailing house
Copy !req
334. and shipped to Oswald's alias,
A. Hidell,
Copy !req
335. at a post office box
in March of 1963.
Copy !req
336. This is the same rifle that was used
Copy !req
337. to assassinate the president.
Copy !req
338. That ties it up.
Copy !req
339. He did what?
Copy !req
340. Another nut.
Copy !req
341. Jesus Christ!
Anybody can get a rifle in Texas.
Copy !req
342. As far as Oswald's associates, boss,
Copy !req
343. the one name that keeps popping up is
David Ferrie.
Copy !req
344. Oswald was seen with him several times
last summer.
Copy !req
345. I know David.
Copy !req
346. Strange character.
Copy !req
347. Yeah,
he's been in trouble before.
Copy !req
348. Used to be a hot-shot pilot
for Eastern Airlines
Copy !req
349. but got canned after an alleged
homosexual incident
Copy !req
350. - with a 14 year old.
- These backyard photos
Copy !req
351. were found yesterday among
Oswald's possessions.
Copy !req
352. - Get Kohiman.
Copy !req
353. He told somebody the Texas trip.
Copy !req
354. Yesterday,
mentioned to somebody about Ferrie.
Copy !req
355. Find it out.
Copy !req
356. Did he shoot the president, Marina?
Copy !req
357. He no shoot anyone.
Copy !req
358. He good-- good man.
Good husband.
Copy !req
359. So it seems David Ferrie drove off on
Friday afternoon for Texas.
Copy !req
360. A source told Kohlman he might have been
a getaway pilot for Oswald.
Copy !req
361. What getaway pilot?
Copy !req
362. Hold on.
Hold your horses.
Copy !req
363. What kind of source?
Copy !req
364. The anonymous kind, chief.
Copy !req
365. I think I remember this guy Ferrie,
Copy !req
366. speaking at a meeting of some
veterans group,
Copy !req
367. ranting against Castro.
Copy !req
368. Extreme sort of stuff.
Copy !req
369. Susie, back up.
Copy !req
370. They're bringing him out.
Copy !req
371. - Numa, turn it up.
- Yeah.
Copy !req
372. - Here he comes!
Copy !req
373. Come on, here he comes!
Get that stuff!
Copy !req
374. Come on, let's get him!
Copy !req
375. Is there anything you want
to say in your defense?
Copy !req
376. Oswald!
Copy !req
377. What happened?
Copy !req
378. He's been shot!
- He shot him!
Copy !req
379. - He's been shot!
Copy !req
380. He shot him on TV! Just shot him!
Copy !req
381. There's a man with a gun!
Copy !req
382. - There's absolute panic!
- It's the guy in the hat.
Copy !req
383. Seventy cops in that place.
What the hell were they doing?
Copy !req
384. Well, no trial now.
Copy !req
385. Looks like somebody just saved the
Dallas DA a pile of work.
Copy !req
386. Pandemonium has broken loose
here in the basement of Dallas Police...
Copy !req
387. Lou.
Copy !req
388. Lou, let's get David Ferrie in here
Copy !req
389. It's wrong.
Copy !req
390. This is crazy!
Copy !req
391. Yesterday, in the midst of sorrow,
Copy !req
392. the business of government went on.
Copy !req
393. The President meeting with
Henry Cabot Lodge,
Copy !req
394. our ambassador to Vietnam,
Copy !req
395. and members of his cabinet.
Copy !req
396. The major subject was Vietnam,
Copy !req
397. a crisis that does not pause
for bereavement.
Copy !req
398. And from this meeting, came affirmations
that the United States
Copy !req
399. would continue its policy of aiding the
new government of Vietnam
Copy !req
400. in its war against the
communist insurgents.
Copy !req
401. Chief?
Copy !req
402. David Ferrie.
Copy !req
403. Come on in, Dave.
Copy !req
404. Thank you for coming.
Copy !req
405. You remember me,
Mr. Garrison?
Copy !req
406. I met you on Carondelet Street,
right after your election.
Copy !req
407. - I congratulated you, remember?
- How could I forget?
Copy !req
408. You make quite a first impression.
Copy !req
409. And I've heard over the years you're quite
a first-rate pilot, Dave.
Copy !req
410. - Really?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
411. Legend has it you can get in and out of
any field, no matter how small.
Copy !req
412. - Huh.
- I'm a bit of a pilot myself.
Copy !req
413. Flew grasshoppers for the field artillery
in the war.
Copy !req
414. Here, have a seat.
Make yourself comfortable.
Copy !req
415. Mind if I smoke,
Mr. Garrison?
Copy !req
416. How could I?
Copy !req
417. Dave,
as you know,
Copy !req
418. President Kennedy
was assassinated on Friday.
Copy !req
419. A man named Lee Harvey Oswald
was arrested as a suspect,
Copy !req
420. and was then murdered, yesterday,
by a man named Jack Ruby.
Copy !req
421. We've heard reports that Oswald spent the
summer here in New Orleans,
Copy !req
422. and we've been advised that you knew
Oswald pretty well.
Copy !req
423. I never met anybody named Oswald.
Copy !req
424. Anybody that told you that
has to be crazy.
Copy !req
425. But you are aware, he served in your
Civil Air Patrol unit
Copy !req
426. - when he was a teenager?
Copy !req
427. No. If he did,
I don't remember him.
Copy !req
428. I mean, there were lots of boys in
and out, you know?
Copy !req
429. Well,
I'm sure you've seen this.
Copy !req
430. Perhaps you knew this man under
another name.
Copy !req
431. No, I never saw him before
in my life.
Copy !req
432. Well that must've been mistaken
information we got, then.
Copy !req
433. Thanks for straightening it out
for us.
Copy !req
434. There is one other matter
that's come up, Dave.
Copy !req
435. We were told that you
took a trip to Texas
Copy !req
436. shortly after the assassination
on Friday.
Copy !req
437. Yeah, now that's true.
I drove to Houston.
Copy !req
438. What was so appealing about Houston?
Copy !req
439. I hadn't been there ice skating in many
years and I was with
Copy !req
440. a couple of young friends and we decided
we wanted to go ice skating.
Copy !req
441. - Dave, may I ask why the urge
Copy !req
442. to go ice skating in Texas happened
to strike you
Copy !req
443. during one of the most violent
thunderstorms in recent memory?
Copy !req
444. Uh...
Copy !req
445. spur-of-the-moment thing.
Copy !req
446. - Storm wasn't that bad.
- I see.
Copy !req
447. And where did you drive?
Copy !req
448. Uh,
we went to Houston...
Copy !req
449. then Saturday night drove to Galveston
Copy !req
450. and stayed over there.
Copy !req
451. And then Sunday?
Copy !req
452. In the morning,
we went goose hunting.
Copy !req
453. You bag any geese on this trip?
Copy !req
454. I believe the boys got a couple.
Copy !req
455. But the boys told us
they didn't get any.
Copy !req
456. Come to think of it,
they're right.
Copy !req
457. We got out there,
where the geese were,
Copy !req
458. and there were thousands of them,
all over the place.
Copy !req
459. But, uh,
you couldn't approach ‘em.
Copy !req
460. They're a wise bunch of birds.
Copy !req
461. Your young friends also told us you had
no weapons in the car, Dave.
Copy !req
462. Isn't it a bit difficult to hunt for
geese without a shotgun?
Copy !req
463. Well...
Copy !req
464. Yes,
I remember now.
Copy !req
465. I'm sorry, Mr. Garrison.
I got confused.
Copy !req
466. We got out near the geese,
Copy !req
467. and only then did we realize we had
forgotten our shotguns.
Copy !req
468. Stupid, right?
Copy !req
469. Uh, so, of course,
we didn't get any geese.
Copy !req
470. I see, Dave.
Well, thank you for your time.
Copy !req
471. I'm sorry that this has to end
inconveniently for you,
Copy !req
472. but I'm going to have to detain you for
further questioning by the FBI.
Copy !req
473. Why, what's wrong?
Copy !req
474. Dave, I find your story simply
not believable.
Copy !req
475. Really?
Copy !req
476. Come on.
Copy !req
477. What part?
Copy !req
478. Gentlemen,
this afternoon the FBI released
Copy !req
479. David W. Ferrie of New Orleans.
Copy !req
480. After extensive questioning
and a thorough background check,
Copy !req
481. the Bureau found no evidence that
Mr. Ferrie
Copy !req
482. - knew Lee Harvey Oswald,
Copy !req
483. or has had any connection with
the assassination of President Kennedy.
Copy !req
484. The special agent in
charge would like to make clear
Copy !req
485. that Mr. Ferrie was brought in
for questioning
Copy !req
486. by the District Attorney of
Orleans Parish, not by
Copy !req
487. - the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
- I thought we were on the same side.
Copy !req
488. What the hell business is it of theirs
to say that?
Copy !req
489. Pretty fast, wasn't it?
The way they let him go.
Copy !req
490. They must know something
we don't.
Copy !req
491. So let's get on with our lives,
Copy !req
492. We got plenty of
home-grown crimes
Copy !req
493. - to prosecute.
- President Johnson
Copy !req
494. - has announced the creation of
Copy !req
495. - a Blue Ribbon Presidential Commission
Copy !req
496. - to probe the events in Dallas.
- Goodnight.
Copy !req
497. The Commission will be headed by
Chief Justice
Copy !req
498. of the United States Supreme Court,
Earl Warren,
Copy !req
499. and is expected to head off
several Congressional
Copy !req
500. and Texas inquiries into the
Copy !req
501. On the panel are Allen Dulles,
ex-chief of the CIA,
Copy !req
502. Representative Gerald Ford,
Copy !req
503. John J. McCloy,
Copy !req
504. former head of the Chase
Manhattan Bank...
Copy !req
505. Fucking out of control.
Copy !req
506. All these hippies running around
on drugs.
Copy !req
507. The way young people look,
Copy !req
508. you can't tell a boy from a girl
Copy !req
509. I saw a girl the other day.
Copy !req
510. She was pregnant.
Copy !req
511. You could see her whole belly.
Copy !req
512. And you know what she had
painted on it?
Copy !req
513. "Love Child."
Copy !req
514. Oh, it's a mess down there,
Copy !req
515. We've bitten off more Vietnam than we can
possibly chew.
Copy !req
516. ‘Course it figures with that polecat
Lyndon in the White House.
Copy !req
517. You know, I sometimes think things
have gone downhill
Copy !req
518. since John Kennedy died,
Copy !req
519. Oh, don't get me started on that.
Copy !req
520. Those Warren Commission fellas were
picking gnat shit out of pepper.
Copy !req
521. Nobody's gonna tell me that kid did the
shooting job he did
Copy !req
522. from that damn bookstore.
Copy !req
523. - Here you go, Senator Long.
- Oh, thank you, honey.
Copy !req
524. I thought the FBI test-fired the rifle to
see if it could be done?
Copy !req
525. Sure, three experts,
and not one of them could do it.
Copy !req
526. They're telling us that Oswald
got off three shots
Copy !req
527. with world-class precision
from a manual bolt-action rifle
Copy !req
528. in less than six seconds,
Copy !req
529. and, according to his
Marine buddies,
Copy !req
530. he got Maggie's drawers.
Copy !req
531. You know what that means?
Copy !req
532. He wasn't any good.
Copy !req
533. Average man would be lucky to get
two shots off.
Copy !req
534. - And I tell ya, the first shot
Copy !req
535. - would always be the best.
Copy !req
536. - Here, the third shot's perfect.
Copy !req
537. Then they got that crazy bullet
zigzagging all over the place,
Copy !req
538. so it hits Kennedy and Connally
seven times.
Copy !req
539. Ah.
Copy !req
540. One pristine bullet?
Copy !req
541. That dog don't hunt.
Copy !req
542. You know, something's always bothered me
about that from day one, too.
Copy !req
543. Legal representation.
Copy !req
544. Do you think there were other men
involved, Russell?
Copy !req
545. If I were investigating the case,
Copy !req
546. I'd round up 100 of the world's
best riflemen,
Copy !req
547. find out which ones were in Dallas
that day.
Copy !req
548. - You been duck hunting?
Copy !req
549. I think Oswald's a good,
old-fashioned decoy.
Copy !req
550. What'd he say?
"I'm just a patsy.”
Copy !req
551. You better believe it.
Copy !req
552. Jim?
Copy !req
553. Honey?
Copy !req
554. Dinner's just about ready.
Copy !req
555. Got a surprise for you tonight.
Copy !req
556. Tried something new.
Copy !req
557. Jim?
Copy !req
558. - Jim?
- What?
Copy !req
559. Dinner.
Copy !req
560. Smells good, but, honey, do you realize
that Oswald was interrogated
Copy !req
561. for 12 hours after the assassination
with no lawyer present,
Copy !req
562. and nobody--
nobody recorded a word of it?
Copy !req
563. - Huh.
- I can't believe it.
Copy !req
564. A police captain with 30 years experience
and a crowd of federal agents
Copy !req
565. just had to know that with no record
Copy !req
566. anything that Oswald says is gonna be
inadmissible in court.
Copy !req
567. Well, honey, why don't we talk about it
at the dinner table.
Copy !req
568. It's getting cold.
Copy !req
569. Jasper,
what are you doing in here?
Copy !req
570. Daddy said it was all right if I was
real quiet.
Copy !req
571. Sure, it is.
Copy !req
572. Honey, if I ever handled a minor felon
like that, it'd be all over the papers.
Copy !req
573. And this is the alleged murderer of
the president!
Copy !req
574. - Do you really think so?
Copy !req
575. - Yeah. Again and again,
Copy !req
576. - credible testimony is ignored,
Copy !req
577. leads are never followed up,
its conclusions selective,
Copy !req
578. there's no index,
it's one of the sloppiest,
Copy !req
579. most disorganized investigations
I've ever seen.
Copy !req
580. You know, dozens and dozens of witnesses
in Dealey Plaza that day
Copy !req
581. are saying they heard shots coming from
the grassy knoll area
Copy !req
582. in front of Kennedy,
not the book depository behind him,
Copy !req
583. but it's all broken down
and spread around,
Copy !req
584. and you read it and the point
gets lost.
Copy !req
585. I never did believe it.
Copy !req
586. Mattie, I'll do the dishes.
You take Eb on up.
Copy !req
587. Night, baby.
Copy !req
588. Elizabeth,
honey, your bedtime, too.
Copy !req
589. Honey,
that was three years ago.
Copy !req
590. We've all tried so hard to put it
out of our minds,
Copy !req
591. you just keep digging it up
Copy !req
592. You're the DA of New Orleans.
Copy !req
593. Don't you think the Kennedy assassination
is a little bit out of your domain?
Copy !req
594. I mean all those important people
already studied it.
Copy !req
595. All right, I just can't believe a man as
intelligent as Earl Warren
Copy !req
596. ever read what was in
those volumes.
Copy !req
597. Well...
Copy !req
598. I mean,
maybe you're right.
Copy !req
599. I'll give you one hour to solve
the case,
Copy !req
600. till I can get these kids in bed,
Copy !req
601. and then you're mine,
Copy !req
602. and Mr. Kennedy will have to wait
until morning.
Copy !req
603. Daddy,
look what I drew.
Copy !req
604. Well that's something, Jasper.
What is it?
Copy !req
605. - It's a rhino in a cage.
- Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
606. - Can I stay up another hour?
- I don't think so, son.
Copy !req
607. - Aw, Papa.
- Pickle and Snapper.
Copy !req
608. My two favorite dancing partners.
Copy !req
609. - All right. Goodnight, doodle bugs.
Copy !req
610. - Goodnight.
- One hour, you hear?
Copy !req
611. - Hmm?
- Some Saturday night date you are.
Copy !req
612. Mama warned me this would happen if I
married such a serious man as you.
Copy !req
613. - Oh, she did, huh?
- Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
614. Well,
when I come up,
Copy !req
615. I want to show you how Saturday
night got invented.
Copy !req
616. All right?
Copy !req
617. I sealed off the area,
Copy !req
618. and I held off the trains until they
could be examined,
Copy !req
619. and there were some transients taken
on at least one train.
Copy !req
620. Mr. Bowers,
I believe you already talked to us
Copy !req
621. about this matter before your deposition,
is that correct?
Copy !req
622. Yes.
Copy !req
623. Now, is there anything else you told us
Copy !req
624. that I haven't asked you about
that you can think of?
Copy !req
625. Nothing that I can recall.
Copy !req
626. Witness is excused.
Copy !req
627. Well, we got a long freight
that was in there.
Copy !req
628. We pulled some people off there
and took them to the station.
Copy !req
629. Do you mean some transients?
Copy !req
630. Tramps and hoboes.
Copy !req
631. And were all those questioned?
Copy !req
632. Yes, sir, they were taken to
the station and questioned.
Copy !req
633. And?
Copy !req
634. Ask the question, ask the question.
Copy !req
635. All right, let's go back
to that Amos Euins matter.
Copy !req
636. Uh, yes, sir.
Copy !req
637. Traffic had been cut off into the area
since about 10:00,
Copy !req
638. but there were three cars that came in
during this time, from around noon
Copy !req
639. - till the time of the shooting.
Copy !req
640. The cars circled the parking lot
and left,
Copy !req
641. like they was checking the area.
Copy !req
642. And one of the drivers seemed to have
something he was holding up to his mouth.
Copy !req
643. That last car came in about seven to 10
minutes before the shooting.
Copy !req
644. It was a white Chevrolet,
four-door Impala,
Copy !req
645. muddy up to the windows.
Copy !req
646. Um...
towards the underpass,
Copy !req
647. I saw two men.
Copy !req
648. They were standing behind
a picket fence.
Copy !req
649. They were looking up towards Main
and Houston,
Copy !req
650. - following the caravan as it came down.
Copy !req
651. Uh... one of them was middle-aged,
Copy !req
652. The other man was younger.
Copy !req
653. There were two other men.
Copy !req
654. They were on the eastern end of
the parking lot,
Copy !req
655. - and each of them had uniforms.
Copy !req
656. At the time of the shooting,
there seemed to be some
Copy !req
657. commotion.
Copy !req
658. I just am unable to describe...
Copy !req
659. - A flash of light or smoke or...
Copy !req
660. - something...
Copy !req
661. - which caused me to feel that
Copy !req
662. something out of the ordinary
had occurred there,
Copy !req
663. - on the embankment.
Copy !req
664. Goddamn.
Copy !req
665. No!
Copy !req
666. Jim?
Copy !req
667. - You all right?
- Oh, honey, it's incredible.
Copy !req
668. What?
Copy !req
669. The whole thing.
Copy !req
670. A lieutenant colonel testifies that
Copy !req
671. Lee Oswald was given a Russian language
exam as part of his Marine training
Copy !req
672. - only a few months before he defects
Copy !req
673. to the Soviet Union.
Copy !req
674. - A Russian exam!
- I can't believe it.
Copy !req
675. Honey,
it's 4:30 in the morning!
Copy !req
676. I have five kids
Copy !req
677. - gonna be awake in an hour and--
- Honey, in all my years in the military,
Copy !req
678. I never knew a single man who was given
a Russian test.
Copy !req
679. Oswald was a radar operator.
Copy !req
680. He'd have about as much use for--
Copy !req
681. - for Russian as a cat has for pajamas.
- These books...
Copy !req
682. have gotten to your mind,
Mr. Garrison.
Copy !req
683. And then this-- this colonel.
Copy !req
684. - He makes it sound like nothing, he says
- I wish you'd stop reading them.
Copy !req
685. - Oswald did badly on his test. He--
Copy !req
686. he got only two more Russian words
right than wrong.
Copy !req
687. - Ha! That's like me saying Touchdown here
Copy !req
688. is not very intelligent because I beat him
three games out of five
Copy !req
689. the last time we played chess.
Copy !req
690. What? Are you gonna...
Copy !req
691. stay up all night every night,
for what?
Copy !req
692. So you'll be the only man in America
that's read all 26 volumes
Copy !req
693. - of the Warren Report?
- Do I have to spell it out for you?
Copy !req
694. Lee Oswald was no ordinary soldier,
he was--
Copy !req
695. He was probably in military
Copy !req
696. That's why he was trained
in Russian.
Copy !req
697. - Let's go back to sleep.
- There's no accident he's in Russia.
Copy !req
698. Let's go back to sleep.
Copy !req
699. Goddammit, dear,
I've been sleeping for three years!
Copy !req
700. Morning, boys.
Copy !req
701. Ready for a walking tour?
Copy !req
702. 7:30 Sunday morning.
Copy !req
703. It's not exactly fresh blood we're
sniffing here, boss.
Copy !req
704. Old stains, Bill,
but just as telling.
Copy !req
705. 531 Lafayette Street.
Copy !req
706. Remember whose office this was
in '63?
Copy !req
707. Sure, Guy Banister.
Copy !req
708. Ex-FBI man.
Copy !req
709. Died couple years ago.
Copy !req
710. Banister headed the Chicago office.
Copy !req
711. When he retired,
he became a private eye here.
Copy !req
712. I used to have lunch with him.
Copy !req
713. John Birch Society,
Copy !req
714. - Oh yeah, I remember him now.
- Slightly to the right of Attila the Hun.
Copy !req
715. He used to recruit college students
Copy !req
716. to infiltrate radical organizations
on campus.
Copy !req
717. Headed the Anti-Communist League
of the Caribbean.
Copy !req
718. All out of this office.
Copy !req
719. Come around here,
I want to show you something.
Copy !req
720. See that?
Copy !req
721. Now, take a look here.
Copy !req
722. 544 Camp Street.
Copy !req
723. 531 Lafayette Street.
Copy !req
724. Same building, right?
Copy !req
725. But with different addresses and
different entrances,
Copy !req
726. both going to the same place,
Copy !req
727. to the office upstairs.
Copy !req
728. Guess who used this address?
Copy !req
729. Lee Harvey Oswald.
Copy !req
730. Now how do we know he was here?
Copy !req
731. ‘Cause this office address
was stamped
Copy !req
732. on the pro-Castro leaflets
Copy !req
733. he was handing out in the summer
of '63
Copy !req
734. down on Canal Street.
Copy !req
735. Now these are the same leaflets they found
in his garage in Dallas.
Copy !req
736. What's this?
Copy !req
737. What the hell is this doing on
this piece of paper?
Copy !req
738. After the arrest, 544 Camp Street
Copy !req
739. never appeared on the pamphlets again.
Copy !req
740. Asshole.
Copy !req
741. He was arrested that day for fighting with
some anti-Castro Cubans,
Copy !req
742. but actually he had contacted them
Copy !req
743. a few days earlier as an ex-Marine
Copy !req
744. trying to join their anti-Castro
Copy !req
745. When they heard he was now
Copy !req
746. well, they paid him a visit.
Copy !req
747. What is this Fidel shit?
Copy !req
748. You lied to me, you hypocrite!
Copy !req
749. Liar!
Son of a bitch!
Copy !req
750. People,
do not take this paper.
Copy !req
751. This is communist propaganda.
Copy !req
752. Carlos,
if you want to hit me, hit me.
Copy !req
753. Come on, you pinko shit.
Copy !req
754. Go back to Moscow, communist!
Copy !req
755. - There was no real fight,
Copy !req
756. and the arresting lieutenant later said
he felt it was a staged incident.
Copy !req
757. - Break it up!
Copy !req
758. In jail, Oswald has a private session
Copy !req
759. with Special Agent John Quigley
of the FBI.
Copy !req
760. Oswald is released,
Copy !req
761. and Quigley destroys his notes from
the interview.
Copy !req
762. The arrest gets him a lot of publicity
and as a result...
Copy !req
763. Oswald appears on a local
TV debate.
Copy !req
764. But you-- you are a communist,
are you not?
Copy !req
765. Uh, no,
Mr. Bringuier.
Copy !req
766. Uh, I am not a communist.
Copy !req
767. I'm a Marxist-Leninist.
Copy !req
768. You are not a communist,
but you are a Marxist-Leninist?
Copy !req
769. What is the difference?
Copy !req
770. Now, here's another one for you.
Copy !req
771. What would you say
if I told you...
Copy !req
772. Lee Oswald was trained in the Russian
language when he was a Marine?
Copy !req
773. I'd say he was probably getting
intelligence training.
Copy !req
774. Well, Lou,
you were in the Marines.
Copy !req
775. Who would be running
that training?
Copy !req
776. Office of Naval Intelligence.
Copy !req
777. Take a look across the street.
Copy !req
778. Post office.
Copy !req
779. Upstairs in 1963, that was the
Office of Naval Intelligence.
Copy !req
780. And just by coincidence, Banister,
before he was FBI, was ONI.
Copy !req
781. And what's that little saying
they have?
Copy !req
782. "Once ONI, always ONL."
Copy !req
783. Well, he likes working near
his old pals.
Copy !req
784. Bill...
Copy !req
785. Lou, we are standing in the heart of the
United States government's
Copy !req
786. intelligence community
in New Orleans.
Copy !req
787. That's the FBI there, all right?
That's the CIA.
Copy !req
788. That's the Secret Service.
Copy !req
789. That's the ONI.
Copy !req
790. Now, doesn't this seem to you...
Copy !req
791. a rather strange place for a communist
to spend his spare time?
Copy !req
792. What you driving at, boss?
Copy !req
793. We're going back into the case,
Copy !req
794. Murder of the president.
Copy !req
795. Good Lord,
wake me up, I must be dreaming.
Copy !req
796. No, you're awake,
Bill, and I'm deadly serious.
Copy !req
797. We're going to start by tracking down your
anonymous source
Copy !req
798. from three years ago.
Copy !req
799. Now how'd you find out David Ferrie drove
to Texas that day?
Copy !req
800. Hell, I can't remember last night,
Copy !req
801. let alone three years ago,
Copy !req
802. You're not under
cross-examination here, Jack.
Copy !req
803. What I need is a little clarification
about the night
Copy !req
804. - Guy Banister beat you over the head.
Copy !req
805. Now don't tell me you don't
remember that,
Copy !req
806. all right,
‘cause you called our office.
Copy !req
807. You called our office from your
hospital bed,
Copy !req
808. and you were hopping mad
about it.
Copy !req
809. Now, here's my problem.
Copy !req
810. You told me you and Guy were good
friends for a long time.
Copy !req
811. More than 10 years.
Copy !req
812. - And he never hit you before?
- No, he never touched me.
Copy !req
813. Yet on November 22nd, 1963,
Copy !req
814. - the day of the president's murder,
Copy !req
815. - the police report says...
Copy !req
816. Says he pistol-whipped you with a
.357 Magnum.
Copy !req
817. It also says you had an argument about
the phone bill.
Copy !req
818. - Here, take a look at it.
Copy !req
819. Well, does a simple argument over a
phone bill sound like
Copy !req
820. a believable explanation
to you?
Copy !req
821. There's more to it than that.
Copy !req
822. How much more?
Copy !req
823. I don't think I should talk about it.
Copy !req
824. Well, I'd ask Guy,
we were friendly, you know.
Copy !req
825. Heart attack, wasn't it?
Copy !req
826. You buy what you read in
the papers.
Copy !req
827. You have other information?
Copy !req
828. - I didn't say that.
- You have other information?
Copy !req
829. I didn't say that. All I know is that
he died suddenly.
Copy !req
830. Just before the Warren Report
came out.
Copy !req
831. Why did Guy beat you,
Copy !req
832. You didn't see a goddamn thing!
You didn't see a goddamn thing!
Copy !req
833. You're the only one in the place!
Copy !req
834. You didn't see a goddamn thing!
Copy !req
835. Oh, hell. I guess since Guy's dead,
it don't matter no more.
Copy !req
836. It was about all those...
Copy !req
837. people that was hanging around the office
that summer.
Copy !req
838. See, I was never part of the operation,
you know.
Copy !req
839. I was just there taking care of their
private eye work,
Copy !req
840. you know,
as it came in for Guy.
Copy !req
841. Not much did,
but that's why I was there.
Copy !req
842. It was a nuthouse.
Copy !req
843. All the Cubans coming and going.
Copy !req
844. I mean, Christ,
they all looked the same to me.
Copy !req
845. You gonna play with this rifle or you
gonna pack it? Come on.
Copy !req
846. Dave Ferrie.
Copy !req
847. You know about him?
Copy !req
848. - Yeah, we know Dave. Was he there?
- Mmm.
Copy !req
849. Christ, he practically lived there.
Copy !req
850. Don't fuck this one up.
Copy !req
851. See, the whole thing it was...
Copy !req
852. the whole cloak and dagger stuff,
you know.
Copy !req
853. They called it
"Operation Mongoose."
Copy !req
854. Whole idea was they were gonna train
these Cuban exiles, you know,
Copy !req
855. - for another invasion of Cuba.
- Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
856. Why, hell, Banister's office,
Copy !req
857. that was part of the supply line,
you know,
Copy !req
858. from Dallas through New Orleans
to Miami.
Copy !req
859. - They were stockpiling arms, explosives.
Copy !req
860. All this right under the noses of
the intelligence community
Copy !req
861. - in Lafayette Square?
- Yeah, oh yeah.
Copy !req
862. Everybody knew everybody,
you know,
Copy !req
863. they were all part of
the network.
Copy !req
864. They were all working for
the CIA!
Copy !req
865. You know, pilots,
and them Black Operators,
Copy !req
866. and the-- the civilians,
and military.
Copy !req
867. Hell, everybody in those days was
running guns somewhere.
Copy !req
868. Fort Jefferson, Bayou Bluff,
Morgan City, you name it.
Copy !req
869. Oh, McAllen, Texas,
yeah, big gun-running operation.
Copy !req
870. Banister. Now, tell-- where--
Where does he fit in all this?
Copy !req
871. He was running his camp up north
of Lake Pontchartrain.
Copy !req
872. You know, Ferrie was doing a lot
of the training.
Copy !req
873. - They had a shooting range.
Copy !req
874. Lot of tropical territory, you know,
like you got in Cuba.
Copy !req
875. - Some Americans were trained there, too.
Copy !req
876. - A few. Nazi types, mercenaries.
Copy !req
877. Ferrie, though,
Jesus, he was the craziest.
Copy !req
878. Anyway,
late summer, the whole--
Copy !req
879. the party was over.
Copy !req
880. ‘Cause Kennedy didn't want another one
of them Bay of Pigs, so he...
Copy !req
881. - he told the FBI, "Shut up the camps,”
Copy !req
882. you know, and confiscate the napalm,
C-4, and the stuff like that.
Copy !req
883. So I think that the G-men,
Copy !req
884. they were just going through the motions
for Washington.
Copy !req
885. See, their hearts were still with their
old FBI buddy Banister.
Copy !req
886. Oswald?
Copy !req
887. Yeah.
Copy !req
888. - Yeah, what?
- He was there, too. He was there.
Copy !req
889. He was there,
sometimes meeting with Banister.
Copy !req
890. Give me an allowance, you know,
because I got expenses...
Copy !req
891. With the door shut.
Copy !req
892. Other times...
Copy !req
893. you know,
shooting the bull with Ferrie,
Copy !req
894. whatever,
but he was there, all right.
Copy !req
895. Anything more specific,
Copy !req
896. It's important.
Copy !req
897. One time the secretary got upset,
I remember.
Copy !req
898. I can't believe it,
Mr. Banister.
Copy !req
899. Lee Oswald is down on Canal Street
Copy !req
900. handing out communist leaflets
supporting Castro.
Copy !req
901. It's okay, Delphine.
Copy !req
902. He's with us, it's okay.
Copy !req
903. Was anyone else involved at
Banister's level?
Copy !req
904. Oh, yeah. One guy, I don't know.
Copy !req
905. Big, white hair.
Copy !req
906. I saw him come in the office once,
Copy !req
907. but he looked out of place.
Copy !req
908. You know,
like a society guy.
Copy !req
909. And I can't remember his name,
but Oswald was with him.
Copy !req
910. But he had something to do with money
‘cause Banister, you know,
Copy !req
911. he never kissed anybody's ass--
Copy !req
912. Ooh, he kissed his.
Copy !req
913. I don't... uh...
Copy !req
914. Clay something.
Copy !req
915. Yeah.
That was his name, Clay.
Copy !req
916. - Clay.
- Bertrand?
Copy !req
917. - Bertrand, yeah! Yeah, that--
- Clay Bertrand.
Copy !req
918. - Clay Bertrand.
- Well, I don't know.
Copy !req
919. I don't know.
Copy !req
920. - Uh... maybe not. I got to go.
- No, that's right. Clay Bertrand.
Copy !req
921. - No, no. That's right.
- No, I got to go.
Copy !req
922. He was in the Warren Report.
He got Oswald a lawyer.
Copy !req
923. - Was Kennedy ever discussed, Jack?
- I don't know.
Copy !req
924. - The assassination, Jack?
- No.
Copy !req
925. Never. Not with me.
Copy !req
926. - Look, I've-- I got to go.
- Hold on.
Copy !req
927. - That's all I'm gonna say.
- Hold on, Jack.
Copy !req
928. - I've said enough.
- Hold on. What's the problem?
Copy !req
929. - What's the problem?
- What's the problem?
Copy !req
930. Do I have to spell it out for you,
Mr. Garrison?
Copy !req
931. Nobody knows what we're talking
about, here, Jack.
Copy !req
932. Oh, you are so naive.
Copy !req
933. When'd you first do business
with this Bertrand?
Copy !req
934. Pipe the bimbo in red.
Copy !req
935. Mm-hmm. Lordy.
Copy !req
936. Yeah, she's cute all right,
Copy !req
937. - but not half as cute as you, Deano.
Copy !req
938. Thank you.
Copy !req
939. You should try a legitimate line
of business.
Copy !req
940. Why are you dancing on my head for,
my man?
Copy !req
941. We been thicker than molasses pie
since law school.
Copy !req
942. ‘Cause you keep conning me, Dean,
I read your testimony
Copy !req
943. - to the Warren Commission--
- There you go again!
Copy !req
944. - Grain of salt!
- You tell them the day after
Copy !req
945. - Two sides to every coin!
- the assassination,
Copy !req
946. you're called on the phone by this
Clay Bertrand
Copy !req
947. and asked to fly to Dallas and be
Lee Oswald's lawyer.
Copy !req
948. Right.
Copy !req
949. That's pretty important,
Copy !req
950. You also told the FBI that,
when you met him,
Copy !req
951. he's six foot two,
Copy !req
952. then you tell the Commission
he's five foot eight.
Copy !req
953. Now how the hell does a man
shrink like that, Dean?
Copy !req
954. They put the heat on,
my man, just like you're doing.
Copy !req
955. I gave them anything that popped in
my cabeza.
Copy !req
956. Truth is,
I never met the dude.
Copy !req
957. Oh, wonderful.
One likes friends that have friends.
Copy !req
958. Indeed.
Copy !req
959. I don't know what the cat
looks like,
Copy !req
960. and, furthermore,
I don't know where he's at.
Copy !req
961. All I know is sometimes he sends me
some cases.
Copy !req
962. So one day he's on the phone,
Copy !req
963. talking to me about going to Dallas,
repping Oswald.
Copy !req
964. Did you ever speak to Oswald
in Dallas?
Copy !req
965. Hell, no.
Copy !req
966. Like I told that Bertrand cat
right off--
Copy !req
967. Cashew piece?
Copy !req
968. This ain't my scene, man.
Copy !req
969. I deal in muni court.
I'm a hack in nigger town.
Copy !req
970. Then how'd the hell did your name get in
the Warren Commission, Dean?
Copy !req
971. Like I told to the Washington boys,
Copy !req
972. Bertrand called that summer
Copy !req
973. and asked me to help the kid upgrade
his Marine discharge.
Copy !req
974. Well, I was led to believe that, uh,
Copy !req
975. Mr. Bertrand said that he would
take care of any--
Copy !req
976. Oh, that's fine.
Copy !req
977. Hello,
to whom am I speaking?
Copy !req
978. I'm Clay Bertrand.
Whatever they owe, I guarantee.
Copy !req
979. There wasn't no conspiracy, Jim.
Copy !req
980. If there were, why the hell didn't Bobby
Kennedy prosecute it as attorney general?
Copy !req
981. He was his brother,
for Christ's sake.
Copy !req
982. How the fuck all those people could keep
a secret like that, I don't know.
Copy !req
983. It was Oswald.
Copy !req
984. - He was a fruitcake, you know.
- I think we're having
Copy !req
985. - Hated this country.
- a communication problem, Dean.
Copy !req
986. I know you know who Clay
Bertrand is, all right?
Copy !req
987. Now stop eating that damn crabmeat
a minute and listen.
Copy !req
988. I'm aware of our friendship...
Copy !req
989. but I want you to know I'm gonna call you
in front of the grand jury.
Copy !req
990. And you lie to the grand jury as
you've been lying to me,
Copy !req
991. I'm gonna charge you
with perjury.
Copy !req
992. All right, I took nine judges on right
here in New Orleans, Deano.
Copy !req
993. I beat 'em all.
Copy !req
994. So am I communicating with you?
Copy !req
995. Is this off the record,
Copy !req
996. Good.
Copy !req
997. In that case,
let me sum it up for you real quick.
Copy !req
998. If I answer that question you
keep asking...
Copy !req
999. if I give you the name of the
big enchilada, you know...
Copy !req
1000. then it's "bon voyage, Deano."
Copy !req
1001. I mean like permanent.
Copy !req
1002. I mean like a bullet in my head,
you dig?
Copy !req
1003. You're a mouse fighting a gorilla.
Copy !req
1004. Kennedy is as dead as that crabmeat.
Copy !req
1005. The government's still breathing.
Copy !req
1006. - You wanna line up with a dead man?
- Read my lips, Deano.
Copy !req
1007. Either you dance into the grand jury with
the real identity of Clay Bertrand
Copy !req
1008. or your fat behind is going to
the slammer.
Copy !req
1009. Now, do you dig me?
Copy !req
1010. - You're as crazy as your mama.
Copy !req
1011. Goes to show it's in the genes.
Copy !req
1012. You have any idea what you're getting
yourself into, Daddy-O?
Copy !req
1013. The government's gonna jump all over
your head, Jimbo,
Copy !req
1014. and go "cock-a-doodle-doo."
Copy !req
1015. Good day to you, sir.
Copy !req
1016. District Attorney
Garrison to see Prisoner 5388,
Copy !req
1017. Ward Block 237B.
Copy !req
1018. We don't need no gates out there
with that swamp.
Copy !req
1019. Many of 'em gone in there,
ain't none of 'em come out.
Copy !req
1020. Hey, Willie!
Copy !req
1021. O'Keefe!
Copy !req
1022. You got visitors here.
Copy !req
1023. You don't give ‘em no trouble now,
you hear me boy?
Copy !req
1024. - How you doing, Mr. Broussard?
- Hey, let's go, Willie.
Copy !req
1025. I want to thank you,
Mr. O'Keefe, for this time.
Copy !req
1026. I ain't got nothin' but time,
Mr. Garrison.
Copy !req
1027. Minutes, hours, days, years of 'em.
Copy !req
1028. Time just stands still here,
Copy !req
1029. like a snake sunnin' itself on the road.
Copy !req
1030. - Clay Bertrand, Willie?
Copy !req
1031. Yeah, Clay.
Copy !req
1032. I met him sometime in June of '62 at the
Masquerade Bar.
Copy !req
1033. Dave Ferrie took me there,
for the express reason to meet him.
Copy !req
1034. For sexual purposes?
Copy !req
1035. Well, yeah.
Copy !req
1036. Did he pay you for this?
Copy !req
1037. Twenty dollars each time.
Hell, ain't no secret.
Copy !req
1038. That's why I'm in here for.
Copy !req
1039. Anything else unusual about him
you'd be able
Copy !req
1040. - to describe in a court of law?
Copy !req
1041. I remember he had some kinda
thing wrong with his leg.
Copy !req
1042. He'd limp.
You know, don't get me wrong,
Copy !req
1043. he's not one of those "limp wrists."
Copy !req
1044. He's a butch John, I mean, you'd meet him
on the street, you'd never snap.
Copy !req
1045. - You could play poker with him,
Copy !req
1046. go fishing with the man,
Copy !req
1047. you'd never snap in a million years.
Copy !req
1048. One night we was over at Dave Ferrie's
place having a party.
Copy !req
1049. It was sometime late in the
summer of '63.
Copy !req
1050. There was about nine or 10
people there. Cubans.
Copy !req
1051. You know, friends of Dave, been doing
some stuff in the bush with him.
Copy !req
1052. Place was a mess, man.
Dave's mind was a mess.
Copy !req
1053. Has all these mice cages all over ‘cause
he's working on this cure for cancer.
Copy !req
1054. - Viva Cuba libre!
Copy !req
1055. Dave's smart, though,
he's sharp.
Copy !req
1056. Speaks five languages.
Copy !req
1057. He knows philosophy, medicine,
military history, politics.
Copy !req
1058. Said he wanted to be a priest but...
Copy !req
1059. they defrocked him ‘cause
he was queer.
Copy !req
1060. And that's where you met Oswald for
the first time?
Copy !req
1061. - Yeah, strange guy.
Copy !req
1062. Dave introduced him as...
Copy !req
1063. Willie, why don't you say hello to
Leon Oswald.
Copy !req
1064. Hey, how you doing, man?
Copy !req
1065. What the fuck is he doing here?
Copy !req
1066. Fuck you, motherfucker!
Copy !req
1067. Okay, okay, come on, come on,
come on.
Copy !req
1068. - Leon's in a bad mood.
Copy !req
1069. Don't get excited,
he's all right.
Copy !req
1070. Would you say that this "Leon" was
actually Lee Harvey Oswald?
Copy !req
1071. Fuck yeah!
Copy !req
1072. Hey, man,
I got no reason to lie to you.
Copy !req
1073. I'm already in jail.
Copy !req
1074. Go on, Willie.
Copy !req
1075. Finally,
they got outta there,
Copy !req
1076. and I found myself alone
with Dave
Copy !req
1077. and this Leon,
Copy !req
1078. two of the Cubans,
Copy !req
1079. and this guy Bertrand.
Copy !req
1080. Kennedy.
Copy !req
1081. - Kennedy.
- Dave pulled out these clippings
Copy !req
1082. - Kennedy, fuckin' Kennedy!
- he'd been carrying around, you know...
Copy !req
1083. - He fucked us
- He'd been obsessed with Castro
Copy !req
1084. - in '61 and '62
- and Kennedy for months.
Copy !req
1085. - and he's fuckin' us now!
- He started in again.
Copy !req
1086. Fuckin' little asswipe
closed down the camps,
Copy !req
1087. took all our C-4,
Copy !req
1088. took 10,000 fuckin' rounds,
3,000 pounds of gunpowder,
Copy !req
1089. all our fuckin' weapons!
Copy !req
1090. I tell ya...
Copy !req
1091. Shit, you wanna free Cuba?
Copy !req
1092. You got to whack out the
fuckin' Beard.
Copy !req
1093. Yeah, well,
that faggot Kennedy won't let us.
Copy !req
1094. Our hands are empty,
how can we kill him?
Copy !req
1095. It's a real problem getting at him,
Castro has informers on every block.
Copy !req
1096. Bullshit.
They got all kinds of new stuff.
Copy !req
1097. I can show you dozens of fuckin' poisons.
Just stick it in his food.
Copy !req
1098. He'd die in three days.
Copy !req
1099. No trace!
Copy !req
1100. We can put something in his beard,
make his beard fall out.
Copy !req
1101. He'll look fuckin' ridiculous without
his beard.
Copy !req
1102. The real problem is...
is that fucking Kennedy.
Copy !req
1103. He's doing all kinds of deals...
Copy !req
1104. ...Khrushchev. Licking his ass.
Copy !req
1105. An inspired act of God should
happen here, okay?
Copy !req
1106. And put a Texan in the
White House!
Copy !req
1107. Then the Cubans left.
Copy !req
1108. Dave was drunk now,
really drunk.
Copy !req
1109. - He started in on Kennedy again.
Copy !req
1110. ‘Cause I will kill.
Copy !req
1111. Right in the White House,
I'll stab him right in his fuckin' heart!
Copy !req
1112. - Somebody got to get rid of this fucker.
Copy !req
1113. Come on, Dave.
Copy !req
1114. You ain't never gonna get that
son of a bitch.
Copy !req
1115. No? It won't be long,
mark my words.
Copy !req
1116. - That fucker'll get what's coming to him.
Copy !req
1117. It can be blamed on Castro.
Copy !req
1118. The whole country'll want to
invade Cuba.
Copy !req
1119. All we got to do is get Kennedy in
the open.
Copy !req
1120. David, David, always some harebrained
scheme or another.
Copy !req
1121. Oh!
Copy !req
1122. What have we here?
Let's have some more champagne.
Copy !req
1123. - Shall we?
Copy !req
1124. What about the Secret Service,
the cops?
Copy !req
1125. If it's planned right,
it's no problem.
Copy !req
1126. - Look how close they got with de Gaulle.
Copy !req
1127. Eisenhower was always
riding around in an open top.
Copy !req
1128. We need three mechanics in three
different locations.
Copy !req
1129. An office building with a
high-powered rifle.
Copy !req
1130. Triangulation of crossfire,
that's the key.
Copy !req
1131. - That's the key.
Copy !req
1132. The diversionary shot gets the Secret
Service looking the other way.
Copy !req
1133. Boom! You get the kill shot.
Copy !req
1134. The crucial thing is one man has to
be sacrificed.
Copy !req
1135. Then, in the commotion of the crowd,
the job gets done.
Copy !req
1136. The others fly out of the country to
someplace with no extradition.
Copy !req
1137. Why don't we drop this subject...
Copy !req
1138. it's one thing to engage in badinage
with all these youngsters,
Copy !req
1139. but this sort of thing could be so
easily misunderstood.
Copy !req
1140. Ouch! Ow! Ouch!
Copy !req
1141. I didn't think much about it at the time.
Copy !req
1142. It's just bullshit, you know.
Copy !req
1143. Everybody likes to make themselves out to
be something more than they are.
Copy !req
1144. Especially in the homosexual
Copy !req
1145. But when they got him, man...
Copy !req
1146. I got scared...
Copy !req
1147. Real scared.
Copy !req
1148. And that's when I got popped.
Copy !req
1149. You realize the things you're
saying, Willie,
Copy !req
1150. are gonna be attacked by a lot of
different people.
Copy !req
1151. Oh, bring all those
motherfuckers on, man!
Copy !req
1152. Bring their college degrees in here,
I got nothin' to hide.
Copy !req
1153. You can't buy me.
Copy !req
1154. - They can't buy me.
- I don't wanna buy you.
Copy !req
1155. - I don't even need this damn parole.
- Nobody--
Copy !req
1156. - What are you talking about, parole?
- See, this is about the truth coming out.
Copy !req
1157. You a goddamn liberal, Mr. Garrison.
You don't know shit...
Copy !req
1158. ‘cause you never been fucked
in the ass!
Copy !req
1159. This ain't about justice.
You think this is about justice?
Copy !req
1160. No, this is about order.
Copy !req
1161. Who rules.
Copy !req
1162. ‘Cause, see,
fascism is coming back.
Copy !req
1163. Nobody wants to buy you,
no one's promising you a parole, here.
Copy !req
1164. I want to be perfectly clear
about that.
Copy !req
1165. What I need to know is why.
Copy !req
1166. All right?
Copy !req
1167. Why are you telling us this?
Copy !req
1168. ‘Cause that motherfucker Kennedy...
Copy !req
1169. stole that motherfucking election,
that's why.
Copy !req
1170. Nixon...
Copy !req
1171. was gonna be one of the great presidents
till Kennedy wrecked this country.
Copy !req
1172. Got niggers all over the place asking for
their damn rights.
Copy !req
1173. Why you think we got all this
crime now?
Copy !req
1174. He promised those motherfuckers too
goddamn much, you ask me.
Copy !req
1175. Revolution's coming,
bullshit, man.
Copy !req
1176. Fascism is coming back.
Copy !req
1177. I'm gonna tell you this.
Copy !req
1178. The day that communist son of a bitch died
was a great day--
Copy !req
1179. a great day for this country.
Copy !req
1180. And I just hate to think that they blame
it on some silly fuckin' Oswald.
Copy !req
1181. Didn't know shit anyway, man.
People got to know.
Copy !req
1182. People got to know why
he was killed.
Copy !req
1183. Because he was...
Copy !req
1184. a communist.
Copy !req
1185. Go ahead, man.
Copy !req
1186. You go ahead,
you put me on the stand,
Copy !req
1187. I'll tell the same goddamn story!
Copy !req
1188. Don't matter fuck all to me!
Copy !req
1189. All right, Willie.
Copy !req
1190. Thank you.
Copy !req
1191. We'll be in touch.
Copy !req
1192. All right.
Copy !req
1193. Hey, you know, you're not a
bad-looking man, Mr. Garrison.
Copy !req
1194. Not bad-looking at all.
Copy !req
1195. I get outta here,
I'm gonna come see you.
Copy !req
1196. We could have some fun!
Copy !req
1197. None of their testimony's gonna
hold up in court, chief.
Copy !req
1198. Hell, all three of 'em have reputations
lower than crocodile piss.
Copy !req
1199. Does that bother you, Bill?
Copy !req
1200. I always wondered in court why it is
because a woman's a prostitute,
Copy !req
1201. she has to have bad eyesight.
Copy !req
1202. Now go find this Clay Bertrand.
Copy !req
1203. Start by checking around
the Quarter.
Copy !req
1204. And the six of us, with almost
no budget and in secret,
Copy !req
1205. are gonna solve a case that the Warren
Commission couldn't solve?
Copy !req
1206. I didn't pick you because of your
legal skill, you know.
Copy !req
1207. Gee, thanks, boss.
Copy !req
1208. But because you're a fighter.
Copy !req
1209. I like a man who's not afraid
of bad odds.
Copy !req
1210. Mr. Garrison, how are you?
Copy !req
1211. Remember me?
Copy !req
1212. I surely do.
Did you vote for me?
Copy !req
1213. I certainly did, sir.
Copy !req
1214. We sang together at the Royal Orleans,
Copy !req
1215. Yeah, we sang...
Copy !req
1216. "You're the Cream in My Coffee."
Copy !req
1217. Mr. Garrison, we haven't seen
enough of you lately.
Copy !req
1218. Been too busy, Paul.
Copy !req
1219. Elected men, they can't have as much fun
as they used to.
Copy !req
1220. It's always nice to see you.
Copy !req
1221. Pleasure to serve you,
Copy !req
1222. - Hey, Jim.
- How are you?
Copy !req
1223. - Good seeing you again.
- Nice to see you.
Copy !req
1224. - Hey, Jim.
- Al.
Copy !req
1225. - Jim.
- Welcome back, Lou.
Copy !req
1226. - Paul.
- Yes?
Copy !req
1227. You think I could get a martini?
Copy !req
1228. Been waiting for you, sir.
Copy !req
1229. Perfect.
Copy !req
1230. - Keep that table open for us, will ya?
- Yes, sir.
Copy !req
1231. Find out anything on those hoboes?
Copy !req
1232. - Photographer from...
Copy !req
1233. The Dallas Times Herald got some
great shots of ‘em.
Copy !req
1234. Never published.
Copy !req
1235. Can't say that comes as a surprise
Copy !req
1236. They took ‘em to the sheriff's office
and they let ‘em go.
Copy !req
1237. No record of 'em ever being
Copy !req
1238. Take a good look, chief.
Copy !req
1239. Any of 'em look like the hoboes
you remember?
Copy !req
1240. These two look pretty young.
Copy !req
1241. Not a single frayed collar or cuff,
Copy !req
1242. new haircuts, fresh shaves,
clean hands,
Copy !req
1243. new shoe leather.
Copy !req
1244. Well who the hell are they, then?
Copy !req
1245. - Hi, Susie.
- Hello.
Copy !req
1246. - I'm sorry I'm late.
- Come on, sit down.
Copy !req
1247. This could be it. This could be it.
Let's start looking for ‘em.
Copy !req
1248. - What about that railroad man,
Copy !req
1249. - Lee Bowers?
Copy !req
1250. Saw those men at the picket fence.
Copy !req
1251. Graveyard. Dead. August this year.
Copy !req
1252. - Single car accident...
Copy !req
1253. on an empty road in Midlothian,
Copy !req
1254. The doctor said he was in some kind of
strange shock when he died.
Copy !req
1255. We need to find more witnesses,
Copy !req
1256. Well, there was Rose Cheramie,
a whore.
Copy !req
1257. She said she was a dope runner for
Jack Ruby.
Copy !req
1258. And...
Copy !req
1259. she said that Ruby knew Oswald
for years.
Copy !req
1260. Can we talk to her?
Copy !req
1261. She's dead, too.
Copy !req
1262. - Hit and run.
- Oh, mama.
Copy !req
1263. Why don't we go right to the
horse's mouth, chief?
Copy !req
1264. Jack Ruby's been rotting away in a Dallas
jail cell for three years.
Copy !req
1265. Maybe he's ready to crack.
Copy !req
1266. Can't do it, Bill.
Copy !req
1267. If we go to him, our investigation'll hit
the front pages by sunrise, all right?
Copy !req
1268. It'll blow up right in our face.
Copy !req
1269. Susie, what did you find out
on Oswald?
Copy !req
1270. Uh, negative on his tax records.
Copy !req
1271. Classified.
Copy !req
1272. First time I know a DA can't
get a tax record.
Copy !req
1273. So I put together a list of all the
CIA files on Oswald
Copy !req
1274. that were part of the Warren Report
and asked for them.
Copy !req
1275. - There are about 1,200 documents.
- Ooh.
Copy !req
1276. And can't get one of them.
Copy !req
1277. All classified as secret on the grounds
of national security.
Copy !req
1278. They gave me his grammar school
Copy !req
1279. - It's a study of his pubic hairs!
Copy !req
1280. Lonely kid, no father.
Copy !req
1281. Joins the Marines at 17.
Copy !req
1282. He learns Russian,
Copy !req
1283. he acts overtly Marxist,
Copy !req
1284. but he's stationed at a top-secret
air base in Japan,
Copy !req
1285. where U2 spy flights over Russia
Copy !req
1286. He's discharged from the Marines,
supposedly because his mother's sick.
Copy !req
1287. Stays home three days,
Copy !req
1288. then with a 1,500-dollar ticket
Copy !req
1289. from a 203-dollar bank account,
he goes to Moscow.
Copy !req
1290. Mr. Oswald, do you understand
Copy !req
1291. the severity of the action that you're
about to take?
Copy !req
1292. Yes, I do, sir, and I am also very
Copy !req
1293. I wish to renounce my citizenship,
Copy !req
1294. and become a Soviet citizen.
Copy !req
1295. I'm going to make known to them
Copy !req
1296. all information I have concerning the
Marine Corps.
Copy !req
1297. And he disappears for six weeks,
presumably with the KGB.
Copy !req
1298. Finally they shuttle him to a radio
factory in Minsk,
Copy !req
1299. where he lives as high on the hog as
he ever has.
Copy !req
1300. He's given 5,000 rubles,
Copy !req
1301. a roomy apartment with a balcony,
Copy !req
1302. has affairs with local girls.
Copy !req
1303. - Makes sense, he's a spokesman.
Copy !req
1304. But-- but he never writes,
Copy !req
1305. or does any propaganda for
the Russians.
Copy !req
1306. He meets Marina...
Copy !req
1307. whose uncle is a colonel in
Soviet intelligence,
Copy !req
1308. at a trade union dance.
Copy !req
1309. She thinks he's Russian by the way
he speaks.
Copy !req
1310. Six weeks later they marry...
Copy !req
1311. have a daughter.
Copy !req
1312. The only explanation for the
royal treatment
Copy !req
1313. can be that he did give them
radar secrets,
Copy !req
1314. or fake secrets.
Copy !req
1315. Six months after he arrives
in Russia,
Copy !req
1316. Francis Gary Powers' U2
spy flight
Copy !req
1317. goes down in Russia.
Copy !req
1318. That plane was untouchable.
Copy !req
1319. Powers hinted that Oswald could
have given the Russians
Copy !req
1320. enough data to hit it.
Copy !req
1321. And as a direct result...
Copy !req
1322. the peace summit between Khrushchev
and Eisenhower failed.
Copy !req
1323. I can't help thinking...
Copy !req
1324. maybe someone in our military didn't want
the peace conference to happen.
Copy !req
1325. - Susie, come on.
- Maybe Oswald was a part of that!
Copy !req
1326. - Susie, you are an assistant DA, remember?
- It gets weirder.
Copy !req
1327. Just stick to what you can prove
in court.
Copy !req
1328. - Facts? You want facts?
- Please.
Copy !req
1329. - Susie, don't get sidetracked.
- From 1945 to '59--
Copy !req
1330. How does he get back to the States?
That's the point, all right?
Copy !req
1331. - Does he have any problems with Uncle Sam?
- No! None.
Copy !req
1332. The State Department issues him a new
passport within 48 hours,
Copy !req
1333. and loans him the money to travel.
Copy !req
1334. He's never investigated or
charged by the Navy
Copy !req
1335. - for revealing classified information.
Copy !req
1336. Or, as far as we know,
Copy !req
1337. debriefed by the CIA!
Copy !req
1338. Son of a bitch should've been
prosecuted as a traitor
Copy !req
1339. the minute he stepped off
the boat.
Copy !req
1340. What about Marina,
she have any problems getting out?
Copy !req
1341. No! None either.
Copy !req
1342. No, it's bizarre.
Copy !req
1343. It's next to impossible to get
Russian sweethearts out.
Copy !req
1344. This is a man who has defected
once already.
Copy !req
1345. It's crazy.
Copy !req
1346. Ordinary people...
Copy !req
1347. they get blacklisted for having
leftist affiliations.
Copy !req
1348. - It doesn't add up, does it?
Copy !req
1349. Next thing we know, he's living in
Dallas-Fort Worth October '62...
Copy !req
1350. working six months
Copy !req
1351. - at Jaggars-Chiles-Stovall.
Copy !req
1352. This is a photographic firm that contracts
to make maps for the US Army.
Copy !req
1353. Oswald becomes chummy with the White
Russian community of Dallas,
Copy !req
1354. - all rabid anti-communists.
Copy !req
1355. It's odd.
Copy !req
1356. - His closest friend is an oilman...
Copy !req
1357. named George de Mohrenschildt,
Copy !req
1358. who's about 35 years older
than Oswald,
Copy !req
1359. who is only 23 and supposedly
Copy !req
1360. De Mohrenschildt is a member of the
Dallas Petroleum Club,
Copy !req
1361. speaks five languages,
Copy !req
1362. and was in French Vichy Intelligence
during the war.
Copy !req
1363. - Also rumored to have been
Copy !req
1364. a Nazi sympathizer.
Copy !req
1365. I think you really talk like a redneck...
Copy !req
1366. De Mohrenschildt draws a picture of Oswald
as an intellectual, well-read,
Copy !req
1367. speaks excellent Russian,
Copy !req
1368. a man who adored JFK.
Copy !req
1369. Oh.
Copy !req
1370. I think he's made some mistakes
regarding Cuba.
Copy !req
1371. I think he's doing a pretty good job.
Copy !req
1372. If he succeeds, in my opinion,
I think he'll make a great president.
Copy !req
1373. - A really handsome one, too.
- Yes.
Copy !req
1374. That's scenery, Susie,
now don't get sidetracked.
Copy !req
1375. This is the same man that, bottom line,
nailed Oswald to the Warren Commission
Copy !req
1376. as a potentially violent man,
and linked him to the rifle.
Copy !req
1377. Well, in that sense,
Castro is an experimenter.
Copy !req
1378. What you got there?
Copy !req
1379. You have a rifle in there?
Copy !req
1380. Lee...
Copy !req
1381. Tell me.
Copy !req
1382. What are you shooting at?
Copy !req
1383. Rabbits or fascists?
Copy !req
1384. I uh....
Copy !req
1385. - I hunt.
- You hunt?
Copy !req
1386. Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
1387. Hillbillies.
Copy !req
1388. We don't know he's CIA,
let's circle him very probable.
Copy !req
1389. - All right.
- Call him Oswald's handler.
Copy !req
1390. The Oswalds are introduced by
George de Mohrenschildt
Copy !req
1391. - to Janet and Bill Williams.
Copy !req
1392. I'm an engineer for
Bell Helicopter.
Copy !req
1393. It's through Janet Williams
Copy !req
1394. - in October '63
Copy !req
1395. that Lee gets the job at
the warehouse
Copy !req
1396. right smack on Elm Street at the
book depository.
Copy !req
1397. Presumably so he can now exercise
his intellect
Copy !req
1398. stacking school texts at
a dollar 25 an hour.
Copy !req
1399. Marina fights often with Lee
about many things.
Copy !req
1400. His secrecy,
their lack of money...
Copy !req
1401. She says that Lee is not sexually
Copy !req
1402. - Lee, you'll hurt her! You'll hurt her!
Copy !req
1403. - Lee hits her on several occasions.
Copy !req
1404. Now, at the age of 24,
he rents a small room in Dallas
Copy !req
1405. under the alias of O. H. Lee.
Copy !req
1406. Do you want to look at television?
Copy !req
1407. - Are you all right, Mr. Lee?
Copy !req
1408. No, thank you. I'm fine.
Copy !req
1409. All I can find out about the Williams is
that their tax returns are classified,
Copy !req
1410. and that Bill Williams has links
through his family
Copy !req
1411. - to the CIA,
Copy !req
1412. and does classified work for
Bell Helicopter.
Copy !req
1413. - Bill's convenient separation from Janet
Copy !req
1414. allows Marina to move into
her house,
Copy !req
1415. where she suddenly becomes
Marina's best friend.
Copy !req
1416. - And, there,
Copy !req
1417. - Marina and Lee have a second daughter.
- I have to go away...
Copy !req
1418. - I have to go away...
Copy !req
1419. - Just for a short while.
Copy !req
1420. - What is the matter with this family?
Copy !req
1421. - / love Lee...
Copy !req
1422. And I... sorry him.
Copy !req
1423. You're sorry for him?
Copy !req
1424. Yes.
Copy !req
1425. When he's arrested,
Copy !req
1426. Marina buries him with the public.
Copy !req
1427. Her description of him is that of a
psychotic and violent man.
Copy !req
1428. I have too much facts...
Copy !req
1429. and facts tell me...
Copy !req
1430. that Lee shot Kennedy.
Copy !req
1431. After, they kept her locked away
for two months,
Copy !req
1432. surrounded by federal people,
Copy !req
1433. in fearing she'd be deported back
to Russia.
Copy !req
1434. All right, the poor woman was probably
suffering from nervous exhaustion.
Copy !req
1435. - They taught her how to answer.
Copy !req
1436. And when they think she's ready,
they buy her new dresses,
Copy !req
1437. polish her appearance,
and wheel her out on cue.
Copy !req
1438. I would like to thank the Warren
Copy !req
1439. Now, Oswald was no angel,
that's clear.
Copy !req
1440. But who was he?
Copy !req
1441. I'm lost, boss.
Copy !req
1442. - What are we saying here?
Copy !req
1443. We're saying that when Oswald
went to Russia,
Copy !req
1444. he was not a real defector,
Copy !req
1445. that he was an intelligence agent on
some kind of mission
Copy !req
1446. for our government and remained one
till the day he died.
Copy !req
1447. That's what we're saying.
Copy !req
1448. Therefore, because
Oswald pulled the trigger,
Copy !req
1449. the intelligence community murdered
their own commander in chief?
Copy !req
1450. Is that what you're saying?
Copy !req
1451. I'll go you one better, Bill.
Copy !req
1452. Maybe Oswald didn't even pull
the trigger.
Copy !req
1453. Nitrate tests indicate he hadn't even
fired a rifle on November 22nd.
Copy !req
1454. And on top of that,
they didn't even bother to see
Copy !req
1455. if the rifle had been fired
that day.
Copy !req
1456. He had his palm print on the weapon.
Copy !req
1457. Well, it went to the FBI, Bill.
Copy !req
1458. FBI didn't find a goddamn thing.
Copy !req
1459. It comes back a week later and one guy in
the Dallas police department
Copy !req
1460. - suddenly finds a palm print.
Copy !req
1461. For all we know, it could've been
taken off Oswald in the morgue.
Copy !req
1462. There's no chain of evidence.
Copy !req
1463. I never could figure out why this guy
orders a traceable weapon...
Copy !req
1464. to this post office box,
Copy !req
1465. when he can go into any store
in Texas,
Copy !req
1466. give a phony name, and walk out with a
rifle which can never be traced.
Copy !req
1467. To frame him, obviously.
Copy !req
1468. There's a lot of smoke there,
but there's some fire.
Copy !req
1469. We're talking about our
government, here.
Copy !req
1470. No, we're talking about a crime, Bill.
Pure and simple.
Copy !req
1471. Y'all got to start thinking on a different
level, like the CIA does.
Copy !req
1472. Now we're through the looking glass,
here, people.
Copy !req
1473. White is black.
Copy !req
1474. And black is white.
Copy !req
1475. Just maybe, Oswald is exactly what
he said he was.
Copy !req
1476. A patsy.
Copy !req
1477. It's unbelievable.
You were here?
Copy !req
1478. Yes, sir.
Copy !req
1479. This is where I was sitting.
Copy !req
1480. Shots came from near that wooden
fence over there,
Copy !req
1481. - near the overpass.
Copy !req
1482. And I saw a man run from the fence toward
those railroad cars.
Copy !req
1483. I made it very clear to the
Warren people
Copy !req
1484. that one of the shots came from behind
that picket fence.
Copy !req
1485. I heard the report,
saw the smoke come out
Copy !req
1486. - six or eight feet above the ground,
Copy !req
1487. - right out from under those trees.
Copy !req
1488. - We, uh, all four of us...
Copy !req
1489. - all railroad men...
Copy !req
1490. - seen about the same thing.
Copy !req
1491. The smoke came from behind
the hedge.
Copy !req
1492. I was standing next to my friend,
Mary Moorman,
Copy !req
1493. who took the photograph when he
was killed.
Copy !req
1494. - Um...
Copy !req
1495. I stepped down to the curb and yelled,
"Hey, Mr. President!"
Copy !req
1496. Look over here!
Copy !req
1497. And then shots rang out.
Copy !req
1498. Mary fell to the ground right away.
Copy !req
1499. She was yelling, "They're shooting,
they're shooting, get down!"
Copy !req
1500. I just stood there watching.
Copy !req
1501. The driver had stopped.
Copy !req
1502. I don't know what was wrong with
that driver.
Copy !req
1503. Then...
Copy !req
1504. out of the corner of my eye...
Copy !req
1505. I saw a flash of light in the bushes...
Copy !req
1506. and that last shot....
Copy !req
1507. just ripped his head off.
Copy !req
1508. I looked up and I saw smoke coming from
over there, on the knoll.
Copy !req
1509. We came around here to look for tracks.
Copy !req
1510. It rained that morning,
and we found a bunch.
Copy !req
1511. Cigarette butts...
Copy !req
1512. and someone had stood about here.
Copy !req
1513. That's a good spot,
Copy !req
1514. For the head shot.
Copy !req
1515. Everything was just frozen.
Copy !req
1516. Seemed like people weren't even
Copy !req
1517. Like you were looking at a picture.
Copy !req
1518. Except for this one man.
Copy !req
1519. I saw this one man
Copy !req
1520. running from the corner of the book
depository over towards the parking lot.
Copy !req
1521. It was about 11:00 in the morning.
Copy !req
1522. And I was driving west on Elm Street
toward the Triple Underpass
Copy !req
1523. in a rented car.
Copy !req
1524. A light blue Valiant.
Copy !req
1525. I will never forget that day.
Copy !req
1526. There was quite a bit of traffic and I
stopped alongside this green pickup truck.
Copy !req
1527. And I remember it being
very noticeable
Copy !req
1528. because it had one of its wheels parked up
on the side of the curb.
Copy !req
1529. And then when I saw the gun,
I thought...
Copy !req
1530. Well...
Copy !req
1531. the Secret Service is not very secret.
Copy !req
1532. Then the next morning, on Saturday,
I went down to the FBI office
Copy !req
1533. and the agents showed me
some photographs
Copy !req
1534. and I picked out three pictures
that looked
Copy !req
1535. generally like the driver
of the truck.
Copy !req
1536. That's the man.
Copy !req
1537. You mean you identified Jack Ruby
on Saturday?
Copy !req
1538. That's right.
Copy !req
1539. The day before he shot Oswald?
Copy !req
1540. That's right.
When I saw him on TV...
Copy !req
1541. I was shocked.
Copy !req
1542. I turned to my family
and I said,
Copy !req
1543. "That's the man I saw in the truck."
Copy !req
1544. But you didn't seem nearly so sure in your
statement to the Warren Commission.
Copy !req
1545. What about these others?
Copy !req
1546. You said one of them
might be him.
Copy !req
1547. They look a little bit like him,
but I'm sure this is the man.
Copy !req
1548. Well, it was him I was chasing up
the grassy knoll.
Copy !req
1549. I thought maybe our guys had
shot back.
Copy !req
1550. - And maybe we got one of them.
Copy !req
1551. When I got up to the parking lot,
Copy !req
1552. all I saw were railroad workers and
Dallas' finest.
Copy !req
1553. Secret Service, ma'am.
You're coming with us.
Copy !req
1554. I am not! I don't know you.
We got to find this shooter!
Copy !req
1555. I said, you're coming with us, and I want
those pictures in your pocket.
Copy !req
1556. - I don't have any, son of a bitch!
Copy !req
1557. - He put a hurt on me but good.
- Just smile and keep walking.
Copy !req
1558. But they musta been watching the whole
thing ‘cause they knew everything
Copy !req
1559. Mary and I had done all day.
Copy !req
1560. ‘Couse I guess I wasn't too hard to find,
wearing that red raincoat.
Copy !req
1561. How many shots did you say
you heard?
Copy !req
1562. Four to six.
Copy !req
1563. That's impossible!
Copy !req
1564. You heard echoes.
Copy !req
1565. Echoes!
Copy !req
1566. We have three bullets and three shots
that came from the book depository.
Copy !req
1567. That's all we're willing to say.
Copy !req
1568. No, sir.
Copy !req
1569. I saw a man shooting from over there
behind that fence.
Copy !req
1570. Now what are you going to do
about that?
Copy !req
1571. You got to go out there and get him!
Copy !req
1572. We have that taken care of.
Copy !req
1573. You only heard three shots, and you're
not to talk about this with anybody.
Copy !req
1574. No one. Do you understand me?
Copy !req
1575. Which is strange,
Copy !req
1576. ‘cause it's less than 20 minutes after
the assassination.
Copy !req
1577. Get her out of here.
Copy !req
1578. I knew something was
crooked as a dog's hind leg.
Copy !req
1579. Sure enough...
Copy !req
1580. When I read my testimony as published
by the Warren Commission,
Copy !req
1581. it was a fabrication from start
to finish.
Copy !req
1582. Well, that's what bothers me,
Mr. Garrison, is they've been altered.
Copy !req
1583. My statements.
Copy !req
1584. See, this one here says...
Copy !req
1585. "Mercer could not identify any of the
Copy !req
1586. "as being identical with the person that
she had observed
Copy !req
1587. slouched over the wheel of the green
Ford pickup truck.”
Copy !req
1588. Well, that is not true.
Copy !req
1589. I never said any such thing,
I recognized him and I told them so.
Copy !req
1590. Let's take your time,
be sure.
Copy !req
1591. I'm sure.
Copy !req
1592. And then here on the Dallas
sheriff's report,
Copy !req
1593. this is really strange.
Copy !req
1594. You see that notarized signature right
there at the bottom of each page?
Copy !req
1595. That is not my signature.
Copy !req
1596. And there never was any notary present
during any of my questioning.
Copy !req
1597. Mrs. Mercer,
as a former FBI man, it's...
Copy !req
1598. It's difficult to accept this.
Copy !req
1599. Beverly, tell Mr. Garrison about
the Carousel Club.
Copy !req
1600. Okay.
Copy !req
1601. Well, I used to go over there
a lot to see Jack,
Copy !req
1602. and especially my friend Jada,
who danced there.
Copy !req
1603. It was the real swinging spot in town.
Everybody came.
Copy !req
1604. Businessmen, politicians from Austin,
LBJ's friends.
Copy !req
1605. Dallas was a slowpokin' town
back then!
Copy !req
1606. I mean you chewed toothpicks,
Copy !req
1607. - played dominoes, spit, dated policemen,
Copy !req
1608. - but Jack, that was exciting.
Copy !req
1609. - There were always cops there.
Copy !req
1610. - Jack liked them around...
Copy !req
1611. even though he used to throw out
the drunks himself.
Copy !req
1612. He was kind of a
violent-tempered man, actually.
Copy !req
1613. Hey, how are ya!
Copy !req
1614. You know, everybody in those
days knew Jack was in the mob.
Copy !req
1615. Hey, sweetheart!
Copy !req
1616. Cops back then...
Copy !req
1617. - they were bad.
- Hey, Tippit.
Copy !req
1618. They'd shake you down for the money
in your pocket.
Copy !req
1619. You know,
there was this one case...
Copy !req
1620. - Yeah, um, Beverly, what about Lee?
Copy !req
1621. - Beverly, come over here!
- Well...
Copy !req
1622. One time I came in, and Jack introduced me
to these two guys.
Copy !req
1623. - Hi!
- Hi, baby.
Copy !req
1624. He says, "Beverly, I'd like you
to meet my friend, Lee."
Copy !req
1625. I want you to meet my friend,
Lee Oswald.
Copy !req
1626. I don't remember the
other guy's name,
Copy !req
1627. but he was a weird-looking guy.
Copy !req
1628. He had these eyebrows.
Copy !req
1629. He kinda looked like a buzzard!
Copy !req
1630. Well...
Copy !req
1631. Lee didn't make much of an impression.
He was...um...
Copy !req
1632. - Well, he really wasn't very good-looking,
Copy !req
1633. and he didn't look like he had
any money.
Copy !req
1634. And he was in a bad mood, so I didn't
pay him much mind.
Copy !req
1635. You know, I may not remember a name,
but I always remember a face.
Copy !req
1636. Then a couple weeks later when I saw him
on the television...
Copy !req
1637. I screamed,
"My God! That's him!"
Copy !req
1638. "That's Jack's friend!"
Copy !req
1639. Will you testify,
Copy !req
1640. I don't think so.
Copy !req
1641. Now I thought when we came here,
we had an agreement.
Copy !req
1642. I don't want to become another
statistic, like her.
Copy !req
1643. We could call you in, Beverly,
we could call you in.
Copy !req
1644. If they can kill the President of the
United States...
Copy !req
1645. do you think they're gonna think twice
about a two-bit showgirl like me?
Copy !req
1646. I understand the pressure you're under,
Copy !req
1647. Don't think for a minute I don't.
Copy !req
1648. We both do.
Copy !req
1649. Mr. Chief Justice...
Copy !req
1650. You understand that I cannot tell the
truth here, in Dallas?
Copy !req
1651. There are people here who do not want me
to tell the truth...
Copy !req
1652. who don't want me to have
a retrial?
Copy !req
1653. Mr. Ruby, I don't see why you don't
just tell us now.
Copy !req
1654. My life is in danger!
Copy !req
1655. If you request that I go back to
Washington with you,
Copy !req
1656. that is if you want to hear further
testimony from me,
Copy !req
1657. can you do that,
can you take me with you?
Copy !req
1658. No, that could not be done.
There would be no safe place for you.
Copy !req
1659. We're not law enforcement officers.
Copy !req
1660. Mr. Ruby, there's a great deal at stake
in this matter.
Copy !req
1661. See,
if I am eliminated...
Copy !req
1662. there won't be any way of knowing any bit
of the truth pertaining to my situation.
Copy !req
1663. And, consequently, a whole new form
of government
Copy !req
1664. is going to take over this country.
Copy !req
1665. Yeah!
Copy !req
1666. And I know that I won't live to see you
some other time.
Copy !req
1667. ‘Cause I want to tell the truth...
Copy !req
1668. and then...
I want to leave this world.
Copy !req
1669. The Zapruder film establishes
three shots in 5.6 seconds.
Copy !req
1670. Here.
Copy !req
1671. I'm Oswald.
Copy !req
1672. Time me.
Copy !req
1673. - Go.
Copy !req
1674. Time?
Copy !req
1675. Between six and seven seconds.
Copy !req
1676. And that's without really aiming.
Copy !req
1677. The key is the second and third shots came
almost right on top of each other.
Copy !req
1678. It takes a minimum...
Copy !req
1679. 2.3 seconds to recycle this thing.
Copy !req
1680. The other problem is there was
a tree there...
Copy !req
1681. blocking the first two shots
Copy !req
1682. at the time they occur in the
Zapruder film.
Copy !req
1683. Didn't J. Edgar Hoover say something
about that?
Copy !req
1684. The leaves had fallen off in
Copy !req
1685. It was a Texas Live Oak, chief.
Copy !req
1686. It sheds its leaves the first week
of March.
Copy !req
1687. You take this Carcano, the world's
worst shoulder weapon,
Copy !req
1688. and you try to hit a moving target
at 88 yards,
Copy !req
1689. through heavy foliage. No way.
Copy !req
1690. Here.
Copy !req
1691. FBI tried two sets of tests.
Copy !req
1692. Not one of their sharpshooters could
match Oswald's performance.
Copy !req
1693. Not one.
Copy !req
1694. And Oswald was, at best,
a medium shot.
Copy !req
1695. The scope was defective on it, too.
Copy !req
1696. I mean this is the whole essence of
the case to me.
Copy !req
1697. The guy couldn't do the shooting.
Copy !req
1698. - Nobody could.
Copy !req
1699. And they sold this lemon to the
American public.
Copy !req
1700. The Zapruder film was the proof they
didn't count on, Lou.
Copy !req
1701. We got to get our hands on it.
Copy !req
1702. That means we have to subpoena
Copy !req
1703. Let me ask you something,
Copy !req
1704. Why not just shoot Kennedy coming up
Copy !req
1705. There's plenty of time.
Copy !req
1706. He's out in the open.
Copy !req
1707. I know, I keep asking myself the
same thing.
Copy !req
1708. It's a frontal shot.
Copy !req
1709. Even if you miss him for
the first shot,
Copy !req
1710. if he accelerates, you still got him
for the second shot.
Copy !req
1711. Now, the only reason for waiting
to get him on Elm,
Copy !req
1712. is you got him in a triangulated
crossfire, all right?
Copy !req
1713. You put a team there,
down at the fence,
Copy !req
1714. for a frontal shot,
flat, low trajectory.
Copy !req
1715. Put a third team down here,
in this building, here, on a low floor,
Copy !req
1716. when Kennedy gets to the kill zone there,
it's a turkey shoot.
Copy !req
1717. How many men?
Copy !req
1718. Okay.
Copy !req
1719. One shooter,
Copy !req
1720. one spotter on a radio,
maybe three teams.
Copy !req
1721. I'd say these were professional riflemen,
too, chief, they're serious people.
Copy !req
1722. Hunters.
Copy !req
1723. Patient.
Copy !req
1724. Takes skill to kill with a rifle,
Copy !req
1725. You got to figure, that's why there's been
no execution of a chief executive
Copy !req
1726. with one in 200 years.
Copy !req
1727. - Three...
Copy !req
1728. two...
Copy !req
1729. - one...
Copy !req
1730. Main Street's over there,
Copy !req
1731. Original parade route on the way to
the Trade Mart.
Copy !req
1732. Its too far, right?
Copy !req
1733. Too far.
Copy !req
1734. Impossible shot,
so they change the parade route,
Copy !req
1735. bring him down here,
Copy !req
1736. moving at a normal
25 miles per hour.
Copy !req
1737. They knew the motorcade would have to slow
down to about 10 miles per hour
Copy !req
1738. - to make that turn there,
Copy !req
1739. and that's where you got him.
Copy !req
1740. Who do you think changed
the parade route, Lou?
Copy !req
1741. Beats me.
Copy !req
1742. Secret Service, city officials,
Dallas police.
Copy !req
1743. You know who the mayor was
at the time?
Copy !req
1744. Earle Cabell.
Copy !req
1745. Guess who his brother is.
Copy !req
1746. Who?
Copy !req
1747. - General Charles Cabell.
- Who?
Copy !req
1748. Deputy Director of the CIA.
Copy !req
1749. Kennedy fired him in '61 because of the
Bay of Pigs fiasco.
Copy !req
1750. Moved back to the Pentagon,
called Kennedy a traitor.
Copy !req
1751. When he came to New Orleans...
Copy !req
1752. to address the Foreign Policy Association,
you know who introduced him?
Copy !req
1753. Who?
Copy !req
1754. Our friend, Clay Shaw.
Copy !req
1755. And the Warren Commission call him?
Copy !req
1756. His boss was the one on the Warren
Copy !req
1757. who handled all the leads to the
intelligence community.
Copy !req
1758. Allen Dulles?
Copy !req
1759. Head of the CIA since '53.
Copy !req
1760. Kennedy fired them both.
Copy !req
1761. Cabell was his deputy for nine years.
Copy !req
1762. Talk about the fox investigating the
chicken coop.
Copy !req
1763. Now we'll have to subpoena
them both.
Copy !req
1764. Clay Bertrand?
Copy !req
1765. Sure, I know him.
Comes around the Quarter.
Copy !req
1766. Who is he, Joe?
I've been to all the bars,
Copy !req
1767. nobody wants to talk.
Copy !req
1768. Why should they talk to you?
Copy !req
1769. I told your uncle I never met a lawman
who wasn't a punk.
Copy !req
1770. He's a big-shot businessman.
Copy !req
1771. I seen him on the TV news a lot,
with all the other big shots.
Copy !req
1772. The guy's a fag,
you know.
Copy !req
1773. Goes by another name.
Copy !req
1774. What's the other name?
Copy !req
1775. Shaw. Clay Shaw.
Copy !req
1776. Clay Bertrand is Clay Shaw?
Copy !req
1777. The guy who used to run
the International Trade Mart?
Copy !req
1778. Yeah, what's the big mystery?
Everybody down here knows the guy.
Copy !req
1779. Then, why does he call himself
Copy !req
1780. Who gives a shit what
he calls himself.
Copy !req
1781. Hey, what about that
grand jury thing?
Copy !req
1782. You think you're gonna give us
a little help on that?
Copy !req
1783. I hope so. We could use it.
Copy !req
1784. Your hunch was right, boss.
Copy !req
1785. But it's even spookier than
we thought.
Copy !req
1786. Starting in September '63 on,
Copy !req
1787. - two months before the assassination,
Copy !req
1788. there are sightings of Oswald
all over Dallas,
Copy !req
1789. buying ammunition...
Copy !req
1790. Jasper, cut it out!
Copy !req
1791. ...getting a telescopic sight fixed,
going to rifle ranges.
Copy !req
1792. Early November,
Copy !req
1793. at a Dallas downtown
Lincoln-Mercury dealership,
Copy !req
1794. where he tells the salesman,
Albert Bogard,
Copy !req
1795. Let's take it out for a test drive.
Copy !req
1796. ...despite the fact he has no license,
Copy !req
1797. and, from what Marina says,
doesn't know how to drive,
Copy !req
1798. he hits the curves like
A. J. Foyt at the Indy 500.
Copy !req
1799. Bogard later told his boss he drove
like a madman.
Copy !req
1800. Hey, 300 bucks down now, Mr. Oswald,
you can drive outta here.
Copy !req
1801. What?
Copy !req
1802. For this heap?
Copy !req
1803. No honest, working man can afford to buy
a car in this goddamn country anymore.
Copy !req
1804. Maybe I'll have to go to Russia
and buy a car.
Copy !req
1805. Really dumb dialogue, like he's
trying to draw attention to himself.
Copy !req
1806. - Yeah, maybe you should.
- A real moron. He walks out.
Copy !req
1807. Salesman remembers him as
about 5'7"
Copy !req
1808. but we know from Oswald's draft card
that he was actually 5°11".
Copy !req
1809. Other witnesses see him on several
separate days
Copy !req
1810. - at different firing ranges.
Copy !req
1811. - And one time, November 9th,
Copy !req
1812. - he decides he needs to practice
Copy !req
1813. - on the target of the guy next to him.
Copy !req
1814. I didn't pay two bits for a target just
to have someone else shoot at it.
Copy !req
1815. - Hey, I'm sorry, buddy.
Copy !req
1816. I thought I was shooting at that
son-of-a-bitch Kennedy.
Copy !req
1817. About as subtle as a cockroach crawling
across a white rug.
Copy !req
1818. Then he shows up at
Silvia Odio's,
Copy !req
1819. a Cuban lady in Dallas working in the
anti-Castro underground.
Copy !req
1820. The two Cubans introduce him as
Leon Oswald.
Copy !req
1821. - Because he is a friend of ours!
- Something about the men bothers her.
Copy !req
1822. About 48 hours later,
one of the Cubans calls her back.
Copy !req
1823. What did you think of Leon Oswald
last night?
Copy !req
1824. I don't care,
I don't know Oswald.
Copy !req
1825. You know what he said to us?
Copy !req
1826. He said, "You Cubans don't have any guts,
‘cause Kennedy should have been killed
Copy !req
1827. after the Bay of Pigs,
and some Cubans should have done it."
Copy !req
1828. It's like he's giving her information
Copy !req
1829. - she doesn't even ask for.
- Why did you tell me this?
Copy !req
1830. She's scared,
doesn't see them again...
Copy !req
1831. till she sees Oswald's picture
in the paper.
Copy !req
1832. But the Warren Commission says that
Silvia has bad eyesight
Copy !req
1833. because they have Oswald in Mexico
at this time,
Copy !req
1834. trying to get back into Cuba.
Copy !req
1835. The CIA has a camera outside the
Cuban Embassy
Copy !req
1836. and they say that this...
Copy !req
1837. is Oswald in Mexico. Now...
Copy !req
1838. If this is Oswald,
it must be our third Oswald.
Copy !req
1839. It's interesting, the extent to
which the Warren Commission went
Copy !req
1840. to make him a communist.
Copy !req
1841. I'm beginning to think the whole point
of the Mexican episode
Copy !req
1842. was to lay the blame at Fidel
Castro's door.
Copy !req
1843. I mean, if Oswald,
or someone
Copy !req
1844. purporting to be Oswald,
had gotten into Cuba,
Copy !req
1845. come back,
then killed the president,
Copy !req
1846. the American public once again would've
supported a Cuban invasion.
Copy !req
1847. I even have doubts about this photo,
Copy !req
1848. - This pretty much convicted Oswald
Copy !req
1849. in the public's mind, but Oswald told
Captain Fritz during his interrogation
Copy !req
1850. - that the photo was fake.
- This is not me.
Copy !req
1851. That came from Janet
Williams' garage.
Copy !req
1852. Well, I never saw this picture!
Copy !req
1853. That is my face, but my face has been
Copy !req
1854. The rest of the picture is
not me at all,
Copy !req
1855. and I have done a lot of
photographic work,
Copy !req
1856. and that picture was made
by someone else!
Copy !req
1857. I took this picture to two experts.
Copy !req
1858. Look at the way the shadows
on the nose...
Copy !req
1859. fall in a straight line like
it's high noon,
Copy !req
1860. but the shadow down here on the
ground reads more like
Copy !req
1861. late afternoon or early morning.
Copy !req
1862. It's not the same time.
Copy !req
1863. Also, look at the crop marks
across the chin.
Copy !req
1864. It seems like this head is pasted onto
somebody else's body,
Copy !req
1865. implicating him with the rifle
and the gun.
Copy !req
1866. So who the hell are you,
Alex Hidell or Lee Oswald?
Copy !req
1867. Well, you're the policeman,
you work it out.
Copy !req
1868. Now it gets positively spooky.
Copy !req
1869. In January, 1961 in New Orleans at the
Bolton-Ford dealership,
Copy !req
1870. when the Oswald we know is
in Russia,
Copy !req
1871. there's a man using the name
"Oswald" to buy trucks
Copy !req
1872. for the Friends of Democratic Cuba.
Copy !req
1873. Salesman never sees him again,
Copy !req
1874. but guess who's on the articles of
Copy !req
1875. of the Friends for Democratic Cuba?
Copy !req
1876. Who?
Copy !req
1877. - Guy Banister.
Copy !req
1878. - Banister has someone
Copy !req
1879. using the name "Oswald"
to buy the trucks.
Copy !req
1880. Hoover, at the FBI, writes a memo
dated June of 1960,
Copy !req
1881. that someone could be using Oswald's
passport and identity.
Copy !req
1882. Goddamn, they put Oswald together
from day one!
Copy !req
1883. Like some dummy corporation
in the Bahamas,
Copy !req
1884. you just move him around
a board.
Copy !req
1885. Anybody want to quit?
Copy !req
1886. All right, dumb question.
Put your hands down.
Copy !req
1887. Hey, Bill.
Copy !req
1888. I found Clay Bertrand.
Copy !req
1889. Who?
Copy !req
1890. Grab your socks and hose
and pull.
Copy !req
1891. Clay Bertrand is Clay Shaw.
Copy !req
1892. - Damn.
- Shaw?
Copy !req
1893. Director of the Trade Mart?
Copy !req
1894. - Former director of the Trade Mart.
- Oh, my God.
Copy !req
1895. That's incredible.
Copy !req
1896. Can you get some sworn statements?
Copy !req
1897. Now, that's going to be tough.
Nobody is talking.
Copy !req
1898. I think we should have him in
for a little chat.
Copy !req
1899. Oh, honey, I hate for him to get
dragged into this.
Copy !req
1900. He's done so much for the city, with
all that restoration in the Quarter.
Copy !req
1901. Remember, we saw him at the Bali
Ha'i fundraiser?
Copy !req
1902. He seems like such a nice man.
Copy !req
1903. Honey,
it'll be off the record.
Copy !req
1904. I'll bring him in on a Sunday.
Copy !req
1905. Quiet, little chat
between gentlemen.
Copy !req
1906. In heavy fighting in Vietnam today,
Copy !req
1907. seven more American soldiers died,
Copy !req
1908. - and 23 were wounded.
Copy !req
1909. The body count for this week now stands
at 67 Americans
Copy !req
1910. and 626 enemy soldiers killed
in action.
Copy !req
1911. Liz?
Copy !req
1912. President Johnson, meanwhile,
said he regretted
Copy !req
1913. there is no end in sight to the war
in Vietnam.
Copy !req
1914. Five-hundred thousand American troops
Copy !req
1915. - Out here, honey!
- are now fighting...
Copy !req
1916. We face more cost...
Copy !req
1917. more loss... and more agony.
Copy !req
1918. Come on outside and help the kids
hunt for Easter eggs!
Copy !req
1919. Oh, honey, that's the kids' job,
all right?
Copy !req
1920. You know I don't like these
tribal rituals, anyway.
Copy !req
1921. Besides, I told you I'm talking
to Clay Shaw this morning.
Copy !req
1922. Honey, we're going to Antoine's
with the kids, like we do every year.
Copy !req
1923. - No, I told you I was talking to Shaw.
Copy !req
1924. Well, why in the world did you do it
in the middle of Easter Sunday?
Copy !req
1925. ‘Cause when I scheduled it,
I didn't realize it was a holiday.
Copy !req
1926. For Pete's sakes, honey,
look at the calendar!
Copy !req
1927. Liz, honey, you were there,
why didn't you say something?
Copy !req
1928. You said a Sunday,
not Easter Sunday.
Copy !req
1929. Clay Shaw is important.
Copy !req
1930. And we're not.
Copy !req
1931. I didn't say that, Liz.
Copy !req
1932. I didn't say that.
Copy !req
1933. You're missing most of your life,
and you don't even know it, honey.
Copy !req
1934. - The kids are missing out, too.
Copy !req
1935. - You're not the only one making
- Look, I'll rush,
Copy !req
1936. - sacrifices around here.
- And I'll be there by 2:00, I promise.
Copy !req
1937. Okay? Now--
Copy !req
1938. You just go ahead without me.
Copy !req
1939. Mr. Garrison, what can I do for you
on Easter Sunday?
Copy !req
1940. I'm sorry, Mr. Shaw,
to interrupt this holiday,
Copy !req
1941. but I feel this is a conversation
we might better have
Copy !req
1942. out of the everyday bustle
in this office.
Copy !req
1943. I'm not sure I understand.
Copy !req
1944. Well, in an investigation
we're conducting,
Copy !req
1945. your name has come up
a number of times.
Copy !req
1946. I wouldn't imagine where.
Copy !req
1947. We recently talked to a number
of men who claim to know you.
Copy !req
1948. Are you acquainted with
a David Logan?
Copy !req
1949. Uh, no. Never heard of him.
Copy !req
1950. A Perry Russo?
Copy !req
1951. No.
Copy !req
1952. A Willie O'Keefe?
Copy !req
1953. No, I don't believe I know
anyone by that name.
Copy !req
1954. Mr. O'Keefe told us he met you at
the Masquerade Bar, down in the Quarter.
Copy !req
1955. - And several evenings later,
Copy !req
1956. you had him over for dinner
at your apartment on Dauphine Street.
Copy !req
1957. Do you recall that?
Copy !req
1958. Of course not.
I don't know this man.
Copy !req
1959. Be still my heart.
Copy !req
1960. Obviously then, I wouldn't have him
over for dinner.
Copy !req
1961. - Hope you like squab.
Copy !req
1962. - Champagne?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
1963. Perhaps a few more details about the
evening will refresh your memory.
Copy !req
1964. Mr. O'Keefe told us dinner was served
by a uniformed waiter.
Copy !req
1965. A colored man.
Copy !req
1966. He particularly remembered that you sat
at one end and he at the other,
Copy !req
1967. which he found rather unusual because
the table was so long.
Copy !req
1968. How was your mousse?
Copy !req
1969. Does that bring back memories
of Willie O'Keefe?
Copy !req
1970. Not at all.
Copy !req
1971. But on the other hand, I do have a lovely
Chippendale dining table
Copy !req
1972. and I often have a friend over sitting at
one end, while I sit at the other.
Copy !req
1973. It's precisely the point of a long
dining table.
Copy !req
1974. The splendor of the meal adds to
the enjoyment of it.
Copy !req
1975. I would imagine that a
uniformed waiter helps.
Copy !req
1976. It adds a taste of elegance,
Copy !req
1977. for which I must confess a weakness,
now and then.
Copy !req
1978. I call him Smedley.
Copy !req
1979. Real name is Frankie Jenkins,
Copy !req
1980. but I could hardly imagine anything
more uncouth during dinner...
Copy !req
1981. than my turning toward the kitchen
and hollering "Frankie!"
Copy !req
1982. Where is all this leading to,
Mr. Garrison?
Copy !req
1983. After dinner,
you paid him to have sex.
Copy !req
1984. That is absolute nonsense.
Copy !req
1985. The Quarter is filled with vivid
imaginations, my dear Mr. Garrison.
Copy !req
1986. Grimy young hoodlums,
who will say and do
Copy !req
1987. - anything, as you well know.
- In the course of that night,
Copy !req
1988. Mr. O'Keefe told us that a man named
David Ferrie stopped by the house
Copy !req
1989. along with another young man.
Copy !req
1990. - Who?
- David Ferrie.
Copy !req
1991. No, I don't believe I know
anyone by that name.
Copy !req
1992. Course never having met Mr. O'Keefe
I could hardly have met Mr. Ferrie.
Copy !req
1993. - Here you go. Here you go.
Copy !req
1994. - You're mine, Mary. You're mine.
Copy !req
1995. The four of you partied early into
the morning hours.
Copy !req
1996. Look at this picture.
Copy !req
1997. I'm sure I've never met anyone of such
a bizarre appearance.
Copy !req
1998. - Come here, bitch!
Copy !req
1999. - Come here!
Copy !req
2000. - The only way you get this
Copy !req
2001. - is do exactly what I say.
Copy !req
2002. - I'm the man, don't ever forget it!
Copy !req
2003. - You want it? You want it?
Copy !req
2004. Does the name Clay Bertrand
mean anything to you?
Copy !req
2005. - Clay Bertrand... Clay Bertrand.
- Clay Bertrand.
Copy !req
2006. I believe there was a man with a
name similar to that,
Copy !req
2007. worked over at the Chamber of Commerce.
Is that the man you had in mind?
Copy !req
2008. No, it was not.
Copy !req
2009. Mr. Shaw,
can you identify this man?
Copy !req
2010. Naturally.
Copy !req
2011. Are you claiming, Mr. Garrison,
that Mr. Oswald also had dinner with me?
Copy !req
2012. Mr. Shaw, have you ever met
Lee Harvey Oswald?
Copy !req
2013. You really have me consorting with
a sordid cast of characters.
Copy !req
2014. - Just answer the question.
- Of course not.
Copy !req
2015. Such a pity, that assassination.
Copy !req
2016. In fact,
I admired President Kennedy.
Copy !req
2017. A man of true panache,
wife of impeccable taste.
Copy !req
2018. - I'm hungry!
- Well, why don't we just go ahead
Copy !req
2019. and order without your daddy,
I don't think he'll mind.
Copy !req
2020. I want a Shirley Temple!
Copy !req
2021. - Oh, kids, put your water guns away.
- Me, too!
Copy !req
2022. - When's Daddy coming, Mama?
Copy !req
2023. Soon, he's coming soon.
Copy !req
2024. He's really sorry he couldn't start
with us, but he promised he'd be here.
Copy !req
2025. - Daddy never keeps his promises.
Copy !req
2026. - I'm bored!
Copy !req
2027. Mr. Shaw, this is an Italian
newspaper article saying you were
Copy !req
2028. a member of the Board of Centro
Mondo Commerciale in Italy,
Copy !req
2029. that this company was a creature of the
CIA for the transfer of funds in Italy
Copy !req
2030. for illegal political-espionage
Copy !req
2031. It says that this company was expelled
from Italy for those activities.
Copy !req
2032. I'm well aware of that asinine article.
Copy !req
2033. I'm thinking very seriously of suing
that rag of a newspaper.
Copy !req
2034. It also says that this company is
linked to the Schlumberger Tool Company,
Copy !req
2035. here in Houma, Louisiana,
Copy !req
2036. which helped provide arms
to David Ferrie and his Cubans.
Copy !req
2037. Mr. Garrison, you're reaching.
Copy !req
2038. Am I?
Copy !req
2039. I'm an international businessman.
The Trade Mart, which I founded,
Copy !req
2040. is America's commercial pipeline
to Latin America.
Copy !req
2041. I trade everywhere.
Copy !req
2042. I am accused...
Copy !req
2043. as are all businessmen,
of all things.
Copy !req
2044. I somehow go about my business,
make money, help society the best I can,
Copy !req
2045. and try to promote free trade
in this world.
Copy !req
2046. Mr. Shaw...
Copy !req
2047. have you ever been a contract agent for
the Central Intelligence Agency?
Copy !req
2048. And if I were...
Copy !req
2049. Mr. Garrison, do you believe...
Copy !req
2050. I would be here today...
Copy !req
2051. talking to somebody like you?
Copy !req
2052. No.
Copy !req
2053. People like you don't have to,
I guess.
Copy !req
2054. May I go?
Copy !req
2055. People like you, they just walk
between the raindrops.
Copy !req
2056. May I go?
Copy !req
2057. Yes.
Copy !req
2058. Regardless of what you may think of me,
Mr. Garrison,
Copy !req
2059. I am a patriot first and foremost.
Copy !req
2060. I've spent half my life in the
United States military
Copy !req
2061. serving and defending this great
country, Mr. Shaw,
Copy !req
2062. - and you're the first person I ever met
Copy !req
2063. who considered it an act of patriotism
to murder his own president.
Copy !req
2064. Now, just a minute, sir.
You are way out of line.
Copy !req
2065. I'm sorry, Mr. Shaw, it's getting late.
That's all the questions we have.
Copy !req
2066. Thank you for your honesty
and for coming in today.
Copy !req
2067. I enjoyed meeting with you
Copy !req
2068. And you, Miss Cox.
It was most pleasant.
Copy !req
2069. I wish to extend to each of you,
Copy !req
2070. and to each of your families,
my best wishes for a happy Easter.
Copy !req
2071. "One may smile and smile
and be a villain."
Copy !req
2072. Goddammit,
we got one of ‘em.
Copy !req
2073. Did you see that?
Copy !req
2074. - Hi, honey.
- Hi.
Copy !req
2075. - Tough day.
- Daddy, where you been?
Copy !req
2076. My sympathies.
Copy !req
2077. Liz, I'm really sorry, but the meeting
took much longer than expected.
Copy !req
2078. Just a second, Jasper.
Copy !req
2079. We waited for hours, Jim!
Copy !req
2080. Honey, you could've telephoned.
Copy !req
2081. I know, I don't know what to say,
except I'm sorry, all right?
Copy !req
2082. I just don't have rabbits
on my mind.
Copy !req
2083. You know what I think?
Copy !req
2084. Daddy?
Copy !req
2085. I think you care more about John
Kennedy than your own family!
Copy !req
2086. All day, the kids are asking,
"Where's Daddy?"
Copy !req
2087. What am I supposed to
tell your kids, Jim!
Copy !req
2088. - Papa?
- I don't know what to tell them.
Copy !req
2089. How about the truth?
Copy !req
2090. I'm doing my job to make sure they can
grow up in a country,
Copy !req
2091. - Papa?
- where justice won't be an arcane,
Copy !req
2092. vanished idea they read about
in history books.
Copy !req
2093. - Oh, that sounds real dandy.
- Like the dinosaurs,
Copy !req
2094. - or the lost continent of Atlantis.
- But it doesn't replace a husband
Copy !req
2095. or a father on Easter Sunday.
Copy !req
2096. Well, it's gonna get worse,
Copy !req
2097. Do you know who killed
President Kennedy?
Copy !req
2098. Was there a conspiracy here
in New Orleans?
Copy !req
2099. - Excuse me, gentlemen.
- I don't know what you're talking about.
Copy !req
2100. - Get out of here!
Copy !req
2101. - Watch out! Watch out!
Copy !req
2102. Congratulations, boss,
you're page one.
Copy !req
2103. And it ain't pretty.
Copy !req
2104. It says we've spend more than
8,000 dollars
Copy !req
2105. on unexplained travel
and investigative
Copy !req
2106. expenses in a period
since November 1966.
Copy !req
2107. Goddamn!
Copy !req
2108. They went to the public records.
Copy !req
2109. They got the vouchers that we requested
for withdrawals.
Copy !req
2110. Shaw must've gotten them on our tail.
Copy !req
2111. It could've been Ferrie, Martin,
Andrews, any of ‘em.
Copy !req
2112. Damnit!
Copy !req
2113. We didn't talk to Ruby ‘cause of them and
they're on our asses for a measly 8,000!
Copy !req
2114. They hunted down the news,
it's their business.
Copy !req
2115. Well, you'd at least think they'd attempt
to understand what we're trying to do!
Copy !req
2116. Well, getting angry doesn't accomplish
a damn thing!
Copy !req
2117. Son of a bitch.
Copy !req
2118. Well, this changes everything,
now, doesn't it?
Copy !req
2119. What do you mean?
Copy !req
2120. Well...
Copy !req
2121. Either we pull out now, or we go through
some heavy flack together.
Copy !req
2122. Bear in mind, each of you, this may affect
the rest of your careers, your lives.
Copy !req
2123. If any one of you want to
pull out now,
Copy !req
2124. I assure you I will bear no ill feelings
towards that person
Copy !req
2125. and will reassign you to
regular duties.
Copy !req
2126. There it is, then.
Copy !req
2127. Thank you.
Copy !req
2128. That means a great deal to me.
Copy !req
2129. I'm giving this office 6,000 dollars from
my National Guard savings account,
Copy !req
2130. SO we cah continue.
Copy !req
2131. I'll make speeches where I can
and pick up additional money.
Copy !req
2132. Mr. Garrison,
what shall I tell them?
Copy !req
2133. - They're piling up outside the door.
Copy !req
2134. They want a statement, the phones are
going crazier than bugs on a cake.
Copy !req
2135. Neither confirm, deny,
nor discuss, Sharon.
Copy !req
2136. Goodbye, ladies, gentlemen.
Copy !req
2137. I'm going home to where I can get
a decent day's work done.
Copy !req
2138. Mr. Garrison's own silence on the subject
Copy !req
2139. has raised some interesting questions.
Copy !req
2140. With taxpayer money, has he uncovered
Copy !req
2141. - some valuable new evidence,
Copy !req
2142. - or is he merely saving the information
Copy !req
2143. which will gain, for him,
exposure at a national level?
Copy !req
2144. Yeah?
Copy !req
2145. Did your office plant
that garbage in the fuckin' paper?
Copy !req
2146. - Who is this?
- You know exactly who the fuck this is!
Copy !req
2147. - Dave?
- Yeah, you got it.
Copy !req
2148. Listen...
Copy !req
2149. Since you're the only straight shooter
in that fuckin' office,
Copy !req
2150. I'd like a fuckin' answer
from you. Did you plant it?
Copy !req
2151. Dave, you think
we're out of our minds?
Copy !req
2152. The whole building's been a zoo
since that broke.
Copy !req
2153. We can't get a thing done.
Reporters crawling everywhere.
Copy !req
2154. You think we want that?
Copy !req
2155. Somebody planted that fuckin' story!
Copy !req
2156. Somebody tipped off the press I'm one
of fuckin' Garrison's suspects.
Copy !req
2157. I can't-- I can't go home!
Copy !req
2158. The fuckin' maggots
are everywhere!
Copy !req
2159. Do you know what you've done
to me?
Copy !req
2160. Calm down, Dave, what?
Copy !req
2161. From here on,
I am a fuckin' dead man.
Copy !req
2162. - A dead man!
- What are you talking about?
Copy !req
2163. Dave, you even weren't mentioned in the
story. Don't jump to conclusions.
Copy !req
2164. Look, meet me in the lobby of
the Fontainebleau in 20 minutes.
Copy !req
2165. I guarantee you the boss will
protect you.
Copy !req
2166. He likes you,
he likes your mind.
Copy !req
2167. I guess, you know, I just don't know who
to trust anymore, you know?
Copy !req
2168. I suppose I could use a pot of hot coffee
and a few packs of Luckies.
Copy !req
2169. So you got anything new in the
Copy !req
2170. Who you scared of,
Copy !req
2171. Me? Everybody.
Copy !req
2172. - Agency, mob, Cubans.
Copy !req
2173. That's it, follow the Cubans.
Check 'em out.
Copy !req
2174. Here, Miami, Dallas.
Copy !req
2175. Check out a guy named
Eladio del Valle.
Copy !req
2176. He used to be my paymaster when I
flew missions into Cuba.
Copy !req
2177. He's somewhere in Miami.
You're on the right track.
Copy !req
2178. Hey, hey!
Don't be writing this down.
Copy !req
2179. I ain't cooperating here with no one.
What's going on here?
Copy !req
2180. There's a death warrant for me!
Don't you get it?
Copy !req
2181. Damn!
Copy !req
2182. Wait a minute, you ain't bugged,
are you?
Copy !req
2183. Son of a bitch, Lou.
Are you?
Copy !req
2184. Dave.
Copy !req
2185. I always play square.
No bugs.
Copy !req
2186. I'd love you to go on the record, but I'm
in no hurry.
Copy !req
2187. - Whenever you're ready.
Copy !req
2188. I haven't slept since
that shit article come out.
Copy !req
2189. Why'd you guys have to go and get me
involved with this?
Copy !req
2190. Did we get you involved or did
Clay Shaw, Dave?
Copy !req
2191. Cocksuckin' faggot!
Copy !req
2192. - He got me by the balls.
- What do you mean?
Copy !req
2193. You know, photographs,
compromising stuff.
Copy !req
2194. And he'll use ‘em, too.
The Agency plays for keeps.
Copy !req
2195. I knew Oswald.
He was in my Civil Air Patrol unit.
Copy !req
2196. I taught him everything.
He was a "wannabe," you know?
Copy !req
2197. Nobody really liked him ‘cause they
thought he was a snitch.
Copy !req
2198. I treated him good.
Copy !req
2199. He'd talk about his kid, you know, really
wanted her to grow up with a chance, but--
Copy !req
2200. - What's this?
Copy !req
2201. What's going on here?
Copy !req
2202. Ain't nobody coming in here.
Copy !req
2203. - Just room service.
Copy !req
2204. Black, black-- just give it to me.
Copy !req
2205. Black.
Copy !req
2206. - Shit.
Copy !req
2207. My neck is killing me.
Copy !req
2208. I got cancer,
I've had it for years.
Copy !req
2209. I been working with mice,
you know, trying to find a cure.
Copy !req
2210. Did you ever work for the CIA?
Copy !req
2211. You make it sound like some remote fuckin'
experience in ancient history.
Copy !req
2212. - Man, you don't leave the Agency.
Copy !req
2213. Once you're in,
they got you for life.
Copy !req
2214. Shaw?
Copy !req
2215. Shaw?
Shaw's an "untouchable."
Copy !req
2216. Highest clearance.
Copy !req
2217. Shaw, Oswald, the Cubans--
all Agency.
Copy !req
2218. What about Ruby?
Copy !req
2219. Jack?
Jack was a pimp.
Copy !req
2220. He was a bagman for
the Dallas mob.
Copy !req
2221. He used to run guns to Castro
when he was still on our side.
Copy !req
2222. We almost had Castro with us,
then we tried to whack him.
Copy !req
2223. Everybody's flipping sides
all the time.
Copy !req
2224. It's fun and games, man,
fun and games.
Copy !req
2225. What about the mob, Dave?
How do they figure in this?
Copy !req
2226. They're Agency, too, man.
Copy !req
2227. CIA and the mafia working together,
Copy !req
2228. trying to whack out the Beard.
Copy !req
2229. Mutual interests.
They been doing it for years!
Copy !req
2230. There's more to this than
you could dream!
Copy !req
2231. Check out something called
Copy !req
2232. "Operation Mongoose."
Copy !req
2233. Government, Pentagon stuff.
Copy !req
2234. They're in charge.
Copy !req
2235. But who the fuck pulls whose chain?
Who the fuck knows.
Copy !req
2236. "Oh, what a deadly web we weave
when we practice to deceive.”
Copy !req
2237. Then who killed the president?
Copy !req
2238. Oh, man,
why don't you fuckin' stop it!
Copy !req
2239. Shit!
Copy !req
2240. Who did--
Copy !req
2241. This is too fuckin' big for you,
you know that?
Copy !req
2242. This is-- who did the president?
Who killed Kennedy?
Copy !req
2243. Fuck, man!
Copy !req
2244. It's a mystery!
Copy !req
2245. It's a mystery wrapped in a riddle
inside an enigma!
Copy !req
2246. The fuckin' shooters don't even know!
Don't you get it?
Copy !req
2247. Fuck, man!
Copy !req
2248. I can't keep talking like this.
Copy !req
2249. They're gonna fuckin' kill me!
Copy !req
2250. I'm gonna fuckin' die!
Copy !req
2251. Son of a bitch!
Copy !req
2252. - It's all right, David.
Copy !req
2253. I don't know what happened.
Copy !req
2254. Fuck!
Copy !req
2255. All I wanted in the world...
Copy !req
2256. was to be a Catholic priest,
Copy !req
2257. live in a monastery,
Copy !req
2258. pray, serve God.
Copy !req
2259. I had one fuckin'...
Copy !req
2260. one terrible fuckin' weakness!
Copy !req
2261. And they defrocked me!
Copy !req
2262. Then I started to lose everything.
Copy !req
2263. It's gonna be okay, Dave.
Copy !req
2264. You just talk to us on the record and
we'll protect you, I guarantee it.
Copy !req
2265. They'd get to you, too.
Copy !req
2266. They'll destroy you.
Copy !req
2267. They're untouchable, man.
Copy !req
2268. I'm so fuckin' exhausted,
I can't see straight.
Copy !req
2269. Out of here!
Copy !req
2270. Oh, Lord.
Copy !req
2271. A little early for Mardi Gras,
isn't it?
Copy !req
2272. Paris Match,
largest magazine in France.
Copy !req
2273. My name is Bulgarinov, I am with
Literaturnaya Gazeta of Moscow.
Copy !req
2274. Victoria Taylor,
British Private Eye.
Copy !req
2275. Do you know who shot the president?
Mr. Garrison is too busy...
Copy !req
2276. Boss, I'm telling you,
Copy !req
2277. something or somebody is putting
tremendous heat on David Ferrie.
Copy !req
2278. If we sit on our behinds any longer,
I don't think the guy's gonna hold on.
Copy !req
2279. Look at this bullshit!
Copy !req
2280. He keeps changing what he says.
Copy !req
2281. We can't possibly call him
to a grand jury.
Copy !req
2282. Susie, watch the language,
would you please?
Copy !req
2283. My instinct is that Ferrie is gonna
keep on deteriorating,
Copy !req
2284. and we'll end up getting more out of him
when he finally cracks.
Copy !req
2285. Oh, bullshit!
Now, if you start to--
Copy !req
2286. If we call him in now,
he might freeze up
Copy !req
2287. and we'll lose the best shot
we ever had.
Copy !req
2288. You guys don't get it, do you?
He can't go down any further.
Copy !req
2289. We got to protect him full time.
Copy !req
2290. We don't have enough funds
to protect anybody full time.
Copy !req
2291. I know what you're going through
with Ferrie, Lou, all right?
Copy !req
2292. We'll talk tomorrow.
Copy !req
2293. I got a plane to catch.
Copy !req
2294. - Going to Washington.
Copy !req
2295. Washington?
Copy !req
2296. Yeah, an interesting lead says he's
closely connected to these events,
Copy !req
2297. but he won't come down here.
Copy !req
2298. I'm onto Ferrie's Cuban paymaster,
Eladio del Valle, in Miami.
Copy !req
2299. I tell ya, I need more men.
I got to get him in, boss.
Copy !req
2300. I can't even pull the teams
to watch Ferrie.
Copy !req
2301. Listen,
I gave this man my word.
Copy !req
2302. This is our case!
Copy !req
2303. - Hold it! Hold it!
- For God's sake, Numa--
Copy !req
2304. I got something to show you.
Copy !req
2305. I think you'll find it
very interesting.
Copy !req
2306. Numa, what is that thing?
Copy !req
2307. Williams found this in your office.
Copy !req
2308. We think the conference room is also
bugged, maybe the phones.
Copy !req
2309. We're gonna have to debug
the whole place.
Copy !req
2310. Bugging the DA's office!
This is outrageous!
Copy !req
2311. Mr. lvon, it's for you.
It's urgent.
Copy !req
2312. You can believe what you want to,
but we're gonna have to be more careful.
Copy !req
2313. All these new volunteers, I mean,
any one of them could be--
Copy !req
2314. Okay, Numa, you handle it, all right?
I don't have...
Copy !req
2315. - I don't have time for this nonsense.
Copy !req
2316. Well, we--
Copy !req
2317. We've obviously got the bastards
worried now.
Copy !req
2318. I'm coming to Washington.
Copy !req
2319. Dave Ferrie's dead.
Copy !req
2320. Found his body at his apartment
a couple hours ago.
Copy !req
2321. What's it look like, Nick?
Copy !req
2322. I don't see any violence, Jim.
Heart attack, maybe an aneurysm.
Copy !req
2323. Looks like natural causes.
Copy !req
2324. This is addressed to no one,
and no signature.
Copy !req
2325. "To leave this life is, for me,
a sweet prospect.
Copy !req
2326. I find nothing in it that is desirable,
Copy !req
2327. and on the other hand,
everything that is loathsome."
Copy !req
2328. - Goes on and on.
Copy !req
2329. "Daily we are propagandized more and
more by the rising crime wave."
Copy !req
2330. Pretty flowery for Dave Ferrie.
Copy !req
2331. Proloid?
Copy !req
2332. Yeah, I took it once for a low
thyroid condition.
Copy !req
2333. It raises the metabolism,
Copy !req
2334. Did David Ferrie strike you as the kind
of person with a low metabolism?
Copy !req
2335. Hardly, I'd say the opposite.
Copy !req
2336. You know, Ferrie was the only one to
express any kind of remorse
Copy !req
2337. about the whole thing.
Copy !req
2338. I think it got him killed.
Copy !req
2339. Lou? Boss?
Copy !req
2340. More bad news from Miami.
Copy !req
2341. They found Ferrie's Cuban friend,
Eladio del Valle, today.
Copy !req
2342. Hacked to death
with a machete in his car.
Copy !req
2343. He was tortured, shot in the heart
at point-blank range,
Copy !req
2344. and his skull was split open
with an axe.
Copy !req
2345. Now, ain't that the devil's piss.
Copy !req
2346. Found another note, same thing,
no name, no signature.
Copy !req
2347. "When you receive this, I will be quite
dead, so no answer will be possible.
Copy !req
2348. - I offered you love, and all I got..."
- Jesus.
Copy !req
2349. They must've been hard pressed
to come up with that one.
Copy !req
2350. Nick,
can I have a word with you?
Copy !req
2351. What would happen if a man suffering
from hypertension
Copy !req
2352. were to take an entire bottle
of Proloid?
Copy !req
2353. He'd die pretty quick,
Copy !req
2354. either a heart storm or a ruptured
blood vessel in the brain.
Copy !req
2355. Uh-huh.
Copy !req
2356. Can you ascertain if there's Proloid
in his system?
Copy !req
2357. Not in a routine autopsy.
Copy !req
2358. But if we looked at the spinal fluid,
there might be a high level of iodine,
Copy !req
2359. but it's difficult to know.
Copy !req
2360. What you thinking, Jim?
Copy !req
2361. I don't know,
it doesn't make sense, Nick.
Copy !req
2362. I mean, the man's afraid of dying,
Copy !req
2363. then he kills himself in a way
that leaves no trace?
Copy !req
2364. But he leaves two unsigned
suicide notes?
Copy !req
2365. If it's a suicide,
I seen weirder, Jim.
Copy !req
2366. The fact is he's gone, chief,
and so is our case.
Copy !req
2367. Unless we go for Shaw now.
Copy !req
2368. With whose testimony?
Willie O'Keefe, a male prostitute?
Copy !req
2369. Jack Martin, a drunk?
Vernon Bundy, a dope fiend?
Copy !req
2370. Shaw's got respect, Lou.
Copy !req
2371. Newspaper editors,
the American Bar Association--
Copy !req
2372. I agree with Bill.
Copy !req
2373. - We haven't got the goods yet!
- We wait...
Copy !req
2374. Shaw's gonna get whacked.
Now, how many corpses is it gonna take
Copy !req
2375. before you lawyers figure out
what's going on?
Copy !req
2376. You watch your mouth!
Ferrie did this to himself.
Copy !req
2377. Where you going, boss?
Copy !req
2378. I don't know, Bill.
I just don't know.
Copy !req
2379. - Hey, Bill!
- Hey, where you at, Frank?
Copy !req
2380. You're wasting your time here. Big Jim
gave strict orders, no FBI allowed.
Copy !req
2381. - It's you I want to talk to, Bill.
- No, no.
Copy !req
2382. Boss would fry me in hog fat
if he knew I talked to you.
Copy !req
2383. Your boss got a serious problem,
Copy !req
2384. Real serious.
Copy !req
2385. We know what's been going on
over at your office.
Copy !req
2386. Yeah, I guess you do.
Copy !req
2387. You've got nothin', Bill.
I'm talking as a friend now.
Copy !req
2388. You're riding on the Titanic.
Copy !req
2389. Time to jump off before you get
destroyed along with Garrison.
Copy !req
2390. Frank, I don't want to hear this.
Copy !req
2391. We're talking about your career,
here, Bill, your life.
Copy !req
2392. You're a young guy.
Copy !req
2393. We know you're working
that Castro thing.
Copy !req
2394. - No, I'm not.
- Yes, you are.
Copy !req
2395. Look we know Oswald didn't pull
that trigger.
Copy !req
2396. Castro did.
Copy !req
2397. But if that comes out,
there's gonna be a war, boy.
Copy !req
2398. Millions of people are gonna die.
Copy !req
2399. And that's a hell of a lot more important
than Jim Garrison.
Copy !req
2400. Goddammit, look at me
when I talk to you!
Copy !req
2401. - You're goddamn too self-opinionated--
- I can't, I can't!
Copy !req
2402. Shut up! Shut up!
Copy !req
2403. If you got a brain in that thick skull
of yours, you'll listen to me.
Copy !req
2404. You listen real hard.
Copy !req
2405. Now, get in the car.
Copy !req
2406. Jim Garrison?
Copy !req
2407. Yes.
Copy !req
2408. I'm glad you came.
Copy !req
2409. Sorry about the precautions.
Copy !req
2410. Well, I just hope it was
worth my while, Mr...
Copy !req
2411. I could give you a false name,
but I won't.
Copy !req
2412. Just call me "X."
Copy !req
2413. I've already been warned by the Agency,
Mr. Whoever, so
Copy !req
2414. if this is another type of threat,
I don't--
Copy !req
2415. I'm not with the Agency,
Mr. Garrison.
Copy !req
2416. And I assume if you've come this far,
what I have to say interests you.
Copy !req
2417. But I'm not going to name names, or
tell you who or what I represent.
Copy !req
2418. Except to say you're close.
Copy !req
2419. Closer than you think.
Copy !req
2420. Okay?
Copy !req
2421. Everything I'm gonna tell you
is classified top secret.
Copy !req
2422. I was a soldier, Mr. Garrison.
Copy !req
2423. Two wars.
Copy !req
2424. I was one of those secret guys in the
Copy !req
2425. that supplies the military hardware,
planes, bullets, rifles,
Copy !req
2426. for what we call
"Black Operations."
Copy !req
2427. "Black Ops."
Copy !req
2428. Assassinations, coup d'états, rigging
elections, propaganda, psych warfare,
Copy !req
2429. and so forth.
Copy !req
2430. World War Il, I was in Rumania,
Greece, Yugoslavia.
Copy !req
2431. I helped evacuate part of the Nazi
intelligence apparatus
Copy !req
2432. just before the end of the war.
Copy !req
2433. We used those guys in the fight against
the communists.
Copy !req
2434. In Italy '48, stole the elections.
France '49, broke the strikes.
Copy !req
2435. Overthrew Quirino in the Philippines,
Arbenz in Guatemala, Mossadegh in Iran.
Copy !req
2436. We were in Vietnam in '54,
Indonesia '58, Tibet '59.
Copy !req
2437. Got the Dalai Lama out.
Copy !req
2438. We were good.
Copy !req
2439. Very good.
Copy !req
2440. Then we get into the Cuban thing.
Not so good.
Copy !req
2441. Set up all the bases for the invasion
supposed to take place in October '62.
Copy !req
2442. Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
2443. Khrushchev sent the missiles to resist
the invasion, Kennedy didn't invade...
Copy !req
2444. and we were standing out there
with our dicks in the wind.
Copy !req
2445. A lot of pissed-off people,
Mr. Garrison.
Copy !req
2446. You understand?
Copy !req
2447. I'll come to that later.
Copy !req
2448. So... 1963.
Copy !req
2449. I spent much of September '63
Copy !req
2450. working on the Kennedy plan
for getting all US personnel
Copy !req
2451. out of Vietnam
by the end of 1965.
Copy !req
2452. This plan was one of the strongest,
most important papers issued
Copy !req
2453. from the Kennedy White House.
Copy !req
2454. His National Security Action Memo 263
Copy !req
2455. ordered home the first 1,000 troops
for Christmas.
Copy !req
2456. But then in November,
Copy !req
2457. One week after the murder of
Vietnamese President Diem in Saigon,
Copy !req
2458. and two weeks before the
assassination of our president,
Copy !req
2459. a strange thing happened to me.
Copy !req
2460. Colonel.
Copy !req
2461. Excuse me, I got a note saying you
wanted to see me, General?
Copy !req
2462. I do indeed.
Copy !req
2463. You are going to the South Pole.
Copy !req
2464. lam?
Copy !req
2465. You are.
Copy !req
2466. Dr. Mooney's got the details,
I want you to check with him.
Copy !req
2467. Have yourself a nice vacation.
Copy !req
2468. I was sent by my superior officer,
we'll call him "Y,"”
Copy !req
2469. I was sent by General Y
to the South Pole,
Copy !req
2470. as the military escort for a group
of international VIPs.
Copy !req
2471. I was on my way back,
in New Zealand,
Copy !req
2472. when the president was killed.
Copy !req
2473. Now...
Copy !req
2474. Oswald was charged at 7 p.m.
Dallas time with Tippit's murder.
Copy !req
2475. That's 2:00 in the afternoon of the
next day, New Zealand time.
Copy !req
2476. But already...
Copy !req
2477. their papers had the entire history
Copy !req
2478. of this unknown
24-year-old man, Oswald,
Copy !req
2479. studio picture, detailed biographical
data, Russian information,
Copy !req
2480. and were pretty sure of the fact that
he killed the president alone,
Copy !req
2481. although it took them
four more hours
Copy !req
2482. before they even charged him with
that crime in Dallas.
Copy !req
2483. It felt to me as if...
Copy !req
2484. well, a cover story was
being put out,
Copy !req
2485. like we would in a Black Op.
Copy !req
2486. Anyway, after I came back,
Copy !req
2487. I asked myself,
Copy !req
2488. why was I, the chief of special ops,
selected to travel to the South Pole
Copy !req
2489. at that time to do a job that any number
of others could have done?
Copy !req
2490. And I wondered if
it could've been because...
Copy !req
2491. One of my routine duties,
if I had been in Washington,
Copy !req
2492. would've been to arrange
for additional security in Texas.
Copy !req
2493. So I decided to check it out...
Copy !req
2494. and sure enough,
I found out
Copy !req
2495. that someone had told the 112th
Military Intelligence Group
Copy !req
2496. at 4th Army Headquarters at Fort Sam
Houston to "stand down" that day
Copy !req
2497. over the protests of the unit commander,
Colonel Reich.
Copy !req
2498. I believe it's a mistake.
Copy !req
2499. Now this is significant because it is
standard operating procedure,
Copy !req
2500. especially in a known hostile city
like Dallas,
Copy !req
2501. to supplement the Secret Service.
Copy !req
2502. I mean, even if we had not allowed
the bubbletop
Copy !req
2503. to be removed from the limousine,
Copy !req
2504. we would've placed at least 100 to 200
agents on the sidewalk, without question.
Copy !req
2505. I mean, only a month before
in Dallas,
Copy !req
2506. UN Ambassador Adlai Stevenson
was spit on and hit.
Copy !req
2507. - Right, yeah.
- There had already been several attempts
Copy !req
2508. on de Gaulle's life in France.
Copy !req
2509. We would have arrived days
ahead of time,
Copy !req
2510. studied the route,
checked all the buildings,
Copy !req
2511. never would've allowed all those wide-open
empty windows overlooking Dealey.
Copy !req
2512. Never!
Copy !req
2513. We'd've had our own snipers
covering the area.
Copy !req
2514. The minute a window went up,
they'd have been on the radio.
Copy !req
2515. We'd've been watching the crowd,
Copy !req
2516. packages, rolled-up newspapers,
coat over an arm,
Copy !req
2517. never would have let a man
open an umbrella along the way.
Copy !req
2518. Never would've allowed that limousine
to slow down to 10 miles an hour,
Copy !req
2519. much less take that unusual curve
at Houston and EIm.
Copy !req
2520. You would have felt an Army presence
in the streets that day,
Copy !req
2521. but none of this happened.
Copy !req
2522. It was a violation of the most basic
protection codes we have.
Copy !req
2523. And it is the best indication of
a massive plot in Dallas.
Copy !req
2524. Now who could've best done this?
Copy !req
2525. Black Ops, Mr. Garrison.
People in my business.
Copy !req
2526. People like my superior officer could've
called Colonel Reich and said
Copy !req
2527. "Look, we have another unit coming from
so and so providing security.
Copy !req
2528. You'll stand down."
I mean, that day, in fact,
Copy !req
2529. there were some individual
Army Intelligence people in Dallas
Copy !req
2530. I'm still trying to figure out
who and why.
Copy !req
2531. But they weren't protecting
the client.
Copy !req
2532. And, of course, Oswald.
Copy !req
2533. Army Intel had a
"Harvey Lee Oswald" on file,
Copy !req
2534. but all those files
have been destroyed.
Copy !req
2535. Many strange things
were happening,
Copy !req
2536. and your Lee Harvey Oswald
had nothing to do with them.
Copy !req
2537. We had the entire cabinet
on a trip to the Far East.
Copy !req
2538. We had one third of a combat division
returning from Germany
Copy !req
2539. in the air above the United States
at the time of the shooting.
Copy !req
2540. At 12:34 p.m., the entire telephone
system went out in Washington
Copy !req
2541. for a solid hour,
Copy !req
2542. and on the plane back
to Washington,
Copy !req
2543. word was radioed from the White House
Situations Room to Lyndon Johnson
Copy !req
2544. that one individual performed
the assassination.
Copy !req
2545. Does that sound like a bunch
of coincidences to you, Mr. Garrison?
Copy !req
2546. No.
Copy !req
2547. Not for one moment.
Copy !req
2548. The cabinet was out of the country
to get their perceptions out of the way.
Copy !req
2549. Troops were in the air for
possible riot control.
Copy !req
2550. The telephones didn't work to keep
the wrong stories from spreading
Copy !req
2551. if anything went wrong
with the plan.
Copy !req
2552. Nothing was left to chance.
Copy !req
2553. He could not be allowed
to escape alive.
Copy !req
2554. Well, I never thought things were
the same after that.
Copy !req
2555. Vietnam started for real.
Copy !req
2556. There was an air of...
Copy !req
2557. I don't know,
Copy !req
2558. make-believe in
the Pentagon and the CIA.
Copy !req
2559. Those of us who'd been in secret ops
since the beginning
Copy !req
2560. knew the Warren Commission
was fiction,
Copy !req
2561. but there was something...
Copy !req
2562. something deeper.
Copy !req
2563. Uglier.
Copy !req
2564. I knew Allen Dulles very well,
I briefed him many a time in his house.
Copy !req
2565. But for the life of me, I still
can't figure out why he was appointed
Copy !req
2566. to investigate Kennedy's death.
Copy !req
2567. The man who had fired him.
Copy !req
2568. Dulles, by the way,
was General Y's benefactor.
Copy !req
2569. I get out in '64.
Copy !req
2570. Resigned my commission.
Copy !req
2571. I never realized Kennedy was so
dangerous to the establishment.
Copy !req
2572. Is that why?
Copy !req
2573. That's the real question,
isn't it?
Copy !req
2574. "Why?"
Copy !req
2575. The "how" and the "who" is just
scenery for the public.
Copy !req
2576. Oswald, Ruby, Cuba, the mafia...
Copy !req
2577. keeps them guessing like some kind
of parlor game,
Copy !req
2578. prevents them from asking the most
important question: "Why?"
Copy !req
2579. Why was Kennedy killed?
Copy !req
2580. Who benefitted?
Copy !req
2581. Who has the power to cover it up?
Copy !req
2582. Who?
Copy !req
2583. In 1961...
Copy !req
2584. right after the Bay of Pigs--
Copy !req
2585. Very few people
know about this, all right?
Copy !req
2586. I participated in drawing up National
Security Action Memos 55, 56, 57.
Copy !req
2587. - General?
- These are crucial documents,
Copy !req
2588. classified top secret, but
basically in them...
Copy !req
2589. Kennedy instructed General Lemnitzer,
chairman of the Joint Chiefs,
Copy !req
2590. - that from here on forward,
Copy !req
2591. the Joint Chiefs of Staff would be
wholly responsible
Copy !req
2592. for all covert paramilitary action
in peacetime.
Copy !req
2593. This basically ended the reign
of the CIA.
Copy !req
2594. Splintered it,
as JFK promised he would,
Copy !req
2595. into a thousand pieces,
Copy !req
2596. and now he was ordering the military
to help him do it.
Copy !req
2597. This was unprecedented!
Copy !req
2598. I can't tell you
Copy !req
2599. the shock waves that this sent along the
corridors of power in Washington.
Copy !req
2600. This and, of course, the firing of
Allen Dulles, Richard Bissell,
Copy !req
2601. and General Charles Cabell,
Copy !req
2602. all of them sacred cows in Intel
since World War II.
Copy !req
2603. You got some very upset
people here.
Copy !req
2604. Kennedy's directives were never really
implemented because of...
Copy !req
2605. bureaucratic resistance,
Copy !req
2606. but one of the results was...
Copy !req
2607. the Cuban operation was turned over
to my department
Copy !req
2608. as "Operation Mongoose."
Copy !req
2609. Mongoose was pure Black Ops.
Copy !req
2610. It was secretly based in the south
campus of Miami University,
Copy !req
2611. which was the largest domestic
CIA station,
Copy !req
2612. budgeted annually over hundreds
of millions of dollars.
Copy !req
2613. Three hundred agents,
7,000 select Cubans,
Copy !req
2614. 50 fake business fronts for
laundering money.
Copy !req
2615. They waged non-stop war
against Castro.
Copy !req
2616. Industrial sabotage, crop burning,
the works.
Copy !req
2617. And all of this came under
the control of General Y.
Copy !req
2618. All he did was take the rules of covert
warfare he'd used abroad,
Copy !req
2619. and brought them into
this country.
Copy !req
2620. Now he had the people,
the equipment, the bases,
Copy !req
2621. and the motivation.
Copy !req
2622. And don't underestimate the budget
cuts that Kennedy called for
Copy !req
2623. in March of '63 either.
Copy !req
2624. Nearly 52 military installations in
25 states, 21 overseas bases.
Copy !req
2625. You're talking big money.
Copy !req
2626. You know how many helicopters have
been lost in Vietham?
Copy !req
2627. Hmm?
Copy !req
2628. - Nearly 3,000 so far.
Copy !req
2629. Who makes them?
Bell Helicopter. Who owns Bell?
Copy !req
2630. Well, Bell was nearly bankrupt when
the First National Bank of Boston
Copy !req
2631. approached the CIA about developing
the helicopter for Indochina usage.
Copy !req
2632. How about the F-111 fighters?
Copy !req
2633. General Dynamics of Fort Worth,
Texas. Who owns that?
Copy !req
2634. Find out the defense budget
since the war began.
Copy !req
2635. Seventy-five going on 100 billion.
Copy !req
2636. Nearly 200 billion will be spent
before it's over.
Copy !req
2637. In 1949, it was 10 billion.
Copy !req
2638. No war, no money.
Copy !req
2639. The organizing principle of any society,
Mr. Garrison, is for war.
Copy !req
2640. The authority of the state over its people
resides in its war powers.
Copy !req
2641. And Kennedy wanted to end the Cold War
in his second term.
Copy !req
2642. He wanted to call off the moon race
in favor of cooperation with the Soviets.
Copy !req
2643. He signed a treaty with the Soviets
to ban nuclear testing,
Copy !req
2644. he refused to invade Cuba
in 1962,
Copy !req
2645. and he set out to withdraw
from Vietnam.
Copy !req
2646. But all of that ended on
the 22nd of November, 1963.
Copy !req
2647. As early as 1961 they knew Kennedy was
not going to go to war in Southeast Asia.
Copy !req
2648. Like Caesar, he is surrounded by enemies
and something's underway,
Copy !req
2649. but it has no face,
yet everybody in the loop knows.
Copy !req
2650. You can forget about your
combat troops.
Copy !req
2651. He told McNamara he is gonna pull out
the goddamned advisors!
Copy !req
2652. He fucked us in Laos, and now,
he is gonna fuck us in goddamn Vietnam!
Copy !req
2653. He won't implement it before
the election, he can't afford to.
Copy !req
2654. I hear the NSC meeting
was a real barn-burner.
Copy !req
2655. I wouldn't have missed it for the world.
Heads are gonna roll everywhere.
Copy !req
2656. Did you hear what Lemnitzer did?
Copy !req
2657. What happened?
Copy !req
2658. Kennedy tried to rub Lem's nose in shit,
saying if we didn't go into Cuba,
Copy !req
2659. which is so close, why should we go into
Vietnam, which is so far away.
Copy !req
2660. Son of a bitch, there he goes again.
He's got his hands on the chicken switch.
Copy !req
2661. Anyway, Lem said that the Chiefs still
think we oughta go into Cuba.
Copy !req
2662. - Money's at stake. Big money.
Copy !req
2663. Hundred billion dollars.
Copy !req
2664. Kennedy brothers target voting districts
for those defense dollars.
Copy !req
2665. They give TFX fighter contracts
Copy !req
2666. only to those counties that are gonna
make a difference in '64.
Copy !req
2667. And the people in the loop,
they fight back. Their way.
Copy !req
2668. We have to control the intelligence
from Saigon.
Copy !req
2669. Well, just don't let McNamara start
sticking his damn nose in this thing!
Copy !req
2670. Every time he goes over to Saigon on
some fuckin' fact-finding mission,
Copy !req
2671. he comes back and just scares
the shit out of the president!
Copy !req
2672. Now I want Max Taylor on him night
and day, like a fly on shit.
Copy !req
2673. Now you control McNamara,
then you control Kennedy.
Copy !req
2674. I think it started like that,
Copy !req
2675. in the wind.
Copy !req
2676. Defense contractors, big oil bankers.
Just conversations, nothing more.
Copy !req
2677. Then, a call is made, maybe to someone
like my superior officer, General Y.
Copy !req
2678. - Yeah?
- We're going.
Copy !req
2679. We need your help.
Copy !req
2680. - When?
- In the fall, probably in the South.
Copy !req
2681. - We want you to come up with a plan.
- I can do that.
Copy !req
2682. Everything is cellularized.
No one has said, "He must die.”
Copy !req
2683. There's been no vote, nothing's on paper,
there's no one to blame.
Copy !req
2684. It's as old as the crucifixion.
Copy !req
2685. - Or the military firing squad.
Copy !req
2686. Five bullets, one blank.
No one's guilty.
Copy !req
2687. Because everyone in the power structure
who knows anything
Copy !req
2688. has a plausible deniability.
Copy !req
2689. There are no compromising connections,
except at the most secret point.
Copy !req
2690. But what's paramount, is that it must
succeed, no matter how many die,
Copy !req
2691. no matter how much it costs, the
perpetrators must be on the winning side.
Copy !req
2692. And never subject to prosecution
for anything by anyone.
Copy !req
2693. That is a coup d'état.
Copy !req
2694. Kennedy announces
the Texas trip in September.
Copy !req
2695. At that moment, second Oswalds
start popping up all over Dallas,
Copy !req
2696. where they have the mayor
and the cops in their pocket.
Copy !req
2697. General Y flies in the assassins.
Copy !req
2698. Maybe from the special camp we keep
outside Athens, Greece.
Copy !req
2699. Pros.
Copy !req
2700. Maybe locals, Cubans, mafia hire.
Separate teams.
Copy !req
2701. Does it really matter who shot
from what rooftop?
Copy !req
2702. Part of the scenery, right?
Copy !req
2703. I keep thinking about that day,
Tuesday, the 26th of November.
Copy !req
2704. The day after they buried Kennedy.
Copy !req
2705. Gentlemen, I want you to know, I'm
not gonna let Vietham go like China did.
Copy !req
2706. I'm personally committed.
Copy !req
2707. And I'm not gonna take one soldier
outta there
Copy !req
2708. till they know we mean business
in Asia.
Copy !req
2709. Lyndon Johnson signs
National Security Memo 273,
Copy !req
2710. which essentially reverses Kennedy's
new withdrawal policy
Copy !req
2711. and gives the green light to covert
action against North Vietnam,
Copy !req
2712. which provoked
the Gulf of Tonkin incident.
Copy !req
2713. Just get me elected,
I'll give you your damn war.
Copy !req
2714. In that document...
Copy !req
2715. lay the Vietham War.
Copy !req
2716. I don't-- I can't...
Copy !req
2717. I can't believe it. They killed him
because he wanted to change things?
Copy !req
2718. In our time?
Copy !req
2719. - They been doing it all through history.
- In our country?
Copy !req
2720. Kings are killed, Mr. Garrison.
Politics is power, nothing more.
Copy !req
2721. Oh, don't take my word for it.
Don't believe me.
Copy !req
2722. Do your own work,
your own thinking.
Copy !req
2723. The size of this is...
Copy !req
2724. beyond me.
Copy !req
2725. Testify?
Copy !req
2726. - Me?
- Testify.
Copy !req
2727. No chance in hell.
Copy !req
2728. No, I'd be arrested and gagged.
Copy !req
2729. Maybe sent to an institution,
maybe worse. You, too.
Copy !req
2730. I can give you the background.
Copy !req
2731. You have to find the foreground,
the little things.
Copy !req
2732. Keep digging.
Copy !req
2733. Remember, you're the only person to bring
a trial in the murder of John Kennedy.
Copy !req
2734. That's important,
it's historic.
Copy !req
2735. I haven't yet.
Copy !req
2736. I don't have much of a case.
Copy !req
2737. You don't have a choice anymore.
Copy !req
2738. You've become a significant threat to
the national security structure.
Copy !req
2739. They would've killed you already, but
you got a lot of light on you.
Copy !req
2740. Instead, they're trying to destroy
your credibility.
Copy !req
2741. They already have in many circles
in this town.
Copy !req
2742. Be honest.
Copy !req
2743. Your only chance is to come up
with a case.
Copy !req
2744. Something, anything.
Copy !req
2745. Make arrests,
stir the shitstorm.
Copy !req
2746. Hope to reach a point of critical mass
that'll start a chain reaction
Copy !req
2747. of people coming forward.
Copy !req
2748. Then, the government will crack.
Copy !req
2749. Remember, fundamentally
people are suckers for the truth,
Copy !req
2750. and the truth is on your side,
Copy !req
2751. I just hope you get a break.
Copy !req
2752. Mr. Shaw,
sir, you are under arrest,
Copy !req
2753. charged with conspiracy and entering
an agreement with other persons
Copy !req
2754. for the specific purpose of
committing the crime of murder
Copy !req
2755. of President John F. Kennedy.
Copy !req
2756. We have a warrant
to search the premises.
Copy !req
2757. It is my duty to inform you at
this time...
Copy !req
2758. you have the right to remain silent,
you have the right to an attorney.
Copy !req
2759. Name. First, middle, and last.
Copy !req
2760. Clay Lavergne Shaw.
Copy !req
2761. Address?
Copy !req
2762. 1313 Dauphine Street, New Orleans.
Copy !req
2763. Mr. Shaw!
Copy !req
2764. Ever use any aliases?
Copy !req
2765. Clay Bertrand.
Copy !req
2766. Mr. Clark,
are you aware of the charges
Copy !req
2767. - filed by District Attorney Garrison?
Copy !req
2768. Yes, Mr. Shaw was included in our
Copy !req
2769. There was no connection found.
Copy !req
2770. - At all.
- Why did the FBI investigate him?
Copy !req
2771. And why, if they did,
is his name not mentioned once
Copy !req
2772. in the entire 26 volumes
of the Warren Report,
Copy !req
2773. - even it if is to clear his name?
Copy !req
2774. I doubt this attorney general
would qualify
Copy !req
2775. - for my staff.
Copy !req
2776. Mr. Garrison has presented
absolutely nothing publicly...
Copy !req
2777. which would contradict
our findings.
Copy !req
2778. I know of no fact which would refute
the Commission's conclusion
Copy !req
2779. that Lee Oswald was the lone killer.
Copy !req
2780. What's your reaction
to the chief justice's statement?
Copy !req
2781. Well, I congratulate Mr. Shaw.
Copy !req
2782. Most defendants have to wait for trial
before they're allowed to produce
Copy !req
2783. sacred cows like the chief justice of
the land as a character witness,
Copy !req
2784. who is, of course, not under oath and
free from the laws of perjury.
Copy !req
2785. You realize that you're
damaging the credibility of the country,
Copy !req
2786. - possibly destroying it?
- Let me ask you...
Copy !req
2787. Let me ask you, is a government worth
preserving when it lies to the people?
Copy !req
2788. - Huh?
Copy !req
2789. It has become a dangerous country, sir,
when you cannot trust anyone anymore,
Copy !req
2790. when you cannot tell the truth.
Copy !req
2791. I say, let justice be done, though
the heavens fall!
Copy !req
2792. The JFK conspiracy,
the case of Jim Garrison.
Copy !req
2793. - Honey, this is all about you!
Copy !req
2794. A team of reporters has learned that
District Attorney Jim Garrison
Copy !req
2795. and his staff have intimidated,
bribed, and even drugged witnesses
Copy !req
2796. in their attempt to prove a conspiracy
Copy !req
2797. involving New Orleans businessman Clay
Shaw in the murder of John F. Kennedy.
Copy !req
2798. John Chancler...
Copy !req
2799. was a cellmate of Willie O'Keefe's
Copy !req
2800. at Angola...
Copy !req
2801. He said he'd be cut loose,
if he copped to the DA's office.
Copy !req
2802. I sent him up for burglary.
Copy !req
2803. - And there's his old buddy Miguel Torres.
Copy !req
2804. We sent him up, too.
Copy !req
2805. They wanted me to say Shaw
was Bertrand.
Copy !req
2806. They said they'd get me a pardon.
Copy !req
2807. Janet Williams
Copy !req
2808. comments on Willie O'Keefe's descriptions
Copy !req
2809. of having met Oswald.
Copy !req
2810. Was he a homosexual?
Copy !req
2811. That's not the Lee I knew.
Absolutely not.
Copy !req
2812. I think Mr. O'Keefe must have seen
someone he thought was Lee Oswald.
Copy !req
2813. I didn't talk to nobody
Copy !req
2814. after the assassination.
Copy !req
2815. I was on drugs at the hospital.
Copy !req
2816. Like I told the FBI, that call
was a figment of my imagination.
Copy !req
2817. Personally,
I think he's quite ill, mentally.
Copy !req
2818. With one half of his mind, he is able to
go out and fabricate evidence,
Copy !req
2819. then by some osmosis, he is able to
convince the other half
Copy !req
2820. that the fabrication is the truth.
Copy !req
2821. Well, I wouldn't worry about it, Liz.
Copy !req
2822. There's only about 20, 30 million people
watching this tonight.
Copy !req
2823. Guess my reputation's all right with
the people watching Laugh-in.
Copy !req
2824. ...because in some way,
Mr. Garrison is indebted
Copy !req
2825. and tied to the mob?
Copy !req
2826. The more one looks at Jim Garrison,
Copy !req
2827. the more one finds he has destroyed
Copy !req
2828. - spread fear and suspicion,
Copy !req
2829. and, worst of all, exploited this nation's
sorrow and doubt.
Copy !req
2830. - Jim Garrison has said, quote:
- You wanna be in bed with us?
Copy !req
2831. - Sleep with me tonight?
- "Let justice be done,
Copy !req
2832. though the heavens fall."
Copy !req
2833. He seeks the truth, so do we.
Copy !req
2834. What Dr. Martin Luther King
called his beautiful dream,
Copy !req
2835. expressed so dramatically during
the 1963 March on Washington,
Copy !req
2836. was shattered tonight in Memphis,
Tennessee by an assassin's bullet.
Copy !req
2837. Police seem to think that the single shot
came from across the street.
Copy !req
2838. They say that they have found a
Browning automatic rifle,
Copy !req
2839. - fitted with a marksman's scope,
Copy !req
2840. on a sidewalk.
Copy !req
2841. - I'll get it!
Copy !req
2842. Hello?
Copy !req
2843. Hello, is this Jim Garrison's daughter?
Copy !req
2844. Yes.
Copy !req
2845. Virginia or Elizabeth?
Copy !req
2846. Virginia.
Copy !req
2847. Virginia,
you're a lucky little girl.
Copy !req
2848. Your daddy has entered you
in a beauty contest.
Copy !req
2849. - Would you like to be in a beauty contest?
Copy !req
2850. - I don't know.
- My God!
Copy !req
2851. - My God, what have they done?
Copy !req
2852. - Yes. Uh-huh.
- It's lynchin' time.
Copy !req
2853. It's lynchin' time.
Copy !req
2854. That sounds fun.
Copy !req
2855. And you get off from school
Copy !req
2856. - Honey, who are you talking to?
- ...at 3:00 everyday?
Copy !req
2857. Okay, Virginia,
that's all I need to know.
Copy !req
2858. - Mommy, I'm gonna be in a beauty contest!
Copy !req
2859. Who is this? Who is this?!
Copy !req
2860. Hello?
Copy !req
2861. Jim, did you enter Virginia
in a beauty contest?
Copy !req
2862. A man just called, he wanted to know
everything, her height, her weight--
Copy !req
2863. It's some crackpot.
Copy !req
2864. Martin Luther King was killed
in Memphis, today.
Copy !req
2865. Honey, your daughter's life's just
been threatened!
Copy !req
2866. Just a crank making calls,
happens a dozen times a day at the office.
Copy !req
2867. Our home, Jim! A kidnapper,
a murderer, who knows!
Copy !req
2868. Jesus Christ, Liz,
only cowards make crank calls!
Copy !req
2869. - How do you know?
- All right? Nothing's gonna happen.
Copy !req
2870. How do you even know what goes on
in this house anymore!
Copy !req
2871. You're too busy making speeches!
Copy !req
2872. Liz--
Copy !req
2873. Getting every crazed Klansman
in Louisiana after us!
Copy !req
2874. - Get a hold of yourself.
- I'm leaving! I'm taking the kids,
Copy !req
2875. - Come on, come on!
- and I'm leaving!
Copy !req
2876. I can't stand it anymore!
Copy !req
2877. - The government wants you to be scared.
- You and your government.
Copy !req
2878. The government wants everybody
to be scared to speak out.
Copy !req
2879. - What's the matter with you?
- They count on it.
Copy !req
2880. - Don't you have any feelings?
- There's nothing to be scared of.
Copy !req
2881. Your own daughter!
Copy !req
2882. What kind of man are you?
Copy !req
2883. I'll take them up to my mother's if it
makes you feel any better, all right?
Copy !req
2884. You spend a week.
Copy !req
2885. - What's a week gonna do?
- I'll change the locks, the phone lines,
Copy !req
2886. I'll even get a bodyguard.
Just get a hold of yourself.
Copy !req
2887. Honey,
before this Kennedy thing,
Copy !req
2888. nothing mattered in this world more
than your children.
Copy !req
2889. The other night Jasper tried to talk to
you, you didn't even notice he was there.
Copy !req
2890. He came to me bawling
his little eyes out.
Copy !req
2891. - I promise, all right?
- He's sensitive, honey.
Copy !req
2892. - I promise I'll make more time for Jasper.
- He needs more from you.
Copy !req
2893. Is it such a chore?
Copy !req
2894. - Goddammit, if I said I'll spend more time
- I don't understand you!
Copy !req
2895. with him, I'll spend more time
with him, all right?
Copy !req
2896. I cannot fight you and the whole
world too, Liz!
Copy !req
2897. I'm not fighting you,
I'm trying to reach you!
Copy !req
2898. - You've changed.
- Of course, I've changed!
Copy !req
2899. My eyes have opened.
Copy !req
2900. And once they're open, believe me,
what used to look normal seems insane.
Copy !req
2901. And now King. Don't you think this
has something to do with that?
Copy !req
2902. - Can't you see?
Copy !req
2903. - I don't wanna see, goddammit!
Copy !req
2904. I'm tired. I've had enough!
Copy !req
2905. You're ruining this man Shaw's life,
Copy !req
2906. you're attacking him because
he's a homosexual!
Copy !req
2907. That's not why I'm attacking him!
Copy !req
2908. Did you ever for once stop to consider
what he was feeling?
Copy !req
2909. You don't believe me? Hmm?
Copy !req
2910. - Oh, I don't know anymore!
- All this time and you never believed me!
Copy !req
2911. I just want to raise our children
and live a normal life!
Copy !req
2912. I want my life back!
Copy !req
2913. Well so do I, goddammit!
Copy !req
2914. I had a life, too, you know.
Copy !req
2915. But you just can't bury your head in
the sand like some goddamn ostrich, Liz!
Copy !req
2916. It's not about our well-being, all right?
It's not about our two cars,
Copy !req
2917. and our TVs
and your kitchen!
Copy !req
2918. It's about our kids growing up in a
shithole of lies, and I'm angry about it!
Copy !req
2919. And my life is fucked
because of it.
Copy !req
2920. And if you can see it that way, Liz,
you'll see that your life is fucked, too.
Copy !req
2921. You never talked to me this way before,
Jim Garrison.
Copy !req
2922. If you don't want to support me, fine,
I can understand that.
Copy !req
2923. But don't start making threats
about taking the children.
Copy !req
2924. I'm not making any threats,
I'm leaving you!
Copy !req
2925. - I'm taking the kids and I'm leaving!
- Go on, then, fine. Get out!
Copy !req
2926. - I am!
- Go hide somewhere, join the rest of them.
Copy !req
2927. - I am!
- They'll tell you I'm crazy.
Copy !req
2928. You'll get plenty of people to tell you
I'm crazy!
Copy !req
2929. You won't have any problems filling out
your divorce papers on me!
Copy !req
2930. But somebody's got to try,
Copy !req
2931. Somebody.
Copy !req
2932. Are we going away, Daddy?
Copy !req
2933. I don't know, Jasper.
Copy !req
2934. Because of Kennedy?
Copy !req
2935. Are the same people gonna kill us,
Copy !req
2936. No, Jasper.
Copy !req
2937. Nobody's gonna kill us.
Copy !req
2938. I'm scared.
Copy !req
2939. I don't like it when you
and Mommy fight.
Copy !req
2940. I know, I don't like it either,
Copy !req
2941. Why do we have to leave?
Copy !req
2942. Don't you love us anymore?
Copy !req
2943. Daddy... Daddy loves both of you,
Copy !req
2944. And there's nothing wrong with
feeling a little scared, Jasper.
Copy !req
2945. Telling the truth can be a scary
thing sometimes.
Copy !req
2946. It scared President Kennedy,
and he was a brave man.
Copy !req
2947. But if you let yourself be too scared...
Copy !req
2948. then you let the bad guys take over
the country, don't you?
Copy !req
2949. Yeah.
Copy !req
2950. Then everybody gets scared.
Copy !req
2951. Stay with Mom, Papa.
Copy !req
2952. Please?
Copy !req
2953. - Damn. Here's another one.
Copy !req
2954. The US Attorney in Washington declines
to serve our subpoena
Copy !req
2955. on Allen Dulles, Charles Cabell,
CIA Director Richard Helms--
Copy !req
2956. any FBI agent we named.
Copy !req
2957. Well, what do you expect from a pig
but a grunt.
Copy !req
2958. Without them, it's going to be
near impossible, chief,
Copy !req
2959. to prove Shaw's connection
to the CIA.
Copy !req
2960. What the hell is going on?
Copy !req
2961. Never before has an extradition request
from this office been refused.
Copy !req
2962. We haven't tried to get
Julia Ann Mercer in here.
Copy !req
2963. No, she could get hurt.
Copy !req
2964. What?
Copy !req
2965. If you believe what's happened
to these other people, no.
Copy !req
2966. Yeah, but she's the best damn witness
we have!
Copy !req
2967. I just don't want to do it, that's all.
Now, what else?
Copy !req
2968. Well, you got your hate mail here.
Copy !req
2969. And your fan mail here.
Copy !req
2970. The bad news is that the IRS requested an
audit of your income from this office.
Copy !req
2971. Well, I expected that
two months ago,
Copy !req
2972. and they're wasting their time.
Copy !req
2973. The bad news is the National Guard
just asked me to resign after 18 years.
Copy !req
2974. Well, maybe
that's the good news.
Copy !req
2975. Never was as good as combat,
Copy !req
2976. But this is.
Copy !req
2977. Bill,
any more on Oswald and Shaw?
Copy !req
2978. Uh, yeah, yeah.
Copy !req
2979. They were seen together in Clinton in
early September.
Copy !req
2980. The Civil Rights Movement was
running a voters' registration drive.
Copy !req
2981. Rumor is Shaw, a local boy,
was working on some arms deal
Copy !req
2982. to discredit the civil rights movement.
Copy !req
2983. Nobody really knows
what they were doing there, but...
Copy !req
2984. hell, they stood out like cotton balls.
Copy !req
2985. I got whites and coloreds
saw ‘em, but...
Copy !req
2986. last time I checked, there was nothing
illegal with registering to vote.
Copy !req
2987. We still got the negro junkie,
Vernon Bundy,
Copy !req
2988. who saw 'em talkin' at the seawall
near Lake Pontchartrain.
Copy !req
2989. But, hell, it's tough, boss,
nobody wants to talk about Shaw. He's--
Copy !req
2990. You keep saying--
see, you keep saying that!
Copy !req
2991. - You're not digging!
- I keep saying what?
Copy !req
2992. - You're not digging deep enough.
- I'm not digging?
Copy !req
2993. - You do my job, I'll do your job!
Copy !req
2994. I think Clinton is a breakthrough,
now, all right?
Copy !req
2995. Now, Shaw denies ever knowing
Ferrie or Oswald, right?
Copy !req
2996. Right.
Copy !req
2997. All right, that proves he's a liar.
Copy !req
2998. Keep on it, Bill.
Copy !req
2999. This is interesting.
Copy !req
3000. Oswald went to see the FBI two weeks
before the assassination.
Copy !req
3001. Can I see Special Agent Hosty,
Copy !req
3002. I'm sorry, he's not in.
Can someone else help you?
Copy !req
3003. It seems Special Agent Hosty made
three visits to Janet Williams' house,
Copy !req
3004. supposedly to keep an eye on Marina.
Copy !req
3005. He left a note.
Copy !req
3006. Hosty told a Dallas newspaperman that
it was a warning to him
Copy !req
3007. to stop questioning Marina at home
when Oswald was not present.
Copy !req
3008. She was not a citizen, so possibly he was
threatening to deport her back to Russia.
Copy !req
3009. But what the note really said
no one knows.
Copy !req
3010. - Hosty tore it up,
- Get rid of it!
Copy !req
3011. - and flushed it down the toilet.
- Get rid of it, Hosty.
Copy !req
3012. This is just speculation,
people, but
Copy !req
3013. what if the note was describing the
assassination attempt on JFK?
Copy !req
3014. Come on, people, think!
Copy !req
3015. That's the only reason to destroy it.
Copy !req
3016. Because if it was any kind of threat,
like Hosty said, they would've kept it,
Copy !req
3017. ‘cause it makes their case against
the "angry, lone nut” that much stronger.
Copy !req
3018. Remember the New Orleans meeting
with Agent Quigley
Copy !req
3019. - the day he got arrested?
Copy !req
3020. There, again, Quigley destroyed the notes
from the interview.
Copy !req
3021. I think we can raise the possibility that
Oswald not only was an informant...
Copy !req
3022. but that he may well have been the
original source we have for the telex
Copy !req
3023. dated November 17th,
Copy !req
3024. warning of Kennedy's assassination
in Dallas on November 22nd.
Copy !req
3025. William Walter, the night clerk on duty
in the FBI office here,
Copy !req
3026. he gave me a copy of this,
Copy !req
3027. said it went all over the country,
nothing was done,
Copy !req
3028. and the motorcade went ahead
on schedule.
Copy !req
3029. And this wasn't even mentioned in
the Warren Report.
Copy !req
3030. Determined that a militant
revolutionary group
Copy !req
3031. may attempt to assassinate
President Kennedy
Copy !req
3032. on his proposed trip to Dallas,
Copy !req
3033. Shortly after the assassination,
Walter says
Copy !req
3034. that the telex was removed from all
the files in all the cities,
Copy !req
3035. as an obvious embarrassment
to the Bureau.
Copy !req
3036. I believe Oswald was sending
information through Hosty.
Copy !req
3037. I have a hunch that,
from the get go,
Copy !req
3038. Oswald had infiltrated this group,
probably Cubans, right-wing extremists.
Copy !req
3039. - He was told to be at the book depository
Copy !req
3040. that day by his handlers, to either
prevent the assassination
Copy !req
3041. or to take part in it.
Copy !req
3042. I mean, they coulda told him
Copy !req
3043. either they were gonna close down
the plotters
Copy !req
3044. - that day,
Copy !req
3045. or they were gonna simulate an attack on
Kennedy to whip up public opinion
Copy !req
3046. so that Kennedy would have to reverse
his policies on communism.
Copy !req
3047. It doesn't really matter what
they told him.
Copy !req
3048. - He was under orders.
Copy !req
3049. He was a foot soldier.
Copy !req
3050. - And, uh...
Copy !req
3051. You can't miss.
Copy !req
3052. He is a dead duck.
Copy !req
3053. I don't buy it, chief.
Copy !req
3054. Why would the FBI cover it up?
Copy !req
3055. A telex that disappears from every single
FBI office in this country?
Copy !req
3056. There's a word, Bill.
Copy !req
3057. Orders.
Copy !req
3058. Or a cover up!
Copy !req
3059. Jesus, Bill, don't you have enough proof
of the FBI's complicity yet?
Copy !req
3060. Maybe I have a little more respect for
this country's institutions--
Copy !req
3061. - My God!
- than you do, Susie!
Copy !req
3062. How much more do you need?
Copy !req
3063. You tell me how the hell you gonna keep
a conspiracy going on between
Copy !req
3064. the mob, the CIA, the FBI,
and Army Intelligence,
Copy !req
3065. and who the hell knows what else,
Copy !req
3066. when you know for a fact you can't
keep a secret in this room
Copy !req
3067. between 12 people.
Copy !req
3068. We got leaks everywhere!
Copy !req
3069. I mean, we are going to trial here,
Copy !req
3070. What the hell do we really got?
Copy !req
3071. Oswald, Ruby, Banister, Ferrie
are dead!
Copy !req
3072. Shaw, I mean maybe he's an agent,
I don't know,
Copy !req
3073. but as a covert operator in my book
he is wide open for blackmail
Copy !req
3074. ‘cause of his homosexuality.
Copy !req
3075. Shaw's our toehold, Bill. Now, I don't
know exactly what he is or where he fits,
Copy !req
3076. and I don't really care.
Copy !req
3077. I do know he's lying through his
teeth and I'm not gonna let go of him.
Copy !req
3078. Yeah, and for those reasons, you're going
to trial against Clay Shaw, chief?
Copy !req
3079. Well, you're gonna lose!
Copy !req
3080. We should be investigating our mafia
leads here in New Orleans.
Copy !req
3081. Now, I can buy that a hell of a lot easier
than I can the government.
Copy !req
3082. Ruby is all mob, knows Oswald,
sets him up.
Copy !req
3083. Hoffa, Trafficante, Marcello, they hire
some guns to do Kennedy,
Copy !req
3084. and the government doesn't want to open up
a whole can of worms there because
Copy !req
3085. it used the mob to try to get
to Castro.
Copy !req
3086. You know, Castro being assassinated
by the mob, by us,
Copy !req
3087. it sounds pretty wild to
John Q. Citizen.
Copy !req
3088. So they close the book on JFK.
Copy !req
3089. Makes perfect sense to me.
Copy !req
3090. I don't doubt their involvement, Bill,
but at a low level.
Copy !req
3091. - Oh, come on!
- Could the mob
Copy !req
3092. change the parade route, Bill?
Copy !req
3093. Or eliminate the protection for
the president?
Copy !req
3094. Could the mob send Oswald to Russia
and get him back?
Copy !req
3095. Could the mob get the FBI, the CIA,
and the Dallas police
Copy !req
3096. to make a mess
of the investigation?
Copy !req
3097. I mean, could the mob get the Warren
Commission appointed to cover it up?
Copy !req
3098. Could the mob wreck the autopsy?
Copy !req
3099. I mean, could the mob influence
the national media to go to sleep?
Copy !req
3100. And since when has the mob used
anything but. 38s for hits up close?
Copy !req
3101. The mob wouldn't have the guts or the
power for something of this magnitude.
Copy !req
3102. Assassins need payrolls,
Copy !req
3103. schedules, times, orders.
Copy !req
3104. This was a military-style ambush
from start to finish.
Copy !req