1. And we were born on September 15...
Copy !req
2. 1989.
Copy !req
3. - And...
- And she's the older... Older twin.
Copy !req
4. - I'm older by 10 minutes.
- She's... Ten minutes.
Copy !req
5. 'Cause she had an umbilical cord
wrapped around her neck.
Copy !req
6. And she, like,
shoved me in there and wouldn't let me out.
Copy !req
7. I was, like, kicking her in,
Copy !req
8. shoving her more in my mom,
Copy !req
9. - so that's why she came out, like, later.
- Yeah.
Copy !req
10. - And...
- She came out the bigger twin, too.
Copy !req
11. Well, I came out a pound heavier than Kara,
Copy !req
12. so that's why I'm an inch taller now.
Copy !req
13. She's always been, like, a pound heavier.
Copy !req
14. No.
Copy !req
15. So, yeah, it's...
You know, I love being twins, man. It's...
Copy !req
16. It's basically
like you have a bag of spare parts.
Copy !req
17. - Yeah.
- You know what I mean?
Copy !req
18. It's, like, I need a kidney down the road,
Copy !req
19. I know he's got one, so I'm always like,
Copy !req
20. "Hey, stay healthy, dude. Eat right."
Copy !req
21. When we were kids,
we had our own secret language
Copy !req
22. that only me and my brother understood.
Copy !req
23. I guess, when we were kids,
we thought we were whales.
Copy !req
24. Like, when things are bad,
Copy !req
25. we don't really got to say anything
to each other.
Copy !req
26. We just make these sounds. It's like...
Copy !req
27. So, I just graduated from Harvard,
and I'm starting a new job
Copy !req
28. at a law firm in Southern California,
so I'm really happy about that.
Copy !req
29. And I got a job at Hooters. I'm happy, too.
Copy !req
30. Hooters!
Copy !req
31. Being a twin is like being a married couple,
and you can't divorce her.
Copy !req
32. Even, like...
I mean, I love her when we're together.
Copy !req
33. Well, actually, more so when we're distant.
Copy !req
34. She loves nature, like me.
Copy !req
35. She loves donating her time to charities.
Copy !req
36. And she loves eating healthy,
so that's awesome.
Copy !req
37. She's my best friend.
Copy !req
38. My best friend is my boyfriend.
Copy !req
39. Pepto-Bismol, take 43.
Copy !req
40. And action!
Copy !req
41. Please, why do I have to have such diarrhea?
Copy !req
42. You need to drink the pink.
Copy !req
43. - Hold it. Cut! Cut! Jack!
- What is he doing?
Copy !req
44. Jack, are you watching this?
Copy !req
45. What do you mean, "Cut," man?
Copy !req
46. l... I got to be at Sesame Street by 1:00.
Copy !req
47. Hey, hey, hey, Reeg,
do you really have diarrhea?
Copy !req
48. 'Cause you lost weight or something.
Copy !req
49. Why does the stomach
have all the good lines?
Copy !req
50. "Drink the pink." That's funny.
Copy !req
51. I'm sorry, Jack.
Copy !req
52. The Dunkin' Donut people want to talk to us.
Copy !req
53. Okay, well, I got to...
Copy !req
54. Regis, it's going to be fine.
Copy !req
55. Yeah, and you'll take care of that, and...
Copy !req
56. Thank you very much.
I didn't need that, but cool.
Copy !req
57. I got some bad news.
Copy !req
58. We may lose Dunkin' Donuts.
Copy !req
59. What do you mean "lose"?
They didn't like our pitches?
Copy !req
60. They want Al Pacino.
Copy !req
61. Al Pacino to do a commercial?
Copy !req
62. The Godfather, Al Pacino?
Copy !req
63. They got this new coffee drink,
the Dunkaccino.
Copy !req
64. Dunkaccino, Al Pacino, they sound alike.
Copy !req
65. - Yes.
- Well, they think it'll be a home run.
Copy !req
66. Of course it would be a home run,
Copy !req
67. if he would ever do it, which he won't.
Copy !req
68. Yeah, well, never say never.
Copy !req
69. Remember, you didn't think
we could get Brad Pitt
Copy !req
70. to do that RadioShack commercial.
Copy !req
71. I was right.
Copy !req
72. Well, you can't be right all the time.
Copy !req
73. Look, bottom line,
Copy !req
74. they're going to give us one month
to make this whole Pacino thing happen,
Copy !req
75. or they're going to go elsewhere.
Copy !req
76. We can't lose Dunkin' Donuts.
They're our biggest client.
Copy !req
77. Damn it. We're going to go bankrupt, buddy.
Copy !req
78. And we have 200 employees relying on us.
Copy !req
79. Try to have a good Thanksgiving, okay?
Copy !req
80. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Copy !req
81. What do you think? Would Al Pacino
ever do a Dunkin' Donuts commercial?
Copy !req
82. What?
Copy !req
83. Yeah.
Copy !req
84. Shut up.
Copy !req
85. - Did my wife call?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
86. You're all set for the cruise.
You guys leave a week after Hanukkah.
Copy !req
87. Okay, all right. There's some good news.
Copy !req
88. Yeah. She converted, right? That's so cool.
She doesn't look Jewish at all.
Copy !req
89. Wow. That was anti-Semitic.
Copy !req
90. What? No, I just...
Copy !req
91. See, I can say that, you can't.
You're not Jewish.
Copy !req
92. No, but I'm close.
Copy !req
93. What... What does that mean?
Copy !req
94. I'm an atheist.
Copy !req
95. - You're two for two right there.
- What? No...
Copy !req
96. Anyways, did my sister say
what time she's flying in tomorrow?
Copy !req
97. Yeah, I was supposed to pick her up at noon,
Copy !req
98. but she switched the flight to earlier,
Copy !req
99. so now she gets in at 4:00 in the morning.
Copy !req
100. Why?
Copy !req
101. Something about jet lag.
Copy !req
102. She never listens. She gains three hours.
Copy !req
103. Every year, she acts like
she's flying to New Zealand.
Copy !req
104. She's a freak, man.
Copy !req
105. Yeah, again, you can't say that.
Copy !req
106. No, l...
Copy !req
107. - Honey...
- Yeah?
Copy !req
108. Try complimenting her.
Copy !req
109. Yeah. What?
Copy !req
110. To avoid fighting.
Copy !req
111. Just focus on something positive.
Copy !req
112. Tell Jill that she has nice shoes.
Copy !req
113. Nice shoes. That's good. That'll work.
Copy !req
114. - I love you, honey.
- I love you, too.
Copy !req
115. And I love my sister.
Copy !req
116. And I can keep my cool. It's only four days.
Copy !req
117. I love my sister. I love her shoes.
Copy !req
118. Well, I just...
Copy !req
119. I can't find him anywhere.
Copy !req
120. Does he know what terminal it is?
Copy !req
121. l...
Copy !req
122. Okay, okay, I see him.
Copy !req
123. All right, I'm hanging up.
Copy !req
124. How are we doing?
Copy !req
125. Where were you?
Copy !req
126. I've been waiting forever for you.
Copy !req
127. This place is creeping me out.
Copy !req
128. Why so many bags?
Are the Knicks traveling with you?
Copy !req
129. - What is with this?
- Mom always said,
Copy !req
130. "It's better to have it and not need it
than to need it and not have it."
Copy !req
131. Yeah, she did say that.
I remember that. That was cool.
Copy !req
132. Are you going bald?
Copy !req
133. No, no, no, no. You're getting fatter,
and your hair doesn't realize
Copy !req
134. that it needs to cover more face.
Copy !req
135. - Okay.
- Where'd you put the car?
Copy !req
136. You really had to bring your bird?
Copy !req
137. Yeah, she's my best friend.
Copy !req
138. - Anyways, Jill, I was thinking...
- Yeah?
Copy !req
139. the house is going to be very crowded
Copy !req
140. 'cause we got the kids, and all the guests
Copy !req
141. are coming by, and blah, blah, blah.
Copy !req
142. So, there's this new hotel,
a Hilton that they just built down...
Copy !req
143. But I want to spend time with Sofie and Gary.
Copy !req
144. Why, do you not want me to stay with you?
Copy !req
145. No, no, no, no.
Of course I want you to stay with us.
Copy !req
146. I was just... I was just saying.
Copy !req
147. Okay, I'll stay with you, then.
Copy !req
148. It's too bad,
'cause the hotel was starting to sound fun.
Copy !req
149. Why are you doing that?
Why do you sigh so loud?
Copy !req
150. I just really, really love your shoes.
Copy !req
151. You are so weird.
Copy !req
152. isn't he weird, Poopsie?
Copy !req
153. Where were you?
Copy !req
154. Poopsie gets it.
Copy !req
155. Yeah. Poopsie really gets it.
Copy !req
156. She always did get it. L... It's just...
Copy !req
157. She always loved getting it.
Copy !req
158. And then your dad and l
went to the soup kitchen,
Copy !req
159. and they gave us Otto
to bring to Thanksgiving dinner this year.
Copy !req
160. Thanks again for having me. It's very nice.
Copy !req
161. Are you going to eat dinner with us tonight?
Copy !req
162. Yes, he is, honey.
Copy !req
163. And what about tomorrow night?
Copy !req
164. Tomorrow, Otto's going to go back home...
Copy !req
165. Less.
Copy !req
166. Sorry.
Copy !req
167. Sofia, show Otto your karate moves.
Copy !req
168. You know, why don't...
Why don't you go wake up Jill?
Copy !req
169. - What?
- It's 5:30.
Copy !req
170. She's here. That's the important thing.
It counts as a day.
Copy !req
171. - So what? She's sleeping.
- Jack...
Copy !req
172. - All right, I'll go check on Jill.
- Thank you.
Copy !req
173. It's okay, Otto. It's just her...
Copy !req
174. Jill.
Copy !req
175. Wake up.
Copy !req
176. Okay, stay sleeping.
Copy !req
177. Jet lag.
Copy !req
178. - I have a gun!
- Oh, my God!
Copy !req
179. You see, I live alone.
Poopsie's trained to watch out for me.
Copy !req
180. Don't sneak up like that, all right?
Copy !req
181. Where were you?
Copy !req
182. I don't...
Copy !req
183. Come downstairs. The food's ready.
Copy !req
184. Can you just lay down with me
for five minutes?
Copy !req
185. I'm not laying down with you. No.
Copy !req
186. Come on. I just want some twin time.
Copy !req
187. I'm a grown man. I'm not laying next to you.
Copy !req
188. Just have Poopsie lay with you.
l... I don't know.
Copy !req
189. All right.
Copy !req
190. I'll take a bath,
and I'll meet you downstairs in an hour.
Copy !req
191. Good looking out, Poopsie.
Copy !req
192. Don't forget your sweat shadow.
Copy !req
193. What?
Copy !req
194. All right,
just take your bath and all that stuff,
Copy !req
195. and then burn those sheets.
Copy !req
196. Hey, guys.
Copy !req
197. Jill! You look amazing.
Copy !req
198. Macy's, Marshalls.
Copy !req
199. Hey, where am I sitting?
Copy !req
200. What do you mean?
Copy !req
201. 'Cause, usually, I sit next to you.
Copy !req
202. So all of a sudden, I'm...
I'm not going to sit here?
Copy !req
203. Would you...
Copy !req
204. I thought you could sit down here.
Copy !req
205. I always sit next to Jack.
Copy !req
206. - ls there a reason I'm moving?
- No.
Copy !req
207. Jill, if you'd like, you could sit here.
I'd be happy to move.
Copy !req
208. That's okay. You're fine.
Copy !req
209. if you want to... if you...
Do you want to sit here?
Copy !req
210. I don't know.
Copy !req
211. Okay, you just sit in my chair. How's that?
Copy !req
212. - There you go.
- All right, thank you.
Copy !req
213. - Gary, is that you?
- Yes, it is.
Copy !req
214. - Look how handsome you are.
- Thank you.
Copy !req
215. It's so nice to see you.
Copy !req
216. Look at this leaf. Look at this.
Copy !req
217. You have it taped on you?
Copy !req
218. - That's so cute.
- Yes.
Copy !req
219. Why did he do that?
Copy !req
220. He likes tape.
Copy !req
221. Hey. Sofie, is that you, or is that you?
Copy !req
222. Good to see you, Erin.
Copy !req
223. Good to see you, Jill.
Copy !req
224. - How was your flight?
- The house looks amazing.
Copy !req
225. You got a new chandelier?
Copy !req
226. Yeah, yeah.
Copy !req
227. I loved the old one.
Copy !req
228. So, how's everybody's Gobble-Gobble Day?
Copy !req
229. - Great.
- Excellent.
Copy !req
230. By the way, Jill, this is Otto. Otto.
Copy !req
231. Nice to meet you.
Copy !req
232. He's homeless, right?
Copy !req
233. He seems clean, but you should put
Copy !req
234. one of those toilet seat protectors
underneath him
Copy !req
235. to make sure he doesn't ruin the chair.
Copy !req
236. Are you whispering
with a bullhorn or something?
Copy !req
237. Everybody hears you.
Copy !req
238. No, they can't, Mr. Hearing Expert.
Copy !req
239. - So...
- Pass that down, Daddy.
Copy !req
240. I'm allowed out here once a year,
so I tend to miss things.
Copy !req
241. What's going on? Anything new?
Copy !req
242. Well, Sofie just got her green belt in karate.
Copy !req
243. How come I didn't know about this?
Copy !req
244. I didn't even know she did karate.
What... I mean,
Copy !req
245. I feel like I'm in the Twilight Zone right now.
Copy !req
246. I'm like Jimmy Stewart
at the end of that movie,
Copy !req
247. the one where...
They... They're in Pottersville.
Copy !req
248. What... What is that... That movie called?
Copy !req
249. It's a Wonderful Life?
Copy !req
250. No, no, with Jimmy Stewart.
Copy !req
251. The... The one where he meets the angel
and he's mad.
Copy !req
252. It's a Wonderful Life.
Copy !req
253. Why do you keep saying that?
Copy !req
254. No, the one where he falls in the pool
Copy !req
255. and he sings Buffalo Gals.
Copy !req
256. He gets all the money at the end,
Copy !req
257. and he finds out
that his life really is wonderful.
Copy !req
258. Star Wars.
Copy !req
259. They play it every Christmas.
Copy !req
260. You must have saw it
before Jack made you convert.
Copy !req
261. What? What are you doing right now?
Copy !req
262. Your brother didn't
make me do anything, Jill.
Copy !req
263. Everyone has to be like Jack over here.
Copy !req
264. Even poor Gary.
Copy !req
265. What? What does that mean?
Copy !req
266. You made him switch from being lndian.
Copy !req
267. What is wrong with you?
Copy !req
268. We adopted him when he was 10 days old.
Copy !req
269. This is all he knows.
Copy !req
270. Did you ever think maybe he tapes things
to himself
Copy !req
271. 'cause he doesn't feel connected?
Copy !req
272. You know, to his real parents?
Copy !req
273. That was very smart. I just thought of that.
Copy !req
274. isn't it? That was interesting.
Copy !req
275. - Aunt Jill?
- Yes, sweetheart.
Copy !req
276. Yes, Sofie.
Copy !req
277. Do you and Daddy have twin powers?
Copy !req
278. What's this? What is twin powers?
Copy !req
279. It's this thing we saw on 60 Minutes.
Copy !req
280. Some twins have strange powers,
and they can feel when the other one's hurt.
Copy !req
281. Jack and I can do that.
Copy !req
282. What? Why are you making a face?
Copy !req
283. When we were kids,
you felt it when I broke my ankle.
Copy !req
284. I felt it 'cause you fell on my head.
Copy !req
285. - You like that one?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
286. - All right, good, good.
- Please!
Copy !req
287. Tell me you don't feel this.
Copy !req
288. I didn't feel it. Maybe if you did it harder.
Copy !req
289. Little harder.
Copy !req
290. No, Jill. Stop it.
Copy !req
291. - He's kidding.
- What?
Copy !req
292. Donkey fight!
Copy !req
293. - Jill, are you okay?
- Yeah, no, I'm fine.
Copy !req
294. Gary, that was... He didn't 100% connect.
Copy !req
295. Feel that, Daddy?
Copy !req
296. l... I actually did feel something there.
Copy !req
297. Pride in my son.
Copy !req
298. Will you stop it already?
Copy !req
299. These sweet potatoes need salt.
Copy !req
300. I'm so sick of that.
Copy !req
301. Why are you so afraid
to admit that we are connected?
Copy !req
302. Face it.
Copy !req
303. We shared Mom's womb.
Copy !req
304. We were womb-mates.
Copy !req
305. That is just disgusting.
Copy !req
306. I have an idea.
Copy !req
307. On the show, there were these twins,
Copy !req
308. and they finished each other's sentences.
Copy !req
309. Jack, maybe you could start a sentence,
Copy !req
310. - and Jill, you could finish it.
- No. No.
Copy !req
311. - Come on, Daddy, please!
- Please, Daddy, please!
Copy !req
312. - Please.
- Oh, my God.
Copy !req
313. Ready to receive mental images.
Copy !req
314. All right, will you stop? You're scaring him.
Copy !req
315. That's just noises she's making.
Copy !req
316. - Okay, ready?
- Yes.
Copy !req
317. I'm very tired, so I'm going to...
Copy !req
318. Go to the supermarket.
Copy !req
319. No, I'm going to sleep.
Copy !req
320. What is... Why would I go to a supermarket
if I was tired?
Copy !req
321. That's what I would do.
Copy !req
322. The cold air always wakes you up.
Copy !req
323. isn't it nice when it's...
You go over there in the frozen food section?
Copy !req
324. - God bless...
- You! God bless you!
Copy !req
325. I finished your sentence. Got you, Pagogo.
Copy !req
326. What's Pagogo?
Copy !req
327. Oh, it's... It's a name that Aunt Jill used
to call your dad when they were growing up.
Copy !req
328. I was Pokee, and your father was Pagogo.
Copy !req
329. We had our own secret language.
Copy !req
330. Ook maga do do, Pagogo.
Copy !req
331. I have no idea what those words mean,
Copy !req
332. nor have I ever known
what those words meant.
Copy !req
333. You do know what they mean,
and you're lying right now.
Copy !req
334. "Ook maga do do" means "l love you."
Copy !req
335. "Bongi" means "thank you."
Copy !req
336. "Klapa" means "left."
Copy !req
337. Hey, do you remember what
"Locky mocky koko" means?
Copy !req
338. What does it mean again?
Copy !req
339. Jack, don't.
Copy !req
340. It means, "l can't stand you being here!"
Copy !req
341. This is really awkward. I'm going to go.
Copy !req
342. Dessert is coming.
Copy !req
343. I'm full.
Copy !req
344. Okay.
Copy !req
345. I love how nice we are to this homeless man,
Copy !req
346. a person we don't even know,
Copy !req
347. who probably is pretending to be homeless!
Copy !req
348. You don't look homeless to me!
You're fat! You're Al-Qaeda!
Copy !req
349. Sofia, why don't you go upstairs?
Copy !req
350. No, Mom,
this is my favorite part of Thanksgiving.
Copy !req
351. You know what? I'm leaving.
Copy !req
352. I'm leaving. That's it. That's it. I'm going.
I am going! I hope you're happy!
Copy !req
353. I'm sleeping out here in the woods!
Copy !req
354. At least the animals will be nice.
Copy !req
355. - Jill!
- He's even turning the kids against me!
Copy !req
356. - Are you okay?
- Jill, are you all right?
Copy !req
357. No. See, the kids love you.
Copy !req
358. And I love them. And that's the only reason
that I come back here every year.
Copy !req
359. Jack, apologize.
Copy !req
360. I'm sorry that you make
everybody uncomfortable. I really am.
Copy !req
361. Jack.
Copy !req
362. All right.
I'm sorry about what I said back there.
Copy !req
363. I didn't mean it. L... I love you.
Copy !req
364. I just feel abandoned.
I'm all alone in the Bronx.
Copy !req
365. I don't have any family with me anymore.
Copy !req
366. We didn't abandon you.
Copy !req
367. I told you,
you can Skype us any time you want.
Copy !req
368. I don't even know what that means.
Copy !req
369. What is Skype? It sounds anti-Semitic.
Copy !req
370. - What is it?
- It's just this lnternet thing.
Copy !req
371. I don't get that!
Copy !req
372. You know I don't have a calculator.
Copy !req
373. - Okay.
- Do you know what?
Copy !req
374. Our home is your home.
Copy !req
375. So let's go back. I have some ice cream.
Copy !req
376. I don't know, Erin. I'm too upset.
Copy !req
377. I can't eat right now.
Copy !req
378. - What flavor?
- Chocolate.
Copy !req
379. No. You have maple walnut?
I don't like chocolate.
Copy !req
380. l... I didn't know you liked maple walnut.
Copy !req
381. Hang in there, brother.
Copy !req
382. She's only here till Sunday.
Copy !req
383. What is done cannot now be amended!
Copy !req
384. Yeah, Ted, I'm looking at it right now.
Copy !req
385. So, this was two nights ago?
Copy !req
386. If I did taKe the Kingdom
Copy !req
387. from your sons, to maKe amends,
Copy !req
388. I give it to your daughter.
Copy !req
389. Will you get that?
Copy !req
390. Whoa.
Copy !req
391. You have a ohone in your hand!
Copy !req
392. You are told
before the olay starts not to have it ring!
Copy !req
393. Shut all cell ohones off!
Copy !req
394. This is what the man said!
Copy !req
395. Yeah, this guy's going to do
a Dunkin' Donuts commercial.
Copy !req
396. This has got to stoo.
Copy !req
397. I'm losing my mind.
Copy !req
398. Helo me.
Copy !req
399. Where am l?
Copy !req
400. ThanK you. ThanK you all for coming.
Copy !req
401. Yeah.
Copy !req
402. How do you know Pacino's going
to a Laker game?
Copy !req
403. Well, yeah, get the tickets,
Copy !req
404. but how am I even going to get near the guy?
Copy !req
405. He's going to have security or something.
Copy !req
406. I'm not telling my wife
to wear something trashy
Copy !req
407. just 'cause it would save our company.
Copy !req
408. Unless she wants to. I mean, that's her thing.
Copy !req
409. No... I'm hanging up the phone. Goodbye.
Copy !req
410. Excuse me, Mrs. Erin, the magnolia branch
in the backyard could fall off any time.
Copy !req
411. I mean, I don't want anyone to get hurt.
Copy !req
412. Should I take it down now?
Copy !req
413. Yeah, sure, sure.
Whatever... Whatever you think, Felipe.
Copy !req
414. Okay.
Copy !req
415. Did you have a nice Thanksgiving?
Copy !req
416. Yeah, I had the whole family come over.
Copy !req
417. Even my Aunt Rosa snuck across the border.
Copy !req
418. I'm kidding, I'm kidding!
Copy !req
419. Who are you?
Are you a gardener or something?
Copy !req
420. No, l... I don't just do gardening.
I do impressions, too.
Copy !req
421. When lmmigration shows up,
I do a great impression of a tree.
Copy !req
422. I'm kidding, I'm kidding!
Copy !req
423. Strong. All right.
Jay Leno better watch his back.
Copy !req
424. You know it.
Copy !req
425. Nice to meet you, señorita.
Copy !req
426. Okay, nice to meet you.
Copy !req
427. What is he doing?
Copy !req
428. What is his problem?
Copy !req
429. Jack, Jack, Jack!
Copy !req
430. I put a little list together
of things I want to do before I leave, so...
Copy !req
431. Oh, my God. I got to touch that?
Copy !req
432. Yeah.
Copy !req
433. "Studio tour, beach,
Copy !req
434. "horseback riding, get on a game show."
Copy !req
435. You can't get through all this stuff.
You're leaving Sunday.
Copy !req
436. I don't know.
Copy !req
437. What do you mean, you don't know?
You know.
Copy !req
438. I just wanted to have fun out here,
Copy !req
439. and, you know, we fought last night.
Copy !req
440. I just... I feel really weird leaving like that.
Copy !req
441. What do you mean? It was a great night.
Copy !req
442. We... We ate food,
we ran in the woods. It was fun.
Copy !req
443. I just...
Maybe I should stay out through Hanukkah.
Copy !req
444. Mom's gone now,
Copy !req
445. so there's really nothing
for me to go back to.
Copy !req
446. - Stay, then!
- Stay!
Copy !req
447. She can't stay. Because of your airline ticket.
Copy !req
448. It's, like, the busiest time of year.
We'll never get you a return flight.
Copy !req
449. That's why I used my twin hunch
Copy !req
450. in knowing that we would fight,
Copy !req
451. and I have an open-ended ticket.
Copy !req
452. Hanukkah! Hanukkah! Hanukkah! Hanukkah!
Copy !req
453. He's going to be mad.
Copy !req
454. I don't know where we parked the car.
I don't know.
Copy !req
455. I just want to go on with them
because they look scared.
Copy !req
456. I know if I was riding with them, they would...
Copy !req
457. I know you say I weigh too much,
but I don't think I do.
Copy !req
458. Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!
Copy !req
459. Okay, I'm ready! Let's go!
Copy !req
460. Oh, my God!
Copy !req
461. Oh, God! Look, I'm so sorry.
Copy !req
462. I weigh too much. You were right!
Copy !req
463. Gary...
Copy !req
464. At least put a helmet on that thing.
Copy !req
465. What are you doing?
Copy !req
466. Why can't I just lay with you?
Copy !req
467. You're a weirdo!
Copy !req
468. All right, welcome back to The Price ls Right
Let's find out who's next.
Copy !req
469. Jill Sadelstein, come on down!
Copy !req
470. You're the next contestant
on The Price ls Right.
Copy !req
471. All right, Jill, go ahead and spin the wheel,
Copy !req
472. - whenever you're ready.
- You are the best, Drew.
Copy !req
473. This is awesome, guys!
Copy !req
474. - Go ahead and...
- Are you married or not?
Copy !req
475. No. Go ahead and...
Copy !req
476. Jill, go ahead and spin the wheel.
Copy !req
477. No, because I know once I spin it,
I don't get to be near you anymore.
Copy !req
478. - All right.
- All right.
Copy !req
479. Hey, Gary, Sofie. Come on, guys, one dollar!
Copy !req
480. - One dollar.
- One dollar's the winner!
Copy !req
481. Good luck to you.
Copy !req
482. I never saw that before.
Hey, just give her a bunch of prizes.
Copy !req
483. We'll be right back right after this.
Don't go away.
Copy !req
484. Call an ambulance.
Copy !req
485. It banged me good.
Copy !req
486. Then, when I hit the floor,
that's when I really went out.
Copy !req
487. But when I came to, it was good.
They had prizes for me.
Copy !req
488. Say hello to my Iittle friend!
Copy !req
489. Do you want to olay rough? Okay.
Copy !req
490. What is she doing now?
Copy !req
491. I don't know...
Copy !req
492. Whoa! It's hard to hold on.
Copy !req
493. Please don't destroy my pool.
Copy !req
494. I've got it now. L...
Copy !req
495. My head!
Copy !req
496. But it's such a waste.
Copy !req
497. A full moon, an emoty yacht.
Copy !req
498. I'll throw uo.
Copy !req
499. I'll be.
Copy !req
500. About the roadhouse...
Copy !req
501. They have a Cuban band that's the berries.
Copy !req
502. Let's go there, blindfold the orchestra,
and tango till daWn.
Copy !req
503. - Do you Know something, Mr. Fielding?
- What?
Copy !req
504. You're dynamite.
Copy !req
505. Daddy.
Copy !req
506. You and Jill are so alike.
Copy !req
507. We are nothing alike, I promise you.
Copy !req
508. Well?
Copy !req
509. I'm not quite sure.
Copy !req
510. Would you try it again?
Copy !req
511. Just watch the movie.
Copy !req
512. I got a funny sensation in my toes.
Copy !req
513. LiKe someone Was barbecuing them
over a slow flame.
Copy !req
514. I thinK you're on the right tracK.
Copy !req
515. I must be.
Copy !req
516. Your glasses are beginning to steam uo.
Copy !req
517. Hello?
Copy !req
518. Mrs. Applebaum.
Copy !req
519. Hi. Yeah, no...
Copy !req
520. - What are you doing?
- It wasn't an emergency.
Copy !req
521. I just wanted to see
how my plants were doing.
Copy !req
522. Please stop talking!
Copy !req
523. - Okay, and you turned the heat off?
- Turn off the phone.
Copy !req
524. All the way off, though?
Copy !req
525. Jill, Jill!
Copy !req
526. Yeah, I can't hear her. I'm trying to...
Copy !req
527. - I'm on the phone.
- Well, get off the phone, you psycho!
Copy !req
528. - No, don't cry.
- You know what?
Copy !req
529. - Don't run away.
- You just...
Copy !req
530. - Don't go in the woods. Jill!
- I can't believe it.
Copy !req
531. Hey!
Copy !req
532. It's the last night of Hanukkah!
Copy !req
533. Come on, already! It's happy time!
Copy !req
534. Dude, way to yell at a chick. That's awesome.
Copy !req
535. That was a chick?
Copy !req
536. - Yeah, that was a chick.
- Really.
Copy !req
537. Hey! The brake.
Copy !req
538. Hey, hey, I can do it!
Copy !req
539. - It's all right! I got it!
- I can do it!
Copy !req
540. It's all right!
Copy !req
541. Hey, I can do it.
Copy !req
542. It's okay.
Copy !req
543. It goes fast.
Copy !req
544. I'm getting it on him.
Copy !req
545. She's crazy.
Copy !req
546. She's crazy. She's never leaving.
Copy !req
547. Well, she was going to leave
until you called her "psycho."
Copy !req
548. She's forwarding her mail to us now!
Copy !req
549. Highlights magazine.
Copy !req
550. Birdy magazine addressed to Poopsie!
Copy !req
551. Okay, okay.
Copy !req
552. Did you ever think that maybe she's lonely
Copy !req
553. and she needs someone
to get her through the holidays?
Copy !req
554. She needs a guy.
Copy !req
555. - She needs a guy!
- No, no, no, no.
Copy !req
556. if we don't get her a guy by New Year's,
Copy !req
557. she's gonna come on the cruise ship with us.
Copy !req
558. We'll be locked on a boat for seven days!
I'll kill myself!
Copy !req
559. Do not get involved in her love life.
Copy !req
560. Aunt Jill, why don't you have any kids?
Copy !req
561. Gary, did you make your bed this morning?
Copy !req
562. It's okay, Erin.
You don't have to... I can tell him.
Copy !req
563. Gary, I have all the equipment
Copy !req
564. and it seems to be functioning well.
Copy !req
565. I get a little reminder every 30 days or so.
Copy !req
566. But the point is, Gary, I was never married.
Copy !req
567. Why?
Copy !req
568. Well, everyone loved your father.
Copy !req
569. He was more of a gadfly.
Copy !req
570. Me, I kept to myself,
Copy !req
571. made sure Grandma and Grandpa were okay.
Copy !req
572. But everybody loves Aunt Jill
just as much as Daddy.
Copy !req
573. Or more.
Copy !req
574. Don't say that.
Copy !req
575. Your father,
he might act tough, but he has thin skin.
Copy !req
576. You'd hurt his feelings.
Copy !req
577. Aunt Jill, did you date boys?
Copy !req
578. I liked boys.
Copy !req
579. They just, they... They never liked me back.
Copy !req
580. My friend Mimi's mom dates boys
she meets on the computer.
Copy !req
581. I've heard of this. Yeah, I would do that.
Copy !req
582. It's just, I don't know
how to use a computer or a radar.
Copy !req
583. Or a robot or whatever.
Copy !req
584. Well, let's show her!
Copy !req
585. - Jack.
- No, no, no.
Copy !req
586. Sofie's the one who brought it up.
It's her. She did it.
Copy !req
587. I would do it. I mean, what the heck?
It's no biggie. Let's go for it.
Copy !req
588. I need a man.
Copy !req
589. So many to choose from.
Copy !req
590. Match.com.
Copy !req
591. That's a good one.
Copy !req
592. eHarmony, I've heard of.
They have commercials.
Copy !req
593. mySoul-Mate.net.
Copy !req
594. I like that because I got a little soul.
Copy !req
595. Okay, so it says to press here to register
Copy !req
596. for your perfect soul mate.
Copy !req
597. Not like that.
Copy !req
598. No. Like this.
Copy !req
599. What are you, a computer whiz?
Copy !req
600. You would think he'd be the genius,
being from lndia.
Copy !req
601. Now, lndia's,
Copy !req
602. really amazing lately.
Copy !req
603. They're just leading the pack.
Copy !req
604. I read in Time magazine, they're number one.
China's number two.
Copy !req
605. - The Jews, we're back to number three.
- Okay.
Copy !req
606. Four is Germany,
so let's watch out, everyone.
Copy !req
607. All right, all right, listen,
you got to pick a username, Jill,
Copy !req
608. so just do that.
Copy !req
609. A username?
Copy !req
610. How about Manilow?
Copy !req
611. 'Cause he can use me anytime he wants to.
Copy !req
612. Just kidding.
I hope you didn't understand that.
Copy !req
613. It's a little risqué for your age.
Copy !req
614. Okay, now you load your profile picture
that Sofie took of you.
Copy !req
615. Can't wait to see this.
Copy !req
616. My picture is embarrassing. Put it up.
Copy !req
617. Is it too va-va-voomish?
Copy !req
618. No, it's very natural.
Copy !req
619. Maybe I should have gone
with peanut butter and jelly.
Copy !req
620. This... I like it, I like it.
Copy !req
621. Forget it. I'm committing to it. So, what?
Copy !req
622. if somebody likes me,
the little envelope thing will be blinking?
Copy !req
623. I just, I love this so much.
Copy !req
624. I crave this, family time.
Copy !req
625. It's why you have a family.
Copy !req
626. A ham this good
only comes once a generation.
Copy !req
627. Like me.
Copy !req
628. I give this ham four rings.
Copy !req
629. That's a hell of a good ham right there.
Copy !req
630. Whose idea was the wig?
Copy !req
631. That was his choice.
Copy !req
632. I think it's great
that Shaq doesn't look like Shaq at all,
Copy !req
633. that he looks like Al Sharpton on HGH.
Copy !req
634. Turn the TV off.
Copy !req
635. So, how long does it take
Copy !req
636. to get a response
on one of those computer dating things?
Copy !req
637. I'm... I'm new to this.
Copy !req
638. I mean, it can take...
It can take a day, it can take a week.
Copy !req
639. You know what I mean?
For someone like her...
Copy !req
640. What was that? What was...
Why'd you say, "like her"?
Copy !req
641. Someone like her.
Like, in her 40s, still single.
Copy !req
642. You know what I mean? lncredibly homely.
Copy !req
643. Wow, you hate your job, don't you?
Copy !req
644. No. I only said that
'cause you said that one time.
Copy !req
645. I can say that 'cause I'm her twin.
Copy !req
646. Hey, Jack, Laker game tomorrow night.
Copy !req
647. We got to make that Pacino thing happen.
Copy !req
648. Everybody's really nervous around here.
Copy !req
649. Yeah, I know, I know.
Copy !req
650. What's this about a twin?
Copy !req
651. Jack. He has a twin sister.
Copy !req
652. Are you kidding me?
You never told me you had a twin sister.
Copy !req
653. No, no, I mean, she's...
Copy !req
654. ldentical or fraternal?
Copy !req
655. Nocturnal, like a bat.
Copy !req
656. Really?
Copy !req
657. I'll pack my stuff up, man.
Copy !req
658. How we doing in here?
Copy !req
659. Hey, what happened?
Copy !req
660. Aunt Jill checked to see if any boys liked her.
Copy !req
661. The blinking thing never blinked.
Copy !req
662. That's awful.
Copy !req
663. if people could only see
how good she can open a pickle jar...
Copy !req
664. Yeah, I know. You're right.
Copy !req
665. Okay, see you guys.
Copy !req
666. Okay, where do I find desperate guys?
Copy !req
667. Twitter, Maxim,
Copy !req
668. Craigslist.
Copy !req
669. Yeah.
Copy !req
670. Casual Encounters.
Copy !req
671. All right, savages, get ready.
Copy !req
672. Anyone wanting to meet a nice...
Copy !req
673. No, I need someone immediately.
Copy !req
674. Not "nice."
Copy !req
675. Anyone wanting to meet
Copy !req
676. a sexy gymnast model...
Copy !req
677. No, I can't lie so much.
Copy !req
678. A hot...
Copy !req
679. Hi, Poopsie.
Copy !req
680. Yeah, "hot" works.
Copy !req
681. crazy...
Copy !req
682. Hey!
Copy !req
683. personal masseuse...
Copy !req
684. I pull really hard.
Copy !req
685. Watch your mother.
She's going to have relief.
Copy !req
686. What happened?
Is she sleeping or something?
Copy !req
687. knockout.
Copy !req
688. - One dollar.
- One dollar's the winner!
Copy !req
689. Good luck to you.
Copy !req
690. For the night of your life,
Copy !req
691. go to Manilow
Copy !req
692. at mySoul-Mate.net.
Copy !req
693. Man, I'm really throwing her to the wolves.
Copy !req
694. But it has to be done.
Copy !req
695. Wow.
Copy !req
696. We're not going to tell anyone about this,
are we?
Copy !req
697. Where were you?
Copy !req
698. I trust you can keep a secret, kid!
Copy !req
699. You guys!
Copy !req
700. You guys! Are you sitting down?
Copy !req
701. I got over 100 responses on the computer!
Copy !req
702. Look at Miss Popular, all of a sudden.
Copy !req
703. I mean, some of them are weirdoes,
but some of them are so nice!
Copy !req
704. I wrote one guy back,
and we're going out tonight! Oh, my God!
Copy !req
705. I love it!
Copy !req
706. Oh, my God!
Copy !req
707. Yeah.
Copy !req
708. I'm so scared.
I don't know what I'm going to wear.
Copy !req
709. - I'll help you. I'll help you.
- I'm freaking out.
Copy !req
710. I feel like Julia Roberts in that movie.
Copy !req
711. Pretty Woman.
Copy !req
712. No, no, no, the one where she's a hooker.
Copy !req
713. What's the name of that one?
Copy !req
714. - Pretty Woman?
- No, no, no!
Copy !req
715. Why are you saying that? No, the other one.
Copy !req
716. What's the matter with you?
Copy !req
717. What's she going to wear?
Copy !req
718. What are you going to wear, Daddy?
Copy !req
719. In Hell.
Copy !req
720. Shut up.
Copy !req
721. This is like waiting for the queen.
Copy !req
722. Yeah, yeah.
Well, let's see what's taking her so long.
Copy !req
723. Go up there, speed her along.
Come on, go, go, go.
Copy !req
724. I'm answering it!
Copy !req
725. - Funbucket's here!
- Funbucket?
Copy !req
726. Oh, tell him I'm not ready!
Copy !req
727. - Tell him I'm not home!
- She'll be right down.
Copy !req
728. No! No, it won't zip! It won't zip!
Copy !req
729. - Hey.
- Hey.
Copy !req
730. Are you Funbucket?
Copy !req
731. Yeah, that's me.
Copy !req
732. You don't look like a Funbucket.
Copy !req
733. I was picturing someone more fun
or buckety.
Copy !req
734. You're not the crazy,
hot masseuse, are you?
Copy !req
735. I want you to tell me right up front,
Copy !req
736. 'cause if you are, I'm not paying for dinner.
Copy !req
737. Come here.
Copy !req
738. if you mention Craigslist to her
or do anything
Copy !req
739. that hurts her, I will stick my foot...
Copy !req
740. Funbucket?
Copy !req
741. Manilow?
Copy !req
742. So, yeah, you know what?
I'll be up-front with you.
Copy !req
743. I live in the Bronx
and I don't have any children.
Copy !req
744. In all honesty, the clock's ticking,
Copy !req
745. so if dinner works,
we got to get to work. I'm kidding you.
Copy !req
746. I just said that
'cause I'm very nervous right now
Copy !req
747. and I just keep talking so much.
Copy !req
748. My mouth is moving.
I don't even realize how much it's moving.
Copy !req
749. It's... I'm not even feeling it. It's cottony.
Copy !req
750. So, is this your first date
on mySoul-Mate.net?
Copy !req
751. Yes.
Copy !req
752. Assuming it's really happening
and not some sort of terrifying nightmare.
Copy !req
753. I know. What do you do for a living?
Copy !req
754. Don't tell me. I don't want...
Copy !req
755. I want to play 20 Questions.
Remember that game?
Copy !req
756. When we were little? 20 Questions?
Copy !req
757. Okay, first question. Animal, mineral...
Copy !req
758. - I'm going to go to the bathroom.
- Okay.
Copy !req
759. See you.
Copy !req
760. Should I take away your salads?
Copy !req
761. I think he's just waiting for his to cool off.
Copy !req
762. So, we'll just... Just a few more minutes.
Copy !req
763. Thank you.
Copy !req
764. Hello? Hello?
Copy !req
765. Funbucket? Funbucket?
Copy !req
766. Hello?
Copy !req
767. He must have gone out to get some air.
Copy !req
768. Good job.
Copy !req
769. You're alive!
Copy !req
770. How did it go?
Copy !req
771. It was... It was fine.
Copy !req
772. He didn't try anything funny
with you, did he?
Copy !req
773. No, no.
Copy !req
774. Does he want to go out again?
Copy !req
775. - Is he your prince?
- Are you his princess?
Copy !req
776. Did he ask for your number?
Copy !req
777. Did he kiss you good night?
Copy !req
778. Will you kids stop it already?
Copy !req
779. It was just a date!
Copy !req
780. Why do you put so much pressure on me?
Copy !req
781. Why are there so many stairs?
Copy !req
782. I miss your old chandelier!
Copy !req
783. No one's ever going to love me!
Copy !req
784. I'm a loser!
Copy !req
785. Oh, my God, I'm an idiot.
Copy !req
786. Why?
Copy !req
787. Why are you an idiot?
Copy !req
788. Busted, disgusted, never to be trusted.
Copy !req
789. Hi, Jill.
Copy !req
790. It's okay, it's...
Copy !req
791. We've all had bad dates.
Copy !req
792. Whatever. He was such a...
Copy !req
793. I thought he was cool for a second.
Copy !req
794. Jack feels like you deserve to go out
with a guy who treats you right.
Copy !req
795. So guess who is taking you
to the Lakers game tomorrow night.
Copy !req
796. Hairfingers23 from the computer?
Copy !req
797. No, actually, I'm your date.
Copy !req
798. I love that, Pagogo!
Copy !req
799. Ook maga do do!
Copy !req
800. That sounds great.
Copy !req
801. Finally some twin time.
Copy !req
802. Oh, pali wali, zoom gali gali.
Copy !req
803. That means,
"l want to choke on my own vomit."
Copy !req
804. Does it? l... I'm a little rusty.
I don't remember everything.
Copy !req
805. Oh, my God, look at these guys.
They're huge.
Copy !req
806. - Yeah, yeah, yeah.
- They're too big.
Copy !req
807. - It's freaky.
- Will you stop?
Copy !req
808. - It's weird.
- Stop it.
Copy !req
809. - No, it's... Where do they buy pants?
- Just please keep walking. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
810. It's like nuclear-power-plant big.
That's... That's big.
Copy !req
811. John, we're so close here.
Copy !req
812. - Hey.
- You got us in the game.
Copy !req
813. What's...
Copy !req
814. What's going on with the beard, man?
Copy !req
815. I'm doing research.
I don't want to be recognized, okay?
Copy !req
816. - Who is that?
- Hey, Jill, don't go nuts,
Copy !req
817. but I'm gonna try and talk to Al Pacino.
Copy !req
818. It's Pacino!
Copy !req
819. Al Pacino, the movie actor?
Copy !req
820. Yes, yes, stay calm.
Copy !req
821. What do you think people are thinking here,
that I'm sitting with my rabbi?
Copy !req
822. Hey, guys, big game tonight.
Copy !req
823. - Yeah.
- How you doing, Johnny?
Copy !req
824. - How are you?
- Huge fan.
Copy !req
825. - Good to see you. Thank you.
- And, Mr. Pacino,
Copy !req
826. I actually met you one time
at a movie premiere.
Copy !req
827. He's thirsty.
Copy !req
828. Okay.
Copy !req
829. It was Cats & Dogs 3,
and we were sitting in the same row.
Copy !req
830. One of your kids knocked over your popcorn,
and I gave you mine.
Copy !req
831. And you called me "Popcorn"
the rest of the night.
Copy !req
832. - Popcorn.
- Yes.
Copy !req
833. Yeah, nice to see you again.
Copy !req
834. Hey, what's with the beard?
Copy !req
835. You look a little like Bin Laden.
Copy !req
836. - I was kind of thinking Castro, myself.
- Yeah.
Copy !req
837. No, no, it's like the cough drops guy,
the Smith Brothers.
Copy !req
838. Who is that? Is that your wife?
Copy !req
839. No, no, no, that's my sister Jill.
She's in from the Bronx.
Copy !req
840. - Hey, Al, do you think you'd ever...
- Dulcinea.
Copy !req
841. What's that?
Copy !req
842. You're from the Bronx?
Copy !req
843. Yeah, born and bred.
Throggs Neck, the nice part.
Copy !req
844. Al, I got a question for you,
Copy !req
845. - and I know it's a long shot.
- Well, I'm from the Bronx.
Copy !req
846. - Okay.
- Did you know that?
Copy !req
847. Yeah, to be honest,
I don't know much about you.
Copy !req
848. I haven't seen a lot of your movies,
but I hear you're very serious.
Copy !req
849. - Well, you know...
- Okay.
Copy !req
850. Hey, is Ryan Seacrest here?
Have you seen him? Do you know him?
Copy !req
851. I'm sorry, who-crest?
Copy !req
852. Al, would you ever consider doing a...
Copy !req
853. Who is your friend? Was he in Duran Duran?
Were you in Duran Duran?
Copy !req
854. Yes. Yes, I was.
Copy !req
855. So, tell me,
how long are you gonna be in L.A.?
Copy !req
856. - Oh, my God. Is that John Stamos?
- Who?
Copy !req
857. Pagogo, Pagogo,
let's go before he gets away!
Copy !req
858. I want to see him up close! Please!
Copy !req
859. So, Al, I'm gonna get a hold
of your agent, if that's cool.
Copy !req
860. Time to olay ball.
Copy !req
861. When's the marching band come out?
Copy !req
862. - That's not going to happen.
- No?
Copy !req
863. Here we go. Here we go.
Copy !req
864. Kobe Bryant!
Copy !req
865. Compliments of Mr. Pacino.
Copy !req
866. What's this?
Copy !req
867. I can't believe this.
Copy !req
868. This is insane, man!
Copy !req
869. - You got to call him!
- Cool your buns.
Copy !req
870. You know I'm still hurting
from the whole Funbucket fiasco.
Copy !req
871. No, but Pacino liked you!
I swear to God, he really liked you!
Copy !req
872. Will you stop already?
Copy !req
873. You know all he wants to do
is play Twister with your sister.
Copy !req
874. Jill, will you just do this for me?
Copy !req
875. You know, maybe I'll be ready
to date again in a few weeks.
Copy !req
876. We'll sit and talk about it on New Year's.
Copy !req
877. New Year's?
Copy !req
878. But you're not gonna be here on New Year's,
'cause that's after our birthday.
Copy !req
879. Which is when you're leaving.
Copy !req
880. Yeah. I guess so.
Copy !req
881. So, if New Year's comes up,
Copy !req
882. just tell Jill that one more passenger
on the cruise ship, it'll sink.
Copy !req
883. I'm not telling her that.
Copy !req
884. Tell her... You got to tell her something.
I'm not having her come to Europe.
Copy !req
885. It's the kids' first trip.
Copy !req
886. Hey, how are we doing in here?
Copy !req
887. It's 6:32.
Copy !req
888. Forty-three years ago
at this very time, you were born.
Copy !req
889. Happy birthday, Number One.
Copy !req
890. - Okay, thank you.
- Happy birthday, you guys.
Copy !req
891. - Okay.
- No, no, no, not yet, not yet!
Copy !req
892. I wasn't born yet. I'm 6:33.
Copy !req
893. - I'm still 42, Erin.
- God.
Copy !req
894. So how does it feel, old man?
Getting rickety in the bones?
Copy !req
895. I'm so bummed that you're leaving tomorrow.
I'm going to miss you.
Copy !req
896. Yeah. God.
Copy !req
897. I'm going to miss...
I'm going to miss you guys, too.
Copy !req
898. Especially on New Year's.
Copy !req
899. Get the violins going, yeah.
Copy !req
900. It's just, every year,
I'd go with Mom to Valentino's.
Copy !req
901. It's the restaurant, Erin,
where my mother met my father.
Copy !req
902. I knew that was going to be big.
Copy !req
903. Don't throw it out.
We can make a birthday candle with it.
Copy !req
904. Hey, we're only 40 minutes late, guys.
Copy !req
905. I hope they sing Happy Birthday to us.
Copy !req
906. Yeah, I hope we still have
our table there, Slick.
Copy !req
907. Why is it so dark in here?
Are we going to get killed or something?
Copy !req
908. Surprise!
Copy !req
909. Oh, my God.
Copy !req
910. Jack, we got you.
Copy !req
911. You are having a party for us?
Copy !req
912. Coolness!
Copy !req
913. Everybody's here.
Copy !req
914. And I just had to meet your twin sister.
Copy !req
915. Very nice to see you.
Copy !req
916. I mean, you guys really do look alike.
Copy !req
917. I say that all the time. He says no.
Copy !req
918. Jill, I want to introduce you around.
Copy !req
919. This is going to be a bad night.
Copy !req
920. This is going to be an awful, awful night.
Copy !req
921. Really, it's fascinating.
So, how does it work, Mr. Subway Sandwich?
Copy !req
922. Just, well, just tell me more.
Copy !req
923. Just Jared's fine.
Copy !req
924. Call you Jared? Okay, sure.
Copy !req
925. It's just, 10 sandwiches a day.
Copy !req
926. To me, that seems too much,
almost like a job. I couldn't do that.
Copy !req
927. - I don't eat that many.
- No?
Copy !req
928. Okay, okay, here's the situation.
Copy !req
929. You're here, there's not a Subway in sight.
Copy !req
930. You're at a steakhouse like this.
What do you eat? What do you eat?
Copy !req
931. - I eat other things.
- You do?
Copy !req
932. You do? I knew you were cheating.
That's why there's so much goo left on you.
Copy !req
933. - What?
- I miss the old Jared,
Copy !req
934. the 400-pound Jared that scared us.
Copy !req
935. I don't miss that one at all.
Copy !req
936. Well, I'm sure you don't.
But if he was around, he'd be with me
Copy !req
937. and not with the two hookers.
Copy !req
938. Well, yeah, we love musicals.
You know what?
Copy !req
939. You're the Sham-Wow man, right?
Copy !req
940. - Yeah.
- Funny story.
Copy !req
941. - Jack used to be a bed-wetter.
- No!
Copy !req
942. He could have used one
of these Sham-Wow things
Copy !req
943. 20 years ago for his pee puddles.
Copy !req
944. There's Mr. Yellow Sheets!
Copy !req
945. Where you going, Puddles?
Copy !req
946. All right, nice to meet you all.
Copy !req
947. Am I crazy or is she hot?
Copy !req
948. You're crazy.
Copy !req
949. It's Jack with boobs.
Copy !req
950. Jack with boobs. That's right.
Copy !req
951. There he is!
Copy !req
952. Dude, did you set this whole thing up?
Copy !req
953. Yeah, we got through it, man.
It came out pretty dope, I think.
Copy !req
954. It's amazing. Hey, Jill.
Copy !req
955. I'm sorry to interrupt. Come here for a sec.
Copy !req
956. Okay, nice to see you. What's going on?
Copy !req
957. Did I ever tell you Todd is an atheist?
Copy !req
958. - A what?
- God.
Copy !req
959. Have a great time, guys.
Copy !req
960. No. How could there be a Grand Canyon
Copy !req
961. if God didn't exist?
Copy !req
962. Right. That's a very good point.
I'm just saying, you know, maybe...
Copy !req
963. Maybe God wouldn't have given you
a rat face if you believed in him.
Copy !req
964. I don't have a rat face.
Copy !req
965. Yes, you do have a rat face! It's scary.
Copy !req
966. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, wait a minute.
Copy !req
967. - This guy doesn't believe in God?
- No!
Copy !req
968. No, no, I'm just saying
that there's not real proof.
Copy !req
969. ldiots like you really make me mad!
Copy !req
970. - Fight! Fight!
- Fight him!
Copy !req
971. Fight! Fight! Fight!
Copy !req
972. Because I'm about to US Open your skull!
Copy !req
973. Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!
Copy !req
974. Haooy birthday to you
Copy !req
975. Happy birthday, dear Jack...
Copy !req
976. And Jill
Copy !req
977. Haooy birthday to you
Copy !req
978. Come on, make a wish, you twins.
Copy !req
979. - Okay, let's do it.
- Where's the other cake?
Copy !req
980. - There's not enough candles for both of us.
- All right, Jill.
Copy !req
981. One cake's enough. Make the wish.
Copy !req
982. Mom and Dad always got us two cakes.
Copy !req
983. Made us both feel special.
Copy !req
984. I don't think Mom and Dad would like this.
Copy !req
985. Make the wish already! I'm hungry!
Copy !req
986. Will you stop already? Blow out the candles.
Copy !req
987. Whoa!
Copy !req
988. Funny meeting you here.
Copy !req
989. Don't be startled. It's only me.
Copy !req
990. It's always the same thing.
Copy !req
991. It's L.A.
Copy !req
992. I never know where I am.
It's a wilderness here.
Copy !req
993. I mean, in the Bronx,
Copy !req
994. you got the streets, you got the numbers.
Copy !req
995. You got 187th, 188th.
Copy !req
996. - Yeah, right, in order.
- It follows in sequence.
Copy !req
997. Here, you got the palm trees,
and they all look alike.
Copy !req
998. I have no idea where we are.
Copy !req
999. - You really don't?
- I don't.
Copy !req
1000. Lucky... Lucky for us, I got the panic button.
Copy !req
1001. You have a panic button?
Copy !req
1002. Yeah, and we'll soon find out
where we are, huh?
Copy !req
1003. - There we go.
- That's a house.
Copy !req
1004. That's not a bakery.
Copy !req
1005. Whether we go in a bakery, a house,
what difference does it make?
Copy !req
1006. It makes a difference!
Copy !req
1007. - What do you mean?
- There's a bakery in the house.
Copy !req
1008. - Get out of town!
- Come on.
Copy !req
1009. I'm not going to your house.
Copy !req
1010. I want to see a birthday cake soon
Copy !req
1011. or I'm taking pepper spray out.
I'm not kidding.
Copy !req
1012. O ye of little faith.
Copy !req
1013. What is that, a Shakespeare?
Copy !req
1014. No, that was Jesus.
Copy !req
1015. Okay, birthday girl.
Copy !req
1016. - Oh, my God.
- Here it is.
Copy !req
1017. You name it,
Copy !req
1018. Xavier, my guy, will bake it.
Copy !req
1019. Oh, my God!
Copy !req
1020. - Look, I made her happy.
- I love this!
Copy !req
1021. I made you happy.
Copy !req
1022. Nutcracker.
Copy !req
1023. No. That? That's Man ofLa Mancha.
Copy !req
1024. They offered me the part
of Don Quixote on Broadway.
Copy !req
1025. - Whoa, whoa, whoa.
- Yeah.
Copy !req
1026. But, you know, I'm just, I'm not there yet,
Copy !req
1027. so I'm mulling it over, you know?
Copy !req
1028. I love that. That's where
the man's in the tower ringing the bell?
Copy !req
1029. That's Quasimodo.
That's Hunchback of Notre-Dame.
Copy !req
1030. See, this is Don Quixote.
Copy !req
1031. Don Quixote meets this fallen woman
Copy !req
1032. who he thinks is his lost love Dulcinea.
Copy !req
1033. Right. And he can't straighten his back,
Copy !req
1034. so he keeps ringing the bell.
Copy !req
1035. And he has a sidekick. It was a mouse.
Copy !req
1036. Okay, moving on.
Copy !req
1037. Listen, Bronx,
I got a birthday surprise for you.
Copy !req
1038. - Another one?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
1039. It's my
Copy !req
1040. original stickball stick.
Copy !req
1041. - Come with me a second.
- Let me just eat some cake.
Copy !req
1042. - This is so good.
- Leave it. You've been eating enough.
Copy !req
1043. - We really have to stop now?
- Xavier!
Copy !req
1044. - Nice.
- He's going to throw the ball,
Copy !req
1045. and you are going to take this stick
with two hands, right?
Copy !req
1046. And you're going to hit it.
Copy !req
1047. Do I have to play this weird game?
Copy !req
1048. It's not weird. Jill, it's in you.
Copy !req
1049. It's in your DNA. Just think Bronx.
Copy !req
1050. Let it just float.
Copy !req
1051. Okay, okay, okay.
Copy !req
1052. Can you do me a favor
and not hold me like this?
Copy !req
1053. All right. I'm just trying to show you.
Copy !req
1054. Okay, all you got to do is
make contact, that's all.
Copy !req
1055. I feel like this is your game
and it's not my game.
Copy !req
1056. if you want to play my game,
Hungry Hungry Hiooos, Sabaday.
Copy !req
1057. - Do you have that here?
- That's coming.
Copy !req
1058. Goobledy gibble globbity!
Copy !req
1059. What language are you speaking?
Copy !req
1060. Just throw it.
Copy !req
1061. Okay. Come on, no batter here, pitcher!
No batter!
Copy !req
1062. I just don't know why we're doing this.
Copy !req
1063. Whoa!
Copy !req
1064. Oh, my God! Oh, my God!
Copy !req
1065. I am so sorry!
Copy !req
1066. I'm sure you have others, though.
Copy !req
1067. You'd think it, but oddly enough, I don't.
Copy !req
1068. But I have you.
Copy !req
1069. - You don't have me. L...
- I'd rather have you.
Copy !req
1070. I'm sorry. I'm going to go.
Copy !req
1071. I just... I had fun, but I'm so tired.
Copy !req
1072. It's 8:30 in the morning, my time.
Copy !req
1073. Do you know what time it is for me?
Copy !req
1074. It is time for my salvation.
Copy !req
1075. Because finally, I found the one woman,
Copy !req
1076. with all her rough-hewn charm,
Copy !req
1077. who will lead me back
Copy !req
1078. to sanity.
Copy !req
1079. You're sick.
Copy !req
1080. You're a sweetie.
Copy !req
1081. I saw what you were doing with the stick,
and it was gross.
Copy !req
1082. - Thank you, Sabaday.
- Wait a minute,
Copy !req
1083. where do you think you're going?
Copy !req
1084. I'm not your wham-bam-eggs-and-ham type.
Copy !req
1085. But you don't have a car.
Copy !req
1086. Why are you ignoring me?
Copy !req
1087. What happened to me?
Copy !req
1088. What's this?
Copy !req
1089. Help me!
Copy !req
1090. Where were you?
Copy !req
1091. What do you mean?
Copy !req
1092. I was here, bird.
Copy !req
1093. Felipe.
Copy !req
1094. Miss Jill? What you doing out here?
Copy !req
1095. I stayed out here
because I didn't want to go in the house.
Copy !req
1096. And Erin tried to make me come back in
and I wouldn't.
Copy !req
1097. He yelled at me 'cause I rejected Al Pacino.
Copy !req
1098. Well, if you need something to do,
I'm just fixing the timer
Copy !req
1099. and heading off to a big family picnic.
Copy !req
1100. We play soccer, eat,
Copy !req
1101. steal white people's wallets...
Copy !req
1102. What did you say?
Copy !req
1103. I'm kidding! I'm kidding!
Copy !req
1104. We don't eat.
Copy !req
1105. Stop it. Why won't you help me?
Copy !req
1106. What are you doing? Put Poopsie down!
Copy !req
1107. It flew in my bread.
Copy !req
1108. Hey, Rosa!
Copy !req
1109. This is my friend, Jill.
Copy !req
1110. - Hi.
- That's my father,
Copy !req
1111. my mama, my brother Juan,
my other brother Juan,
Copy !req
1112. Juan Jr.,
Copy !req
1113. my sister Juanita, my grandma Juangelina,
Copy !req
1114. and that... I'm kidding!
Copy !req
1115. I was going to say, that's a lot of Juans!
Copy !req
1116. We're not all named Juan.
Copy !req
1117. Hey, niños¡ Look, these are my kids.
Copy !req
1118. José, José Jr. Y Josefina.
Copy !req
1119. They are beautiful. Hi. Hi.
Copy !req
1120. They all look like my wife, thank God.
Copy !req
1121. Your wife? I need to meet her. Where is she?
Copy !req
1122. Well, she passed away four years ago.
Copy !req
1123. I'm so sorry.
Copy !req
1124. - I lost my mother recently.
- No, that's all right.
Copy !req
1125. I love talking about my wife.
Copy !req
1126. And I know she's up there
Copy !req
1127. sneaking into Heaven right now.
Copy !req
1128. It's a joke! It's a joke!
Copy !req
1129. Your father's bad.
Copy !req
1130. He's bad! He's very bad!
Copy !req
1131. Ready for the best Mexican food
you ever had?
Copy !req
1132. - I never had Mexican food.
- What?
Copy !req
1133. I'm sorry. It's not my fault.
They don't serve it at my deli.
Copy !req
1134. - Well, today is your lucky day.
- Okay.
Copy !req
1135. - Taste.
- Cool.
Copy !req
1136. Wow!
Copy !req
1137. That's chile relleno.
Copy !req
1138. It looks like a knish.
Copy !req
1139. Never had Mexican food.
Copy !req
1140. It's very, very good.
Copy !req
1141. I'm kidding. Are you okay?
Copy !req
1142. - Yeah, I'm fine.
- Heads up.
Copy !req
1143. What is this thing?
Copy !req
1144. No, no, no, no, no, no!
Copy !req
1145. It's too hot. Just like you.
Copy !req
1146. Felipe, easy.
Copy !req
1147. Come on, Jill!
Copy !req
1148. Come on!
Copy !req
1149. Get Jill out there!
Copy !req
1150. Come on, Jill, run!
Copy !req
1151. Run!
Copy !req
1152. Jalapeños. Jalapeños.
Copy !req
1153. Okay, this is yours.
Copy !req
1154. What happened?
Copy !req
1155. - Jalapeños! Jalapeños!
- Jalapeños?
Copy !req
1156. Did I get it?
Copy !req
1157. Jalapeños.
Copy !req
1158. Go! Run!
Copy !req
1159. Shoot that! Shoot that!
Copy !req
1160. Goal!
Copy !req
1161. Whoa!
Copy !req
1162. It's not a guy.
Copy !req
1163. Felipe, I love it!
Copy !req
1164. Hey, hey, hey.
Copy !req
1165. Hey, Mr. Poocorn.
Copy !req
1166. Is that Al Pacino?
Are you kidding me? How you doing?
Copy !req
1167. Listen, I got a little something here
for Ms. Sadelstein.
Copy !req
1168. My God, she's not here right now.
Copy !req
1169. That's our loss, isn't it?
Copy !req
1170. Have you any idea
when she might be coming home?
Copy !req
1171. Hopefully soon.
Copy !req
1172. You Know What, I hooe so.
I'm Waiting on her, too.
Copy !req
1173. And I wanted to tell you, Al,
Copy !req
1174. if she wasn't receptive the other night...
Copy !req
1175. - Oh, my God!
- I know she's in here, Popcorn.
Copy !req
1176. - How'd you get over the fence?
- Jill, come on!
Copy !req
1177. You want me to get you something to eat or...
Copy !req
1178. All I want to do is make you happy!
Copy !req
1179. I want to see you.
I want to know that you exist.
Copy !req
1180. That I'm not just imagining you!
Copy !req
1181. Al, she really isn't here. For real.
Copy !req
1182. - This it?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
1183. She sleeps here?
Copy !req
1184. She does. She sleeps there.
Copy !req
1185. God, sorry you have to see that.
Copy !req
1186. She sleeps with someone?
Copy !req
1187. No, no, no, no, that's a bird.
Copy !req
1188. That's not a human. No problems.
Copy !req
1189. Look at this.
Copy !req
1190. - isn't that something?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
1191. How does this happen?
Copy !req
1192. Al, I wouldn't lay there.
Copy !req
1193. That's not...
Copy !req
1194. She leaves an after-scent.
Copy !req
1195. Hey, Popcorn, you know,
Copy !req
1196. you're not really giving me
any confidence here.
Copy !req
1197. - About what?
- Where is she?
Copy !req
1198. - Al, I don't know where...
- Where you hiding her?
Copy !req
1199. She's coming back,
she just is not here right...
Copy !req
1200. Hey, Jill!
Copy !req
1201. Lot of places to hide. Hey, Jill!
Copy !req
1202. Al, she's coming back, I swear to you.
Copy !req
1203. - She got an 8:00 flight tonight, so I promise.
- What?
Copy !req
1204. She's leaving?
Copy !req
1205. Come here.
Copy !req
1206. - Come to you?
- Yeah, come, come. We gotta talk.
Copy !req
1207. Yeah.
Copy !req
1208. You want to turn my name into
Copy !req
1209. some coffee-drink
chocolate-doughnut thing?
Copy !req
1210. Well, yeah. Tastefully, though. I think...
Copy !req
1211. Then you get me the girl.
Copy !req
1212. Get you the girl?
Copy !req
1213. Get me the girl.
Copy !req
1214. "Get" is a strong word.
'Cause this is my sister we're talking about.
Copy !req
1215. You don't understand!
Copy !req
1216. - Well, I want to understand.
- You don't understand!
Copy !req
1217. Go ahead, go ahead.
Tell me what I need to know.
Copy !req
1218. - Your sister and l...
- Yeah?
Copy !req
1219. we grew up on the same streets.
Copy !req
1220. We breathed the same Bronx air.
Copy !req
1221. - Yes, yes, yes.
- When I look at her, I see me.
Copy !req
1222. When I look at her, I see me, too. Just...
Copy !req
1223. I know what you mean.
Copy !req
1224. I see what I was.
Copy !req
1225. I'm lost, Popcorn.
Copy !req
1226. I am.
Copy !req
1227. I go visit my kids,
Copy !req
1228. I can't find them.
Copy !req
1229. I end up talking to lemon trees.
Copy !req
1230. You know what? I'm lost now. What does...
Copy !req
1231. - Jill...
- Yes?
Copy !req
1232. is going to get me there.
Copy !req
1233. Okay. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Copy !req
1234. I just want a shot.
Copy !req
1235. - You understand?
- Let's get you a shot.
Copy !req
1236. - Right.
- Only way to get you a shot
Copy !req
1237. is to have my sister stay
even longer out here,
Copy !req
1238. which is amazing news for me.
Copy !req
1239. It's so warm to be the holiday season.
Copy !req
1240. But thank you. I really had an amazing time.
Copy !req
1241. Too bad you're taking off tonight.
Copy !req
1242. l... Well, I have to. He's abusive to me.
Copy !req
1243. Not physically,
'cause I would hurt him, but mentally.
Copy !req
1244. - And, it's time to go.
- I know.
Copy !req
1245. Maybe next time you're...
Copy !req
1246. Maybe next time you're here, if you ever...
Copy !req
1247. Yes? That's... What? if I ever what?
Copy !req
1248. Well, maybe next time you're here, if...
Copy !req
1249. Your engine... Your engine seems to be...
Copy !req
1250. - It's a diesel truck, I'm guessing, right?
- No.
Copy !req
1251. if you ever want to see a movie
or something...
Copy !req
1252. Oh, my God. Okay.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, just hold the thought.
Copy !req
1253. I have... I have to go!
Copy !req
1254. - I have to really go!
- What did I say?
Copy !req
1255. No, it's not you, it's the chimichangas!
Copy !req
1256. They're making a run for the border!
Copy !req
1257. You're throwing chimichanga bombs?
Copy !req
1258. Oh! Oh, God!
Copy !req
1259. Jill, where were you?
Copy !req
1260. She's not talking to us still, I guess.
Copy !req
1261. I am not talking to you! I am talking to Erin!
Copy !req
1262. Erin, I got to go make
some chocolate squirties!
Copy !req
1263. Oh, God!
Copy !req
1264. Hold it! Hold it! Hold it! Please get there. Yes.
Copy !req
1265. Hey, Jill, can I talk to you for a second?
Copy !req
1266. No! My bags are packed
and there's nothing left to...
Copy !req
1267. say.
Copy !req
1268. I spent the day at Felipe's picnic,
where I finally felt welcome.
Copy !req
1269. By everybody.
Copy !req
1270. I tried this new food for the very first time.
Copy !req
1271. I'm guessing Mexican?
Copy !req
1272. Yes, Mexican, Mr. Food Detective!
Copy !req
1273. And Felipe treated me like a...
Copy !req
1274. What, is Evel Knievel
doing wheelies in there?
Copy !req
1275. Hey, so I just wanted to talk to you
about last night and everything, and...
Copy !req
1276. Oh, my God.
Copy !req
1277. Wow, l...
Copy !req
1278. I was thinking about last night
Copy !req
1279. and all that stuff you were saying, and...
Copy !req
1280. Are you hot or something?
Copy !req
1281. I just have to...
Copy !req
1282. God Almighty!
Copy !req
1283. I would love for you to stay a few extra days.
Copy !req
1284. No, I'm going home.
Copy !req
1285. I already told them
to turn my electricity back on.
Copy !req
1286. You can't be alone on...
Copy !req
1287. You can't be alone on New Year's.
Copy !req
1288. Come on, that's just not right.
Copy !req
1289. You want me to stay that long?
Copy !req
1290. I thought you were going on your big cruise.
Copy !req
1291. Jill, I want you to come
Copy !req
1292. on the cruise with us.
Copy !req
1293. Pagogo, I can't believe it.
Of course I'll come with you.
Copy !req
1294. Thank you!
Yes! I mean, of... You want... Yes!
Copy !req
1295. Yes! Oh, my God!
Copy !req
1296. Poopsie, Poopsie,
we're cruising through Europe!
Copy !req
1297. Welcome to Royal Caribbean lnternational.
Copy !req
1298. Poopsie, we're not in the Bronx anymore.
Copy !req
1299. This boat has everything! Oh, my God!
Copy !req
1300. - Hello?
- What took you so long to pick up?
Copy !req
1301. Jack, Pacino's called here three times.
Copy !req
1302. What do you want me to
tell the Dunkin' Donuts people, all right?
Copy !req
1303. We got five days, Jack,
to get Scarface or they move on.
Copy !req
1304. I know, I know.
Copy !req
1305. Oh, my God! There's a pool on a boat?
Copy !req
1306. Do you want me
to get Al Pacino on the phone now?
Copy !req
1307. Tell Pacino I'll call him tonight at 5:30, okay?
Copy !req
1308. - And just one more thing.
- Yeah, what?
Copy !req
1309. God told me your feet were on my desk,
so get them off!
Copy !req
1310. All you can eat.
Copy !req
1311. Go for it, Poopsie.
Copy !req
1312. Have a chocolate bath.
Copy !req
1313. Where were you?
Copy !req
1314. All right, it's 5:30.
Copy !req
1315. - I got to make a call.
- To who?
Copy !req
1316. I got one last business call to make
and then that's it for me. I love you. Be back.
Copy !req
1317. Amongst this princely heap, if any here,
Copy !req
1318. by false intelligence...
Copy !req
1319. Hold me a foe
Copy !req
1320. if I unwittingly
Copy !req
1321. or in my rage,
committed aught that is hardly borne
Copy !req
1322. by any in this princely presence,
I do reconcile
Copy !req
1323. myself to his friendly peace.
Copy !req
1324. 'Tis death to me to be at enmity,
Copy !req
1325. and desire all good men's love.
Copy !req
1326. Where were you, Popcorn?
Copy !req
1327. What do you mean? It's 5:30.
Copy !req
1328. No, no, it's 9:30 my time.
I was waiting for you at 5:30.
Copy !req
1329. It's four hours the other way.
Copy !req
1330. I just... I got confused. L...
Copy !req
1331. Okay, whatever, whatever, whatever.
Copy !req
1332. What's going on? How's she doing?
Copy !req
1333. We're... We're... We're coming along.
That's how we're doing.
Copy !req
1334. Coming along?
What does that mean, "coming along"?
Copy !req
1335. - What does that mean?
- Come on, wrap it up!
Copy !req
1336. It means we're getting there.
We just need a little more time.
Copy !req
1337. Put her on the phone.
I want to hear her voice.
Copy !req
1338. She's not here right now.
Copy !req
1339. This reminds me of that boat movie
with Leonardo.
Copy !req
1340. - Titanic?
- No, the one With the iceberg.
Copy !req
1341. - Who is that?
- That was Poopsie.
Copy !req
1342. Why won't you let me talk...
Copy !req
1343. Hey, can you...
You got to be quiet. I can't hear him!
Copy !req
1344. All right? Please. Please!
Copy !req
1345. Yeah, listen, you get me this girl,
Copy !req
1346. or you don't get that
DunKaccino commercial, you understand?
Copy !req
1347. Don't you know me?
Copy !req
1348. Don't you know I would use all my power,
Copy !req
1349. all the power I have,
Copy !req
1350. to keep a commercial like that
from happening?
Copy !req
1351. Don't you know that?
Copy !req
1352. Is he seriously breaking out The Godfather?
Copy !req
1353. I swear to God, I'm going to cry.
Copy !req
1354. Put her on!
Copy !req
1355. Pacino!
Copy !req
1356. Yeah, yeah, yeah, all right.
Hang on for a second. I'll put her on.
Copy !req
1357. Hello?
Copy !req
1358. Jill, my darling, just to hear your voice.
Copy !req
1359. What are they doing?
Why are they trying to keep us apart?
Copy !req
1360. Nobody's keeping me apart from anybody.
Copy !req
1361. I'm my own person. You remember that.
Copy !req
1362. I Know you're your own oerson.
Copy !req
1363. Nobody's like you.
Copy !req
1364. Would you like a little privacy?
I could finish up for you.
Copy !req
1365. No, no, it's okay. It's okay.
Copy !req
1366. Nobody wants to see you.
Copy !req
1367. But thanks, anyway.
Copy !req
1368. Jill,
Copy !req
1369. can you meet me when you dock in Spain?
Copy !req
1370. But what about your Shakespeare show?
Copy !req
1371. Don't you have that to do?
Copy !req
1372. You kidding? This is L.A.
Copy !req
1373. They got Bruce Jenner playing Lord Rivers.
Copy !req
1374. Yeah, I don't think so.
Copy !req
1375. Darling, put your brother on.
Copy !req
1376. Okay. Here he is.
Copy !req
1377. Hello. Jack's back.
Copy !req
1378. Popcorn, we did it! We did it!
Copy !req
1379. I'm coming, I'm coming to get her!
Copy !req
1380. You're coming to get her?
She just said, "l don't think so," I thought.
Copy !req
1381. I can smell horny across an ocean.
Copy !req
1382. Here's how it's going to go down.
Copy !req
1383. 9:00 p.m. Tomorrow, top deck, portside.
Copy !req
1384. I'll be there.
Copy !req
1385. Audience, could you tell me where I was?
Copy !req
1386. "But he, poor soul."
Copy !req
1387. But he, poor soul,
Copy !req
1388. by your first order died.
Copy !req
1389. Good afternoon, oassengers.
Copy !req
1390. Hooe you all are enjoying
our Royal Caribbean activities.
Copy !req
1391. And for those of you going ashore later,
Copy !req
1392. we will be arriving
in beautiful Majorca by sunset.
Copy !req
1393. Come on, sweetie. Go!
Copy !req
1394. Jump! Jump!
Copy !req
1395. No, no, she's good.
Copy !req
1396. Pagogo, why don't these guys know
how to jump rope?
Copy !req
1397. Why didn't you teach them?
Copy !req
1398. We were the double dutch kings
in our neighborhood,
Copy !req
1399. and these guys can't do a single wing-ding.
Copy !req
1400. Daddy, you know how to jump rope?
Copy !req
1401. No, I don't know how to jump rope.
Copy !req
1402. Your father likes to pretend
his life started in California.
Copy !req
1403. We were champs.
Everyone loved us in the neighborhood.
Copy !req
1404. Come on, Daddy, please.
Copy !req
1405. - No. No, no.
- Bring it over here!
Copy !req
1406. CiCi, Rodney, kick it!
Copy !req
1407. - Get up here. Get up here.
- l...
Copy !req
1408. Do it, do it. Yes!
Copy !req
1409. Let's go! Come on!
Copy !req
1410. Here's the twin power. Bring it!
Copy !req
1411. Oh, my God. Okay.
Copy !req
1412. Wow!
Copy !req
1413. Do "The Mummy."
Copy !req
1414. Come on, turn up the heat.
Copy !req
1415. Oh, my God.
Copy !req
1416. That was all your father.
Copy !req
1417. That was you! You were great, Pokee.
Copy !req
1418. Now she's Pokee?
Copy !req
1419. She's always been Pokee.
Copy !req
1420. I was thinking, tonight, portside,
Copy !req
1421. you could go on that deck,
check out the stars,
Copy !req
1422. put on something gorgeous,
'cause there might be
Copy !req
1423. a handsome surprise waiting for you.
Copy !req
1424. Really?
You going to introduce me to my Mr. Right?
Copy !req
1425. Maybe.
Copy !req
1426. Oh, really?
Copy !req
1427. It's not Al Pacino, is it?
Copy !req
1428. Why, is it Al Pacino?
Copy !req
1429. No, no, it's not.
Copy !req
1430. 'Cause that would just hurt me at this point.
Copy !req
1431. But it's not, so...
Copy !req
1432. Treating me like some sort
of prosti-twin, that's bad.
Copy !req
1433. It's not. It's not. It's not. It's not, all right?
Copy !req
1434. All right! Then why are you getting so angry?
Copy !req
1435. Why are you so annoying?
Copy !req
1436. - What?
- Jack!
Copy !req
1437. Why would you say that?
We were just having fun!
Copy !req
1438. We never have fun when you're around!
I'm sorry!
Copy !req
1439. - No, no! You... This is you, man!
- Go, go!
Copy !req
1440. This is on you! You're out of your mind!
Copy !req
1441. - You're out of your mind!
- Yeah, yeah, yeah!
Copy !req
1442. Let's see. Pit stain.
Copy !req
1443. Pit stain.
Copy !req
1444. I don't know what that is.
Copy !req
1445. Okay, clean.
Copy !req
1446. You tell anybody,
I will fry you up and eat you.
Copy !req
1447. Yeah.
Copy !req
1448. All right, where is he, man?
He said portside, I'm portside.
Copy !req
1449. Where am I supposed to be?
Copy !req
1450. Cheesecake!
Copy !req
1451. Holy crap!
Copy !req
1452. Just climb on the ladder, there!
Copy !req
1453. Don't you think maybe
you should land that thing?
Copy !req
1454. That would be easier for me!
Copy !req
1455. It's safer to hover!
Copy !req
1456. Wow!
Copy !req
1457. Yeah! Whoa!
Copy !req
1458. Xavier, look at her go!
Copy !req
1459. I am back!
Copy !req
1460. Señorita, I was gone too long?
Copy !req
1461. No, not at all.
It's really good to see you again.
Copy !req
1462. So, what is different about
you tonight? I don't know.
Copy !req
1463. - Nothing.
- No, no, no, no.
Copy !req
1464. There's something...
Did you drop some weight?
Copy !req
1465. - Maybe that's it. Yeah, I'm looking thinner.
- Yeah,
Copy !req
1466. - I think so.
- That's probably what you're seeing.
Copy !req
1467. I think you're more feminine or something.
Copy !req
1468. A little more... Less muscular.
Copy !req
1469. I don't agree, but okay.
Copy !req
1470. Gloobledy globble bibbly blop.
Copy !req
1471. blobbledobble... gibbledy blip.
Copy !req
1472. Hibbledy globb, shoelace
Copy !req
1473. This is the heavy, hard stuff
or how are we doing here?
Copy !req
1474. What is this?
Copy !req
1475. One for the lady. ¡Qué lindo¡
Copy !req
1476. That's enough for me.
Copy !req
1477. Who's Poopsie?
Copy !req
1478. I keep hearing, "Poopsie, Poopsie."
Copy !req
1479. Poopsie is my bird.
Copy !req
1480. I used to raise pigeons.
Copy !req
1481. - Really?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
1482. No, I'm sorry. That was Brando.
Copy !req
1483. - Are you ticklish?
- No.
Copy !req
1484. I said I'm not, so...
Copy !req
1485. No, no, it's just that
Copy !req
1486. Stella Adler, the great acting teacher,
once wrote in a book,
Copy !req
1487. the only way you can
really get to know somebody is if you,
Copy !req
1488. watch their behavior
when they're being tickled.
Copy !req
1489. Would you do me the honor
Copy !req
1490. and just lift up those girlie arms?
Copy !req
1491. I just haven't shaved under there
in many, many years.
Copy !req
1492. - You don't want to see that.
- We're in Europe. It doesn't matter.
Copy !req
1493. I think even here,
they might be, like, "What is that?"
Copy !req
1494. No, no, not here. Give me a try.
Copy !req
1495. Okay, so, here we go.
Copy !req
1496. Oh, my God.
Copy !req
1497. Look at us.
Copy !req
1498. - All right! Stop it!
- What?
Copy !req
1499. What was that?
Copy !req
1500. Just... I don't really... I didn't like that.
Copy !req
1501. - I'm sorry.
- That was powerful.
Copy !req
1502. And it just came out of you like, "Boom!"
Copy !req
1503. You know, what? We're better with just...
Copy !req
1504. Whoa. Whoa!
Copy !req
1505. I don't even know where Jack is right now.
Copy !req
1506. He's avoiding me. That's where he is.
Copy !req
1507. Can I work in with you guys?
Copy !req
1508. - Sure.
- Knock yourself out.
Copy !req
1509. I think he hates 'cause I talk so much.
Copy !req
1510. It bothers him, you know?
Copy !req
1511. But when I'm in the Bronx,
Copy !req
1512. I have no one else to talk to but Poopsie,
Copy !req
1513. so when I'm around other humans,
l... I tend to blab a lot.
Copy !req
1514. - No, you don't.
- I do, I do.
Copy !req
1515. Will you throw a couple more 45s on?
Copy !req
1516. Erin, he was being so nice to me,
Copy !req
1517. and then I had to bring up the Pacino thing,
Copy !req
1518. because... I don't know.
Copy !req
1519. I do that. It's just 'cause
I'm insecure, you know?
Copy !req
1520. I feel like the only reason
he brought me on this cruise
Copy !req
1521. is for some Pacino-related shenanigans
Copy !req
1522. and it just gets in my head.
Copy !req
1523. He told me he wanted you
to come on this cruise
Copy !req
1524. because he didn't
want you to spend your first New Year's Eve
Copy !req
1525. without your mom alone.
Copy !req
1526. He said that?
Copy !req
1527. Yeah.
Copy !req
1528. Oh, my God, that means so much to me.
Copy !req
1529. Why didn't I use
my twin powers to know that?
Copy !req
1530. Do they not work
when you're out of the country?
Copy !req
1531. Maybe they don't.
Copy !req
1532. That's why he was mad!
Copy !req
1533. 'Cause he was being good to me, and l...
I did what I did
Copy !req
1534. and I'm a jerk, and I have to call him.
Copy !req
1535. And I'm gonna
straighten the whole family vacation out,
Copy !req
1536. - I promise. This is so cool!
- Push!
Copy !req
1537. Push! Push harder!
Copy !req
1538. I was pushing it!
Copy !req
1539. - Hey!
- Hey!
Copy !req
1540. All right! Al Pacino! Al, Al Pacino!
Copy !req
1541. - Al Pacino!
- Now you got it!
Copy !req
1542. All right, let's have... Here you go!
Copy !req
1543. Boom! Yeah!
Copy !req
1544. - I always come on the short end of that.
- I'm getting a call.
Copy !req
1545. - Hello.
- Hello?
Copy !req
1546. Hello?
Copy !req
1547. I don't understand.
Copy !req
1548. Are you mocking my voice right now?
Copy !req
1549. No, no, no, I'm not.
Copy !req
1550. l... I can't talk right now.
Copy !req
1551. Okay, don't talk, then. Just listen.
Copy !req
1552. I just want to tell you I'm sorry.
Copy !req
1553. I'm... I'm the reason we're fighting right now.
Copy !req
1554. And... And I never thank you enough
Copy !req
1555. for doing all you do for me, so thank you.
Copy !req
1556. - Who is that, your brother?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
1557. Who is that, Jack?
Copy !req
1558. That's... It's... It's nobody!
Copy !req
1559. Hey, Popcorn, we're having fun here!
Copy !req
1560. Are you with Al Pacino?
Copy !req
1561. No, no, I'm not! I just...
Copy !req
1562. I said I can't talk right now, weirdo!
Copy !req
1563. Please tell me you're not doing
what I think you're doing.
Copy !req
1564. I said I can't talk, so I'm hanging up!
Copy !req
1565. Jack, speak in your regular voice
or I'll know the real reason
Copy !req
1566. why you brought me on this cruise.
Copy !req
1567. I can't always do what you want
when you want it! Bye!
Copy !req
1568. I mean, come on!
Copy !req
1569. Hey, what's Popcorn's problem?
Copy !req
1570. Mayor McCheesy doesn't like his new script?
Copy !req
1571. Get over yourself.
Copy !req
1572. My brother's very good at what he does.
Copy !req
1573. He's going to write a book
one day, you'll see.
Copy !req
1574. Yes, he's an author. I forgot, that's right.
Copy !req
1575. He's got a whole novel in him
about Desenex foot powder.
Copy !req
1576. So funny.
Copy !req
1577. Okay.
Copy !req
1578. Yes.
Copy !req
1579. That's the Bronx girl coming back.
Copy !req
1580. Now, you take back
what you said about Pagogo!
Copy !req
1581. Go ahead, do it.
Copy !req
1582. Defend the honor
Copy !req
1583. of that self-deluded,
sycophantic, bitter hack.
Copy !req
1584. - Are you okay?
- Get off of me.
Copy !req
1585. - Okay.
- It's not okay.
Copy !req
1586. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
1587. I know... What could I do?
Copy !req
1588. You know, you had that...
Copy !req
1589. You had a broken bottle
and were coming at me.
Copy !req
1590. Yeah, yeah, well, get away from me.
Copy !req
1591. - All right.
- Just let me breathe for a second.
Copy !req
1592. - I just...
- I need my own space.
Copy !req
1593. - Back up.
- Okay, all right, I'm backing up.
Copy !req
1594. - Back up!
- All right!
Copy !req
1595. - Oh, geez. Hey...
- You don't hit a girl
Copy !req
1596. with a chair on the first date!
Copy !req
1597. It's amazing the way you stick up
for your brother. It's just...
Copy !req
1598. Well, I got to do that.
Don't I at least owe him that?
Copy !req
1599. 'Cause all I ever do
is take things from him and ruin things and...
Copy !req
1600. Well, that's his point of view, you know.
Copy !req
1601. I mean, that's the way
he makes you see yourself.
Copy !req
1602. You want to know what I see?
Copy !req
1603. Yes, I want to know what you see.
Copy !req
1604. You can get any girl in the world,
Copy !req
1605. and why would you want me?
Copy !req
1606. Answer that. It makes no sense.
Copy !req
1607. Well, I see an angel with a broken wing.
Copy !req
1608. I see a brother who all he got all his life
was everything.
Copy !req
1609. All the glory, all the accolades,
Copy !req
1610. everything since they were two.
Copy !req
1611. l... I see a girl who wants recognition
Copy !req
1612. but just never gets it,
Copy !req
1613. yet she has a heart so big,
Copy !req
1614. she finds happiness
Copy !req
1615. in seeing her brother receive it all.
Copy !req
1616. Yeah, yeah, but come on,
aren't I a pain in the butt?
Copy !req
1617. I mean, don't I annoy everybody?
Copy !req
1618. You got so much love in you, Jill,
Copy !req
1619. so much to give.
Copy !req
1620. You just need someone to give it to.
Copy !req
1621. To dream
Copy !req
1622. The imoossible dream
Copy !req
1623. To fight
Copy !req
1624. The unbeatable foe
Copy !req
1625. To bear with unbearable sorrow
Copy !req
1626. Dulcinea.
Copy !req
1627. Dulci-what-a?
Copy !req
1628. You are Dulcinea
from the Broadway play they offered me
Copy !req
1629. and I am the Man of La Mancha.
Copy !req
1630. You got me there.
Copy !req
1631. I'm taking the part!
Copy !req
1632. What about my brother?
Copy !req
1633. What do I do? What do I say?
Copy !req
1634. Your brother.
Copy !req
1635. I don't know
there's much you can do about him.
Copy !req
1636. I mean, not that he doesn't love you.
Copy !req
1637. He loves you, I'm sure,
but it's a kind of deathbed love,
Copy !req
1638. the kind of love
he'll look back on when it's too late.
Copy !req
1639. - Hey, listen, I'm gonna do Man ofLa Mancha.
- No, no, no, I got to fix it.
Copy !req
1640. I got to fix it now, now I got to fix it.
Copy !req
1641. Hey, where are you going?
Copy !req
1642. Back to the ship.
Copy !req
1643. Would you stay if I did
your brother's commercial?
Copy !req
1644. The heck with that commercial.
Copy !req
1645. I'm going to see my womb-mate.
Copy !req
1646. - Come on, come on, pick up the phone.
- You have reached the voice mailbox of...
Copy !req
1647. What is this? How do you...
Copy !req
1648. To leave a voice message, oress one.
Copy !req
1649. Oh, God.
Copy !req
1650. Jill!
Copy !req
1651. Jill, open up!
Copy !req
1652. Jack?
Copy !req
1653. What are you wearing?
Copy !req
1654. You were with Al Pacino, weren't you?
Copy !req
1655. Wow, you're good.
Copy !req
1656. Jill was right.
Copy !req
1657. You are a weirdo.
Copy !req
1658. I know I am.
Copy !req
1659. Where is she? Where's Jill?
Copy !req
1660. She went home, and now I know why.
Copy !req
1661. She went home?
Copy !req
1662. God, what am I going to do?
Copy !req
1663. Happy New Year!
Copy !req
1664. Going in alone is fine, Mom,
and I'm not alone. I'm with you.
Copy !req
1665. Hey, well, guess what, I'm not
wearing underwear. It's New Year's Eve.
Copy !req
1666. Let's have some fun.
Copy !req
1667. Yo, you guys. Is that Jill Sadelstein?
Copy !req
1668. She was absolutely
the biggest loser in our high school.
Copy !req
1669. I mean, didn't she marry that
bird and move to the jungle?
Copy !req
1670. OMG, she's here alone tonight.
Copy !req
1671. The loserness continues.
Copy !req
1672. Hey, Jill.
Copy !req
1673. Hey! Happy New Year, guys.
Copy !req
1674. Where you been hiding, hon?
Copy !req
1675. I was visiting my brother
for Thanksgiving, and he...
Copy !req
1676. I just decided to stay out there
with him for a while.
Copy !req
1677. Yeah, he must have loved that.
Copy !req
1678. For your information, Carol,
he begged me to stay,
Copy !req
1679. but I'm just too exhausted
from being on game shows
Copy !req
1680. and dating movie stars.
Copy !req
1681. Oh, who'd you hook up
with, Rob Schneider?
Copy !req
1682. I like him.
Copy !req
1683. God, you're hot.
Copy !req
1684. You know, I don't like to kiss and tell,
Copy !req
1685. but I was with Sir Al Pacino
for a whole night.
Copy !req
1686. Honey, it must not have worked out
since you're all alone tonight.
Copy !req
1687. - Yeah.
- Aren't you?
Copy !req
1688. She's not alone.
Copy !req
1689. She's with her family.
Copy !req
1690. - Jack?
- Jill.
Copy !req
1691. What are you doing here?
Copy !req
1692. That's Jack.
Copy !req
1693. I just... I realized
Copy !req
1694. there's something
that I want to tell you so much.
Copy !req
1695. I just... I don't know how to say...
Copy !req
1696. What?
Copy !req
1697. Ook maga do do, Pokee.
Copy !req
1698. Oh, my God.
Copy !req
1699. Ook maga do do blarda, blarda, blarda.
Copy !req
1700. Mama Pandoree
bon Papa Pandoree long bada-bada.
Copy !req
1701. Bada-Bada, I know.
Copy !req
1702. Pagogo Tu lray
Copy !req
1703. Nah ee Pokee Para mee.
Copy !req
1704. But most important,
Copy !req
1705. Bongi.
Copy !req
1706. Bongi que Mahjongee.
Copy !req
1707. Of course, I love those guys.
Copy !req
1708. Bongi para rumpernickel pumpernickel.
Copy !req
1709. That's freaking beautiful.
Copy !req
1710. It's just... Just beautiful.
Copy !req
1711. Para Kaya!
Copy !req
1712. Ook maga do do.
Copy !req
1713. Coodlee me, coodlee me.
Copy !req
1714. I'm so happy, so happy.
Copy !req
1715. Thank you.
Copy !req
1716. So, what, are you, like, his wife?
Copy !req
1717. Is that Monica?
Copy !req
1718. Yeah. Hi, I'm Erin. Nice to meet you.
Copy !req
1719. Well, I guess he settled for second best.
Copy !req
1720. Because I dumped
his sorry butt in high school.
Copy !req
1721. Yes, I did.
Copy !req
1722. Don't worry, Erin.
Copy !req
1723. They used to call her "The Cheese Tray"
Copy !req
1724. 'cause she got
passed around at all the parties.
Copy !req
1725. - Oh, we're getting busy.
- I'm right here.
Copy !req
1726. What are you doing?
Copy !req
1727. What did I do?
Copy !req
1728. Don't you touch my sister-in-law.
Copy !req
1729. Knock her out, Jill, knock her out!
Copy !req
1730. Oh, my God! You okay?
Copy !req
1731. Muleteers!
Copy !req
1732. Prepare to do battle.
Copy !req
1733. Oh, my God, is that Colonel Sanders?
Copy !req
1734. Al, what is this? Why do you look like that?
Copy !req
1735. He's doing Man ofLa Mancha now,
Copy !req
1736. so he always stays in character.
Copy !req
1737. Milady.
Copy !req
1738. Al, I'm so sorry.
Copy !req
1739. I thought I made it clear,
we're not meant to be.
Copy !req
1740. Pokee, Klapa!
Copy !req
1741. It's not you, it's me.
Copy !req
1742. - Dulcinea.
- Yes?
Copy !req
1743. Your purity befits a knight
more worthy than l.
Copy !req
1744. Go to him. He waits for you.
Copy !req
1745. Pagogo, where's the knight?
Copy !req
1746. You'll just have to see, Jill, come on.
Copy !req
1747. There's a knight?
Oh, my God, there's a knight?
Copy !req
1748. - Yeah, yeah.
- There's a knight! There's a knight!
Copy !req
1749. It's a foul monster!
Copy !req
1750. Al, that's a ceiling fan.
Copy !req
1751. No, it's a whirling, five-arm beast.
Copy !req
1752. What is this? What?
Copy !req
1753. - She's going to show up.
- What the...
Copy !req
1754. Felipe, what is this?
Copy !req
1755. I don't understand. What is going on here?
Copy !req
1756. What is happening? What...
Copy !req
1757. Felipe, how did you do this?
Copy !req
1758. - What? This is...
- Jill.
Copy !req
1759. Hi, guys, hi.
Copy !req
1760. What are you doing here?
Copy !req
1761. Jill, before you left,
Copy !req
1762. what I was trying to tell you,
Copy !req
1763. while you were dropping
chimichanga bombs...
Copy !req
1764. That was awful, I'm sorry.
Copy !req
1765. is that you make me feel like,
Copy !req
1766. like I just climbed out
of the trunk of my cousin's car
Copy !req
1767. after driving 1,1 00 miles across the border.
Copy !req
1768. Huh?
Copy !req
1769. I'm kidding. I'm kidding.
Copy !req
1770. I was going to say,
"He's ruining the mood," but...
Copy !req
1771. Yeah.
Copy !req
1772. But not about you.
Copy !req
1773. What?
Copy !req
1774. I love you, Jill. I love you.
Copy !req
1775. - You love me?
- Yeah, I love you.
Copy !req
1776. Somebody loves me.
Copy !req
1777. I love you, Jill.
Copy !req
1778. Will you convert to Judaism for me?
Copy !req
1779. - What?
- I'm kidding! I'm kidding!
Copy !req
1780. Oh, Felipe!
Copy !req
1781. I love you, Jill.
Copy !req
1782. All right, all right, he said he loved you.
Copy !req
1783. Don't kill him! Come on!
Copy !req
1784. I love you.
Copy !req
1785. What are you doing?
Copy !req
1786. Jack, jump in here and lay with me.
Copy !req
1787. - Lay with me.
- Oh, just lay with Felipe.
Copy !req
1788. Can't you do that?
Copy !req
1789. Something's brewing at D'n'D.
Copy !req
1790. Wow!
Copy !req
1791. Al Pacino!
Copy !req
1792. It's not Al anymore, it's Dunk.
Copy !req
1793. Dunk Accino?
Copy !req
1794. Don't mind if I do.
Copy !req
1795. - What's my name?
- Dunkaccino!
Copy !req
1796. - It's a whole new game
- Dunkaccino!
Copy !req
1797. You want creamy goodness
I'm your friend
Copy !req
1798. Say hello to my chocolate blend
Copy !req
1799. Attica, hoo-wah, latte lite
Copy !req
1800. This whole trial is out of sight
Copy !req
1801. They pulled me back in with hazelnut, too
Copy !req
1802. Caramel swirl,
I know it was you.
Copy !req
1803. Everyone wants my Dunkaccino
Copy !req
1804. Can't get enough of my Dunkaccino
Copy !req
1805. Kids from seven to seventeen-o
Copy !req
1806. Lining up for my Dunkaccino
Copy !req
1807. - What's my name?
- Dunkaccino!
Copy !req
1808. A-Dunka-Dunka-Dunka-Dunka-Dunkaccino!
Copy !req
1809. And, boom, there you have it.
It's actually 32 seconds,
Copy !req
1810. so I got to lose two seconds.
Copy !req
1811. Maybe you can tell me what,
what part you would lose,
Copy !req
1812. but I think we are getting there.
Copy !req
1813. Burn this.
Copy !req
1814. I'm sorry?
Copy !req
1815. This must never be seen by anyone.
Copy !req
1816. if you didn't like all those close-ups,
we can...
Copy !req
1817. This is not the final cut.
There's no doubt, we can...
Copy !req
1818. All copies.
Copy !req
1819. Destroy them.
Copy !req
1820. - You want me to play it again?
- Has anybody seen this?
Copy !req
1821. Nobody has seen this.
Copy !req
1822. They have to be found and talked to.
Copy !req
1823. All right, to be honest, I showed my wife.
Copy !req
1824. - She couldn't believe...
- No good, no good.
Copy !req
1825. So I used to be fatter,
and so what he would do...
Copy !req
1826. Picture him way bigger, like...
Copy !req
1827. So what would happen is
we'd get together on Thanksgiving.
Copy !req
1828. He'd kind of gather the family around,
Copy !req
1829. and so I would have to go,
Copy !req
1830. "This is me before Ultra Slim Fast."
Copy !req
1831. "And this is me now!"
Copy !req
1832. And everybody would laugh at him
and he'd go cry in the other room.
Copy !req
1833. I'm Larry, this is my brother Dave.
Copy !req
1834. We used to be triplets,
but he ate the other one.
Copy !req
1835. Let me tell you, I don't really like getting
Copy !req
1836. into fights with him because I really...
Copy !req
1837. I don't like closing my fist on him,
so when we get into fights,
Copy !req
1838. we look like sissies
when we fight each other.
Copy !req
1839. You know, 'cause I don't really like...
Copy !req
1840. It's kind of that...
The schoolyard fight when you see two girls.
Copy !req
1841. She's my baby girl, she knows that.
Copy !req
1842. We're like a husband-and-wife relationship.
Copy !req
1843. - We fight and then we come together.
- That's sick, okay?
Copy !req
1844. - I mean, not in a sick way.
- You shouldn't say that
Copy !req
1845. - like that, that's sick.
- Not in a sick way.
Copy !req
1846. I don't like my brother.
Copy !req
1847. I have a deep, intense dislike for my brother.
Copy !req
1848. He's a bad guy.
Copy !req
1849. I know what the problem is.
Copy !req
1850. He didn't say anything about it, did he?
Copy !req
1851. He don't like the mustache
'cause he can't grow one.
Copy !req
1852. Well, usually, when we celebrate a birthday,
usually it's more than one cake.
Copy !req
1853. - It's four cakes.
- It's usually four.
Copy !req
1854. - Yeah.
- It's usually four cakes.
Copy !req
1855. There's right hand,
left hand, right hand, left hand.
Copy !req
1856. Or one for me and one for him
and two for his girlfriend.
Copy !req
1857. Yeah, yeah.
Copy !req
1858. She was actually living in L.A.
Copy !req
1859. and I was in Kentucky
doing the race at that moment.
Copy !req
1860. - I was tired.
- Yeah.
Copy !req
1861. 'Cause I did not train properly.
Copy !req
1862. And I started feeling, like, these pains
Copy !req
1863. or something like that,
and it was, like, weird, so...
Copy !req
1864. - So, yeah.
- I mean, that's my part of,
Copy !req
1865. like, ESPN or ESP.
Copy !req
1866. - Whatever it's called.
- It's ESP.
Copy !req
1867. - Okay, whatever.
- ESPN is the network for sports.
Copy !req
1868. You figure it out.
Copy !req
1869. Well, you know, I'm married, so...
Copy !req
1870. Yeah, we don't have girl issues.
Copy !req
1871. Yeah, well, l... Sometimes, though,
I do try to hook him up with someone.
Copy !req
1872. I mean, if they come up to me
Copy !req
1873. and they're like, they like me,
I'm like, "Oh, sorry,"
Copy !req
1874. and then I'm like,
"Hey, look at this guy, though."
Copy !req
1875. And so, I mean,
he's kind of like the backup twin.
Copy !req
1876. I don't care, I take it.
Copy !req
1877. I said, "Look, dude, I don't think I can...
I don't think I can go on this date,
Copy !req
1878. "but I can't, can't break the date.
Copy !req
1879. "'Cause, you know, it's got to happen,
it's got to happen tonight."
Copy !req
1880. - I said, "Well, Rog, you know..."
- You said... What'd you tell me?
Copy !req
1881. "How does the girl look?
How does she look?"
Copy !req
1882. I said, "Dude, she's a 10, she's hot."
Copy !req
1883. - "She's hot?"
- "She's hot."
Copy !req
1884. I said, "Well, you know, send me.
Copy !req
1885. "I'll put her on ice for the night, you know.
Copy !req
1886. "Send me out, I'll make sure
everything's good for you,
Copy !req
1887. "you know, and you'll be
good to go next week."
Copy !req
1888. - So I did.
- He went out with the girl.
Copy !req
1889. It was smooth, right?
Copy !req
1890. I think she fell in love
with him on the first date.
Copy !req
1891. What's funny is,
my brother ended up dating this girl
Copy !req
1892. for, like, four...
What, like three and a half years?
Copy !req
1893. Yeah, it was like three and a half years.
Copy !req
1894. She never knew we switched
on the very first date.
Copy !req
1895. She said,
"The best time of my life was the first date."
Copy !req
1896. - There you go.
- I was like, "Oh, come on."
Copy !req
1897. Growing up with long hair, full Afros.
Copy !req
1898. Oh, yeah, fine, with some platform shoes,
Copy !req
1899. something you'd remember.
You stole my good pair.
Copy !req
1900. All right, let's move, let's move.
Copy !req
1901. The best thing about
being twins is, when I fall,
Copy !req
1902. when I feel sad,
Elijah just picks me right back up
Copy !req
1903. and that's just helpful to me.
Copy !req
1904. - Love my twin.
- Love my twin.
Copy !req
1905. - Love you, sis.
- Love you.
Copy !req
1906. I love us.
Copy !req
1907. You smell.
Copy !req
1908. - I love this guy.
- I can't imagine life without my brother.
Copy !req
1909. - But we love each other.
- Yeah, but we love each other, right, okay.
Copy !req
1910. You're my only friend.
Copy !req
1911. That's so sad.
Copy !req
1912. - It was cool, man.
- I love my brother.
Copy !req
1913. I love you, man.
Copy !req
1914. No matter how bad he is,
no matter what he does wrong,
Copy !req
1915. he's still my brother
and he's still number one.
Copy !req
1916. Without a twin
Copy !req
1917. you're useless.
Copy !req
1918. - We're good to go.
- Triplets? No.
Copy !req
1919. - No.
- Nasty, ugly.
Copy !req
1920. - No, done.
- No, we're done.
Copy !req
1921. - Twins.
- Yes.
Copy !req
1922. - Keep 'em.
- Let's go.
Copy !req
1923. I got to get this pin...
Copy !req