1. ♪Inspector Gadget
Copy !req
2. ♪Ooh, ooh
Copy !req
3. Help!
Copy !req
4. See you at
the P.T.A. meeting.
Copy !req
5. Good morning,
Officer Brown.
Copy !req
6. Officer Brown!
How do you do?
Copy !req
7. No brakes!
Copy !req
8. Help, Uncle John!
Copy !req
9. Somebody help!
Save us!
Copy !req
10. Help!
Copy !req
11. Where's Officer Brown?
Copy !req
12. Help!
Copy !req
13. Hey, the dog!
The dog!
Copy !req
14. Oh, Harvey!
Copy !req
15. Officer Brown,
you're my hero.
Copy !req
16. Oh, please, Miss.
It was nothing.
Oh, geez
Copy !req
17. All in a day's work, ma'am.
Any cop woulda done the same.
Copy !req
18. Brain? Yech.
Copy !req
19. Having another hero cop dream,
Uncle John?
Copy !req
20. Every time I close my eyes.
How was school?
Copy !req
21. Fine.
Copy !req
22. Don't forget, tomorrow's
the day parents come and
talk about their careers.
Copy !req
23. Oh. Well, I might
have to work.
Copy !req
24. Do you want me to ask off?
Copy !req
25. Oh, no.
That's okay.
Copy !req
26. Parents coming to school
Whose idea was that anyway?
Copy !req
27. But if it's important
to you, Penny...
Did the letter come?
Copy !req
28. Letter?
Uh, gee, well
What letter?
Copy !req
29. I don't... Oh, yes.
Copy !req
30. They said two years
as a security guard isn't
enough experience to be a cop.
Copy !req
31. Uncle John,
I'm sorry.
Me too.
Copy !req
32. Well, I can still
secure and protect.
Copy !req
33. I just think I could do
so much more good as a cop.
Copy !req
34. Hey, wait a minute.
Tomorrow's your day off.
Copy !req
35. Oh, well...
Copy !req
36. Look, I know that
Nicole's dad is a lawyer,
Copy !req
37. and Kim's dad is a dentist,
Copy !req
38. and I just didn't want
to embarrass you
with your friends.
Copy !req
39. If I only had that badge.
Copy !req
40. Uncle John,
it's not the badge,
it's the heart behind it.
Copy !req
41. I'm very proud of you.
Copy !req
42. Fingers crossed.
Copy !req
43. This chip is gonna make
the whole Gadget project work.
Copy !req
44. Dad, concentrate.
Try to move the foot.
Copy !req
45. All right.
Kick the ball.
Copy !req
46. Nothin'.
I'm hungry.
Copy !req
47. Okay, all right.
I'll go get us some dinner.
But then we keep going.
Copy !req
48. Yeah.
Okay. I'll call
the guardhouse
Copy !req
49. so they don't search
the deliver guy again.
Copy !req
50. Hello, Antonio's?
Yeah, it's Brenda.
No, foot's still not moving.
Copy !req
51. Dad, keep thinking
about that foot.
Copy !req
52. Yep, the usual.
Mmm-hmm. Mmm-hmm.
Copy !req
53. Dad.
Hmm? What?
Copy !req
54. Tap your foot again.
Copy !req
55. What?
Copy !req
56. That's weird.
Copy !req
57. Wh... What were you
thinking about?
Copy !req
58. I was thinking about
how much you remind me
of your mother.
Copy !req
59. Wait a second.
Wait a second!
Copy !req
60. That's it!
It's animated by will,
Copy !req
61. not by thought.
Copy !req
62. By your heart,
not your head!
Copy !req
63. Come on, try it again.
Do it again!
All right.
Copy !req
64. We did it!
We moved the foot!
Copy !req
65. Jack, Queen...
Copy !req
66. Brenda Bradford
She's so beautiful.
Copy !req
67. Wowser.
Black eight
on the red nine...
Copy !req
68. What?
Oh, oh, nothin'.
Copy !req
69. I was just talkin'
to myself.
Copy !req
70. Thelma, how do I look?
Copy !req
71. Like a geek from Kansas
who became a security guard.
Copy !req
72. Brenda Bradford.
Copy !req
73. Well, good evening,
young lady.
Copy !req
74. It's been a while.
Copy !req
75. Four, three, two, one, zero.
Copy !req
76. Go.
Copy !req
77. Dr. Bradford.
Copy !req
78. Hi.
Copy !req
79. I borrowed a book
from your dad.
You did?
Copy !req
80. Power Learning
Through Speed Study.
Copy !req
81. It took me forever
to get through it.
Copy !req
82. But I really think
it's gonna pay off, though.
Copy !req
83. I just applied
to the Riverton Police Force.
Copy !req
84. Yeah?
It's what I've always
wanted to do.
Copy !req
85. Help people, that is.
Um, I gotta...
Copy !req
86. Dr. Bradford is out
of the lab and we can go in.
Copy !req
87. Sikes, release the
remote-control van.
Copy !req
88. Nice stars.
Copy !req
89. Yeah? Which ones?
Copy !req
90. I just meant the whole...
Copy !req
91. All of 'em.
Oh, I thought you meant
a specific cluster.
Copy !req
92. I always take everything
so literally.
Copy !req
93. So do I.
Copy !req
94. I forgot my keys.
Copy !req
95. Oh.
Copy !req
96. I'm Okay.
Copy !req
97. Good night now.
Copy !req
98. well, I'll just
stay here, then, and,
uh, secure the parking lot.
Copy !req
99. Concentrate, you twit!
Copy !req
100. Hey, that guy's speeding.
Copy !req
101. Ten miles an hour
in the parking lot, buddy!
Copy !req
102. No,no,no, no,
straight ahead! No, left!
Bad cat. Bad cat.
Copy !req
103. Left, Sikes, turn!
Copy !req
104. What was that?
We have an intruder
on the premises.
Copy !req
105. A black van.
Copy !req
106. Where?
Try that big hole
in the wall!
Copy !req
107. Brenda.
Copy !req
108. Huh?
Copy !req
109. Hello, Artemus.
I'll take that.
Copy !req
110. Oh, no, wait.
No, no, no, no!
Copy !req
111. Now, just a moment...
Arrivederci, Professor.
Copy !req
112. Uh-oh!
Someone's gonna blame
the old lady.
Copy !req
113. Sniffy, let's go.
Copy !req
114. Dr. Bradford,
I won't rest until I find
whoever's responsible.
Copy !req
115. Justice will be served.
Copy !req
116. Brown, where are you going?
Copy !req
117. To catch the bad guys!
Stand back, Thelma!
Copy !req
118. This isn't going to end well.
Copy !req
119. You're not on duty, Brown!
I'm always on duty!
Copy !req
120. Oh, no.
We're being chased
by the hatchback squad.
Copy !req
121. Hey,
I have a hatchback.
Copy !req
122. Ooh. Oh!
Copy !req
123. Whoa, whoa, whoa,
whoa, whoa! Whoa!
Copy !req
124. Now you've crossed the line.
Pull over, you!
Copy !req
125. Stop the car, Sikes.
I want to enjoy this.
Copy !req
126. Oh, gosh! Oh!
Copy !req
127. Uh-oh.
Copy !req
128. Attention!
Driver of the wrecked limo,
Copy !req
129. attached
to the Yahoo! Billboard,
Copy !req
130. this is
security Officer John Brown.
Copy !req
131. Please step out of the vehicle
Copy !req
132. Or... Else.
Copy !req
133. Fine work,
Mr. Security Guard.
You got me.
Copy !req
134. Here.
Copy !req
135. Have a victory cigar.
Copy !req
136. No, thanks.
Copy !req
137. Remember, smoking kills.
Copy !req
138. I don't smoke.
Copy !req
139. Oh, really?
You will now.
Copy !req
140. Oh, boy.
Copy !req
141. My hand!
Copy !req
142. Pardon me! Excuse me!
Comin' through!
Copy !req
143. Hey, have you seen
my uncle, John Brown?
Copy !req
144. Uh, he's in there.
Copy !req
145. Uncle John?
Copy !req
146. Please wake up.
I know you can hear me.
Copy !req
147. Look who I brought to visit.
Copy !req
148. Look, it's Brain.
He came to see you.
Copy !req
149. Okay. No.
Not in his mouth, Brain.
No. No.
Copy !req
150. Okay, stop.
Copy !req
151. We're lookin' at extensive
tissue damage, 44 fractures,
a major concussion,
Copy !req
152. all coupled with
extensive internal trauma.
Copy !req
153. This man tried
to save my father.
Copy !req
154. He risked his life
to protect our work.
Copy !req
155. We've done all we can.
Not yet, we haven't.
Copy !req
156. Mayor's coming through!
Clear the way!
Dr. Bradford!
Copy !req
157. Clear for the mayor!
Copy !req
158. Dr. Bradford, both I and
police Chief Quimby here...
Copy !req
159. Hi.
Are very sorry to hear
about your father.
Copy !req
160. He was a good man.
Copy !req
161. Did you know him?
Copy !req
162. No, I didn't.
Copy !req
163. So, how soon can you finish
the Gadget Project, hmm?
Copy !req
164. I'm sure that he would
have wanted me to finish it
as soon as possible.
Copy !req
165. Mmm. Oh.
Yeah. With the, uh,
"English patient" there?
Copy !req
166. That's enough, Quimby.
Copy !req
167. Oh, sorry. Just doesn't
look like you got off
to a good start there.
Copy !req
168. So, how can you
be so sure that this
is the proper subject?
Copy !req
169. Dad told me that I would know
when the right man came along.
Copy !req
170. John Brown's the right man.
Copy !req
171. Well.
Copy !req
172. That's good enough
for me.
Copy !req
173. Let's go.
Copy !req
174. Hmm.
Copy !req
175. Chain saw!
Waxy buildup, stat.
Bring in the hoses, stat!
Copy !req
176. Ready, and...
Copy !req
177. It's a thing of beauty,
Copy !req
178. The future of law enforcement
reborn before our very eyes.
Copy !req
179. Yeah. Columbo and Nintendo
all rolled into one.
Copy !req
180. He'll make you obsolete,
Copy !req
181. no overtime, no hazard pay,
no blue flu.
Copy !req
182. And he won't call me
"evil gidget" behind my back.
Copy !req
183. Oh, by the way,
what do we have on the
Artemus Bradford murder, hmm?
Copy !req
184. Well, we got a limo
with no license,
Copy !req
185. and some scrap metal
from whatever it was
that broke into the lab.
Copy !req
186. Do we at least know
what was stolen?
Copy !req
187. According,
to Doctor Bradford,
a robotic foot.
Copy !req
188. Robotic foot.
Copy !req
189. A robotic foot?
Copy !req
190. What kind of cyber-freak
are we dealing with?
Copy !req
191. Not bad, Kramer.
Copy !req
192. Not bad at all.
Copy !req
193. It's got a sort of postmodern
Captain Hook
kind of feel to it.
Copy !req
194. Very diabolical.
Copy !req
195. I deserve
a dashing appellation.
Copy !req
196. "Dashing Appalachian"?
What is that?
A hillbilly with a tuxedo?
Copy !req
197. No, you idiot!
Copy !req
198. It's a nickname
Copy !req
199. One that will
send my enemies
cowering in fear.
Copy !req
200. Ah.
Copy !req
201. Ah, too bad
"Hook" is taken, huh?
Copy !req
202. How 'bout...
"Captain Claw"?
Copy !req
203. No, no, no, no, no...
Or "Santa Claw."
Copy !req
204. Just "Claw."
One word,
Copy !req
205. like "Madonna."
Copy !req
206. Well, anyhoo, Captain...
Sir... Mr. Claw,
Copy !req
207. I know how much you like
to maintain an
active lifestyle,
Copy !req
208. so I have managed to design
Copy !req
209. a few interchangeable options.
Copy !req
210. Hi, hi.
Oh, very clever, Kramer.
Copy !req
211. "Very clever, Kramer."
Copy !req
212. Very clever, indeed.
Copy !req
213. Well, first we have
the opera hand,
Copy !req
214. for those special nights out.
Copy !req
215. And I know how much
you enjoy Japanese food,
Copy !req
216. so I made you a sushi hand
See there?
Copy !req
217. Tasty.
Copy !req
218. Hmm.
Copy !req
219. Also,
I don't remember if you enjoy
the medieval fare, but...
Copy !req
220. Kramer, that's enough.
Copy !req
221. Sikes, bring on the foot.
Copy !req
222. Oops.
Copy !req
223. Hmm?
Copy !req
224. What the...
Copy !req
225. What have they got me on?
Ooh! Ooh!
Copy !req
226. Oh, my Oh!
Copy !req
227. I, um...
Your thumb's on fire!
Copy !req
228. I seem to be having
a reaction.
Copy !req
229. Mr. Brown.
Oh. Oh, it's you.
Copy !req
230. It's all right.
It's all right.
Copy !req
231. I don't know what's wrong.
I, uh I seem to be ill,
Copy !req
232. and I can't remember anything.
Copy !req
233. You may not remember
very much right now.
Copy !req
234. You suffered a pretty major
concussion in the explosion.
Copy !req
235. What happened?
Copy !req
236. You've just come out of
a very long recovery.
Copy !req
237. You are now a sophisticated
network of tissue,
hardware and software.
Copy !req
238. No!
Copy !req
239. I gotta get outta here.
Copy !req
240. Mr. Brown...
Mr. Brown, come back here.
Copy !req
241. We're gonna go in
I'll take...
Copy !req
242. Look, Mr. Brown, I know
that this is all new for you,
Copy !req
243. and it must feel strange.
Copy !req
244. You will adjust.
Copy !req
245. My head is very heavy.
Don't worry.
That's easy to fix.
Copy !req
246. I don't
wanna be like this.
Copy !req
247. I don't understand
what happened to me.
Copy !req
248. John, we saved your life.
Copy !req
249. I'm not me anymore.
I'm a hardware store.
Copy !req
250. This is a huge opportunity.
Copy !req
251. You were designed
as the first prototype
Copy !req
252. cyber police officer for the
Riverton Police Department.
Copy !req
253. You said yourself
you wanted to help people
This is your chance.
Copy !req
254. I do want to help people.
Copy !req
255. I know.
Copy !req
256. Aiyee!
Copy !req
257. I'll be with you
every step of the way.
Copy !req
258. Okay.
I'd shake your hand
but you might lose an eye.
Copy !req
259. An android
of this quality could
have a myriad of uses:
Copy !req
260. shock troops,
kamikaze pilots, hit men.
Copy !req
261. International rescue workers,
Copy !req
262. Oh, yes.
I was getting to them. Well,
let's see him in action, huh?
Copy !req
263. Okay.
Copy !req
264. Oh, I'll strap myself in.
Copy !req
265. Okay.
Turn me on, Kramer.
Copy !req
266. Move, darn you!
Copy !req
267. It's a lemon.
Copy !req
268. Thank you for that, Sikes.
Copy !req
269. You put it on. Come on.
Why can't he do it?
Copy !req
270. He's capable
of intelligent thought.
That's useful to me.
Copy !req
271. Now, strap you in.
Copy !req
272. Perhaps if we give
him maximum voltage.
Copy !req
273. Yeah, that might work.
Copy !req
274. I want my...
Copy !req
275. Mama!
Copy !req
276. Something got left behind.
Copy !req
277. What does Brenda have
that I don't?
Copy !req
278. Now this is the single
most important component,
the neuron synapse amplifier.
Copy !req
279. It's a highpowered
processor chip...
Copy !req
280. That increases the charge
in the human brain wave,
Copy !req
281. enough to move the machinery
that's now built
into your body.
Copy !req
282. Without this chip
The most powerful robotics
chip in the world
Copy !req
283. Your body couldn't
possibly function.
Copy !req
284. Any more questions?
Copy !req
285. Nope, I'm fine.
Copy !req
286. Guess it just takes
a little getting used to,
you know?
Copy !req
287. Good.
Then I will just give you
your manual to study.
Copy !req
288. Volume one.
Copy !req
289. Mmm-hmm.
Looks like the usual stuff,
Copy !req
290. extendolegs,
helicopter hat.
Copy !req
291. Guess I'm all set then.
Right. Oh!
Copy !req
292. There's one more thing.
I almost forgot.
Copy !req
293. It's important.
Copy !req
294. Your new wardrobe.
Copy !req
295. The Gadget suit.
Copy !req
296. Okay, so if you
want to operate
one of your gadgets,
Copy !req
297. you simply say
"Go-go gadget,"
and then you name the device.
Copy !req
298. Well, couldn't I say
something more official,
Copy !req
299. Like,
"In the name of justice."
Copy !req
300. Well, you could,
but it wouldn't work.
Copy !req
301. But "Go-go gadget,"
sounds so
Copy !req
302. My father designed
the program, and he...
Copy !req
303. Oh! Oh, oh, oh, oh!
It's "Go-go gadget."
Copy !req
304. I really like it.
Copy !req
305. Good. I'm glad.
Copy !req
306. So, okay, let's say
there are two guys
trying to rob a jewelry store,
Copy !req
307. and you wanted
to trip 'em up
What would you do?
Copy !req
308. Okay, uh, let me think.
Copy !req
309. Go-go gadget
oil slick.
Copy !req
310. That's not oil,
it's toothpaste!
Copy !req
311. Ooh! Ooh!
Copy !req
312. Stop it!
Copy !req
313. Whoa!
Say, "Go-go gadget,
Copy !req
314. Go-go, stop!
We're gonna need
some more work with you.
Copy !req
315. Try to visualize your goal.
Copy !req
316. Concentrate.
Copy !req
317. Put all other things
out of your head except
Copy !req
318. obtaining the balls.
Copy !req
319. Okay.
Copy !req
320. He's just like
the, "Six Million Dollar Man."
Copy !req
321. What?
Copy !req
322. Ungrip! Ungrip!
Turn it off!
Copy !req
323. Well, I guess $6,000,000
doesn't buy what it used to.
Copy !req
Excuse me.
Copy !req
325. He is not a man, you know.
He is a monster.
Copy !req
326. I've got something special
to show you. Ta-da!
Copy !req
327. The Gadgetmobile.
Copy !req
328. Wow.
It's for you.
Copy !req
329. I made it myself.
Copy !req
330. Come on.
You made me a car?
Copy !req
331. The only thing anybody's
ever made me before
is a sweater.
Copy !req
332. All right.
Now, it may look simple,
Copy !req
333. but this thing has
just about as many
factory extras as you do.
Copy !req
334. Come on!
Get in there!
Copy !req
335. Oh.
Watch the coat.
Copy !req
336. Okay.
Copy !req
337. Gosh, she's incredible.
Copy !req
338. Oh, it's a he.
excuse me?
Copy !req
339. You'll see.
Copy !req
340. Okay, now,
it has voice activation,
ejection seats,
Copy !req
341. a power-assisted metamorphic
camouflage system,
a cardio-homing device.
Copy !req
342. then there's a periscope,
a candy...
Copy !req
343. Dr. Bradford,
there's something
I just have to ask you.
Copy !req
344. Oh, just say,
"Go-go Gadgetmobile."
Copy !req
345. Yes, but will you...
Copy !req
346. "Go-go Gadgetmobile?"
Copy !req
347. Good morning, Riverton!
Copy !req
348. Hey! Who's in the car?
I work alone.
Copy !req
349. Hey, before we hit the road,
I gotta tell you somethin'.
Copy !req
350. Duck!
Copy !req
351. I don't think
the car likes me.
Copy !req
352. Who you callin' "car"?
I'm a crimefighting machine.
Copy !req
353. Watch this. Left turn!
Copy !req
354. Haven't you fallen out yet?
Copy !req
355. No, sir, I haven't!
Copy !req
356. Who are you, rookie?
I'm Officer John Brown,
Copy !req
357. and you're exceeding
the speed limit.
Copy !req
358. Speed limits are for cars,
not the Gadgetmobile.
Copy !req
359. Are you...
Are you talking to me?
Copy !req
360. Speakin' of the law, who's
not wearing a seat belt?
Copy !req
361. Gotta wear the belt, baby!
Copy !req
362. It's a Disney movie.
Now, I'm gonna fight me
some crime. Whoo!
Copy !req
363. More left turns!
Copy !req
364. Could you slow down, please?
I... I get carsick.
Copy !req
365. You know what makes
me peoplesick?
Copy !req
366. A rookie thinkin'
he's good enough for Dr. B.
Copy !req
367. Not that it's your business,
but what makes you think I was
Copy !req
368. putting moves
on Dr. Bradford?
Copy !req
369. Hey, I've got heat sensors.
I know what you were thinkin'
Copy !req
370. when Dr. B. gave
you that smile.
Copy !req
371. Now, look here. Come clean
with me, or I'm gonna
bounce you right outta here.
Copy !req
372. I can assure you
my only interest in
Dr. Bradford is professional.
Copy !req
373. "Professional," huh?
Copy !req
374. Well, good.
Keep it that way,
and that's an order.
Copy !req
375. You got it?
Uh, I'm the inspector,
you're the car.
Copy !req
376. I'll tell you what you are.
You're the...
Copy !req
377. Don't make me go,
"De La Hoya" on you!
Copy !req
378. Isn't there an "off" button
or something? A "mute"?
Copy !req
379. Oh!
Sorry, sir!
Copy !req
380. Don't push my buttons
without readin' the manual!
Copy !req
381. Ooh, watch out there, now.
Copy !req
382. Whoa!
Copy !req
383. Hmm?
Aw, man. I got a june bug
in my grille.
Copy !req
384. Shouldn't we be working
together, helping people?
Copy !req
385. Why didn't you say so?
Copy !req
386. Yo, Clouseau, 9 o'clock.
Copy !req
387. Left, you idiot!
Over the lock!
Copy !req
388. Shut up and let me do it.
Please. Thank you.
Copy !req
389. Very observant,
Copy !req
390. Time to do some good.
Copy !req
391. Lost your keys, fellas?
Copy !req
392. Uh, keys Yeah, keys.
Copy !req
393. Allow me to help.
Copy !req
394. Ugh.
Say, "Bye bye"
to the rookie.
Copy !req
395. Here.
This ought to do it.
Copy !req
396. Oh. Thanks.
Copy !req
397. Yo! Check out
the bowling shirt!
Copy !req
398. Huh.
I'm a bowler myself.
You work at the prison?
Copy !req
399. Uh, yeah. Work at the prison.
Psst! Gadget!
Copy !req
400. I'll be getting
into the law enforcement
bowling league too.
Copy !req
401. There you are.
Drive carefully.
We'll see you.
Copy !req
402. That's it.
I can't take it anymore.
Step away from the Viper!
Copy !req
403. Hey, what's the big idea?
Copy !req
404. Open your eyes! we got
a couple of jailbreakers!
Copy !req
405. Well, then, we should
inform the prison guar...
Wait a minute!
Copy !req
406. Let's split up.
I'll go after 'em,
and you say, "10-4"
Copy !req
407. 10-4!
Copy !req
408. Go-go gadget coils!
Copy !req
409. Skates!
I meant skates!
Copy !req
410. Come here, Carl Lewis.
Copy !req
411. Uh, halt! Forward!
Copy !req
412. Oh, for cryin' out loud.
Go-go forward, please!
Copy !req
413. Oh, for Pete's sake!
Copy !req
414. Hello.
Sit back and enjoy the bars.
Copy !req
415. You'll be lookin' at 'em
for the next 20 years.
Copy !req
416. oh! Ooh!
Copy !req
417. Uh-oh. Oh, gosh!
Copy !req
418. Go-go gadget
Grappling hook!
Copy !req
419. Whoa!
Copy !req
420. Wowser!
Copy !req
421. (ON TV)
The Riverton Police Department
has a new cop on the beat.
Copy !req
422. Here's Tira with the story.
Copy !req
423. In an incredible display
of courage,
Copy !req
424. Riverton's
first cyber-crimefighter
heroically apprehended,
Copy !req
425. two escaped convicts
this afternoon
in the downtown area.
Copy !req
426. The soon to be inspector will
be inducted into the Riverton
Police Department,
Copy !req
427. at a gala event
tomorrow night
Copy !req
428. Why, it's that annoying
little security guard
from the institute.
Copy !req
429. Riverton's much admired
budget surplus to fund
Copy !req
430. So he's the lucky duck
they plucked for
the Gadget Program.
Copy !req
431. Ha! Irony abounds.
Copy !req
432. That's my cruller!
Gimme that!
Copy !req
433. Sikes!
Yes, boss?
Copy !req
434. Get my tuxedo ready.
Tomorrow promises to be
quite an evening.
Copy !req
435. So, anyone special
going tonight?
Copy !req
436. Well, the mayor,
the governor.
Copy !req
437. Any doctors?
Copy !req
438. Doctors?
You know, female doctors
Copy !req
439. Very attractive
female doctors.
Copy !req
440. Wowser.
Copy !req
441. Is it that obvious?
Copy !req
442. Come on, Uncle John.
Copy !req
443. You just need to...
Loosen up, be cool.
Copy !req
444. You been talking to my car?
Copy !req
445. Huh. You'll see.
Copy !req
446. Fire!
Copy !req
447. Wrong finger.
Copy !req
448. Careful.
Copy !req
449. Excuse me. Inspector,
may I have this dance?
Copy !req
450. Oh. Why, sure.
Yeah. You betcha.
Copy !req
451. Uh, here.
Copy !req
452. Let's see if I still
know how to do this.
Copy !req
453. Not bad, John Brown.
Copy !req
454. May I cut in?
Copy !req
455. Hello. Sanford Scolex.
We were at Harvard together.
Copy !req
456. We were?
Oh, you don't recognize me.
That's because I've changed.
Copy !req
457. I was obese.
Copy !req
458. Maybe you remember me better
like this.
Copy !req
459. Yes!
Copy !req
460. Wow!
Copy !req
461. Well, it's nice
to see you again.
Copy !req
462. Here you go.
You look...
Copy !req
463. Different.
Copy !req
464. Well, I'll go get us
some champagne.
Copy !req
465. Oh, great idea!
Three flutes of bubbly,
please, Mr. Gizmo.
Copy !req
466. We'll be right here.
Copy !req
467. You know, Brenda...
Copy !req
468. I'm not at all surprised
you became such
a renowned scientist.
Copy !req
469. You were always the most
brilliant one in school.
Copy !req
470. No, I...
Copy !req
471. I was a hard worker.
Copy !req
472. Oh, I remember.
Copy !req
473. I used to watch the way
you wrinkled your little nose,
concentrating on calculations.
Copy !req
474. You did?
You took my breath away.
Copy !req
475. I did.
Copy !req
476. Brenda, dance with me.
Copy !req
477. You remind me of a thing
Godzilla once said.
Copy !req
478. Tell me, what will you do
now that the Gadget Program
is completed?
Copy !req
479. Ooh. Oh.
Copy !req
480. You're done with
the Gadget thing.
Copy !req
481. Come and join me
at Scolex Industries.
Copy !req
482. We'll be right here.
Copy !req
483. Ahem.
Copy !req
484. I could only carry
two glasses.
Copy !req
485. Oh.
Copy !req
486. A bientot, ma cherie
Copy !req
487. Ah!
Copy !req
488. John...
Copy !req
489. He just offered me a job.
Copy !req
490. He said that I would have
unlimited funding,
Copy !req
491. my own lab...
Copy !req
492. And complete control
of all my research.
Copy !req
493. But what about
your other research?
Copy !req
494. The Gadget Program.
Copy !req
495. Are you sure you've
worked out all the bugs?
Copy !req
496. Well, um...
Copy !req
497. Oh, how touching.
The creator and the creation.
Copy !req
498. Excuse me, Inspector,
Copy !req
499. but the press would like
to take some photos of us
with our boys in blue.
Copy !req
500. Let's go.
photo op.
Copy !req
501. Okay. Come on.
Copy !req
502. get ready, boys.
Here's the dynamic duo.
The camera is your friend.
Copy !req
503. Watch the birdie!
Get a big smile!
Copy !req
504. Chief, if you don't mind
my asking,
Copy !req
505. when do I get started
on my big case?
Copy !req
506. Oh, soon enough, Gadget.
Copy !req
507. I have a few assignments
for you to cut your
teeth on first.
Copy !req
508. Big grin.
That's it. Inspector!
Over here, please!
Copy !req
509. Oh, boo-hoo hoo, rookie.
Copy !req
510. Nobody likes a whiner.
Now, what are you gonna
do about it?
Copy !req
511. I'm ready to get tough
Real tough.
Copy !req
512. Here comes Gadget.
Copy !req
513. Hey, that your new partner,
Copy !req
514. What you got,
a cat burglar?
A real felon, huh?
Copy !req
515. the city's safe now.
Copy !req
516. Cat got your tongue?
Copy !req
517. Inspector Gadget reporting,
sir, with the 13th...
Copy !req
518. That's a baker's dozen...
Kitten I've pulled
out of a tree this week.
Copy !req
519. So?
Copy !req
520. Permission
to speak freely, sir.
Copy !req
521. Well, if you're gonna pout.
Copy !req
522. Thank you, sir.
Copy !req
523. What I want to say is that,
Copy !req
524. while I appreciate
cute and fluffy as much
as the next officer,
Copy !req
525. I fear that the kitten rescue
patrol is a misuse
of my capabilities.
Copy !req
526. Huh.
Copy !req
527. You know,
I don't get it, Gadget.
Every time you
Copy !req
528. I won't be happy until
I've brought the murderers of
Artemus Bradford to justice.
Copy !req
529. Ah.
Copy !req
530. And I won't be happy
until you're off the force,
Copy !req
531. and being sold,
piece by piece,
at some garage sale.
Copy !req
532. I want that case, sir.
Copy !req
533. Well, I'll tell you,
the problem is the Bradford
case requires real police work
Copy !req
534. and the fact is, you're not
a real police inspector.
Copy !req
535. You are not a real policeman.
You are just a publicity stunt
that we have to put up with.
Copy !req
536. So...
Copy !req
537. Why don't you just
about-face and get
out of my office.
Copy !req
538. Okiedokles, sir.
Copy !req
539. I've pretty much
completed Prometheus
per your specifications,
Copy !req
540. and, I must say,
the likeness is really
quite convincing.
Copy !req
541. Good. Imitation is
the sincerest form
of flattery, Kramer.
Copy !req
542. Isn't that
Dr. Brenda Bradford's
Private data?
Copy !req
543. Oh, yes.
Copy !req
544. I tapped into her files
and stole her research.
Copy !req
545. Why would you do that?
Copy !req
546. "Why would you do that?
Why would you do that?"
Copy !req
547. Ah.
Oh, oh.
Copy !req
548. Kramer, don't look
so nonplussed.
Copy !req
549. Now that Dr. Bradford is part
of the Scolex team,
we share everything,
Copy !req
550. or at least we will.
Copy !req
551. Oh, well, I think
sharing files is a great way
to bring the company together.
Copy !req
552. You know, make sure we're all
singing off the same song
sheet, so to speak.
Copy !req
553. Imagine my relief
to have your support.
Copy !req
554. Anyway, sir, like I said,
without the chip,
I don't think...
Copy !req
555. Oh, so you made the chip.
Copy !req
556. Hey, that looks just like
the guy we almost killed.
Copy !req
557. Oh, I didn't hear that!
Copy !req
558. Chips ahoy.
Copy !req
559. Wow!
Oh, sweet lordy.
Copy !req
560. Good morning, Robogadget.
Copy !req
561. You have just been animated,
Copy !req
562. by the most complex computer
technology in the world.
Copy !req
563. What are you going
to do now?
Copy !req
564. I'm gonna kick some butt.
Copy !req
565. Very saucy.
Copy !req
566. It looks so real.
Copy !req
567. Oh!
Very good, yes!
Copy !req
568. Oh, Robo, nothing
can stop us now!
Copy !req
569. Gotta make my own case.
Copy !req
570. B, b, b, b, b, b, b
Copy !req
571. Go-go gadget
magnifying glass.
Copy !req
572. Increase magnification.
Copy !req
573. Increase magnification.
Copy !req
574. "Si."
Go, go Spanish translation.
Copy !req
575. "Si" means "Yes."
I knew it!
Copy !req
576. Inspector Gadget,
can I have your autograph?
Copy !req
577. Got any money?
Copy !req
578. Ah!
Copy !req
579. ♪Hey, now,
you're a rock star ♪
Copy !req
580. All right,
so I'll rule out the Spanish.
Copy !req
581. But what else
could "si" stand for?
"Space invaders"?
Copy !req
582. Nah!
"Scuba instructor"?
Copy !req
583. No!
Hey, how about
"super idiot"?
Copy !req
584. No, that's not it.
Uncle John,
Copy !req
585. I love you, but I think
you have a loose wire.
Copy !req
586. Oh, what about that?
Copy !req
587. "Scolex Industries."
Copy !req
588. Hello. Finally, there's
a detective in the house.
Copy !req
589. Wait a minute.
If Scolex stole the foot,
then Scolex murdered Dr...
Copy !req
590. Oh, no! Brenda!
Copy !req
591. Time to work!
Copy !req
592. Can you find the Scolex
building from here?
Copy !req
593. Or should I
call the police?
Copy !req
594. I am the police.
Copy !req
595. Hey, wait.
What about me?
Copy !req
596. You're smarter than he is.
Copy !req
597. Stay in the car. I don't mind
babysitting you, Penny,
Copy !req
598. but please tell the beagle
that that's an armrest,
not a chew toy.
Copy !req
599. (ON TV) Inspector Gadget
apparently has gone berserk
in the downtown Riverton area.
Copy !req
600. Eyewitnesses told me
that he was laughing
Copy !req
601. while he maliciously stacked
these four cars.
What's gone wrong?
Copy !req
602. Other reports indicate
that he's already caused
a major traffic accident,
Copy !req
603. destroyed private property
and set fire
to an elderly man's beard.
Copy !req
604. Go-go gadget
grappling hook.
Copy !req
605. Whoo!
Copy !req
Copy !req
607. What happened?
Copy !req
608. I'll go get Scolex.
Maybe he can help.
Copy !req
609. Brenda, it's not safe here.
Scolex is a liar and a thief
Copy !req
610. Let's just say
he's not a very good guy.
Copy !req
611. Go home!
Lock your doors!
Copy !req
612. Stay alive!
Whatever happens,
I will find you.
Copy !req
613. Oh, too far!
Copy !req
614. That hurt!
Copy !req
615. Wowser. I knew it.
Copy !req
616. You'll pay for this, Scolex.
Copy !req
617. Go-go suction shoes.
Copy !req
618. Hello?
Copy !req
619. Hello?
Copy !req
620. Sandy, is that you?
Copy !req
621. wow!
Copy !req
622. I finally get to meet you.
Copy !req
623. Sandy built me
to your specifications.
Copy !req
624. You're me?
Copy !req
625. We are like totally twins.
Copy !req
626. You must be Brenda.
Copy !req
627. Sandy was right.
I'm you. Only prettier.
Copy !req
628. We probably share brain waves.
Are you thinking about gelato
right now?
Copy !req
629. 'Cause I am.
Copy !req
630. I gotta go find John.
Copy !req
631. Don't you wanna hang out?
Copy !req
632. John!
Copy !req
633. Outside! It's so beautiful!
Copy !req
634. Hey, Brenda,
let's hang out, okay?
Have some quality girl time.
Copy !req
635. Gotcha!
Copy !req
636. Whoa!
Copy !req
637. Huh?
Go-go gadget blades.
Copy !req
638. Huh?
Copy !req
639. We have a blader.
Copy !req
640. You can run,
but you can't hide.
Copy !req
641. Go-go gadget brake!
Copy !req
642. Smile!
Copy !req
643. John!
Copy !req
644. Oh, this is so much more cool
than hanging out in that lab.
Copy !req
645. All Sandy ever wants to
talk about is that gross foot.
Copy !req
646. What foot?
Copy !req
647. The one he stole
and copied to make me.
Copy !req
648. Brenda, I'm programmed
to be a cheerleader.
Copy !req
649. Watch!
Copy !req
650. Ready? Okay!
Copy !req
651. B-R-E-N-D-A
Copy !req
652. Greetings, Inspector.
Copy !req
653. Glad you could drop in.
Copy !req
654. I owe you one, Scolex.
Copy !req
655. You blew up me
and my Chevette,
Copy !req
656. and I really liked that car.
Copy !req
657. Well, you crushed my hand,
and I really liked
that hand,
Copy !req
658. so, go, go
get over it.
Copy !req
659. I don't know what
you're up to, Scolex,
Copy !req
660. but you'll
never get away with it.
Copy !req
661. Oh, how cliché, Inspector.
Copy !req
662. I think somebody's been
watching too many Saturday
morning cartoons.
Copy !req
663. Hmm?
Copy !req
664. Huh?
Copy !req
665. Unfortunately, Gadget,
in the real world...
Copy !req
666. Evil quite often prevails.
Copy !req
667. I'm afraid so.
Pull him up.
Copy !req
668. Now, look how your replacement
is helping people...
Copy !req
669. To cross the street.
Copy !req
670. He looks just like me.
Copy !req
671. I don't get it.
Copy !req
672. Why would you do this?
To make teachers!
Copy !req
673. Shut up!
Copy !req
674. I'll tell you why.
Copy !req
675. To make techno-warriors
that never get tired,
Copy !req
676. never get hungry...
Copy !req
677. And never say "no."
Copy !req
678. Every army in the world
will be made up
of my creations.
Copy !req
679. Imagine the confusion,
Gadget, huh?
Copy !req
680. Imagine the perks.
Copy !req
681. Comprende?
Copy !req
682. Yeah, I comprende.
Copy !req
683. No, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no.
Copy !req
684. I comprendo.
Yo comprendo.
Copy !req
685. Conjugate the verb,
for pity's sake.
Copy !req
686. Pull the N.S.A. chip
before he butchers
another language.
Copy !req
687. You're kidding, right?
Copy !req
688. Okay. You see?
He's always kidding.
Copy !req
689. I never know.
This time no.
Copy !req
690. I want to make sure
nobody else can develop
their own android.
Copy !req
691. Do it, or you'll
be building yourself
a new head.
Copy !req
692. Oh.
Copy !req
693. "New head."
Copy !req
694. Okay, I am not here
right now.
Copy !req
695. I am on the beach
with dolphins, and, oh, hi,
look at this starfish.
Copy !req
696. I don't feel so good.
Copy !req
697. I'm sorry, Gadget.
Good help is so hard
to find these days.
Copy !req
698. Would you mind
if I do the honors, hmm?
Copy !req
699. Well, here goes.
Copy !req
700. Arrivederci. Ciao, ciao.
Copy !req
701. Goodbye, Mr. Chip.
Copy !req
702. Dump this idiot
in the junkyard.
Copy !req
703. Yes, boss.
Copy !req
704. Oh, no, not that idiot.
This one.
Copy !req
705. Oh, I wish you'd be
more specific.
Copy !req
706. There's an awful lot
of idiots around here.
Copy !req
707. Attention, Robogadget.
Copy !req
708. Destroy the city
and have some fun.
Copy !req
709. Okay, boss.
You with the beard, come here.
Copy !req
710. Hello? John?
Anybody home?
Copy !req
711. You sit back
and enjoy the ride, Penny.
I'm driving.
Copy !req
712. Hey, remember, kids.
I'm a professional car,
so don't try this at home.
Copy !req
713. Penny, where's your uncle?
I thought he was with you.
Copy !req
714. This is bad.
Copy !req
715. Come on, Penny.
We gotta find him.
Copy !req
716. There's something
rotten in Riverton.
Copy !req
717. Where you going, Gadget?
The chief is
very upset with you.
Copy !req
718. I'm gonna
have to arrest you. Hey!
Copy !req
719. Get your hands off me!
Copy !req
720. Officer down!
Copy !req
721. Next time you pay for
a gadget, don't forget
the extended warranty.
Copy !req
722. What?
Copy !req
723. Let's talk, chief.
Copy !req
724. Sure. What do you
What do you want to talk
about? Politics?
Copy !req
725. The Florida Marlins?
Copy !req
726. II know you're upset
about yesterday.
Copy !req
727. That was the job talking.
The truth is...
Copy !req
728. I want you I want you
on the Bradford case.
Copy !req
729. In fact, I... I want you
to lead the Bradford case.
Copy !req
730. I think...
Copy !req
731. Freeze!
Hold it right there!
Copy !req
732. Shoot him!
Copy !req
733. Adios, boys!
Copy !req
734. Whee!
Copy !req
735. Ladies, I don't like
the looks of this.
Copy !req
736. What would
Uncle John be doing here?
Copy !req
737. I mean...
Copy !req
738. Are you sure we picked up
the right signal?
Copy !req
739. Of course,
I have the right signal.
Copy !req
740. You know I have lojack
on my father's side.
Copy !req
741. Uh-oh, I don't like this.
Copy !req
742. See, I know what dogs do
when they're nervous.
Copy !req
743. Uncle John!
Copy !req
744. Uncle John!
Copy !req
745. Penny!
Uncle John!
Copy !req
746. No! Uncle John!
Wake up!
Copy !req
747. Please, don't tell me.
Copy !req
748. No.
Copy !req
749. The N.S.A. chip is gone.
Copy !req
750. He doesn't need the chip.
Copy !req
751. He's got the heart.
Copy !req
752. He can do it all by himself.
Copy !req
753. Hmm?
Copy !req
754. Can't be.
Copy !req
755. John?
Uncle John?
Copy !req
756. John, can you hear us?
Copy !req
757. He's alive.
Copy !req
758. Brenda.
Copy !req
759. Penny?
You're alive.
Copy !req
760. It's a miracle.
Copy !req
761. He doesn't need the chip.
Copy !req
762. It's my Uncle John,
that's what it is.
Copy !req
763. Whoa.
Copy !req
764. Way to go, rookie.
Copy !req
765. We'll make a cop
out of you yet.
Copy !req
766. Buckle up, kids,
and stick some newspaper
under that beagle.
Copy !req
767. This engine's only got
two speeds, "Fast"
and "Whoo, what was that?"
Copy !req
768. Where's Scolex?
I'll find him.
You drive.
Copy !req
769. Let's see what you can do,
'cause I feel the need...
Copy !req
770. The need for speed.
Copy !req
771. Now, if I'm home late,
it just means it took
a little extra time
Copy !req
772. to overthrow Scolex's
evil empire, okay?
Copy !req
773. Okay!
Later, Penny.
Copy !req
774. Left turn!
Copy !req
775. Right turn!
Copy !req
776. Where'd they go?
Copy !req
777. Heads up, baby!
Evil dude's limo at 12:00.
Copy !req
778. Left turn!
Got it!
Copy !req
779. Okay, take the wheel.
Copy !req
780. Right!
When I give you
the signal, slow down.
Copy !req
781. Okay!
Copy !req
782. Okay. Whoo!
Copy !req
783. Now!
Copy !req
784. Gotcha!
Copy !req
785. Nice aim, doc!
Copy !req
786. Thank you.
Copy !req
787. You're under arrest
for the murder
of Artemus Bradford, Scolex.
Copy !req
788. God, you're irritating.
Copy !req
789. And you...
Copy !req
790. You're under arrest
for impersonating
a police officer.
Copy !req
791. Oh, what a tangled web
we weave
Copy !req
792. Get rid of him.
Copy !req
793. You just ran a stop sign.
Copy !req
794. Hot, hot, hot, hot.
Hot foot. Hot, hot, hot.
Copy !req
795. Oh, whoo!
Go-go gadget skis.
Copy !req
796. Go-go gadget snow.
Copy !req
797. Go-go gadget water.
Copy !req
798. Go-go gadget...
Copy !req
799. Mommy!
Copy !req
800. Hmm?
Copy !req
801. Whoa!
Copy !req
802. Whoa!
Copy !req
803. Hey, stretch, pull over.
Copy !req
804. Hey, you don't bump
the Gadgetmobile.
Copy !req
805. The Gadgetmobile bumps you.
Copy !req
806. I'll go get him, boss.
Sit tight.
Copy !req
807. Watch out behind you!
Copy !req
808. We're gonna have some fun.
Copy !req
809. I'm gonna make you
into a compact.
Copy !req
810. Whoo!
Time for a bat turn.
Copy !req
811. Don't lose that limo!
On the case, doc!
Copy !req
812. You know how to dance,
don't you?
Copy !req
813. Actually, I was taking lessons
not long ago, in the hope...
Copy !req
814. Shut up and dance!
That one day I...
Copy !req
815. Uh-oh.
Copy !req
816. Go-go gadget air bag.
Copy !req
817. Ooh! Ooh!
Copy !req
818. Oh, Sikes, you lost her.
Copy !req
819. I'm gonna try
to find her, boss.
Copy !req
820. It's not good, sir.
Copy !req
821. Let's use the element
of surprise.
Copy !req
822. Oh, surprise.
Copy !req
823. Brenda, what
a pleasant surprise.
Copy !req
824. Brenda, Brenda.
Copy !req
825. You!
Copy !req
826. Stop, Claw!
Copy !req
827. Brenda, Brenda, Brenda.
Copy !req
828. You know, I love it
when you call me "Claw."
Copy !req
829. So what's new?
You killed my father!
Copy !req
830. Time.
Copy !req
831. Gadget here.
It's about Brenda, partner.
Copy !req
832. Yeah?
Scolex is taking her
to the roof.
Copy !req
833. I'd save her, but I can't
fit in the elevator.
Copy !req
834. I'm on my way.
Copy !req
835. You know what they say about
nice guys finishing last?
Copy !req
836. Huh?
Copy !req
837. Well, they were wrong.
Copy !req
838. Go-go gadget
oil slick.
Copy !req
839. Toothpaste?
Copy !req
840. What happened to you?
Copy !req
841. Let me put it this way.
Copy !req
842. I got the skittles
kicked out of me.
Copy !req
843. I'll be right back.
Copy !req
844. Oh. Penny,
why are you here?
Copy !req
845. Hey, Gadget.
It's a clip-on.
Copy !req
846. Whoa!
Copy !req
847. Okay, Brain. No, no, no,
Brain, you go that way.
Copy !req
848. I'll go this way.
Copy !req
849. I gotta destroy the evidence.
Why couldn't it be a finger?
Copy !req
850. I could be working
at my dad's store right now...
Copy !req
851. Selling nails, hammers
and power drills.
Copy !req
852. Yes!
Power drills rock!
Copy !req
853. Get in there!
Copy !req
854. Well, who are you?
Copy !req
855. Whoa, there, big boy.
Copy !req
856. Um, hi, there.
Copy !req
857. Hello.
Copy !req
858. Why's that foot
in the toilet?
Copy !req
859. I was, uh,
I was cleaning it.
Copy !req
860. So what's your name?
Copy !req
861. Uh, I'm Sikes.
Copy !req
862. You know, Sikes, you look
more like the kind of guy
who should be, um...
Copy !req
863. Uh...
Copy !req
864. Helping someone pick out
good weather stripping.
Copy !req
865. My old man had
a hardware store.
Copy !req
866. Telephone!
Copy !req
867. It's mine.
Copy !req
868. Hello?
Hi, Mr. Gadget.
Copy !req
869. Nicole and Kim, how'd you get
the number of my hand?
Copy !req
870. From Penny.
Is she there?
Copy !req
871. Penny isn't here right now,
but you can call her at home,
Copy !req
872. She's not home,
but we'll try her again.
Okay, bye.
Copy !req
873. Bye.
What do they mean,
she's not at home?
Copy !req
874. Whee, whee!
Copy !req
875. Oh! Oh, no!
Oh, oh, oh!
Oh, oh!
Copy !req
876. I don't get it, Claw.
What's your plan now?
Copy !req
877. Since my dreams for
a global robotic empire...
Copy !req
878. Mongrel! My pants!
Oh, God!
Copy !req
879. Mongrel.
Copy !req
880. Next thing you know...
Copy !req
881. Next thing you know,
Copy !req
882. you're a minion.
Copy !req
883. You're a minion.
Copy !req
884. I'm a minion.
Copy !req
885. Ooh! Oh!
Copy !req
886. Ow, ow!
Copy !req
887. Uncle.
Copy !req
888. Hey, hey, don't touch that.
Copy !req
889. Hey. Hey,
Copy !req
890. what'd you do that for?
Copy !req
891. We shouldn't be fighting.
Copy !req
892. We've got a lot in common,
except I've got nicer teeth.
Copy !req
893. I'd hoped that we could've
worked together,
been partners.
Copy !req
894. Together, you and I could've
Copy !req
895. ruled the world.
Copy !req
896. You should've quit
while you were ahead.
Copy !req
897. Cannonball!
Copy !req
898. Ooh! Ooh la la!
Copy !req
899. Go-go gadget chopper.
Copy !req
900. Contact.
Copy !req
901. Whoa! Whoa! whoa!
Copy !req
902. How do ya... Whoa...
Fly this thing?
Copy !req
903. Oh! Oh, no!
Go, go back.
Copy !req
904. Up, up, up, up.
Good, good, good, good.
Oh, bad, bad, bad.
Copy !req
905. My hair!
Copy !req
906. Sit back and relax, darling.
Copy !req
907. Whoa!
Copy !req
908. Hey!
I can see my house from here.
Copy !req
909. Whoa!
Copy !req
910. Two things, Scolex!
Copy !req
911. One, you are
completely insane.
Copy !req
912. And two,
I liked you better fat.
Copy !req
913. Bring on the brownies!
Copy !req
914. Wheel in the waffles!
Copy !req
915. I'm ready to binge!
Copy !req
916. Darn! That fellow
will not give us a break!
Copy !req
917. For the third time
Sanford Scolex,
Copy !req
918. you are under arrest!
Copy !req
919. No!
Copy !req
920. Go, go, go, go, go, go,
Copy !req
921. John!
Oh, no!
Copy !req
922. Let me give you a lift.
Copy !req
923. Where can I drop you off?
Copy !req
924. I'd answer, but I doubt
you really care.
Copy !req
925. John! I'm up here!
Take my hand!
Copy !req
926. Hi, John. How are you
doing down there?
Copy !req
927. John!
Copy !req
928. John, I know you can save us!
Think of something!
Copy !req
929. I'm working on it.
Copy !req
930. Hurry!
Copy !req
931. Try to visualize your goal.
Copy !req
932. Back to the drawing board!
Copy !req
933. Brenda, jump!
Right on my back!
Copy !req
934. Oh, Brenda, don't jump.
For god's sake, we can
work this out, darling.
Copy !req
935. Sweetie pie, really!
Copy !req
936. My God.
Me I'm out of control.
Copy !req
937. Go-go gadget air brakes.
Go-go gadget airplane.
Copy !req
938. I don't know what
to go, go anymore!
Copy !req
939. Didn't you read the manual?
Try something else!
Copy !req
940. Go-go gadget glider.
Go-go gadget balloon.
Go-go gadget parachute.
Copy !req
941. Go-go gadget
giant trampoline.
Copy !req
942. Go-go gadget circus net.
Go-go gadget featherbed.
Go-go gadget hay wagon.
Copy !req
943. Go-go gadget bubble wrap.
Go-go gadget parasail.
Copy !req
944. Paraglider. Parasol.
Copy !req
945. Umbrella?
John, you did it.
Copy !req
946. You saved our lives.
I did? I guess I did.
Copy !req
947. Wowser!
Copy !req
948. Just watch out
for the big head.
Copy !req
949. You know, arrogance
can sneak up on you.
No, that big head!
Copy !req
950. Oh, no.
Copy !req
951. John!
Are you okay?
Copy !req
952. Gadget.
Copy !req
953. Oh, hello, Brenda.
Copy !req
954. Are you breathing?
Copy !req
955. I think so.
Copy !req
956. How's your central vallecular
equilibrator feeling?
Copy !req
957. It feels pretty good.
Copy !req
958. And how's your auto-axle
lubricator functioning?
Copy !req
959. It's functioning fully.
Copy !req
960. Oh, Gadget.
What is it?
Copy !req
961. Is my occipital piston
Copy !req
962. No.
Copy !req
963. I just never realized
Copy !req
964. what beautiful brown eyes
you have.
Copy !req
965. It's a high-fly Scolex.
Copy !req
966. The Gadgetmobile
pulls under it.
Copy !req
967. The crowd's going crazy.
Copy !req
968. He makes the catch!
Copy !req
969. We made it!
Copy !req
970. Ladies and gentlemen, Scolex
is out and that is the game!
Copy !req
971. Final score,
Gadgetmobile one,
Scolex zippo.
Copy !req
972. And the fans rush the field.
Copy !req
973. No autographs, please.
Please, y'all, come on, now.
Copy !req
974. Freeze! Get back!
Copy !req
975. Gentlemen, there's been
some kind of a mistake.
Copy !req
976. Chief!
Copy !req
977. Oh, sorry, kiddo.
Copy !req
978. I'm gonna have to place
your uncle under arrest.
Copy !req
979. Freeze!
Don't move, Gadget!
Copy !req
980. Well, I just thought
you'd wanna know
That Sanford Scolex
Copy !req
981. created an evil version
of my uncle
to terrorize Riverton.
Copy !req
982. Is that true?
Copy !req
983. Every word of it.
She's an amazing young woman.
Copy !req
984. She held up a mirror
to my misguided ways
in the service of Mr. Scolex.
Copy !req
985. I'm sorry, Chief.
Copy !req
986. Here's the foot.
I didn't know any better.
Copy !req
987. Et tu, Sikes?
Copy !req
988. Cover him, men!
Copy !req
989. They're all yours, fellas.
Copy !req
990. Wowser.
Copy !req
991. Excuse me!
Copy !req
992. Excuse me!
Mayor on the premises.
Copy !req
993. The shepherd needs her sheep.
Copy !req
994. Yes, it is a credit to myself
and my administration,
Copy !req
995. that we had the courage
to believe in and initiate
the gadget program.
Copy !req
996. Arrivederci, Gadget!
Copy !req
997. This is not goodbye.
Copy !req
998. I'll get you next
time, Gadget.
Copy !req
999. I'll get you.
Copy !req
1000. Wowser.
Copy !req
1001. A happy ending.
Copy !req
1002. What could be
better than true love?
Copy !req
1003. Ooh, cute little bug.
Copy !req
1004. Wait up, Fraeulein.
Copy !req
1005. Did you know I speak German?
Fahrvergnugen, baby.
Copy !req
1006. Hello, and welcome
to RoboBrendaerobics,
Copy !req
1007. where I'll be your host,
Copy !req
1008. Follow me.
It's gonna be fast.
Copy !req
1009. And kick, and kick, and kick,
and fall.
Copy !req
1010. Hi.
Copy !req
1011. My name is Sikes.
Copy !req
1012. Hi, Sikes.
Copy !req
1013. And I'm a minion.
Copy !req
1014. But it's been 30 days
since I last kissed up
to anyone!
Copy !req
1015. This is the coolest watch.
Copy !req
1016. It's a radio, a computer,
even a phone.
Copy !req
1017. Testing, testing.
Copy !req
1018. Brain, say something.
Come in. Over.
Copy !req
1019. Brain is not here.
Copy !req
1020. Please leave a message
at the sound of the woof.
Copy !req
1021. Woof!
Copy !req
1022. Hey, thanks for watching
my movie.
Copy !req
1023. Yeah, my movie.
Copy !req
1024. Even though we called it
Inspector Gadget.
Copy !req
1025. I know you all are wondering.
Copy !req
1026. Things with the Volkswagen
are working out real good.
Copy !req
1027. We got married in Las Vegas
in a drive-through chapel.
Copy !req
1028. We're expecting
a little subcompact
any day now.
Copy !req
1029. Thinking of calling him
"The Love Bug,"
Copy !req
1030. which is in no way
a plug for my employer,
the Walt Disney company.
Copy !req
1031. Although when our little one
is old enough,
his first words will be,
Copy !req
1032. "I'm going to Disneyland!"
Copy !req
1033. But don't any of you leave
for theme parks just yet.
Copy !req
1034. All these fine people in
the credits made me look good.
Copy !req
1035. Wow, you made it
through credits,
Copy !req
1036. and we didn't offer you
anything for free.
Copy !req
1037. Movie audiences are
the best audiences
in the world.
Copy !req
1038. Now, get out, go home.
Leave, vamoose.
You got to go.
Copy !req
1039. I am tired. Please, go home.
Go home, go home, go home.
Copy !req
1040. Good night, Riverton!
Copy !req