1. Reverend Pirkle,
are the pictures we are about to see true facts,
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2. or are they figments
of your imagination?
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3. I can document every statement
that I make in this film,
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4. and all of the dramatized reenactments
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5. are taken from actual events that have happened in Russia,
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6. Korea, China and Cuba...
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7. where the communists have already taken over.
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8. The only difference is that
we're using Americans
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9. to emphasize that the same thing can and will happen here
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10. if they take over.
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11. What do you think of the future of America?
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12. Are we going to experience years of prosperity,
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13. or will we be trampled down
under the feet of our enemies
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14. like the horses in the book of Revelation
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15. trample down on God's enemies?
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16. Ladies and gentlemen, I'm Estus Pirkle,
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17. and I'd like to ask you a question.
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18. What do you think about
the future of our country?
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19. Are you alarmed about the increased
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20. crime rate in all of our cities?
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21. Does the killing of policemen and judges
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22. in nearly every major city disturb you?
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23. What about the riots that are breaking out on our college campuses
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24. nearly every week?
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25. Do you think that this is just the
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26. younger generation coming of age
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27. and times will soon be better?
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28. If this is your feeling,
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29. I'm afraid you're in for a rude awakening.
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30. The things that are happening in America today
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31. are like a Sunday school picnic
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32. compared to that which will take place
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33. within the next twenty-four months
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34. unless revival breaks out in our country.
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35. Tens of millions of Americans
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36. will be shot down like flies in our towns.
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37. Many of you listening to me today
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38. are going to see hundreds of dead bodies
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39. on the streets of your hometown.
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40. We are engaged in a tremendously important race
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41. against some of the most powerful forces.
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42. Whoever wins this race
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43. will have dominion over our children,
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44. our homes and our churches.
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45. Are you tired of running against
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46. the powerful evil forces,
and about ready to give up?
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47. If so, then what will you do when communism enters the race?
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48. It too has great plans for your children,
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49. your home and your church.
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50. In the days of Jeremiah over 2,500 years ago
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51. God's chosen people of Israel
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52. were going down the road of life
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53. as if everything were alright,
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54. although God's prophets repeatedly warned them
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55. to resist the evils of their day.
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56. They paid no attention to them until suddenly,
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57. disaster came.
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58. They were invaded by Babylonian soldiers
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59. who beat them and enslaved them
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60. and left their homes in ruins.
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61. Their temple was destroyed.
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62. Hundreds of thousands were killed
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63. and the rest were carried as slaves to far-off Babylon.
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64. In like manner,
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65. many people in America today
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66. are walking down the journeys of this life,
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67. unmindful of the present turbulence,
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68. or the dangers that lie ahead of them.
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69. It seems as if they will not be alerted
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70. until communism marches up behind them and runs them down.
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71. When communism comes,
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72. these people will make a run for their lives, and attempt to escape.
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73. They'll put up a good fight,
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74. but it'll be too late.
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75. They will not be able to defend themselves
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76. from these terrible, ruthless killers
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77. who will not stop until they have trampled them down
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78. beneath their powerful heels.
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79. Furthermore, their children will be helpless victims in their hands.
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80. Communists do not regard the lives of boys and girls
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81. any more than the lives of their parents.
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82. They'll be under constant pressure
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83. to yield to their atheistic demands.
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84. If they refuse to yield,
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85. they too must be liquidated.
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86. Do these things seem farfetched to you?
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87. If you lived in Russia, China or Cuba
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88. they would not seem so.
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89. The citizens of these countries, for many years
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90. have felt the iron heel of communism
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91. upon their daily lives.
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92. And unless we have some
rapid changes in our country,
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93. our easygoing life
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94. of forty hours a week workload
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95. and two or three weeks of paid vacation a year will soon be over.
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96. We too will be on the same schedule
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97. of every communist nation on earth.
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98. You will be at work by 5 o'clock in the morning.
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99. You will work until 8 o'clock at night.
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100. You will be forced to work under armed guards continually.
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101. You won't work five days a week...
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102. you won't work six days a week.
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103. Instead, you will work seven days a week,
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104. 363 days out of the year.
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105. You will only have two days a year off.
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106. Those two days will be used
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107. to praise the communist takeover.
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108. Time will weigh heavy upon you,
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109. and the hands of the clock will seem to stand still.
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110. Even heavier on your heart,
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111. will be the memory of seeing children lying dead in the streets.
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112. Who are these children?
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113. They are Christian boys and girls
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114. who refused to give up their faith in Christ.
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115. Had they yielded to the demands to become atheistic communists,
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116. they could have lived.
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117. Yet, because they chose to remain steadfast to Jesus Christ,
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118. they had to be annihilated to keep them from
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119. contaminating the minds of other boys and girls.
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120. Perhaps you're saying,
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121. "I would not permit this kind of thing to happen."
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122. How could you stop it from happening?
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123. If you try to interfere
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124. they will shoot you down like clay pigeons.
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125. You pick me up after services, you hear?
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126. I keep telling you I've gotta keep up my image.
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127. You know, be seen in the proper places.
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128. I'll be here, baby.
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129. You sure you don't wanna come in?
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130. Not on your life, baby.
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131. I'm a lover, not a Christian.
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132. Disobedient to parents, proud murderers,
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133. rapists, traitors,
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134. and many other such things.
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135. Yet, the Bible also says
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136. that something else is to occur in the last days.
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137. The fifth chapter of James tells us,
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138. that God's going to send revival
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139. before Jesus comes back again.
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140. Thank God. This thought thrills my very soul!
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141. You too have the possibility of being in on it.
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142. Although God has promised to send the latter rains in the latter days,
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143. he has not promised to send it to America.
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144. This is the thing that concerns me.
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145. I'd like to see our country in on the latter rains.
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146. But, unless you and I do what God wants us to do,
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147. he'll go to some other country.
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148. I'm disturbed about the brand of Christianity I see
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149. in this modern 20th century in our country.
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150. We see some strange young people in our land today.
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151. Mothers and daddies, what do you want for your young people?
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152. No doubt every one of you listening to me today
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153. would say, "Preacher, more than anything else...
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154. "I want my son or daughter saved by the grace of God."
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155. If that takes place,
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156. it'll be in spite of a bunch of footmen
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157. that are running loose against your sons and daughters.
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158. And you say, "Preacher, I want my son or daughter...
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159. "to come to the marriage altar pure and virtuous."
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160. "I want my son and daughter to have...
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161. "something to live for and something to die for."
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162. If these ambitions are reached today,
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163. you're gonna have to fight against a bunch of footmen
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164. that are running loose against our young people.
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165. We've got footmen running loose today
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166. that have not been running loose in a generation gone by.
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167. We'll see some of them in just a moment.
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168. But I see some strange young men and young women today.
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169. I see strange people come into churches across the land.
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170. Not long ago I stood up to preach
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171. in a certain congregation, a young lady stood up to sing,
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172. and she got catcalls from all over the house.
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173. You know why?
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174. She was dressed in a miniskirt 12 inches above her knees.
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175. But, what was she singing?
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176. She was singing, "I'll tell the world that I'm a Christian."
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177. It's a strange thing that a young lady
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178. should dress like the world,
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179. and stand up and tell the world that I'm a Christian.
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180. When you get saved by the grace of God,
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181. it means a major change takes place in your life.
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182. But we can't blame these young people for what's going on today
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183. and let the adults go free.
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184. They're strangers because we have refused
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185. to get out and run against
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186. the things that the young people are having to face.
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187. Mother and daddy,
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188. are you willing to let your children be destroyed
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189. in the midst of this generation
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190. when you could do something about it?
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191. We are running against a strong footman
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192. in the way of our public school system today.
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193. When my daddy went to school in North Georgia in the early 1900s,
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194. they did not have all of the facilities
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195. that we have in our modern schools.
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196. They played games that were simple, like drop the handkerchief.
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197. And yet, they did not feel shortchanged.
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198. They enjoyed it.
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199. Inside that old, rundown school house
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200. they excelled us by city block.
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201. There they studied a masterpiece of a book.
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202. The McGuffey Reader.
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203. In the McGuffey Readers,
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204. our parents were not only taught to read,
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205. they were taught character.
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206. Virtues taught to my father at home and church
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207. were taught in the McGuffey Reader.
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208. Such is not the case in many present-day classrooms.
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209. Many modern teachers
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210. think it more necessary to teach sex
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211. than the three Rs.
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212. Boys and girls,
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213. As I have discussed with you many times before,
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214. I personally believe that premarital sex is necessary.
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215. And now we will go on to discuss
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216. the seven erotic zones of passion in every woman.
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217. The first one is...
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218. And they go on to teach worse things.
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219. Another footman that we must
run against is the TV world.
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220. Are you aware of how much your child's actions,
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221. and attitudes are controlled by television?
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222. The things they wear, the places they go,
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223. the things they do are directly related to television.
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224. For example, mother are you aware
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225. of what your child is seeing on Saturday morning cartoons?
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226. You say, "Cartoons? What could be wrong with that?"
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227. Have you seen these cartoons?
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228. Programs motivated to lead your child
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229. into crime, into sex, into murder.
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230. Since the advent of TV,
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231. the crime rate in some areas has increased 1,000 percent.
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232. Ought you not to be concerned about your child sees and hears?
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233. Do you realize what effect television has
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234. on a parent trying to read the Bible?
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235. He has a choice to make.
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236. Either the Bible or the TV program.
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237. He soon closes the Bible to watch the program.
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238. Is this happening in your house?
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239. If so, ought you not to do something about it?
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240. Oh, how times have changed.
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241. They're adding so many more things to make our children go astray.
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242. Today, we have the drive-in theater.
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243. Have you considered what goes on down there?
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244. It's nothing more than a spawning house for sex.
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245. What's shown on the screen is nothing but raw sex and violence.
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246. And there's no supervision.
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247. Another question...
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248. I'd like to know what's your attitude toward dancing?
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249. You say, "Preacher, times have changed."
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250. "I don't see anything wrong with dancing today."
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251. Dancing is just as wrong as it's always been.
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252. You say, "What's wrong with it?"
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253. It's the front door to adultery.
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254. The thing that started on the dance floor,
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255. is expected to be finished
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256. in a parked car or a motel somewhere.
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257. Another thing that ought to disturb us is the liquor traffic.
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258. Do you realize that 75 percent
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259. of our young people are drinking before they finish high school?
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260. Shall we tolerate this with simply raised eyebrows?
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261. Well, if we can't stop these footmen,
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262. there are horsemen that will do something about it.
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263. And they are doing something about it,
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264. when you consider drug addiction in our colleges,
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265. high schools, and even in our grammar schools.
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266. Ladies and gentlemen,
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267. drug addiction is no offense of our children's imagination.
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268. It's the creation of those people
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269. bound and determined to take over our country.
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270. And they're doing a pretty good job of it already.
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271. Just listen to these statistics.
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272. Over 47 percent of our returning vets from foreign wars
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273. according to government reports,
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274. are already addicted to some kind of drug.
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275. Today, in New York City alone,
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276. there are practically one death a day from drug addiction.
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277. And there are those among us who dare to advocate
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278. legalizing marijuana.
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279. Don't tell me the horsemen are not already running.
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280. And they're running just as hard to break up our homes.
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281. Magazines, newspapers, and television
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282. are all trying to make extramarital relationships appear alright.
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283. There are even those who advocate a two-year trial marriage.
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284. The general public is beginning to accept multiple marriages.
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285. And even preachers are compromising at this point.
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286. There are preachers today who will marry anyone.
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287. It doesn't matter if the boy or girl has been married before.
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288. They'll marry them anyway.
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289. God's plan is for marriage till death.
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290. Too many of us today don't have time to come to church.
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291. We're busy all Sunday-long joyriding.
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292. We have time to spend hours laughing and talking with our friends,
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293. but we can't give God even one hour of our time,
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294. either in the morning or in the evening.
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295. There are many men today who are hurting the church tremendously.
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296. They'll drive their family up to the church and let them out.
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297. The mother and children beg him to get out
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298. and to go into the church with them.
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299. But he will not.
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300. He has things more important than this to do.
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301. Someday, men like this will want a church to go to,
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302. but will find it's been closed.
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303. Only then will they realize what an awful thing they did
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304. in not going to church with their families.
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305. When will they be sorry?
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306. It will be when communism takes over America.
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307. But you say, "Preacher, that could never happen."
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308. It not only can happen,
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309. but it will happen with jet age speed.
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310. Are you aware that less than sixty years ago
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311. there was not one communist in the world?
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312. Whereas today, communism controls one billion one hundred million people.
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313. That's half the population of the world.
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314. Furthermore, they have advanced in their methods of conquering a country.
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315. Whereas it took them one week to take over China
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316. wit six hundred million people,
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317. their plans call for taking over America
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318. within fifteen minutes after zero hour.
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319. Our only hope is God.
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320. And unless we come back to God and that immediately,
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321. one morning you will hear this
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322. on your radio or TV set.
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323. We interrupt this program
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324. to bring you news bulletins from Washington DC,
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325. all the wires have sinister account.
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326. The President of the United States has been killed
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327. in the White House along with the Secretary of State
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328. and the Speaker of the House of Representatives.
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329. Other bulletins
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330. coming from around the country say that the governors
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331. of several states have been killed.
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332. The governor of California, of Texas,
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333. Arkansas, Louisiana,
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334. and of New York.
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335. There are other bulletins that tell us
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336. that people are being herded in the streets
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337. of the large cities and machine gunned down like cattle.
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338. Ladies and gentlemen,
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339. this is the communist takeover of the United States.
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340. This is the end of democracy
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341. as you and I know it.
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342. And it will be the end of your freedom.
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343. For the rest of your days,
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344. all of your activities will be controlled by submachine guns
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345. in the hands of men who have been taught to hate Christians,
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346. and unless you obey their every command,
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347. they'll do more than guard you.
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348. They'll kill you.
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349. In fact, it's their policy to kill people frequently
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350. to keep the population terrorized.
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351. Do you want to see your loved ones, neighbors, and friends
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352. killed one by one,
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353. not knowing who will get it next,
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354. or when it will be you?
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355. How many of you in this congregation
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356. are thirty years old or older?
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357. Would you raise your hands? Alright...
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358. Do you know what communism says about you?
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359. They say, "We're pretty sure we can't change your mind."
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360. "The only ones we're interested in are those who are 29 and under."
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361. And when communism takes over our country,
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362. they intend to take our children out of our homes,
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363. and right out of our lives.
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364. Not only will they take your children away from you,
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365. but once they've gotten them,
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366. they're masters at brainwashing.
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367. In their approach to make children hate Jesus Christ
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368. they're nothing but cunning and subtle.
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369. Today, my young comrades
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370. we will discuss another matter.
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371. We will not talk about our glorious communist state,
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372. but instead...
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373. we will talk about your Jesus Christ.
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374. Now, how many of you believe in Jesus?
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375. Come, come now, don't be bashful.
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376. We know that your parents have taught you about Jesus.
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377. Come on, raise your hands.
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378. That's better.
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379. How many of you now
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380. still believe that Jesus answers prayers?
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381. Now, how many of you
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382. would like to have some candy?
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383. That's better.
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384. Since you believe that Jesus answers prayers,
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385. let's see if your Jesus...
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386. will bring you some candy now,
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387. and produce a miracle.
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388. I don't see any candy.
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389. I don't taste any candy.
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390. There is no candy.
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391. Your Jesus didn't bring us any candy.
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392. The reason why...
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393. your Jesus Christ can't do it.
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394. But I can tell you who can do it.
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395. We will pray to our glorious leader
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396. Fidel Castro,
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397. and our glorious Fidel
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398. will bring us all of the candy that we can eat.
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399. I will show you a miracle.
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400. Come here.
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401. Come in, comrade.
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402. This is a miracle from our glorious Fidel.
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403. All of the candy that we can eat.
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404. Here! Take all that you want.
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405. This is a miracle.
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406. Not from your Jesus Christ,
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407. but from our glorious Fidel Castro.
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408. Imagine substituting Fidel Castro for Jesus Christ.
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409. Furthermore, they require them to work like slaves in the fields
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410. twelve to sixteen hours a day during the summer.
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411. Even during school days
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412. they must work in the fields until way after dark.
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413. I'm sure that you realize that children
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414. need to work as well as adults,
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415. but twelve to sixteen hours a day,
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416. seven days a week for children is cruel slavery.
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417. The Bible said yea and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus...
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418. shall suffer persecution.
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419. Many of you that are here today may have to suffer
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420. because of your faith in Jesus Christ.
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421. But when that hour comes
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422. they will remember what God said in his word.
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423. He told the apostle Paul,
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424. "My grace is sufficient for thee."
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425. Jesus told his disciples, "I will never leave thee nor forsake thee."
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426. And he told us in his word not to fear him
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427. who could destroy only the body,
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428. but rather to fear him who could destroy
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429. both soul and body in hellfire.
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430. And so God's grace.
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431. Everybody, over here.
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432. Alright, keep moving.
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433. Move, I say!
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434. Alright, right there now.
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435. Right there.
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436. Now which of these parents was teaching these children Christianity?
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437. Imagine being slaughtered simply because he had the audacity
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438. to teach people about Jesus?
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439. And this child who was listening,
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440. as with the other young Christians, will never have the opportunity again
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441. to hear a Bible lesson taught.
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442. Their eardrums will be punctured
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443. with a pointed bamboo stick.
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444. Oh, please! Oh, please!
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445. We puncture your ears
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446. so you cannot hear the word of God.
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447. You find this shocking?
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448. There are things more shocking to come.
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449. The communist treatment of Christian women is horrible to imagine.
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450. For example, they like to strip a woman naked,
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451. tie her head to one jeep and her legs to another jeep,
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452. and pull her limb from limb.
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453. Perhaps the most horrible thing that communists do to Christian women
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454. is to make them play toys in the hands of their soldiers
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455. as we shall see in this documented incident.
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456. Here you are, dear.
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457. Thank you, darling.
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458. How's the dress coming?
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459. - Almost finished.
- Good.
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460. Now, I wonder who that could be?
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461. I don't know?
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462. Hey, what's this all about?
Copy !req
463. Come on, comrade.
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464. Now wait just a minute...
Copy !req
465. Come have a drink of vodka.
Copy !req
466. You have a very beautiful wife.
Copy !req
467. You have no right to come busting into another man's house like this.
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468. But I have every right.
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469. This house don't belong to you.
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470. It belongs to the state.
Copy !req
471. You have a pretty wife.
Copy !req
472. You leave my wife out of this.
Copy !req
473. If you have anything to discuss, take it up with me.
Copy !req
474. I will discuss it with you.
Copy !req
475. But this matter concerns your wife.
Copy !req
476. What do you mean it concerns me?
Copy !req
477. Everything.
Copy !req
478. After all...
Copy !req
479. that's why I came over here to... spend the night with you.
Copy !req
480. What? You must be joking.
Copy !req
481. What kind of man are you?
Copy !req
482. Oh relax, honey. I'll take care of this.
Copy !req
483. Listen. You get out of here before I throw you out.
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484. What? You throw me out?
Copy !req
485. Ha! It'll be you who'll be thrown out of the house.
Copy !req
486. Imagine if that girl had been your wife,
Copy !req
487. or your sister, or your mother.
Copy !req
488. Not only could it be, but it will be
Copy !req
489. unless some changes take place.
Copy !req
490. There are people today who believe that
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491. communism and Christianity can exist side by side.
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492. The leaders of communism teach otherwise.
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493. They say, and I quote,
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494. "Either Christianity will win, or we will win."
Copy !req
495. "We cannot exist together." End of quote.
Copy !req
496. In every communist nation on earth,
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497. Christians are continually persecuted,
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498. imprisoned or killed.
Copy !req
499. How many of you believe in the immortality of the soul?
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500. Do you know what communism teaches about you?
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501. It teaches that you do not have a soul, but only a body.
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502. And when you're dead, you're dead.
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503. Furthermore, they teach that anybody
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504. who believes in the immortality of the soul
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505. is a diseased animal.
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506. And the sooner they kill you, the better they like it.
Copy !req
507. Let's look at some vital statistics.
Copy !req
508. When communism took over in Korea,
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509. they killed every Christian they could find.
Copy !req
510. They killed three million.
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511. When they took over Russia, they killed twenty million.
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512. When they took over China, they killed fifty million.
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513. Their plans for America
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514. is to kill sixty-seven million.
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515. One of the top communists in America today said,
Copy !req
516. "I dream of the hour when the last congressman...
Copy !req
517. "is strangled to death on the guts of the last preacher."
Copy !req
518. "And since the Christians love to sing about the blood,
Copy !req
519. "let's give them a little of it."
Copy !req
520. "Let's cut the throats of their children...
Copy !req
521. "and let them drown in their own blood on the altar."
Copy !req
522. "Then we'll see if they enjoy singing these hymns or not."
Copy !req
523. Imagine seeing this sight on the altar of your own church.
Copy !req
524. Furthermore, imagine that this could be your child,
Copy !req
525. or grandchild whose throat has been cut.
Copy !req
526. Does this turn your stomach?
Copy !req
527. When it happens, you'll be able to do nothing about it
Copy !req
528. for there will be a communist soldier with a submachine gun
Copy !req
529. in every pulpit stand in America.
Copy !req
530. When communism takes over
Copy !req
531. they will want to know everything you've done
Copy !req
532. since you were five until your present age.
Copy !req
533. What is the expression, my friends? Uh...
Copy !req
534. Oh yes, I remember.
Copy !req
535. The family that prays together stays together.
Copy !req
536. Yeah, that's it.
Copy !req
537. Very good.
Copy !req
538. Alright now.
Copy !req
539. I want you all to listen very carefully.
Copy !req
540. You will note that the state wants your history.
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541. Your exact history
Copy !req
542. from the age of five until this very moment.
Copy !req
543. Everything you have said and done.
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544. In particular, your religious beliefs
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545. and the amount of money you have made and given to the church.
Copy !req
546. Mister, can I ask you question, please?
Copy !req
547. It is your prerogative to ask.
Copy !req
548. If a person is not a, how do you say...
Copy !req
549. capitalist or a Christian, does he still have to write?
Copy !req
550. You write non-Christian, non-capitalist...
Copy !req
551. and the questionnaire is complete.
Copy !req
552. Tommy, you wouldn't...
Copy !req
553. You wouldn't deny what Christ has meant to this family.
Copy !req
554. Sis, tell mother I know I'm a Christian...
Copy !req
555. but God will forgive me if I lie about it just this once.
Copy !req
556. Tommy, tell them the truth.
Copy !req
557. Tell them that you are a Christian.
Copy !req
558. I would never deny my Lord.
Copy !req
559. I am not a Christian.
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560. And I'm not a capitalist either.
Copy !req
561. But, I'm not a Christian.
Copy !req
562. Okay, Tommy.
Copy !req
563. I believe you.
Copy !req
564. Now let me review the facts.
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565. You say that you are not a Christian.
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566. Your mother says that she is.
Copy !req
567. Take my gun.
Copy !req
568. Shoot her.
Copy !req
569. I couldn't shoot her.
Copy !req
570. She's my mother.
Copy !req
571. Your facts are right. She is your mother.
Copy !req
572. But, mother or not, she is a diseased animal,
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573. and she must be slaughtered like any diseased animal.
Copy !req
574. Now kill her, or we will kill you!
Copy !req
575. And they will kill you, too.
Copy !req
576. Communists love to torture people as much as they love to kill them.
Copy !req
577. In fact, they say, "We're not like Hitler."
Copy !req
578. If Hitler didn't like the way you looked, he'd put a bullet between your eyes.
Copy !req
579. Communist torture methods are slow and deliberate.
Copy !req
580. You think you've known cruelty?
Copy !req
581. Watch.
Copy !req
582. Here's a man tied to the ceiling of a porch.
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583. He has been there for hours,
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584. and will remain there for many more hours.
Copy !req
585. To see that his pain remains acute,
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586. a guard hits him every so often
Copy !req
587. so that he will move about in more agony.
Copy !req
588. Here's another form of torture.
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589. They make their victims stand seven inches from the wall.
Copy !req
590. It is at this point that one's vision becomes blurred.
Copy !req
591. They're required to stand there all night long
Copy !req
592. without food or water or sleep.
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593. The guards will be changed through the night,
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594. but the tortured must stand there and take it.
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595. This goes on night after night after night...
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596. until the victim's willpower is broken
Copy !req
597. and he becomes nothing more
than a robot to say or do
Copy !req
598. what they want him to say or do.
Copy !req
599. In this torture, man is kept away
Copy !req
600. In this torture, man is kept away
from water for two to three days
Copy !req
601. from water for two to three days
Copy !req
602. then salt poured into his mouth.
Copy !req
603. He's made to ensure unthinkable torture.
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604. He's made to ensure unthinkable torture.
Do these things seem unreal?
Copy !req
605. Do these things seem unreal?
Copy !req
606. This is what they want you to believe.
Copy !req
607. A preacher friend of mine was released from a communist prison
Copy !req
608. A preacher friend of mine was released from a communist prison
after fourteen years of torture.
Copy !req
609. after fourteen years of torture.
Copy !req
610. The prison officials said to him,
Copy !req
611. "When you get back home
Copy !req
612. "tell all of the horrible things we've done to you."
Copy !req
613. "The people won't believe you."
Copy !req
614. Is this your attitude?
Copy !req
615. Then if so,
Copy !req
616. Then if so,
you'll be able to see the reality of this
Copy !req
617. you'll be able to see the reality of this
Copy !req
618. in a little while in your own hometown.
Copy !req
619. Here is a documented incident
of sure horror at its worst.
Copy !req
620. The man who's about to be killed
did not break the law.
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621. His only crime was being a Christian.
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622. His own immediate family were forced to participate.
Copy !req
623. Alright, drop him.
Copy !req
624. I said drop him.
Copy !req
625. Drop him again.
Copy !req
626. Once more.
Copy !req
627. These people are sitting on benches
Copy !req
628. with no cushions or backs.
Copy !req
629. They'll be forced to sit there for seventeen hours.
Copy !req
630. From five in the morning until ten at night.
Copy !req
631. They will not be fed or watered
Copy !req
632. They will not be fed or watered
until they return to their skimpy barracks.
Copy !req
633. until they return to their skimpy barracks.
Copy !req
634. Now you ask, "Why are they here?"
Copy !req
635. They're listening to a recorded lecture
Copy !req
636. They're listening to a recorded lecture
that is repeated over and over and over again.
Copy !req
637. that is repeated over and over and over again.
Copy !req
638. "Communism is good."
Copy !req
639. "Communism is good."
Copy !req
640. "Communism is good."
Copy !req
641. "Christianity is stupid."
Copy !req
642. "Christianity is stupid."
Copy !req
643. "Christianity is stupid."
Copy !req
644. "Give up."
Copy !req
645. "Give up."
Copy !req
646. "Give up."
Copy !req
647. Perhaps you will say, "Well, preacher..."
Copy !req
648. "these things don't trouble me."
Copy !req
649. Why not?
Copy !req
650. You say, "Because Jesus Christ has to come back before these things can happen."
Copy !req
651. What makes you think Jesus has to come back first?
Copy !req
652. What makes you think Jesus has to come back first?
You say, "The things that you're describing
Copy !req
653. You say, "The things that you're describing
Copy !req
654. You say, "The things that you're describing
"could only take place in the great tribulation."
Copy !req
655. "could only take place in the great tribulation."
Copy !req
656. No, my friends.
Copy !req
657. These are things that have already taken place,
Copy !req
658. where Christians have had to face these things in times past.
Copy !req
659. He did not come back before
Copy !req
660. He did not come back before
the Christians in Cuba got tormented.
Copy !req
661. the Christians in Cuba got tormented.
Copy !req
662. the Christians in Cuba got tormented.
He did not come back before
Copy !req
663. He did not come back before
Copy !req
664. He did not come back before
the Christians in Russia got tormented.
Copy !req
665. the Christians in Russia got tormented.
Copy !req
666. Why will he have to come back before
Copy !req
667. the Christians in America get paid off?
Copy !req
668. You say, "But preacher...
Copy !req
669. You say, "But preacher...
"there's another reason why I do not believe
Copy !req
670. "there's another reason why I do not believe
Copy !req
671. "there's another reason why I do not believe
"that these things shall ever happen."
Copy !req
672. "that these things shall ever happen."
Copy !req
673. "that these things shall ever happen."
"Jesus said the gates of hell
Copy !req
674. "Jesus said the gates of hell
Copy !req
675. "Jesus said the gates of hell
"shall not prevail before his church."
Copy !req
676. "shall not prevail before his church."
Copy !req
677. Yes. But, Jesus also said
Copy !req
678. Yes. But, Jesus also said
to the church at Ephesus,
Copy !req
679. to the church at Ephesus,
Copy !req
680. "If you do not come back to me,
Copy !req
681. "If you do not come back to me,
"I will remove the candlestick."
Copy !req
682. "I will remove the candlestick."
Copy !req
683. "I will remove the candlestick."
My concern is that God may leave us behind,
Copy !req
684. My concern is that God may leave us behind,
Copy !req
685. My concern is that God may leave us behind,
and go to some nation like Indonesia,
Copy !req
686. and go to some nation like Indonesia,
Copy !req
687. and go to some nation like Indonesia,
or Brazil, who is seeking after God.
Copy !req
688. or Brazil, who is seeking after God.
Copy !req
689. or Brazil, who is seeking after God.
Ladies and gentlemen,
Copy !req
690. Ladies and gentlemen,
Copy !req
691. Ladies and gentlemen,
there is only one hope for us.
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692. there is only one hope for us.
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693. there is only one hope for us.
And that is 2 Chronicles 7:14
Copy !req
694. And that is 2 Chronicles 7:14
Copy !req
695. And that is 2 Chronicles 7:14
God said, "If my people, called by my name...
Copy !req
696. God said, "If my people, called by my name...
Copy !req
697. God said, "If my people, called by my name...
"will humble themselves and pray...
Copy !req
698. "will humble themselves and pray...
Copy !req
699. "will humble themselves and pray...
"and seek my face and turn from their wicked way,"
Copy !req
700. "and seek my face and turn from their wicked way,"
Copy !req
701. "and seek my face and turn from their wicked way,"
"then I will hear from heaven,"
Copy !req
702. "then I will hear from heaven,"
Copy !req
703. "then I will hear from heaven,"
"I will forgive their sin,"
Copy !req
704. "I will forgive their sin,"
Copy !req
705. "I will heal their land."
Copy !req
706. "I will heal their land."
God does not despise a broken and a contrite heart.
Copy !req
707. God does not despise a broken and a contrite heart.
Copy !req
708. But if we go on in our pride, go on in our sinfulness,
Copy !req
709. But if we go on in our pride, go on in our sinfulness,
neglecting God's house, God's word, God's ways,
Copy !req
710. neglecting God's house, God's word, God's ways,
Copy !req
711. neglecting God's house, God's word, God's ways,
we will be slaughtered like cattle.
Copy !req
712. we will be slaughtered like cattle.
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713. we will be slaughtered like cattle.
We too, will be shot down like flies.
Copy !req
714. We too, will be shot down like flies.
Copy !req
715. We too, will be shot down like flies.
You and I must come back to our churches.
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716. You and I must come back to our churches.
Copy !req
717. You and I must come back to our churches.
We must come back to the preaching of the word of God,
Copy !req
718. We must come back to the preaching of the word of God,
Copy !req
719. We must come back to the preaching of the word of God,
or it's over in our nation.
Copy !req
720. or it's over in our nation.
Copy !req
721. Judy, I implore you
Copy !req
722. to surrender your soul to Jesus.
Copy !req
723. - Okay.
- Until you do, you'll never know salvation.
Copy !req
724. - Okay.
- Until you do, you'll never know salvation. Okay, I'll do it Sunday. Okay?
Copy !req
725. Okay, I'll do it Sunday. Okay?
Copy !req
726. Well Judy, I implore you.
Copy !req
727. - Well Judy, I implore you.
- Read the scripture. - Okay, mama. Okay.
Copy !req
728. - Read the scripture.
- Okay, mama. Okay.
Copy !req
729. Are you willing to repent of your sins
Copy !req
730. and come back to God now?
Copy !req
731. If you read the scriptures, you'll see that
Copy !req
732. If you read the scriptures, you'll see that
God has always demanded repentance
Copy !req
733. God has always demanded repentance
Copy !req
734. God has always demanded repentance
on the part of both the lost and the saved.
Copy !req
735. on the part of both the lost and the saved.
Copy !req
736. Has God dealt with you about
Copy !req
737. Has God dealt with you about
spending so much time watching TV
Copy !req
738. spending so much time watching TV
Copy !req
739. spending so much time watching TV
and neglecting the study of God's word?
Copy !req
740. and neglecting the study of God's word?
Copy !req
741. Then why don't you give it up as this fine couple did?
Copy !req
742. Also, how delighted you might be
Copy !req
743. to see the great change in your children.
Copy !req
744. There can be no revival unless God's people
Copy !req
745. There can be no revival unless God's people
start coming back to his house of worship.
Copy !req
746. start coming back to his house of worship.
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747. His command is not to forsake
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748. the assembling of ourselves together.
Copy !req
749. We mustn't just come on Sunday morning,
Copy !req
750. but on Sunday night as well.
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751. We mustn't come just when we feel like it,
Copy !req
752. but when we don't feel like it.
Copy !req
753. Even as your employer expects you to be on the job regularly,
Copy !req
754. God's people are expected to attend God's services regularly.
Copy !req
755. Yes, we must come back and worship Jesus.
Copy !req
756. This is what we need.
Copy !req
757. And also preachers who will
get up and preach the word
Copy !req
758. And also preachers who will
get up and preach the word under the anointing of the spirit of God.
Copy !req
759. under the anointing of the spirit of God.
Copy !req
760. I'm glad God has not chosen
Copy !req
761. I'm glad God has not chosen
the things of the world.
Copy !req
762. the things of the world.
Copy !req
763. the things of the world.
Even the world in all of its wisdom
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764. Even the world in all of its wisdom
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765. and in all of its knowledge
Copy !req
766. and in this age of technology
Copy !req
767. and in this age of technology
that God has chosen the simple things
Copy !req
768. that God has chosen the simple things
Copy !req
769. that God has chosen the simple things
and the foolish things to the world
Copy !req
770. and the foolish things to the world
Copy !req
771. and the foolish things to the world
to confound the things which are mighty.
Copy !req
772. to confound the things which are mighty.
Copy !req
773. to confound the things which are mighty.
We're also the Lord's by identification.
Copy !req
774. We're also the Lord's by identification.
Copy !req
775. And the church must identify
Copy !req
776. with such dynamic preaching.
Copy !req
777. with such dynamic preaching.
We must seek God's face
Copy !req
778. We must seek God's face
Copy !req
779. We must seek God's face
in public worship, in private devotion, and in daily living.
Copy !req
780. in public worship, in private devotion, and in daily living.
Copy !req
781. And there's another thing that God said we must do.
Copy !req
782. He said we must turn from our wicked ways.
Copy !req
783. He said we must turn from our wicked ways.
He did not say that we must talk about turning.
Copy !req
784. He did not say that we must talk about turning.
Copy !req
785. There are many people who have a good talk against sin.
Copy !req
786. There are many people who have a good talk against sin.
But their actions are otherwise.
Copy !req
787. But their actions are otherwise.
Copy !req
788. Their philosophy is,
Copy !req
789. Their philosophy is,
"Don't be like I do, but do like I say."
Copy !req
790. "Don't be like I do, but do like I say."
Copy !req
791. "Don't be like I do, but do like I say."
Will this please God?
Copy !req
792. Will this please God?
Copy !req
793. No. We must not call our sins
Copy !req
794. just simply mistakes or shortcomings.
Copy !req
795. just simply mistakes or shortcomings.
But we must call it wickedness,
Copy !req
796. But we must call it wickedness,
Copy !req
797. even as God does.
Copy !req
798. We must give up all our wicked ways.
Copy !req
799. Judy, I implore thee.
Copy !req
800. Read the scriptures.
Copy !req
801. You will be the death of me.
Copy !req
802. Go back into your minds.
Copy !req
803. Have you offended a loved one?
Copy !req
804. Have not asked their forgiveness?
Copy !req
805. Someday you'll regret not straightening this out.
Copy !req
806. What does God's day mean to you?
Copy !req
807. Are you using it for your own profit and pleasure,
Copy !req
808. or for God?
Copy !req
809. Every nation that has violated God's day
Copy !req
810. Every nation that has violated God's day
as America is doing, has been destroyed.
Copy !req
811. as America is doing, has been destroyed.
Copy !req
812. God's commandment, "Thou shalt not commit adultery" is still in effect.
Copy !req
813. Are you obeying it?
Copy !req
814. God still expects us to be pure
Copy !req
815. in our thinking, talking,
Copy !req
816. reading and doing.
Copy !req
817. Judy.
Copy !req
818. Mama.
Copy !req
819. - Mama?
- Judy...
Copy !req
820. Mama, what is it? Are you alright?
Copy !req
821. Mama...
Copy !req
822. Mama, what can I do?
Copy !req
823. Are you alright, mama?
Copy !req
824. Mama, I'm going to call a doctor, alright?
Copy !req
825. Alright, mama? Alright.
Copy !req
826. Ask yourself, have you done right by your friends,
Copy !req
827. your loved ones, and your Lord.
Copy !req
828. Alright, mama, it's going to be alright.
Copy !req
829. The doctor will be here in just a minute.
Copy !req
830. You look fine anyway, you're gonna be fine, mama.
Copy !req
831. I would be satisfied
Copy !req
832. if my little girl...
Copy !req
833. accepts the same kind of blessing...
Copy !req
834. Mama?
Copy !req
835. Mama...
Copy !req
836. Mama.
Copy !req
837. Mama.
Copy !req
838. Oh, mama...
Copy !req
839. If you ever intend to get your life right with God,
Copy !req
840. I'd do so now.
Copy !req
841. The day will come when it'll be too late.
Copy !req
842. How do you feel about God's ten commandments?
Copy !req
843. In this 20th century, the world treats them lightly.
Copy !req
844. But God's people must not do so.
Copy !req
845. Are you serving any other god?
Copy !req
846. What about the almighty dollar?
Copy !req
847. Many people love their money more than their God,
Copy !req
848. and serve it more faithfully.
Copy !req
849. What about taking God's name in vain?
Copy !req
850. Do blasphemy and cursing come out of your lips?
Copy !req
851. Whatever it is that God has dealt with you about,
Copy !req
852. are you willing to do it?
Copy !req
853. You say, "Preacher, I'm willing to try."
Copy !req
854. You must do more than try.
Copy !req
855. You must do more than try.
You must do it.
Copy !req
856. You must do it.
Copy !req
857. Let me give you one final example.
Copy !req
858. This actually happened in another country,
Copy !req
859. but it could happen here.
Copy !req
860. Good morning, comrade pastor.
Copy !req
861. My dear comrade, don't go.
Copy !req
862. My dear comrade, don't go.
Happy of your presence and,
Copy !req
863. Happy of your presence and,
Copy !req
864. Happy of your presence and,
how do you people say, your fellowship?
Copy !req
865. how do you people say, your fellowship?
Copy !req
866. Tell me, comrade pastor
Copy !req
867. Did you convert any souls today?
Copy !req
868. This young couple accepted
Copy !req
869. the Lord as their savior today.
Copy !req
870. Why, they are to be congratulated.
Copy !req
871. Nickolai.
Copy !req
872. See that this young couple is
Copy !req
873. properly congratulated.
Copy !req
874. And Nickolai...
Copy !req
875. see that they get the... usual present.
Copy !req
876. Please go with Nickolai.
Copy !req
877. What's the matter, dear boy?
Copy !req
878. Where's my mama and my daddy?
Copy !req
879. You've killed them, haven't you?
Copy !req
880. Yes.
Copy !req
881. Yes.
Think of how much better off you will be.
Copy !req
882. Think of how much better off you will be.
Copy !req
883. The state will provide for you.
Copy !req
884. The state will provide for you.
Take care of your every need
Copy !req
885. Take care of your every need
Copy !req
886. Take care of your every need
much better than your mother or father either.
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887. much better than your mother or father either.
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888. I won't go.
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889. I want my mama and my daddy!
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890. Now, you listen to me little boy...
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891. What is done is done.
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892. You now belong to the state.
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893. Now you listen very carefully to what I have to say.
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894. We do not want to kill you.
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895. But, we will... unless you cooperate.
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896. Now then...
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897. Now, if you will step on this picture of your Jesus...
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898. Now, if you will step on this picture of your Jesus...
with your heels, we will let you go free.
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899. with your heels, we will let you go free.
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900. But, if you don't...
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901. we will cut your head off.
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902. Jesus...
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903. One day you died for me,
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904. now I'm willing to die for you.
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905. Why you stupid little fool.
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906. I know that this tragedy shocks you Judy,
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907. even as it shocks the rest of us.
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908. But, suppose that that had been you
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909. instead of that little boy getting killed
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910. and you not being ready to meet Christ...
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911. you would've been carried straight to hell,
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912. and the torments of communism are nothing
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913. and the torments of communism are nothing
compared to the torments of a burning hell.
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914. compared to the torments of a burning hell.
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915. Will you make your decision for Christ?
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916. Why don't you get up from where you are right now
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917. and come to Jesus?
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918. How often your mother prayed for the day
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919. How often your mother prayed for the day
when you'd publicly declare your faith in Christ.
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920. when you'd publicly declare your faith in Christ.
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921. Your mother was a good woman.
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922. She talked to me so many times about her concern for you,
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923. how she longed to see you saved.
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924. I remember the day we buried her.
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925. And even though she lay at this alter silent in death,
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926. you, Judy, must've known that she would've died easier
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927. knowing that you had accepted Jesus
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928. knowing that you had accepted Jesus
as your own personal savior.
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929. as your own personal savior.
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930. Oh, mama...
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931. Mama.
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932. I never really listened...
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933. If I'd only known.
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934. Your mother wanted you to surrender your soul to him, Judy.
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935. Judy.
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936. My little girl.
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937. How long I have prayed...
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938. that one day you would come to God's altar
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939. that one day you would come to God's altar
and surrender your soul to him.
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940. and surrender your soul to him.
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941. Oh, how your mother wanted you to know salvation.
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942. Oh, how your mother wanted you to know salvation.
Until you do, you will never know
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943. Until you do, you will never know
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944. the real meaning of the word "salvation."
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945. I know that God
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946. I know that God
will answer my prayer someday.
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947. will answer my prayer someday.
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948. So that you will come to know
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949. the only way is a pure Christian life.
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950. She said to you that the only way
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951. was a pure Christian life.
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952. Judy.
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953. I pray for this.
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954. I know... I am dying.
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955. But, I will die happy knowing
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956. that I have a found a way to eternal life
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957. through our Lord and savior, Jesus.
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958. Your mother found eternal life through Jesus Christ.
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959. What about you, Judy?
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960. God bless you, sweetheart.
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961. God loves you.
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962. Just remember, Judy...
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963. and God loved your mother,
and he loves your equally.
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964. Judy, will you kneel with me at the altar?
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965. Now Jesus said but as many has received him
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966. Now Jesus said but as many has received him
to them gave he power to become the sons of God.
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967. to them gave he power to become the sons of God.
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968. Are you willing today
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969. Are you willing today
to receive Jesus as your personal savior?
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970. to receive Jesus as your personal savior?
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971. I've sinned against my mother's wishes.
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972. Dear God, I know I've offended you.
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973. Jesus, please take me back.
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974. Please Lord.
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975. When mother asked me...
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976. to turn to you I laughed at her.
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977. I was wrong, Lord.
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978. Please, listen to me.
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979. Please, take me back.
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980. Please, take me back.
And forgive me of my sins.
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981. And forgive me of my sins.
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982. God, please.
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983. Please let me mother know that I've come home.
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984. I know all things are possible to you.
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985. God, save me.
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986. Save me.
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987. Jesus said
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988. Jesus said
that as many has received him
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989. that as many has received him
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990. to them gave he power to become the sons or the daughters of God.
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991. Are you willing tonight
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992. Are you willing tonight
to receive him as your personal savior?
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993. to receive him as your personal savior?
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994. to receive him as your personal savior?
Yes, sir.
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995. Yes, sir.
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996. Yes, sir.
And that you won't be ashamed for the whole world to know.
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997. And that you won't be ashamed for the whole world to know.
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998. Yes, sir.
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999. Have you invited him into your heart?
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1000. Do you have peace? Do you have joy?
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1001. Can you thank him for saving you?
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1002. Thank God.
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1003. Thank God.
If you died now, where would you go?
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1004. If you died now, where would you go?
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1005. If you died now, where would you go?
I'd go straight to God.
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1006. I'd go straight to God.
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1007. Alright, let's thank him together.
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1008. Father, thank you for saving another soul.
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1009. Father, thank you for saving another soul.
We thank you that Judy
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1010. We thank you that Judy
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1011. We thank you that Judy
has come to know you as her personal Savior.
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1012. has come to know you as her personal Savior.
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1013. And may we know from this night forth,
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1014. the joy and victory that only Jesus and yield.
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1015. the joy and victory that only Jesus and yield.
Thank you for saving Judy.
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1016. Thank you for saving Judy.
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1017. Thank you for saving Judy.
In Jesus name.
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1018. In Jesus name.
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1019. You, too, might have a need
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1020. for Jesus to come into your life.
You, too, might have a need
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1021. for Jesus to come into your life.
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1022. Or perhaps you might need more information.
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1023. If so, please write me.
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1024. Estus Pirkle
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1025. New Albany, Mississippi.
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1026. But, right now at this very moment
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1027. wouldn't you like to receive Jesus
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1028. wouldn't you like to receive Jesus
as your own personal savior?
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1029. as your own personal savior?
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1030. Will you get up and come to the altar?
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1031. This could be the most important decision of your lifetime.
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1032. Will you come?
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1033. Will you come?
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1034. Will you come?
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